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L '18oo4-63 [ACCWS'ION NRt ---A'P3-0'01-292"'-*-- Icauses of this surface diffusion, discarding most Irplanations, but they consider more likely the possibility of pinned dialog&tIonpMn the layer, the diffusion ,mobility of atoms being increased along these defects. They also suggest that the Ilayer may exhibit an increase In vacancy concentration because of oxidAtion-rodue- I tion -processes on the surf nee of the metal. An analogy with surface diffusion in Iliquids is drawn, but tho'limitation of analogies is stressed. Orig. art. hass 7 ifinres, 3 tables, and 10 formulas. :'ASSOCTATION: SUBMITTED: Kherlkovskly gosudarstvenny*y universitet (Khar1kov Stotts University 15Nov-62 DATE ACQ: O1ju163 INCLs 00:' SUB CODEs PH NO REF SM 007 OTM5X9 LX)7 Card 2/2 18125--63 HWP(q)/~WT(m)/~DS AFFTC/W JD NIts 03W396 s/bi8i/63/bo5/w7AqooA-qo7 'AUTHOF6t Geguzin, Ya. Ye ; Fabotog V. L'.1 Cherny*&hDv, A. As & "MA 4--*V--V4W -0 P-M-7 .7TTLEs Creep of-dnrlo errm of N&M and XCI In the rqglon of premelting Ir. atures and low a-pecific load SOURCE% Fizike tverdogo tela, vo 5. nos 7p 1963#~1900-1907 ,TOP.Td TAGS% crosep, specific load,, Na,, K,, Cl,, dislocation, climbing motion, mosaic, block ABSTRAM The authors M'd took this study because of the need to know more about the kinetics of creep und vory smell loads in oi, 4er to forrulate a view on the processes ocowTing durin hirh-tempersture cre In crystalline raterial. At such loads it may bo assumed that the elementary processes accorpenying diffusion-VI a." ity transformation of ahrpes in the mosaic blocks and the process of diffusion climbing of ditilocation will not be nPisked by tho effects of plastic defo tion and may thus be stidied in pure forms The ruthors have measured the rate of creep in single crystals of NaCl at 750 and 780C and in 9.n 1e crystals of XG1 at 700 and 750G, ?be applied loed ranged from I to 100 g/V. It is shown that under the conditions of the expor1rent the rate of lengthening observed is not due to Card .1/2 L 181:15-63 ACCESSIG! NRI &1?3003886 (P ~ diffusion-viscos!Lty transformation of shapes in-Ahe moosic bIgs but is apperentli determined by thf) climbing motion of dislocations. Here, the "active" dislocations may be dislocations that existed in the sample by virtue of its previous history and thnt arise during creep because of the presence of appropriate sources. "In conclusion we e)qpress our thnnks to T. M. Lifeldts for useful discussions of the results." 0r1g. art. hant 8 figures and 4 formulae. ASSOCIATICN: KhnrIkovs)dy gosuderstvcnny*y univorsitet (Kharlkov State t1niveral-tyL.- Veeso.-ru2ny*y institut monokristallov (All-Union Institute of Single Crystals) SUP.07TTED: 15FoI363 DATE ACQ: 15Aug63 ENCM 00 If SUB CODE: P11, VL NO REP SOVt 009 OTIMRs 007 Card 2/2 L 19163-63 EWr(l)/EWP(q)/EW(m')/EWP(b)/BDS- AFFTCd .J0 IISD JD1 01& ACCESSION NR- AP3005329 1 ejoJOW12219IM7 AUTHORS: Geauzin, Ya.' Ye.j Dzyuba, A. S.; Kosevichp A* TITLE: Healing of isolated voids in a crystalline body by uniform pressure SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, ve 5, no. 8t 1963, 2219-2227 TOPIC TAGS: healing, void, crystal, pressure, kinetics, Ma, Cl, creep, high temperature, elastic limit ABSTRACT- Experimental studies hive been made to trace the'kinetics of healing isolateAoids in single crystala~lbf RaCL1Vhen the crystals are subjected to . externally apFlied gas pre s suFa-under IV~Ri?o'rm compression. The observed kinetics are explained ty increased gas pressure in the voids as a consequence of decrensed volume of the vaids. Calculations have been made for the kinetics of healing isolated voids within the framework of "Odqvist's scheme" (F. Odqvist, Acta Polytechni-.a, 2', 125, 1953). By comparing experimental and computed kinetic curves, the value of the elastic limit in a single crystal of NaCl har been determined for the region of pre-fusion temperatures. The value obtained, Card 1/2 L 19163-03 ACCESSION NRt AP3005329 2 h5-55 g/mm . is found to be near the value determined optically at room temper- ature by R. 1. Garber nd L. 14, Polyakoy (FTT, 29 974o 1960). Other parameters ,tids agree with values obtained by determining the kinetics of healing v direct experiments on high-temperature Sc"ree "in single crystals by Ya. Ye.- Geguzin, V. L. Rabets, and A. A. Cher4*shov*-(FTT, 5, 891, 1963). Orig. art. hasi 8 f i g_u Re-s -and - 19 f o rRuTa -so ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvanny*y universitet im. A. "or1kogo (Kharkov State Universi SU114ITTE1)- 20Var63 DATE ACQi O6Sep63 FXLs 00 SUB CODEt PH NO REF SM 010 OTHOtt qO3 Car& 2A ":0 M, ~1 0 -5 GEGUZIN, Yaje.; KCVALEV, G.N.; 011CHARENKOP N.N. Studying self-diffusion in the surfnce inyer ol" gold bY the "mass transfer* and radioisotope methods. Fiz. tvar. tela 5 no.12:3580-3589 D 163. (MIRA 17s2) 1. KharIkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Ukrainskiy institut metallov. GEOUZIN, Yaje.; DZYUBA, A.S. F&rfect of p"asure on the interdIffusion of metals in connection w1th the effect of the beem reice of diffusion orosity. Fiz. Mgt. i metanoved. 15 no.2:290-202 F 163. IMIRA 1624) - 1. lQmrikovskiy goeudarotvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gorlkogo. (Metallograpby) (Diffusion) S/02 63/149/004/011-/025 BlON86 AUTHORS: Geguzin, Ya. Ye.t Rabeta, V. L. TITLE: On the dislocation structure of single NaCl crystals which :nave been creep tested PERIODATCALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 149, no. 4, 1963, 818 - 821 TEXT: Large single NaCl crystals grown by the Kiropulus method were annealed caref-j,lly and were split along the cleavage planes to plates xith a thicknecs of 5'mm. The samples were polished than and obtained a crosa section of 5-5 mm. Those samples were loaded at room temperature in t~-e- [100-) direction, heated at a rate of 200/min up to the iso- thermal holding temperature, kept at this temperature until the necessary elongation was approached and then cooled slowly. it was proved that the block structur,a and the dislocation distribution in the natural glide of camples which have been creep tested depends mainly on whether cooling proceeds under a load or not. The higher the temperature from Card 1/2 On the dislocation structure o.-L-" S102 63/149/004/011/025 B104YD186 which the sample is cooled down, the more marked is the "runnine" of the dislocations from internal regions of the block to existing boundaries. It is also shown that with increasing relative deformation the number of the coarse bl,)cks decreases and the maximum of. the block-oize distr4.bution fun,,,tion shifts to smaller block sizes. Results show that high-';emperature creeping of NaCl crystals produces a dispersion of the blocki; and that the dispersion rate in the course of the isothermal test decreases. In a later state the blocks stabilize and the mean size is the smaller the Aii.~her the load which has beer. applied. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: K'aartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gcrlkogo (Xhar1kov State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy) Vsesoyuzny.v inntitrt monokristallov (All-Union Institute of Single Crystals) PRESENTED: N,Dvember 21 1962, by P. A:. Robinder, Academician SUBMITTED; 03tober 29, 1962 Cand 2/2 L k1M1'7--A'J EWP (qVW-Fm YPW-WVZvf Wi-w &4X4ZXd- AFI'TCIASD ill AUTHCR: Gepzinp Ya. Ye.1--and KqValqvj- 0. N. TITLE: --Belf::SUffusion t the surface of polyMstalline silver FMIODICAL: Akademiya navk BSSRO Dokladys v. 149, no. 6, 1963, 1290-1292 TEM The authors investigated the diffusion of atoms at the surface or a solid on the lasis of the surface self-diffusion of silver., by using the "layered specinen" metl;od. This mothod makes it possible, when dotermining the coefficient of surface dil!fusionbs, to take into account the loss of the diffusing component from the surface of the specimen into space and to avaluate the thickness of the surface layer Ss in which this process takes place. The "layered s-pecirum" method consists taking foil sheetakof.the metal. whose swface diffusion is t,6 bo investigated and assembling then into a jAcket in which the individual. sheets are in contact n. o ly at certain points of natural rouabness of the surface. The pac-',et Ls exposed to a radioactLve isotope at a straight anglA to the p1ane of the foil. sheets, and su *bsequently the sheets are analyzed for the concentration (activity) of the diffused isotope as a function of distance x from the starting plane In (x Quantitative results of the investiption are presented. Irnere are 2 fiures. ASSOCTATION: Mar1kovskly gosWarstvennyy in--titut im. A. M. Gor1kozo; Vlzrainskiy institut mataUov (Kharlkov State Ubiv sity i=eni 111, M. Coriliy; Ukrainian Institute of Metals) su-mc=: october 29.. 