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28769 ',1/031/~,10/002/015 1, kl 1 Ge 1f and, 1 1!1. r N. M. , Morozov, A. L, L N',agnetic ,;urfacos of twfjl. lical magnetic field perturt(A bX -. cort'At~!t-.1 ~~,eld Zhurn-111 t,_,,,-heskoy fiz1,,..J, --. '', 10, 1961, 1164 - it T:~XT: The authors; lnvostigate,! a magnetir f_-' in cylindric!-' h, coor,linates by the acn1tir poteotial ~- H,z i -,4- 1 Vr) sin 3(,f -ocz) where H0 is a "longitu,iinni" homogeneous f-Le:di n,, i~ the amplitude of n helical magnetic field; 1 3 is a modified th r. irder Bes~iel functionj 06. (2T)/L; L is the pitch of the helix. Th,~,, t,;)~,, ,f field is of grea- intere3t for thermonuclear systems. The ma6r:ct.,; 3q.ipotential surfaces may be of two types: telescopic tubes or -.v-:ich do not enclose the axis of the sjutem and are far away from *~- T~i-! aim of this article was to give a general description of the offi-~ of _t -orrug%ted ft-Ad, Card 1/4-, 26762 Magnetic surfaces of a triply twisted ... 13 1 i.e., a perturbation of the form - ~ i sin M67 ?corr magnetic surfaces at 4ifferent h and k. S r t al f i e-,,A 0 is not symmetric, magnetic surfaces can or".-- ;Iat*~d nii...---r. The d~,,pendence of the angle of climb of' the "or(.e on i4. characteristic radius must usually be inve--;,~,,-,it-o ~oparate'-.-. are made f or z + h 3 1 3 ( 3r) sin 3 i~ (kr) tir and 3, h 3 3 at different h The "Ilich ow 'n.. c,-- for-~. was considered, was taken as Oir z fw N" -1, an "I 51'~, . -v,. Int e -.-ation was performed by the Runge-Kutta !h~:l -:Ith the 2Z 2 R- ,and 2 V' . In particular, the following were 40' 70 160 1) - 1, ho - 0.3 and 0.6. The magnetic sur.,tet-t: zi-;~proach on-e auc-.hev with increasing ho, and tubes not enclosing th-: z-axLs are formic-1 t--. h u. 6. 2) k - 3, ho - 0.05, ho - 0.1, and 0 in wi th the period 2 W13 was found in thes.) -ase~,. Fcr 0, th-,,v:-tFet!c surfacau coincide with thosu ob*,.--0ned itt k - 1 ho Cav- 2 2,9769 3/051 61/031/010/002/Ul5 Magnotic surfaces of a triply Varis id ... B1 1 1yal 12 Inside the fully dovelopod tv.,rfa.7-n there occur3 a now surface with a throe-loafed arose section. ck~nfiguration does not rotate but merely vibrateo. The magnetic surfac-;c Itoappear undo;- the action of strong orturbuticns, and tho points li,) )n with helical arose sections Fig. 9). The figures indicato th-3 toio,o.,3olon of tho curve points. There ~ are 10 figures and 5 Soviet references. SUB1.11TTEDo November 17, 1960 Card 3/4/ BCRCVIKCV, V.A.; GEL'FAND, I.M.; GRASHIN, A.F.; PCMERANCIIUK, I.Ya. Phase shift analysis of pp-scattering at 95 Mev. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 40 no.4:1106-1111 Ap 161. (KIRA 1417) (Protons--Scattering) PnIFAND, I.M.; GRASHM, A.F.; IVANOVA., L.N. Phase analysis of pp-scattering at an energy level of 150 Mev. Zhur* ekopo i teor. fiz. 40 no.5,1338-3342 MY 161. (Mesons--Scatterine) (MMA 1427) 20734 3/020/61/137/002/005/020 7000 B104/B212 16, 1 -C-0 0 AUTHORS: Gellfand,_J. M., Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, VrW Tsetlin, M. L, TITLE: The principle of the non-local scanning in automatic maximizing systems PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 2, 1961, 295-298 TEXT: Here, an automatic maximizing principle is treated, which has been suggested by I, M, Gellfand. It is based on a special non-local scanninK, and It has proved very efficient in finding the minimum in a number of numerical problems. The output function of the automatic maximizing de7ice -a question is given as F (Xit .... 9 xn* Y1 " Ym)v where x I denote the operating arguments. The values of these arguments will change due to automatic scanning. The yi are called the latent paramet,,,rs of the system and they are a function of time. Therefore, the output function may also be written as F (Xlv ... 9 XnP Ylt ""t Ym Card 1/5 2073h S/020/61/137/002/005/020 The principle c1' the non-local ... B104/B212 - I ~ 11' 1). lt 1u assumed that tile maximizing working parame',Pr3 n.innot be expressed analytically but have to be determined _?xperimerit,ili Since (I is a function of time the scanning has to be s 1y, don(~ witu to the maximizing value of the arguments. But this tirmn,~ depjndonne of ~ is not known and, therefore, the scanning rate is very Automatic scanning can be done by various methods. These meth,~,Js car be divided into three groups; The first group is based on 11ind scanning, here, the pick-up of the parameter values to be maximi?ed, is done independently of each parameter. The second group usee local scanning. Here, the result is evaluated after each scanning operation and it furnishes initial data for tile subsequent scanr ing operation. A. A. Felldbaum has described this nothod in his papers. Tile third group uses the so-called non-local scanning. For this motiiod it ig characteristic that the operating point in the parameter apnoe is not moving along a continuous curve. This increases the region of the parameter space. which is investigated per unit of time, considerably. It is possible to use singularities for the Card 2/5 2073h S/020161111 37/UO2/'005/020 The principle of the non-local B1041B212 construction of ~ and the maximizing process will be sped up considerably. The simpli,st non-local method is that, where the local method is combined with the "homeostatic" principle. This method, which is widely used in the computing technique, is described in details. The following disadvantage in mentioned: 41 increases considerably after each trigger action. The description of ,a non-local method follows which the author calls the "dip" method. This method is suitable for the case where the parametern x1j._, xn can be divided into two groups. The first group comprises nearly all parameters and consists of those where any change will lead to a considerable change of i. These parameters are called unessential and the adjustment has to titke place very fast for these parameter13. The smallor part of the parameters (2 to 3 parameters) is formed by that group, where a change leads to a small change of ~ - They are called essential parameters. The automatic scanning is done as follows. Starting from it point Xo the trigger operation is done accordin6 to thu gradients; It is coarse. If this trigger operation decretioes T by leas than 5-15/' then the coarse scanning is stopped. Now, the system is in a zone where the parameters of both groups are Card 3/5 20734 S/02 61/137/002/005/020 The principle .),, ttio- non-local B104YB212 equivalent, ~,~A the local methods have a small effectivity. It is assumed that the fir.