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GATSKE,VICHY,V.-.A.., inzh.; PETROVSKIY, V.S., inzh. Selecting automatic production lines for ludLw-r yards for logging roads in Krasnoyarsk Territory. Mekh.i avtom,proizv. 16 no.7:32-34 Jl 162. (MIRA 15.-8) (Krasnoyarsk Territory--Lumbering-~hchinery) GHIKOV, Yakov Ivamvich;-GATSKEVj9jj,.-V red.; PIRSKAYA, M.Z., red. izd-va; BACHURINA., A.M., takhn. red. (Combined lumbering and wood processing enterpriaes]Komplekanyo lesozagotovitellnyo predpriiatiia a pererabotkoi drevesiny. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1960. 6) p. (MIRA 16:2) (Wood-uning industries) PI.OTNIKOV, M.A.; YEVSTIFEYEVA# T.V.; TAUBER, B.A.; PETMV, V.Ye.; ZAVIYALOV, M.A.; NAZAROV, V.V.; ANOPOLISKIY, M.G.; OBRAZTSOV, S.A.; BAMMf CHEVAZHEVSKIY, A.P.; DRANISHNIKOV, L.G., retsenzent; ALKEYEV, N.F., otv. red.; SLUTSKER, 14.Z., red. izd-va; VDOVINA, V.11., tekhn. red. (Lumbering camps; mechanization of work at lower timber landings. A handbook] Lesozagotovki; mekhanizatsila rabot n& nizhnikh skladakh. Spravochnik. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat 1962. 441 P. (MIRA 16:6~ (Lumbering) POZI-111L Vladlralr GeorglyevIch.; GATAEV ICE , 'V.A- (Safety measures, labor hygiene, and fire prevention measures at lumbcrin~- camps] Toklini-ka bezopasnouti, gi- giena Lruda i pi-o-tivopozliarnye meropriiatiia na lesoza- gotovkakh. Moskva, Izd-vo "Lesnaia proryshlonnostl," 1963. 173 P. (MIRA 17:6) GA-LIPERIN, Z.S.; KLYCHKOV, P.D.; LAKH, Ye.I.; bORi3ACHEVSKr!., V.A.; DARAGAN, L.D.; RYZHKOV, A.N.; SUKHARNIKOV, 1.0.; TURASS, A.L.; (~APWICH9.N.A., red. (Manual on automotive transportation of lumber] Spravoch- nik po lesovoznoma avtomobillnomu transportu. Moskva Lesnaia promyshle most 1, 1965. 446 p. (MIU 19: 1i 1. Khimki. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovatellski7 institut mekhanizatsii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlonnosti. Subject Card 1/1 Author Title Periodical Abstract AID P - 5534 USSR/Aeronautics - Miscellaneous Pub. 58 - 8/15 -9-ats-k yo L-, Sen. Engineer, Bogodukhov training unit, MUSA-AF More attention must be paid to the work of the innovators Kryl. rod., 12, 13, D 1956 The author enumerates some innovations which are said to have facilitated the teaching, the maintenance work, and the control of flight at the Bogodukhov (Kharkovskaya Oblast', Ukrainian SSR) Training Unit, DOSAAF. Institution : Submitted : None No date MALYUKOV, V.M.; GATSKO, A.A. .Now Poisoning cwjsed by an inf~.,slon of Spanish fly. Vrach.delo no.10: io?-io8 o t6o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapli (zav. - prof. R.I.Sharlay [deceased]) lechebnogo fakullteta Kharlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (CANTHARIDES--TOXICOLOGY) CATSKO, G.G., Crind Bio Sci--(di.,.s) "Content of in the- OrfrIJIS of 'Uic fetim ~-.. i i dblood of Ithe i.,ot6her." 1,,)5~~- 17 -,p incl covor (I.,irt of Diolory of the Acad Sci 3c-n I-- , 1-4) GATSED, G&G. [Hateko, H.H.] ~ 19 Uhanges with age in the amount of manganese in organs of humn embryos and fetuses. Vestsi AN BSSR Ser. blial. nav. no.1:81-90 158- (KIRA 11:5) (MANGANESE IN THIC BODY) (EMIRTOIDGY, HUKAN) (VISGUA) GATSKD, G,G, Manganese content of blood daring pregnancy and labor. Trudy Inst. f iziol. All BSSR 2:260-265 158. (HLRA 12: 1) 1. Inboratoriya vozrantnoy biokhimii Institutn fiziologii AN BSSR. (ROGAMN IN THS BODY) (PREGNANCY) LZONOV9 VeAv [Igraonau, V*A*3; GA75KO, GoGe Nangansee content of the blood, organs# and tissues of rabbits at different physiological stages. Vestsi AN DSSR. Ser.biial. nar. 160. (KIRA UsO (YANGA13SI IN THE BODT) (RABBITS) LEONOV, V..i%.; Gj-,TSK0, G.G. Manganeae content of the blood In newborne. Dokl.AX BSSR 4 no-8:360-362 Ag '60. (KNA 13:8) ..I 1. Saktor --rontologii AN BSSR. . I . . (BLOOD.) (MkIIGiIMSI: III -11U. BODY) .. .. LEONOVy V.A., akademik,----GAMO-L__qq,,_f_kand.biolog.nauk Amount of manganese in the organs of newborn dying from bronchopneumonia. