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VEIESUR: V.J.; VODOPTANOV, A.F.; JEFRMOV, D.V.; MINC, A.Z.; VEISBEIII., U.M.; GASEV, M G ZEJDLICJ* A.J.; IVANOV, T.P.; KOLGEITSKIJ, A.A.; Ka4AR,, E. G4 RALiiw, J.E.; 110110SZO11, M..A.; IILVJAZSKIJ, J.Ch.; PETUCHOVI V.A.,* RABINOVICI V.A.; RUBMISKII, S.N.; SIWANIKOV, K.D.; STOLOV, A.M.; KULT, Karel, inz. The wynchrophasotron for particle acceleration to 10 BeV energy of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Jaderna energie 3 no.1:5-9 Ja 157. 1. Ustav jaderne fysilgr (for Kult). GASMMY, it. Z. Limited epidemic of influenzA in a nursery.,Sofin 6 no-5:90-93 1955. 1. Iz Otdnla za narodw zdrave pri Blagoevskila naroden suvet na depatatite na trudegbchite so-SoMas (INFLU3KZA, In infant and child. epidemic in nursory) SAVMOV, S.; GASHCHIU, To. Milling long racks. Stan.1 in8tr- 31 no-8139 Ag '60. (MM 13:8) (Milling michines) GASHU, M.; FUZAj, A, Indiwtion of i=mmolog-tca1 tolorance in adult reelpients. Folia btol., n0.1, 57-59 162. - (SKIN TRANSPLWATION) (ANTIMEM AND A14TIBODIES) BARDIN, I.P., skademik. glavayy red. Edeceased]; VOLIFKOVICH, S.I., ska- demik,; UVAROV, G.V.. red.toma; KOWiROV, V.P., dotsent, red.toma; LAVRENUIVEV, M.A., akademik, red.; DIKUSHIN, V.I., skademik. red.; HJUGHINGIV, V.S., skademik, red.; VEITS, V.I., red.; LEVITSKIT, O.D., red.; NEXHASOV, N.H., red.; PUSTOVALOV. L.B.-, red.; KRACHATUROV, T.S., red.; ROSTOVTSEV, H.F., akademik, red.; POPOV. A.N., red.; GWOV. L.Te., red.; GASM , A.D., red.; PROBSR. A.Te., prof., red.; VASTUPIN, Y.F., prof., red.; KROTOV, V.A.. prof.. red.; VASILITEV, P.V., dolctor ekonom.nauk, red.; LYUDOGOVSKIY, G.I.. kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; LRrUNOV, P.A., kand.geol.-mineral.nauk, red.; SHKOLINIKOV, M.G., kandeelconom.nauk, red.; BANKVITSER, A.L., red. izd-ve; BMJZGULI, V.V., [Chemical industry] Khimicheakeia promyshlennost'. Moskva. 1960. 202 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Akademlya nauk S=. Sovet po izuchenlyu proizvoditellnykh ail. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. 2. Chleny-korrespondenty AN SM (for Veyts, Levitskiy, llekrauov, Pustovalov, Khachaturov). 3. Vae- soyuznaya akademiya sel'sW:hozyaystvennykh neuk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Rostovtsev). 4. Daystvitelinyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva I arkhitektury SSSR (for Popov). 5. Zameatitell predsedatelya Gooplana RSFSR (for Grafov),, 6. Chlen Gosplana RSFSR (for Gashav). 7. Zameatitall predaedatelya Goaudarstvannogo komiteta Soveta Hi- nistrov SSSR po khimU (for Uvarov). (Chemical Industries) BARDIN, I.P.. akademik,-glavnyy red..Edeceased]; KHACffATUROV. T.S., otv. red.toma;. SMIRNG-V, A.P.,; VERKHOVSKIT, I.I., red. toma; IMMASOVA, R.I., red.toma; TSENIN, B.S., red.toma; LAVRENTIYEV, N.A., red.; VOLIFKOVICH, S.I., red.; DIKUSHIN, V.I.. red.; NEKCHINOV, V.S., red.; VEITS, V.I., rod.; LEVITSKIT, O.D., red.; NEKRASOV. N.N., red.; PUSTOVALOV, L.V.. rail.; ROSTOVTSEV, N.F., akademik, red.: POPOV. A.H., red.; GRAFOV, L.Tei., red.; GASHXV, A.D., red.; PROBST, A.Ye.. prof., red.; VASTUTIN, V.P., prof V.A., prof., red.; VASILIM, P.V., doktor;. red.'; LTUDOGOVSKIT, G.I., kand. tekhn.nauk. red.; LETUNOV, P.A., kand.gool.-miner.nauk. red.-, MEOW- NIKOV, M.G., kand.ekon.nauJr. red.; RODINA, Te.D.. red.izd-va; GUSZVA, A.P., . : (Transportation; proceedings of the Conference on the Development of Productive Forces of Eastern Siberia] Transport: trudy Konfe- rentaii po razvitiiu proiz,roditel'nykh sil Vostochnoi Sibiri. Moskva# Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. 1961). 203 P. (MIRA 13:10) (Continued on next card) DARDIN, I.P.--(continued) Card 2. 1. Konferentaiya po razvit:Lyu proizvoditelInykh sil Vostochnoy Sibiri, 1958. 2. Chleny-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Khachaturov, VeytB, Levitskiy, Nekrasov, Puntovalov). 3. Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sel'sko- khozynystveanykh nauk inen. L V.I.Letiiria (for Rostovtsev). 4. Deystvi- telln, chlen Akademii atr-Ditel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Popov). Zry 5. -7ara.predsedatelya Goisplana RSFSR (for Grafov). 6. Chlen Gosplans RSFSR (for Gaahev). 7. InBtitut komplakanykh transportnykh problem AN S&RI (for Khachaturov. Varkhovokiy, Nekrasova, TSenin, Smirnov). (Siberia, Rsatern-Transportation) BARDIN, I.P., itkademik, glsvnyy red. (deceased]; NEKRASOV, N.N.0 otf. red.tcma; SLAV111, S.V., do'ktor ekon.nauk. red.toma;, M.G., kand.ek.~n.nadk, red.toma; LAVRFIITIYEV, M.A., skademik, red.; VOL'YK.OVIC11, Sol., skndemik, red.; DIKUSHIN, V.I., akademik, red.; NEMCIFENOV, V.S., akadamik, red.; VETTS, V.I., red.; L2VITSKIY, O.D., red.; PUSTOVALOV, L.Y., red.; MUCHATUROV, T.S., redo; ROSTa?T= , N.F., akadenik, red.; POPOV, A.N.. red.; GRAIPOV, L.-Yeiq red:; GASEW A.D red,,; PROBST, A.Ye., prof.9 redo; VAS=INa V.F , pro do-, KROTOV, V.A., prof.t red.; VASILOYEV, P.V., dcktor,:, red.; LIUDOGOVSKIT, G.I., kand.takhn.nauk, red.; LEMMY, P.A., kand.geoj.