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MINDLIN) S. Z. ; ZAYTSEVA 1, M.; GERMMOV, A. ~'i.; T. I "Genetl(! anaL,sls of 'non-a;--tivel mutaxitii of ~;Irpptomycfl-~ report submitted for Antibiotics Cong, F'rag-E!, 1.5-0 Jun 64. Inst Atomic Energy im I. V. Kurchatov, Muscow. ACC NRt AP6021 90, SOURCE coDE: ufijo402/66/000/003/0374/G374 AUTHOR: Germanov, A. B. Nouacbeva, A. D. ORG: Institute of Virology,.AcadeuW of Medical Sciences,SSSR (Inatitut-virusologii im. D. I. Ivanovskog MV SSSR, Moscow) TITLE: Capacity of L2 Herpes viruses for forming deficient colonies on chick embryo fibroblast monolayers -S0Lr11CZ: 'Voprony virueologii, no. 3, 1966, 37)4 TOPIC TAW: virology, Herpes virus, tissue culture Y N 16 7J /_ ti 6. L/ ABSTRACT, -optimum conditions 'or growing negative L2 virus cultures in tissue culture were developed. 11lie best results were obtained with the Porterfield and Allison method of culturing with bicarbonate buffer for'three or four days after adding virus. The deficient colonies appear in 4-5 days and are discs 0.5-2 mm in diameter-, [W.A, 50i CRE No. 101 SUB CODE; 061 SUBM DATE: none/ Card -GERMAH07,A.I. Possible*.puticipation of organic matter in the. geochumical processes taking place in the regions of recent and present-day volcanism. Trudy Lab,vulk. no 19j165-182 161, OVIRA 14:9) (organic Msttw) (Geochemistry) GERMANOV, A.I. Role of organic matter in Lho formation of hydrotherinal sulfide deposits. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;geol. i razv. 4 no.8: 6G-73 Ag 161. (1111'1 14:9) 1. Inititut goologii rudnykb ms9toro%Meniy,, patrogradiip mineralogii i gookhimii AN S3311. (Sulfides) (Organic matter) VOLKOVA, O.Yu., GnMNOV, A.I. p New data on biogeochenxtatry of the sixpergene nigration of chemic&l elements. Trudy IGEM no.119185-100 163. (MM 160) (Geocheatstry) k-11-L-4 L~A i-A A-S-L 0 A pa"IS111 sHO 011crilms 'nut to Blood ad dinkal 00 Sits Is C AwlattLiaosip, 1. C Mrt No. Iii, MON. Mod. ( . S. S. R.) 20. , )--tlk,,~ OlksmillUdis chanas in blood compm. a Pressure of firwhromic ationk, jowed buj, f rcl, fix *I biltrubbs ill cuellsim hemorrhages ,,1 00 04D a. % gee ", " $hOwU b7 an ku"w* of dw aucleated rald fAmi cells wul the Presence 0t Inany young forms. PtOf*J ,I- a 00 n1inistratical of vitamin C changes the picture rstpully 1.1 goo Xt. K-Aj;x,11 ~; 0 0 ki goo moo moo moo is AT CLAMOKA11081 A12-SLA 4111ALLOINSICAL LIM Ult we's -AA A I ,two is R11161 I in IV -0 IV a, It a it K WO a I 40 0 :1 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 to GMC'.ANGV, A. 1, Germallov; A. i. it, avitwaitiusis (scurvy)," Irudy Kuyuystwvsk- gu!i. med. in-,a, Vol. i, 1AB, P- 3-16 SC: U-2888, Letopis Lnurnallnykti Statey, No. 1, 19149, G& ~...... . ' I., Prof., Ktiyh~5huv Inf-ft., -1194 . jii'~ f j ,A . I ' 9-- ;I&xperience in the ~'reation of A Dispensary for Fyperbida .,ases," 5ov. -ied. No U, 1949. GUMMOV, A. I. , -, - -~ - ~ Practical classification cf hypertension. Orv. hetil 93 no. 27; 769-77-1 6 July 1952. (GLIQ 23:3 ) 1. Professor. GERMANOV, A.I. Prophylactic and therapeutic regulations in tho tre4trwnt of hyper- tension. Orv, hetil. 93 no, 47;1)30-1331 23 Nov 1952. (OLML Z4--1) 1. Professor, M. D. GERWOV, A. I. " --, Nervo9ism and the concept of disease. Orv. hotil. 94 uo.26:701~705 28 June 1953. (GU41 25:1) 1. Professor, Doctor Medical Sciences, GERWOV, A. 1. Management plan for the health center treatment of hypertension. 0". hatil. 94 no.28:781-782 12 July 1953. (ODIL 25.1) 1. Professor, Doctor Medical Sciences. -ec 6-/Vil 13/6 1riternal "E.-Jicine Juno 59 :jlii(;. DIAGNOSTIC VAIXE OF DFIERMINATIO.N OF JIQ: (;1A)IIIIN DION IN 11),001) SERUM (Hussian text) - Gerni,in,-v A. 1. Med. Ituit., Kulhyshev - ',40V. MED. 1957, 8 (50-51;y -- --- - - --- - - I In patients with various diseaSes (29 patients %ith malignant neoplasms of the liver. hill. dints and pancreas, 20 with tarcinoina of the stoiriat-It, 7b with f it gastric ulcers, 87 with infectious hepatitis, .10 with various forms of -ukac- mia, 76 with chronic trinitrotoltiene poi-ming and 56 workers who had been in contact with trinitrotoluene) the non-III, iron content of Wood st-ruin was studied; the blood sertim of 214 donors was also examined. The mvesligation revealed tha! patients with irfectious heliatitis had significanti% raised levels of non-lih Fe (2-3 times that of normal). With the development of jaindict- in cases of carvintima cf the liver, bile ducts and he,id of the pancreas the level of non-1111 Fe was, as a role. lower than nornial~ this could be used for differential diagnosis of jaundice in various conditions. The dt"finu. lower- ing of serum Fe content in cases of carcinoma of the stomach and the presence of normal and sometimts even raised levels in cases of uncomplicated peptic ulcer enables this test to be used in differential diagnosis oi these conditions also. The ma3ority of patients with chroruc myelosis showed diminished blood serum l7c content; in the early sUtges of acute leukavinias without marked anaernia the Fe level was within normal limits, but exceeded them considerably in the terminal period. The non-ilb Fe valueb were within normal limits in chp:quc lymphadeno- matous conditions. Most of the patients with anaernia caused by chronic trinitrotolu- ene poisorung showed lowered levels of non-Ilb Fe. No appreciable and stable changes in the non-Hb Fe levels were noted in the case of donors. No relationship between the non-M Fe levei, blood bilirubin content, number of erythrocytes and percentual Ilb content could he demonstrated. Guseva Moscow (S) GAHMANOV , A. I., prof a i3s or, kandidat mo (I it a in skikli nauk; (IUS.0A , N I., A year's work of an orAanizational and consultation canter in the control of hypertension. Klin. mad. 35 no.1!21..25 A 157 (MLM 10; 4) 1. Iz gaspitallnoy ternpevtichookoy kliniki (zav.