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ZAKHARIYEVSKIY, M.S.; GATILOVA, Ye.G,; MAKHORTYKH, S.V. Conductance of sodium acetate and ferrous acetates in aqueous acetic acid solutions. Vest. LGU 18 no.22:105-113 163. Conductance method of studying the complex formation of ferric acetate in aqueous acetic acid solutions. Ibid.:114- 119 (MIRA 17:1) r~Ajjj~, 1. I. trcuble. p. 167. Vcl. 7, ,o. July -RIEII.R6 I'VC . ACHICLLRR-- F,.ije'Fp-, lucoslavia L So: East European Accession, Vol. 91, No. 1?51" C- A 7 i !.- , 1 . GAM., I. Why thicker oll? p. 233. irotective :~oncs for stAtiorian, tunm. lisheries. Vol. 7, No. 01, Seut. 1955. `.ORSY0 RlEARs '1"vo. ACRICULTURE Rijeka, luEoslavia So: iast -2-M-opean 14ccession, Vol. 5, Ito. 11, ',!ay 19,16 Gr,TTN, T. GATT%, 1. The correct lubrication of engines. p. Vol. il, No. -r, ~iay 1956. KG RTE-.,F,3TVO PTCULTU'rF Ri4eka, YiiFo3lavia ~0: FaA- 1~1'uroporin Vol. 6, No. 2, Fvl~vumr.v GATIN, L. "Fifty new fishing boats." p. 292 (Morsko Ribarstvo) Vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 1957 Rijeka, Yugoslavia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, jpril 1958 G,-M, , I . i . "Pathogenetic 7herany of Keratitis in Ankals." Canc; Vei 3c!. ~azarjf State Veterinar-,.- Zoolechnical Inst, Kazan', 10,53. (RM'Blol, No 7, Dec 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Disseriations IefenOee at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO; Sm. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 Yugoslavia/Miscellaneous - Yugoslav Jan 53 Science "The Decline of Science in Yugoslavia as a Result of the Antipopular Policies of Tito's Clique," Zhivko Gatin en rci "Priroda" Vol 42, No 1, PP 53-59 -C-V Describes difficulties with which science, edu- cation, agriculture, and public health in Yugo- slavia have to struggle under a "fascist" gov- ernment. Regards as particularly nefarious the action of US ambassador to Yugoslavia in pre- senting a shipment of American 1-,ooks to Belsxrade 243T103 U, because come of these books advocate mass sterilization, cannibalism, and reduction of the earth's populatiorn by one billicin people. 243T103 N GATIN.U.I. Biological characteristics of the sea buckthorn and the problem of introducing It into cultivation In orchards and forest belts. 155. (MIRA 8:11) (Buckthorn) 3(0) 4UTHORS: Nagibina, Lt. S., Kre,,ttovnikov, V. 1"'' SOV/2o- 123-5-D/50 Chzhan Bu-Chun', Gatinskiy, Yu.. G. TITLE: Recent Discoveries of Paleozoic Fauna in the Ualyy Khingan Mountain Range (Chins.) (Novyye nankhodki paleozoyalkoy fminy v khrebte Malyy Khingan (kitayskiy)) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 12.3, Ur 5, PP 910 - 913 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Sovetsko-Kitayskaya Amurskaya ekspeditsiya (Soviet- Chinese-Amur Expedition has found a fauna in the undifferentia- to volc.'~.nic and sedimentary rocks in the northern part of t , 1,LlYY Khingan and the Illkhuri-Alin', This fauna allowed 4 - subdivicion of thissuite of rocks. The suite lies with an angular unconformity on folded crystalline rocks of the Upper Archaic, Proterozoic, and Lower Paleozoic. It is intruded by igneous rack of variotto cot-,ipooitions. In the sedimentary sequence, Silurian Lower and Middle Devonian, and Permian strata could be deternined. The definitely Silurian rocks are distributed in Malyy Khingan and in the southern part of Card 0 Illkhuri-Alin'. They are related to t:.e Silurian sedinentary Recent Discoveries of Paleozoic Fauna in the L:alyy Khin.-an SOV/2o-123-5-39/50 Mountain Range (China) rocks of the Sukhotinskiy anticlinorium on the left side of the Amur River (USSR). They are further exposed along the highway between the cities of Kheykhe and 11unItszyan. The Silurian beds are many kilometers thick and are entirely similar to the faunally characterized Upper Silurian rocks of the Nora River discharge region (IJSSR). Devonian sedimentary rocks in this area have beer, known since 19,,12 (Refs 4,5). Also the authoisfound a Devonian fauna in the Malyy Khingan (1957). The rocks lie unconformably on Silurian strata and outcrop in 2 areas. They are faulted and intruded by granite bodies (Erchzhanukiy stock). Chinese geolo,;ists under the leadership of Chzhao Guy-san' divide the Devonian into 2 suites: a) Nitszyukhe (1500 m thick) and b) Kholunmen (800-900 m. thick). A fauna was found in the latter suite on .14ount Vankholu and in the vicinity of the village of Din'shuy, The brachiopods were identified by V. 11. Krestovnikov, the trilobites by Z. A. Maksimova,and the pelecypods by I. I.'. Krasilova. On the basis of general fauna chari~cter, the lo,,~er part of the Kholunmen suite may belong to the upper part of the Coblenzian Card 2/3 (Lower Devonian). The forms of the Din'shuy rocks have the Recent Discoveries of Paleozoic Fauna in the !V.,l.-,,y Khinl:,an S-07,120-123-5-39/50 mountain Range (China) .ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED: SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 character of Middle Coblenzian sta~;e. The hiKher horizons of this staCe and yet higher the lower horizons of the Eifelian stage (11iddle Devonian) could be recognized through fossil remains (Fig 1). The Nitszyukhe suite is designated Gedinnian by the authors. Professor Yuy Tszyanlchzhan collected fossils on the Kheykhe-11un1tszyah' highway in the south in 1950; he identified them as Fermian-Carboniferous. Sedimentary rocks Yrith Permian faunalcharacteristics were only found in the vicinity of Mount Diguan'shan '(Petushinyy greben'). They are 300 m thick. Here pelecypods (identified by L~ L. Khal- fin) were found. The Permian bedr, lie discorden'Lly on folded Mliddle Paleozoic and older 3tratq. They are lucuotrine and marine, deposited in local basins. There are 2 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are *Soviet. Geologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Geologic Institute Academy of Sciences USSR) August 2, 1958, by N. S. Shatskiy, Academician July 4, 1958 AID F - 5213 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 12/13 Author Gatker, A. B. Title Increasing performance of the ASSh-2 machine Periodical Svar. proizv., 7, 32, Jl 1956 Abstract The author describes and illustrates a special device for shifting the master-pattern forms with the profile of cut parts. This small attachment has greatly improved efficiency of the ASSh-2 oxygen cutting machine. Two drawings. Institution ! None Submitted : No date I - . - I -- -. ~-I GATKINICZ, Janusz, mgr inz. A.C. limiting circuit breakers. Przegl elektrotechn 40 no.1:32-35 Ja'64. 1. Glowny konstruktor Fabryki Apena, Bielsko-Biala. GATKER, Yu.B. [Hatker, IU.B.) Machine for cutting paperboard for tile manufacture of packaging cartons* Lehoprom. no.1t11-12 Ja-Mr 163. (MIRA 16.4) 1. Obshchostvonnoye konstruktorskoye byuro tresta shveynoy pro.,,~.ysh- lennosti "'iyevskogo soveta. narodnogo khozyaystva. GATKI WI.CZCWA, Janim ProfoBsor Witold Slawinski2 Meritorious scientist, educator, aDd civic leader, Vov. 27, 1888 - Sept. 4, 1962. Wiadom botan 7 no,2:113-116 163. Subject Card 1/1 Authors Title USSR/Engineering Pub. 128 - 2/26 Periodical : Abstract : AID P - 5073 Gatkin, N. G., and A.M. Farber, Kandidats Tech. Sci. Noise analysis for determining the performance of machines and mechanisms. Vest. mash., 5. 6-7, MY 1956 The use of noise analyzers for evaluating the quality of machines and mechanisms is discussed. Two analyzers are described for recording wave s ectra for low and high frequencies (2-25 cycles and M-10000 cycles). These devices are recommended by the author on the basis of his experience. 