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VICH, M.L.; KAUFAAN, B.D.; MYULLER, N.R. ,a,_AO~ Conference on problems of' drug therapy in an oncologicul clinic, Vop. onk. 11 no.12:98-101 165, (MIRA 19: 1) DODIN, M.G. - GIRSIUNOVICH, II.L. - * ; A new method of treatment of genuine ozana. Vest. starinolar. No.j.- 72-74 may-June, 50. (CLML 19:t~) 1. Of the Central Sciantific-Research Inaltute of OtolaryngoloI7 of the Ministry of Public Health RSFSR (Director -- ganored Worker in Science Prof. V.K.Trutnev). i I -1. ~I .! . I , GROMOY, P.N.: -GMIWIOTICH, N.L.; SHIRNOVA, A.M.; SHCIb4'J:U)VA, R.G. Vasilil Ipatlevich Onokhrienko. VeBt.otorinolar. 12 no.2:; Mr-Ap 150. (CLRL 19:2) 1. Obituary. GERSHANOVICH, N.L.: GROMOV, P.N. Effect of prolonged use of hea:ing aide on hearing. Vest. otorinolar., Moskva 14 no. 3:93 4ayJune 1952. (CIAIL 22:4) 1. Of the Polyclinic for Hearing and Speech of the Administration of Coat Accounting Therapeutic Institutions of Moscow Municipal Public Health Department. GERSHANOVI21 X I d:)tgsnt Ozena of the trachea and larynx. Vest. oto-rin. 16 no.6.-'74 11-D ~54- (WRA 8: 1) 1. Iz Ilauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute, boleoney ukh, gorla I nosa Ministerstva, zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (dir.-sasluzheaN77 deyatell nauki prof. V.K.Trutnev) (RHINITIS, ATROPHIC larynx & traches) (LARTNX. diseases atrophic rhinitim, pathol.) (TRACHMA, diseases atrophic rhifnitis, pathol.) IT-VVCROZHKIiI, I.P., doktor meditsinakikh nauk; GIRSWOVICH, II.L., dotsent Roentgenotherapy of chronic inflammatory -processee of the 4cces- sory sinuses of the nose. Vest.oto-rin. 17 uo.2'.38-40 Kr-A~ 155. (MLRA 8:7) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii (zav. prof. Yu.N.Sokolov) Toentrallnogo Inatituta usovershenstvovaaiya vrachey i kliniki bolesney ukha. nosa t gorla Imeni SamAshko Most ondravotdala (tutuahnvy konsulltant prof. T.I.Gordyalievskiy). (SINUSITISI paraniteal, ther., x-ray) (RADIDTHMZOY, in various diseases, sinusitfs, parannsal) "Authc Oil IEF6HANOVICH, N. L.. Doc 1-fied 5c1 -- (diBs) 4pe 71 I and the theme, Data on .,.~tlology, rnttiogeties!B, hIE;tOra*.hn1oLry. clInIcW-4M6vPve**,m" of chronic Inflammstions of the maxillary sinus'." Mos, 1958 23 P. (State Sci Reseitpoh Inat of Ear. Throat,and Nose of .Min 01,T Health RSFSR), 100 copies. (KL,9-158, 122) 123 - ,; i.;!- I;, r., I ~ - 1,41", '' .1, . 1--, 1 ", t . E, 'i . ,1,1 , , I: , ~ , : ~ , ! -i 11 i f ! ; . ~ 7- : it f : , * ,: - : , A , I I , , r. , f; , - r, (-, v 't. r r t- . j!; ) - ~ r; ~.i i,i ~ ~ ~ . - I -, ~ ; .j ~, ~,. , 1 1, 1 'r. . .!i i '. ~ !,. . . - , 1 , , I 1 '4~-.l I I I:-, "I ( " I I El", - ~~ ~, 1 ) ETINGOF. R.N.; GERSHANOVICII, V.N. Inverniq Fasteur effect in ascitic cancerous cells of mico. Biok.',.,imiia .18 no.6:668-674 N-D '53. (MLHA 6:12) 1. Kaf9dra biakhimii 1-go Moskovskogo meditainabp inatituta. (Fermentation) (Pathology, Callular) UrGR/Human and Animl FhysioloEW - Blood. v-4 Abs jour Ref Zhur - No 1, 1958, 3897 Author II.N. Gershanovich Inst Stalimbad Me#cal Institute. Title Vitamin "12 Metabolism in Subtropical AnemiaG. orig Pub Tr. Stalimb. med. in-ta, 1955, 16) 63-75 Abstract In patients with blood and liver diseases,, the levels of vitarAn ~12 in blood and urine were microbiologically determined; some of the patients received a load of 15 y of the vitamin. In a control group, not including blood and liver patients, the 24-hour urine contained 20-60 my of vitamin Bi2, at a 140-340 jw,~~l of Vitamin B12 level in the serum (S) and a daily fluctuation of this level of 20-60 A KIM1, Loading with B12 produced an increase of the anount of the vitudn J,n -the to' after Card 1/2 40 GERSHANOVICH, 111. B. Caad bled Sci -- (diss) "The hletablism~ of dflj,)H-#, ~v Vitamin B12 -at Jubtropical Anemias." Stalinabad, 1957. 