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GASIOROWSKI., H.; JANOWSKIj, S. Lecithin and its use in industry,. P. IW - PRZEML CEDIICZNY. (Ministerst-wo PrzevWslu Chemicznego i J.aW~:o-io-T-!chniczn,~ Inz-mitrow i Tnclinikm; Frz--yslii Ch-!T-iczr,~-o) --qr-,%zawa, Poland. Vol .3,5~, no.7, 1,-"ar. 1959 Mont".1- Lint o' East Europ-in k!c-!ssions (REAT) LC. TIL. 'I, no. I, Jljly 1959. Uncl. GASIOROWSKT, HenT-A: Observations on the rate of freezing and the effect of low temperature on bread. Roczn1ki Wv7, Szkola Rol Poman no-139 63-81 t6'2. 1 . K a t a d r a T!~- :t -- r I c i Z Iv Li~ , V., i - S :, K 1. a R. -~. Lr, I c r-A.. P F, t i GASIOROWSKI, J.; TIMNER, D. ------ "Analysis of the Productivity of Smoked-meat Departments", P. 296, (GOSPODARKA K[ESNA, Vol. 6, No. 1.0, Oct. 1954, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. GASIOROWSKI, Leslaw Error in the scale of the Cooke-Yarborough logarithmic integrator caused by summing the resistance. Nukleonika 7 no.11:729-733 162. 1. Instytut Badan Jadrowch, Zaklad NXV, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. GASIORNSKI, L. Logarithmic integrator., type 153-57., No. 1. p. 237 NUKLEOHIKA. (Polska Akademis, Nauk. Komitet, do Spraw Pokojawego Wykorzy5tania Energii Jadrowej) Warszawa. Vol. 3, no. 2, 1958 Pole-nd/ Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI), LC , Vol. 8. no. 6, June 1959 Uncle USIOROWSKI) Loslaw; URBANSKI, Stefan; 'dAWIZZYSZC7UK, Ifenryk ------ Logarithmic integrators ILG-1 and ILG-2. Nukleonika 7 no.10: 655-657 162. 1. Instytut Badan Jadrowych, Zaklad Jadrowej Elektroniki Przemyslowe, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. GASICROkU FARISKI, Z.; S2--FECHT, A.; WAWRZYSZCZUK, H. MGG--l 2iquid density meter. NuU&ozdka 8 no.1;8&-87 163. 1. Instytut Badan Jadro,.7ch_, Zaklad Jadrowej Flektroniki Przemyslowej, Warszawa. AW GASIOROWSKI, Mieczyslaw, inz. I:Gdynia) Automation progress in seagoing merchant vessels. Bud akretowe Warszawa I no.12:421 D 162. GASIOROWSKI., Mieczyslawt inz. (Gdynia) Modern stern trpwlers for fisheries. Bud okretowe Warszawa 8 no.5:163-165 * 163. GASIORC3raU.,&, inz. Introducting principles of continuous supervision into the rules of the Polish Ships RegLater. Tech gosp morska 3.3 no.5tW- 142 Vq 163. 1, Folski Rejestr Statlo3w,, Gdansk. POLAND POOBIELSKI, Tadeusz; GASIORGWSKI, Roman; and ROZYNEK, Honryk, Government Institute of Animal Th-d-r-a-p-(iiYfr(-:s-I'Pii~"s'fwowy Zaklad Leczniczy dla Zwierzat) Head (Kierownik) Veterinarian (lek, wet.) Roman Gasiorowski, Blodzewie "Role of Microelements In the 'rreatment of Skin Papillomatosis In Cattle" Lublin, Medycyna Weteryharyjna, Vol 22, No 9, Sep 066; p. 1141-543 Abstract: Of 7 head of cattle in a herd of -about 35 that wore found to have papillomatosts, 3 were treated w~lth cobalt chloride, 2 with a mixture of copper iron and cobalt salts, 2 untreated controls. '4'hon all 5 treated animals improved while both controls remained the same or bocame worse, the 2 controls were also treated, with good results. General discussion. 4 photographs of patients; 12 Polish references. 37 - GASIOROWSKI, S. ". - , -1.1 1 GEOGRAPHY &- GEOLOGY Periodical: ROC7NIK. Vol. 28, no. 2, 1958. GASIORCF43KI, S. The appearance of rhyncholites in the Pieniny Elippen. P. 195. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No-. 5, May 1959, Unclass. S . ; BIRK' ". ! --'~j7R, 'K. "The ::ptyc' us L f the Titl.unlan and MOCCUU-111 ~eriodls in tl-.c scccncl~lr: dej~o-,it of the Senonlan Uii),eri E,)lt ef I'loland.11 1). 345 Pols'J-.,~ Tci-,r..rzystwc, 10010giC71-i-!. IRLC,~,*.,M. Kra -,cl--Ill-;. Wl. 2~, :CO" 3, 195S I-'Lc.ntlil,,f List cf EasL Lurci.ean Ac -es.,-.icns (EZAI) LC, Vcl. -2, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. C ASIORMS71 ) S. ---- --- ~-_ i.~ New data concerning the age of radiolarians in the lower series of the Tatra Mountains- F.221. ,~ I Cli t G ACU~ GECLOGICA 1,0110','IC~'. I-,arsza%,,a, Ioland. '.,'o1. 