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Stresses developing in a cement ring. Trudy VNIIBT no.14:63-76
165. (MIRA 18:5)
Jnvestigating the plugging prop3rtie5 of coment grouting. Trudy
VPITIBT no.14%77,.91 t65. (MIRA 1&15)
ACC NRi -- AP7006290 -GOURC9 COM. UR[043T[6bfUUUfUUFjUUZ4fUUz)~
AUTHOR: Gayvoronskiy, A. A.; M4*ga, (1, P,
TITLE: Cement slurries reinforced with high-6trength fiber materials
SOURCE: Bureniye, no. 10, 1966, 24-25
TOPIC TAGS: cement, glass fiber, synthetic fiber, bending strength, tensile strength
ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the possibility of using glass and viscose fibers for
increasing the strength of cement. The fibers were 15-30 mm long with a thickness of
10-12 V for glass and 30-40 U for viscose. The tensile strength of the glass fibers
was 140 kg/mmz while that of the viscose fibers was 80 kg/mm?. Standard specimens
made from sealing cement produced at the Zdolbunov Plant were tested for bending and
tensile strength. The results show that addition of a relatively small quantity of
glass or viscose fiber (0-5~-3-0 wt.%) increases the strength of the cement by a factor
of 1-5. Viscose fiber was found to be less effective than glass. Orig. art. has:
1 figure, 3 tables.
Card uDcl 6m,243
daftbo;V*i.A., inshoner, redektor.
(Manual on the DT-54 tractor] Bukovodstvo po traktoru DT-54.
Fed red. B.A.Kargopolova. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-
ry, 195). 307 P. (KIR& 7:2)
Manual on the tractor W-54 2. dop. izd. Moskva, Sel'khozgiz, 1954.
SIDALIHIKOV. M.S.. redaktor; CHEMSHEV. N.D.. radaktor;-UYVOILOUSKIT, A.G.@,
redaktor; FOOROV, H.A., redaktor; IRASH3UIOIKOYA, V.Y., tejkmnniche----
ski,v redaktor
[labor productivity of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant; practices of
a group of tractor builders] Proizvoditellnost' truda na Stalin-
gradskom traktornom zavode; iz opyta raboty kollektiva traktoro-
strottelei. [Stalingrad] Stalingradskoe kn-vo, 1955, 190 P-
(Stalingrad-Tractors) (MLRA 9:12)
GAYVORONSKIY, Alsksandr Grigorlyevich; HIRILOV, A.U., radektor
[Dismantling and assembling the DT-54 tractor] Razborka i sborka
traktore RE-54. Koskva, Goo. izd-vo selkhou. - lit-ry, 1956. 338 p.
(Tractors) (NLRA 10:3)
GAYTORONSKIT Alskmandr Grigorlyevich- GOROZHANKIN. Vtktor Ivanovich;
MMILUTO, invwwp-, ktor;PXSTRYAXOV. A.L. redaktor;
FAMOVA, A.F., tekhnlcbeokiy redaktor
[The DT-54 tractor and its modifications] Traktor Dlf-54 i @go
modifikateii. Pod red. A.U.Nerilo-wa. Noskva, Goa. izd-,Fo
sellkhos. lit-ry, 1957. 246 p. (KLU lo:6)
MMM&Nw~* ~06;~W A.I., red.; BAUOD, A.I.,
Dismantling and assembling the-.DT-54 tractor and its variant
models] Rasborks I aborke trakipra DT-54 I ego modifikstall.
Isd. 2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Go@. Isd-vo sallkhos. lit-ry, 1958.
423 p., disgre. (MIRA 12:2)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 15, p 9 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Gayvoronskiy, A.G.
TIME! Mei~6ds"--of~-~-S-p~-e~e-d.'iin~g -up the Designing of New Machines
PERIODICAL: Stalingr. prom-st' (Sovnarkhoz Stalingr. ekonom. achn. r-na), 1958,
Nr 4, PP 3 - 6
ABSTRACT: The necessity is proved to carry out a number of organizational measures
in order to improve on the quality of the staff of designers, particularly
to increase the test period for newcomers to designing work from one to
5 - 6 months. The work of the conference of Designers of the machine
plants in the Stalingrad Economic Rayon on the problems of utilization of
new machines is elucidated. In order to accelerate designing it is
suggested to simplify as far as possible the ex-3ou'.1on of complex drawings,
e.g. to substitute the layout of units with a multitude of projections by
simplified drafts to scale, not to draw bolts, nuts and other simple machine
parts and to replace part of the drawings by short t-4it, not4s.
Card 1/1
In the M.I.Kalinin Iaad Plant in Ghimkant. TSvet.met. 34
no.10:12-13 0 161. (MMA 14:10)
1. Direktor Chimkentskogo ovinteovogo zavoda.
(Chimkont-Lead industry)
GikITOROUSK,;T.-Aloksazdr,,-Qrigorlyevich; GOROZHANKIN, Viktor Ivanovich;
[The DY-54 tractor) Traktor DT-54, Izd,2., ispr. i dop.
Moskva. Gos.lzd-vo sellkhos.lit-ry. 1960. 237 P.
(KIRA 13:7)
(Crawler tractors)
O/V s7k: f
USSR/Chemistry Chemistry; Production control FD-3014
Card 1/1 Pub- 50 - 15/37
Author Gayvoronskiy, A. S.
F&W " " mn-f Tnr,.-, TA-,-MMW VV
Title : A valve for the taking of samples
Periodical : Xhim. prom. No 6, 368, Sep 1955
Abstract : Describes a valve of a new design for taking sampler, of cor-
rosive solutions at soda plants. State that this design is an
improvement on the one used before, because valves of the old
design went out of comission rapidly because of leakage. One
Institution Slavyansk Soda Combine.
Combating corrosion In mods, production. Zhin. prom. no.1:10 J&-F
15% (NIBA 10:4)
1. Slavyanskly modovyy kombinat.
(Soda Industry) (Corrosion and anticorrosiveO
1.1.~-. jcllio~~ I-rukj CRIJ, B.r., V ~' - f!-'TV'*ROf;.iKlY~ ?.F.
polyarryvim-fdo as u brlghLpn-.r in zin~-i plating. Ves It ~
,mr~lxno3tr. 43 n3.?s65-6? J1 '65, (MIRA 18,10"
MORMISM 1 1.1 .
223744*.WoronsklY, 1. L. ' 0 Ya&-W& Nondeamataii V Svobbodnoy Atmonfore.
Trudy Thentr. Aerol. Observatorlip Vyp. 4v 1949,, S. 46-W
902 Istopial No. 30 1949
35204. Takotory* Dannye 0 ProtooshDmit Atmeforufth Tader Xondeneatelf. TrWly
Teentr. Aerol. Otserv torit, vvp. J& 1949, a. 46-57. - Bibliogr: 6 Nazv.
SOt Loteptel Zbnq%allzqkh Statoy. Vol. 48. Moskva. 19"
Averkiyev, II.S.