1962 S/01 AccEssioN tiRs AP4011733 61/64/0WWV00?9/0034 AUTHMS: ;*pjLff#j__Te.j 5*1unskiyp V. 1. UTLE: Discharge of excessive wwancies in the diffusion band SOURCEs l';Lzika tvardogo tole, v, 6j, no. 1,, 19640, 29-34 TOPIC TAG.41i vicancy discharge, excess vacancy, diffusion band, sexiccndwtor~ ~internal dischargej external diachargep diffusion pair, pore, vacaMy saturationp dislocation, trapping coefficient ABSTRACT: In the diffusion band-of laminated samples made up of Wo mutually soluble substances in contact along a plane (or in the surface layer of samples from which the volatile component has been removed) excess vacancies arias dueing diffusion* The authors have examined the relative role of internal and external dischargo of vacancies in,the diffusion band, They have shown that in the early stages of the process a dominant role is played by external discharge (the inter- face of a diffusion pair) and at later stages by inner discharge (pores). In the later stages saturation of vacancies declines in the diffusion bande An experiment Card 1/2 777 Acomim has AP4031733 on the system kCl-4BY- has shown that the role of dislocations an possible dis- charging agents of excess vacancies at the investigated stage is onalle This apparently signifies a low "traMing coefficient" of vacancies on encounters with dislocations* -Orig. art, hass 3 figures and 20 formulase, ASSWIATION: Kharlkoiskiy gom4&rstvenny*y universitet (Kharkov State VrAversity) SIJB141TTED t 10un63 DATF. Ar.Qs - laeb64 ENGLi 00 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SM 005 mim i oo4 Card 212 GIGUZIN, Ya.lfe.; SOLUR-AlY, V.I.; KAGANOV."K!Y~ Mechanism and k1netics of the gr:*ath cf* nx~gatlve crysta!3 (pores) during Anterdiffuv4on In ftlkali mt~tal lialtdp single crystals of the system KC~ - Hr. Kr!stallagraflia 9 no.2:248-254 Mr-AP'64. (M7RA 17a5, 1. Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyj unlver3itct lmtini Gorlkogr, GEGUZlN, Ta.Ye.; SOIJJNSKIY, V.I. Growth of negative crystals (pores) in the diffusion zone during mutual diffusion in alkali halide single crystals. Kristallografiia 9 no-4:577-578 Jl-Ag 164. WIRA 17:11) 1. Khailkovskiy goaud&rstvennyy universitet. GEGUZIN, Ya.Ye.j SOLUNSKIY, V.I. Effect of the electric field on the development of porosity during mutual diffusion in singlealkali-halogen crystals. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 3:644-646 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gorlkogo. Predatavleno akademikom P.A.Rebinderom. V-~T- -t~m 4-- -L-3-81-12-66 DIT (l)/9dT WITIEW (t)/FWP(b) IJP(c). JDIGGG !,ACCESSION NR: AP5017495 uR/0.7 ,/65/m/Oo6/0552/0554 '68 535.436 Y- Y, 4; %" AUTHOR: Geguzin, Ya. Ye.; Dobrovinskaya, Ye. R.; Podorozhanskayal N. M ..... ~Z' ,,, it, - Wf/' Spectroj~C Ac- investigation of the diffusion of tb&Uium ions in X1 TIT1Ya !and N&I single cryot at hijLh temperatures 7 SOURCE: Zhurne.1 prik?a'i4q'y"'-j'sektroakopii# v. 2,, no. 6, 1965s 552-554 TOPIC TAGS: saintillator) thallium, sodium,, potassium, iodidet physical diffusion, activated crystal ABSTRACT: Ilia purpose of the investigation was to determine the diffusion ability of the Tlt activator ion in the lattice of the single-crystal host and its effect on the scintillating properties of the crystal. The spectrophotometric procedure employed consists of succesnively removing thin layera from the surface of the diffusion-annealed single crystal and analyzing the remaining (principal) part of the cryatal s;ectrophotometrically to determine the intensity of the maximum absorp- tion band due to the presence of the diffusing component. The diffusion coefficient is determined from the dependence of the integral absorption at the maximum of the band on the thickness of the removed layer. The teats Vere made on single-crystal samples of the form of plates (10 x 8 x 5 mm) in sealed and evacuated wapoules. Cmd 1/2 L ')892--66. 'ACCESSION HH: AP5017495 0 7be foUawidg fixpreBsions are derived for the temperature dependence of the diffu- sion coeffidients of Tl:* in single crystals of Ki (444--656c) and Nal (443--620e): D-rj+- Kj a love ar DT1 N.j ;,Orig. art. has,: 3 figures and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Vone SUB14ITTED: 300w& ENCLi 00 SUB CODE: SS OP .-NR PEF SOV: C05 OTMM: 001 ~Y. Card 2/2 1-24912 55 EEC(b)-2/EWT(I)/EVI-(m)/T/EiVA(d) IJP(c) i ACC9SS1*CON NR: AP5003414 S/0181/65/007/001/0062/0074 AUTHOM: Lifshits, 1. M. pc zin, Y~. Ye. TITLE.- Surface phenomena in ionic crystals SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 1, 1965, 62-74 TOPIC TAGS: ionic crystal, surface property* vacancy distribution, charge distribution, potential distribution ABSTRACT: The author analyzes consecutively the distribution of charge and potential near the surface of an ionic crystal. This in- cludes the equilibrium distribution of anion and cation vacancies near the surfaces based on a study of the equilibrium concentration of vacancies in an ordered two-component structure. The width of the double electric layer near the surface, resulting from the ac- cumulation of vacancies of a definite sign or of other charged im- 'The stationary distribution,. purities on the surface, is calculated. Card 1/2 T. L 24912-45 ACCESSION NR: APS003414 I of the vacancies in the presence of diffusi6n currentd is considered# when thia equilibrium concentrations of the vacancies near the dif-* ferent isurfaces are not the same, owing to differences in applied voltageis. By way of an example, the distribution is determined of the vacanciea near an isolated spherical pore whose surface is under a Laplai-e pressure. The charge that concentrates around 'the iso- lated p;re and the conditions for its compensation are calculated. The coigpensation of charges in an ionic-crystal region containing an ensemble of pores is also discussed. The effect of surface curva- ture or abrupt discontinuities in the surface Is pointed out. Orig. art. haig: 2 figures and 46 formulas. ASSOCIATION: 1(harikovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kharlkov State University? SUBMITTIMs lWunG4 EUCLs 00 SUB CODEs SS NR REP I;OVs 001 (YMERt 002 Card 2/2 s,~ R11, _,N I,' -21,rw :L /7 ACCESSION Ii;-,. A250(681i 8/Wij65/ow/oo~j/o6o2/o8io AUNTORt - Geguzin, Yr.. Ya.; Solunakiy, V. I#; Reznikt L. M. TITLE: Onthe,-.~henomenon of "Nacancy breakdown" during mutukl diffusim in alkali..-i halide single gst~Ls SOURCE: Fiziks.tverdogo tels, v. 7, no- 3., 19650 8w-fto TOPIC TAGS: aMali halide, si _%le crysta?.lmutual diffunion, diffusion porosUy, vacancy bree.OciW-71 A I ABSTRACT: Thiii Is a continuation of earlier experiments on the mutual 3iffjsion in alkali-halide single crystals (Kristallograflya v. 9, 248, lc,654) and presents the results of an Investigation of the influence of an external electrit! 