9, no. 1, -",. Monthly List of Fast E-uropean Accessions (LEI'J), LC. Vol. E, No. Q,, September 1959 Uncl. W-4-o e-0-0 4- 0 a o o q -0 0 0 *so- $0600646-46- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 so 40few * j , ) f tj 4 11 t. 1. L ;1 1; .1 11 1. . r 1. .1 .1 Vo t IL L_ I 00 S A L L 0 'I 00 ..80 Coffosloo Is wds %,*As. Stallisl'sw C.'j'j'qQv"kj to 00 Chf.. - 00 ir phe~ma mule i. the ..I. plant at Cli-r- -00 10i.h I*Ptw-r Sikta). .09 00 Z.00 09 go zoo g 0 ~ '40 06 .'Oo Go -.00 - , AT 1002 j V 1 1, An I CW0 Of k I ll 13 1 1 1 A IF,? Vac Ka Ogg Offtff Ito: 1, On 411 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a : : 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0, GASIOROWSKI, S. Third soda factory in the light of the development of industry of Poland. p. 170 (CMaK. Vol. 9, no. 6, June, 1956, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Month-ly list of East European ACcessions (EKAL) IP- Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. c T.; KU'4A, --F. ; SAn'ATC'.;SI, A. "Bezpi ec ze~i stow pracy w zak-ladach przemysju sodcwego"(Wcr~: -afetv in indum- A- 't. trial so$da plants), bv S sicrowski, Fr. Kubala and A. Eabatows~.i. Re-.crted in New 1?ooks (Nowe KriUkij, ',!o. 11, Jun.m 1, 19,1',6. r- ~ '~_ .1 ix [at-;, C7 vv -- K IZ~ POLAND / Soil ~Sciofico - ~-dnoral Fortilizors - j-4 Abs Jour :Ref. Zhur - Biologiya, No 17, 1958, No- 77437 Author :Kurylavicz, Bolo8lav; Gasiorawaki,, Stanislaw- Kroczynski, Josof inat ;Agrochomistry Instituto Titlo :Roaults of Invostigations Evaluating Magnosium Thormophos- phato Orig Pub :Postopy nauk. roln., 1957, 4, No 1, 45-57 Abstract :Tho Dopartmont of Sulfuric Acid and Phosphorus Fortilizare of tho Agrochomietry Instituto invostigatod in vagetativo and filold tosts tho, offoctivonoss of magmalum thormo- phosphato obtained by tho fusion of 25 parts of apatito., 75 parts of local phoaphoritoo and 70 parts of serpontino at 1350-15000. Tho thormophosphato containod 14% of co=on P205 ard 11.8% of a citrate-solublo, S102 - 34.1%, C ard 1/2 34 POLAND / Soil Scionco. Minoral Fortilizors. j-4 Abs Jour Rof. Zhur - Biologiya,, A 17, 1958.1 No- 77437 B203 - 9.4%, Cao - 31-5%, YgO - 9.1%, F - 0.2%. Tho finonoss of tho grist ill considorod sufficiont whon 8o% of tho matorial passou through a siovo having a 1600 por cm2 mosh. In tho 1311=11ary, tho Dopartmont also includcd tosts of tho nutrition of plants and fortilizor of tho Socondary Agricultural Schot)l in Warsaw and tosts corAuctod in Czochoolovakia. On soils of acid and poor P205, thormo- phosphato offoetod a bottor PC, which is prodominatoly on tho moro cultivated soils. -- Z. I. Zhurbitskiy. Card 2/2 GASIOROWSKI, S. SCIENCE Periodicala: CHEMIK. Vol. U, no. 7/8, July/Aug. 1958. GASIOROWSKI, S. Price Ust or more important foreign chemicals lat quarter of 1958. P-0 253. Manthly List of East European Acceigsions (EEAI) LC Vol. 8, No. 4,, April 1959, TIbc3 A 3. (i*ASIOROWSKIV S. SCIENCE Periodicals: CMUN. Vol. 11, No. 10# Oct. 1958. USIOROWSKI., Be Management or lubricant* in a factox7. Pt. 1. P- 313. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 8. No. 4, April 1959, Unclass. GASIOROWSKI; Stanislaw Mateusa Ribbed aptychuaeo. Hocz geol Krakov 32 no.2t227-280 162 1. - Pracownia GeologJ.czno-Stratyg.;,&fIczna, Polska Akademia Nauk, Krakov. GASIOROWSKI, St., mgr.,inz. Activitien of the Central Laboratjry of the Feeding Stuff Industry,. Przem spoz 15 no,12:64-66 161. 1. Centralne PrzomyE-.iu Paszowego, Varszawa. GASIOROWSKIJ, S. M. Two faunas of Aptychi from the Grodiacht Sandstones. Bul geolog PAN 8 no.2.131-135 16o. 1. laboratory of Geology, Cracov, Institute of Geology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by M. Kaiazkiewiez. (Aptychus) (Fauna) BIRKENMAJERY K.; GASIOROWSKIVA,--~--' Stratigraphy of the malm of the Niedzica and Branisko series (Fieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians), based on Aptychi. Bul geolog PAN 8 no.2: 137-143 16o. 1. Laboratory of Geology, Cracow, Institute of Geology, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by M. Kaiazkieviez. (Ikjytychus) (Carpathians) .GASIOROWSKI, Stanislaw Mateusz Aptychi from the Dogger, Malm and Neocomian in the Western Carpathians and their stratigraphic value. Studia geol Pol 100-244 162. GASIOROVSKI, Viktor (Warszawa, Bielany, ul. RiLrjoty nr 54) Diagnostic and therapeutic punctures of the bone marrow. Polski tygod. lek. 9 no.42:1354-1357 18 Oct 54. 1. 2 oodz. wown. Silpitals. Hisjokiego Nr 7 w Warezavie; ordymtor% dr T.Goreaki. (PUNCTMS, .stemal) (STERM, plancture) GASIOROWSKI, Wiktor A case of aty-oical pne-amonia with unusual course. Polski tygod.lak. I - 10 no.14:447-449 4 Apr 55. 1. 