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GAVRILOV, N. I. "The role of sanitary-hygienic measures in reducing the morbidity of workors and employees of the Podoi!sk Mechanical Plant." Report submitted at the 13th All-UnIon Congress of Ilyglenists, Epidemiologists and Infectionists, 1959 GAVRILWOV Keeping records of morbidity with temporary disability at the 14.1.Kalinin Machinery Plant In Podol'sk. Zdrav.Roa. Feder. 3 no.6:8-11 Je 159. (HIM 12:6) (PODOLISK--INDUSTRIAL HYGIMM) CAUIWF, I.I. ------- third R -- of the Onsoll on Fbdloal and hophylactle Assistance. 4 mo.IA244 Ja 160,, (NIRA 13t5) (PMIG Em ) GATRU"I Noll lWintration of mistakes In medical diagnosis and disability evaluation e. medical and propbylaetic astabliebmuts. Traah. delo ne.2.-181-183 P 160. (NMA 136) 1, Nediko-eaultarmaya, ebast' Pbdolletago mekhanichaskogo savoda, IMSUI NJ, aLlialm, (MOICAL RIONDS) Utilisation-of latent facto" in ambulatory polyclinic service for the po~ulatian. Smmed. 2,11. no.8tl24-128 Ag 160, - (KM 3380) 1. Machallnik otdela meditsinskogo abolushivaniya gorodskogo mseleniya i rabochikh promyshlennykh predpriyat1y Ministeretva x1ravookhraneniya F93PBR. (PUBLIC HELLTH) GAVRILOV, N.I.p kandeekonomenauk In friendly Guinea* Friroda 50 noo7t73--80 J1 160. (MM 24:6) 1. Institut Afriki AN WSR (Mokwa). (Guinea-Deseription and travel) GAVRILOV N I 1ZA - ~V, 1,6116 1 In the Gollegium of the Ministry of Public Health of the RS*F$S.Re Zdrav. Roe. Feder. 5 no. 2:43-44 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) . (JENINGRAD-PUBLIC HEALTH) GAIMIM N.I. ' !Organization and method of studying disease incidence among industrial worke~sm by- V,A,Mozgliak6va. Reviewed by N I.Gatrilov. Zdrav. 116s. Feder. 5 no 6-S49-41 Je 161. iMIRA 14:6) , (INDUSTRIAL iYGM M-) (DlSEASES-REPORTIM) (MOZGLIAKOVA, V.A.) Sle'prblam,* in t&6-j", ot -local *o of the publIc health stsis ZOMT. Rbs. 6ii~. 5 -no. 7:3-8 -, J1 161. (MIRA 34:7) (PUBLIC HEALTH) GAVRILM-, N, NProbilem of therapy and prophyUxiv An the vinage.0 7#&av, Roo Feder. 5 no .11&44-1+5 H #61. (KEU 34:20) ?KAT IN PROVINCL-PUBLIC HULTHO RMIAL) GAVRILCVf N.I. - "For the worker's health." Reviewed by 11J.Gavrilov. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 5 0 161. 1 (141RA 140.0) (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE) GAVRILOV N I (MoAva) Measures for the further improvement of organized forms of medical service for the urban population. Sov. zdrav. 21 no.5:13-17 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz otdela organizatsii zdravookhrananiya Instituta gigiyeny imeni F.F.Fa-ismans, (dir. A.F.Shitskova); (PUBLIC HMTH) GAVRIU)Vt N.I.p,nauk Role of the nedical-nur e as regards different organizational forms of registration-in ambulant polrlinical Institutions, Med.sestra 21 no,10133.6~36 0 062. , (KMA 1614) 1. Is otdola organisauii sdravookhranwLtya Mookovskago nauchno- i IseledovatOl'skogo Instituta gigiyeny *meni F.F.Erimum. (CLINICS) _. ZAKHAROV, Fedor Galaktionovich;j d.; MATVEYEVA9 N.M.,, tekhn. red. [Medical care for workers of industrial enterprises] Medi- tainskas obolushivanie trudiashchikhaia promyshlennykh prod .. prilatil, Moskva, Medgia., 1963. 233 p. (MIRA 16:5i (IABOR AND LABDRING CLASSES-M&DICAL WE) GAVRILOV, N. 1. "Concerning the Real Zeros of Analytical Functions." Thesis for degree of-Cand. Physicomathematical Sci. Sub 1 Dee 49, State Astronomical Inst Imen-I P. X. Shternberg, Moscow Order of Lenin State U imeni. M. V. Lomonosov. Summary 22, 18 Dee 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees in Science and Engineering ,~.n Moscow in 194 . From Vechernyaya MoskyR. Jan-Dee 191+9. Pounoff "LiapOunoff,,StibU1tT of Systems of: !4:6~nr. Differ ential. Equatloiss'.0-7'40 I. Gavrilov, Odessa State U ipsni I. I Ni nov, "Dok Ak N&ukSSBR!.' Vol LXX7 LIV, No 3, pp.4P5-428 Considers, tbs' ar iem dx' /dt P Bye ik(t)xk Ikk-summed2from"L"'to"In';-:I,wl.,2,..,n) where P are continuous .(in. 9sP!Pal% complex) functions of a variable t."7.'Zstikb3-ish4is an effective auf- ficient critOrign.lor the", Liapounoff v&ab It 0 the: soln ~'(xjsb) O-f thijl~ ~Uya~jo thit d closes the stabilitv' for both pos characteristic Alum. berr and also characteristic numbers equal to zero. w,4 corroborates certain results of Wintmer, Weylp V. A. Yakubovichp V. V. Stepanov, V. v * Mioroshiloys i. M. Rapoport, K. P. Pe=sidskiy, B. L. Demidovidl, &nd V. P. LBasov. Submitted by'Acsd 1. G..~Petrovskiy '27 Mar 52. s Stability Jun 52 In ~: the 2heoryI6k. Stability, -kccordJ=,-', t*IXMoff 1. Gavrilov, Odessa State 1'. 1. Mcbnikov "Dok -Ak Nank sm" vol 84, 'No 4, PP 657-66o Considers the usual system dxi/dt - :Pii-.(t)xk (k-svi' ed; i a 1,2, .. n), where P:Lk(t) are con- tiiia-,418 complex functions of a real variable t. Di ~- es the method of generalized character- IsItSi7elom and the criterion of Persidskiy (L. 232T87 Aersliskizr "Iz Kazan Piz-Wtemat Obshch" 11, Subm'itted by Acad 1. G. Petrovskiy 27 Mkir 52.. 2"7 GAvRn,ov, N. i. "I NOW VAthod of Investigiting NonliDear Differential Equations 14deb is Based on the Theory of Momenta,* Dr fte4kth Sci,, Inst of Mathematics, Acad Sol Ukrainian SSR, Kiev,, 1954. (RZbMatg Jan 55) 1&=way of Scientific and Technical Masertationv Defended at USSR Higber Educational Instintions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 tl ij -t Call Mr: AF 1108825 Transactigns of the 7hird All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont*)Moscow, Jun-Jul 15b, Trudy 156, v. 1, Sect. Rpts., lzdatellstvo AN SSM, Moscow, 1956, 237 Pp. Gabib-Zade, A. Sh. (Baku). investigation of the Ramification Points of Non-linear Loaded Integral Equations With Various Parameters. 44-45 qaavrUov,_~. (Odessa). New Method Based on the Theory of Moments, for Nventigating Non-linear Differential Equations. 45-46 Gagua, M. B. (Tbilisi)* On the Completeness of Systems of Harmonic Function's 1116 Mention is made of Keldysh, M. V. Gallpern, S. A. (Moscow). Cauchy Problem for the Equations of S. L. Sobolev Type 47-48 Mere is mention of-Petrovskly, 1. 0. There are 4 references, all of them USSR. Gakhov, F. D. (Rostov-na-.Donu). Chibrikova, L. I. (Kazan').- Card 15/BO "Some Types o.,,' singular I-nt-e-,-,-ra-I-Tq-ua-EFo-E-s--.~olvable in Closed Form." 4S-49 ,~ I ~- V ei~-, / !-- 0 V " /V / SUBJECT USSR/MATHMTICS/Xfferential equations CARD 1 / 1 PG - 732 AUTHOR GAVRILOV R.I. TITLE On the stabi-My in the sense of Ljapunov for the existence of vanishing characteristic numbers. PERIODICAL kat.Sbornik9n.Ser. -C.L 1, 7-22 (1957) reviewed 5/1957 The present paper contains the proofs for the theorems which have been announced in earlier papers of the author (Doklady Akad.Nauk 2AL 425-428 (1959); Doklady Akad.Nauk �AL 657-660 (1952)). INSTITUTION& Odessa. LUNW, S.I., prof*# doktor biolog.nank,; KOVBASM, S.M., dotsent, land. Istor. nauki red.; PAZYM, LoLp doteents kand.geologo-sineral. nank, red.; EIRILLOT, Te.A., prof., doktor fisiko-matemat.nauk, saslushemayy daystell nouki USSR-, red.; TSHSZVICH, V.P., prof*$ doktor fiziko-mtemat.nauk, red.; LZONOV, I.G., doteent, kand.iotor. nank, red.; TOROBIYET, A.I., prof., doktor biolog,nauk, redo; GATMOV, N.I., prof., doktor fisiko-matemat.nauk, red.; KOROZOV, "A-.A--Prof-;-doktor khim.nauk, red.; DANILMO, X.Te.. doteant, kan;'filol*' SWi;; og.nauk. red.; KIGALI, K.G., dotsent, kand.istor.nauk, red.; OV, A.M.0 dotsent, kand.geograf.nauk, red.; BABICH, N.M., ESclentific yearbook for 19561 Nauchnyl ezhegodnik 1956 g. Odessa. 1957. 388 P. (MIRA 12:4) 1. 9dessa* Universitst. 2. Daystvitelluyy cUen Ukrainskoy Akademli vallskokhos.nauk. zaveduyuahchiy kafedroy fiziologii rasteniy Odeaskogo gosudarstvannogo univermiteta im. I.I.Nechnikova (for Lebedev). 3. Za- veduyushchiy kafedroy istorii Ukraim4k6j* SSR Odeaskogo gosudarstvannogo univers.itets im. I.I.Nechnikova (for Kovbasynk). 4. Z.aveduyashchly (Continued on next card) IQ oft IV A oil jz, all .9 IV GAVRI jqY,_NjL, prof., otv. red.; SHAFIROVICH, M.D. , takhn. red. [Scientific yearbook of Odessa University] Nauchnyi asah-EINCUk. W-i~ Odessa. No.2.[Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and the search Institute of Physics] kiziko-matematicheakii fakulltot i Nauchno-issledovatellskii, institut fiziki. 1961 197 p. 1. Odessa. Universytet. (MIR& 16:10) (Odessa-Physics-Research) (Odessa-Mathematies-Research) GAVRILOV N. I. [Havry-.Iov,, M. I.) New method for Investigating nonlinear differential equations based an the theory of moments. Dop.AN URSR nc-.4-429-433 161. (MM 14:6) 1. Odeaskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet. Predstavleno akademikem AN MSR I.Z. Shtakalo. (Differential equations) GAVRIIDV,, N. I. [Hayrylov., M. I. I - ----- Homent method in the theory of non3-inear differential equations. Dop.AN UIMR no.6:708-712 161, (MIU Up 63 1 1. Odeaskiy gosudarBtvennyy univeraitet. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR I. Z. Shtokalo. (Differential equations) GAVRILOV, H.I. (Havrylov, M.I.] Method of moments in the theory of nonlinear differential .equations. Dop. AN UPOR no.8:1007-1012 161. (~W,, 14:9) 1 Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Predstavleno akademikom AH USSR I.Z. Shtokalo. (Differential equations) z!4-6j =Irr (m) /T/F11P( t)/EWP(b) ~~:,-IA (c a 10. 