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no. 10:14-16 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. AN BSSR (for Leonov). (MMANESE IN THE BODY) (PMUMONIA) GATSKOJ, G.G. (Hatsko, H.H.] Study of tyrosine metabolism as related to age. 'festai AN BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.4tl33-134 162. (MIRA 17t8) GATSKO, G. [Iiatsko~ I[.] Vasil4..'L Antonavich Leons-4 1889- ; on his 75th birthday. Vestai Y I - AN BSSR. Ser. biial. nav. no.2; 113-115 16"j. Omni, 1,?: ul il-.-I.-i changes in zinc E;xcfeltcr by the kidneys. Dokl. no.3:19'i-198 lf:~ 165, (MIR-k 18:6) antologil All L GATSKO, G.G. "'Unc coneentration In the blocd and urine- In 2ulzar diabetc;n, Dokl. AN BSSR 9 no,6:410-411 Je 165, CHRA 18-9) 1. Sektor gerontologii AN BSSR. G;-.7~.V I G. C'. -.,-,ncentrat,-on in p:-~)',j. endolk. i gorm. 11 no.1:2'1--Y~ 18:7) V's u s C, v ~~ r z4 ~l e n2 t vr~ a , 1-: USSR/General Problems - Methodology. Scientific Institutions A-1 and Conferences. Instruction. Questions Concerning Bibliography and Scientific Documentation. Abs four Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1957, 25653 Author G. Gatsko. Inst Titl-a To Improve Instruction of Chemistry in Schools. Orig Pub Sovetskaya Shkola, 1956, xo 6, 11-19 Abst---act Card 1/1 The achievements and shortcomings of instruction of chemistry in schools of White Russian SSR and measures to improve it are discussed. 12 "GATSKO. G.H.,,redaktor; MAYEVSKAYA, V.1.,radaktor; STERZHANOV, P.M., [Polytechnic training In White Russian schoolal Politekhnichaskoe obuchenie v shkolakh BSSR. Pod red. G.N. Gatsko. Minsk, Gos. uchabno-padagog. izd-vo M-va prosveshchaniia BSSR, 1957. ,94 p. (MLRA 10:5) 1. Minsk. Navukova-dasledchy instytut pedaqogiki. (White Russia--Technical education) GATSKO, G.N. (Moskva) Relating the teaching of chemistry to biology and practical work in agriculture. JZhim.v shkole 12 no.6:53-60 H-D 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Chemistry--Study and teaching) (Biology) GATSYO, G.N. (g.kinsk) I Connectinn of chemistry courses with industry and students work. Politekh.obucb. no.5:lq-23 MY '59. (14IRA 12:7) (Minsk-Chemistry-Study and teaching) GATSKOJ* G. Positive response of teachers from White Russia. Xhim. v shkole 15 no,2:43 Mr-AP 160, (MIRA 143,5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy sektorom khimii i biologii Nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta.pedagogiki BSSR. (White Russia--Chemistry--Study and teaching) GATSKO, G.N. Ways and methods of using local industrial material in teaching chemistry. Khim. v shkole 16 no.4:6-4-69 Jl-Ag '61. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Institut pedagogiki BSSR. (Chemistry-Study and teaching) UCHITHLI, M., inzh.; IDSHK&NOVA, X., inzh.; XAPUSMO, T., inxh.-, %L0, V,_ (g.Kojomna,Xoskovskoy oblasti). BaININA, T,; Ig, Customers pass their judgement. Prom.koop. 14 no.8:26 Ag 069 (KIRA 13:8) 1. Otdel bytovogo obolushivanlya ob1pronsoveta, g.Gbelyablnek (for Uchitall, Loshmanova, Kalusenko). 