5 illustrations. 3 references. Institution : None Submitted : No date 84493 0,-v f-Y S/112/59/000/014/070/085 ~1,3~,3o (2301j1701j3401j10-31_)& -A052/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 14, p. 244, # 30275 AUTHOR: Gatkin, N. G. TIW,E: Selection of Filter for Frequency Analizer with a Sequential Method of Analysis PERIODICAL: Tr. Sektsii radiosvyazi, radioveshch. i televid'. Ukr.-resp. pravl. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va radiotekhn. i elektrosvyazi, 1957, No. 1, PP-55-59 TEXT: This is an evaluation of resonance systems operating under dynamic conditions as filter analizers: 1-, 2- and 3-stage resonance amplifiers, bandpass amplifiers and RC circuits connected into the. eedback loop. Various circuit have been compared at the same parameter C = UIL'&Fo7st , where AP o7st - pass-band under static conditions and I - rate of signal TrIquency change in cycles/see. The following quantities have been determined as functions of parameter C: 1) the ratio of the maximum values of envelopes under dynamic and static Card 1/2 V\~ S1 112/5 ~)~0'9/0 14/0 70/0 85 A052/AOO1 Selection of Filter for Frequency Analizer with a Sequential Method of Analysis conditions; 2) the relative widening of the pass-band under dynamic conditions, 3) the shift of resonance frequency under dynamic conditions. Conclusions are drawn on the expediency of selecting the parameter CP12 and the application in this case of connected systems. The use of the I-stage resonance amplifier and the amplifier with a double T-bridge in the feedback circuit is not recommended. S. A. B. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Belkin, M. K., ___ Member of the SOV/108-13-lo-4/13 Society, Gatkin,_I,-G,.,._ . Member of the Society TITLE: On the Problem of Receiving Pulsed Signals by Storage Methods (K voproau o priye7me impul'snykh signalov metodom nakopleniya) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1958, Vol 113, 1Tr lo, PP 14 - 17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article the possibilities of receiving pulsed signals by storaGe methods in one sini3le- and double- tuned receivers are discussed. This is in particular an approach to the noise stability conditions at limited mean pulse time. It is shown that atgreat mean pulse times the method of double-tuned storage, as compared to single-tuned reception provides a certain gain in noise stability. A model was constructed for experimept!'d investigations, the block-scheme of which is -iven. Tne results of the comprehensive infor-:,,ation collected are to the point that a double-tuned reception of-fers a certain degree of improvement as compared to ordinary Card 1/2 single-tuned reception with respect to noise stability, On the ~'roblem of Receiving Pulsed SiB-nals by Stora~e SOV/105-13-10-4/13 Methods this gain, however, being insignificant. There are 5 figur s and 5 references, 3 ~f which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 6, 1957 (initially) and December 2, 1957 (after revision) AS=L4MON: Vzeeoyaznoye naucbno-tekhnichekoye obahchestvo radlotekhniki j ejektrosvy=i in. A. S. ropDva (A3-1-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio and Caummications Engineering im. A. S. Popov Card 2/2 87736 S/019/60/000/013/152/200/XX A152/AO27 AUTHORS: Vollerner, N.F., and Gatkin, N.G. TITLE: A Method for Measuring the Spectral Density Modulus of a Unit Signal PERIODICAL; Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1960, Nr. 13, P. 39 TEXT: Class 21e, 36 10 . Nr. 129747 (576499/A-1630/26 of Jun 16, 1952). The novel feature of this method is that its application makes it possible to de- termine a value proportional to the spectral density modulus at a given fre- quency. To this end a signal being investigated is electrically multiplied by a given frequency harmonic voltage, the product is electrically integrat- ed, squared and summed up with a signal obtained by a similar operation in the conjugate channel, with the help of a harmonic voltage of the same fre- quency phase-shifted by a n -2 (P-2) in regard to voltage in the first chan- nel. The square root is then electrically extracted from the summary signal from the two channels. Card 1/1 829"2 etz 5/0 0 S/142/60/00002/012/022 E192/E382 AUTHORS: Belkin, M.K. and Gatkin. N.G. TITLE: On the Problem of the Reception of Weak Signals PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 2. pp 266-269 TEXT: Two radio-receivers are considered (Fig. 1). The first system is in the form of a single-channel device, consisting of a selective filter A w , a square-law detector and an integ- rating circuit. It is shown that the noise-to-signal ratio at the output of this system is given by: 77' '~2 4 C' C C )BblX BbIX where (1-)/C)2 is the noise-to-signal ratio at the input. BX When the_noise-to-signail~lratio at the input is small, Eq. (1) can be written as Eq. (2). The second device of Fig. 1 is a two-channel system which receives input signals U 1. and U 2 Card 1/2 82972 S/1412/60/003/002/012/022 E19"~E4811 On the Problem of the Reception (4) eac Signals and correlated noises xi and x2 It is shown that for the case when there is no correlation between x 1 and x2 the noise-to-signal ratio at the output of this system is given by: 71- 02 2 (5) C U32"~' -C BblX BX It is seen that the gain with respect to the first type of the receiver is V~~ , When x 1 and x2 are correlated, the noise-to-signal ratio at the output is given by Eq. (6), where R12 is the correlation factor for x 1 and x. There are I figure and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra radiopriyemnykh ustroystv Kiyevskogo orde.ia Lenina politekhnicheskogo instituta (Cha,7 of Radio-Receiving Equipment of the Order of Lit.,.in Kiyev Polytechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: Februury ~16, 1959 Card 2/2 36945 s/142/61/oo4/006/007/017 E192/E382 bell AUTHORS: Vollerner, N.F., Balitskaya, V.G. and TITLE: The problem of reception of pulse signals by the storage method P&-UODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnyk1i zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, v. 4, no. 6, 1961, 679 - 683 TEXT: Two methods of pulse-storage reception are analyzed from the point of view of the signal-to-noise improvement at the output. it is assumed that storage takes place before the detector and that the filter of the receiver has a rectangular characteristic, whose bandwidth is considerably larger than the optimum. In the first method, a pulse signal A sin w 0t , having a duration 6, is divided into n-portions which, after a delay, are superimposed on each-other; the duration of each portion is 6 = 6/n and this is a multiple of the number of periods of the carrier frequency f 0 and is not less than the noise correlation interval 1/L f The mixture of signal and Card 6' s/l42/6l/oo4/oo6/007/0l7 T'he problem of reception .... E192/E382 noise U c and U LL) (where ULU is the noise) is applied to n inputs which are connected in parallel and which are successively opened for a tii:ie (9 = 6/n . Each of the inputs is opened after a tine interval G with-,regard to the preceding input. Control of the inputs is performed by a special forming device. The pulses of signal and noise having a duration (9 from the input circuits are applied through delay lines to an adding circuit. The signals froin the first input circuit are delayed by an interval (n-DEP, that of the second circuit by (n-2)e and so on. It is shown that the gain in the signal-noise ratio due to the above system is expressed as: Pcl/Pwi 2. '6 Q1 - P #/P I - .. ci W, 'where n2o?