13 PP 21 cm. (Stalinabad Medical Inst ini Abuali Ibn-Siiio (Avicenna)), 100 copies (KTII 17-57, 99) - 64 - GERHSNCjVICH, V.N. . AGOL, V. I. , RTINGO-F, R.N. , DZIGUROV, S.G. - -, -- :I . Characteristics of metabolism in kidney tisRue cultures of monkeys. [with Rummnry in English]. ]3iokhimiia 23 no-3:451-460 HY-Je 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Laboratoriya biokliimii Institute po tzuchenlya poliomialita AHN SSSR, Moskva. (KIDITRYS, metabolism, in tissue culture (Rue)) AGOL, V.I.; GKqSHANOVICH, V.N. ; BUNNY, R.N. Comparative characteristics of metabolism in cultures of normal and tumorous cells (with eummnx7 in English]. Biokhimiia 24 no.l: 101-109 Ja-F '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Biochemical Laboratory of the Academy of MedicAl Sciences of the (TISSUE CUMIM, comparative metab. cultures (Rua)) (NEOPLASKS, metab. same) Poliomyelitis Research Institus, U.S.S.R., Houcow. aspects of normal & tumor tissue S,1218,162;027, 001:0w low 1016. f 216 Authors: _Ge,,hanovich V. N., Palkina, N. A., and Katts, G. I Title OX I DA-rivE METABOLISM OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS A ITECS AND OFITSMUTANT 013FAINIA) BY LIV-IRRADIATION, Periodical: Biokhinnya, v. 27, no. 1, 1962, 109-119 Text. The S. aurcus muLint (,St-VV-3) sho%v,~ sensitivity to carcinoitalic substatwes It ksas there- fore of interest to compare the pathways of osidative metabolism in the mutant and the preicrit itrain (St-209) and to see whether the mutant could be considered as a model of it cancerous cell. The prt~,cnt strain St-209 showed a high 0, uptakc in the presence of glucose, also oxidizing pyruvate, lactate, acetaldehyde, formal- dehyde, ethanol, lOrmic acid, OAA and inalate. 1.111der anaerobic conditions S1-209 actively dccarbo\Nlatcd pyruvate and OAA. Monoiodoacetate (0.2 mNI) completely inhibited the utilization of glucose and accumula. tion of lactate by St-109. In contrast to the parent strain. St-UV-3 sho\%red no increase in oxygen uptake in the presence of glucose. but unlike the former. %%its able to oxidize a number of' TCA cycle intermediates Under anaerobic conditions St-UV-3 exhibited only slight pyruvic and OAA dccai boxylation. The QC02/Q02 ratio for pyruvate "as higher than 2 in strain St-209, while in St-UV-3 it was close lo 1. The effect of arsenite, Card 1/2 OXIDATIVE METABOLISINI... Sf218)62i027,,001~'00I/00I 1016/1216 malonate, cyanide and orthophosphatc Oil the oxidalim) of different mibstratei by the wo waim %%as com. pared. I'lic re.)ults are discussed in ternis of the po-,sihle klcl'c,l nnp~irted it, (tic rusplratorN %vs1cm tit ,St-UV-3 as it result of mutation. I'lic properties of the respirator) s)stem of' thi., mutant are coniparud Nvith those of tumor cells efssociafton: Gostidaistvennyy kontrol'nyy institut meditsi risk i k It biologicheskikh prep.,.iratov im 1, A Tarasevicha. (State Institute for Control of Medicinal Biological Preparations nn. L A. Ta- rasevich), Nfosco% SubmWed June 27, 1961 Card 2/2 I ~ 1 .1 . ., _: . .~ . ..:. , .. 1. 1'- - I . 11 1 . I . -; - - I -- I . - I~q . -, :..;, GE,",31LANOVICH, MI. Some problem3 contwnlng the rr,,gulallon of empiatio activity and synthesis in bacteria. Vest. AMN SSSR 18 no.12:74-P-4 163. ('-IIFA 17:7) 1. Institut epidier.,lologii i mlkrobLologii linimL Gamale:i AMN SSSR. GERSHANOVI(,H, ; AII-TTY;%VA, A.V.; ~;CLIDWAO-,, 1;.M. ;(ei.,ase of the enzymes of the glucose transf'ormation BySteM froin the spheroplasts of Escherichia coll B obta2ned under the influence of the "ghosts" of' the even series of' T phase. Dio'fhimiia 28 no.4r700-708 JI--Ag 163. (,MIRA 18. 