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00 60 #0 ~66 66 99 00 of so lie 0 0 A* fuAls and natural oosbustible gasexi therefore 1. x I and N 1* T 0 00 ho i-hystewhemical p"perties of thooe fuels are determined salely by uO. Frcm theea, 2 basic concerts are d6rived o-q)ression5 for the 00 Renumd wliocular weight of the organic utter, al-ecific gr,4vity of 00 fulils, volmUle mtter, and calorifia value. The "dogma of' carbonize- 00 tionO is Wo ratio of the "limiting density* to thu ~~o%:.Ity of U.e 60 actual oombusible mass. Ihe 1111miting density" is Uio d1e.%:iity a solid Puml wu14 have if it were ampletely carbonized, I.e., it would ocnAint or CO or KH (K is defined abovs). wCalorific Is oalar.':lc vnlue of I cc. of solid fuel. 0409,0000.0'eO00000004koo's 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 of 0 060000000000000 00 00000406600*90*00:16:10 0 1 1 Ir w v - . - - - - o , u t o . a 4 it ! 1 1 l IN a 16 U is a 40 41 . S . , U is a a j.; , 's N T j f A--L-L It , L-ji, - NI -11 1 011 PIKIM11 AND PICOI - - - Thwoodysamit wma 011 "nid systons: !.V1f1ffk#W thfimwifir tIC4- dm IA." tiset4l.6K 4,quililwoul. , l1w Muld slifir N oliffitult 411MV 11141T An uO 101.1141 all Ilm valxw Irmim milli Ow Ism rifilly .4 fhw% 11, to g awlticAlillts. flowem, I hew m" he eik-4. Owt mixivitim - i l 4 lt .111d iially f1mm the and fork ng 41,114 4 t I pkiase~ A not" climption to tbiI; I. the ymcm Of \I rbr Irm coagy al dimmw of it liquid tmt4l .%0, Al- v . If deriml fmm 3 cqwtxmw dal,timil. of flit- -thd if,], welill tilt (OffalkliOU Of molid flittAl 0 1 M(l. I Ist , + 1); 12I.M. - M And nwlliux (A the metall oudir M(P.. 310,n. Thus, I + _2 -3 -Iiitl, - Wb *0. 4hilb, 1111166 Of thM C(Mili(ICTA(KIllit OCKI by tl~ 14 Midd,14 (IAL. k MI&A. for Al"O. Fv(j, CIA), NO J. ..11.1 Cu (I Tbrn )ill uffing tqtmtion c1751 P Off lopritham of ill-pacru. lepi-ion iniftit. f#* flit ltipwl I I Wit] belmo it tit tit. ill (n.M. -v, 01 trWCd InCtAll I~ aVIU11KII, tin- golf A 41 "brIA14 Alic sivell fly A, st NI I I ' & JUL )Pl " I NJ o) - pf, .. " II I .'s. X, - I M dimurn. pmskutv~ #4 pun Impod utodr-. Ili,- frJo- it,. (waclorts denote the o"Aur fructioll Ill tht. it" W pllj~ md I so of I in Ow leamitbtw% the mobt fraction oil Ili,, om-Ir 16,,t, Hall r iff () pm'tirt. At t-4uil. P It. flit mit, lost xo* oxidr. wid X. - INI'llhi'M INI'llAI'M - P. , P, K, (w Fe Alloy, ithif Alu, Co. %I, 'kild Cit 1, t.41.-l fit Ill. mn#r 4A 1~4110- 11401'. 1 tit, vqtwtjon% fix torlill.m.l. -11- -MM~ CUJJ KIM) 110 U,-All fit t 4h-S. 1 file efilliblorla Ill J.,X 111j,1 l 4 l A aw itarthlid is ala I"miaW out (Is hrlwvm nwta jil. Lfft micit. fl-quillillm .]13 ox~k. and rnolwl ItIvi'll. 1 ~ M I I- 1I it* $40'. M"01 10,000 "it 0.1 Gilt $)fill 34 a., III 1 , AT 111121 U r IS 11 0 . 4 V 1A a fill 0 x 9 1 IN ill 5 a ~ ' I. .61. 22 2 S I 6 GLASIMOV, Ya. L p~ jPT39 MAY IWI otial - Metallurgy 'Activity of Metal Oxides in Fluxes with Silicon .lKoxide and Calola Wds," Ya. 1. Gerasimov (MW), 6 pp "Stall' Vol VII, No 5 b calculating the components of slag In equilibrium with binary and ternary metal system, use is made of tentative formulAe, Trizarily based on solanty data end azalogiea. More 'work is required in this field. lExperbwnts were conducted on fluxes of MeO-SIO2, 110 - 8102, CoO - C&O, and others. IBT39 0 0 4- 00 will, W W a a -t - .. 1 It a 11 it" tl Im L it y 4 ll~ A. I to. 11 1"114 filifontion cobalt Ud T. I P.Stisannor. And L. 1k VII.Ill 114. V.6 MOMS,. Colo po'k, And ..I \vI I F.. a ,I's he It Itill 1-111liq us I lonaIr fillit, j ('.of .0 '\,it osith ),,Is% Imr,-klml Illik.11 1-111c V,A) I 1'e'l), If NO # w6. iltr4ligat"I toy ill mon, 14 (4 0 0 0 so a Is v a 0 41 41 u #1 0 a to so I I a 6 j -rl" '01111, 11.01 tell 11 Is 14-1. 1 1'.111v I milph, I- thtre-tiotwovml I fill. -1.1.% ON 111tr(les. (21 I-ror ottals.%J., (31 file mic"rotiv imiloclints, the livir. 114ts.itl 4111oll'A's Owing Ituoltorts, jeolorfrorl"- I'l.virlit , It, it-, '.'ml -Iflulomr. illih I I Mile 4mill-I 4 %,37 A. fill -ti,l X W -N t-v ',Sit I h-P, The 001 1- FrA inlif Ilrol4*1 I .1041,I)Ift .41 94nol 14' 1.1"I" lot *111'. 34p 'jil'i 18%, NJ(I 0 Ir,4N. ;I his 4,; Not .. O-t rv : m Ilikil. with C4.41. leffifirmicol it A!""WA "44,014,11 Ali 41 lisp 4 It 1441' It I% diotioully I- .lot 1. "41oplell evell iflor I'l it". %%'fill Isit), at 11 Isr"It is Almost attsiml in 3 hrd, at MXV ferti- tiuli,111% is Answr tortit viopw to thAt at I Pill% and btm",or% Isrutmully OmIlItrits ill lin. Mis 01 the "IA1- tooW All jill"111.0 mi ;I funrilial to tellip.. on I Woo. ile'lling. Own, hor 0,11, U-Sinnillit rwtko At M)". in- frald, T4 fix, lo, In, top "), "IW in I be tollcor "" I Proll'.0111,11t lilt ors;A-r 160 NMI., below I IiAl of Xfo, x1i". oto,tvir VIM% in Inivetor alf the rate almove Ihot Aw '*'0. It title, other I In's locating at I IM". the truloorlit'stfIrtt tow NioNi, pir"Itl Itutt, tm Co.(). till. lose. ir""A -xi nu-It tvillollift"I 1"1611. In 2d-31 his. at if , to 0 tow tit %it,- U S As 90 Ill A 9 1W 0 a vim h If ollignmunck IN I n 1 .0 10 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 ~ ; goo ; "; * 0 *so goesoII,*** so 000 - - to 0; 4111~ 0 1, 0 0400 so* go 00 11 7- '-z 54)9s 1 M 0- C/4 SkWy of the roactions Involv*4 in the formation of c- ball and ekkel larrites 11. VA. 1, 0110111OW', Isi lilw) lutiow)-*r CA. 43. &354;. *0 IF or 0040 at dw Oftetimmus of Irsinawl" Of COW9 = 011111 W 1 JL 1 .n !T V. "U'dov ' , %,WAIV V . , N ii Chet i o 19151), V06- 1049, 11. 2111.11113. f see 1 rimpowtioux o &ad pham r &r)lt and NA) 0 d NiO with Ve 110 - - a mixtum J were InmUgated afUr hasting at 11001C. for 30 l 110 s Ivourt. JAw solubility of C60 and NIO In spine 6 M#Orr#t)g wag notW at this temlcra- tu niatIon of forritm rich In iron oxhim at see Iloo,c. prftv4%u vory skmly, which may be cz- lutions 'If lid f W%* so so divimistion o 1 1 F M V FO.O. and NiO Fe.O.-Fe.O.. 1 .0 4 I 400 qoo ago 111MONO so old stilft aifK lie; 0 0 0-1 PAD -ALI 2 T-- -0 - - see 0 LO 0 * S GFRASIUM, Ya. 1. 12 Lo 15 Mmy 194t, !!o9co-.,-, first conference Was hold cn hif-tor., of' Sovict chemistry, conw-ned tT Commission on the History of Chemistry, Acad Sci '-'SSR. "-ny pF,.rc-rs were presented by (ostensibly) rtembers of this Commission. "Work of V.F.Alekseyev or, -~he Dependent Sol,nbllity of Liquids." ("oscow State U imeni V.V.Lomonosov) "Materials cn the History of Soviet Chemical Science," by Acad Sci USSR in .oscow-Leningred 1950. M3492 SIHOOV, YU. ?~, XLYACi.104GURVICE, L. L.. MUSTPOY, YA. 1. Iron-Cobalt Alloyn I Deoxidation of cobalt ferrite by hydrogen. Vest, Mosk, un, 5 no- 10,19"0, 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Nov-ir'ber, 1952ITM Uncl. J" 0d ypMdca of Rare Metals II. Equilibrium of i "Oolfromto With Hydrogen," T. N. Rezukhina, Y, Vt' A. Morooova, Moscov State U V. LCOonosov *Oi~liz Xhis" Vol MCV, No 1, PP 93-99 6d equil const of reduction of manganese volf- te;1vab R At temp 950-1,1000C. Calcd free ; ~ am h eat of formation of volfrjunate both at taq and urK%r std conditions - Data for high rii,~;qiAtt accurate (�l~), but data for std ~p!s4"kwe if d&tA'for I Aftwi A (I 7v 1 1-1 ii ~ '~rV at 1. USSRItheadstry - ik-1frim Lr 51 ,,c, th Ey - Cen," j;_.ujjj)j,jw cf 1, d. c "Thermoc4-mudes of Rare LA.,tals. A :,.c~sc(-.; U imcni T-H 'Ju. F. Smianov, Ya. 1. Garasixiov, 1 t C,,, p . TZ,2ZI.~tjjr j IT. 'A7,011lonozo 'r Fiz num" 'r-, IV Ilk, 3, vj~ 305-311 X-ray anv.l of ~roilucts of roduction vith i:,,of Fe ;th lifferont Fe:O ratios 2C"/ sho,ued -it 550-1, 1.00"C anly o,.n, itter.-otal ic COI!_;Z "isurati cowsts of or ccinxt.. I_c~l ~'rct~ ,rectiction of Fe'Jol -i'Ah H, and set up e ~,y at C50--, 1500 1/7.; 7-' 20,_ anj h, 0 rea;~:t_cn 1/7F k6 - 18 5'.* 7 Ya. 1. "Whads"Y'A' auvft OW cob"11 mar q wjhwOWVmvdes of UVO X04dUs Vto 6VdUft4M of Cobalt ftlfftuete Vdth HYdrO844' Tue p16 ftoken* T* to MiNWISMS, V*A* 9 Ise to GWwdW*v Mosom UGtG 9 1100d X*V* L saw ns Kma" va IV$ Ob 30 go W-3ft Iww 401 of pooduou of "deauda ICA R 2 of *0 AAS with dm*" Coll raulm aw"d at Ima mft m -1 alk"S SwOk 007ID6 (Idth at "W" of v) md oaf, (Ift at ="'a of eel an ftmm4 Nowwod rehAlm oomAs of so% idth H-1 at 90D4 1000 aid sib YAP ft, *pIl ~ e"*U, Caled fm wwra at 9W.I,IWO 9M id offs* of GXWIMDY, Tn. I., J.H.Sechemor's vorke on the aelubility of carbonic an)Wdride in ealt eolu- tic,ne. Trudy 4:277-296 152. (MLU 6: 7 ) (Carbon dioxide) 044 y f with por- trait and bibligraphy 141 m"Ufcam"ms, G. M. K. ANTIPINA, T#V.t YROST, A.Y., professor, radaktor (deceased]; GIRASIMOT, Ta.O. prrfessor, redaktar. ~ba* [Kinetics of chemical reactions; practical studies in physical chemistry) Wmiaheekaia kinistiks; prektiohaskis rabotj po fiticheske-i shimii. Pod. red. A.Y.Pronta I U.I.Gerealmova. [Moskvaj Isd-vo Hoekov-skogo universitsta, 1953. 42 p. (MLRA 7:6) (Chemical reactiou--Velocity) fi 77712777, Ya. 14 iChW441 Abet., 401. 4$ no. 9 XV 10e, 1954 'Omerail and Phy~lcal Chemistry for - oltlset"CI1SmW04+H1-=;f~1/1W 1W- The Sim of A and B ta the r In A + BT, wkk K - pejolp% at 20 6W cal. and for 'Ad - Ca. 17.0 and 2.016 for Mg, lj6U*6WZd'=fm 4n. For the remim MnO + He -1 Mn + RIO, A - 39.105 and B - 2.030. For reactim of the We 1/4 MWOa + He - 'hs PeNt + Ya W + H&O the A and B values art 9204 and 1441 lorM - Fe (d. C.A. 45, .=1.774omWi.321forCo(d.C.A.45,OM). luthe Nitheata.cow.oftbetuttlon'14NiWOi+Hl-' 'Its Ni4W + `611 W + H&O (1) Is obtained through equil. studies of 3 successhe dppm pas.:. NIW04 - N1 + III- WA + Y, Oil Ni + 'Is WA - 1/4 N4W 4- 1/4 WOs + I/n O~. Vt Wot - III IV + 1/1 Os for which coasts. at given at 850* and 1000' leading to log K - 1.043 for reaction (1) at 1000'. For the miction of CA. 45. WD5a, CaMoOI,+ Ht - C&MoOa + H.0, the consts. A and B are 14,770 aid 1.5W. For the reaction 31, W(o(h + HI - 11, CaO + '/I Mo + lljO they are 12,50D and 0.838. Free energies am given at sevend I Lemp. for the dissem. MWOj m MO + W + Vs oil MW04 . 1/1 MWj + 1/1 W + 2 %. Eathal. d " pies Io,,, the dissom - into gaseous atom Z::n or JE T discussed on the hub of avs able dat. ;,.W ~ rtlae:- Vaim Rysselberglie, GERA$M, Ya. I. Prof.,REZUKHINA, T. N. Docent, and SIVANOV, Yu. P. Docent "Ibe Equilibrium of Tungstates of Bivalent Metals with Hydrogen," a paper Iven at the All-University Scientific Conference "Lomonosov Lectures", Vest, Moak, no, No.e. 1.953, I Tranalation U07895, I Mar 56 ldliii ING, V.P.; GJWIKOV, Ya.I., professor, redaktor; XISKW,, V.7., redhtktor; tWZW."lP.W.7VVftnlcheski7 redaktor. [phase rvl6j Pravilo Ust. Pod red. IL.I.Gerasimova. (Kosimal lsd,-Yo Mo6kovskogo univeralteta, 1934. 