-- is the fluctuation noise at the output of the Card 2/5 s/l42/61/oo4/oo6/oO7/017 The problem of reception .... E192/E382 receiver when the signal and noise are integrated over a period P , and or6 is the noise power at the receiver when integrated over the interval 6 . In the second method, which is analogous to that described in Ref. 1 (M. Slivarts - Voprosy radiolokatsionnoy telchniki, 43, no- 1, 1958, 3), the pulse signal after the filter of the receiver passes through a delay line having 11 outputs. The signal is delayed between two neighbouring outputs by a tirie 6/n = 146f , which is equal to the correlation time of the noise and is a multiple of the period of the carrier frequency. As in the first methods, the pulse at the input of the delay line is rectangular and the rise time of the pulse can be neglected. Again, it is shown that the gain in the signal-noise ratio, due to the predetector storage, is expressed by Eq. (1). Card 3/5 s/l42/61/oo4/oo6/007/0l7 The problem of reception .... E192/E382 It is now necessary to determine the noise powers in Eq. (1). It is shown that provided the bandwidth is much smaller than the carrier frequency the noise is expressed as: 2 4 2 0' = b AW k (3) where b2 is the noise power per unit bandwidth at the input of the detector and k for the case of low signal/noise levels is given by: k 1 577 + cos Am T+ (A(11 7)21 +A -TSi-%w T- In A(uT+CiA,Tj. (,1) (4) The quantity T in Eq. (4) denotes the duration of the output pulse. By employing Eqs. (3) and (4) in conjunction with Eq. (1), Card 4/5 S/142/6i/oo4/oo6/oO7/O17 The problem of reception .... E192/E382' it is found that gains up to 100 are possible. Theve ave 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra radiopriyemnykh ustroystv Kiyevskogo ordena Lenina politeklinichaskogo instituta (Department of Radio-receiving Devices of the Kiyev Order of Lenin Polytechnical Institute) SUBMI'ITED: November 19, 196o Card 5/5 7~13 S/142/62/005/001/003/012 94000 .319 2/ E3 82 AUTHORS: Vollerner, N.F., Gatkin, N.G. and Toreshchulc, R.M. TITLE: A suitable indicator for a frec.,uency-analyzer PF"RIGDICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny1:h Zavedeniy, Radiotelch;iik-a, v. 5, no. 1, 1962, 35 - 90 T EXT The principal difference bettiecii the resLilts obtained a n1L,,-.,.erical analysis of a waveform and an e.-c-3erii-,-.cntal processin- of the vaveform by mcans 'of a frequency- -0 analyzer lies in the fact that the resulL".s of the former can be used to synthesize the shape )f the waveform at ti,,e output of a L. I net-~.ork- ahosc characteristic is Rnoi-mt, -wiiile ", is synthesis is impossible by employing t1lic results of tie analysis. it is t:lerefore suS~;ested that a frequancy-analyzer can be made much miore useful if its output filter is follo--red by three parallel systlems which deter-.;iine m-1_xi:-.-,um ampliturle U max the root -.-.iean square value Ur and the avera,;e value U 171 secondly, the three devices from the following ratios, U M'i-c/u and U /UM In order to detcri,,-,inc whether these r Card 1/2 S/142/62/005/001/003/01Z A suitable indicator .... 17.192/r,382 ratios provide iorthirhile inforiuation, their values are determined for the follourint; Cases: 1) a sinusoidal si-nal; 2) noise havinc- normal probability density distribution; 3) a periodic train of radio pulses of durat-on -L- and a period T i-.rith a rectangular envelope; 4) a periodic train of video pulses havinS -a repetition period T; 5) a mixture of normal noise and a sinusoidal waveform and 6) a ,-.Iixture of a train of periodic radio pulses and normal noise. It is found that for all the above cases the ratios Um a:-: /Umdiffer si5nificantly. Or, 'the basis of Um, ax 'Ur and U M and their ratios, it is therefore possible to determine not only the frequency components but. also the fine structure of the analyzed process. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra radiopriye.-L-iy1da ustroystv Klyevskogo ordena Lenina politeldiniclics1cogo instituta (Department of 'Lladio-receiving. Devices of the Kiyev Order of Lenin Polytechnical Institute) SUB'MITTED: November 19, 1960 Card 2/2 311786 S/108/62/017/002/001/010 D201/D305 AUTHORS: Vollerner, N.F., G~a~tkin, N~G., and Karnovskiy, 111.Ic. Members of the Soci~_ty (s_ee Association) TITLE: Interference-killing properties of a receiver produc- ing a combination of readings of an autocorrelation function I I ~,,j Ion &P se (('-cc,,- re I at, c r, P..nef 1, 0 rj o rn 6 PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, v. 17, no, 2, 1962, 3 - 9 TEXT: The authors show that in a correlation arrangement, in which the signai Uout.s (T) at the output is formed by combined readings of autocorrelation functions, taken with certain weighting factors Ai, it is possible to achieve additional improvement in the 31N ra- Lio. The signal at the integrator output in this case nas the form n T UUut.s (T) 'Ai Uc Wu ckt - Ti)dt~ (1) i=O Card 1/5 3 378b S/108/62/017/002/001/010 Interference-killing properties ... D201/D305 Fig~ 1 shows the block diagram of the correlation arrangement accor- ding to (1). The mixed pulse signal and fluctuating interference, after the TT-shaped frequency response filter with pass band ~~ f ~:>>Tp (where T p is the pulse duration) is applied to a multiplier. The sum of mixed signals, passed through n-changes is applied to the 8econd input of the amplifier, every channel delays the signal by time T i'r1 i 0. 1, 2, n (2) 1 where T Af (3) It is shown that the circuit of Pig. 1 has the output signal accor- ding to (1) and it is shown that at any i / 0, as determined by re- lationships (2) and (3), the dispersion of noise is determined by ( 'L. - fU2 D fU WU U T 1- D (t)j~ (13) n n i 2 L n the following deduction are also made: The derivation of (13) pro- ves that the character of power frequency spectra of fluctuations Card 2/5 33786 8/108/62/017/002/001/010 Interference-killing properties ... D201/D505 for maximum of function Y, so that the problem of determining the weighting factors Ai reduces to determining i partial derivatives of 5(11i, mi) with respect to Mk and equating them to zero which leads to a recurrent expression for the optimum values of weighting factors as given by N'T (30) where Ni = Ai/Ai. There are 4 rigures and 6 references: 5 Soviet- bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: Schwartz. Commun. a. elect., no. 230 1956. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhniclieskoye.obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Scientific and Techni- cal Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Commu- nications imeni Po o') 1) ~~- . ~' )Aho- slic)les ttla_ Card 4/5 ta n~ya_ n', cheis kojo cy b r-ad,o~,_W;k') ', ef~Oosvya7l ;1heni 33786 S/108/62/017/002/001/010 Interference-killing properties ... D201/D305 of the process is u2(t) and is practically the sa- n Un(t)Un(t - Ti) me. It follows that for any i the magnitude of the coefficient ki, relating the dispersion of noise at the input and output of the in- tegrator, is independent of i andp thereforep k k (20) and that the intensity of power spectrum fluctuation of the pro-, cess u n2(t) is approximately twice that of the process un(t)un (t-T). It follows from (13) and (20) that the signal-to-noise ratio at the output (SIN) out is directly proportional to Y(Mi, mi) as given by n I + Alp, (All, Mi) (23) Ir 1+ 2 d9W P 1 where M and m. and maximum improvement is obtained 1 0 p Card 3/5 33786 S/108/62/017/002/001/010 Int,erference-killing properties ... D201/D305 [Abstractor's note: Name of Association taken from first page of journal) SUBDUTTED: April 28, 1961 Fig. 1. P11C. I Card 5/5 XrATICR AW22013- BOCK EXPLO K'tA ft Griggawich (Candidate 'If Technical Sciencos)p Urahin evolad I v8 114-ilEiiiattich (CiMIdate of Tachnleal Salwas); U ovskiya mark nlich (Doctor of Teafinkal Solancos) vA 3htagrators in measuring. ast.MitogratoryO v sistemakh Ismareniya) Kiev, - GoetekhIsdat USSRs - 1963w . 