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BUNATATTAN, G.1h.; MOROV9 A.A.; GA X"J.,M.G. Katerials for the study of vegetable raw materials containing saponin of Armenia. Nauch.trudy Inst.fiziol.AN Arm.SSR. 1:91-98 148. (KLRk 9:8) (ARMINIL--BMANY, KIDICLL) (SLPONIN) GASPARTAN. M.G.: AVWIST", A.A. Affect of some physiologically active substances an the activity of enzymon in germinating bitter vetch needs. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. I sellkhoz. nauki 11 no. 3:67-72 PT 138. (MIRA Ilt?) 1. r&f*dre blekhinii i botaniki Yorevanskogo zoovaterinarnago tintituta, (Growth promoting substances) (Inzymns ) (Garmifis ti on) KAMALTAN, G.V.; GASPARTAN M.G.; DAVTYAN, L.Y. Effect of some biogenstic amines and their derivatives on the processes of phosphor7lation and oxidative phosphorrlation in the organism. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 27 no-2:87-92 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1.Yerevanskiy zootakhnicheeko-vaterinarnyy institut. Predstavlene G,Kh. Banyatyanom. (Phosphoulation) (Ethanol) KAHALYAN, G.V.; GASPARYAN, H.G.; BARSEGYAN. G.V. Action of some hingenous aminAS and their derivatives on phos- phorylation and oxidative phosphorylation processes in-the orpanten. Report No.2. Dokl.AN Arn.SSR 27 no.5:295-300 '58- (MIRA 12:5) 1. Yerevanskiy ZOOtAkhnichnsko-veterinarnyy institut. Predetavleno G.Kh.Bw7atyanon. (Aninea) (Phoaphorylation) KAMALYAN, G.V.; GASPAELYAN.-H.G.; BARSERYANq G.V. Effect of colamine and some of its derivatives on glycogeziolysis. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Biol.nauki 13 no.9:61-64 S 160. OUU 13:11) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Yerevanskogo zooveterinarnogo instituta. (ETWOL) (GLYCOGEN) .GASPARYAIT. M.-G., BARSEGLUI, 0. V., WMLYAN, G. V. (USSR). The Effect of Ethanolamlne and its Derivatives on Fhosp~te Metabolism. report presented at the 5th Int'l. Biochemistry Congress, Moscowp 10-16 Aug. 1961, GALOYAN. Armen Anushavarovich; GASPARYAN, M.G., atv. red. [Some problems of the biochemistrT of hypothalardc regulation] Nekotorye problemy biokldmii gijotalard- cheskoi reguliatsii. Erevan, AiasLan, 1965. 234 p. WIRA 18:6) KHAMIDOVA, M.Kh., dotsent; DANILOVA, R.I.; GASPARYAN, M.I., dotsent Fathomorphological changes in the liver in different forms of It- cholecystitis determined from biopsy data; clinicomorphological research. Khirurgiia 40 no.3:15-20 Mr 164.-. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra terapii (zav.- prof. A.S. Mnushkin), patologicheskoy anatomii (zav.- prof. R.I. Danilova) i khirurgii (zav.- dotsent M.I. Gasparyan) Tashkentskogo instituta uBovershenstvovaniya vrachey. GASPARYM. M. M. I (EW.) Dissertation.- -- nTemperature Stresses in Plastics During Linear Distribution of Temperature Along the Thickness." Cand Tech Sci, Yerevan Po2ytechnic Inst, 29 Jun 54. (Kommunist, Yerevan, 19 Jun 54) SO: Sum 318, 23 Dec. 1954 - GAPw"a IV. ;Solving the problem of thermal stresses in convex multiangular plates with simply supported edges assuming that the expansion of tempera- ture through the thickness follows a linear law. I%v.AN AM.SSR.Ser. 7143T nauk.9 no.9:15-25 156. (KLRA 10:2) 1. Army nskiy sellskokhoeyaystvenny7 Inatitut. (Elastic plates and shells) (Expansion (Heat)) KAZARIN, V.S.;.~ ~PARLM!,_~..O. Anginas in children caused by a yeastlike fungus from the gerrus Candida. Sov. med. 25 no.2:38-42 F 162. (KIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki detakikh infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. kafedroy - prof. D.D. Lebedev) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute. imeni N.I. Pirogova (dir. - dotsent M.G. Sirotkina) na baze Detskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.1 (glavnyy vrach Ye.M. Prokhoroviah). (MONILIASIS) (PHARYNX-DISEMES) TEUMMILOVA-BABATAN, D.N.; ANANW. A.A.; GASPARTAN, N.A. Susceptibility of tomatoes to fusarium wilt and mosaic disease in the Armenian S.S.R. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Biol.i sellkhoz.naulci. 9 no.4:49-58 Ap 156. OU-U 9: 8) 1. Kafedra morfologii sistematiki rasteniy Terevanskogo gosudar- stvannogo universiteta imeni V.H. Molotova i Armyanskiy opornyy punkt po ovoshchevodstvu Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute. konservnoy promyshlennosti. Urmenia-Tomatoes-Diseases and pests) (Tomato wilt) (Mosaic disease) TETF11hTNIKOVA-BABAYA11, D.H.; ANANW, A.A.; ISGIAZARY&N, A.G.; GASPARUN, N.A. Effect of organomineral fertilizers on the development of fusariin wilt in tomatoes. Nauch.trudy Erev.un. 64:93-lo4 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Wedra botaniki, Yerivanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta i Armyanskiy opornyy punk-t Vaesoyuznogo n-ailchno-issledovatell- skogo institute. konservnoy i oveshcheaushil'noy promorehlennosti. (Tomatoes--Fertilizers and manures) (Tomato wilt) GASFARYA11'_1T,A. , - Complex laboratory method In the diagnosis of chronic dysentery; authors abstract. Zhur.m1krobiol.epid. I Immun. 28 no,9:78-79 s 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz kafedry epidemiologit Yerevanskogo meditainakogo institute. (DYSERrERY, BACILLARY, diagnosis, complex laboratory method in chronic cases (Rue)) GASPARTAN, N.A. Vop'~Acyetoscopia diagnosis of chronic dysentery; summary. Zhur. mikrobiol'*epid. i immun. 28 no.9:79-80 S 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. 1z Yerevanskogo meditainskogo inatitutn. (FACES. coproaystoscopic diag. of bacillary dysentery (Rus)) (DYSSIMMY, BACILLARY, diagnosis, corpocystoscopic method In chronic cD-qss (Rus)) SARKISTAN, N.A.; GASPARTAK, N.A. Pathogenic and epidemiologic relationships between the amebic and bacillary forms of dysentery (with summary in English]. Ned. paras. i paraz.bol. 27 no.6:701-705 K-D '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Is laboratorii protozologii Instituta epidemiologii i gigiyeni Ministerstva zdravookhrzaneni7a Armvanskoy SSR (dir. inatituta G.S. Papovyan) i kafedry e-tidemilolo' gii Yerevanskogo moditainakogo insti- tuta (zav. kafedroV --prof. A.B. Aleksanyan). (AMEBIASIS, TINAL, pathogen. & epidemiol. relation to bacillary dysentery (Rua)) (DYSMITERY , BACILLARY, pathoge. & epidemiol. relation to amebiasis (RUBD GASPARYAN, N.A. Iffect of the hot climate of the city of Brivan and of mountain climatic factors an chronic dysentery in children. Zhur.milerobiol. epid.i immun. 