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Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Automatization of several technological
processes of the production of electrical machines." Tbilisi,
Pub. Georgian Polytechnic Inst, 1961. 22 pp with diagrams;
(State Committee of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education
of the Council of Ministers Georgian SSRI Geor Order of Labor
Red Banner Polytechnic Inst imeni V. I. Lenin); 250 copies;
free; (KL, 7-61 sup, 234)
The machinery industry of Georgia during the last forty yearso
Mashinostroitell no. 4sl-2 Ap 161. (HIRA 14:4)
1. Parvyy sekretarl Tbilisokogo gorkoma Kommunisticheskoy partii
(GeorgU-Plachinery industry)
AUTHOR: :,,G!geshidze, Go A.
TITLE: Electronic arrangements for counting manufa--tured ar-
ticles and components
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 12, 1961, 31, abstract 12V268 (Boobahch..AN.Gruz
SSR, v. 25, no. 5,.565-570)
TEXT: Two counting arrangements for machined articles and compo-
nents are reported. The counting arrangement developed for stamp-
ing presses consists of a mechanical oscillation - into number of
pulses conver-Wer and an electromagnetio pulse counter. The pulses
are obtained from an HP self-excited generator resembling the fre-
quency-pulse Bystems used in telemetry, A screening plate connec-
ted mechanically with the moving part of the press is placed be-
tween the coils of the anode and grid circuits. At the end of the
end of the motion of press the plate is inserted between the coils
causing a sharp decrease of coupling and so breaking off the os-
Card 1/2
Electronic arrangemento for D256/D303
cillations. A bloc-diagram is presented of an electronic counter
for machine operation programming: A provision was made for stop,,
ping the counter after a preset number of counts with subsequent
Ling of the counter and a signal. announcing the end of the
producticn cycle of a given number of components. The technical
specifications of the arrangement are given. There are 6 figuree.
./ Abstractor'Ei note: Complete translation.-/
Card 212
S/ I 2-Y6110001018M91015
AMMORS ~ogoshidze, 0. A.
TZRJk - Blostronic sommter for the calculation of -the coiponent and article
output in noohnnital'ontineering
PERIOMALs ReferativnYY shurtaT, Mishinostroyonlye, no.~ 18, 1961, 9, abstract
M54 ("SoOshehi AN OresSSR"', Vol. 25, no. 5, 565-570)
TEM The withor Investigates 2 computers (aounters): 1) eleafronic
counter with shiel-Aing plate developed for stamping presses and ooMisting of the
electron unit, induction coil unit and eleatromagnotio drum counter, The first
two units form the counter plokup, ensuring the conversion of the number of
mechanical oscillations of the plate (connected to any mobil* part of the stamp-
ing press) corresponding to the number of stamped components, into oleetric
pulses and their transmission to the receiver, which Is the electro-magnstic
'ins, and has an Intake
drum counter, The latter Is supplied from tho 220 v ma
power of 55 w. The counter capacity amounts up to 100,000; the pulse frequohey
is up'~te 120 pulses/min. Protracted tests of the devise yielded good results.
2) Eleatronts coumter for programed ealsulations of machine output. Tt
Card 1/2
S/12Y61/000/018 9/015
Electronic aomputer for the calculation ... A004/A101
consists of the Pickup, ensuring the conversion of the number of mechanical
oscillations of the machine or of oscillations produced by tho parts when they
leave the machine, into electric pulses; the receiver, an electronic 3-docado
counter counting automatically these pulses, and the programming unit. The
latter consists of throe photovaristors mounted before the digital indicators of
interconversion doeedes. When the progr&-a is set up, theme varistors am placed
before the corresponding digit of its order. Contacts for the erasing of
counter readings and signaling of the program accomplishment axe provided for in
the device. Thor* a-re 4 p-hotes.
0. Flidlider
[Abstracter's note:' Complete translationT
Card 2/2
V 11., red*
makes grent 9~rldes in Georgial
Tbiljsj.~ 17d-vc,
i~).J).qhaia khimi!4 SPIWP"
T6Y, Kl' Grl-'zjj, 196.z. ?7
Inventions. Energ. i alektrotakh. prom.
A.E.; ILIMA, L.V.;
no. -50 O-D 165.
NIRA 19:1)
IIrrigatioz faming in Georglaj a historical and ethnographic
study] Oroshmeme semledelle v Graiii; opyt istoriko-stsogra.
ficheekogo isueboniia. Tbilisi,, Isd-vo Akad,nauk Gruzinskoi SSR,
1961. 288 p. illus. (KIRA 15:5)
(Georgia-Irrigation farming)
Ga',ES111DVY,, M. K.
"Terructioye orcaliayemoye zemledeliye na Kuvkazc-."
report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, AnthroFological & Etnnolcg!~--ul Sciences,
Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64.
Acute circulatory Insufficiency In infancy. GyermekgyogYawS&t 3 no-
5:129~lrol Yuy 1952, fOLn2P:4)
1. Doctor. 17. ]First Pediatric Clinic (Director -- Prof, Dr. Pal
Gegesi Man), Budapest 14edical Univnrsity.
--- '~ ~ . , " , ,
local.treat~t of burns with a mixture of penicillinrfibrin-thron-
bin powder. Orr. het1l, 94 noo 1*.14-15 4 Jan 1953. (CLRL 24:1)
1. Doctors. 2. First Pediatric Clinic (Director -- Prof. Fal Gegeal
Its@). Budmpost Medical University.
M 1, Klee, Pal..dr.
the mission and the possibilities of medical schools In the developsent
of swileal. sciences and medical activities pertaining to the
protection of health and the prevention of diseases in Infancy and
child6od. Oyermsk&yogyassat 6 no.9:25$-263 Sept 55.
(MIASICS. education
In Magary, need for tsetse In practical opplisatioa at
scientific achievements to pftvonttvo podlatrias)
GAMI. Nine. Pal. dr.. Wcademikus
Development of Infantile psyche and acme problems of
nytronmental effects. OYerwiWouassat 7 no-2:33-51 Fab 56.