2 Oddzialu Wewnstrz-nego Szpitala MieJokiego Nr 7 w Warstawte: ordynator: dr J.Gorecki. (LYWHOCIITOSIS, physiology, in students) GASIOROWSKI, Wiktor W~--' . Vital diagnosis In a casn of generalized retlculosarcoma with unusual course. Polski tygod. lek. 10 no.41:1337-1339 10 Oct 55. 1. Warszawa, ul. Hajoty 54. (Z Oddz. Wown. Szpitala Nr 7 w WarszawiA; b. ordynator: prof. dr. med. Bronislaw Wisniewski) (SARCOMA, RXPICULUM CXLLS. generalized. diag. of unusual case) Poland /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-5 and Their Application Soda Industry Abs Jour: Referat Zhur Khtmiya, No 9, 1957, 31231 Author : Gasiorowski Stanislaw Title : Third Soda Plant and Development of Soda Industry in Poland Orig Pub: Chemik, 1956, 9, No 6, 170-173 Abstract: With the puttin i eration of the new plant n op (Solvey proces production of soda will be increased by 4 times, in comparison with 1949, and the production of caustic soda, by 3 times. Card 1/1 WISINIEWSKI, Bronislaw; JABLONSKA, Idalia; GASIORDWSKI, Wiktor Bons marrow in byperthyroidism. Polski tygod. lak. 12 no.2: 75-79 7 Jan 57. 1. (Z Oddzialu Wownetrznego Szpitala Miejskiego nr 7 w Warozawis; b. ordynator prof. dr. Bronislaw Wisniewski i z I Zakladu Chorob Wownetrznych Instytutu Dookonalenia i Specjalizacjl Kadr L"karskich przy Inetytucis Gruzlicy w Warazawie; kierownictwo: prof. dr. Anastaty Landau i prof. dr. Bronislaw Wisniewski). Adres: Warszawa, Flocka 26. (HYPERTHYROIDIS14, pathol. bone marrow changes (Pol)) (BONE MARRDW, in various dis. hyperthyroidism (Pol)) GASIOROWSKI. Viktor (WarEizawn, ul. Hajdy 54.) - 0 Recent theories on the nathogenesis & treatment of liver failure. 1. Pathogenesis, Polaki tygod. lek. 13 no.42:1646-1651 20 Oct 58. 1. (Z Oddzialu Chorob Wewnetrznych Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy orag Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warsznwie; kierownik: nrof. dr Walenty Hartwig) (LIV3R DIS3AS3S insuff., pathogen., review (P01)) Stefan Coarctation of the aortic isthmus & persistence of ductus arteriosus in an adult. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.52:2131-2134 29 Dee 58. 1. (Z Oddzialu Wewn. Inatytutu Gruzlicy i I Zakladu Chorob 14ewn. Studium DookonnIenia Lekarwy A. M.; kierowni-k: prof. dr mad. Walenty Hartwig). Adres: Warszawa 45, ul. HaJotY 54. (COARCTATION 01-0 AORTA, cane reports with patent ductus nrteriofiiis, in adult (Pol)) (IUCTLYS ARTMI006, PATENT, cane rnports with coarctation of aortic isthmus, in a(hlt (Pol)) GASIOROWsKI, Wiktor (Wars2aull, Ul. Hnjotv 54.) Regent theories on the pathogenesis & treatment of liver failure. IL Treatment. Rob3kie tygod. lek. 14 no-1:34-38-5 Jan 59. l.-(Z Oddzialu Chorob Wewnetrr;nych Studium Doakonalsnis. Lekarly. oraz Instytutu Grmzlicy w Warezawie; kierownik: prof. dr Walenty Hartwig). (LIVIIR DISUSMS. ther. liver fa ilure. review (Pol)) GASIUROWSKI, Wiktor ~11 Significance of bronthial aupAration In the syndrome of a8thma- bronchitio-emphysema. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.36:1658-1661 7 Sept 59. 1. (Z Oddz. Wawa. Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy I Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warszawie; kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Hartwig). (ASTHMA, compl.) (BRONCHITIS, compl.) (PULMONARY EMPHYST24A, compl.) 3RUEh, Wlodzimierz; GASICROWSKI, Wiktor Cases of multi-Ole perlpf;,47iini ai'niku7sms in bacterial endocnrditio. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no-49:2154-2157 7 Dee 59- 1. (Z Oddzialu Chorob Wownetrznych Studium Dookonalenia Lekar7y oraz z Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warazavie; kierownik: prof. dr nod. Walenty Hartwig). (ENDOCARDITIS SUBACUTE RACTERIAL, compl.) (ANEURYSM, etial.) BRORMG-SZIMK, Ssra; GASIOROVSKI, Wiktor; KRYIISKA, Joanna Clinicnl f6!;ffiF6f i3osinophilin. Polskie nrch, med. vewn. 29 no.6: 751-761 1959. 1. Z I Znkladu Chor. Wown. Studium Doskonnlenin Lekarzy A. M. orns Inatytutu Gruzlicy v Wnraznwie Kierownik Zaklaclu: nrof. ar mad. W. Hnrtwig. (BOSIROPHILILA) GASIOROWSKI,Wiktor; MTT,Mwrla NCWOTNA-WAWOWA, Roza A case of idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis. Polski tygod. lek. 15 no.19:724-726 9 My 160. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetrzuych A.M. w Warszawle; kierownik: prof. dr. E. KOdej3zko i z X1 Oddzialu Instytutu Gruzlicy; klerownik; doe. &r. P. KrakowkR. MMOSI-DEROSIS case reports) (WNG DISIASES case reports) CHOMICKI) Oskar; CZECH, Wlodzimierz; GASIOROWSKI, Wiktor; GORSKI, Tadeusz; HARTWIG, Walenty Results of the 24-hour thyroid iodine uptake test (T-24) in normal subjects and in patientB with thyroid diseases. Polski tygod. lak. 16 no.25:945-948 19 Je 161. 1. Z Osrodka Radiolzotopowego Studium Doakonalenia Lakarzy v A.M. w Warazawle; kiarownik: prof. dr mad. Walenty Hartwig. (THTROID GUND metab) (IODINE metab) GO'iOWSKI, Tadeusz; C1101MICKI, Oskar; GASIOROIrISKI, Wiktor Clinical significance of thyroid scintgigraphy in the light of our observations. Polskie arch. mod. weQn. 31 no,11;1481-1488 t61. 1. Z O*odka RadioUotopowego Studi= Doskonalenia Lekarzy AM w Warszawi)e KierDwnik: prof. dr med. W.Hartwig. (TMOID GWID radiog) (PUIDIOAUTOGRAPHY) Secondary thyroid insufficioncy determined by the isotope method. Fol. tyg. lek. 17 no.2:51-53 8 Ja 162, 1. Z I Zakladu Ghorob Vewnetrznycli i Osrodka Izotopewego SDL i Ghorob Wewieturmych Insty-tutu Gruzlicy w Warszawie; kierowAik: prof. dr Walenty Hartwig.. (HYPOTHYROIDIS.-I diag) (FITUITjlAY GLA,'TD dis) (IODIME radioactive) HARTWIG, Walenty; GASIOROWSKI, Wiktor; KOZIO-11OWSKI, Antoni Attempted therapy of chronic respiratory insufficiency with radioactive iodine (1-131). Preliminary communication. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 32 no.6:549-554 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Ghorob Wownatrznych Studium. Doskonalonia Lokarzy ki w Warszawlu -i z Osrodka Badioizotopowego SDL Kierounik: prof. dr med. W. Hartwig. (IODINE radioactive) (RESPIRATORY SYSTEM dis) G,AS10ROWSKI, Wiktor; GOHOWSKI, Tadouszl GHOMIGKI, Oskar; CZECH, W:Lodzlzderz Radioactive iodine in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases. Pol. arch. med. wewn. 32 no.9:.1129-U39 162. 1. Z Osrodka Radialzotopowego Studium Doskona-lenia Lekarzy Akademii Medycznej w Warssawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Hartwig. (THYROID FUNGTION TFZT) (IODINE ISOTOPFZ DIAGNOSTIC) GASIOROWSKI, Idiktor; GOROWSKI, Tadeusz Treatment of hyperthyroidism with 1-131. (Prelimi-r=Y communication), Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.35:1375-137.9 27 Ag '62"~ A 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych i Osrodka Radioizotopowego Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy w AM w Warszawio; Iderownik: prof. dr med. Walenty Hartwig. (HYPERTHYROIDISM) (IODINE ISOTOPES TILERAPEWIC) POLP-ND 40ASIO ~W,_911I, W.1ktorand RUDOWSKI, Witold, SDL [Studium Dos- nal ysicians' Refresher course],AM [Akade I Lekarzy. mia 1161odyetna, Medical Academy] in Warsaw and the Institute of Oncology (Instytut Onkologil) im. Marit. Curie Sklodow- skiej in Warsaw "Recurrent Thyroidal Cyst. Case Report." Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lokarski, Vol 18, No 24, 10 Jun 63, pp 861-863 Abstract: [Authors' English summary modified] Authors re- port a case of a woman with recurring tbhyroidal cyst, de- spite two previous operation3 and periodic puncture. Suspi- cion of neoplasmic metaplasia led to surgery and the cyst, found implanted in the surrounding tissue, was entirely re- moved. X ray treatment was applied after operation because of the revealed mixed histological structure of the cyst, and no recurrence Was found on examination several months later. Because of possibility of malignancy, Cysts should be treated surgically. 7hero are five (3) references, of which one (1) each are Polish and German, and 3 English. PO LAYD GASIOROWSKI, Wilctor and GOROWSKI, Tadousz; Department of Iso- topos (Zaklad Izotopow) and First Clinic of Internal Diseases (I Klinika Chorob Weimotrmych), SDL [Studium Doskonalonla Lekarzy, Physicians' Post-Graduato Pro-Irani], XM [Akademia Mo- dyczna, Medical Academy] in Warsaw (Director: Prof. Dr. mod. W. HARTWIG) "On Finding "Hot" Thyroid Nodules, Independent of Thyrotropic Hormone." Varsaw, PolskiTygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No 30, 22 Jul 63, pp 1093-1096 Abstract: [Authors' English summary modifiedj Routine scan- nin- revealed that thyroid of patients with both toxic and non- toxic goiter contained "hot" nodules -- w-ith. higher iodine up- take than the remaining tissue. Test administration of 73 - L-triiodothyronine daily for 8 days showed iodine accumulation only within the nodules, with subsequent TSH (100 u. Heyl- Laqueur) for throe days showing iodine uptake in the extra- nodular tissue with scintigrams. Authors discuss the dia- gnosis and treatment or these "hot" nodules. There are 12 re- ferences: 2 Polish. one (1) German, 9 in English. 