30 no.8:73-78 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz kafedry epidemiologii Terevanskogo meditainskogo instituta. (DTSMERT in inf. & child) (CLIRkTR effects) (AMITUDE eff.) qAPPARYAN, N. N. Methodology of prolonged experimental intra-arterial infusion into the organs of the small pelvis. Eksper. kh:Lr. i anest. 9 no.2:29-33 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kafedra, akusherstva. i ginekologii lechebnogo fakullteta (zav. - prof. L.S. Persianinov) i kafedra operativnoy khirurgii i topogra- ficheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. G.Ye. Ostroverkloi) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pirogava. C', . Yc GAS--il-f A N GAS il A RYAN , S Comparriti,ic-. e/perl nen tit I a It lat, 'lon oi' a "I k..- "d ;.nt-a-arterial inVuvion nnd it;oIaL?d op. onk. 11 no.";62-67 165. .1. Tz kafedry uperativrl~y 'Khjrlirg:,~, prof. G.Ye. Ostroverkho-) I I izav. proll. I'an ~ nov ,--cu ~'c~::krj'db meditsinskogo instl,uta GAWARYAS, O.B.; M=OKW, N.R.; DLUINW, O.A. Ancient ruins near the village of Argav&nd used as fertilizer [in Armenian vith summary in Russian]. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Biol.1 sellkhoz. nauki 4 no.6:555-561 151. (XLRA 9:8) (Ichmiadzin District--Fertilizers and manures) GASPARYAN -Q.B. Nitrogen, phosphorust potassium, and calciun determination in the same weighed portion of vegetable matter. Izv. Ali Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 14 no.2:89-92 F 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Laboratoriya agrakhimii AN ArmSSR. OIANTS-CHMICAL AIIALYSIS) GASPARYAH, O.B.; VSLKONYAN, N.R. Trilonometric determination of some ash constituents in plantS.' Izv. AN Am. SSR. Biol. nauki 14 no.7:57-62 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:9) (PLUM-CMUCAL ANALYSIS) GASPARYAN, O.B.; GRIGOHYAN, O.V. Use of phenolate-hypobromite reaction in agrochemical studies; determination of soil annonia. Report 11o.1. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 14 no.12:111-113 D 161. (14DIA 15:3) 1. Laboratoriya agrokhimii AN Armyanskoy SSR. (SOIIS--AIIALYSIS) (AMONIA) R,'W.Y;'T, G.B.; Gl'%S;-AFLYA.Fj ~'.P. --1-l- -'-1;,L-___,.,__ EfPe-;t of dabyliv.,1,13-i-, of S%vr,plL3 ,. ~t' --eadlLy soluble pliasphov-',-, z,c~.J. AN t--n. -`.P. F--.11. n;iur.' 15 no.122 7 "', --8 0T) I E2. 1W i r" j -.8) 1. labcratcriya PN ." . I E, "esis of derivatives of dibaste cmrboryilc atlda. ~rltlm-of succinic acid. A. L. "Furrz TJ S S R Xf.d.h yup, and 0. E. Acad .- 8U. Annen. 3411111 rmyj NO 18, 1, 11-U W,(in Ru&S!-w*-TII [owing SUCCITIIC acht derivs, fire reported without luribu; 'details. (Chr,C0,RI3 (R, " ViO.J. an(l m.p. or b.p., if!,, and &V given): Cli, let, &1. 1, th 135', LOM, 1.4470 VICI salt, in. 182-3': oxzlau, m. 184'); CUIC113NAte'r, 0-1.2, m. 247'; CIrCII,,V.Vr,FjI, fl"A, m. 193'; C11,C11, ClItSM6. 41.2, Is. l4n 0,9%5, 1.4493 (HCI mit. in. 1591; K"O. "t. 132': CI~Heclt'~X' X.Vei, 40, bs 147'. 0.97-32, 1.4478 mit. in. 160 ozilais m. 127*); CIIA[eCIfCHiNjfe,r, 83 m. =11-2", CIrJ1aCHsCHjiVAfeEtI, 80.1, rn Cffi NAP,, 60 ~ b, 16 1 ", 0.0643, 1.4 40S (11 C7 salt. ru. 16 1 -0 0; 1-10 1'): CI0feCHAItCI4jVVe.1, 72A, tu~ Ai 223*- CI1JtCHAfeCII,,VA&aI 791 tj ISAI. CH.~ CAi4CIIfIVM-i, 50, hs 1'2-, oaK'(110 salt, m. 135 60; 011"fe, M, IRV); ('11, Off, CIAN11r, 1. 82.1, m. 2w CHICH'ICII MAte'Elf, 74-8. m. 165-C)": CHCll,- 'VJ'j"43,bjlS0 fj.974.q. l.4478(ffCIjaU, sit. 128*; -ixafau, in. 133"); CIACIfiNEWd. 00.1~ pi. 11,11"; NEtsf, 83.3, M, 104'; CHAUCHIC16N~h, 02, b 1%3* D.9485, 1.451111; C11JfeCj[jCffjN.VeFjjf, 74 8, In. 1, 186", CH"aCIM~CV V 0 NEh. 03, ha 178', O-OW, 1.4h28, CJIJf,CjhJ,CII'S&"- Mist, 768e oU- CHA&CIIAt*CII-.*Y'P.'i,I 61.9, in. VW; I 4*..~O(FICJmll sit SM, 'it, 164.; efi; 84A. all. c3rotiMINE KOICIA1,09, O-ye ,Svothesh of d-irludyes of bet6tives of Kfutadc Atid. DOWY Akad 7va-SX, Q130A "9n cf. JUd. 17, No. 4 ! 'CR S rind No. YiiWW;' C.A. 49, 8816k~Thc following, CoInp-Is. (R. % Oeld, b nx/mm., ds, and nil rtm tdt!kclp nolsynthtsev 140'/1. I.M3. 1.4470 (IICI Pit), Ill. m. 1080: tn. 148% F&HOICfft. 54.4. 172*/1. n.PM. 1-4313 (HO salt. tv. I'L54,1; evttzk. m. "'; inthovdide. ne. 120,; - uAt'cv(jWe. nti~ U17-P). M6rjCIrjCffjCIIMe, 2t. IMI/2. O.IAZG. Li-til (LFC7 salt, m. "'; azakte. m. 125-81. mithiadVo. in. 161% dhicdidr, m. 134-51; FJWCffv~ps! t CHAfe, ST, 191-/l. 0,905, PIAMI (azatate. M. 126-7*; makWoUt. tn. 113% tlhiziidt, m. 100-11; MIOM(r CArr,Clft. 47, )&)*/1, O-OW, 1.4504 (=Wi. in. 13 -409, -shicliek, m. MO; dAW41c, in. W,-V); FJ NCH k3felcils. &3-41 In-17i, 4m. MoCII-11c. 60, lWil. W%17. IA484*iQ- e,, n. M%-40 twIlHodide, tn. F4.MCI[.CIlJrrCIt'Me. 72. 190- 1:11, n.4341. 1.4tQj (axotate, M. 138% methh~!;We, tn. W3- 3 The sul4t.-me" re preld. for plurnrac~vl. ttsLs. W1, K0%)bpoct V Synthesis of dorivativea of diba Au-qllc acids. IV. VI. Mixed ethyl, dialkylaminoethyl esters of some dibuic X. Derivatives of adipic acid. - carboxylic acids. A. L. Nindzhoyan, 0. L. Mailzboyan, - - l B hi Ibid i d N A R n 93A XA NjImElloyan. una-U.1w.i.-inmaryan. juoklady Ilk *i . . a . uss aa r teu . n an .1 ryu . yan. S.S.R~18-,1229 tLqi,-tn: Armenian %unt. summary 95-6).-Tlic following esters wm- prepil. for phys- r.11try, 132-3)(19.%); cf. C.A. 49 1220W.-ne foncii,ing iological tests. EtO~C(C1r,).CO,ChrjC1r3,N-R& R. it. % , (CIICflCO2R), wtirt prcpd. for blolo;iml testi, with- yield dy. n1f, tit.p. 110 $ah, ni.p. mralac. ~ :out cipth tictaits being th-en. (R, % yletti, b.p. d;q , dhWide, n-p. shown): - Afe, 3. 