A Budaposti Orvost. lea. L. as. Oyerookklin. kozl. (1gaz. &r.
egool Else ftl akodenikum)
(CHILD. psychol.
ment, develop. & off. of onvirowent (Hun))
OWNSI-KISS. PAI. dr.;. BAXA, Lajos, dr.
Injurious effects of insulin therapy In infant and child.
Oyermalwyoffanzat 7 no.5-6:129-157 May-June 56.
1. A DwLapesti Orvast. Iffeteim. 1. as. Oyermek. korl. (Lgazgato:
Gogemi Kies Pal dr. akad.
(DIAEBM MELL17tS. In Inf. & child
Inj. off. of insulin thor. (Hun))
(IMLIN. inj. off.
in diabetes mellitus in inf. & child (Hun))
GIGNSI, Kies, Pal, dr. . akadmikus.
For the univereality of medicine. Orv. hetil. 97 no.9:223-226
26 Fab 56.
1. A Budapestj Orwoet.adamwl Iffetm raktora.
univerealliky In (Run))
GEGESI-KUS, Pal, dr.; BARTA. Lajos. dr.
Classification of diabetes mellitus In infancy and childhood.
III. 101yereekaogyassat 8 no.1-2:1-52 Jan-Yeb 57.
1. A Budaposti Orvostudomanyl Iffetem 1. oz. Oyarmekklinikajanak
koslemenye (Igazgato: Gegeol-Kion, Pal, dr. akademikus).
(DIABIM MMLITUS, in inf. & child
11surlac's synde, clin. aspects (Hun))
--QWML-rj[jss.. Pal -
Imortality. Ory. hotti. 98 no.7-8:174-175 24 Fob 57-
1. A Budspoett OrwostudOMBIWI JjWetom rektora.
origin & immortality (Hun))
C~ Z~ 6 T- - ~ kc-
HUSH KM PAL, Dr. akademikus
Acute circulatory insufficiencies in infants in connection with
infections. Ory. hetil. 98 no.41:1113-1113 13 Oct 57.
1. A IMdapeati Orvostudomrqt Agy9tem I. as. OyermokklinikRjanak
(tgAzeAto: Gagest Kies Pk1 dr. egyet. tanar akadeniku) koslewiWe.
acute circ. Insuff. in Infantile infect., pathol.
clansif. (am))
(INMION, in inf. & child
with acute circ. insuff. in inf.. pathol. claaelf. (Sm))
GWWI-XISS -PAL,-,dr. Omdemikue
The cellular structure, metabolism, energy exchange and contraction-re-
1nxation of the heart immale; swimary report. C~rermekj,.vogyassat 9 no-7-4
177-201 JUIY 58.
1. A Budepeatt Oryostudomanyt 3CYetm 1. as. GyerroldclinikeJanak Uslemenye
(Igasgntot Dr. Gogest Ktan Pal skadenikus).
cell structure, metab., energy exchange & contraction-re-
laxation, review (Han))
GYA&I-EW FA4 Dr.. akademikus
Cardiac and circulatory disturbances in diabetes mellitus In Want
and child. Qyermokaogyassat 9 no.10-11:289-298 Oct-Nov 58.
1, A Budapestl Orvostudomnyi 74voten 1. oz. Oyermokklinikajanak koz-
lemony@ (I~Rxgato; Dr. Gegeal lies Pal easteml tanar. akademikus).
(DIABWM 142LLITUS. In inf. 14 child
compl.. cardloraso. dis.. review
complicating diabetes mellitung review (Hun))
W experiencos on Dediatr1ce in the Soviot Union. Gyermekgyogyaosat
10 no.2233-41 Y*b 59.
1, A Budapesti Orvostudomanyl Uyetem 1. as. Oyermokklinikajanak kosle-
menyo (Igazgato: Dr. Gegeal Kiss Pal ee_vet. tamr, almdemikus)
In MISSIA (Hmn))
GEGESI KISS, Pal, dr., akademikus
Treatment of acuto circulatory catastrophes of infancy. Biol WY
kozl MTA 11 no.lil9-40 960. (ERAI 10i1)
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akad*nia. A.Budapesti Orvostudomanyl gueten L
sz. Oyermokklinikaja.
& modem clinical conception of pharmacotherapy. Biol wv kftl WA
11 no.4:351-360 160. (IM 10:5)
I IM-'Sj Pal, akademikua
On the clinical forms of poliorlelitio. Biol ory kozl XTA 11 noo4s
341-330 160. (EW 10:5)
1. Kagyar Tudomanyos Akademial Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyeten I
sz. Oyermekk1inikaja.
G"I-11,11" -40
I The stimulus. Acta paediat. acad. sci. Hung. 2 no.3:237-247 '61.
1. Kinderklinik (Direktorl. Prof. Dr. P. Gegesi Kiss) der Medizinischen
GEMI KISS, Pal, akademikuo
Panoarditiev rhoumatica in the childhood. Biol orv kozl HTA 12 nd.1/2f
1-49 161.
1. Szerkeszto bisottmag tagja, Magyar Tudomanyon Akademia Biolog W
eo Orvosi Tudomanyok Oa2talyanak Kozlemenyel es Budapesti Orvoistudo-
manyi Faetem I. oz. Oyermokiclinikaja.
SURME (in caps); Given ramen
Country; Hungary
Academic Degreea: Dr, Professor, Academician
Affiliation: Director (igazgat6) of the First P-ediatric Clinic of
Budapest Medical Universit~,~(A tudape-s-ti Orvostudominyi
Egyetem Gyermekklinikaja)
Sources Budapest, Magyar P4zichol6giai Szemle, Vol 18, No 3, 1961,
Data$ "Stimuli.* pp 287-293
GRGESI KISSO PAI, akademikus, egy.tanar (Budapest)
Whither is medical science progressing? Magy tud 68 no.2193-101
ir 6io (zw ioj6)
1. Budaposti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem.
_415j,14a, P.,cadcrLI.!Ian, of 'h4 PodlAtric Irvermakkilnika)
01, vedictn',i
-~Aoloc-liai "S 2r Ok
L 6
ZUL'Jactiv-) ;'#-elings of' p;&7.n &,,d their oul.-.,ar.-' :-!anIferta-
inspe.,tior. arie abdominal and Chest pairs-, so-c,?.ltxl
pains: Yijaclavn3; pain in thu diffi,.ult; Al. .--wal-
-,,iitnf~ul i;rinLtiOn aryJ defecaticn;
;,,,ins; diagnootic signifacare-,,v a' puix..