2. Starshiy inshener otdela obelushivaniya Litpronsoveta. g.Vilinyus (for Babinina). (Service industries) GATSKO, G.G. Study of zinc exchanre ~n persons of different ages suffering from sugar diabetes. DAL All BSSR 9 110- 4:266-269 Ap 165 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Sektor gerontologii AN HSSR. Suhnitted May 14, 1964- U. 5 I/r- 94 ACC NRa U,6027115 SOUM'-' CUDE: 18 6 (A) AU'410R: Gatsolayev, V. (Brigadier general,, ArtillorY) O,'L,.G: 'N'one TIMS: Improving the traininf; of antiaircraft units SOU:ZCZ. - Voyennyy ve3t6nik, no. 5, 19606, 91-94 W.31C TACZ: ground force training, antiai--oraft dofonso A~~-211CT: The training standards and the lo,., proficiency maintained by some antiaircraft artillery units are discussed and rccoimicndations for ipprovemciA3 are proposed. 'Tho actions of some units and their co=andinG officors are criticized by citing their nocli- gence and mistakes in identifying and tracking air -targets, in evaluating ballistic an&-- metcorolo~;ical conditions, in coordinating and controlline firepower and in checking various malfunctions. The Introduction of hi6icr training standards is recoirumended ir, order to improve the ImowledGe of tactical operations and the efficiency in using 57-mm witiaircraft guns, and radar control systems. The possible use of towed aerial tarZ;cts is mentioned and the firing practice against hig~i-szeed taructs "lying at low altitudes is reco=.-onded. The use of real airplEuies for training pux-poscs must be extended includ- ing the flights at low altitudes. The Use of fire power against pitching targets is discussed and the training procedures applied to low flyingTiopters or fig1iter-bombers Card 1/2 ACC NR: are e7amined. It is also stressed that the battery coramndcra and o,fficers be wo-1 trained for rapidly evaluating the combat conditions and properly using t~e fire direc- t1ion system including direct aiming at suddenly appearin(; ana low flying tar.~ets. 'Iho imaortance of visual reconnaissance and Imowledga of the enomy aircraft confit,,urations are also stressed. In conclusion, the.trbnd toward adjustinf; the training conditions to the solution of preconceived theoretical problems is criticised and a wider approach to training in accordance with the firing rules is recommended. SUB CODE. 05, 15/ SUM DAT?,: None Card 2/2 GATSOVA, L., u-ka Dissection of snails. Biol i khim 6 no.501 163. 1. 23 gim., Sofiia- GATSOVA, L.., u-ka Fimmification of animals. Biol i khim 6 no.6:59-60 163. 1. 23 gimnaziia, Softia. GATSUK., P.O. Prevention of postoperative pneumonia. 14erl.sestra 20 no.12:33c,36 D 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Zaveduyushchiy khirurgichoskim otdeleniyem Sestroretskoy bollnitsy imeni Olitskogo, Leningrad. (PNEWONIA) GATSULAYEV, S.S. Gomplex of hydrodynamic studies of test wells and methods of laboratory studies of the physicochemica.1 properties of reservoir fluids; in oil ahd gas pools in the Volga Valley portion of SaratOT Province. Trudy VNII no.3;.-209-235 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Saratovskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo geologorazvedochnogo neftyancgo instituta. (Saratov Province-Petroleum geology) I GATBULAYVO S.M. Stationary inflow of real gas to the well bottom* GaAs proms 8 no9325-9 963 (MTRA 1717) GATSULAYEV, S.S.; KANASHUK, V.F.,; REMICOM0, G.D.; SLAVITSKAYA, O.A. CQmbined planning of the developMnt Of * uovt-~mmercial gas fie1d with a large gas.-potential region- Gas,; delo no.6:7-14 164. . _.. (KIRA 17: 8) 1. Stavropol'-skaya, krayevaya nauchno-issledovateliskaya labora"orlya vsesoy-uznogo nauchno.-IBaledovatallskogo insti-. tuts% rxirodnogo gaza. GATSULAYEV, S.S.; RUTBERG, E.L. FitnctlonJng of gas pooln vif,"i reeervo!r vater underneath. Gaz. prom. 9 no.1134-5 164. (MUTHA 1M2) tj f 7.7 -.ti Pof';'L r' t'4 -'A -7 ali) GATSULAYEV S.S.