30. , rn.p. . ' ' ' , , nV m.p. HCI salt, m.p. oxalate. imp. methodide. m.p. 135-7 . . RM. .4309, - .95-6 . 57-8 I l . -. Ed. 3. 71.4, ' ' o ttlilodide giycu). Me,NCII.C11s. 6.3.5. b, 153% LOW3 b? 155-7 . 0.0978, 1.4,15, -, 5414 . , 71-3 : Me, .1. 00. * ' - , 189", 126-7* 1.4505, 1OV 113-14*; F C[f 1,NCH 34 5 111 140-51 . 1.017, 1.434. &K-W, 12D-2% 52-4 . GG-2% - ' . . , , ~, . bi 185', 0.9789, 1.4.565, 102', 1_353 122", 171% Jtc- iVC11r , -, 73-- &, 4. 50, bs 175-8 , 0.0S8, 1.4393, 59-W, 64-7 ' ' q , . CF/sCHAte. 71, b, 190-11, 0.9r,75. 1.15(J3. 177-8- 158% 81% He, 6, K7. b, 1.15-7 . 0.9934, 1.4,112, 10 ,3 , * ' . ZU7'. 139-10*; P_1,NC1,rCRsC1IJIfe 1), 215' 60 047(1 0 45-7 , -; B1, 5, 73.1, bt.s O.U93,1.437, 67-70 , ' . , , , . 1fctNC11jC3P,C11j a) - Q5-0; Are, 6, &M, b..s 14.1 . 0.98*1, 4.4377, -, IOL- ' 1 ~ 1 , ' 10 , 87-0 , --; Et, 6, . Z.5, 170-3 , O.W4, 1.43(17, ' - - 15o- 1 CA[ejCJ'[j, .50.61 bc., 194 0.9461 1.4545- 65-7 , O.M. 1.438, -. ; Me, 7. 53, b~.s 154-5 ' ' ' , , , bi 173' .Vri1VC11,Cfr,U#CHMc 70 P521 44fS 177- O 1 85--7 IW-10 - EU, 7, (35, be-& M-90 , 0.072, 1.439, . . . . , , , 8'. 135-6% 183-4% F1jNC1jrC1IAfcC1[Jfe 51-A 11 ' ' " * . , 1 - - 193% 0.0376 4535 131-2* (citrate 60- in 1 tn 1.437, 63-7 , C.!~-72 , ICY77-10 , 52--1 : Fa. 8,35, b#.% 130-4% 7 ' . . . , , . , , W). V. Derivatives of pimelic acid. IbU 19 li~-21 1.4.13, 74--: , VIL Di- .% ~0-8% 101-4 . . (to Russian- In Arinchian 21-2).-The following esters of alkylamlnoothyl esters of some thlocarboxylic acids. A. L. ' , pintelic acid were prepd. for biochem. tests. CHACHIC11, ,Ind zhoyan and S. G. A I Iy n Ibid. 111-1-~(in Rumian; Armenian following %rcrc prepd CC.R)2 (R, 11o yield, b.p.. d.j rij,, and rn.p. of the oulate 4.19-1 1001. Ivcn): VtNC1rCH S4 9921 1 N 158% 0 . for biol. tests, without further details of prepri. (% ylc!41. . - s. , ' & 7 : b.p.. ds, and PsW gi-mit): S(CHjCOjC11jCHjJU(ej),, 12.1, K, NCHICIrs, 60, bi 1 ("% 0.0600, 1AW5 _n-,3% Af,' I I r ' III 1 717-8', LOSO5. 1.4730 (oralam. in. 116*; melhWide in. fC1,rCHjC11Mt, 52.5. 111 171 , MOM, IANP, JFhANICH 003-4% O CH C 71 HUs 1 b L-11510 W08 oil . 189% Ohiadide. in. 134*)- S 2CHtCOiC11sCHtNEI& bt . . i 2 I I , . , , ; jft'NCIr,,CNrtC11s, 74, lit 178', 0.0480, lag-a. ; 14.8. I.Nj 11 le, in. 139"); s(CHIC111- * 103t EJNC1[ CM CI1 40 7 f OA161 1 41 i1 p Ar COCHICHYA(c,~, W.U, t);140--2 , 1.0750,13848(ozabile, p e, . . ct- it , o , ,, . , ; in. 127'); S(C1I,C11,COC11,C1INEIj~. G4.5, b& M54'. ANCIACUMCCHAft 6q.1, lit 105-6% 0-93W 1.4507 oil 10128, 1.48M (oxalale, in. III*); s(CII&COA Ciro ClIr ' ;~ . . , , I AfeN, .51.3. It. 178 , 1. (JiS, IAW (OX014te, in. 132% .7 1~'4*'~- ~!CJIFJCQC1fsC111,VF-',12. 59.4, b. 2 A', 1.01 IA iM (a.%.-Vafe, m. 145*); Sj CII(Clt,lfer)~ C0XHC11,.V1te,).. 57.9. 1j. 223*, 1.0310. 1.4712 (oxn~wce. M. IW*); 01-ti, ba 175' 0.17531, 1.4170 (oxwfale, rn, H-V). VIII. Derlystim ol suberic atid. A. L. Mudzhoyano 0. L. Nfivftbopm, and O.E.Casparvan. Ibid. 143-fqifiPu -an; Arnicniitnsuinw ntary. 14(i-7),~Tlm IrAluivi ~t%qtvltrc pccp,]. for biol. 4cvaluation; all Ind lubeliuclIke irrititing action on the mpirAtery ectitcrs, - R0zC(C1fj)sCGjR (R, 170 yidd. b.p.. rim. and In.p. of its a-V4141C gis-en): .11ejVC11,C1Ij,' m.0, b[ )6V, O.Mlt 1.403, IYI'; PJINCHiCII.. 67, b, bi 178% 0.95M, 1.4637, 123 40; DpVC11,01101,11c. 40, b, IU"o. 0.0-12-0. 1.4546. -; MCINCHICAffX11" 52.8, b, 175-0', 0.11501. JAM, 115-10% FJINCIIXM~ CIft 47.8. th 148% U.M10, 1XIA2. -; AIe,NC1IgCIIJIe- C0,6, 62A . b, 191 '. NMI, 1.4r*l. jzi-30-, Ejj.VCIIt- C11,119CHAft. M.4. bi 210'. 0.9252, 1.4517, G. At.. KosolupofL- M=110TAII, A.L.; MMHOTAIT, O.L.; GASPARTAIT, 0-ye. Investigaticn3 on derived dibasic carbox7lic acids. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 19 no.1:19-22 154. (MIRA 8:7) 1. DaystvltelIrWy chlen Akademii nmtlr Arzyansko- SSR. (for Mndshoyan, A.L.) 2. Laboratorlyn farmasevtichoskoy khinii Akademii nauk Armyunakoy SSR. (Carboxylic acid) MNIZHOYAN, A.L.; M91RHOYAN, O.L.; GASPARYAN, O.Te. . I Investigation on the synthesis of derived dibasic carboxylic acids. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 19 no.5A43-147 !54. (MIRA 8:7) 1. Deyatvitel'Wy chlen Akadenti nauk Armyanskoy SM. (For MrAshoyan. A.L.) 2. Laboratoriya farnatseyticheskoy khimli Akademii mik Arayanskoy SM. (Carboxylic acid) MW M3dicine - Pharrecology IDard 1/2 Pab.. 21a - 315, Authm 9 IWzhoyanl A. L, Active Ifember, Acad. of So.j Am. SSR; and 4Gas n, Ye. = .1 Title a iv-sr'uay 01 ives of diabasic carbo.Vlic acids Periodical I Dok, AN AxT4 SSR 20/13.11-16., 1955 Abstract I Experiments are deperibed with dialkyl-amino-allcyl esters of azelaie and sebacic acids of the following types: RO-C~40HO7-C-RO 0 0 and RO-C-(%)8-C-CR 0 0 lustit;ution Acad. of So., Arm. SSR-, the laboratory of pharmaceutical-chaidBtry %bznittbd s August 24,, 1954 Card 2/2 Pdb. 21 a - 315 Pe r. iodical Dok, AN Ann. SSR '20A, 3.1-16, 1955, Abstract t The experiments were:conducted'to determine the higher homologs-- which ndght produce the maximum pressure effect (as found in previous work) on animal and human specimens. Six references: 3 MM) 3 USA (1921-1949). Tables. ,,,I -f A !.1 "1" , " If / ~7 4~?- ',~ -)~q I ~ ~l ,r"! , MMHOYAN, A.L.; AFRIKYAN, V.G.; GRIGORYAN, M.T.; MNDZHOYAN, O.L.; GASPARTAN,O.Te. . . . .......... llk~ig Methyl eater of 5-diethvlaminomethvlfuran-2-carboxylic acid. Sint. geterotaikl.soed. no.1:28-29 '56. (MIRA 10:11) (Puroic acid) AFRIKYAN, V.G.; PAPAYAN, G.L.; MNDZHOYAN, O.L.; GASPARYAN, O.Ye. Methyl ester of 5-propoxymethylfuran-2-carboxylic acid. Sint,getero- sikl.soed. no.1:32-33 '56. (MIRA 10:11) (Puroic acid) .-,- -,F..--, !-~ ~' - . , 'C I AFRIKYAN, Y.G.; IPAPA~AN, G.L.; HUDZHOYAN, O.L.; GASPARYAN, O.Ye. 5-propoximethylfuran-2-carboxylic acid. Sint.gaterosikl.soed. no.1:46-47 '56. (MIRA 10:11) (Turoic acid) cjixbdxvlic 'mithdit., X111. D Derintives of di mitim rA nsmailkyl exrers-61 cut cinir act (2. I k, u frzT" An an4i J; I ~. A - ;4f, ~W alp- 3~ w 1~ . t ' 3 ORq 'tOlt Re'41114ing, 45 tuc6nk aithydri4a with 21 g' iihr, 1!, -1 'rFJ(7jCC1f%Cff-CVjIf, b, 123*. . This ('41) gj fir. amm 42.214 nfld 20 C, q)C1sbm,k nvumfKtit, thot Iwated 3 hN, at Z1,14- _ r ve 47.5'~` V n COMfCf1jCHNA(ej, 1~-145-7-, do LW537. 