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HOFF.N..X- KEPPEN.I.V., redaktor; qPMOGBROV,A.T., radoktor; ZZKLTANSKM, 1. 19.[ translator) ; SHAPOVALOV,V.I., tekhnIch,nkiy red*Jtor [Buckling and stability. Translated from the Rngliuh) Prodolinyl izgib i ustoichivost'. Perevod a nngliiskogo I.H.Zemlianskikh. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1955. 154 p. (MMA 9:2) (Strength of materials) 4. CHEBTSHEY, P.L.; VINOGRADOV, I.M., akademik, redaktor; GELIFOIM, A.O.; TAVILOT, S.I., akademik, redaktor; PZTPOYSLrIT, I.G., redaktor: BITOT, K.M.. akadamik, radaktor; KAZAIISUT', B.A.. &ksdemik. redaktor; COIRHO- GENOT redaktor; SUMIM, O.Tu., akademik, redaktor; N.N., Zpademik, reaaktor; SHCHWAKOV, D.I., &Wemik, radaktor; TUDIN, P.F., akademik, redaktor; DELOHN, B.H., r6daktor; KOSRTOTANTS, Kh.S., redaktor: SAKARIN. A.M.. redaktor: ISMOV. D.M., professor. radaktor; FIGUROVSKIT, N.Ae, professor* redaktor; 02IMSOT, I.V., kandidat filosofskikh nauk, rodaktor; AWAII, II.P., tekhnicheekiy redaktor. [Selected works] Izbrannye trudy. Otvetstvanywi radaktor I.M.Yino- gradov. Redaktor-nostavitall A.O.Gellfond. Moskva, I7d-vo Akadenli nauk SSSR, 1955. 926 p. (WAA 8t4) 1. Chlen-,correspondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Delona, Koahtoyants) (Mathematics) SCHLIGHTING, Hermann; VOLIFERT, G.A.[Tranolatorl; AVDMTSKIT, T.S., redaktor: LJOUSHIN, T.Ta., redaktor4 GKWENOV, A.Y., r-9daltor;BILITI, N.A., takhnichepl-iy redaktozw -..;- ;~~' 1- 1-1. - I . t-Bo,indary-layor thooryl Teoriia pogrcmlchnoro iinist, Perdvod a nouiots- kogo G.A.Vollparta. Podr~dL-.V.S,Avduevskogo i Y.IA.Likhii8hina. Moskra, lzd-vo inostran6ol lit-ry, 1956, 528 p. (KI&A 9:6) (Bondary layet) I (j ;- , ' i 1 11 ( "/ ;%, VOLIMIR ad-.; NOVITSKIY, V.V. CtranBLatorl; ')WNOV , A.S. [tr.%asIai:-rj: Ov, A.Y., red.; IOTLIVA, IT.A., takhrA. red, rjoj;~~ C [Theory of bending of circular plates] [Translated from the %inesol Teoriia glbkikh kruglykh plastinok. Moskva. Izd-vo Inostr. lit-ry. 1957. 20r( P. (KIRIL Ilt7) (31aatl,3 platem and shells) POLYAKOV, Yu.A.;_G~INGENOVA,. 1,6.1 TUSHINSKAYA, R.jk.l (JSPMIXATAt A.A. Using heavy water for determining the percolation coefficient of soils in the Darwin Preserve. Trudy DGZ no.7:87-99 161. (MM 162) (Darwin Preserve-Soil percolation) (Deuterium oxide) POLYAKOV, Yu.A.; GM-IOGMIOVA, N.S. Applying interferomotry in agrochemical inveati4;ations of soil. Pochvovedenie no.12:102-107 D 160. (HI.RA 14:1) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni V.V. Dokuchayeva All SSSR. (Soils-Analy-sis) (Interferomotry) POLYAKOV, Yu.A.; GERMOGENOVA, N.S. Tranalocation of heavy water in plants. Trudy DGZ no.72137- 145 '61. (14W 16;2) (Birch) (Deuterium oxide) (Plants, Notion of fluids in) FOLYAKOV Yu.A.; ROZIN, V.A. j YEVDOKIMDVA, V.I. Using deuterium for studying the movement of surface and subsoil waters. Pochvovedenia no.1li97-103 N 163. (MMA 16t1.2) 1. Pochvennyy institut imeni 7.V. Dokuchayeva. GERMOGENOVA, O.A. Scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave on two spheres. Izv,A11 SSSR.Ser.geofiz. no.42648-653 Ap 163. (KMi 1614) 1. Inatitut f ziki atmoofery AN SSSR. tElectromagnetie waves-Scattering) 5/051/63/014/001/021/031 13032/95111 AUTHORS i Germogenovn, _.O. A. and Rozenberg, G.V. TITLE: Scattering of nonhomogroneoits electromagnetic waves by -ipherical particles PERIODICALi Optilen i -.ipektroskopiya, V.14, no.1, .1.963, 125-130 TEXT: It is noted that Wherelis existing theoretical calculritions concer)ked with ficnttering- by spherical particles fis n oil I time t1int the plime oloc trolmrivno tic wilve inctdo t t1 e 11(irl 1cloti I.