GEGESHI KISHBHp Pal[,"O peoi Una Pal), prof. j- SUTRELI, D I ula
[szutrely, qyulpaTq~lh~nYd. ~m:ell nauk; KUDAS, Yozhef[Hudaoz,,
Jossef1p kand. mod. nauk; SIZA, Mario[Sziza, Mario (tranolator)];
DIYEWH, G.P.[Dienes, G.P.]. otv. red.; FrULEP, A.A.[Fulorp.A.A.],
tekbn. red.
[Diseases of the heart and organs of blood circulation in infa cy
and childbood]Zabolevaniia serdtoa i organov krovoobrashcbeniia v
mladencheskom L detBkom vorraatakh. BudOFestv Akaderiai Kiado,
1962. 907 p. Translated frov. the Hungarian. (MIRA 15:12)
1. Direktor I-oy pediatricheakoy kliniki DhWapeshtskogo meditsin-
11kogo universiteta deyetviteltrWy chlon Akadomii nauk Vengrii
(for Kiehah). 2. Zaveduyushchiy detakim otdoleniyam Vengerskogo
Instituta kardiologii (for Sutreli). 3. Direktor IV-oy khirurgi-
cheekoy kliniki Budapeshtskogo meditsinskogo universiteta (for
GEG17ZI KISS., Pal, dr.,, akademikun
Introductions Nagy pezichol mzwls 17 no.1:1-8 160.
I* "Magyar PezichologW Szosle" foozorkeoztoje; Magyar Tudomanycv
Akadmia. Fazichologiai Kmottsagansk elnoke.
1, A
GEGESI KIM Pal . akadeaikus
- ---- .. . t -
On the work of the Cowittoo of Poyohologyv Hungarian Academy of
Scierceno MagY Pasichol szes4e 3.7 no.3:257-,269 160.
L. Magyar.Tudomanyos Akademia Fatichologiai Bizottsaganak elnoke;
'Magyar Posichologiai Szenle* foozerkentoje.
11-A1(;,0 A,'Y
A!, University Professor, Academician
Head of Children's Clinic No I, Budapest Medical 3chool
(Budapeoti Orvostudomanyi EFyetem)
Budapest, GvermeRgyogyagzat (Pediatrics), N'o 4, Apr 63,
pp 97-111.
"SiGnificance of the Child's Personality in Pediatric Clinical
GZ-Aj,~SI KISS. Pal, affiliation not given.
"Dr aidra HEDRI"
bL.dapest, A -.aptyar Tudomarpyps Akademia F11,11rAj-Biologiai 05 Orvosi Tud
mapyok Osztalyanak Kozlemonyai, Vol 14, No 1, 1963; pp 1-3.
Abstract: Ouituary of Dr Endre HEDRI, Profossor of Surgarj and out-
standing resaarch physician. He lived from 189j to 196Z.
F U:.C- A RY
~EGrSl fj:i~3, Pal, and P. LU,BZR;-IANN, Lucy, of the C~iidrenls Clinic :~o 1
(i.. -_ . -
. Sza.Mu Cj~i~n__Rkllnika) of the Budapest Ledical Lhiversity (BulLp,_-ti
Orvostudomanyi Egyatem).
".jifficulties in the Evaluation of Certain Childhood Personality Dis-
Budapest A MTA Siologiai es Orvosi Tudomanyok OsztaIN-anak Fozll-nenyci,
Vol 14, No 1. 1963; pp 15- 39.
Abstract; -.n ovaluating children's personality disturbances, a so-called
"total diagnosis" is imperative. This includes the evaluation of vegeta-
tive. psychological and environmental picture. Authors present 6 case
histories of children ranging from six to 16 years of age. In each
case there is a description of the complaint, symptomology, medical
history, piiyehological findings (biological fsotors. intalloct. amo-
tional state, environmental state), diagnosis and therapeutic results,
if any. Tho general conclusion is that it is not possible in every case
to carry out in practice a therapy indicated by theoretical considerations.
OSGIMI KISS, ~j, dr., almdemik_ , egyetemi tanar
Stimuli, Magy posiohol. osemle Is no.3t2g?-293 161.
1. Budapesti Orvostudomarqi Egyatem L es. Oyemakklinikajanak
igasgs,toja; Magyar Tudomaziyos Akidemia Posichologlai Dizottsaganak
elnoko; "Kagyar Posiohologiai Szomle" Possarkenstoje.
GEGESI KISS,, Pal, akademikus; HORANYI, Bela, dr., egyetemi tana, j GYORGY,
7Wr~dn';', HORVATH, Laszlo Gaborp dr.; 9ARANYAI, Erzvebot, dr.
Hungarian achievements in the field of psychology in 1960. Magy
posichol szemle 18 no.4t4l8-436"61.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akad;cda Pszichologiai Bizottsaganak elnoke;
"Magyar Pazichologiai Ssemle" foozerkesztojo (for Gegeni Kiss).
2 ". agyar Pozichologiai Szemle" szorkeszto bizottengi tagja (for
H;ranyi). 30 Tudwpanyos kutato (for Gyorgy). 4. Kozlekodos- on
Pootaugyi Miniaztehum alkalmaenapizagnAo intozmenyelnok vasotoj 0
(for Horvath).- 5. Gyermeklelektani Intozet tudomany6s famunkatarea
(for Baranyai).
.L~r3- RO M.D., 1-1rofessor, Academician, aad P. LIMM-'XiN,
Lucy, of .;he Fir6t7Peftat.ric Cl-Lnic at the f4edical Uruversity
(Orvostud,~~ryi Egyetem 1. sz. Gyermekklinikaja) ir. -l'u'l-apeat (Di-
rector: GM*_-'SI KISS, Pal).