138 Pa.. illness biblies Errata slip Inserted. J 2400. c lax printed, Reviewer 4 00 (Candidate of Technical Scle op . tZaranins IN nces r Managing aditort-Plaaranke, go 0. (Englwair)l Editort Simbabankes So As (Enginner)t Techni"I odltiit Bores ay*y,, IN Sol Proafreadert Flalovas L, At TOPM TAGSt measuring system rkilo pnglneering,, automations tale. machanization s radiametryj band filter# detector, Isw fra(Mancy filter, f2uctu- ation noises Ideal intogmtors Ideal characterlstle integrator., cwmtator RO circuit F PURPOM- AND COYM=s- ThU'bo-4* is int Gd for scientists and to-zhniolans work. ing in the f le2ds of radio sngins6rlngs~ autwAtions talemachanization, and radio. _~e if use also to senior studeatc in the corresponding spools metrys and may corj 1/3 J L 2450-65 AM4022013 operation of',the typical radio--angineering track of a band filter - zationse The inertialeas detector lew-freqaancy- filter tndar'conditicna of measuring diaper= Sions the mean-aquare deviation of flactuatica noivoj, and the observation 6f Big,. nala (nolas and determined) on a backgrmnd of fluctuation static Is. analyzedo Special attention Is paid to comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of dif. ferent variations of a low-frequenoy-filtert an'ldeal fAtagrator,, an Ideal char.. acteristic integrator,, and a com=tator RD-eircuito The authors express their gratitude to V, G, L*zgvft_, Assistant In the Kafedra iktamatichaskor Filiki of thaq Klyevskly Folitekhnichaak& Instituto TABLE CF CCNMTSt Thtroduction Cho 1, Transient anA frequenc7 characteristics of-an Ideal Integrator, an Ideal characteristic intagratorpand a comautator,20-circuit, - .'8 Ch. -no _ ftDdamentalo of analysla:of the operation of the traek of a band filter dateotor low-hequency filter 24 I Card 2/3 L 102824 S/0108/63/018/006/0056/0061 ACCESSION NRs AP3001129 AUTHOR: Vollerner, N. F.; Gatkin N G.- Dalets~ly, Yu. L.; Yaroshenf/. V. V. Members of the Society (S;e ssocia~ion)~. TIM: Multichannel measurement of fluctuating voltages SOURCE.- Radiotekhnika, v. 18, no, 6. 1963% %-61 TOPIC TAGS: measuring fluctuating voltages' ABSTRACT: A case; is considered when low-level fluctuating voltages on several channels are to be combined and moasured. Each voltage is amplified, and. the amplifier noise is' also assumed fluctuating. Gaussian clistribution and similar spectral characteristics are assumed. !he amplifier output voltages are combined by a transducer Pnd then measured by a permanent-magnet moving-coil instrument. The mixture of mt*~asurand and hoise voltages undergoes an 116ptimum conversion" in the transducer. A mathematical analysis presented in the article shows that: (1) in case of entirely uncor'related measurands, they should be first summed and. then squared; (2) in case of entirely correlated measurands, they should be first squared and then summed. Orig. art, h4st Z3 formulas and 1 figure. CQ,d VOLIF, V.M.; GATKIN, U.G.; GEWTIT, V.A.; KARNOVSKIY, M.I. Interference rejection, of a receiving channel "band filter - detector - lower frequencies filter - threshold devive." Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; radiotekh. 8 no.4:0',04-410 JI.-Ag t65. (MIRA 18:31) 1. Submitted May 71 1964. L 5130-M E-WT(d)ASS-2 UR/O 109 /65/010 /008/141 ACCESSIO NR: AP5020118 0/1417 621.391.161 i AUTHOR: C;atkin, Yu. L L.,G Daletskiy TITLE: Optimal detection of an accurately known signal with a nonstationary Gaussian noise as a background SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, Y. 10, no. 8, 1965, 1410-1417 i TOPIC TAGS: signal detectionq ABSTRACT: A known signal a(t) (0 t --'- T) is considered with a Gaussian back- ground noise (t) with an average'M[~(tfl --L:0 and a known correlation function J, This function is the kernel of the integral equation _7 whose right-hand member is represented by the above known, signal. The proposed optimal. receiver depends on computing the likelihood'ratio,!. Card 1/2 L 513o-66 ACCESSION NR: AP50ZO118 which helps to isolate the desirable signal., this ratio is calculated by a technique] based on an expansion of tho*kernel R(t, T into its eigen-functions. As a direct and exact solution of the above integral equation is practically impossible, the function b(t) is determined by an approximation.- A functional block diagrim Illustrates the Idea of an optimal receiver based on the above considerations. 0'~ and 56 formulas. Orig. art. has: 2 figur ASSOCIATION: none SUBMILTTED: 04Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC OTHER: 002~ NO REF SOV: 001 2/2 'L 5093-66 EwT(d)/FSS_z- ;ACCESSION NR: APS020119 UR/O iog /6s/o io /oo8/1418/1425 6z1. 391.14 AUTHOR: Gatkin, N. G. I Geranin, V. A.; Karnovskiy, M. I.; Krasnyy, Le G41 Cherney, No I TITLE: Probability density of the derived phase of a modulated signal combined with a Gaussian noise SOURCE: Radlotekhnika f elektronika, v. 10, no. 8, 1965. 1418-1425 TOPIC TAGS; signal detection '\1A ABSTRACT: - This formula has been developed for a single-variable density o probability of the derived phase of a combination that comprises an amplitude- and -angle -modulated radio signal and a Gaussian noise: ~2 + V2 W1 (0) exp K + + V,) fjtZ:*:j:(~XV,) 2] + IGABPYP61 2 2 ILI L2 + (Xt - VI) NV2 LIA fj_,~Z + V~) 2 (28) YPe + (A2 V2).!. 2 1-Cardll/2 J 77~ Z'-*.;.:- L 5093-66 i ;ACCESSIONNR; AP50ZO119 I I The formula allows for the stagger between the signal carrier frequency and the frequency to. correspondingto the maximum spectral density of the noise average power F(ca), it also allows for the-asymmetry between F(Cj) and LJ,,. The formula encompasses all pa~rticular cases dealt with earlier in various publica- tions (S. Q. Rice, BSTJ, 1948, Y. 27, p. 109; D. Middleton, J. Appl. Phys., 1948, v. 19, p. 817). Curves are supplied which correspond to a linear.FM of the signal. Orig. art. hast 7 figures and 49 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED; OlJun64 ENCL; ~00 SUB CODE: EC -OTHER,.'0 NO REF SOV: 003 0z J 77- GATKIN, Ye.D. (Barnau.1) Acute lupus arythematosus. Klin. med. 40 no,12:120-124 D 162, (MIRA 17.2) 1. Iz Altayskogo krayevogo kozhno-venerologicheakogo dispansera. ABRAIMOVICIII L.A., do%sont; 1GUNNOV, A.K., kand. mod. nfc.~-; AJ13MJJIT'i, mod. nauk; WEN, Ye-D.; SEIRGEYEV, S.Ya.; YEFIMOV, ". L. , k nd. nauk. Dermatologic casuistics. Vest. dgrm. i ven. 37 no.6:76-77 Je '63. (MIRA 17-.' 1. Klinlka kozhnykh I venericheskikh lbolezney, Chita (for Abramovich, Igumov). 2. Kczhnoys otdeleniye Glavnog,) voyer-nogo c-aspitalya ~ u imeni N.N. Burdeako (for Ashmarin). 3. Altaysk-ly kozzhno-venero- logicheskiy dispanser (for Gatkin~,4. Kafedra kozFLnykh I ven-criche- skikh bolezney:,. Semipalatinsk (for Sergeeyev,, Yefimov). GATKIII, Ye.D.; LYUBKIN, I.V.; IIIKCtIOVA, N.A. Hospital outpatient service for patients with lupus erythema- tosus and pporiasis. Vast. derm. I van. 37 no.7t67-69 J1163 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Atltay--kiy krayevoy kozhno-venerologicheskiy dispanser (glavny-y vrach Ye.D. Gatkin). 