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Gi;B.L&R,-,I,..T.; 41-10LIYANI11OV, S.I.; POTAPZNKO, V.Ye.;KW20L-'tPOV, V.I. Effect of the additions of iron ore and fluxes on the properties of peat as a metallurgical fuel. Izv.TPI 111:86-90 161. (,',:L7ZA 16:9) (Peat) (Iron ore) (Puel) I V - SNOLIYOIII:OV~ S.I. ,,,G,IIIL;R, 1.- 0, , Brotni coals in thQ Tugan rcL-lon of Tortsk F-rovince. Izv.'PI'I 111: ini-lo 161. (14IRA 16:9) (Tomsk Province-Goal) BELOUS, I..Kh., st. nauchn. sotr.; KAZANSKIY, Yu.P,.; VDOVIN, V.V.; KLYAROVSKIY, V,M.; KU291ETSOV, V.P.; 111KOUYEVA, 1.V.; NOVOZHILOV, V.I.; 9ENDEPZ011, E.M.; AKAYEV, M.S.; RABIN, A.A.; BERDNIKOV, A.P.; GORYUKH111, 'Ye.Ya.; NAGORSKIY, M.P.; PIVENI, N.M.; BAKANOV, G.Ya GF.BLFIt .1 V - SMOLYANINOV, , V. .'tiYAKO11OVA N.M.; SMOLYANINOVA, S.I.; YUSHIN I N.D., HEZAPOV, N.M.; KASHTANOV, V.A. GOLIBE.?T, A.V.; SIL)OROV, A-P.; GAREASH, A.A.; BYKOV, M..S.~ BORODIN, L.V'; -'~YCHKOV, L.F.; KUCHIN, M.I.; SHAKHOV, F,14., glav. red.; SHFAKOVSKAYA, L.I., red. [West Siberian iron ore basin) Zapadno-Sibirskii zhelezorud- nyi bassein. Novosibirsk, Red.-izd. otdel Sibirskogo otd- niia All SSSR, 1964~ "7 P. (MIRA 17:12) 1. kkademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye, Institut geo- logil i geofiziki. 2. Institut geoiogii i geoL'Iziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Belo-as, Kazanskiy, Vdovin, Klyarovskiy, Kuznetsov, Nikolayeva, Novozhilo-v,. Senderzon), 3. Institut gornogo dela (for Alcayev). 4. Hovosibirskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye MInisterst-va ge,,logii i okhrany nedr SSS-1 (for Babin, Berdnikov, Goryukhin, llt-,gorsldy, Pivent). (conti:-med o,,i next card) BELOUS, N.Kh.---(contlriuod). Guryl 2. Tomskiy politekhnichfskiy inatittit, (for i,',tkp-n(jv, CPAI,,W, Smolyaninov,, Srro-lyan !nova) . 5. Sibjl-.,!ki,,- issledova,tellskiy hwtiixt geologil, goofiziki i minerall- nogo syrlya(for Yushin, Dlyakonova, Rezapov, Kashtailov, Gollbert). 6, Institut ekonomiki sellskogc khonraystva (for Garmash), 7, Sibirskiy met-rOlurgicheskiy insti-Lut (for Bykov, Boi-odin, Ry~.-.hkov), 8. Ton,,,,,kiy inzbenfmc-stroltellywy institut (for Kuchiii). 9. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shakhov), GEBLFR, I.V.1 .11NIOLIYANINOV, 5.1. Prospects for the development of retallurgical and chemical. industrie -a, in the Tomsk Province. lav. TPI 1260-7 164. (MIRA l8s7) SMOWYAMINOV, S.I. Fuel-smelting materials based on peat. Izv. TPI 126%8-11 164. (MIRA 18:7) NO& Cox W-f Cox 19CAP lio 30A. poll goo .40%so XOO~ 'T st to ~~I~qq56 OC lio df 0.. va rl 10p, 00 '40 se dt ~~T i"O pste 0!V44. .r A 0 '!64i 44- - C svx~* ii~ 'r As* 493-o - To tel to e. rv& j.0'0 qeoav~C Ot -06 L OVA Ir'VO so C OU IV Orn V&S, ':; 0,6% COA Oct., Ot R e et&. 0r& 10.4 et vz- Or .108 ktc. t4 860 he ec% or 411~c GIBIAR, N.I., assistant Un~j'~Ml oomplications In FAS therapy. Probl.tub. 34 no.6 supplement: 16-17 N-D 156. (NLRA 10:2) 1. Zz Tomokogo oblastnogo tuberkalesnogo dispansera (glavnyy vrach A.I.Titava) (PARAMINOSALIQTLIC AGID, injurious effects. NO) .GEBLER, N.I., Characteristics of the course of pulmonary tuberculosis during the period 1949-1959. 25 no.1:133-135 Ja 162. (MIU 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii (zav. - doktor med.nauk, prof. D.D.Yablokov) Tomsko 0 meditsinskogo, instituta. NUBERCULOSIS) GEBLEWICZOWA, Maria (Warszawa) Studien on the influence of the monitoring signal and the preparation period upon the simple reaction time. Prsegl paychol no - 5:3-1,D Ik2. GOMWICZOWA., Maria; PISARSXL,, RI-bleta (War&7,awa) A"wmuw Simp:.e reaction time and the height. Studia psychol 4:93-100 163- f T4 %7 CEBLEWICZOWA, Mri& (Warszawa) Tim of reaetion depending on the number of warning well as the time distances between. Studia psychol 5:184-194 163. ' GEBRY, Janos --Stereophotogrammetric evaluation of the relief of terrains full of dunes and swamps. Geod kart 16 no.6:"0-444 164. GEBSKI, --. "What Kind of Changes Are Necessai-y in the Organization of Finheries?" p. 4, (GOSPODARU RYBRA, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 1954. Warszawa, Poland.) SO; Monthly List of East European '=ession, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 30 No. 12. Dec. 1954, Uncl. GEBSKI, H.; KOLEBSKI, K? "ReDairing rubber cables for the mining industry with an AVIPO-l vul- cwizer.,, P. 42 (Wiadomosci Ele'Ktrotechniczne) Vol. 18, no. 2, Feb. 1958 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 GEBSKI.. H'enryk; KOLEBSKI,, Kazimierzo, inz. Repair of tire cables in the mWng industry with use(f the AWPO-1 vulcanizing apparatus. Wiad elektrotechn 18 no.2:42-43 F 158a I- Mirdsterstwo Gomictwa i Energetyki., Department Energo-Mechanicsny,, W;~Szawa. j 77S 110812 01 0%11?UC AC14 110111 resoftind. YgMt ~ 1 __ Z Aaw ,.it Lj C lAki and Staui.. Z X, I " k. luary).