- KANASHCH11K, V.F.; RFZNICHFNKO. G.P.; NAUMIOVA, K.A. Development of a gas field with bottom water. Gaz. delo no.11: 3-6 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Stavropollskaya KNIL Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta prirodnogo gaza. ~IATilUkY~N C, .4 '1.S.; LANASiIIJK2 V.F. Accelerated progrwriming of the developrient of F!a--3 and gas- cindensate fields. Gaz. FroTi. 10 no.7:4-8 165. ("IDIA m;;I/I GATSURA, V. V. Chemical Abet*' No. 4 Feb. 1954 BiolcglVal Chemistry Thep hat macology of the cardiac gloco Id h" in 3 16,1011111 ocarp V. V. Gat~qrdAtt. 1. Kalinin hted. Inst Wmsk). farm-; j(D is secreted by the leaves Is a whitr Mst. powder sol. in a1c., sp~Lringly sot. In HvO. The effectiveness of I on the hear# be'sMs near that of digi- talis. On lrogs, X, Is AwIce as &tIve -aj I-strophsnthin (I lirog unit - 0.05 nill.). On caLs (1 cat twit - 0.11 mg.). it is a puttA cardlotonic; 0.001-0.002 tng./kg. Increases (the amplitu-Ic of heat beat,slows therhythm,and Increases the blooo pressure; 0.01-0.02 Ing./kil. b the therapeutic dose; D.N-M mg. Ii the toxic dooe. In tests with the Ise- lated ear of the rabbit It has a slight dilator effect at 1: 104- 1: 104, 0.01-0.04 tug. per kg. increases the vol. of the tso- -latedkidney. Toxic doses: of 0.06, 0.08, and sometimes 0.04 tng./kg. decrease the vol. of the kidney; 0.00".02 mg. Increaws the P-Q and shortens the QRS WervAls. The phys., chem., und b1ol. properties of I are similar to stro-, phanthin, but I Is more cumulative thim strophanthin. A do4e of 40%, of the toile dose Is exacted by the Oth day.' The action of I is not changed after vagotomy and atropirl". tion. I is lea vasocomittictor then strophanthid and has only A slight effect on the InLracnrdlid cond. 119 iwd In acute to-diac Insufficlency, L. aoldenber4_~ GATSURA, V.V., kandidat tL~ditsinskikh nauk (Voronezh). ~ More attention ahoul,' be rkqid to popularizing I.P.Pavlovts theories on physiology. Fel'd...' akush. no.3:60-61 Mr '54. (MLRA 7:3) (Physiology) j ZAVRAZIUTOV. V.I.; GATSIMA. V.V. "Arystmum canencens.N Reviewed by V.1.7.avrmhnov, V.V.Gataura. FarmA toks. 18 no.2:60-61 Mr-Ap 155. (KM B-7) (ARYSIWM) MORA, V.V. Iffect of strophanthin and eryeldae on the cardiovascular system in dogs in experimental coronary insufficiency. Farm. I toks. 19 no.2: 28-32 Mr-Ap 156. (MLRk 9:7) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. V.I.Zavrazhnov) Yoroaezhokogo maditainakogo Instituta WOROUART DISUU. experimental, off. of cardiac glycoside oryside with strophanthin (Rue)) (CMIAC GLYCOSIDIS, effects, eryside in exper. coronary insuff.. with stbrophanthin (Rua)) (STROPHOTHIN, effects, on exper. coronary insuff.. with cardiac glycoside eryside (Run)) GATSURA. V.V.; HIKOIAYMY.V.I. Combined effect of caffeine and strophanthin. Biul.sksp.biol. i med. 42 no.11:38-42 N 156. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Iz kafadr7 farmakologil Voroaoshakogo meditainakogo institute (zav. kafedroy doteret V.I.Zavrazhnov) Predstavlena deystvitelInym chlenom AMN SSSR V.I.Skvortsovym. (STROPHANTHIN, effects, on ICG, with caffeine (Rua)) (CAMINE. effects on ICG. with s;rophanthin (Rus)) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Hoart. T Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol.,, No 15) 1958., No- W166 Author : Gataiwa, Vo Ve Inst ~Tovgi&r-' --"' Title Changes in the Indices of Homodynamics and the Electro- cardiogram in Experimontal Disturbancoa of Coronary Circulation Orig Pub Byul. F&spor. Biol. i ~bd., 1957) Vol 43, No 5, 65-71 Abstract In dogs the anterior descending razus of the loft coronary artery was ligatod in the lower third of the artery. There was an increase in blood pressure (BP) and a bradycardias On the socond or third day after operation the BP fell below normal lovels and the bradyeardia dis- appoarod. At autopsy, no