1. GATLIKH, 0. A. 2. SSSR (600) 4. Veterinary College* 7. Summary of admissions to and graduations from Veterinary Schools and Departments In 1952. Veterinaria, 29 No. 11, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. J-. Go ] I Till !"16-.111dromn; Koi-VIEVp A.I.; .. I ~... A%- . 'Agricuitural. institutions of higher learning of the U.S.S.R.1 SellskokhoziaistvowWe vuzy SSM. Moskva VYashaia shko:La, 1965. 366 P. (MIRA 181loi IGATLIN Carl: CIZMIC, Nikola, inz. (translator] Fundamentals of &tary drilling. Nafta Jug 13 no.7:164-168 Jl 162. ;=APO 19-47, Submarines'- Conitiuatl,on ITAutching Submarine@ by a Single Runnerp" D. L. Gatmashev, 4 VP "Budoetroyon.1ye" No I The authorpresents several orcas-sectional vie" or allpvays and ship hull xhor$zg to substantiate his data an the use of one-runner alipWo for laun.ching evbmarines. This article malpes frequent reference to the same methb&., Atch me jut into use by' this Gerrom during the peak.of their submrlne building campa,100 ~ Basically this seens to have been ca=Ied out vithlbe aid of a cradle around the atern section of the hull. IM 29T100 KOROTKII I Anatoliy Fedorovich;,f4TNEN-K-0-AA-_j red. ; GO)ICHAR 9 A. v red.; MMINKOVAq Te.v [Principles of construction] 40snavy stroitelinogo del&. Kievs Goa,isd-vo lit-ry pe stroito i arkhito USM, 1961* 220 pe (Construction imdustry) (KIU 1417) ISHCHENKO., Yuriy Nikolayevioh; ALEKSANDROVSKIY, A., red.; GATNENK0,A.,__ red.; GABILICHANOVA, G., tekhn. red. (Reinforced-concrete structures] Zhelezobetoanye konstruktsii. Kiev, Gosstroiizdat USSR, 1963. 286 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Reinforced concrete construction) BRUSILOVSKIY, Isaak- Abramovich (Prusylovslkyi, I.A.], kand. med. nauk-, GATNENKO S.O. (Patnenko, S.O., translator]; MMIT; ' * rtembytslka, Z.S.1, red.; ZAPOLISKAYA, L.A.[Zapollsfka, L.A.]. tekhn. red. [Female sterility and its treatment in the Saki mud bath resort] Bezplidnist' zhinok i ii likuvarmin, na Saks1korm hriazl.:)vomu Imrorti. Kyiv, DerzhredvydEv M S',I, 1963. 28 p. (STERILITY) (MIRA 16:12) (SAXI (C"MXBA))-TfEALTJI RESORTS, WATE-IT14 PLACES, 3rc.) ( " 1"T () ,1Z. --ualifications of "OrIl.01-3 ill electric (%nt,)r,pri:3vs. P- 16 (Tekrika) -Iol- 4, 4 1 Ju]WAu-m- 1957. Irane, "Llbania. SO: ',;onthly IndeK of T~,,st - Euro-pean Accessions I.C, Vo-, 7, - 1 .0. 11 Jan- 1958 cy-, WINISCU, Voinea,,; GRITISOU. Tiberiu,; GATOBQjUA---tO.S-C'b=i'.; STIPAUSCU. Trailan.; STANCESCU, kilai,; LITARCZIK,7Gorge. Uperimental and clinical angiocardiograp)W with heart catheterization. Probl. ter., Bucur. Vol 1:191-207 1954. (ANGIOU"HY angicearcliography with heart catheterization in various cardio-sediastinal disord) (MURT catheterization with angiocardiograpby in various cardlo~-msdlastiual disord.) (GARDIOVASGULAR MMTS, COMNITAL, diagnosis angiocardiography with heart catheterization) X~Y KARIITSSCU, Voinea,; GHITBSCU, T.,; STIWAIWGU, Tr.,; GATOSCHI, G. Cardiac catheterization. Bul atiint., sect. mod. 7 no.4:1003-1018 Oct-Doe 55. (HMART cutheterization. technic & possible compl.) JTUYARA, I.; GATOSCRI, Gh.-, LUPU, A.; PRISCU, Al. -.-- '- ~' I . m I I Clinical and radiological study of billary, duodenal azxi pancreatic disorders after the Reichel-Polys, type of gastropylo- rectomy. Probl.ter., Bucur. 2:7-31 1955. 1. Inatitutul do terapeutica al Academiei R.P.R., Sectia de chirurgie, spitalul Coltea 91 clinics. a Y-a chirurgicala. (STOMACH, surg. gastropylorectomy, postop. biliary, duodenal & pancreatic disord.) (BILIARY TRACT, die. dyefunct. caused by gastrapylorectomy & postop. dystonla) (DUODMNUM, die. postop. dystonia & dysfunct. caused by gastropylorectony) (PANCREAS, die. (same)) HORTOWH31,14,Acadamician; GHITZOU.T.: GATOSCHI,Gh.; ST)WAMCU,Tr.; BOIU,S.; PROINOV.7r. Experimental and clini-cal research on coronary circulation. Probl. ter..Bucur. lo U'100;77-85 159, (CORONARY VISSILB.physiology) A&TOV, A.Q. [translator]; GINGOLID. L.S. [translator]: GREBENNIKOVA, Te.N., Ctr'a'nslatorh ZANEGIN. B.N. Ctranslhtorl; ZVOZIOV. A.A. [translator]; ISAYICNKO, B.S. [translator], KOTOV, A.V. [translator]; KAYZNROV, S.M. [translator] SAYONOVA, Z.M. (translator]; SOVETOV, I.I. [translator]; SOROKIN, V.F. [translator]; TSVETKOVA, T.Ya. [translator]; CHZHOU. Sun-yuan' [translator3-, SOGOKONYAN, G.S. (translator], redaktor; SUPOVALOV, V.L. tekhnicheakly redaktor [Socialist developmen t in the Chinese village; a collection of articles prepared by the office of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party] Sotsialisticheakil podOem v kitalskol - - dereven; sbornik lzbrannykh atatel podgotovlen kantseliariei TaK KPK. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1956. 502 p. (MIRA 9:10) (China--Agriculture) SUMNOV, 0. 1. 553? Gatov, B. I. I. Sukhanovp 0. 1. S vobodneya kovka pod molotani. Pod Red. P. V. Kamneva. L, 1954. 36 9. 9. Chert. 21 am. ( Vsesoyuz. C~-Vo Po rasprostranonlyu Polit. i nauch. snanly Loningr. Dom nauch.-takhn. Propawdy. Dom. Kusnetaov i shtampovshchikov Lonitomash. B-abka kuznetsa-navatora. rfp. 7) 6.250 ek2. 8Ck.- (55-121,7) P 621.73 SOs Knishwwa Letoplal t Vol. 1t 1955 _ _ _ _-, 4U ._L YJMIEV, P.V.; YNKIMOV. K.I.; ~A!OV# B.I., inshener. retsenzent; OBOLDUTW, G.T., iazhener. redaktor;- ikkTA. R.G., takhnichookiy redaktor (Machanization of laborious operations in forge ohops] Mekhea-Lizatsita trudoemkikh operatelt kuznechnogo proizvodetva. Hookra, Gos. nauchno- tekhn. Izd-vo mashinostroito I sudostroit. lit-ry. 1954. 46 p. (Forging) (MLRA 7:11) GATOV,Borle Iosifovich; IXJBINSKIY,Na= Grigorlyerich; ZINOVIYEV, Mikolay -11.4f mnas -i yev I-ch KALAIH(NSKrY, GrIgoriy Viktorovich; NOVrKOV,Yedor Andreyevich; ZUDIGM(W.leonid Mikhaylovich; REZNICHIMO, Yred Sawtoy - lavich; S0101M, likolay Nikola'yevich; POTING, L.Tu.,[deceased) re - daktor; FRUMN,P.S., tekhnieheskiy redaktor [Production of cast. welded and forged chains] Proizvodstvo litykh. evartqkh i shtempoyannykh tsepet. JAningrad, Goo.solusnoe isd-va sudostroitellnoi promjohlennosti. 1955. 267 p. (MA 9:1) (Chains) BULGAKOV, Boris Sergeyev*h;.GATOV, B.1 , red.; FREGER, D.P., red. izd-va;,BELOGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Adopting the group method of press forging die blocks] Osvoenie gruppovoi tekhnologii koyki shtampovykh kubikov pod pressami. Leningrad, 1962. 21 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno- tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia; Goria- chnia i kholodnaia obrabotka metallov davleniem, no.?) (MIRA 16:3) (Forging) GATOV, D.M., inzh.; WZHICCHNIKOV, Ye.B., inzh. Diesel-electric bucket loader. Mash.Bel. no.6:29-32 '59. (MIRA 13:6) (Conveying maohinery) 0 GATDV, G.N.; MASTITSKIY, Ye.P., dotsent Angular measurement at sharply varying distances for sighting pur- poses. Sbor. nauch. trud. Kaz GMI no.19:136-139 '60. (MIRA 15:3) (mine survcying) GATL;V. T-A- U.. Fur~-0117 imP"OvilIG the of the economic evaluatio, 0- 'I n L I 011-201TOUS natal deposits. Izv. vys. uchebj.' " zav.; tsv--;t.. ., et. 4. 110- 1:154-164 161. 14:2) I- Sibt3v-3tm:-,-QiIUproya,~t i !a--:-snoyurokj,,r injt.--ut;t ts,;,)`rvk mc;tzuOv. .1 t, . I Ort3s-SaLIPUZIE zird csti,-ution) O.'onferrous ::~13,6-,js') KLEYMAN, M.N.; BWMISTRENKO, N.K.;GATOVAp F.L. Disability evaluation of young miners in anthracosilicosis. Uch.zap.ttosk.nauch.