11 lifeteorological Manual." I.!. Gayvoronskiy, N.S. Averkiyev. Reviewed by
V.S. Samoylenko. Met. i gidrol., No. 5, 1949.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October, 1952. UNCLP9SIFIED.
all"I PCtunill. 1. At., Xalkhasnalit *gtoonct-totogIchesksla 4tantsUA.
tions on collective farms.3~ Nlt~cow, V.- tz;tat.. 1952. 23S p.
11 figs. (some colored), form ((old.). 13 refs. DLC-A rernarkat,ly thorough treatise de~
'~nliog the st3tions, iniltrutnentA and observations twoviclod by the Ilydrunwetcorvillogical
q1trvice of the U.S.S.A. fror the benctit G(agriculture by means o(a net,vork of Stations art the
-~Alective (arms. In the 6at chapter the Imputtaiwe of a meteorological strvice fur agri.
I'llure. etc. is discussecl. The organization of an agrunicteutoWilical station, equiptnent
tce"jry (very extensive. including about 100 iteint). books, tabl", forms for recording each
jinlent, etc. occupy the second chapter. Solar radiation, "I and air temperature, "I wid
1w humidity, clouds. precipitation. Anow- evaporAtion, preaure and wind each conuriln th;
w ~mrn" . . I
f sep=tc chAptm hich describe and illustmic all typc=nstri
'Itrlinlr then rkments, the bralmutance of the elements for agricultute. methods of in.
'4 lation and care of instruments and recording oboavations, besid" Riving namcigral"
and definitimut of units. etc. Pi-Ity. the -tking up ut wll-t~wdinjz instrunten
'herniz-. baro, untl livertyr.1phs), making phenoltvical ollservatitnis, observations oil the
~4tus of crops and frost formatting occupy the last 4 chapters of this hamly manual. A
unple of the comptchcosive 6-rin for reowdinV all of Ilic al,ow 0-mas on a daily or 4 tiruct
.lily basis, for 10 day perl'.14. ii attached. *,'his forill illchid.~ .1,ace for phroological, crop
'n,lition. soil inoitture and temperature. and wuration del'wit (air) data. Sunnnacies are
a,),! f(wealch 5-iLy. 104ty atul 30-d-ly perkv). Su~jeil iltadingi: 1. Agricultural meteorology
:1 Agra-mateotologicall GtAdons 3. Agro-metearologicallarumenu, 4. collc~tivit f
~.Randbooks 6. U.S.S.R.-ILY-
~- ", -- -
Investigations in the field of cloud and fog control at the
Central Aerological Obserr4torr. Trudr TSAO no.26:39-55 '59.
(MIRA 12:5)
(Weather control)
Borovikov, Aleksandr Moiseyevich, Ivan Ivanovich Gavvoronskiv. Yelizaveta
Germanovna Zak, Vadim Vladimirovich K(Istarev, 11' ya P-av-1-ovich Mazin,
Vladislav Yevgen' yevich Minervin, Aleks4ndr Khristoforovich Khrgian, and
Solomon Moiseyevich Shmeter
Fizika oblakov (Cloud Physics) Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1961. 458 p.
5000 copies printed.
Ed. (Title page): A. Kh. Khrgian; Ed. : V. q, Protopopov; Tech. Ed.
M. 1. Braynina and 0. G. Vladimirov.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for meteorqlogists and for specialists in fore-
casting service and aviation.
COVERAGE: The book describes modern methods of studying the development,
structure and origin of clouds. Special attention has been given to the forma-
Card ilkm
Cloud Physics
tion of microscopic elements in clouds. T~e macroscopic properties of
clouds are also studied in detail. Their poisition in space, motion, as well as
their connection with thermodynamic struclure of the atmosphere, general
circulation, cyclonic activity, etc. are investigated. Flying in clouds is
briefly discussed. One chapter deals with cloud modification and seeding.
The book is based on Soviet and non-Soviet sources. Ch. I was written by
Ye. G. Zak and 1. P. Mazin; Ch. 11, by A. M. Borovikov, V. Ye. Minervin,
A. Kh. Khrgian and S. M. Shmeter; Ch. 111, V, and VI, by A. Kh. Khrgian;
Ch. IV, by A. Kh. Khrgian and S. M. Shm' er; Ch. VII, by Ye. G. Zak;
Ch. VIH, by A. M. Borovikov; Ch. IX, by .1. P. Mazin; Ch. X, by 1. 1. Gay-
voronskiy; ~h. M, by V. V. Kostarev, V. Ye. Minervin and A. Kh. Khrgian.
The authors thank L. T. Matveyev and A. W. Baranov. There are 632 refer-
ences: 274 English, 254 Soviet, 71 Germaj, 30 French, 2 Hungarian and
I Polish.
Card 2 /10
S/04 611000101210061009
3, 'C 9 0 D207YD303
AUTHORSs Belyayev, V.I., Qay3Lorq~qskiy,__jj,, Kolesnikov, A.G.
and Krasnovskaya, L.I.
TITLEi Propagation of crystallization in supercooled clouds
on.introduction of solid carbon dioxide
PERIODICAL% Akad6miya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya geofiziches-
kaya, no. 12, 196119' 1844 - 1851
TEXT: The paier reports experimental work on dispersal of
clouds by seeding with CO , carpied out by I.I. Gayvoronskiy and L.I.
Krasnovskaya; the experimintal results are compared with theoretical
relationships derived by the other two authors (A.G. Kolesnikov and
V I. Belyayev). Experiments were carried out during autumn and winter
oi 1956 L 7 at the Tsentral'naya aerologicheskaya observatoriya (cen-
tral Aerological observatory) using aircraft of the -11 M -2 (LI-2) type.
The aircraft flew in a straight line over clouds of St and Sc type
which were not thicker than 500 m and whose.temperatures at the top
Card 1/ 4
propagation of crystallization .. D207/D303
did not exceed -40C. The clouds were seeded with solid CO 2 granules
of 0-5 - 1 cm diameter. The atmospheric pressure, relative humidity
and air temperature were measured during seeding with an aircraft me-
teorological instrument C M -43 (sm-43)- Samples of the clouds were
4. aken and examined microscopically. The amount of condensed water in
the clouds was measured by Zaytsevts method [Abstractor's note-, No
details given] . The wind velocity was determined using a technique
developed at the Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut
Grazhdanskogo Vozdushnogo Flota (State Scientific Research Institute
of the Civil Air Fleet). After seeding, the aircraft flew above the
clouds measuring the expansion of the cloudless zone produced by C02;
this was continued until the cloudless zone filled again with clouds.