widespread necrotic changes were noted in the myocardium. Upon ligation of the artery at its base, immediately after operation there was a drop in Card 1/2 56 USSR / Human and Animal Phyt3iology, Heart# T Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biel... No 15, 1958, 110- 7ol66 EP, tachycardia, and reduction in the circulation t-~tzo (using the lobe2ine test). Changes in the MG (extra- systoles, T-vave inversion, ST segnent deviations from the Isoolectric line) and pathologico-anatomic studies indi- cated an infarct of the antorior wall of the left ventri- cle. Administration of atropine eliminated the extra- BYGt0l0G; OPparently, activation of foci of hoterotropic stimulation upon ligation of the coronary artery is connected with influences mediated via the vagus nerves* A. V. Dokunin Card 2/2 GATSURA, V.V. Comparative effects of erysimin and strophanthin in decompensation of the cardiovascular system In experimental myocardial infarct. Yars.i toks. 22 no.5:414-420 S-0 '59. (KIRA 13:3) 1. rafedra farmakologii (zavedWushchiy - doteaut V.I. Zavrazhuov) Voroneshokogo meditsinskogo instituta. !w (MYOCARDIAL IIWARCT exper.) (STMPHARTHIN pharmacol.) (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES pharmacol.) GATSURAq V.V. Apparatus for timed dosing of electric stimulation. Mad. prom. 14 no.5:66 My 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kemerovskiy meditsinskiy institut. (PHYSIOLOGICAL APPARATUS) (ELFCTRICITY-DISCIARGES) GATSURAY V.V. (Kemerovo) Characteristics of the action of strophanthin and eymarin in experik, mental myocardial infarct. Pat.fiziol.i eksp.terap 5 no.1:66-67 Ja-F 161. 6AIRA 14: 6) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii (*w. - dotsent V.I.Zavrazhnov) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta i kafedry farmakologii (zav. dotsent V.V.Gatsura) Kemerovskogo meditsinskogo institu a. (HEART-INFARCTION) (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES) GATSURA, V.V. Method for reproducing experiviental cardiac aneurysms in dogs. Eksper.kliir.i anest. no.6:49--50 161. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz kafedry farmakologii Keraerovskogo maditsinskogo in.9tituta. (HEART-DISEASES) (ANEURYSMS) 1, .1 7.7.; 'L.A.; 7j'-.,';U;J"Cj7A, S.E. UAT -~: U ) Effa,-~'. of glycovides of the strophanthin grc)-up )n ,Deg-a- lation. Farm. i toks. 25 no-5:584-587 S-- ?(.,2 ~lt "3-:1) 1. Kafedrit famakologii (z:iv. - doLsalL ~~ (,;"(, 1,01r- skogo meditsLnskogo inst-ituta. GATSURA, V.V.; BANRIRINA, L#Ae Analysis of the effect of strophanthinlike glycosides on collateral blood circulation in the myocardium. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 55 no.3:52-55 Mr 163. (!,fIRA 16:2) 1. 1z kafedry farmakologil (zav. - dotsent V.V. GazsLra) Kemerov- skogo meditsinskcgo inatituta. Submitted April 2P, Ick-2. GATSURA, V.V.; BANUURINA, L.A. Methodology for the analy3is of the offec'L of drugs on collateral myocardial circulation. Farm. i toks. 27 no.1:100-102 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kafedra farmakoiogii (zav. - dotsent V.V. Cratsura) Kernerovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. GATSUIRA, 7.7. I N-ew data in the f -Jeld of pI i a rmucolo~ 7'r oF an L! agents; survey of the lit~rat,-Zre. i tok-,. Z8 no.6:748-758 11-D 165. (":.-'.A 19: 1) 1. Kafedra fdr,.,zarkolo,~,ii (zav. - clok-tor med,*. nuuk- prof'. V.V.Gatsu--a) KurskoEo -ie(il,---.---',-isko,-,o in-,-,til-ut~i. GATSURA, V.V.; BANDURINA, L.A. Changes in the sensitivity to strophantin under the effect of substances influencing the efferent innervation of the heart. Farm. i toks, 28 no.1:46-48 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kafedra farrakologii (zav. - doktor med.nauk V.V.Gatsura) Kemerovskogo meditainskogo instituta. Submitted August 19, 1963. 