~' trigger operation has brought the system into a point A (Fig. '), t.hon, in a distance of X ., which is larger than that of the first step,,:.- puintt X1 Is chosen. A new trigger operation is carried out from point X1, which brings the system into the state A,. After th1s, the so-c-eAled I'd-ipll step is performeds Ao and A 1 are connected with a straight line. Point X 2 is chosen on this line and starting from It the gradient A 2 will be found with a trigger operation. In this manner the minimum of 1) i~l astablished. The method described is very complicated if there are many variables and the authors suggest a method where the variablei x i are described by initial probabilities p,. Using those, several directions are nelected and calculations are made with partial gradienta, N. A. Bernshteyn is mentioned. The author3 thank M. A. Yovgrafov, L. 11. ivanova, and 1, 1. Pyatetskiy-Sliapiro for valuable Card 4/5 T.he princi-le of the non-local-... .? S/02o/61/137/002/'005/020 J-,C,?./B212 discussiona. There are 1 figure and 7 references: 6 Soviot-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBLIMED: December 14, 1960 ~8 I P11C. I cp~r4_5/5 GELIFAND, I.M.; GRAYEV, M.I. Integral transformations connected with straight-line complexes in a complex affine space. Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no.6:1266-1269 Je 761. (MIRA 34:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gelffand). (Numbers, Complex) (Spaces.. Generalized) GELIFAND, I.M.; GURFINISLI, V.S.; TSETLIII, M.L. Some considerations on the tactics of the format4on of movementB. Dokl. All SSSR 139 no.5:2250-1253 A I I* I- IRA 11,:8) 1, InBtitut biologicheskoy fiziki AN 85SR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gellfand)o (MOVIRWIT, PSYCHOLOGY OF) GELIFAND, Izraill M. "AutonorpMe functions and representation theory" To be prevented at the IMU International Congress of NkthematIcians 1962 - Stockholut Swed*nj, 15-22 Aug 62 Corresponding Memberv Academy of Sciences USSR; Mathematics Institute imenj V. A Steklov,, Academy of Sciences USSR (1960 position) KUZINI A,N.0 glav, red.; LIVANOV, M.N., red.; GERSHNIO G. V. j doktor med. nauk, red.; KRURGIN, Ta. I. , doktor fiz.-matem. nauk red.; KOCHEREZHKIN, VAp kand. biol. nauk, rod.; GURFINKELIV V.S., red. isd-va; POLENOVA, T.P., [Biological aspects of eybernotics)Biologicheakie aspekty kiber- netlkl; abornik rabot. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 237 P. (MIRA 16:1) 1, Akademlya nauk SSSR. N4uohnyy movet po kouplekenoy problew "kibernotika.0 2. Chlon-korrespondent Akad*mii nauk SSSR (for Kusin, G*lffand, Livanov). OTBERMICS) GELIFAND, Izraill Moiseyevich; GRAYEV, M.I.; VILENKIN, N.Ya. -FIntegral geometry and problems of the theory of re- presentations related to it) Integrallneia geometriia. i aviazannye a nel voprosy teorii predstavlenii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1962. 656 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Geometry, Differential) GELIFAIID, I.M.; GRAYEV.. M.I. Applying the orispheric method to the opectral analysis of runctions in mal and Imaginwy 14bachevokii spaces. Trudy Moak. mat. ob-va 3-1:243-308 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Spaces, Generalized) (Furctions) W4. 33631 3/042/62/017/001/001/005 B112/B108 IL iaoo AUTHORS: Gellfand, I. M.,and Tsetlin, M. L. TITLE: Some methods of the control of closed systems PERIODICAL: Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, v. 17, no. 1 (103), 1962, 3-25 TEXT: The authors investigate closed controlling systems which have a certain finality. The analysis of scattering phase shifts (proton-proton scattering) and the construction of physiological motions (human motion) are considered as examples. Such problems are reduced to automatically finding the minimum of a function F(x19-`xn1y1? ... 'yd' where the "hidden" parameters Y19--tyn depend on time t and.on the "working" parameters xl,.,..Ixn" The function Cx19""N't) 7 F(x1,...qxn'y1v .... Yd is said to be the appraisable function of the system considered. Essentially, there are three methods of automatically finding such arguments x which correspond to sufficiently small values of O'l. Blind seeking. 2. Local seeking. 3. Non-local seeking. As a method of non-local seeking, the Card 113 336)l 8/042/62/017/001/001/005 Some methods of the control... B112/B108 authors present the so called method of "gorgeRP, This method is schemati- cally described in Fig. 1. The straight lines rj_Ai,-I indicate the "gorges". P. K. Ano4in and G. V. Gershun' are mentioned. N. A. Bernshteyn, V. S. Gurfinkell, L. N. Ivanov, and i. I. Shapiro-Pyatetskiy are thanked for assistanoe. A. A,, Felldbaum (Avtomatika i telemekhanika 21, No. 9 (1960); No. 11 (1960); Vychislitellnyye ustroystva v avtomatichei-kikh sistemakh Computational constructions in automatic systems, M., Fizmatgiz, 1959; Avtomatika i telemekhanika 17, No. 9 (1956); 19, No. 8 (1958)), N. A. Bernshteyn, (0 postroyenii dvizheniy - On the construction of motions, M., Medgiz 1947), 1. M. Gellfand, V. S. Gurfinkell, M. L. Tsetlin (DAN M, No. 5 ~1961)), V. S. Gurfinkell (AMN, 1961; Tretlya nauchnaya sessiya TsNIIPP - Third scientific session of TsNIIPP. M., 1953; Vtoraya nauchnaya sessiya TsNIIPP - Second scientific session of TsNIIPP, M., 1952) are referred to. There are 8 figures and 35 referencess 28 Soviet and 7 non- Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: E. R. Caianiello, Outline of a theory of thought processes and thinking machines, Naples, 1960, Preprint; S. Ulam, A collection of mathematical problems, New York - London, 1960; R. C. Stabler, E. L. Lomon, Card 2/3 33631 S/042/62/017/001/001/005 Some methods of the control... B112/B108 Proton-proton scattering phane shifts at 150 Mev, Nuovo cimento 15, No. 2 (1960); H. P. Stapp, T. 1. Ipailantie, N. Metropolia, Phase-shifts analy- sis of 310 Mev proton-proton scattering experiments, Phya. Rev. No. 1 (1957). SUBMITTED: July 2o, 1961 Card 3/3 (0 it, As A, Fig. 1. 