"General Belluiviora-1 Disorders During tbe Infantile Ai,-G-"
Budapect, !'_-gyar Pizicholobiai SE221S, Vol 210, No 1, 1963, PP- 1-46-
Abstract: Zig:uteen cases of behavioral disorder in children were do-
scribeTit, detall.and an analysis of the clinical findings was pre-
sented. 111he effects of familiy enviro=ent, schools, and other in-
fluencing factors were discusaed. Finally, medical and psycbologi-
cal methods for correcting the disorders oncountered were reviewed.
No reforeaces.
GEGESI KISS, Pal.. akademikus, egyatemi tanar
Took@ and po"ibilities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
after the 22d Congreso of the Cowsunist Party of the Soviet
Union. Magy tud 69 no.4:225-238 Ap 162.
1. Budapeoti Orvostudomanyi Igptes.
GEGESI KISSJ Pal us; RETI, Laszlo, dr.; HARSANYI, Istvan, dr.;
,dr., akademik
LIEBERMANN, Lucy F.; GARAIj-Laszlo; FERCZEL, Jozoef, dr.; KARDOS,
Lajos, dr,; MOLNAR, 1mrs, dr.; HORVATH, lAszlo Gabor, dr.;
LENARD,, Ferenc, dr.; SALAMON, Jeno, dr.
Efungarian achievements in the field of psychology in 19611 also,
rawke by Laszlo Rati, Iatvan Harsanyi, Lucy Liebermann, Laszlo
I'larai, Jossef Peresel, Lajos Kardos, Iwo Molnar, Laszlo Gabor
liervath, Ferene Lenard and Jeno Salamon. Magy pazichol szenle
19' no.3t274,314 '62.
1; Vagyar Tudomanyos Akademia Pazichologiai Bizottsaga elnoke,
11810YAgyar Pasichologiai Smemle" foszer~resztoje (for Gegesi Kiss).
2. PHower'PosichologUi SmmiAW~'4~wrkeszto bisottsagi tajga (fer
Usbermann, Kardos, Molnar, Lenard). 3. "Magyar Pazichologiai
Swale" technikai szorkeastoje (for Lenard).
GRGCSI I=, Fal, akademikus, dr.
Introduction to Tol.2 of the now wrien of *Magyar PssichOlOgiai
Smile." YAgy pasiabol osemle 18 no.1:1-2 161.
1,, mggyar Tudomanyos Akadmda Posichologiai Bisottsagansk
e1noke; wMagyar Posichologiai Szenlew fossorkeestojeo
_q~GP_LMS, Pal. akademikus, dr.
Motive factors of man. Nagy posichol aseale IS no.1:37-"
1. Ma"W TudolwlWw Akademia Pasichologiai Bizottsagawk
eluokel wMagyar Posichologiai Szemlem foisserkeestoje.
G&GES1 KISS, Pal. akademikus; Pj, LIEBMWN, Lucy
Disoasem of the organs developed on the psychic effect of
the enviratment and their treatment in childhood. Biol ory
kox]. HTA 11 no.3&253-296 062.
1e Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem 1. oz. Gyermakklinkkaja.
2e I%aFw Oestalyanak Nozlemenyeig ozerkeszto bizottsagi
tagja for 08881 King).
GEMI RISS9 F~lp akademikus
ClinIcal significance of the pain in pediatrics. Biol ory
kosl MI 13 no.4445-455 162.
le Budapesti Orivostudomanyi Egyetem 1, sz, GyarmakklWkaja, es
OA Kagyar Tudomanyos Akademia Biologiai an Orrosi Tudomanyok
Oaztalyanak loalemenyei" asorkeazto bizottoagi tagja,
Peraonality disorders accompanied by vegetative (somatic) symptoms
in childhood. Magy peziohol szemle 19 no.2sl29-]J+9 t62.
1. Budaosti Orvbstu4dmanyi ~gyetem 1. ss. Gyermokklinikaja.
2. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Pazichologiai Bizottoaganak elnoke;
"Magyar Pazichologiai Szemle" foozerkeaztoje (for Gegesi Kies).
3. wMagyar Foxichologiai Szemle" azerkeszto bizottoagi tagja tfor
P. liebermann).
Dr- Ludr* H*dri., 1993-19621 obituary. Bial ory koal MTA 3.4
no,121-3 163,
1. *A Yk9yar Tudomanyos Akad6mia Diologiai e& Orvooi Tudomanyok
00stalyarok loslemonyvis ozerkento bizotteagi tagja.
CRGSSI Kiss Pal, aka"mikuol P. LIMMMANUp lacy
- P
Difficultiom in diagnosing oertain disorders of personality in
WdIMboW, Diol orv kosl MM 34 no,1:15-39 163,,
1* "-.p*!tI ON-veatudems*1- Rgpwtem I. swe Gyermokklinikajae
2* A magyw Tudsmanyon Akademia Biologiai es Orwosi Tudauujyok
Oastalyanak Konlemenysim szerkeazto bizottoW tagja (for
Gepai Kise)e
rIFn-FqT KT 5, Pal, acadc=ician; Mcd-4cal University of Budapst, I. Pcdiatric
ii Orvostudomanyi Egyetcn, 1. sz. GyermcIckl3lnika).
Clinic (Budapos to
"Personality Disorders of Children and Youths With Pra-,ressive I.-Iorsening
Until Crime is Committed."
Budapest, A Ma!z~7ar Tudcn-nnyos Akadenian V. O-.%-o.-A- Tudcmanyo% Ozztnl~--nak
Kozlcnenyei, Vol 14, !so 2, 1963, pager, 129-165.
Abstract: During the 25 years since a ~;orkshop for children with nersonality
problems has b~-,cn established, over fifty thousand child.n~n have been seen
there. Tile author stresses the irri:portance of the psychic dr-vclo.=Ont of
children. The concept of personality is defined. RcAc;x proecsses, the
response to stimuli are mcntioncd, and tho need for love in the development
of the porsonality is stressed. The direct and irdiroct causes of juvenile
delinquency are examined. The dolinqucnts c-,!n be clao3ificd into two groups:
those who sus%~-incd some early "organic" injury to the nervous system and
those who are "organical.1y" well but undox-aent dotribicntal env!.-onraental
influonces of a pVchic character. Sov=al caso hiz,*.ories are presented to
support this classification. The treatment, its effectiveness and the prog-
nosis are discussed. The role of the family, espl-cially of tho mother. is
stressed in tho prevontion of primary p.-rsonaliiy disord,~rs which are the
result of unfavorable environmental psychic influences and education of
women for their maternal role is reco.=ended. No references.