-i homovmioonm, In Imictice It im frequontly noccli."ary U!i coitAid(-r, Lite ,icntf.eriti,(-, (if plane i-tonhomogeneous waves, i.e. waves in which the plane of eqxtnl amplitudes differs from the plane of equal pha5ep, It is shmm thilt a nonhomogeneotis plane vrc~ve can in generill be looked upon ns' the superposition of, two llornia'. waves and the two components way be considered separately in the scattering calculation. A generalization of Hie's scattering theory is then given tilking the'above effect into account. It is shoini that this type 0& scattering may lead to polarization effects urhich depend on the degree of nanhomogeneity of the incident wave anO,mhy occur,for exnmple, in the case of Card 1/2 Scatterin~; of nonhomogen~ous ... S/051-/63/014/001/021/031 E032/~5111 total internal reflectioil Fron an absorbing medium. It is stated that thcse effects have no~ as yet been investigated experimentally. It is ,11.,4u noted that tll~ j)ff,oet. 141.1y be prfwolylll; in 011, t4cattering of loris radiowa%-e,-3 from ~lif ,4poradic 9-layer in tht-;i ionosphere.. The elliptical polari7,ntion of radiowaves scattered from the ionosphere may be due not only to Elie magnetic anisotropy of the medium but also to the effccts mentioned above. Since the degree of nonhomogeneity of the'incident 'wave varies with heiFht, it may be possible to determine the height at which the scattering occurs by studying the p6larization of the scattered wave. SUBMITTED: October 30, 1961 Card 2/2 GEMCGENOVA, O.A. Yjethod of grcup integrals in problems involving scattering. DALAN SSSR 149 no.1376-79 Mr 163. (KMA 1612) 1. Institut fiziki atmosfery AN SSSR. Predstavlano, akademikom N.N Bogolyubovym. iElectromagnetic waves-Scattering) (Integrals) _ZagL9-66 42111 r 6 ACC NRi AP6011370 SOURCE CODE: JR/ 262/66/002/003/0290/0296 AVIMOR: Germ enova.,___Q,, A. ,!cienct s SSSR (Institut f izi ORG: Institute of Phvsics of the Atmosphere, Academy i9f ki atmosfery Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE.- The effect of electrostatic interaction on electmimagnetic wave scattering by atmospheric aerosols SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. rizika atmosfery i okeana., v, 2, no. 3, 1966, 290-29b TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic wave scattering, elect ros tatics, aemsol ABSTRACT: The correlation function for a system of chargr!d particles, given by Lan- dau and Lifshits (113610, wxi further devel.oped and the ral:ios of the arrplitodes of co-I herent to incoherent scatterings wece (,omptited and plotted versus wavelength and scat-, tering angle for various concentrations or particles in cLauds. I'llp data show t"int t 1) cotterent scattering decrease.- the intensity of ligh `,in' does not c1lange t. M) I0- s polarizaticn characteris tics 1 2) the cohereuce of !;ral:tering increase-, I i crease in wavelpngth, p,irticle density and value of 1)~.irUc.k 3) the smaller the angle of scatteving and the lower the the grcater the c0iorence of scatter-ing; 4) colipn-mit scattertna, is thouglit -to have scfio effect on the pr0pagation of radio waves in thunder clouds; and 5) measurtnient or CQ1)Ler*.jj't Bcattering In n.:)cti- UM 551.521.3 Card 1/2 MEIMMIONMI in jgm~mmffim~~=W ....... ... -L 22349-66 ACC NRs AP6011370 lucent clouds should give sme additional information on the state of JonIzation at given altitudes. Tn conclusion, the author thanks 14. 