-I-Aillinosalicylic acid (1) call he pughicul in UlKnit. yield from resorcitiol (11) ill a wic-stage operation ill which amination at attn. for 13 his. ii directly followed by curboxylation a[ 1*-V-B' and Vit"O attn. for 3 hrs. Opthnai arnt-. of reactants were: It 50, (NI10,COOLO 130, 2NTa%CO,.lOllO 76, wid 11,0250 g., and CO, tp to 60 atul. at toom temp. The rvacti-m mixt. decanted. sh.1kca I hr. with active C, filterc-1, the filtrate cwfcd, neutralized with JICI, left for 30 min. -it S' uftcr pit 6.0-0.5 hai been reacht-d, filtered, the filtrate ncidifivil to pit -1.0-4.5, the ppt. filter"I off. witsheJ with 11.0. dried t .m alcuo for 21-3 lirs, saillearled ill 2,'A) all. I 1i0, i"ad. MI.Col added, the inixt. of pit G-7shaken with active C usid filtrml, and the filtrate a6lified as above gave I which inan tic puriflul -.ig~iiiil)yanidentii-.ilol)cniti4iii. I.ussinwt.%Y;ti2-2.5". each tinic. In all operation, the temp. may wit. execLA The filtratt! from the first I plit. contained 30-10~(, It which ..t-% rexencrated by relleatud I-t:O extri. ir E 0 UL 9 ni L )~358;-~ ACC NRg AP6027963 AUTHOR: C~~bry, Janos ORG: none SOURCE CODE: HU/0017/66/000/003/0177/0183;1 3 TITLE: Solution of the graphical error distribution of aerial trianv~~RP SOURCE: Geodezia es kartografia, no- 3. 1966, 177-185 TOPIC TAGS: aerial triangulationp error correction ABSTRACT: The method described requires intermediate points in the vicinity of the series axis. A linear transformation is first made between the two ,intermediate points 'at the ends, this is followed by the compensation of the errors at the remaining intermediate points by construction of a curve. 'All points at the series must be modified according to the figures on the 'curve. The method is also suitable for the correlation of the series and thus f.or the realization of block compensation. The computations involved .were described in det'ail. Orig. art. has: 19 figures. 1jPRS: 36,'8441 SUB CODE: 08, 12 / SUBM DATE:. none vmb UDC: GECS F, GEGY F. Electric machinery of the Vuzenica Hydroelectric Plant. P. 490. vol. go No. 9/108 Sept./Oct. 1956. EMTROFUVREDA TEMOLOGY Beograd$ Yugoslavia Sot East European Accession.9 Vol* 6p No, 2,p February 1957 1: L'I P.3 -troll ~.,T,Ctt --coD Of',.Zzl; -?F JO -:1--"1 ~: tIT ---31PT2VP1ri aitn'; ;; 4.10~1 4-11 p,,Kl jo ritme-0 q v;.- 4ora ~-j-.Ijvz 14 ji; o-,*,,-.;P,: .3 -f tz u . c, ~31 ;;s ZoIrg"I 4;v u ;fm . ul,:; luo vnrl jo ur:4V14 -C ed tay- It tt -Iu;; wt-; ITAcqIf, -C dl OEBAIAP Antonil BORZZCKAj Ir*n&j_OECA 2#~a - --- )..!!!k Daily exorstion, of 17-kotalteraide and 17-hydroxyoorticasteroids in girls and bay@ undsr,14. Pal. tyl. Isk. 20 no.1$1517-519 12 Ap 165s lo 2 11 Xliniki Chorob DBiscisoych AN v Lublinis (Kisrowniki doo. dre Antoni Gebala), OCZ-VICTUTEY S. Parasiti-~ fauna of the fish of Courland Lagoon. In Russian. p. 101 Lietuvos TSR Mokslu. adademija. Biologijos instituatas. DOBAI. Vilnius Vol. 3, 1958 Lithuanian, Poland 'Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan.1960 Uncl. G~:GIL-111 F.I. (Llvov) Note on a for-mla, for determirdag the linear order of an integral function represented by a Dirichlet series. Uk-r. Pat. zhur. 16 no. 51678-681 164. (MIRA 17 % 10) GECHE, F.I. Systems of integral functions of several variables and their applications in the theory of differential equations. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk. 17 no.2:17-46 164. (MIRA 17t9) 1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. GECHE Lj, Characteristics of the powth of integral functions of several complex variables. DokI. AN SSSR 164 no-3:487-490 S 165. 1 (MIRA 18:9) 1. LIvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Im. Iv. Franko. Submitted May 25v 1965, GECHEY'. F.Ii.. Letter to the editors. Izv. All Arm. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat.nauk. 18 no.5:108 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy wiiversitet imeni Franko. GECHEG, F. (Geaseg, F.] Shreyer's expansion of multiple operator groups. Acta math Szeged 23 no.1/2t58-63 162. 1. Submitted September 16, 1961. 'IRCIEG, F, '-~Gecseg, t'.1 %(.Szeged) I _I_.____",,__._, 24 n.-. 1/2, ~ -To classos of semi-moduli and msduU. Acta math 97.;*ged 165-172 161. 1. Suanitted March 26, 1962. GECHEGp F. [Gecseg, F.] (Szeged) Products of regulated automata, Pt.l. Acts. math Szeged 24 no.3/4: 244-250 163. 1. Submitted 96"mber 24, 1962. GEGHEEG, F. [Cecseg, F.) (Szeged) Prodnct3 cf ordore~-&-autotnata. Pt.2. Acta math S-.egF--.,i 25 no.1/2: 124-128 1641- 1. SubmIttrad February 5, 1963. GF.CIMV,j At.$, inzh. A chuck for multispindle heado. Whinostroene 12 no.1:41-42 Ja 163, 1. Zavod z& asink onni elaktrodvigateliO Plovdiv, GRCHC7, At.,, in zh I universal device for-assesibling rotor blocks. Hashinostroene 13 no*1239-41 , JaI64 -1 -.~ .: 10 St. konatruktor v Zavoda za asinkhroni elektrodvigatel-i, Plovdiv. BULGARIA GECIIEV, M., Dr,. Workers' Cooperative Agricultural Enterprise (Trudovo- -ZoMpRe-raLivnoto zemedelsko stopanstvo,) Dropla, Tolbukhinsko. "Choledochal Cystadenoma (Hamartoma) of Liver in Newborn Calf.,, Sofia, Veterinarna Sbirka, Vol 60, No 6, 1963; p 22. Abstract: Report of necropsy finding in calf that died on third day of life; 814-Cm. tumor in main biliary duct within liver. Photograph of specimen. 