GEGESI KISS PgA dr. akademikus
The significance of the personality of children in the clinical
pediatric practice. Gyermokgyogyanzat 14 no.4:97-111 Jkp 163.
1. A Budapesti Oryostudomanyi Egyatem I. as. Gyermakklinikajanak
kozlemenye (Igasgatot Gagemi Kiss Pal dr. egyetemi tanar, akademikus.
GEGESI Kies'p. P dr.. eg- temi tanar,, akademikus; F. LIEBffJ4Mj Luoy
General behavioral abnorsuatitieo in childhood. Magy pezichol
szeado 20 no.1:1-46 163.
1. Budapesti Oryostudomanyi Egrtern 1. az. GyormWinika
igaZgILtOja; OMagyar Pozichologiai Szemle* foazerkeaztoje (for
Gege9i Kies)* 29 Budapeoti Omotudomanyi Egyetem I* sz,
Gywkk_IbAka; %gyar Paziohologiai Szemle* szerkeazto bisotteagi
tagja (for P. Liebormann).
GEGESI KIS Pal,. Academician, Dr., ?rofesLor, Director
of tiie First Pediatric Clinic at the Viedical. University (Oriostudwanyi
Eaeter, I. s!. Gyeziuel~klinll;aja) in Budapest.
"On PersonaUty"
Budap~cst,j!a&~rar PszIchoiogiai Szemle) Vol -,0, I-olo C:, 19 .,;, ;)p
A"i-stract: tAUthorls Enelish sw:uaary, abbreviated] MAP, is co,-jjLde,-eU LIS
a unit composed of both bioloj;ical and social fo.--,iations. Personality
is a specific totality of the personal properties of one ii:"n. Norzal
personality requires for its development sound biolo6ical conditions,
anatamical ccnditions, psycholoZical conditions, wid ade,iuate outside
Personality undergoes changes durint; the in(ii.-,ridualls 141-4c;
these changes axe deterained by characteristic features of the perso-
nality and the development of this personality. Tile furction of re::.'e-~b-
rance and oblivion zhapes the course of individual 141 ; it works, al
side the reflex processes. The different staZes of individual life are
ci.aracterized by the forms of reflex-processes predominati-g. 111o, re-
G,E-GESI KISS Pal, dr. akadomiku,9; Lujjal dr.;
HOR~I~, Lanzloo,Gabor dr.; FL~L'Z:IL Jozsef dr
.9 v
LEIaRD., Arena,, dr.; C61:i6ZU, jancs, dr.; SEMU111, -'rzsebet,, dr.A
KARDWI, Lajus., dr.
The V)62 work of the Comuittee on Poycholjg2 Hungarian Academy of
Sciences. Nagy pazichol szemle 20 no.3:337-386 163.
1. Mallyar Tudomanyos Akademia Fazichologial Bizottsaga elnoke-
"Magyar Fazichologiai Szemle" foszerkesztoje (for Gegesi Kiss5-
2. "Migyar Pszichologiai Szonle" E;zerkoszto bizottsagi tagja
(for Horanyip Bartha,, Horvath, II.Licbermann, lanard and Kardos).
GZMI,jMA,-jAI,, dr.9 akademlkus) egyetemi tariar; P. LIEBERMTO Iuc7
Iffeot of forceful. d1sturbance of the healthy development of
ow.maity on the formation of infantile and juvenile disor-
dm of personality, %gy pozichol ozemle 20 no-4013-55DI63.
1, badapesti Orvostudomanyi. Noetam I. oz. Oyermekkl:Lnikaja
Ijazgatoja; I'Ma ar Pozichologiai Szemle* foozerkeaztoje
(for Gegesi Kisal. 2. 'Yjagyar Pazichologiai Szemle*
sorkeefto bi*ettsagi tag4a; Budapesti Orvostudoman Egyetem
I. oz. Gyemekklinikaya (for P.LiebeTmann).
GEGRPT "'IS ',.; 11'TIMMANN, Joicy P.
Signiftcance of hamful influamces of the a-huol In personality
disorders in childhood and adolesc!tmo-e. AcLa pned-lat. Acad. sai,
ftg- 5 no.3; 245-302 164
1. 1 Kinderk1lilk der Modizinis--hen Universitat WdapesL.
GMESI Kisso pal, dr., egyetemi tamwp skademikim; V. LMEMMAMO.
Significance of school injuries in the disorders of personality
in ch'.Idhood and adolescence. Magy pozichol s7emle 21 no.l-.
1-40 164.
1. No. 1 Children's Clinic, Budapest I'lledical University.
2. Director, No. 1 Children's Clinic, Budapest Medical Univer-
sity; Editor-in-Chief, "Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle" (for
Gegesi Kiss).
MATRAI; Laszlo,, dr.,, akarlemikus,. 1,1EGES1 Else, Pal. dr., akadem~kusj
HORAWI~ 1101a, dr., a2 o tt'ia; SALAMON, Jenot
dr.7 a pszichologiai tudomanyok kancildatim, HORVATH, Laszlo
Gabor, dr., a pszichoiogla~ Iudcmanyok doktora; UNARD, Ferenc,
dr., a imichologiai tudcmanyok kand.datusal SFVERINI, Emebet
The 1963 work of the Comm~ttee on Psy-liolcgy of the llungarJan
Acedgmv of Sciences. Magy pszl-cihol Szemie 21 no.3-029-354 164.
1. Editor-in-Chief, 11magyar Pszicholcgla~ Szemle", Budapest (for
Gegesi Kies). 2. Editorltl Doft-A Membor, "Yagyar NzIchologla4
Szemle" (for Matra!, Horanyl, Salamon, Hornrath and Lenard).