1 N R AT5018033 l,R/903)/63/OCfjl/002/ooegtuqa~ J .,.!Tqr,6 -Bauldr, T, - S. -, Cavri lov, N. T. vo lor, i Ps er,7~dl;c- ~4on of equi librium S-,! i", S -1 Baku. Azerbaydzharskiy gcsudars~vennyy ,m*versi~et. Uchenyie zapiski. Ser`:ya fiz_Uko-matematicheakikh nauk, no. 2, 1963, 99-1-03 TOPIC TAGS- -Salid-S -cr e_equilibrituxv f~o 'th- MS R IU __r 1hpi Wvyti ci e which was davelope'l i4 . e equi pment of end1lbriu-ni solld Solutious by slow crystallizal-ion fi,om the !ie Lt. The -trn e nt is z?ppllcahle e,,ren for th_~_m;e :E 7~ _'v, :crnpos :~n ~ur_: ng ~f t~e nvest: "S 315 are mtv:t of rht? e:7, r:; tre h c h e x r n,-, s 7~ txte meat, in.which the rate ofAtiffusion is much greater than in the 17-7 i. Ccrd. I e i ~urriace ~r, Pvac,,a'e," ;ai T:-Ie -imj ~DU WiLh standard I ar c eA d s and thermocouples were mounted on 7he furnace cover W (Fig. I of; ithe Enclosure . 5 To pro4uce a more unifam tempe rature in the cavity of the furnaces, a 51.ckel cylinder (L) was placed inside the cavi ty. -he arti-AP lescribes the cir- nP indicated that they Card 2i4 ACCESSION IlRt ATS618033 consist of two phases. "The authors express their gratitude to I. IvaZov-0raskiy -)f valuable suggestions." Orig. art. ha.3 f izur-s, !4 ASSO~IATION! Azerbavdzhanskiv qosWL4rQtjimnvv S, j): 1007 M4 SUB COM 0 TH Card 3/'Ll -55 ACCZSSION MRi ATS018033 ENCLOSURT 01 C _Plg-,:;J~ Placement. o less in thii- tkermoc-oup the furnace. A--ampule w., ith unknown; 4 -Aar, std, amp I; le st-il. d marerl-31; 11- -ITTI L.Luils Lo the ampules, t.-Ps 1151-NNI.- 5 ME 1 a I 1 JL L & 0 if ks u IS is 16 It a a a If a A :1 a .11 If m u 14 R k 9 Is 0 a 1 41 9 0 a age - -- a V- I If I-. A-j i 1 IL tool&$ 11 A- ! , .4 ; *a iWelectm POW of C9164c" under the o f No 23-4 -IU object wu to sttxtv the trw1ims that 2 1 . . , Ii.11" lfttw unskr the inihavotv 44 the urmnav IirM4149. TINT 611INIMill Mab. 01 the WAL19M nMV -00 ~66 tw cifflTerfed frM htln U, tIW CIWA fivirit all.1 the L411. 1 -00 MANY f%W in tWO bMMV"' the W, Whll~h nMY IV %W111,1111, %I 0 by the tfaveltim 61 dw trttftMc It frunn the N. and th~ . 9 a, wbkh atitters the matalle H 4 the mdjs,vnt C, IU)4h A MA. haveI htnetioqu. IM14 r%plainit the forillatiffes hi t h t l I f h m OXIt h -l rriew orm, it c must t e e e neu ra tan t IV accmj&SW by as famw In the Acidity d the a 1144C ago nmpd.. C v., by a sW of Ow lombe. point in the threctitm .4 wW. It was some" that the Immawrirstitin of the coo 0 peak bond in thg calinge" fiffews Oo beto W the rn-A form %. tA Ploce vn&r Ow h&wnm of trMin. The middir IAY" 44 a hi&. itmos bW of ahw%4 port calliffiren, an- woo o0 4r xr;RM4 to pu 41 . De"11. Ift" "mark of Atw tm%lv. '00 pfint of t6 ""th"Wel p1mdri OW of the powder alwl t with tryplin. vinvom nod Water ill P'. " 'A 8.1 roe and 11". For the Work. point wu ockcttd a tvwn. of I I inn at wit" the corritient of the ca In CA)"Morn i% hwn,,t. The kimiloc. puint cot ciften changed mict the indumv 4 tfypin In w wW dittvtion km p), 4.14 UP h 1000 ind mv&t indw we of. Plopm to 3.4 4.2. iklwnl. : l th k A K i f I u . fe i . "e na o m m. Ing "v~fm th! "t ~ too 0 s NJ a 3, 0 0 n 411000 0 0 Nm P IV 19 or ;4" S' 1 09096*00 0 0 0 0 60 9 0 6 0, ~ o 0 0 0000000,00 00000004000eoe 4 6 4 0 oeoiooe*eooeooogoeo o 6 eeoo~ 0*9*9*9099006*90e **Go#* 06 r I 1 4 1 1 r I t a 11 !a is v A J W tt I_ 4 r :_to ?mdm of 41 Me 4114010""AUSts at 10ALS01'. (IM I"V iuul vtrzncv. fjW&dMjSTfkAxj": 1;;cZ;w gelatin to the Product of a chemical transfurtnatitin of allmmin% of the oillava IVIW it W&A OjUsk1cfed Of hjtCcrt ti) intg,jill.te 111V I1FV%Vn(V .4 anliTh, acks 61111VIUMV1 -00 :n 41mTsi a~y ~plnilyv-6 in an autuclavr of eigWro &oil lby ifig"tkin 4 cmttlaa~n with .09 TZ5113 1 ; KIM an that anhyd" rings vkcfr actuAlly pir-will end that they "err suit ltwmd in xtIatinijiug the c%QUjcn. 1-1w cALitru 111"I. Contaill-4 a 1Argvf anhanat 14 CyVIJC anhiriltilleS than Itijes the gelatin moI. In aildn. to the pTv%km%Iv wj%l.. Izoo qttiOWY &C1iVC I'ViVylglyVint Will I.-UC0dI)dHr 4114116109 4 Imullm? .4 ar'1hydridt 00 1 iisahtl. fraclisms of the ACOH't C%t. were inym A mviurnhat unwirr anhydride xwk 466 w.sxt. which ountAinvil prolinic end phenylaLniur otsil munth,r that OWMAitled, glycint _-00 004 asid phruylalanitte. On hydrulving aillurn 047, 1,f NIt, %;I- fi-timil 4~ consimcril with 4A79 Nit. fomied on hydiolpti of vIA-m. A. A. It.whiliolgk ire* 04# d ::* -0 .,Do seq 00 ATALLUNGKII L LIMAItAt CLASSO KAIKU 0 00 lose 93 1 i 'T ' i A V-V 3'- 1 _TTTA a s-T -Wiri 00 0 1 t" t'? It a N a 4% qq 0 'It ff n it X 1440 R I ! Ilk 00 0000 0 * 6 0 of 0 0 0 a 0: 0 00001A 2 0 a 6 a a x Jae x a x a a is a a v a a 41 at a d I ! vv m A--L-A-L-A-A i 91 1 : a, . 9.0 A" vokin Poactutf AND PIWIAT-0 watt "M"UMS km ftORMW WON. A. A. Y-OW A. A Kradinikuw. Rum. ZMMO * ^ Ju Ib* 'tkctfOIYUC of ad I Os- c AR" l: b ft aw* by it tifes" of : w b so ID POW At Adftsaffm from oxide. 41 moo moo 00A 0 ip moo Soo moo 'L zm~ 1,00 All z I a ad 1 v It 9 do a 3 6 t1t; a Ig to 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : : 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0.0 a 0 O'd It w i% I it is ts x1ji v a,)* a X'n a 20!u 11 p , 9 a I I it - I L q-,-L - 1, -1 . A4 0 Cc 0 (1 In"" solution gw from sdl~ial M wd A 1 N _ v!%%o J. ' N, 3 10% 4M U . 01 . ROP44. ;.*'.J N.- Attirtwillie i* lki-i"itt'll At lilt MOIA"Or it" Tbartsis of its iMw., tv vA twomwaltilrim 08 slirtuAl vircin glatwil wri sq. AcOll. with a ciamit of (IM m. wnp. lwf .1. Via. I)wv%v- li,io &" not take t4wr w1wa the Slarol. I -00 041 1l Ir"11. D. C. A illim:4"If 40 .06 : too 0 00 A90 0 Q ~ TT P -00 a NO 4! i4! too 6 I I wo i 100 The ail ~ 16- 0 0 0000 0000 0 00 0 0 a & 0 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 009,0 90,00 9 00 0 0000 000 go 0 0 AkO OT. 0 a 00 00. woo 001I.- 00 i4a "Oe L*q fee a 1*0 go m0 goo SOP moo 0 so qu 01, 'a, XI my v -9 a ; pl; a 2 11 ! 0 OW 00 09 0 0*0000000**099,0*09:6 Too 1,91 11, 00000 0,8, 0 0 wo SLO w too : ~94 0~0 0 0 0 sees* 4 0 0400 I r It It 13 M Is 4 It its". I V. AD 11A RIAIJI Wit ism bw apliv Aru UOco 0 a A -,!Joe so .00 00 MWOM ad goal bered". FM, .00 gkown d bwedw. C. Otakli"W ." -Swvw old j14' It-06"wv. fiftu. W. tula. 181. 4 ,64 "44. Me- of attw. lit *a, bminaoxFO&mhooka. AwAst-od tulatow and paincipands saintod by go a" ' 0-0 d f a** or Wait amiaw ad&d and womwelivies at 36-37 dam an Dam. bdm numd CVW7 " Ilays- Tbt kern. =00 tin line has s"W. into 2 frecOunit, (1) tkw oabk kmtiu If qbe cab wbbrb &*me abotat 9111% cd live find. It tvu- lei" a hishor -"t% of N. S. WOW- and C70i- Wkirh a w a** I ban wsW; mW W I : m"Awe w " jolveora 7 go* Vpgumts about 141% of the UGW. TbW to diAnurvated I I - am is tk do so a typw btratin. It FUAMI of k2 th 4 l w b X*G ac e M oll wo b= N and 5 l Its Is cb~= im k 1 AC040 . teven tryps by a ISO afthrat of diefti" Scids OW a blob content of ad&. Mwerapity. M. M. Fkntwy !see .4 oed v too so a j a%. it e - bu IlAlso 11) ; K PLO 14 An A I a tw 0 10 a it IS 0 a a 3 6 FI p 0 0 w e 0 0 0 go 0 O 4 00 0c 00 060C01000 soll 04,1 1 4 1 6 1 1 v 4 11 is III IS ts 11 It a It a a IS A M 0 Is is it At It J11 4 AS it x to a $1 4: a re so A I P. a A I , I X-1-t-it A a 6C al. li I I I I 1 0 1 0 its A-9 $No Potitas *to .00 &0 C Tft =son& of &A 41,~m and wasmildistrol therviout 1hisiliffussinin lotheassudecostim MA& to Pessivies bY4114y "W" by M "-Njb~ I lo l l h l Wh lor 11tevirsilrd fly pulthig 41111111 -it agar lectivircti The tithidle k Mil o hi e t the node I I h a st d T .00 ois- ofill"a o ou t i1 t. . V. ilovo-A. I. Pisramladtvi MM X. o turv r . a as a " tUT g ~66 ' nitho%lor rve "",11her-At 4 orl. (:. A. 30, IrJ46-Althimah t C sliketopip- IM); lovidein hydt,olylAtCS CAUW,% 111ith PtUdUCtioss .00 00 slinn have, only a (ethic terulcury to migrate to'the calls- of Nils, whk-b iq more mailictl with a Ail then with a lig 00 ode, low-licaraciihe grmpslntkkehaimstuaterWI)rineream f hi i h d id caslockle. IV. V. S. Italabukhao-Poptativa, N. 1. Cistor. 979- it DW il 1 s l F k A P h fli nd G Y o .1 - st r e o tbt* transport to the efectrotics. The an y t a s. as y a un . . . ar . ov, . j r olli g 00 3 -i-~ b die, which is markedly bask. wass.'ound to isaftentittly to NO.-Daring ionophor"is of hexone liossics, valint. slutounic the cathode without decompa. SIMI with a velority *P- stis o dr l ls idi Th i s61 and sispartic ", the current it. shoulif tve excred 11) to 15 m am 11 t rvaction of the voln at the /s cm 00 o ere was t o st ne. y proachint; that of free h y . , . i p. q. 4 or dissamination. Aspostic " anhydride tinder the calliode shossuld be kept achl with a current of COI but =00 expiti. cesmi(issms (Coi.pism" through the win. in the mLimlaMsfavwdcsaminatkez(gantinosci&. Asper. o; cathode mnPartment)v acted like the anhydride of glycies: lie " migrates vcrr Slowly to the cathode. With tbk Zee so and wu YM little dhv)cd.; at the cad al the vipt. some Will strong acidul2tion is neorrvary. InMvift =0 0 h was found in the sortoole and only tram in the cathode com- asuituillon. Dipt)(kIs4Iuuetiflrt!y lolitecathutle with- I Z- postment. In is mixt. of tyrut%inc and the anhydride al outhydrelysi%. I conditiosisavelavorabjeforionLu ac.96 pit 2900 ee Alycim. a small portion of the tyrodne snorted to the anode of dipeptides (acidulation at the start with 0.1 N If'80.MW ' . 