1/1 EVSTATIEV, D., inzh.; pilwil, L., inzh.; GLCIILV, P., inzh.; VUIZV, G., inzli. FAMTOV, r., inzh. Testing temporary groundwork roinforcemailtv in quarriov. v -8 Ag 163. Min delo 18 no,8:5 1. Geologicheski institut pri Bulgarskata ak-adenila na naukite (for Evstatiev, Ilieva, Gechevl- 2. 1-tinno-nauchnoizsledovatelski instit~t Sofia (for Vulev). 3. Durzhavno rdnno predpriiatie 111-taritsa-lztok" (for Mristov). GECHEVA. E. Deciphered vritings; electronics refuting an ancient prophecy* Nauka i tekh mlade2h 34 no.4:6-7 AP 162. GECHEVA E A look into the peat, Nauka i tekh a mladezh 13 no.120-6 D 161. KLLCHEV, No GECHEVAt E. I Academicians Nikolai Stoianov and KruBtiu Miatev speak about the past of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Na7aka i tekh mladezb. 16 no.6:3-6 164 VASILIYEVY P.V.p prof., doktor ekon. nauk; PONOMAREV, A.D.; SOLDATOV, A.G.p kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MOTOVIWV,, G.P.,, doktor sellkhoz. nauk; NEVZOROV, N.V.,, kand. ekon. nauk; LOSITSKIY, K.B.,, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; RODIONOV., A.Ya.,, kand. selikhoz. nauk: CHARKINA, A.P., kand. seltkhoz. nauk; LUTSEVICH, A.A., kand. seltkhoz. nauk; KOZHMIKOV, M.G., dots,; ALEKSEYEV, P.V., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZOPMI, A.V.1, aspirant; BARANOV, W.Lp kand. sellkhoz.nauk (deceased]; NAUMENKO, I.M.,, prof.., doktor sellkhos.aauk; ILIIN, A.I... kand.sellkhoz. nsuk; MOISEYENKO,F.P.9 kand. biol. nauk;'ZAMMOV, V.K.j prof.# doktor sell- khoz nauki GEG P , 9tazvhiy-nauchrqy sotr.; BUTENASy YU.P.P kand: sell oz. mauk; BUBLIS., K.A., aspirant; KAININISH, A.Ya.j, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZVIYEDRIS, A.I., kand. sellkhoz. nauk,- SUKACIMV, V.N., akad. red.; ZHUKOV, A.B*p prof., red.; FRAVDINp L.F.., Prof., red.; MkKAROVA, L.V., red. izd-va; LOBANKOVA, R.Ye., tekhn. red, [Problems of increasing forest productivity in four volumes] Pro- blemy povysheniia prodmktivnosti lesev v chetyrekh tomakh. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat. Vol-4.[Economic problems of increasing forest productivity and accelerating 3~ipening and cutting ages]Ekonamicheskie voprosy povysheniia produktivnosti lesov, vozrasty spelosti i vozrasty rubok. 1961, 253 pe (MIRA 15:1) 1. Aka4pmiya nauk 88 SR. Institut lesa. 2. Nachallnik Glavnoy inspektaii po lesnomu khozyaystvu i polezashchitnomu lesorazvedeniyu Rinisterstva sellskogo khozyaystva SM (for Ponomarev). (Forests and forestry-Economic aspects) STOIEVY Stoyu [Stoev.. Stoiul; 'BALASH,, Ion [Balas, Ion]; GFLHKO Iqef [Becko,, Jozefl; VARKOXI, Laslo (Varkoni., Laszlo] Friendship never grovs old. Radio no.8-.6-7 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Predsedatell TSentraltnogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodeystviya oborone Nmrodnoy Respubliki BolgariA. (for Stoyev). 2. Zamstitell predsedatelya TSentr~allnop soveta, Soyuza fizkulitury i sporta Rwqmkoy Narodnoy Respubliki (for Balash). '3. Predsedatell TSentrallnogo komiteta Soyuza sodeystviya armii Chekhoolovatskoy Sotsiallsticheskoy RespublUci (for Gechko). 4. Zamestitall predee- datelya Oboronw-sportivnogo soyuza Vengerskoy Narcdnoy Respubli1d (for Varkoni). (Radio operators) GECHKO ,- The more volunteers, the better work will be. Kryl. rod. 14 no.5-.22-23 My t63. (MIR& 16:7) 1. PredsedateI2 Mantrallnogo komiteta Soyuza sodeystviya armii (SVAZARM), Chekhoslovatskaya Sotaialiaticbeaka7a Respunlika ~Caeohoslovskia-Aaronautice-Societies,, Etc.) ONO r, A. Geci, A. Improvement of the S-4 combine. p. 23,4. Helping our combine operators. p. 235. Vol. 5. no. 12,, june 1955 MECHANISACE ZEMEDILSTVI SO: MDnthly List of East turopean Accession, (IFAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. IIECI, A. "Improving the qualifications of workers in machine-tractor stations and deficiencies of the factory training schools." P. 10. (Yinisterstvo zenedelstvi -Praha, Czechoslovaka.) Vol. 8. no. 13 Jan. 1958. SO: Monthly Index of East Eurooean Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 5, May 1958 GECKY P.; SZANTO,, Rozaa F4mmination of Clostridium perfringens witb the fluorescent tracer teabnique. Acts. microb. hxwg. 8 no.4:423-r425 161. 1. State institute.of Hygiene, Budapest. (CLOSTRIDIUM PMUMNMS chem) (nUORESCOT DYES) (STAINS AND STAINING) SZANTO, Rozsa, dr.; GECK, Peter, dr. Fluorescence microscopy and its use in microbiology. 0m hetil. 102 no.45:2133-2137 5 N 161. 1. Orazagos Kozageassagugi Intezet, Bakteriologiai Ozztaly e9 a Honved Nozagessaegugyi-Jarvanyugyj Allows, (MICROBIOLOGY) (MICROSCOPY) GECK Peter- SZANTO, Rozaa - - ~,-' I Studies on Clos#idium perfrLngens with an immunoflurescent method. Kiserl. orvostud. 14 no-3:242-248 Je :62. 