172 p. (KLU 8) A4144UU WA v%4UbrlvO 4 1; : , l-'. -I q, I ~.l, _ I , - 1 i I I I I I;,_ ~ I . SEUMHORAU)VA, V.I.; GEMD(OV, Ta.I., , OWYA, N.S., takhnicheekly redaktor Clefmatoxetz7; pmatical work in pbvoloal chemistry] Refraktonetrila; rakticheakis raboty po fisichaskol khtmii. Pod red. IA.I.Gerasimova. xosk"~ Ivd-vo Hoskovskogo univerelteta, 1954. 22 p. (MIRA 8:3) f Refractometry) DOI, us i a 1 1 w V,` and Goanimov, Ya. I. !thii.'T~herwdynamic Characteristics of Bi-Metallic Systems by Cadmium BismutiLe System. 0 :an ~jectromotjve Force. it 1! iAT. Dim. Vol. 28p Ed. 4, 713-728, Apr Ab4r&~t of~'the characteriatica'of liquid metal smeltinga (Cd-Bi) by Otan electromagnetic force. The studies are performed by of the atoms of cadmium in a temperature rati n'or lo-90 al:of 400 to 600 Eighteen references; tables; gmphs. Mon: M-11VI ~tomonosovls!moscow State Institute. IniL6 X953 w I.- w.. h AMOR, LIM Wvovich; 2]MH4D-T-. TLij., professor, redaktor-, GAUMNA, 1.8, reda T.A. tekbnIchaskiy redaktor. (Cryoscogr-, laboratory work in physical chemistry] Krioskopitat praktichasklo raboty po fivicbeskay khimit. Pod red. LALI. Oeraslwva. [Hook-ral lad-vo Hookovskago univ.,1955. 21 P. Wak a:12) 1. Chlen4torrempondent AN SSSR (for Oerasimov). (Cryoscopy) NOVOSIMOVA, A.Y.,; VOLIHOTICH, S.I., red.; GMSIMOV, Ta.l., red.; TURITAT, Tu.I., red.; TURIYETA, L.P., red. (Department of Chemistry of Xosoov State University] KlAmi- cheakii fakalltat Morkovskogo ordena Lenina i ordena Trudovogo trasnogo Inamed gosudarstvannogo universiteta imeni K.T.Lomonoso- vs. Kbelma, 1955. 59 p. (KINA 13t6) I# Moscov. Universitet. (Koscow University) (Moscow--Chemistry--Study and teaching) GERASIMOV, Ys.lo. prof.; UOYOSSLOYA, A.Y., prof., otv,red, ...WWWOM"N"Mm., LFrogram in physical chemistry; for the Chemictr7 Yaculty) Programma po fisicheskoi khimii (dlia khimicheakogo fakullteta). 1956- 7 P. (MM 11:3) 1. Moscow. Univerattat. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Novoselova) (Chemistry, Physical and theoretical-Study and teaching) YROST, Andray Vladimirovich. professor; DOIGOPOLOV, U.N.. sostavite." TOMBITIffA, X.V.. doktor khimichaskikh nauk, otvetstvennyy redaktor; re"ktor; KOROBOV, Y.T., Itandidat khimicheskiU Iffia, redaktor; SKIRKOVA, I.Y., kandidat khimicheskikh nauk. redaktor; THURBUT, V.H., doktor khimichaskikh nauk, rodaktor; TILICUM, N.D. doktor te4michaskikh nauk, redaktor; SHCHKIN, V.V.. redaktor izda- talletva; Z)UNKOVA,-Ye.y.. takhnichaskiy redaktor [Papers an kinetics and catalysis] Trudy po kinetike i katalizu. Moskva, Isd-vo kkadeali nauk SSSR. 1956. 538 P. (KLRA 9:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gerasimov) (catalysis) (Hydrocarbons) (Chemical reaction) YA USUIRWaical Chemistry .. Questions, B-1 Abst Journal: Referat Zbur, - D-Iniya, No 19, 1950', 6o659 Author to Ta. Institution: None. Title: Subjezt and Ltml-t-,s rif Pb~y-Edcal Chmistry Original Periodical: Vestm. Movk. un-ta* 1956, N: 2, 133-142 1 Abstract: Pap-r based on addreas deUlyt-red at the meeting of sclentiric commil of Ybysical Chemibtry Division of the Department VL chataistrYA"iWarxim- State University. Card 1/1 TOPCHITEIrA, X.V.-, PASAOTA. V.H.; SIWWOVA, Z.F.; ALIKAHIN. I'P.; NOVOSBLOVAO A.V.; SPITSYN, V.I.-, IMOKO, I.Ir ; 121mg"'A I SHRYANOV, A.S.; TIMT173V, A.P.; -POTAPOV, V:M,;--GTRAlk# L-go U.S. Prubevallskii; oatuary. root. Moak, un. Ser. mat. mekh.. astron.. fit., Win, 11 no,W05-207 156. (MIRA IN12) (Prshavallskil. ftenii Stapanovicb, 1879-1956) GMASIMV, Ia. "La Reduablon Ptkrblma Hydrogene des Tungstates de Metaux Transtoires et Autres Proprietes Themookmamiques de ces Sels.11 PaDer Dresented at the 16th International Congress of Pure and Applied I~hemistry, Paris' 18'-24 Jul 1.957 USSR/Physical Chemistry - Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry.. B-8 Equilibria, Physical-Cbemical Analysis, Phase Transitions. Abs Jour : Referat, Zhur - Khimiya, 11o 1, 1958, 358 Author : I.A. Vasil'yeva, Ya.I. Gerasimov, Yu.P. Simanov. Inst : Title : Equilibrium of Tun,sten Oxides and HydroCen. 0 Orig Pub : Zh. fiz. khimii, 1957, 31, No 3, 682-691 Abstract : The bibliographical data concerningthe existence of two temperature modifications of WO were confirmed experimen- tally. It was noted that the siructure of intermediate W oxides formine at the reduction of W03 was determined by the structure of the initial preparat on. A lisb of inter- planar distances of WO WO and WO JQ1 at2.~2 f,c2 produced at the reduction of the hidl- ar ur mod at,")n of WO I, Is jven. It was made clear that the reduction of W83 II In the temperature range from 600 to 7910 proceeded In four staLgs and that at temperatures below 5840 Card 1/2 USSR/Physical Chemistry - Thermodynamics, Thermochemistry, B-8 Equilibria, Physical-Chemical Analysis, Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1., 1958, 358 proceeded in three staGes, the intermediate oxide W02.72 disappearing. Based oa the obtained experimental data, the followinC; standard thermodynamical proper-ties of WO311 were computed: a H?98 -205.3 kcal per mole, 4 Zg98 " -186.2 kcal per mole, S~98 ~ -63-90 kcal per mole and SO - -17.4 kcal Per degree and moie. 298' Card 2/2 MM/Physical Che-,dstry . Thez~amics, Thermochemistry, Equilibria, Physical-Chamiwa Analysisj, Phase Transitions. B-8 Aba Jour: Referat. Mmmal Ihimlyap No 3, 19A 7119- Author I.A. Vasillyeva, Y&J. Gerasimov, Yu.P. Simnov, T.N. &~zu- last kbina Title CoMper Tungstate - Hydrogen Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Maxacteristies of MW04. Oe-g Pab: 22t. fiz. kbizaii, 1957, 31, No 4, 825-831- Abst-aftz: The pressure of saturated CuWO4 (I) vapors vas messared by X=dsen effusion method (with a tantalum ampoule) lu the range from 1098 to 32810K. The obtained data comply with the equa- tia-. logp (mm of mere. col.) - -2714.1/T + 0.9474. The eva- poration heat of I is 1LA16 eal per mole. The I - hydrogen equilibrium vas investigated by the circilation method in the Cox& I/P -6- plffal Cal-ebemimi Analysis, Phase Transitions - B-8 ov Thermochenistry, Equilibria, USSR/ftysic&l Cherlstry - TlJrm~~cs' Mysical-Chemical Analysis, Phase Transitions. B-8 Abs Jour: Referat. Murnal Kbinlya, No 3, 1958, T120- Author R.D. Mrshakmp Ta.I. Gerasimov. Inat Title Rquillbriwn of Solid Solutions of (F el-X)WOL, -with, lfydxogen. OzIg Pabot Zh- fiz. Xhivali, 1957, 31, No 5) 996-1001. Abstra&.: The equilibrium of the tungstate (1) of -Lhe composition (Fe 0.66MOO.34)WO4 with the gas mixture % + %0 vas stadied by the circUation method at 902 to 1050' and the eclailibrium, of I of the ccmosition N0.41ft.59)WO4 was studied by the method at 9T10- It vas found roentgenographically that Metallic V, Fe7W6 and MaO appear at the initial reduc ion sta- ges. The sww phases appear also as final reduction products, The eonstuts of the I lattice inw"ease with the reduction. At 967 to lo5oo, log K9 - -10060/4-575T + 1.144. The course Card 1/2 -8- VSSPVPhYsic&l Cheadstry - Thermodynamics, Thermchenestrf, Equilibria, Fbimiftl-CharaLcal Analysis, Phase T-ransiticins. B-8 Abs Joar: Pefamt. 2hurnal Rhimiya, NO 3, 19581 71X- of curves of the K. depen4ence on the oVg---.i content in I confirms tlukt the tomposition of the initial mixed I changes in oonsequence of a seconUry reaction between I and MrAO libe:,- wted at the reduction: (FeXMItl-x)W04 + nao The elxnges of Isobar potentials of I reduction reacticm, And of tM production reaction of I solid solution from pure salts were crAquted. The formation of the solid solution is accom- panied by a noticeable postive divergence from the laws of ideal solutions. Card 2/2 -9- 1, W usmvp'.~Yzic*.l chemistI7 Thermoky=mics, Theniochemist,_-j.. Fquilib.-ia, nya,Lcal-Chenacal Au&Iysis) Phase Traasitiws- Abe Jour: Referat. Zhurnal PA-1ya, No 3) 1958) 7118- Author A.V. Nikollskaya, P.P. Oto%ftv, Ya. I. Ge=BlA-Ov Inst Title Bt;udy of 1hftm)dyzazdc Properties of Binary Metallic Systems by R.N.p. Nothod. II. Systm CaWux - Copper. Orig Pub:.Zh.:ft%. khUdip 1957) 31) go 51 1007-1012- Abstract: The:sTstem 04 . Co vas investigated by the e.m.f. method (repart It 09h1a., 1955j, 93245). The electromotive forces C!d/CdCl2/(CdxCul_,)+ of 20 liquid alloys ~ of various composition in the rano from 0 .948 to o.46o:&tozw.6 Pats of COod) were mewured frm 575 to 6500) the. reaultv having been reproducible with + 0.1 v. The values of the loprithm of the activity factor CdTiog /cdl were com- puted from the e.m.f - and NCd. The partial heats (LCd) and the Card 1/2 -4- TACHM, A.A.; NIKOL'SKAYA, A. V.; StudyInd; the thernodynamic properties of binary metallic systems by the electromotive force method. Part 3: The copper-antimony system (with all-ry in English). Zhur. fiz. khim. 31 no.6:1395- 1400 JO 157. OURA 10:12) 1, Moskovekiy gosudarstvenW universitat im. H.V. Lomoncisova. (Thermochemistry) (Copper) (Antimony) itt i, I HIM I 11-Jill, ~1!11 I hi 11 ii -Oi: 1"1111i 1! gmh A AUTHORt Gerasimov 153 --58-1-27/29 TITLEt Correlation Between the Law of Ideas Conservation and the Thermodynamic Condition of Chemical Equi. librium (Svyazl mezhdu zakonom sokhraneniya massy i termodinamicheskim usloviyem khimicheskogo ravnovesiya) PERIODICALi Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Khimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 1, pp. 183-184 (USSR) LBSTROTs The aforesaid law for a chemical reaction the atoi- chiometric equation of which is written in a general form VlA, + It+ .. maybe P212 + 91 11; + % 1 2 written as algebraical sum of the products of the molar- -number multiplied by the molecular weight lilt V1 M 0 (1). It is interesting to compare the term m of the fundamental condition of thermodynamic equi- i librium for a chemical reaction. It is favorable, in view Card 1/5 of such a comparison, to apply the values A , viz. the Correlation Between the Law of Mass Conservation and the Thermo. dynamic Condition of Chemical Equilibrium 153--58-1-27/29 chemioal*potentials, not with respect to mol, but with respect to 4 gramm of the substance. In other words, the specific values are applied instead of the MDlar-magnitudes. Then the condition of the chemical equis librium assumes the following form:T'Ai-ji . (- - 'd M 0 (2). The conditions (1) and (2) are obBervedt the former in any chemical systems, the latter with an equilibrium, The author combines both of them for the latter case and multiplies (1) with a random constant K and adds (1) and (2) "IT 1 + K) -j M 0 (3) . The condit ion of chemical equilibrium is thus maintained if and when all specific chemical potentials are increased