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UVAU9-1-64-w-, XULISHUYN, B.I.,- LTAPIN, S.Te.: SHIDLOYSIKA. N.M.; XGPXRSAX, G.D., rodaktor; MONZIMRAN V.P., takhniohniy redaktor (Methods of teaching mathematics; a manual for teachers and students in podagogical schools) Matodyka vykladannia matematyky; posibnyk d1la vchyteliv i studentiv podagogichuykh inetytutiv. Za zahallnotu red, S.II,Liapina. Pereklad 9 dmhoho, vyprav-lenoho rostialkoho vydannia Uchpadhizu. zatvardzhenoho Hinisteretvom oevity FWSR. Kyiv, Derzh. uchbovo-pedagog. vyd-vo "Radianolka shkola.0 1956. 467 P. (MIRA 10:2) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) LYAPIN. Sergey Yevgenlyevich; GASTIVA. Serafima Alekseyevna; KVASNIKOVA, Zinaida Takovlevna; A"C16HUTH, Bbriff.-Il ic-h; CAD111IRIV, A.G., redaktor; LIONTIYETA. L.A.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor Lmet1hods of teaching sathematics; a annual for teachers of matheastics in classes B-10 of the secondary schools] Ketodika prepodavantia matematiki; posoble dlia uchitelei matematiki 8-10 klassov aredLnet ahkoly. Leningrad. Gos.uahebno-pedagog. izd-vo Miniaterstva pro- sveshcheniia RSFSR. Leningradskoe otd-nie. Pt.2. 1956. 653 P. (MLRA 10:2) (Mathematics-Study and teaching) GASTEVA, S.V. Temperat=e coefficient of therin namods off 110 moue. P. Ushakov anda~ V. Gasteva 11. Acad. Sci.SOUMRI.S.S.. 1953. $8, P.-P l07l-l074).-Azflnvcstl-gatj6h of the )cngth of time for,which a no. of cold-blooded vertebrato and invertebrate MUSCICS-tcMin. excitable in appropriate salt solutions at different, controlled temp. From the temp. coeff.. it is concluded that the loss of excitability at high temp. is due to denaturation of muscle proteins. G. S. BFUMPLIKY, Z001091cal InstitUte of the Academy of Sciences USSR and Lenin.prad State University Im. A. A. Zhdanor. GAMETi., S. V. GAM-Ti, S. V.: "Metabolism of phospholii-Dids, nucleoproteides, and phoanhoproteins in the brain in reDresentatives of Tarious classes of vertebrates". Leningrad, 1955. Acad Sci Ust~h. Inst of Physiologr imeni I. P. Pavlov. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences.) So: Knizimaya letonis' No.-9, 3 Decemler 1955. Moscow. ".A < !"MetAbOILTM Of ph OSP hG11pidit'Sn'd n~cjioprotcids ;I the brain in member$ of various dkxses of vertebrates. S. V. 'Cost~la.. DoNady AW. Nauk S.S.S.R. 106, MR; Tr9MT.=V3I-UtAed'N%ff&P0. wAs usLd for following the rate of tuttabolism of phostill i Ide and nucleoprotein fmc- tions of the brain In carp, pe:A, frog, turtle, hen, pigeon. whitc rat. and dog. Ille greatest -ate. of renewal at phos- ,.!if-livides was in the birds and lowest in the dog among ,w.t-.,a-hIoodcd animals; lit cold-bloodcd animals the max. `ii;js in frop and min. lit fish. All witim-blooded animals showed higher renewal rates than did the cold-blooded ones. Centnilye the developmelist of the nervous system parallcled the intensity of nictabollsm, G. IM. KOSOLIPgm-, Laboratoriya Bravnitelfric7 blokbimli Inatituta fiziologii IM. 10 Pe Pavlova Akad'M" Inauk SSMt- Fred. Akad. K. m. 1~,kovym, Tt- vIr 14 1y, w sw 1, X. A e. A. I= .14, P" 'PI& ~I_ a__4 01.1 1. I.k LA k, N. -ia - 1-4 . A. I ol -rA 16.61.A -k W."i_ .1 'k %-% _h k.& ft . - -,A - . W k. fb. p6- ph..pL.4i& ~.A . A. $..I -.*.- *1 IfIt. 4jr- . a 16 *_ I..k. b..i. _40. "A -4,h. W.*.~ d &.b 1%. U.4 -d A. -At - ~.i ~ OF 0W - Of- 71- A. Fb..0A."4 &.p 1. lb. -,a rf~ -, b.,_,4" of =N..~.L 16. .1.~ d- r"-t,4 St the slath lmtoz-tl~l corKmad r padlology, *~Ich, 23-30 %1y 1959. L MALINOVSKIY. 0-V-; POMAZANSKATA, L.F.; ULTBIKA, I.N.; CHSTV'ERIXOVA, D.A. itffect of ionizing radiation on certain aspects of the phosphorus metabolism of the brain. Trudy Inst.fiziol. 8:533-542 159. (MIRA 130) 1. la'boratoriya radiobiologii (xavedrqushchiy - D.A. Chetyerikov) Institute. fiziologil im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (PHOSPHORUS KITABOLISM) (BRAIN) (X BAY&--PHYSIOLOGICAL 19FFXCT) 17M AUTHORS: Ushakov, B. P., Gaateya,-aY. SOV/20-128-3-57/58 TITLE: A Comparative Cytophysiological Analysis of the Responsiveness of Muscular Fibers to the Action of Potassium Chloride PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Wr 3, pp 638-640 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The appearance of a nonexcitability of muscular fibers'under the action of fermentative toxins on muscles is determined by one single cause, namely by the interaction of the exchange inhibitor with the muscle proteins (ferments)(Ref 1). Although it really occurs in the final effect, the interaction of all stimulating substances investigated - in contrast with the response to fermentative toxins and some other agents - is mostly complicated by the adaptation process (Ref 5). This reduces the toxic effect of the agent in the range of low intensities of stimulation. The existing parabolic dependence of the n-order (V - kCn , Refs 1-3) is only disturbed in the range mentioned. In relatively high concentrations, there is always a range in which this dependence remains untouched. This makes possible a Card 1/3 separate quantitative estimation of the responsiveness of muscle A Comparative Cytophysiologioal Analynis of the SOV/20-128-3-57/58 Responsiveness of Muscular Fibers to the Action of Potassium Chloride proteins and of the adaptation process mentioned (Ref 5). The degree of deviation quantitatively characterizes the adaptation process. The experiments were carried out on isolated muscles of 12 animal species: medusae, wormst leechest holothuriae, snails, crabs, frogs, lizards, and white rats. The authors thank I. P. Suzdal I skaya, and A. V. Zhirmunskiy for carrying out some experiments. The point of time of the appearance of nonresponsiveness of the isolated muscle to induction current was determined in KC1-solutions of different concentration. Figure 1 shows the logarithmic diagrams of the dependence of the appearance of nonresponsiveness on the KC1-conoentration. Already superficial observation shows that the muscle proteins of vertebrates show a responsiveness to low 01-concentrations which is by several dozens higher# with a lower threshold, than those of invertebrates. In figure 1, the respective curves are arranged in a series according to the decrease in the constant n. Due to a higher value of this constant in lower invertebrates# their responsiveness rises much faster than that of vertabratoo. Therefore, the reverse relation often applies to the range of Card 2/3 high 01-concentrations: the muscle proteins of lower animals A Comparative Cytophysiological Analysis of the SOV/20-128-3-57/58 Responsiveness of Muscular Fibers to the Action of Potassium Chloride. are more responsive than those of crustaceseand vertebrates. Hence it appears that, in the course of phylogenesisp the responsiveness of the protein substrata of the muscles increases in the range of low XCI-concentrations while it decreases in the range of high concentrations. Smooth muscles have a higher value of the constant n than transversely striated muscles (Fig 1) (in agreement with Ref 7). No adaptation could be found in 2 species of maritime'vrorms. In other invertebrates, it is distinctly to be seen, though not so distinctly as in vertebrates. Thus, the cells acquired, in the course of evolution, an active regulating capacity with respect to the amount of response. The appearance of this function in the cellular plane is of principal importance since it distinguishes the response of the cell as a whole from the responsiveness of its protein complex. There are 1 figure and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) PRESENTED: June 1, 1959, by Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: May 25, 1959 Card 3/3 S. V. D. ik.) Th El' -f,(--c t o 11 Url"-) -Rody !