1. Honved Kozegeszsegugyi es Jarvanyugyi Allomas Ps az Orozagos Kozegeszsegugyi Inte2et baktariologiai osztalya. (CLOSTRIDIMI PERFRINGEANS Linamol) OS VA lealth Service; TH, Pal, VOLTAY, Bela; Laszlo Hospital; _Anr.y 11 BACKHUSZ, iichard; Institute for Serobacterial Production and Research IlHuman" (director: VERES, G.); LOSONCZY, Gyorgy, VIGH, Gyula, BOGNAR, Szilard; Laszlo Hospital (director: ROMAN, J.) [original language versions not given]. "Immunofluorescence and Passive Hemagglutination in Infantile Enterocolitis." Budapes~ Acta Yicrobioloqica Academiae Scientiarum Hunp-aricae, Vol X, No 1, 1963, pZeT_1_-7_ Abstract; [English article, authors' English summary] In order to detect Shigella excreters, 252 hospitalized children, 1-14 years of age have b3en examined. Feces and rectal samples were tested by cultural, immunofluores- cent and passive hemagglutination methods. Shigellae were cultured in 40.5 per cent of the rectal samples taken on the day of admission, but only 12.7 per cent of the feces obtained the following day were positive. Cultural and immunofluorescent methods were compared in 187 cases. Shigellae were detected three-times more frequently by the latter than by culturing. The combination of the three methods gave positive results in 50.6 per cent of the cases. The rise in the passive hemagglutination titre in 18 paired sera confirmed the positive results of the former methods. Rising titres were observed also in some patients who yielded no evidence of Shigella infection by any other testincr methods in spite of bloody and mucous stool excretion. 1 Hungarian 15 Western. references. Fete-:, 1410jaVATH, Sindor (I.X,.), "A1%SS1ZO:T, Dcnes; ~~atlonal 'Public Health -I-,,stit_Ute--(0rszagos Kozegeszsct-ucyi Intezet). .esul~s of !=Lie-Fluorescence investigations Usinr, Fluorescein-Iso- t~li3cya,,nate. " 3=apest, '-'iserietes Orvostudo-an-, Vol XV, 1~0 5, Oct 63, pages 513-518. 0 Abstract: LAuthors' HunSarian sur=ary mcdified] The inuraLie-fluorel-cence iinvastic-ations of the authors are ra-corted mainly frclm the coint of notho- dology. The 4L:rx,,,une-~:lobul_in pr0--duction, the preparaTion of the conju-rate and of the tissue powder, adsorption, staining and the T.Gde of evaluation ol- t~,e orenarations are discussed in detail. The Dractical az)nlication of ~'h 'luorescen~ microscone is descri:bed and the -oresaration of micro-ohoto_ c-rans is mentioned briedy. Tn order to promote its .widespread use, the method is described Ln detail and can be reproduced by the reader. 6 ~:ungarian, 13 stern ref rences. j e L e IMRE, Gyorgy; KORGHWOS, Imre; GECK,_Le.~~r __ Demonstration of inclusion bodies in epidemic keratoconjunctivitis by the immunofluorescence method. Preliminary report. Szemeszet 99 no. 1:25-28 Mr 163 1. A Budapeqti Orvostudomanyi Egyatem II. Szemklinikajamak (Igazgato: Nonay Tibor egyeteni tanar, az orvostudomanyok icandicIntuna) es a Honved Kozegeszegugyi es Jarvanyugyi es Jarvanyugyi Allomas kozlemenye. (KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS) (FLUORESCUT ANTIBODY) (PATHOLOGY) JHUNGARY SZANTO, Rozsa, Dr,_~j~ ~r Dr; National Riblic Health Institute and the Public Health and Medical Clinic for Contagious Diseases of the Army (Orszagos Kozegeszsegualyi Intezet es Honved KOJAL (Kozegesz- segugyi es Jarvanyugyi Allomas]). "Antibiotic and Sulfonamide Sensitivity of Clostridium Perfringens Strains." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 104,No 18, 5 May 63, pages 827-828. Abstract: The authors discuss the occurrence of gas edema and the orir gin of the C1. perfringens strains found. Sensitivity and resistance of the various strains to a series of antibiotics is presented i1i a table. 3 Eastern European, I Western reference. L1 11 27 f h-UNGARY VOLTAY, Bela, Dr, GMK,.. Peter,_ ~Dr _ OSVATH, Pal, Dr, BACKHAUSZ, Richard, Dr, LOSONCZY, Gyorgy, Dr, IIIGH, Gyula, Dr, BOGNAR, Szilard, Dr; Capital.. City Council, Laszlo Hospital, National Public Health Institute and Human Vaccine Producin.- and Research institute (Fovarosi Tanacs, Laszlo Korhaz, Qrszagos Kozegeszsegugyi Intezet es-~Human Oltoanyagternelo es Kutato Intezet). "Immuhe Fluorescence and Passive Hemagglutination Tests in Cases of Enterocolitis in Children." Budapest, Orvosi HetilaD, Vol 104, No 21, 21 May 63, pages 973-978. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary modified] The shigella excretion of children with enterocolitis was determined by bacterial cultures of samples taken from the rectum as well as by microscopic examination of fecal. smears, stained with fluorescent dyes which combine with the spe- cific immune serum. Both methods gave rapid, and twice as frequent posi- tive results as 'Ube usual bacteriolo-iQal tests. The shigella antibody titer was elevated in the majority of cases where all diagnostic tests were negative. In the authors' opinion all bloody, mucous diarrhea of children should be considered as dysentery regardless of the bacterio Q2 -.J - GECK) P.; DAN, P.; NASZ, I. Examination of the cytopathic effect of adenoviruses by immunofluorescence. Acta microbiol. acad. sci. Hung. 11 no.1:19-22 164. 