-prof. A.I. Gormanov) Kuybyshevokogo meditsiniskogo instituta. (OUTPATIFM SOVICES control of hypertension) (HYPERTUSION, prev. and control outpatient serv, in Russia) GERMANOV, A.I.9 prof,; GUSEVAt N.I., dotsent Outp4tient treatment of hypertension. Kaz. mod. zhur.. no, 2.s79- 83 Mr-Ap 16L (MIRA 14:4'1- 1, Gospitallnaya torapevticheekaya klinika (zav. - prof. A.1. Germanov) Kuybyshevokogo meditsinskogo instituta# (HYPERTENSION) GLt,',A-110V5, A.I.) P'Of. Organization of measurco foc preserving of work CaPaGity Of hypertension patients. Kaz.mod.zhur- no.1:7-11 Ja-F'63. (1,11RA 16:8) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii Kuybyshevakogo mditsinskogo instituta. (HIPUGE1181011) (,-D:L) IG UZ) Ila) W'AiIAL) GE I a.:Apllov, Ariat~ J i ty In z;okma ly(!v Ic h, I irof'. ; (;(~ LE Yi'; , ",.Y#,,. , lled. (Emergency therapeutic Etid; a handbook] Neotlo7tnaia te- rapev-tichaskaia pomoshchl; spravochnik. 3., 1.erer. i dop. iza". Kuibyshev., Kul byche-v skop linizlmoe izci-vo, 1~ a. 3-1.6 1~. (,','1--,A 17-.6) GERMAYOV, A. I. Cqnd Geolog-Mineralog Scl Dissertation; "Hydro,-eology of the Hyperg~nesls Zone of Sidflie Dai)osits (on the Examle of the 'ShFtm1up nnd KRfAn Nmosits)." Moscow Geoloecal Pronnecting Inat iment S. Ord;honikldze. 21 Wq 47 SO: Vechernyaya 14os.,cvft May 4? (Proj #1".q'6) Pwriffle MIICIP403 Of qVb(UCr47-,PAtl wdin, In thetivs, orn formaq,3m, A. 1, hit, ~l 1 .4' I ;~Airni vF tho 1.,I!l mlioil .:4 l1'!; wl't itn ':p1larst ~'! 111ttill 11(lill li"I'l lvLtmr,ote4t kvd; r hat hi c4 trimO c4t! hrmilimi. arlal-v~!, lls t ;j en :fl 0 G"'4 O"'M en of Cround wister 3ad IN jeo-ChZinllill Big- /The oxyr A (kriminny. IWCA', IM::k2.---Frcv. 0 wv, detAl. lit more cif ground ivatcr tateii hi Ibe iml4whin and f lot-I M iygmitofCcutralAski. 9hd Ii fag GER4AMV, A.I. Possible bydrogeochemical cause of the leaching subzona formation. Gookhtmita no.1:113-117 156. OCRA 9:9) 1. Inatitut geologicheskikh nauk AN SSSR, Mosivra. (Leaching) (Geochamictry) GERMAIRN, A.I. A charactnriatic nf undergrnund watqr mnvemont important to geo- chemistry. flauch.dokl.vys.i3hkoly; gnol.-nauki no.4:26-32 '58. (MIRA 1.2:6) 1. Hoskovskiv geologo-razvedochny7 institut, kafedra gidrognologii. (Water, Underground) (Gnochamintr7) /t V-= -T,w"-qV2VlC -T-D J2 -1'4 (66W -8 Y.0 *Vrrvgw -.0-v .'s "Tpodc "T"a w - ~Wvss am -~n r-f.l__vxR A ,.--_-T -C -.ftTT--.g _J_:) -In TITP. .24---t ".131 1.1. v- .m_ m_ .1-4 -.1-. J. wo P.Irv. *U-d u -T.U- v-v--r 2-T A 1.1i ma -3-T- 9 W"A _Aj -v m vtq 'Am.."m P.-My J. em Top.-M r--9 -q% I- AZ-72-7- U-T-P A "M-M wm lauvolgAgg A jLT .14cd -j V- --I %~.r As- -n-11642. TIV-.d r- -n .1 "T*- 4.;ft...q T.." 'I'l '-'V3 -V-x V_ :(V-q -VT-1) -VI = Po .W.0 AWTjAT A*.P-v RM Iq-w -2 'A..a,jA-x -~TA 'd*y '-T-V-V-W '-W-1 -IrV :(--d -"TA) -M cw,Q C 'I- 'KP-Z :;Fl :-U-9) -4 OL9 -6f.61 '""Tftv (.T,M.m ~".v I.- I.-A J. .4-dft) AWPPC Qfm IsAss" T.J.--d m - ---jw3ma T-r4...Mx I zvVju Nym 7) (P) AUTHORS: Germanov, A. I., Vr)lkr)-,,, G. A... SC,7/7--59-3-7/13 Lisitsin, A. K., Serebronnikov, V. S. TITLE: Inve!3tiCatint- the oxidation-reduction Y-)tential of Subterranean Waters (Opyt izu,;heniya 0H.Slitellno- vasstanov:-tellno,,,ro'l,otent3iL,la P.)rJzemriyk'.-, vod) PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 259-'265 (TISSR) A'55TIUCT: DurinG the period fr.)m *495! t~) 1,957 the oxilat:on-reduction potencial was determined mo-re -.han 300 times of subterranean waters from (Soviet) Central Asia .. Kazakhstan and the Caucasus. Determination was _,arried aut by :neana of LP-5- and P..6 type p-)tentiometera of the "MOSKIP" plant. Sampled were in in mist :ases taken from bore--holes and more rarly from iprlngs; and inly for pu,,;~oses of comparison f-rom water-courses on the su-rfa(,e, Cortain Fret-autionary measure3 were taken when takin.c, samples (F-'_~~ :') in order to ellminate the influence exer-ised by the GxyC-3n of the air. Begides ihe oxidation- r,i~ductian pe~t~-ntiai, also pF1 ard t-~!aporature were measured, a chemj-:;Ll analysis was carr`ed ~.ut. acd the -as content was ~:-v,~stiL;ated (Tablp). The potential is Card ! /2 between +550 and -400 millivoltu ref4!rred t.-j the normal hydrogen Ar Atf,---!-I;t a' the G I if. r4 ( I /' , .1 . -,)c i I ~ t Po'lentia'l of Sutterranaan 'Nat4rs el-32trodp; in oxy c~ -)r t a in iwa t f, r,- it Is + 300, in hydrc-arbunac-c-us wal,--rs it is !o?tw(,er-. -,701 anc! --480 mv. The highest value c~f v "",C was f,~uni in wateir c-ontaining oxyC;en of pH 2, VlaL-c -or,,talrinE -x.YG,;-n ia f~7~.nd in depths up t -D about ';C00 m; th~. 'I~cchcmical ~xidaUon of or,;:anic substance may be found Ln ~!v,ar greati~r depths. There are 3 fif-,ares and I talhlcl.. ASSOCIATION: Institu~ rt,inykii mostorozI:r1k,!,"y, p~-tr--Lgrafii' J' Ceoki,im'-f- All SSM (Institute for the Geol,-,gry of Ore Deposita, Fetro~-raphy, 111ineraloCy, and G,7-:~c.h:m"s try, AS USSR Miscow) SUBL'ITTED: July :8 !9~8 Card 212 Gxw.!AYOV, A. I. ------- - - - Basic characteristics of hydrogeochemical conditions determining theffirmation. of certa'n Infiltration deposits of uranium. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geol. 25 no.8:75-89 Ag '60. NIRA 13:8) (Uranium) GERROOV, A.I. Geochemical and hydrodynamic condit--*,ons of eplgeietic uranium mineralization in petroleum- and water-beir.-Ing horizons. Geok"ia no.2:99-109 161. (MIRA 14:3j (Uranium) (Petroleum geology) (Water, Underground) GF",V%IiOVJ A.11 flydrod3mamic and hydrochemical conditions govorning the formation of oano hydrothermal depoigits. Izv. At: SSS'R. lll)ur.geol. 27 iiM, 79-98 il 162. (MJlUt 15:6) 1. Institul, geologii rudnykh mestorozlideniy, petrografii, mincralogii i geokldmii All SSSR. (Dzhezkazgan District,--Wator, ton) (Dzhazlcazgan District--Ore, deposits) SHCHERBITIA, V.V.; NAUT'OV, G.B.; "AMIM, Ye.3,; Gk,iWIlMOVSKIv., M.; M~,'OLAYEV, 14. P. j TARASOV, L. S. i TUGARIMOVII A. 1. ; Vik.L.; SOKOUJVA, N.T.; KCIENOV, A.V.; GEWANOV. A.I.; I I AVENSKIY V 1. , red,i4d-va; VINOGRAXV, A P. it Jidemik, red,- IY\KI'VA,f.V: tekhn.,red, P (Assential features of uranium geochemistry) Oanovnye cherty geokhimii urana, Pod red, A.P.Vinogrildova. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 3 51D p, (HI RA 16: IC ~ 1. Akademip nauk SSSR. Institut geokhimii i angliticheskoy khimii. (Uranium) GEliNIA!" OV 2 A. f . of ori,7,1-ilc I.n l.i,, h-~drottlenral Go-o"Idmil"A no.7 T] 18:11) 1. Institut geokhimil I anal-itIcne.-,koy kiimL~ nc!ni 71. T Vernadskof,o A.T SSSR, ,Ioo' Submitted Nwio-nb,.~r 2C, 1964. - ~ 1, 1 1 1 1 . ~ I I . 11 1 . 11 1 .1 11 . 1. 1 1 ~ I ,i - 11 : I , I , , ; 4 , - - . I I n 07.1 c 4 aloe 04-9 a 200 010 ~w psftn Moot of ON k= tho man mm, .400 A- I - P- Kmmb)v, nd V. I Pod ItItMI.% Sept. so, im, M. H. :1401w goo go* gee goo uoo &%s-$LA 411AI.LU*PKAILLEtthaltAlUAUNW-AIIGM Use ILA- JL- - - 7- we* t24. ado a., itz r 4 r~ F . 4 T -I. I I a it a N a a it W14 A 1 00 g 0 41 '0 0 soooo 4909900999090000,;O60 ! ! '. Orm, ~1:9 . a 00 Of *:10 00 0 as /r cx Underground water and hydzothsrmal or* jopodbou N, Cemwiav, ZaMsk, I re,rrt1tk,,a Abneal ONIAI- 4,41" N Im, ........ . t1 I VOW JC It, r ula, ". It, -on ~ -1,14 Nt. JIM li,.t ii ii-r- -A Ov, ilm-11 , lt-,v.. tm "t'd -1,1, it; I h, %~-I- ~4 k:I . vid clic d', C, ,I t ,tth tit, re-nq depth, Lite title n:-r "I -,~A[ C', t,v ptitag itic , hcm-try J the a Ateti Me A,~ ,I Ill.! ; zonri tyrazlv depend an stwiall -naitmi- -rsi?sK tit ~ujr riinxc-~ Spetisl condi- I), , art, .0-Tvi-d Ill v&aIll" IrrL,. ~ Ilielk VVIIII cit, tit- fl"ll"I Ill Ow obl, lin, of )IIVVIIII, tiui 11"t "!1filig I OcI, tt~ 6"'Ov fvlov,!, lA th'. Invul "As M.1111"l" of it,- -11, Wl't'Lill, !,.I its, .:S(t, It- 0. .1"At t. fqndl, f-ht-1 0~ it .1-1 NO-lw, k- ppid froll, ,Lit! t, :1 i(Ilitil, U~Ils, it -;I~ m-,ir th, tlf(mt I, IN ('Wittlitir 11, , -o I'. ,, umilrats'n, -m-1 k"ohil t,, thi, tqw- k;,11 tit thv ,11911 IM1,1111j, (4 the cu-pmtc ow oi All.~Tnj.t &t.f NIL&IIIIIIj ~ArillcittL nOtC114. thm thrst %tIII.Ltc% %crt ftlr:;Ie,t bV an taler k( Ir)fl Ot 01c hot Astitudin4 vi-aters %ith j,1, Ll,ater, wivnimiK Irom villifunts "nd,tm- It sSA). m- -Icrtvr~l from marme wAlm, and AlIppil, Illim. cffIIq%e. t.r,.IA1tT al-il IhL, myKI1111rul A Ilir 11"i "AIVII Ulth Oll I liq IM111, 41111, 4 Ill' -L* . ~1,,i (~n lh,w &I-it, Atwi6t (.,,t I, (it, I-It.11 A 1uotl it I thplittv tv,f !, '.. It it, I MJUNCV, A. N. 7 OPERATIO14 OF GLASS PLANTS US0G SULFATE CHARGE,,__.L. 11. GeimaaU. ~ 5M. 11M77 4r-,; so. 10, pp. 1-2. - The use or sulfats containing up to 25A moiature and sand at a temperature of go ' at the Gomel glass fao- 6ary caused the mirabilite to melt with resulting caking in the mixer and breakdown of the mixer. This was over- come by cooling the 94nd to 30' to 35* prior to waigbing and mixing with the sulfate. DOLGAVDV, A.H., inzh.; KAXSIMOV, Vqp., inzh.; GIRWOV, A.H., irah. Characteristics of the heating BYstem Of 233 diesel loco- motives. Veet.TSNII MPS 19 no.4:28-31 160. MIA 13t7) (Diesel loemotivea) m 1 f-a 17 :CULTIVAILD PLANT:-. :FLF rlf,.,rc v t C! r A~, r,ul t -1Z i,, tlit.. -oulvhurn -,tti3tri !ts of Byu).. nroichnn-thklan. irlf.~cln. rnllnHvO:3t. n.-i. In-ta ebs,!:,,jutfr~mi rad-! ov--r u1 nailier C,*.' yvara In t' '7a A T~i ~, t lot i. Oblast ~v!r: 3ho-jp thnt i. in m-holly f-~asiblrj to grow vc-A ciovu-r ~r,~ th; ouull-htm) distrlict-9 of &LlurgkRya Obl' o Iv- I .il condill-fol., ].!3 that 1.0crillY at~!,~!ctcd pl!~nts be uq!jd, tcpQbt!l,.,l, with the 'n"'opar -or 119t im uqrot--,c~iny- plantlzi,~ is ir thL -irtilly S- on P, blro3k ox o--!arl7, lupz!ri(..r fert,Alnut, fallow u.ralolr a rr)rlLn#~, mn.~jat ,over, 1-iiving a tc-~Al stub"Aa tPL, r,,f,lvt!r crop; cnttlu wanilot be I -,. 7~ 11 ' ' ' -, - -f -J i V, '~. P . , aj..; r o n o m I -rowing, qo,,I:oann nn tho "Priamir'n" Collecti-ve ?~km. Zenelphe ~ 110.4:5?.