00 1.461: 0o l, : 11ou' 110 sals, Ill. 10543% cralme, tn. isg-g U yield, b.p., (124, n ,,, and dcriv. 'qimif.irly obtaitted (csttr. 7 and, jis tfi.p. givtn : - -111'e, 2S, N A IN -2V, ZAS71, 1.407; exildle; 100-l'; welhi-lide. itt, NO)- I'; ehi'ofide. tn,*-.*O'--b* Pr.~71, bi W'JV, I.-M.,$7, 1. 4419; IICI WD, 11), 192-3.; vadit, in, 185-6% sit. 2Qqn1*. eAfvdi4fe, ril. WI-S'. iw-Pr, 4.1.4, It, 12)-V, j V123 1 to"- 110 sa , ra. lqo-7'; Ovitalf, In. ISS- 9,; ' 0 ; c1hicids de, itt- Bit, 67.4, rrretATZ _Z _=-4 4, I fit LOSM 1.4W, 11CO.W. fit. 193-A'; oxabile. m. 1(13-l'; mth!&.df&. m.:ZS5-G*; aAWiJr, -it. 2(15r-W. Jso-Sti, 38, b, 127-V, 1.0635. L444; JICI SkIll, M. 18t)-j.; w. 192"-3% mcIAWUe, m. 2V-90'; diidid., tit. .11. 10', .062, A h, TL7; b, I O.q - 1.449; 110 awlatc. m 187-6*- indlihid4r, fit 273-1'; 1-447'. licl sall. 111, 1',6-7*, owlate.'iu. 1113-A makimlidr, in- ethl'odide. tit. 12101_2'~ -eyd"11--syl. 63~ I~ -!4r. 1.4M;3; If c1 fah, tit. jF'4-0`; llycfc-.~r' J;k' vie - e. in, 271-6,; 191-.V MZHOYAN, A.L.; KNDZHOYAN, O.L.;- GASPARYAN, O.Ye. POHMMOMW Research In the field of simple amino esters. Report 1. Dokl.AN Arm.SSR 22 no.3:119-122 '56. (K[aA 9:8) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AN Armyanskoy SSR (for A.L. Kndzhoyan); 2. Leboratoriya farmatsevticheskoy khimil Akademii nauk Armyanskoy &M. (Amino acids) (Esters) P TATEVOSYAN, G.T.:,,GAS 44.,G.Ye. Ketlql ester of 5-cyanonattkyl-2-furoic acid. Sint. getfirotsikl. soad. no. 2:50-52 157. (MIRA 11!7) (Furoic acid) P 2 KNDZHOYAN, A.L.; )QMZHOTAN, O.L.; GASPARYAN, O.Ye. Some glycol estore of dialkylaminoacetic and propionic acids. IzvAN Arm.5SH.1him.muld 12 no.6:425-433 159. (MM 13:7) 1. Institut tonkoy orgimicheakoy kitimij AN AraVanskoy SSR, (Acetic acid) (Propionic acid) (Glycols) MIMHOYAN, A.L., akademik; KNMROTAN,O.L.; GASPARYAll. O.Ye. '. i t , Research on derivatives of dibasic carboxylic acids. Report M0.20: riperidyl- and pyrrolid7lothrl esters of some dibasic, carbox7lic acids. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 28 no.2:73-77 159. mu 12:6) l.Institut tonkay organicheskoy khimii AN ArmSSR. 2.AN ArmSSR kfor Mndzhoyan, A.L.) kZthanol) tAcids) RIHIZOV. P., inzh.-tekhnolog molochnoy prouqohlennosti; GWSHMI, Z.; GASPARIYAN, P. New products. Obahchastv.pit. no-3:22-23 Rr 159- (KM 12:4) (Milk, Acidophilus) (Gooker7 (Eggplant)) 01% GAS PARYAN --2.,I-termis t -I-- Public design bureau in a plant. Prom.Arm. 1. no.5:56-57 Vq 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Chlen zavodskogo obshchestvannogo konstraktorskogo byuro Yerevanskogo elektrotekhnic~eskogo zavoda. (Erivan-Electric industries) GASPARYAN, S.A.; NIKOLAYEVICH, I.A. Renal function following unilateral homoplasty of the renal artery. Urologiia no.4:14-19 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgil (zav.- prof. G.Ye. Ostro- verkhov) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pirogova i kafedry patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav.- prof. S.M. Pavlenko) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova. 40 Ka f r %.ri p, e r t. y hl:n OSTROVERKHOV, G.Ye., prof., red.; GASFAPYAN., red. [C-oxrent problems of clinical and experimental surge*,) Aktuailriye voprusy klinicheskol i eksperir,entallnol khi- rurgii. 1.'oqkva, Meditsina, 1965. 435 P. (VIRA 18:5) 1. 11-loscow. Vtoroy Moskovskiy gosudarstvenkvy redIts!n-,kAv institut. ";A A Y AT GASi"I'Y:', S-~.; L F2-Vall.;,Itlon ot' f!' ~Y,~ ~.ritra-zjrte-iai infu--Ion and isoleed FerfoL41on .-e;-;: crt7an.,;. 7op. orik. 11 rio.,:62-67 165. .8. 1z kaff.-iry oj!eI','ttiv,lk2y prof. CI.Ye. zav. y-rof. i vn~ I all ~ llov'! "-f30 r meditsim3kogo institita i::Pr` Piro;.-va. GA,SPARYAN, S.A. (Moskva) Fate of arterial Iyophilized homotransplant in the recipient's body. Arkh.pat. 27 no.7:48-53 165# (mm :L8-.8) 1. Kafedra topograficheskoy anatomii i operativnoy khirurgii (zav. - Prof. G.Ye.Ostroverkhov) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pix-ogova, GASPARYAN. Sh. From the work practices of Tevoo Gukasian, excavator operator. Prom.Arm. 4 no.11:54--55 N '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Kadzharanskiy medno-molibdeno-vnyy kombinat. (Kadzharansk-Rineral industries--Labor productivity) (&xcavating machinery) OSTROVERMOV, G. Ye., prof.; GASPARYAN, S. A. Homorplasty of the renal artery in an experiment Khirurgiia 38 no.7:86-92 J1 162. iMIRA 15:7) 1. Iz kafedry operativnoy khirargii i tcpograficheakoy anatomli (zav. - prof. G. Ye. Ostroverkhov) II Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N. I. Pirogova. (RENAL ARTERY-SURGERY) ,-~SOFVYAN, V.G. Prevent,l:)n o-C hazardnis heno:I,vnu;-.;-,i chno in cf the thoract, and abdi-minn! -.tortrv; in renal hypertension. Grud. khir. 5 nu-.5g33-41 'u3. 1. Iz knfed-y q~-ra t ~,---raf u:--, tom! i (zav. - pr~--. G.Ye. c ve r instituta. imeni Fir(-,g,)va. govskaya, M. Kafedra (.perativuoy khirurgo' ,I m!J,J2.Lc,!n:;k(j,,,o tnstltut-a, SM,A111NOVA N. A.; GASPARYAN, S.A. (Moskva) Changes In the symr-athi-:r~-adr-~nal syatvii.; in ecperiment-.0- T-er~al 0 hypert,ension. Fat, fiziel, 4. t:ksF. terap, 7 no,6:50-9.3 N-D ; 63. (M:RA -.'7:;7) 1. 1z TSentrallnoy nauchw~-issledr-vatellskcy -'labc,,ratc--,-.;l (zav. dotsent E.M. Kogan) i kafedry cperatlivnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. G,Ye. 0.9troverkhov) llr Musk~nrskjg~ m,.~dl~tsivskago insti- tuta imeni N.I. Fircgova. GASPARYAN; S.A. TOSIMMOV, R.A. Kxperimen, in--rwr-is-ntlar morphine-texenal anestric-sig. Ekzpe-. klLir. i silest. 8 no.418-%-86 X-kr 163. (MIM 1`1-.5) 1. Kafe-dra ~prratlvroy kh-rixiTIL Frof. G.Y:?. Ostravorkho,.,) 11 Mknsk~,rqlr%-~)g,~ medLt~inskcgo inst' ~,,lt-p, -1-Ilt-II)i N.I. Pir-,-s~va. Ev-1 L22448-61 CEsSION NR; AR4046205 S/0?