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GAVRILOV, A.A.; ALEKSANDROVA, V.A. C-'av minerals of the Ordovician nrgillites of the Southern 1 (IMIRA 17ig) , ;-,~Ls. Dokl. MI SSSR 157 no.4:870-872 Ag 164 1. Geologicheskiy institut All SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.M. Strakhovym. 0 n u a x a Is 9 X P 4 4" a a 0 a .1 JIL Iv "V13-t-C. 00 A, #A I1"11111- --1.--- -- --!- "*""I$ AW PICIPINIVIS 010#9 0 COZI"* Astormlesdom of bsmx~ In air -00 . ,L PL GAvsvAv (J.'Chmm. Ind. RmL. 1931. 8. Mus. -00 Ar-Z-117W--'D~;-1&--80 litsw of sit an babbled / lee ; 4~0. of 44:11 usimuft of cone. H2006 and 41960 k ith ItH d I " d U .00 -06 0 a n w ma sm s ~ &q. , an 0 sumeW vM INO. 20 ax of tM utTut vv hatted t IOr -*M - ID A 4 6 mW T d A N 109 a 1 SS ex. A w . % pW d - - No u i p ft NN d F * lee s . m ne . an " . . t The edulim ~ b Am MWW 11 q0 Ow want and 00 to 100 t the Mkub sadvaWap m made O a a ti s sk" ad W" SIM &q. N1 i. a - = 1 1 of chin then dimolved t OR), apposm w L= r 0: 3 ad 20% sq. tartaric mid. Aq. CmOL1g y (O-OMV is now Wiled udd hudw addam don not gas peaduca imiessifiestift of 96 Tiolowed colocation a tbev&ioms&uptob0c~L.mdtiwinton&ity "MO-Wlin dt"i 7 d wr i i th th t t i i b d ee a m s at i a vin an an mpue y a s g - Aftmated. Quantities of N = ~l = --A 6 I &swmimed b this metbod My m w M L i!~ 400 ~ w j w an ~3. nd is Applicaw to tba-du6mmimstion at the % H, content of benzine, lee ex al w1kh m ad&d i n a thin stream to the lee HVBO,-RNOS Miltlife, Wkkb i8 tb1Fn fildbet trftted RA !00 abom R. TauNnowimi. I IL MIALLIP1161c" 1.111"Im CUMPICAIMIS o" 1"43 0.- dad 0.. 111 see 01 Ir um , a, In a, 1 if M 9 A 4 3 0 V I o P-Tolidiat method for determination of active chlorine in the water of city water-mains. A-A..Gavrilov(Sanita- tion and Hygiene Lib.. Stalin Region). ZA.P. Ax,il- Khom. 4. 365 8(1949).-This method is ha%ed on the colof dclieltilK41 when froe Cl icacts with o-tolidine. To prep. the rcigcnt di,solve I X. of o-tolidine in 1 1. of 10'~ I(Cl. I To det. free Cl, lotace I nil. of reigent into a NeAer tube.,* add Fill nil. of analyrell 11,0. Shlkc, hCell In A (WIKELACC (Of 5-10 film. and Con We Color. Calf Ot Celli - pariti~n Ate pre(ml. WOM 5011, of CUSO, still KIC', 01 taken in vitrious ~roWxlions. It h Important to have i1scie sialti pure. Fe ad nitrites are likely to affect the rriultq. Their effrevi are pfactit-ally YoWed by addn. of I all. of W!" JICI to the anzilyzed Poln. Such addli. pcrmlir~ detri. of free Cl its the prewilre of I mg. of Fe and 0.3 ins, of nitrite. M. Howls GAVRILQV,-A, A, 35832 K voprosu ob ortotolidinovom metode opredeleniya aktivnogo khlora v vode gorvo zhurnal analit khimii, 1949, VYP. 6, s. 365-6F SO: Lepotis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, No. 49, 1949 I A. A. 29225 0 pitlevom vodosnabzhanii na promprodpriya-ttyakh. Giglena i sanitarlya, 1949, no 8, a. 46-47 SO: Letopall Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskya, 1949 '-,kVRILOV, A.A. Continuous warping. Tokst.prom. 21 no-11:53-55 N 161. (MMA 14:11) 1. Starshiy inzhener filiala proyektno-konstruktorskogo byuro po llnyanoy prom3rBhlennosti (g. Vyazniki). (Warping machines) GAVRJLOV, L-A, , ztarshly inzhener Yarn loop flying off from hollow cop3, Tekst,,~rc-, 22 nc-4:53-54 Ap 1612 0 6-HRA 1~:6) 1,, Filial proyektno-konstinukt-rskogo ')yuro Vnyanoy promyshlennosti, g. Ilya7niki. (toome.) ng uv, I n G A VIR- E LOV , A . A . it I b 1 t i -, e i JL nj P c 1, J:, o na I c I &v 1. ~-*~ c b ~-, ri " f,- r; I n t h f.~ C; r d o ,, 4, r! J a r i B E, d 1!.-, e r. t-i of tn-,~~ Soutbern Urals. D(.)k.,. All SSSR 360 F '65. t:.!ItU 18:2) 1. Geologicheskty institut AN SS,,R. Submittel No..-emb~r 26, 1964. GAVRILOV, A.A. 0:-dovician volcanic sedimentar7 complex of the Southern Urals. T-it, i pol. iskop. no-3:3-17 Itr-.Te 165. (MT RA 18: 10) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AIN SSSR, Mzskva. Urall,%-.e:~i, s c:,. i cr*. 1. 5-15. mr -.u C , 4 1 , -,no!..Il c c 1 11% I. LIC.2 'p- r Trud~- v~.oro -c T.-- (!:~36),,, SO: in the US~jHJI 1'.17-194"1 odiltod 'o-.- Kurosh, A.G. I:Zlr'--Lushovic~, P K. . :oscow-L-- ~rdn~rad 19! c - . i . GAVRILOY, A. Y. USM/Nathematics Academy of Sciences 57/49T47 Apr 49 "Mathematician Innovators," A. F. Gavrilov, 4pp "Priroda" No 4 Describes accomplishments of three mathematicians who won Stalin Prizes in 1948: V. I. Smirnov completed 5-volume work, "Course in Higher Mathe- matics." G. M. Goluzin prepared the books, "The Method of Variation in Conformal Reflectioa," and "Theorems on Distor-cion and Coefficients cf Nonofolial Functions." N. G. Chebotarev (posthumous award) wrote "Problems of Resolvents." 57/49T47 Ri 11 GAVRI 1OV, A. F. Gavrilov, A. F. - "The application of the Lyapynove-Krylm method of consecutive approximations for the integration of nonlinear equations in partial derivative," Sbornik trudov Leningr, Maktrotakhn. In-ta svyazi im. Bonch-Bruevicha, Issue 3, 1949, p. 91-96. SO: U-5240, 17, Dec. 53, (latopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 25, 1949). GAVRILOV ===M= ! ~. ~: ~ ". - TI Fourier Series Expansion of sin (z-sinA?t) and S-Lillar Functions," Sbcnaik Trudov LEIS imcni Bonch-Bruyevich) iio 6, 194,,l. 112-57-7-15561 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, p 250 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gavrilov, A. F. TITLE: Errors in Books on Pulse Technique (Oshibki v knigakh po impul'snoy tekhnike) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta svyazi, 1956, Nr 1, pp 106-109 ABSTRACT: A few mathematical errors are pointed out in two "Impulsnaya Tekhnika" (Pulse Technique) books by Ya. S. Itskhoki and N. N. Krylov. The errors were noticed in the passages treating: (1) determination of frequency spectrum of oscillations; (2) transition from a series to the Fourier integral; and (3) presentation of a function as a double Fourier integral while the condi- tions of absolute integrability within infinite limits were not satisfied. A. P. 0. Card 1/1 GAYRILOV, A.F. , Reminiscences about Fridman; apropos of A.A. Fridman's correspondence. Trudy Inst. i9t. est. I takh. 22:389-400 159. (KRA 12-10) (Fridmang Aleksandr Alakeandrovich, 1888-1925) KUZNETSOV) N.V., doktor tekhn.nauk; LUZ#NOV, G.I., inzh.; PT~I-IPYI- .L1--F-LSMIE NOVA, T.F. Preventing peening in shot blasting cleaning of heating surfaces.. Teploanergetika 7 no.10:27-31 0 160. (MIRA 1-4,9) 1. Vseisoyuznyy teplotekhnicbeskiy institut. (Boilers-Cleaming) LUSHNOV., G.I., inzh.; ZVERM, N.