GECMI IISS, Pal, aLkadenikus, egrivtmi tanar
StatAi and prohleias of,ps7ahology in ;hmgary as roflo*t" In
the let scientifio general assembly. Magy tud 71 no.301-177
1. Budsposti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem.
u..3MI hit-, , , ~'' ".1
Clinical significance of the personality In pediatrics. Orv.
hetil. 106 no.21061-969 23 My t65.
1. Badapesti Orvostudomanyi I~gyetem. 1. Gyermekklinika (Igaz-
gato; Gegesi Kies, Pul, drjo
The individual archaic phase Jn the development of perocnality:
the personality of the infant. Acta paediat. acad. sci. Hung.
6 no.3/4:249-,295 165.
1. 1. Kinderklinik der Medizinischen UnIversitat Budapest.
Submitted January 3, 19065.
GEGE3I KISS Pal academician; Medical University of Budapest, I. Pediatric
-j~~?Leis&Orvostudomanyi Egyetam, 1. Gyermekklinika).
"The Individ%ial, Archaic Phase of the Development of Personality, the
Personality of Infsnts."
Budapest, A Magnr Tudomanyos AkadPmia V.
Koziamenyef.--Vol XVI, No 1, 1965. pages 11
Abstract; In a rather detailed introduction, the various organic, psychic
and environmental factors which play a role in the development of the per-
sonality of an individual are discussed. The development of the actual
personality of infants is traced from genetic factors through the various
influences in intrauterine life and the birth process leading to a vege-
tative individuality by which the very young infant can be characterized.
The initial phase of Incorporation of the emotional personality-element
into the infant personality starts after about 6 weeks of life. The last
months of the first year are characterized by a motor development. The
motor.. pe rsonality-element is becoming gradually incorporated into the In-
fant personality structure. At 2-3 years of age, the personality of the
child is enriched by experiences with the outside world. The most dominant
and characteristic influences during each phase are discussed in detail.
The hereditary, congenital, unconditional reflexes of men are of bio-
logical-physiological character. There are no comparable psychological
. . ....... I-
reflexes- The gradual development of conditioned reflexess reflex chains
are also disicussed in Some detail.
26 Jan 65.] NO references. [Manuscript received
-GEGE I, KISS Pal a ademician; Medical U
atric Clin, -'#-A-9 n versity of Budapest,
fc~Budapeati OrvostudOmanyi Egyetem, L 3z, Gyermekklinika).
The Clinical Forms of Diabetes in Infants and Children."
Budapest, TudcnaEY-OsAkademia V. OrvOsi Tudomanyok
Kozlemenyei, VO-1 -XVIII
Abstract: The article Is an essay on the subject. The early "labile"and
late able" forms of the disease in children are described in nnmp ri,
*X'(;~lDPTA SP-C 14 Vol 11/7 '~adlolo:?Y
Fidith6tyagokat tartalmaz6 ttkd6echinotoccus-GQe e ji Allami, K6rh1z
JL.458_y_ -99) Lllus. 2
ROntgenosztalyanak. Segesvir - MAO. RADIO I~ (97
In the right upper lobe of a 15-year-old girl, an apple-sized, round opacity could
be'ween. In the upper part of which 2 haxotnut-sized shadows could be differentiated. An
echinococcal cyst with 2 daughter cysts was assumed. Blood eosinophils Of#; com-
plement-fixation reaction negative. At a repeated examination 3 yr. later. the
opacity wiks reduced In volume and the daughter cysts had disappeared. In a series
of pulmonary echinococcal cysts, 10 cases were operated upon but no daughter
cysts cou,d be found. Gy6rgyi - Budapest (XIV. 150)
GEGEff, -Tozaef dr.
2 cases of loca3ized bilateral myo9itis ossificans. Magy radial. 13
no.6:362-364 N 161.
1. A Segeovarl Allami Korhaz Hontgenosztalya kozlemenye. Vezetol
Gagesy Jonef dr. foorwoo.
/2 E073/S535
AUT"Xi6: Cie -,qi and Sanadze, V.V.
~CITLE: Influence of the manganese concentration on the,
recrystallization of copper-manganose alloys
UODICAL: :Ezvestiya vysshilth uchobnykh zavedeniy. Fizika,
no.2, 1962, 40-43
TZ'XT: The dependence of the temperatures of beginning and and
of recrystallization on the manganese concentration was studied
for- strongly deformed (up to 975') copper-manganese alloy
s;pecimens with concentrations of 0.03, 2, 5.5, 8, 14, 21 and
9-5 wt.% 'Mn, produced from electrolytic copper and electrolytic
;.:an-anese fused in a high temperature tungsten furnace in
magnesite crucibles under helium. From the molten metal,
ingots were teemed and forged and then homogenization annealed
for 50 hours at 4000C. Following that, the crystal lattice
and"the microstructure of the alloys wore studied. The effect
of recrystallization was studied on foils rolled (with
reductions tip to 97.3%) to an average thickness of 0.05 rm, which
-.-;ere cut and isothermally annealed for 10 and 20 minutes in a
Card l/jV
Influence of the manganese E073/E535
saltpetre bath and then quenched in trater. Fig.1 shows the
curves of the dependence of the temperature of beginning (t"')
and and (tK) of recrystallization on the Mn conccntra.tion (wt.05)
of t.-Ae alloys quenched after holding for 10 minutes. For small
additions of manganese the temperatures tH and tK increase.