3. Halke,rich and G. V. Rozen- berg for their deep interest in the work. Orig. art. has; 2 f glares, 12 fomulas. L141 SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DATE: 24Aug65/ ORIG Rix: ow OTH REF: 002 ATD PRESS 7 Card GERi.~OJI!a"IQVV'I A. Cand Ph,~:3-V;at',_ 6 c i solution t v;i L~i :trong aniaotro- ic, dispersion". ~ 0 140s, 1957. 7 ,,1) 20 c!n. (Acad Sci USSR. of api7lied i-'athematics of i,iath InL;t im V. ji. z~te.,Iov). 100 couif~s Diblio"I-1-:1,,it" ~!t t it- ell-I ")I, Iwl- teyt. (KL, 23-5i , 100 - AUTHCR __..%=0kWVAj T.A., Ph - 3o.15 TITLI; On Solving the Transport ?;quation for Strongly Wsotropic scattering. (0 reshinii uravneniya perenosa pri sillno neizotropnom rasseyamii. - Russian) PERIODICAL Doklaq Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957. Vol 113. Nr 2, pp 297-3oo., (UtbabeRs) Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 AWTKACT If the function gradually modifies, the methodB usuaLly applied for the solut;on o the boundary problem cos'L)s VA j (1/40~!d -P I ~sin 0 1 d 6 IV 10 P(cosx)' coax Cos 0 Cos + "in 0 sin 0 'cos (-P- ~ 1) 1 Y( 0 0) - fl( 0 1 -P), r2p,?,h) f (0 (which arises when investigating the scattering of a radiation ~40u~ a two-dimensional layer of matter bf finite optical thickness) pre- sent good results. Functions P(cosx) which highly modiry correspond to a highly anisotropical scattering. They have &high ZWdMUM vithin the domain of small angles x. The method here proposed is a generali- zation or the mothocLs of the type of Interpolation. The qualitative investigation of the transport equation or of the corresponding in- - tegral equation makes it possible to ascertain the form of the solution. .If this solution is highly varying function of thpangles Gand%~,it is possible to separate the assumed singularities inform of a known fac- tor, so that the new unknown function in a sufficiontly smooth poly- nomal suited to be shown with a high degree of accuracy of not too high an order with regard to Oand,p. Such polynomial can be tried to Card 1/2 find in two ways. One of them is similar to the method of the 3pheri- 56-4-48/54 AUTHOR: Germogemxa,T.A. Concernin.t- the Improvement of the Approximate Solution in the Problems on the Multiple Scattering for Small Angles (K utochneniyu priblizheniya dlya malykh uglov v zadachakh o mnogokratnom rasseyanii ) (Letter to the Rlit-mr) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 4, pp. 1067 - 1069 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The analysis of the scattering of a charged particle current on metallic foils requires the solution of the problem to determine the spatial and angular distribution of density occurring in the beam as a consequence cf the great number of collisions. The den- z3ity of the particles in the monoenergetic (E ;t~- 10 HeV) beam ~ ~p,fl in the depth whose direction of distribution is determined by the angle with the axis ~U - COS is represented as limit problem and solved. There are 1 table and 2 Slavic references. Card 112 56-4-48/54 Concernin~; the Imrpovement of the Approximate Solution in the Fmblems on the .1 M ultiple Scattering for Small Angles ASSOCIATIONs Mathematical Institute AN USSR (Materiaticheskiy institut Akademil nauk SSSR) SUBMITTED: julY 16, 1957 AVAILABLZt Library of Congress e Card 