-'-'at;:):-, oil t"-..e 'tafte 32p Jrjo~),.- 1, It-, ~n the Tl s li 1 Lwd 3e--'.aLn Fa" '.lssues." presented .It tli,,~ 5t*.,i int'l. :,!o-scow, 1.1-10" Aui.- 1.961. 34830 3/020/62/142/005/022/022 .2 B144/B138 AUTHORS: Gasteva, S._L.! and Chetverikov, D A TITLE: Intensity of phospholipid metabolism (PLM) in the central nervous system (CNS) of rats in acute radiation disease PERIODICAL: Akademiyanauk SSSR. Doklady, v, 142, no 5, 1962, 1180 - 1183 TEXT4 PLN1 was studied in brain, spinal chord, liver. and spleen of rats after 750 r whole-body x-irradiation with a PYM-11 (RUM-11) apparatus. This dose caused rv70% of deaths within 4 days. PLIM was judged from the rate of Na 2 HP 3204incorporation into PL fractions (introduction 32 VK 0.5 Acu/1 g of weight). The rats were ded'apitated 120 min after P application; irradiation time was 100 m~n. The rats were in nine grotiod (112 rats) with P32 application 10 min before, and 2, 4. 6. 12, 24. 48. 72, and 96 hrs after, irradiation, with a nonirradiated control group cf 57 rats, The specific radioactivity (s.r.) of anorganic P (AP), the s r~ of the total PL fraction (imp/min-4g P), and the relative s,r (r,s,n) cf Card 1/3 S/020/62/142/005/022/M Intensity of phospholipid metabolisin B144/IB13B PL phosphorus ( Sr.PL -100) were calculated, and from this the rate of 32 s.r.,AP P incorporation into this fraction and the PD1 intensity couid b~.- hscertained,. Fig, 1 shows the PL r.s.r. in different tissues.. Previous investigations had led the authors to assume a remcte mechanIsm con- trolling PLM intensity alone (CNS) or in conjunction with direct effects (spleen, liver) in the first stage of radiation disease, The initial temporary PLM increase observed in all the tissues studied is apparently an unspecific metabolic reaction which is followed by widely differing specific reactions, depending on morphological and physiolQgical featiLres No direct noxious effect was found on the biochemi'cal systems responsible~ for PL synthesis in ONS, liver, and spleen. There are I figure and 15 referenc-es; 8 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The four most recent re- ferences to English-language publications read as fol-lows: R. M- C Dawson, D. Richter, Proc. Roy Soc., London. 13,7, 21~2 (1950); F G. Sherman, A. B. Almeida, Adv- in Radiobiol., Stockhc1m, A2 (1957); W, E. Cornatzer, J.. P. Davison et al., Radiation Res , 1, 546 ('954); H- Harrington, P., S,, Lavik., J. Cell, Comp- Physicl -46, 1113A 5 0 5 95 Card 2/3 3/020/62/142/005/022/022 Intensity of phospholipid metabolism B144/B138 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziologii im. I. P. Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESEITTED: September 4, 1961, by V. 11. Chernigovskly, Academician SUBMITTEDt August 29, 1961 Fig. 1. Change in PL r.s.r. in cerebral hemispheres (1), spinal chord (2), liver (3), and spleen (4) of rats-in the course of radiation disease. The statistical deviation of the points platted from the control average (. 100 q,0 is significant (P < 0-05). Legend: (a) hours. Fig. 1 Card 3/3 % 4 Vill*' too 0 80- 60- J.,. 46-4 11 Il- A 942 Z Z4 48 7Z vat try 'ne Perv. mb;!:Iy of t~e W-1-Pirilin i,, isna et, Im,n %:,, f 1). A. Chetier(C-Ard S. V. CsVe'll I he purj~,C vf this work ..I, thr compiti%on qir the ch.,ingci of blv~~d-btjln ImrT:cr intiricabihty ror the trtho~ rh-rhve with th-e,,fph,,Vfi-,t,rW turnover intensity in the lit- fir "tceot"I ",voul system in thicv"m of ac:utc r.d,ati,,n sx'k.ns. AdLit mAtc, r3ti, (Wrilar strain) rc-cm!d 7N) r lotal-lxvdy X-irradiation. 7he rcriefration rile ofortSop%oilhate from the blo,~d rlaorna into brain and %ri"I cord and the incerivration rate of ti-nuc inorganic rh-phate into "he fraction ,.,% lo,Oic,l by me-int of Nj,1111170. injecle,l subculaneti-ly to the aniniahi 2 hr befom decarilation. Both aircct% of r1implicrui nictabolivit were studied in the courtc of itradiation And 2. 4. F, 11. 43. 721 and 96 fir after. Ilmh in brain and spinal iiird during the fint 2 bf after irradiation, them %" ionv incr-c ofthe"T' Miettatien t rate from blexd into the Iii"Icl And of the ph-pholipid turnover rate. Apparently. this transiletv react n is non,pevfli; and is ci,ndifli,ocAl by the influence or the general rriptlatuty system, fir the ort3mim. In the later part of the radiation diwaite, The rate of 911' pmoswin Into the central ricnous s)vem, litsuci dmrta~ in compirisern with cmtml viluci.The intensity or plimph,,brid nxist,olons also decre-. but remjina near the control !cvcl. A mttkcd dircircave of both rrocnsci studied is obsened at the terminal stage of acute radiation sickmi J12-96 hr after lrfxdiafi(,n). The similarity tth. pmte- ofch..c,. r bl--d-b.r,i~r Noresesbilily for .,thoph-ph.l. and fphvphoh hl I-- intensity -led dminse the ~f radiation ik-. is p-bittily ..t but Iridktini the c0stence of some close linkage bavsmn thm two Aspects of the -mot's photphoful mcmbolilm. 1-s-stsy. L P. ?.I- 1,inift" Ussm ragort prostanted at Us 2rA Intl. Coagmen of Wiation Powearah, FcrMgnt*/YCrk%:b1=, Gt. Brit.' 5-11 Aua 1962 ;~,7 z GASTEVA, S.V.; CHUMIKOV, D.A. Intensity of phospholipid metabolism in the central nArvous system of rats during acute radiation sickness. Dokl. All SSSR 142 no.5:1180-1183 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut fiziologii im. I.?.ravlova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Chernigovskim. (PHOSPHATIDES) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (RADIATIO11 SICKNESS) ACCESSION HR: 0. 3013148 S/3ol8/63/000/000/0597/0606 TT AUMOR: GastevAl S, V,; Chotvorikov, D. A. - -t r TITLE.- 11~ojpha a roup phospholipido metabolism In brains of rats durinr, acut.o 'radiation siolmoss SOURCE: Trotlya Voesoyuznaya konforentsiya po biohhimii norvnoy' sistemM~. Sbornik dolcladov, Yerevan, 1963P 597-6o6 TOPIC TAGS: phosphate group phospholipide metabolism, brain metabolismp phoopholipide metabolismp CNS functional level# acute radiation sicknessp X-irradiation, radioactive phosphorus# homatoencephalitic barrier permoability-F lipid fraction,, inorganic phosphate fraction, specific radionctivityp brain largo hemispheres# spinal cord 'ABSTRACT: Experimental white male rats wore X-irradiated with a single total 750 r dose (M-11 unit 176 kv 20 ma, focal ~ongth 91 am), Radioactive phosphorus (P341 in tho'form of Na2Hp3 04 was injected subcutaneously (5 me/kg) into animals to determine phosphate group phospholipide metabolism intensity and to determine change in nomatooncephalitic barrier liermodbility for inorganic Card 313 ---------- --- ACCESSIO14 HH: iT3013148 phosphate in the blood plasma passing Into brain ti3sue. Animals were decapitated 2 hrs after P_)2 injection and blood and brain samples were taken. Brain large hemispheres and spinal cord were carefully removed and lipids extracted by Folch's chloroform- methanol method. Inorganic phosphate fractions were precipitated by Dolorila method. Specific radioactivity Of lipid and inorganic phosphate fractions and blood plasma served as indices of phospho-, lipide metabolism intensity and homatooncephalitic barrier permeability. Experimental data of this study were compared with literature dada on CITS changos in irradiated anlilialo. A striking corrolation was found between C14S funotionnl levol and 1)1103pholipido' metabolism. 