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SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Theory of functions CARD 1/3 PG -453 AUTHOR GERONIMUS Ja.L. TKME On some properties of analytic functions being continuous in the closed circle or sector of a circle. PERIODICAL Mat.Sbornik, n. Ser. IL 319-330 (1956) reviewed 12/1956 The paper contains some generalizations of known reoults of Hardy, Littlewood, Gagua and others. Let flz) -lf(r e io be continuous for r:!~1. Let its modul of continuity for r - 1 be to( sup lf(e i91)- T(ei'2)1 ' IG1-021 b Let A be the function class for which W(x,'P ) dx< OD . If it (IR)E L(O 12 IT) I x a is a real 21TI-periodic function and v(G) is conjugated to it, then f(z) denotes the analytic function 2V f(z) - f(r ei J ei~+z u(Q)dQ + iC, 2 'IT eig-z 0 The following theorems are provedi Mat.Sbornik, n. Ser. 38, 319-330 (1956) CLRD 2/3 PG - 453 1. Let w - f(z) map the unit circle onto a region B which is bounded by a closed smooth Jordan curve C. Let O(s) EA , where 9 is the angle between the real axis and the tangent on C in the point with the are coordinate s. Then the modul of continuity t,) of the functions f'(2) and f"(z) on Izi - 1 satisfies the inequation 1T x to C 1 ~12.~ dx + C f W (x, 0.1 dx + C W 9) 0 x 2 x2 3 0 2. Let f(z) be regular in,jzj a) *'n ._R(eill) ell, p,,, z). znN(~j /Z), a+ rh 4. 0 IP4(e n is sufficient for the uniform convergence of Aim (f;eA )-an(Ae iG CARD 3114 16K PA - 3122 On the Uniform Convergence of the FOURIER-CHH'YSHE7 and the MACLAURIN Development of the Analytical Functionsof the Class 2' (I + i rbi I 0 in the section rL Thus, the existence of the asymptotic formula with the error E 0- 0(1/lgn) satisfied the condition!) of uniform convergence. A table contains the 5 conditions found here, each of which suffices for the existence of the here mentioned asymptotic formula. (1 Table), ASSOCIATION: not given. PRESENTED BY: V.I. SMIRNO 4- Member of the Academy, 6.10- '1956. SUBMITTED: 4,10. 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 4/4 A sort ya.'L'' 10- 1 - 5, 42 21TLE: On Soime Entimations in the Theory of ';`;plitz F,)r7is and Ortho- -onal Polynomials (0 nel-otorykh otsenkakh v terri.i. form Te-plitsa i ortoQ-onallnykh mnor-ochlenov) .1 PERIODICALs Doklady Akad.Nauk SSSR, 1957,Vol-117,1;1'-1,r-r,,25-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author considers the forms n Tn ci-kxfxk ' 0-n - On Z) n" I,i_,In , n-0,1,2,.. :L 0 i,k-o positive definite for If it is denoted ~n~oo > 0 hn - An+1 , then there exists lim h n - h )~ 0 TT n-~ oo The author gives several estima-ions for the magnitude /kh - h h and shows that various estimations can be ex- pressed bylk., e.g. the estimation of increase of orthogonal polynomials.Ll 5 Soviet and 2 foreign references are quoted. ASSOCIATI011i Khdr'kov Institute or h~iatioff (Kharl kovsl~iy aviats-tonnyy ins titut) PRESENTEDi By V.I.Smirnov, Academician, May 23, 1957 SUBMITTED: May 21, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congreas Card 1/1 ,~': ...... - - - , ; -, . - Ya. L. Geroniumu.3, "The Application of the Tuchoblachow I-W-thod-j in Some Problems of Dynamic I'Ie-chanism Synthesis." PAPW PNGantad at 0& 2ad All-Union C(W. an ftAmMt&j fftbl#tw 14 tb# Thawy of Vachinns " Mechanisma, Macau, LEM, 24-28 Muich 16(1); 25(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION OV/I'f 4 1 G.eronimu8, Yakov Lazarevich Dinamicheskiy sintez mekhanizmov po metodu Chebysheva (Dynamic Synthesis of Mechanisms According to Chebyshev Method) Khar-kov, Izd-vo Khar1kovskogo univ., 1958. 