-99/64/000/03.6/MO20/MO20 SOURCE: Refs zho Biologiya, Svodfiply tomp Abs, 161U23 _;W AUTHOR: Gasiparjanjji~A. TITLE: morphological changes of kidneys with renal artery homoplasty CITED SOURCE: Arldiiv patologiis vs 26s no, 2p 1964s VI-22 TOPIG_ TAGS: dogs kidneys arteryp homoplasty, homotransplantation TRMSTATION: The: ostium and trunk of the left renal arte3~y were replaced in dogs b7 a lyophilized,homotransplant with a section of tho donor's.aorta.wall in the base, The homotransplant section was sown into t.he wall of the reoipientfs abdominal aorta either in the normal position of the ostium or directed against the blood flow. The right kidney was removed after 2.mos, The function of both kidneys was investigated in a special group of urethrostomatized dogs. In the first week after the operations edema of the Iddney parench7ma and stroma and dystrophic changes of.the tubules were found, The pathological changes disappeared after IJ-2 mos and kidney function Card 1/2 L 22448-65 ,..ACGESSION NR:~ AR4046205 wa.snormal Observations over a period of 3-18 mos after removal of the right kidney did inot disclose any kind of morphologicalor functional changes in dogs-with the homotransplant placed in the normal ostium position. In dogs operated according to the other varjantt no pathological changes were found in the right kidney after 2 mos. but changes related to insufficient (dystrophy and focal nephrosis of the epitheliums, an indication of ischemia) wore found in the left kidney. Loft kidney function was damaged. Kidney sclerosis and atrophy appeared in those oases when thrombosis formed in the homotransplant.lumon, SUB GOD9: LS ENOW -00 Card 2/2 1, TO -GASP,4RW,-- S. A. (M"kvd) Morphologic charZoB In tbe Iddywyo in homoplaBty oP fhp mnal artery. Arkh. pat. 26 no.2sYl--221 164. (MRA Ylg 8) 1. Kafedra opera-44vnoy khirurgii (zav. -- Dr~f X. (I t verkhov II Moskavukogo madits-Inskogo instituta l=:5 ~Olrlog a. GASPAWAN',.S.A.; RUDENKC, I.Ye. Is it post"ihIc ('Q ar".CrI11114a vf,,rapi~7 k1dijt.-y ir. diffuse loolono of its art,2rlal system? kj'i-(,l. i nef r. 30 (~JTM 18.11) no.1:21-23 Ja-F 165. 1. Kafedra operativnoy khirurgli (rav. I.Ye.n-stroverkhov) II Moskovskoge meditsinskogo instituLa I GrA'JP.-'.'nYAT , S. G. , I TPenlin.F,- of Surfpc(-3 ',I! ith Preservption of the Mpin Curvature." Sub 23 Mav 51, Sci Res Tnet of Mechanic~-. rind Yatnemptics, Moscow Ordt-r of Lenin St,-te U imeni M,. V. Lomonisov Di,3sF,rtrtions T)resented fl-)r science Pnfl. en.-inctiring lf,,-.ree~% in Mosnow during 1951. SO: Sum- No. 4P0, 0 MPY 55 GASPARYANY S.G. Determining the fourth fundamental tensor of a eurface, given ita metrics and mean curvature. Usp. mat. 4uk 16 no.2:101-108 Mr-Ap, 61. (MIRA 14:5) (Calculus of tensors) A GASPARYAN, S.G. A characteristic net and some of its properties. Dokl.AN Arm, SSR 32 no.3:129-138 161. (KUd 14:5) 1. Armyanskly gosudarstvannyy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni Kh.Abovyana. Predstavleno akademikom AN Armyanskoy SSR M.M,Dzhrbashyanom. (Geometry, Differential) MKU P11, G.M. W-WHOYA1,11 Sh.L.; GASPIJJYAII, S.M. Ccmpounds of the acetylene series. Par" 4-, Rpn- i Ion of addi'ion of alcohols to vinvianetylene by thH action of al,,~oholatea. Izv. P11 Arm. SSFOChim.rauRl 37 no.6;643--650 16,140 (MIRA 18:6) 1. Yerevariskly fill-P-1 Wp3oyusnogo im"tituba sintet-I.-huskogo kauchuka. GASPARYAN, Sh. Practice of driver R.Tamrazian. Prom.Arm. 6 no.2:49-50 F 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kadzharanskiy medno-molibdenovyy kombinat. (Automobile drivers) GASPARYAN, Sh. Basic means for increasing labor productivity at the Kadzharan Copper and Molybdenum Combine. Prom.Arm. 6 no.1:21-22 Ja 163. (MIM 16 s4) 1. Kadzharanskiy medno-molibdenovyy kombinat. (ladzharan-Holybdenum-Metallurgy) (Xadzharan-Copper mines and mining) AVAKYAN, VJI., dotsent; GASPARYAN, Ye.I., dotsent; AVETISYAN, H.O., assistent; GRIGORYAU.-Ye.M., vrac Dynamics of cardiovascular system changes in woricers in shops using the chloroprene group. Trudy no.llt237-239 160. (MIRA 15911) 1. Iz kafedry terapii sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo fakul'tets. (zav. kafedroy - dotsent V.M.Avakyan) Yerevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM-DISEASES) (CHLOROPPENE-TOXICOLOGY) AVAKYAN., V.M., dotsent; dotsent; AVETISYAN, N.O., assistent; KANDAKOVA,.I.A., vrach Results of a three-year study of the changes in the functions of some organs and systems in workers in the chloroprene industry. Trudy no.11:241-245 160. (KIRA 15:11) 1. Iz kafedry terapii sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo fakullteta (zav. kafedroy - dotsent V.M.Avakyan) Yerevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (CHWROPRENE--TOXICOLOGY) (HEDIGINE, INDUSTRIAL.) GASPARYAN, YP~I- e arc Content rf ~tcet,yjc !-I ol I ne an,,i th-0 a ct r blood of workers cticup-ed ir; the pr du-~tion (,f -lAnropreno 1-ubtkr. .9) Zjiur. eksF- i kiin. med. 4 no.l. 31~- 45 '64. M-RA 17- 1. Ksifedra terapili Yerevanskcgo in-~ri~tsinskogo in.;';"AlUi. GASPARYAU,--Ye,I. Quantitative changes in the sulfhydryl groups in the blood serum of workers engaged in the production of chloroprene rubber. Zhur.eksp. i 4 no-3:63-70 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Kafedra terapii Yerevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. SHUY01ATA, M.N., red.: GASPAR'TAIITS, R.K., red.; BASHCHU, V.I., red.; KARKOCH, K.G., (Long-distance radio communication on meter waves; collection of translated articles] Dallniaia radlosviaz' as metrovykh volnakh; abornik perevodnykh statei. Pod red. N.N.Shumskoi i E.M.Gaspar- iants. Moskva, Ges.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio. 1959. 