-minoral.nBuk. red.-. MAZOVIR, Ya-A., red. izd--va; KANUNA, P.S., (Couspreher-aive. xegional and interregional problems; [conference reportall Raionnye i mezhraionnye komplakanye problevq; Etrudy' konferentaii]. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 190 P. (KIRA 14:1), 1. Konferentsiya po razvit;iyu proizvoditellnykh ail Vostochnoy Slbl:,~'_. 1958. 2. Chieny-Irorrespondenty AN SSSR (for Nskrasov, Veyta, Levitskiy, Pustovalov, Xhachaturov). 3. Sovat Po izuthetiYu-* prolixoditelln.vkh ail pri Prezidiume Akedemii nauk SSSR (for Nakras'ov, Shkallnikov, Slavin). 4. 1'redsedatelt SovetR po izuehaniyu pro- izvoditeltnfich ail pri Prozidiume AN SSSR (for Hemchinor).5. Vea- soyui;naya skademlya ael's1:okhozyaystvennykh nauk Im. V.I.Tp4ina (for Rostovtaev). 6. Deyotvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitelletva i arkfii- tektur5r SSSR (for P.9nov). (Siberia, Reetern--leonomic, policy) ' ANDRYT!F.qrMIK,'). Yu.5.. BIGIN, TU.1*1, BASHKIRTSBY, A.A., BXMIKOV, G,Y"6i, BELINWHER, I.Sh.,BUSHITYET, N.M., VAG.A710T, A.K.,,GASM A.M., '(XS#KOV, K.A.. ZGIRSEXY. Ch.L. IGNOTIT.K.L. XCRMHKN, ift-'Jr- KMIKOV, U.T.. FATSMICH. I.?., PICHAK, F.L. RAYTSES, V.B.o- RUDAKOV. A.S., SAPRYKIN. V.14.. SIDOROV. F.F., UAINSKIT, Te.A, EIAW(DJ,P.L, CF.PWM6VSKV. Yu.16-, BUSHMV. N.M., kandetekhns- naux, red.: DUDINA, N.I.,tokhn,red, (Manual for agricultural machinery ooerators] Pt. 3. Stationary internal combustion engines. steam engines And windmills. Rural electriftention. Heebanization Of Droduction in Animal husbandry, Spravochnik mekhaniint0l'R Rel'skogo khozialetva. Pt. 3. Statsionaraye dvigatelt vnutrennego sgornniia, lokomobilt i Yetrodvigateli. BlektrifikRteia sel'skono khoziaiHtvn. Makhanizateila nroizvod9tveWWkh protsessov v zhIvotnovodstve. Pod red. N.M. Bushueve. Moskva. Gos.nnuchno-tekhn. Ird-ro mashinostroit, lit-z7o 1957 200 P. (LIRA 11:8) (Agricultitral machinery) ANDRYUSHCHAND, Tia~S.; BAGIN, Yu.I.; BASHKIRTSIV, A.A. ; BRWIKOV, G.7b.; BELINICHER, I.Sh.; BUSHUYSV, N.M.; VAGANOV, A.K.;_ YBSIK07, K.A.; ZGIRSKIT, Ch.I.; IGANTIYBV. M.L'; KORUSHKIN, Ye.H.; KUZIX07. N.T.; PATSK3710H, I.R.; PICHAK, F.I.; FATTSES, Y.B.; RUDAKOV, A.S.; SAPRMN, Y.M.; SIDOROV. F.F.; UMINSKIY, Ya.A.; EffAICHIN, F.Ko; CHEMOVIKIYj Yu.I.; TBRAKHTINj DO,, kand. tekhn.' nauk, retsenzent; KWAROT, M.P., inzh., retaenzent,- TORBIM. Z.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; POLUNOV, IOP., kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; IGN&T'YgV, M.G., agroniom, retsenzent; GUTMAN, I.M., inzh., retsenzent; TAWAKOV, N.P., tekhn. red.; SAWANNIKOVA, G.A., tekhn. red. [Reference manual for the agricultural machine operator] Spravochnik mokhanizatora sellskogo khaziaistva. Pb.2. [Repair of tractors and agricultural machinery] Ibuiont traktorov i seliskokhoziaistvennykh mashin. Pod red. N.M. BuFlimeva. Mbskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. 1957. 335 P. (xm 11:9) (Agricultiii-al'mchinerj,-Naintenance and repair) (IV a~&4K'O lu.S.; BAGIN, Yu.I.-, BASHKIRTSEV, A.A.; BBLENIKOV. G.Te.; BBLINICHKR, I.Sh.; BUSHUTIV, II.M.; VAGANOV, A.I.; YISIKOV, K.A.; ZGIRSKIT, Ch.L; IGrATITIV, M.I.; VDRUSHKII, U.N.; KUZIMOV, F.T.; PATS]WICH, I.R.; PICHAI, Y.I.; RAYTSZS, Y.B.; RUDAKOV, A.S.; SAPRIKII, V.M., SIDOROV, Y.F.; UMINSKIY, Te.A.; IRMHIN, P.K.-. CHMMOVSKIT, Yu.I.; YMKHTIN, D.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; retsentent; MAKAROT, M.P., in-ih.,rateenzent; TORBETEV, Z.S., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; POIXXIOV, I.P., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsfintient-, IGNATIYEV, M.G., agronom, retsensent; GUTMAN, I.M., inshener, retsentent; SARAFANNIKOVA, G.A.. takhn,red.; TMKAKOV, N.P., [Manual for agricultural mochanizerel Spravochnik mekhaniz&tora ael'skago khosiaistva. Moakwa, Goe.nzuchno-tekhn.ird-yo mashinostroit. ,it-ry. Pt.l. [Tractors and automobiles, agricultural wachlner7 and Implements, and operation of machine and tractor yards] Traktory i avtomob:ili, eel Iskokhosiaii3tvennym mashiny i orudiia, eksplustataiin mashinno-traktornogo parka. Fod. red.N.M.Bushuava. 1957. 462 pi) (MIRA 10:1 (Mach Ino-tractor stations) GASHEV, B. M. SPANWITAN, V.B., red.; KMSWKOV,, A,I.; 73MOV. Tu.A.; PLROZUOTA, A.G.; ZINOVIYEV, N.V.; GOLOVIN, Tu.M.; BZWSHUICW, D.K.; KOROVINA, Ael.; MOISxnff' P.F.; pASWjj.J(.; MWOV, L.S.; K0001, A.T.; ROGOT, T.T.; GORYUROVS V.P., red.; bi ' SIV, N.N., red.; SHLENSWA, V.A.. red. izd-va; BORISOVA, L.M., red. izd-va; VOMOVA, Ye.D., teldm. red. [Foreign commerce of the U.S.S.R. with countries of Asia, Afrias and latin America] Vneshniais, torgovlia SSSR so stranami Azii, Afrikl i latinskol Ameriki. Moskva. Vneshtorgizdat, 1958. 194 PO* (MIRL 11:7) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy kon"yunkturm" institnt. (Russia-Commerce) VATOLINA, Lidlya Nikolayevna. Priniml ucbastiye ROSHORMA, L., red.; KIR3ANOVA,, I.,, m1adobly red,~ UIANOVAp L., [Econom7 of the United Arab Republic] Ekonomika Obwedinennoi Arabskoi Respubliki. Yoskva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-ekon.lit-ry., 1962. 