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; GAVIULOV, A.F., inzh. Experimental determination of resistance coefficients in the pnewaatic transportation of pig iron shot. Teploenergetika 8 no.1:15-18 Ja 161. (MJRA 14:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. (Boilers-Cleaning) (Pneimatic-tube transportation) LUZHNOV G.I. inzh.; ZVEREV, N.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; 9P .9 inzh.; PIGALEV, V.P., inzh. Pneun-tic transportation of shot in boiler systems and methodology for its designing. Elek.sta. 33 no.11:12-19 N 162. (KIRA 15:12) (Boilers) KUZNETSOVP N.V., daktor tokhn. nauk, prof.; GAVRILOV, A.F., inzh. Air heater with intermediated heat carrier. Teploeii-6rgetika 11 no.1000-34 0 164. (MIRA 1813) 1. Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnichoskty institut. I I ---- It ~' -~z: . - ~3 !Mel, ---- 1. It GAVRILOV A.F., inzh.; LYAM, V.Ya. Air heaters with an intermediate heat carrier. Teploenergetika 12 no.31ll-17 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheakiy institute ACC NR. Ap70019 5 (A SOuRCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/006/0161/0164 AUTHOR: Itskevi4 Ye. S.; Voronovskiy, A. N.; GavriJV-_A-~.; Sukhoparov,, V. A. 10RG: Institute oq Physics of High Pressures AN SSSR, Moscow (Inotitut fiziki !vysokikh davleniy,r SSSR) ,TITLE: High pres re (up to 18 Kbar) chamber for operation at liquid helium tempera- tur es 1SOURCE: Pribory i;tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 6, 1966, 161-164 TOPIC TAGS: high ~ essure chamber metal ainglie crystal, liquid helium Pr ,temperaturep beryllium bronze, dorundum microli~e ABSTRACT: Two modets of a high-pressure (up to 18 kbar) chamber used for studying single ciYstals of metals and semi-conductors in a magnetic field at liquid helium tq'mperatures are described. The chambers (6.5 mm inside diameter) are madelof heat-treated beryllium-bronze and the pistons are made of TSM-322 corunduw-uLcro lite heat treated to a hardness of 75-78Rc. The required pressure is created in the chamber at room temperature by a hydraulic press. The chamber is then sealed mechanically and placed in a Dewar vai eel containing liquid helium. Pressure is measured by means of mangiFin,and superconducting pressure gages. The magnitudes of anisotropy Card 1/2 UDC: 539-89 NR- AP700195~ of magneiiP resistance and of quantum oscillations of electric resistance of zinc, mpasured in the chamber, showed that the compression was close to hydrostatic-. The heat expansion of the materials used for chamber con- struction #kere tested at temperatures from 77K to 20C. It was found that the heat e'~pansion coefficient of corundum-microlite is significantly smaller than that of beryllium-bronze. Thus, using a second material in the chamber should not lead to pressure losses when the temperatur* drops. Orig. art. has:. 4 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 13 20/ SUBN DATE: IlDec6.5/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 003/ ATD PFMS: 5112 CL-'~'11;,T G. Err-paratim at t-hoiqAtte (thermo). 4 'no.3:437-445 161. (1.',IFA 14:10) 1. L'vovsUy polite-:11, -.,-ichc:~* _iy instit,.~t, kafed-ra teMinclcCli naorganichesldl;h veshchostv. (Forti'U_-on; and i-araires) (Fhos,,"v_,atca) ~7 _:,-) 209 1953~ 02692 va-71ov U L J.. T it- I Fitholcgf'.c,il anJ ;ujatomic:-,l Glaang,,s in t1lic-, Contral liervous Syslc,-~, of "-3ovin...;s in u '11r,,sonc, of Gatarrlial ',-*c:v:--r Und r, ort 'ch. zap, w3L. in-ta, 1Tr,6, 1 r u _L, - - I u NO 1~ "o ~,bs-;;ract. !V ry or,- 7- Jour TT inat itut Ti-610 u.,e 7 .Ub. Orl~- 2 ;~%bstract o .cis!,m.ct. Card: r USSR/D.Lseases Tf Alijimls Noruntagirus D.Lseases- The Swine - .- I ADS. JOUR. I qZhBlol., No. 3, 1959t No4 12040 1 AIPTHLOR, , ' ,rqvrjjov, .!ko I.; Akulin-In, A. A.; ZhakoV, M.3Z , 1 i_ 1r f ftj~: b~_ I tute of 11aterinary cience. The S7mpathetic Nervea of the C-astro-Intost l nal 'Pract in the Pig (Experimental Mor-phologi cal Thvestigation). OFIG. PUB. : Uch* zap. Vitabskogo vet. in-ta, 1957, 15, 173-177 AB~53TFUICT : It was demonstrated on 6~ ~arcanses of pigs months to 2 year.- old and oxPerlamontn.11y on ~ p1gl-,ts 1-2 moriths old that tho sympathotle nerve trunks leading froid the :;*lanchnie and cranial m6senteric gangliaare tho basic nerve dlicts affluent to the gastro-intentinal tract (GIT). Experiments in which these gangUawere rorpov,~,d and visceral nerves wore severed., tostify to Lbe fact thrt tho fibc-rs which flo*vr from the gang1ta innervate ai.l sectors of GCIT. Seventy-two hours after the operation, 112 A T 0 R Y A133 JC)"jR. RZhDiOl-, 1t-0. 19 59, UO - i't U T11 I C 21 A B I, TR-A C" f as jeve.-loped in nerve fibors of the wall of the various GIT sectors, .-Ispoc-,aily in the jej.Lulmn and the Ilexim aand .L in tIx3 stomach. C;A,'D: 212 6o GAP1L0Vj_A*j.j, (BSSR, g*Vitebsk, ule Chekhova, d.4v kv.2),ARMININ. A.A. ZHAXOT, M.S. Sy"athatic nerves of the gastrointestinsl system in swine. Arkh.anat.. gist. i embr, 35 noo5:108-110 S-0 158 (MIRA 11;12) 1. rafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. - dots, A*A, Akulinin) i kafodra patologicheakoy anatomli (sav, - prof. A.Is Gavrilov) Vitebakogo veterinarnogo inatitut" (GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM, innervation sympathetic nerves in swine (Rusi) (SYMPATH.TIC NERVOUS SYSTS, anat. & hiotol. gastrointestinal innervation in swine (Rua)) (SWINED sympathetic gastrointestinal innervation (Rua)) L o5io4-67 I ~ I ACC NR: AP6013241 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/0()0/008/0033/0034. AUTHORS: Dodik, S. D.; Gavrilov, A. I. ORG: none TITLE: A device for the composite protection of a semiconductor voltage.atabi-, lizer. Class 21, No. 180643 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyBhlennyye obrazt8y, tovarnyye znaki, no. 8. 