'With increase in CNS functional level in the first hours ~;,jkaftor irradiation, the activity of certain metabolic systems in the rain, Includinr phospholipide motaboliamp become more intense. .'..f.liomatooncophalitic barrier permeability Increases for substances r :.necessary for more intense metabolism and this is reflected by the Ilichango in inorganic phosphate specific radioactivity of the brain. .'iDospito a clooo correlation there is not sufficiont evidence to claim that phospholipide metabolism is more diroctly-rolatod to GNS vital funotions than other types. The problem of which metabolic procosoon are of prime chemical importance in brain activity aznd j Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT3013148 t I iwhich processes play supplementary roles is a key question of I functional biochemistry and requires further study. Orig. art. has: 2 figuron. PSOCIATION: Institut.fiziologii im. I. P. Pavlova, AN SSSR, Loningrad (Physiology Institute, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 28Oct63 ENCL: 00 SUB COM AH NO REF SOV: 033 OTHER: 007 Card3/3 L 14346-63_. M(l)/Wr(m)/kS(b)/BDS AFFTC/ASD A" 0 ACCESSION NRI. AP3003e 66 i6l AW66/0718/0721 Chetverikov, Be A*; Gasteva, So V. e TITLEt Permeability of the blood-brain inoiganio phosphate in acute. radiation- sickness ___F C tSOURCEs. AN SSSR. Doklady*, ve 151, no- 3, 1963, 718-721 :TOPIC TAM permeabilityr blood-brain barrier, inorganic phosphate, radiation sickness, phospholipid metabolism. ABSTRACT j Having previously studied the r~ate of incorporation of radioactive phosphate into brain phospholipids, the authors wished to study the effect- of irradiation on the rate of synthesis* Permeability was assessed, in terms of the rate of uptake of labelled inorganic phosphate from the blood plasma by the tissue of the cerebral hemispheres, using relative specific radioactivity of cerebral and cerebrospinal tissue (ratio of opeoific brain to plasma radioactivity) as the meauxtreo White rate were subjected to whole-body irradiation in a dosage which produces acute radiation sickness and is fatal to 70% of the. animals in 4 days (750 r in 10 minutes). Radioa--tive phosphate (Na sub 2 HP BuP 32 :0 sub 4) was injected soce in the amount of 0-5 micrograms CU/9, and 2 hours afterwards the anirals were decapitated and blood samples collected. Determinations were made Card L 14346-63 ACCESSION NR3 AP3003866 ~Immediately after irradiation and 2-96 hours later. Relative radioactivity of the ;plasma was appreciably decreased immediately after irradiation and in the first 6 hours, then rose sharply and was considerably above the normal level at 24P 72# land 96 hours. The findings in cerebrospinal and hemispheric tissue vere very similars no charge for the fLrat 16 hours after irradiation, and a slight reduction 'beginning at 12 hourse Changes in the relative specific radioaotivit of hemis- 'pheric and cerebrospinal radioactivity were triphasics there Vag a distinct increase invermeability in the first 2 hours, a levelling off at values close to. ?those in controls in the first 2 ~dayst and finally, on the 3rd to 4th day a stat- ~istically significant decrease* The initial decrease in the specific radioactiv- ity of plasma inorganic phosphate in duo to its dilution with less active t issue phosphate., the high level'in the terminal stage of radiation sickness to the de- creased permeability of the blood-brain barriers The latter phenomenon In ex- plained by the increased capacity of the brain cell, cytoplasm to absorb inorganic :phosphate resulting from the irradiation-induced lowering of the rate of phoe- pholipid metabolism In the brain tissues Thus the rate of metabolic processes in the brain and the permeability of the blood-brain barrier are intimately relateds, Orig. art. hass 2 figures. Card 2/ ----- - ,Y2 W, CHETVFRIKOV, D.A.; qA�TML,,5,vJetlana V.; IVANOV, K.P.; VACEK, A.; POSPISIL, M. Mechanism of raised resistance of rats to hypoxia in acute radiation injury. Folia biol. (Praha) 10 no.5:386-391 164. 1. Pavlov Institut of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, and Institute of Biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno. L 16070-65 96(j)/ (i)/Orf(l)/FS(v)-.3/EWG(v)AviG(a)/Evc(c) Pb-4/pe-5/ Pb-4/Pi-4 AEDC(a)/ASD(a)-~b/AMb/AFMDC/AFTC(b) DD, ACCESSIOH,NR: AP4049493 S/0020/64/159/002/0469/0472 IAUTHORt ChetvarLkjv D. Ae; Gasteva, S& ~TIT-L.Et- The metabolism of p.hosphate groups in phospholipids of the brain and liver of -rateduring hypoxia and posthypoxLa !SOURCE: AN SSSRo Doklady*, vo 159, no. 2, 1964, 469-472 ITOPIC TAGSi hypoxLa, pressure chambers phosphate metabolism, phos- pholLpLd, brain, liver ABSTRAM In this study, three goups of rats were pla'ced in pressure', .chambers with the atmospheric pressure lowered as follows: group I.-:! 240 mm Hg; - group.2 - 180, mm Hg; group 3 - 240 mm Hg (chamber heated .to reduce hypothermLa) Periodically the animals received injections. 1 P32 ,containing the in;lus.ion rate of which Indicated that in group Is :and in group 2 particularly, the metabolism of phospholLpLds was de- ,pressed, G 'roup 3 showed a 50Z mortality rates with the p32 inclusion, .rates not deviating significantly from those of a control group,. In i iall.Luatances, the metabolism of phospholipids was inhibited move ~Cord 1/2 L 16070-65. 'ACCESSION MR: AP4049493 Tacutaly in the brain than In the livere, It is concluded that the. in-' f phospholipid metabolism during hypoxLa was to a certain ~hLbLtLon o ,extent determined by aconcomitant onset of hypothermia. OrLg. arLe ihast 1 table* fASSOCIATION-.. InstLtu,t fLziologii,Lmeni 1. P. Pavlova Akademii nauk ciences. SSSR) 4,SSSR (Institute of PhIsLology of the Academy of- iSUBMITTED: OZApr64 ENCLs' 00 SUB CODE: PHI 1z REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 009 ATD PRESS: 3U5 CCcrd 2/2 L 14293-66 EWT(m)/EPF(n)-2 , DIAA~ C~3'/RD ACC NR: AT6003877 SOURCE CODE: UR/2865/65/004/000/0437/0444 AUTHOR: Gasteva,, S. V.; Ivanov, K. P.: Chetverikovp D. A. ORG: none TITIE: Resistance of rate to severe oxygen deficiency during radiation sickness SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologicheskikh nauk. Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii,, v- 4., 19659 437-444 TOPIC TAGS: radiation sickness, hypoxia, rat, biologic metabolism, test chamber, ionizing radiation, x ray irradiation, tissue physiology ABSTRACT: Experiments were conducted to-determine the effect of Ionizing radiation on'- oxidizing systems in living tissues by showing whether th ei resistance of rats to acute hypoxia changes in the course of severe radi- ation sickness. Male white rats weighing 200- 250 g were subjected to a dose of x-rays (750'r) sufficient to cause mass death 80 hours after irradiation. Immediately after irradiation, and then at intervals of 6, 12, 24, -48, .72, and 96 hours, groups of experimental and control rats were placed in'an -altitude chamber and subjected to rarefied atmosphere Card 113 71, .L 14293-66 ACC NR: AT60C!3877 (140 mm Hg). The resistance of irradiated rats to hypoxia, evident 6 hours after irradiation, was most pronounced after 72 hours. In order to deter-- mine whether a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes is the chief cause of resistance to hypoxia, the rectal temperature and oxygen consumption of irradiated rats werd measured In the designated time inter- vals. The absence of essential changes in these indices ahowed that the decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes In irradiated rats is'not the sole cause of increased resistance to hypoxia. Another series of experiments tested oxygen- cohsumption of animals directly under hypoxic conditions. Gas-exchange studies under normal atmospheric and hypoxic conditions were compared, und it was concluded *that the mechanism of Increased resistance to hypoxia is different at different stages of radiation sickness. Further research'is needed to determine the exact causes'of increased resistance at different times, which may include hypothermia, disturbances of normal vital activity such as anemia or circulatory disruption, and disturbances in temperature regula- tion. The observed resistance of rats to acute oxygen deficiency (from 6 i hours after irradiation to the terminal stage of acute radiation sickness), Card 2/3 14293-66 -J! ACC NR: AT6003877' : - so. the absen and al ce of a significant change in the Intensity of,.metab4 does not in the dose used, processes, Indicate that ionizing raoi#ton, , . , ' ' damage oxidizing systems in the tissuses Orig. a.A v has 83 figure se . [ATD PIMS: 4091-F3 06 SUBM -DATES ~RZ IOTH R17,-~ "';j C /3 3 _," _ -'-~~28918 SOURCE CODE: U,9/0020/65/165/003/0714/OTI AUTHOR: Gasteva, S. V.; Chetverikov, D. A. ORG: Xnatitute or-Physiology im. I. P._Pavlov,_AcaderV of Sciences SSSR (Institut fiziologii, Akademii nauk SSSR TITLE: Reasons for the decrease in metabolic intensity of brain phospholipids during oxygen starvation of the organism SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 1055, no. 3, 1965, T14-T16 TOPIC TAGS: animal physiology, biologic metabolism, brain, phospholipid, rat ABSTRACT: Previous experiments bad suggested that the suppression of phospholipid synthesis observed in brain tissue during hypoxia is less the result of oxygen star- ':vation of the organism than of the hypothermia. which accompanies this state. To veri fy this hypothesis, phospholipid synthesis in animals during intensified hypothermia and "normal" hypoxia was compared. Male white rats were immersed in water (8-10C), injected with radioactive phosphate (done 0.5 p Cu/g), and then placed, while in re- straint cages, in a pressure chamber at 240 mm Hg for 110 min. The relative specific radioactivity (RSR) of the phosphorus in the pbospholipids was used as an index of th, intensity of phospbolipid metabolism. Experimental results showed that in artificiaA- cooled animals (whose rectal temperature was 13.3C below normal), the RSR was 35.5% of the control value. For animals not subjected to additional cooling (rectal temper ture 5.2C below normal), the RSR of brain phospholipids was 69% of the ACC KRi- AP5028918 control. An explanation of the complex relationship between decreased body tempera- ture and depressed phospholipid synthesis is proposed. It is suggested that hypos thermia of brain tissue inhibits the activity of enzyme systems involved in cellular synthesis processes. Hypothermia accompanying oxygen starvation of the organism seen to have a protective, adaptive character. When the normal body temperature of experl mental animals was artificially maintained during hypoxia, a higher mortality rate was observed. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. [is] SUB CODE: LS/ SUBM DATE: 25Nov64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: OOl/ ATD PREW Card d gravtmettle method for determination of total = ? ,_Ikal midet In a gjal lmn-mfICACSL=- um Dotassfurn Itlass as Welf's" Classes conlawin5 In - VAJI addition of r0 . Hu onr e, bq_rjmj6 and uuLgAa=c. an In feltdIscar era 4y V. Krasnovs 11 E. P. Bil'Iyukaya. ' a It. V. Gaste". U An . I Oros. Byull. Viesoyus. . 5~ 10-21; AREjeral. Naut !913 k W M7 ft " zhur. KAIM. . _T C - alkali OxidL-3 in 11 . 228 2 glasses and silicates contg. large units. of AIA, treat a 0.5-t. sample with a mixt. of 407,:LIIF and Coned. lltSO4 whUe heating to remove Si. F, Ann B as volatile fluorides. hft*tt the resulting sulfates at 7W-MO, trc%t tht sulfates with water, and ppt. all metals except the alkali with a satd. aq.qdc. soln. of (NH.~CO&. Det. the alkali metals remaining in son. by any accepted method. This procedure is applicable to macr*- as well as microdem. In the fo. met case, detia. takes 11-12 hrs. which is half the time required by the sul- fatt-baryte method, and by the stmimicromethod it takes only 7 hrs. nosell 71-7 UUM. A.G.; RA,! Now method of determination of alveolar air. Ter. arkh., gookya 24 no.1:92-95 Jan-Feb 52. (CLKL 21:4) 1. Of the Facultr Therapeutic ClWc (Acting Director--Prof. T.3. Istamanova), First Leningrad Medical Institute imeni Academician I.P. Pavlov. GASTWA, Z. A. ~- - I ~ - -' . : -'7- ',' ~' Study on function of the respiratory apparatus in chronic pul- mnnary wiphysema. nin. nod., Moskva )0 no.4:86-87 Apr 1952. (CLML 22:2) 1. Of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic (Acting Director -- Prof. T. S. Totamanova). First Leningrad Medical Institute imeni. Academician 1. P. Pavlov). GASTEVA, Z.A. Characteristics of hemopoiesis in patients with congenital cardiac defects of the blue typea Terapearkhe 33 no,1:79- 84 161, (MIRA 1423,) 1.. Iz fakulltetskoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. kafedroy - prof. T.S. Istamanova) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo institu- ta imeni I.F. Pavlova. (HMT-ABNORMITIES AND DMRMITIES) (HEMOPOIETIC SYSTEM) .c,As_Ts3Lk,_Zjnaida Aleks na OV, S-P-, red.; LEBEDEVA, G.T., , _qZqy __LKLIF tekhn. red. (Pain in the heart] 0 boliukh v serdtse. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1963. 15 P. MRA 16:7) (HEART--DISEASES) (PAIN) C~TEVA, Zinaida Alekse~-,wna- NESHELI Yelizaveta VaSillyevna -. - '. y y ;~,ueaiiedl- uspf.27SYAYA V(,,rrjri'r-la LlUall'E, 11 - I y N.A., red. [FrieurnoVii-xosis and pulzionary emphyseral Pnow'ofibrozy i emfizama legkikh. Leningrad, Irleditsina, 1965. 2C6 1). (mlial 28:~,) Engr PA167T77 USSR/Metals - Welding Sep 50 "Resistance of the Plate in Spot Welding," L. I. Gastila, Engr, Kaunas State U "Avtogen Delo" No 9, PP 17-18 Introduces formula for calculating ohmic resistance of a plate. Formula gives relation between resist- ance and basic parameters, such as specific resist- ance of metal of plate, its thickness, and area through which a welding current flows. This per- mits graphic or analytical determination of coeffi- cient values necessary to calculate resistance. W 167T77 112-2-3645 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2, p. 164 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gastila, L. TITLE: Plate Resistance (Laksto omine varza; aktivnoye sopro- tivleniye plastinki) [In Lithuanian, resume in Russian] PERIODICAL: Kauno politechn. inst. darbai, Tr. Kaunassk. politekhn. in-ta, 1955, Nr 3, pp. 127-135 ABSTRACT: An analytical calculation for determining plate resistance in spot welding is given. The inadequacy of the formula proposed by Helman, which takes into account the effect of the current field in the plate is pointed out. A simplified method of plotting electric fields is proposed which will make it possible to derive the formula express- ing the relation between the thickness of the plate and the diameter of the electrode with the least error: R = K P6 /d2 , where P 13 the resistivity of the metal plate; S is the thickness of the plate; d is the diameter Card 1/2 of the electrode; K is a coefficient which is a function Plate Resistance (Cont.) 112-2-3645 of the ratio d16 . The values for K are obtained from the graphs which are given, or analytically; K = 1.274 - o.96/i.54 d/J - G.K.Ts. Card 2/2 GASTILA, L.I., red. [Mechanization of drainage work]Voprotsy mekhanizatsii i mep-- liorativnykh rabot; sbomik statei. Villnius, Gos. izd-vo polit. i nauchn. lit-rY, 1956. 