1/1 1) 0 LXYD Department of Isotopes (Zaklad IzotopoW) Chorob 1,,ew rst Clinic of internal Diseases (I Klinika netrzilych), Physicians' Post-Graduato Pro '-,raill (StUdiUM DOSkO- nalonia Lckarzy)s Medical Academy (X~adenda Medyczna) in Warsaw (Director: Prof. Dr. Walenty HARTWIG) 131 11 Usin- qadioactJve Iodine (I in ,Xuxiliary isotope Tests Diamosis and Treatment of Thyroid Diseases.' 0 Warsaw, polski -ryr~odnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No' 33, 12 Aut; 6~, pp 1209-1214 Abstract: [Author's En5lish summary modified] Author dis- cusses the radioactive triiodothyronine and T311 tests, hour and where these tests can be used as auxiliary methods for differentiation between various thyroid diseases, in idlich cases they can be used as treatment indicators, and where t1joy are of no use. Ile reports on a study of 60 cases, j&ich confirmed tile above findings. There are 22' references: 4 in Polish, one in French, and tile others in En.-lish. 1/1 GASIORMS! I, Wiktor; KEYDANA , Barbara Ca-Lcium and phosphorus in hyperthyFoidism. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.47tl779-1',182 18 Nt63 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych Studium Doskonalenia lakarzy AM w Warszawie;(,Walmty Hartwig) i a Oddzialu Chorob Wewnetrznych Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warszawie (kierownik* Beniamin Joci.-dda). GASICROWSM Wiktar Important aspects of thyroid physiopatMlogy for the 2phthal- mologist vith special reference to djagnostin tests, Klin, Oczrm 33 no.3/4:29,1~--302 063* 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetr7mych i i Zakladu lzotopaw SDL v AM w Warszawie Klerownik~i prof'. dr med,, W. Hartwig,, (THIROID FUNCTION TESTS) (MR01D GW;D) (PUSIOLOGY) (GOITER, EX01:11MUL1,LIC) GAS IORMSKI, -. ld4jctor Clinical significance of thy-rotropin (TSH) and radioiodine tests. Pol. arch. med. wewnet, 33 no.10,,1155-1160 261, 1. Z Zakladu Izotopc?w Studium Doskonalemla Lekarzy v AM w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Hartwig-. (HYPOPI'AIITARISM) (HYPOTHYROIDIS11) (DIAGNOSITS, DIMRENTIAL) -: 1 (IODINE ISOTOPES, DIAGNOSTIC) (THYROTROPIN) (RADICISNOPE, SCANNING) 11GLIC-NNSKI, Stefan; Tadeusz Excretion of 17--hyd roxycorticos terz) -.d s and 17-ketostcl-oid.-, t n primary hypotkyroid.-ILEm. Fol. tyg. lclk~ 19 30 Ja 164. 1. 7 1 Klln.~i Chcrob Wewnctr:Irivch Sltzid~um, lc~kannl,nl-i Lekarzy Allumlemli .v-, dr W. PISARM-MIEDZINSKA, Danu-~a; GASIOPMJSKT I 101~ Erythrocytic uptake of t-itodothyronine labeled with 1-1?1 in pregnarit women. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no,.50.-1922-1-924 14 D 164. 1. Z Zakladu lzotopow Studitun Doskonalenia Lekai-zy v Medyczne,,' w Warzzzawle (Kierownlk: pn-f. dr. Walenty Ilarb.:i1g) i z II niniki Poloznicl.-4a i Chorc)b KAi--(~Y-h Aka(ity-nit -owrilk.- prof. dr. me,i. TreneLsn rfedycznej w Warszawls (Kier Ilo.qzkow,qkl). GOROWSICI, Tadeusz; GASIOROWSKI, Wiktor. "Hot" thyroid nodules in the light of clinical studies and radioiodine tests. Pol. wewnet. 31+ no.2:129-138 t64- 1. Z Zakladu Izotopow i z Kliniki I Katediy Chorob Vewnetrz- nych, Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy All w Warszawie (kierownik: W.Hartwig). Thc, usef%,nc~si `~' !Le clini,"t! 1-11 ~~ 011-5) -laboled tril,...dothvr,rilno! iipt~J. by ery-l'i,n?-,~yt-%i. Ndl. tyg. lek. 1~) no.43:1633---,-~~31' '6. 0 11! j , 4 1. Z 7AG:lad-a I K. :.-~ i'..- i -T. F nik.- dr. GASICIROWSKI) Wiktor; CUM], W1odz1mierz Behavior of the ~:oniersion Index of 1-:31 and PBI-131 in casea of "hot' thyroid nodules independent of TSH. Fndocr. Pol. 16 no.3 -.37-46 Ja-F65. ~. Zaklad 1zotojxiw i Khnika I Katedry Chorob Wewietrzanych Studium .1 I Doskonalenia Lek4Lr-.y w Rademii Medycmej w Warszawle (KierownikI., . prof. dr. W. Hart-wig). GASIOROWSM, Viktov; BU(:'YO'.,JSV,-S7YMANSKA, Anna Changes In the digestive tract in the course of hYpothyroidismg Pol. tyg. lek. 2:0 no.28:1032-1034 12 i1 165. 1. 7 1 Kliniki Chorcb We,,metrznych Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy w AM .4 'Warsmwic (Kierownik: prolf. dr. Walenty Hartwig). Kr~ arhav,,,i ; GAO k t r 1 -4 im and pho:iphorav n hypertlyro i-, ism in the lig- of our observaAlon. Pol. tyg. Ick. 20 ne.39:1449-14".