1966, 33- 34 TOPIC TAGS: voltage stabilizer, circuit design; electric protective equipment ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for the composite protection of a semiconductor voltage stabilizer from overloads, a short circuit in the out-1---" put of the stabilizer, and a depression of the voltage larger or smaller than the.1 --- specified values. The design simplifies the device and increases its reliability.:-- The collectors of all semiconductor triodes operating in the comparison circuits are connected through the relay winding with the minus power supply source. These collectors are connected through the normally closed relay contact and resistor to the positive power supply source. The normally closed relay contact is con- nected to the collector circuit of the control transistor. _uDc: _6a.3l6.93_____1 Card 1A _--- vmb GAVRILOV. A.I. Limiting the speed of hoiating machinery. Bezopotruda v prom. 7 4o.2-- 30 F 163. (MIRA,16:2) 1. Gla vnyy elektromekhanik upravleniya Chitinskogo okruga Gosudar- stvennogo komiteta pri Sovete Ministrov RSFSR po nadooru za bezopasnYm vedeniyem rabc)t v promyshlennosti i-gDrnomu nadzoru. jHoisting machinery-S&fety appliances) GAVRILOV, A.I., inzh.-elektromekhanik Design a compact winch for minor holstings. Bezop.truda v prom. 1 no.10:33 0 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Upravlenive Chelyabinskogo okruga Gosgortekhnadzor SSSR. (Winches) UATnTl 011, A. T. IAKubovich, I. IA., Makarov, S. P., Gavrilov. A. I.- "Synthnsis of organoelemental. comooun3s of the aliphatic series by the diazo method. Part 4. Synthesli of compounds of the el-nents of the 4th group - organic tin comrounds. (r. 1788) SO: Journal of 'enerv] Chemistry, (Zhurnal Obshchei Khirrdi), 1952, Vol. 22, No. 10. -2-- ---- GAVRILOV) k. L USSR/Engi "earing Itefraotory Materials Refractories Sep 48 'n -lit, and "Protective Coatings and Glazes A. K. Kark A. 1. Garrilov, 2 pp "Ogneampory" Vol. Xj:Ej, No 9 Report of experiments carried oat by Inst of Re- fraGtory Materials. Results show value of such coatings for protecting refractories. Illustrated by photograph., Discrepancies between results and data,giibn by Poluboryarl=7 and Trokh1movskaya. V ("Og'neupory", 1941~ No. 7) - 12/49T6o' PA 12/49T60 AID P - 1934 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 14/31 Author Gavrilov, A. K.., Foreman Title the h'e'at of the water coming from Martens furnaces Periodical Energetik, 3, 20 - 21, Mr 1955 Abstract The author presents a brief note about the utilization of heat in the water coming from Martens furnaces for feeding the zeolite water softening system of a metallurgical plant. One drawing. Institution: One drawing Submitted : Nc date GAVRILOV, A.K.,dots.,kand.tekhn.nwlk Investigating the effect of radiator-fan performance on the thermal condition and economic efficiency of tractor enginnes Trudy Sib.avt.-dor.insts no,6t2l-39 157. (MIRA 1212) (Tractors-3nerea) GAVRILOV, A.K.,dote.,kand.tekhn.nauk Selecting optimm ignition tining for heating up the engine. Triuly Sib.avt.-dor.inst. no.6:41-47 '57. (MIRA 12:2) (Automobilea-Enginea) GAVRIIA)V, L.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHUCHERKO, P.L. Increasing the reliabi-lity of engine cooling systems. Avt.prom. 28 no.1:1-1-14 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Sibirskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut imeni V.V. Kuybysheva. (Automobiles-Engines-Cooling) GAVRILOV, A.K., kand. teklin. nauk Studying the stress Ln the fan elements of the n, K--'CC sng-fne. Trakt. i sel'khozmash. no.10g9-11 0 '64. (~CRA l7sl2) 1. Sibirskiy avtomobilInc-dorozhryy inatitut i=. V.V. Kuybyaheva. 'A - GAVPJLOV, A.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZE,'Z1?;, Yu.A., inzh. Studying elements of the air conduit of the D-37M engine using ;,itegrators based on electrohydr..Avnamic analcgy. Trakt. i selikhozmash. no.217-9 F 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Sibirskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy InstituT, im. V,V.Kuybysheva. GAVRILOV A.K. kand. tekhn. nauk Intensification of convective hPat transfer in the cooling- system radiator of the SMD-14 engine. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.7:104-109 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Submitted July 8, 1964. ZENZIN, Yu.A.; BOBROV, V.P.; GAVRILOV, A.K.; CHIRIK, P.I.; KATOLINIK, V.M. Stand for controUing the aerodynamic resistance of cylinders and heads of air-cooled engines. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.8% 14-15 Ag.165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Sibirskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut im. V.V. Kuybysheva i Vladimirskiy traktornyy zavod im. A.A. Zhdanova. -67 AP6011246 FDN 1 LE-VTkUl-T SOURCE GODS: UW6413/66/o-o6Tci66/o-606/669o-- AUTHORSs- Zenzinp Tue A91 Bobrovp_Vo F*1 Gavrilov, A, Kei Chirik., Ps 1o1 Katoll -V-. dR01 none TITLEi An aerodynamic chamber for ~n~j~ect _ng the cylinders and heads of internal combustion their aerodynamic resistance. class 42, No* 179965 SOUROEs Isobreteniya,, promyshlennyye cbraztsy,, tovarnyye snakij, no* 6,# 1966# go TOPIC TAGSt aerodynamic test,, aerodynamics,, internal combustion engine.9 high pressur I 64amber ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents an aerodynamic chamber for inspectifli the qlinders and heads of internal combustion engines by their aerodynamic resistance. The chamber is connected to a measuring pipe which contains a throttle provided with a,0evice for holding the inspected object and with a U-shaped liquid manometer. -The laitter records the pressure at the entrance to the measuring pipe, this pressure being indicative of the aerodynamic resistance offered by the inspected object. *To provide a means for marking the.object being inspectedp tip device contains a marking equipment with several acribers capable of producing a symbol. corresponding to a given aerodynamic resist4moo* The liquid manometer of the pipe is provided along its Card UDCt 62065330607 ACC NRo AP6011246 D height with photoresistors responding to the movement of the liquid level* The number of these photorecistora in equal to thi number of ocribers, and each resistor is electrically connected with one of the markerao. To check the pressure in the chamber., a single photorsaistor may be placed on the liquid hanoinster of the chamber and may be electrically the marking devicee SUB GODE00,13/ SUBM DAU 1. 