00 0 I COS through the valhissle solo.) There is on " M = 1 . . . , of Nit, In the rashjr w4u. at a current d. ad 10 1 '400 in. amp./ Cm.9 If the rturrut d. rises too 11 to 41) m. ) 60 strip./ em.2 tberr is A Slight ok'%AMiUAtiM inilkated by 141 the appesensisce of Sinai: quantitticis of NNS. F. L. D. 'Eli 0- doe AIM.ILA ARTAUUNCICAL 1.1111414101 CLAISOKATIGN too 100 0 144040 or I too.) .41, 1-- lot ---s -- - 1- 1- _r- -1 - slisso ,( j U kv 00 It " ' t , Me IN 9 a 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 o. * 0 0 * 000000000 I H. I* "Stud* de la possibilite dluzw detemination quantative des fomes cycliques dog anbydrides d'aminoacides diapres la methode de Blanchotter." 2ayrilgv. N. -1. (P. 809) 30; Journpl of General, ChealutrY (Zbu=al Obahchei Khimli) 1938, volu" 6, No. 9 0 0410, a, 0 0 0 got of 0 w a "A v I it Q it 411 0 0 1L.&_A -A -k- t. 6--s- to tyfwue m A, produced in the a I!Mlc 1 ? Composition of potelmot by A. 'llorilli a Gavvilav. Bilallvi-lya 4, 1:11.) 11 n, tyt(Kinr And tryll", kfi. we the most, C"IY dcWtIcil fi"M o,1,1. by I ortiM. Ijjp%4.d0tKtllC*fthiS0"I- J+"~j J,y Irvi-in. the ph- -00 -00 .*4 -00 .06 -09 \t'' j-,twinnertic *64 111ti-tv lLl%w wil- tr,t, 1~% -00 Aoki tyl.-Ille as* aeo 1,00 goo 00 eq j_; lose let*4 e. ties 00 ties I a - I L A .!!IALLLINGKAL LIVIIIIA11,41 CL&MWiCATION 9 1 to 0 moo 0 0 U if IOU It it a a it 0 " a " I 0 00:::000 0 0000 Ogg 0 00 0 Ogg e0060,04601 got :9:0: 00000000000 009996000004606 00 19 * 0 0 Ff~ 71- - - I . . Gal II it It 13 m is 1$ 1) 11 to is a 171". xOnplu""ll m Lp 0 0 40 41 It At At ti Lo J,j OR .III A J. .& g ii.0 9. A-41- 'so 'A -40 go Ittlmelplabitily of the mitupleell diltvtopipetmaints i-ig", A 00 so it 41-a;ned im?th Isy A61erbAlen (cf. C. A ~ 21. likki: 21. -00 V) anal by Wakisrhmidt-Leill. ft dl., (cf. C. A. 22, 3419) on the fernirwaVon vol simple dikct*Matine% -00 a When tirditnt with anill"t at N) . Signple dArt'l-iver -00 Amint% air frmirs"I "ion r IaNtr to tryp4nunaw, CItvvi lurivir i. hyd"4TOM in W hm It, the extrat 14 1.% -00 jithlieAw. I'fylmln anil etepoin canowt ImImIrt, so a It. Pdr,tky so zoo so so av 0 -10 2 ISO* oil Alm SL 0flat 1,114f MCA 1. UllgatUME, C1.01,01 CATIOW too It i1 - --- - 'AV 10 is cf It It 0 K a a It 2 9 it III It IN 41 1 in All-i-) 4--i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 000000 0 *is 0 0 0 99660660 u a Id ago a a 11 V If 0 c 41 -00 1w, cloiss 00 So A go 00 c p;c& -00 s MOWW~Ro&y al the biw9l reaction si a metb" 61 1 00 ft 1. , ---- 'x of OM9100. I J~ Ljd!jN' w A. 1. twisp *0 Gavvew.. .4 - s.4. -410 .00 RAIWt Of ploteWytie hydr%4y%ts C&U tie tk-1,1. by * %tudy u( 8 the abomption qwtrutn of the murtt mection. Ily .00 CIM11"Wins The Mir of Int-fraw 4w f1rctraw 44 the stubmw N so wilh the 47haliar in born-iov,4 the Wititt wa. ii,"s the vote btaft,"I. all 1w V.b4lstul... .00 00 8 so woo - FaN t yzt-" too Mew '80- *It, wool -a O-V a- "o U It AV so :::Oologoo*ooooooooooooOo~'10000040600000*000 0 0 w ev 0 o 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 f, 0 o o too so 069 to 040.00 0 so 0 000 0 0 -A. A A ome ot"IST-66 -Pogo 00 pot Mir VON R Iwo so so- ps R. T. 'a I O's I CA 'OftALS'"Wai OR alf am 1111 IM&I Sol "T Ist , 9 ft 0 is a 9 A a 3 4 a,9 04 6 64-6 Cs 0 0 0 0 0 0 -84 So 1 r M - - W.WM~wz- . - - I&* A" ago da"ll lit OLkp-lmg W91113 "90110141 omit Oe i CA 1 , 7 04 0 It - - so I V. N. hv4m4tfnf aucf!~V. (14wilor. [Ah. - ' I' " V 5 000 sell. M . I , , S. X.) 14. No. 12. ~ I lilOgYrt ". , ze%jr. too. a. mtt.- nw twowki t. baw%t ujuvo ti., %00 Of rmpling at Mileatiml %ulfattilia"161C with Octiviathi 2 R - ,k l -00 00 && t% (or p urnyk nediamine, a-41iniethwInAphthyUminr, , i d th l ) i i . I f e. mi e co or mmetr c drtn. CA the regultm g POOMU coloration 9 i c htb l 01; am n tlap a "W-3AAh"Ifonic m6i). ChK tv. the sola. bellngenvAl. for streptockle Is diGuttired Ivy trating 1 0* with about 0.2 kv. Of a 0.6% sol", of N*N(h ao,1 0A cv. T see o-lorp 111CI. After testing fur free JINLh with stanh. 1 Widt Pao" about 0 5 cc of X&OAc ol l 0 f see . . b . n. am .2 tr. o .3%filk-of the acrtYlated2ft"I ar l-I d Af r m r . ter The develmoromrat of the red color the moln. is cliki. to 11) cv. with X OA W f i S C r1, and a ter 13 m n. c4"paml with a 11) m 1 i l a f "I % see 4"t 0 ati e. m n. o ar"go t. M. 0. Moore see Nee see see See A a it a 14TAkt~44 trtWVWQ CUUNPICAM see too t- malv OFF - - -- S I aw a .0 A V aIt It 0 10 Is V 0 lp jj lt It a : 1 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 a 0 : ; R GAVRILOVI N.I. "Device For Determining Lewme Area" Dok. AN.y 24, No- 5, 1939. --r.- and BALABUXM-FOPTSOir.!,, V. S. "The Characteristic Autoclovic and Fermentative Hydrolyates of Gelatin" Zhur,Obshcb. Khir.. 10 lio. 7, 1940. Dept.of Organic Chem. All.-Union Inst. of Exrtl. Med. imeni A. M. GorIk5*-_R_eC-eTv_eT_1_7, June, 1939. Report U-1627 11 Jan. 10,52. rr r r rr r r T WIT i1 3 1W ji 9 i ii ii it a r a a I IL L a K CUT M ago IND O*Otos **A see Sts hois it j -1 Auww'ml syedwals of dlkoft- time bound to as gatise add. Kh. N. Lerman and 0 J J. Cts. Cbros. (U. S. S. R.) It, 127-32 LG V=v of the work wwo I he pregm. of dl SA (~ r-46 tuted on the N of amino acku. filpkeresive won pe"id. accordift to A i bratinf, 15 g. clik"opiperashir In 300 g. P- bNO# at 140 with CICHICOCI ~45 9.), followed by bmt* at 13W to =An. of the startles material And cenCl. Tbelifteredandcook win-saveSM "MOW Cr"d. from xylese, it m. tion of the ~bovt win% attempted with various rr- SO A eel to. lomb". No urethan and ItiNCOXIfillh, but t Fh, 1: : Will tb uniformly mg.remIts. Pis Z asive "a provd. t7 boating 6 j[. diketopipersaine in xy- Oese, , 11 1 In, M. , adding PAMCOCI (15 W.) and beat - Gee W at 140' to "novel of 11C1. On Conlivic 3 9, of Crude SOS IwonmMeetyl - Ill . was otitainni. Oystd. from ben. Zee 0 W I . frov, k 0. two*. Amination wov maul" un%mv-fid with the gap to ghvn show., Attempts to *minute 0014 the by Squid NIfq gave free dibctopiperoxise no* 41 -- flestles of 4 a. of the bis(ekleco. coo -0 with 2.6 g. NsOAr in &be 1. Mrs. gave caudderable free diketopilirmalne without 400 Indication to nectlas cd the LICHO) It we 01!0* 10"dtbattbeclintbin. pd.lbxvit'. t I-To go* to At. b..Ab,A MZ~ was woo d a Itop"Watoodille j1W =Xpdo. by Sim d Wlvvy%b=TWV sely free Ovipe line" were ab- MISS toinvd. we 0 1�101" MAP cpv Got 5111"Off viskal me 6.v M AN I I V 1W 0 14 6 1 V IN 9 A 4 3 0 I'll 9 1 0 a,, In a, 9166496 a No a I . A, I 0 .0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 16 U0. - 0: 0 0 0 **so* 06 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0. 0-0 We 41 'go 0.0 'Septal,14 -#I see A -to 'a Ova of 4""1140 lee o =14" by "kimptim'W'. 0041 ISO* ,004 "il-thir -R4111"m 141 111P.-I hit: 00 so cv,ill I ex - --.' 1400 Ood Th 10"t 4% for OOW minalla)nq 0011 "'A h L,,,Yrt-. With ter 0 go i~l 0 400 ZOO 1300 lose Iwo* U71114111110, CLAIWIC& iLll--L-li -1-- -iTli---;~! ties 119.3" -fit ONT 449 ....... tree a Alp 10 it it A of it on 01 w it i aiK 134 "n 1-0 -*6 0000 0, cp A triltic"I only when Ph is in dimt I. I. dkfft The rot 1 c1 caniltinatiom with she C of Co. Ilipt,tatine hA % the Sallie n., - "-cltaia mrsiecedaills. Tbor.0 fiev, ph t FAIty mricl attlidrs ate not r.fu4md unless iselle _ V K 7 . =it Subismism1~0 owdes. %. 1. Gaytilumr. A. so, Ale far I'll repI.Ac" the It in 11COXII, co, -Ac. The X11'. T M.11") sti Itt Ivist (cuft Irl 1 . - 14MV& yu, unit M. It. i r , 1441taktioll Ill 1111.1,01il. uW 6 all rtwpllm. 11l# vvslrf ban. S.W. 44400. 11. 7 ,a UOVO). -IU belsaviortsfalcaltles raw u( frilucti,01.4 mr&ttalk. cuttillil" is pffAlatily dur to is to .bly rbittliser cydk and in ciectrureductitits is stud" to det. 14 their gemater tiew L4 hydiolyA~ awl she -4Y - 14 the cmpd 4 ep, ~Ics "n Le distinguialsed In Pristrins. The ,"-chsin o j d j~,. p pro . p It. M. Wmttr ejecumles an purr 11b, the &no& milest. 6 207. tW4, the *,b,,,k be, 6 *),,, HA 3ulc* 111011,45 -, 110"D4, 11.111 U Allifile, cotle"t it. is 41,187 alills./sil. on. at 40'. " like . r"lur- Voller the" 4"Hitth"J., Over Is prewth-Ot 1R) Is WNWIt I1*NII tv ) A 11M1 s. . t. tkm qa the atmor CIL mem, I%.-rbclltLo% ,DCII,. ROMFICIIAW!, ale A-V at f1cmim. &5% fm frdtictioct of ACNI'llit. .9 IIMV- I,- 111CONUN 118141 4021c, 1W nC"s- 41M A. ~ 2 . , INItcloOlirmiDir is vesnipletely seduced to too POPMAW. \0 miuctloct Wris- PhCI ICO*%l I Pit.' PhCllCONI%. IICO.XII,. . AcMil. 9: Ac.';Met. RtCO.V%Irl. ble Etcosphr, ill. ~- :t 611". StetCHCONMet. bt 17"' MesUICOSM. in. 4 lNiz I4,cIircONHCHXOslI. - CCON'll N si o et, ) t W . " It- " 4100 I.- L X.(41 hyl. lecowl t1jW ive. M. IU3 4 0 (from uthcuc I 134-6* Kie(h in RttO). sot N-( m K TIMAS i m I 3 , m. fters Ove (2 % Ar 20 too 0 See Any 1 logo" map *31411 doc a" 1%1 7 V 0 a, 'Pe V 94 An I ad a 0 V I V 111 4 3 at W , 1 : : 0 1: * 0 0-0 -0-0 ~ : !! 0 0 99000 0 00000 0 :0 :0 :0 1 :0:e : V w W w W w 11 10 W 11 19, W. I 14 VIF tiOlta bid ft JA A en 40 OVA Vvwjj~ de mwpkbw by die Sobalevit metliod- t 0 1. GhubwS A wnd XimikAr. 