3) 1. Inatitut Ppidemiologii i mikrobiologil jme~rjj Calmitlei AM SSSR, ~Ioskva. 111. F. GERSHANOVICH, MI.; PALKINA, N.A.; BURD, G.I. Regulation of the synthesis of oxidative enzymea in Staphylococcus aureus by the end products of glycolyais. Biokhbiia 29 no.l: 97-109 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut apidemiologii i m1krobiologii imeni Gamitlei ARN SSSR i Institut morfologii cheloveka AMN SSSR, Mo3k,ra. Submitted May 9, 1963. iT,gu reprudirtirv In soliproplaFiLs (X Ssnhqrich~a coll 17-nd,_,:~ed 12 !Vkrob, 0 a ..,il,h the help of lytic enzyme of th(i phaec gii 34 no.4'.649-652 JI-Ag 665. (MTt)A 18:10) .ber f orma ton from jialyprop,,! vol,A. t,0.6--10-13 "5 1312'tiLut lvI(u!jstverxoF volo~j-!Il (for jion~%rentko. '~'vf,rev, (for L 27?07-66 EWT(1) SCTB DD ACC NR, 'Mfi:ii~5 SOURCE CODE: lit/()',O:L/66/01.2/003/026210265 ALMHOR: GershenoviCh, _Z._ S. ; Gersh3novich,._~. akly Enlrbakov. 9. Z 041_ -6RGI. Dapartment of giachemistry, !;bate Universi -bonu (Kafedra biAhlulf gosudarstvennogo universiteta); Central Scientific Research Laboratory, Medical Institute, Rostov-na-Donu (Tsentral1na Anauchno-igsledovato-l'skaya lab~-rit-orija-- ~y meditsinskogo instil:uta);'Experimental Laboratory 1K.V0, I " L-na-!!~nu (Eksperimen- tal naia laboratori3ra SKV6- boliam' 1A the"rat'biiin ec of intpact acceleration on nitrogen meta SOURCE: Voprosy med.itsinskoy khimii, v. 12, no. 3, 1966, 262-265 TOPIC TAGS: impacL acceleration, animal physiology, acceleration, nitrogen metabolism ABSTRACT: Ninety white laboratory rats (weight 130-160 g) were used to determine the effect of impact acceleration on the metabolic processes of the brain. The concentrations of free ammonia, glutamine, glutamate, asparaginate, and y-aminobutyric acid, as well as of labile and stable bound amide group protains were investigated. The rats were subjected to impact accelerations (250-300 m/oec2) in a.chamber. These accelerations were arbitrarily designated as: weak (4-10 0), medium (11-24 Q, ande, strong (>24 G). Three of the ten rats subjected to strong impact acceleration died. The rats were immersed in liquid air 15-20 min after exposure and the frozen brain', excluding the cerebellum, was removed. The meninges were removed, the brain W~i _pre ipitation of ,)pulverized in ligu~~o air, and-was transferred in a powdery.form for q -03 -rd 1/2 UDC--.--612,82.01~5.34~.014.47.;-531'.1137-'.--- L 27707-66 ACC N& AP6017295 Table 1. Mal-Anlimn IPvPIA at vgrintm imnprf nroAloaratinnit 4-10 g 11 >24 -24 g 'ontrol 15----:20 min 3 hrs. 1.5-20 min Ammonia 0.36 1.68 0.84 1.97 2.02 .3.19 Glutamine 7.39 6.51 7.18 5.57 5.40 -4.1 Glutamic Acid 127. 128. 123. 137. 110. 114. Aspartic Acid 36.4 39.6 40.8 41.5 32.3 31.3 AminchLp& Acid 23.8 23.6 25.1 28.4 18.7 55.6 Labileamido Group 125. 127 .121. 2 80.4 7712 = 61.3 Stabb-bDund ' - t I Amido Gra 286. 280 278.2 ' 282. 2 267.4 393. protein using chilled 5% trichloroacetic acid. The concentrntions of the above4-Men-s tioned fractions vtre determined in the supernatant liquid. Increased impacb acceldr& tion caused the regults shown in Table,l, Orig. art. has: 3 tables. SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: IOSep64/ ORIG REP: 002/ .0111 REF: 004/ AT'D HIS Card 2/2 ACC NR. AP6025929 SOURCE CODE: UR/0301/66/012/004/0418/0424 AUTHOR: Bronovitsk~ya, Z. G.; Gershenovich, Z. S.; Ko~qUg#X,.J,0.; ZJkh,_]JL_ ORG: Chair of Biochemistry, State Universit34 Rostov-na-Donu (Kaledra