for a random term K of a sum which is common to all components, whereas the mom lar-magnitudes are increased for an amount proportional to the mass of the substance. The values FA, (ore,) can- not be calculated by means of the thermodynamical methods Card 2/5 since these values comprise the specific inner zero energy Correlation between the Law of Maus Conservation and the 153-58-1-27/29 Thermodynamic Condition of Chemical Equilibrium U i,o* The calculation of this latter value by means of the Einshteyn (Einstein)-relation does not solve the problem for the following reasonst The principle of relativity of classic mechanics requires the in. variability of all physical rules governing the ob. servation of a real object in any inertial. system of coordinates. At the transition of one system of coorm dinates to any other which moves rectilinoarly and ren gularly at a velocity "v" in relation to the former system, it may be assumed that the energy of the real object (with a mass m) changes for the term: 2 mV of a sum. Since it makes no difference in which 2 inertial system of coordinates the material object is considered, the energy of the object cannot be clearly determined. It contains any term of a sum which is Card 3/5 proportional to the mass. Consequently, the law of Correlation Setween the Law of Mass Conservation and the Thermodynamic Condition of Cberaical Equilibrium 153-58-1-27/29 energy-conservation has only a concrete quantitative value if the form of the motion or an exchange of mo- tion take place which are considered in aT~f inertial system of coordinates selected at random (e, g. in a chemical process (Reference 1)), The uncertainty of the absolute value of the inner energy of the obje-.t causes also an equal uncertainty of the chemical po- tential, The equation (2) conserves its quantitative value in this connection due to the law of mass-con- servatiQn in the chemical process. The latter law plays t~e role of the energy conservation law in appli. cation to the equation (2) with chemical transformatiois, viz. it guarantees the fulfillment of this law with the uncertainty of the absolute values of energy, The au" thor is of opinion that the above considerations can be profitably utilized in teaching the bases of thermody- namics and chemical thermodynamics. Card 4/5 There is.1 Soviet reference. Correlation Between the Law of Mass Conservation and the 153-58-1-27/29 Thermodynamic Condition of Cheiaical L;quilibrium ASSOCIATIOM Moskovskiy ,,osudarotveniVy universitet imer.i M. V. (I. Lomonosova, Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii 460scow State Jniversity imeni L.'. V. Lomonosov, Chair for Physico- Chemistry) SU13j"ITTED3 November 2o, 1957 Card 5/5 5W AUTHORt Gerasimov. Ya.I. Corresponding I'lember, -'r/55 6 - 2 -13 5 Tc-ademy of Sciences, USSR TITLEt Ginihteme on Thermodynamics and the Struoture of Sc~Lutions (~oveohc',aniye po t(,rmodinamike i otroyeniyii rv,,tvorov) PERIODICAL: Vestnik kloskovskogo mtematilti, mekhniki, astro- nandi, fiziki, khimii, it)56,hr 2,,pp 21~1,257 (K-1) A.BSTRACTs Card 1/ 2 The meeting which took place from Jonuary 27 30, 1958 was organized by the Faculty of Chemistry of the Moscow State University and by the Section of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. There were 600 participators from 75 scientific institutes in 34 towns of tYA USSR and from Hungary (Sh.Lendlyel, E. Beres), Eastern Germany (G. Falken- hagen, 0. Kelbg), Poland (S. Mints, K. Zemborak); 70 lectures were given. On thermodynamics of solutions of electrolytes there spoke s A..Ye. Glauberman (L'vov), N.A. Izmaylov (Kharlicov) K.P. 31ishchenko (Leningrad) K.B. Yatsimirskiy (Ivanovo) B.P.*Nikol' skiy (Leningrad), G. Falkenhagen and G. Kelbf; (Eastern Germany), I.R. Yukhnov-skiy (Llvov) G.I. Mikulin (Verkhneye, Donbass) V.A. Kozheurov (Chelyabinsk) Sh. Lend'yel ('Iungary) Conference (n The rmodYnauiies and the Structure of 3oiUtions '35/35 F J.1 4 A.I,';. ',7ukhotin (Leningrad) Ye.N. Vasenko (L'jov) V.P. Vasillyev (Ivanovo) G.I. Akhumov (Leningrad) S.A. Shchukari,,v (Leningrad). On thermodynamics of solutions of nonclectrolytei3i M.I. Shakhparonov (Moscow) A.Z.. Golik (Ki,rev) 1.:7,. Fisher and V.S. Kuzm-.'oh (Minsk) K. Zerborak (Foland) anti '.1.V. Sventoslavskiy, G.L. Starobinets and V.F. Tihavyy (Vinsk) Y.F. Lantrata and A.F. Alabyshev (Len-inurad) I.R. Krichevskiy and N.E. Khazanova (Moscow) B.B. Kudryavtscv (.,,,oscom) V.r. Nozdrev (Moscow) A.V. Storenkin and A.G. Morachevskiy (Lenin- grad) I.T. Sryvalin and O.A. Yesin (Sverdlovsk) j..V. Bartenev and A.A. Remizov (Moscow) D.S. Tsiklis (Moscow) U".D.Yefremova (Moscow) M.I. Usanoviel- (Aima-Ata) L.7. Lanshina (Voscow) On the structure of solutions : O.Ya. Samo.TIOV (Moseuw) A F. Kapustinskiy 0"oscow) V.L'. Chulanovskiy (Leningrad) ~.L. Levshin and Ye.C. Baranova and L.D. Derkacheva and L.V. Levshin (Moscow) B.S. Neporent (Le- ningrad) M.P. Vuks (Leningrad) S. Hints (Poland) R.P. Roshchina (Kiyev) N.G. Shlenkina (Tula) A.M. Sarzhevskiy and A.V. Sevchenko (Minsk) L.V. Levshin (!Sosc~.,w) Bertenev Card 2/2 (16oscow) M.A. Styrikovich (Moscow) Yu.1. Solov"yev (Moscow). USCOI,I-DC;-'30.,5'27 GMSIMV, Ys.l.-, XRNSTOTNIKOV. A.R. Thermodynonics of zinc oxide reduction by carbon monoxide and carbon, Izv,vyo uchab# zav.; tevet. met. no.3:.54-62 ' 58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Moskovski7 gosudarstvennyy universitet i MoRkovskiy institut tavet- n7kh metallov t zolota. (Oxidation-Peduction reaction) (Zinc oxide) aIRASIMV. Ta.l.; TLPVSXTBV, A.M.; POZHAWKATA, G.V. Determining thermodynamic parameteis of chromium-cobalt allc,ys by measurements of saturated chromium vapor. Isel. po zharopr. splav. 3:56-60 158. (MIRA 11,11) (Chromium-oobalt alloys--Thermal properties) (Vapor pressure--Measurement) BOV/55-58-6-30/31 AUTHORS: Gerasimov, Ya. I., Yeremin, Ye. N., KiBelev, A. V., Lebedev, Topchiyeva, K. V., Shakhparonovt M. 1. TITLE: Training and Education of Teachers of Higher Schools, and of Scientists and Researchers '0 pu.tyakh podgo- tovki prepodavateley vysshey shkoly i nauohnykh re.botnikov) PERIODICALt Vestnik Moskovskogo univeraiteta, Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki, astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1958, Nr 6, pp 235 - 238 (USSR) ABSTRACTs According to the opinion of the authors the actual training and education of qualified specialists in the fie'd of natural sciences suffers from certain drawbacks: They firist go through a three-years' stage as candidates. This kind of activity is in no way a guarantee for thoroughly penetrating into all necessary fields of theoretical and experimental work in the domain of physics and physical chemistry, and of the other sciences related therewith. Besides the time is too short for defending and proving again the truth of the scientific in- vestigations carried out. It is obvious that the 'brevity of time prevents the candidates from ascending in their investiga- tions from a perfunctory to a more scientific level. There is Card V3 no possibility of selecting certain more interesting themes, Training and Education of Teachers of Higher SOV/55-58-6-30/31 Schools, and of Scientists and Researchers mad the like. Finally the time is too short for giving the candidate a sufficient pedagogical training. Consequently, it is suggested to replace the term of three years for candidates by a five years' term for assistants-on-trial during which time the practical work and the seminaries will be-conducted accord- ing to pedagogical principles and the scientific investigations will be carried out in accordance with the ~Ians of the Chair. Ths examination on the special scientific training: can only be passed, if the aasistant-on-trial adduces the proof of having made a number of particular scientific reports~.'avd of having passed the examination on the fundamentals of marxiam and leninism, as well as that of foreign languages. After having completed his trial term and having successfully passed the final examination, he m4y become candidate lecturer at his own or at any other school. By a well-controlled guidance of the sesistant-on-trial, an excellent selection is wartanted of first-class men of science. Besides, this system irill success- fully further and advance the scientific work of the assistants- on-trial. The authors believe that the chief result of this Card 2/3 Training and Eduoation of Teachers of Higher SOV155-!ia-6-30131 Schoolep and of Ocientists and Researchers roorganisation will be a good training both in the scientific sector and, in the pedagogical field, and will theritfors be Me best way of forming first-class higher achool instructore. Card 3/) AUTHORS: Yeremin, Ye.N. , Ziselev, ,',.V. , .kuratov, S.M. Topchiyeva, K.V., FrofEBsors; thakhparonov, 11.1,, Doctor of Chemical Sciences and Lebedev, V.P., Potsent TITLE- The National Economy Needs Phypico-Chemists (Narodnomm kho- zynystvu nuzhny fiziko-khimiki) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, il%r 7, PP 14-16 (US,,',R) ABSTRACT: The authors stress the necessity of creating special faculties an physico-chemistry in universities. At present, faculties train chemists whose kncwledge of physics is rather limited. The student is not trained in a special branch of chemistry, end the shortage of time does not allow hin to develop his knowledge of practical methods, ASSOCTATION: Moskovskiy P_-osudarstvennyy universilet imeni Lotronoscva (The Moscow State University imeni L070nOSOVI) Card 1/1 AUTHORS: Ccrasimov, Ya. I., Correspondine Me,-,.ber 30-58-7-35/419 !SFVS~SR, 3 M _~r_ronov, M. I., Doctor oi nemical Scionoes TITLE: Tharmodynamics and the Structure of Soliitions (Te=odinamiha i stroyeniye rautvor~,v) Trnnaaction s of the Conference in Mo~~Icow (SoveshchaniYe V Mos!.Vo) PERIODICAL: Veatnik Akademii n:iuk SSSR, '958, Nr 7, pP. 122 - 124 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This conference was callt.,,I 1,i thc Dc:.,,!rt.:-,ont of Chornical Sciences of the AS USSR V. Chemistry Department of Moscow University (Otdeleniya 1;hi-,,-iichcskikh nauk Akademii nauk SSSR i khimichaskiy fakulltet Moskovsko-o univ-~rciteta); it convenea froa January 27th to January 3ot~- It was attended by about 600 physicists, che-ists and thermal power enjineers from the Soviet Union as well as from the people's democracies. Problems of statistical mechanics were diEcussed. In the development of modern molecular theory of solution,% new nothods are being worked out. The theory deals with new methods of mechanical sta- tistical computation of the thernodynamic and kinetic properties of multicomponent systems. The existing methods permit a nufficiently exact computation of the free ener6l as ivell as of Card the properties of the diluted solutions of electrolyti)s and non- ..7 --8 1 Thermodynanics and the Structure of Solutions. -7-35/49 Transactions of the Confere.