-I 27 S 1~5,~ L -h Instytutu Gruzlicy w lelarszhwie KI iniki Chorob Wevne trz zny I (Kierownik: vrof. dr.,;. craz -,-. I KIJ-nik! --zv AMl w I'lic,rob Wewietrznych Studium Doskcn,-A',~n.-,-& iIUerownik: prof. dr. med. Walenty fizirt,vIC). GASITAShVILI, Guram Semonovich .- - I- ------- ---. -.- [Popular methods of wood processing] [Narodnye sposoby derevo- obrabotki. Tbilisi] 1962. 86 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Georgia-Woodwork) GASITASHVILI, V.G. Mechanism il skillful hands. Transp.strol. 15 no.10:33 0 165. (MIlU 18:12) 1. Nachallnik stroitellno-morita-,hrioiro proye.-Aa No.-143 tresta Zaktransstroy. BABAK, G.A.; GASITSA, N.N. Acparience In the inspection, repair and adjustment of main ventilation TaAGI-type, B-series axial flow mine fans. Ugoll Ukr. 2 no.2:31-32 IF 158. (MIRA 13:3) l.Inatitut gornogo del& AN SSSR I trest Orgenergougoll. (Mine ventilation) (Fans, Mechanical) GASOUS, I.I., kandidat biologichaskikh nauk. I- ~l - - ~ Restoration of the fauna of Courland Lagoon. Trudy sov.Ikht.kom. no-3:149-150 154. (nRA 7: 8) 1. Blologicheskiy Institut Akademii nauk Litovskoy SSR. (Courland Lapon-Fishes) (Fishes--Courland Lagoon) ~,ASIUNAS, I. I - SC7 NCE, PERIODICAL: DARBAI. SERIJA B. TRUDY. SERIIA B. No. 3, 1958 Gaslunas, I. The food basis of the whitefish of Plateliai Lake and the question of its reconstruction. p. 245. Monthly list of Fast European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1959, Unclass. VOJVODIC9 Ves sanitetski kapetan dr; GRBESAq B.9 sanitetski potpukovnik doe; STEVANOVIC, M., sarLitetski major dr mr ph; BINENYMp Zap sanitetBki potpukovnik dr mr ph; GASIVODA, N sanitetski kapetan I klase dr; BARYLA, K., sanitetali~~ BOZIC, V. mr ph. Preliminary resultv with armin (ethyl-etoxy phosphoryl p-nitrophenolate) in myasthenia graviso Vojosanepregle, Beogr. 17 no.11:1167-1170 N '60. 1. Vojnomedicinska Akademija u Beogradu, Insitut za toksikologiju, Klinika za tiveane i dusevne bolesti. (PARASYMPATHOMMCS ther) (PHOSPHATES ther) (MYASTHENIL GRAVIS ther) ALSHIIIBAYEV, M.R.; A&E-L1111, V.P.; ANDRIANOVA, O.V,,; GASIYEV,,~h.; DEGRAF, G.A.; INUREEKOV, A.B.; KOLOMYTSEX, I.V.; KOLTUSHKI11, I.S.; M.ALAKHOV, V.P.; MONASrYRSKIY, A.O.; REZRIKOV, B.N.; SAKHAROV, I.V.; SENNIKj V.K.; SOSNIN, V.A.; SURKO, V.I.: SURKOV, Ye.P.; SYRLYBAYEV, S.N.; USIKOV~ N.V~; UCHAYEV, A.F.; SHESrOPALOV, Ye.V.; SHERMAN, R., red.; GOROKEOV, L., tekhn. red. (Study manual for a machinery operator] Uchebnik-spravochnik mekhanizatora. Alma-Ata, Kazsollkhozgiz, 1963. 326 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Alma-Ata,, Ka,,,-akhskiy gosudarstvenrwy sellskokhozyaystven- nyy institut, Fetkulltet mekhanizatsii. 2. Sotrudniki fakull- teta raekhanizatsii Kazakhskogo gosudarstvennogo sel'sko- khozyaystvennogo instituta (for all ecxept Sherman, Gorokhov). (Agricultural machinery) S/137/62/000/011/002/045 A052/A10l AUTHORS: Bqczkowski, Wlodzimierz, Deminet, Henrykp Dlugosz, J&zef, Garba- cluk, Tadeusz, Gqska, Bohdan, Gqska, Zdzislaw, Izbicki, Waclaw, Luczak, Szymon, Maciesowle-i.- Ro'man, Morawski, Romuald, Szczepanik- Dzikowski, Zbigniew TITLE: Continuous furnace for shield annealing PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1962, 10, abstract 11B56P (Pol. pat., no. 44895, September 21, 1c,)61) TEXT: A continuous vertical type inverted U7shaped furnace for shield annealing consi3ts of corresponding heating through compartments with electrical heating. A chain conveyer with suspenders (or.baskets) for annealed pieces pas- ses through the furnace, whereby in the lower part of the furnace the conveyer passes through gates with attachments filled with a liquid (e.g. water). When the workpieces are charged the conveyer with suspenders sinks into the liquid and emerges already In the heating compartments. In its surface part the liquid .Is in a state near to boiling and the vapor produces the necessary shield in the Card 1/2 Continuous furnace for shield annealing S/137/62/000/011/002/UI5 A052/A101 furnace. To stir the shieldinik atmosphere and to equalize the temperature, ven- tilators are installed In the middle of two branches of the furnace. [Abstracter's note: Complete trhnsiation] Iebov S. G Card 2/2 1-- 01-1hotovisual stellar magnitudes:in the Sagitta-Aquila field" I p. 118 (Studia. Sectio F: Astronomia, Vol. 1, no. 3, 1958, Torun, Poland) Monthly Index of East European Accessiors (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 1. Jan. 59. ACC NR: AT6i~7Yii5' SOURCE CODE: v; J o UR/2910/65/005/003/0403/0408 AUTHOR: Gashka, 1. 