1. Hungarian Army Medical Corps and Institute of Microbiology (Director: Z. Alfoldy) University Medical School, -Budapest. GEq Peter,; D=,, G~orgyp dre; KCRMBUM, 1mrs, dr.; NASZ, letranp dr.; DANO Pal, dr. On- specific.antigefte properties of incluoion bodies In epidemic keratoconjitnativitis; (amwdnations by the immuno- fluorescent teohniag)*Om hetile 105 no.1Ot439-"1; 10 W'64* 1. Honved'Koxege~zaegugyi ea Jarnmyugyi Allonas; Budapeati Orvostudomanyi Ikyetem, IT. Swmklin:Lka ea Mikrobiologiai Intent. GECK.,P.; SZMTO, Rozsa Comparative examination of chronic typhoid carriers with immuno- fluorescent and cultural methods. Acta microbiol. acad. sci. Fhmg. 11 no.3a211--2-14 164/65 le Hungarian Army Medical Corps, and State Institute of Hygiene (Directort T.Balcacs), Didapes:L GECK I P. k rapid diponostio method for the V, '-4*4,,Rtion of enteric pathogens: nuorggewt Alera&gglutingtim. Act& microbiol. &am. scio Fdmgo n rio.4,2357-360 164-165. 1. Hungarian Army Medical Corps, Wdapest. SUNTO, Rozaa,dr., GECK, Petert dr. Identification of C1, perfringens in various secretions by imune fluorescence. Orv. hetJI. 106 no*7013-314 IJ, F 165 1. Orszagos K6zegeszsegugyi Intezat (folgazgato: Bakaes, Tibor, dr.)Bakteriologial Osztaly (Osztalyvezeto: Haban, Gyorgy, dr.) es 14aMr flophadsereg Egeszsegug7l Szolgalat. GNICF, Peter, dr.; GAGO, Gizellao dr.; KOVACS, Sandor, dr. I.=me fluorescent, tests and their 3ignIficance in thp r!ontrol of dyspepsia coll. Orv. hetil. 106 no.25:11?1--1172 20 Je 10'5. 1. Magyar Nephadsareg,U-ges%Segugyj Szolfralat)13s0Tolna megy-el. Twriacs, Bulasga Jmwn Korhav. L 15gi5-66 T- jK ACC Ws AP6008379- SOURCI~ C-OD"E: --Hu/O AUTHOR: Gack, PeUr (Budapest); Ssantot Ro2ma (Budapest) IZ ORG HungEj!n Am Medical Corps (Magyar Nephadsereg Egesesegugyl Szolgalsta) I State Ins:Utute of Hygiene, B~pest (Allani Egeoza Intezet) TME: Comparative exaziniation of chronic typhoid carriers with' immunafluorescent and culture methods SOURCEs Academia scientlaran hwigaricas; Acta microbiologica, Y. 11, noi 3# 1961+, 23.1-214 TOPIC TAGSs bacterial disease, immunology, bacteriologr, fluorescence ABSTRACT: Fecal samples from 200 typhoid carriers have been exAmined in order to~ compare the immunofluorescent tracing with the COMMOntiOrAl enrichment oulbare techxdque~. The presence of S*,~ typld was conflzmad. in 84 samples with culture and:b, 139 samples 'with immunofluorescent methods-On],y 2 positive culture specimens gave negative imunofluorescent results zch~, as a whole, increased the number of positive results by 2W Per centi There was a 93 per cent agreement between the positive immun)fluoreseent results obtained within one hour and the cultulw Lc ard -1/2 MICROBIOL6GY CZECHOSLOVAKIA/HUNGARY UDC 614.777-078:542.67 4&-yater; MERKA, Vladimir; Health Service of the BIRO, Qyorgy, GF Hungarian Peoples Army# Budapest Zo-~iginal version not given7; J.E. Purkyne Military Medical Research and Postgraduate Training Institute (Voje Lek* Vyzk* a Dookol. Ustav), Hradec. Kralove. "The Use of Membrane Filters of Different Production for Microbiological Fkamination of Water and in the Phage Technique" Prague, Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy, Vol 35, No 4, Aug 66, pp 177-179 Abstract: Filters produced in Western Germany (Co 5) and of Czechoslovak Manufacture (HUFS and VUFS) were compared in the determination of bacterium coli index in water, in the proof of enteral bacteria by the haptene floc- culation method, and in the sterilization filtration of phage suspensions. The filtration efficiency of the products is'identical,, but the Czechoslo- vak products have a lower rate of filtration, and their regeneration is more difficult* 1 Table, 19 Westernt 7 Czech, 1 Russian, 2 Hungarian, 1 PoUsh refere'ncee 1A LMUSZEWICZ-DANCOVA, Danuta; GICOV, Ann&; BOBIJISKA, Barbara Characteristics of Heine-Kedin disease treated in 1953 in Warsaw hospitals. Pediat.polska 30 no.1:77-82 Jan 55. 1. Z Kliniki Chor. Zak. WIeku Dziectecego A.M. w Wararawle. rierov- nik: prof. dr zed. J.Bogdanowicz i Hiejskiego Sspital&'Zakaznego ur 3 w Wars zawie, Dyrekto*r: dr med. E. PomerskA. Warszawa, Sienna 60. (POLIONULITIS, epidemiology, in Warsaw, 1953, clin. picture) G=W, Anna; LUKASZEWICZ-DANCOVA, Danuta Ift"Nummurift Respiratory disorders in Heine-MedIn disease. Pediat. polsks 31 no.4:389-399 Apr 56. 1. Z Mlejoklego Sspitala Zakasnego fir 3 w Warssawie. Dyrektor: dr. med. 1. Pomrska. Varszawm Sienna 60. (RICSPIRATION,tin various diseases, polio. (Pol)) (POLIOICILITIS, pbysiology, reap. (Poi)) a'" 8 Vol 12/11 Neu~ology Nov 59 5689. PURULENT INFLAMMATION OF THE CHREBROSPINAL MENINcES. CAUSED BY NOCARDIA - Ropne zapalenic opon m6zgowo-rdzenlowych wywolane przez Nocardia - Qe;ow A. . Lukaszewicz- Dadcowa D. and Hrobowska H. Mtifs-k-.-9-zpit. Zakatn. 111. Warszawa - POL.TYG. LEK. 1959, 1414 (1 70-172) Illus. 3 Report of a came In a 22-month-old boy admitted to hospital on the 6th day of severe Illness. The patient was treated with massive doses of sulphonamides and penicillin, and after 3 moidhe of treatment was cured. Anigatein - Galveston. Tex. (L.7.8) F G3COWt_AUUa4. BOGOSAVLJEVIC, Halina; MAGURAIGZ, Maria Several problem on the clinical course & treatment of purulent meningitis. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.12:534-539 23 Mar 59. 1. Z Miejskiego Sspitala Zakasnego nr 3 w Varssawis; ordymtor oddzialu ne'uroinfakcji: dr mod. Danata 1a)mszewicz ftancown, dy- rektor s'spitala: doe. dr med. Antela Karka-Zakrzewskit. Adres: Warszawa, ul. Sienna 60 Miejski Szpital Zakazrq nr 3. (KMITIS, in inf. & child diag. & ther. of purulent meningitis (Pol)) LUXASZEWICZ-WICGWA, Danuta;.,2~ ~,An~nw. IMMKI, Fqszard; W3GINISK. Hanna. Attempted evaluation of various pharmacological agents in the treat- ment of Heine-Medin's disease. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.14:634-641 6 Apr 59. 1. (Z Niejskiego Sspitala Zakaxnogo Nr 3 w Maresawle; dyrektor doe. Aniela ML*s-Zakrzewska; Kiero%nik Oddzialu Neuroinfekcji: dr D. Laknezewics-Dancows). Warszawa, -14iejski Szpital ZakazW Nr 3, u1. Sienna 60. (POIaOMMITIS. ther. drug ther., statist. (P01)) LUKASZEWICZ-DANCOWA, Danuta; G100W. Anna Acute curable cerebellar ataxia in children. Polski tygod.lok. 15 no.6:215-219 8 7 060. 1. Z Hiejskiego Sspitala Zakasnego ur 3 w Warozavie; dyrektor: doc. A. Marks-Zakrzews)m; ordynator Oddzialu Neoroinfekaji: dr. D. Imkoazewics-Dancowa. (ATAXIA in Inf do child.) (GEMILLUM die.) iPOLAT'D VL7SZA, Alekakndra of thr, 11amrtqtar -t o:~ E,)Idomiolcrzy (Za- klq~ o'.1' the P?i! f2~anstwow~ Z~A-Iad -Uvion7 2tate Ingtttute of Fy;~IenV, Directc~r: Prc.f rx F. ::RZ--- 5*~YCX-, '-*ep-d of thl. Deapart-nent, ~-. ROSTRZIE I -, IT 7. JOIUM61CZ, M. NJAL-IFRZa,., It. KOCI-E.UYA, R. tH. LUVINZRI, "AN.VRISWICZ, S. Pi:Z T. RCDFIZiIi.Z, 1W. ECCU- 111CA", -`~. 3ZCZ2'6INIAT., D. all of the W.M: 2e'Woja- wodzklo -Staoja $fsn itarno-RpIdeniplo.,xiervi -- Woj,nvodztwc HeLlth and Epld-~-'AOIDgy Ztutionp7; Ini. BOBROWENA, AIZCU_,_ J. qLL132R, JUT-41. J. KIJROd2YXTN, -1. 3YGIIATCI-IICZOWA. Z. SZOMLIELSY7, X. SWICOWk R. WAR- -ZGI--A0:! the Dcpartment~s of Pollomyelit'le iLtiente aly 41m Choryeb na Polio-myelitie) of the !ISSr; if. DOBH0I.-,IOLe3-k or zha De- partment of Viroloey (Zeklild VLv'U8OIOgtI) of ZZH, Director: Prof Q, F. J. ALWMI (Ponnn), F. DODRVv`OLS-Kx (Warssm), J. BCCII*~ M-*5FA (Lodz), M. KOET',D (Xrukow), 4. 11.16- YWER Odroolaw), r.'Z.' TA.YTJV. Oftrasw) ~ of tte :IZH. to chnical aid of A. BAGIIINUA of tha PM!. "Safety of Immunization with the Attenuated Polio VI.ruc I AN D Stralno Type I Chat. and TyPe 3 W Fox" -o1 XV1, 11,11o 4, 62, 1* 177. Abctrac-: Cxuthor s I Er.-lish eu-i-nary 1007 Am GPIL-65e.:A.Cal, Inica I and vIlrological analyale of psliarnvalitle Ir PrIand was Qnds wltt.!r 6 we,~:ke aftei,~"crmrletlon of, oral i-imur.12n- tion with pol',o virus type .1 Chat and t,-rile 3 If FoN.l,*tve2tl- made in 1959 and 1960 show the OcnPla, e darsty C.r RoprawalrAla mttonumt4d oral vaccine typo I Chjit. The utrain 3 W Vox to Indicated ac a pathut.:enlc one arid its uncertAln safety fmind by Inveatigations In 1960 hK3 been nonfirmed. 8 twbleol 2 diaorans; 9 ref.erane6s, 2 Polleln the rest West- e rn . 2 IFOUND KULEOZA. Alcknspndra, Departnent of Fp1dc-n1o1cqf (Zalclad Eplee,ciolovU), Mq ZPanotwovy Z&k1nd 111,crIeny.-- State Inc- titute of HygionJ, Director: ProOk rx T. K0.vVRZ:--MSK1, Ifead of the InatitutQ7, Prar- r %- M21-MCKI; wtth the col.labo- ration of J. GOLU, T. joniefricz, m. x~arauK, w. mcimsm, M. KOPEC, X. LIMSFA, R. WTYIIBKX, J. MAYLA-REWICZ, If.. MLYSZ. A. -, S. PES?.A, T. 7 PIEL-WICZ, T. RCUIT, to, 1. tim-w- OLM M WICZ, Z. Ro-unalITA, W. SONWICA, S. SZCnS!.'jAX. r. ZOf.HjE_ RMIA all of the Volevodztvo Health and Epide-alolocrical Sta- tions (Vojevodzkle Staclo Sanitarno-Toldlenlologioz;"); H. BOBacnix, A. _GEC T GELBER, M. GRUSZCZYNSEA, it. SASTMB.. _W, J . SU, =-. ZUZWK-:. XUR0CZX1N_ Z. RESUE, R. STANCM.-M, J. STG_ NATOVICZ01VA, j. SUZER-SU, k. SZCZYGMSKI, S. SZMrLAF, 1E. CIUCOWA, J. '#tAJSZCZUE, R. WARLECIM all of the Dapartmente Of Poliomyel .Itis Patiento (Oddzialy dia Chorych ns, 11ollo- Myclitic) of tho Wojowodztwo Health and EpidamioloSieal Stations; J. AWMI (Poznan), H. DOITROWOLM (Warsaw). J. BOMENSKA (Lodz), M. KO=.IIG (Krakow); H. DOBR(WOLUJI, of the Department of- Virology (Zaklad Wirusologil) of M, L 1/2 ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - ". - , - ~ i 1 .1 . - .1 i-OLUID Director: Prof Dr F. MESMYCII. technical aid: A. BA!;INBKA *17-pldemlc Situatlon of Poliomyelitis In Polfind In 1961" Wa.-raw, PrzeqUd Epidamiolostiomy, Vol XVI, No 4, 1962, PP369-375. iNbatraot* #--7 ur ./Authorar Enslish nummarv modifi-d The profo d v, atiolog Influonca on the opidsmiolo& ,v and clinical picture of yollomyolitle of tho Introduction of mass imnun2zatlon with attenuated polio vaccines In 1959 Is dincuosod.. Obear. vationo on the Influenco and affoot Of IMMU1212atiOrib Vith Euoh vaccines on the epidemic situation of pollomyetlitie In Poland are reported. 