Each experiment in aiT was preceded by soundings of the clouds from
the ground. The results are presented in the form of the dependence
(gradual increase) of the cloudless zone width, D, on time,V , which
represents propagation of a crystallization front in a cloud, The ex-
perimental curves were compared with the theory developed in 1958 by
Card 2/ 4
Propagation of crystallization D207/D303
A.G. Kolesnikov and V.I. Belyayev (Ref.4: Nauchn, dokl. vyssh, shkoly,
fiz. mat. nauk, no. 4, 1958). The theory assumes that the process of
propagation of a crystallization front in a supercooled cloud can be
reduced to turbulent diffusion of ice nuclei produced by solid C02 and
distillation of water from drops to crystals. For simplicity a cloud
is assumed to be bounded by planes of infinite extent in horizontal di-
rections. The cloud is also assumed to consist initially of droplets
and particles all of the same size; appearance of particles of various
sizes after seeding is allowed for, The theoretical and experimental
curves showing D(T ) agreed satisfactorily, even quantitatively. The
agreement indicated that crystallization fronts are very narrow and
that their propagation is governed primarily by the turbulent diffusion
coefficient K (dimensions cm2 see-2) and, to a lesser extent, by C
which is the density of ice nuclei (dimensions cm-2) induced by C02~
There are 4 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut prikladnoy geofiziki, Akademiya nauk SSSR
(Institute of Applied Geophysics, Academy of Sciences,
Card 3/4
s/o4 61/000/012/006/009
Propagation of crystallization ... D207YD303
(Belyayev, V.I.); Tsentrallnaya aerologicheskaya observatoriya (Cen-
tral Aerological Observatory) (Gayvoronskiy, I.I. and Krasnovskaya,
L.I.); Hoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.. Lomonosova (MOs.
cow State University imeni X.V. Lomonosov) (Kolesnikov, A,G.)
SUBMITTED: February 4, 1961
ACCESSION NR: AT4040006 S/2789/63/000/051/0014/0019
AUTHOR: Gayvoronskiy, 1. 1.; Krasnovskaya, L. I.; Seregin, Yu. A.; SmIrnova, N. V-!
Ji TITLE: The problem of the temperature limits of applicability of the method of
artificial modification using solid carbon dioxide
SOURCE: Tsentrallnaya aerologicheskaya observatoriya. Trudy*, no. 51, 1963' 14-19
TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, weather modification, fog, cloud, fog modification,
cloud modification, solid carbon dioxide,-Ice crystal, cloud seeding, dry Ice,
supercooled cloud, Ice formation
ABSTRACT: Information on the temperature limits of effectiveness of solid carbon
dioxide as a reagent for the artificial modification of the phase state 6f super-
cooled fogs and clouds Is contradictory, as demonstrated a review of the Soviet and
western literature on this subject. This article therefore reports on theoreticzl
and experimental Investigations to resolve this question. The authors used the
Ii! theory of homogeneous condensation In saturated vapor to study the generation of
ice crystal nuclei at different temperatures. A previously derived formula
ii Krutskaya, Trudy TsAO, No. 19, 1958) Is cited which gives the rate of formation oi
nuclei of the new phase at the time of Introduction of solid carbon dioxide Lnto
el of thei
Uggercooled cloud: this formula was used In computing the quantity of nucl
new phase formed under different conditions. It is shown that the generation of
nuclei of Ice crystals In a cold chamber and In the atmosphere changes in conforml-:
,~ty to different laws. For example, at a temperature of -4C the effectiveness of
1,C02 in a cold chamber Is two orders of magnitude less than at -10C. in natural
iclouds, when granules of C02 are seeded from an aircraft, the generation of Ice
,crystal nuclei remains quite Intense to -IC. As a-result, the production of.9
~Iarqe number of ice crystal nuclei in supercooled clouds and fogs Is possible down
,to temperatures of several tens of degrees below zero. However, to obtain the sa
.ieffect on the microstructure at a higher temperature, It is necessary to have a
higher concentration of propagating crystals. At hightemperatures, the width of th
Izone forming from one pass of the aircraft will be smaller than at lower temper -
itures: Various specific experiments and groups of experiments'are described in
!detail. The following were the general conditions: vertical thickness of clou 5
and fogs - 100 to 1,000 m; air temperature at upper cloud boundary - +0-5 to -4-94
itemperatur6 at lower boundary - 0 to -8.1C; wind velocl.ty In the cloud or fog layer:
A- not In excess of 3 m/sec.' The experiments revealed that It Is possibli'to fnodIfy,'.__
i.(disperse) clouds and fogs at temperatures as low as -2C. The experiments were
made at Aima Ata, Frunze and Dzhambul and made It possible to keep the airports at
those cities free of fogs-and low clouds. It Is noted that further work must be
,' to determine the influence.of wind on artificial modification of fogs'and
'~_4s and the modification of clouds and fogs associated with frontal processes.
Orig. art. has: 9 formulas, I figure and 3 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnaya aerologichaskaya observatorlya (Central Aerological
Ca,di- 3/3
MASUMKAYAO 4169 redo
Irwal"I prtwlpbw at the modification of supercooled
elvAds br awarw of rofrigerantse]YIsiaheold conmy
lakwatrenteft voudsiatril nn perookhInAdernwe oblaka a
lim. 3sheblin khIndo:w4pn%we Moskva$ GicIrmetwoU dat-
i9k. W P, (TSentralhais swroloulobesnJa obuorysi~~
Tr.*# flosse) (MVA 3981)
~& ~G ( ~d ~DAk 1)~ ~10 WW/GV
ACC NR: KT5028264 SOURCE CODE:: UR/2TO9/65/000/065/0048/0066
AUTHOR: Gayvoronsklyj I. I.; Seregin, Yu. A.
ORG: none
TITLE:, Introduction of reagentsAnto cloudoto-modify fiaij- Ug_PrDCr'SnLes
4 9,55
SOURCE:, Tsentrallnaya aerologicheskaya observatoriya4. Trudy, no. 65,.1965. fogel
iskuss'.ven-n-y-ye-v-o-zTey-sTvl-ya--n-~--oVfWa--f-fu-m-iu-iy--(-ii~ilf-ici."&l actions on clouds and
TOPIC TAGS: hail formation, weather modification, cloud seeding, Oblako rocket,
,ABSTRACT:.: The:mechanisms, of hail f6rmation'and the physical factors involved in
,seeding.hail-forming clouds are . discussed.. Research data indicated the need for de,
veloping.effective and reliable rockets which c .ould deliver 3-4 kg of reagents and
which could disperse the reagents with an effective radius of at least 8-10 km. The,
"Oblako" antibail rocket, which was designed to meet those requirements, has the
followingcharacteristics (see Fig. 1): the rocket can attain a height of more than
8 km-and'has an effective rad,ius.of up to 10 km; there are two types of nose sections,
one which can carry as much as 4.5 kg of dry ice (granuhes ranging from 3 to 30 mm in
diameter) and an explosive cartridge containing 3100 g of Pb12, the charge ensuring
an 8-km flight in which an aerosol is generated with a concentration of about 400 g/km,
Fig. 1. General (sectional) view of the "Oblako" rocket
I - Read with explosive active smoke, cartridge; 2 - motor;
3 - parachute compartment.
and an activity of 3 x. 1012 ice crystals per gram at a tenperature of -710C and about
10k-Z at -6c.. The length of the flight, the point at 'which the aerosol is discharged,
and the height at 'whicb.the.dry ice is granulated are regulated by remote control.