15-57-1-843 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1, p 132 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gattenberger, Yu. P --------- TITLE: The Formation of Some Devonian Oil Deposits in Western Bashkiria (0 formirovanii nekotorykh devonskikh neftyanykh zalezhey Zapadnoy Bashkirii) PERIODICAL: V sb: 10-ya nauch-tekhn. konferentsiya 1955. (Nauch. stud. o-vo Mosk. neft. in-t) Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1956, pp 22-29. ABSTRACT: The author uses the example of one deposit in attemptirg to explain the facts of the erratic distribution of oil in western Bashkiria. He concludes that the oil formed Card 1/1 while the structure was developing. V. P. K. GATTENBERM, Yu.P. Effnet of the permeability of the layor on the poultion of the oil-watpr boundary. Gool.notti 2 no-3:52-55 Mr 158, (14IRA 12:6) 1. V88807flanyy naurbno-issledovatellskiv institut. (Oil reservoir engineering) D~v-nlan t; we qtr~r--- 13- !:Ill "ril"v VI I 1 :3- )7 no GAMIMMGM., Yu. P.,, Candidate Of Geolog-Mineralog Sci (diss) -- "The geologi- cal structure and conditions of formation of oil pools in the lower portion of the MIddle Devonian deposits in western 'Bashki-ria and mighboring areas". Nlosccw, 1959. 9 pp, (Gosplan USSR., Main Admin of Sci Res and Design organizations, All-Union Petroleum and Gas Sci Res Inst VNI:I), 150 copies (KL, No 21, 1959, 112) -,1-0 "d -):,, j to A,-i o' oil an,! .'rr ools in Devonian z:cd*_-::.--.::it:; o%' 3as7,~ci-ia ard ,a--, u A.S.S.i It. Trudy T.II n:,.3C:9i'-115 1~0. A -~cio M&MMOV, II.I.; BAISIIEV, B.T.; GAVrENBF CIER Yu.P.; MUSIN) M.Kh. ~R~ Geology of a producing layer as a basis for improving the progranAng of petroleum. production. Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no. 3:2G-24 Mr 161. (KTRA 14 -.4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Oil fields-Production methods) GATTENBERGER, Yu.P.; POLUYAN, I.G. Oil potential of Jivet sediments of the Bavly field. Geol. nefti i gaza, 5 no.9:43-48 S 161. (MM 14:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nefte-gazovyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut i Neftepromyslovoye upravleniye Bavlyneft'. (Bavly region--Petroleum geology) -GATTEMEAGE-11,7U.P. __ OJI potential of the lower half of the Devonian ter-rigenous strat,m in western Bashkiri-a -and th( eastern Tatar A.S.S.R. Tnidy VIIII no.34411&:1,28 162. (MRA 15,") (Bashkiria-Petrolaum geology) (T,at&, A.S.S.R., ..Petroleum geoloa) laKHAYLOVSKIY, N.K.; KUCHAPINA." DERGUNOV, P.V. Programming the development of the Dl layer of the Shkapovo field. Nauch.-tokh. abor. po dob. nefti no.1-.65-70 158. (MIRA 1519) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Shkapovo region-Oil fields-Production methods) GATTEEIMERCER, YU.P. Determining the possibility of fluid flaws from one layer into another in the processaf prospecting far a field. Nauch.-tekh., sbor. po dob. nefti no.13-.6-10 t6l, (MIRA 16:7) 1. Vaasoyuznyy wftegazovry rauehno-issledovdtellskii~ InBtitute (Ru,gsian platformm-011 reservoir enghb--aring MIKHAYLOVSKIY, N.K.; GATTENDEMUR, NJ'. .. Ratis between the produced and the water cut oil in the Tuymazy field. Trudy VNII no.38:57-63 163. (MII~A 17:9) ~'-A 'i IIEN B I !,.G rRtYu.P.; EFYKINA, M.N. ,---I, , Geologictil-field evaluation of' j,0.r,jI.1!nm rec-Over", from pools while they are being developed as exemplifis-d 6 V study made in the Konstantinovkp 1--t-ld. T-tidy VNII no.-'R. 72-91 163. 0.1,PA 17:9) WIWI; 1.~ Zliii: Yix.?.; KORNiLAYZI, V.".'