1% If ~1500 AUTHORS: Gellfand, -1., ZuyVTEv,--N. TITLE; Example of ourfaces S/020/62/143/001/014/030 B104~BlOG 1. M., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Grayev, M. M., Mikhaylova, it. S., and Morozov, A. 1. a toroidal magnetic field having no magnetic PERIODICAL: - Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 1, 1962, 131-83 TEXT: The existence of magnetic surfaces can be proved and their exact equations derived only if the relevant magnetic field has some symmetry. In unsymmetric magnetic fieldst the equations of these surfaces can only be approximated. An unoymmetric magnetic field with the ocular potential 41 ~- Z + h313 (3r) sin,3 (4V - z) --~ hj, (3r) sin 3z. has been calculated numerically in a previous study (ZhTF, a, no. 10 (1961)). The magnetic surfaces of such a field were shown to decompose at h3 - 3, ho . 0.125- In the present study, this phenomenon is investigated in detail. The course of the lines of force is calculated Card.1/2 Example of a toroidal magnetic 5/020/62/143/001/014/030 B104/BI08 and it is shown that the lines of force which should form the magnetic suIrfaces do not lie on a closed curve. Accordingly, no magnetic surface exists in this case. There are 3 figures and 3 references: 2 Soviet and, 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-languaCe publication reads as follows: M. Spitser, Proo. of the II. Geneva Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Encrayl 1956- SUB14ITTED: DeceMber 11 , 1961 Card 2/1, ~g~#FAND, I.M.; GRAIEV, M.I. Categories of group representations and the problem of the classification of irreducible representations. Dokl. AN SSSR 246 no,4:757-760 0 162, (MIRA 15:11) 1. Chlonkorreopondent AN SSSR (for Gellfand). (Groups, Theory of) MLIFAIID,- I-M- PYATETSXn-SHAPIROJI I.I. Unitary reprenentations in homogeneous spaces with discrete stationary groups. DAL AN SSSR 147 no.1:17-20 N 162. wii 15:n) 1., Chlen-korrespondent AN WSR (for Gellfand). (Groups, Theory of) GELIFAND, IJ4.; PYATETSKIY-SHAPIRO, I.I. Unitary representations in a G/r space where G is a group of n-order real natrices and r in a subgroup of integer matrices, Dokl. AN SSSR 147 no.2:275-270 N '62. (MM 15:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gellfand). (Groups,, Theory of) (Matrices) QUIFANDq I.M.; GRAYEV, M.I. Construction of irreducible representations of simple algebra~a groups over a finite field* Dokl. AN SSSR 147 no.3:529-532 N If2. (MMA 1f&12) 1. Chlon-korreopondent AN SWR (for Gollfard)o (lag audwas) GELIFAND, I.M.; PYATET4KIY-SHAPIP.0, I.I. Automorphic functions and the theory of representations. Trudy Mosk. mat. ob-va 12:389-412 163. (KM 16s11) ,~X. "'I.-- . , I ;,, - - - 1. 7 - -1 .. , . :11 .., I.,.- '~t GELIFAND, I.M.; GURFINKELIp V.S.; KOTS, Ya.M.; TSETLIN, M.L.; SIIIK., M.L. Synchronization of mctor units and its model representation. Biofizika 8 no.4:475-487 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. GELIFAND, I.M.; SHILOV, G.Ya. Categorl~B of finite-dimenBional epaces. Vast. Moak, un, Ser. 1: Mat., makh. 18 no.4;27-48 JI.-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:8) le Kafedra teorii funktsiy i fur&tslonallnogo analiza Mookovskogo unlveraitota. GELIFAM), I.M.; GRAM, M.I. Representationn of a group of ma4ices of the second order from a loc- taly compact field, and ap6cial functions over locally compact fields. Usp. mat. nauk 18 no.4:29-99 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) FRIDENSHTEM4, A.Ya.; GELIFAND, I.M. (Mokya) Possible mechanism of changes In Irzwological tolarancee Usp. sovr. biol. 55 no.3t428-439 My-Je'63 NIRA 17:3) _q~4-IFAND,_,LM.; XOVALEVj S.A,; CHArIAKMNv L.M lntracsllul~r atim4lation of different parts of a frog's heart. Dokl.kN SSSR 148 no.4t973-976 F 963. (MIRA 16W 1. Institut biologichlookoy fisiki AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespandtnt AN MR (for Gellfand). (Electrocardiography) 510201631146100610091023 B112/B186 AUTHORS: Corresponding Member AS USSR, Crayov, M. 1.9 --Zuyeva, N. M., Mikhaylova, M. S., Morozov, A. I. TITLE: The structure of a magnetic toroidal field having no magnetic surfaces PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 6, 1963, 1286-1289 TEXT: A large number of force lines of the field H z + h I + % (3r)sin 3(j - z) + h I (3r)sin 3z 3 0 3 3 0 0 have been calculated numerically for H - 1, h 3, ho . 0.120, 0.125, 0 3 0.130. ?rom their plots a series of qualitative and quantitative properties of fieldswith collapsing magnetic surfaces are derived. There are 3 figures. SUBMITTED: Oetober 30, 1962 Card 1/1 j1. 4tiI Gel-1-fand M.O:-, 14, 01/028 8102 631149100310 B112 YBI 80 g Member AS USSR, Grayev, X. 16 -rpopondin T1. fT, 77 TIThEs Irreducible unitAtiyi:~,repreeentations or the group of unimcidulx asoond-order matri-es with elements from a locally compact field _1MRMICAL t Akademiya nauk.SSSR.' Doklady, v. 149, no. 3, 1963, '40 501. The group G SL(21410, 10 -ordermatrices is con- 11,01mpdular second with elements from 1 ally-oompact non-itiscrete field K.. The + 6x -,7"P3E"entations T (g)f(x) %(a + Yx) Ila + YXI-1 which. + Yx) pond' im'-matrioes g The function n(x) is the group character (y6 K is-zoplaced by a quadratio;extension K(Fr-) and the corresponding re; are obtained by."alytic continuation. It in shown ths. + Tr E g) if-the eigenvalues X, A- of g are from'xil "ard., 1 /2 _.-Irretuoib:Ls unitary -representations -:44heawise:-the relation Tr T 0, j*Is valid. -TTEDj December 12, 1 2SUBMI )~6 Card,2 2 S/021)/63/149/003/06i/Oii--'..--i B112/B180 GELIFAND, I.M.; GRAYEV, M.I. Plancherel's formila for a group of second-order unizodular matrices with elemonts from a locally compact field. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.21262-264 J1 '63. (KRA 160) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSH (for GoItfand). (Mntricos) GFLIFANDj,.j.M.; l'YATETSKIY-SHAPIRO, I.I.; TSETLIN, M.L. Certain elams of games and robot games. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.4:845-848 0 163. (MA 16;11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gellfand). GEL-IFANDp,,1.14.;-PYATETSKIY-SWIROO I.I.; FEDOROV, Yu.G. Determining the structure of a cristal by the nonlocal search method. Dakl. AN SSM 152 no-511045-1048 0 163. (MIRA 16t12) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gellfand). m~~- 7.11~ V.AYNSHTEYN, B.K.; GELIFAND, I.M.; KAYUSHINA, R.L.; FEDOROV, Yu.G. Use of the Rfactor minimalization method In dotemining crystal structures. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.1:93-96 N 163. (MIRA 17ti) 1. ChlerW-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Vaynshteyn, Gellfand). GELIFAND, I.M.; GRAYEV, M.I. Structure of a ring of finite functions on a group of second- order unimodular matrices with elements from a disconnected locally compact field. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.3:512-515 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gellfand). GIMIYAND, 1. X,; ZITLINj X. Lj 0 On the Mathematical Modelllvg of the Mechanisms of the Central Nervous Sy~tsm.9 Report to be submitted for the Second 0eneral Assembly of the International Orgmization for Pare and P4)plied Biophysics (IOPAB), Parts, Frfmce, 22-27 June 1964, yf lip XI.I.. -%!ka I -- - - M., ~ ", .2 Tr-,Stitut t-zik' L 4"YO~L4)51 ~N T (d ) /Tj,'-4` P (I) Pg 1JF(c)/%4V_.M,(d)/ W (,Jp) .AGGE'5510N NR; AP5000150 S/0103/64/025/011/1572/1580 AUTHOR: DrY41m!02~V, (Moscow); G I'M M. (Moscow); (Moscow); Tfiet. n, it! (Mo--SComr) FITLE: Uniform games of automata and their digital -computer simulation SOURCE: Avtomatika i telernekhanika, v. 25, no. 11, 1964, 157Z-1580 TOPIC TAGS: automaton, autornatagArile ABSTRACT: Examples of the group behavior of automata ar a considered: a symmetrical g~,me and a circle game. A uniform game presupposes equal rights for all participants (automata). Payoff functions are, in fact, mathematical expectations o-f gain by each automaton. Autornata have no prior information about the system of payoff functions. In the course of a game, the automaton receives inforrnation about its gains and losses and uses this information for selecting its strategies. In the circle game,, the principal la-ws of behavior of Card I /Z L 1. W54 ACCESSION NR: AP5000150 ... automata, depending -an the system of _payoff -functions, numbe r of automata, and:- --their --toxage-capawtyax--P--Oxplcr,ed--;L-It-is-found-t-hat-with-&-favarable-structuT-e of the payoff function, the automata reach the Mohr point, i.e. , their behavior becomes expedient;- the-expediency of behavior- of individual automata has a much- stronger effect, on the expedience of their joint behavior than any variation of the number cof automata. Games of linear-tactics automata were simulated on a digital computur; Mohr's and Nash's plays were studied. "The authors wish to thank 'M.__S, UAhairlova for her assistance. Orig. art. haw 2 figures, 8 formulas, and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: OlNov63 ENCL: 00 S'jB CO.DE: D11) HA NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 VASILIYEV, Yu. M.; GELIFAND, I. M.; GELISH'LEYN, V. I.; MALENKOV, A. G. Characteristics of cellular complexes of the asc1t1c mouse hepa- tona 22. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 1:168-170 My 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut eksperimentallmoy i klinicheskoy onkologii AMN MR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN MR (for Gellfand). GELIFAND, 1. H.; GRAYEV, M. I.; PYATETSKIY-SHAF-MO, I.I. Repreteentations of adele groups6 Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 3:487-490 164. (MIRA 17:5) L Chlen-korrespond~nt AN SSSR (for Gellfand). L .1 cco:zc-r- 0.-1 X,1111-A'olds O,L* k-Di,a-,C"qUlonaI Pla-.1co" Nnl~'.-: SS-`2 Acad. Sol. USSR) -AV ;c;'- of ot an n-dimcn.-,Ional co=- --,at is ar. in-Inzoly 4'- r4,%.4 docroa5inr- ""o-jon of t1,.0 vlp-oo. he y (11) ~x) diL,, 1-01atco an C0:?*;aI."q Of PICLI"'o to cach -.janotion of the paper 4 s to c-z cquat'lon (1) and to dcflnc .4. L, I rIv I A. c claGs of *.-unc'*Iors on the set of pl=c- that Ir. doto~4;alncd by: v An jnfc,-jo equation is derived. "Orig. art. has: 2 f6mulas SUB CODE: 12 rij'B,,, DATE: 25Xir66 )RIG W: 002 UDC: 517-948.5 .mm"~S~ iM GILIFAND Jiro Vvil ff~w4" * ILISHITS, leask Yakoylevich, kandidat - t chookikh mank;- GALLAY. U.S., rodaktor; AREUMUISLATAN.S.. rodaktor isdatelletva; NYWON, I.K., toklinicheekly rodairtor. (Plastic.icoated tearing) Podohipniki, oblitsovannys plastassool. Moskva, Goe.nawhno-tokhn.lsd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I toyetnot ustallurgii, 1957. 94 p. (MIRA 10:11) I.Zavo& 'Irammyy Tyborshoto." (Bearings (Machinery)) ca] Dlvio -M iutnr-~~'OIOEic!ll Inst., UFA:f, "The invr-,., jp pro~lpi gravitntionttl rot,ntt%,,, ror f. i7r-n-,ratrd by rotritjoll." Iz. Ak. Nquk S'JSR, Ser. Geograf. i Geofiz., No. 1-6, 1944 Gecpln.ystcal 'Division, "ininj:-Geological Inst.p ITAK, Acad. "Direct and Inverse problem of the roggnetic rotenLlal for n srheric entl" 17. Ak. Nnuk ::CM, Ser. Geograf. I. Geofiz., No. 1-6, 19!.Z 112-57-8-16oB6 Translation from: Beferativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, P 7 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gel'fWA I.S. TITLE: Electromagnetic Field of a Cable in a Stratified Medium (Z1;ektrowA4p1tnoye pole kabelys Y sloistoy srede) PERIODICAL: Sb. statey po Seofiz. metodam razvedki Sverdlov. goft. in-ta, (Collection of articles on geophysical methods of prospecting, the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute). M., Goolpologtochizdat, 1955, pp 18-25 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. ftrd 1,1 N 1) 3(6,10); 9(6). 3 Akademiya na SSSR. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1924 Ural'Bkiy filial. Gorno-geologicheskiy institut. Geofizicheskiy sbornik,. no. 2. (Collected Papers on Geophysics, Nr. 2.) Sverdlovsk, 1957. 207 p. Issued also as Its Trudy, vyP. 30 Errata slip Inserted. 2,400 copies printaT.