Aimed launchings at angles of 40-85 deg in any direction inake it possible to seed
clouds over an effective radius of up to 10 km. This 125-ima rocket weighs 33 kg and
can be launched from trucks. parachutes are used in landing the rocket. "Oblako"
rockets and their launching devices were tested in 1963 at proving ranges and in field
tests; they have passed State and industrial tests, demonstrating adequate antihail
effectiveness. -Experimental results are tabulated in detail in the original article.
orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. IEOI
Card 9 10
1 12131 1-66 EIVT I )ACC al
AT5028262 CODEs UR/2789/65/000/065/0003/WO8
AUTHORS: G -oz ~nsk'
/i'c/ a' ~Q3 (Tse
ORG: Central Aerolo~ ervatM atraltnaya aerologicheskaya observatoriya)
TITLE: Experiments in regular application of the methods of artificial diiversign
of supercooled clouds and fogs over airports
SOURCEr Taentrallnoya aerologlehookaya observatoriya. Trudy# no, 65p 1965e
IskusatyeniM vazdaystviya no Wake i turoW (Artificial actions on clouds and
fogs)# 3-8
TOPIC TAGSt atmopherics, itmospheric cloud, cloud seeding, fog,'climate control,
carbon dioxide.
ABSTRACT., Aerial and ground mthods for dispersing of low clouds and fogs over means of solid carbon dioxide were studied. The aerial work involved
the use of IL-14 airplanes Ifitted with a semi-automatic device ADG-1, in which
blocks of CO. were converted to 0,2-1 cm-Vanules which were dispensed. at 300 to
3000*g/min) and an LI-2 sounding plane.(fitted with a URTZ-49 device for converting
GO to snow-like flakes which were dispensed automatically at rates of 250 to 1800
L 12133-66
g/min). Ground work was performed with a ZhKU-1 unit transported around the airport
by a truck GAZ-69. This unit could employ liquid as wall as solid C02- The dispers.
was performed successfully in 20 cases attempted in the Alma-Ata region, generally
covered by fog during the cold season* Improved flight conditions allowed an addi-
tional 87 landings and 179 departures of planes during the test period of January
10-20. Savings from this test amounted to 26 000 rubles. This work was initiated
upon the suggestion of academician Ye. K. Fedcrov, Orige art'* has: I table,
ard 2/2
Conference on Cloud and Fog Yodification. lzv. AN SSSR. Fiz.
atm. i okean. 1 no.7:774-777 Jj 165. (M:RA 18:8)
Lenin's tboory of socialist revolution. Trudy MIIQIK no.43:
3-20 160, (MM 16:7)
AUTHORS: Gayvoronskiy, L. A, Shustitskaya, Ye. V. and Popov,K.V,
TITLE: Investigation bf-l)i6-Low Temperature Stability of the
Steel SYJiL-4 After Various Types of Heat Treatment
(Issledovaniye khladostoykosti stali SIGiL-4 posle
razlichnoy termicheskoy obrabotki)
PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obrabotka Metallov,, 1958, NI! 9,
pp 54-55 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: 20 mm thick steel sheet was investigated in the heat
treated state. The composition of the steel was:
0.12% C; 0.77% Mn; 0.9% SI; 0.022% S; 0.024% P; 0.84% Cr;
0-56%6 Ni. The influence of the heat treatment on the
low temperature stability was evaluated on the basis of
the chan6-,e of the critical temperature of transformation
of the steel into the brittle state during impact bending
of notched specimens. As the critical teriperature, the
upper boundary of the brittleness temperature range was
chosen. In cases when the decrease in the impact strength
was continuous the critical temperature was considered
arbitrarily that temperature for which the impact strength
Card 1/4 was 4M, below the respective value at room temperature.
For determining the tendency of the specimen to ageinjS In
Investigation of the Low Temperature Stability of the Steel SKhL-4
After Various Types of Heat Treatment
the as delivered state it v..,as subjected to an exknsion
by 10% with subsequent two hour tempering at 200 C. The
properties of the steel after various types of heat
treatment are entered in the Table, p 54. It can ~e seen
that hardening from the optimum temperature of 920 C,
followed by hir, temperinS,brought about
~h temperature
almost no change in the low temperature stability
compared to the as delivered state. 0 However, over-
heating during hardening by only 40 C brought about an
increase ia the critical brittleness temperature from
-90 to -50 C. In Fig.1 the changes are graphed of the
impact strength at various test temperatures for the as
delivered state and after deforaation ageing. Deformation
ageing brought about a considerable reduction of the
impact strength at the investigated temperatures but the
coefficient of sensitivity to ageing was 0.3,which
justifies the assumption that this steel has a low
sensitivity to deformation ageing. Annealing of the
steel affected the low temperature stability in the same
.Card 2/4 way as deformation ageing,, Application for the steel
Investigation of the Low Temperature Stability of the Steel SKhL-4
After Various Types of Heat Treatment
SKhL-4 of this widely used softening as the final heat
treatment is not recommended in cases in which the
manufactured components should have a high low tSmperature
stability. After normalisation annealing at 920 C a
certain decrease was observed in the impact strength and
an increase in the critical temperature; after normalisa-
tion without over-heating, 8he steel maintains a high
impact strength down to -70 C (Fig.2). It is recommended
that this type of heat treatment should be tried in
industry for certain components in cases in which a
better heat treatment (hardening followed by high
temperature tempering) cannot be effected for technological
reasons or where such a treatment would be difficult to
carry out. In the case of heat treatment,and particularly
of welding of the steel SKU-4, i8 is necessary to bear
in mind that over-heatuing to 1100 C followed by cooling
in air (see Fig.2) is capable of increasing appreciably
the tendency of steel to brittle fracture.
Card 3/4
Investigation of the Low Temperature Stability of the Steel SKhL-4
After Various Types of Heat Treatment
There are 2 figures and 1 table.
(Note: This is a comDlete translation except for -IV-he figure
ASSOCIATION: Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial AN SSSR captions and table)
(East Siberian Branch of the Ac.Sc., USSR)
1. Steel--Mechanical properties 2. Steel--Heat treatment
3. Steel--Test methods
C ard 4/4
AUTHORS: Savitskiy, V.G., Popov, K.V. and ',~A~oh~skiy, LA.
TITLE: Investigation of Dynamic Bending of Steels by Deformation
Diagrams (Issledovaniye dinamicheskogo izgiba staley
po diagrammam deformatsii)
PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 1,,
pp 133-136 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A comDarative study of static and dynamic bending of a
number of steels has been carried out and full deformation
diagrams have been constructed. A pendulum impact testing
machine of the type PSVO-1000, provided with an oscillo-
graphic instrument, was used for the recording of
deformation during impact testing. This impact testing
machine has a maximum energy of 10 kg-m. The oscillograph
has a double-bean 3athode tube permitting accurate re-
cording of the deformation process during impact bend
testing or during extension2 within the cc-ordinates-
force - path (deformation) and force - time. -fn Fig.
1 a typical full oscillogram for an impact bend obtained
for the steel St.3 is shown. The deformation diagram
a681te o-.cupie3 the middle portion of the oscillogram.
Card 1/3 Below it there is a vertical line P, representing the
Investigation of Dynamic Bending of Steels by Deformation Diagrams
force scale. The length of this line is proportional to
a force of 500 kg acting on the pendulum knife. Above
is situated a sine-like curve of the time scale with a
period of 10-3 see. The deformation curve scalo can be
seen in the lower portion of the oscillogram. Its period
corresponds to a shift of the pendulum knife by 2 mm.