77 p. (KMA 15:4) (United Arab Republic-Economic conditions) OASE-V, M. Journal "Mechanization of heavy work." Ugol', No 2, 1952. GASIM, M. Growth of the coal nining industry "Basits of tachnologieg I progress in coal mining in the U.S.S.R." Reviewed by H.G. hav. Hast.ugl. 9 no.1:24-25 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Goal minee and mining) GASHEY, N.H. Surgical removal of a asurofibrona of the posterlpr wediiistinus. Khirurgiia, no.8:78 Ag. 155. (HLRA 9-2) 1. Iz k1drurgicheskogo otdoleniya Zavolzhokoy gorodskay bollnitay, U11yanovsk. (MIASTINUK--TUKCRS) GASHEV, N.S. Denezhkin Kamen' Preserve. Okhr. prir. na Urale no.1:101,104 160o (MRA 14:4) (Denexhkin Kamen' Preserve) GASFEV, N.S. Feading habits of the genus Martes in the Northern Urals. Biul. VOIP. Otd. biol. 70 no.3,16-21 My-Je '65. (MIRA 18:10) GASHEVI HIS, Occurrence of squirrels in the PaUx Urals. Trudy Inst. b1ol. I , UFAN BSSR no.38:61 165, 1 (MA 18i12), 1. - ~ ----2 Ural pika. Priroda 5f-'. no.1:75 Ja 16(). On,ul ic').l-) 1. Ural'skiv filial -L"-' SSSR, Salt-IJin ardskiv :~;tZtt:licmar. SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1508 AUTHOR VEKSLER,V.1., EFREMOV,D-V.,, L'INC,A.L., WEJSBEJ11,,M~Y- BODOPIJANOV,F.A., GA9EV,h1.A-, ZWDLIC,A.L~, IVAHOV,P,P~, N IEV,L~F,, LTONOSZON,N,,A,, KOLOME SKIJ,A.A., KOMARIE,.G., MALI W V NEVAZ9KIJ,I.CH., PETUCHOV,IT,A., RABINOVIC,M.S., RUBCINSKIJ,S,',-1.7 SINELINIKOV,K.D., STOLOV,A N1. TITLE The 10 BeV Synchrophasotron of the Academy of Science in the USSR PERIODICAL Atomnaja Enersija,.I, fasc..4,22-30 (1956) Issued: 10 / 1956 A short survey of the most important parameters and components of this aosele- rator is given. At first the share takon by various institutes in the develop- ment and construction of the accelerator in dealt with. The equipment of the accelerator is ready, and final work ia in the act of being porformed~ The fre- quency of the accelerating voltage is modified in a manner that is proportional to the velocity of the protons (autophasing). The annular magnet consists of 4 quadrants separated by straight inte--rvals of 8 m length (with an average dia- meter of 28 m), One of these intervals contains a device for the introduction of the particles, two others contain the accelerating electrodes. One of the intervals serves as an outlet for the particles, The photons are previously accelerated by means of a linear accelerator of from 8,5 to 9 MeV, after which they pass through a straight stretch of 10 m length and are then introduced 0 into the chamber of the synchrophasotron after a revolution of 75 . The orbit fluctuates slowly round the respective immobile equilibrium orbit passing Atomnaja EnergiJa, 1, fase.4, 22-30 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1508 through the center of the accelerating chamber and the particles perform rapid fluctuations round the respective orbit. In the case of a relative error of the frequency of + 0,1~ the rad.,.al shifts of the parti..-les can attain L -re + 6 cm, The amplitude of the radial phase osoillations was damped from 50 cm at ihe be- k;inning to I am at the end. A domain which 15 free from resonance was acertained- On the other hand the resonances with free osc,'_llations, which are -xtremely dangerous in connection with the pro~~96s of acceleration may In some ~%ses bj~ used for the improvement of the effect produced by the injection- SQveral prob- lems connected with the construction of the acceleratcr are men,;ioned. The electromagnet and its feed system, A system based upon the accumulaticn Cf energy Ln working loads serves the purpose of feeding the electromagnet. After the maximum field strength of 13,000 ~rstedt is attained, the energy accum-;.,a- ted in the electromagnet is now transformed back into kinetic energy of workine loads by the synchron machines which now act as motors. The main parameterq_ of the system are: Maximum capacity 140,000 kVa, maximum amperage 1MOO a, max-imum energy 11.000 V, four aggregates with parallel operation, 96 valve ignitors. The vacuum system is based upon the two-vacuum system with an inside high vacu~u-mcham~b_er and exterior pre-vacuum chamber, In conclusion the high frequency system as well as the control of the injection processes and of tTe acceleration of the particles are disoussed. INSTITUTION: GASHEEV, V. A., K07-14, E. G., MOMS!',ON, M. A., Sr.JEVAKOVA, F. M., STOLOV, A. M. "The Power Supply System of the 10 GeV synchrotron Electomagnbt," paper presented at CERN Symposium, 1956, appearing In Y,!lear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 4, ARKHANGELISKIT, F.K.; M_Wp N.A.;_.KOMAR, Te.G.; MALTSHKV, I.F.; _ WA MONOSZON, N.A.'; 3TOLOY, MR.; 5.1-R&L-TSOV, N.S. Ilectric enplneering and design problems in constructing large cyclic accelerators. Elektrichestvo no.ll-.25-)4 N '57. (MIRA 10: 10) (Cyclotron) 21(9) SO11169-7-2 -8/24 AUTHORS: Ilekseyev, A. G., Gashev, M. A., Dondysh, 1k. L., Malyshev, I. F., Matora, I. T-., 'Mironov, Ye. s., monoszon, N. A., Neme- nov, L. M., Pirogovskiy, V. V., Romanov, N. A.,.