4 tables, 2 diagrams; 5 Polish references. E/2 GEOGIN, KazIm"Era -p~ctl~tis in the course of influez;!za in 12'i.ill,irer., i'ediatl. Pol. 39 iio.4:365-373 Au 164. 1. Z Odclzialu Neuroinfekaji Micjskjr-cc Szpitala Z'ZIkR7,-IegC- r1r. 3 w Warsvi-w-Ja (Dyraktor: dr. ried. L'. GL.Gwin, C~dyrtaLi)r- dr. A. Gecow). TrW of VUNF of Uw lGetbad of Shoding Ram SiLb Pr6ba praydagnoW smelody wl*nnis tratew pray pomocy lith- cuch6w-. Sylwm Me. 3-4, 11161. pp. 39"12, 1 ng., 9 tabs. tive lavestipum m remannersibm? of fad"Ing n,fts with chains and with rafters, wks, &W nafis, Oeneral infonnation about thnber floating. Iddhodology of InveftatIons on labiur efficlemy in relation to tm two MmAbods of fastening rafts. Calm lation of costs of mastlieds Investigmted and review of advantaltes and dimadvantmem Tlw autbar elsbasi that chain faftenlag of rxfts floated m lakes and camls with dues Is suwrior. GEWW'I R* "Fiat 55 L tractors for the transportation of wood" p. 28 (las volsLI, Vol. 26, Ho. 2, Feb. 1952, Warszawa) East European Vol. 3, Ho. 3 4 SO: Month List of AM" Acc"sional Library of Congress, _ Mlarch 195y, Uncl. GL(,C,-.,;, P. Ar abLemiA b~l the possibUitics of "Ioatinj- t1mibor lo,,.,n the Pilica Piver. p.69. (Inst,,tut i TrEt-,rttit Techro-lovii Lrewr- 'ro, 1 1955 3 - 5010 East European Accessions List ll',56 3ECUJ, R. Lesne kolejki linowe. Warszawa, Panstwowe !-iydawn. RoInicze 1. Lesnp, 19-56. 2C)6 0. (Forest cable railway) Wt Not in DLC SO: Monthly L;.sf -f East -6uropean Accessions (FIEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, 'Aug 1957. Uncl. An analysis of timber floating o6 the San River. p. 69. GOSPODARKA ZPOWNA. Vol. 99, No. 1. Jan/Feb 1956 Warszawa. East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress V61. 5, No. 11, August 1956. GECSJ M. Measurements in nuclear physics and training physicists* p. 68 FIZIKAI SZEKU. t,Eotvos Lorand Fizikai Tarsulat) Budapest Vol. 6, No. 2, Apr. 1956 Source: EELL - W Vol 5, No. 19 Oct. 1956 HUNGARY KARADY, Istvan, GF 4aB__Ar.pad._GAEjOp, Miklos, PIUKOVICH, istvan; Medical Uni- versity of Szeged, Institute of Pathophysiology, Institute of Pharmaco- dynamics and Gynecological Clinic (Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Korelet- tani Intezet, Gyogyszerhatastani Intezet es Nogyogyaszati Klinika). "The Importance of Glycoproteins in the Mechanism of Stress Adaptation." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany. Vol XVIII, No 4. AuF, 66, pages 389-392. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian sumporyl The chanVes in the serum glyco- protei~ level in response to stress were studied 'in 255 rats of both sexes. According to the experimental results, a sirnificant dei,.rease occurred in the level of serum protein-bound carbohydrate within 2-5 hours after sub- lethal tourniquet, trau-natic or hemolytic shock. The maximal elevation in the serum glycoprotein value was reached in 48 hours and the physiological level was approached again only on the 5th day after the shock. When a renewed stress was applied 48 hours after the sublethal stress, the high glycoprotein level did not show any significant further changes either 2 or 48 hours later. According to these experiments, there Is a characteristic fall in the serum glycoprotein level in response to stress; the stage of non-specific resistance followin,,r stress is characterized by a high serum glycoprotoln lovel which is stre.3s-!;table, Tho importanca of glycoproteins In the mechanism of adaptation to stress is also discunsed. 2 Hungarian, 23 Western references. [Manuscript received 23 Jul 65.1 1/1 GE",_'E! , Gabo-~ - -nd process for the analysis of the scale structure Equipment P of hot-rolleet wide steel bands. Koh lap 97 no.12:577-580 D 164. 1. Danubian Ironworks. Z/039/60/021/0 5/009/029 E14O/E13 5 AUTHOR: Jin Gecsei zM (Engineer) TITLE: Pred!;M f Stationary Random.~Igp~~ls5 PERIODICAL: Slaboproud~ Obzor, Vol 21, 19602 Nr 59 pp 293-299 ABSTRACT*. A Review of the work of Bode and Shanno.n on the subject. The author is mainly concerned with the theory of calculating optimi, filters for simultaneous prediction of useful signals and filtering of noiseJ~ In the final part of the paper the derived resulTs are ut-ilised f Ior- numerical calculation of the transfer coefficient In the form of a rational fractional function which Is suitable for synthesis. This is followed by two -.,alcalated examples. There are 13 figures and 1+ references, of which 2 are Soviet and 2 English. SUBMITTED: September 25, 1959 Card 1/1 GECSEI, Jan Remark or: the random organized of a n(utron. Stroj na zprac inf 10:63-67 164. 1. Research Institute of Mathematical Machinesp Prague. GECSEI) J. Cybernetic and mathematical aspects of a model in neurophysiology. Cesk. fYsiol. 13 no.41:332-333 J1 164. 1. Vyzkuinny ustav matematickych Aroju, Praha. GEMEI Jan , -- Cybernetic modeling of neurons. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. (Hrad. Kral.) 7 no-5;SUPP1.:438-14-48 164. 