biokhimii Gosudarstvennogo universitetaX Institute of BiophXsJcp,_&ALcal S!;hppl. Karloy University, Prague (Institut bi6i-i pri meditsinskom fakialtete Karlova universiteta) TITLE: Oxidative phoaphorylation of the brain and liver during tile action of L- methionine-sulfoximin and increased ongei pressure SOURCE: Voprosy meditsinskoy khimii, v. 12, no. 4, 1966, 418-424 TOIPIC TAGS: brain metabolism, liver metabolism, combined stress, hyperoxia, phosphorur .;-Atabolism, oxidative phosphorylation ~, i-i V,09., iewrj, 0.foi-o ro-i e- ReSPJfi:"--?0A), &,e191A1 J alai-oe-f C Ine-rtgad A-lilrz j, PHO.3JONJI re- , 0-0aEAP ABSTRACT: L-methionine-sulfoximin (HSI) alters the content of adenylic components in the liver of rate. Six hr after MSI injection. the ADP and ATP content increases (30%)q oxidative phosphorylation Increases, and respiration is unaltered. Twelve hr after HSI injection there is an increase in the total content of adenylic systen components. MSI does not alter the intensity of brain metabolies but depresses esterification of inorganic phosphates (34%). Exposure to oxygen under pressure (4 atm) for an hour increases both respiratory intensity and brain phosphorylation. HSI and increased oxygen pressure together caused an activation of brain phosphoryla- L 401~j7-Jbb ACC NR- AP6025929 0 tion compared to the action of MSI alone. The sensitivity of anizals injected with MSI to increased oxygen pressure is elevated compared to controlii. Apparently, one reason for this is altered phosphorus metabolisa. It was concluded that despite the ability of increased oxygen pressure and MSI to precipitate convulsive attacks, their mechanism of action on the phosphorus metabolism of individual tissues differs. Orig. art. has: 4 tables. [CD] SUBICODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: lOFeb65/ ORIG REY: 010/ OTH RIF: 005/ ATD PRESS: Card -ping - panictil. MM/Meu in Jun 49 2%orp bology of Subftouta Septic Endocarditio, Treated by Penicillln,n L. T&. dershanovicb~ leyes, Path Anst Inst imeni Acad A. 1. a P Abrikosov, Clinical Ord of Lenin Hoop Imeni 8~, P. Botkin, Moscow, 10 pp "nin Med' Vol JXVU, No 6, pp. 55--.vdr -1:tesento seven case histoories showing that -*eatmanlt by peen1!zillin results In destruction present In t1wcabotic swelling of ~cf microbes &,fflicted valves with subsequent resolution r Iling. Indirect complications appearing dWing treatment are an ulcerous process in the vtlves apparent after swelling is resolved ana. deVeloping Into perforations, and an increase in "LlYular deficiency, and may lead to acute cardiac deficiency which is the chief cause of death in subacute endocarditis cases. Rarly treatment by penicillin may prevent valvular perforation. E5 L. yq. "PathololaLc, .1 Awitony of SlAbricilte '~OAtf' Fnd-)ClrAit-'.3 Trfjqt~jd With Pon- Icillin." Sub 30 Jnn 51, Centrnl Inst for Advanced TrnLni.rig of Physiclans. Dis~-,ertfttioni nrn-.-)ented for scLence and em?,Im,Prlnjr doi7,rpas In ',oscow durLng 1051. 1- ' "iII fq . I SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 %%y 55. GERSHANOVSKIY, 0. and P01JKARPOV, 'Mi. "USSR Planning of Industrial Gross and Conmodity Production," Planovoye Khozyaystvo, No-3, 1955 Translation W-31722, 27 mar 56 FOLIKAHFOV, "j1htil Sergeyevicl:; URSHANOVS v Ov V, .... ..jq, . qey..14P~saypyiphl. ZFOUTVICH, Anton YGvgenlyevich; ISTPILINIKOVA, M.A., red.; FON(1!JVj,a-'A) A,A., tekhn. red. [Planning of industrial production in Lems of costs] Pla- r-irOVELnic proizvodstva produktsii promyslilennosti v stoimost- nom r,--.E1zhenii. Moskva, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961 110 (K~A 15:2~' (Industrial management) MOLICSNIZOVI, M.Sl; GX,RSH13A_UM. P.S.; MIROWOVA, T.M. Limit of differentiated Inhibition in rabbits of different ages. Trudy Inst.fiziol.AN BSSR 3:49-54 159. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Laboratoriya vyeshey nervuoT deyatellnosti Institute. fizio- logii AN BSSR. (IIHIBITION) GERSHBERG, A. Student's exhibition in a plant. Sov.foto ;!2 no,6:30 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Photography-Exhibitions) GRRSHBERG, A. (Astrakhan') On a newspaper assignment; wateur photographers in newspapers. Sov.foto 22 no.11:33 N 162. (MIRA 16-~l) 1. Spetsiallnyy korrespondent zhurnala "Sowtslcoye foto". (Astrakhan-News photographers) GFRSRBFRG., A. - ------ "Cuban revolution in photographs." Sov,foto. 23 no.2-5 F 163. (Photography-Exhibitions) (Cuba) OC~tA 16:4) A~ (Kazaw) The neods of Kazan amateur ~hotoLva~,hers.'.o 23 ro.3:26 '6-10 (I-fifu 1. Spotsialfxiyy k.wreolondont zhurnala OSovetakoye fotod. (Kazan.-Photography) I T G.~RSHBE'R'G, it. 1'. "Functional Study of the Liver in Hepatic end Mechanicel Jaundices," Klin. Itd,, 26, No. 1, 194P, Maj. I-Jed Service, Nth Mil. Hospital. GERSHBERG, A. L,, kand. med, nauk (Kuybyshev) Treatment of soma complications in myocardial Infarction. Klin. med. no."Ll., 141 161. (NIRA 14:12) (HWT-INFARGTION) OKRSHBERG, A.Yfi. , Initial-current technique in measuring cathode temperatures in triodes. Zhur. tekh. fit. 25 no.10:1703-1713 6 155.(KLRA 9:1) (TriodeB) GM~Slga-,Gj A. Y~?. : IW-6tf~r TPch Sc! ('fnO -- "ThA control of ~ e mirrent nt the -n-, tive -lectro0- in ths~ nro~li(,,tlon of -Tectrc-varllun Uh Inntrumpnts". TO 'nil (MIn 71mber F~Iuo TTSSP., Tpnlnr--~~ Lqch Ingt- In ~J. 1, Pllntn), 150 coplen (1r S/181/61/003/005/012/042 9,4,300(117q1'11*'7i "37) B101IB214 AUTHORs Gershberg, A. Ye. TITLEi The role of space redistribution of charges in the kinetics of the inner photoeffect of highly resistant semiconductors PERIODICkLt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 5, 1961, 1384 - 1392 TEXTs The following problem is treated in this paper. In inhomogeneous photoconductors or on inhomogeneous exposure of the photoconductor the transition to a new state of equilibrium is accompanied by a redistribu- tion (RD) of the density of the charged carriers. This RD is of impor- tance for the construction of television tubes and for the study of the kinetics of high resistance photoconductors. From these considerations the sluggishness of the photocurrent was measured on exposure of layers of Sb2S 3* Bb2Se,9 amorphous Be, Bb2S 32 AsSbSe 39 PbO and some mixtures of these. The sensitivity to light of these highly resistant substances (~ - 10, 1 - 1014 was so great that the resistance decreased to o e hundredth of the dark resistance on exposure to 400 lux. The exposure Oard 1/6 23107 5/181/61/003/005/012/042 The role of space redistributi-on... B101IB214 was made through KC-10 (KS-10) red filter or ~C-j (FS-1) violet filter. The sluggishness was measured along and perpendicularly to the layer. The exposure was made in the interval of 2.10-2 see periodically'by means of a toothed disk or once (1 see) by means of a shutter. The following quantities were weasureds the time constant T eff determined as the ratio between the maximum and the minimum photocurrent in periodic impulses and the "front constant" -cf. The experimental data showed strong scattering. 