1939: xm. 4. a and &-Vnwn clkvkn I the SOWCVO nwtbOll hr14 he pmm of 01-0.0 MS./nd. but was un. 11rom cm by "Wdom cl the in the WSS tbwvfom coffwted to '11"D ids. T1k lNuffic prop. Axiom sic NO atki 1.6 ad. 41 9d",. ItZ101 (Vol 11414 add Is a U) ash AAsk mW czclt: OWL 9 see 91 ":*I= 1 .00 Id. do 4) lwm th" is no MCOM 10 txcm 01 *.U. ,,.be pi.. tM W.- w be test temed. To a& of the tomt tube add 3 W. rA Ow di- age W"., IA4.0 ad. of lip, Ow 0m W. of 10% M1.011. Kap for to wk.. &M HoD to w4m 10 ad.. OW cOMPAM in "Wb obtWned by this metbod' 'III d catudsmi. COMP"ed tO thc intemtkml matiod bw a-phine, this w"INA Isvit. meww1at bisbow results. Nt. 110fth it Ole 0O N I tvtrtr *4 Ord itim Ocatac Itx I INA v ft 9 As's 3 9 1 000 0 0 0 0 0-00OW0.6,wooo a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0-0 , 11 . ?.!oscow Stsite Univ., (-1946-) "Methods of the Estimation of ',iflorphine according to Soboleva," Zhur. Analit. Khlm., No. 5-6, 1946. GAVRILOV, N. 1. Prof. "Present-Day Status of the Problem of the Cyclic Nature of Amino Acid Bonds in the Albumin Molecule" 1947. Moscow State Univ... im. M. V. Lomonosov. GAVRILOVI 11. 1. "The Present State of the Question of the Cyclical Nature of the Bonds Of.- Amino Acid in Molecules of Albumin (Diketopiperazine Structure Theory)," -~ Vest. Moskov. U. Ser. Obohch. Houk No- 7, 1947. e4 ---- lot .A __ __ gkasn:", f- CL MAI. A,, A-A., f.. L. Is 49 MV gripertOO& (MOOWOOW State I A.0 0*00# 6 14 1 .Us t rv arsil A. V. 17.3m 010947),tin Rulinlain).- It is 1xiamble that m C 6. 6.1nd fill a 0"",. detal. a aw d'hel,nAp"dal" (pjvp) lier"pt in frilloper4life ill IhAt sitiv ('I. Iiinspol With . ertmallr and A junthaftjird "liv, 14411this will 1whicyrd fly Wwtfvlytk the %pill" Willi 40111ple isvililloa.1.1 Stullmly, let III imily 1rediAM" to a Its Cathutlit in add Milli. (10% if ), of orw C "say 1W INKIndAith 4 1011talwilihir ill title Cifilh 4 fHCOat"'. Under tbasmemulitkats. nopopix'Will itivepilde mid file Isilief With 4 (hpullikir. vie. rhevive. .00 ma-0 am no Por Wh all BMW * Irwriluirthirs was Ot,""siplOwti with a lit vatt"itir Air* tit. .00 00 11i IM till. cin., c.d. 11.1114 stntp./.I. vuk.. with an and. ;4 If dy*; no 1 11 We Its wr" , only VKP. III anit N11 gimful- xre dirt.l. In Ow *iq *44 Ilk Ili* 414#111 %lich as Ilot III r%jTr%l I$-# hm 6Or 1-4al ii,focli-al. -09 00 T. liphimlymed I (4,441s. Lit full I I'll$( is 66"1 and Other "ilh 1.4:!r CT", 00 owt nairduct"i by the Mornwii and by The van ityke onstfut"I it, jwffi~t .13 'filly IMI'lirrifills "fill I.M.;- itild -so sairthude(C.A.24.2772). 411"'. IN*). b. !N1 AM 4% 1114, 1110 ill., ruld Mornwit if- .00 gnino N content lit the hydirtilysird mlov,10. fuld In thit trishibillty to( itur N. Viumfi-mg -,( the viviti,ist Oitrmitr 00 kydrWywd original litoltin givell the sutt. at the DKP N (2, 4, sind A aml-. Pit INN -,]. vin-1 114-1 ito rift, I itif t'w ee 0 wisiaauy Prevent: the van Sylit "Wthod #IV" this amt, 1b.111. 4~1 file jilt 14.1wrell ~vvll% is fill. directly; the .46[enwti dells. 11111st lie Inullitaw by 2. 115atury; "tith 11111W211"llip Culli.4 Its stir 1"Ittribin 14. siorl MR ON ad litiegatine is litratalor by two rmthsml.~ ,,,I imstuph-te. A Irtisp. 1111C It 01-111 -0' 111SY C411W by- 00 volt 14001 IMP N ("five fullwal N) found YM1 drokysis sit the warin; a tilt, lowre ihAit 2.5' t* itimudi- .= Iletit. t4 piptiAtior kit triluert) 00, T (1) 27.6; pwdn4w led adstis (0) 28.2; tient fir the 11mlactital. let 00 a mum alburnin (111) 2t.fl; %turinfroultale(MIL4117o For I was attemided by way tit elerimphrigeti%: hower". only twit OKI' tise" are In 14 num-wyclic jOirptifka. (;,Hl a. abilut halt ill I lie fiscal still, tit pilictillifir f. tran4ttir"I in in IV 6. Xlevircstrolsivii-in libirtairs free aillbso polips In.. thir ill tit$ lim, CIICI. Is the amt.. (4ftv"Wit. vast AvItri: I N.2. 9.211; H 9.6. 13.0. lully. Ill hall I-Mil 1wel.l. 11"141 WAI fill. hillitz's 1100 In 13.6. 14m; IV hA. 0-2. miter crittiffustAtums, 123 fill. %ctmit Aviv 4"t-v I.Ittil. isith -1 'the" atut%. rettlain"i us '100 MMMOM dialditsed in Wmer- Centrifuged Mal vidimsted to fte new see . peinhim, of flit. of t fir An. (esint a. wtm is** the ripl. Aplivat titer of lite Nil 1. alter utfurtbin 1% rvi-Itillir, Ollie ill filliturr 44 the lawill 1w4 twor" the helif C Oil PA I, as"I The enel N d lieldides: it the 11111t lit stinjivian by Ili$ 11*11"I as sialfalt. ();10. was tiftj file tle 0 Iwort, the viristitial I.Aid btivirelk IJXP All'i the prptitt "IS emb ralsw kill. N. Thon Nll ClIk ILWII C(R IS, V [ , ~w t RLL ~_+o If U 9 A' 112-1i d 3 a V 442 Is o 0 o o WEV X - - . - . . a a a 0 a - _4f~ j- ~jj ?~jj ~~l 0 It P idle 399 U10641 400 6~94 -A d , L-AL b , 0 J_ A. 1- 1-111ML-1- ~_~Jt 1711 =~~ i* L a %a AN PSOCCUIS A.4 PfCO(OF111 --Vt- so*$"vo -41 now and Ilibililli4w Makka, M, -0 ( 70i: Rakow of plaide. A. V. K7 C, 00 _roov owm &&to Usiv.). j (USS.R.) Rudea); d. C.4 JI 33W "doctlow SM , , go a "0 as lee MIW" Id 47 sq. ca. wM 4 esp.. IN 10% RCI ton, of the , ion IM &M. fron tin =WWO tM tboure" a" an aftevol"d ow. of IH6; Nokia Mol volop achis wore Won ho swo- I wok IN 73 al., Mbw _1 4 , .00 go A I Anklos 1 9 age art - rodo" r very monly w: SoNI16 040, a 98%. 1011%. DiNHCNXOJII am MOVOWS b PbCli#CONII#. Blum 6 not.celoced. 00411, Dor an the Amino, wids and 41pept Almislan1w. lyralow. arioulne. h Nol try"Ophon. cystkw is red =q =t Ve pgo* toe"afte In so Min., cysteine is not th" 2 IN WW or In NH4)H aWn. GIrrylalycine anbydr~k (2 'a.) (0-3 t) in so tw. Oleo mi la tra. .6clawasteducvdin hrS. to the Cittntolul.61". Sot 0 Poduct Ow kleotifirtl as PiNfASIM. IXWY1JeUCine anhydride (0 ) in 75 sW. 16% IlCI was reduced to See tlweztentoiivtodfisobutylp*msiw. Redwtiouol We 0 platio (0.1".3 x.) In 76 sol. 10% 1 IpSo. was corqkted Not. of Ila coummed Corresponding to L about 27% a( tbe total N: thm. conw. it q-*dY. Is the Pemotar of Ow cyclic diketop Z N In we'll N Avadva mi# C"V a" 1p 10 #W a pt it 0 Al 0 __% 4 a U It AV 10, It 0 4 It 9 lp 0 Op it T I 0 21 T T T.T TYTTITITITF m AbD ta ese... It z o ' ,DID --eV-sibumolmlar wdft of POWM U.i is typical of SipeptMes'. I The It I I I wpi "to- ' e0 ! f I I 14 di C h L fl l w sso ve n i 4 a; ti. . too the lUttate (A) rit y Itiftewatka of sobst1tvied damisplilareshm WO m --p CUjod Alb-, remidue (01) otital= 7 c-fla. Cie 16 C4110 IWM.. rt- a- 1, 7 Go" f 6 , ) jtj from AcOI31 ml Dom front MeCIII, st" 2 1. 2. / Our (mikko Cwt. oj a7dd. once - 00 e 0o o T 0o d. e.A. U. 11M.-Tile Pon"tY 41 & occurrefti in protfuct with the correct N content awl awl. wt. (at I.S. s of am of Blatt tit 4 POWW Fk6jei bgtwm III- di-Fj filer (M-SUCT. == (1) and an "Abo arml (U) b dbmmd. al.1410,verymi-inif . Opts. with pkTk acid,tims a n TI ti i d U i W -04 on. o W por a pot. Muret react ot s m out mg. u1shydria an LbAsp between dw N of I Ilad dw CWl of (Pn) whkb did not d6Wvv In C41(s was re- f 0 om the bub of the work of Lamme aw ckvdl*v (C.A. SS at The %. l 00 a"4. 11,0 to 111" 2.5 X. preduct with the correct , WN). tbatoolIWImirbourivolipal d I f S A - S. or o, N mttst and tiat Costl of U 6 ruled oat bomm than COWP 8 with pkrk acM. mW I derin. Isolated from. (TM. m. 3400, ml jol. In Hav, pi picric acm, 00 r == do. :-(Cariloxymeth or a $IV" tg. and a pas. bluret reaction. 1 (3 g.) and 4.3 t- d mthepalcan 1 ISO d t h l d 1 EW b I S d *00 . a reac e .. .0. . . ol . t . s . ( ), y dale. the. oL4AIwd from i I 0o give a ppt. which, with lioNCIIXOM gave 0.75 a. of* !i mW(COC?)s(02QX.)d4 mot react an r4ning 24 bell.. pmdwt.VU.(Cojl),.m.138*(fwmAcONtaMMeOll), 0043 "601 1 11 kA RtrO. An nothemic rubcdom. between I S. 1.4- Insol. in MO. ppts. with pkrk &M, gives a fieg. almobt C pas blurvir"Wou. 1(3jj-)mnd4.5ftd.( a . li s a a w 6- )t " m w r is o m a i x o ( ia om ~v ) i o Ac~? 9 f i r-lts-j 100 . 10DW. EteOxddedahw the beat dreac. m mbed hko e m w a d a I COm w v e C O ta Pt t i P t O ss P E 7 r n l : 0 '1 Q . chkAutim product. 11V WASW witis timmi 11 tho tuixt. refluited 48 bes., the StoOteplared ! 'R MNCJ`lr~ xMC4110bereduzing continued. the Ciffs reum. . IIA ' U in ment and treated with 2A 1 O l r* o . , t. . o COVITt in NUO lpve a product 10.3 ji.) having the coe -at a. I4NCIftCOHt a4ded to the residue In 150 ml. RtrO and N coffitent and raw. wt. (Ram) at Z ;SOSbf4-(4vb*xy- t - fatered when the "othemic, reaction hAd guu;;4. ' I !V It 000 0 lth AcOEt (which dismaived abowt /o of the V0.). ; so Fj abr=. in. M fonmuf titer; %/s of the N appeared as N M Solo. in. C04 (wbich disaulved altmost nothlogi). and MeOH "0 0 S Neoll foe out hr. Wbm 5 9. W and & mi. (COCOs In . (wlkh dimmolved most of the PPO: the Goal amend. j -SI40wmniuiL*d%4bmmWtboWambedW,trest;!d-tuW out. TbeAcORten.wasevapd.amd1thervoldve -'1 I A ) taid. with RteO, # cryst-com W"Um, ofItaNCHmMRt,tba ( O and AcOE1 *kb the em"act x cm t in hot HA Et I ld H O " i d 8 f . n co & , m . . at I a pro wkb dry MCI 4. C. o tent mad Md. foe k ~ (3--. It IN Mbly n -taw (MVW"* Mr NUCOCO) CCII C971t CO (R atO H d i JU 1r ~ o - O I I a o d . 2 he10 The WoOH est., Wd. with 9W 3.5 a. cryotals In. 1421, very sol. in HjO and MAM.1boodal. lm 140 Wtj,- a** Wis. PPft. with *Tk ". contains a-, Sk" a POS.