1. Vyzkumny ustav matematickyeh stroju, Praha. L2~665-& T IJP(c) ACC NRt AT5027852 SOURCE CODE- CZ/2503/65/000/011/0051/0066 AUTHOR: Gec!!4~,_!L.7-qechei,Y o ORGi Research Institute for Mathematical ~[achiqjR, Prqgue TITLE: Some algorithms for adaptive threshold circuits and neuron models SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska akaAemie ved. Vyzkumny ustav matematickych stroju. Stroje na zpracovani informaci, no. 11, 1965, 51-66 TOPIC TAGS: algorithm, threshold circuit, neuron model, Boolean function ABSTRACT: Some simplified algorithms for evaluating the weights and threshold of a threshold circuit, realizing a given Boolean function, are described. A system is proposed for classifying the algorithms on the basis of the analogies between a nervous cell and a neuron model consisting of a threshold circuit. The algorithms can be classified according to two mutually independent criteria: a group of vari- ables which govern the size of the input of the synoptic efficacy of the neuron (the weight of.the threshold circuit), and the time and space independence of these cor- relations. Several theorems in- geometrical representation of some algorithms quoted in the paper and geometric properties of algorithms A are Investigated in greater detail. Three examples of the use of several algorithms are given. Orig. art. has: 8 figures, 33 formulas, and 6 tables. [Based on author's abstract.] [AM) SUB CODE: O?~,,09,12/ SUBM DATE: lOFeb64/ OTH.REF- Oll/ Card GEGSER, Otto,__okleveles gopeszmernok %- The "conditioned" air. Elet tud 17 no.32-1003-1006 12 Ag 162- GZCSERj Otto Remark about Gyorgy Maroti's article entitled "Application of ultra*iolot lamps in the field of 11dalth protection.O* Villamossag 3.1 no.2:51 F 163.-- 1. Egeszoegugyi Miniss"rium cooportvezeto fomernoke. CECZI, Antal (Novi Bad, Yugoslavia) Pillorizing language usage. Elet tud 15 no.7:202 14 1 160, --I GECZI, Karoly Ways of the future; the technology of plant growing. Mezogazd techn 1 no.2:20-21 161. GECZI, Karoly, OBDRUS, Karoly; SALYO, Endre Irrigation., land reclamatione Technika 7 no.8.-6-7 Ag 163. ,,;;,Czy o Corrdlation bet-,~een the si-ell a rrl t1,(,, so rt ~ -.1. t!s , f t ~s P. 348, (FOLYCANI k-OZWNI , 97 L z-,T-, !-, C,F "IE G~~CLCGICd, L~GIFTf) voi. 1-7 I-In. ), Ju,'-y/Se--,t. Buda-ze~jt, Hung~ry SC - 'Month--,v IrdeN of Fast Eurcpe,~n Acces--'-ons (2EAI)- :z. 'vo-L. 7, no. 3 M~,rch 1c;58 GECZY' D. The extinction and the beddirg of Ammonites. Tn Genran, P. 89 AITIALES. SEGTIO GEOLOGICA. Budapest, Hwigary. Vol. 2. L958 'Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 9. No. 2. Feb. 1960 Uncl. r.zczv, B. GEOGPAPFY q GEOLOGY (Periodicals) GTECZY, B. Development of the j-enem of Pexacoralla. p. h6h. Index. to v. 88, 1-:)58. FoLmAn Koamy Vol. 88, no. 4, ect./Nc. 1958 Monthly List of E.-st European Accessions (EZAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 5,, may 1959., TInclass. 0=10 B. .... Decay and embeddlng of amonits species. p. 298 FOIDTANI KOZIM. BULLETIN OF THE HUNGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIE1Y. Okgyar Foldtani Taraulmt) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 89, No. 3. Juii/Sept-' 1959 Monthly Zdat of East European Accessiona, (EFAI) LC, Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl . GECZY, Barnabas, dr. 1. 0,n Ahe way of life of the Neoamonoids. Foldt kozl 90 no.2:200-203 Ap-'Je 160.- (ENAI 10:2) (Amanoldea) GECZY. Barnabas %drepore research and the formation of the Miocene reef in the Western Mediterranean area" by Chevalier. Reviewed by I~arnabas Geczy. Foldt kozl 92 noo,4s474 N-D 162. GFMY, Barnabaaj, dr. Stratigraphic questions of the Jurasaic period an discussed by two congresses. Foldt, kozl 93 no,2:251 Ap-Jo 163, 'I-- ~- FULOP, Jozsef, drj_qkqZ,Y,_.,Barnabas, dr. Decision on the proposal made by the Luxemburg colloquium on the Jurassic period. Foldt kozl 94 no.1:152-153 Ja-Mr 164. 1. President, Hungarian Committee, Mesozoic Mediterranean Committee (for Fulop). 2. Secretary, Jurassic Subcommittee (for Geczy). c,.4 later 46 "-k"T A . di fee sc d=16"based an ent C( th intensitv 0( the blue =~~ucvd 1. . =. ' NIf. We. The rmltm "m in Istwatiory agreement with Invimetric 40"s. okk lovin Fi'lm'. I. maw Ab 1" 45 Safinarkmayir, Undaparr- Kim. MY" So, 434AIM.-The 0" 1., 3,.'~ a of irylk- add. In & 1-2; KtOll -I.. lftdo Raw "a few the caimimetric detn. of Fed'. Ibecoompil,mebelom by the inetbod lwevim%lydr- ,o:Tib~d(cf.".SI/U.7(IP4Sj4T)). Fe" ioni tire an in- tensive red below pH 3.8 abov* pit f1d an mange cumtol, The WIQw miaratim obtained in an alk. w4n. 6 unsuitable for colmijartrior memew"wets Ance Me intemily of ct*w 6 WA Pgoportima to the i , in cown. of Fcl'~ The bam ratilts nets obtained wbro the Fe content varied frmn 0.(* to 510 me. Fe on IW mi. vA wbru the red colur farmed in as scid We. was wesaml. The Lan"a4h m "N an ortum cdw filter was Imod suitable or the mveswormesit. The nd colm was my stable with Thrtwr*- 4 Me at Cull kesto" harmful, but the a4ldn. e(vome KCN eliminated this elect. lot%-An FinAly