64"4 Ca 2/2 bo: % GAVRI="~x- NNW#, [Vegetable gardening on the Lanin Collective Farm, Slobodtaya District] Ovoshchevodstvo kolkhosa im. Lenina. Slobodseiskogo ratona. lishiney, 1956, 39 P. (In Noldavian) (KIRA 10:6) (Vegetable gardening) r i-1., A;'[; A. _1AWRILOV, A TeVr,tilInye matcriaV v sanoletostxcomii. 1~,!49. Title tr.: Te.ctilz! i.-interials in aircraft construzt.-on. SO: Aeronautical Wences nno Aviation in the Soviet Tinjoni, Librar Congress, 1955. y (I I I a t .4 t~ 1 a -1 o b] -~Sr, s L Lil- B - ol o ci- ya C G!io r'L lov A.Y '~toubhle ~Iantlrpi WlLh Ob~ kh. Po7olo-zhly' 4- NC abst-- C*:,RD 10 GAVRILOV, A.M. AW:omatio control and telemechaaization of power ins' allations of the Likhachev Automobile Plant in Moscow. Prom.energ. 15 no-3:1-4 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Automatic control) (Moscow--Automobile industry) GAIJRILOV, Aleksandr %lik-haylovich Gidrologiya I Narodnoye 10,ozyiystvo (By) A.M. Gavrilov (1) 1.. Popov. Len-ingrad GLmiz, 196o. P 182 (1) p. illus., diagrs,, graphs, maps, tables. Bibliography: p. 182-(183 . ., ., 7 ~- -7.1 . -7 1 , , . j - L 1. 1 1 . I - i I . "Practical , ',,02.010f,:,r (For Pract ical .,*orkers and :i:r lro-.,.(-,, con 1 o[-,* cd I . Oh~emer.,-) ' !'~ra!~ I, iclioslmya Gtflirolol-i-yn 1943 106 n-) GAVRILOV, A.M. -V1111 [U.S ..S.R. rivers in the country's oervice] Reki SSSR na sluzhbe rodiny. Leningrad, Gidrotateoralogicheakoe izd-vo, 1951. 35 P. (PT-RA 6:8) (Rivers) (Inland navigation) C,,VVFT '- ;1;r, t-'. 1,-. Vill-re hyciroulectric stati~-ns and hydrol,-,ry, I.Ponint-radf JZrl-vo, 195'. 3 ~ ~-. ulf-rr.-tia - '.1 ~ , UT* ) TK4 1,~.G3, GAVRILOV, A. M. USSR/Meteorology - Hydrology, Hydro- Jun 52 electric Power Plants "Hydrology and Rursl Rydroelectric Stations," A. M, Gavrilov, Leningrad State Hydrol Inst "Meteorol i Gidrol#' No 6, PP 3-7 Describes the tremendous development of rural hy- droelec stations under Soviet government control. He states that his studies reveal that a tighter bond between hydroelec stations and-hydrology is desirable; more attention should be paid to knowl- adee of water power, particularly to small riverS 229T9O 229T90 Pr) .of t~b' -1 of t"'Jo rj;j.: Ll- hzT,;l,Q(-,Icctrc ro-jo:. I Of L.Ic! 71. cc !-:1- .L:c ()f nuln 0 -iT flurin - cf .0v MtZRIKFKIVSKTT, Awim Afroimtovich ; UjA;jM~~M., redaktor; TASNO- T 4._~ OOR)DSKATA, M.H. , rodairtor; B . , tekhnicheskiy 9 V. rodaktor. (Neva River] Roka Neva. Leningrad, Gictrometeorologichaskoe izd-wo, 195$. 93 p. (HLRA 8:12) (Nova River) GAVRLLOTI A12LW~.r Mikha-y1ovich; POPOV. Igor' Vladimirovich; YASY0GO- RODSKATA, M,K#-,.-"r""iktoT-;' DAVYDOV, LA'.. professor, ~edaktor; BRAMNA, H.I..'tekh~lchsskly redaktor. [Problems in bydrolaigr and the national sconow7l Voprosy gidro- logii i naro-Ime khosiaistvo. Pod red. L.K. Davydova. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologichealroe, isd-vo, 1955. IOZ P. (MT.RA 8-9) (Wdrologr) ,-GAVRILOY, A.M. , Conference on karat. Meteor.i gidrol. no.7:61 -71 '56. (mLRA quo) (larst) GAVRILOVI_A.M. IMMINININWAY.0 Concerning N.Y. Pikush's article OCalculating flow at hydroelectric power atations.4 MeteorA g1drol. no.9:42 S '56. (MLM 9:11) (Stream measurements) GAVRILOV, A.M. .i ~ ~, - ~'., . Considering the effect of natural factors on stream flow. Izv. Vses.geog.ob-T& 88 no.2:138-146 Kr-Ap 156. (MLRk 9:8) (Strom messurments) ANDRE "EA, N.M.;,GAVRILOV. A.M.; KOPLAN-DIIS, S.I.; PETRIKEVICH, N.P.; kand.takhn.neuk; SEM9NOVA, Ye.S.; UKHANOT, V.V.; FMOVI, R.A.; SHAMOT, G.I. (deceased]; GROSKAN, R.V., red.: SOLOVITCHII. A.A., LInstractions for hydrometeorological stations and posts] Nastavlenis g1drometeorologicheskim otantaiiam i postame Noe6p pt.1 (Hydrological observations and work on rivers] Gidrologicheakia nabliudeniia i raboty na rekakh. Lenin-grad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo. 1957. 399 P. (14IRA 12:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glevnoys upravleniye gidrometeorolo- gichaskoy sluzhby. 2. SotrudnikLOtdala gidrometrii i Laborstorii nanosov i gidrokhimii, Gosudarstvannogo ordana Trudovogo Krasnogo Znnmeni --idrologicheskogo inntituta (for all oxce t Grosman, Soloveychik) (Hydrography-Observars' minualsT SOV/ 124 - 58- 8- 8820 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mckhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 70 (USSR) AU T HO RS: Gavrilov, A.M., Kholodilin, G.K. TITLE: Experimental Measurements of the Water-flow Rate Through the Turbines of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (Opytnyye izmereniya raskhodov vody cherez turbiny malykh gidroclektro- stantsiy) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gos. gidrolog. in-ta, 1957, Nr 62, pp 24-39 ABSTRACT: If small hydroelectric power plants, and particularly chains of hydro'~lectric power plants, are to operate efficiently, strict account must be kept of the rate of water discharge into their respective tail-water basins. The authors discuss the different methods for allowing for the water flow at hydroelectric power plants. Because at the smaller plants the design character- istics of the turbines in most cases are not known, the most commonly used procedure at present for allowing for the rate of water flow through the turbines is based on determining the relationship between the rate of water flow through a turbine Q and either the variable opening of its distributor or the mean Card 1/2 hourly power output Nas measured by means of a calibration SOV/ 124-58-8-8820 Experimental Measurements of the Water-flow Rate (cont.) method. The calibration