.; iY, POLI='U,OVA, RYDIJIII, F.S. improving methods for the field an] p2olo-leal atu~ly of oil re.-crvair rocks in crdar to monitor and contxol daveloix-.ont. sbor. po dob. nefti no.22:W-79 164. 1117:1") 1. VSe3oFaznyy nefte6;azzovrf nauclrc-is3le,;r,-,ra+,ills~cly irist.L"ut. Yll.i`.; DQj,OFIIOV, U.I.; C,;ILUV, V.~'.; A.". ~;stinLrtllnq; ;)ctrolaim production, rin tho, oil ficld. :;auch.-tokh. U _ I - (:-aluk 17:10) ,;Wr. io dob. nefti n0.24:90-94 164. 1. Vicsoj-uzny,,r rit-,ftcf:azc,,-fy irl3titut. 7 6~'i / Czechoslovakia/ Physical Chemistry - Molecule. Chemical bond B-4 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 4, 1957, 10900 Author : Steb 11 * B.'Gattermayer M. Title Concerning t -e_9fr_u_ct_u_r_e_-df Hexamethylenetetramine Monohydrochloride I Orig Pub K strukture hexaw-tylents~trami=onchydrachloridu~ Chem. zv!~ati, 19:54, No 4, 173-177 (Slovak;Russian and German sunararies) Abstract Osmometric investigations of a mi-dure of solutions of hexuieethylenetstrami;- ne (1) (0.25 M) and HC1 (0.5 M) have! yielded a curve 1.1hich shows two breaks, so that they evidence the formation of two hydrochlorides of 1-- a normal (C"H )6N4 4HCl and an anomalous (c_s2)6N4.Hcl Oa) (only one N ;atom is bound to i of fICl). Results of investigations of osmometry of alcohol (Methyl and butyl alcohols) solvation show that solvation of hydrochlorides is grea- ter than that of amines. This fact is correlated by the authors with the influence of the coordinated H atom, which distorts the N-H bonds. The au- thors assume that 3 of the N atoms in II are within the fi~:Id of distorting action of the H atom, vhich causes increased polarity of tht rfzwiining N atoms, imparting to them sol-Tating property and preventing t2heir bonding vith HCI. In I angles between C-N bonds, next to the innex R atow. 8xA Card 1/2 Czechoslovakia/ Physical Catmistry - Molecule. Caemical bond B-4 Abs Jbur . Referat Zhur - Kbimlya, No 4, 1957, 10900 distorted cOnsidexably and this facilitates their cleavage on nitration of 1, vhich yields hexogen. Card 2/2 - - - - - ~,! LL---- -~74~:2 Zr'- GATTNa A VWtative regulation of immunity and allergy in pulmonary tuber- culosis. R02hl.tuberk. 10 no.5-6:117-126 1950- (CLML 20:6) 1. Of the Iaing and Tuberculosis Depart1kent of the State Therapeutic Institute in Opava (Head of the Institute--Boh.Sanotrik,M.D.: Head of the Department--Josef Payza,M.D.). COUNMY GATMORY ABS. JOR.. ATITIFOR 0-111 f7f FLJB. ADSMACT ;c0umn CAT -irJORY iAE-3. JOLTR, A U -il -, OR ITTTLE OP 1G. P". jABS7711XT iconttd -'CARD: : GDR : Physical Chemistry. Grystal-i : RZKhim.j No. 1 1960, No, 221 Geattow, G. 01, C- Stallochumistry of the 3-,~,F~tem Y Z, anorgan. und allgen, . C11cm. , 298, Uo 1-2, 6L, -71 r I _ Co. prepared by ioint ,1c. 11po T und 2M203 '1400 3 1 .1 hoatin- of and"' B'(1103)3 (11114)2M0% in 111-1 "cOss! of "M31 *,,i,%s invc3tiC~ated roentgenographically (powdbr mathod, XCi)-K,,) anl therriochomically. T110 cuble (A .65 0.01 A) qrri lated to the ntructural type of GaP? with st,,i- tistical distribution of atonis of Bi and 140 'i ' -it-, cubic phase a nd with vacancies of nnions. 11 13 otablo up to 4?00. At 5000, a lot-, SYnnetric 112 RZKhizn., No. 1960 No. 2 21 3 nodification is forvaed- (nonoclinic or triclinic), stable up to 8000. At 870o, the transition into tetrngonal (or psoudotatragonal) modification takes place, the struct-ure of which is dis- cussod.- L. SWcollnikova 2/2 161i)W41CIM51~!, 49 NeUcini.: - Blood Transrusion V8.0 of Intra-Arte:kial Blood Transfusion and Anti- sagrpne, Serum for-Ireating Gas Gangrene Cases," JImj k.