130 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Drainage) , GASTILAA,,-L. Lithuanian racing tracks are waiting for racers. Za rul. 19 no. 2:16 F 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy avtomobiley Kaunnsakogo Politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Lithuania-Automobile racing) GASTILA, L., kand. tekhne naukx dotsent Training specialists. Avt. transp. 41 no.12:41-42 D 163. (MERA 17: 1) .1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy avtomobite Kaunasskogo poli- tekhaicheskogo instituta (for Gasti L 2. Nachallnik Tyumenskogo av-toupravleniya (for Avtokratov). W.STID)VICH. A. Iz op.,-ta nastupatellnykh deistvii na go-nom teatre. (Voennaia mysl', 1946, no. 6, p. 16-28, m2ps) Title tr.: F-Experience in offensiyc opmrations in mountain terrain. Uh. V82 19W -!rona~;tical Sci.-!nce3 and lvii-,ion i-, the "-ovi-~t Tnior., Librarj of' Con..-.r~!ss, 19",';-. SOKOLOVSKIY, V.D., Marshal Sovetskogo Soyuza; ID,'LA!EV, A.I., polIkovniki GASTILOVICII, A.L.. doktor voyennykh. naw., prof. general-polkovnik; MYI=OTTX._,i~~ovnik; ZAVIYA1,OV, I.G., general-rzyor; KOIEECIIITSKIY, V.V., general-mayor; LARIOVOV, V.V., kand. voyenrwkh nauk, polkovnik; IYRKOV, polkovnik; PAROTIKIN, I.V., kand. voyenrWkh nauk, polkoviiik; 71COMiOHOV, A.A., general-mayor; POPOV) AS.., polkovnik; SALIIIIKOV, K.I., po]Jovnik-; SUB.IANSKIY,A.N., polkovnik,, CIMEDNICHENKO, M.I., general-mayor; SHCREGOlEv, A.I., polkovnik,* YOROZOV, B.H., polko-~ia, red.; KOROVALOVA, Ye.K., teklin. red. [Vilitary strategy] Vocnnaia strategiia. Moskva, Voeni-dat, 1962. 457 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Strategy) SOKOLOVSKIT, V,D,, Marshal Sovetskogo Soyuza, BELIATEV, A.I., polkomik; GASTILOVICH, A.I., doktor vcfennykh nauk, prof. general- P61kovM1E;-DE?1TSENKO, V.K., polkovnik; ZAVIYALOV, I.G., general-mayor; KOLECHITSKIY, V.V., general-mayor; LARIONOV, V.V., kand. voyonykh nauk polkovnik; NTRKOV, G.M., polkov- nik; PAROTIKIff,'I.V., kand. voyennykh nauk polkovnik; PROKHOROV, A.A., general-mayor; POPOV, A.S., polkovnik; SALINIKOV., K.I., polkovniki SHIMANSKIY, A.N., polkovnik; CHEREDNICHENKO, M.I., gene ral-mayo r ~ SHCHEGOLEV, A.I., pol- kovnik; YOROZOV, B.H.,, polkovnik, red.; KONOVALOVA, Te.K., tekhn. red. [Military strategy] Voennnia strategiia; Izd.2., ispr.. i dop. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1963. 503 p. (MIRA 16:16) (Strategy) GASTILOVICH, Ye.A.; SHIGORIN, D.N.; GRACHEVA, Ye.P.; CHEKULAYEVA, I.A.; ZHUSTAKUMIYO M.F. Investigating the nature of the complexes and derivatives of acetylene by the method of infrared absorption'Bpectra. Opt.i spektr. 10 no-5:595-599 MY 161. (KMA 14:8) (Acetylene-Spectra) GASTILOVICH, Yo.k.; SHIGORIN, D.N.; KOMAROV, N.V. Use of the method of infrared absorption spectra in studying acetylene derivatives containing elements of group IV of Mend'dleev's periodic law. Opt. I spektr. 16 no.1:46-51 Ja 164. (MIRA 1713) GASTILOVICH, Ye.A.; SHIGORIN, D.N.; KOMAROV, N.V.; YAROSH, O.G. Electro-optical parameters of the C--Ge. C-H) C-SI bonds of certain acetylene derivatives consisting of one or several acetylene groups. Opt. i spektr. 19 no.2:287-289 Ag 165. (141RA 18:8) SOURCE CODE ACC AR6016177 : uR/oo58/65/ooo/oll/Do14/i)o14 AUTHOR: Shigorin, D. N.; Gastilovichl. Ye. A.; Komarov, N. V. TITLE: Ivie'stigation of compounds of the -group (CH3) 3-ZrDmCH, where X _CP_Oij7fffi;_ w4 Fb in the region of valence oscillations of the groups C-C and C-H SOURCE. Ref. zb. Fulkap Abe. 1ID97 MW SOURCE: Tro Komis, p2 spektroakopii* AN SSSR.j t- 3P V7- lo 190~l 673-678 .:TOPIC TAGS: absorption band, ir spectrum, complex molecule, molecular physics, molecular Interaction ABSTRACT: The frequencies of the valence oscillation groups OmC and r=C-H in C02110 pounds (CH3)3-X-04H were calculated. The calculated frequencies are compared with. the measured frequemies In ir spectra, of the compounds (CH3)3-C-C;CH (,)l (CH3)3-3i-C1KX (II)j, and (q2HS)*-Sn0LCH (in). :Et in concluded that in cocqxnmdr- with Oil Gap Snp wid Pb there should be observed an intrawlecular interaction with participation of the.*-electrcnsl~f the O-C bond, using the d-orbit of the X atom. The presence of such an Interwtion is confirmed experimentally by the fact that aL, increase Is observed in the intensity of the absorption band of the group CmC in Il wA in III compared with I, and that compounds II and III form stronger camlexes with an electro-dwor solvent: (CA3)3-X-0mM ---- Y-R. (Translation of abstract) MM COOZ: 07 2D Cod GASTING, N. F 11 1) is is is ly is " M zi if 25 ili 27 117 1 ill it V 11 41 A--x -E--q J--L -V -Y.B.1-ft L_I-AA M- a to "I.-J-1, I * isr ~kp -p.,. -!ND Internal pholoeffect in deformed crystith; dut, to nitra. violet ... f it, * , r9m. PhT,-(7r-=.4.) , .1 , R(F-71J.- Fru'in 1heir envil. (wa, ci. ina 11. conclillic lit'll in (It. forn,ird crystak ill(, vhctrojp~ am buld mort- firod): 1101 Ill f he F atid V lint nica In (h, Icclicr I" levek. '[w 11', like file F level, seems In be r0aird In a dc,4niefion of The crYstal lattice. The gresiter thr crystii himum- lion, (lie stronger i,; 113V illcrca'u of fill- fVvutw pholo- cin-reni finder file action of nlimviolel irradialinn. Cf. also 11oddittin'yl, C~ A. 33, ISM", ~52-1471,1-, FV4(licV, C. 11. 33, A2R-P. F. 11. 11.11111nalln IN j I!, 7ee A, j GASTING. N. L. - " 7 _-, GASTING, N.'L. -"The Attenuation of the After-Illumination of the Zns-Cu and ZnS-Cu,Co Phosphors Near and in the Region of the Temperature Extinction." Tomsk, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Fhysiomathe- matical Sciences). So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No, 8, 1956,) p2 97-103 7~e J THE DECAY LAWS,OF THE AFTERFib-* ~F zl~ SULFLDE PHOSPHdM Lq' 'THt T'EUPmA!TURF.7 t - : F. 1. VejktMaj -j~l , . 7t S."Ett Ph 1,284-90(1955)11~. (InItng1lih). Y,, _ETP ELPtl. t Teoret. Fit. L8. 362-40(1955) Mar 7 7 On R Rogults ire presented of Investigation of thd Ifecl Q( temaratu and Intensity. an well as tho lezWhct,- excitation. on the deej~ I&W athe aftef%IOW of fools 4no sulfide phosphors near and In the extinction region, ("11) 51-6-11/25 AUTHOR: -Gasting, N. L. TITIE: Decay of Afterglow of ZnS-Cu and ZnS-Cu,Co Phosphors Near and in the Region of Temperature quenching. (Zatu.khaniye poslesvecheniya fosforov Zn,-9-Cu i ZnS-Gu,Go vblizi i v oblasti temperaturnogo tusheniya.) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektrosko, 1ya, 195?, Vol. III, Nr. 6, R pp.624-630. (USS ~ ABSTRACT: The paper reports experimental invest tion of the IE CU,Co crystal behaviour of afterglow of ZnS-Cu and Z phosphors near and in the region of temperature quenching. The purpose of the work was a comparison of the obtained results with existing theories, and the establishment of a fundamental law of decay of afterglow. Afterglow was studied under the conditions of steady-state stron-, steady-state weak and momentary excitation at 365 mtL and at various temper- atures. A Pulfrich photometer was used. All measurements were made on one sample to exclude the effect of secondary facto S. The phosphor vras a thin layer of about 0.0.03 g/cm. Measurements were begun Card 1/5 0.? see after the excitation had ceased. The deca3, 51-6-11/25 Decay of Afterglow of ZnS-Cu and ZnS-Gu,Co Phosphors Near and in the Region of Temperature Quenching. curves were constructed in double-logarithmic (1n I, in t) and logarithmic (ln 19 t) coordinates, where I = the intensity of afterglow t = duration of depy. Results were obtained for ZnS-6u phosphor with 10-4 g/g of Cu. Temperature quenching was studied between 300 and 6000y'. The usual quenching curve was obtained; a small rise of intensity (at 290-4100K), constant intensity (at 410-4400K) and a sharp fall (at 440-6000K). The reSion of constant values of intensity is called the region "near quenching", and the 440-6000K region is called the "quenching re The following measurements were made: (Ar At steady-state weak excitation (Fig.1), when a serics of hyperbolae was obtained. (B) At steacj~-state strong excitation (about 50 times stronGer than weak excitation) - see Fig.2. (C) At momentary (0.01 see) excitation (Fig.3). gor the ZnS-Cu Co phosphor with card 2/5 10-2 g/g of Cu and 10--l g/g of Co tAe carve of 51-6-11/25 Decay of Afterglow of znS-Cu and ZnS-Cu,Co Phosphors Near and in the Region of Temperature quenching. temperature quenching was of special form, first established by Saychenko, (Ref.2). This quenching curve hSd a region of quenching, called region I, at 100-290 K, followed by a region of increased intensity (from room temperature to 420-440K) which is called reSion I;, and a region of high temperature quenching (440-600 K), called region III. For the reCions I and III afterglow was studied under steady-state strong, steady-state weak and momentary (0,2 sec) excitations. For the region II only steady-state strong excitation vi-as used. The results are given in Pigs.4 and 5. From the results obtained the author concludes that: (1) With change of intensity and duration of excitation, different jaws of decay of after-effect are obtained for one sample in the same region of temperatures. (2) From the curves of afterglow decay the depth of localization levels which cause afterglow was deter- mined: for ZnS-Cu 8 = 0.64 eV, for ZnS-Cu,Co & = 0.36 eV for region I and 6 = 1.57 eV for region 111. (3) Two different values of the Card 3/5 activation energy were found: one for the quenching 51-6-11/25 Decay of Afterglow of ZnS-Cu and ZnS-Cu,Co PhosDhors Near and in the Region of Temperature quenching. and another for the region near quenching. (4) In ZnS-Cu afterglovL, is due to localization levels of the same depth for the two regions: near, and in the quenching region. In ZnS-CuCo in the low-temperature region I shallow levels (0.36 eV) are effective and in the high-temperature region III deep (1-57 eV) levels are active. (5) In both phosphors afterglow follows the laws of the theory of Adirovich as developed by F.I. Vergunas, with temperature quenching of bimolecular ty ,De taken into account. (6) Transition of the hyperbolic law of decay of afterglow into the exponential law in the quenching region is due to a decrease in the number of repeated trappings. (7) Neither the ex-Donential nor the hyperbola of II order represent fundamental decay laws, but are simply special cases of the Adirovich decay law supplemented by inclusion of quenching. There are 5 figures, 1 table and ? Card 4/5 references, of which 5 are Russian and 2 English. 51-6-11/25 Decay of AfterGlow of ZnS-Cu and ZnS-Cu,Co Phosphors Near and in the Region of Temperature ~~uenching. SUBMITTED: February 11, 1957. AVAIIABIB: Library of Congress. Card 5/5 SUBJEM USSR/Luminescence 48-4-11/48 AUTHOR: Gasting N.L. TITLE: Decay of Afterglow in ZnS-Cu and ZnS-Cu,Co Phosphors near and in the Region of temperature Quenching (Zatukhaniye posleave- cheniya ZnS-Cu- i ZnS-Cu, Co-fosforov vblizi i v oblasti tem- peraturnogo gasheniya) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957,Vol 21, #4, PP 508-509 (USSR) ABSTRkCT: Detailed experimental investigations of the afterglow in ZnS-Cu- and ZnS-Cu,Co-phosphors near and in the region of temperature quenching were carried outg and temperature quenching of these phosphors was measured. The range of temperatures used for quenching was from 300 to 0 700 K for ZnS-Cu-Phosphors and from 100 to 6000K for ZnS-Cu, Co-phosphors. Experimental results yield for one and the same phosphor sample all main forms of the afterglow decay lawt exponential, hyper- bola of the 2nd order and fractional hyperbola, in the same Card 1/2 temperature range. -tk!4 48-4-11/48 TITLE: Decay of Afterglow in ZnS-Cu and ZnS-Cu, Cc Phosphors near and in the Region of temperature Quenching (Zatukhaniye poslesve- cheniya ZnS-Cu- i ZnS-Cu, Co-foeforov vblizi i v oblasti tem- peraturnogo gasheniya) The results obtained agree well with the theolretical Adirovich law which was improved by F. Vergunas. The AdiroTich-Vergunas law, approximated by a fractional hyperbola in the general case, includes exponential and second-order-hyperbola laws as par- ticular cases. No references are cited. INSTITUTION: Tomsk State University PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: No date indicated AVAILkBLEt At the Li1rary of Congress. Card 2/2 S/139/62/000/oo0'/027/032 E.073/E535 AUTHORS: and Suvorova, L.A. TITLE: On the flare up of luminescence of Zns-Cu phosphors PERIODICAL: Izve'stiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, no.6, 1962, 168-i6q TEXT: Th2 uminescence'flare up was studied for ZnS-Cu phosphors (cu-10 g/g, calcining temperature 11000C, flux NaCl) in the temperature extinction range, the beginning of which was at 4150 K; activation energy U = 0.67 eV. The maximum possible intensity of the excitation light was used. Three localization levels (0.12, 0.16 and 0.28 eV) were detected and, therefore, it was possible to compare the results obtained with published ones based on a completely different method of determining depths of the localization levels. These r6sults confirm earlier results of the authors that for the luminesc.ence flare up of ZnS-Cu phosphors the following relation is .valid: I = 10 (I 1-e -pt where 10 - steady state luminescence intensity, I - density at the given instant of time t exp-e/kT, E - depth of the ' ' P P?h localization levels. p expresses e probability of thermal Card 1/2 On the flare up of lumintisFcence S/1W6,2/ooo/oo6/027/O32. E073/E535 ele6t~rons. release of localized There ar46 2 figures. ASSOCIATION; Novosibirskfy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transportation Engineers) SUBMITTED: November 17 1961 Card 2/2 s W-~ A MI-SR/Human and Animl Mysiology - Nervous System. V-12 Nbs Jour : Ref Zhur - No 1; 1958, 4459 Author : I Gasto A. Yus, F. Morrel., V. Storm-Van-Leuveii., ng, A. Kanp, J. Verre Inst : - Title : E-lectroencephalotgaphic Pattern of the Formation of Conditioned Reflexes in Man, Orig P-,b : Zhurnal vyssh. nervn. deyatellnosti, 1957, 7, No 1, 25- 38 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 -S 7e- ~ /), I aus,j !