The t P curve becomes horizontal from, manganese concentrations
of 5-7ja ontrards and dips slightly after exceeding a :'.ianganese
coTicentration of 21 wt.5/0. The tK curve rises up to 21 wt.% Din
t'nen it drops appreciably. The dotted curve in Fig.1 represents
the boundary of solubility, which passes through the zone where
the tH and tK curves tend to decrease. Ho;-.rever, this does
not allow any definite conclusion to be made since there is no
unified opinion on the behaviour or even the existence of this
curve. Therefore, it is of interest to study the recrystallization
in alloys with high manZanese contents but this is difficult
in view of the greater brittleness of these. The curves of the
peratures of the beginning and end of recrystallization as
functions of the concentration obtained for Cu-.Nln alloys differs
from the-corresponding curves published for the alloys Cu-Sn and
Card 2/4r - 9
influence of the manganese ... S/139/62/000/002/007/028
Cu-Zn. The curves for Cu-Sn have two maxima, whereby the second
is in an area corresponding to the deco;:iposition of the
solid solution. In the given case there is only one point to
-.::,,ich this can correspond (alloy with 26 wt.V, Mai), all the other
noints are in the range of homogeneous solid solutions and,
consequently, the influence of any transformation on the recryst-
allization curves is excluded. The process of recrystallization
in t'-e case of Cu-ANIn alloys differs from that of recrystallization
of Cu-Zn alloys, since the curve has no branch correspondinig to a
(crop of the recrystallization temperature with increasing concen-
tration. Such a process of recrystallization can be explained
on the assumption that manganese increases the bond forces in the
lattice, resulting in an increase in the activation energy of
recrystallization with increasing concentration. There are
1 figure and 2 tables.,
Gruzinsltiy politekhnichesiciy institut imeni
S.M.Kirova (Georgian Polytechnical Institute imeni
December 20. ig6o
.-Ip A. 'K.: KOZA.ROV,, R, Y6.# KURID.ZEp R. V.s KHALDEYEVA,,,I. V.
.I- .-:st!_ation of the properties of pentrating components at a depth of 200 mwe.
3ubmitted for the 8th Intl. CotLf, on Cosmic Rays (IUPAP),, Jaipurs India,,
-- 1963.
agronom; DRYAUGINA, L., agronon; SYCHE71, V.. lnzn.
Low-volume spraying of orchards. Zashch. rast. ot vre& 1 bril.
10 no.8t25-27 165. (MIRA 181r1V
Is Zaveduyuhchaya laboratorlyey Pushkinskof rva3hincispytatrllnoy
stantaii,, P/o Pravdinskly, Moskovskoy oblastl (fc- 1-Ar-jukh.4na).
2. Starshly agronom~entomolog Pushkinsk,-jy mashIncsrytatell-
noy stantsii, p/o Pravdinskly, Moskovskoy oblast- (for Kole3074)'.
3. Starshty/agronon-ekonomist Pushkinskov manhinoizpytatcllnoy
stantaii, p o Pravdinskiy, MOSkOV3koy cblastJ 'Co: GegIchkorill.
4. Zaveduy-ushchaya laboratoriyey ispytaniya yadGkhimikatov
Voldavskoy mashinoispytatellnoy stantsil (for 1'~vtitkovd).
5. Voldavskaya aaahinolapytatellnaya stant3lyn (for Gidu,
Dryagina, Sychav).
Interpretation of agricultural contour mape for the purposen
of the gevernment, census of farmland resources. Uch. zap. -
Fem. goo. un. 15 no.2:47-29-060. (14IRA 14:12)
(Photographio survoying)
28(5) S071/115-59-4-15/27
AUTHORS: Yanovskiy, B.M., Sokolova, Ye.A., and 9~egin, V._~_
TITLE: A Magne-tostriction Measizring Revice for the Temper-
ature Range from, -180 to 14,10, C (Ustnnovka d1ya iz-
mereniya magBitostriktsii v intervale temperatur ot
-180 go +440 C)
PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnikat 1959, Nr 4, pp 27-30 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A magnetoetriction measuring 91 evice for the temper-
ature range from -180 to ~140 C was developed and
built in the Magnitnaya laboratori-ya VNIIM (Labora-
tory of Magnetism VNI11,I). A photog,'raph of this de-
vice is shown in fi6ure 1. It coninists of a r:iagneto-
metrical and a magnetostriction part. The nagneto-
metrical part is used for me,,~surtng the mat,-netization
3 of a specimen and consists of -in astatic magneto-
meter and two magnetizing coils. The astatic magne-
tometer rystem is composed of t%vo cylindrical perma-
nent magnets, made of "magniko" alloy. The nagneto-
meter is calibrated in units of the field intensity
Card 3.12 or in units of the magnetic moment. The error is
A Magnetostrictiog Measuring Device -for the Temperature Range
from -1.80 to +440 C
� 1% at magnetomeier deflections of 7100 min. The
ma,rrnetostriction part is used for measuring the
magnetostrict._,on cf the spe:!imen at the given mag-
netization J. It consists of an interferometer
PIU-1 or PIU-2 with a quartz. tube for holding the
specimen. Por increasing the ma.-Pnetestriction
measuritig range, "lie, "Fabt-i-Po-ro" standard was ap-
plied for 'the first time to aninterferoineter,
whereby the accuracy of the latter aas maintained.
A therinontat and_a cryostat proviie the required
temperature control. The atithor presents four
graphs and two tablev for explainiiii-, measuring re-
suits with this device. There are photograph,
4 graphs, 2 tables and 1 Soviet reference.
Card 2/2
Cand Ved Of thE fUnctior"711
Grain, T.!'.
stato of tho c-,~rdio-/Vpccular n:f-to-In y
lig 21 PP. (Tbilisi
Tbilisi, 1952
117) -
Electrocardiographic changes during acute poliomy0litise
Soob. AN Gruz. SSR Z7 =96079-783 D 62.. (KIRA .15:2)
1. Tbilloskly institut usovershenstovaniya vracheye
Predstavleno chlenom-korrespondentom AN Gruzinskoy SSR K.P,
I Chikovani. Idecoasedlo POLIOMLITIS)
Ohanges in the intema organo during acute poliaVelitime
Trudy Tbil. GIDff 6s173-177 162o (MIRA l6s2)
Blectrocarelographic changes In epidemic hapatitits. Soob. All Gruz. SSR
55 no.2.'4(9-474 Ag '64, (MIRA 17:12)
...... ~=V--
The quality of fancy posteards and envelopes shoald be
improved, Vast. sviazi 23 no.8:2849 Ag 163. (NM 16:11)
1. Sudakskiy usel avyaxi (for Popov).
(HOHYZO.NTY 12CHNIKI. Vol. 6. No. 9. Sept. 19.53, Warszawa, Poland)
*The jet engin versus the gas Amidin. 0 p. 419
1 V -~""
Morphologic nature of the needles of the representatives of the pine tree.
genus ZIM L. P. 91.