111eld on the mechanism imd kinetics of occurrence of difftalsion porosity in conneoLtoi with the dislotation structure of real crystals. The systems investigated vi!re and ?TaCl-NaBr. The preparation of the samples and the test procedure are dezc7ibed. The studies of the mutual diffusion in these systems have shown that chiins of pores are inittated in the diffusion zone and can develop with preferred_ orienta- l tion along the applied fields In samples with the contact made alorg tke (100) plane needle-LAe pores vere produced perpendicular to the plane of the contact Card r-L 4,9049-65 ACCF SSION NR: AP50OW5 (i.e., parallel to the field). The lengths of the needles varied In dif-erent cections of tht! diffusion zore. When the samples were in contact along the (110) plane, the typi~ of pore structure depended on the field applied. A phenumenolo- gical description of this phenomenon, called "vacancy breakdown," in proposed to explain thin phenomenon. A similarity in found between the formation of the pore chadna and the arrangemerrt of nuclei of electric breakdown In crystals, A distin- 1 guIcIdng featixre of the kinetict of this process ic that repented heatir4', and f cooling cycles do not caure lei*;thenIng of already exicting chains, 9,ltbtmgh new chains are proluced, Orig. artt has: 9 figurer, and 5 forrmilac. ASSOCIATION: Ahar1kovskiy-goeudarstyennyy univernitet im. A. M. Gorlkogo (Kharlkoy . . .. ...... State Universi-V) swwm: o5oep64 VVL: 00 SUB CODEt 88 WR REF SM 003 OTMI OW !Card 2/2 L 583?6-6 M IT (lV!*f1T(WT/EWPM/EEVb) -2/EWP(b) /EWA W Pi-4 IJP(c) :JD/GG ACCESSION NR: APS017298 UR/0181/65/007/007/2053/2063 AMOR: Ya. Ye. Dobrovinskayat Ye. R. 4mz= ITLE: Diffusion of thallium Ions along dislocations In a single crystal of potassium iodide SOURCE: rizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 7, 1965, 2058-2063 'TOPIC TAGS: thallium, potansium iodide, crystallography, crystal. lattice dialoca- ition !PBSTRACT: The spectrophot(xnetric and isotopic experimental methods were used to in-~~ Ivestigate the contribution of thallium ion diffusion along the edge and spiral dis- ~locations to the total diffusion flux In single crystals of KI. Two single crystals, :of KI with different dislocation densities 01 and P2 (10-105 and 0-2olOrl CM'2) sepa- i ,rated by a thallium layer wisre annealed simultaneously. The a= f(x) curves were ob-i tained by the two methods. In the spectrophotometric mothod the single crfstal with la certain established distribution of concentrations produced by diffusion anneallng~ ~was subjected to subsequent polishing of the thin layers. The amount of diffused' imaterial In the remaining (principal) part of the crystal was determined fmm the I Catd 1/3 IP. L 58876-65 iACCESSION NR, 01iPS017298 iintensity-of tho absorption band maximum which is due to the presence of absorbed components. In the isotopic method a layer of radioactive T1204 was placed be- Itween the two crystals. The Intensity of the layers was measured with SI-23 coun- I ,ters. According to the data which itere obtained the temperature dependence for the edge. and spiral dis locations Is.given by the following relationships: 1-* 2,10-11 exp 0.51* 0.03 (PaPedge U 0.63* 0 03 .(D Pspiralm 5,10-13 exp alues obtallned for the energy of activation a" In agreement with the propost- ition that the nitcleus ("dislocation tube") is more distorted in the case of ed e 1 9 ,dislocation thati in the case of spiral dislocation ItIt is shown that the elge dis- 1 t *J;~;dbility than the sp ocations are characterized by a higher diffusion p iral dis- 'locations. Oril.i. arti hass 3 figures$ 9 formulas. 'ASSOCIATION: ldiarlkovskly gosudarstvennyy univereitet im. A. M. Gor1kogo (Kharkov ;State Universitf); VNIT monokribtallov (VRIZ of Sinple Crystals) Card 2/3 ,L 5,1.376-65 ACCESSION MR: AP5017298 ;SUBMITTED., WanGS Emct,: 00 NO REF SOVt 007 OTHERi 009 SUB COM* SS -L-*575PO-65 EWT(1)/EPA (s)-2/EWT(m)/E7r1P(w)/EPF (c)/P.PF (n) -2/31A (d)/T/E P't)Arc(b)-2/ _)7E5_ J U/ q T_~PTb WA(c)-- Pr-4/Pt-7/Pi-4/Pu~4-----IJP(c-)--- J- ~ACCESSION Wk., AP5013718 UOOG,070/65/010/003/Ot 71/0379 540.4 JAUMOR: Geguzin, Ya. Ye.; Ovcharenko, N. N.; Voroblyeva, I. V. ITITIX: In-ob3tigation of phenomena on the surface of single crystals. Cn the mechaA- 1-1 f c of onic! ism and kin,atics. associated with the healing of deep cracl~~ t1ii s W 4 e single crystals. SOURCE: Kristallografiya, v. 10, no. 3, 1965, 371-379 TOPIC TAGS* crystallography, crystal imperfectlAn, ionic crvstal !ABSTRACT: Me healing mechanism of deep cracksVin single.Nacl crystals was observed experimentally. Cracks were Introduced a if icially in single crystals using a ra-, zor blade or a special heated knife with an apex angle of 300 which was slowly .pressed into the sample. Heat trez-tment was done In the region just below the melt- ~ing point and was interrupted sporadically to observe changes occurring in the crack. opening. A long-focus optical system was used so that the changes in tle' craick could be obs-irved without destroying the sample. During isothermal annealing, the crack opening is displaced due to the influx of mzterlal. A large n=bcr of pro- LC~rd .1/2 L WZ~UU-bt) ACCESSION NA: AP5013718 trusions fo:,-m at the crack opening giving it an ulcerated front. In somi3 places bridges forin. The healing of the crack Is accomplished by at least two processes ~ 1which take place simultaneously: 1) the closing of the crack accompanied by change in its apex angle; 2) the transport of material from the plane regions of the crack Profile to Its mouth. Approximate calculations are derived and presented for the displacement of th,~ crack opening during healing assuming that the mechanism is one' of diffusion in a gaseous medium. Results of analogous calculations assuming volu-1 metric diffusion and surface diffusion are presented without derivationk Theoreti- cal cons I dei,,at ions show that the application of stress during healing decreases the: flare angle and should substantially accelerate the self-healing. This was can- firmed in experiments with single NaCl crystals by applying 7 to 120 gram weights per mm2 pezj~endic'ular to the plane of the crack. Orig. art. has: 8 figures, I tablo, 7 formulas. ASSOCIATIOW: ,SUBMITTED: iNO REF SOV: lCard Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kharkov State University) 22Jun64 ENCL,- 00 SUB CODE: SS 006 OTHER: 001 1. 311357-65 liViT(n, Pad IJP(c) JD161 ACCESSION NR: AP5004270 S/0126/65/019/001/0094/01(10 AUTHOR: Gegurin, Ya. Ye.; Paritakayi,L, THU: The effect of reversing the preferential flow of .vAcaticica during :reciprocal diffusion in crystal bodies :SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 19, no. 1, 1965, 94-100 ~TOPIC TAGS: -vacancy flow, interdiffusion, preferential flow, Kirkendall effect, ,Frenkel effect, macroscopic defect, diffusion pair, structural nonequilibrium, ~volume diffusion, diffusion porosity, coEper alloy, nickel alloy ABSTRACT: It has been shown experimentally that the preferential flow of lattice ;v?cancies can be changed not only in magnitude but also in direction. The experi- oments in which the direction and magnitude of the preferential flow of lattice i ~vacancies were studied involved the use of samples made tip of macrocrys tal line :polycrystals free of large lattice distortions; this made the diffusion in them ,difier little from the diffusion in a wonocrystalline sample. The effect of macroscopic d,afects on the diffusion in crystal bodies prompLa the assuri~ptian that it to possible to reverse the preferential flow of lattice vacancies;1lin equilibr-i-um' ';~systems such a flow results from the inequality of the partial diffusion factors 61he com on,2nt atoms. Tests with copper-nickel samples, in which the degree a 1/2 p L 31857-65 'ACCESSION VR: AP5004270 ,of nonequilibrium between the copper and nickel wag artificially changed, confirmed .1 the possibility of reveraing the preferential flow of lattice vacancies. Orig. 'art, has: 6 J~Igures, I table and I formula. 'ASSOCIATION: Khar'kovskly gosuniversitet imeni A. M. Gor'kogo (Khar'kov state ~university) SUMITTED, 0:?Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: SS W REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 000 L.V.; GLADFIY.11, N. P. ALATI.T! W, PARITSKAYAD L.N. D-4~ffusiou activity of vaouum condensaten in cennect-Icn with the effect of reversing the flow of vacanniem. Rz. me". I awiWIoved. 20 no.4z636-639~ 0 165. (YJFA n-Ln 1. Kharlkoyskiy, gosudurst7ennyy universItFt imini A.M. Gorikogo. GWU'~,'It: Ya Yr,,-.-, BOYEO, YiI.I. 1-.Tfect of Low proEssures on mutual dift'L'sLon in ImIc crystaIs. Dokl. AN SSSP i60 no.2:317-320 ja 165. (MIPA 1F:2) 1. Kharl'iovnkiv gosudarqtvennyv universitet i!r.,. A.M. riorlkogo. Submitted June 17, !?