~,za anu -niral i-tiyak. -Lo,,f Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 1 ) 1958) 4460 A-,, -or : A: RoLe, S. A. P,!zh.'L Inst Title Study of ElectroencephalOL:raphic Eo, the Processes'of central Fxcitation and Central Ini-libition Ouring the Development of Conditlmwft Tlefloxes. Orig Pub ZLruml vyssh. nerv. ricyatellnosti, 1.957) 7j, No 2., 185- 202 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 .C11 GA,'aTCL B. Z zakladu Higieny U. T., Ki-silrl-ow. Pr-,yczyzl(,'.- e,? ~ywLenia dziecl uo,,ta?echm * --~r C=ese U A second contribution to the nutrition of 'i6j 06-Mtwa krakowskiego w rolkii 19'-17- school-ch'LldrelL In Mine elementary schools in the provi:.cp of Prreklad Lekargkl' Cracow 194~, 5/11058-165) TAbles 5 So: Medical Microbiolo;~y, Section IV, Vol 3, no 1-6 GASTOL. B.: ANSZLM, Q.; MMNIAVSKA, 1,; WANBWSKA, D.; Gorcsyneka, K. Nutrition of rural population in the 919chow and Wyolenlee regions@ Przegl. lek., Irrakow 10 no.6:1173-178 1954. 1. 2 Zakladu Higlemy Akademli Medyesnej w Krakowls. Iterownik: Doe. dr P.Gastol. (NUTRITION, In Poland. rural population) (RURAL CONDITIONS, nutrition of rural population in Poland) GASTOL, Blazaj; ANSELH. 0. Nutritional state of the rural populations of the Hischow and W93-5niec counties. Prsegl. lek., Xrakow 10 no.9:255-258 1954. 1, Z lakladu Higiany Akademii Medycznej'w Krakovie. Kierownik: Doc. dr B Gastol. in PolaLd. of rural population) MMAL COVDiTIONSO nutritio. tf' rural population in Poland) LICERPTA MEDICA See-17 V0194/2 Public Health,etc.Vab58 634. DUST CONCENTRATIONS IN THE ATMOSPHERIC AIR OF CRACOW. Zapylenie powietrza atmooferycznego m. Krakowa. G a a t o t B . , A n s e I m 0. and Gorczydska K. Zakk. Hig. Akad. Mod.-,-IGakZw-.ROCzN. PA9ST. ZAKL. HIG. 1956, 7/5 (439-445) Graphs 2 Tables 5 The following results were obtained: JI) The highest dust concentrations are caused by the gas-works and the power-station in the Kazimierz quarter. (2) A high dust concentration was also found in the east- and south-quarter - these being the in- dustrial part of the city. (3) Cracow belongs to the towns of the average high dust concentrations in the atmospheric air. The atmospheric dust pollution is due to the faulty pavements. primitive ways of collection and removal of sweepinp and due to the dusty industries. 4 4' 7-0 ZL )I~XCERM YIDICA See 17 Vol 5/3 Publi: Health Yar 59 970. THE INFLUENCE OF THE WORKING CONDITIONS ON THE HEALTH OF WORKERS IN A RUBBER-SHOE FACTORY - Wptyw warunk6w pracy na zdrowie robotnikdw w powlekarni tekstylu jednej z, fabryk obuwia - Gastol B . . Dtuiniewska K. and Gorczyfiska K. Zakt. Hig. A.M., -KTMMW---ME D. PRACY 1958, 9/ 3 (171 - 1?6) Tables 2 Thirtv-rour workers,. exposed to chronic poisoning by benzene, methyl alcohol. acetone and benzine vapours in a rubber-shoe factory were examined. The air analysis showed benzene vapour concentrations ranging from 0.5-1.8 ing./I., methyl alcohol vapours from 0.05-0.18 nig./I. acetone vapours from 0.05-1.7 mg./i and benzine vapours from 1.45-8.0 mg./ I. The medical and laboratory examina- tions of workers showed subjective and objective symptoms of chronic poisoning. q :rhe authors suggest that as long as the concentration of toxic substances is beyond the MAC, the working day of exposed workers be shortened. GASTOL, Blazej. Relation of iodine to calcium and chemical indices of water pollution as related to endemic goiter. Postepy 14 no.4:413-420 96o. 1. Z Zakladu Higieny A.M. w Krakowle. (WATER POLLUTION) (IODINE chem) (CALCIUM chem) (GOITER etiol) S/169/62/000/002/048/072 D228/D301 ATJTHOR,~ Q_-1 n tAKj6,B TITLE: Atmospheric pollution over the territory of Nowej fl,,-Y PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 2, 1962, 60, ab- stract 2B453 (Roczn. Panstw. zakr. hig., 12, no. 1961, 73-78) TEXT: Investigations of the atmosphere's pollution were fulfilled in 1958-1959 at 10 points of Nowa Huta. The research program inclu- ded the determination of: a) The amount of dust settling out of tKe air upon a horizontal surface, b) the quantity of dust in I m of air, c) the amount and size of the dust particles, and d) the concentration of sulfur dioxide in 1 M3 of air. The results of The investigations are briefly stated and discussed. An estimate is gi- ven for the degree of pollution of separate points. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 13 UP rust Poo- 4- cr V, =6 t f I F .00 W,4 :tUr5it im4... P.. -~r pis C, P V I- p p .GASTOL, Blazej Studies on the OUOPILthogonc3ia of endamic goiter in the llrwonad District. Postepy hig. med. dosw, 16 no,,1:167.,172 762, 1. Z ZaUadu fligieny Ml w Kr6-.owie Kierownik: doc. dr B. Gastol. (GOITER etiol) GA.zTCI",, B. ; 0 1". f hemogl~:)bin, munber of red ccllr,, -rli prcII-7-In --7-j r.h(, licc-I sE7r-uri as indicators of ~Iw i')!' ~if ""i '*~ ;.uduntrliii- worknrt3. Knczn pmstw .!ik" I-ij,, - . 131 t 0. 1. :ns~~-Jtu-.e of hyglene, S.,hco-l of M-t~' Knikow, l,ind Cl,.y Dispersary Of Industrial ,,. GASTOL, Blazej; HOLOWIKKA, Ewa; KOLTEK, Fryot~na Studies on the physical development of children and adolescents in children's homes in the Gracov Region. Folia med. Gracov. 6 no.l-.157-81 164 FC) U)!) Ew;i ; R~ I Tl:',.K , Kryn: tyrLri cii]:-en's ~,)mes -in the Cracct.- regicr, ac tc the t-ickpess or tl~ sulicui-anec.,us aiipose t-issue, Yjemcglc~,ir leve:, erytbrocyt'? cc".111ti blood protein ltriv,~',, an-~! vitamin :' 'Invel. Fo7ln med. rracov. no.3:343-353 I BIRECKI, Mieasyslav;'a TOL, ~Zozqf Preliminary studies of the influence of plants on the developwnt and decomposition of humme organic matterv as well am on the moil atructurev in the rotation of crop@. Room nauk roln roal 82 no.lsl45-190 160. (IM 10:7) (Poland-Rotation of crops) (Soils) . (Organic compounds) L 5370-66 M-IT(m)-AM -W EW.P -M -06 Ay)/- --(J)IT -X~IR ACC NR- AP5024576 SOMME CODE: UR/0292/65/000/009/0010/0013 VN ,:AUTHOR: Alekseyevskiy. V. V. Corresponding member AN Am.SSR); ChatinvAn. %-S,_ Candidate of te(.,hnical scien es); _Gastvan. L. K. (- -r.); Alchudzhyan,-L.,V. ,~Engr.) ORG: *none 33; 'TITLE: Electrical machinery up to 100 kw with open slots and magnetic wedges SOURCE: Elektrote~chnika, no. 9, 1965, 10-13 TOPIC TAGS: synctxonous machine ABSTRACT: Heretofore, synchronous generators up to 100 k,,r capacity have had "soft" coils embedded in semiclosed slots, which has required much labor for building genarators. A possibility has been investigxted to build these machines with prefabricated thermosettin -plastic-bon e Soils placed in open slots and covered Terith magg-netic wedges. Of many combinations tested, a 9V,.,-L-on 1Q/~bakcelite- powder press composition is reported as the best matterial for the magnetic wedges. Thxee synchronous generators, 6.75, 75, and 125 kva, remodeled for the magnetic- Card 1/2 UDC-:-621-31.3-0420.001.8. L 537o-66 'ACC NR: AP5024576 wedge constructionwere tested (numerical results tabulated). It is found that: (1) The use of magnetic wedges, instead of glass-textolite ones, results in a lower weight of copper and a higher efficiency thanks