21" 20-1-5/51, ui'HOR: Germo.enova, T. TITLE: Bounded Solutions of Inhomot;eneous Intel,ral Equation As:jumed on a Semi-Infinite Interval Whose Kernel is Dependent on the Difference of the Arguments. (Ob ocranichennykh resheniyakh zadannogo na polubeskonechnom intervale noodnorodnogo integral' not;o uravnen.ya s yadrom, zavisyashc~ia ot raznosti argumentov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol. 115, Nr 1, pp.23-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: V.A.Fok, Matem. sbornik, Vol. 14, Nr 1 (1944) investigates the solution of the equation f(X) rk(x-y)f(y)dy+6:(x) for the case that j(x) and k(x)e kjxj in th: case of alll~ I are absolutely integrable and have a limited variation. He investigates only "hose solutions which in the infinite tend toward zero. This paper investieates the existence of the solution in the general case, when the functions G(Y) and k(x)e 1x1satisfy only the condition of integrability with the square in the infinite interval. In this connection the kernel k(x) is assumed to be symmetrical. Such an expanding of the class of the functions to be investiEated permito to use more convenient estimations in the construction of the 8olution by the method of N. Wiener and E. Hapf arid to simpli- fy the discussion. The expression for the solution, obtained in Card 1/2 the form of a complex integral, makes it possible to investiE,-ate Bu4nded SolutionLi of Inhoi,,iogeneous Integral Equation ASSILmed 2o-i-5/54 on a Seimi-Infinite Interval Whose Kernel is Dependent on the Difference of tile Arduments. the behavior of the solution in the infinite. The following theorem is Civeni The solution, bounded in tile infinite, of the initially given equation exists and can be constructed by the method of Wiener and Hopf, when the kernel k(x) and the free term (x) of the equation satisfy the folloning conditions% E 41xt 1) C(x)e- X and k(x)e in the case of all 1( 1 and at least one E(O are inteGrable with a square in the interyal (0,M)i 2~ k(x) = k(-x); 3 the variety of the roots of the corresponding characteristic equation w;iich lie on the imaginary axis is not more than tyro. In the 6eneral case the existence of an m-fold root on the ima,3inary axis is connected with the existence of m linear inde- pendent solutions which in the case of x-?o--, do not increase faster than x'-'. The initially given equation has only the solutions .-iven here. Finally the asymptotic obtention of the solution of the inhomo-eneous equation and the case of 11opf are treated. There are two Russian References. PRESENTED: January 7, 1957 by M.V.Keldysh, Academician SUBMITTED% December 27, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUT." OR: Uji-mog- no vaj. A. SOV/20- 1 2!:-,'--7/'~'4 TITLE: Some Properties of the Soluzions of Irtegral Equ-tions on the Somii~;rc- if tne Kernf-Al Deppnds :)n tn-2 D"Lff,,rerce of tii-:- Argim~nts Doklady Akade-mii naik .53.3R, 1959,7ol 126,Nr :1,Dp 2:~1-: F S 1-',T X 1"q-2 author considers the eauation f(x) = ff(~)K(x-~)d~+ 0 The assumptions on g(x) and K(x) are strorger thar those of Kreyn f-R' f 1 7 e -/. Thereby the author succeeds in obtaining an integral representation of t.qe solution, according to the method of -Wiener-Hopf. Ey a conside--ation of thij representation the author investigates the asymrtotic behF-vior of the solutian in dependence of g(x), the behavior of the solution at the bourdary x = 0, and questions of the approximate s-,)Ivabilf~ty. Six long theorems are formulated altogeth-er, The alithor thanks Ye,S. Kuznetsov and '.