- Reap. Ed.: Yu.P. Bulashevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Ed.: I.M. Demin; Tech. Ed.: L.A. Izmodenova. PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is Intended for field geo- physicists and exploration party leaders. COVERAGE: These articles discuss many n*w techniques and some theore- tical considerations involved in gravitational, magnetic seismic, electrical and gamma radiation exploration methods. In 4 articles V.N. Ponomarev discusses various aspects of magnetometry; N.I. Khalevin - the study of elastic wave propagation; and G.M. Voskoboynikov - gamma radiation. Extensive bibliographies accompany each articles. Card 1/5 Collected Papers (Cont.) TABLE OF CONTENTS: SOV/1924 Rodionov, F.F.,, V.D. Kokourov. Application of a High Frequency Electromagnetic Field in Exploration for Sulphide Deposits in the Urals 3 Rodionov, P.P., Application of the Non-grounded Loop Method in Search for Pyritic Deposits in the Urals 24 Kokourov, V.D., and A.A. Bashmakov. Field Vacuum-tube Volt- meter 32 Bashmakov, A.A, and V.D. Kokourov. Alternating Current Generators 36 Kokourov, V.D. Low-frequency Field Comparator 42 Bulashevich, Yu.P. Similarity Principle in Modeling the Polarization of Ore Bodies Caused by Current 53 Gelfand I S. Alternating Field of a Vertical Electric 60 a Bedded Medium Card 2/5 Collected Papers (Cont.) SOV/1924 Gelfand., I.S. Alternating Field of a Horizontal Frame in a wue-~ium 72 Ponomarev, V.N. Magnetization Curve of a Sample of Magnetite of Contact-metasomatic [Replacement] Origin 84 Ponomarev, V.N. Portable aatuzation magnetometer 87 Ponomarev, V.N. Application of Magnetometry in Exploration for Pyritic Deposits in the Southern Part of Zaurallye 93 Ponomarev,, V.N. Temperature Effect Problems in Magnetic Compensation Devices 97 Bulashevich, Yu.P. Magnetic Fieldda Horizontal Layer With Nonuniform Distribution of Magnetic Minerals 100 Orlov, G.G. Nomogram to Determine the Depth Position of Bodies by the Points of Intersection of Potential Deriva- tives Curves Taken at Various Elevations 105 Card 3/5 Collected Papers (Cont.) SOV/1924 Khalevin, N.I. Results of Selsmo.-logging the Intermediate (Intervall Velocities of Propagated Elastic Waves ill Khalevin, N.I. Application of the Refracted Wave Correlation Method In the Search and Exploration for Coal-bearing Deposits on the Eastern Slope of the Urals 116 Khalevin, N.I. Velocity of Elastic Wave Propagation in Sedimentary Formations 121 Khalevin, N.I. Problem of Measuring the Elastic Wave Velocity of Rocks "in situ." 133 Bugaylo, V.A. Short Method of Constructing the Refracting Boundaries by the Sections Method 142 Bulashevich, Yu.P. Equivalency of Volumetric and Surface Radiation 146 Voskoboyn1kcv,, G.M. Integral Equations and Approximate Formulas for Computing the Intensity of Oamma Radiation in an Homogeneous Radioactive Medium 162 Card 4/5 Collected Papers (Cont.) SOV/1924 Karaelk, N.A., and V.A. Bugaylo. The Genetic Relationship of Magnitogwakly Granitoid Massif With the Eruptive Rocks of Basic Nature 173 Timofeyev, A.N. Computations of the Interpretative Grids for Geophysical Surveys 178 Timofeyev, A.N. Graphic Interpretation of Geophysical Anomalies by the Method of Tangents 189 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 MM/ad 6-15-59 GILIPAND, I.S. Slectroragnotic field of an inclined network In a layered medl=6 Tru4y 9rer. gor. inst. no.3L.'9-17 157. (NIU 1114) (Yagnetion. Terrestrial) SOV/169-59-2-1237 Translation from: Referativny-y zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 2, P 32 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gellfand, I.S. T=: 'Me Alternating Field of a Vertical Electrical Dipole in a Stratified Medium PERIODICAL: Tr. gorno-geol. in-ta Ural'skiy fil. AS USSR, 1957, Nr 30, pp 60 - 71 ABSTRACT: The electromagnetic field of a vertical electric dipole excited by a harmonic ourrent is considered under the condItion of neglecting dis- towo placement currents In the earth. The integral expression for the com- ponents of the vector potent-W Is inve3tigated by the asymptotic methods, The contour integral is computed approximately in the complex range. The author points rjut. that It is most expediently for geophysical prospectinge to carry out the measurement of the radial coaponentof the vertical antenna as an anomalous factor of Uhe field. L.L. Varlyan Card 1/1 Soll/169-59-2-1238 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 2, p 32 (USSR) AUTHOR; Gellfand I.S. 4- tf~ TITIE: -The Alternating Field of a Horizontal Frame In a Strat'Ified Medium PERIODICALt T-r. Gorno-geol. in-ta. Urallskly f1l. AS USSR, 1957, Nr 30, pp 72 - 83 ABSTRACT: The electrom netio field of a horizontal magnetic dipole excited by a harmonic current Is considered under the condition of neglecting displace- ment currents in the earth. The integral expression for the components of the vector potential for a two-layer section Is Investigated by the anymptotle methods, which consist In the approx1mate comput, ton of the contour Integral in the comple3c range. The electric and magnetic fields of the horizontal magnetic dipole are analyzed, and partI_-uTa_r_1y-IT_1S shown that therelAtion of the reolprocally perpendicular horizontal components of -the electric and magnetic fields does not depend on tke &stance from the sourae, when this Is sufficiently large. Card 1/1 L,L, Vanlyan GnIVAI'DAj!~.." Electromagnetic field of tho coil and cable over a two-layered medium with a base of low conductivity. Trudy Sver.go-.inst. no.34:5-10 '51). (MIU- 13:5) (Electric prospectine) GnIPAND, I.S I.- Electromagnetic field o a horizontal electric dipole in a layered medium. Trudy Sver.gor.inet. no.34:11-19 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Electric proopceting) Q:LLIFAI:D I S 9 .:,. A,lactroma,lrnutic fi!.,ld of ',. ' .. vertical oicetric di~,olc in a r:.u--,ti- layerci G-ol. i n0.11:831-91 160. 0 a,~A 14:2) 1. Gornyy itisti'.ut in,V.V.Vr-'rL--.mshevaO Sverdlovsk. (0Z-0 'Iclositil) (Slectric tr03pcctin,,-) .1 A06 )0/A(' )00 AUTHOR: Go.11'fand, T. .9. TTTLE: FInctrorr.,vnetic field of frame and cable In a multilayer medJun PERIODTCAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no, i1, IIX57P, 68. abntract 1111282 (Tr. In-ta gool. i geofiz. 