1) Sluggishness independent of the applied potential. Fig. 4 shows the results of meaeuxements for 8b2s3' Bb2Be 3' The sluggishness along and perpendicular to the layer had about the same value whether exposed to re4 violet or white light. Similar results were obtained with other sub- stances also. From this it is concluded that inspite of greatly varied experimental conditions with regard to RD no great difference in the ki- netics of the inner photoeffect appeared. Therefore, the RD has only a small effect on the kinetics of the change of conductivity. 2) Sluggish- ness dependent on the potential applied to the sample. This case appears a) in samples whose ratio of resistivities for different signs of the potential is particularly large (about 40 for U - +1 v); b) when the Card 2/6 S/181/61/'003/005/012/042 The role of space redistribution... B101/B214 exposure Is made from the side of the aluminum electrode, Fig. 6 shows the results of memsuremerite for a Sb S Sb2Se layer. It is concluded that the dependence of the sluggishnis~ on th; potential is due to the contact effect on the Al electrode. Also the obierved jump in the . sluggishness when the potential passes through zero (Fig. 9) shows that. the change in the kinetics is caused by 6ontact effects. V. 1. Illichev and G. N. Travleyev, students of LGU ( Leningr~d State University)y assisted in the work. Ya. A. Oksman and M. V. Yepifanov are mentioned. There are 9 figures and 12 refe'rencest 6 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet- bloc.' The 4 references to English-language"publicatio-na read as folloirst R. V. Smith, Rose, Phys. Rev., J10 1531t 1955; A. Rose, ibid. 97, 1538Y 19551 J. R. Haynes, J. A. Hornbeckp ibid. 97, no. 2t 511, 19551 C. J. Shulman, ibid., L(L2, no. 6, 1451- SUBMITTEDs uay 31, 196o (initially) January 5, 1961'(after revision) Card*3/6 GERSHBERG, Anatoli:.y Yevgenlyevich; UFUK, A.G., red. [Television camera tubes u3ing the photoconductive ef- fect (vidicons)] Peredaiughchie televizionnye tx,ubkij ispollmiushchie vnutrennii fotoeffekt (vidikorq). Mo.- skva, Energiia, 1964. 239 p. (MIRA 17.-11) GERSHBERGI i, -, I Dur ,. - tlor;.~,, Fin. 53!311 37 rv.,.6,,--13,-84 TO '(' , (MRA 160) ~r - I.. ojjjj,,h,3j-,~pnnyy Lrj3pektor Klshllnov'Skogo finlMsovogo cj+&,-la. (Kish-'nev---Fl-nance-,) BLYASHOV, V.; GFF,~HHERG, 1. Is this expedient? Fin. SSSR 37 no.11:52 U163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Nachallnik otdela goBudarstvennykh dokhodov Kishinevskogo gorodakc)go finansovogo otdela (for Blyashov). 2. Obshchestvennyy inspektor Kislilnevskogo gorodskogo finansovogo otdela (for Gershberg). !'J, Y'11- 'i", P rj~; ca. ron in I:el:l-. stroi. lc'. ne. imtitut (for O-Idpilovskiy~ z;nd re:e~r) GZMEIBFM, M.L. - Production of vegetable caviar in vacuum apparatus. Xonn. i ov. prom. 12 no.3:4-5 Mr 157. (NIU. 10:5) 1. Stalingradekty konservMy savod. (Cooker (Vegetables)) (Vac= apparatus) is - it 0 J1 as m x 0 x -0-i - -60 w-w*+ rp1qf,t% -t. 00 A, go AlumlLmaste-allitcate ccv~eat. 0. A. Gctsixtats "it R. F. '4r lu Pro N C i h ki 17 7 e .A nuv . , m. c us o. . . of A Aluminste milicatc cvmcnt detetiorstics on storep Sulaill , ' -041 . 00 Addin Kxtlaud ccillent or Unic comiffi of tabl at a cA -040 . c e c v p y 11% mitiq And tu"voixt, its "migth. Tlit se"Icrative 00 di -041 - fftvt cifCaClikleu. to d ! the comme is 2S% kin IhAo that vit 4ur-hudttvtd ct4i- so Of (it A. of I 'to well 00 ji- .-Of 00 0 asp cot ISO$ logo P 146 i ;--v -T AV 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 f go so$ 60*0111,0000 00 G21m5---mo, c . ;.. Factories of reinforced concrete [~-raiucts Moskva, Gos. izcl-,ro stroit. 1-it-ry, i551 Q47 p. (52-21701) TA444. G4 1. Reinforced ooncrAe. 