(14. Mz. L 53010-65 EWT(I)/tWT(=)/T/EWP(t)/MC(b)-2/WP(b)/En(cI Pi-4 rJF' JD/ jCG&GG A WION NRt AP5010577 UP/0020/65/161100310573/0576 AU7HORt gMuzinx Ya. Ye.; Matsokin. V, P.; ova E. A. TIM: electric fields on the distribution of d"locations Atk an Effect of weak ensenble in alkali-halide ainglis crystals jLt high temperatures SOURCE: AN OSSR. DoMadyt r. 1610 Ro- 3s 196% 575-576t and insert faclog P. 576 TOPIC TAGS: dislocation motiong &1kalillailde, single ci 3 high temperature behayiort dislocation distribution, diffusion mobUity AWTRACT: The authors describe some singularities which they observed in the re- distribution of dislocation in ensemble in single-crystal KC1 and KBr in weak fields (- 10--100 V/cm) and at high temperatures, when the motion of dislocation can be due to the appreciable diffusion mobility of the tons. The experiments were made with a single crystal grown by the Kiropoulos method from spectrally pure raw materialt and split along the cleavage planes. During the course of high temperature anneal- ing, a field - 50 V/cm was applied to the swnple, with a correspcnding density j - - 3 Wem2-. After annealing for different lengths of time, the sample was slowly cooled in the field and its structure before and after cooling was determined at room temperature, so as to trace the dislocation distribution. The results showed ~__Card 1-12 I.L 53010-65 ACCMIOY NRs A1150105rt the distribution of the dislocation in the (100) plane to be uneven, with a prefer-7 red clustering observed at the end of the crystal with the positive potential. The dislocation density exhibited a nonmonotonic variation with the coordinate. Facro-, scopic pono devcloped and grew in regions where the dislocation derialty reached a maximum. The mmiber of porous zones seen in an optical microscope 9.t 340x wkgnIfi-. cliti6ii-vao--propoitiorLtLl-.Co--the-quau%',Lty of-clectr-icity--pa-ssInZ-throtgh the.crystal_1 and thus proportional to the annealing time. The time necessary to establish an inhomogeneoun d1clocation distribution ranged from 5 to 15 seconds. Control exper-;' iments haye shown that the described phenomena did not depend on the material from which the electrode was made. It is premature to analyze the observed results and the Investigation is still being continued. This report van presented by P. A. IRebinder. Or1g. ut. bast gueell ASSOCTATIONs Muwlkovskiy gosuA&rstYenvWy:uniYersit*t iu. A. 14. Gor'kogo (Darlkov 1.8tate University) 1SUMaTM) s OwwiO EMCM -00 MM COM 00.,"rD IIR law MN a W? 1 001 -0/2 N.N. pg a a under 14otior, of mArroscopic gaseouu Inc-lusioni in Nel single cr t I the a2tion of small electric fields. Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.3t621-623 JI 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Khartkovskly gosudarstven.Vy universAtet im. A.M.Gorlkogo. Submitted November 30, 1964. _,L_Jjk12-66 I*T(l /Vff (m)/ WPLtYiTP(b)jEWA(c) IJP(c) JD/GG kE AM - M60--0684 5' souneg com un/ol-8-i765/ob7/oi.-~-/~498/3501 AUTHORS: Geguzin, Ya. Ye.:- Dobrovinakaya, Ye. H. ORG: Khartkov State University im. A. M. Gor'XLy (Khartkovskiy Cosudarstvennyy unIveraltet TITLE: Self-diffu9ion of positive Na Ions along edge and narew dis- locations in NaC1 sintzle crystals 'X 1) 4111 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 12, 1965, 3498-3501 TOPIC TAUS: sodium chloride, physical diffusion, crystal dislocation phenomenon,, single crystal. ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier experiments by the authors (FTT V. 7j 2058j 1965) and the purpose of the Investigation was'to ob- tain information on the atructure of the dislocation nucleus in the crystal and on the diffusion penetrability of the dislocations. The diffusing component was the isotope Na 22 , sputtered in vacuum on single crystal NaCl samples grown by the Kiropoulos method from high-purity material. The concentration distribution was determined by gradual re- moval of layern. The intensity of the removed layers was measured with an end-window-counter S1-2B). The information on the diffusion our- 0 0 13112-66 Nlh AP60 rents along the dislocations was obtained by comparing the plots of the concentration as functions of the depth of two single crystals which differ only in the dislocation density. The tests were made under two sets of conditions, with overlap of the diffusion bands (Hart model; Acta. met. v. 5 597, 19~7), and without overlap (Smoluchow3ki mdel; Phys. Rev. 87, 482, 1952). The variation of the concentration with the depth agreed with the Hart model. Two different methods of determining the total dislocation flux were employed and gave similar results. It is concluded that both screw and edge dislocaticn exhibit an increased diffusion penetrability with respect to the Na+ ig. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUMB DATE: 13MaY65/ ORIO RU: 002/ OTH MW: 006 Card 2/2 'GEGUZIN, Ya. Ye.; DOBROVINSKAYA, Ye.R. Self-diffusion of Im ions along edge and screw d3slocaticre in MCI single crystals. Piz. tver. tela 7 no. 1213498-3501 D 165 (MIRA 19al) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet Imeni GorIkogo. L )/T/EWP't)/E_rI ACC NRt AP90125191 SOURCE CODE:---UR/6i8-i/66/ooB/ooli/13014/1306': AUTHORS: Geguzln Ya. Ye.; Solunskiy, V. I.; Boyko, Yu. I., ORG: -Kharikov State University Im. A. M. Gor'ki (K r1koVskiy gosudar-i-3f-vennyy univers % IVA TITLE: Mutual-diffusion in KC1-KBr single crystals in a constant ex- ternal electric field SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 4, 1966, 1304-13o6 TOPIC TAGS: potassium chloride, potassium bromide, sandwich structurei physical diffusion, electric field, crystal vacancy ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors (DAN SSSR v. 160, 317, 1965 and v. 156, 644, 19611). The experiments coni3isted of annealing a sandwich structure KC1-KBr-KC1 at temperatures 530, 580, 620$ 650, and 680C in a constant electric external field. 'nie field intensity varied from 10 to 150 v/cm, with the field vector pe.-pendicu- lar to the plarx., of contact between the single-crystal plates. A slight pressure was applied to eliminate the poronity due to diffusionj The con ntration distribution was determined by removal of layers followed by determination of the crystal lattice parameter with the aid of a diffractometer (URS-50). The results showed that the external electric L 30198-66-_-- -;AkC NR, AP6012516 field shifts the concentration curve somewhat and deforms it slightly. The experimental data can be used to determine the effective coefficient Df chemical diffusion in two ways: from the concentration dJn~;rlbutlon curve and from the shift of the concentration curve obtalned in experi- ments without application of the field-and from the shift due -,o the field. An important result of the comparison of the diffusion cQeffl- cients is that the ratio of the coefficient without and with field In- creases with increasing temperature. This Indicates that sow of the vacancies are electrically neutral. This may also explain the reason why the concentration curve shifts more towards the KCI tban.tbe KBr, Drig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 22Nov65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 002 Card L 01825-67 LWT(1)/LVF(M)/r/EWP(L)/F,*rl IJP(c) JDAX; ACC 11R' AP6030952, SOURCE CODE: IJR/0181/66/0081009/255812565 AUTHOR: Geguzin, Ya. Ye.; Matsokin, V. P. ORG; Khar1kov State University im. A. M. Gor1kiy (Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy' universitet) TITLE: The "disintegration" effect in dislocation boundaries in high - temperature annealing of cr ystal ender stress SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 9, 1966, 2558-2565 TOPIC TAGS: crystal dislocation, crystal deformation, dislocation, boundary, dislocation boundary, high temperature deformation, crystal annealing, high temperature annealing ABSTRACT: The authors determined experimentally the "disintegration" effect of dislocation boundaries in crystals in which stress is maintained from the outside by an applied force. The considerations presented by the authors on the mechaniqm of this phenomenon are substantiated by experiments on the high- temperature de- : formation of dislocated crystals as in pure four-point flexure. An analysis is given---- of the relative role of the mechanism of diffusional "ascent" and sliding in the Card 1 / 2 L 01825-67 - i4c--KP603095-2 "disintegration" process. The authors express their gratitude to V. V. Indenbom for a discussion of the experiments conducted.' Orig. art. has: 6 formulas, 1 table, and 8 figures. [Authors' abstract] [SP] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 03Jan66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 004/ 2/2 7 A-"(, -,NR. A,-L:;t~~2-43-90 0 ui;,/002~/'~/169/1-,02/0324/o3ZI SOUECE C DE: '7 1UTHOR: Geguzin Ya._Ye.; Dobrovinskaya, Ye. R. WG: 10harkov -S-;ate University (Khar Ikovskiy gosudar3tveriW universitet) Scientific Resexreh Institute bf 'SinqLCLICRstals, Scintillation Materials, and Espe- cially. 