-V.,:aslennikov for 'the discu3sion of t-p results. There are 5 references, 4 of x*-ic',1 are jovie-, and 1 GerMan. P-, .j7SE'!'77r,: january 19, 1959, by 'J,V.Fe1JyEh, SUB'.:TTTED: january 13, 1950 Card 1/1 PILASE I BOOK EXPU)ITATION sov/)P~511 Universitet. Kafedra atcmnogo yadra 'Iok--Ji~yyye matpmaticheskiye zadachi ney-tronnoy fiziki (Some Mathematical. F7-obl4n: in Neutron Phy&ics) (Moscov] Izd-vo Moak. univ-ta, 1960. 219 p. Errata i3lip in5erted- 5,000 copies printed. Za-,Ytseva; Tech. Ed.: K.S. Chistyakova. PUFFOCE: This book is intended for nuclear physicists interested in the matbe- matical theor7 of neutron physics. VEPAGE.- The col-lection of 9 articles was written during the period 1951 - 1955 by students of the Nuclear Physics Department of MoscCHr State University. The --ti,cles deal with the theory of kinetic equations of neutrou physics. They i.T shoiLld not. be regarded as theses but as students' theoretical works which may ccntoln nev generFLUzations and examples of computatiow, sane of which may further pi-,)of. The articles are mathematical In nature and, in general, dr-FiL vith the problem of setting up and working out approximation me~thcxls of Pi-;-,b1ems (cont. Mg klln,,~tic equation-s. A critical review of the articles is gt~re% ir, !~y Ku_,!netsr~v, who supervised tbe work x-md w1lo, with t- , -i '- edited the collection. 7;J- A. Germogt~nava and M.V. Masleanikov, 9.nd references acccuipany the articles. _.-x!E (T "krFx.8: L.M. Milne Is r1roblem for a Half-Space With Anlsotr,:)pi~ N.V. ApplAcatlon of the Variational Method to Sane GenLtT-rj-1!.-..j_ Zil Ole Frobltm _ q ( r ):_~ :~Ogsl, r) ds', (1 .,Z/ ) The solution of the bounda ry-value problem for the transport equa- tion (in.(I x G), is defined as the solution Y of tne transport Card 2/4 33,')9 S/208 '61)/~_-,-02/001/013,101 6 )Maximum pTin-,iple for the transport D2 ~) 97D.53 equation which s:.tisfies the bound~-,ry corditions V(s, r, + ~.Is) = y(s, r~ ~js) If(s, r I S) ~ ~(s, r, + jis) (i ~ 2, Theorem 1 states the conditions for the boundedness of the solution. This theorem ha2 the following corollaries: 1) It' the functions f (s, r) and y(s, r) are everywhere nonposilive, then the 8olution V(s, r) of the boun&,ry value problem for the transport ecra,,tion is ilso everywhere nonpositive (the converse is also trUe), 2.) The considered boundary-value proble.,ri has a unique solut_,C)n. Let ~0, and If2be 2 functions which describe incoming radiLAl-on (their dif- ference being a very small positive quantity, ---E); then the ine- f (s -Y2(s, 0/,-_ C holds everywhere in the dGmain of quality /'l the solutions V, and V2 of the boundary value-problem (1-orrespond- ing to the functions y, and T2). 4) The uniformly convergent se- quence of function (fnl , which describes the boui,,d-ry conditions, Card 3/4 3 _329 9 6/208/6 'GO 21(' 0 1 "0 1 -3/ 0 ` 6 Maximum Drinciple for the transprt ... D2 9/ M co--responds to the uniformly convert--ent 'I r. ~~ x s e q A e n. r solutions to the boundary-value prAlem for -,,he -,ransport ez,,;Ia!,,.__~,_ _CJons are ascer-kaJned 'or the naxim. Further, the cond".~ - -1 ( mn i rl,; I-I value on the solution at the points of the set G. TI-.eorem 2, T'.Ihe so lution -9 of Bq. (1~1) cannot have a positive m~fixiinullll (n~,r;ati%re inin~ - L Z, mum) at the Point Pro for f(s0, r0) --