$trql'tsov, N. S., Fedorov, It. D. TITLEs A 1.20-Meter Cyclotron With a Magnetic Pole (Tsiklo- tron s diametrom polyusov magnita 120 cm) PERIODICAL: Itomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 2, PP 148 - 158..(PSSR) ABSTRACT: The device was: developed in the Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektrofizicheskoy apparatury (Scientific Res 'earch Institute for Electro-physical Apparatus) in collaboration with the Institut atomnoy energii AN SSSR (Institute-for Atomic Energy of the kS' USSR). The electro-magnet was designed by N. N. Indyukov, Ye. 1. Bezgachev, A. V. Klimov under the guidance of B. V. Rozhdestvenskiy and B. Ye. Gritskov (Figs 1 and 2 are cross sections of the electro-magnet). The radial field force was such a.way that the error in the center of the field xas less than 0.01c,;,' of the force of the field. The error at the measarement of the azimuthal inhomo- Card 1/4 geneity of the field was less than 0.007% of the field force J.. ",I.20-Meter Cyclotron With a Magnetic Pole Diameter SOV/89-7-2-6/24 in the center of the field. The position of the magnetic plane was determined by the magnetic scale developed by V~ V. Pirogovskiy. For the correction of the magnetic field inside rings and disca were used, which are installed between the poles of the magnet and the lids of the vacuum chambers (sec- tional views are given). The measurements, the construction method and the assembly of the resonance conductor and of the duants are described in detail (there are sectional views). The acceleration chamber and the resonance conductor (there is a detailed sketch) were constructed by A. I. Alyablyev, I. Ft Zhukov, N. N. Ruinyantsev under the supervision of B. I. Pro- duvnov. The whole high-frequency installation is shown in a block diagram and there is a short description of part of it. The high-frequency section was developed by G. M. Drabkin, R. V. Vanatevskiy and R. Yu. Protasovskiy under the super- vision of A. S. Temkin. The vacuum systems were computed by Ya. L. Mikhelis and N. M. Karpenko. The movement of iobs. iii the ion source and in the central part of the cyclotron is of special importance at the acceleration. This movement was thoroughly studied by I. M.Matora. He developed a special Card 2/4 deflector systera. The focusing system was computed by Yu. G, A 1.20-Meter Cyclotron 'Xith a Magnetic Pole bia-ai~ter sQi/a9-7-2-8/2_' Basargin. The magnetic quadrupole lenses of N. A. Ostroys-W and N. 1. Konovalova were used in this system. The cyclo- tron produces 13.7 mev of deuterons while the extreme route of the particle flux can be up to 1 ma. There is a guided beam of 100-200pa at disposal for normal work and the beam is focussed to a plane of 15.20 mm2. The control desk, signal equipment and the special electrical installations were de- signed by V. S. Lyublin, N. B. Nevrov, P. S. Gornikel'working under the guidance of G. S. Gordeychik. Sinilar cyclotrons. constructed in the USSR, are in operation in Romania, China~ Poland ana GDR. In -the near future a cyclotron of a simiiar type will be completed in the CSR. The first cyclotron of this type was tested in 195b by L. N. Baulin, R. N. Letunovs- kiy, Yu. G. Basargin, A. V. Stepanov, G. A. Nalivayko, M, 1). Veselov, V. A. Susiov and A. I. Antonov from the Scientific Research Institute for Blectropnysicai Apparatus and I. I. Afanaslyev, A. A. 1rzumanov ana H. A. Meshcherov from the Institute for 1tomic Energy ot the AS USSR. The magnetic quadrupole lenses were tested at the cyclotron of the AN USSR (AS UkrSSR) witn the participation of V. A. &ovtun. The fa- Card 5/4 Orication of the cyciotron was supervisea by A. V. kazalevskiy, k 1.20-Meter Cyclotron With a Liagnetic Pole Diameter SOV/89-7-2-8/24 L. N. Fedulov, V. V, Romanov and K. k. Asriyev . Ye. G..Komar gave valuable advice. F. K. Arkhangeliskiy aided the testing of the first cyclotron. Problems concerning the planning of the cyclotron were discussed with D. G. Alkhazzow-~ There are 10 figures and 5 Soviet references. ... SUB74ITTED: March 12, 1959 Card 4/4 8(5),,8(l) SOV/105-60-1-2/25 AUTHORSt Gashev, X A., Komar, Ye. G., Mon szon, No A., Spevakova, F. Moo 7"Ur-V _17r TITLEt The Supply �rstem of the Electromagnet'for the Proton- synchrotronlht the Cong9l if~Cle_a_r Researcii-in-s-fi-iute PERIODICAL:. Elektrichestvol 1960, 11r 1, pp 6-10 (TISSR) ABSTRACTs The biggest particle accelerator is at present the proton- synchrotron of the Ob"vedinennyy Ingtifii+ -,~adernykh isaledovaniy Join~ Inatitut-i of Nuclear Research:, ').,Protons with energies of up to 10 Dillione ev are obtained here,. The supply system of the electromagnet is used for the production of a periodically <ernating magnetic field with a repetition frequency-of 5 per minute in the acceleration chamber of the proton-synchrotron. The main rated data of the supply system aret peak output 140 Mwo peak amperage 12.8 ka, peak voltage 11 kv, the energy stored in the magnetic field of the electro- magnet 148.106 joule and the losses in the coil of the electro- magnet 4 Mw. While connecting the coil of the electromagnet to the direct voltage, the current increases in accordance with Card 1/4 The Supply System,of the Electromagnet for the SOV/105-60-1-2/25 Proton-synohrotro7n at the Consolidated Nuclear Research Institute exponential curve with a time constant of T - 25 seconds. When the.current has reached. 