11ure Chemical Substances (Vesesoyuzrrjy nau~155-- EsET-R-O-WaT-C mono- kristallov, stsintilyatsionrq?li materialov i onobo chistykh ?dUmicheskikh veshche3tv) TITIZ: Difiusion penetrability of different defects in KC1 and KI SjUle Frystals, SUG-RCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 2, 1~)66, 31,24-3,-j .0 potassiwn chloride, iodide, crystal defect, physical diffusion, crystal PIC TiGS: dislocation phenomenon ABS-TIIXT: in view of the importance that att-aches to data on the diffusion pcnetra- bil-ity uf defects of different types in the same crystal with re.:pectu to the namol s "~Is , J.1 pecitis of atomms, the authors report results of mcasurem,~ntn of the-difl Ion coc,"i- clents alon-7 the interi-rain boundaries (Lnd ed-Te and screw dislocations, o tairied in experimenti; or, the diffusion of TV* in KCl and YT slnCle crystals. 'The product, of the diffusion coefficient by the area of the diffNisioa frontu was detcrairca by a met"od ba3ed essentially on different hypotheses concernino the o-erlap of t1je diffu- sion zones produced around a single dislocation, and consistin;,r, In carrjiv- out t-hp. meaGurementa simultaneously on two different crystal-, havin,:T, different disiocation densities. The measurements were made in a temperature Interval 200 - 540% 'A Card ;/2 UN: 539.216-3 L ACC NR: Ap6o243go diffusion of the Tl was determined from the change in the microhardness of the crys- tals, induced by the Tl. It is concluded that difflision along the vacancies is Smallest, followed by diffusion along edge dislocations, diffusion &long screw dis- locations, and diffusion in the host substance. Conclusions concerning the relative migration energies along different defects are drawn from the results. This report was presented by Academician P. A. Rebinder 18 October 1,065. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 6 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 15oct65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 010 aWM -ACC N11j k6o36%6 /V) SOURC9 COM W-0181166100-8101173M Cho AUTHOM M, Ve; Dobrovinskayat leo ILI love 1. To. OFAI Khahow Rate University (Khartkovskly gosudarstvennyy univorsitet)l All-Valon Scientific Issearch Institute of Single Crystalaq 0whow (V"BoyusW naushmo- Issledevatel'skly Institut 'stallov) TIT121 Diffusion of cations along boundarles.1m alkali halide blorystalm 30=5i nalka twerdogo telap v, 69 no. lit 1966. 32M-3253 TOPIC TAGSI physical dIffusiont alkali halidep activation energy ABSTRACT& 7ho self-diffusion and diffusion of Aet Tltt K+9 11s*p Ni++ and Ca++ cations along boundaries In KC19 NaCl and KI bierystals grow, by the Kyropoulos methe were studied# The distribution of diffusing cations in the boundary region was deter mined by autoradlographye The role of defects in the diffusion process was described by their diffusional penetrability . ID = DS', where D Is the diffusion coefficient and S the cross-smational area of the diffusion front* Im temperature dependence where Qb to the activation energy of boundary diffusion of univalont - ionst was deterimined wMarimentally. Qb was found to be close to the activation emer g7 of diffusion along an edge dislocation Qd amid to the activation energy of volume diffusion Qv In the -p-tempersturs (ImWarlty) reglone It Is postulated thereforo ACC NRa M03b9bb that the elementary 40 F.Cuslon eve to slidle In all three cases and COMISts In th* jump of the atoo into do mIgkbvrUqw&9mW, It Is coraluded Umt the degres ot looseness of the boundary to largely IndepmSent ot taMoreturep assud" that the boundary width Is mmabstantlaUq lose d p W it an temperature them to the ditfuslem coefficient* OAgo arti. Woe 6 f1gump I table on 6 fmmmlase BOB CMI 20/, SM DAU8 HApe"/ OW MWI 00/ Om we 014 ACC NRt AP7004392 SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/67/000/0011002310026 AUTHOR: Gqg!A~;in, -YA.--Ye.; Paritskaya, L. N. ORG: Kharlkov State University (Rharlkovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Model study of the initial stage of pressure sintering SOURCE: Poroshkoviya metallurgiya, no. 1, 1967, 20-26 TOPIC TAGS: sintering, model test, surface pressure, powder metal sintering, pressure sintering ABSTRACT: The kinetics (if changes in the area of the particle contact surface in pressure sintering have been determined from changes in the specific gravity of large sintered spheroidal particles. Details of the mechanism of sintering large powder particles are established. The procedure for sintering copper spheroidal particles to a copper plate is described. The dependence of the effective viscosity on pressure is determined. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas, 5 figures, and 1 table. [AM] SUB CODE: 11 ISUBM DATE: 27May66/ORIG REF: 00O'iOTH REF; 009/ Card 1 / 1 ACC NR: AP7008110 SOURCP COPE. U It /0020 IU 7/17f". /0011 /0 820 /0822 AUTHOR: Geguzin , Ya. Ye. Boyko, Yu. I. ORG: Khar1kov 'Statc University (Khar'kovrj-kiy Po:3udarntvcnnyy univerr'itet) TITLE: Effect of x-ray irradiation on interdiffusion in alkali halide single crystals SOURM AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 1'(2, no. h, 196y, 820-822 TCPIC TAGS: irradiation effect, x ray irradiation, single crystal, ionic crystal , 194/09// M94/0f_ ABSTRACT: An experimental investigation was made of the interdiffusion in alkali halide single crystals*under conditions of diffusion annealing -,at con3tant irradiation. The threc-layered A- B- A specincns were IKC1- KBr and HaCl - HaBr systems. The thickness of crystLl plate A was selected in such a way that the attenuation of the penetrated beam would be 50 to 70,01. The thickness of A was 150- 200 v; that of B, 2 MM. The diffusion in the A-P-B contact occurred tinder the effect of x-irradiation. while in the B-A contact the diffusion occured under .usual conditions because of the considerable thickness of B. which absorbed the radiation, The other conditions (temperature, annealing time) in A-*B and B-o-A contacts were identical. In a KCl-KBr system at UDC: 537.226:539.219.3+537.311.33:539.219.3 ACC NR- -?7008110 5600 the effective diffusion coefficient in the irradiated snecinens (D.), determined according to Notano, appeared to be lover than in nonirradiated specimens (DO) by almost one order. With an increhse in temperature the difference in diffusion coefficients D. and D dizin .ishes and at temperatures of 620 and 68&00 f~iciento the diffusion coe I s were identical in irradiated and nonirradisted diffusion zones. The difference in effective diffusion coefficients is associated with the difference in the total volume of the diffusion Dires observed in '43r crystal. The irradiation causing a decrease of effective diffusion coefficient facilitates.the growth of the total volume of pores. A qualitative similar effect of x-Irradiation Upon the effective diffusion coefficient was also observed in NaCl- Na5r system. A definite contribution in decreasing the effective coefficient of interdiffusion can be made by the partial attenuation of the electrodiffusion field caused by conduction electrons. The field facilitates the dis.D-lacement of the most slowly diffusing ion (in the KC1- KBr system the Cl- ion). .The decrease in the mobility of the Cl- ion should lead to a decrease ~6f the effective diffusion coefficient. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. (JA] (WA-95) SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE: none/ ORIG REF:' 002/ OTH REr: Ool Card 2/2 GAYEVOY, YO.V., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk; IIASSkRMAIII, B.A., inzhener- tekhnolog; RADKEVICH, D.P., starshiy inzhener, MUDOLYUBOVA, G.B., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnikt BRYMMINA, G.A., mladshiv P nauchnyy sotrudnik; GEGUZINA, I.Yu., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; BLYAHSKkTX-,r.7-.,' 16k6ik New method for the conservation treatment of raw leather in a mobile apparatus. Trudy VNIIMP no.15:67-7/8 163. (KIRA 170) ACGMSION NRa APW1308 3/0126/64/017/001/0W0/0023 =HORSt G0(1,U31na# S. Tas; Timanp D. L. TITLEt Propagation of sound in an elastic aniaotropic two phase mixture 1'.SOURCEt Fizika motalloy i ratalloved., v. 17, no* 1p 1964p 20-23 'TOPIC TAGS: sound propagations elastic anisotropio mixtures elastic adiabatic wave, internal stressp thermodynando equilibriums sound energy attemstion ABSrRAGTa The propagation of sound in a tvo-phase mixture in the.isotropic ease has previously been presented by H. A. Krivoglaz (FHH,, 1960, lot 497),, The authors. investigated the propagation of an elastic adiabatic wave in a two-phase mixture in a state of thwmodynamic equilibrium* The internaZ stresses and temperature change arising with the passage of a wave lead to the disruption of equilibrium of the phaso and give rise to an irreversible phase changes 1"ding to the dissipation of onoror arxi attenuation of the ways@ The equation of an elastic wave in the general case in U uhere ui is the i-y vector component of disiliocations oik is the stress temorp-andi Card a./4 ACCESSION NR 1 04023088 4 (2). p is the average density. A solution wan sought in the form The elastic potential was written in a suitable form,, considering the-offeate of temperature change and the change of the molar concentration* The cans of high thermoconductivity and a low frequency was examined. The adiabatic stipulation of i the process has the form. C (3) r Here all quantities partain to a single gram-moloculet q in the beat of Win phasis changes C is the therml, capacity of the two-phaae mixture (in tin ab~ of a p phase change) with a constant,pressurs. For the speed of the phase shmige Me expression of Krivoglas, was used 7F* (4) ex-o"' Vie g" Here m. is the number of gr In thi'iyati oqwWts r In the taVerature, dependent quantity characterizing the linear apsed of gradh of the phase# r is the Teffective size of the phase 'articles, a in the aorfas* area. I t i of between the phasess . is. the transi. ion temperature change under the act on stresses. Considering expressions (2)9 (At (4), the values &p aid T' won eased in term of dja In' the came of a oubie crystal the'th9rmal conductivity, 'Card72A ACGESSION NRs AP4023088 ajc- thermal expansion are isotropic* If the speed of motion of the boundary be- twoon the phases is limited by the heat supply the quantity u is not directiOnally dependent,, but if it depends on the speed of the phaso change it is a function Sp and: T' of direction. The anisotropic case was considered. The values of determined above were substituted in.the elastic potential wWression giving coqvnents of the stress tenser in term of the deformation tonsor, The. wq)ression for tile overall compression was dotorminod and'found to, be a function of tile i frequencys For eirq)licity the moduli of elasticity of both phases were assumed to 11 coincide as were the axes of synwtry similarly orientated, Tile ropagetion velocity was examined for the cubic directions 50-07P 910Jt ~V- In only one of the three directions was the speed found to be a function of frequencys and in this direction it was attenuated. The expressions for speed in the three direc- tions were developed. They were chocked with the isotropic case developed by Kriv'oglaz and found consistent. The relaxation time van the same in.both cases. The results should prove useful in analyzing Worimentally determineCdependen4ion of the wave vector on direction in crystals having orientation formations in the second phase, They should also be of help in determining the contribution to absorption of the mechanism 4escribed in this paper and the contribution determined g at the boundary between the matrix and the second pww~. . Orig. arL by a sc4tterin j. 35 equationse Card r ;ACCESSION NRI Ap4aL308B ASSOCIATIONs VNII I osobe ddetylkh ynb~Mdv, Uwlkovskv gosuniversitat (Un of MonouptaU and tHLgh Paritr. Substaom,, gbwkov State univers it SJBXI=i 2oKw63 JWLi 00 SUB CM Ug, K% WD IV 30V~ 002 ormi 000 4A AA IiA- GF,GUZINA, S.Ya. --l-, _ Study of the d1sperolon of internal. fr4 -*ion rats and coefficif,,nt of absorption of elastic vaves in twt phase mixtures witb a unidimenolonal puriodio atructure. Flz.mat. i Motallaved. IS no.5&654-663 N 164. (KIRA 18 4 1. Veeeoyuznyy naushno-lualadovatellakiy institut monokristallov osobo chiBtykh voshchestv, Khartkov. L 27999-66 ACC NRI AT6012880 SOURCE CODE: UR/2910/65/005/002/0241/0252 AUTHOR: Pipinis, P. -A Pipin y*j3o P. ; _GeSzhnayte,, . L...Yu. __ d~ Gegznait~., L,; Raulichkite,, A. V. -- Raulickyte, A. 9-t-1 ORG; Vilnius State Peda ogical Institute (Villnyusskiy gosudarstvenny pedagogicheakiy institutl TITLE: Effect of the electric field on the photoluminescence of the ZnS-Pb crystal phosphor SOURCE: AN LitSSR. Litovskiy fizicheskiy sbornik, v. 5. no. 2j 1965., 241-252 TOPIC TAUS: crystal phosphor, luminescence, electric field, electric effect, light excitation# photoluminescence,, zinc Bulfide, lead ABSTRACT: The effect has been studied of direct and alternating electric fAelda on the photolumineacenoo of ZnS-Pb cryntal phoophor with varloue'lead oonoentrationa. A flanh of luminmence Appearod in the phoBphor when the electric field (Gudden-Pohl effect) was switched on and off. An alternating electric field has a quenching effect on the-luminescence of crystal phosphor. The dependence of the quenching effect on the variation of the electric-field frequency, field st'~'ength, and temperature was examined. The existence of an Card I /P L 27999-66 ACC NR, AT6012880 0. optimal time interval for the development of the flash of the Oudden- Pohl effect was determined, Flashing ignition luminescence for the crystal phosphor with the highest activator concentration was ob- served when the samples were affected by an alternating electric field during excitation. The authors thank students V. Yanushkevichyu;e and G. Ostasevichyute for carrying out measurements. Orig, art. has: .9 figures, [Based on author's abstract] [NT) SUB CODE., 20/ SUBM DATE: 16oct64/ ORIG REF: 004/ oTH REF: o15 Card 2/2 MOHAY) S., dr,;-.9~~ dro Pharmacoradiographic studies of the stomach,with pempidin. Thar. hung. ll~no.ls20-23 163. 1. Department of Radiology, Balassa Janos Municipal Hospital of the 8th District of Budapest. (SMACH) (PEMPIDINE) (PHARKACOLOGY) (RADIOGWHY) p BANSAal, Jossef, dr.; GIRR, Ferenc, dr.; PRZDKXRSZXT. Tibor, dr. ...W-WAUNAWOOW~ Hygiene In aluminum inditstry. lopegesseevw 36 no.7:190-196 July 55. 1. log lemorq an Orssagas k1unkaegesseegugyl Intexetbol (Igasgato: Timor, Miklos dr. - so a Sudaposti Orvoitudomanyl.I stem Rontgonklinikajarol (IpMato: Ratkoczy, landor drf. (INDUSUIAL HYG1=1 In sluxl=~ Indust. in Hungary.) (AWMINUM, b7g. in alumimso Indust. In Hungary.) R-AT 56 (;tllEl( F. ItOntgenklin. der med. Univ. Budapest. *Bei der Aluminiumher- -slellung'- i-uftretende Lungenveranderungen. V u I m u n a r y c h a.n g e a o c - currin in the aluminium industry FORTSCHR.16NTGENST11. 195r., 8215 (598-604) Tables I Illus. 