311). otd. AN 3:33'311, V)W31, no. 11, 3 - 2'1) TF)(T: The paper conniders the problem of the field of an Inclined frame . i)vf-r a multilayer medium. An exact integral representa- and a horl;,ontal cal)lv tion is given for the Hertz vertor of the vertical magnetI4~ dipole equivalent to a horizontal Frame, on thr! basls of which the approx1mate expren5lon Is given for the Ifertz vector In a qunni-stntic approximation (the wave numbr?r In air equal to zero) and tho carni)onentr, of the clectroringnotic flold are determin-1 both for the vortipal and the horizontal magnette dipoles. To the saino approxf- mation exprenslons are obtained for the components of the field of the horizon- tal electric dipole and the cable located (in the surface of the multilayer me- dium. Porrmjlt(? P:,e derlved convenient for calculations of the electromagnetic field In the ease when the Inequality V Idl < 1 Is satisfied, where k, and I, A Card 112 Floctromngnetic field of frame and ... Ao6u/AO(.'() are the wave nurber In the top layer anti Its power, rc.,ipectivejy. Resuits are c1ted of-nurnerIcal (-alculuLlons of the apparent Impedance of a three-layer path atioa of powers and res1stivitics of the two top layers (the rc.,;Istl for various r, vity of thp bedding half-apnee Is taken mu equal to Infinity) rAbstracter's nott.-; Complete trannIntion] V. V. Novikov Card P/2 GELIFANDP I.S., dotB.j PAVLENKO, 0.9 Otv. za vypuBk (Methodological manual on the oubjeot."Differential ;oquations of mathesistical physics" for geophysics students] Motodicheekoe posobie po spetsiallnomu rasdelu "DifrerentsialOnye urayneniia mattematicheskol fialki" dlia atudentoy-geofitikov. Sverdlovsk., Sverdlovskii gornyi, in-t im.V.V.Vakhr-uaheya, 1962. 38 P. (MIRA 16s8) (Differential equations) (Mathematical physics) 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 44*4 0 w W-v o fig 0-1 of Vge ~ I. W so so is is so .1 6 a to of A151 IA U d I I A 0 1 11,A to 4 . All Pa.-40.404 M t . . mothaills of loom" 60 Subdify ad tru"isid lastfu 00 of , N %I tki' 4.ul -4.-om .00 1.4point,tol Igo,I I 1"Irot.ity .4 "Itirlind Ilor Inf 00 in , puln. noull-vi, alre, I' ot,-,t 41 _1 I', I it I A Its to ..I v Cif 1 11" ;, I too 11. At 11,01 to., 0.1 64 to of -Ill. in Voted In 11n, I- ~ 40.1 so .. 1 of it *,onlol ondL, is lk-Am,, I.. .1,-,no .... . ..... . .1.i... to or fi,",% low 11. S. 00 .3, 66 zoo 004 00 1 W 00 go 0 00 .00 .00 00 0 fp's f I; 0 V 00 4 :; 0 00 #L . to so 00 9 *.11- 1 it ..-- I ~os a], is' U so *14 do A I a A, At 1 9ft So "I 1 9 ot 'a is a 0 too It 0 0 0 00 n3o2der for 7eldinill Blades to Cutters I-ndc: of Low-Alloy Stanki I in3tru!ent,- 14, 'No - 3, 1943. F,R-52C,5--(.,19. 0 0 IF -a 4g 0 0 0 a Ar 09 it -00 00 a .00 00 81i MMM ad C" 'd (in Russia".) N S'OOL ' T. G-M-1 d - see 00 , . ft"'IftiPt Of W A droy of Seiourrg Of lr* lion of Twhni lies 1094 ca Me"), no. 1. 1947. p. 93-104. ln"U"" Of a Cob lt see 00 41 a addition on properties of plalnrsrha" staeld him b a* 000 een Investigated quit, lhnmghly- but W data obtained are not o table to hi li h 0 . pp ff I steel, P"d of v'rY mplex cmp.. Altion 1nvpOtj ,j 00 : ,, ,,. the n1fthanlom of Ls, f... performed to deternine ""I'le effect of l b l woo 0 ru co alt l Or Pracru..' ob 1y t . talned data are Prr14.j'l,.d most In f -111l0 *0 S orm Of Various dlaV,ms. SOO woo goo too g1sttupGoLst L1jfsA1f,#2 CLA%%WKA11CU iej Alt ", ~40 0 u Ww" go RV it a a 19 91 it 0 0000 0 1110 11 010 6 o1 0 0 0 1;0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : VOW 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a - a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * :19 0 0 0 0 0 S/129/61/000/002/0 1 1/014 E193/E483 AUTHORS: Gellfand. K.M. and Markov, V.S. I TITLE: blorhnniral Pr6 ertiesitof Constructional Steels in the Direction No al to the Direction of Rollin I 1 9 -1VMJ '. I I) I 1.~ I. I, # L (C4 'k., PERIODICAL: Metall edeniye termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, ov ig6i, No.2, pp-53-55 !TEXT: The object of a statistical study of the mechanical Iproperties of severa:V_types of constructional steel, (3O9H2MfA__ (30KhN2,%IFA) 30XH3A~N3OKhN3A), 3OXrCA(30 GSA), (40KhNMA) nd 115011) described in the pi-eseArpaper 1 w that the rocT GOST) specification for these steels should cover also theiF -prifirties in the direction normal to the direction of rolling'. Having collected, tabulated and studied data on U.T.S. (0b), reduction in area (*). elongation (6), impact strength (ak). grain size of the non-metallic inclusions and type of fracture of 8 to 15! melts of each of the types of steel listed above, the present 1 ;authors have reached the following conclusions. (1) The mechanical properties, characterizing plasticity and toughness of steel in the transverse direction, are low and may be widely different in the specimens of the same composition and Card S/129/61/000/002/011/014 E193/E483 Mechanical Properties of Constructional Steels in the Direction Normal to the Direction of Rolling subjected to the same heat treatment. Thus, for instance, ak of steel 30KhGSA varied between 0.8 and 3.6 kgm/cm2, the ~ak(transverac)/ak(longitudin7l) ratio amounting to 10 to 12%; 'the magnitude of * and 6 in the transverse direction)~of the same steel varied betwoon 10 and 42% for the former and 2.3 and 12% ~for the latter property. The proportion of melts displaying low ,mechanical properties in the transverse direction varied from steel ,to steel; in the case of steels 30KhGSA, 4OKhNHA and "50", about .70% of meltz have rough appearance of the surface or fracture and low mechanical proportion in the transverse direction (ak %< 2 kgm/ari2 V < 15%. 