is done by means of hydrometry. The authors include a number of examples to demonstrate the calibration system used and the method of working out the above-mentioned relationships in the case of hydroelectric -power -plant turbines. Working out relationships of the Q~ f(N) type requires accurate power-output measurements synchronized with measurements of the water-flow rate; these synchronized measure- ments are provided by meters (used in conjunction with other electrical instruments designed to test the accuracy of the meters). V.A. Bashkin Card 2/2 GAVRIWV, A.M.; KHOLODILIN, G.K. Axperience in regular registration of the flow of water by small hydroelectric power stations. Trud7 GGI no.62:4o-47 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Hydroelectric power stations) GAVRILDVI A. M. and P. V. MOLIMY4 I Reported on their investigations regarding rivers in karst districts of the USSR reWrt Prtseuted st, the 3rd AU-Uhion ft~dmiogicaLl COnCreS8, 7-17 Oft 1957, I-eningred- (IzV- Ak Nmuk SM. ser geograf., 3, PP3-9, '58) UKHAHOV, V.V.; FLKROVA, R.A.; ZNAKENSKAYA, Ye.M.; SDOWA, Ye.S.; ANIREY"A, N.M.; SKOHODUMOV, D.Ye.; M.P.. Prinimali uchastiye: MOKHOTA, M.A.; BORSUK, N.Y.. PROS112- yAXOTt A.K.j; SlIATILINA, M.K., red.; SOLOVEYCHIK, A.A., [Directions for hydrometeorological stations and postal Nastavle- nie gidrometeorologicheakim stantaiinm i postsm. Leningrad. Gidrometeor.izd-vo. No.6, pt-3. (Compiling and preparing for printing the yearbook of hydroloj7I Sontavlenis i podgotovka k pachati gidrologichoskogo ezheeodniks. 1958. 290 p. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glovnoe upravlenie gidrometeorolo- gicheakoi sluzhby. 2. Otdel gidrometrii Gosudarstvennogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gidrologichaskogo institute (for all except Sh3tilina, Soloveychik). (Hydrology--Yearbooka) 0-a Vr I let", d,lcl, AUTHOR: Gavrilov, A. M. 50-2-8/22 TITLE: Calculation of the Ylow of Water Through Turbines in Large NyAro- electric Power Plants (Ob uchete stoka cherez turbiny nakrupnykh gidroelektrostantsiyakh). PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, 1958, Nr 2, Pp. 33-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1956 the co-operators of the 11,ydrolot,-ical State Institute have visited a number of large electric power stations in order to get acquainted with the performance of the "rule for the control of the outflow oflarge electric power stations and hydroelectric centrals" on the very apot as well as to investigate some details of regular control of the outflow on different conditions. The basic element in the water consumption at ramming points of a number of big electric power stations is the water consumption by the turbines. In order to determine the quantity of consumption the head of water as well as the average output per hour must be continuously determined. The t-,raphical computation plans of water consumption by the turbines are set up on the basis of turbine characteristics obtained on the occasion of controlling Card 1/4 their model in the plan'.. This is done by means of trans- Calculation of the Flow of Water Through Turbines in Iarge 50-2-8/22 Hydroelectric Power Plants formation of the tent data from the model to the actual aggregate, according to the analogous formulae and by means of transition from the power output of the turbine to the power output of the generator by means of the efficiency of the generator. The mentioned method is not the best and should be replaced by another which demands less work. The following conclusions can be made from the remarks in this paper; 1) The values of ramming pressure which were taken into consideration for the computation of the values of daily water consumption do not correspond in the majority of the elec*ricity plants to the values of the effective head of water. This can be explained by the neglecting of pressure losses, the difierence of velocity pressure as well as by the possible difference of the water level in the outlet channels, the diversity of turbines and the lowering of the water level between the measuring points of the water and the turbines. On this occasion water pressure is usually increased by a small extent Card 2/4 Calculation of the Flow, of Water Through Turbines in large 50-2-8/22 Hydroelectric Power Plants which causes a decrease of water consumption by 3-5~ on the average. 2) In view of this fact greatest attention must be paid in all electric power plants to the control of water pressure losses. 2 Water level observation points (water level gauges) must be mounted in each section of the river in immediate vicinity of turbines in the inlet and outlet channels. For the estimation of the lowering of the water level in the lower section of the channel short termed special observations by means of continuously operating recording instruments and temporarily mounted water meters must be carried out in every electric power olant. These devices should be mounted to the outlet channels of the turbines. According to the results of observation a decision is taken as to the necessity of the determination of computation values of pressure separately for each turbine. Card 3/4 Calculation of the Flow of Water Through Turbines in Iarge 50-2-8/22 Hydroelectric Power Flauts 3) It is necessary to measure creater losses on the inlet Erids as to the geometrical head of water (more than 1-2~). In this case the electric power plants must be equipped with permanent devices for the reigulnr measuring of water flow on the Grids. Also the difference of velocity pressure must be determined. There are 4 references, 1 of which is Slavic. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 GAVRI LOV,,- A. H. Calibration results of a discharge opening In the dan of a small hydroelectric pnwar station under natural conditions. Trudy GGI no.70:30-35 151. (MIRA 11:11) (Hydroelectric power stations) Y, andr lovich: POPOV, Igor' Vladimirovich: GAVRIL,0 Mikha ~~ - -AIW~s~ ZVORYKIN, K.A.,; DAVYI)OV, L.K., prof., red.; YASNO- GORODUCAYA, M.M., red.; WMGEYEV, A.H., [Hydrology and the national economy] Gidrologiia i narodnoe kh02iaiStVO. Pod red. L.K.Davydove. Leningrad, Gidromateor. izd-vo, 1960. 