3 I.,iminium ions precipitate protein and become irreversibly bound to the tissue mteins. In this way, they cause a fundamental change in the properties of the ells and destroy their vital functions. Formerly. pulmonary changes were not ,blerved in the aluminium industry, because the stearin which was used formed protective layer which shielded the tissuenuids. if aluminium is inhaled. there a collagen-hya line change in the pulmonary tissue. which leads to destruction f the respiratory. parenchyma with induration and shrivelling of the lung tissue. jhe gyrnptoms and the physical findings are non-characteristic. The following 2 orms of roentgenological. changes are found: (1) Distinct pulmonary shadows, pc,stly~bllateral in the median or inferior portions. the size of a small palm of Ihe hand. (2) Pale shadow formation in the median or lower areas. composed of ,011fluent, vaguely demarcated foci, Approximately 5% of the workers in alurninium t ants show the changes described. No progress was observed over 2 years. Brat- Oldenburg r.xbEp:pTA micA sft.12 v* Ophth-Ina3oa July56 1152, GNER F. Rdntgenklin., med, Univ.. Budapest. *R6ntgenmikrodoxistherapie 4;-nrz-d-nWeherAugenerkrankungen. Treatment of inflammatory ocular affections with small doses of X-'rays STRAIMEN. 3-11B tAPIE 1955, 9713 (362-371) M patients with acute and chronic inflammatory ocular diseases of different coA/r amlology war* X-Irradisled with small done@ of 6 to 10 r. The number of sessions per day was dependent on the degree of inflammation. Theme microdoses are con. sidered an indicated In all i-Mammatory eye affections. The earlier the irradiation In commenced. the more favourable the results are. The causal treatment proper to not neglected. In uvritis, atropine therapy is indispensable. In an observation period of 3 yr.. no lesions to the refractive media have been observed. In painful sty, X-ray irradiation can also successfully be applied. 40% of the treated cases of chronic bleptuaritim were cured. ScIerilis and keratoacteritis mho constitute a possible indication for irradiation, and favourable results were obtained in acute and chronic uveltin as well. Tuberculous forms of inflammation responded favour. ably to microdoues. so that this type of irradiation combined with antibiotics is re- commended an the therapy of choice. Lindemann - Hamburg (XIV. 12) 77, MOHAY, Sandor., dr.1 GEHER, Ferenc~, dr. Phar-maco-radiographic examination of the stomach with Synapleg. Ory. hetil. 103 no.36tI705-1709 9 S 16~., 1. Budapest Foyaros VIII. kor. Tanaco BalaBna Janos korhaza Rontgenontaly. (STOYACH pharmacol) (AUroNaKic DRUGS pharmacoli k .,NMI ISTVAN iC0h#r_,_jstVj& Sur Una transformation dlfntfgrale..'~ Comptes Rendus du Premier Congr~s des Mathkma- ticiensHongrois.27AoOt-2Septembrel95O,pp.507-518. '-Akadt-miaiKiid6,Btidapest,1952. (Hungarian. Rue- sian and French summaries) While in classical analysis the transformation formula for 0 Vol$ 15. woo 2 efinite integrals is considered only for the case when the tnge to new variables represents a one-to-one trans- 'ormation, this requirement has essentially Anal been found rrelevant in modem researches in this field. Furthermore, I 1e classical requirements concerning "smoothness" were ..eplaced by assumptions based an the concept of absolute continuity [see for example the reviewer's book, Length and area, Amer. Math. Soc. Colloq. Publ., vol. 30, Nen, V; these Rev. 9, SOS1. The presetit paper York, 1948, part I .,,contains various interesting contributGns to this line of Ahought. The following theorem is typical of the type.of domIts Qb1singd. Let jLx, y) be a continuous In the (3 VIZ 6L) -WOMA T unit.a.qu a.reIQ.O;Sxs I, OSY:9 I. on th; iiA# in. OM space, let H be a Borel measurable set and v(s) a B measurable function on H. For each real number s, denote by M(S) the exterior linear measure of the set of those .s. T'he func(i ion vU(x,y)) of points (x, y) *here f (x, y) (x, y) giv" rise to the set Ew Vr'(H)CQ. Anume that f (x, y) 6 abotAuttly contimmus In Q In the Tonelli sense Then of's v(s)Fx(s)ds- ff 0.U(Z' A U., +f") kwy, as won as one of the two integrals involved exists. r. Ra& (Columbus, Ohio). GEHER, K. Construction of a parametric sc*le from three optional points. p. 26. ELFK& TROTECHNIKA. (PA4gar Elektrotechnikai Egyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 49, no. 1, Jan. 1956. SOURCEs Flawt Turopean Acoessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 59 no. 6. June 1956 GIMR, Karoly *Theory of linear circuitow by Zoltan Heraqvy. Reviewed by Karoly Gabor. Elaktrotechnil- 52 no.3:141 159. SLAUf HICAL ZKOINURING, RLWrROMICS, MUNIMMUNICATION 911101HERRING ~-Jamffijmwffiox e .9malror w",-VOL If, S" , No. 1. figs. OarrobW= (WAWWA Wo and for describing phspo~ In w" pn6obillty v"bko occurri. nwow4 Is %med Im mimasm* evalmum " is wroo4ingly ppfled For imw glesUm vwiofm ptobleme in tolecommunica. tion. The PoUm ealmorrshojowel jamegon, Its nwjIjonw&Ic&I bookgromA oW pr"wVft am briony expWnod. The prob. lom a( us" pmpoodke we exam4nM by ow4na a mmla - How fow$km Sopeciar iD "Ped so fading phemmnom. TIm wwking mal-Sphe of go laolwastwat used fut o4leulallog oor"W10ow we &mjbod, GEW,-X,. On the range of value of the reflection coefficient and group velocity. Periodica polytechn electr 4 no-3:199-204 160. (EUI 10:5) 1. Lehrstuhl der drahtgabundene&Xachrichtentachnik der Technischen Univorsitat, Budapest. (Telecommunication) r, R, GEHER, Karoly "Theory of four-terminal networks" by V.P. SzIgorszkIj (Sigorskiy, Vitaliy Petrovich]. Reviewed by Karoly Geher. Elektrotechnika 53 no.5/6:278-279 160. 4 GEHER Ka roly "Impulse technology" b7 L.A, Majerowitsch. L.0. Selitachenko. Reviewed by Xaroly Geher. Elektrotechnika 53 no.5/6t279-280 160. GEM, K. (bAdapeistn., Stoesek u.2); ENZSOL, Gy. (BUdapent XI., StOC26k u.2) Yerrite ioolatore In microwave directional telecommication which work on the resonance principle. Periodica, polytechn electr 5 no.3:215-227 161o 1. lehratuhl fur Drahtgebundene Nachrichtentachnik, Tachnische Universi- tat. Vorgelegt von Prof. Dr. L. Kozma. 23505 H/00 61/000/004/001/005 0 0 0 D021YD105 AUTHORS: G6her, Khroly; CzigAny, Sebesty6n; Forg6, Milifily; and Villhny-l-,-OM , Members of the Society (see Association) TITLE: Measurement of the Budapest television chain transmission characteristics 11W PERIODICAL: Magyar Hiradfistechnika,,,no. 4, 1961, 134-144 TEXT: The article reports on the measurements of the Budapest television chain transmission characteristics, carried out by a committee of the Hiradfistechnikai Tudomfinyos EgyesUlet (Communication Scientific Society) from 18 Sept -to 8 Oct 1960. The purpose of the measurements was to de- termine those characteristics of the television chain which can be mea- sured according to general practice at each links and to prepare for de- tailed and exhaustive measuring to be carried out at a later date. The measurements which embraced certain characteristics of individual links, such as nonlinearityp square wave pulse transmission, amplitude charac- teristic and transmission time characteristic were carried out on the Card l/kV V 23505 H/009/61/000/004/001/005 D021/D105 Measurement of the Budapest television ..... studiot the microcablep the 5-channel distributing amplifier, the micro- wave radio system, the transmitter and the receiver. Results of these measurements are shown in Table 1 and in Pig. 14, 15, 16 and 17. Due to the lack of international standards applicable to domestic communication systems, the "CCIR Recommendation Nr 267, Los Angeles, 1959" on 2,500-km- long television chains was adopted. Since the problem of correlating amplitude characteristics with wave form distortion has not yet been solvedt and since this question represents the basic problem of the CCIR Recommen- dation, the authors summarized the results of their measurements pertaining to this subject, as shown in Fig. 18. The authors present 33 of the 250 photos taken during measurements, accompanied by appropriate explanations. The results of the authors' work found practical application by various institutions and the communication industry; Magyar Rhdio &a Televizi6 (MRT)(Hungarian Radio and Television) installed a new amplifier for com- pensating cable losses, the Posts, Rfidio Muszaki Hivatal (Postal Radio Engineering Office) amended the characteristics of the transmitter, and Card 2/12 A 23505 H/009/61/000/004/001/005 D021/D105 Measurement of the Budapest television .... 