6 < 5%). In the case of steels 30KhN2MFA and 30KhN3A, the proportion of melts with so lowmechanical properties in the transverse direction amounts only to 30%- At the same time, all the steels studied meet the GOST specifications in respect to their mechanical proportion in the longitudinal direction. Steels displaying low strength and plasticity in the transverse direction have typical rough, laminated, "woody" fracture. Card 2/3 S/129/61/000/002/011/014 E193/E483 Mechanical Properties of Constructional Stools in the Direction Normal to the Direction of Rolling (2) Statistical analysis of the results of a large number of tests, service conditions and causes of failure of various components indicate clearly that the useful life of many items of industrial application could be Increased by tightening up the GOST specification in respect to the mechanical properties (in the transverse direction) of several types of steel. There in I tabl !,.Card R"A.,AXAZOV), M", - - . Activities of Ukrainian therapeutist@,, Yrach,delo no.11:1221 X 156. (KM 10:3) 1. Mel Istoril maditsiny Ukrainskogo, institute klialchookoy mdi- tsi%W to. skedsolks X.D.4trasheskoe (U)MAI W-TNUIAMP1108-HINCRY) DUPISHKO, 1. Y. OBLOYAND, L.A. VMMMNMM~ Course, methods, end first results of a study of the history of therapy to the Ukraine. Sov.sdrav. 16 noo3:31-34 W 157. (NLU 10:7) 1. Is Ukrainakago institute klinicheakoy meditsiny iment skoddalke N-D-Strazhesko (dir, - prof. A.L.Nikhnev) (THERAFOUTICS, history, in Russia (Rum)) GALIPAND, L.A. Pros the history of W.D. ftrashouskole school 1917-1936. Obt,po oba.usuch.1aform. no.2tl?-21 '58. (NMA 13t6) 1. Is otdola Istorli imeditelay (sav. - KoF. Dapleako) Ukraluokb- go nauchno-Iseledovatellsitogo institute, klialchosimy md1tshW. Kiyov. (RIAZUKO, WINDUI DNMIWICN, 1876-1952) DUPLIWO, K.F.. G11LOYAND, ~j~ Nothods In studying the history of medicine, Say.sdrave 17 noe7353-57 ii 058 (NDU 11 :8) 1. Is Otdals Istoril Witsiny Ukrainskogo nmuchno-looledovAtellskogo Institute klinichookoy meditsiny Imeni N.D. Strnzhasko (dir. prof. A.L. Nikhnow). (HMMr, MBDICAL "search, methods (Run)) WFLEMKOi K.F.;_GELIFAND, L.A. (Kiyov) Studies in the history of medical sciences and public health in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Sov,zdrav. 20 no.4:9-15 161. (KLRA 1415) (UXHAINF,PUBLIC HFALTH) GELIFANDS, L.L. (Kazan 1) Conj.,jnifl; of sialif-- acd-S In thf. bloc-i ',.n L-tkinli d1seetr! wid~cancer. Kaz. zliir, 1l(),,5'.84 S-01.63 (MIRA 16-.12) QSLIFAla, 11.11. Baltin(-.-,-, r~f awmrld- icl~.' -- In ltiot.Hril,, trudy Kuz. gon. red. in:;t,. 14:407-1~'-'~3 164' . 18:9) 1. Kafedra InfektsionnykI, *bolo7.r--;y - doktcr nauk A.Ye.Roznll-,) Kamnskop M-1-00 State Vedagogical lecturesO In the Ukrainian S.S.R. Yat.v shkole no.6: 79-80 N-D 053. (XLRA 6:12) (Nathematics-Study and teaching) (Ukraine-Nathematics) GICL'YAND, M.B. (Xiyev) MMOMMENNOW Republic pedagogical Lectures' devoted to practical application. xat.v shkole no.3:83-85 MY-JO 156. (mm 9:8) (Ukraine-Mathenatics-Study and toaching) GrWYAND, M.B. (Irlyev) Solution of problems In the construction of cress sections of polyhedra. Kat. v shkole ne.4:42-47 Jl-Ag 156. (MA 9:9) (DoometrIcal drwwlng) A / , " .. j, , ~ ~.j ..- I '' 1.10, GILIFAND, M.B., (Kiyev) I I Ukrninian "education conferences" dediCAted to the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. MAt.v shkole no.6:89-92 N-D 157. (MIRA 10-11) (1harkay-Mathemntics-Study nnd teaching) , GELIF,WD, H.B.; PAVLOVICII. V.S. (Kiyev) Experience in explaining the adclition theorem accordlag to the now trigonometry textbook. Hat. v shkole no. 11:33-35 Jl-Ag '58. (HIRI 11 :7) (Trigonometry-Study and teaching) :,:~ J. - I 14-B. (Kiyov) -,W ~11 ~,Wl~ Discupsion of matbamatles curricula. Mat. v obkole no.2: 87-84 Mr-Ap #59. (MIRA 12:6) (Hathmmtics--Study and teaching) GELIFAND M.B. (Kiyev) I Contact between teaching mathematics and lifo, wnual training and production Instruction. VAt.v shkole no.5t82-83 3-0 062. (KMA 15M) (Wthevatics--Study and teaching) GELIFAND., M.B. ("v) . ......... ... Studying the subject "Power functions." ~kt. v ahkole 40,5230- 37 S-0 163, (MIRA 16:1.1). 1, Iv&, - 7~: TILIMATSKIT, A.Ta.; TSUKANOVA, Yu.A.; GXLIFAND, X.R.-MYTNLK, A.I.-, PASHMMOVA. Tu.A.; FRUT53VA. Y-9-.T._,2_UL_KUTZTA. P.A.. FONIN. X.I.; STAMOV.; KOLOMMITS, K.A.,tekhn. red. [Boonosy of Kursk Province; a statistical manuall barodnoe khosimistvo Kurskol oblast; statistichaskii sbornik. Oral. Goestatisdat, 1958. 198 p. (KIRA 11:12) 1. Kursk(Province). Oblastnoye statintichaskoys upravloniye. 2. Nachalldtk Statistichaskogo upravleniya Kurskoy oblssti(for Starkov 3. Rabotaiki Statiatichaskogo npravlantya Kurskoy oblasti(for all exceb%.Fomin, Starkov. Kolomlysts) (Kursk Province--loonoule conditions--Statistics) Seminormed lattices and metric spaces. 'l-",Ak%TiYMUk"2herb,-ifdTa-n-"~=rtidy ii., Alat mary) -178. (Russi %n. 'Azerbaijanian sum'xt~__' I - 4-5 (1952). 174 a The author continueF Investigations of Wilcox and Smiley [Ann. of Math- ) (2) f1939), 309-327) and Gli- venko Lamer. J. Math, 8 (19A), 799-828) into metrics on lattices. Let S be a lattice and (D a non-it qative, strictly increasing functi,m on S suOt ib(avb 1-0(aAb). ((D is called an upper sennnorm Oil The ~Iu_nction o(a,b)-24)(avb)-'D(a)-(l)(b) is a metric on S. Fora space X with inetric 0 and x~y, z e X, write xyz if Sample tit oretti: A metric space X becomes a lattice under the definition aZb if and only if uab (ii a fixed element of X) and with an upper seminorm that defines bhe nietric if and only if the' following conditions are satisfied. 1) For all a, b, x, c c X, the conditions vax,, vb.~, and acb imply iscx. 2) For all .a, b X there exist s, d e X such that sail, sb4l, mls, ano a5b. 3) For all x # X, uxa wid fixb imply iivil (a, b, and d as in 2). Similar resultsore given for IoNver semitionw, in which the inequality defiving (1) is r(wersed. h'. Ifelvill (Seattle, Wash.). GelTand.AL.S.-Segmentslu a Dedekind lattice. Moskov. 'led. Inst, Ut. Zap. 71 (1953), 199-204. (Hussiran~ Ina lattice, say that c lies between a and b (written acb, if and only it aC+bC-C=(4+t)(b+C) 1cf. Pitcher and Smiley. Trans, Amer. With. Soc. S2 j 1942), 95-114; HR 4, 87; Sholandcr. Proc. Amer, Matti. S". 3 (1952), 369-381 ; MR 14, 9), Various equivalent conditions are obtained in the case of a , modular or distributive lattice; some of these arz in terms of union and intersection, some in terms of distributive elementi,! and some are hi terms of segments. where the &~ginent i [a, b) is defined as the set of aH c with acb. Principal theorenis: In a modular lattice, a distributive e!einent u which has a complement satisfies the co(idition, which Glivenico [Amer. J. Math. 59 (1937). 