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GELLER, YM.; SENDEF20110 M.E. Methods for increasing the stabi:lty and improving A PNI&rgy, parameters of cUstributive ampliffers. Izv. SO AN SS no. 2. Ser. tekh. nauk no.1:63..68 164. (MIRA 17.8) 1. Novosibirskiy elektrotskhnichesk~y ine'Utut. AR6035215 SOURCE CODE: U'i1/0274/GG/ooo/ooa/Ao6o/AoGo AUTHOR: 1. N. TITLE: Wide-band coaxial-helix transformer SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika I clektrosvyazl, Abs. 8A449 REF SOURCE: Tr. Novosib. clektrotekhJ in-t svyazi, vyp. 1, 1965, 142-146 TOPIC TAGS- transformer, wide band transformer, coaxial transformer, strip line, strip conductor ABSTRACT: The authors analyze the possibility of connecting a coaxial line with a shielded helix using an nonsymmetric strip line. When the transverse dimensioru of the shielded helix are large and the distance between the screen and helix is small and the delay Is extensive, it is possible to equalize the wave resistance of the shielded helix and the coaxial line. It is shown that by matching the dimensions of the strip line and making its wave resistance equal to that of the coaxial line, a wide frequency band can be achieved for the device. The calculations are confirm- ed by the experiments within the 200--800 Me range. The original article has [Translation of abstract) INT] 3 figures and a bibliography of 3 titles. Card 1 / 1 SUB CODE: 17 UDC: 621. 372. 852. 6 L a5,688-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5007835 S/0288/64/000/003/0051/0060 &I AU11IOR: eller, V. M 16 TITLE: A study of the influence of losses on the energy parameters of distributed power amplifiers SOURCE: AN BSSR. Sibirskoye otdolenlye. Izvestlya. Berlya tekhnichoskikh nauk, no. 3, 1964, 51-60 TOPIC TAGS: distributed power amplifier, grid circuit loss, power amplifier stability, wide band amplJf ier, amplifier parameter A139TRACT: Distributed amplification Is often used lately for the construct!13n of wide- band power amplifiers in the short and meter wavelengths (see, e.g., J. Caldwel, 0. llochl IRE Trans. , 1956, A D-3, 1, 6; A. 1. Zhivotovskiy, A. S. Krivenko, V. V. Pol evoy, Izv. VUZ MVSSO SSSR, Radlotekbalka, 1962, no. 2). However, In spite of signific-mit advances In the field, views concerning various aspects of theproblem are still often divf~rgcnt* In addition to'voltagb amplification, one must study the power processes during distributed power amplification in detail. The basic difference between the diatriouted amplification I of voltage and power Is due to the fact that, in the case of the voltage, the amplification of the stage to larger than the amplif Ication of the Individual tube, while It is the other way Card 1/3 ACCESSION_NR: -"5007835- around In the -case of power. - This Is basically caused by an Irrecuperable lose of part of the Input power within the matching Impedance of the grid line. In order to suppress reflections and damping effects, i.e., to achieve an efficient composition of Power within a wide range of frequencies, one must increase the Input resistances of the tubes (operate without grid currents) and utilize the power potentialities of the tubes only poorly. On the; other hand, to Increase the output power of the stage with satisfactory use of the tubes, ond should scatter the better part of the power fed into the grid line over the input resistances of the tubes., Consequently, the demands imposed on the circuit, if one wants to attain a maximum utilization of the power of the tubes, are incompatible with the requirements resulting from the attempts to transfer a maximum of power through the distributed power amplifier (DPA). After discussing the 'attempts of other investigators to cope with this dilemma, -the author-proposes-a new-approach toLDPk design based on a better use-of "uc -it-molutto--nexhibits-a weak-depende-fice of the transfer coefficient of the power I stage on the damping within the lines, which Indicates a large dynamic range with a simul- taneous favorable use of the power of the tubes. This is achteved by a slight decrease in transfer coefficient and a considerable reduction in the number of tubes. Orig. art. has: '13 rormulas and 5 figures. 2/3 Itard L 35488-65 . . . ACCESSION NR: AP6007835 ASSOCIATION: Novootbirekly elektrotekhalchefikiy institut (Novosibirsk Electrical Engineering Institute) SUBMITTED: 04M64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC, EE NO REF SOV,. 010. OTHER: 002 3/3 :Card 10896-67 ACC NRI ARG032292 SOURCE CODE: UR/0275/GG/000/007/A-.'- /A017 AUTHOR: Geller, V. M. TITLE : Matching a system with a spiral in a dielectric tube between two conductor, cylinders and a coaxial channel SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektronika i yeye prim eneniye, Abs. 7A121 REF SOURCE: Tr. Novosib. elektrotekhn. in-t_pv. Xazi, vyp. 1, 1965, 147-155 TOPIC TAGS: dielectrics, conductor, wideband matching, matching ABSTRACT: The possibility of wideband matching of the aforementioned type of system is demonstrated both theoreticaUy and experimentally. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09/ 1/14 UDC: 621.385.632..3 ACC NR- ARG031904 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/006/HO43/HO43 ATJTHOR:' Geller, V. M. 1.5-6 TIT I-E- : The problem of matching a type of "spiral in a dielectric tube between two conducting cylinders" system with a coaxial channel SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abe. 6Ch3O2 REF SOURCE: Tr. Novosib. elektrotekhn. in-t ovyazi, vyp. 1, 1965, 147-155 TOPIC TAGS: communication channel, coaxial channel, electric engineering ABSTRACT: The possibility of wideband matching of a type of "Dpiral in a dielectric tube between two conducting cylinders" system with a coaxial channel is demonstrated both theoretically and expertmentally. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: ON GFLU'l-"ll 'lla. Gumdriation Effect of oxidaLlon-raductlon propertlt!s of soll on tht, gi.-rmlr.Alon of se-ods. .1 D,)kl. AIN SSSIR 8), No. 1, 1953. Monthly LjaL of hu3sian Accessions, Library of "ongre:~:;, June 195".. Uncl. Scil ~:x-,Aaili-n ,-xfcct of ;-,lants on i.*,-,i-- rcdInction-oxitlation TIDL(,ntial of 4.h- !boil. Etc!:,. "Ic,- 3, l')53- Vr~ntilly !Ast of Runsian Accnssi~:ns, Librar.y of Ccn!.n'rs '-r' junt -1.. GIRGA , A.V.; GZLLXR, Device for machining complex-shape holes. TSvet.not. 29 no.4: 79 Ap '56. (NLRL 9:8) 1. Bogoslovskly alyminlyevyy sayod. (Nachialstis' tools) (Nonferrous ingots) ANDFaM. P.; G , Ya.; KARTSNV, A.; TABASAIWISM# A- OThe fluorescence-bitumen method in petroleum geology" by V.N. Florovskaya. Reviewed by P. Andrsey and others. Geol. neftl i gaza 3 no.1:66-68 Ja '59 (KIRA 12:4) (Fluorescence) (Bitumen.5 (I'lorovskala, V.N.) GELLER, Ye.M. DECEASED 1962/4 cig6o SEE ILC UEOCHEMISTRY ACC NR AP7002084 AUTHOR: Geller, Ye. S. ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR/0030/66/000/012/0089/0090 TITLE: Electronic equipment for neurophysiology (Conference in Ivanovo) SOURCE: AN SSSR. Vestnik, no. 12, 1966, 89-90 Fl)te,Y,L F47WPOAF,04- A'F0 ,~Wllalo.106cl, TOPIC TAGS:/"Medical conference, 0cybernetics, electronic equipment, DlerrqA_ A computer, x= 0- I-A M biotelemetry, electrophysiology, conditioned reflex, radioflexomete,g/PPM-59 radio flexometer, PPM-62 radio reflexometer A13STRACT: The author reports briefly on the first all-union conference on the use of electronic equipment for research in the field of higher nervous activity and neurophysiology. The conference was held from 13 to 15 September in Ivanovo. The Scientific Council for the Complex Problem of Cybernetics attached to the Presidium of the SSSR Academy of Sciences participated in the conference. The use of electronic digital computers in neurophystological experiments was discuss- ed in detail. A series of reports dealt with automatic methods of analyzing C.,d 1 / 2 -A P7 0--02-0--8-4- experimental data obtained with computers. The work of the Institute of Physiology.' of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the field of electrophysiology Is mentioned in -this connection. The growing importance of microelectrode technology, bio- telemetry, and radioreflexometry were stressed. New research possibilities afforded by the PPM-59, and PPM-62 radioreflexometers were discussed. A series of reports dealt with methods of studying the'autonomic component of conditioned reflexes. [WA-102] [GC] SUB CODE: 06/SUBM DATE: none/ Card 2 / 2 GELLER, Yu. A The BRAZING OF LOVI-ALLOT TOOL TIPS USING BRAZING- ALLOYS Hinkevich N. A. Bukbman anpYug A. Geller. (Yestnik He tell o-promyshlonnos t i, 1940, no. 8-9, pp. 45-57). (In Russian)- The quo ching temperatures of 12r n1lo.y chromium- ty=Btea7molYbdenwD-vanadium tod Dais range from 11750 to 12400C., and are thus below the malting points of the materials generally used for brazing on t%=sten high-speed steel tips. General requirements which brazing alloys for this particular purpose have to satisfy are considered. Ferro-owneanese (75%) was selected as a brazing material its molting point being controlled between 1100 and 12800C. by additions of up to 40% of coyper, Two-coRper-aigkol alloys were also tested. Fwnace brazing and electrical resistance brazing were employed. Shegr tests and heet-treptment and cutting tests were made on the brazed-on tips. The best results were given by a ferro- manganese brazing alloy containing 20-25% of copper. The copper~nichel alloys gave a higher shear strength, but their behaviour during subsequent heat treat- ment of the tools was unsatisfactory. Attempts to quench tools was unsatis- factory. Attempts to quench tools directly from the brazing temperature resulted in reduced cutting efficiency. Immediate source clipping -~ for IF Ip a 411, _O as or as a j :1 * L a at .P a, 2 V I It . ' t 'A "dkw witmoo gas as a'", a,d tods" let 4 as se WPO, Via A, Gell" sold M K, Slalyflort. I k411110101'" _TIW see It IOU 101111141). f lityk. Phyl. (11. JI. 0. N (2a 00.4 Cr I it, 4.20 Wall 14 0.17%. foat i n,mialtord C I AS -00 00 r~ . i.mpned sit finer-Itersieverd loweeffilt tead had Otietell lievidar" 00 1! 