-issl.inst.san.i gig. no.8:53-57161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Rostovskly filial TsNIKIK. (DISABILITY EVAMATION) (LUNGS-DUST DISEASES) (COAL NBUS-DISEASES AND HYGIENE) GATOVAv S.B. Late results of the over-all treatment of the aftereffects of cranial injuries. Vop. kur., fizioterp i leeb. fiz. k~llt. 25 no.2., 138-341 Mr-Ap 160. (MMA 13: 9) 1. Iz GorIkovskogo nevrologicheskogo gQapitalaya dlya invalidav Otechestvennoy voyny (nachallnik A.D. Yagovkina). (SKULL-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) *!**of** -0-4 ~ 4p 0000 $*see A a* so 9 00 00 0 10 00 001 0 -6-0-0 41-411-W-41-M vubdulkwilp a ANIft d k" is sells" ads"g. Ofed is do sunwilarwa d PUN,* vaW. eslislols. s. V. Gata"kays MW A. 1. Rabisavith. J. CU TMILWWA674-01(19M); 01ddPlysido. U. A. S- 5- 4 I-WOMMis German).-In sum. CW4%;I~Iicu of Fe(Oll)& so:ss. the ioo "vky a Is gh- by LkmMa*s Mmbirusie4quil. tbmy Franceftew 10-'t*1(1-IA(..f-tFc(OH)eispnK-tk-&Lly COW., *At 0( Cf- Olecream ou dilu. with rnpect to Ft(OH)s pgmut. while that of it - incleafts in the um Of&f - WAt so--sat - K. TIw %'Wgwr susptns~,n owl is asplalued as da b"s a thmmu e Wkm deft skrafikiratka as ceaftfts. ON 411 P" ddkft. T. V. CatuvAsTs and 11. S Vud'tv- J-.PhYs. Owm-~U- S. S. It. T. OW-7twl (1936); Ads P=biin. . R. S. s. 4. 37-&)jh9k;) (in a )- 96MI'MMts M& on calloiM W(h. TWo md V.% Wu. e6m that t6 . vwun jug 11 joo~ kwftw Mow lbewly with IserreA4 WA CIMM. F"( Vt(X the cbmw of a is very smsH. F. It. kathmann .00 .411411 00 -00 .00 Igoe zoo zoo 7 goo a so 400 wee 0:j ~, i. '00 tjoe in- tjoe wee tW 0 1 W 10 u a &v 00 Ls tp It I Opot gig wit plan It'g"larl 1,114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T44000000;000*000000000::::::[Ooo gage goos, 904 00 -W-04-00-0-0 0 a 0 0 IS 0 _00 0 02 1 1 a is U U It to A A L -1 1 1 LAI L L"_j__j 0 0 A 00 - 00 0 ~ :411 00 so 0041-, Of S. 00 Ell 0 : 0 00-3 00. 00 -a OOSI I!A A 1 2 1 L A INITALLIMICAL LITINATIONI it, III A 0411111 OMM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 41114~6_ V is - Af,_f__ - -_ W-ii-IWID it a IT V is 2111 Is 0 It a it U a p a to as a a 46 x 0 I I I #A MAZ 10 M . 11 6. A-11 1-1 4 4 1 A 1.6 r Foo 1`110CIS111111 A.0 PROP1411.111t ..ooof '-00 00 TM udft of Ism" its "W" sidsous". 1: if. 1: S. Vatowv. Roko-a'slasiYa O P I , O 411411 .- I-L12; d. C. A. 30, 79NI.-An equa- V - =w x =far cam. at the activity of Ims In Ultraffitratex a -00 doppeostilks upm the activitim of different Ions ,d durin 6 d tW h f " -00 ur o . m e rate o list initial Kii w0 upun t g l d -00 itus- le L'alitmbm. This Owassookso es,*1" tin W-ca son %marmossommosboverved -00 -00 U 19 AT OD LI T a I sr~ 0 10 0 to, IT " . K 0 see 0 0 0 0 0 ; OT4:,1::: : :10 so 00 *::: 00 0 00 4 'MOO X00 000 coo r SOO goo 2troo =00 i KOO I MOO NOS ties IC100 woo 411111141l't a- 4%, 1 1 1 Cow a a I v 1111 a a 7 9 1 1116 to 1 .14 00 00 690900009000:09090: 00 01041191111141100000000 000601 "-Iw, o 0 0 * 0 o 0 o 0 0 o e -04 O-W-w 0 o o * o 0 a 0 o 0 o * o o 0 o V w re-A"'A 013 3 4 1 6 1 1 1 it 8 it u it m 11 14 It to I go 6.4 law up".. dial a .0 A I L 11 X.-A- A A 0 A I -L -k-4 -,. 1i a ~1-1' , 0004is i- OCKISM 7 , :0 ' I-so -00 -of 0 of d Indicstoro In the addimetric titrabod ' * = , ~G-% - . V. ( . R. K 11. Out,hl- lu;md I I 8 1.4h. 7, 31A OMCISI; C .1 A go xi Vt r Ow I I 0 g go 1 .0111 0 0 0 do* : 0 Coe 00 k a00 OOR SOO 21 Z.- AID-SLA OTALLUROKAL 011114TWIt CL 1.0443 -a- -0 tit 00 110 10, 00 00 110 10, is 0" 0 0 0 0 01 all 44: U: 010 00 00 0000000 a go ::69 ~Seo Izoo Woo -200 t3o* 9 Z- tie 0 'I woo m ii, 6 10 go 0 $w A I OW so 04 0 0 0 0 00 a *go 00090 o 0 9~ 0 0 0:0 0 00 000 9000 0000 00 01; 0 - - i "'_' 'w W__ Activr alkalinity and adsorption of alkali in woloh,lu% -1 ffo r thr mocildar it( castor tilt plant oA .." - ; = l pf" 14 it, 11'. 11"t" I (I 1- 1- 1. fill, 1. bn~ moll At 1, 1 fwm m,I t h. w, 4 tl,, N.W11 Ill. th". ifi, -ho fi'~ethltf 1~1" It NAI M 411.1 Io.-h M. .1. I(T.-KAtim .,I Fir, I'vol'all Itartim'k, Ill. it aw ..I N.11 111 .110 br.11 111K if thr 111, 1, a-1 I It,- .11, 00 ..1 Ilo I'm is. 1, %A A .00 00 3 '90 00 00 S 6111*414.41 woo * 11 " " "' " 4 0 0 T 0 o In 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 000006006006&0060000-- :Z0 4 0 * 0 glee* *go **go*** 00000 IS v OT 0 a c 0 a 6 a A 1, 6 w 0 ill, 4 s 4u it v IN s b Pis 30M mgk) it aist(OAVIA ;Z'"r-a INNUR 1174 of IF I 1 9 1 T 44K g 4m xv,4111 44) ilrq 1 '10 R -4 j jr & 11..J) Iiii'm 'm'Im )v .1111, 111,, low i"1 All I... I J-1- I '-~ 1: lWkI114-111 .019 IAMAhl '111 t- 1,-) -1-1 1 1.1." %WY-. %~' *1 ;. I o% I.AltiM JAIII.Af.1 Ilk-,- V Ali '16 1 ow ml) 1 14111 -19 let. ~P` ~""Ssm *Sime 11P.1 41 X-1 lltlr'Mki'lf~ t of 0000 J.witpli Ivill)r1a v A.) -,I 'I 1.1.1. -11' .' -4111 p 002 -.MIrA p. isit'r.,411 4, '1 .... ... 1 8-'1' 1011VIOU 1.111VIA.111 %-111.1 J.. on .,.#I "...) I.- * I'll". lil.1,4111111 jal II.-W all P. "I *,I 6.11VIA . I'1- .... , -1 ~ k .110 i41 )" 11 ju P.S::`4 I if p -1 -141 11%"11-1-0 011 -.411 P. ill , 11, 11 Mil P. -01,14'j% Ilh, 1 '411 P, 4 '"1"1 -nis 4 %w$:I I-I'll"liv .'s it 41 P, I'llo (I .411vt lot ll-11 upoil jaqqvu jo AltsiadvipitM sqi pus jvInjalmu U 11 m if 90- go 90. Illk. itillif i1 1 :11. 11 -t lid I 00- 4c 1iA'Vl .) -V 1-16V V1.4mr.') k -j luouldinswatu 10 1 issul 10 uQj1nm!(j r 00 A' R V, w Rp #t Y T Joe GAToVSUYA) T. USSR/Chemistry - Rubber Nov/Dec 46 Ghemistry - Molecear Weight "Determination of Molecular Weight and Polydispersity of Rubber From Diffusion Measurements," A. Passynskiy, Lab Colloid Chem, Karpov Inst Phys Chem, T. Gatovskaya, Lab I-Iscromolacular Structure,, Back Biochem Indt, Acad Sci USSR, 20 pp "Acta Physicochimica!TRSSO Vol XXI, No 6 Computes molecular w4ight for three rubber samples from measurements of diffusion coefficients and asymmetry of particles; calculates polydispersity coefficients. Notes close correspondence between variations of diffusion coefficient and molecular weight for rubber. Received, 4 SeP 1945. PA 54T33 - 0 -4-NO-A-711-4 - - - - - - 00 0900000lieto ~ - 1 00 '. PK# _~~ NO 14 Fp_~f 4pi M Is LA it M-L a 36 27 a 19 a 11 v u if a is 0 x x a it c u a ISEO A a 1__j_A_.JL f R~ It- I I Ak WAX 19-.U4j--J- -I -A_j_ I _x 1 1 00 Moleevl6r WdW AM#Wydispersivity of rubbtr by dit- ;-00 fuslon Weewwassaft, A. 0. Pamymbl and T. V. -00 Gatovda7s.(Kwpow Inst. Phys. Chem, M*Kmm). :0 No0wo IV, SID-19(190).-Diffudoti ant vhcoWt -00 GOS Meennewaft am Md to Obtain Nkly =PX .7 -09 41 mbberlin polymert. The method h ~69 valuabb tv 11M. so lifiving an ultiscTntritur. .lif S&VtTi., zufffinti -60 :0 a age Zoe age it 0 00 tlee 04ULLUX61CAL LiTtRAILM CLASSIFICATION I- GO .40. $1-, fig.. -400d*3 -0, 0%, Ott dw 0-1 it Joe olb it 01, An I a rw 0 4 2 It -so T-0-4 -i u t,.lp*44 rafts Rltn It la 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 is 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 6-0 0 0 a 0 0 4 Goes* 0 4 - i i+f"fi+~, i - W W- INIF 'w- - eF-W-*- *all fjL+ III!! ffs. !!om fee 0 AA- L-A Z I a a I I -L &-.a p2 A II .-V 1--l- AA -99 U 0 o A IP -01 1 - 1-90 -00 i-ee 9 A ; ':: : 0 ir malendal weight djal d"porsivily of rubber by dit, 2 fa*Wn meotsuremetaft" . J. P-v"All wta 1'. V. (;.t.- I (Karl-v Inst. Phyt. Ctwtn,. Nlt~iw). mosi 0 4, a4j FICANW. 20. 