182 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Hydrology-RoBearch) -GA OV,_Aleksandr Mik y1ovich, kBnd.gpogr.nauk; KABANOVA, Kira Sorgoyevna, )6 nd-,'ge ogr, Ywuk; PROSMYAKOV, Andrey Konotantinovich, kand.takhn.nauk; IVZHMMO, A.Kh., red.; MODUROT, O.G., [Principles of calculating water discharge at hydroelectric power stations] Osnovy ucheta stoka na gidroelektrostantaiiakh; posobie dlia gidrologov. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1960. 342 p. (KIRA 14:1) (Hydroelectric power stations) G-AVRI LOT, A. M. Influence of karat upon the runoff of small rivers* Iz-veTsesa geog. ob-Ta, 92 no-3:251-262 My-Je '60. OWU 13:6) (Karat) (Ranoff) GATRIWY, Aleksey Makeimovichl.-kand.i3ellskokhoz.nauk; FEWROY, II.A., tekhn. re d. [Two yields a year; growing stubble Stalingrad Province]' Dva uroshaia .poshnivnykh i podeevnykh kulltur v Stalingrad, Stalingradskoe knizhnos and companion crops in v god; vozdelyvanie Stalingradekoi oblasti. izd-yo, 167 P. (MMA 14:3) (FieIA crops) .G"RILOVs A,Ms-,-,kand.sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk Use irrigated lands more intensively. Zemledelie 23 no.12:11-14 D 61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Volgogradskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut. (Irrigation farming) GAVRIIDV,_Aleksey Maksimovich; KOVYRYALOV, Yuriy Platonovich; KUKLIN, P.V., red.; IMBOLDINA, S.I., tekbno red@ (Reclaiming floodlands in Stalingrad Province) Osvoenie poimonnykh zemell Stalimgradskoi oblasti. Stalingrad, Stalingradskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 138 p. (MM 14-.11) 1. Kafedra zemledeliya Stalingradskogo sellskokho-.yaystvennogo in- stituta. (for Gavrilov). 2. Sekretar' rayonnogo komiteta Kormunisti- cheskay partii, Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Kovyryalov). (Volgograd Province-Drainage) (Volgograd Province-Agriculture) PUSHEKt B.S.f kand geogr. nauk; POPOV, I.V., kand. geogr. nauk; 0 BRMSOV9 I.N., in2h.; FEDOROVp N.N.v kand. tekhn. nauk; GRUSHEVSKIY9 H.S., kand. tekbn. naukj-, KRIVOSHEYp B.Z.j, inxh.#; POPOVp O.V.p star. naucbnyy sotr.; PIKUSHp N.V.9 kand. tekhn.nauk; LEVIN p A.G.p kand. tekbn. nauk; ZHIDIKOVy A.P.p izzzh.; GAVRILOV A,M., kand. geogr. nauk,- KONDRAT IYEV qN.Ye. 9 kand. tekbn.mank, %e. V.A., kand. tekbn. naik, red.; SHATIWAt M.K.9 red.; SOLOVEYCHIKv A9A.q tekbne reds [Investigation of unsteady flow of water in the Tvertsa Wid Dredezh Rivers] Iseledovaniia neustanovivshogosia dvizheniia, voc~y na rekakh Tvertse i Oredezh. Pod red. N.E.Kondratleva i V.A.Uryvaeva. Lenin- grad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1961. 287 p. 6 charts (in pocket) (MIRA 14:8) 1. Leningrad. Gosudarstvenmy~ gidrologicheakiy institut, ~T-vertsa River-Wrology) (Oredezh River-Hydrology) GAVRILOV, Aloksandr Mikhaylovich; IVANOV, K.Ye. , prof., nauchn. red.; MlRONENKO, Z.I., red. [Fundamentals of calculating the runoff in lrjdroelectric power stations; textbook for lqdrologisi.:31 Osnovy ucheta stoka na gidroolektrostantsiiakii; posobic d1in gidrologov. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1965. 418 p. (IMIRA 18:12) GRINENKOI L.U.; AIMHEYEVA, M.G.;__GAVRILCV, A.14. Some data on isotope composition in suMir suIfides of the gold ore deposits of the'Baley region (eastern Transbaikalla). Gookh'I'miia no.3:325-336 Mr 165. (MMA 18:7) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy E;ornr,-razvedochnyy institut redkikh, ra3seyanykh i blagoro,-Inykh :-iietzallo%, Moskvu. 4HIGULAI V.I.; GAV~-'[,()V, .~.M.,, i-No I Parming in- rew furnsice hearth hottam. ellet-allurg .10 no,3316-1.7 Vr 165- (MIRA 1845) GAVRMOV, A. M. Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) "W?9~ harvest and additions. ly orops in the irrigated agrioulture of the Volgo-Akhtubinsk!gp bottom lands." Stalingrad, 1957. 23 pp (M~n of Agr USSR. Stalingrad Agr Inst), 150 oopies (KL, 42-57, 93) -34- GAVRILOV., A.I.I., kand.sel'skoldioz. nauk Stutble crops in Volgograd Province. Zemledelie 25 no.7;45-47 JI 163. (MA 16:9) 1. Volgogradskiy sel'skokhoz3raystvennyy im"itut. (Volgograd Province-Field crops) GAVRIL9_V, Worovich; KHAVINSON', Yu.I., red.; --- - -.Alekoandr Nik n P&GRUGMA, A..V.,, tekhn. red. (Maintenance-and adjustment of the electrical equipment of motor vehiclds and tractors] Tekhnicheskoe obsluzhivanie i regulirovka av-totraktornogo elektrooborudovaniia. Irkutsk, Irkutskoe knizbnoe izd-vo, 1963. 78 p. (MIRA 17:1) 2L (171 GAVRILOV.A.N. -------------- (TechnOlOgY of aviation instrument makingl Tekhnologiia aviatelonnogo priborostroonlia. 1951. 460 p. (KLRA 8:9) (Aeronautical instruments) G&VRIWT, A.H.; KYM, V.I. [Methods of increasing labor productivity in tool making] Pati povysheniia proizvoditalluosti truda v priborostroenii. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd- vo mshinostrolt.lit-ry, 1953. 238 p. (KLHA 6:8) (Machine-tool industry) GATRILOT A N doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; MAW, A.M., do~seni, 660ptakhnicheskikh nauk, rateenzent; RUSHVICH, LK., inzheaer, redaktor: POMTA, S.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Progressive practice in Instrument making] Progreasiynala tekhnolo- giia priborostroonlia. Moskva. Goa. nauchno tekhn. izd-vo mashinc- stroit. I sudostroit. lit-ry, lto-3. [Instrument parts production techniques] Tekhnologiia prolsvodstva elamentov priborov. Pod red. A.N.Gavrilova. 1953-320 P. (MIRA 8:3) 1. Tessoyusnoys nauchnoye inzhonerno-tekhnichaskoys obahchestvo mashinostroitelay I priborostroiteley. (Instruments) 'SOVETSKA VEDA, 5TROJIRENSTVI (Soviet SCIeficip tnZt'n-;erIng, Czechoslovak i4-) Vol 4, No. 4, July-August, 1954 ,ook Reviewst Progressive technology in instr6i�A~ 3 volumes of 198, 338 .nd 322 pages' rieia)~--ctlvelY- Edited by As My GavrilQ-x,.1953. Review by J.'-Kamarad ....... ... #606 8'4. t. DomanskiJ Introduction idw ~itomatic and TaTecontrolso 1950. Czech'Trank'Aton published IW-1954, 410 pages Oviewed by H. Balsa ..................... 