133 P. 3,000 copies printed. Resp. Ed.: Yu.V. Epshteyn; Ed.: D.A.Vaynberg; Tech. Ed.: Ya.T. Chernyshenko, PURPOSE: This book is intended for senior students at vtuzes and for engineers and mathematicians. COVERAGE: The book deals with the problem of the dynamic synthesis of mechanisms according to Chebyshev's method and the develop- ment and application of this method by Soviet mathematicians. Methods studied and results received in the book may have direct application to practical problems. The book is an extension of the author's report on the theory of machines and mechanisms presented at the meeting of the Institut mashinovedeniya (Institute Card 1/6 Dynamic Synthesis of Mechanisms (Cont.) -SOV/1741 df Mechanical Engineering) of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, held on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of Chebyshev's birth. Contemporary Soviet scientists mentioned in connection with the problem presented in the book include Academician V.A. Steklov, Academician I.I. Artobolevskiy, N.I. Levitskly, Z.Sh. Blokh, V.I. Ivanov, P.N. Gartsht-ein, Yu. V. Epshtein, L.I. Shteyuvollf, and L.B. Geyler. There are 53 references, of which 52 are Soviet and I French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Ch. I. Chebyshev's Problem Concerning Approximate Isochronal, Regulator 1. Statement of problem and derivation of basic equation 9 2. Chebyshev's first method for the solution of the problem 12 3. Chebyshev's correction method 17 4. Concepts of pblyTiomials with the least deviation from zero 18 Card 2/6 Dynamic Synthesis of Mechanisms (Cont.) _110V/1741 5. Solution of the problem for a monotone change of angular velocity 22 6. Determination of a polynomial which gives the solution of a problem under a specified additional condition 24 Ch. IL Selection of Counterweights for the Best Balancing of Mechanisms 7.. Geometrical method of determination of the counterweights Which give the best bAlancing 29 8. The problem of the best,balancing of a one-cylinder engine 34 9. Principal vector and principal moment of Inertia forces of counterweights which give the best mean balancing 39 10. Selection of parameters of two counterweights of a giveq type 1 43 11. Selection,of counterweights for minimizing of mean reactions in crankshaft bearings 44 Card 3/6 Dynamic Synthesis of Mechanisms (Cont.) SOV/1741 I Ch. III. Necesaary Information on Functions With Least Deviation From Zero 12. Necessary condition given by Chebyshev 52 13. Sufficient condition given by author 54 14. Case when all parameters enter (the function] linearly 55 15. The best approximation on a unit circle by means of a constant 57 Ch. *IV. Selection of a Vertically Balancing Counterweight for a Locomotive 16. Solution of S.M. Kutsenko 64 17. General method of solution of synthesis problem using expansion of function In powers of a small parameter 68 18. Approximation of a periodic function with the aid.of a harmonic of the first order 74 19. Method of successive approximation for the solution-of the preceeding problem 20. The bost mean approximation as a first approximation for determination of the best approximatioh 80 21. Adjustment by the methods of S.M. Kutsenko and P.N. Garshteyn 83 Card 4/6 Dynamic Synthesis of Mechanisms (Cont.) S011/1741 Ch. V. Synthesis of Crane Mechanism 22. Solution of a problem on the synthesis of crane mechanism by the method of Z.Sh. Blokh and N.N. Ivashchenko 23. Method of solution using expansion In series Ch. VI. Dynamical Synthesis of Mechanisms, Which Perform Lifting Operations 24. Solution of problem on the synthesis of caw mechanisms of An engine 25. Reduction of synthesis problem to Chebyshev-Markov problem 26. Concept of the solution of Markov's moments problem 27._Solution of synthesis problem when the velocity dia- gram Is symmetrical Ch. VII. Determination of the Rotary Counterweight 28. Auxiliary Hblder-Riesz Most Advantageous Shape of a Inequality 87 92 99 106 109- 112 n8 Card 5/6 Dynamic Synthesis of Mechanisms (Cont.) SOV/1741 29. The most advantageous shape of a rotary counterweight 122 Table 1 Tables 11-111 Table IV References AVAILABLE: Library of Congress LK/Jmr r 0-22-59 129. 