0 the "Orion" Plant increased the 3-db point of the amplitude characteristic of the AT-403 receiver to 4-4.2 Mc. The committee carrying out the measurements consistedt in addition to the authors, of the following members: Engineer Kfizmfir Csepreghy-Horvith, Laboratory head, and Engineer Sfindor Steffel, both employed by the Elektromechanikai V&llalat (Electrome- chanical Enterprise), Khroly Froemel, Engineer of the "Orion" Plant and Mikl6s HorvAth, physicist of the MRT. There are 51 figures, I table and 11 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to English-language publications read as follows: C.C.I.R. Documents of the IX-th plenary assembly, Los Angeles, 1959, Volume I. Recommendations; IRE Standards on television: Methods of testing monochrome television broadcast receivers, 1960, Prov. IRE, Jun. 1960; I.F. Macdiarmid: Wave form distortion in television links. The Post Office Electrical Engineers Journal, Jul-Oct 1959; H. Nyquist and K.W. Pfleger: Effect of the quadra- ture component in single sideband transmission. Bell System Technical Journal, Jan. 1940. Card 3/12 I/ 235o5 H/009/61/000/004/001/005 D021/D105 Measurement of the Budapest television #..o. ASSOCIATIONs ifiradfistechnikai Tudomfinyos Egyesiilet (communication Scientific Society) Table 1 (A) 'Ion 250 ke linearity 50 kc Overshoot Transition amp Tau 3 5% + 1% +L5% 108 ns Fig. Fig. Studio . -1.5% 12 12 Cable connecting the Fig. Fig. studio with the micro- wave radio system - - - 12 12 I Card 4/,& G&M) IKO "Linear electric eirouitsN'by Z. Hannyey. Reviewed by ~. Geher. Periodic& polytechn electr 6 no,42333 162, A~ikl GRIMR, Karoly wDovign of networks and feedbaa mplifiers* by H.W. Be&. Raviewed by Karoly Geber. SlaktroteohnikA 55 no*5:232 My 162. rr - If- haltin at .. Stoczek u,2)1 REITER, G.,(Budapest, 4., bl-- 3zoo ue21 Group delay corrector in the microwave frequency range, Perlodica polyteohn eleetr7 noolil-S 163o 1. Department for WireAbound Telecamunicatioup Polytechnical University., Budapest, Premented by Prof. Dr. L. tow, .-GEHER, Karoly I $Technical application of the Laplace transformationu by [Dr] Gyargy Fodor. Revieved by Karoly Geher. Elaktrotechniks 56 no*4:183 Ap 163o GEIRM, Karoly -- ... "Design of linear circuits" by G. Fritzache. Reviewad by Karoly Gehor. Elektrotechnika 56 no.53191 MY 163. BOGNAR, Gaza; GF11FR, Karoly - ~ International Conference on Microwaves, "Ircult 'Irmory nnd Information Theory In Tokyo. Ifir techn .1,~ no.1-25-26 in 165. HUNGAM/Gonerrl Frohl,.-s of Ff tiloloiV - Tui-,ors Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, No 326811 Author QaUto~~, ~-rEn L~-szlo Inst iI'lot Given Titlo iLymphogrr-nulmetosis of the Stonrch. Orig Pub iMngyrr rrdiol., 1957, 9, No 3, 178-181 Abstrrct sNo nbctrrat Crrd 31 A GIMARsKatalin,dr.; SCRINYMM,Gyorgy.dr. Dispensary care of goiter patients by specialists. lepegesssegW 41 no.215l-55 1 160. 1. KozlemerW a Borood-Abauj-Zemplon megyei tanace Semmelwois- korbRza (1pseato: Kende,Istyanodro); Lez. beloostalyarol (fooryon: Teschler.laszlo,dr.) 9s rendelointezetebol (yezeto foorvos:laae4l, Isetlo,dr.) (GOITER ther.) (STLTZ MICINN) ,_-GEM. XatALUn, dr.; SZAIAT, Veronilm, dr. Cbarlothorax and chylous ascites secondary to a retroperitoneal tumor. Orv.hetil. 102 NO-30t1421-1422 23 Jl 161. 1. Borood xegy9i Sommelweis Korhas, I. BelgyOvassati Ofstaly. Wrwnonx etioi) (cHrWPBITONIUM etiol) (UMPERITONEAL SPACE aeopi) OEM, Katalin, dr; SZAJAYj Veronika, dro I --I----.- ~ Parad"ical embolism originating from peripheral thrombi. Ory.hetil. 102 no.36:1705-1706 3 S 161. 1. Borsod megyei Semme1weis Korhas, I. as. Beloastaly. VASCULLR DISMIS FMMRAL case reports) LISM case reports) Z (THROMMIS case reports) wamp Kat^lin, dr.; F=VAFdp GyuU. dr.; SZOTACZKr, Maria, dr. Ch tbs stiOlOgi0sl signifimnes Of la*UANIS. OrT. betil. 103 no.7: 294-295 IS T 162. 1. Borood. maoi S~Iwts Korhas, I Bolgyogyassat. (OIARDUSIS otiol) GZHEh, Katalin,, dr.; SOTONYI, Gabor, dr. A21-4"ting sominophilio leukenia. Orv. hetil. 103 no.26sl236-1237 1 Jl 162. 1. Borsod megy9i Semkolmis Korhas,, I. Belosstaly es Prosectura. (LEMOM c"s reports) j Similar linear transformtions of finite dimensional spacess In German. P. 93. MAGYAR NFLOMANYOS AXADZXIA MATEXkTIXAI KUTATO 11"UrfENSK KOZLIMENYEI. PUsLIUATIONS OY 'M XATHIMATIvAL INST11=2 UP THE HUNGARLLN AUAMW CY SUIRMuSS. tud&pevjt. Hungary. Vol. 4, no, 1, 1959 Monthly list, of East Buropean Accessions (ISAI). W. Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan., 1960. Uncl. FOIA3, Ciprifin (!incharc.A'lj GEHER, Contribillton to WAyl Is pefmulation trl Szegod 24 n(,.1, 1,": 97 -10." '6 -5. 1. SubmitrAd SAplembgr 1, 196Z. OPossibilities of Modernizing IrelustrIal Boilers aml Their fleatln,! uil=ent." p. 54 (MAGUR ENMIAWDASAG, Vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 1934, Budapest_ - Y~ SOz Monthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, No. 5, May 1954/Unclassified ~J' G:-:IIL, F- - -,IO:L. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1953. - Marvar, Engal-i-mada-ga-11 Feed water of modern boilers. p. 5. SO: Month3,v list of East European Accessions. (EEAL), LC. 7-ol. 4, No. 9. Sept. 1955 Uncl. W, CIMOR.3A.M. 1. R ' Directives for the research on the economic erfectiveness of investments in railroad transportation. p. 18n. PRZTTAD KOL&JOWY. Warszawa. Vol. 8, no. 5. May 3956. SOURC9: Past European Acesslon list Nv-Al) Tibrary of 11onwre-s vol. 5, no. 8, August 1954. ' GZHORSLM. L.H. (Varshava) Railroad development In the Polish People's Republic. Tekh.zhol. doz. 15 no.1:27 J&-? 156. (KLRA 9:5) 1. Direktor nauchno-tseledovatellskogo institut Pollskoy Varodcoy Respubliki. (roland-lailroads) KEREKGYARTO, Pal; GEHRING, Janoone 1--- - -4~ I ~ 1-1-... Formal defects in fiber spinning still products. Magy textil 17 no.4tU.8-151 Ap 165. 1. Research Inatitut of Textile Industry, Budapest. OUCHOSLOVAKIA STULICHKO Jg OSHA% Y's 39BW"o j lmtltute of X"rmwaosamr Chmisibrn, Cz"h*SJLOVak Aaad"r or saleadeso pmgme - (for an) AL amwwq;ouvv jff" wAlkallm pAymorlulklm of "vmlmet~e Part 21fis astIvatem of the alkialm 101yinrizatim et capeolastm** SOLOW1,1.9ing.; MARII-ICU,M., ing.; AIPOSTOLKU'.U, Vasil ica, ing.; CRrSTRA,S. GEIB,A.; BARDUT,I.; REIM,H., ing.; MIHAILESCU,K.,ing. Improving the finishing technological processes of woolen fabrics, Pt.l. Ind teort Hum 12 noo5tl99-205 My'61 I* Institutul de cercetari textile (for Solomon). 2. Induatria. Linii, Timiaoara (for Marincu). 3. Dorobantull Ploiesti (for Apontolearru, Criatea). 4. Postavaria Rominav Ricuresti (for Vie",%) 5. Fabrics de postav, 1hhusi (for Geib). 6. Libertatea, Sibiu (for Bardut). 7. Partizanul Rosu, Brasov (for Reimer, Mihnilescu). LUFU, M.G.; MARCUS, N.; PAPAZIAN, R.; POPESCU. I.; GBIB, R.; M=CU# V. Protovertrine therapy of hypertensive disorders. Probl. ter., Bucur. 4:47-54 1956. 1. Institutul do torapautica al Acadomisi R.P.R.. Sectia do medicine Intorna do Is Spitalul Oolentina. (HTPIMENSION, ther. protoveratrins) WRATRUM ALXAIDIDS, ther. use protoveratrine in hypertension) GEIS, R., Dr. Current data on therapy of leukemia and neoplasms. Ned. inst., Bucur. 3 no.7:943-964 Nov 56. 1, Clinic& I medicala, (diroctor wad. N. Oh. Impu). (LBUIRCA, therapy review) M PLASMS, therapy review) 011B, R.. Dr.; FAIBISCH, B., dr.; TADIK)RZSCU, P.. dr. Report of sow cases of non-occupational brucellowle. Med. int.. Bucur. 9 noo'4;.618-624 Apr 57. 1. lacrars ofectuats, In Clinics I medicals. *I Clinics do boll cent lease a Spitalulul *Colentina.0 alalLRUCILWSIS, case reports non-occZ, probably caused by consumption of dairy pr( (MILK cr*am & cho*oo as probable causes of brucelloole) OP TA N.D-LC,,' See 16 '.'o1 7/11 Cancer Nnven'-er 8 N "memory p1l"m"ema I'lasmocitornul neNccretant. 4aiaR., A., OLARu C., VULPESCU S. and Goi.omvq Z. Ctin. 1. Med.-,S-ptt. 'Colentina , Bucuresti AN. intryna (Bucurtiti) 1950, 10112 (1879-18M) Graphs I Illus. 2 A report is given of 2 clinical cases which were unusual because of the immaturity or the medullary pi3smocytes and the absence of normal and pathological rglobulins (non-sccrelory character). The complete absence of renal affection suggests that the.myclomatous nephropathy in other cases of plasmocytoma way lic due to patho. logical globulins. Nic(Plaesco - Bucharest 0