-54 Ap I ", c). (milL., 12:~,,) 1. Eoll-linz "Priamur'yn, "Julurrikoy oblasti. (Aniir ?rovincn--Soy-bean) jAV(Lllly N.A.) irizli.; Will"EN'W" i'l-laj LT., i-71=& Asynchronous mode ofoperation of a TV2-150-2 turbogenerator and its connection in a power distribution tielwork using a self-synchrorlization technique. Klek. sta. 34 no.8:66-67 Ag 163. (MRA 16:L1) IGNATOV, Stepan Andrayovich, STUPHIKOV, Mikhail And"y ... N.A.,rodaktor; IAPIDUS, r~aktor; SOKOLOVA, N.N..takhaicheakiy redaktor [A unified production and finance plan and monthly wagos on collective farms] Sdinyi proizvod6tvanno-fiaansovyi plan i pomesinchnsia oplata truds v kolkhoze. Moskva, Ooo. Iz(I-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 215 P- (mLRA 10:4) (Wages) (Collective farms) 1. TRUD Y, :;Ii~TY C 1:(,:: -)"LOU' :T i(- '1-F-, 1 L K IGbATOV. Stepan Androyevich; STUKILOV, M.M.; GIMINIANU, A.P. [A unLfied production ar-M firiance flan for COILOCtA70 ".4rms] Hdinyl proizvodstvenno-finanBovyl plan kolkhom. Izd. 2-oe peror. i dop. Mosk-va, Sel'khozgiz, 1957. 246 p. (Kolkho:!naia ekonomichaskriis bibliotechka, vy-p. 8) (MIRt, ll:q (Collective farms) GERI,'-'.!IJOV, I-B.F.; GORDYLK, L.Ye. bevel. opmental r4aracteristics of Lu,,,kwheat in northrrri Tomsk Province. Agroldologiia no.l:cig-102 Ja-F '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1 . C~:ainskiy gosudarstvennyy sort,oispytatpI'ny,,,- uchastok-, Tomskaya 01,1 1 1 - t, . (T,)msk Province-Buckwheat) 1. GORBOV, V, F. Eng. : -,!!--'KXIANOV. (;. S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Bearings (Machinery) 7. Lapping of bearing surfaces in ball bearing rings, -with abrasive shafts. Podshipnik no. 8, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Janual-y 1953. Unclassified. GIRMANOV, I.S. chell Kommt,nijiticheakoy P&rtii Savetskogo Soytiza a 1917 goda, personallnyy pensioner. Mew-irable days. Vast-Sviazi 17 no.g:ll S 157. (HIRA 10:10) (Leningrad--PoBtal services--History) ASSOCIATIONt.- none-.- . SUBMTTED: 29Nov63 ENCL: 00 S UD C oxyll; EM NO REF SOV, 007 OTWO11: 001 /^,-. L- C,.,d :"/Z ACC MKt JTP6Ol6~7)U4/i;ZW S01"k('11-1 M111-:: lii,l/()()11./()5/01~/008/(Y723/072,4 AUTHOR: Spiridonov, .; Germanov, M. ORO: Institute of Mathe as, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences TITLE: Class of convex functions of nonlinear pro~gramly lilet'Ni SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya. na naukite. Doklady, v. 18, no. 8, 1965, 723-72-4 TOPIC TAGS: function, linear programming ABSTRACT; The authors discuss the minimum of tbe function f (X)=f (XI, X, - - - - X.) which exists within the bounded, convex, and closed polyhedral r6gion R defined by the system of inequalities m; m>n), (2) provided f has continuous nnd bounded second partial derivatives over all the vsriabl all 11 (1 - 19 2, ..., n) in R and is a ribprously convex function in R. The basic 94ang the 7 theorems stated indicates that the minimum of the function can be found following the simplex procedure. This does not mean that one finds a new simplex procedure (as believed by some authorso see P. Ifolfe, Econometrica., 27, 1959l 382; J# Xelleyt j, Soco indo APD1, 10th.p8l 1960p ACC NR: AP6010170 no. 4, 703) but merely that the simplex procedure of linear progratting can be applied also to nonlinear problems. This paper was presented by L. Iliyev, Corresponding Member BAN, 5 May 1965- Orig. art. has: 4 formulas. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 12 / SUBM DATE: 05Hay65 / OTH REF: 002 SOV REF: 001 Steranovic-n ~otov, s~~.ole 2 1 n o . 2 ! 7 G - '" 3-1 4. 1, (Popov, Alehsaridr StepLn,)vu.,..j GERWOV, N.A., luxhener; NIKOLLU, Y.B., inshener, redaktor. [Air and gas compressors; a handbook] Kompressory rosdualim" i gazovys. Katalog-spravochalk. Hookya, Gos.nauchmo-takhn, izd- ve mashinostroitellsoi i sudoetraitollnoi lit-ry, 1954. 165 P. (y3alL 7:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) GlavA*ye upravlemiye kh1vicheeks- go mashinostroy-oniya. (Compressors) SHVEYKIN, Viktor Vasillyevich, profeseor; TYAGUMV, VItiAimir Arkudlyevich, dotsent; GERMANOV. N.A., radttktor; KELINIX, V.P., roaaktor; 'I' f ' -'tekh~lcheBkI7 redaktor. KOVALEITKO, . 0, [Technology of rollingj Tekhnologia prokAtnogo proisavodstva. Sverd- lovok, Goe.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chornol i tevetuoi metal- lurgii, Sverdlovskoe otd-nie, 1956. 444 p. (KIRA 9-6) (Rolling (Metalwork)) a 00 0 41 60 6 a *000060 see* a a 9 -00 -of Foornisfirim, of lu~lote by the Walli of the dFunteti end r the Introllual corpufw. N. mid M. oti, I I - o 111IIA1111 1A )'tail (t, 4 OW 4%1,1, viA, N, will .1 w, 111cdclecti.1114 ilidulu t"1111411"Ill'y liol- I*h,m-t"~kjt.I,I-uIt-,:, ot,[Am.41'y L , he -I~IRILI% is( litirlmh anil Kovith; i1tv ri.imoih And Flictiel -t I,j,l gcvllw~, ot.1mu, if lit.- Ac-mim. it[ try 4:: 0"'111 gold I., J,00 1,::.l Torrior [mud III Ke, 1:1 : ; : o 00 . he mu-1111A I'mill lit IIIA-1v IgpW1y than 1k) the 1xiladiNclittiv -0111.1MA 10 0 Si(ICV the Legg] M44711itfll I)IM11101i.1 (44 'al1v M Ibc poes- cli%v 4 indole it 46ror 'hoolld I~ u%-1 III litc 111y"I'(411"ll of the "uh.k.M.N. r-O, ItIt. R 11 00 go 0 go o 06 I A 61 lAt It 11114AIL-t L &TIC% 1: go Q 104 tv to p ~I 1 -4 e m (I IT to It ~s, n It I g USSR/Medicine - Immun logy Dec 53 "Formation of Antibodies Under Conditions of Inhibi- tion of the Central Nervous System,"'N. I. Germanovo -Chair of Microbiol, Kuybyshev Med Inst Zhur Mikro Epid i Immun, No 12, P 33 Prolonged sleep induced by veronal, chloralhydrate, or urethane lowers formation of antibodies (agglu- tizins, hemolysins, and antitoxins) produced in rab. bits by administration of a killed cultute of para- typhoid B, of tetanus anatoxin, or of a suspension of ram erythrocytes. Formation of antibodies was also reduced when the antigen was injected in combination -274T40 with novocain. Thus inhibition of either the cen- tral nervous system or of peripheral nerve reception brings about a reduced for-ption of antibodies. %', ~GFMANOV, N.I. Dynamics of the spread of the tetanus toxin in the body. ZIMr.