12.8 ka, the voltage changes its sign and the current drops. The source for the direct voltage is a system of synchronous generators driven by induction motors and of converters. The latter operate as rectiflers during the increase of the cur-rent and as inverters during the drop of the current. The schematic circuit diagram of the supply system of the electromagnet is shown in figuren I and 2 and explained. The roduction of the output impulses in the supply system of the aggregate motors is obtained with the help of fluid slip c6ntrollers. The sealed pentode-ignitrolLS Of type IVU 100/1500 ,with a mean rated current of 100 a and a return voltage of 15 kv, -s-ecially developed at the Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy P -institut (All-Union Electrotechnical Institute) are used as valvoes for the converter installation. The method of operation ofthe valves is explained in detail and the influence of ....d.1a.tiributed capacitances on the operation of the valves is pointed out. These capacitances cause strong high-frequency oscillations with frequencies of dozpais of kilocycles, The Card 2/4 measures taken for eliminating these influences are mentioned The Supply System of the Electromagnet for the SOV/105-6o-i--2/25 Proton-synohrotron at the Consolidated Nuclear Research Institute .' in brief. The control system of the converter is supplied by an auxiliary generator (on the shaft of the main generator). The firIng of the ignitrozis is controlled with the help of a customary thyratron-condenser-circuit. This produces an impulse at the igniter lasting from 200 to 250 milliseconds at peak amperages of from 40 tD 60 a. The phase shift between the controller impulses corresponding to the rectifier- and the inverter method of operation, amounts to approximately 140 degrees. The moment of the beginning of the method of operation as rectifier (of the converters) is controlled by a pickup with a contact system which conveys the signal to the trigger. In order to warrant the homogeneity of the magnetic field and to reduce the influence of residual magnetism on the magnetic field, the magnetic system is demagnetized during the interval of the main cycle. This 113 done with the help of impulses of the current of different polarity with an amplitude decreasing in accordance with a certain law. These demagnetizing impulses are produced by 2 converters with ignitrons of type IVU 100/1500- During backfiring, tho converter is protected by back current Card 3/4 quick-break switches. Each of the converters is protected against The Supply System of the Electromagnet for the SOY/10546-1-2/25 Proton-synchrotron at the Consolidated Nuclear Research Institute short circuit ourrents by peak-current quickbreak switches. The windings of the electromagnet are protected. against excess voltages by dischargers. The specific feature of the supply system investigated here is the circumstance that, during abnormal methods of operation the amperage in the converter (where the normal method of working was disrupted) is increased and the amperages in the other converters decrease, when the converters operate as inverters. To prevent this, a grid protection system is prOvided. Endurance tests showed that the supply system operates in a stable manner and warrants all methods of operation. There are 5 figures. bOM s/i2o/62/000/004/004/047 E194/P-42o AUTHORS: A.411., Gashev., -MIA $pevakova, r.M., Yavno, A.Kh., Kornakov, Ye.V.,. Kulakov, P.M., Nadgovnyy, V.P., Gorshkov-a, Ye.G. TITLE: The supply system. for the electromagnet of a proton- synchrotron of 7 Gev PERIODICAL: Pri bory i tekhnika ekgperi.menta, no.4, 1962, 27-33 TEXT: The article,describea the supply system for an electro- magnet, the field of which increases at the steady rate of 6.7 x 10 Oe/sec to reach a ittaximum value of 9300 00 in 1.55 sec and then falls off exponentiallyin 0.8 sec, the 'repetition - : frequency is 10 to 12 cycles per minutes.