-ice in Mo.,:cow -eloctrolyten connected with it; amonj the mentioned me,thods those suj~:estod by N.V.Bogolyubov, and his collaborators are of greatest itaportance. In the reportz; ?.nd discussions on 'the sta- tisitical theory of solutions p~irticipl-,ted.A.Ye.GlnLuberm;m. A.Z. Golik, O.A.Yezin, G.Kellb-, Ger,---Yj De-.iocratic Republic (GDR)F V.A.hozheuicv, G.I.Mil-ulin., 11.I.U.,;anrjvich, G.Fallkenkhaien, German Democratic Republic, I.Z.Fishcr, I.R.Yukhnovskiy and otliers. The nain part of the reports and infor7~ations dealt with the problenD of the molecular structure of the solutions, The consid- erettion of some proble--s of the theory of fluctzl~-Aion pli.-yed an important part. G.M.Bartenev, M.V.FLI:s, I.R.Kricherskiy, B,,B~ Kud-ryavtsev, Y.F.I;ozdreT, G.F.Roshchina, V.P.Skripov and others participated in the reports and the discussion concerning the problens of the theory of fluctu%tions and critical phenomena. Great attention was laid to investi---tion3 of solvatation, asso- ciation and dissociation of molecules in the solution by optical and thermodynamic methods. N.A.IznjrlOV, V.L.LeTshin, Sh. LvidVel,lbint.-:nry (VeYjJriy.-i), A.Ye.Lutskiy, S.Mints, Poland (Palfsha), V.FAIV~ollskiy, G.L.St%robincta, J~%.Y.Sukhotin, Yu-I- Card 2/4 SolovlyeT, M.I.Us:-.novich, B.M.Chul-inov,,kiy, K.B.Tataimirskiy and T*h-,-x,:!oi!yj~u::icc -~j.O t~:v, SII--,,,ct~-.-,~ of !3)1~",iu: 7 /1,; 1) of the in '~,,-)-Cow oU:,er3 delivered rc,tortn z.:id on those -Iroble::.s. So:m ,-robIc,3 concerninr, phc,-,o:-.cnolo,;icI.l t.-.crnodyn:~:-iics of liquid colutions Lnl ~.lloy-- wore ,.!,-o f2iscussed. T'-c li~iits of ti~::Iic~Jion of t!-.(: Ifir:,t lr-.%f by Konov-,lov and the second law I - : by VruvnI:iy '.1c:, if %,:IJ )-' , t.,.-4rd com;~o..e~-,t u,i the !;olubility of s,:Ilts in vater inventiuzted. Tile ther-mo- dyn ,!; I i- c-~rD,:crtiett of a series of mu,tallic alloys ivere inve- oti ---ted and ti.e ro-,ilt-- of re.,carch vior'~~ of oversnturated solutions %.e-rc TicntioncL!. The lne-arinZ of the rc?orts and Oiscus- joined '-,,y: K.* Zc:-:b--,)~ O.A.Yesin, A.G. !Ior,-:xhcv.,.I-iy, V.7.SvcntorIav,-':-4y, (1-01 ra), S!.Ulltn, cv, ot...,r-,. On of V~r, Co;-.-~ittee 4 of io's of t ~: A3 (I 011 t- -,Lrj-;~n of for the of Zcic,:tific in thir, field. V-,c, confere::ce recorded the Lrhievc.-m,~2to arde=om In the dcvclo~I,-.cnt of reseurch worl, in this Car 3 3/4 NICIII for a cucce:~sful development. MA 'I " T4 6 ~ 0 Conference on the thermodynamics a~d structure of solutions. Yest*Xookoun*Ber,mat.,nekh.,astron.,fis.,khim. 13 no.2:251- 253 '58- (Kin 12; 2) 1. Chien korrespondent AN SSSR- (Thermodynar4ics) (Solution (Chemistry)) I T11 OR S Gerasimov, Ya. 1. , Shatenslitu.,~,,.. A. T. 114 7 ,.,,r'LE: Yakoy Iosifovich 01"shunakiy (Yakov Iosifovici 01~shanskiy) Obitu,iry Votice (Ifelkroloc.) PERIODICAL*~ Mir-nal f izicheskoy k1jimi-i : 1'55E, Vol '2, itr PP.. 1166 - 1107 (USSIO AMTRACT: Yakov losifovich Doctor of Chemical Si-iences' died at the a,~e of 46 on Jzuiuarj, 6, 1'1`5,'~~ He ' eld lectures in the field of physical chemictry :md de.,At with the invcsti~:ations r in the field of Vie physical clie:-.--.-,ti-.T of hiji te-mocraturer, Ith relation to tl)e Vieory of V,u for--.%t~on of rocks and r , A. nerala. these beinc an inportant contrib,,,.1.ion to the theory of the formation of majmatic milfide de;j-)z;jt6,,. ac well as to the tbeor~~ and practice of mot,lllur~.-.ical He developod solic, original theories for the (-~iuilil)r~iim up to 2500 0C. His last works dealt with V-~u t-leor,-r of Vie develop.--.ent of tber.-lal waters, in which lie chowed that the sali:t~Discan dis.)Iay a mij;ra- tiov of subctanoe, althou.-h Viey ,.-,iy 'ne pr-xtlcully unsolvab1c; lie ullso z,.howed t~;ut a rearran, ~c--e-t cf t,.e w-r~icles in the solid C ard 1j ~2 pli!,we tales place. In connection ne propol"als Ya.kov Iosif"ovich Ollslianakiy for the use of radioactive about: lo works, including carried out hi!~:self. -,(e -~2 5--46/47 ivotope;3, and he pulbh_S*;,ied -Itoj;ether experi~::ental vork;3 which lie had Card 212 1.. ~). , o - GIMMINOVO Ta.-I Resolutions of the Conference on Thermodyngmic6 !md Structure of 4alutions. Zhur. fiz. 1-him. 32 no. 6,1443-1445 Je 158. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Prodgedatell orgkomitata Sovejabehadya po ter-lodinamike i stroyealyu rastyorov. (Solution(Chamistry)) -5(4) '76 AUTHORS: Vveher, A. A,, Geranimov, Ya. 1, C~CV/' --'2-12-27/3--- 0- TITLEt Investigat."on of Thermo~dynamic Pro~or t 4 e Sof B- nary eta! --f Eli?ctrorriotive Forces S~,stema by Means ~jf 'he e 3 6 he e 0 (Issladovaniye termod-inamicheskikh svoystv dvoynykh inotallicheskikh sistem retodom olektrodvi;-.hushchikh sil) I'L The. Copper-Antimony System in S,,~Iid State (11'. Sistema medl- aurlma v tverdom sostoyariii) PERIODICAD. Zhurnal fizic lie skoy khimii I 1?"') 6, V-~11 ~,, Nr 12, j)i) 28 55-28~10 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Measurements wore carr~od out, on copper-antimorky and pure-copper electrodes in a fusion of potassium chloride and lithium chloride ccoitainirE s=e copper-1-chlor-ide. From the values obtained the eq-tiations for the deperidence of the eleitromotive force (EU) upon the temperature %,ere developed. The values calculated show a maximum deviation of I,' from th.~ measured ones. Entropies for copper, antimony, and th,? c3mpounds Cu,,Sb and CUISb at a temperature (if 775-"K were then calculated. These I entrzopy 7alues deviate somewhat. llr= the test results, which Card 41/2 may be due to the method of approx;rnation and the influence of Investigation of the "I'llic- -,-.c,dy nani` ~~ Pr-q-ert'ios of S ()V/7 6 - 1z 2 - 12 - 2',7/32 Binary Metal Sir8i ems by Means of t~,~e Methc-J ~f =-c~ tive Forces. IV. The Coppe,---Antimi.~ny System -in Solid Stat.? t)fho-r 1'Fi,,tt.;.rs wlij'cih were c.-,:nsirlfr~rod. The positive entropies in the format-'on, .-,f ceppexr-a-t-imony alloys can be explained by ,~Ihur,gen the in the Cu Sb and Cu SbIattices. 2 3 7he system 4E, heat coefficients ayj0i. negati-;e is-ijarf,- Aizs riglt be explained by tbc u-ppearun~-& cf :,nmp~urds. Th,~ Coefficients f~.r the (%_Sb are; ..1.81+ 0.02 krai/ at. r There are fig-~-r;~13;4 t,11')-',~3, ar.1 -forz?nnes, 7 of whi-ch are I Ovi e t. ASSOCIATIOJ-. Ilookcvskly gosudarsven-.%yy 111. V, Lomonosr,,-,rp. (M6,11r:6111 SUBMITTED: Jilar:;h Card IC12 -AUTHORS: Geyderikh, V. A. SOV/2o-12o-6-30/59 Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR.Vecher, A. A, TITLE: Thormodynamics of the Production of the Highest Iron Anti.monids (Termodinamika obrazovaniya vysshego antimonida zhelaza) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 12o, Ur 6., pp 1274 - 1276 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is an investigation of the production of FeSb 2 from the elements according to the reaction Fe(so1id)+2Sb(solid)=FeSb 2 by means of the e.m.f.method. This was done by Investigating the dependence of the e.m.f.of the cell Fel Fe2+, XCI+LiCl (solution)lFeBb 2+Sb upon temperature in the interval 410 . Ooo,, 12 melts with a varying composition (within the heterogeneous range FeSb2+Sb of the phase diagram of the Fe-Sb system) were investigated. The experimental methods have been described already earlier. The results of all experiments were interDreted by means of the method of least squares, The equation Card 1/3 E- 0,1497 - 0,00004 T (in Volts) was found for the function Thermodynami..-s of the Production of the Highest Iron SOY/2o-12o-6.1o/19 Antimonide E-T(T). By means of this equation It is possible to compute the variations of the isobaric-isothermal potential, of enthalpy and of entropy in the production of FeSb 2 by means of this reaction: AZ.-nFE--6,9+0,0016T (Kzal/mol). A H--6,9+ 0,4 (kcal/mol).-2,30+ 0.1 (kcai/gram atom), A S-1,~� 0,4 (kcal/degree..MolT-0,6t'O,1 (kcal/degree,gram aton). Differences between these resulta and that obtained by other authors and the possible causes for this fact are mentioned, Finally the theoretical calculation of tZ by means uf the equation for the liquidus range of the meltability diagram of the Fe-Sb system is presented. The agreement attained is satisfactory. There are 1 figure and 8 references, 6 of whi~~h are Soviet . ASSOCIATIOV: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im.M.Y.,Lomonosova (,Moscow State University imeni M..V.Lomoncsov) SUBMITTED; Uarch 1, 1956 Card 2/3 Thermodynemion of the Production of the Highest Iron SOY/2o-12o-6-30/59 Antimonift 1. Antimorgi-iron systems--Production 2. Antimony-iron system---Therrx)d,,rnea:.(.. propertSes 3. Antimony-iron systems-Enetropy 4. Antimony-t_ron .--Erithftlpy 5. Mathemtics--Applications Card )/3 .18(6) AUTHORS3 Alekseyev, X. V., Gerasimov, Ya.I.. SOV/20--121-3-26/47 Corresponding Me~be_r_,I-a~---- TITLEs The Investigation of the Structure of the Liquid Bi-Sn Alloys (1asledovaniye struktury zhidkikh splavov Bi--Sn) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, Vol 121, Nr 3, PP 488-491 (USSR) ABSTRACTr The properties of the liquid alloys are deturmined essentially 4y the force of the intermolecular bonds and by the grouping of the molecules. Therefore it is important experimentally to determine the structure of the liquid alloys and the (at least qualitative) connection between the structure of the alloy and its properties. First, an equation is given for the cal- culation of the curve of the radial distribution (for the case that the liquid consists of several kinds of atoms). The authors investigated the system Bi-Sn by means of the electron diffraction instrument IM-4 which was adapted to experiments at high temperatures. The method of the free films which was suggeated by A. I. Bublik and B. Ya. Pines (Ref 2) did not give the expected results. +he best results were obtained when the Card 1/3 film of the free metal was fastened by very thin quErtz layers. SOV/20-1 21 -3-26/47 The Investigation of the Structure of the Liquid Bi-Sn Alloys The preparation of the samples is discussed in a few lines. Xtesurements were carried out at t - 2900. the curves of the experimental intensity were deduced from th6 data of these measurements and are shown in a diagram. Tho positions of the diffraction maxima are given in a table, First the authors give a detailed report on the pure metals, For Sn, the position of the maxima agrees well with the data found by other authors. I~he structure of liquid Bi depends in it high degree on temperature. For the intensity curves of the intermediary alloys the following rule was foundr There JB a gradual trans- ition from the type of pure Sn to the type ;f pure Bi without any additional maxima. Ihe values obtained for normalized in- tensity were used for the calculation of the radia" distribution function. The integrals were 'calculated by means of an electronic computer. The curves of radial distribution are given in a figure.. 