A straight line, representing the traces of the ray on its
return to the Initial position, is superimposed on this
curve after applying the deformation scale. The essential
results of tests with specimens of steel 30xhMA in
various conditions, obtained by heat treatment and contact
butt welding, are shown In Table 1. In Table 2 a comparison
of the mechanical characteristics of a few steels, found
from deformation diagrams for static and dynamic bending,
is given. In Figs. 2-4 diagrams for static and dynamic
bending for three types of steel, for which three character-
istic different shapes of static and impact deformation
ourveB are observed, are represented on the same scale.
The authors conclude that the work of fracture during
dynamic bending may be either greater or less than the work of
Card 2/3 fracture during static bending. The maximum stress
Investigation of Dynamic Bending of Steels by Deformation Diagr s
withstood by the specimen in testing is always greater
during imp"t application of the load than during its
static application. The onset of yield is particularly
sensitive to increase in deformation rate. No definite
connection between the plasticity of the steel and the
nature of the relationship between the mechanical properties
during static and dynamic bending of notched specimens was
observed. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 1 Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Irkutskiy filial giproneftemasha.;Vostochno-Sibirskiy
filial AN SSSR (Irkutsk Branch of the Giproneftemashi
East Sib*-rian Branch of the Ao. So. USSR)
SUBMITTED: March 5. 1957
Card 3/3
GLY70ROITISMY, H.S.,mashinjet
Methods of eliminating defects in electrified units. 1119k. I
tepl-tiaga 3 no.1:41-42 Ja '59. (NIRL 12:2)
1. Blektrodepo Nikopoll. Stalinekays, doroga.
(Blectric railway motors)
(,Igffl Yj jv
Two casesof congenital deformations of the spine of platyapondy2la,
type. Test. rent. I. red. no.4:78-81- n-Ag 154. (KLRA 7:10)
1. Isortopedichemkogo otdolonlya (2&v. prof. P.I.Bakov) Odoeskoy
2-y oblastnay klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach I.P.Pelyawskiy)
(SPM. abnormalities.
C, 5 K- IY,j t. Y'-\ -
Bimetallic bushings with a cast iron base. Lit.proizv. no-7:
25-26 J1155- (MLRA 8:10)
Fossil oak from the Iliocene of tho 5iman.Poninsula. Dokl. All
SSSR 1)5 no.4:968-970 160. (MIRA 13:11)
1. Leningradskaya lasotekbnichaskaya akademiya im. S.M.
Kirova. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Sukachavym.
(Taman Peninsula--Oak, Fossil)
Taxodiaceous wood from the middle Oligocene of tile western
Caucizus. Paleont.zh=. no0:134-135 161. (IAIRA 15.2)
1. Lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya im. S.M. Kirova, Leningrad.
(Ciilcasus--Trees, Fossil)
Midd3.e 03.igo(xme conifers from the western Caucasus. DAL
AN s= :L39 no.6:1463-3466 Ag 161. (MIFA 14:8)
L Predstayleno akademikcm V.N. Sukacherym.
(Kura-Taitse region-Conifer'LOo FOssil)
Caucasian Casuarina. Dokl. AN SSSR W no*2:453-455 Ja 162.
(MIRA 15-~2)
1. laningradaksLya lesotekhnicheskaya ak-ademiya im, SoMoKirovae
Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Sukache 0
Wood of sorre deciduous species from Maikop deposits of the western
Caucasus. Dokl. All SSSR 142 no.3:687-689 Ja 162. (KRA 1~;1)
l. lpsotWinicheskayz akademiya im. S.M.Kirova.
Predstavlono akad V If-Sukachevym.
C~'S*~tse Valley--Trees, Fossil)
Wood of valnut from the Middle Oligocene of the vestern Caucasus.
Palsont. shur. no.2:270-173 162. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Ioningradakaya losetekhnicheakaya akademiya imeni S. M. Korova.
(Caucasus, Northern.-Tress, FosBil)
Tropieal oak frm the Migocene of the westerm Caucasm. DDkl.
AN SSSR 14S no.3&691-692 Ja 163. (MIRA 1612)
1. lenotekbvicheakaya akadamiya im. S.M. Kirova,, g, laningrad.
PN~dBtavleno akademikm V.W, Sukachawyme
(lura-Teitse region--Vakp Foosil)
AUTHORS: Gayvoronskiy, V.I., Osipov, O.A., and Shagidullin, R.R.':
TITLE: infrared spec ra of complex compounds of thorium,
zirconium, and uranyl with 8-hydroxyquinoline and
PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v-5, no.2, 1963, 244-248
TEXT: The authors invdstigated the structure of the complex
compounds by studying infrared spectra of the solid internal
complex compounds dispersed in vaseline. For Th and UO in
addition to complexes Th (C H ON),, and (C H M', the
9 6 U02 9 6 2
complexes with the composition of 10 and 123 were also synthetizedi
The spectra of the complexes and those of 8-hydroxyquinoline in
the frequency range 700 to 3000 cm-1 indicate that the double bonds!,
in the aromatic rings conjugate to an increased degree in the
complexes. The conjugation is probably transmitted through the
complexing metal. There are three strong absorption bands in the
Spectra of the complexes in the rogion of 400 - 700 cm-', which
are not present in the spectrum,of 8-hydroxyquinoline. These bands'.,
Card 1/2
Infrared spectra of complex ...
shift towards longer wavelengths (from 485, 505 and 605 cm-' to
495, 515 and 615 cm-1) on passing from the heavy metals to Zr.
Differences were also found between the absorption bands at
700-825 cm-1 of the complexes due apparently to differences in
their crystal structure. The strong absorption band for the U02
comPlox at 917 cm-', absent in other complexes, is ascribed to
the asymmetric vibration Of U02 group. The spectra of the
mixtures of the metal chlorides and tributylphosphate (TBP)
indicate that a molecular compound between the metals and TBP is
formed via the oxygen in P = O'group.
There are 3 figures and 2 tables.
SUBMITTED: July 5, 1961
Card 2/2
Complex formation of titanium tetrachloride with kptones studied by
the Infrared spectroscopy method. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.4:1346-1349
Ap 163. (,'.URA 1635)
1. Rostovskiy-n&-Donu gosudarstvenn universitet.
(Titanium chlorides) (Keto a (Spectrum.. Infrared)
Donor properties of phosphoryl and ester oxygen In tributyl phoaphate.
Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.9:2190-2193 S 163. (MIRA 16:10)
Our practices iq controlling ragweed. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol.
8 no-1100 N 63. (MIRA 17:3)
1. Inspektor Nevinnomysskogo karantinnogo punkta.. Stavropol'skiy
Structure of 2-formylbenziaidazole. Zhur..VKHO 8 no.5:582-
583 163. (MMA 17:1)
1. Rostovskiy goBudarstvewWy universitet.
KARMANOV, I.A.; BULATOV, .-,- .- ) I
Investtgating the thickening of cement grouting at hLgh temperatureE
and pressures. Burenie no.7:23-,27 165. (MIRA 18:12)
1. Krasnodarskiy filial Voesoyuznogo neftegazovogo nauchn~-
issledovatellskogo Instlituta.
.�.; RUDNAYA, A.I.