1. Soroker, V. I., jt. au. USSR4'EnSineering - R7drsviles ~~ Methods' XOVw 51 "ftperiment on Deaeration of Concrete in Ryd~ftu_ lie Engineering Construction'" 0. A, Gershberg, Caud Tech Sci, S. G. S",orteov, A, M. Zvenigo- rodskiy, Engineers "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 11, pp 14-18 In 1950, for let time in Soviet Union, deaera- tion of concrete was realized on industrial acale under supervision of TsNIPIL (Cen Sci Res Production Testins Lab) ^-,-e "Stroitel" 'Build~*ir) Tr=t. Discuases methods for deaeration on sur- f%ce, and in layers of concrete blacks and 2ooTS6 LWR/Engineering - Fvdraulics, Methods Nov 51 (Gcr.r,d'!, describeb equ-Lpmeou. Describes testing -for frost resistance and presents comparative re- sults. 20OT86 TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHIC REPORT AID 161 - I BOOK Call No.: TA681-G36 Author: GERSHBERG, 0. A., Master of Eng. Sci., Laureate of -the Stalin Prize Full Title: VACUUM-COFCRETE WORKS IN MONOLITH CONSTRUCTIONS Transliterat4d Title, Vakuumirovaniye betona v monolitnykh konstruktslyakh Publishing Data Originating Agency. All-Union Scientific EngIn i R-Tochnical ooiety of ~t~n_yl~iuctors CIN-ITC-4-1-rQ1101 Publishing House. St~~e ]~~b_lis~fn-gio-u-se of Literature on Construction and Architecture Date: 1952 No. pp.; 60 go. of copies; 7,000 Editorial Staff Editor- None Tech, FA,: None Editor-in-Cbief; Gorden, S. S., Master of Appraisert None Eng. Sci. Text Data Coverage% The most effective modern method of treatment of concrete is described. This method. consists in the removal of excess water and vapor by the creation of' a vacum above the concrete hardening in the forms. The method is tridely used in the construction of dams and large foundattone for improvement of the quality of concrete and extem-Aon of' Its durability, particularly under winter conditions. This method has been used In recent Soviet hydro-electric constructions. 1/2 GERSIMM-C I O.A. .L Vakuumirovanlye betona v nonolitnykh konstruktBlyakh AID 16 1 T The book contains some Interesti Inf ormatIMI!~j-_w ~Li tar concrete works. Purpose: Gbneral information for the construction. enginf?er and technical personnel. Facilities; Nono No, of Russian mid Slavic References: 1 (1940) Available: Library of Congress. 2/2 Monthl List of Russian Accessions, L11jr-try of Congrossy !9l UncL. GIRSHRERG, O.A., laureat Stalinskov premii. . 25 7ears' work of the Central I*Lboratory of the IStroltel" Trust. Stroi.prgm- 33 no.1:36-37 Ja'55. (MLU 8-3) 1. Direktor Mantrallnoy laboratorii tresta *Stroitallm. ( M Iding research) GXR89B.10G. _Ouip-Abrac,ovich; HOSIIGHANSKIY, IT.A., nauchnyy red.; i(ARIYENGOF. G.D.. nauchnyy red.; GURVICH, N.A., red.; GIUIISQII, P.G., CTechnology ef concrete and reinforced concrete elemental Tekhao- logiia betonnykh i zhelecobetonnykh izdelli. Moskva, Goo.ird-vo lit-ry po atrolt. materialam, 1957. 31? P. (HEAA 11:2) (Precast concrete) GERSHBERG, 0. A. 1 Doc Tech Sci (diss) -- "Ilie technology of concrete and reinforced -concrete parts". Moscow, 1959. 27 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR, Moscao Order of Labor Red Banner Construction ExigineerIng Inst im V. V. Kuybyshev), 150 copies (KL, No 25, 1959, 131) GERSHDFRG, Osip Aramovich,for Doc of TschrAda4 Sci or the basis of I - lul disser,tation do-fended 29 -TW 59 in Council of -+ko I-s-oncow Orltz~r of Labor ReA Purer Conitruction Engineering TnstOwOe im, Ymybyshev, entitledl "Technology of Ooncre~-t nda Reinf~orcod Concrete llroeluets.i (textbook for i, V~ .4v (7-1-Wisso USSR, 2-61, 30) 397 SPEYFIN', doktor tek))n.n,)uk, rrof.; GER"SHB!"'RO, O.A., doktor tp'r-bn.- nauk, rror. --- Uoncorninr the re-;ultn of tJ,p. all-Union competit-.Lon fnr the best method-k of ",electinq concrete composition, Det. i Ael.