1t is advantageous to SLbdivide the in- vestigation of these curves into 3 stages% 1) Pure Bi and pure Sn, 2) alloy of eutectic composition; in this case the first maximum of the radial distribution is the result of the super- Card 0 position of 3 maxima, The place of the first maximum corresponds 5 -C L) V/2 CI - ~ 2z 2 6 / 4 7 The investigation ef the Stru-.ture of the Liq,,i-,d Bi,Sn Alloys irell with the leRst distance between the atoms in liquid Sri (3,25 -- 3;35 A). According to the calculations discussed by the author, -i.8 Sn atoms are located at a distance of 3,35 A around a given Sri atom Moreover, 2 1 Bi atoms are located at a distance of 3 65 k But if B.J is located in the center of the ccordi-nation sphere. 2 Sn atoms (r - 3:,85 1) and 5,,2 Bi a-~oms (T ~ 4,45 1) are arranged arounei this Bi atom. These results imply a distinctly exp-ressed tendency towards miorobeterogeneity 3) Ailloys of a zompooition which in between eutectic composition and tin pure components. In this oase, the maxims are not resolved into thei:, components and their position does not coincide with the poisition of the maxima of the pure components. These phenomena may be caused by the total misLibility of the components. Thert are 3 figures, I! table, and 10 TeferenoeB, 8 of which are Soviets ASSOCIATIONi Moskovskiy gosud.arstvenryy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imen-t M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED.R April 16, 1958 Card 3/3 G AUTITC1.3: SOV,'12 a - 12'- 5-2 1/56 It U V Geyderikh, V. A. Acade;.iy of Scie.-:ces, USSR, e..ier, A... t. Tj'?TE. The Tilermodynamic Properties of tIi-:? Solid Solutions Cu-M and Fe-Co ( ~,,voystva tverdyl-h rastvorov Cu-Ni i Fe-co) PERIODICAL: Doklaly A'.:ademii naul: SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, I-Ir PP 834 - o7.6 (usn) ABSTR t.CT: The authors determined the free ener~;y, t.'-Ie i-~eat or for-i-tion, and tl~e entropy of fo-mation of the alloys cl~-Ni and also the activity of 4 ron in the allays Fe-Co by the met.'iod of electromotive forces. The electromotive force of thle alloys Cu-Ni was measured in a Gaalv~~nic ele:-,ent: Cu(solid)IC11" (,-lei t) CuJ+KJ-+IiaJ)ICu-!Ti(L-.-Iloy). T,,e alluys were ~rcdtzced from nic::el- r.~-.d Zinc Powder bL, pras-ing and subsequent anneali,,U(for a ~Izrdtion cl~. up to 100 hours Lt 1050-12500C) !--n(' ana lyzed after the smelting test. The results obI,:-.J-ed by tliese Card 1/It experimento ~ro shown by a The elect:=otive les of V:C, 05011/2o-122-5-24/!" force p---,rfoctlZ~ cc,,:,,,' , t :.nd re~jrodrzcible 0 wi'.Idn a li:iiit of evro--n or 195 to 2"'0. Frxi tl,o edoctromotive force and its te i-lor;-turo V.~C ac-tivi~.t; (U cu ), t~.(l rc-!~.tive lxat content I .U -t:id L`:e ci~ -,,i-t, of tale Cu were tle!,-mr ined f01' eL'--C1I Of tile alloYs. By means of C;r:-phical into,--ration t~ie heat -md entrapy of f,Dr-Xtion of 'U'ii:3 system, were then, fou!A. Forl--mlae Lare given for the de-cri.:tion of the exleri7:iental results T-ic- s~ 'u-:ti fo--.-is a continuoun serios of oolid --olutions. Acc-)rdin. to t 4 - ven 4 the ~.-.uthors, t-P o:,-stcm, Ciz-111i furnl..-hes positive devi:,.tions from Raoult's (Raull ) whi,:~h, however, are leso t~ioce for t7,.e sz,stem Au-Fe and Au-Ni. Howe-,-Cr, tj-~C CI(CO-IS ei)tropy CA t'-e mix~i:rtl (-izbytoch- naya entropiya smeoheniy..) of Vi,-~ :'11-1,ys 'u-1:i are ..e I 7'-Aivi~ .o -) -1(..rod 1,.A io,, ()f' %t in t h e Car, 2, 1 L1-(:,ys Cu-Ni cou.10 ',)(- u,,;co,-rt~-;,-c-d ~~y .?hic The Thormodynamic Pro-perties of the Solid SO.IjUt4onS SOV/2o-122-5-24/56 Cu-ITi and F*-Co investi.--t ions because the difference with rcspect to diffrangibility between the copper- and nickel atoms i-- too However, measure~2ents of the A c rl~ .. ea , -ctric ro-i~:ta.,ice and t~ie m, ;-, tic _ropertieB of the cop:)er-n.4c',-eI ,.lljyj indlicate t~~.e exioti~nco of a certain or~_*er in t,ic~r- This orde--ed sta-~e '.s probably n,ee,ted 4'C~ self-action of t-e free electrons Co- (valonce elfctrons-) of cop~,er and nic'~:el. An ordercd state in Cu-Ni-Iloys is. accor.,!iz,-- to the authors' opinion, :_Iuito possible. The ordered state of the Cu-Ni-alloys exercises consille.-able influe:.:ce upon t,.-,e values of Vie excos-- ei:tropy of for:,iation. The highly ne~;ative values of Vie exce3s entropy (if calculated fro.-,, relativelX low positive he-As of formation) give positive exceso free ent:rGies. The electromotive force increa.,~es i:iorc! rapilly th_,n linearly with increasing tem.peratu_,e. 11-~cfron it follows 1) that with in- creasing the positive deviations from C~Ird 5/4 RI,)Ultls Invi rrtiJ~Ily dec.-ease, and 2) the heat The Tnermody' i,,-:iic Propc-rties of the Solid Solitions SOV/2o-122-5-24/56 cu-Ni c) and Fe t'-.e ertropy of formntion Of CD "Der-3i" C alloys depends R-i-ther of t,.e stn,.cture cop,~cr-zinc -1137s -e-, lo '-e nccec ~~z 1-y. The v-Ax,c!Z; of the acLivity of i--on in Fe-Co'-Le-alloys fou.nd by the ;.uthor3 -ohm,.-n 'uy -,. di,,,,~ram r-rd nLree well t:,c- r. -.-al Lo o",t., i:led T.S,-.,ov et ~1.(Rcf 11). F- (:~. - ~ - r.1, f iE; d 1 c c e:, , IT f , I'; I c! i ar c S,., T:.~, --,--tv c, Loimonoc- ova Ly ,O-_. L V) SUB'-'!TT"Z'D: july 1, 1)~` Card 4/4 24(8)t 180) S011/20-123-5-27/50 AUTr,ORS: Co Vecher, A. A., Go rresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR TITLE: The Thermodynamic Properties of the Alloys of Copper With Palladium (Termodinamioheakiye avoystva splavov medi s palladiyem PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1950, Vol 123, fir 5, pp 666-869 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors determined (by the method of electromotiveforoes) tile free energy, the heat and the entropy of mixing of copper-palladium alloys. For this pur- pose, the electromotive force of the galvanic element Cu/Cu+(halide solution)/ Cu-Pd (alloy) was measured. The method of these measurements was described in a previous paper (Ref I). Melts of potassium chloride and lithium chloride of eutectio composition and also of sodium iodide and potas- sium iodide of minimunmelting temperature (- 590 0C) were used as electrolytes. In the first case, 1% CuCl was added to the electrolyte, in the second case Cui. In the Card 1/3 majority of the experiments, molts of potassium iodide$ sodium 3OV/120-123-5-27i150 The Thermodynamic Properties of the Alloys of Copper With ?alladium Iodide, and copper iodide of the above-diacuesed composition were used. The preparing of tho alloys is described in shors; The exporiments were carried out at temperatures of 600-760 in an atmosphere of purified argon; they took 130-150 hours. The experimentally found values of the electromotive force for any composition were plotted against temperature, and a straight line was drawn through the experimentally found points. The deviations of the individual valuea of the electro- motive force are not higher than + 0-5 - 1%. The further evaluation of experimental data was described in a previous paper (Ref 2). The second figure shows the ac:tivitg of copper and palladium in alloys at the temiperature of' 1000 K. The third figure gives the integral values of the heat, free energy gnd entropy of the formation 8f copper-palladium alloys at 1000 K. At temperatures above 600 , the investigated al- loys were not ordered. A tendency towards ordering is distinct- ly markedp however, aloo at high temperaturea. This conclusion may be drawn from the negative deviation of the thermodynamic I functions from the ideal laws, from the strongly negative beat of mixingo and from other phenomena. The thermodynamic Card 2/3 properties of the copper-palladium alloys at 1000 0K (uhich SOY/'2o-1 23-')-27i- 50 The T~ermodynaraic Properties of the Alloys of Copper With Palladium were found by the authors) correspond to the existence of superstructures in these alloys at lower temperatures. There are 3 figures and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Yoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. ':'. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni 11. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: August 29, 1958 Card 3/3 18(6)~ 5W SOV/1 5/6-59- 1-4/54 AU2 HC .`~S i Vecher, A. A., T'he Construction of a Jart of the Liquilos l,;.,rve of the System Copper - Antimony Acccrdin,- to Tlc=,dynamic D,'V. ko-Po2troyeniye chasti krivoy li'Xvi,2,,jFa ::;ed' - -,~rlr'a po termodinazichoshim dannym) PMUODICAL: Fauchn;,ye dolclady vysshey shkoly. jiMiya i khimich2skaya V tekhnologiya,, 1,0510, Nr 1, pp 16 - 15 ('u3---R) ABSTUCTt The thermodynamic data used arn not lintel hore bul are civvn ,in two previous publict-tirris by the outhol-.,; (7,cf I,,-,of '21/' The liquid-Lis curvo botwcon 0 and 40 wVfo of copper and the position of the r-axinum b,-!,;;onn 50, --n(i 6C~ wtr!' O-f copper are given a close inveqti.-,ation. For calculating the curve, the dc~cndcnce 1t- a (.) n-per 0.05 atcr.,.J-,, yields of anti- 0 Sb mony bct%,.,c-r!r. C-95 -- MC, Sb in tlc t,---rrcr--tura, r--nee 800 - 10000X is calculatud (Table 1). Thc values found are in aCrcei.-'ent da'a oltainei by ct!,c!r authars (Xa~;ram, P- '. 2~ , Thc bot!x-~?n V~c- --cint and tl.e Card /2 tc--ctic point of Cu,,Sb ic similarly calculated from ill ,r - r,--r ,, Tho Coiatruc-Uon of a Part of Ue M-IliLidlin Cr~cvc, of t"-c System Copper - Antimony Acecrdij,' to Data the -condition 2 IC a )+ 1C a -:,"Cu2Sb C, Cu(ailoy Sb(allo,, 4.575 T at 8CO 850 K (thv data for this calculpltion -are given ~n refe'n.'I""o 2). The tein,,oraturc de:ondence of tho electro- motive force of the Galvaric coll Cul scild :cu+ (in YCI, .- 4 IACI- + CUC1 ;Ip1t)jCu-Sb liquid alloy sho,.-s that the maximuti .)f t'~,o li,~uidus curvo is rpar the empound Cv $I and no", as has been prosu::Ld by other 5 2 .1 asa4-hori, near C,,~.,Sb. The ~haso dia,;ram of flie system. Cu-Sb ~s ahowp, Zoo::-e aro 7 fi,~tiros, 21 labIes, and 6 references, of Vhi-,11 n~-e sovist. ASS~CIATNIT: Kafcdra fizir"es,-ey khimii Mos!,ovj::c-!