1W.I. (1) Ortrive. 14 rifew"al 241teen we" no& as Polan. .00 0j :1 Water "I' WEV and WAV. coryar-spueellift aw,a. of Itarkervil kwdtx,% late. *aIN4 *IWV t I'llu ' : 1-00 " i hailles. 14 b (xw*) to (WO) I M C) W #12 l f t -00 00 1, . .. ei, . a r ror , iian tit is-uluil Irraw.: mrn,, k l b 0 out I man. thk s, a ; 'Ilw vvilial tefur around llec leve in t% entities via the inittowdivater am. 1-4 firm. filters cirnirr, 00 0 it"%. oft-,ut :110 hs,,,-q. mile. at about 2.A wave. letters al,eis of off". twee effic-icratly, thAn 2 hr*. at IM. or 5 be%. as ).*At,. , * -li nssing through irto and taking the ouir jisoce i n b ll ir d d 111141110 t or alwt ; ri . y vo "m las I q a Iw IA,ilplc nkilqfsfk r limit L we% , Maill 44 i'vollpf"ti4m, trallove. at the Cartel Uffacv IV. min. lk%kM 1"Is tire Cyliffillisal site, Imens at 411%) WeV.,lUtevens 7 0 0 '1: tamer :01 its. .1. film. whtts qucttciwd from Joel min. Fiver Specimens quembed true" KA". KMV vand! , ' 11'=00 041 ~1 l. 42 kg.'-q. event. Oro"IM0 Citkal 'sal 11,111. (411"111PLIS 11. x&1 *, one wittly of 150', 1 hr., the values of L 1 ft &1 %tib .111.11,11ing lit"ll KO' land trinjorflivii of UP. Sir I.Rand, r"p.. tit Ile i5d. (I.S. .50.11 Intes.. 9 Ml. ' * - ' I "' Ar" it A 1 coo 00 1(c. 41141rev e IXI t liar 1. 3 tersof Ore.[ IN$, like satid ;. I ~( . atted ILI 3 M it. Olurfachmet unif.wmly it."It %V- 0 ' 2 00 I 00 ANI" I her.), 4% (AW.4 has 1; . 1-1 hr% I from ;',~ A U40) to 6% C varykneg live twdoiteas, 4 (tirelveiing (JU) Vall ' - N Itinat 63 1 1.'dl*) to tk) (21K)", I hir.); litter I fit., Uia) . only le'uhs in ""tit Straggling of 1. and N' rhelf is to,#* S** - w4 4tA% C is in w4ts.; after I hr. at V111"t There It &till vv)usly f", psirtiliellem twtv"11 hit 1~14141101vrmv of 1. -me C in ..In. I Ii.tribution of strc*ws odutic the cro%s- llarymeal j,",jealreli read livit t*h&vilr r4,wu&l Wetwil h d e rAlleatempere trstion is qualifali%viy lite asiner as in t thii covivatfadicts the conceptioln of Thum. Fatigue coo opmrilleft; (,at hr,.. in the vrnlcf I've"all"t"Ok'" 8 W duram-ir is merely direct. by the strucititit olitairovird &4 a sol.reani.; min.; *or- fr-tilt 4 ittletwhang. L lacing malit. fdr cryptocry.t. marten, At W" W' exterivskid of 12 l i l / 40* d - sq. men. on . face. compress eff. ,,, jjj "cited"; telill,arting in the Until. interva I tertalarring lorrond 2-3 hrla. does not rtsoill in selay fuflhct IN$'dtw4 not affe%t flicitructure. although it boom ttuarked 00.2 fiventir of The otrort. at the quilsore wbkb remains at aboxit effert on elate. frisslatiou tA stretwo. Rewito obtaroW with .1 )ww' fit that r,arretImondins it) the quenchedl fravern .1wcutiene, utth rectangular crust-serctiona, arc not corel- 0s b entire cillticul than Ionic* l is 1 i 4 i l te . . 3luv 1. Verril ; l eva speomms. perable with th~ Invited with cylindr " 0 A I lit 1for I hr. rV4111c" hr of natc N. flow Into.. tempering at IMIL) too. . . .-MPKATION floo li~6 , -ij-7- j! . T 11 1 1 1 - ~ . I U It Al I J V -er-p-1 too 0 r, er All - 4111 0 r - t. W 2 so I -ITI 11 . ;~ . Gund, of Tpchnical Sciences (-1943-). *IlThe Use of Various Graden of Iligh-Speed 3tf-el in Industry", 3tank! I Instmr(-nt, 14, No. 4-5, 1943. DR-52C59C-19. * Fxcerpts from his report: Yu. A. Candidate of Techntcal Sciences. 5 19 *111,ow-Alloy illgh-Sp~-ed Steel Grade 6-2-111, Str~nkL I Instrument, 14, NO. 4- q43. BR-52059019. -x Excerpt from hia report: GELLERI YU. 'A., and NOVTKOV, 0. A.) MINIM Candidate of Technical 5ciences "Welding High-speed Steel in Voltaic Arc", Stanki I Instrument, 14t No. 11-12, 1943. BR-52059019. Ty--nLIT'; S-A I 1'1' 7 . '~' . ; ~,- ~11, 7,~I - Y U . j' , . ; ' * ~ - "' - -^' I L . . I -, : -, 7,i'L , ',,! . - . "The :mchinall-A-lity of Alloyed Structural Steel - " Stinki T 1nstrL:7,,en-I Vol .15, No. 3, 1944 BR 52C59019 i- 7,7 :-, t., . . - 1 1 U .% . I CiindIfInte of Technict~! Sciences "The Technological Fror-ertles of Rrh-Speed Cuttinr Steel." "tijnki I instrument 'Vol .15, Nos. 7 N -e, 1944 PR52059C10, GF! La, YJ. A. Tool-steel. illloskva, Gos. npuch,telhn. Izd-vo lit-ry po cEeinol i tsietnoi met-Ilurgii, 19441., 1132p. (49-39551) TS320-G37) GELIER, YU. A.1 BABAYEVp V. S.; InstmnentalInaya Stall, published by Metallurgizdat, Moscow, 1945 sum #148 11-T, YU ~Abftlw 2 M;onatlon steel - cobalt Mhr 194T "Physical Tianeormation in Papid Steel with High Cobalt Content," Yu A Geller, 0 A Novikov, 6 pp L~Iffl,-CCtv fA.0k tl 'TIVI Ostal, " Vol VII., No 3 1mvestigation Into Incresee in rod hardness and cutting properties of rapid steel containing cobalt permits us to recognIze diffmion hardening as one of the causes of this, along with sceswumt increas- Ing brittleness of the ~teol. Illustrated with micro- photo@ and graphs. Bibliogmphy. 3T16 muz a, I U. A. Puti povyshenlia kachestva instrumenta. (Vc-.3tn. Vash. no. h, p. h2-50) Includcs biblloErap.V. (Methods to A.--mrovc the quality of t,ools.) DT,C: '2111t.71i SO: Manufacturin,-, and Elechanical Ynj7inecrinf, in thr Sovirt Union, Librarl of ConCrcss, 1953. "~ELLF_N. fij)' PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 441 - I BOOK Call No.: TN69O.P57 Authors: POGODIN-ALEKSEYF.V, G. I., Prof., GE Yu- A-, Ana. Prof., RAKHSHTADT, A. G.v Ass. Prof. FM Title: SCIENCE OF METALS. METHODS OF ANALYSIS, LABORATORY WORK AND PROBLEMS Transliterated Title: Metallovedoniye. Metody analiza laboratornyye raboty i sadachi Publishing Data Originating Agency: None Publishing Hounet State Publishing House of the Defense Industry Date: 1950 No. pp-t 455 No. of copies: 15,000 Editorial Staff Editor of Section VI: Landa, A. F. Appraisers: Gulyayev, A. P., Dr. of Tech. Sci., and Blanter, M. E., Kand. of Tech. Sci. Others: Yakhnina,, V. D.,, Fomina,, M. N. and Kazarnovskaya, Z. M. Text Data Coverage: This excellent textbook gives in its introductory chapter a historical sketch of Russian metallurgical science and in the subsequent sections a des- cription of methods for studying metals,, various stages of laboratory work (heat analysis, macro- and nicroanalysis, hardening measurement, determination of physical properties,, heat treatment,, etc.) and hundreds of problems on struc- tural diagrams of binary and ternary alloys, analysis of microstructure of metals (steel, cast iron and, nonferrous alloys), as well as on selection of the 113 Metallovedenlye. Hetody analiza laboratornyye AID "l - I raboty i sadachi proper anoy and the heat treatment conditions. Most problems are equipped with related references. Detailed solutions of problems for every main section are given in order to show the student how to apply the acquired knowledge for prac- tice. In Appendix I the authors give a classified description of standardized alloys most commonly used in the USSR, divided into the following sections: (1) steelp (2) cast iron, (3) copper-bass alloys ), (4) aluminum-bass alloys, (5) magnesium-base anoys, (6) babbitts,, and (7 hard metals. Within these sec- tions the alloys are arranged by classes, groups and Bub-groups, according to various criteria: means of production, ap-lication, composition, properties, etc., whatever is most characteristic for each individual alloy or group of al- loys. This part of the book contains valuable information on All-Union Standards for metals: their chemical composition, properties,, application, and an explana- tion of the procedure used in the designation of types of industrial alloys. Emphasis throughout the book is on application of the theoretical material to specific practicel problems. 213 149tallovedeaiye. Metody analiza laboratornyye AID 441 - I raboty i zadachi TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Foreword 3 Introduction 7 Ch. I Methods of Metal Testing 14 Ch. II Structural Diagrams of Binary and Ternary Alloys 174 Ch. III Plastic Deformation and Recrystallization 229 Ch. IV Structure,, Properties and Heat Treatment of Steel and Cast Iron 234 Ch. V Structure, Proportion and Heat Treatment of Non-ferrous Alloys 312 Ch. VI Problem of Selecting Alloys and Heat Treatment According to given Requirements 337 Appendices I Composition of Main Industrial Alloys 394 II Brinell Hardness Numbers 447 III Relations between Brinell, Rockwell, and Vickers Hardness Numbers 449 Purpose: A textbook for students of institutes of technology and mechanical engineering Facilitiest None No. of Russian and Slavic Referencess Numerous references throughout book. Available: Library of Congress. 313 GELLER, YU A Chemical Abate Vol. 48 No, 9 may 100 1934 metallurgy abd Metallography I of bWb4peed sted #A M-Mo pudy =LQ satn. obtalmd dIfter olov"Ah" bmt- Iftsbout and i bordow d only We Rodowen W Vet"Zo sooms Aw 3 bm a with ths. "M C dow =I 0 MM.* =how, - pm* The IM bM& onse m be hmvmd CI I I -at BM-wo. IWO 11"bowoot do 10& stwk Mon MUCRION wq status I o3alas 2 tbw to the 3 thwo lowwr moat tMtMJw. oat IN -.70ROBIM. V.G., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; GIMAR, Tu.A., re- daktor; GLAI)XIXH, NN., takhnichookiy (Heat treatment of steel at below zero temperatures] Termicheskals, obrabotka stali pri temperature nishe nulia. KoskTa, Go@. lzd--o oboronnoi prosqshl., 1934. 305 P. NLRA 7:11) (Steel--Heat treatment) GELLER, N. Yu. A. "Bisic Methods of Decreasing Deformation of Tools During Hardenings" pp 238/251 In Modern Methods of Heat Treating Steel by Dom Inzheners, I Tekhnika imeni F E Dzerzhinskovo. Gosudarstvennoye Nauchno-Tekhniclieskoye Izdatel'stvo Mashinostroitell- noy Literatury, Moscow (1954) 4o4 pp. Evaluation B-86350, 30 Jun 55 c -!Z~;~--'r,"-tik."l, ("'), 'i~, 'I) takwr Iltcr at _IkAj Aow C o dw, U, 1j,., tylo c4u*, I,y a d,vr1,;- ~1 -fl-~ 1,-G.cottu. T14v J llv~ .M-r N-11-iag at 54ki- C~bi)_ C i~ au-1 !~l -J., 'jf& tQ tf," x tvt t, tWir-&o1i. viirlvd..'N. T-o'lly in Ow Aoy ing 11, iriout,,i, lmitwuh..s ly v.t~.Am -1w'-, t~Ammwp m it r% certain uniount. ~4 I!