4(), A 4 M to. C. C. Davis, ;60 r* --Go 7 1100 ALM AA-g god o F 0 o I tree 00 ,110. Is Woo "0 d., Got it 0-1- Z" J., Is, Is AT -0 1 -"r*71- - Twi n 10 or Of a a It 9(1 (1 if N LO n Ito Is 13 a a1444 OTMO 0 a 0 a 01 000000::::, ::141 414141 Oft 06 00000000001 G a-/ Wall/ Chemistry Physical chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 40/63 Authors i Kargin, V. A., Academician; and Catovskaya, T.A. Title I Effect of crystallization on the sorption of hydrocarbons by natural rubber and guttapercha Periodical IDok. All SSSR 99/6, 1,037-1039, Dee 21, 1954 Abstract IExperimental data show that the sorption isotherms for amorphous and crsytaUlne natural rubber are practically identical, i.e., the prea- ence of the crystalline phase does not change the sorptionability of the rubber. The observed difference between the sorption isotherm of natural rubber and that of guttapercha was found-to be due not to the phase state but to the differnee in structure and flexibility of the chains. The ther- modynamic activity anti consequently the sorptionability of amorphous polymers were determined by the flexibility of the molecular chains. Seven refernces: 1-USA; 1-Swiss and 5-USSR (1935-1953). Graphs. Institution; The L. Ya. Karpov Physico-Chemical Institute Submitted: ' October 22, 1954 glt ca too M 1 il~ 7~,7 V ti KARGIN,Y.A.; GATOVSKAYA,T.V. Sbrption properties of ni-5:889-891 MY-55- 11 crystalline polymers. Zhur.fiz.khim.29 (MLRA 8:12) F12iko-khimicheakiy institut imeni L.Ya.Karpova, Moscow (Polymers and polymerization) (Sorption) 0,'9-7-0 7-, -Zl- USSR/.Chemistry - Physical chemistry Card i/l Pub. 22 - 27/50 Authors t Kargin, Vo.Ae, Academician., and Gatovsk3-ya, T. V. Title I Effect of orientation on the sorption of crystalline polymers Periodical # Dok. AN S&M 100/1, iq5-lo6, ;an. 1, 1955 Abetraot I The role of the orieIntation processes in the derivation and reprocessing of high molecular compounds particularly during the derivation of highly stable fibrous and Vellicular materials is elucidated* Experiments showed that the elongation of crystal polymer samples leads to a ohange in the sorption magnitude which indicates certain changes In their packing density during the orientation. Such sorption chang" indicate a certain loosening in the paeldng density of.polymerie molecules in the process of orientation in the case of polyamides and cannot be identically interpreted in the case of polyethylene. Three USM references (1948-1953). Graphs. Institution i The Le Ya. Karpov Phys.-Chem. Institute Submitted. i October 22, 1954 1 1U4 ion i~.A f It p 'I or paturn jUhjjkt. I- yl.+~,Jqv 1u."% ivi. t!olur fracilbri Of SKID1, Mi A, NK -2 ana SK-3, and for tiMural i~ibhcr iintl vol vOran- - -In "Pit') ;,r 1)"! d.,01,r-irv in fl-, tha chmas ut nawrol mm) rubb, ~.A, morption i3othorruH giw 01-0-71721771-11-7-nt k cludeil thauthe-brauchm, of the duiinR 41.4yntlipti,!; rubtler is Only rlight OUld PrWA;P1MV &K~ .110t -degree ~xf f1e)Aility t~ r t1w vitetills ill chango the maiparisdri 'with thow of mititral tiiiic*r) tublavir. The preverift of an micommun 5palW ni~tucirk (vulcaiiisA.rubber uA.1;jec6) also mil Mtor il l fk J ie i Wag. of the E xib Category: USSR/Chemistry of High-Molecular Substances F. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Xhimiya, No 9, 1957, 30890 Author : Kargin V.A., Gatovskaya T.V. Inst :not given Title :Sorption of Hydrogenated Monomers by Amorphous Polymers iu Vitreous State Orig Pub: Zh- fiz. khimi-i, 1956, 30, No 9, 2051-2056 Abstract: Study of sorption of hydrogenated monomers by polymers in the vitrification state (polyacrylic acid - propionic acid, poly- vinyl alcohol - ethanol, polyvinyl chloride - ethyl chloride, polymethylmethacrylate - methylester of isobutyric acid, poly- butylacrylate - butyl eater of Isobutyric acid and polystyrene benzene). Sorption isotherm are cUaz.cterized by presence of two portions oveit.the first of which true sorption occurs as a result of micro-porosity of the material. Loosely packed glasses behave like true adsorbents up to the point at which all micropores become filled with monomer; with accumulation Card 1/3 -4- Category: USSR/Chemistry of High-Molecular Substances F Abe Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 30890 Author KmLrgin V.A., Gatovskaya T.V. of monomer, which exercises a plasticizing action, the polymer is cbanged to a higbly elastic state and the process of sorption begins to reach one of entropy nature. In the case of densely packed glasses the first portion is not attained. Sorption be- gins when the amount of mnowr sorted at the surface becomes sufficient to fuse the glass and change the polyner to an elas- tic state. Such polymers include polymthyl-methaerylate, poly- vinyl alcohol, polyacrylic acid. Nature of the transition from 1-st portion to the 2-nd is determined by properties of the polymer. Thus the fundamental factor which determines sorption of vapor by polymeric glasses is packing density of the chains and change in physical state on sorption. Hysteresis phenomena on desorption are due to change in physical state of polymer, as a result of which the surface layer ia vitrified which hinders diffusion from the bulk of the polymer. The assumption is made Card 2/3 -5- Y]CSIPOVA, N.G., ANDRETEVA, N.S., GATOVSKAYA, T.V. Role of water In the structure of collagen [with summary in Inglish]. Biofizika 3 noe'5029-540 158 (MM 11:10). 16* 7iziko-khimicheskly inatitut ime' "ova, Moskva, i Yisicheakly fakulltet Moskovskogo gosuderetvennogo universi'llets ims' N.V. Lamonosova. (COLUGEN, water in cytol. collagen structure, x-ray diffraction (RUM (WATER$ in col2agen cytostructure, x-ray diffraction (Rua)) SOV/69-20 -6- 5115 AUTHORS: Bereatnev, V.A., Gatovokaya, T.V., Ka:?gin, V-,, Ya=inskaya, Ye-Ya. TITLE: Studies of the Physical-Chemical Propeirties of Cord Fibers (Izucheniye fiziko-khimicheskikh avoystv kordnykh volokon). 1. The Heat Effects of Dissolution of CaDron Fibers (Tap- lovyye effekty rastvoreniya kapronovoE-o volokna) PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol 20, Nr 6, pp 694-696 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The microstructure of cord fibers and their changes have been investigated by thermodynamical methods. The table shows that the decrease in heat effects during heating in water is different for stretched and unstretched specimens. The difference is 0.77 kcal/g or 25% of th2 total heat effect. The dis3olution heat decreases sharply during heating of capron fibers in formic acid which is oxplained by an in- crease in crystallinity of the polymer. Repeated stretching has no effect on the heat of dissolution, The dissoliition heat of a rolled specimen is 24-5~' higher than in initial specimens. Cord fatigue is due to nacro(lefects in the fiber. Card 1/2 There is 1 set of photou, 1 table, and 4 Soviet references, SOV/69-20-6-3/15 Studies of the Physical-Chemical Properties of Cord Fibers~ 1~ The Heat Effects of Dissolution of Capron Fib~rs ASSOCIATIONS: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya. Karpova (Institxte of Hiysics and Chemistry 'meni L.Ya, Karpov), Nauchno-issledo- vatel'skiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti, ,oskva (scien- tific Research Institul~e of the Tire Industry, Yoscow) SUBMITTED: October 5, 1957 1. Capron fibers--Physical properties 2. Capron fib1,zs-"he-nicv_1 properties 3. Capron fibers--Test up-thols 4. Caproa fibers --Temperature factors Card 2/2 .AlUTRORS: Kargin, V. A., Member, Academj of S07/20-122-4-36/57 Sciences, USSR, Berestnev, V. A., Gatovskaya, T. V;j Yaminskaya, Ye. Ya. TITLE: On the Mechanism of Fiber Failure (K vo-3rosu o mekhanizine razrusheniya volokna) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 4, pp 668-670 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has been previously proved that the variations of the molecular structure of cord-caprone fibers with various mechanical influences are not large. Therfore, it cannot be said that these changes play an iMP02-tant role in the destruction process of a fiber (Ref 