-/' mikrobiol. epid. i im=. 31 no. 5:106-107 b~r 160, (MIRA 13;10) 1. Iz Kuybyjlievskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (TETANLIS) (TOXINS AND ARTITOXINS) oa ri 'Ib" t3ov') I'm 11 it I'l vivor Medicine temoiloiesis "Remiapoiesis in Exanthematcua Typhus," V. A. Gernw- nov, Clinic of Hosp Therapy, Clinic of Infectious ftseases, Xuybysbev Mad Inst, 6 pp "Terap Arkhlv" Vol XXI, Wo 4 HeMOPOieSI,B'undergoez radical 4banges in axanthw~ Matou-s typbus. Extent of these changes depends on im.ewity axid :trequenqy of attacks. At the peak of an attack, manocyte count Increases wiille erythro- polesis decreases, and dpringmenvaleacende erytbro- blast count, remains normal. SttuUes confirmed 63/4W88 UM/Meacine, (Contd) Typhus Davydov's theory that in -cases of exanthematous typhus degeneration of the bone marrov persists. Chief, Clinic of Hoop Therapy: Prof A. I. Germanov. Chief, ClUde of Infectious Diseases: Prof V. P. Petrov. 63/49TW Z5 GERMA11OV,.j4.,. dotsent The leukogram and laukocytoLysia in healthy individuals. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 3 no.6:37-41 N-D '58. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy tqrapevticheskoy kliniki (;,,av. - prof. N.Te. Kavetskiy) KWbyshevsko,-,o meditsinskogo instituta i iz oblastuoy stantsii parelivaniya krovi (glavrWy vrach M.Y. Fedorovskaya). (LF,UKOGYTHS) (BLOOD-NUXUATION) GERMANOV, V.A.; PIMINOV, 0. 11, Work of the ruybyghev Department of the All.-Union Scientific Society of Laboratory Mysicians. Lab.delo 5 no.6:56-57 N-D 159. (MIRA 130) (MICAJ, LABORATaRims) GERRANOV, V.A.. dotsont Monocytes of the peripheral blood in patients with Stomach and pulmonary cancer. Vrach.delo no.9;915-919 S 159. (ERA 13:2) 1. Fakulltetskaya torapevtichoskaya klinika (7,&7edtqu9bcbiy - prof. N.Ye. Kavetskiy) Kaybyshovskogo meditainakogo luBtituta. (L3UCGCYTES) (STOMACH--CANCHR) (LUNGS-CANCER) GFIRWIOV, V.A. Changes in the leulkocytic picture in patients with cancer of the ana cancer of the stomach. Terap.arkh- 31 no.8:78-83 Ag '59. (MIRA 1. Iz fakulltetskoy torapevticheskoy klinikl (zav. - prof. N.Te. Iravetskiy) i gospitallnoy terapevt1cheskoy, klinild (Eav. - prof. A.I. Germanov) &Wbyshavskogo moditsinskogo instituta. (WNG neoplasms) (TORACH neoplasms) (LEUKOOTTE COUNT) lung 12:11) GZRMANOV, V.A. Boatnophile content of the blood in otomach and pulmonary cancer. 40 no.4:26-31 Jl-Ag '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (zaveduyushchiy - prof. N.Te. T-avetakiy) Kuybyshevskogo meditsinakogo Instituta i gospitall- noy terapevticheskoy kliniki (zavoduyughchiy - prof. A.1. Germanar) (BOSINOPHULBS) (STOMACH--GANCER) (LUNGS--CANCR) GMZMANOV, Y.A. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate in patients with stomach and pulmonary cancer. Trach.delo no.1:93 160. (X2A 13:6) 1. Yakal'tstskaya terapevticheakaya kliniks. (zav. - Prof. N.Ye. Kavetakly) lbybyshavskogo meditainskogo inetltuta. (BLOOD--SMININTATION) (STOMACH--CANCER) (LUIrGS--CANCIR) GEENANOV, V.A.; GURIII, I.L.; PIKSATIOV, O.N. Case of eosinophilia in a patient with reticulosis. Probl. gemat i perel. krovi 5 no. 10:55-q7 160. (MIRA 14:1; (IC~ TICULO -ENDOTIELSL SYSTa-1--DIjFISFS) (EOSINOP,,I.LLZ) GERMANOV, V.A. Changes in the lymphocytes in stomach cancer and lung cancer. Trudy 11:125-132 160. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. klinikoy prof. N.Ye. Kavetu-skiy) Kuybyshevskogo meditainskogo instituta. (STOMACH--CANCER) (LUNG3--CANCER) (LYMPHOCYTES) -OV, Vladimir Anatal'yovicli; PP:S-,'d'OV, Olog I'likol- v c ; . -Al. I _-- -- - I ~,,e 1 11 TETHUPOPSLAYA, E.Ye., red.; I'AIRASOVA, V.i-'., ti-:,-khn. red. f, a-thoclo of laWratory resourch; a :,,hort textbook] Votodika lal:oratorulch issledovaiiii; lcrntlcoe posobie. Kuil-~.skiov, Kuiby- shevskoe R!Azhnoo izd-vo, 1961. 91 p. (EIRA 15:3) (DIAGN,OSIS) (ITMICAL LABORATCi(IFS) GLRIWIOV, V.A. Thrombocytogram of people in the 40-70 agre bracket. Lab. delo 7 no.5:27-29 My 161. WIRA 14: 5) 1. Fakialtetskaya terapevticheskaya klinika (zav. - prof. N.Ye. Kavotskiy) i GospitalInaya terapevticheskaya klinika (zav. - prof. A.I.Germanov) Kuvbyshevskogo neditsinakogo inatitata. (BLOOD PLAUELEIS) G~JiMANOV, V.A. "Blood cells in radiation sickness; an atlas" by M.S.Lapteva- Popova and others. Reviewed by V.A.Germanov. Lab. delo 7 no.6: 57-58 Je '61. (MIM 14-7) (RADIATION SIGKN:~SS) (BLOOD G--ULS) (LAPTIM-POPOVA, M.S.) (GUIN, V,A.) (SOKOLOV, V.V.) (ALE~SANDXVA, M.F.) GEIDIANOV, V. A. I dQtsent (Kuybyshev) Nomenclature of blood calla. (Concerning the Wrticle of Prof. I= A. Kassirskil and Prof. G. A. Alekseev), Probl. genat. i perel. krovi no.12:31-34 161. (MM 15t6) (BLOOD CELLS) A, P A~;(---reiated tiroinbcc-~Tvogra~ii (i Rl,:i' yt-ans). Lab. 'C'slir-ai !naya prof. A.I. 3armarc.-.0 DASHK--VI"H, N.N.; STARODUBTSEV, q.S.; Ye.K. Kimberlite pipes and the stricture of the Chadobets uplift. Mat. po g801. i DOI.iskop.Krag.kraia no.3!117-130 162. OERA 17!2) Cif-H-1AWN p Yu . P . ; ~ ;III I.' i.. ! N , ( . N . Change in the integral in~.ensity of X-ray re-"-1t)ctt,,,n!3 of plautically deformed molybdenum in the state of low-tom- perature relaxation. Kris ta Ilogra"Plia 9 no.4.52','.