- The voltage on the' electromagnet is increased from 5000 to 10250 V with a maxi' current of 25010 A. An induction motor Of 3500 kW, 6 RV, 740 rpm drive s.through a fluid coupling a 6 phase alternator*of! peak outPut.37500 kW, 8.2 W, and an cuxiliary generator o:r 250 k11,.380 V for auxiliary sup.ply to the 12-phase ignitron. rectifier. During the current decrement period the rectifier operates inverter. A description of the smoothing circuit Card 1/2 s/120/62/000/004/004/047 The supply SYstem for the electro-... E194/E420 is given. Particular fault conditions of the circuit are analysed and the protective devices fully described. The performance is illustrated by 0scillograms. Schematic and block circuit diagrams are given and an outline drawing of the ignitrons. . Thore are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut elektrofizicheskoy apparatury GKAE (Scientific Research Institute for Electrophysical Apparatus GK.AE) SUBMITTED: April 10, 1962 Card 2/2 '6 zwTc0/Fgc-( L 13221 65 ITIEEC(b)-21EWA(r~)_2 DO/AT ACCESSION MR4, -S/0089/64/017/004/0287/0294 AP4047415 iAUTHORS: ashi3V, J&JA Gustbij, G.: K.; Dlyaahenko' K. K.; XoMarj v s i Ye.- G. -, Mal hev, 1. 4onqsz6n, H. A. I. -PcW%MJgjLu_ba__V_"_ Ratnikov, B. K.,- Rozhdestvenskiy; B. V.,- ]Naantsevr No ff.; Sakea- 'j elltoov, N cranskjX& G. L.:,- Spevakovap-ps B.; StojjQy Sal Yavnoo A* ITITLE: Main- echnical eri- t characterJLstics of the "Tokamak-3" exp mental thermonuclear installation SOURCE: Atomnaya energiyas v41-.17, no. 4# 1964, 287-294 TOPIC TAGS.- ..thermonuclear piitch',' a re- i thermonuclear fusion, plasm search, plagmaCpinch/ Tokomak-,!3 ABSTR .ACT: Th~! "Tokamak~-3" islIntended for the-investigation of a toroidal quasi:-stationary dis~,h#g in the strong longitudinal mag- e 'The toroidal dDicharge is produced in the vacu netic fi Id. um dh LCIrd -A, L 13221-65 IACCESSION UR-'AP4047415 !ber by a vortical electric fiOild',~. and'acts as an equivalent secondary _PlasmO~inch is stabilized. turn of a pulse transformer. j;Th16 pkoduced eld~.of ak toroidal sol with.a IongibdI.'dinal- magnetic enoid, inside A.which the va'c~ium chamber'is'located. The magnetic core of the pulse t c ries the primaty yortical-field Anding, the demag- ransformer:c4r netization wihding, and, the winding for inductionheating.. 'The set- up is. fed f rorl special p6werliystems. The electromagnetic system, the power supply, and the vadjuni Ekystem are described in:some detail6*,._I... The longitudinal field intenshy.. reaches 40 kG. The vortical field Ivalues are 250 and 50 V-per tfirri, with pulse durations 10 and 50 mil- liseconds, and with programmi!lhg:'of the waveform such as to maintain a constant -cutrent in the plaisma' pinch* The power supply deliversa peak Power of': 77, 000 kW, max1jaunt 7000 A, no-load voltage 11 XV,,and istored energy.,: 180 million iaalet.. The vortical field is fed from ipr at - 20 - W, 11 000 V, four capacitdr banks ra.ted-1660~ gF at 10 k ;78,000 PY at S W, and 30,000 PJI at 5 W. The capacitor-bank,pam- Imeters can I)e, varied over a WIde range. The vacuum in the liner.-..--does Ca!d: 2/3 1~58M-65 EWT NWEPA W-2/EWA(n) -2 Ptr'l 1ACCESSION HR, ATS007938 IJF(c) GS S/0000/64/000/000/OS47/0555 B.I.J kov AUMOR: Glazov A A. - Dentsov, Yu. N. DnItriyevokly, V. P. I Zqmolo i . ZA21,.tt1n, K.L. ) Kvl Ka, t V. ; JUnRilhkov. H. H. ; Kro in, A. A.; ftheleDgy, V, P. I- Ga3hav, 0. A.; Malyahey, 1. r,.i Hoposzon. N. A.1 Pophcvich, V, ilb TITLE,. Retativistic 700-Hav proton MI.=M SOURCE: Intern~tlonal Conference on High nergy Accelerators. Dubnas 1963. Trudy Moscow, Atom zdat, 1964, 547-555 TOPIC TAGSt proton acceleratort relativistic particle AB~TRACT: Cu-~rent theoretical conceptq and experimental data conclusively show the, to understand the microcosm further it to necessary to increase the beam 'intensity of accelerators by a factor of 103 and produce accelerators with energies up to thousands of Dev's. ror the past 5-6 yearn constant gradient accelerators (SOO- goo Mev cyclotrons) have appeared to be tho best way to produce particles with aner &ies up to I 13ev (I Gey) vith'beam currentil of the order of I stillialVers instead of I micx mpere (as found in synchrocyclatrons). The present report describes the design for a 700-Mov Proton cYclotron developed by the Laboratciry of Nualear Prob- ;W4 In slh&Qmiwj~ L 58913-65 ACCESSION MR; ATS007938 blems of the OlYal jointly with the MIIEFA GKAE GSSR and other scientific research' Institutes with rated current proton beam up to 500 microamperes.. The choice of energy was made on the basis of the fact that at 700 Mov the crose-nections-for formation of pions in nucleon-nucleon and nucleon-nuclei collisions are close to 77' maximum, and also because of the possibility of utilizing the electromagnet of the 680-Hev synchrocyclotron of the OlYal for the new accelerator. The following new problems were considered in the design because there is now no similar operational high-energy accelerator: (a) verification of the linear theory and development of the nonlinear theory of spatial stability and of the phase motion of particles in the accelerator; (b) creation in a large space of a ukigne-tic field with complex configuration and its stabilization with an unusually high degree of accuracy-, (c) production of apparatus for the measurement of strongly nonhomogeneous magnetic fields (gradients up to 4000 oelcm) with an accuracy better than 