~11 G. Gattsuk, Vied Corps, 4 pp Vilrarglys' No 6 TWfts subject method of treatment in 32 cases, and -x"or~s that percent of imi ut amputations and mortality rate Is. r6ducid. even in isevere cases. Technique is simple shd produces no conkLueation. Utia4rterial injectibns pro;red effective , nous injectIonk. This method, however, =irtr;eecondary measure, to surgicall treatmut. 52/49T57 GATTSUK. P.G. (Leningrad, Sestroretsk, u1. Mosina, d. 12) Petrified fetus of an ovarian pregnancy of 34 years duration simulating a tumor of the abdominal cavity. Yest.khir. 81 no.12: 86-88 D '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Iz khirurgicheskogo otaeleniya (zav. - N.Ye. Slupskiy) Sestro- retskoy bollnitsy imeni Olitskogo g. Leningrada. (PIMNANCY. MTOPIC. case reports ovarian. with petrified fetus of 34 years duration simulating tumor of abdom. cavity. (Rne)) (ABDOMHN, neoplasms differ. diag. from ovarian pregn. with petrified fetus (Rug)) GkTTSUK, P.G. (BoBtroretak) Endarteritis obliterans. Felld i akilsh. 24 no.4:11-14 Ap '59. (KIM 120) (ARTERIES-DIRASICS) GATTMX, F. G. Therapeutic use of leaches. Wd.eestra 19 no-2:34-38 7 160. OMU 13 :5 ) 1. Zaveduyuehcbiy khirurgichatakim otdoleniyem Sestroretskor bollnitiq imeni Olitskogo, LaTiingrad. (LUGHIS--TMAPIMIC USE) GATTSUK, P.G.; DOROFEYEVA, A.I. (Sestroretsk) --R, - Diseases of the gall bladder and biliary tract in children. Fel Id. i akush. 25 no.9:28-34 8 160. (MIRL 13%9) (BILIARY TRACT-DISEASES) GATTSUK, P.G. Treatment with honey. I-led. sestra 20 no.?:30-32 JI 161 (MIAA 14:10) 1. Zaveduyushchiy khirurgicheskim otdeleni.yem Sestroretskoy bollnitsy imeni Olitskogo, Leningrad. (HONEY) GATTSUK, P.G. (Leningrad) Varicose veins of the lower extremities. Folld. i akush. 26 no.3s2l-23 Mr 161. (41RA 14:3) (EITFEMITIES, LNER-DISEASES) (VARIX) ' GATTSUK, P.G. (Sestroretsk) Epidermoph)rtosis interdigitale and its treatmnt. Felld. i akush. 26 no.6:50-52 A 161. (DERM&TOPHYTES) (MIRA 14:7) UATTSUX, F.G. (Sestroretsk) Prevention and treatment of' hemorrhoids. Felld. i akush. 26 nodl: 15-18 N 161. ~ W.Oluvriu I Lis) (I~IIRA 15:2) GATTSUKf_P.G. (S-estroretsk) Fruits, vegetables, and berries in the nutrition of sick persona. Med. sestra 21 no.4:31-34 Ap 162. (~am 15:4) (DIET IN DISEASE) - C'Io F GATTSUK2 f.G. (Sesttoretsk) Treatment And prevention of mastitis. Felld. i akush. 27 no.333-8 mr 162. (MA 15-4) (BREAST-DISEASES) I GATTSUK, P.G. Diaposis of phlegnon of the atomach. Khirurgiia no.12:1(Y7-109 161a (nm 15:11) 1. Iz kliimrgichookogo otdoleniya (zav. F.G. Gattauk) Sestroretakoy bollnitsy imeni Olitakogo (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR N.Ye. Slupskiy). (STU4ACH-DISMES) (PHLEGKON) 0 0 W-go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 47-ST(w -*'* ~fe. - ~tt t~! J IN, I SO it ~ . U . . . . . kt st 81 11 to .0 are X to at 4. A CA -40 Ri6ecturts socalls camutL Nf. GArm-ILWTVAL AND P. DXRLATKA. II*6d4OsP1PSf$ Ad, "df*tdyfSmf 39. 111 'S. 1M-41. 110-21. I'll in Fri~nch)(I%121 The pfincipal acti'vv cinntmnwnts In efitut cztx. Arr alicaloids anti annno 1-, Iii.tantine M lyf. -a Ask 00 0 :0 00 go .1 0 ino ackis and as 'Atli a, liv 'IftwIP11. Of 1* 0 &mine L&n lie lotined tjy dembmirlation o1 all, Ive vub4cancra am uastAhk in rsb ,lbuttilm aulmlancv-C '17110 PhYSIGIO'llic"Ify ed 'w I.W% In this WItIlin (I jj")jjtIjj the total amt of alkslakin dt1crmwtt 40-4%1%. Ann $stay Undrjgn all lk"Itopnig frrinentation while NIOII exic with an A,14111 of 2% CIN101 lici air .1ottr %tahle. Achlificatiott of tfVt cit" t' a frsu" of a hydrolysis of Attlimt, sltp. it it 1. k"p t,., amell einta~ 4 cjj,,,t est. its mock, soul to pfTP HOII + 21". IICL wimmilm-st -00 ego, S a L A 01 I&ILL106KAL U111141LAR Cs,4110KATIOu 1.w;fv wei .4, ~' Jet u O-tiTli- i t r- 1 0 ip to PON 01111111 RUSS it f4 !14 k roe t*: too too to a