Measuring the temperature of the tuyere zone in a blast
furnace. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.6:5-7 N-D 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
ACC NR& AT6034606 CN
;AUT11OR: Gayv
---_R~ran~~k.iy, Ya. S.; Rudnaya, A. I.; Romanyuk, N. A.; Silkina, T. S.
!ORG: none
TITLE: A study of silicon photodiodes as the sensitive elements in pyrometers
;SOURCE: L'vov. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Kontrol'no-izmeritel'naya tekhnika, no.
13, 1966, 99-104
iTOPIC TAGS: silicon diode, photodiode, radiation pyrometer, radiation sensitivity,
Memperature sensitive element
!ABSTRACT: Pyrometers directly measuring a variable proportional to the change in
.1paramet-ers of the radiation receiver are widely used to solve problems in monitoring
temperature regimes. Lead sulfide photoresistors, semiconductor photocells, and
,germanium and silicon photodiodes-are used as the radiation receivers in these pyro-
Imeters. Silicon and germanium photodiodes are'advantageously distinguished by their
is.mall size, simplicity, and high sensitivity. Especially promising are silicon
tphotodiodes. which can operate in ambient temperatures of 80' to +150*C and are
'-qensitive to radiation energy at frequencies in the range of spectral absorption of
iwa,cr vapor and carbon dioxide gas.' 'Because of the use of photodiodes in temperature
sensors it became necessary to study 6e parameters and characteristics of photodiodes
~with respect to.stability of photocurrent, spectral sensitivity, and photocurrent
idependence'on load resistance at various ambient temperatures. This paper studies
; r-..j i /,)
ACC NR: AT6034606
silicon photodiodes of different designs and manufacturing technique in order to deter-
mine their use in radiation pyrometry. The results obtained indicate that silicon
Fhotodiodes made by the diffusion technique are most suitable for use in pyrometers
directly measuring a signal because they are of good stability. The temperature error
of diffusion photodiodes, which is greater than that of t'hose made by the allay
technique, may be reduced by using proper light-filters. The authors operate with
the fundamental relatiohship defining short-circuit photodiode photocurrent as a
function of the radiation energy of ablack body at a certain temperature:
where IT is photocurrent at black bodytemperature T; K is a constant depending on
instrument design, and the other notation is standard. Or~ig. art. has: 3 formulas-a:nd
5, figures.
I~UB CODE:* 09/ SUBM DATE: 'none/ ORG REF: 003/ 0TH_REi._dft__
GAYMKq Karel---- -
We follow the road of socialist realism. Sov. foto 21 to. ?.-21
F 161. (vaFA 14:2)
1. Redaktor chakhoolovatakogo zhurnala "Svet v obrazaklit"
pre6-ed&toll sektaii fotoreporterov.
ZHIKHDVITSKIY, A.A.; TURKELITAUB, N.M.; Prinimali uchastiye: GAYYER, M.;
"Vacancy-chromatographY." Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.3:646-648 Mr 162.
(MIRA 15:3)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy reologorazvedochnyy
neftyanoy institut. Predstavleno akademikom P.A.Rebinderom.
(Chromatographic analysis)
Znvestigating processes of simultaneous oxidation of silicont
manganese, and chrcmiva in native alloy cast irone Ixrovyo.
uchebezav.; chern*mete 5 noenz20-22 162* (HIM 15tl2)
Is Moskovskiy institut stali i eplayaw,
(cut iron-Reetrametallurgy) (Oxygen-Induatrial application)
Vacancy chromatography. Zav.lab. 29 no.1--g-13 163.
. (MMA 16:2)
1. Inetitut yedernoy geofizikl i geokhisli.
k,.' (Chromatographic analysis)
- - - -,;_"-.,,--,
Selection of anesthesia in surgery an perforating wounds of
the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Trudy Inst. im. N.V.
Sklif.9i197-201 16). (MIRA 18t6)
1. 17 gospltallnoy kh1rurgicheakoy kliniki lechobnogo fakullteta
ITA Meskovsl-ogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni
Pirogova 1 5-Y Meakovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy.
Hemody'namic changes during intubation of the trachea with a
regular or a Kai-lens' tube. 28 iio.12:81-84 D 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
1. Kafedra, fakulltetskoy khirurgii. (zav. - prof. I.S.Zhorov)
lechebnogo vechernego fakullteta I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina
meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova na baze 61-y
klinicheskoy bollnitsy i kafedra, gospitallnoy khirurgii
(zav. - prof. V.S.Mayat) lechebnogo fakullteta Il Moskovskogo
meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova na, baze 5-y
Gorodskoy klin4-,heskoy bollnitsy.
!.~ 1.1 -1, NK*~:'i, -I.- i.i"'. U ". . .
f7%- " ! 'c~~ -. fla -,.~ --. " , ,1. : - .: -., 1 1,1' 1
- I - -- I nn. 7~
j " . ". - . 17
Q A . I. i 8)
C-UNENI) Ya.B.; G.P,'111, IM. S.; TALIYANKLR, M. Ya.
(;alcuiatlng geometrical and precision parameters of lathes for
noncopying turning of automobile pistons. Stan. i instr. 35 no.
5.22-25 My 164. (MIR-A 17:7)
Te.s. ,
[Improvement of machinery and technological re-equipment are
important tasks of the seven-year plan] Sovershenstvovanie
tekhniki i tokhaichaskoe perevoorushanie - vashneisheia zada-
cho semiletki. Moskva. Gosplanizdat. 1960. 98 p.
(miRA 13:6)
(Technological innovations)
GAZALMT, Kakaut Tagidovich; 'EASMIN, Antoniy Tikhonovich; KAKSIXOT,
I,S., red.; GHRASIMTA, U.S.,
[Ifficiency of the specialization and cooperation in the machinery
industry] Xffektivnostl'spetsializateii i kooperirovaniia v
mashinostroonil. Koskya, GosplanIzast. 1960. 2o4 p.
(KIRA 13:5)
(Kochinery industry)
Phase-lock automatic frequency control of a klystron with respect to
a molecular oscillator. Radiotekh. i elektron. 2 no.10:1300 0 #57o
(MMA 10:11)
1. rhatitut radiotakhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR.
GAYZHAUSKLS, F. [Gaizauskas, P.]
Meat industry of Idthuania Is growing. Miss. Ind. SSSR. 30 no.4:24
'59. (KRA 12:12)
l.Litovokly movnarkhos.
(Lithuania-Meat industry)
ROMARDY, D.A., )mnd.tekhn.nauk, GAT=IS, Te. X., Inzh.
All-purpose cantilever sluice crane with a capacity of 80
tons. Kekh. @trot. 17 no.6.-14-17 Je 160. (KIM 13:6)
(Cranse,clerricks, etc.)
RT-1054 (Conference on stellar spectroscopy) Konferentsiia po astrospektroskopii.
Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 28(1)t 64-67,, 1951.
GAZA, L., master sports,
What a glider pilot should know about meteorology. Kryl.rod. 11
no.6:ig-2o je 16o. NIRA 13:7)
(Gliding and scaring)
(Meteorology in aeronautics)
GAZZA. L., master sports, (g.Fraga)
Vhat a glider pilot should know about meteorolog7. Kryl.rod. 11
no*7:24-26 A 160; OWU 13:7)
(Meteorology in aeronautics)
(Gliding and soaring)
-- GAZA6!~L.