104; (d) produc- tion of high-Frequency oscillators with power up to 2 MW at a frequency of 12 mega- cycles per second (12 NO, with frequency stability of the order of 10- which operate with a resonance system with amplitude of the accelerating high-frequency voltage of up to 100 kilovolts; (a) dosign of an accelerator and its auxiliary sys- tems which ensure effective operation and maintenance under conditioris of high levi Lo- of activity; (f) development of a highly ffective system for the channeling of pro ton beams from the accelerator, and also ,:olutibn of the problems comected with- c.A 2/3 T L 58913-0 ACCESSION ORt A15007939 producing beatis of secondary particles and their channeling and focusing-. (g) devel. opment of Olans for the protection of personnel and Instruments from radiation. The paper cbncludes that the relativistic cyclotron offers wide new possibilities for nuclear reseat-ch In radloblology, solid state physics, etc. OrIg. art. hav 7 figurns, 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: M Ob"yedinermyl institut yadernykh issledovanniy, Dubna (Joint Institute of Huclear Resea T -g4,&kbna); (11) Hauchno-insledovatellskiy 1~. it =t,: elek-trofiticheskoy appara It. V. Tefrewva GKAE SSSR (Scientific Research Institute'6f M-ectrophysical. Equipmnt, WE SSSR) SUBMITTEM ENCLt 00 US COM I K'P.- No IMF GOVI 009,1" OTIGM1 002 3 KHMKMSKIY. V.I.; KOZLO, I.A.:;- CA A.Ta. S~mthesie of 2faminopyrtioldine. Report no.l: Condensation of pro- parg7l aldehyd with dicyandiamide. Vad.prom. ~3 no.12tl&20 D . 150 -4) I (MIRA 13: 1. Ural'skAy filial Toes-Dywnogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo khtniko- farmatsavtichookogo lnst:Ltuta imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (GUANIDitz) (FIRIMMINE) (PROPIOUMERM) XDW2VSKIY. V.I.; KOZKUO, I.A.; GASMA, A.ya. S~rnthesis of 2-aminopyrimidins. Report 16.2: Condensation of guanidine with proparg7lalcohol in the presence of oxidants. Med..prom. 14 uo.1:4-6-W Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Urallskiy filial Vaesoymznogo nauchno-losledovatellskogo khitaiko-farmatsevticheakogo instituta imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (PYRAMIDINN) KOZF11O, I.A.; KDELEVSKIY, V.I.; GASIVA9 A.Ya. Synthesis. of 2-aminopyrinLidine. Report No.2: Use of dicyandiamide for condensation with propargyl alcohol in tho presence of oxidants. Med. prom. 14 no.9:42-43 S 160. MU 13:9) 1. Urallskiy filial Voesc-yu=ogo nauchno-issladovatellsiog~o khimiko- farratsevtichaskogo instituta, im. S. Ordzhonididze. (PYELDIIDINE) - Palladium, Oximes Card 1/1. Pub. .129 13/25 Author Peshkova, V. M.; Shlenskaya, V. I.; and Gashevskaya, A. I.- Title Problem of the de-termi nation of oximes Periodical Vest. Mczk- un., Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, Vol. 9, No. 3, 83-COI, Dly 1954 Ab- Study the ujc of wthyl and dimethylglyoxime and salicylalclaxim for the colorim:Aric determination of palladium in nonaqueous solvents. Find Lhat methylgloxime and ralicylaldoxime,can-be used for the above determinations in the presence of other elerr,;~vtr, but nonsymmetrical mc-thyldioxime is the most sensitive reagent for the coloriwAric determination of palladium. --ton Chair of 1knalytIca.1 Chemistry "ted June 1953 SOV/ 124-58-5-5996 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 146 (USSR) AUT14OR: Gashibayazov, A.A. TITLE: Design Calculation. of Piping Supported by Strip Footings (Raschet truboprovoda na lentochnykh oporakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. tekhnol. in-ta pishch. prom-sti, 1955, Vol 12, pp Z83-289 ABSTRACT: A design calculation for strength is presented for a fluid--.. filled piping lying on two strip-footing supports oriented along the generatrices. It is assumed that the axis of the pipe re-` mains undeformed after loading, and that the stresses -in-the- cross sections perpendicular to the axis of the pipe are equal to zero. This assumption permits the author to reduce the cal- culation to the solution of the statically indeterminate plane problem of a ring cut out of the pipe and loaded by hydrostatic pressure. The ir-iction of the pipe walls against the supports is taken into consideration. A numerical example is provided. 1. Hydraulic systems--Design 2. Pipes-- T.N. Vasitsyna Card I/ I Mechanical properties 3. Mathematics ASHIGREV, Vasiliy Ivanovich, aspirant Series switching-in of atjynchronous motors In two-motor drives of mine hoisting mehinery. Izv. vys. uaheb. zav,,; elektromekh. 3 no.4:111-119 160. OlI RA 13 ; 9 1. IQLfedra gornoy elektrotekhniki teningradskogo gornogo inatituta. (Mine hoiating--Mectric driving) GASHICHEV, V. I. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of the motor asynchronous drive of mine elevato--.1' Leningrad, 1961. 