941-956) found for distributive lattices, that uza, uxb and ac6 to~,ether imply'; ffxc, while uay, uby, and acb together imply ucy. Any i segment [a, b) in a modular lattice is a sublattice witb 0, and 1. P. M. Whitman (Silver Spring, Md.). --MLIFAND, Mark S&mBonovichj GUSIWVt G.G.t red.j SOKOLOVAp R.Ya.p tekbn. [Teaching algebra in the eighth grado of schools for working youth] Prepodavanie algebry v voolmom klasse shkoly rabochei molodeshi. Moskva, Isd-vo Aked. pedagog. nauk RSFSR, 1957. 131 piKOA 24:7) (Algebra-Study and teaching) CZLIFANDo Mark Sawonovichi GUSIKOVp G.G.v red.; 1AUTp V.p takhn. red. ---------------------------- [TeachiW the subject *Derivativs function" In grade 10 schools for working youth] Prepodavanie temy NProizvodnaia, funktoilaw v I klasse shkoly rabochei molodezhi. Moskyat Izd-vo Akad. podago nauk RSFSR9 1958. 13.1 P. fAIRA 34:7) (Mathematics--Study and teaching) (Functions) ~~LIFA14,H.S.; GIEYZF.R G.D.- FEMMOV, I.S.; PRCSTOSP.1071, V.P.; SAAKUNj, S.M. (Moskyni Structure and content of the mathematics course in grades 9-11 of the evening (staggered) secondary general schools. Mat, v shkole no*3t46-47 MY-Je 162. OCRA 15:7) (1-tathematice-Study and teaching) IVRUEf, Abram Takovleviqk, "WO 1-1 , redaktor; LARIONOV, G.Te.. takhnichookiy red&-Wo-k-.-'-- [The cost of electric and stem power] Sebestoinost' slektricheskoi i teplovoi energii. Moskva. Gos.energ.lzd-yo, 1957. 182 p. (NIU 10-11) (Ilectric power) (Steam power plants) GELIFAND, N.I. - Deto'rmifiing the depth of occurrence of magzptized bodies when the norml field level Is unknown, Geol. i geofiz. no.ssni-nq 160. (HIPA 14s2) 1. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibirakogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. (Magnetic prospectinj) GELIFAND, N.I. Interpretation of geophysical anomalies by the mothod Trudy Inst.geol. i geofiz. Sib.otd. AN SWR no.101-44 (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) of tangents. 160. (Y-IRA 15:2) GEL-'FAND, ~.L. _ Interpretation of magnetic anomalies by means of the magnetic potential. Trudy Inst.geol. i SSSR no.1:45-54 160. of higher derivatives Reofiz. Sib.otd. AN (MIRA 15s2) (Magnetic prospecting) GELIPAND. N.I. Defining the elements determining the location of an elongated ellipsoid of revolution form gravity and magnetic observations. Trudy Inst. ge6l. i geofiz. Sib..otd. AN SSSR no.3-ItI19-125 161* (MIRA l512) (Magnetic proepecting)(Grav#y prospecting) 122-4-10/29 AUTHOR: -Gellfand, O.E.j Engineer and Futoryan, S.B. Candidate of ToWMEa-1. Sciences. TITLE:- Introduction of ceramic cutting tools (Vnedrenie mineral- okeramicheskog6.instrumenta.) PERIODICAL: I'Vestnik Mashinostroen4all (Engineering Journal), 1957, NO-To -PP. 50 - 56 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Technical information reported at an engineering science session of a Moscow Regional conference in 1956 is reported. Between 1951 and 1956, the mean bending strength ceramic cutting tips inoxeased frm 21 kglmm to 37 kg/mm The fix- ing strength both by mechanical clamping and soldering has blen considerably increased from the original2values of 150 kg/cm in chanical fi3dng and up to 200 kg/cm. in soldering with a n solder. In the plant "imeni Kalinin", a mechanical fix- ing is used in the cutting of 'hteel 5" tubes with a cutting speed of 235 m/min, depth of cut of 6 ma, rate of feed of 0.45 mm/rev. The tool life was 120 min. Metallised ceramic tie have been soldered, giving a bonding strength of ?50 kg/cm at the Kharkov "Mintransmash" plant. For the sharpening of ceramic tools, bakelite bonded green earborundum. wheels of 175 1/2 grit are recommended at a grinding speed of 10 to 15 m/sec. Lapping with boron carbide of about 270 grit is necessary. A Introduction of ceramic cutting tools. (Cont.) 122-4 Q/2sL full page chart states recommendations on every item 16~ zool geometry for a variety of machining operations. Ceramic tools are claimed to increase cutting performance twice or more. High-alloy heat-treated steels benefit especiaLly. On each count of performance in cutting, ceramic tools exceed the best carbide tools. A number of detailed examples from the trans- port equipment, aviation and other industries were given. Built-up face cutters are illustrated for milling alloy steel surfaces. Round ceramic cutting plates are clamped around the periphery to produce 12 staggered cutting edges. A step arrangement is recommended for finish milling. Three full page tables give feeds, speeds, and depths of cut as well as other standards for various materials in turning and face mill- ing as compiled by the Scientific Research Office for prod- 2/2 uction standards (MS i IP). There are 7 figures, including 1 graph and 1 photograph, and 5 tables. AVAILABLE: S/118/62/000/012/002/002 D201/iJ303 I AWHORS Gellfand, P.I. and 11olishchuko V.P. . Engineers TITLE: An automatic electromagnetic-device for pouring metal in pressure casting machines kLRIODIC,%L: 11eldianizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva', no. 12, 3.962, 37-38 T*-,:*.',T: i~ short description of a pressure casting machine type 515, now undergoing development at the institut litcynodo proiz- vodstva j'U4 US"11' (Institute of Casting '11roduction of the AS' Ukr3z;R) and at the TsK3 Gosplana USSR. The machine consists of a single phase induction pump (a transformer whol;e secondary windling is a short-circuited ring of the molten metal) and of a heated crdcible storing the amount of molten metal at a given temperature, required for continuous operation of the pump. A spout connects the device to the pressure chamber of the machine. The advantage of this device is that the metal to be poured is taken from lower layers of the Card 1/2 GELIFAND inthol FOLISHCHUKI V.p., insh. Automatic electramag"tic unit for metal pouring on diel", &sting machines. Makh.i avton.prolzvo 16 nd-12137-38 D 162. Ll - (MRA 16si) (Die eaAng--9qmipwnt and aupplise)