-, wit I,f W.jw.A,!1j &",t ~mn~fitjln of, u .. ."A ltwd,~t~,i ii Tl-.o J --,L ll~o &buvo 6 ptiv,~A. Th-) i,111-,m~, of 0-~ tr ... florn-, 16m uf ir,~itlw:il anitenito on e*-m;Acry fimrdrwQi i i &5 1, L Ell Yo. f~' USSR/Engineering - Steel tempering Card 1/1 Pub. 103 - 6/29 Authors t GaIler, Yu. A. Title The isometric tempering of an alloyed tool-steel Periedical Stan, i instr. 10, 16-20, Oct 1954 Abstract The hardness, mechanical properties, anisometry and magnetic saturation of the Khj KhG, and 9KhS steels were investigated by means of isometric temper- ing of steel samples at soaking temperatures of from 150 to 2000C. Ten USSR references (1841-1953). Graphs. tution : ... ted : 9w0 GMLLER, Yuliy Aleksandrovich, professor, doktor tekhnichookikh nauk; -- - redaktor; OORDON, LAI, redaktor; VAYNSHTNTH, To. B., takhnicheekly rodaktor. [Tool steel] InstrumentalliVe staii. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry, po chornoi I tsvetnot metallurgii, 1955- 548 p. (Tool stenl) (MLRA 8-10) USSR Phase Convwrsions in Solids. E-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4) 1957) No 93o6 Author Geller Yu, A. I Leahchinakaya, R.P. gt_a~t!_~a 'bf the Residual Austenite of High Speed and Title billiz;"~oni High-Chrome Steele Against Tempering. Orig Pub : Metallovedeniye i obrabotka metallov, 1955, No 1, 26-33 Abstract : The authors study the influence of preliminary soaking at room temperature and above (2500) on the completeness of the transformation of the residual austenite of high speed steel R9 and high-chrome steel Khl2F followed by tempering and heating to the usually employed temperatures (56oO for R9 and 510P for KUM). The transformation of the austenite is determined from the change in the magnetic saturation and also of the specific electric resistivity and length of the specimens. It is found that stabilization against tem- pering develops noticeably as a result of the following: (a) soaking for more than 3 -- 6 hours at sharp temperature) Card 1/2 USSR / Phase Conversions In Solids. E-5 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 9306 Abstract :with the stabilization increasing upon soaking up to 24 hours, but not increasing any further; (b) low tempering, causing no transformation of the austenite; (c) increasing the chro- mium content in the austenite. As a result of the stabiliza- tion of high speed steel in the first tempering to 5600, com- plete transformation is reached only as a result of triple tempering. Since the martensitic transformation of the aus- tenite increases the hardness, the wear resistance, and the heat conduction of the steels, it is recommended that stabi- lization be prevented bb tempering immediately after harde- ning with heating without prolonged soaking at temperatures not high enough to cause transformation of the austenite. Card 2112 6j. USSR/ Engineering - Machine tools Card 1/1 FUb. 103 - 7/19 Authore a Go Ile r, Yu. A. Title i About increasing the composition of alloyed steel for the manufacture of metal cutting tools Periodie&l I Stan. i instr. 2. 22 - 25. Fab 1955 Abetraot IThe need for improving the chemical composition of alloyed steel used in the manufacture of metal cutting tools is discussed. The types of steel used for the past two decades in the manufacture of machine tools are listed. The technical and mechanical requirements of tool steel, whi-3h would meet the standards of modem industry, are described. Six USSR references (1938 - 1954)9 Graphs. Institutions ..... Submittedt 4mptovinp the compotition of coal /I Mrswow Imt. Cbem. ?vicblut Obrgbolk4 Atriallov l9ss No, 3, 1-16. --A imtritaltry wai nmAc of the vitflousifadcs of Raisla"I t!-,01 !;*"!:a all"I ul OICII propertics relitive t) PC;-,tM&- Applications' A. G. ~~tiy ~4/ /j 137-58-2-4113 6 ',. ~ - Z_ (_~ ~-) Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 264 (USSR) AUTHOR: Geller, Yu.A. TITLE: Optimum Composition of Alloy Steel to Be Used in Cutting Toole (Ob optimal'norn sostave legirovannoy stali dlya rezhushchikh instrumentov) PERIODICAL: Sb. statey Vaes. zaoch. politekhn. in-ta, 1955, Nr 10, pp 13-35 ABSTRACT: Because the widely used steels 9KhS and Kh have certain technological deficiencies (reduced workability after annealing, tendenc toward decarburization [ 9KhSj , insufficient harden- ability (steel Kh] ) , the use of chemically improved steels with better mechanical properties is recommended. As a low-alloy tool steel, a carbon steel is proposed which contains 0.6 - 0.8 percent Cr (from the hypoeutectoid steel U7Kh containing 0.65 - 0.75 percent C and 0.6 - 0.8 percent Cr to the hyper- eutectoid steel U I lKh containing 1.05- 1.15 percent C and 0.6 - 0.8 percent Cr) . As a multiple-alloy tool steel (in place of 9KhS), steel 95KhGS is recommended. Possessing a higher Mn content, this steel contains 0.95 - 1.05 percent C, 0.7 - 1 .0 per- cent Mn, 0.5 - 0.8 percent Si. and 1.0 - 1.3 percent Cr - Biblio- Card 1 /1 graphy: 1Z references. A.B. 1. Stool alloys-Properties 2. Machine tools-DeveloWnt - - --~ --I - - - I ~ - :_I - -f L- I I . j , I ; ..~ - '! -- t, - . . I ." f 10 v Nature of C " I-. Of h 11 9 e0d RIC-013 (Inst. -Ylt. lk typ,!. 0 fxjt;kIIr Ii ILASOCII. with abnormally coarse graim end a highh, alloyof wlid win. (n cooling by qumelii,:jr, . po~fiou oi rnrblde~ ,PJAS. I'Min Austerihe and, since (lip grulti, are large anti the alloying eittrimts of high-%pred sterk (liffito- ilowl 'v, thr". citlAtei j,pt. not unly at the grain houn,1*6es but mo~fly 'along crystallographic Plan" ~itldu large. graitiq d'-sc-It to thrin. Carbido ppf. on tempeOng conlimic lo, p', t. a% a continuation of thetfe cairlildle Iticlusionx forininit limg pfAC- lically ittralght chains (inwl I,y zarbi+- etchbir rv~ipiiis !Yrnsililt for thk jWculiar (far-wit. J. 1). IL.-,t P-0 the Qmt!~' wa=fEAuca Kethod. Yu, A- I t d"wotcd to 1"'A I., .-,~n I,J ~1-I Fc=Ij-AIMIYBT, Goorgly Iv&novLchLGjUWUJ,.LdU Alskeandrovich; RAMICADT, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich; IAKHTIX. Tu.N., professor, doktor takhnichookikh nauk. retmensent; BMShTM, K.L., dotsent ksodUat tokhnichookikh nauk, redaktor; PITROVA, I.A., isdatelf- skly redaktor; GIADKM, N.Y.. tokhnichaskly redaktor [Physical metallurgy; nothods of analysis, laboratory work and problems] Metallovedente; motody analiza. laboratornys raboty L sadachto Izd. 2-oo. parer. Noskya, Goo. izd-vo obor. prosyshl., 1956. 427 P - (WLRA 9: 10) (Mysical metallurgy) yv, A, ALITGAUZIW, O.N.,-L-ndidat fisiko-matomatichaskikh nauk; BMSHTITN, M.L., kandidat takhalcheskikh nauk; BIANTAR. N.T*,, doktor takhnLehookikh nauk; BOKSHTErN, S.Z., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; VOIJEROVITINOTA. To*N,, kandidat taidwicheskikh nauk; BCRZDTU, A.M., doktor takhoi- chaskikh nauk; BUNIN, X.P., doktor tokhnichaskikh nauk,- VIXOGRAD. M.1., kandidat takhnichesklkh nauk; VOLOVIE. B.Ts., doktor takhaichs- skikh nauk (deceased]; GAMOT. M.I., inshener; GRIXER, Yu.A.. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; GOMIK, S.S.. icandidat 1~6KUnLMfewnauk; GOLIDMKBXRG, A.A., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; GOTLIB, L.I., kandt- dat tekhaichaskikh nauk; GRIGOROVIGH, V.K., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; GULTAYNY, D.B.. doktor takhatcheskikh nauk; DOVULWSKIT. Ta.X# kandidat tekhaicheskikh nauk; DUDOTTSIV, P.A., kandidat tekhniche- skAkh nauk; ZIDIN. 1.N., doktor takhnichookikh nauk; MNIS. 3.1h., lazhener; KGRITSKIT, T.G., kanaldat tekhaichookikh nauk; IANDA. A.Y.. daktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; IJUIN, I.M., kandidat takhnichaskikb nauk; LIVSHITS. L.S., kandidat tekhnichemkikh naak; LIVOT, N.A., imadidat takhnichookikh nauk; NALTSHEV,X.A., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; WIRSON, G.A., doktor tokhnichesktkh nauk; XINKEVIGH, A.M., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; MOROZ, L.S., doktor takhnicheskikh nauk; FATANSON, A.Z., Imndidat tokhnichookikh nauk; HANHIMOV. A.M., inzhoner; XAIHINOV, D.N., kandidat tekhaichookikh naak; POGODIN- AIJIXSZM, G.L. doktor takhnichookikh nauk; POPOVA, N.M., kandidat tekhatchookikh nauk; POPOV, A.A., kandidat tekhnichoskikh nauk; RAIMHTADT, A.G., kandidatlakhnichesk1kh nauk; ROGILIBM. 1.L., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk; (Continued on next card) ALITGAUZAN, O.N.---- (continued) Card 2. SADOTUIT..T.D., daktor tokhnicheakikh nauk; SALTTZOV, S.A., inzhener; SOBOLIW, N.D.. kandidat takhaichookikh nauk; SOIDDIKHIN, A.D., imndidat tekhnicheskikh nauk: UWANSKIT, U.S., kandidat t9khnicheskikh nauk; Uf]WSKIY, L.M.. kandidat takhatcheskikh nauk; FRIDMAN. TA.B.. doktor tekbutchaskikh nauk; KHI*TSHIN, F.F.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KHRUSHCHIff, N.M., doktor takhnicho- skikh nauk; CHOWSHKIN, V.G., kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; SHAPERO. N.M.. inzhener; SHULININ, L.M., kandidat tekhnichesklkh nauk; SHRAYBAR, D.S.. kandidat tekhaicheskikh nauk; SHCH&POV, N.P., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk; GUDTSOV . N.T., akademik, redaktor; GORODIN, A.M. redaktor izdatel'stys; VAYNSHTM, Ye.B., takhnicheekly redaktor EP14yalcal metallurgy and the heat treatment of steel and iron,, a reference book) Metallovedenle t termtcheakala obrabotka stall i chuguna; spravochnik. Pod red* N.T.Dudtsova. H.L.Bernshteina, A.G. lakhahtadta. Moskya, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1956. 1204 p. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Chlen -korrespondout Akadenii nauk USSR (for Bunin) (Steel--Heat tteatment) (Iron--Heat treatment) (Physical metallurgy) Category USSRIS-.114 State Fbysics - Fhase Trazisformation in Solid Bcdies E-5 Abe Jcqur Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 3503 Author Gellpr, Yu.A. Title Ri~~ti`c_M_Rhod of Dete.cmining the Ame-unt of Residual Austenite Orig Pub Sovrem, metody ispytar&iy materialov v mashinostroyeall M., Mashgiz) 1956, 211-228 Abstract Methods are 1woposed for calculating the amount of residual austenite using magaetic--measurement data, taking into account the alloyability of tbeok-solll soluti~~n. Limits are. Indicated for the possible ap- plication of the magnetic analysis to determine the amount of residual austenite, and the steels a!3d phase states for which this method can be used are indicated, Bibliography, 12 titles. Card 1/1 APAYIIV, B.A.; GILLIR, -Yu.A. "ftwmww~ W%A~r I Determining the amount of austenite by the magnetic method. Zav. lab. 22 no.6:752-755 156. (HLRk 9:8) 1. GorIkovskly Issledovatel'skiy fisiko-tekhnicheskly institut. (Steel--Analysis) L L6f ) 1Vc4 A. AUTHUR: Geller, Yu. A., Doctor of Teclinicul Sciences. 