to lower excitation current and lower no-load losses; (2) The reactances xp, x., Ya, x" increase,when the q magnetic wedges are used, within a permissible range; (3) Practical adoption of magnetic wedges would require better press molds and a more suitable (than bakelite) bond material. Orig. art. hast 4 figures imd 4 tables. SUB CODE: EE/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG'.REFi:000/ OTH REF: 000 Q PARNITSKIY, A.B., dotsent, kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk; SYDINOV, M.S., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; ANTONOV, N.Ye., inzhener; GASUKOV, V.S., inshener. Working cycle study of mine hoisting machinery. tekh.inst. no.47;78-90 '53. (MLRA 8:1) (Mine hoisting) USSR/Med.icins, - D7sentery Aug 48 - Wdicine - Magnesium Sulfate, Administration and Dosage "Sxperiment in Treating Acute Dysentery by In- travenous Injection of Magnesium Sulfate," A. Ta. Gasull., Lenimgrad, Dysentery Dept, Hosp imeni Lenin, 1 p "Sar Mod" No 8 Present-day aulfamide, thempy for dysentery is not always effective. Describes subject method and shave #hT it is reco=ended. It is still a new therapy2 =& needs ~cb stvdy to perfect it. About 66% complete ouron o= be offected. 2hAqTk2 GASULI A.Ta. ~ Treatment of chronic dysentery with blood transfusion and magnesium sulfate. N0.3:13-14 mar 51. (CLML 2-0:6) 1. Head of the Dysentery, Division of the Hospital imeni Lenin, Lenin- grad. KEYDANSKIY, O.V..-, GASn7.9 M.YU. Equipment for machining fiber-rlastic parts. Mashinostroitell no.5:35--36 my 162 jFlestics machinery) (MIRA 15:5) GASULI, R. Ta. its control; a neuko-vo-populiarr,yi nar7s, Dopular account] Rak i borotfba z nyml Xyiv, Derzh. Med. vyd-vo, 1946. 15 p. (MIRA 11:10) (CAM131) tnb~ r r n Za j r, u Z~;p-,tn- ta 'j,M:xr,,4J Invl7h 6~at-;, GASU t, R. YA- 33h88. Roll %-!ntg~enokimografii V Diff.,rezitsizallnoy DiriCnoatike Zabolevaniy Zheludkla. Terapevt. Arkhiv, 19% 'Iyp. 5, c. 32-36 SO: Letopislnykh Statey, Vol. h5, Moskva, 19L~9 GASULI, R.Ya. One of the causes in erroneous Interpretation of thoracic roentgeno- grams. Prob.t4berk.. Moskva No.1:73 Jan-Feb 51. .. (CLKL 20:6) 1 : 1, .i - .1 - - GASULI, R.Ta., prof. (Zaporozhlye) - - Review of V.T. Karpukhin's R4<h regimen and therapeutic diet in urinary calculi cases.0 Urologlia 24 no.2:81 Mr-Ap '59. (MIRA 12:12) (CALCULI, UR INA RT) (LUIPWIN, V.T.) GASULI, R.Ta., prof.; BUDYKO, A.L. Activity of the Zaporozhlvo Province Society of Roentgenologiats and Radiologists for 1957-1958. Yest.rant. I rad. 34 no.4:93-94 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Predsedatell Zaporozhskogo oblastnogo nauchnogo obshchestva rentge- nologo7 i radiologov. (ZAPDRDZHIY-A PROVINCF,--RADIOIoOGY, MEDICAL) GASUL I )Ro Ya,,_, prof. Activity of the Zaporozhlye Province Scientific Society of Roentgenologists and Radiologists. Vest. rent. i rad. 36 no.5:77-78 S-0 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Predsedatell pravleniya Oblastnogo zapwozliskogo nauchnogo obshchestva rentgenologov i radiologov. (ZAPOROZHIYE PROVINCE-RADIOLOGISTS) -_qASUI,'L, R.Ya., prof.; BUDYK0, A.L. Activity of the Zaporozh'ye Province Scientific Society of Roentgenologists and Radiologists for 1962. Vest. rent. i rad. 38 no-5:71-72 S-0 163 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Predsedatell pravleniya Zaporozhskogo oblastnogo nauchnogo obshchestva. rentgenologov i radiologov. (for Gasull). Sekretart Zaporozhslogo oblastnogo nauchnogo obshchestva, rentgenologor i radiologov. prof. (Zaporoahlye) Review of V.T.Karpukhints book "Urolithiasis." Urologiia. 29 no.2t 80-81 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 18M h3978 S/238/62/008/006/001/005 D268/1)308 AUTHOR: TITLE: On the possibility of constructing models of thought functions PERIODME: riziolohichnyy zhurnal, v. 8, no. 6, 1962, 790-794 TIM Recent literature is briefly reviewed and the natur- al limits for modelling thought functions are considered. The possibility has recently been demonstrated of utilizing a process in cybernetic apparatus in which the solution of a problem is achie- ved by selection from a combination of variants. Ae extent to which this can increase the possibility of modelling thought pro- cesses is examined. The views of U.R. Zshby (in the collection 'Avtomaty', M., 1956) poGtulating that from the intellectual point of view automata can operate at a higher level than their design-~ ers, are disputed. It is shown that the scif-organizing processes in the machine require specific premises previously introduced into the automaton.for their realization. The behavior of the homeostat Card 1/2 On the posnibility S/238/62/008/006/001/005 D268/D303 is, in the last resort, dependent on the human assignment. In the Lshby homeostat this assignment is given in the form of a specific selector constructor. Whatever region of thought it may seem pos- sible to model, this wrill still not imply complete substitution of the activity of the automaton for human thought. ~i. nucleus always remains the exclusive prerogative of man, such as the recognition of the requirements, identification of the problem, and the state- ment of the aim to which man directs the course of his thought. ASSOCIATION: 17 a?.oriz'ka oblasna psylthiatrychna lilrarnya (Zaporozhlye Regional Psychiatric Hospital) SUBMITTED: July 18, 1961 Card 2/2 Oft, *04 sea #00 0 *0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0-6-W-5 6909999#990900*00* K-L2. C 611i'llaxtak fift$$ wit N&AW30.0r"913 MAYESIM 11FIR11611171110, wit-WSW 0 411 eox SO -OA.)UAUJJJ wt.4 -IV in) -V I".": 1 I * 4 ill, P N 4.1 I"M rvl rAc IV !"EIrl B 1M I V 9 4 P " 1z n) n Jill , V Wam 0 4 ptm 11*011 C SON . . r b..-C -it rc= -a w, ct."tx eye Ili oil JKJW % '11101`13 331% tq 01% 10 %rf 01 dn M4 *v 00 0% son 1 3:1 1- rutfe OK '.A ou *21tv" Jam G! opq p g. 0* dn -1 IV t'qMaA Iml r'()jjC on !11K -j'V`9*0= 8.4 , I sil i- nag P9 IN 11" rffft on IRV jai l V 1 11M m t 'y mewyle IRA p"'IrIVIRGA ' 0911 v %j,4qmpaqj I(tjr, aldn WN '1P 0(4 '014WAl 91 MM 1 A %11 111 I 4 4 O 4 1114 o 1 pt 411 flit. I Ilysill 94 1 f 004 410 1 1. 64 Iwo j,pvT. j% :&j" vinap "i jai p,,* a" aqj, *0 fata 14f * r "71 "alfwl wnismint-usif" m" puv alvid ' 00 l4Sjj%lxv% jo IM) )Mnw- 4410101) p&j. 100. =7 ' ' - 1 4 4 00 004 1 4 101111 "v1lj1mpI low') 151 I v 16101A9111% 441 #1 I"If 0 Gomm" P*H" 96119mm" 90 00 - i.1 ift " v SO 0;~vw eta itemar himi am new t1o RUL h 0 0000000*0*00 0*0 0:09909900 "U T ! ire 1-00066 AlfeAlLs "I GASULI, Ye. R. (Zaporoshlys) Congenital marble disease with mental disorders. Klin. mod. no.9: 129-132 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz Zaporozhakoy oblastnoy Vaikbonevrologicheakoy bollnitsy (glav7iy7 vrach I. Ya. TSinman) (BONES-DISMES) (MMAL IIINESS) GASUIMOVA, G.,M. Discovering a representative of the eenua CitroDhyllum 3ert-i in -3 Tio.8.869-,~71 '57. ~-XLA 1,~:91 Azerbaijan. Dokl.. AN Azorb. SSR I A Inotitut geulogii A2@rbaydshanakoy SM. Fredstavleno akademikom AN Azerbayd%hRnskoy SSR M.M.Alliwrym. ,%Sh,,uny*a,-novsk District-Citrop'nyLlun) (Palaubotau~?) GASUVOV, G.M. Certain linear boundary value problems for elliptic equations - Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk no.6:33-46 163. (KMA 17.- 3) 1 , S~ GA Ilialinear for ,,Iii *,'r acpatior.,;. Izv. A z 1) p - . - I r:-l--l,, ri,iuk no.2:49-59 ci hydTaillic 's c- r. 1-1 D :)kl,:, T C,