1,31P P. I (MIRA 13:3) (Radio, Shortwave) qO00 AUTHOR:,Gaspar'yants, R. M. 69173 S/106/59/000/11/003/013 TITLE: Evaluation of`tre"Te-thods of P~redicting the Maximum Usable Frequencies. PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyaz', 1959, Nr 11, pp 17-23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The object of this work is to check the accuracies of different methods used for predicting the maximum usable frequenciestfor radio-communication linksBby comparing the calculated results with experimenFa_11y`-__oT)tained data. The following are examined: Kosikov's method, the method of the Central Radio I~Lopagation Laboratories, USA, the "equal skips" method and the method using ionosphere high-frequency charac- teristics together with "transmission curves". The methods are not described (but their references are given), the main differences between the methods are, however, examined). The conditions under which the experimental data was obtained are described. The data was taken on five medium-width, radio-links of 1500-to 7000 km length. The field strength and the angle of inclination of the beam in the vertical plane were simultaneously measured. The measurements enabled the experimental value of the maximum usable frequency at Card 1/2 6.9172 j/106/59/000/11/003/013 Evaluation of the Methods of Predicting the Maximum Usable Frequencies specific times to be accurately determined. The experimental maximum usable frequency was not the highest frequency re- flected from the ionosphere but the frequency above which the field strength fell by ~ or more orders in value. Com- parison of the results showed that, of the methods examined, the "equal skips" method and the high-frequency characteris- ties method gave least error and least variation in error. However, prediction by the latter method is laborious, and therefore the "equal skips" method is preferable. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 16 references, of which 10 are English, 2 French, 1 German and 3 Soviet. SUBMITTED: 23 June, 1959. Card 2/2 GASPARTANTS, G., inahener. ". - Sidewise motion of an automobile. Avt.transp. 32 no.8:24-26 .. ~ . Ag 154. (KWi 7:11). (Stability of automobiles) WT,%VA:'rr', ',.A;: "Th,? effoct of side movem-nitr of r:d1r; cn rail Wear". t:oscm-;, 1q55- ':in ij-her Educ;ition 'ITSSR. Mosecr.; Autcm-oative Vlchanic-~ In!-t. ~T)Isserations for hhe Degree of CindiH-ite of fechnicnl ScienceF) !~O: letonis' No 19+, 20, October 1955, -:Osco',;. GASPARYANTS Grant Arutyunovich; ILARIONOV,V.I., redaktor; GALMIONOVA, oAMf8hiskly redaktor (Stability and maneuverability of automobiles) Ustoiehivost' i upravliaemost' avtomobilin. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo avtotran- sportnoi lit-Y 1955. 39 P. (MLRA 9:1) (Automobiles) GASPARTABTS,G.. inzhener Czechoslovak passenger cars. Avt.transp. 33 no.6:38-40 Je 155. (Czechoslovakia--Automobiles) (MLRA 8:10) GASPARYANTS, I.I., inshener. , V" 0;~~ a 4, s" . I Use of thin concrete slabs reinforced by planter laths. Gor.khoz.Xoak. 27 no.10:31-32 0 153. .(MLRA 6.-11) (Precast concrete construction) : - L V,,91 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / General Biology - Genetics. B Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 38045. Author --Qaspelova, Rabanova. Inst NoT 'given. Title Discussion of the State of Genetics in the Czech- oslovak Republic. Orig Pub: Biologia, 1957, 121 No 4, 310-313. Abstract: An account of Professor K. Hruby's report made in October 1956 at Prague University, and of the. subsequent discussion in which 20 notable Czech. biologists and physicians participated. The re.- porter and participants spoke of the necessity of revival of genetic studies in the Czechoslo- vak Republic and the basic directions in which studies are necessary (cytogenetics, biochemical genetics, radiation genetics, population genetics, Card 1/2 Gasper, P. Experience with the introduction of the now wage and bonus system in machine- tractor statiins. p. 180. Vol. 5, no. 10, may 1955 MECHMISACE ZEWDILSTVI SO: Vlonthly List of East European Accession, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. GASPER, R. "Electronic structure of semicondnetive selenium and tellutium." P. 519 MAGYAR FIZIKAI FOLIOIR&T. (211agyar Tudomanyos Akademia) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 61 No. 6) 1956 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, vol 8, No. 6, June 1959. Uncl. --- --- - z ... _71- " -- 11- - I - -, r .. - z -, I - , .. - - - -! , R I I - - - . 11 9; 0- S - - 'I , i, -1 -,. , - - Toodw Krmpwky. JODY-1990. J. (401,crik, Ckem. /w,1- 4. *.'-,N-7(IQWI.-An abittury ulth a IHwf*fi6gt.4phy niclutlins hiq o4wk In cwtunising qovah rmh~ t~njv. in litali'lava. Ctqvh. antl t". /fwjto (.ills . !J31 Mwka T. 41A ~qfent of the 1951 state Prize - at sure a t* emit Lldislav Zivo* Raolf Kohn , L "AAN . zrm' 3 Z C H lava, Czech. M " Vied, VWWko Bmg hi 1 1 Ich W ~. -A brid b p c2 the field of sugar-beet em"6211Y In ks i s wor , and 1L review of h Ian miska- _90refere aspmu~ J. "Congress of Chemi8t3 at &maka Stiavnica July 4-10s 1954"m P. 398, (CMUCKE ZVESTI, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 195~,, BratisUva.,, Czechoslovakia) SO: Month3ar List of East European Accessions, (ML), LC, Vol- 3j, No. 12, Dec. 1954, unci. Vol. -30' ku) Spclck. ch~' nc n ' 5(-- ~ Erst Eurcref n Act, 11 -St, CT Ccr4-- r.-S., no. 2. D~ C ~rtc r -J GASFL21Y, J. Quantitative determination cf ephedrine by alkaline clearnCe. P. 55(", (Chein~icky Pnimysl. Vol. 7. no. 2, Feh. h,"7, Prlnh~-, Czecloslovzikia) 11,1onthly Index of East European Acces.,~i(;ns (EFI~1) LC. Vol. 7, nc. 2) February 1958 7~ CZECHOSLOVAKIA Analytic Chemistry* Analysis of E Organic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyas No 181 1958, 60735, Author : F. Horak, J. Gasperik. Inst : Title :Quantitative Determination of Ephedrine by Alkaline Cleavage Method. Orig Pub: Chem. zvesti, 1957, 11, No 9, 558-561. Abstract: CH3NH2 (II) splits off at beating ephedrine hydro- chloride (I) with NaOH, which can be used for the quantitative determination of 1. 