608 rf. P* MikhaAO-VI Weldin with a 3-phrase arc. diech Translations iV53. Reviewed by A. Benes .................... 6ll A,N1.,,doktsr takhnichaskikh nfmk, professor; RUSNVICH, I.M., ,As liener, redaktor;.ART='Y1VA, A.Yu.,redaktor; KATVNMA, Ye.N.. takhnichaskiy redaktor. (Advanced technoloa in instrument mnking] Progressivnaia takhnologlia pribarestroeniia. Pod red.A.N. Gavrilova. Moskva, Qoe.nauchne-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. No.4 [Techno- logy of. instrumeaf pa:rts.pAduction] Tekhnol*gHa'proikv*dttv& elementev 0iiborot. 1955. 214 D. (KLRA 9;5) 1. Viesoyuznoye nauchnoys inshenerno-tekhnichaskoye obshchestye mashinostroiteley i priborostroitelay. (Instruments industry) RABIIK)VICH-,--A~~i~a--m-Nokhimovich, professor, doktor takhalcheskikh xauk; SBRDTUK, Y.K., Anzheser. redaktor; skikh'sauk-,'p'r6fblFoor,-rotdaktoatI UUM31111,' lair., tekhidebeekly redaktor~- [Automatizatiox and nechanlza~tlox of selected processes in machine and instrument construction] Aytonatizatsiia i mekhanizatsiia aborocbsykh proteessoy v mashizostroenii i priborostroanii. Kiev. Gos.naucho-takh.W-vo wohinostroltellnoi lit-ry, 1956-171 P. (KLRA 9: 4) (Automation) (Machinery industry) GAVRILOV, A.N. ---.OWWvw."q - - - .t , , 'aia- * Cm6-z * Autowtiza ion me I &tiOA of production processes in the instrume *t* - -'" crib' 7 1 NLRA 10:4) (Z I iry. arostroanis no.2:-1-6 57. strument Industry) (Automatic control) GAVRIWV, A. if. Tekhnologiya Izgotoyleniykk Detaley Aviatsionnm Friborov (Tech- nology of Producing Aviation Instrun*nt Ports), by A. N. Gavrilov, Oborongiz, Moscow, 1956, 388 PP This book has been approved by the Ministry of the Aviation industry USSR as a text for use in aviation instrument building tekhnickums. It describes the general and theoretical aspects of selecting the proper technological means for the production of instruments. A study is made of the general production methods most characteristic to instru- ment building as well as the technology of producing typical parts such as stems, gears, threads, springs, magnets, measuring scales and dials, housings, etc. The author describes for each instrument part its machining and ac- curacy requirements, the metal to be used, heat-treating requirements, and other production considerations necessary for the part to meet its desired functional requirements within the instrument as a whole. '-S I 25 PHASE I BOOK r"WITATION SOV/2118 Ga,n-ilov A.K., Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor; P.I. Kovalev; 11~_~ Uv; and N.F. Zherdev Allbon prisposobleniy dlya metallorezhushch1kh stankov, primenyayemykh v priborostroyenii (Albuz of Fixtures for Metal-Cutting Tools Used in the Instrument-Making Industry) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 166 P- 5,000 copies printed* Ed.: A.N. Gavrilov, Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor; Scientific Ed. 9- of Publis ni House: G.F. Kochetova; Tech. Ed.: Ye.S. Gerasimova; Managing Ed. for Literature on Machine Building and Instrugent Making (Mashgiz): N.V. Pokrovskiy, Engineer. PURPOSE: The album is intended for tool designers and process engineers. The album may also be used as a textbook by students in vtuzes and machine- tool tekhnikums in connection with projects and work leading to a diploma. COVERAGE: This album is intended to facilitate the wazicf creating better machine- tool fixtures. There are 180 drawings of the more common and characteristic fixtures from some twenty instrument-making plants. There are brief explanations Card '/I I'll tonru ~-~T-JVF\TL-~-;V, ti 1-i PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 761 Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo priborostroitel"noy pramyshlennosti Av-tcmatizatsiyiL I mekhanizatsiya pr'otsessov proizvodstva v pAborostroyenii (Automation and Mechanization of Production Processes in InArument Manufacturing) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958- 591 p. 8,500 6opieg printed. Ed.: Gaylilov. A. N. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Revieve'r: fl-~zi-yevskiy, A. P.P DoFtor of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Kathetova, G. P., Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Model'J, R. I. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers,, technicians,, and scientific per- sonnel concerned with mechanization and auiomation of production processes in instrument mantEctarijig, and for students and teachers of this' subject In vtuzes. COVERAGIrz The book describes the characteristic features of the present state of mechanization and automation of production processes in the instrument industry. Part 1. describes the planning of automation means, the theory of precision., economic efficiency under automated production conditions, and also Card 1/)$ -Automation and Mechanization of (Cont.) 761 the theory and practice of overall mechanization and automati(ML -Parts 2P 30 and 4 discuss 7'the most characteristic and effective methods imd means of automation and mechanization in all stages of instrunent manufacturing. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PART 1. GENERAL AND THEORETICAL PROBLENS OF AW'(*WI0ff AND MZCHMI~ATION OF PRODUCTION PROCESSES IN INSTRWENT MANUFACT(AU30 Ch. Trends in Automation and MechanIzation of Production ProccAses in Instrument Manufacturing1darriloy. A. N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor) 7 Ch. IIY' Problems in the The~ry of Automatic Lines (VLadziyevekiy, A. P.) Doctor of Technical Sc~ences) 20 1. Basic concepts 20 2. 5ize of banks between work stations along an automatic line 23 3. Determining of coefficient 8 to compensate losses between two dissAmilir work stations 24 Card 2/0 Autcmation and Mechanization of (Cont.) 761 4. Relationships between features'of a two-sector line which provide the line with a maximum ofttput 33 5. Determination or total specific losses along a line divided into an arbitrary n=beir of sectors, using the method of two unequally vor)dng sectors 36 Ch. III. Calculating"the Pre6iglon of Technological Processes of Machining Under Conaitions-of Autanated Production (Gavrilov. A. N.,Doctor of TechnicaX 86iences, Professor and Karapov,'A. N.,Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent-) 41 1. Analysis of production errors ariAing from*teeVaological processes 41 2. Canpounding (synthesis) of production errors 51 3. Example of calculating a compounded error 69 4. Prospects for using the compounded error method 73 Ch. IV..