-bet. no.g. 407-4nq S 161- (FJRA 114-10) (Concrete) GERSHNIG, O.A., doktor *el(t;,i. nauk, I~rnf. Book on the techriolog-V of' pro.,,tressad ooncrete. Bet. i zhel.- bet. no.11.5'26 ~f 161. (MIRA 16t8) f I: (Frestrp,3sed connri3te) i. , 1. GEMIMERG, O.A., doktor tekhn. naLL~, J;r0f. "Acceleration of concrete hardening" by (doktcir tekhn. nauk] S.A. Mirono'v and (kand. takhn. nauk) L.A. Mahnina. Reviewed by D.A. Gershberg. Bet. i zhol.-bet. 9 no.11%528, .3 of cover- N 163. (14IFU 1 Y , A I U r na--ik. 1.'~ I HAI 18 kuk -i e I w~r Jhw, yn ~"ya zi ai-h~+'-'kh vesh~zhastv k k -!T~,~- n: fxr; i tel I noi'~o im; t,,. vu tA im. ,JI IT rl K!. Ib.,s~-va V~ ~Jf 17 1 _i t k C 208 7 A.1-1.IA ALITHORS - rlerqilbc)re, H.Yt.~. 1!:d V.1 TITLE: The absolute -,-.e nei,.-ila PFRIODICIAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronamlya I `A-c,!L~zlya, r.. 3 stract IA282 "'Izv. Krymsk. v, 228, Engl. sjrmary) TEM Tile fuse emission nebulae and rrez-zent tile! res'lit's 7000, They determined ab~--!utta intten~,!t--ns ~)f n9,-.--*j-a N, +N H aril If c.4j+' IN i n ot ;J'n.l;~AF "-ir.,',,S 1 2' 1 C, ut of the mentioried rejz~lcn-z v,as rt~rfor:red tv meins glade contours of nasc bani~ are gjren. Ct~~rrvatllon~, eiere 1+1"'(~1 it D -- 640 mm, D/F -.-- I - I calia ~ ti f.; j;1 - C t I,,-- p?,otometer. Standardi.:,it!.~. was -,avvl~lj "tit -1,; ! e~ images obtained wl' th an aux I I I a ry -, amt! rns ~ ~i 1 -:t: I cri t~,~, r'-i t'luxes from the s t~andkird ~~, a vs we ct? d -storm I nel Cr~~tr Card I/ % The absol'atc spenrop*,otcj-~;etr-y spectra of stars of differ~,nt s-,,octral wi,.h r~151-~t,.'. ---v E.":~, curacy of emission in~enslty de-,ermina-,Ion in absDlu~e The changes In emIsSion line Intensities and obtained along 1.11ne selected sriction_- 'r the that continuous emissicn ~,f ~he niabula 13 mainly cauLtr! rv 'A,, P, stars not resolved by the Electronic _,e*~1,71'1.. from the ratios (0 III/Ho ar'i [" iI1j/Lf,'j rin- ne of' 0 111 tc the zcn-,~ of 0 11; transition from the z3 in bright filaments which are sharp edge-s of [0 ness of continuous emissicn near the tright tilaTenr_z t- fx-pl~,rc-4 ~q_ mec f e hanism of, hydrogen enniz_sion., Dne star HD C7) northern part of the nehula, iirwever, it Is nc' t_ nebulae in this field. It is pres,,Lm~;i ti._,11 o"t-, stars exist between the "Ilelican" and In tllif? f;cl,i t~: hidden i'rom ob3er,vat1(,n b~ a dtiat --Icud. 1~ 1.,; !)oL,:d r:F must be located very near thf~ Qurvature c.enter 01' d Llrg~~ the nebula eastern edge. From t~-.e ab6er!;~e or Stars 0 to 12m in this field, t~,e authoc-s cslirpate .ne density an" '11:~ cloud. Tne lower limit of abso:,ptlon 1r. the cloud 1z ar.'a S m, 3. 3 S I " n cIc Ca rd 2/_3 The absolute spectr3phatometr.v t,11,000 G . It is surmised ,,,at Lfie Aar? ~1,3-.iJ 1,L nebula. It is necessary to iT,:ca dl-starce-z :nt photographs of the "Amenca" net--'.18 "r-, as well as photometrIc crc~s-, sections In ray!:, ~ni ',i; set of nebulae in the fieid in-!t--lga,ed. -ler [Abstracter's nDte tririn~,la".1:!, Card 3 23698 /--,'28/) 5 P, CC) I / A 10 1 A I11 C"R S ~Gorshberg, R.Ye., Pronik, V.I., Shcheglov, P.V. TITIZ- Pnotograph-Ing diffuse nebulae in Infrared rays PERIODICAL: R-erat,~vnyy zhurnal. Astroriomlya ! Oeodezlya, 4, at.- cztra-t 4A321 ("Izv. Krymsk. astrnflz. observ.", 1960, v. 22, 151, Engl. summary) 'T : I I MT- ~j,:~'-ors report on the resuLt:i ot' photograpbing brIgh'. Sai5m;s ne- bu 1. a eNr;C 6618 and in Infrared rpgton by w-ans of ar eleetrrjnl'-~-ontical converter -)7 a high-speed camera with D=640 mm, D/F=1.'A.4. li-, was suDnOs- -IngleJ ~y a n i n reg ion I k 9060 -9~00 . Thti reg. on r wl ~h /A