-o gosudaTstv~-.nno,,Io universitete. in, V. Lf.mcno~,,ova (C',,air of nhysical Chemi- stry of Moscor. State Univ ty imeni M. V. -,omon,:,,srv) SUBM I .*'Ti;D. June 30, 1958 Card 212 5 k2) SOV/78-4-10-2/40 AUTHORS: Yevoeyev, A. I., Pozharskaya, G. V., Nesmeyanov, An. N., Gerasimov, Ya. I. I.--,.- ~..... ..... ---- TITLE: Vapor Pressure of Lithium Fluoride PERIODICAL: Zhurnal noorganicheskoy khimiij 1959, Vol 4, NT 10, pp 2189-2191 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The determination of the vapor pressure was carried out so- cording to the effusion method in a nickel ;hamber because this metal does not react with lithium fluoride. The tempera- ture of the chamber was measured with a Pt-:PtRh-thermocouple and a potentiometer of the PPTN-1 type and the galvanometer of their2l/4 type. The easily volatt'a impurities (Li 2 CO 31 UOH) were removed by heating in vacuo up to 7000, The results of the determination are presented in table! 11 figure 1 shows the dependence of the vapor pressure of Lil' on the tempera- ture in the range of from 926 - 1026*5 0K. 1~rom this the heat of sublimation for the absolute zero point was found to be 60*64 kcal/mole. The value is in good agreement with the cal- oulation made by the Inatitut goryuchikh i:3kopayemykh kkademii Card 1/2 nauk SSSR (Institute of kiniftE. FutW-, I - of the Academy VLpor Pressure of Lithium Fluoride SOV/76-4-10-2/40 of Sciences, USSR), which gave 60-74�0-1 kcal/mole. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 3 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIOV: Moskovskiy goaudaretvennyy universitet im. 9. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: July 20, 1958 Card 2/2 9561 -0C 'em 1cmi4rxcm A _a T_.j gll .... T~a ln 5 _" M) (___n 7 -A xjm..R--x ; ISDIZ7=69T : wo V".A J. --I .c U" V qs p- ..u's _T -2 AS P"T'%qo '%'P -TRI lq.& .& lq" *S -Is -T. *1 -2.0 s. -7"/r--,R 9*a;~Z-~5 -q -4 FT -q1 -FT.* vU F-UUs J* I Tz..q PVT" v .T."vas.4 q% qs (R"4 ..-.Toy J. t-ov-7 Tos."..D J. %ut Im- IT-T." "tmwAld.X.j wrM.A&.V %.Sjj..X qj Aq -j, .1 so Im " Z/s P-0 .41 J. .-.. Ze -t Sqn .3 .*. Is 'mn. 4 P..* .7 ._2 UP lp. "A's -qs vsi- P-zr~ _;U#P4Uv .4% o0z 3 4--d - R%I. _.."S a e *ZV16 zq VU9 (t OU) -t" MI j0 -0 wvs rMs- US *qwqo r ,4;. VA -(C 1-mrs-N) -%-U-TvUU Utm as wTwJjwvw .9% ft%-" $sDI IRWTUX "m J. V_ __" US UOT.4j. J. PzU*v.U --d aodva 4qt -w%vM. ~TtjLzo% ma; vAojv-qjg A T S* P.R"m wn 0% Ihnv."- P.O.P.4d _. wpjx_Jj "TITA-ff l4aTzIny (ma) "Ir-s6&Z Of 80L 49 *P ZOA '696& VITWTWlt JGWUAJlVU22bUU SU`W~U M"Worm -vls-u "TITZ-9 2m Xd.,L jo ~mwxz IWUIL -IT "L 1~10 .moss x -K -T -.2 um"T 5~2) SOV/78-4-10-4/40 'AUTHORS: Yovsayevj: A* M*, Pozharskays., G. V., Nesmayanov, An. If., Geraoimovp TITLE: Vapor Pressure of Aluminum Fluoride PERIODICALi Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiip 1959, Vol 4, Nr 10, pp 2196-2197 (USSR) A,BSTRACT: The papen available so far on the problem mentioned in the title (Refs 1-3) are mentioned In brief and the results ob- tained by W. Olbrich (Bet 2) and 1. 1. Naryshkin (Ref 3) were denoted as inexact. The determination of the vapor pressure of AlF3 was carried out in the temperature range of 980-11230Y, in a platinum effusion chamber. The device has already been de- ncribed in a previous paper (Ref 4). The data obtained are given in table 1. From the experimental data and the heat capacities (these were calculated in Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh Akademii nauk SSSR - Institute of Combustible klinerale of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) a heat of subli- mation of 73-46 kcal/mole at Ooi resulted. Table 2 compares the values obtained with the data of references 1-3. There Card 112 are I figure, 2 tableel and 4 references, 2 of which are Sovid.- 5(4) SOV/76-33-5-27/33 AUTHORS. Nikol'skays, A. V., Lomov, A. L., Gerasimov, Ya. I. (moscow) TITLEt The Investigation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Binary Metallic Systems According to the Method of Electromotoric Forces (Isaledovaniye termodinamicheskikh svoystv dvoynykh metallicheakikh sistem metodom clektrodvizhushchikh sil 5-The System Copper - Bismath (5. Sistema med' - vi3mut~- PERIODICkLt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimi.4, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 5, pp 1134 - 1139 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The concentration chains -Cu solidiGucl, Nacl - KC1 (CaNB'I-N)+liquid (N - molar copper content of the inelt) were investigated. The investigation was carried out in a 0 temperature interval of from 1150 - 12250K at a concentration VCu , 0.063 - 0,710. The values for the emf were plotted as f(T) for each concentration, and a linear dependence was found. The values for 1150, 1175, 1200, and 12250YL were found by interpolation. Table 1 shows these valaes. The activity Card 1/3 of copper with regard to 3olid and to lijjid undercooled 17 7 The Investigation of the Thermodynanic Propertics f;OV/76-33-5-"7/.'.j of Binary Uetallic Systems According to the Method of Electromotoric Forces- 5. The System Copper - Bismuth copper was calculated from the values for the emf. The values for the logarithm of the act-Jiity coefficient of copper (IgXCU), the partial heats, and the surplus entropies of the mixing of copper are also shown in table 1. Table 2 shows the corre.9ponding values fur bismuth. The values for electrodes with a copper content N> 0.701 -were found by extrapolation. Figures 1 aud 2 sho-k graphical description of the partial and integral heats and the mixing entropies. The system Cu-Bi differs considerably from Racult's law. The differences decrease with rising temperature. The Ou-Bi melts are fortned under heat absorptior, the mixing heats being considerably high. With equiatomic composition their maximum is 1600 The considerable positive differ- ences of the entropy from the ideal valuus are characteristic of Cu - Bi melts. This fact is explained by the great difference of the atomic volumina of the two components. The retarded chan,;e of the mixing heat and the mixing entro- 0 Card 2/3 pies in the ranae of from 0.3 - 0.7 N C11 is ind'-cated. Hence The Investigation of the Thermodynamic PropOrtic-9 SOV/76-33-5-27/33 of Binary Metallic Systeris According to the Lethod of Dectromotoric Forces. ~j. The System Copper - Bismuth It is concluded that the Cu - Bi melts havu a micr~)hetero- geneous structure. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 12 references, 6 of which are Sovict. ASSOCIATION: 14ookovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeroitet im. K. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomorosov) SUBUITTI-1 3 11ovember 11, 1957 Card 3/3 5(10 ~0/'76- 3 3 - 7 - 3 914o 111THORS t Gerauimov, Ya. I., Topchiyeia, K. V., Semiokhin, 11 k.) TITL-'-': Georgiy Mitrofanovich Panchenkov. On the Occasion of His 50th Birthday PERIOLICALt ZhUrnal fizicheskoy khimii, '959, Vol 35, Nr 7, Pp 1674 - 1675 (USSR) ABSTRACTi On April 24, 1959 G,~ M. Panchenkov, a well-known Soviet specia- list in physical chemistry and Professor at the Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. I. M. Gubkinn and Idoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow In- stitute for Petroleum-Chemical and Gas Indastry imeni I. M. Gub- kin and Moscow State University), celebrated his 50th birthday, The main fields with which he was concerned care the k '.retice of hetitrogeneous catalytic processes, the methods of separating and analyzing isotopes, and the theory of the liquid phase. His investigations of the mechanism of the transformation of hydro- carbons on aluminum silica,.e catalysts by the ase of (leuterium as a marking atom as well as his publications on the ".heory of viscosity are especially worth mentioning. For the la".ter he was Card 1/2 awarded the Stalin Prize for the field of sciences in 1952. The Georgiy Mitrofatoyiob Panchenkov. On the Occasion 3()V/76-33--7-39/"0 0? His 50th Birthday metbod of separating boron isotopes devised by G. M. Panchenkov et. al was demonstrated at the Vsesoyuznaya promyshlenne,ya vystav- ka (L11-Union Industrial Exposition) and was awarded a diploma Of the second class, this method also has won general E,pprecia- tion at international expositions in Geneva, Leipzig, Peking, and Warsaw. Professor G. M. Panchenkov, who is also a .eacher, fourAed the Kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii ikCbair of Physical and Colloid Chemistry) at the above-mentioned Institute as well as the Laboratoriya khimii i razdeleniya izoto-Dov v MGU (Laboratory for Chemistry and Isotope Separation at Moscow State University), which have been headed by him lip to this day, 2 disfiertations for the degree of Docltor and 15 dissertations for the degree of Candidate were completed under his supervision, lie published 2 monographs, about 1oo scientific articles, and obtained lo patents for his inventions. G. M. Panchenkov is a member of the International Committee for Constants, Furthermore, he was awarded the orders 'Trasnaya Zvezda" and "Znak Pocheta" as *vell as the title of Laureate of t"e Stalin Prize, There Is Card 2112 1 figure, 24 (8) AUTHOR: Gersaimay, T~, I., Corresponding Memberl BOY/20-127-1.-65/65 -HINSW, Chaf&Wn of the Committee for Chemical Thermodynamics of the Department of Chemical Sciences of the Loademy of Sciences, USSR TITLE: To All Scientific Workers of the USSR Who Carry out Work That Is Connected With the Measurement of Thermal Quantities (Ko Yeem nauchnym rabotnikam SSSRp provodyashchim raboty, svyawznM a izmareniyam teplovykh velichin) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 1, Rear Cover (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Xomissiya po khimichookoy termodinanike pri Otde:Lenii khimicheskikh nauk Akademii nauk SSSR (Committee for Chemical Thermodynamics of the Department of Chemical Scienceg of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) states that there is no irmiformity with respect to measuring units in the results published by vaiious authors concerniag the measurement of thermal quanti- ties. Thus, it frequenill happens that the nature of calories and their ratio to absolute joule is not specified. The pro- bable causes of this lack of uniformity is briefly discussed. Card ?or the purpose of bringing about uniformity in this respect, To All 90itntific Workers of the USSR Who wCarry out SOV/20-127-1-65/65 Work That Is Connected With the Measurement of Thermal Quantities the above committee suggests that all authors take the follow- ing into account in their publications: 1) Absolute Joule must serve as a measuring unit in all published results. RDBUItS obtained by measurements may also be expreased in calories, but in each publication the ratio between calory and absolute joule must be explained. 