-- 2110. Powd. #1000 OAt G- 049 malmably V0 kb *i it Is d WO 0 . a a reac om; W y U S At 00 W I t " I was car"y ground with loss #. PC6 ; P I I I 3 ~ 1 It It 1 00000 000*0e*ooeoealoo;[Lo-&,;O::Oooooooooooeooooo :1 --lub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w0 00000000000000,00ft ------------ _Wwwww nigogi~gao-ii;;;; *~r. ditat S days with 6 SIMOuty, 8.1 S.'alaftim eth the 2,6-dibydro4OA4IkA1*r;gr&dw (EK) ester-Ha in 30 mi. KtOlf and a g. IX ga p9n mkLAed usase dild. with -e.Vbdx)dA ) J%' -Fj Is cave MCI 2's4b(I 39 wi Rum 11 in MeCO di 541", d "i-Ane. M. 60'. sol. In 160 CHXWt. The pera. .1 T W.W. with . 'i =1 00 elm in Co.. - a y 'W in f-diusage. IDI-Et amputate. Ila Jr.) In soft with 2.8 g. 11 gave 37.3% odd "Wadva of I ""' ~Wvw..P R; 1&4.Fj esW Ob Got 6=4 MAN FE" w D: 20 9 L. N. Akilmove. This 1W. IS WS-5MIMLT a 0, M,. 6a. In &(,611 ..4 Et6H. p Strom I mW Pas is U~btd (ga the Ifewco. Calts. and Ew. rq1j7V lydne Ur I T J, lOws"hubtarir 't'-Ila (Not 1.) in W011 ='t Oxii 00 tont wivni- CUM and CqHA Oftlortri yldtdv,, 1130, 1441 0 w1imay. %%Vte wm o' POC 11, = in. vety Mo sto . in". in rat"Ptior. Rua, Colls. MVVCO its greattr Wy. IN CCU SW Axis. . micro ang" 0 0 111 It (mm 11 dk"t -pe Rw nir Pri"00 C"Cls- and hydrOmbox. The tulactiou thl bbmt C=Pkzu Of ioam of th h 0 - o , to 090. 80". dK*W~, 06 110140M. W01- IS UMI OH h M i CO- '08" MW H e ave plotled " fewlime at x. [y. L= M= 405& b d 0 O ' t sal. IN We dowly decouip. w 00 dosis got 61" Amiga N with [too. aim a me. radio * a WO P1101111 and 101tedial J". N. D. Ul"Alf. N. I. 10-dwriloy And L. N. Akiw4v%. fw 00 0 with pktk add. And a p-- biuret rewti". fOr- M ycift Oswego C1 as all trans Which, gin LIS with -Ila d l ~ 9OD-71.-VU.211a in 0.7k .4. PH 6-7 was M h yred by a 91111wal ext. at canine Intembw mucVft jr 0 , c M 00 can be recriltd. Since slk- by" IS timi citlotr yd" at X of tooth, Its, TMwIt a ve g t coW ( ). A slotillar main., contg. (),I!~ VOID. was h drolyard to it* extest at 23 mi 26 . so ter 6 and to as 1. vols. (M N&oll) of Cxa. wais compared with that in a 111011W scia. coasts. pure 1. Aftor 30. And Amiga f h-- in 0.3% Ha, 63.7% after 24 hn In I" HO Z9.- 21110 In 0.7% sq, soin. at PH 7 was'h;~'jr;:~ 6y Ar t th 00 at 99 t:o wk. 13.6, 30.6. and 22.6% X Upe N after, 24 h,.' bydroly3b of EK In N N20H at f After $ l t 0 o e extent of 75.9% in 32 bm- and the Pit felt to 3. TIN WrO Ove 0111Y ureak tests for I at d WAYMIU To PhOO h 00 - ye w room temp. sbowwd 02% s 0hydralyew Is 111%, Ila at 1001. 79.0 1 AN h U& P ydrol"Is was 64, VAN Arte In 13 It". la, tresiteol with 0..'% Pepsin to 1 00 twt atten" to asp. the k :0 jecdog an sq. win, rix to'=1ywIz o. w b3 Ink a 3-eqnspart- %, Ila for 14 b"', wag &)q by"y0a; the hydrolynte nav* a str, ff test jar I god A empletely ate bi=t trig So am cill for 00 bn. Was MaNKTISMIUL HaNC14MEI.- h d . ~ see to have an "aroldinase'. activity. ~::= e t M an MCI (11A a.) Is 20 'mi. U0011 MINd with 3 " 91% 09 wilss. toned. is wee And PPtd = in 1r , Ov "Cl'alm"tnest 1111110.1%fla.solikh N@ ON Ar aminoww Aide C I... Issiving the I tins l 1420. Att at daig #mm .*AW- V! L-ki thin "amidlum" activity but has a 00 VuJHCI, M. to give The dibask WW XV)s M.2110 dtw 01110" vatillMy far by&Wyzkg X1 to a dipep SO in dde, which is 00 mouttiss is transformed to the tautome-ic fwuw b1drolYN4 by it twase MT.- Dan anthe 049 419"Mic b7dr.0011111 $9, 00 camod.. m. 126". llft1w at.I00*;F.;-.w= h1hroin and gehlia me later. Preted As bsiliMing the Preftiocr ofamidlise compile. 1, 00 00 the lau'd prMet". J. P. Dameby 00 0 O'S Q'0 0 0 * 0 L'O 0 0 04 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 vl~_ee 0 0,04 0 0 0 0 *0 14 *04 00 09 oig# 44-4 Too a 96141 guano V. bw d.0-i (tw MOAMP. "Oder 1w - partment. " ww 11i ad". swatutiab aa^ afthe 14 =Udit-b phoreasolaw.opluaw 1, out nit. lbrouga a VAN 111144" 9111131111 3001knip.1 sit" lishm Metil was (fte ~ at Morowne: with -b7diorlik"ht! $110 "dolamp. under IM V., :A=wl aftcr 15 hm; U04t"f MIng. I was ft*Adwfw In 40 ofla., 1110 with a casm. M Stream save a owdir tho maw w"flona. but braw, c"pletv tramet vm Allabloid opium (a a.). ground with 20 mL r odso$Nw"W - W.V. dw scraw a &W& ad -ban k" oploss aw e- M4844swoviii 1% OMMM Wet R. Aco Dan.. was rM from murpUtic In The nibUk coo- Onot - thely.). political pilot 10 )~-Jw usUNAMP., the 10"p. d"s M W-W14417)(14 Rua- t-neway to W.. Oonw N*. 14111 cowthrold to .00 -ftebov . 1W w. 6, in the cathode couspertincut on twice revvUed ft. IV veamp =4 Jffl~ vAwd of tha I% "it catholyto and twkv rvpcoled 6 U-11) 14 .--- lim, ekwtvaphurciiiii.. the Total pro"I contained Mg, .00 #a JM) morphine aW 305 mg. SAMNor. AN14 a Pei-. It-vilM forted qrocedwv. iarniviagrwilb fraWitaltatval TheImp. -00 16"kieft 101 W-M at Xv wift"p). Al the isful. of Atoll. and -00 P 44 wA-). Obw Twig* ftpwed dvMcfbcrcv* uVo W% of The wwrixNat obutwOw owhic to Ozo Mg.) and UD to ILSM Of t Marectine (9p -00 rm., in toduou Wed" the rive St"toir 6 1, owutn) could be Kvd.; I cr of moo UM* Wit (3 6. sittil. a the atter to tathode requirn ackifficliclon witli AcOl. &~sd tb~* to. vAb tat (4) "Blectro*UM" wat Obtained from paw nb UN=MU mmambimddmo cztd. with 11.0 at &)-W' 3 hr*.; The t"hic we* nit 41141114110 V.); the authwedw- alas for I hr.. with 2% Atoll; the e41. Wait evapd. , 1. , attisplecdams: woe of Aco", at "* at a r!m:e nil's I-AV.. of-t 't" cents. ramphloe kToo AC40M WM. d1l't V111 a celloplidiftil nwmbMtw. ft Miliode) 46abiol dktd. ,VMkw Water. Under a OMWU Ut CO.. ttalp, J&-W* CWMt feath. Woo the lag 200-M milliamp. idler it hr.. Total duration 6 br..-. 6*0 t6 hot add final ant. of warphiftintbec2tbolyle23 (yield 7411) COO (2)VW&kjbk - - is ;= Till, Reploc-C of the PI cathode by 11 .... 1.9r- e.g., 80 nil. of tit. trout dry plant mocriaL f 74.2 414111411 boo% "114 IQ- mg. morgoblor. with a Its cottimle of 62 sq. 6-MV N ~~ - 3D% gm wMilemp,.. move In 13 W. 974 mg. margobloo, (yiclil W" AMMO material wil. with 1140 and Ilia tv*-~ v*b woo = "31% gave under the lianis condiflaim. with &I *Sb"a IM% *M aft 1111116; to SIAW% *W at tampicim. CAmPlece of tj;' ofilli a pmbmwft in 0 The cathmic compartaveat reietabio doutly P11=10 uns. (6) To def. ii d1pontlow a t goo 4% AROORN, ,b. WOMM. 0.1% mutual%* WW wAn. in 03% IIA04 with a 0.16% -7 woo 2-11 NO ~Lx W'j-AA1 is ado v 0 0 111 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 a's 0 0 0 Wo W's-le Wol-o 0-0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.-0 0 Wo 0 O's 0.0-i0 0 *.-AA6 P-A-low-G-06-9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *a 0 go 0'0 oi.*!-O,O,O-o 0 0-0 00 00 go 00 00 go go 00 rm -ps oi o% wmr 00 FO"U"OIPMPMIWRN%O 01 up *"a 0 -1 IR mm js Impi v p W-P WeN PD. 17P1.: so 00 0 0 0 0~: wol.o..0 0 0 0 0 0 OW Wo~ AD,aI 00 go eke as .00 00 00 0 06 I lisle to A ` a &..I 1- 11 1 1 I-A& A (9 Pit 00 00 r 11 11 Jilt Jill list INJOW Q Is Oc I f I-Go am;" M., 1. pIckhan and S. 1. a roe oew 'i2 zoo Dox I!!- roe law 0 :1000 0" tloo we* sea a%, &$I she a n a 1 9 so 0 0 0 000,00 0 0 0 WOO 0 USSR/Chemistry - Albwdn May 4 8 Chemistry - Synthesis "The Structure of the Micro-Folecule of Albumin, III," L. N. Akimova, N. 1. Gavrilov, N. D. Zelinskiy, Lab Chem of Albmmin imeni Acad N. D. Zelinskiy, Moscow State U, 11 3/4 pp "Zhur Obshch KhiWI Vol YXIII (LXXX)., No 5 Describes synthesis and properties of 4 5~- dichlordihydropyrazine. This was consensed with the esters of glycol, alanine, aminosuccinic acid and diglycolglycine. The adsorption spectrum of the copper complex of the dihydropyazine-bisdiglycol-glycine ester had a maximum, corresponding to the free diglycol-glycine ester, but it was four times greater. Develops a working hypothesis on further possiblities of transforming the micro-molecule model of albumin into a macro-molecule model. Submitted 13 Apr 1947 PA 8/49 T65, GAVRILOV., 11. 1. USSR/~,hemistry - Albuminj holecular Structure May 48 Chemistry - Fermentation "The Structure of the Micro-l'blecule of Albumin,, IV.," N. D. Zelinskiyp N. I. Gavrilov and L. N. Akimovap Lab of Chem of Albumin imeni N. D. Zelinskiy, Hoscow State Uj 3.112 pp "Zhur Obshch Khim" Vol XVIII (LM)j, No Describes fermentation of amidine bond. by pepsin and Intestine juice. Submitted 13 Jun 1947 PA 8/49770 a 14 k t. .3 M o v IL, ij A ;'r0 p , 9 IF I I ~ -W y 1 .4 so ii~ M tt 4 A Cf. C.A. a?, 0113k as". IN" d 2 2 ) . g. 5.). It lot. MAO. Ne :nit I till. 0.24 -V eott)Avl, t,k:.Ni list. mmt it Asnuic). lisfildild 1WO46 A the sold olin ith d i t off w . co xe g. lem m VC4 nit %vottifusting. The fillhivini wor-Irtigth% ill inAp. K1 i case n $KOO, cl Autow also filter, the IRW -ild- # atilsorption &all lunfat r1linction "setts. were 'AlwTv"t. it move train The viaduct with Wr- ethm- the ligail"O rise the "'t-416, till-l: AW oto. 00t; Vlotmisijr. AK.I %WI 1111111; NphrothnAnji.1c . . . Naoll spit %'A a. 011% -7141yetne in 2,8 mt. N N*Oll 11.145; invi h0nshmAnMe, I o the sell". *1" with th till It fin Af 00 Z. . . i s ). (wall , - ter 11.140; Nlkw. 0.17,11; aliecipd, "fatralind with 3.6 nd. -s N fict the RIA) layff tulde 0 W 111": 4nullur W0 0 111161r 1AI: (11141titilis. roe . . . . . . . VM., the water evapd.. aild tb;dy ;~~ Wd. with jiuret MI.O.M. 1 [$%*COCO %I full, MI. 0.:M; AV .V*- zoo . hot MtW. The: n6awalvid residue sea% taken UP with NUM.N111 0.1-6111; 11191141lisle 00 . o ^q. 11goli. dightly ftWitied with Acuff, and treetteit with AW, 0.211); ollrysinillanildr, NO, 11,17a). 