-1)3(J J1-Ag 164. (141 1,,,: a 1) 1. Fetrozavcdz3kiy .-osudarstvennyy univ~lrsite--. A'--C INR: SOURCT", CODY.": 1JR/0137/66/OOr//0lQ/jQl3/j0l3 AliTHOR: , ;1.1.111,-Illov, Yf-. 11. L'. V. TITLE: SLructural chan,res ill a nichrorne-base alloy during heating .~OUIWE: 'Pli. Metallurgiya, Abs. 101811 REF SOUPCE: 31). nauchn. rabot aspirantov i molodykh spetsialiFtov. Petrozavod.~ . Gumanitarn. i fi,/. n., vyp. 1, TOP',,C TAGS: nichrome alloy, ordered alloy, crystal lattic--! structure, structural chaiigo ABSTRACT: The ~2ffect of anticalin- at 300-600 C oil the microsLructut- o~i' 0 nichrome-hase heat-resistant KhN78'C (E1,1351 alloy has been studt*~e,~. Oc,.icci~-Ig CCU-6 in Nii3Cr type alloy annealed at 500 and 600 C. The high lcvt~'I o f d i ffu f; scattering background is caused by tile dissolution of tile Nvf--.~Ik SU-)er iattice llnos, by short-range ordering in atoms disti-ibution, and by crystal stcuc-c.ire Geor;ra- tion. Grain structure may play a definite role. The lattice ~,Ons~ail, decreasq.'~. Th (! C as e with increasing annealing time (at 500 and 600) or 'cml)eratLll'(!.A ill re G hardening of alloy caused by increasing the annealing time (at 600 Q or the alineal-~ UDC: 669. 245126. 017, 3;54ti, 313. 3 k:C NR: AR7004862 ing temperature is correlated with the separation of atomic admixtures and with the partial lattice ordering. Authors' resume. (Translation of abstract] :AIMI-~ SUB CODE: 11/ Card 2/2 G&Uv4jV.v YU.., inzh. Radio circuit in a cryst&l. IUn.tekh. 7 no.203,37 F 163. (MIRA L6:4) (Semiconductors) (Radio research) -41) i j,! YX Y11. i "I..Y A. V, Vy.;, L: Y11. A. V. *.',.; A.'Yati,ov, V. V.; V.; "(:V;-xt-ov' ~' ~fn V. V. -:I. k: II s 2 0 . I by "'N(,:tr.,)ri.bor". actoi-I Lni.;tn~. oil 01, ~Zuvod "Neftepribor" .,03~;OrJO 1. ',"1610', V1 a 7 -l"O.3 ob:= tov :,,n, no. 15, 1966, 94 S: sciomolo,-ic inst , ent rum r1l, if i c, 4ion co. ainin~ P. 3eiGmic ate ;)ros(-.-ntr, a -(Aorfla stal L*"X')L'Lin.- ~~wplif.Ler wat, an oz;ciilom-a~)h, a ma~,-notlc d.-wa a rC)-"'X.UC-on wiit, a rontrol unit, a reproduction amplifier, a C", "..10" 0 -)robt-, a drwi with photoGea-plaic paper, a rotran=ittinr, mit, '~U~IiLy. To 1ncrease.the reliability whon tranzferring roz operation with C-~~wd o,' roflected -aaves to the method of refracted tave , a Mter u it is r s ~ I n 4 connecz~~d bevaecn the first and second atages of the recording amplifier unit. uDc: unil an,,'., a reel type r-ij-,7ictic recorder are corriected in series o~.t:)*,'.' of tl,ac rccordin~; amnlifier ',~;-,;A. 2or opei-ation with the racti.nod of thc filter wAt has- 'requcncy cutoffs of 7--3 1 (1 fo 0 0 1 L an r peration a'~ ~;ca-'re(juraL;y cu-~of.%; of 20-50 hz. ~.o increase the reliability of tae recorded (~;-a with oneration by the method of reCulated directional reception, a nwitching L I'or 'V;,.c chLrLicln to bo rvm-.Qcd, a static correction unit, and a aiuxdn, unit aro U in ~; x~ Ca 'UC-vacen the miC;not-'Lc drum recorder cuid the reproduction axplifier. rulizLlbility when transferring frora operation with the method of c I a a i-, .-cd to scismic a frequency sel ction unit i connected between -tiltich,-"Lael bochole probe and the magnetic drwr, recorder. To improve th cu;:.Ii"uy of the recorded material, an electron boam unit for introduoinC static and ~~-c co, drum with -rectionr, is connected between the, reproduction amplifier and the paper. ST3 GOIL. 06/ -5-UX,: DATZ: 05',Jay65 I ~~ - i t ~ f I I ~, v "-i x, I ;,o6i/Aioi AUTHORS: Var[nov, M., Marinova, Ye., Germanova, K. TITLE: Nt!g5aLive conductivity pulses In cadmium sulfide crystal counters I'DUODICAL: NeCeraUvnyy zhurnal, FLz1ka, no. 8, 190, 10, abstract 8B58 ("Dokl. Doig. AN", 1961, v.. 14, no. 8, 783 - 785; summary in French) TEXT: This is a preliminary report on a phenomenon analoE;ous to the nega- tive photoelectric effect, observed in CdS crystal counters. This phenomenon is characterized by the occurrence of a pulse with a polarity corresponding to an in- crease of its resistance when bombarding the counter with alpha particles. A picture taken from the oscilloscope screen 13 presented which indicates the pre- sence of zones with positive and negative pulses in the erjstal, The results ob- tained are discussed. [abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 -.:~,j28--66T ACC NR~ iT6027348 SOURC-0 COD.!,, ~13U/Ooll/65/018/012/1(191/1091~ AUT111011: 3orisov, N.; 111arinova, K.; Gormanova, K.; ihirov, D1. 0-2G: Dopartmont of ~'~porimontal Physics, Physics Faculty, Sofia Univwsity -5 TIM": Injected currents in CdS monocrydtals aused by pulued voltages SOUHCI~: 13ulgarska akadernva A ALkito. DoIA~ady, v. 18, no. 12, 1965, 1091-1094 TOPIC TAGS: single crystal, cadmium sulfide, electric curront, current density A33TMCT: The injoctod currents in Cdo' monocrystals generated ~jy pulsod voltagcs (0-1000 V) at room tomporature have boon investigated. Crystals up to soveral tons of racrons thick were aubjectod to pulsos having ropatition froquoncies of 1 to 200 kc and a duration from 5 to 200 see. Tho rosults are in tZa form of cur-lant-voltago: dia6-rams for different operating conditions. ;LIthough the curronts acheivod have a density exceeding those obtained in earlier works (see, o.g., i~. Schnuerer, Physica 