129-11-3/7 TITLE: Main Trends in Developing Tool Steels. (Osnovnyye napravleniya v razvitii instrwaental1nyk-h staley). PERIODICAL: Metallavedeniye i Cbrabotka Metallov, 1957, No.11, pp.43-56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The chairs of the technical colleges and particularly the LeninSrad Industrial Institute (Leningradskiy Industriallniy Institut) (the school of N. D. Gudtsov), the Moscov, Steel Institute (Moskovskiy Institut Stali) (the school of N. A. 11inkevich), the Ural Industrial Institute (Urallskiy Industriallniy Institut) (the school of S. S. Shteynberg) were mainly responsible for the investiCations relating to tool steels during the first years of industrielisation of the Soviet Union. Later on investigations of tool steels began in the scientific research establishuents, particularly TsNIITMASh (the school of A. P. Gulyayev). Between 1930 and 1940 considerable work in developinE new tool steels and heath treatment regimes was carried out by works' laboratories particularly those of "Elektrostul", "Frezer", "Kalibr" and the Moscow Automobile Works (Moskovskiy Avtozavod) and the Gorky Automobile Works (Gorlkiy Avtozavod). The trends of Cord 1/4 Soviet pre-war research can be gauEed from the compositions Main Trends in DevelopinS Tool Steels. of the steels developed aiul introduced between 193151 End 1940 given in Table 1, P-115, which lists bhree hiGh chromium steels, one medium tunLsten steel (3-5 to 10% W) and three multi-alloy steels. The merits of the individual steels enumerated in this table are discussed in some detail and also their influence on post-war development trends. In the post-war years rese8rch in the field of tool steels is carried out mainly by the All Union Tool Institute (Vsesoyuznyy Instr,imantallnyy Institut) and the Central Ferrous MetallurLy Tnstitute (Tsentrallnyy institut Chernoy Metallurgii). The author Doints out that the interest in development of tool steels has diminished considerably in post-war years and so has the scale of research in this field in works'laboratories and university chairs. He also points out that the development of the tool industry during the post-war years has enabled satis- fying -ully the tool requirements of the en6~-ineering works. For instance, the rated capacity of the "Frezer Works", which is one of the largest Soviet tool manufacturin6 works, has increased 4.5 fold. There has been a marked increase in thr, number of grades of steel and also in the diversity Cord 2/4 of their chemical compositions, The requirements to be Main Trends in Developing Tool Steels. 129-11-3/7 met by tool steels for various applications are discussed and also the necessary trends of development for satisfyinE these requirements. The author deals separately with the characteristic features of the individual types of steel, i.e. carbon steel, alloy steel, high chromium steel, high speed steel, steel to be used for hot stamping dies and, finally, with heat treatment techniques. In the case of high speed steels the increase in vanadium content is a promising trend and low alloy steels showed considerably improved cuttingproperties if the vanadium content was increased to 3.3*. The chemical composition of recently developed high vanadium and high cobalt containing high speed steels and also that of standard cobalt steels are entered in Table 21 P-52. The author himself has made considerable contributions to the development of certain grades of tool steels and also to developing heat treatment regimes. In the field of heat treatment considerable progress has been made in utilising very low temperature heat treatment; the work of Gulyayev, A.P., Vorablyev, V.G. and of some other authors has shown that it is possible to establish reliably the range Of application of heat treat- Card 3/4ment by sub-zero temperatures, which is particularly Main Trends in Developing Tool Steels. 129-11-3/7 favourable for steels with 12 to 18% Ci )f which it is required that after hardening they shouid have a high hardness and a high corrosion stability. Under certain conditions sub-zero heat treatment is also favourable for high chromium steels intended for stamping dies and subjected to low temperature tempering for the purpose of obtaining a high hardness. According to the results of various authors, including the author of this paper, it is advisable, from the point of view of austenite stabilisation, to carry out the tempering of hiGh speed and high chromium steel immediately after hardening so as to obtain as complete transformation of the residual austenite as possible. Results of various authors also brought about changes in views relating to the desirable temperature of heating during the hardening process. The features of iso- thermal hardening are also discussed. The heat treatment of high speed steel is discussed in a separate paragraph, dealing particularly with the influence of the structure and phase composition. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSUCIATIUN: Moscow Machine-Tool Tool Industry. (Moskovskiy Stankoinstrumentallnyy Institut). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 3!1 I fig. SQV/ 137-58- 10-Z16ZZ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr to, p 167 (USSR) AUTHORS: Geller, Yu.A., Mel'nichenko, Ye.V., Onishchik, Ye.l. TITLE: The Role of Carbide Transformations in High-speed Steel Heated Into the A, Temperature Range (0 roli karbidnykh prev- rashcheniy v bystrorezhushchey stali pri nagreve vblizi oblasti At) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i term. obrabotka. Moscow. Metallurgizdat, 1958, pp 132-148 ABSTRACT: The effect of annealing time and temperature on properties of steel was studied on four separate smeltings of high-speed steel with different compositions (smelting I included the car- bides FeZWZC, CrZ3C6, and VC; smelting 2 the carbides FezWzC and VC; smelting 3 the carbide FeZW2C; and smelting 4 the carbide FezWZC with some positions in the lattice being replaced by Cr). It was established that an increase in anneal time produces transformations in the carbide phase and impairs the properties of the steel. The unstable carbide FcZWZC is Card 1/3 transformed into stable carbides WC and Fc3C. During heating SOV/ 137-58- IO-Z16ZZ The Role of Carbide Transformations in High-speed Steel (cont.) of steel for hardening purposes the WC does not dissolve and the solid solu- tion contains insufficient amounts of W, as a result, the hardness and red- shortness stability of the steel are impaired. The process of transformation of the metastable carbides Fc2W?C and WC is not reversible. Cr and small quantities of V tend to replace W atoms in the complex carbide FcZWZC thus increasing its stability and inhibiting the formation of WC, which, in turn, increases the resistance of steel to red-shortness. this latter property is not directly affected by Cr or V. Introduction of Cr improves the hardenability of the stee.l. Cr-free steel exhibits a somewhat lower hardness after temp- ering (55-57 RC instead of 63). Inc reasing the annealing tirne of a steel con- taining Cr and V, or V only, has no effect on its hardness nor on its resist- ance to red-shortness; in the case of a steel containing no Gr or V, the RC value is reduced from 55-57 to 50. Increasing the anneal time to 100 hours increases the hardness of a steel which contains neither Cr nor V to an RC of 65-66, and the hardness of steel containing V only to an RC of 60. The authors explain this fact by the decomposition of the Fe?W C into WC and FC3C and by the dissolution of the latter in a solidsolution. Increasing the temperature and the time of anneal reduces the hardness (by two units) and inirmirs, the cittung properties of steel that had been heated repeatedly to ca I. d ? SOV/137-58-10-21622 The Role of Carbide Transformations in High-speed Steel (cont.) 6000C. It is recommended that the temperature of anneal be lowered to 820-8500 and that the soaking time, as well as the number of intermediate and prolonged heatings into the Al region, be reduced in order to increase the red-shortness stability of the steel. F. U. 1. Tool t3teel--Transformations 2. Tool steel--Temperature factors 3. Tool stee ---Mechanical properties Card 3/3 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. # 43232 AUTHOR: Oeller, Yu.A. TITLE. Low-Alloy Tool Steels S/123/60/000/009/001/017 A004/AOOj Mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No. 9, p. 20, PERIODICAL: V sb.