0"oplete sh. 00 j ! it In plow.Kt u( INI black tier 45 rairs. The mixt. - mpt cufv" Ate given. rise sasb1litill kill 64 Mr. lit. 2114111ti"t, Theatall- With 5111T011 id l fil d 00. . , teM .evelpt .. pp yttrwye7filydne M forms a bluret complex with a red and irs inctesuers the 5tAbility of the CA mn It%"* x N Dictitylosamide did not rmt stith Qlk CuroAc). zoo - Sell 0 . calm 2201 contains no Cf-. 1 (0.5 r. darkens at 2110". M. Is the condit i de"bed above; its compkx wits Not c treated as Above MI 6 d 0 i 4 MA -200 ~ 1 . An . a. .. . m (armed bY heisting the noilde with CUtOAc), fit Mr %, I ed with 10 1. 11. The jj4!Any1t0aiycy 'Yeine (MI Rion I., 1W jilul olowir .1'I'ling V1 tiled after hpinwitatioll Pirr it M00-4; 1 'AUtrt ~Abwtpd" aWfts of solutillno of c*Wr com*1" of . * off CU 0 Tan"Pte" 4" Ill enal"i"'one till *,S- The 1411"1 1hid. 04111-4. CU V1411111r]"- ill onin pew weehr W. Tho is lim etiev" for R. III. Itall a 0 Add$ Were prefid, ill alk, -RAn. (cf. abovc). ThcIL41,rauss let 4ide (flat men own the twW 4110-7= trip Willit-IM011% 01 Mae. llb-4ptilin and T1101111' t5ttlaClillts "la= wmtLm. with 2 max. at -M-M mp. .14milar "'effs.. Mp.. we" W.-erit"t Pic the li'leti- MA Z, isher, fact urv" are Ov" fiv Ili~ Morel 01 a Iff1wokle. and be twist I defiv. of 141wriseltit ""xilar. 1110. 1).L311% still. ITA. mnin CO 1wr ""AT I 01111111111a. salaftm at eapp" tioil kulven file givrs'. %%hrll -b", '4 Cis o-ollsiftes of "a . 'Alltsumfint, xl)Titlc. and hyllps%yvalinr %TIT %uhlocicil lit pa. W trite Cos Pkv- '4 WA clectnAy-i, Cis %sr.., f.,nn.1 t.. jhT ams,te, Si owe pf"d. by 414. a MIAt. W The a 3% XOH. Imis-liv I m -~ p 1 U fiv so 9" 0 0 0 0 9, 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~--6440-411-0 0 0 94 0 000 see 00 4111 - 0 - - 0 6 0 *to 0-0-0-6 0 0 0 0 0-0 e-O-O 0 0 *011 0 AGO S414 1146411 USSR/Chemistry - Spectrophotmetry,, Proteins Oct 48 N Spectraphotometry of Biuretic Cmplexes as a Method of Research on Proteins: ~Ij, Absorption Speotra of Solutions of Cupric Complexes of Several Asides." N.A. Poddubnaya, N- I. Gavrilov,, Iab of Albumin Chem, Moscow Sta'W Ut 11 1/4 PP "Zhur Obahch 1himm Vol XVIIIj, No-'10 Investigated absorption spectra of blue-violet Ou complexes of oxamide derivatives, violet Cu complexes of malonamide derivatives, and red Cu comp1mms of biuret derivatives. Submitted 18 Sep 47. PA 2/5OT60 GAVRILOV, N. I. N. A. PoddU17~~aia and It. I. GavrilovP Speotro-photometry of "Biuretic" oomplaxes a,-, met',,od ofAnves ties tion of albui.-ion. VIII. Absorption spectra of solutions of "exes of uLLno-acids. p. 1860 copper cor.;) L The amino-acidc form copper complexes with EL maximm ahsT.-ption 610-63Cm.u. It is proved by electrolysis Vmt copper enters into to the Ln~on part of the coo-,-vr comnlex. Lab. of C' e-,-,istry of Albmn &,oscow State University, 11 'older of V%e Lenin Order .eptember 13, 1947 SO: Journal of Gener-aj Mic7istry (b.SSR) ~Lg, (80) No. 10 (191,8): GAVRIWVO ff. I., Prof. "Delonization of H2 at Low Pressure," DOk- ANi 71, No. 2~ 1950; Lob. - Protein Cheinistry Im. N. D. Zelinskiy, Moscow State Univ Mbr. Mil. Air Eng-ineering Aced. im. N. Ye. Zhukcyvskiy. Akknows "d V.ZJ6, -V. 1ARTMOODY State UOV.. b4i. Vdoh S.S.S R. 73 1 IWQ2 V Moscow)* Ad of the cima, bw6vkt ;I wyktcd 4119WOZ:lAsimes indicates a Nude of formation of the POPtide h t6t 6 WA MIV. to t#* MO-Pr rWt1M of ydewylk dm -pipm.42ine. thus. tt~ h at 1k v 4" P. t%W"Y1dHAftO 111 111*143119kkut. OnAutbly vilth Intellnedwit MIX of & C14f"Powins WWI of Nils stimps ot tWCO vmp. *kkh riuming" to 11m, lamtrtir 0,0-ill- Acdetriv. by imankrufAtigmurfromM totheOll snuipe. the resmawmat Imadve tow votautouOy dt*m eitit" into awn A* *YA AtMIC14COM or into Wit mid 1. to she. RW fbe lattef reaction omis. I whim, ak. JIM Yields FtOAc and l1j%'CllO-'0XllCl1,COr It. A slWAW YmIlon wh% lyrominit Me "Irv Itives a Clir N1f.C(0ll)VAcC1ltMfft mr-mmet sumbitamiII to I but much man mabir dam neither InWi6ewhittOlldneekspikofflItOll-, t6mmilamts. I . I of the to,"" I ader obtAmt as a by-product. tiowev" Imilesto tut tt vaction tornm h similar to that purami by the shelft ififfiv. The Irw--- analog of I with sk. IICI npklly Wvak"MaO vW to RtOAe *xd I "tow t2 it* ,,C, Nit). ( t yiemed art- tlw 0 1 which was not c"vvd by IYOXY171NIUmto- it aralwo of 1. sell, getras -"M- Wid emer Ykid anakw of I vrith- out on "Atonts"I"Ith formation of RtorC- COM111'"M Ion the% NPH HIM t. c A"If. soak S.S.R. 74, R(If4sillill the pommiWity-ol existence of the protein tool. structure Pro- powd by G., d di. ( I'Mmik Mps*,v Vvh. 1941. No. 7. 67- 84; follmag sbvtO. Cvatg, diltvtoop"W&W awto hewks uValiulm betw"= %=e pArMtkie CWM The VeMV bumsfer of these JV-3cyl VMPS into elolodume %,Ism da CO carries an aminoacyl group may be the hmp to tW On- tbmk of dw prpWc chals. with cilligtopip~ latervesdiate a"Ky. Ileatins 1.9 a. M-9VAW ewridemwoms-dikittopipmLlintlit hWlu'5qE&l Owsterbalb lben5hrs.st142* save83 1 . p. 4C4H4- .fter ;;;" with 11.0 Et "If. WW 116 SOOMICHICOCI si";ruly Gael the 1-(' dfjWY04.$-4Ad#PiperQ*ilW. ul. -",* (Analysis 'Ovem is% of a TWWWACYlated deriv.. COIIAMN.S). Pb- CIIM%l[Cll,COLI in Ph%'Ch (0.5 hr. at 130*) savt the I." tier i ftFh.N;ck)! I I wftk Ithi" ClIgmit in RtJ3, then treated with dry IICI after filtrutim. UVX"cttd ester while extu. of %k original MA, W" r4= I%d INfT)vC-IIJCHaCOlr H k ~.. I, , at), mall. Mxv. OR dmTW or t t WOW ft an pm 17-110; no diket VMS IN llJc.N'll.c(OH)R the "Mo grME3 "ItIlCh "tt-k the r-lurzj dli, ghcmw struetwit Ot Pteiffin miclasuallicall; V. Ac" of P"taCb1or1de an dLket. ~Qv . R .C, PrtruvA, and X. A. I ubtuyA (Sfo%mw Stile- -~VV) 74m, 06thcArl KAim. (J. Gen. ChM.) 21. tallml): f CA. 4J. 37A11tt.-2.&rXkctC prnutloc Usi (11 With 1". let,.- irwtv. vinkh .t jjt,,_ 1,,.1 1.. lit., iq.tillat tit 11,Amulil, 1wodwim. The .lievific condititmi A,-urlng lbrit h4mat" I-ve -4 tweU worked out, mm-". o.5 it. powd. I &W 0.4 g. PM carefully tfiturAicif together. heated rapidly IS 40 mi. M. In the prrvimi,ly descritted app.. reftted 3 lim. cookd .jit"nit mv, .4 smi.turr. and 1111teird. gave lnrlkMhb rty-SIAN. (III dmunp. :01'. flivin lite trAcq~qki "t I And tolatillig Its lift. a tilpept4jr whicl ykidi I% efm4cfrtistic Cu root tell. The product was im. pule, 2.1 wene I cty%tds couhl U %me under a tnkrtAcqm; the matetial coutd not he recmfil. nor could Its InOl. wt. be detd. tlevatoc of its lowly. Sintitaily. I g. I and 8 C. KI& In 40 fill. hot Cliff Pvc much IICI; fiftering the hot mW kiting lain. after .11 rain. without ac"m to ITM~Sttkft it stAnd I hr. jAvc 0 7.1 X. nectilk". decomit. IWM* and analysitur &4 alk-vr; the mit-ro-callic aTt*AMW wall very simil4t tn 11,N-1k hU,toA0-dihv%4oI,Y"I ne (III)'- the lwal. awt WAS 201. lit t-Ithl 11,0, bwfuo Antilul X.. And Itratment k O-PO.-O N with Mcoll peccuoled with 14r Ice and leffiali warni up to 10-15, Ito- 1, biJkleting the can of hydroly", of llw P link an-I little -howing lite Iti.oln, I w#* tha IIIA. Imi 1--ulAy an mler of the w+I with an etoll form of 1 (11111). Treat. *#cut Willi (C(XI), t'lijed to YiM 11CAl. ralwTied rnr ?be amide formulatinn. aml no reacti4m tcwk plicc even in 6 hr* Trralinent at the jwminct in mlif ItIvO with lf~ NVII.C11.141 4141 rttqt~ with Pt.0 hill, 1. OV1.11cf.dul-111,11%. am h It an r,Acr cat the ~*J. -i,-e neith,,i Re j2y%!trA-&mktine our X-P&-phory6ted alyrine Et ever owe vowm. The 'structure rJ the produce refnains unknown. VamscrembilAt. IMP12 Were 111491C 10 CVAIJIM the bMt OtIoddiont for the twelm. of III 1#V file IdkjVr ff.4,jif"j. In C.11. the tr44-t4mi 'AVA.l."1411V I"If the vk&l. are hmt-r thall In 4:0, III AlrPh 1.04 It at"I III 14NI'l, It prnhwainAl lite, ;11 Itent4ne or cIrlohmatic fit,- rrwtitul 'It" not go. while III lio&-Itant a PDOOF 11AWC PftklUCt I$ f0fultd. CUIllit.44% Cf. Indicillng sorm ILL No reaction occum in pt-tr. ether. to. W--#O*. while lit hexane is forined a chlorinAted product, 2'. which tftccxnp. in itir and gir" a bittert reaction. tn. 120 In AcCI It formed tilefu4ivelY. Albin. u( quimline did full facilitate the mactioll. I Wa's PnIxt. by divem tnethadt 6% a hilift dep" I,( putify and wai flied in the 110. reaction with the ftAlowinx leull- the Ittmiuct. iyutifiel hv "in frolit Pb%ltt. us 274". Ill" mvi mict with KNNO.. with KI, giv" both It and M, slid will% 14CII der% not met at all. trulk-aing a completely keto fiwtu. 1. ft(mi the di-Ij- Ae deriv. and If,NCtfXONa in 11A In. 314'. g4re with PCI& only 11; ittlaiNtion with ultraviolet light failed to after the result. I "I'L from Rion .1ad dried at 110* St.% inve otl1v If After 4 hm 1-0. ,Ih he -6-Ae -Irriv 0% CO. IrAvr I"Ily W11.1ye ustr". 1.1 m Offi it, 1"1l III It hill I /IJ-7 ;face 4 Ill. tit, 7W 4l"1 fne 4.1 1" W.L' obtained. Ill i. "t pfepl. ill Co. Isom thoroughly d6ril (15111'~ 1. Although eval then It ttLly 10fln'Uccasio"A It, VI. Prep- Welige, at imerless; Mil lbak Gq f IFO;"nljv ;WIT '%- Aklentiv.. INd. 2M-94-Ad4n. of 27.8 ml. W`f! NII.Oll In 43 min. to 30 S. MCOXCIIINII'Alct in 10 ml. 11.0 at - 109 VAVt. lifter 48 bM,M)%2.54i"pjpmatjw(I), Wgjand$c. PO. treated with 70 mi. dry CCJ. (for app.. Kv C.A. 43. 