2) With respect to this ratio, the above committee is of the opinion that, according to the character and aitk of the measurements concerned, one of the following antities may be uned; a) I calory - 4.1868 absolute joule according to COST 8550-57)s This calory was defined at the 5, International Conference on the Properties of Water and $team, London 1956 &a the "International Calory of the Properties of Ste;z". b~ I calory - 4-1840 absolute joule. This is the con- version to absolute joule of the ratio 1 calory - 4,1833 inter- national 3oule, which was accepted in 1934 by the Poistoyannaya tormodinamiohsakays komiaBiya (Standing Committee on* Therm- - dynamics~ The above ratio is at present being widely -used in many countries for the purpose of expressing the results of pa- Card 2/3 pers on thermochemistry and chemical thermodynamics. As the To All Scientific Workers of the USSR Who Carry out SOV/20-127-1-65,/65 Work That to Connected With the Measurement of Thermal Quantities fundamental measuring unitg absolute joule, is exactly ostab- lished, selection of one or the other coefficients for the ratio between the unit calory) beyond the fundamental system and the fundamental unit ~absolute joule) is no longer of any buoic im- portance and depends only on prabtical use. From this point of view, also the ratio I calory - 4.1840 absolute joule iii also to be preferred for work in the field of chemical therzodyna- ales for the following reasons: a) In very many publications such as monographs, reference works, etc., this ratio is al- ready being used without this fact being expressly mentioned. b) By using the ratio 4-1840 the averaged data may be compared without conversion with tho overwhelming majority of data of foreign publications. ASSOCIATION: Komiosiya po khimicheakoy termodinamike pri Otdelenii khimi- cheskikh nauk HSA kkademii nauk SSSR (Committee for Chemical Thermodynamics of the Department for Chemical Sciences of the Card 313 Academy of Sciences, USSR) 5W SOV/20--127-3-31/71 AUTHORS: Anikinp A. G., Gerasimov, Ya. I.# Corresponding Member, As USSR, Gordeyev-"T. V; TITLE: The Absorption of Ultra-high Frequency Oscillations in Aqueous and Alcoholic Solutions of RbCl and CsCl-Salts PERIODICAL: Dokla4y Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959) Vol 127, Nr 3, PP 589-590 (USSR) AISTRACT: The present paper is the first of a series of investigations of the above-mentioned oscillations of inorganic and slemen- tal-organic compounds, carried out for the purpose of finding maxima on the obtained curves if there is a dependence between concentration and the temperature. Forman and Crisp (Ref 1) found such maxima for N&Cl and C&Cl, and it was found that with 4 decrease of frequency, the m*xJ= shifted to lower coneentrations. In the case of even lover frequencies, the maximum would have to shift towards even lover concentrations. This probable state of affairs was investigated in the prosent paper by means of the salts mentioned in the title within the frequency interval of from 3 - 11 megacycles. For the purpose of being investigated, the solution was introduced into tbe alternating field of a condenser. Voltage was measured by Card 1/2 means of the kilovoltmeter S-96. All experiments were carried SOV/20-127-3-31/71 The Absorption of Ultra-high Frequency Oscillations in Aqueous and Alcoholic Solutions of HbC1 and CsCl-Salts out under the some conditions; 0-35 &i 3.6 kv, sample volume 5 0- Absorption was determined from the temperature increase of the solutions at the various concentrations during the same irradiation periods. The data obtained are given by ta- bles 19 2 and figures 1, 2. Results: of the pure solvents, methyl alcohol absorbed the field more than water, and the alcoholic solutions absorbed more than the aqueous ones. The comparative investigations had been carried out at the same con- centrations in the case of the two solvents. The me a for RbC1 in alcoh9lic solutions occurred at C - 8.9.10-lmimol~.Jj 1001 2u2.9.10 -'mol%i Cacl:C-1.3-jo-3mol/l, WON -4-3-10--"1iol%,' and in aqueous solutions for T1 at C-9.3.10-3mol/1' 101)N2' . 1.7010-3mol%; CsCl:C.1 .3.10- mol/l, 10ON -4-3-10- mol%,, Thust the assumption concerning the shifting of the maxima toward lower concentrations at low frequencies was confirmed. Besides, the maxima for the salts investigated were found for the first time. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 2 reforences, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Io:kovskiy gosudaretyenny universitet im. M. V. LomoAosova scow State University Imeni. H. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITT D: April 27, 1959 Card 272 AUTHOR-. Ger"im, .."&4 0 Corresponding SOV/20-127-3-71/71 ! 'ft ~ Q %- hairman of the Commisaion 6e rr j USSRj TITLEt To All Scientific Workers of the USSR Carrying Out Work That Is Connected With the Measurement of 'Thermal Quantitieo PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadenii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Nr 3, Rear Cover (USSR) ABSTRACTs The following decision was made at the meeting of the Commission for Chmmioal Thermodynamics at the Otdoleniye khimicheakikh nauk Akademii nauk SSSR (Department of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) on April 20, 1959- It is recommended that calories be defined in Joule, and to atats what definition was used, There exist two definitionst (a) 1 Cal - 4-1868 abs. Joule, which was filed un4er GOST 8550-57, and which corresponds to the international Cal, determined at the International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam, London 1956. Ths second definition# (b) I Cal - 4.1840 abs- JOU10 CDrresponft to the conversion of the international value of 4-1833 fixed in 1934 into absolute Joule. Also the latter value may be -ased, because it is widely known in published works. Card 'i AUTHORt Chairman of the Commission SOV12o-128-1-5815a and Corresponding Member, AS JSSR TITLEs To All Scientists of the USSR Occupied lNith Measurement of Thermal Quantities PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 1, flear cover (um) ABSTRACT: Thin is a publication of a resolution adopted by the Komissiya po khimioheskoy termodinamike pri Otdelenii khimicheskikh nauk Akademii. nauk SSSH (Commission for Chemical Thermodynamics at the Department of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) at a meeting held on April 2o, 1959. The Commission suggested to introduce uniform definitions for thermal quantities according to the kind and purpose of measurementi a) 1 cal - = 4.186a abs. Joule (GOST 8550-57) in accordance wit), the "In- ternational Calorie" (London 1956), or b) 1 cal = 4.184c abs, Joule, which is also a generally accepted equivalent (thermo- chemistry, chemical thermodynamics). Card 1/1 0 66183 SOV/20-126-5--37/67 AUTHORS: Zharkova, L. A., Qq.Faslm~v, Ya. Io, Corresponding Member, AS USSR9 Rezukhina, T. N., SimanoV-,-Yu. P. TITLEi The Equilibrium Between Zinc Tungstate and Hydrogen and the Thermodynamic Characteristics of ZnWO 4 PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 5, pp 992-994 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The thermodynamic characteristics of tungstates and molybdates of bivalent metals have been investigated at the laboratory of the authors since 1944. The method of circulation applied so far was not applicable here as zinc evaporates and is carried away from the reaction zone. The method devised by J.A.Kitchener and S. Ignatovics (Ref 10, Fig 1) was therefore employedp yet not the quantity of the volatile product but the hydrogen content of the gas mixture in equilibrium was determined, i.e. by measuring the electromotive force between two hydrogen electrodes, one being saturated with pure hydrogen and the other with a mixture of hydrogen and argon. In order to check the precision of the apparatus, the authors measured the temperature dependence of the Card 1 /2 equilibrium constant of zinc-oxide reduction (Fig 2,1). Herefrom e 66183 The Equilibrium Botween Zino Tungstate and Hydrogen BOV/20-128-,Ii-37/67 and the Thermodynamic Characteristics of ZnWO 4 it resulted that it was in good agreement with the values obtained by Kitchener and Ignatovicz. For the reaction ZnW04 + 4H2 - Zngas + I + 020, the authors calculated the reaction constant KI, and determined the phase composition of the reaction products with the help of radiography. Experimental results are listed in table 1, 0and figure 2JI indicates the dependence of lgKP on 1/T. 'AH298 = -327.0 kcal/mol, AS098 = -11o.66 cal/mol.degmg AZO 285-1 kcal/mol were 2 298 - - computed by a method developed by M.I. Temkin and L.A. Slivartsman (Ref 16). There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 16 references, 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov SnMITTED-. July 2, 1959 Card 2/2 IMOV, Andrey Tledimirovich, prof. [decessed)i Prinimali uchsatiye: BUMWIN. I'm,; MIONSKIT, A.A.; GRYAZHOT, T.M.-, DEMM11WA, K.I.: DINTSES, A.I.; DOERCRAYOT. R.K.-, ZLMOYA, T.R.: ZHWO. A.T.; XPATIT31T. T.H.Z MATKOVSKIT. D.A.; KOROBOY. V.V.; HOOR. IMWRSQY, U.S.; R&OVSKIY, A.T.; PMUZ, Te.K.; RUMOVSKIT. D.M.; RTMOT, M.V.; SXRBBRTAKOVA. Te.K.; STEMIMOVICH, A.D.; hMIGALIVA, N.Y.; TATIVSKIT, T.K.; TILICHITHT. K.D.; TRIM', A.G.: 1205T, 0.1.: SHILTAYETA, L.T.; SHCHUIR, T.T.. DMGOPCLOY, X.31.1 sostavitel ~t I.. *tv. red.; SKWOTA, I.T.j red.; TMVHIYAVA. X.T.; TASTRIBOT. V.V., red.; KONDRASHKOYA, S.F., red. iod-val LAZARRYA. L.T., (Valected scientific works] lzbranap usuchn" trudy. Moskva, JFzd-vo Kosic.univ., 1960. 512 p. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Chlea-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gerasimov). (Chemistry, Physical snd theoretical) PHASE I BOOK PAILOITATION S' 0 V/3 6 4 0 ..Ger-Aiji!jo~VYakov Ivanovich, Aleksandr Nikolayevich Krestovnikov, anj Aleksey Te-Yg-iy-#V=-ShAkhov Kb1micheskaya termodinamika v t8vetnoy metallurgii. t. 1: Teoret- icbeskoye vvedeniye. Termodinamicheakiye svoystva vazbneyshikh gazov. Termodinamika tainka I yego vazhneyshikh soyedineniy; spravochnoye rukovodstvo (Chemical Thermodynamics in Ninferrous Metallargy. Vol. 1: Theoretical Introduction, Thermodynamic Properties of the More Important Gases. Thermodynamics of Zinc and Its More Important Compounds; Manual) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1960. 