-. Konstruktaii rezhushchikh instrumentov i tekhnol. ikh izgotovleniya No. 4, moscow, 1958, pp. 6 - 11 TEM The author Investigates the properties, heat-treatment conditions and fields of application of the new low-alloy tool steel grades ~ 7X (U7xh), 3 lix (UllKh) and S 13X 013M) (o.4 - o.7% cr), and the low-alloy chrome steel grades of low tempering ability WX6 (ShXh6), 3M 603 (EI603) and X05 M05). It was found that the new groups of tool steels preserve the advantages of carbon steel grades (low hardness and good machinability in the annealed state) while possessing a better hardenability and higher tempering ability in comparison with carbon steel. Translator's notei This Is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 80838 1A9.7100 SOV/123-60-1-841 Translation from: Referativnyy thurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, lc,60, No 1, p 108 (USSR) AUTHORS: Oeller, Yu.A., Mellnichenko, Ye.V. TITLX: 'rho Erfect of Annealinaf'on the Red 11ardnesi of Ifigh-Speed Steell~ PERIOD TCAL- It sb.: Konstruktsil rezhushchikh instrumentov I tekhnol. ikh. izgotovleniya, No 4, Moscow, 1958, PP 36 - 46 AWrRACT, The authors Investigate technological factors which are causing the spoiling of the red hardness of high-speed steel and analyze the principal measures which have to be taken in order to avoid this defect. A deterioration or the red hardness and a lowering of the cutting properties is caused by an excessively long holding during annealing and high-temperature tempering. This process is intensified with an increase of the annealing temperature from 8200C to 880 - 9000C and with long tempering of preliminarily hardened steel. A deterioration of the red hardness Is caused Card 1/2 by the transformation of the composite W-carbide, taking place 11 VN~ 80838 40V/123-60-1-841 The Effect of Annealing on the Red Hardness of High-Speed Steel during long heating, and the formation of stable WC and W2C carbides which are hardly soluble in austenite. In order to obtain a high-grade high-speed steel it Is necessary to carry out annealing at lower temperatures, to cut down the holding time, and to reduce the number of intermediate and long temperings In the range of 700 - 9DOOC. 7 figures, 11 references. I.N.N. Card 2/2 SOV/28-58-6-20/34 AUTHORS: Geller, Yu.A.9 Professor, Doctor 'of Technical -5-cl-e-n-c-els-#-Ilalinkina, Ye.l., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Lomakin, V.N. TITLE: Supplementing the State Standard GOST 5950-51 With the Method for Controlling Steel by Its Annealing Property (Dopolnit' GOST 5950-51 metodikoy kontrolya stali na prokalivayemost') PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1958, Nr 6, pp 65-69 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The annealing property of instrumental steel is defined as the property to obtain a martensite structure and high hardness after tempering. The annealing capacity is determined by the me- thos of butt tempering as specilLiel by GOST 5657-51. If the samples are kept up to 30-35 sec/mm in the salt tank, the annealing property increases (Figure 1). A longer period does not increase the annealing property beyond the Card 1/3 value reached at 35 sec/mm. Changes in this SOV/28-58-6-20/34 Supplementing the State Standard GOST 5950-51 With the Method for Controlling Steel by Its Annealing Property property among the different smeltings are not due to the chemical composition, because only slight changes are correlated with a 2-3 times higher annealing property (Tables 1 and 2, Pi- gure 2). Metallurgical factors, like smelting, rolling, are the causes of the changes. The comparison of the curves of distribution of hardness over the length of the sample is the basis for the nomograms showing the distribu- tion of the annealing property of alloyed in- strumental steels (Figures 4 and 5). These nomo- grams may be applied to steel to types KhVG, 9KhS, Kh, and similar types. During grinding, the layer of annealed steel in an instrument may be reduced. In the samples, the obtained values may be reduced therefore by 2 mm. The results of Card 2/3 these calculations are shown in Table 6. SOV/28-58-6-20/34 Supplementing tile State Standard GOST 5950-5L With tile Method for Controlling Steel by Its Annealing Property There are 6 tables and 6 graphs. ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy instrumen- tallnyy institut (All-Union Scientific Research Instrument Institute) Card 3/3 SOY/129--58-11-2/13 AUTHOM-Gallazt-11ij A., Doctor of Technical SciencesProfessor Xachanov, V.-S., ghgineer /and TITLE: Structure, Properties and Beat Treatment of New High Speed Steels (Struktura, svoystva. i termicheskaya obrabotka novykh bystrorezhushchikh Btaley) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov, 1958, Nr 11, pp, 6-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A considerable improvement in the cutting properties of high speed steels can be achieved by adding cobalt or up to 4-5% vanadium. During recent years numerous such high speed steels have been developed and in Table 1 the analyses are given of the main grades of such steels in the U.S'.S.R. and the U.S.A. Numerous such now steels have passed laboratory and industrial tests but so far are not being used on a large enough scale; the best and optimum conditions have so far not been cletermined and it has not been established for which tools the individual steels are most suitable. To some extent this is explained by the fact that the new high speed steels are more difficult to grind and machine than ordinary high speed steels. High vanadium content steels contain a greater quantity of VC which have a hardness of about 1900 H as compared to about Card 1/7 14oo H V for complex carbides of tungsyen. This increases BOV/129-58-11-2/13 Structures Properties and Heat Treatment of New High Speed Steels the resistance to wear but reduces grindability. Furthermore, an increase in the V content is effective only in the case Of Simultaneously increasing the carbon content and, therefore, steels containing 4 to 5% vanadium should contain 1.3 to 1.5% car~,qn which brings about a lowering in the malleability and7-the mechanical properties. Introduction of cobalt improves the heat resistanco proportionately with the increase in the cobalt content up to 18-20%. Howevero it also lowers the mechanical properties the more the higher the Co content of the steel. For these reasons these new steels have to be thoroughly investigated and heat treatment regimes have to be worked out which ensure a better combination of the heat resistance and of the mechanical properties. It is of great importance to verify the properties of industrial heats and not of laboratory heats. Therefore, the authors selected for investigation four steels from melts produced by Elektrostall which were supplied in the form of rolled strips of 15 x 35 mm; the chemical compositions of these steels are: R18 0-?2% C 18-30% W1 4.12% Cr, 1.27% V; Card 2/? RK10 0.81% 6, 18.68% W, 4.19% Cr, 1.28% V,9-71% CO,0-19% MO; SOV/129-58-11-2/13 Structure, Properties and Heat Treatment of New High Speed Steels RK15 - 0.77% C9 18.44% W, 4.09% Cr, 1.30% V,14.65% Co,0.60% Mo; RlOF5K5 (E1931) - 1.45% C1 10.82% W1 4.01% Cr, 4.4E% V1 5.05% Co. Ono of these was the stainless steel R18 which was investigated for the purpose of comparison. The steel RK15 was investigated for the purpose of determining whether it is advisable to improve the heat resistance by increasing the cobalt content above the limits which are usually applicable to cobalt steels. The hardness and the strength of the investigated steels in the as-delivered state are entered in Table 3. The subject matter is dealt with under the following paragraph headings: influence of hardening conditions on the properties of the steel; residual austenite; influence of tempering conditions on the properties of the steel. The obtained results are described and discussed in some detail and are also entered in graphs. In the conclusions the author summarises his results thus: 1. The fundRmental properties were investigated of the Card 3/7 following main types of characteristic new high performance SOV/129-58-11-2/13 Structure, Properties and Beat Treatment of Now High Speed Steels high speed steels: RK10, RK15 and RlOF5K5; furthermore, the heat treatment regimes were determined which permit obtaining a better combination of properties. 2. Cobalt and high vanadium high speed steels have a considerably higher (1-5 to 2 times) heat resistance than the standard Soviet high speed steels R18 and R9. However, their meohanic-Al properties are lose favourable than those of the standard steels. Therefore, cobalt and high vanadium steels (over 3% V) are unsuitable for cutting pro- cesses involving dynamic regimes and for shaped tools with a thin cutting edge. Steels of this type can be used for machining materials which are difficult to machine (including austenitic alloys); however, the cutting tools must be of relatively simple shape. 1 3. An increase in the Co contejit,particularly above 10%, reduces appreciably the streneth and increases brittleness due to separating out of inter-metallic compounds during the tempering. In spite of the fact that the heat resistance in higher than for other steels, steel with 15% Co in not recommended for practical use or for C&A 4/7extensive workshop tests due to the very low mechanical SOV/129-58-11-2/13 Structure, Properties and Beat Treatment of New High Speed Steels properties of such steels. 4. Alloying of high speed steels with Go does not change the conditions of dissolution of c"bides in the case of high temperature heating since the cobalt is present-mainly in the solid solution M not in the carbides. The cobalt increases the quantity of the residual austenite in the. hardened steel but does not increase its stability against tempering. For cobalt steels it is advisable to apply the same number of tempering operations as for similar cobalt- free steels, 5, It was shown in earlier work of the author (Rots 4 and 5) that the steels with a high vanadium content differ as regards the conditions of dissolution of carbides during heating from other high speed steels. For adequate saturation of the solid solution of high vanadium steels it is necessary to ensure during heating dissolution not only of a part of the complex tungsten carbides (which is the case for other steels) but to also dissolve a part of the vanadium carbides. Passing into solution of these more table carbides is not completed during the heating time Card 5/7 ssually applied for hardening high speed steels and proceeds u SOY/129-58-11-2/13 Structure, Properties and Heat Treatment of New High Speed Steels for a longer time. Increase of the heating time to double (to 20 sees per 1 mm, dia.) for steels containing 4 to 5% V ensures a higher heat resistance, see Fig.11. 