3-1")- -PWIY twaled. boiled IA Ism. cooled filtsved withistat acef" of mokture, and washed with C13;' gave 95-7% (11). in. 330 , am I-011'. II(I.51.)"UallyrAdedto4.6g.tynwne?.It "tcr IICI &All in _'i nil, dry MeOll with ke cooling SaVe -the poorly 3W. di..Vt fjw-211(7. in. I:r-,* (froce, C110j): when CACI, is used a. "A"ent- the Fent'llivIl dOe's not take Place, and sionee glyrine dif"'Plide may be i-l-Ated. TrrAtnwnt with IPbCH,%WI Virlds the rOx ) 1320 (from 0~110). .14milatly. ll,%CIIAC!rN gave 2.- ifi-Fj #Wr-2ff(7 sale. in. 10". r- MeOll-Eloft attempts to form the 9161,60braWksly dorip. under viseeksuss consiltionip,=TlY the cormpoodinff deviv. of Ctyt*. m. 1190: 1 its a reaction run In all, %'&Olf. Apparently the acylated Andiline kiles ROJI and the glycyl raidusp is WyUted in & Val: lose of The exo4nfe. Vn- Sienese beelftnallim of I- 1.3-Mirewperaglaw in** noon WO am" Gem =it meembels. L. N. Akimoves am v. 1. GsvfiW,. INd. 204-31I.-I.4-DiacYlated diketespiperselismet select With Mairsell rAitu am Werse Pei asini'm fis MA a way that the Nile Foup Addl to I M-' g-P of it, Let.. P'Ppmsh-- forming A hydrate of the tuffespordblill GoWne. -which lituletstmn tit,- tWilll; she product m4y cittirt 1-c theacylAted .%mine with fo"nA- tion ol the diketopiperarine. or it may kv~r ROII and form The evit- acv &led amidineq form Cis complete, of the tripristids: type wi, ~` . 1: 1 ratio of Cis to the amWine; on tre-Atment with Mi the sumMitirl form Cu %all- of the mvtYl.limilide Inic. Rtfluxing 1,441ijcrtyl,likVt(Ilify-fAtint With OFSOM abs. EtOll until wiln. occurs assul chilling rapidly. Followed byomfdn.olit,%ClIA'hEt(L.1g.r-lc.pipemaine)pvein2 blS. X Pill. Of dikCt(J;ti=ntP (1). Lnd a salid. C,*Hn'%.Ot (13) (eztd. with Etoll the crude plit.). that gives the AtIll MAYS"IC And the hillret r"Cli"M Of 4litWf'tiqtC tYpe in. 1.13A 5.06 (from FtOll-Flol. sprmrently bir(exis-N- Fj ralleig. I CCIIB%',t) whilethe mother liqtKm Vicklell Ac.V11C1AC(NFJ. in. 43'. and lf,%'CllCtfFtJICl. in. 1451. With Ain. MrOll As "vent was sim"y obtained am I :s4ip %'.CR-CI(t (R - 1f(WCIIt'%Ac) (W)I, C*11*04.Vs. m. li-s-O'Ormn UeCO). and a little ollbe Uabm. aL 134% sea* Ac.NIICIW(hFt was also found. Wbrm tbe reaction Is run In Etl('#. M, m, 180% Is the principal p"yjgwt; if Its.';CH#C(XMe is used the same III. m, "s% memo almll witk AcN11CH,COMr. m. So'. wisle subptilutift ci 14,011 at the solvent Virlds the di-Me *sair a CmElftNij~, al III, m. 142' Omen MvOll-El. m - 11 It 91011-dry IICI gave mli ionic umvected U. mW H,NCHsCC)'4ll- ClIx0irt'l ",,,deconp. JKI'. Unelm tk - cmKII. lions (I ht.) I , unchAnged while Its di-Ac deriv. yivIds, -At deriv. of 16 days witb AreEt &mi 1. Shakint 2 IS. di 3,44 g. tyrminr Me curt in 50 ml. &b4. Etto Orlded X drelyhymi-te Me forr. M. W. am the tyrojilse Me filer ."lot of It. M. ItAo. whkb on sunding in the reaction %ohi. sbaly yivM-t I and 11st sibarr 4V-amyh entine Me ester.: treatment with MROIWICI yieldit Jk.jAw-UO,m.942*. ftClIsMiewitlithaREAZZ11:17 of I in F1.0 rapidly Pye am I and SIM aws'atayffim"Jil - of M M, 149' (from UVICO). a won a jagag PhCANHAt. m. 410". Similarly. Frh% in SW 1.4-fads. 41-dia4rityl-l-propyi-s.hoboktfmdw =-7 AcN.C(:4-Pr- MC112. in, 176'. Wbich 2lft mg. ninhydrin rrottim; no Ac.VliPr was lommil. Isdicatiag A Ix"ble ubwncr ul an At ump in todo position. An at- tempted rimilar reaction with dry *%*If# in Elio Nkd to Ube place, pamAbly becittoc of ready ky%s o(.Nlf* by lbe tapect"i .."1-011 julduct. *141ins the %Urting nuttrial in the courte of the isata!km ttrAtment. Treatim. t of 3 IS. 1,4- b EtO wills 1.43 g. lIt.NCIICOEt for 2) min. pvr the int FJ t$tt? olgaka of U. "I. I His (frm EtOAC). WO i7rc rJ11COMICH, 9. m. M': in EtOll as solvent. the amidine could not be holated ajol onlY I-Pirmeratine mmul MCCjj,j%'11s.J1(~CC11jCl, m. 106% meet found. Tyraosine gave 50me 1 yrodne am Its wag at Cd Ste ester. as well " the Me e1kr findlOt 0( 11, M. too* (Imn NICTCO.-FtO). 0. It. KOWILOPOO 07 1 -a. I. n SIL ar ' ruct re of --,Acrolec-,O,:r units of mrote-Ins. Tr. Prcpamti~ in of cor - -1. . tlli - - pe , Ide- of 'he dllr-,-cL- _,-4 c neries and their acylatlon." by N, I. Garilov, and L. N. Aldrova!Tp-.289) SO: JguriAj gL Gonval. Choristair (Zhunuil Obshchol MhLrdi) 1951, Volum, 21, Ile. 2 GA71,1107, ' 11. 1. "C'm 11-1 ,,k, xturc of sub-moloc-ular lumits of proteins. VIII. S.-.)i-,e ', mmsformations of acylated '11, 5-cLiketo-piparazines dmrin,cr -.-eacti-n with ar.Lnoacidz and arO-r-cs." bj L. 11. Aldmova and 11, 1. Gm-rllov. ~p.204) SO: Journal, of General Chemieunr (Zhuxnal Uoshchoi Khimia) 1951, Volum 21, Ilo. 2 nUMV, N.L. professor, rodALktore [Protein chemistry; collection of articles. Volume 2.1 IhWI& balks; abornik statel, Feravod a anglilskogo. 14oskYa. Isd-vo inostramoi lit-ry, 1952- (Oft 6:5) (]Protein*) Amino kids. 'Nov 52.1 vii~ne a of,Amino~Acids: 1..'~,~nthesis of Imino, Ithers.of Amino Acids," ~A. N. ~6vkiheyev (dec) and R. I. Gavrilov, Chair of Org Chem, Moscow* State U "Zhur Obshch KftimjI Vol 22, No 11, pp 2021-2029 A method of synthesizing imino ethers of a-amino acids was developed) and its applicability for synthesizing inino ethers of the aromatic and (~-serles waz demonstrated. The imino ethers so formed were comparatively stable in a surplus,of- a1c satd with hydrogen chloride. Thig permitted, 23ax-35 the products of the reaction to b.e:-Sepd oi;t in r. z;eficiently pure state. The effect of them position of the Amino group on the rate at which Ininc, ethers of it- and f-amino acids were formed ,vas recorded. A series of new imino' ethers of. At~smlno acids WaS prepared. Representatives Of the aromatic and j9-series were similarly prepd. 23ST35 'U.99R/Chinistry - Axiuo~ Ai:ids' ff,,~Midine6 of Amino Acids I1,11 A. N. Baksheyev(deel and, N. 1. Gavrilev, Moscow State U, Chair of Org', Chem 'mZh.ur Obshch KhIm" Vol 22, No 3.1, pp 2030-2035 A series of N-substituted amidines of amino acids was Bynthesized. Certain dipierates were sepd'bLit'. In'most cases, these picrates were easily and di- 'ieitly obtained by the combination of the salt'of dlmethylaminoacetiminomethyl ether with the picrate of the corresponding amine in an a1c soln. The 238T36 tendency of the imino ethers' of 'at*-amino Acids to form only m6nosubstitated amidines vas*noted, vbireas 49;dimethy-laniinopi-op-.iliciinoinethyl eth6r, irhi6 reac ing'ifith'~n-ilib6-"und6r-'anoilog6iii 666di- tions' (dej)i6ding- bn'the r6i~Wnt -i-itio) -ieadily' pi6videi'b6th mono- and diifibstitfited',amidii2L-6.,'-* Thi treatment of the dih . ydrochloride of suiinoiso b4tyriminomethyl. ester with p3h~idine led to. the hy- d,rochloride of aminoisobutyramide. 238T36 -7 1. AFIVOVAI Lv N., GAVRTLOVa N. I. 2. USSR (W) 4. Piperazine 7. Microstameture of protein. Part 11. Zhur. ob. khim. 22 No. 12, 1952. Some reactions of diacyldiketopiparaziness 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1953. Unclassified. G~--XXUQX, AkhLwa, L. "SySte.-;'z- of ar'socistion ai-~i ways of syntIhetizbv- noIlls 01 ot3in ':d,~rostructuros. Ir. fron the 'D. 70. (Analele Roniano-Sovietl'ce, Soria ChUiie, Series a 1.1!-&, v. 5, no. 1, 1953, Bucuresti) SO: Honthl-v List of East Egropean Acce -.gigns, Vol. 2, No. 9, Li7brarl of Coniress, Septenber 1933, uncl GAVRITAOV. R.I. (Moscow) . Chemical nature of proteins. Biokhimiia 18 no-3076-384 My-Je '53. (MIRA 6:7) (Proteks) .J 1A Ghaziaga Abet. Vo 1. 42 No. 6 ~~r. 25 * _9U Org-arde OlmniztT7 A 4slWw n; --It hastietz ohowa that amisline and X Unka4t, are po3sWe between dioxopipemities' no acids Thus the poxsibil*,ty of hiteirl ofypciptide link2gCS in protem I is eliminated above the trijieptide stige. Heaud$ 1.1 t - S- arbogtyriit-- cnhydride wiLb 0.&! g. dioxo- pirx~zxne in xyl,ne until CID, evolution ceased. filirring, and W."hink [~( p"'t ith a little Cold HTO. ~Wd,l th~ ir.-k,l iq:,l ~Inv I gage no w1hydride or ninl,~dnn fl:~ts, but d1d EkiLmt test of the bipepdde typ,& rafter stand imf La M. F-'~%tpn_ of t1te aq~ filtmte gave, 4k-Topirwr- in I IL Vj=94CL,__ L-9 cFvm stru -1 -phthgoy- 11tha dfo=p(peraz!ne was edded C,~ZS T. %',! EtOH. the mLrt. ihaken I hr. and the ppt. wikI MOIL AA-d: the f1trate pre (Pewhile the pvt afi~r !r-;-.rrmt w,-th an '. FtOH yidde'l crystaij ~er -1r4ed ni 20' ravid li-tint $"pRjal~%J pJhIq OtjU'&7j U - - r W av .Fu =flow, ou "tt qd Pull P 44ti 44M *0 V4430WO L144;~, 19 In, "I mi _ .),I,l f:'Ir 11, r" 0; d.k ;:p ;,'I -local VTtV too 1,ft DU wo v r sm .19, M" Ut br bz i-ard 954 RAM thtl[ tm' left a b"1140, it. of aartln$ ma tha I fu r4p;~ VC X "d IV 21111804 (PM em" 41t'Qr SUED.-Irl of Oro 110 an plom", T* 1V W.3 V-) tO treated "ith 0.41 g - V,CHOCOCI An Ht MM 1. lip .1. 