Bile-secreting, function of the liver In pathological conditions of
the higher nervous function. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 3:32-47 154.
(MLRA 8:2)
1. laboratorlys, kortiko-vistooralluoy patologil. zaveduyushchiy
(BILB, physiology,
secretion, off* of conditioned reflex disord.)
disord., off. on bile secretion)
Neural regulation of vamcular permeability of the anterior
portion of the eyeball. Vest.oft. 33 no.3:14-17 Otr-Je 154.
(MLRA 7:6)
1. Is Leningradskogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo oftaloologleho-
skogo Inetituta Iwn1 GrIahnum (dir. prof. B.P.Kalashnikor;
nauchuyy rWw.oditel I chlen-korrospondent AM SSSR prof. A.T.
blood oWly.
*vase. permability, neural regulation)
Gaza, N. K. -- "The Bile-forming and Bi-le-excreting, Function of thf,- Liver in the ---que of
Disturbances or the Hiviler "iervolls Activity." Acad Sci USSR, In3t of Physioloa im-ni
I. P. Pavlov, "eningrad, 1955 (Dissortition for the -Jevre.-- of ~-.-mdidate in "edical
SO: Knizhntya Letopist, No. 24, "osco-4, Jun 55, pi) 91-lua
?4siology of thlr~%,,~pE:tLts. and hunger as discuseed at the
Twentieth Internatio I 09rGsG Of FbYstologists. Fixtol.shur.
43 no*3.297-299 Xr '57. (NLRA 10:8)
USOPt/lItman and iminal Phycloloc;y- Ilarvous System. T
HiCher Norma flyatom. Behavior.
:,bs Jour: Raf 22mr-Diol., No 2D, 1958, 93645.
.'.uthor Gaza, IT.K.
...... MOW
Title ChariC;es in HiCher Nervous Activity and Diliacnesis
in Does Durin(; Exparinental Cholacystitio.
Ori(; Pub: Dyul eksperim. biol.i meditsiny, 1957, 43, No 4, 45-49.
I.-ustract: The irritation of the doe's Call bladder mechanore-
captors resulted in a reduction of the mCnitude of
exteroceptive and interocaptive salivary conditioned
reflexes' the appearance of a balancinG and paradoxi-
w-I phase, a release of differentiation mid fluctua-
tions in the quazitity of bile secreted on food stirmli.
Experiimntal cholecystitia, produced by irrijating the
Card 1/2
Mangos in Interoceptive reflexes from hemopoietic organs in acute
radiation sickness. Trudy Inst. fisiol. 7:416-421 158. OURA 12:3)
1. laborstorlya kortiko-vistsemlinoy patologii (zav. - I.?. Kurtain)
Instituta fiziologii in. I.P. Pavloya AN SSU.
I -GAZkq-NeK. -)
Secretory function of the liver in expeximental rqwo1ses in do a.
Trudy Inst. fiziol. 9:302-307 160. (MIRA 14,01
le 14boratoriya kortiko-~vistserallnoy patologii (zaveduyushchiy -
I.T.Kurtain) Instituta fisiologii im. I.P.Pavlova.
Characteristics of the higher nervous activity and bile secretion
i4'dogs vith partial extirpation of the premotor 2ones of'the
cerebral cortex. Trudy Inst. fiziol. 93308-317 '60.(MIRA 14:3)
1. Iaboratoriya kortiko-vistserallnoy patolojii (zaveduyushchiy -
I.T.Kurtain) Instituta, fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova.
Higher nervous activity and bile Pecretion by the liver in neurosis
in dogs with partW extirpation of thq, premotor zones of the cerebral
cortOx. Trudi Ir4t. fisiol. 9:318-3.2Z 160. (MIRk 143)
1. Liboratoriya. kortiko-vistseraitnoy patologii. (zaveduyushchiy -
.I.T.Kurtain) Ljotituta fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlova.
I -
Effect of microelements on the activity and virulence of alfalfa
nodule bacteria. Dokl. 91 Azerb. SSR 20 no.203-57 164.
(MIRA 17:6)
1. Institut pochvovedenlya i agrokhimii AN AzerSSR. Prodstavleno
akademikom AN AzerSSII G.A.Aliyevym.
7F -75
L 52337-65 E7WT(m)/EWP(b)/WP(t) IJP(c) JD
:ACCESSION. A-- ---it5d1796
1UTHO~.* -Agayev,, Ya ; qazakovs 0.; Slobodehikov, S. V.
TITLE: Photoelectric properties of aluminum entimonide
,SOURCE: AN TurkmSSR, Izvestiya, Seriya fiziko-tolihnicheakilth,
khimicheakikh i geologioheskikh naukp no. 21 19650 23-28
ITOPIG TAGS: aluminum compoundt antimonide, photoelectric propertyv
;photosensitivity, temperature dependence# photoresponse, illuminationpi
;photoconductivity, light intensity, sulfur, forbidden band
ABSTRACT: The object of the investigatlon was to measure the
1distribution of photosensitivity- temperature dependence of the
lphotoresponse, the effect of con-sotant illumination# and the
.dependence of photoconductivity on light-intensity, Samples were
'aluminum antimonide alloyed with sulfur, SNartipg material was
!n-type with low conductivity (sigma-,- 4*10-.5-10-4 ohm-l cm-1).
iConcentration of the urre oarrier in these samples at room
item erature was cm-3. The samples measured 0-8 x 0-4 x
P.0& cm.~. A type MR-2 mirror limonochromator" with a glass priamwas
Card 1/2
L 52337-65
:used as a source of monochromatic light. In many compensated
7semiconductor compounds with a wide forbidden band there is often
i0oserved an additional photoconductivity which execeds the true
i . I
iphotoconduotivity, Howeverp for low resistance uncompensated
Aluminum antimonide tested at room temperature., the true photocondue-
~tivity was predominant* The width of the forbidden bando evaluated
Ifor X-3~., was 1,6 ev. Variation of' the phoboresponse with temperaturo
Yas measured over the interval 80-1000K. The light source was an
Ucandescent tungsten lamp. An FS-7 filter was used to give only the
,short wave part of the light. Measurements were also made with white
!light. Strength of the electrical field was approximately 120 v/cm.
sublinear relationship with a slope of approximately 0.7 was
'determined between the ourrentand the intensity of the i&ite light
!falling on the sample. Orig. art, Ihas: 6 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-takhnicheskiy Institut AN Turkmenskoy SSR
I(Physicotechnioal Institute of the Academy of Seienoess, Turkmen SSR)
002 OMER: .004:
Card 2Z2 -19
t 58396-65. Ejrf (1)/EWT(m)/EEC(t)/EWP(Q/r0(b) PZ-6 IJP(c) J~/AT
ACCESSION NR: AP5016444 UR/0202/65/000/003/0096/0097
'Agsy7ev, y .; Gazakov, 0.; Slobodchikov S.V.