130 131 132 Card 6/6 16(l) PHME I BOOK E(PLOITATION 50V/1642 Geronimus, Yakov Lazarevich Maogochleny, ortogonalInyye na okruzhnosti i na otrezke; otsenki, asimptoti- chesk.iye for=ly, ortogonalIxWye ryady (Polynomials Which Are Orthogonal on a Circle and on a Segment; Estimates, Asymptotic Formulas, Ortiogonal Series) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1958. 240 p. (Series: SovremennWye problemy matematiki) 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: V. S. Videnskiy; Tech. Ed.: V. N. Kryuchkova. PURPOSE: This book may be useful to scientific workers and Aspirants working in mathematics or mathematical physics. CGVERAGE: The book presents the author's attempt to de7elop and to apply the methods and ideas of Soviet mathematicians V. A. Steklov, S. N. Bernshtein, V. I. Smirnov, A. N. Kolmogorov, N. I. Akhiyezer, M. 0. Kreyn and of such Card 1/5 Polynomials Which Are orthogonal (cont.) MV/1642 non-Soviet -tbematicians as G. Szego", P. Erdo"s. P. Tuxan and G. Freud to the solution of important problems of the theory of orthogonal polynomials. The author deals with those properties of orthogonal polynomials, on which the convergence of infinite prQcesseo connected with orthogonal. polynord&'Ls depends - the Fourier-Chebyahev process, the interpolation process with nodes in zeros of orthogonal polynomials, etc. The monograph gives a systematic presentation of the works of 84xriet and non-Soviet mathematicians, including the author, in this field of mathematics. The book Is one of a series published by the editorial staff of Uspekhi matematicheskild, nauk. The author thanks N. 1. Akhiyezer for reading the manuserLpt and for valuable remarks. There are 67 references, of which 36 are Soviet, 14 Eng).-fah, "0 German, 6 French and 1 Czech, TABLE OF CONTENTS: introduction 7 Ch. 1. Certain Properties of Polynomials Which Are Orthogonal on a Unit Circle 10 Card 2/5 Polynomials Which Are Orthogonal (Cont.) SOV/1642 Ch. II. Properties of the'-1~1-(' ) Function 24 Ch. III. Estimates on the Whole Unit Circle 34 Ch. IV. Local Estimates 52 Ch. V. Asymptotic Fbrmaas and Limit Relations 80 Ch. V1. Orthogonal Series ]J.0 Ch. VII. Convergence of Fourier-chebyshev Expansions 124 Ch. VIII. Study of Orthogonal System by Its Parameters 159 C:a- IX. Polynomials Orthogonal in a Flnite Interval of a Real Axis 172 Explanations Of WOls Used iii Tables Table I. Estimate 199 Card 3/5 PolynorAals Wch Are orthogonal (Cont.) SOV/1642 Table Il. Estimates of (Yrthonormal Polynordals on a Whole Unit Cize-le 200 Table III. Local- Estimates of Orthonoinjal Polynomials in an Are 202 Table IV. Limit Relation on the Whole Unit Circle 203 Table V. Local Limit Relations in an Arc (of a Unit Circle] 203 Table VI. Convergence of Fourier-Chelryshev Expansion on a Unit Circle 2U6 Table VII. Convergence of Fourier-Chebyshey Expansion of an Are (of a Unit Circle] 207 Table VIII. Conditions for Uniform Permanent Convergence of Fourier- Chebyshev and Maclaurin Expansions in an Arc [of a Unit Circle 210 Table IK. Convergence of Fourier-Chebyshev Expansion in an Interval a3 Cwrd 4/5 Polynomials Which Are orthogonal (Cont.) SOV/1642 Rema ks References AVAILABLE: Library of Congress LK/f1c 6-6-59 217 237 Card 5/5 AUTHOR: Ge~:oninuaT-"_", (Kha?kov) 1"07/140- 56-1-3/2 f TITLEs On Some Properties of the Punctions of the Cla-,7s L p (0 nekoto,. rykh svoystvakh funktsiy klassa L p ) PERIODICALs Izvestiya uchebnykh zavedeniy Ministerstva vysshego obrazovaniya SSSRj Matematika,1958,Nr 1 pp 24-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let f(9) be a real 21Y -periodic function of'the class L P P) I and W p(&,f) - sup jjf(Q + I,)- f(O)II p I lim rd p(S,f) = 0. lhl,