0 statu solidi, 6, 19'3 (IC133), no. 3; E. Vatova, Compt. rond. Acad. bulg. 3ci., 15, 1965, no. 10, 105), it is still by several oixtors of magnitude smaller than t~oso pre- dictod by tha theory of do-able injection (Stool, L-~do, Lampert, J. Eqs. Soc. Japan, 17, 1962, 1729). A subsequent papor will deal tritli the recombination omission observed att low tomperatures. This paper was presented b AcadeLdcian G. Nadzhakov on 21 Septori;bor 1965. Orig. art. has: 2 figures . LJPiZS' 36,46ff SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATZ: 21SOP65 / ORIG W: 002 / OTH ',~F,- 012 'z LIDVITOV, M.M., kandidat biologichaskikh nauk; aIRMANOVA, K.I., kandidAt meditainskikh nauk; NIWHICVA, A.N. Effect of certain conditions on the antibacterial action of penicillin. Trudy VNIIA no.1:113-123 153. (MM 8:1) (Penicillin) GMIANOVA, K.I. Penicillin in experimental gas infection. Tnidy 7NIEA no.1:141- 1.56 '53. W.4' 8:1) (Penicillin) (Gangrene) The ill'Itlence of Lilhivatioll rictholl Illion tht,J)'VAfripillent d( micrablal resistano- in atri: tonlyrm. Mid Al. Aw. blvf. 1954, No. 2, -- -Known anit of III litimfic (III it I III CI I ia a 11, 11111 t I i0l tbrur )I ivrrt: milrd Nlilll Iari i,ig: ainti. of sorriltoolvcIll juid ionrulaIrd '%ill, a '-' Mir . 41,111 firr of richer !,I evil, NlifliCitt I)ro,tll illfilic, rtiq,,,rv,I t , times a5 . ', sIrrptotoyei.i ;t~ th(- i,itlwlic w~tli.i f"j. cmll I te illpf's 'i'll] of IMOCI-1,11 FT1-Njt(j !,I 11tilt-lij- ml:Zll~aml broth 1111NIM4 106L'il 0111ACII lll:t' ;:rwt'll. -t'j the I,trgvit linit of sireptoin -ill were ii,(-l lc~ o,,u- wt, V trail split" ta I ivil ". Afler 3-7 tixi,firs tile rr,iAanci ,( 1, roli growa ill llt,Ms illcrea-d 2NVI fiowi ~.Itilv tl,;.t "I -,_ I thetic,ololk Kl')%Vll, i1wrl, I red 41111). 1 li!nc4 Ill. , IGA2 tran%fers. Alldw Of C V~Cill hOMIN.-litt 11) tilt' ill,. thetic media w,"haiwol, tile r-:sistance of the orzlni~ols I.? streptninycin. Addii. of nticicil: ncid nml vitainits It crlyn- plex dill not affect rriistatiur. Thr lowur the lilt t?,e I` , Ic I A. Ai-Ma I Iz Vaesoymnogo nauchnO-i8sledovatellsImsgo instituta po penitsillinu drugin antibiotikam. USSR/ Chemistry - Antibiotics Card 1/2 Pub. 22 - 27/54 Authors 3 Shernyakinp M. 14., Memb.Cor.ftid. of Sc.9 USSR; Kolaw, M. II.; Lovitav, Karapetyan, M. G.; $hvetaor, TV. B.1 and Bamdas)E.K Title t pelation Meweein.s ature and antUderobic siativity of obloramyttetin (levor7cetin) and the mechaninm of its reaction Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 10215, 953-956, JUn 1-1t 1955 Abstract I it is shown that the high seloctivity of the biologtmol effect ce chloromycetin an microbes is detoTmined alwaltimemakly b7 the following factors: 1) strong polarizing effect of the ji-idti.Wbo I radical, the geometrical dimensions of whieh &To of no Importmiot;. 27, st"Of polarizing effect of the dichloroacetyl radioal, vhich iihoulti satisfy even the most ispecific geometrical require=ints; and 3) daftiiad goointrical dif2enslons and corresponding conformation of the aminoprolmnodtal group. Tho naatian between the structure and bio" Logiobil activity of ablorom"etin iij explained. institution i Acad. of I-Ted, Sc., USSR, Inst. of Biol. and Mod. Ohsm. Mmitted t January 27, 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 22 - 27/54 Periodical : Dok. ATI SSSR 102/5~ 953-956, Jun 11, 1955 Abstract : Five referencesi 2 USSR and 3 USA (1858-1955). DIq7ams. w loot irt'dwit, tic, doll of Into 01341114 Ch and thq jutchanimn ac Le M. M. Shernyakin, M. N. K(Aoscv, M. M. v,itovl K. J VIE! Gennanova, M. 0. Xarape an, VU.- 31, Sh 11,07, '", IN 7#: hj-,TAMM. Tkq, Obsk el Ykim. 26, M ' 1 1,; (tst (if slav Cf. CA - 49, Mlok so, 'In cherichia cali, NciRw mbidir. f nd Irj',Hv fimirejeenj 1741'r, ptrforrntd. The "suits indhixic that the P-Qltro~.,hcllyl 4(mielt the activity of the (inig buttz is hnport3;&t to t 9=p its electl wile behitylor iind Itts p-brizing action orl tliq rent: Of the U10l.; ale gnomelfie dD1101141"lls of thi'l Patt, 14 tha r1l'.1. me Hot Itriportant In contraia. to the Import of litome1tit: dimeasiall'; ill the 11111illopr(Taw-diCA portioll (it Lte 111(11. 'The N()l; :lroup can tic sliifted without lo!m 4,1 actlvltg to 'fit. vrith other coni'lRated locudoas, and comp N: N- or p-0lMCj11,CH, N.- I atkaget; ate highly actbv, cc.-npds. vvithaut the NOj gyaup cc thomi vrith it in oneo6i- gated Imai"uns (p-O-NCiH,CO-NP-) live inactive ot imul-tf active. The biol, ictivity of clilorontycetin analogs dm,ps Off'in the series of the il-phenyl Sllbdituents; N'()ll, C( elatcromycetia art: d6ctxs,.,ed at length. Nfew anJppi wtic tnvV prepd. By heating 13 j. Dt.-Aw-l(poiitroph 1,3-propwicdiol(l), 7.2g, A tichlor oct?)tvn4j to, o lit] 4 all. iso-.1111011 to 110' .5 mill" (01olveA by tremilleat Ifith 4 I )j AM, RtOAc, gave 17% chlera. V 1`0 In C14 CHCH,Cl). 1 (6 s.) in 0`1'n'l. R60 and AM rtil. ().'Uj '11jCFlX0CJ (hit KOH trvited witb 0.1 1;. CCI~(. 97.')Ti -ie -J(p-nisro hr. gu 87% m4hre* A81111) bul ~j 3 opaxid-W, in. M-17" (fi-con (CHIC01). L-f.", of I-1gr D- Or C.) qk&rly treated with C'IICIICF4:. Vo~ 1.51m). CHCOCI (his 79. 1 of"follmy ism 0 lika xed1w, Nx in. 4-51 (front I Me and Clllcl~) ll - 11). 