1). It'.has been assumed that the decisive factor, which was responsible for the destruction of the fiber with repeated cyclic influence, is the development of macrodefects in the material. The direct experimental proof of this fact %as of interest. Fur this purpose, determinations of the stability of the cordcaDrone fiber were carried out after the fiber had been treated with a surface-active agent (oleic acid). By Card 1/4 this, the surface tension was reduced, in particular on the On the Mechanism of Fiber Failure SOV/20-122-4-36/57 damaged spots of the fiber. Thus,the macrodefects were able to expand (Ref 2). This is confirmed by table T. Washing out of the cord by means of carbon tetrachloride for the removal of the oleic acid increases the solidity of the fiber (Table 1, Sample 3). Table I gives further evidence on the stability and stretch (lip to fatigue) of tile investigated samples. These data remain unchanged, without dependence upon the kind of treatment of the fiber. Thus, with destruction of the a repeated and single type of influence, different factors play the important role. In the first case the macro defects are mainly responsible, whereas during just one operation (tension test on a dynamometer) the effect of these factoro is not large. Possibly, in this case the destruction of the cord is substantially related to the simultaneOUs destruction of a large number of molecular chains- in the weakest places of the fiber. In order to confirm this assumption the viscosit-v of the fiber solutions before and after the mechanical treatment (repeated cyclic extension and breaking on the dynamometer) was measured. The results of the Card 214 characteristic viscosity of these solutions in an 85 ~fo formic On the Mechanijm of Fiber Failure SOV/20-122-4-36/57 acid solution tire Given in table 2. It is seen from this that the decrease in viacoDity of solutions from fibers, which have been torn on the dynamometer, is considerably Iii-her than with a repeated extension. DurinU fatigue the viscosity value falls somewhat in the initiRl period and then remains stable even at breakinf;. Inversely, at breakin.- on the dynamometer the specific viscosity is maintained up to the destruction of the fiber. At the tine and on the site of breaking only, it drops rapidly. Therefore, it might be supposed that the destruction of a fiber in consequence of repeated mechanical influence is due to the continuous development of macrodefects at depth. Durin--.- this, only a few chains are broken in a small cross section; during a single extension, the breakin&- of a considerable number of molecular chains in a weak part of the fiber determines the destruction of the fiber. There are 2 tables and 2 references, 2 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 On the Mechanism of Fiber Failure SOY/20-122-4-36/57 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico- Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. KarDov) Nalichno-issledovatellskiy institut ghinnoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute of the Tire-Industry) SUBMITTED: June 21j, 1958 Card 4/4 B M STNEV, V.A.; RGIN, V.A.; YAMINSKAYA, Ye.Ya. "ARI&W44"Ta-ak-OL, 2 1 Study of the physicochemical properties of cord fibers. Part 3: Some changes in the structure of fibers occurring in repeated c7clic stretching. Vysokom. soed. I no-3:373-377 I-,r '59. (MIRA 12:10) l.Fiziko-khimicheski.r institut im. L.Ya. Karpova i Nauchno- issledovatelle)-.ijr institut shinnoy promyshlennoati. . (Wlon--Testing) 5W . AUTHORSi Gatovskaya, T. V., Golova, 0. P., SOV/76-3!-'3-39/44 KryIova2 R.--U.-,-R-argin, V. A. TITLE: Investigation of the Sorption Properties of Cellulose in the Process of Its Thermal Disintegration (Issledcvaniye sorbtsionnykh avoyetv teellyulosy v prots-3sse yeye termiches- kogo raspada) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 4,959., Vol 33, Hr 6, pp 1418-1421 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The experimental results of a previous paper ",Ref !) point to the fact that the process of thermal disintegration of cellulose (I) in the course of 90 minutes can be divided into two stages with different pAc-aliarit-'ea (Table :). it is assumed that the first reactien stage pr--zaeds in less densely packed k1), whereas in the s6cond raai~tion stage a higher packing density prevails and the yield of levoglucosane is proportional to this density. To inyeitigate the packing density, a method with the use of scrption isotharmals was applied to the present caa-.4. The 3orpzian axperimenze were Card 1/ 3 made on one of the investigation samples (Ref -~' of the cellu- Investigation of the Sorption Proper-'vies of (;GjjUjoSe SQV/76_3~_'~_~5 in the'Process of Its Thermal Disintegration /44 lose SP-700 which was heated t3 300- fo:c- !0, 20, 40 and 90 m-nutes at 1-10-5 mm Hg. Th.-a sarpti,~n af thnt steam by (I) decreases with the time of treatmen' of M' `0--, a ;er-tain value (20 minutes time of tzeatmen'L) and 'then ramains constant. This points to a condensation of `1-he (1.1--packing by a reduction of its polymerization degree 'I.Ref In -,Es J~irzit. stqge of the thermal kI)-disintegration f:haz-a~~terized ty a ,?uaden rise in the lavcglucasane yieldp thq wrx!.iviw of the molecule paciking of (I) is attained. In a farther disintc- gration of the basic mass of (I.), thssc- values remain constant. Thus, the experimental 2esults confi= -E-he pritvl%ous statements (Refs 6, 7) that the formatlicn of' levoglu,,oLane is considerably influenced by the thermal treatment of (1), 4. e. its packing density. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 7 referencesp 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut -4m. L. Ya. Karpc--,a;Moskva;Akademiya nauk SSSRjInstitut less. ~Physico-chemical Institute impni L. Ya. Karpov Moscow; Academy of S-ieneeq --f `V-he USSR1 1?orestZ-Y Card 2/3 Institute) Investigation of the Sorption Properties of Ceilulose 30V/16-53-6-39/44 in the Probess of Its Thermal Disintegration SUBMITTED: December 28, 1957 Card 3/3 RMSTNEV, V.A. - GATOVSKATA, Tj.; KARGIN, V.A.; YAMIUSKAYA, Te.Ta. Study of the physicochemical properties of cord fibers. -Part 2: Effect of thermal and mechanical action on the sorption properties of capron cord. Tysokom. sood. 1 no.3:337-341 Mr 159. (MIRL 12:10) 1.Fiziko-khimichaskly institut im. L.Ya. Karpova i Nauchno- issladovatellski7 inatitut shinnoy prom7shlennosti, ~ W10n) 15(4) I 1 1 31 11`33.15~~/000/10oofq/027 AUTHORS: Berestnev V, Gatov8kaya.T..V.', B004/1"07 ~~q_KEi n L V . A. Ya m TITLE: The Y-echaniam of the Fatii;iw of Fil)--,rs ~IERIODICAL: Minicheakiy volckna, 10,59, Nr 6, pp 150 52 (U~;.;H) ABSTRACT: Th(! authors proceed from the experimentally proven fact that the de3truction of M,~rs by fati,-ue i2 caused by macrodefectG/ (Refs 5-8), which develop 4n the course Of the tests in the fiber, 1r. thp prezent pape r ' ' they endeavor to give a mathematical des of this cription process as a function n = f(!T~v) ( r. number of stress chani;es leading to fatil-iie N nwl.',er of occurrin,; defects, -tr - rate of the incro--s,& of defects)~ In conoic1crat."On of t""e duration 0: .3 t re -..' 0 . t *1'11'~ intensity rf the frequeniry of strv7s. -.nd the len :th of 1.,w .."'pecimen to be Lef;tcd . t:ie obtain equation '9). the correetnezz )i' W.,.ich for variuw~ limitin- casc.~l rim! ylhi~lh t-hey rd 1 2 the rec;ults obtained by '~, P. Noscv 18 3/'.59/000/06/015/027 I C) 7 are ~or a,,l r 7, ~.arpova I'S- en t f ins t i tute 1111 sh-nnoy t!,tc. o~ tlle bard 2,12