6, In contrast to cobalt and standard high speed steels, high vanadium steels have a more stable residual austenite due to a larger concentration in it of carbon. This Involves an additional tempering operation, a fourth, at 560 to 5700C. 7. If the conditions enumerated in 5 and 6 are fulfilled, high vanadium steels with 5% Go will have a heat resistance equal to the higher alloyed steel -Nith 18% W and 10% Go and will have somewhat better mechanical properties than the latter. Purthermore high vanadium steels are superior to steels containing 10 and 15% Go as regards, hardness and machineability in the annealed skate. 8. Use of the hardenir45 temperature 1285-1295 C is recommended with a geating time of 6 to 7 sec/mm for the steel RK10 and 1260 C with a heating time of 20 see/mm for the steel RlOF5K5- 9 empering of cobalt and high vanadium steels at 560 to Card 6/7 50C brings about an Increase in the hardness to 67-68 RG; SOV/129-58-11-2/13 Structure, Properties and Beat Treatment of Now High Speed Steels the hardness will be only 63-64 R is the tempering temperature is 60011C. Howev8r, N increase of the tempering temperature to 600 C doe6 not improve the strength although it intensifies the separating out of finely dispersed particles. For the steel R1OF5K5 it iso more advisable to apply tempering four times at 570-580 C for maintaining an increased hardness. The final selection of the tempering regime and of the most favourable hardness should be made on the basis of extensive industrial scale tests. There are 14 figures, 3 tables and 11 references, 7 of which are Soviet, 2 English, 2 German. 1. Tool steel--Properties 2. Tool steel--Heat treatment 3. Tool a teel--S true turaY analysis Card 7/7 C4 JIK or 10 a IN f JAI.- 9 31 12 " ~ ! 4, .. .1 ii X1 40 Id i CA A ".jj 9 Ail 3 SU 14 : I "I.*jiv 311 V s A -Sli - *0 1; go t, a' 10 41 V. V NO 74. ;:j i 1i Pal i 'ills il i tit! I I, a t H 1i 'a al. 17 ftest"Ousmal Allot stools L"hUn, Tm, _3L. D"%4r of loc"Ital Sols"**. fftfo#aam'. aid of ?0CM1644 "%I;i lb I %V f A* ernooAm"S& vaUtent * CQVVeV W re-r-bMso""a lh*Lr Urfa" Xardaoo* a" Usle Rools""o =6 sawuwv. D. at. Cal""%* *r TveweaA selosees. lue ftma- %"W-&rvmlW 6-;;~ w" X-vd-ftua of it-.1 WA M%Zr prw"muss U3 Rwm"t"t, A, a.. cafta"Zo at Toemleal sate"Oes. Dead*%. W4 SM48400r. TW'"StOMAUDM. ftQPWPUO*, 884 i;Z2~ i;i ors ot the Cs-ft-ft Slaus Used ter 3arLao g ftUokl". ft. Z.. Coaft"to &VToaft"-sl 3elqm*eo. Deter%L- VAUM Of ftW" Oft" TVWQrUMS Of TOGI 2%"X9 04 &L1"6 I" 1717" A F bm%w or Tgahr4eal 34ton"4. P"foe~. 3. L :- ~Aav * s a r i s l 5 = 064" o Tvawsa q .4**. - t* -P . " . Now U"Is ter ON jli~-ii tees" 6 aft . a - ~1 A.. beeser of Teaftleal salon"*. Pmfea~. To. X. T. M. LmaakU. AM&Ia"r. RaftenablUS7 of LUOS" c to 0 ema 3*1~eo. m4 1. 2. She"Iyahm- - for RIO-Prsq""y OtwnW4DW4"l3t &i0" 220 trreat at ubaxg jqT- , . ,, ultroamdes 4m the va ausys ro AT Librw7 of Cm$r*os tig6n.934) MIX, Buyin losifovich; GKLLn, Tq,A., prof.. red.; GORDON, LeXag red.lid-vo; XARASIV#'-'A-*I#"p tokhnored, [Austenite transforustions in steel] Prevrashchonlia austenits v stall. Moskva, Gos.nauchn*-tekhn.ixd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsystnoi setallurglio 1960. 252 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Steel-Ketallography) (Phase rule and equilibrium) 3/123/61/000/012/011/042 A004/A101 AVTHMSj 0911sr, Yu, A.1 MalInkina, Y*. I.; Lomakin, V. N. TMIs Hardenability of alloyed tool stools PMUMICALs Roforativnyy shurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, no. 12, 1961, 80-81, abstract 12B575 (V ab. "Motallovodoniyo 1, tom. obrabotka metallov". (Tr. Sektall motalloved. I term. obrabotki metallov. Tsentr. prayl. Nauohno-tokhn, 0-v& mashlnostrolt. prom-sti. no. 2]. Moscow, 1960, 197-219) TEXTi The authors studied the hardenability of Industrial molts of the steel gradoe 9XC (gKhS) (18 molts), )(Br (KhVO) (16 molts) and I (Kh) (5 molts). It Is expedient to d*torm1n* and check the hardenability of these steel grades by the face onA hardening method according to roc.T (om) 5657-51. The authors established a dependence between the distribution of hardness over the length of the face onod specimen and over the cross section of cylindrical specimens of alloyed hyper-outeatold stools. The data of face end hardening according to the suggested nomogram being available It in possible to determine the hardenability of cylindrical speolmons up to 100 mm In diameter. In order to obtain more homo- Card 112 HardenabIlity of alloyed tool stools S/123/60oo/on./oll/W AOOVA101 geneous and higher properties of cutting tools and dies of large profile It Is necessary to rate the mentioned alloyed hyper-outectold steels according to their hardenability by the face end hardening method taking into account the nomogram of the critical diameter and the distribution of hardness over the cross section. There are 17 figures and 10 references. Il'ina (Abstracter's notei Complete translation] Card 2/2 3 AUTHORS: e I I cal Sclences, Professor), ---er-L (Doctor of Techn' Lebedeva. Ye. A. (Engincer.1 T'L-kLv_: Tool Steels. The Effect of Alloylni, on Propertleo of HYpereutectold Tool Steel 10 D I C A Metallovedenlye I termicheskaya ob-.;ibotka mictallov, 1360, Nr -? pp 31-40 (USSR) AWS-1 IAA~'T This Is a report concernirr .~, In the nresent work. V,'ey were -1elc1--tcJ to ter ~ze: (a) 'the effect of ~-,arbor (0.9~-'. lb~ -,~,e effect, of alloyIng elements; (C) a Joint f."fec-t- of Vnese elements In steels of more complex rnpoi I t ! on .-1 heoe steels were smelted In the high freqaency furnace, Poured Into 35 kg ingots, and forged Into round rods ,-10 to 30 rin diameter, and also into 10 v 10 rrm square ro1j. The Aforging was begun at 1,050-1,100 0C I I r:U0 0, " ., & -, C for steel KhZS ana 11000-1.0--o .,- ,or ;3~eel 91;-',F) iool Stee&13. V-1e Effect as" Alloyln~' 011 ?rop-er".e3 of Hypereutectold Tool Stee! 0 C. The st rue t ure a,( I T-~ ro;.),er't 1 finished at 850 of deformed and annealed steel, stru-~tl;re zif*~ev ar-c-'11- t~ie SCr131tiVity to v?-,e of --arbide latt Ice; the structure and p.-opertle-`. Of `!Zlr.lene-~ 6tleell temperatures of havdening, hardness ol.' ----ooled Otecl; amount of residual austenite, strengti,,, ~iarde!~Ilabllli',y, hardness after hardening, propertle.3 of arnealed steel, itabUtty against tempering, strengtl~ of tempered and selection of optl-.u-n el-o!rposltlon of alloyed steel , steell were all studied and deni:r1beiA. T~,c llrvestl- gation showed that the beneficial eff'ect of al:oylng cier.ents In hypereutectoid steel hia2 Its --axlnum when their content Is 0.8 to 1.1%, or alL compley alloying. With higher content, t)7e negat"ve effect of so-e elements on many propertle3 of steel become3 more r)ronounced . Chromium (at O.',-0.~1% --ortent nomew~at Increases hardertabI1111-Y and t~ardness after hardening to a larger degree than otlher elements and assures a uniform distribution of ,arbldes. How - ever, the Increase In chromllvn 0,,c?- 0.5-1% does not improve hardenability but. lricreasc;~', a r b 1 J1 e iooi Steels. The Effect of Al)_)y1rj! or, P,"OPCI" IC3 Of HYPOU'r"U"Jitoctold Tool Steel S' 0'11 o' - heterogeneity, ardneas after- arinealing, the amount of residual austenite, and elevates hardening tempera- ture . Manganet-e decreases the terriperature of" hardening, Increases harienability bUt. wl,,en Its content is over 1%, greatly Increases the amount ot resl2dual aust'enite, which lowers the hardness of steel. Silicon Is the only element which, at comparatively small content (0-7-1.5%), retards the second zitage of martensite disintegration and Increase:3 thermvI stability, But when Its content, is over 1%, silicon Increases the hardness after annealing and the senst- tivity to decarbonization. It to stated that by rational complex alloying it is possible(at decreased chromium, manganese, and silicon c-o-tent) to increase the solubility of elements (tungsten and vanadlurri) which form stable carbides, and by 1,1,e3e mean3 to In- crease the hardenability and havdnens. Be3ldecf tung- sten and vanadium retard the growth of grain. Vanadium (0-1-0.2%) Is the only element which effectively prevents "Che rormation of car-bide n-:!twork. Tiere a:-e S/121/60/000/007/008/til Atnum Oellor, Yu.A.. Karavanov, Yu.1. T-4"nX: raproving the Structure ani Properties or Higb-Speed Cast Steel by Annealina ~i MIODICALi Stsnkl t Instrument, 1960, No. 7: PP. 29-31 TEM The problem of the Invest.1gattons described In the article consisted in determining the possibilities of Improving the structure and properties of high- speed cast steel by way of annealing and in developing the right arnealing con- ditIons. Annealing at comparatively low beating temperatures does not dissolve the primary carbides, but, causing coagulation, can Improve the structure. Cast stool undergoing anneallng obtains, after hardening and annealing, a higher strength. 7h# authors, Investigating the properties of hardened steel and of Pmealed steel (particularly heat-resistance and strongth). draw, as a result of the Investigations carried out, the following conclusions., 1he annealing of cast stool, while not eliminating the lattici of ledeburite outectic segregating at the grain boundarles, promotes its refining and makes It possible to obtain a more homogeneous structure of the metallto base. Owing to 4-4is ae strength of steel after hardening and annealing, I.e. in the stAte in which it is used In Card 1/2 3/121/60/000/007/008/Dll Improving the Structure and Properties of High-Speed C"t Steel by Annealing ready-made tocls, increases by 10-15%. It Is recommended to anneal cast steel at higher temreratures (900-9.500C) than rolled steel. Holding time at heating temperatures should ar~odnt to 4-6 hours. A longer holding time is not to be recoff#".nd-J, since It might lower the heat-resistance. 