111'. youl"I the die ba, 7 ICIANMQ"~= 110+, -hio x4mc no a ahy ~Ydmt t44;' ;be biwrt rqLcUm'of the trA t C'4 4 Wit4 ftc COQ 15mve Altm z; 4CCmp. WO ". fo Ji '.,zLtd giving * urg. ;ni~ it tom hiumt tr4a' and a Vas. W%bY* -)% tt"m Owd p4n-tm~ Complete I I treed of NaCJ. Tb~ ~ =00 In ft prf;sen'~ -4 MKO Imstaut of NR'O. 40 pxvdgc~ PbAcb v-- frml of 161s" by kti Wel LIA, -A,". MOW the -Incd. bwovq4f ve At Pos. Anhydride mud Dec. gh Ctrum t tew The [wer run with 2 luafy)=. xeucz~ (bc piperazine ring: th4 W . by apecuuph,,tcuut try, which sbawl ; t. of td- muA frlr~i-wklcs. Th P4 I dMVa to WjjCfi,L'O N RVH,C(.V1 blcf'M 'C11McCOMXCHsC(.)). -hich tbLcn plMt!= R!jT. ANJACJII(:0~11. !Q-k ... s 2.3 I,IpqlizLrm iq 2D ad t., M011 kith Z ;. J.,1 flujopipemidac in L5 jul E'Otf I hr. rayc Ft( I'll 'Zi., brramc bwstc. P-~gc of dyy 110 yirl4sp Wt. C.311"MOO'Ch. d- '-'~ 220". giving IL tript ICU. PIP*; aulrydrije 1-1. -d pui milby'I'lu tel hatting. The pfqxj%L, I i %-Axis"I the att'Arttar, It 0. Vi f. N11 N CO C1 f. NU M (' Chemical Abst, Vol. 48 Apr. 10, 1954 Organic Chemistry AkiMo and 1. 03.17ile Yal. V. Lomnnmv gjgte LIM I. hfg~). 84w-i-Obraorl' Kiesm. Z3, 4 t7-29( IU.%3).-In further attempts to establish Cl) the nature of ibe links of proteins to repkice the varticcly simple pepWe linkap (d, C.A. 47, 2001h) the carboan- hydride link was e3mmd. Such links can exist in the farm, of ring-closing units ((rae anhydrides) in dimlated,piperi azinedione structures, ot In the form of simple 1111car an-' hydd*s. SeverA simple anhydrides ivere p=pd. and the ;fMWAtiOn Of OCY)OW %5-PtPC1%WaCdJOUCS UOM 111CM Was estalitisivId. fleatiag2s. N-0thtdoy1jilMat (1) with 2.3 g. ~(COCI'h 4A Ism In CJ14 'T VD1,fi N-PWAOky1t1jWiNC ON. Aydride (U) 10-allACUUM1,C01VO, tn. ql6* (from PhNO,). This (1.9 C.) braINI with III S. 2,5jdPer"l"C.! Aiow in PhNOs OJS hr. it 140* gave a pp(. of 1.4-bis(N4 d x nine. m. 102100 . M YI&I fte .1 K. (COCI)t in 144 1. extit. cJ the ppt. with NlesCOJI U Iwaling the itivil. poition with syle-ne ve the mixeil anhy*ide a~W14CVWC11jCVNH C111 50) 0. de- rocnii. 220' (from PhNO,). I (OYMA X.) n to mi. d* atie mated with 0.4 MI. 114N. then at IQ* iri 0.4 ml. ]Rto~ 'Ct. and after 10 min. with 0.84 g. I in dioxane. save 03Y, lit. itlentifKA as H, m. 215*. Ttentment of 1.94! Wile CIl(NIICChCIfjPb)COj1I (U1) in dioxane with 0 mi. V" t,N. then with 0.4 ad. RtO.M. wxl O.D1 g. M in di~ C%nim 7-1 after I hr. (C(h evehition) X(brxzy(Oxyr4r- !hhvvl~?=r Rkydride. C.:jj"%Nj.square pkites, m. 143* Similarly, PhellioeNlicif COSH (IV) 'trrjU(4I with CIC%Iit in the Uw.~wnre of Et.NZ in Wio=me, tiven With 111, rlvr t0% (PAC11ACffl11C11,CXW (V), mi 1 1. 1 114' A morr &-itisfactory procedure, dei TO(jX%1 later, (or Mint. of the Anhyt"Iel 10 111ttstcat"I bi;44.. low: IV In 20 ml. dinsivir was trrated with 2.4 M14 11-teiNClIsCUMes. then at 10" with 1.9 mL RtOtW,aad after IQ Min. *11114.18 R. IV lit 220 nil. N Naolf, and the Ppt. rdtitind after .5 min'. vieldlit 81% V. tn. I k9"! after. Le M. Ok butku Tht synthesis Is a 2-ste rett=4 I,, d1ocame M1.2 .1. m 1~ cool* with 0.95 mi. Ittosect, allaz to stam to mfmu mixed W 10 mi. If'o, gave much Cot 0-3 V. M. II0* Identical with the above. ==Myl anhydride formed initially ceacts either with the Na saft of tv or with [Ito, Yielding the mme pml- Uct M, the difference In (be 2 mactions being the by.pml-' ucU. Tivaimentef(betuylozycabon),I)glymilfl)'-im(Vl)I In d1unne in the Presence of RUN with HI%CC . then with VI. as above, gave (bexsybx)carboxy1)j1ycy1 ax- ky*Ms. m. 140* (cmde), m. 14P (from PbN ). which cam be cry". fnxn hot EtOH. Similarly.(beusylexicar- boxyl .V=1Yc* tycise rave the wre aNA 21 M. I % ob only in ciude.tatc. Is I hr. 0.1 jr. Hs 11, shaking until win. resulted. neutraHn Witt, IICI. and so mcxv gave 53Fr, PALW0*1 .me.' m. 231*. = reaction with a miglycylglycine sare_ no bmlabk amts. of phthalaylgi Illycy ycyw although a tobwptide bluret, test t L3n was - GAI ' (0.37 C.) In 10 taut]. NaOtHI tc th 2 after 15 mtn. zave 75% VI in 179% V ISTAW with In 2 rooks )v Moli ;;U~Y, PC tg= ly =t1gNW2e.m.Iq0*.- G. MI Kosdapoff IGANISIANI. P.O.; GATRILOT, 1J. Forml titratlon with application of a glass electrode. BiokbWla 19 jio.3:345-348 Mr-Je '54. WRA 7:6) 1, Ufodra orgamicheskay kktlnll Nookovmkogo gosudarstvannogo malverelteta, (7muLmust titration of amino acids with glass electrode) (AMINO ACIDS$ t1tration, forml technic with glass electrode) 's Rt a(,'& All Sluctural fc-c- ~~fao CCU, r, IT. - 1~: N a ntut ' 11. f ("In cl~m~ U.S.S-R, 40 464~f, M/Chemistry Antibiotics Card Authors t Akinova,'L. N., and Gavrilov, N., I. Title S Structure of Gramicidin C. Part 2. Study of the FormAtion of Cupric Gramicidin Complexes Period.1cal Zhur. Ob. Xhim. :24-)- Ed. 6p 10W~- 1078o June 1954 Abstract. Experiments were--'conducted for the purpose of solving certain unexplain- ed problems,connected.with the structure of gramicidin in the expectation. that this would lead to the synthesis of this antibiotic. 'Incomplete data show that gramicidin.C has a piperazine cycle, formed by phenylalan-- ine and proline.- Gramicidin is a dimer. The molecule of the' original gramicidin has tripeptide which together with coppar in walkali mediura gives a complex with a maximum absorntion of 570 - 575 6j1,. The displared- ment of the absorption,maximim, tadard the short wave bind, was -observed: in'the amide7tripeptide complex, containing aisparagine. Five references. Tables.* graphs. Institution State University, mo*cow Submitted July 20,'-.1953, '2- -2- vndenc-m the baul d1oxwp"Allnib in Its metkd WAY e comou.-SupTied - tramtrilml tell dk t (I d LT d t b i n a e , w use_t4-___ m - - % ~ the .) -an y- t 22W-7(1954): d.--C-A. 49i- -an 011tri c- ~Plllag IuSc, (O.T.) or an evacut,ted "- r4&,qp;j. -037C.-Among the various te&ctk)ns be(w"n - IV. I I-Y itibe (H.T.) (, reportcd without ccmment ctiv tho acet-Fe1;7x,,ripmz1ne anilirit,4 Is that in wbkh thtse licated frnm rwin p. in an opcn lube). Refinxiiij 80 1;rnied N-acetyl-Jimpiperazine (11). bh~ng I veith W. Piperazint (M), 620 rid. 11MIL tind -r-) mi 4131" CU 0 a r ddi 100 1T l d C1 4 if 0 ITICOITt '-emal firs. ilk Et'O r2ve on exta- witb Urr . ari . ng . - m . ~,,,' jj . CC -,in umlated yield of 11. m. 180'. while thm .:In. yktdcd 8* h ik h NQ44Q(hU-&t 125-30- O~ ex. Ov, If& fi.M aet-turle a64. ' t * acdtt ester, m. 4 ;. t e Ke e~trr rca,;ts shmQOV:,, CAU 9' Ub-2 id v I th l I I Sh I I U k* l m;,2%vL&*. It stirml with ale. NaOll at town tenip.-pvt e mAti JU .i ri _ W JAr n , s J l- k i *I ! P f*T h k fi f l R O j 11L Shaking It with PhOIN11,4a a&4. RtOll I hr. gave tvm rs e-cco r n w t , t, ng ap n gavtj o.and IIA and M. 6-zilLir maction %1,1h buiNll ;n EMU rave the PrNITAc. S40:%rly, I ind PhNUI(2 C. and IZ84., rosP- -im- caf v vA 1 r1 nd A N11Ph i O solvVi 5 M t l same m7dt; no re-cition took ~iilci bctw.!Cn I awl PhNITt . l e a c n l e g. g% t . G U. the vield of T1 "n3 tim-tated. PhCtTiNT`I#jr,; 95,4P in E1011- Heating H In dry a1c. Ila gave Ila mnd H, VCjjjC04YjjCjj,C(hFJJ1(7 (IV) in. 11W. Ileating 11 ., N -11 hk. r -e M% 11 and t6NAc. and g:%v , -diml si, ,1 11 with OAX fICI kith A, ave 1 11 are O diazopip---azine (11a) reamd 3 ]`-rs. in.EtOTT gave It. . y , g 3 g Ik and IV, it the reaction is ruiv iti dry 1i!011; ate. NmOif dtid 2-C,,] LNLf~jhjEt.Q gave .7z ~11;6' Itk13 d j~ re* -arid It gives 111. G. Nf. KoWarxyrt USSR/Chemistry - Biochemistry Card 1/1 : Pub. 129-10/25 Author : Mwarov,, K. S. ad GaVrILM, N. 1. Title Electropboresiso electroreductloup and spectrophvtomstry of plastelas reriodical fest. Nbsk. un. Ser. f1sibamet. I yest. nauk,, Vol 10, &-N, Tab 1955 Abstract Showed by electrophoretle dlagMms that plastein Is not a f raction Of casein. Conducted electrophorstle analysis of plastein obtained from human serum albumin hydro3,yzate as prepared by enzym hydrolysis. The plastein thus obtained differs from the plastein from casein ih amino acid nitrogen content. Also prepared copper complexes of the plasteins and analysed then electrophoratIcally. Studied the electrophoresis of casein electroreduction. Tabies~ diagram. Fovrteen references (twelve USSR). Institution Chair of Organic Cheodst,17 Submitted Jun 26, 1954 L-0 V USSR/Organic Chemistry - Naturally Occurring SuIbstances and Their Synthetic Analogej, B-3 Abet Journal: Referat zhur - MLtmUz,, No 19, 1956,, 61681 Author: Gavrilov., N. I... Ioanistani., P. G. Institution: -Xwe Aft. as On the Amount of ay Iclic at-fine Bonds of Amino Acids in S(ne Protolm Original PoVdicals Zh. dbahch. 25V No 9,, 1802-1812 Abstract: cridictice (MR) of derivatives of diketopiperazines (DP) On electri - reactions occur: - in tbe~caee of aminoacyl-Dp t are formed p~peraz*s of peptides; In the case of amidine d Vives of DP ER is accaqwied by formation of free piperazines and a splittlM off of peptIdes terminal amino group of which can be determined by the gasometric method. - ER was carried out at a movable mercury electrode Opcording'to the method of Gsvrilov and Koperine, (Zh. obahch. kh-1-4i., 19kTsI17, 955p 1651). Changes in procedure involve Card V3 - -- - - 63-~) 14.4 jo VI 13-9 (16 1) R . . eaWtively, I of DP in found to be 27.6; 46 % Of total N rre 8 1 ; 3 -03) 30.9; 23.1 and 40.o. procedures used for the analysi, - , of ` Ub~~ hYdrOlYBates before and were h c after im ecked with an art ffic ial m' *We Of amino acid. correspond- iDg to the composition Of Ill. Folffol t'tration 'With the Card 2/3 use or