10 to 240 mg of the substance is heated with 30%-ual NaOH solution in Kjoldahlts apparatus for hemirricro determina- Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytic Chemistrya Analysis of E Organic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 60735. Abstract: tions, II is distilled off and determined by titra- tion. It is necessary to add wator during the distillation in order to eliminate II completely. By this method, 4.90 to 4.91% of I was found in commercial ampoules with 5%-ual I solution, and 24.5 to 25.2 mg of I was found In ephadronane tab- lets (which should contain 25 mg of I each)* Card 2/2 102 GASPv TIC jiirnjj--n,rof., dr., VACHOVA-HUMVANNOVA, Klara, inz.; VACH, Jan, inz. Processing of techrical mixtures of multivalent phenols into ~-ituminous products. Part 1: Diphene nnd pyrocatechin residue. Chem zvesti 15 no.11/12:909-913 14-D 161. 1. Kat3dra orwarickej techrologie Slovenskoj Vysokej skoly technickej, Bratislava. Authors' address: Bratislava, Kollarovo namesti 2, Chenicky pavil on, Slovenska vysoka skola tech-li,;ka (for Gasperik) Kovosmalt, n.p., Trnava (for Zvachova and Zvach). GASPE,U.KJuraj, prof., dr.; ZVW'M(VA-IIUFPMAN%VA, Mara, inz.; ZVAGH, JaN inz. Processing of technical mixtures of multivalent phenols into bituminous products. Part 2: Condensation of diphene with for- na2dehyde in alkaling r-redium. Chem zvestl 15 no.11/12:91,4-917 V-D 161. 1. Katedra organickej technologie Slovenskej vysokej skoly technickej, Bratislava. Author's address: Bratislava, Kolltarovo flamesti 2, Chemicky pftvilon, Slovenska vysoka skola technicka (for Gasperik); Kovesmalt, n.p., Trnava (for Zvachova and Zvach). 10C Z/043/62/000/001-2/002/002 br.,f0j,' D291/D304 AUTHORS, Gasperik Juraj, Professor, Doctor, Zvachovh-Hupp- W~ ~Engineer, and Zvach, Jan, Engineer TITLE.- Processing technical mixtures of multivalent phen- ols to resinous products - Ill, Condensation of pyrocatechol residues with formaldehyde in alka- line medium PERIODICAL: Chemick6 zvesti, no. 1-2, 1962, 56 - 59 TEXT: This article, a continuation of previous studies on phenol condensation, investigates the polycondensation of pyroca- techol residues and the mixed polycondensation of pyrocatechol resid- ues and diphene with formaldehyde in alkaline medium to resoles. The quality of reaction products was determined by refraction index, vis- cosity, and specific gravity measuring. The tests showed that pyrocat- echol residues are generally suitable for preparing acid-hardenable resoles. The optimum refraction index of obtained resoles lies at Card 1/2 Z/Olt3/62/000/001-2/002/002 Processing technical mixtures D291/D3o4 1,484o - 1,488o. The optimum pyrocatechol to formaldehyde ratio is 1 s 0.98, at a content of 0.01 moles 1.'aOH in respect to the phenolic component. Most advantageous weight ratios of pyrocatechol residues and diphene in mixed polycondensation are 30 : 70 and 70 1 30, Due to the high reactivity of the two phenolic components, the condensa- tion with formaldehyde requires special care, especially when larger quantities are involved, There are 2 tables and 2 Soviet-bloc refer- ences. ASSOCIATIONi Katedra organickej technol6gie Slovenskej vysokej skoly technickej v Bratislave (Department of Organic Techno- 1OF(at th '7 Slovak Institute of Technology in Bratisla- va J. Gasperik); Korvosmalt, n,,p.,, Trnava (Kovosmalt, National Enterprise in Trnava) (K, Zvachov~- Huppmannova !: tAl i 7,;ach) SUBMITT ED August 15, 1961 Card 2/2 ,GASP-V=,-Jurajj, rof, dr.; UACHOVA-11UPFMONOVA, Klara inz.; ZVACH, Jan,, inz. Frocessing of technical mixtures of multivalent phenols into bituminous products (IV). Effect of melamine on the polycondensation reactions of diphenyl and pyrocatechin residue with formaldehyde and alkaline catalyst. Chem zvesti 16 no.7:516-525 J1 162. 1. Katedra organickaj technologie, Slovenska vysoka skola technicka.2 Bratislava, Kollarovo namesti 2, Chemicky pavilon (for Gasperik). 2. Kovosmalt, n.p., Trnava (for Zvachova and Zvach). GASPEM,Juraj, prof. & .; ZVACHOVA-HUPP14ANNUIA, Klara, inz.; ZVACH, Jan, inz. Processing of technical mixtures of multivalent phenols into bituminous products (V). Condensation of diphenyl and pyrocatechin residue with formaldehyde in presence of acid catalysts and without catalyst. Chem zvesti 16 no.7:52&531 JI 162. 1. Katedra organickej technologie, Slovenska vj-soka skola technicka, Bratislava, Kollarovo namesti 2, Chemicky pavilon (for Gasperik). 2. Kovosmalt, n.p., Trnava (for Zvachova and Zvach). GASPERIK, J. ,'Plastics a,, protective materials agnin.A corrosion" by U-Ineser. Feview-ori by J.6,asper1k. Chem zvo,3ti 13 no.10: 791 164. 1. Editorial BoRrd Member, "Cheriicke zve3ti." GASPFIRSICP Branko, mach- eng. &cerg.y diagram for flue gases at pressures up to 100 bar. Stroj vest. 9 no.1/2:1-6 Ap, 163. 1. Fakulteta za strojnintvo, Askorceva 16p Ljubljli-,Ia p Yugoslavia. GREBE, A., doktor nauk; RFYNISH, G., doktor nauk; TS I IN, G., doktor nauk; GREBE) F., doktor nauk; ULIBRIMT) I., doktor nauk; SHIFF1111"?, R., doktor nauk; FILIPP, B., doktor nauk; RUSHER, Kh., doktor nauk; GASPERSON G. doktor nauk; KLARE, G., doktor nauk; YAKOPYAN, V. -------- ~~J_ I Search and solutions; important research of the German Democratic Republic chemists. Priroda 54 no.6:83-88 Je 165. (MIRA 18-6) 1. Institut izilcheniya volokna Germanskoy Akademii nauk v Berline, g. Tel'tov, Germanskaya Demolwaticheskaya Respublika. GASPERSONS, I., otv, za vypusk; EEJ-MAMIKONJANE, Z., retsenzent; KRASTINS, A., red. Rigas Jusmala. In.p.) EFSB "Spartaks" ~atviJas Republikani- skas Padomes centrala turisma se*ija [1960?) 79 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Rigas Jurmala--Guidebooks) 1. 7%; -Folyoxo comr-)unr's. VI. ~,.-nthesis o7' 6-hr x..zietc-trme. -:'r. ,'rl,iv Z,,a Yor-dju, ';'Ol. 2(), "o 2, July 195/., p. I'l "ce-solions List,, !.~'Dl 0,~ 1T/4, Lllr. (32 v1p,remation of; 0411irfl-N-SCIFt-1314--rfues. N. And 9. Q42a CEO.- 7arrt - Yugoslavia). At :(11.9 g.) ww heated with 14,6 g. o-CJUCO)jO for 0.5 br. 