- Theoretical and Experimental Features of Autcmatic Feeders (Vul,fson.9 1. A., Engineer and Dymshits, Ye. S., Engineer) 76 card 3A# PHASE I BOOK ExPiDITAT:rON 3-121 Gavrj2ov Anatoliy NikolayeVich and Myuyr, Valentim Nikolayevich Rezervy i puti povysheniya, proizvoditellnosti truda v priborostroyenii (Potentials and Means for Increasing Labor Productivity in Instrument Manufacture) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 642 p. 2,500 copies printed. Reviewers: Polyakov, N.I., Professor and daley, M.T., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: Avrutin, S.V., Docent; Ed. of Publishing House: Salyanskiy, A.; Tech. Ed.* Uvarova, A.F., Managing Ed. for Literature on the Economics and Organization of Production (Mashgia): Saksaganskiy, T.D. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineering and technical personnel of the instrument manufacturing in&mW. COVERAGE: This book discusses basic ways and means for increasing labor pro- ductivity in instrument manufacturing operations and it covers the full production cycle including the design and developmental phase of engineering processes as well as actual manufacturing of the final product. Modern methods of casting and pressure forming, making plastic parts, machining metal parts, and assembling instruments are fully described and discussed. Card -If.= Potentials and Means (Cont.) 1121 Methods of overall automatization of production processes are reviewed and explained. There are 49 references of which hT are Soviet, 1 German, and. 1 reference to non-Soviet magazines. TAME OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Two Basic Trends in Studying and Utilizing Reserves to Increase IA~or Productivity 7 Ch. II. Unused labor Time for Increasing Labor Productivity 9 Basic trends in organization of production 9 1. Organization of the technological process 9 2. Organization of work-station service 19 3. Organization of production management 21 4. Specialization and cooperation in industry 26 Classification of vays of bringing real labor time up to its rating 26 Card-e~_Il S11 23/6O/0r-C/aG9/0'- 5/t 17 A00 4/A00 1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyenlye, 1960, No. 9, P. 265, # 45196 AUTROR: Gavrilov A N TITIE: State and Fundamental Problems of the Theary of Manufacturing Accuracy in Mechanical Engineering and Instrument-Making PERIODICAL: V sb.1 Osnovn. vopr, tochnosti, vzaimozamenyayemosti i tekhn. izmereniy v mashinostr. Moscow, Mazhgiz, 1958, pp. 24-39 TEXT: The author analyzes three trends in sol:;ing problems of accuracy in mechanical engineering and Instrument-making. the structural, -.ecnnological and metrological trends. Special attention is given to the pr:~ducticn teohnc~logy in the following stages: 1) Problems of general-science and procedure; 2) inves-~"_ gations of individual technological processes; 3) analysis and synthesis of accuracy of technological processes as a whole, concerning all stages of machine part tooling; 4) analysis and synthesis of accuracy of the manufacture of articles (devices, assemblies, machines) as a whole. Tne authcr s-,udies problems of statistical investigations of the accuracy of technological processes, Using Card 1/2 :3/1 1 23/6o/ooo/ooq/0 15/0 1 Aoo4/Aooi State and Fundamental Problems of tbe Theory of Manufacturing Accuracy in Mechanical Engineering and Instrument-Making a number of scientific works as example, which play a great, in e~3t.ab'Hshing theoretical foundations of accuracy calculations of individual prcces~~es, as well as problems of analysis and synthesis of accuracy of prcduction processes of machine parts and articles as a whole. K.1,Yu. Translator's note- This is the full translation of the original Russ'-an abstract. Card 2/2 &-'i 15V/C/ Z- () V 4, /V. PnSE I BOOK EMDITATIOW sov/416i S07/U-S-U6 Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze Voprosy teorii tochnosti proizvodstva v priborestroyenii; sbornik statey (Problems in the Precision Theory of Instrument Manufacture; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. (Series: Its: Tz:udy, vyp. 116) 190 p. Errata slip inserted. k,,150 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Ministerstvo vyashego obrazovaniya. Ed. (title page): A.W. Gavrilov., Doctor of Technical Sciencesj, Professor; Ed. (inside book): S.I. Bumshteynp Engineer; Ed. of Pablishing House: N.A. Gortsuyeva; rech. Ed.: B.A. Pdkhlikova; Managing Ed.: A.S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for design engineers, process engineers, and students in advanced courses at instrument-manufacture departments of schools of higher technical education. Card IA Problems in the Precision Theory (Cont.) SOV/4161 COVERAGE: The collection of articles deals with general problems in the precision theory of instrument manufactm-e. The theory and practice of calculating process precision for typical processes and products of the aircraft-instrument and component industries are sloo discussed. References follow several of the articles. TAWZ OF CONTENTS: Gavrilov, A.N. State and Aims of the Theory of Precision of Production .n Aircraft-Th-strument Manufacture 3 Borodachev, N.A. [Doctor of Technical Sciences,, Professor]. Calculating Methods for Detecting Productivity Reserves and Production Precision in Precision Machine and Instrument Manufacture 13 Kurapov, A.N. lCandidate of Technical Sciences.. Docent). On the Problem of Calculating Machining Precision of Single-Spindle Automatic Lathes 68 Khokhlov, B.A. (Candidate of Technical Sciences]. Investigation of Precision of Milling Operatit~ns for Low-Module Gearing Used in Aircraft-Instrument Mamifacture 80 Card 2A I-