1. Gaska,.I,, D gnas, J. L.Dugnas, 1. 1. ORG: Vil'nyus State University IM. V. Kapsukas (Vil'nyuskiy Gosudar~rvennyy univer- sitet) TITLE: Investigation of the change of electrical conductivity of cerzain high-resis- cance semiconductors in strong SHF fields SOURCE: AN LitSSR. Litovskiy fizicheskiy sbornik. v. 5, no. 3. 1965, 403-2101 ITOPIC TAGS: SHF, cadmium selenide, cadmium sulfide, semiconductor conductivit Y1 semiconductor single crystal V !,'2STRACT: The change of electrical conductivit of single crystals oE 1. . CdS and CdSt~ isemiconductors in strong SHF fields was investigated, -lie measuremenLsOh4etl takarl- 1 107_108 ohm C_ !for specimens having a resistivity of the ordor of An inventigation !of the dependence of the change of conductivity of the qpecimens on t-.,! inten sity- of illumination at a constant field strangth showed r-har for all investigated specimens ~the conductivity at first increased wil.h an increase of illumination au'd then dro .pped I upon reaching a certain light intensity. When the ceriperature of the -pecimen ~as Var- ~ ied from -70 to +70C the signal remained virtually constant. The change of conducti- i i vity i-a a strong field was observed in those specimens Which I. 1r,? plioL_15enSitiVe, In !low-resistance, non-photosensitiva specitziens it was not possLible to detect the .!Rect of a change in conductivity. Nor was it observed In polycryaLalline specimens d48pite ~ Card 1/7 185 ACC MR: AT6023226 SOUXE CODE: UR/2910/65/005/003/0409/0415 AUTHOR: Gashka, I. I. Gaska I.; Laurinavichyus, A. K. -- Laurinavicius, A. 6y-i 1..~, PM4-- 1Y1_/ ORG: Vil'iiyus State University im. V. KaPsukas(Vil'nyusskiy Gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Investigation of photoconductivity in polycrystalline CdS and CdSe SOURCE: XN LitSSR. Litovskiy fizicheskiy sbornik. v. 5, no. 3. 1965, 409-415 'TOPIC TAGS: cadmium sulfide, cadmium selenide, semiconductor conductivity, photo- .conductivity :ABSTRACT: To elucidate the mechanism of photoconductivity of high-resistance semi- I ~conductors, the photoconductivity of polycrystalline CdS and CdSe semiconductors was 'investigated by two methods, one of which reacted only to a change of the intererystal, !line barriers and the other to a change in the concentration of the carriers. The hi h iresistance polycrystalline conductors are represented as a heterogenous systeM con- sisting of randomly oriented crystals of the semiconductor surrounded by the intercrys italline substance. A potential barrier arises between the individual crystals. A ~1 'modified cavity resonator method which permits measuring the absolute magnitude of ~conductivity is used in the investigation. The conductivity of the investigated spec.`! I : i jimens was changed by means of illumination from two incandescent lamps through a hole.'-_ 'in the end of the resonator. The intensity of the illumination was changed by means of' Card L --40859-66 ACC NR: AT6023226 ineutral filters. The investigated specimens were tablets 1.2 mm thick and 8.0 mm in ,diameter pressed from CdS and CdSe. The change of conductivity as a function of the :intensity of illumination of the specimens operating on d-c and an SHF current was ;'investigated. It was found that there was a great difference between the results ob-r ..j stained for SHF and d-c. For the d-c the lux-ampere characteristics are nonlinear, whereas for the SHF current the conductivity changes by a linear law. For d-c the 4 5 -conductivity changed on the average by a factor of 10 __ 10 , whereas for the SHF current ~the change was only by 1 order. For all specimens the conductivity measured for the'. ~! ,SHF current proved to be several orders higher than that for the d-c. This result shqw~ ';that the conductivity of the crystals is much greater than that of the barriers. The: !results obtained are explained well by the barrier theory of photoconductivity. This permits the couclusion that in high-resistance nonsingle-crystal semiconductors the in-' 'tercrystalline barriers are the main contributors to a change in the conductivity of photoresistors. Orig. art. has: 1 table, 5 figures, and 19 