TITLE: Photoconductivi p-type Al --Sb
SOURCE: AN TurlwaBSR.: Izvestiya.~ Berlya fiziko-tekhaicheskikh, khimichealkikh i
geologicheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1965 967
TOPIC TAGS:. alloy. photocond1ucdyttyi--.?~qnal. transition diagram, photoconduc ivity,_
26~ture effect, uln um all QY.
W-96-aw ---the', authdrs, discussed the photo 6tivity
of high-resistance-~a#~166-0-f p6iated a-type-'AlSb- (Izvestiya AN TSSR,a
F TIMIGN, no, 2's ~ 1965), -~ The present. shortcommunicatlon investigates the ph6toconduc-- 1
tivity of low-resistance p-type AlSb samples, establishes the general pattern of the zonal
transitions (see Fig. 1 of the Enclosure), and discusses the role of admixtures in photo-
conductivity effects. Or1g. art. has: 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION- Miko-te&hnicheskiy Institut AN Turkmenskoy SSR (Physics and Engin-
gineering Institute, ANTurkmen SSR)
Card 1/3
5 4
Fig, 1. The pattern of possible basic transitions In AlSb:
1 - zone-zone 1. 62 OV transition; 2 - zone-impurity level
1. 3 eV transition; 3 - n-type samplepA. 4 eV transition;
4 - low temperature (sometimes rooiA temperature) 1. 55
eV transition.
card 3134&
Error amlyoU of the wamw#g_lnat=wvA !Epmald 11
The naln Astrono3deal Pb"mt#vy
3JB# 5(10) 1"Is 151
Frms Nmtblr Ilat, of Russian Asco"lansp Doe. 1951p V49 4# No@ 9p 36
(trause cb;r)
Moscow. iTmchno-iseledovatellskiydionamichaskiy Institut
Voprosy planirovaniya i razmeshdhenlya prouryahlennosti; sbornik statey
(Pm-3blems in the Planning and Distribution of Industry; Collection of
Artifles) Mosacov, Gosplanizdat,, 1959. 226 P. 5,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: MSR. Go planovsya komissiya.
Reop. Ed.: P, M. Almmi7wrq Doctor of Econmia Sciences; Ed. -. P. V.
Tech. M.: TO. S. Gerssimova.
FUK-ICME: ThIs book iti intan&ea for economists., party workeraj, and
engln~--~xl-ug &al tachnical personnel of the machinery-mamLfacturing Industry,
CUTMA(2: This aolle,7,t:.~oa of exticles discusses problms connected with
']~Danning and distri'mrlUon of Soviet industries, The first two articles
present the prd~)Iems and ad-nintages of specialized production plawriing
in emphasizing the importan". of specialization
and coapezr:';:*-om~ in t!va ae-4$lopment of Soviet indusstr7. Electric power
sye-ms and. t-he reie,,ina of proper distribution of eleTtuxic power stations
Prdlbleas in -the tlarmiig twd X s tribution of Incbaotr7 f, "'Cat. ) SCAT12224
to the overall e1we;rifIlention of the natiowtl ~noaa.V &.-e dis,!ussel
in the th:~rd article. Se-.m!rO.1 articles deal w-~% the mr;,chInet7-mF"a-
facturing ineaxstr-y And ~tls dwelopmeut. n-rhe s'.x fwt-ors
influellaing tho of pInnts azm
pointal out': 1) pro~t~dty of raw material, 2) p7wgr enLrinearing resources,
3) t-manspoztefion links, . 4) qualified worke-,.,.4, emke,.nt"--rs. antl- ter-hacians,
5) Vreseuqa- of w-f-eat.-I-C~a. researah, and dnsi..'0a an4 6)
contact vith users. trae dbvelcqnent; of So-e-et a regionKU'%-%tion
and the factors it' are also !Tiese fortors inalude
production scale qnd tealuiical proga-tse !~r inehe-,~Irj the
exietence and on raf natura-1. resvwca-th-, wiuqx~~P~r and
the de-i-alopment . of "-:ansWitation links. Anotho.: S r
to the effect' Lveuess of mroital investments ii-1 W- -%,-"Le
Lational. economy. Problems In the emortlzatlon of fixed indastrial assets
are examined. The planning of new amortization norms and eVosifidation
ancl reAluation of fixed assets are discussed. The final article traces
the devO-lopment of the organic chemistry industry in the United States
and gives data on the chemical production of major Baropean countries and
Japan. 'No personalities are mentioned. There are no referencas.
card 2/4
Problems in the Planning and Distribtetion or inaustry (Cont.) SW/2224
Yefimm.. A. N., Doctor of Eamouic Sciemees, anct L, Te, Berri, Doctor of
Ec3uom--Oe Scieneas. PrWb1a3w in Spea~a3,tzecl Prodmetion Planning in Machiner7
maxndactr--e 3
Gazaliye-r M Cand.4.4al.9 of Eaoncm-14 Saiances, A, T, Lermanand A. A.
ng Spom;~r.'-tmd Pmwre,.J'on of Parts In Machinery
Mazrx:acj,4---e 24
Oznobin, N, M., Caud.'-(We of E*oaoada Sciences, Chax-meteristics of the
Location of Elwmtev-, Pover Systame In the USSR 50
Omarmfaldy, A. G., Tpn,'L4W.,e of Baoumde Sciences, P-r6blems in the Regional-
ization ancl Xstri-ire.-'on or I-A"AMneV7 ?Ramfhe".--~ In the USSR 85
Alampiywr, P. M. Problems of Economic Regionalizat-ton In the USSR at
the Present Tfme 113
Uar,l 3/4
Frolbimm in t7no Plv=ing raill x. atrileuon of Inamat f'#
~ oir'.- - ) S07/2224
E"Oumlic scleacesp M-aa -Y. W. S'!khorpara,-
Region-alizetion- 130
Tinovaebv, W. V..,
Econcyle-c lu in ',;ne 146
B--Czvcr,-,, IT. Ta. Frc~j--alts in '&to limo---t'lzatlou rr,-' 7x0arrtrial Aasea 1!1*.'t-
Fri,zoxfi~xg., 7, G., of Econauda att'
ProdL,e.--*on in the Maftstx-y of the Mk IIIT-de.17
lnCnstry) 192
AVArLA-ffZt lCurexy of CougLeas
Card 4/4 10-28-59
Khoteyev, A*A0, and M.V- Gazaliyev
Solfei-shenstvovaniye teWmiki I tekhnicheikoye perevooruzheniye - Ywhneysbays,
madachs. semiletki (Perfection of Technology and Replacezftt of Techni"a Equip-
mo-ant-the Most importantoTanks of the Seven Year Plan) Moscow, Gosplanizdat, 1960.
p. 10,000 copies printed.
Ed.: I.S. Maksimov; Tech* Ed.: Te. S. Gerasinova.
PURPOSE: ThIs booklet Is intended ft~_general readers concerned with engineering
problems of the Seven Year Plan.
COVERAGE: The authors discuss general reconstructiod-of operating industilal '
establishments, modernization land implacament 4 obsolete equipment,
troduction of advanced techniques. They advocate certain imp n the de-
sig .aft bureaus and testing laboratories of-the madblue-building-I tz7, vhich..
when combined with othir measures, should result in increased production* No
personalities are menti bned. There are no references.