230 P, Errata slip inserted. 5,100 ciples printed. Compiler: M.S. Vendrikb, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Reviewers: K.V. Astakhov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, and N.V. Gudima, Docent; Ed.: O.M. Kamayeva; Tech. Ed.: V.V. Mikhaylova. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for engineers, scientific workers, and students In advanced courses at schools of higher technical education. Card a/5 Chemical Thermodynamics (Cont.) SOV/3640 COVERAGE-. This book is the first in a series of eight on the themo- dynamic properties of nonferrous and rare metals, as well as their principal compounds' (oxides, sulfides, chlorides, sulfates, and carbonates). This volume contains basic data on the principles of chemical thermodynamics, methods of calculating thermodynamic magnitudes, reference data on the thermodynamic properties of the more important gaseous participants in pyrometallurgical reactiins, and data on the thermodynamic properties of zinc and its principal compounds. A basic bibliography of 75 publications on chemical thermodynamics and its application to metallurgical processes and metallograpby is included. No personalities are mentioned. There are 423 references: 51 Siviet, 171 English, 140 German, 30 French, 12 Japanese, 9 Italian, 4 Dutch, 2 Belgian, 1 Swiss, I Finnish, 1 Romanian, and 1 Norwegian. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Accepted Symbols of the More Important Values 5 Card 2/5 MROMI TOMMZGW. I., Wheels, 1. 1. 117111 rho 1911001CALs Mnist j~&O, vol. 5, do. 5. pp. 1178 11g) 1111PI The 1111 Contra&* of he IV?AC (IslornaltarAl %Is* of P%re see Appitot Chantilly) took plus* Is M"116% free July )0 to soplosi.r 6, 1959, It ... pro. *.dad kr %be U Cs,f.g.saq at Ike M&O (ingest 24.21t t1591 vkjok sea attended I . I I d F14V #1 slotallea opsolotLad or 2. a. Kk."ktr (c - tested " r.prot..116tive of Se 0 IMS at tie Awato of the IV?AC),W. W. aboarekt: Moolol as 4 easier ,t 804tion of Otffslt thoolstry), I. F. useefteav j.IoDt#6 .0 Dop"tj chnirms 4.80hodistry), 1. 1, Textually (floated 60 4 Voug., of %1s. ....... 1XI10"BrAQ11ala U&SIstry). U. 1. Ger.4100T. 0. A. Routs., and "Wither. 1. 1. ilturis w AppbWed $@Saba 8.6"tory of the "I fttaittry. Agent pfO0 dblG&ntOP attended the Congf.ah. In Ilossr'T *$often 0. A. letter 401110roil . Itutard. "the I.ahafti.s of the Foria. Aorolvat on the 1"OlIvIty of cr4.40. 1kq:1T7M:2.Q1 r;0-%:Qr%tA1 the -elk of the posts*" the Covid 1/2 1441U.N. k r.. r 8".11tollie eg" w ropoltiods 1#84108 1 (D " F~d wk an In* ark of tits as.tion aI 001aft it (chest-try of 1, "Ides)l 36 10-tw". settle& III (Chmlstrs of WISIdes set, toughstis )., )I lVesurve, emag than Slabotittol. *CDtploz rarsatlOb Of tM1ALtQP*1 UA t. I sides of the tar. Sarthe ,Tomwee. -ft the GVap.egg-,-,:- 2t S-StIO4 T B"adlaft she lurtwe'. Battles 11 as . . -Was sello-W, arnitlop at Fare 161414)4 16 is*$*"*, session 12 (I.S-qu 1 .000" &&a laterodo.som age kutlart.). X# tar Xggles III News c wpousit.) t% gas 1111 and 106-attallso a 14 joatM*6. $vviton I, (T-Z Otte" ..4 Siandes)l 3$ looter.., W.4.4 than 1. 1. 12$k I elk* Man hadr" .( us Torestif systee, 0.0 . ?2*5 - $t0'-' consexiostle")l 10, I"twoot sMathom U's '0011 -a M of Dolled Ulto'. its as N. or skano &4%*%joes Dole**& %*late &M -616 qreg"s ft"Ittles *f tres- sed Wien Asu"Aldoll. #.-.Pa.=. Jim*%* goes deall 1rItb at a orwroolvis. I. I.III~~ ~nk Margot a*, j -ft#Mo4jMwsv of system at 114b ORA %*QT14 set" Cord ?* 0.0000 -'T 3 !"] '-~' I SOV/7 9 3 - 69/169 AUTHOR: Geras orres pond Lng Membe, of the Academy o.f'.. 9'6"iences, USSR, 1.3haivirian of the Corwrission on Chemical Thermodynainics at the Brarch of Chemical Sciences of t-he Academy of Sciences, USSR) TITLE: To All Scientists of USSR, Conducting WIrk Conrected With Measurements of Therr,,ial Units PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimil, 1960, Vol 1~0, Nr 71, inside of the journal cover (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a resolution adopted by the above commission on April 20, 1959. The resolution stated that different s(,I.entists very often use different heat unit's in their puuitcations. it recommends 'Lhe use of joule as a Systematic thermal unit. The ealo2le remains only d - - - ly as a nonsy3tematic unit and is to be ~" sed only if its value In terms of Joules is g1ven. The relatLon I calorie = 4.V840 Joules Ls reco!Tuqe,!de1-,. Card 1/1 AUTHORS.: Anosov, V.ra.' bolyaYev, A0100 S/076 60/034j/02/042/044 Tollskb~_ A-11.1 Q- &J. BOIOY3007 - - .."M L hovits i A.A. , INsikin, S.F., &UX& 0, Iskrasov, B%V.j Ponomareval X.Se TITLE: Ajgj2MAj NikolMovich Irestovaikoy (A.D. Xrostovaikov) (On the Occasion of His 60th Birthday) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fisicheskoy khimil, 1960, Vol 34, Nr 2, PP 482--483 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On Ausust 13, 1959 Doctor of Technical Soienose, Professor A.R. Itestovaikov attained the age of sixty, He is one of the lisading Soyiet experts on thermodynamics and is well-knoln by his fundamental work in the field of chemical thermodynamioe'land its application in non-ferrous metallurgy. A.N. Krestovnikov worked at the nauohno-pstrografloheskiy Inatitut Litogea (Scientific Petro- graphioal-InstituteLithog0a)f the Inatitut prikladnoy mineralogii i petrografii (Institute of Applied Mineralogy 'and Petrogrgk_hy), Institut prikladnui taiuvraiogi, i wwfallurgii tsvetay,fai WeLallov (Insti,tute, of__App;ie.d Mineralogy and Metallurgy of Non-f errous motals'),f'' ihe Teentral lnyy inotitut tovetnykh metailov _(Oentral Institute of Not-ferrous Metals), the Kazakhekiy filial AN Sbdh (Kazakhakiy Branch of the AS USSR), and other researah institutes Card 1/3 dealiAg with problems of chemical technology, electrochemistry, Aieksandr Nikolayevich Krestoynikov (A.Y. Krestovnikov) S/076/60/034/02/042/044 (on the Oooesion of Hin 60th Birthdv) BOIO/BO07 and the pbysioal obexistry of metallurgical processes. Under the supervision of the well-known soientists N.A. Shilov, E.V. Britake, and N.A. Isgaryshev, A.N. Irestovaikov very soon became a widely recognized adientist and pedagogue. In 1926 he began bis pedagogical a0tivitios and leotured at higher technical schools in Moscow and its neighborhood, as well as at the Moskovakoye vyeshe tekhniobeekoye uohiliabohe (Moscow Higher Teohnioal Sohool), the Voyonno-khimiohoskaya akademiya ins X.To. Voroshilova (Military Chemical Academy imeni 1,Y9. Vorashilov), the Institut khimicheakogo mashinostroyeiiiya (Institute of Chemical Machine Construction), the Metallurgioheskiy institut sayoda. "Berp i Nolot" (Metallurgical Institute of the Plant "Oerp i Molot")t the Moskovskiy poligrafiobeakiy institut (Moscow Polygr*pbloal Institute), the Voyenniy fakulitet goryuche-smazoohnykh materi4lov (Military Department for Fuels and Lubricants), and others. ftom 1932 up to the present day A.N. Krestovnikov has been active at the Institut tevetafth metallov i zolota im. X.I. Xaliuina (insti- tute of Nonferrous Metals and Gold imeni V.I. Kalinin) and now has Re MMr of Physioal and dollold Chemistry. Besides'more than 100 publi*ations, A.11. Krestovuikov (together with Corresponding Member of the AS USSR Professor Ya.I. Gerasimoy) wrote the book "Khimioheskaya Card 2/3 tormodinamike Y taystnoy metallurgii" ("Chemical Thermodynamics in Aleksandr filkolayevIch Krestovnikay (A.M. Krestovaikov) 8/076/60/0.')4/02/042/044 (On the Ooos,sios of Ilia 60th Birthday) BO10/BOOT Non-ferrous Metallurgy"). A.N. Krestoynikoy was awarded the Order of Leuin in 1953 for his many years of eoientifio and pedagogioal motivities. There is I figure. /"**' I Card 3/3 Ya&Iff UrApotlyantat MOM 8/076/60/b34/02/043/044 Bolo/B007 TITLE: Kireyev (on the Occasion or so bois OUVEUY3 PMIOXCAL. Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol 34, Nr 2, pp 4134-485 (USSR) ABSTRACT: on October 16t 1959, Doctor of Chemical Sciences V.A. Kireyev attained the age of sixty, The scientific and pedagogical activities of the well-known Soyiet expert on physical chemistry began in 1923-1924# In the years from 1927 to 1932 he worked at ths-Fisiko- khiniohaskiy institut in. L.Ya. larpova (Institute of Physical Chemistry ineni L.Ts. Karpov). In 1935 V.A. Kireyev took the degree of Doo, or of Chemical Sciences and became Professor of Physical Chsmis:ry. His scientific work lay in the field of chemical thermo- dpamiog in which he mainly carried out determinations of physico- chemical constants of individual substances, investigations of solutions and phase-equilibria, and worked out calculation methods for ahenioal equilibria. In the course of hie activities as Director of the Xhimicheskiy institut Dalinevostoohniy filial Al SSSH Vladivostok (Chemio 1 Institute of the Per Eastern Branch of the '~n ""'D AS USSRI VLadlvostok and as Scientific Director of the Physical and Cbemical Laboratory of the Vaesoyuznyy itauohno-iseledovatel'skiy Card 1/2 kbimiko-farmatsaytiohookiy institut Moskva (All-Union Scientific Valentin AloksaAdrovioh Kireyev (On the Occasion of His &Oth Birthday) S/076/60/034/02/043/044 B010/BO07 Chemiofi-pharmaosutioal Research Institute, Moscow) investigations were carried out under his supervision of the coking capacity of coal. V.L. liveyev had already begun hi 11 pedagogical activities in 1924 and taught at the Urallskiy (Ural), Daltuavoetoohniy (Far East), 4or1kovskiy universitet Gor0kiy University), at the Inshenerno- akonomiohoskiy Institut ~Inotituts of Engineering anti Economics), and in 1937 he took over the Chair of Chemistry at the Moakovskiy Inzhenerno-stroitellayy institut im. V.V. Kuybysheva (Moscow Civil Engineering Institut imexi V.Y.Ivybyehev). The books written by V.A. Kireyev were translated into several foreign laiWages. He took part in compiling the great Soviet encyclopedia and is at present Member of the Editors' College of an abridged chemical ewyolopsdia. V.A. Kireyev is a member of the Mendellayevskoye obehohestvo (Neudeleyev Society), the Veesoyuznoye oloshchostvo po rasprostransaiyu politioheekikh i nauchnykh znaniy (All-Union Society for the Propagation of Political and Scientific Xnowledge) ftnd of a number of commissions of the AS USSR; he is also Chairmat of the GFX khimiohookogo fakullteta XGU (GEX (State Examination Commission) of the Department of Chemistry of Moscow State University)., Card 2/2 There is 1 figure. V