'it 160' djnotvtd In 50 mi. WWI, decolorixed, 200 nit. HO daA and let stand cnn!,night at 0' to yield 21.5 g. Z 10-mcthyl-N-phthaloyi-wserine. mi 140-1* (from McOll- " JW 1.3). AnUidc'of O-ethyI-N-phthnloyI-nL-suinc vv preW. from "hthalirnldo-j~ftxypropionyl chloride aud of-l nx- Toasoln - . of 1-dkza4-etboxy-3-pbthalimidolvitan-2-one in t0 ml. AcOR was added 6 ml. 48% Hilt, Itt stand I hr., and 200 mi. RIO added to yield 6.2 :C. 1-brorno4cthusy-3- Vhthalimidobutan-Swce,~ m. W42', m. 91-5' (from CHv Cirpett. etber).~tuew4s(hcl (1.9 g.1 In 10 MI. Btjo was added to 1 11, Of 1 M 8. U-CL1171-Mearint (1) !n 2N NaOH, stiffed 48 bts;'at room temp, and the nq. layer acidi- l N i h l N - ~ot, -(p-tosy Bed with 2 ve IM g. O-tt JUCI to g y serine, m. 12f-40, m. 131-20grout HjO). To a mixt. of cooled l JR 0 7 r d 26 6 R 96 m 75 I 0 0 . . fin m . . M . 1 g. c. 1 , , , to 0'. was a0ded 5 2uring 0.1i hr. 11.7 C. C.H&CH,OCOCI. stIffvd0hr9.ian4fiItered. Theaq,.Inyerwa39cpd.,cxtd, twice with 1340. acidified with 2N HC1 to at % ",h" ani catubined w,', c .11 ers cztd with MAc th a l . e ay q. , -she& with 5% 11C1 and VO, dried find tvapd. to IcAve m. 0:~-7*, rn. t LS jr ; 73-4 .6 (from BtOA*apetr. ether). 13 r G .4 7- Serleg. M. Isollation quaternary iLe b fr its muscffil~ X. BalctjovM U. Cerar In i N atm. The residue was dissolved in EtUH. , , D. GaJpcrt, and T. Gaiij ~b, Yugoslavia). - Uni&g! -R R- ajr W1r % filtered and mpd. in turuo to give 13.3 S. of crude I chlo-, ride, with an activity of 30,000 Muscarine units per g-a ? . 1 , 1. 27, 107-16(b r-1. pr:cedIng ) abstr-VAth regard to the sill unknown structure f mus- ~ 'Chromatography of I chloride on Wbatman No. I papW' carine (1), a description of Isolation and purification of I Is 'with the system BuOll-If.0-C#H,N (6:3:2) solvent A): guys six -pots with Levine-Charlaff reagent (cf CA 46 given. Fresh fly mushrooms (1130 kg.) was homogenized with an equal arnk. of ELOH. stated for a week at -5* . . , 2118j) far F4 OA-1, 0.09. 0.14 (due to fit), 0.18, 0.24, and , UtOlf was added with slitting (total rtOI1 2450 1 the ) 0.31. The musearine activity was found between R1 . , liquid decanted, the residue pressed out Rml the combined 0.19-0.20. 5g.otenidelch!oridewasdL&wlredinWrnl. . aq. MR "is. evapd. in vacua to M 1 (51% of dry d ; of solvent A, and chromatographtd on 600 g. of Whatman c0lulosQ poivdcr (B quality, standard grade); 300 frac-: ue). The conecutrate was poured ij to 106 1. of abs. ll i f 0 ) t d hl id b I i d EtOlf, left at 0' for 24 his., the liquid was removed and . . were co iv . t ons o in c c or e was d 1 stri ute , b t f ti 121 164 (490 Ch hi ) evapd. in vacua t6 a concentrate containing .31-,33 % of dry - ween rac ons ing. e . romatograp c on cellulose was also performed in the system BuOll- scpn residue. The concentrate was extd. with 5 1. of EtO. the aq. layer (38 1.) was poured Into 60 1 of abs MI[ and left . Nils (4 parts of BuOll satd. with I part of LON Nil&) . . ~t .75* overnight, The Ikquid was removeds cvapd. to a Went B). I chloride was found between fractions 140- '104 from 2 ride o(crude Ichlor ) Ichloride 220 mg 5 g Aral. of 13.6 1., td. with four 4 L-portions of EW, the ext.. . . . . tract ous vrcre converted to chlorauratc (cf. King, CA.' J ;was washed with 11. of H10, and the aq. layers were com- ,1. 4185), pate Yellow leaflets ,in. 111-12* 1 61caide pre- -bined(13.11.,ext.a). Toezt.a(121.ja3%NHreincck- pared from chloraurate following Dudie~ (cf. C.A. 24,. ate soln. (20 1.) was added, left overn ght at 01, the ppt. VW), had an Pj 0.255 :L 0.005 at 20' in solvent A. The :w= filtered off and dried in vacua yielding 750 Z. of rel- neckates (11). 'BY the use of the Craig countercurrent dis- ' chromatographed fractions of I chloride (5W mg.), were fractionated on 100 g. of cellulose In solvent B; fractions tribution method with the systim MesCG-EtOAc--EttG- 1.5 ml. In 20 minutes. Fractions 60-80 showed one BMt 41,0 (1:1:1:2), it was impossible to sep. I from choline on the popcr with J?j 0.20, due to pure I chloride; chlomu-: ~ (111) In the form of reineckate. II(50g.)wasdIssoIvcdh1 ratc,m.117.5-W. An attempted sepa. of crude I c"midei :1 L of IfeaCO, dild. with 200 mi. of HO, treated with 15 g. uidag countercurrent distribution method with the solvents - of A&SO, dim!vcd in 2.5 1. of.UjO (cf. C.A. 25, 127). and B, and cation exchangers (Amberlite IRC-50 and Ionac C-i the Ppt :left at 0* Ovemfght. - was removed, and the liquid If failed to separate I from 1U. D~Flel ttreated with a soln. of 11.79 g. of BaCl,.2U3O in 1.16 1. of _ LHjqj~BASOj was_ttuioved, and the liquid ca a 'Al C, /Sytithesk of 41-1101 c -tin Th robkni f n t kl~, p-ower a rotAcof U, Gllpcr wid P. - (I mV. A .11 0 ac. 2Y I (cl), 11:13 twelk pre thc tit I liivrt rcacti.)~ c S- u tic l1 47 IG3rd) VIA rLt a r . y j- on op cvxdjj%C to U, nivi , -I.L 'to (' tdj, oily L_j_dijzc_4_ (ID hi rtO w, f"Isr-1301, by the n)cwurc i)f It. ttml Flwl G~c. ch,l. t1it: solt!. trented witK C&IfsqjctV. ether, the olly ppt. the mother liquor wcckrd up to give white nec4lic9 uf 11 (conig. I mole Cfj1j),"Laj`n` - 170' (c0.,13, C&H.), tit. 91-2'. ' 10.01 mra. fr"d,from solvent by drying 1.2 firs. at- .10 Crude 11 (3 gj it[ 20 fill. Mtolf Wts tmatt:d gTalluallYNAlla A Ag,() (500 mg.). the mixt. rt- freshly prelid. itispension t fluxed. 4 hm, treawl with C and fiftered hot, the filtratc. a thc brown -oily re.-sidur. mxtd. 6 Aittim with 60 irti: pe ctherlthe'exts. c-mpd. unit the cryq. cmcr recrystd. frorn Etk()-petr. other :JiCiding 2A g. S-berzyl-N- ' , it,", [It Fl) Ato cit!r (111), tit phshc! 0.4 (c 1.12,-C4110. Ill ~SA Z,) in 20 mi. Acoll stIrred 3 lits. with 40 ml. 48 -10 a(l, lltlr at C)O*, the mixt. ": i j or ,4 limi-3 with poz t . dild. with 31) itil, 11,Ck and ext - drie'l, --,al mpl. 'llic cills, theexts. ivashcd witli 1"'(i. residue oil (5.14 g,) wiq tAken up in ~50 -with 20-Rd. partioms said. aq. the txt. AcklifiA tri'll UCI anti cxtd. trith j:t-O ifielding 2-14 K. 130% 1 - jail, , 3 fl 1V 12 lled 4 lit 1 Etoll wr r 4 10 C ) i l 11 ". 5 S V i , n , 1.8. g. it). i Y With 9 Int. Af t1banuUC Nllf4 -fill), the E(011 e varA. and t he 3