7be authors emphasize the necessity of carryIng out further Investigations of the heat treatment of high-sp,t,ed cast steel with the aim of a further Improvement of its zt.ricture. There are 2 photo3, 2 graphs and 3 Soviet references. Card 2/2 231;27 S/121/60/000/008/014/014/XX I I", :D D040/DI13 I AUT"OW; Geller, Yu,Att and Vays, O.D. I T LE i The effect of the composition of quenching media on the hardenability and strength of carbon steei PLMIODICALt 'itanki I instrument, no. 8, 1960, 27-29 "A?X'Zi :;xporimonta were conducted to find the effect of quenching in aqueous solutions of salts and alkalis on the hardonability and strength of carbon steel and also to find the solution which brings out the best properties of the steel. Aqueous solutions of 10r;;O) NaOll, 10,~j Na CO t 5-5 EEO and 5-6~4 A.aCl were used as quenching media, For experimenia,3 4yl2A purposes, , U12A) steel with initial structure'of grainy pearlite with uniiormly distributed secondary cementite wan used. The hardenability was determined on cylin- drical specimens# 24 = in diameter and 75 mm long* -hey were preheated to 6000C and then heated to 800 and 0200C in molten salt (72;., BaCl and 2ep NsCl). A-he temperature of all the quenching fluids was 18-2006. The thick- ness of the hardened layer was measured by three nethods: (a) by hardness rard 1/5 23427 S/121J60/000/008/014/014/XX -the offoot of the componitioll too$ D040/D113 from the surface to the layer where the metal had a hardness of not less than AC 60, (b) by microstructure - ioe. by the martennite layer thickness to the first troostite apotel (c) by macroanalysi3 - i.e. the thickness of the outer light layer seen after etching. All mothoda indicated approximate- ly the same thickness. The data obtained are presented graphically (Figs. It 2t 3)- It can be seen from fieure 3 that faster cooling due to salts and alkalis raised the metal strength after quenching# and that the highest strength was obtained through usi a Kuno quenching nolution. The fol- 1"ine conclusions were drawni (17 QuencAing in aqueous salt and alkali solutions ban the following advantages over quenching in waters (a) it Improves the hardenability of steel and raises the surface hardness by 1-2 units; (b) It increases the hardonability and thiokness of the extremely hAM surface rotaly (c) It decreases the quenching temperature required !or deoper hardening, and so reduces overheatingl (d) It gives increased strenCth in quenched atate and after low temporingl (2) The use of aqueous zalt nnd alkali solutions decroaaes the deformation of the steel and its tender-:-y to quenching cracket (3) Beat results are a~~hleved using NaC1 NaOll and Y1!nO4 (4-5,-',) solution3. 12'04 enoures higher strength ~.ard 2/5 3/1 21/63~9,;/00 0/0 1410141T_~ '~he effect of the com.2onition D040/D113 and a imrdenod layor of sliChtly lose thic'mose. :;xhaust fans are re- quired for nrot-ective nur-iosose VaCl solution is nore convenient in opera- I.iontand althouCh it Z;ivoo sliahtly lower stronetht it elso !-ives a thicl:or hordenc,11 Ivor. There are 3 tnbloct 3 fifvres rnd 9 referenceal 8 3cviot and 1 non-~;pviet -bloc# The reference to the _"nalish-lan6uaae nublication, road:; an 'ollowst B.r, -~uzsell L'ho '.uotralasian "n,-in-er 7, Iv 1553- Card 3/5 GALUR. Tu.A.; FAIMAHINA, N.V. Microscopic wthod of deteraining decarbonization in tool stools. Zav.lab. 26 no-33307-310 16o. (MIRA 13'6) 1. Yessayusnyy nauchao-Issledovatellekly instrumntallnyy Institut. (Steel alloys--intollography) (Carbon) MUSE I BOOK En"WITATICK SOV/5874 Geller, fully Aleksandrovich Instrumentalinyye stall (Tool Steels).2d ed., rev. Moscow, Metallufglzdat, 1961. 510 V. Errata slip Inserted. 9300 copies printed. Ed. of PAllshing Howe: SA, Unger; Tech. Ed.: M.K. Attopovich. M?PXE: Ibis book Is intended for technical personnel and may also be useful to till.,Aents at schools of higher technical education. CoVEPAGZ: The book revieve the basic principles of &lloying tool steels and dW,.unses their composition, structure, and beat treatmenc.. Carbon and alloy tool nteelst high-speed steels, cold- and hot-work the steels, and messurlag- tool steels art considered. londitions of hot working and thermochemical treaA,mant for im-,roving tool-steel properties are discuesed, and methods for deto-mining the structurt and proprties of these steels are reviewed. No personalities &re mentioned. There are 470 references, mostly Soviet. S/137/16 1/1000/"010/032/056 A006/A101 AUTHOR: seller, Yu.A, TITLEs High-speed steels of raised efflolency pMaODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Notallurg!ya, no. 10, 1961, 13, abstract 10195 (V ob. "VysokctprQizvodit. rezhushohiy instrument", 14"oow,, ~ashigz, 1961, 7 - 21)*, TEM This Is a review. The most effeat1ve means of improving the proper- ties of highospeed steels to the 4loying with Co and a higher V content. The -aithor describes Co and high-Vstoels used In -~ha USA and the Federal German Re- p4blio. GOST 5952-59 contains 3 groups of high-apsed steeli 1) on 18% W base- grade P18-02 (R18F2) and P1892K5 (Rl8F2K5),- 2) on 9 - 10% W base - grades P905 (RM), P96295 (R9F2X5), P902KIO f,R9F'?-KlO) and PlO*5K5 (RlOF5K5); 3) on 14% W base- grade P14f 4 (R14F4). The oheirical composition and heat treat- ing conditions of these steels are given, their technological and operational properties are described and recommendations are given an to their use. There are 14 references. T. Podorova rAbstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 1/1 '311 37/6V000/002/088/1 1~ ti A0601A 10 1 Geller. Yu. A., Fadyushtna. M. N. T=.i.F Pttermination of residual austenite by the magneto-metallogrirhlc t h(A f,~ -V P,!~ferM,fvnyy 7hurnal. 16'etallurglya, no. P. V412. *70. absfrAct 2,-'47. (V rb. "PetMIkA I prnktika ".Wlogr, issled. Instrim. stall", Mo!7~row. Mashglz, V)61, h1t-50) ,4FX-. !he magneto-metallographic method proposed by th~- authors m4ke:~ it possit-lo to establish the presence of residual austenite by examination of !~-v-lrions under a mJcroscope and to determIne the distribution of residual a,jst,~nlte In the structure. Tbe magneto- etallographic method was checked by ttstirg the steelr.XSr. 9XC. P9, &ndPm18 (,hV,. qKhS. R9. and R181). It Is shown that the results of the magneto-metallographic method coincide with the fintl obtained by the magnetic X-ray structure analyses. The magneto-metallo- griphic method possesses a high sensitivity and is very expedient for determining the residual auster.1te In a multiphase alloy, and Is also convenient for control- ling the tempering of high-speed steel. 1, Nikitina FAbstracter's note: Complete translation] (ard 1/1 A0601AI01 AUTHOR: _~,Pller, Yu. A. Tiri,F MetalloAraphic methods of determining the decarbonized layer PER! O:j N'AL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 2, 1962, *10, ftbstrect 21473 (V sb. "Metodika I prakt1ka metaUgr. lasled. Instrum. stall", Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, 51-53) AEXT. To determine the decarbonization of hypereutectoid ledeburite tool steels three metallographic methods are recommended, based upon differing principles. These methods of determining the decarbonization are based upon the difference in the duration and the temperature of transformation of supercooled austenite as a function of the carbon content. Thus, for high-speed steels a method is proposed, based upon the difference In the temperatures of the beginnirg of the marten3itic transformation of the supercooled austenlte In the decarbonized Iavor and the core. The method recommended for hypereutectoid alloy steels Is t)ased upon the difference In the stability of the supercooled austenite In the Intermediate region. It Is the simplest one for this group of steels. The third method is applicable to many tool steels and is based upon the deterninaticn Card 1/2 3/1 37/62/C,00/G02/0Xj/ 144 Metallographic methods of determining ... Ao6o/Aioi r,f tht~ de-arbonizatton from the difference of the stability of the supercooled A~v.t,onit.o In the penrlite roglor) As A funotton of tho C content. Pi" thrpo metho(is ituncated for daterminIng the decarbonizatlon cAnnot be applied to carbon tool-steel on account of the lowered stability of the supercooled austerdt-e- In them. For those steels the decarbonizationis determined at the present time from the reduced number of excess carbides in the structure of annealed steels which Is not precise. M. Rabinovich (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S1 1371621000100210 95 A060/A 10 1 AUTHOR- Geller, Yu. A. T17LE. Determining decarbonization in high-speed 3teel from the temper3t.-Ire of martensitic transformation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 1962, 71. abstract 2!478 (V eb. "Metodika I praktika metallogr. Issled. instrum. stall". Moscow, Mashgiz'. 1961, 54-55) TEXT: The article cites treatment achedules for determining the decartonLz- ed layer in high-speed steel and high-chrome steel by the method of V. D. Sadovskly. (See "Zavodskaya laboratorlya". 1934. no. 6). M. Rabinovich lftrtracter'a note; Complete translation] Card 11/1 S11 37/62/000/002/09,, A0601AI01 AUTHORS: Geller, Yu. A., Padyushina, M. N. 71TLE.~ Determining decarbonization In alloy steel from intermediate tran-- fomation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 2, 1962, 71. abstract 21474 (V ab. "Metodika I praktika metallogr. Issled. instrum. stali". Moscow, MashgIz, 1961, 60-65) TEXA A description is given of the comparative determination of the thick- ness of the decarbonized layer using three methods - the method of chemical aralysts, the method of V. D. Sadovskly, and the method of A. A. Popov and M. S. I4t,'s Mlkhalev, carried out in order to estimate the precision of the last mentioned method and the feasibility of its application to tool steels. The steel grades Y112, Y 11XB, X , gxc, xBr, 95xrcB, and 8C.SM(U12, U11KhV, Kh, qKhS, KhVG, 95KWjSV, and 8SVM) were investigated. The specimens had a cross-sectlon 9 x 8mm. All the steels to be decarbonized were soaked in a hydrogen stream at qDD C- in order to obtain the Initial structure the svecimens were annealed at 780 C for 4 hours. Then the specimens were heated up In a reducing vat and cooled to Card 112 3/1 2-V6 2/000/014/007/020 AOO4/A1O1 AUTHOR3: Malinkina, Ye. I., Gellei, Yu. A., Loma)dn, V. N. TITLE: Hardenability of alloyed steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye,- no. 14, 1962, 27, abstract 14B151 (In collections "Metodika I praktika metallogr. issled. instrum. stall". Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, 94 - 108) TEXT.- The authors present the results of Investigating the possibility of using the face hardening method to determine the hardenability of alloyed tool steel, and also nomograms for the conversion of the hardenability obtained on face samples into the hardenability of cylindrical opecimer:s subjected to volu- metric hardening with oil-quenching at 200C and in hot media. The steel grades 9 XC (91W), XBr (KhVG) and X (Kh) were investigated. It war. fourvi that the face hardening method is fully applicable. for determining the hardenability of alloyed tool steel. The nomograms for determining the hardenability, plotted for the case of quenching in oil and in molten salts, make it possible according to the given face test, to determine the hardness in the center and in any spot Card 1/2 S/123/62/000/014/007/02C) Hardenability of alloyed steel A004/A101 of the specimen cross section of any diameter, the magnitude of the critical diameter and thickness of the hardened layer on specimens of any diameter, and also the necessary hardenability depth according to the face test, in order t) obtain the required depth of the hardened layer and the required core hardness on components of a given diameter. There are 12 figures. V/ E. Spivak (Abstracter's notes. Complete translation] Card 2/2 GELLER Yu, A.; NWINEV L.S.1 OLESOVAI TS.L. 9 Rapid eteel with reduced carbide heterogeneity. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.6t25-35 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) .1. 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy instrumentallnyy instit4t. (Tool steel--Metallography) S/148/61/000/009/010/012 9.193/E383 AUTHORS: Kremnev, L.S. and Geller, Yu.A. TITLE: The effect of small additions of titanium and nitrogen on the properties of high-speed cutting steel PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysehikh uchobnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 9, 1961, 129 - 137 TEXT: The main problem in Ooduding the standard F1% (R18) and p9 (R9) high-speed cattlag steels is to attain uniform distribution of carbidemon irhich the uniformity of the grain size depends. Satisfactory distribution of carbides can be ensured by reducing the tungsten and chromium content so as to reduce the proportion of free carbides without decreasing the quantity of theme elements In the solid solution. Steels of this type, however, show a tendency to excessive grain growth. This effect can be prevented by increasing the V content to 2 - 2-5%; in this case, however, steel becomes difficult to grind, which causes considerable difficulties in the fabrication of tools of complex shape. The object of the present investi- gation was to study the possibility of overcoming these Card 1/$ q The effect of .... s/i48/61/000/009/010/012 9193/9383 difficulties by the add*tion of elements which would inhibit grain growth of steel during pro-hardening heating without increasing the free-carbide. content. Ti (a carbide-forming element) and N, which forms stable nitrides, were used for this purpose. The chemical analysis of the experimental alloys is given in a table. The maximum quantity of N was 0.01 - 0.02 0-03%. Several conclusions were reached. 1) Addition of 0.1 - 0.2% T1 or 0.02 - 0.03% N with 0.1 - 0.2% Al inhibits grain growth of medium-tungsten content, high-speed cutting ste#l, decreases its sensitivity to overheating and increases its strength. 2) The effect of Ti as a grain refining and strengthening addition is more pronounced that that of nitrogen. In Fig. 3, conotructea for specimens quenched from various temperatures and tempered (three times) for I hour at 550 OC, the bending ,strength (o, , kg/mm2) in plotted against the quenghingtemperature (OC), Curves 2 and 1 relating, respectively, to steel without Ti and with 0.26% Ti. In fig. 7 (constructed for similarly heat-treated specimens) (Y in plotted against the quenching Card 2/4 L~ S/148/61/000/009/010/012 The effect of .... L'193/E383 temperature (0C), Curves 1 and 2 relating, respoctivoly, to steel containing Ti and N additions. 3) The proportion of residual aumtenite unaffected by addition of N is decreased by the addition of Ti to an extent, illustrated in Fig. 4a, where the proportion of residual austenite (A, %) in plotted against the hardness temperature (00 for steel containing 3% Cr and no Ti (top curve), steel with 3% Cr and 0.26% Ti (dotted curve with an inflebtion point), steel with 2.68% Cr and no T1 (horizontal dotted curve) and steel with 2.67% Cr and 0.169'a Ti (bottom curve). 4) The quantity of residual austenite in a hardened-steel depends not only on the composition of austenite but also on its grain size attained during heating prior to hardening. With increasing grain size the stability of austenite increases and so does the quantity of residual austenite. It is for this reason that the proportion of residual austenite is reduced in the presence of Ti but is not affected by additions of N. Card 3/4 q S/148/61/000/009/010/012 The effect of .... E193/R383 There are 11 figures, 1 table and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The English-language reference in: Ref. 4 - A. Carter, Journal Iron and Steel Inst., 83, 11, 1955. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy stankoinstrumentalltiyy institut (Moscow Machine and Instrument Institute) SUBMITTED: FebruarY 3, 1961 Card 4,%'~ PPOPIP 5/10/61/000/011- /OjO/Oj.B 1.S. rtjLCS of bign_speed on t., Chernals, r deniLy - Gel. -bro Ve ffect of ~_O~ e Tbe e teel e b 111 " hj..z79'*_ * L *5 6 !ciabls ottli.X11r. 8 'jjj.W1h tic 1961., , ,Pr( be cbr ~5t'c) ct1ttj.0S .4y 5 5 bars all T to Ij .j.ves tt)fa jL" steel.. e a t C rom e e ne rtknI& "Ide ns. jl- a 90'T or - tjo pSjkj.OD'1CN" * meta' ,,,Ice 0 JL J'n t e ec tiVe iltra ertles eV t e5 1+ es Once 'Prop i.5 er e W"_ irl JLXIM ttj.T%% TI-jere d 'Prop rades 1 va-aa cu and 1. is he 1.9s4) 1710.116 a0tee.A. for a 'am all C11t Wo S-jcb S oad bdelft on tbe Of br mol'y omillm a t t1d EL tela j f c'hf - en, steel. (Re j * 6'. 19, ntell 5 et 0 SIS ial- t.00 5" 'o A3SS'ik a txxni&' ffe bj. 11. Spec 1 "0.1., not C jL" tbe . ons ij% tbe e Sta ~mo%% - calap'. 3S3. does eflable -Vari.atI tea Oil tter- e beqj~Laila. it or I. t z 511 Gxldlr ba 5 1~52 does 0 f 'jorVL rep pe 41 S. Oil tbe P af i.-tic n0.61 14or tents tile n' . IA. (.Ref - ' Seriy cgs, nt. 0'j5 coll (VLef . bjjj't'Y "959) Or SSSVL' . ,OSr i'leme varl probjeM barde"a .%Ida t i I.T.V. P'14 1,jeta tbis I for tbj' S I. I.Xir V. VI Cobell I e Of f oj.rtd Iwieta tar- 14. etic 0 StAidi cbebO iserl be T 14.T. V Ya t tbe tevt to Steil ~08; * esell Go tayls lief ,pr Cbromiilm f' t jmlam eSP ecially tbe Op I ermellt S') ther c ard -j/ C OEM The effect of chromium ... S/148/61/ooo/oll/olo/018 EIII/E480 authors investigated steels with 3.63 to 18% W, up to 4.2% Cr, 0.72 to 0.88% c and 1.0 to 1-7% V. These were induction melted, cast into 12 kg ingots and forged into 12 x 12 mm bars. After various heat treatments, phase analysis, solid-solution analysis, hardness measurements and determination of cutting properties and carbide distribution were carried out, The authors draw the following conclusions. In high-speed steel, chromium affects various transformations taking place during hardening and heat treatment, its influence is therefore very complex. Its main effect is on high-temperature transformations preceding quenching. As it is present in the form of a complex tungsten carbide, it lowers the solubility of this carbide in the austenite; the higher the chromium content in the carbide (and therefore in the steel), the greater the effect. Steels with less than 8 to 10%/ tungsten, in which grain growth begins at lower temperatures, require more chromium to obtain saturation of the solid solution with tungsten while keeping the grain small. The tungsten carbides precipitated on tempering form in larger quantities at lower temperatures and also coagulate at a :~,omewhat reduced heating temperature if they contain more chr---ium. It is for Card 2/4 5/148/61/000/011/olo/oi8 The effect of chromium EIII/E480 this reason that, in steels with up to 8 -10% W, the secondary hardness is raised but red hardness is reduced by chromium. Chromium hinders the transformation of the complex tungsten carbide into the simpler one insoluble in austenite. However, it increases carbide heterogeneity in steel with a higher carbide content (move tungsten) and this Impairs strength. At the same time, chromium improves hardenability because it promotes a fuller solution of tungsten carbides and the formation of chromium carbides which go into solid solution on heating to 1100- 115011C. For improving the properties of high-speed cutting steel, the chromium content should be fixed in relation to that of tungsten. With up to 10% W, about 4% Cr is required to saturate the solid s~olution at lower temperatures, thus keeping the grains small, and to obtain a high secondary hardness. In steels containing over 10 to 12% W, the chromium content should be reduced to 3% in order to retain a fine grain size on high-temperature heating and to reduce carbide heterogeneity, increase strength and red hardness. There are 8 figures, 2 tables and 11 referenceA; 8 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English language publications read as follows: Ref.l: P. Malkiewiez. Journ. Iron Card 3/4 S/148/61/000/011/010/oiB The effect of chromium ... Elll/E48o and Steel Inst., v.193, 1959, 1; Ref.8: as quoted in text. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy stanko-instrumentallnyy institut (Moscow Institute of Machine Tools and Instruments) SUBMITTED: April 4, 1961 Card 4/4