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OlFeb65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 006 Card S/137/62/000/011/002/045 A052/A101 AUTHORS: Bqczkowski, WIodzimierz, Deminet, Henryk, Dlugosz, J6zef, Garba- ciuk, Tadeusz, Grpha, Bohdan, _qqs ka, Zdzisl:aw, IzbIcki, Waclaw, Luczak, Szymon, Maciesowicz, Roman; Morawski, Ramuald, Szczepanik- Dzikowski, Zbigniew TITLE- Continuous furnace for shield annealing PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1962, 10, abstrar't 11B56P (Pol. pat.., no. 411895, September 21, l(,)61) TEM A continuous vertical type inverted U:-shaped furnace for shield annealing consists of corresponding heating through compartments with electrical- heating. A chain cohveyer with suspenders (or 'baskets) for annealed pieces pas- ses through the furnace, whereby in the lower part of the furnace the conveyer passes through gates with attachments filled with a liquid (e.g. water). When the workpieces are charged the conveyer with suspenders sinks Into the liquid and emerges already in the heating compartments. In Its surface part the liquid Is in a state near to boiling and the vapor produces the necebsary shield In the Card 112 S/137/62/000/011/002/045 Continuous furnace for shield annealing A052/A101 furnace. To stir the shielding atmosphere and to equalize the temperature, ven- tilators are installed in the middle of two branches of the furnace. S. Glebov [Abstracter's note: Complete trhnslation] Card 2/2 Li$~.48_66 MT(d)/D1P(1)_ 4~d Mt AP6002186 SOURCE CODE: UR/0146/65/008/006/0156/0160 AUTHOR: Gaskaroy V.; MC, D. zgalevskiy, A. V. ~2 ORG: Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute (Leningradskiy elektrotekhnichaskiy infaiiut im. V. 1. Lenina) TITLE. Predicting changes in ffi4,atate qf an automatic system SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyenlye, v. 8, no. 6*,- 1965, 156-160 TOPIC TAGS: automatic eojitrol, automatic control system, automatic contri-ol- theory ABSTRACT; The possibility 6f predicting changes in the state of an automatic-: control system is discussed. The extrapolation problem involved in such a predictionj can be r,educed to determining thel. system principal parameters )~- (t) in the future at t N to+ #aa ttwhen the past values X(t~ -ka t) are known, where m and k are positiy~ integers. In many practical cases, where the statte information arrives continuously.' a linear extrapOlgLtion could be used: X, (t, + M 4 0 a, X (1, - - k tit), Card 02 UDC: 62.523.8 ACC NR- AP6002186 where a. could be determined from the conditions of the minimum mean square valu of extrapolation error. The latter quantity can be expressed in terms of the correla tion function of a stationary random process. Technically, the prediction problem can be solved by a special automatic computing device which would ealculate the appropriate autocorrelation function and send it to an equation solver upon each measurement of the monitored parameter (a block diagram is shown). Thus, a solution of the above prediction problem is held possible; it may help in forestalling various faults In automatic -control systems. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas. SUB C6DE: 13 / SUBM DATE: 30May64 / ORIG REF: OOZ / OTH REF: 002 10V W z/Z (v) GD W P SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/64/000/000/0057/0064 JE=22374 ..)zWW0*3**i"zWsvskjy, A. Gankarov, D. V. t w. T1=1VQ-WPr0babUistiC prediction 9OtjRCE':.-.VsesoYuzn~n nauchnaya seqsiyal posvyashchennaya Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. T&Mai*--jiibernet1ki. Doklady. Moscow, 1966, 57-64 i*Gs: statistic analysis, probability, mathomatio prediction, control theory 'ABVTRACT: A change in the state of a system can be determined from the change in the , * 649m1& controlled parameters, which are regarded as time functions. If a biffficient amount 6(~~rmation about the controlled parameters is accumulated, the next change in the system's stale-may be predicted. In cases where the causal relationships between changes are difficult to establish, the problem of prodictiAg a change in the state of a system may be solved by, meas of the mathematical apparatus of the probability theory, by methods of probabilistic prodiction. 7hen the problem is formulated as follows: Given: a controlled function X(t) which ass.umos the values X(ti), X(t2), X(t at time instants t,