NAUCHNI TRUDOVE. Viesh loootekhrdeheski Institut, Soflia, Bulgaria, Vol, 6, 1958,
Month3y list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1960.
MINCHEV, Dinlo St., k. t. n. Inzh. I_ GEGOV, Emil D., lnzh.
Automatic control of main mechanisms In the one-bucket
medium-power excavators. Tekhnika Bulg 12 no. 9: 20-23
.1. Mashirme-elektrotekhnicheski institut (for Ilinchev).
2, Minno-geolozhki institut (for Gegov).
~ i 'fi, , .1) I 'J. D, I Jnzh
I I PI., "', --s! .1 " (-,! ,r ';~
Log de,;!~,,) f ~,:, ', '!.4'-f I ~ ar-A "J ~.W,
A.'-i a' . - ~ I
;IL rp-,. ~: i '3 .~ o a f 4 1 -4 1 ~'4
d-.!vas. Tek"w1k. - ~ ! ,
'Use of wooden sandals to prevent opidermophytoalso Veato dam,
i von. no.lOs7l-73 t61. (MIRA 14:12)
Preparation of metallurgical coke from low-coking coals used at
the Norillsk Metallurgical Combine. Trudy IGI 10:137-142 159.
(MIVA 12:12)
(Coke) (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Coal)
GAGUCHADZII. R.A.. Imnd.tekhn.n%uk
Iffect of the extent of the concentration and of the carbo-
nixing conditions on the coking capacity of charges from
rkwarchell, and ftibull coal@, Koko i khIm. no-7:15-1?
16o. (MIU 1317)
1. Inatitut Soryuck4kh IskoparoVkh AN MIL
(Coal preparation) (Coal-Carbonization)
Studying the properties of coal during heatirig rtAges and the
holding at. heat In the cont.1nuous coking rocess. Trudy 1G1 20:
98-111 163. (MIRA 17:8)
11~f fe 4 C; I
E .2t of cartain fd,;tvrfl an the " m~04rjn of a pa3tic coal
mass and the quality of coke produced, Trudy IGI 20t112-118
163. (MIRA 17t8)
Y~iming of a plasti: crAl mas3, Trudy ICT 20!119-1.~r 163.
(MIRA 27t8)
~~UqjtAW.X, R- I--; ZAKHARIYE;V, A. I.
Making ooke briquets from weakly caking lean Bulgarian coals.
Trudy IGI 20a155-158 163. (MIRA 1718)
Crataueous history of the geological development of the
Rioni-Xvirila interfluve. Izv. Gaol. ob-va Grus. 3
17-29 163. (MIRA 170)
1.'f -,orin hl I 1 .1
1 5 1- -- - F-- .n
I or Q ~ ~ I' I .
Lho scr;n. ~,N Cruz, "!', . 1 no.,',17~-
82 .11 1-63. IMIPA
Middle Jurassic history of the development of the Tkibuli-Shaori
coal deposit and its prospects. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 32 no. lt73-79
0 163. (MIRA 17s9)
'roctirmicat rat thod ioT the ellinEndtfan n4 *.a inter-
Fwl~y and
A I PYIxin --The
of t~r C e1cctr(A.- in epretrognprik. wcptk II fico'ntly
(I by t.'Iv Appe-tr4trice 0 etruig rymbod(a tmcfl. in the
tegVn A. 11w nw- c,: K.SA vt K11:0. il
Kvrzted to redIct Oc UIC tcalp eal to Promote L11 wiq
~41w' III 04m, tLc ufc ii the int~rruntvd arc is rc-,wm.
Ora Cd. , U10tr tllu~e C' wfitioni. file IntrAcitfive of III't
C~4 tivuls h. 6rgcly Chininat"). Qwflitatnely' the metlmd
-1j U$r(nj in Ult ticatrin. ,f the rate Willi; ii, A1(011)z
L~)Iitg. 11'e, Pk,, a;0 MO; and in C,%CO, contg, traces of L-4
and Ba. Q-LwtjtAtivrJ~. tht. mcth(Al k applicAbllt tQ the
drtn. of Cr. Pty, and re I NaCt in the micn- range 0141-
O.Ouj Britt O.M I -- 1 0"; , I ("p. In IX)tb 11o"j,
quant. ituditi, Unti occurring in Uir Wial
itoon are wtd. G. Prait.
GEGUS . Erno - ~ -
Sensitivity of spectrum analysis performed with solid tests
and sclutions. Magy kem folyoIr 65 no. 12: 469-471 159.
1. Vaolpari Kutato Intezet, Budapest.
Rapid spectrum analysis by solution for analysing blast fur-ace and
open-hearth slags. Magy kem folyoIr 67 no.9:402-406 9 '61.
3. Vasipari Kutato Ditezet, Budapest.
ERDEY, Laszlo GEGUS, Erno; T. VANDORFFY, I*ria
Analysis of natural waters by high-frequency titration. Mao
ken lap 17 no.68277-281 Ja '62.
1, Budapesti Metaki Egystem Altalanos Kemid Tanazek.
.PEGVS,-Erxo _
An itinerant meoting on Bpectrum analysiB. Koh lap 96 no.ls48
A 163.
,.--GEGUS. Erno
Determination of trace elements in iron and steel by meana of spjctrum
analysis. I. Koh lap 95 no.1.1:509-512 N 162.
1. Yatipari Kutato Intezet.
Speotrm analysis of slags. Koh lap 96 no.209-85 F 163.
1. Vaelpari Kutato Intent, Budapest..
ft -GEGUS, Xr5; WITCR, Tibor
- Homo-woe opectrographiq appli=ces- Ma" ken lap IS no*213:
IP-Mr 163.
3.. vasipari lutato Intesete
Hethod for testing inclusions isolated from steel in solutions by
spectrum analysis& Koh lap 96 no.8:377-381 Ag 163.
1, Vasipari Nutato Intesetv Budapest*