1' (NILks. CO). L-Arta atialdf, -a", (a V 7.40 DL-6111416 repd. by mking the 2 botwo, in. IW-V: 1 (6 g.) in 1wxnl, dry diumne won treated at uith 2.46 ccl~CHCHSCM over 0.5'11r.t after 0,&hr. shakin the wirlWe was filttrtd aAd *=cd. iii gonjo winud ititt MGM, waLbedwith dll.110~ and 201% NPC-l, i44uy'lvl-, (11) Apfrale ( Min heptitnt; V(ClljCl~ or EtOAc-ClcHjCfltCl), in. 73-11"; tlie WiLut of hydration is luit at 100* in n3citc. Thi~OJ~ V~) in dfly dioxane trwitcd with 2 drop.4 dty MIN a killit 45 M.. 90% amwe described, Refluxing 11 with 200,?o 11C1 11 brs. g4vil. 109 I G. /Old ClICHIC0111 and A7% Utt. .... ..... .... 9665 61 to'colel Soo ot t~oe es 1609) N, .0,typer $a- tic te 6CW9 ti-DLo S.ID VS.- wti. ~Otiy- BA r 9,Ct es ks;tT eA v5i,3 146 .L c rt:r~ 3rLt at 'Tas ()r J.6 Vb ot-~c 0 of eor., ~O~T V gle ar~ J0.0 ,,Tessi_ou C~"JClb. .Core). ovr 6 J:VL 12 i:a k').vtT BA' U.~ae ) u0 S.Ct gas &eve t-re. egeg ,jeell qS56 te& "be 1609 'bst'r wa& OTL Vu~ke I 9.* its tte los JSB VLO rj.~Bju r 4 0 t Itif 6 t e,cte&. ANTIBIOTICS "On the Effect of Antibiot':,(- 16(.4 upon the Virus of Smalipox Vaccine and Taylor's VlruG", by K.I. arA V.S. Korol.eva, Ali- Union Scientific Research Ins t it f-it 1, 1 AntLbiotlki, No 3, May-June 1957, PP 14-17. The Antibiotic Virusin 160a, was 12-_~_,t-d Pt the Division of Chemistry of the All-Union Scientific cf Antibiotics (D.M. Trakhtenberg and E.I. RodionovskhyF i-i strain ~:)f Streptomyces sp. 1609, obtained from the InstitiltP .;f f4. of the Acadenly Of Sciences of the USSR (1-955). Since previous investigations h6- that Vilnisin 16C9 is active against influenza virus of n, ~ ~ _~ A.A-, ard B, t!le autho_rs wan- ted to investigate its action on t.!;~: : T~~, 1, po,< u Lrus and Taylor's virus. In the experiments, a Krasnodai 81tr,3il, ~-)f t~mailpc);( vaccine and Tg-VII strain as Taylor's virus were ucel. ca,~e ', ?hack embryos, and in the second, mice wer,? su~,JE~t ;nwwa~iol). Card 1/2 j-12e auth.... F-iltIlIVI: alkimmul GERMAITOVA, K.I., KOHOLEVA, V.G. Method for the primqry selection of antivir.%l nntibiotics on chick embryon infected with influen7a, v,rus [with nimm-ary in English]. Antibiotiki, I no,3:13-18 My-Je 158 (MIRA 11-:7) 1, Vsf-soyuznyy nauchno-issleduntel'skiy institilt antibiottkov. (AW IBIOTICS, antivirnl, selection on influenisn virus infected chick embryo (Rua)) (INFLUPMA VIRUS, selection of nntivirnl Antihio~laa on infected chick embryo (Rua)) TOVAROVA, I.I.; MVITOV, H.M.; GRRMANOU, K.I. 'tole of pracursorB in the syntheeis of penicillin by varims Btrains. Antibiotiki 3 no.5:26-30 S-0 158. (IIIRA 12:11) 1. Vneno,7uzn;V nanchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut antibiotikov. (RUICILLIN. rel. cpds. benzyl penicillin, eff. of precuraors on synthesis by varions strains (Rua)) GEMANOVA, K.I.; LEVITOV, M.M.; SITHIANOVA, h.Yt?.-, NINASHINA, A.M. Phyaiological characteristics of various Estrains of PenicilliuL chrysogenum; certain charactorlBtics,tf Wabolism in strains B-51- 20, 31 and 24 [with summary in Englishj. Antibiotiki 3 no.6*-14 N-D '58. 12:2) (MICILLIN, metabolism, chryeogenum B-51-20. 31A 24 (Run)) GERMABOVA, K.I. Antiviral pronertiao of new antibiotics 1212 and 452-457; effect on the influenza virus, certain neuroviruses. and the herpes virus. Von. virus. 4 no.1;71-76 in-7 159- (KIRL 12:4) 1. Voesovuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut antibiotik-ov, Moskva. (ANTIIIIOTICS, effects, antibiotic 1212 & antibiotic 452-457, on influenza & herpes viruses & certain neuroviruses (Rua)) (INFLUEN7A VIRUS, off. of drugs on, itntibiotic 1212 & antibiotic 452-45? (Rus)) (HRRM, virus, eff. of antibiotic 1212 & antibiotic 452-457 (-Ras)) (VIRUSICS, off. of drugs on) 1371T07, V.M.; GKUOXOVA, K. I. Antll)iotic ref3earch tmd pro(hiction in the Chinnee Pooplela Republic. Antibiotiki, 4 no.2:118-121 Kr-Ap 159. (KIRL 12:7) (CHINA-ANTIR IOTICS ) InhibitintT effect of new antibiotlen 1212 6ncL 452-7 on the vaccin'le. virus. Vop,virus. 4 no-3:Y~19-353 MY-JO '59. (KIRh 12:8) 1. Vsoeopanyy nauchno-looledovatellakly Insfitut antibiotikov. (JUITIBIOTICS, effects, antibiotics 1212 & 452-7 on vaccinia virus (RUG) ) (UCCIIIIA. virus, eff. of antibiotics 1212 & 452-7 Olus)) GERMANOVA K.I - SAVEL-YETA, A.M. Antiviral properties of the new antiblotic polymycin, Antibiotlki 6 no-4:293-298 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut antibiotikov. (ANTIBIDTICS) (INFLUENZA) SOLOVIYEVA, N.K.; DELOVA, I.D.; _q~~J.; SAVELIYEVAp A.M.; KHOKilLGV, A.S.; MAI,',IOFE, S.M.; SINITSYNA, Z.T.; PETROVA, M.A.; KOROLEVA, V.A.; NAVASHIN, S.M.; FOMINA, I.P.; BUYANOVSKAYA, I.S.; VASILENK0, O.S.; YEFMOVA, S.A.; BEMINA, Ye.K.; VIZYS, R.A.; 94ITRIYIEVA, V.S.; SE UN GV' S.M.; SHNEYERSON, A.N. Polymycin, a newlantibiotic from the streptotricin grou . Antib-lotiki (I p 5,no.60-10 N-D 60. MA 1413) 1. Voesoyuznyy na'uchno-iseladavatellskiy institut antibiotiXov, kafedra mikrQbiologii TSe4trallnogo instituta usovershenstmovaniya vrachey. (ANTIBIOTICS) GERMANOVA, K.I. Experimental and clinical study of now penicillins and their comparative evaluation. Antibictiki 8 no. lli976-989 N 163. (ERA 17:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut antibiotilov. : I . G GFR~U,NOVA., K.I.j GONCIIAK~KAYA, r.'fa.; SAv"P'L'YFVA, A.M. .1 - U. Ant.',viral propirtie5 of vaceinocid4n:prelini'nary report AntibiotAt 9 rio.11-997-1001 N '64. (MJTRA 18.1) 1. Otdel eksperimentallnoy tprapii Vsesoyuzri(-.)go nauchno-Issledova- tellskogo instituta antibiotikov, Moskva.