15 PP; (Ministry of Higher-and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Sverdlovsk Mining Inat Imeni. V. V. Vakhrushev); 200 copies; price not given; M, 5-61 S4, 188) r,1-CMTC V.I. 1, inzh. Automation of a t~iltirope mine hoist 4th .'a two-motor asyn chronous drive. Izv. vys. kicheb. zav.; gor.zhWnb.2tl25-132 161. (MW 140) 1. Leningradskiy ordena lenina i ordena 7'4udovogo Kraanogo Zaameni gorn)ry instit t imeni G.V. Plekhanova. Rekomendovans. lcafedroy gornuy elMro4M leningradslogo Jjhstituta. (Kinohois,ting) (Hoisting machinery) GASHICHEV. V.I., inzh. Amalysis of the performance of a two-motor asychrionous drive in the final period'6f trivel of a hoist-on the dump tracks. Izv. vys.ucheb. zave; gore zhur. no,5:108-D4 1960. (MIRA 14%3) 1. Leningradskiy ordena Lenina. i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gornyy institut imeni G. V. Plekhanova. Rekomendavana kedefroy gornoy elektrotekhniki.. Mine hoisting-LElebtric driving) e-etric motors$ Induction) M AFANAS)YEV, T.P.; GASHICHEV, V.T.; YFLIN, S.N.; KAPLYANDSHY, B.A.; LAVROVA, G.1~. Automation of crushing and grinding processes at the No.1 Apatite-Nephelite Ore Dressing Plant. Obog. rud 9 no.4: 36-41 164. (141RA 18:5) ALEKSffEVA, O.K., red.; GASHEVA, V.F.) red.; MOISEYEV, I.N., red. (Hydrologic yearbook] Gidrologicheskii ezhegodnik. Lenin- grad, Gidrometeoizdat. 1962. Vol.0. No.0.1. 1964. 163 p. (MIRA 17:10) GASIRMI~ A.; SHAKURI, Be Supplying soils of the She-akha, agricultural administration with vol.qtile. forms of microe'leMents. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 211 n,:,.6.(P*-- 71 165. (MIRA -18112) 1. Institut pochvovedeniTa -1 agrokhimii AN AzSM. 111.ietabolism And EncrV Ezchan,-e in the E-odies of the Breed when %-'aricus Types of Hations are Utilized by Them." ','in Hig"ier alucation U.33R, Yerevan . I Zootech.nological-Veterinary Inst, Ba~u, SSR, 1955 (Dissertation for the De.-aree of Candidate of Acricultural Sciences N SO: ".nizhnaya, No. 32, 6 Aug 55 " OASHINOT, A.A. - Substance and energy- matabollem In Kbolmogory helfers fed diferent types of rations. Trudy VIIIIK 3J98-212 156. DM Io14) (Cove-Feeding and feeding stuffs) (Metabolism) USSR Farm jinimals. imall Horned 'itock. -Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 23, 1958, 105711. I%Uthor : Gash Inst : Not given. Title : Utilization of Corn Silage in Fatteninp,_. Sheep. Orig Pub: Azerbaydzhan sosyalist kend teserrufaty, 1958, No 2, 31-34; Sots. s.-kh. Azerbaydzhana, 1958, No 2, 30-33. Abstract: The fattening of hybrid wethers (13ozak~h x 1'-or- ino) by utilizing corn silage in conjunction ' vrith pasture has increased their live -vaight- by 21-23%. 3'x-ponditure of feeds oor 1 ~'cg. of weight gain constituted 7.9 - 9.14 food units. The wethers were consuming 3*4 k,;_,. of silage daily. ~,ith the appearance on pastures of green grass in the spring, the aLiount of con- sumed silage dropped markedly. AKUUffDOT, M.A.; GASHIMOV, A.A.; GASHIMOVA, L.G. Effect of a growth substance derived from petroleum in increasing live weight in rabbits and sheep. Uch.zap.AGU-.Viol.ser. no.2t. 17-22 159. (GROM- PRONOTING BOSTANCIS) (HIM 13:6 ) (RM (SUV) MMEDALIYEV9 Yu.G.; GASHI~OV,_A.Lj AKHUNDOV, M.A.j MUSTAFAYEVt L.S.1 GASHIKOVAt L.G. Increase in the live welght of merinos effect of surface- active petroleum derivatives. Uch. zap. AGU. Fiz.--mat. i khim. sere no.3t:6546 159. (MIRA 14-.3) (Surface-attive agents) . (HIsTino sheep) GANZAYEV, M.A. (Balm); GASHINOV, A.Sh. (Baku); ALI_ZADEj A.A. (Baku) "Psychological essays" br PI.Magerramov. Reviewed by, M.A*-, Gamaev, A.Sh.Gashimov,, I.A.AIA-Zade. Vop.psikhol. no.6z 155-156 N-D 162. (MIRA 1612).. (Psychology) (Magerraimov, M.) GASHIMOV., G.M. Uniqueness theorem for Diricblet series. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.4:722-725 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut m7atematild i inekbaniki AN Azerbaydzhanskoy MR. Predstavleno akademikom M.V. Keldyshem. (Series, DIrichletts) GA.")HIKVf G.M. Unl(TAeness theomm for L'trichlet seriev. I-v. AN Azorb. SSR. Ser, fiz.-ralat. i tokh. nauk nc.5~;25-36 163. OMIR4 17 t 3) W ' rheo'iemI Cam The sumor. provest-, d ir, Diri e l -0i -intire! is absobitely _ccuyeri*560 -iii -the "COMPlex P anes that ksme M. in 1'< 2. r I 0 41i i-V-61lows- Am e r" DI.AcUet - ad ries 4,:, i~o the'' -r'e ~dn kCl' to ze"ro ~this series isAdentically e Theorem 2.- L qual et >~ ' be an'liibi6iiin Fur~her, ~Series-of positive ziudbers thi < q < 2. suppose-, se4uence satisfies , If > 0. Then the Amotion t too, + dt t e Cwd 2 GASHD40V, G.M. Theorem of uniqnpziass of Dirichlet neries for the case Of more general behavior of the! exponents. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no-3:510-511 N 163. (MIRA 17-1) 1. Predstavleno akademikom I.M. Vinogradovym. BOLDY,RFV, i,.S.; GASHIMOV, M.A. Introduce cementless struc'uural elements into 2arge-panel con- structlon. Stroi. mat. 7 no.10:1?-23 0 '61- (MIRA 14:10) 1. Zamestitel' predsedatelya Gosstroya RSFSR (for Boldyrov). 2. Gla,myy spetsialist Cosstroya RSFSR (for Gashimov). (Lightweight concrete) 7,77i", .. .1 I ~-!. , ~, -I bk; 4 , -!ig mn`er`a~ 5 in dubtr.,~ w )i-'- -r L I - - I r. - - I . -1 (MIHA 18-..:'; '-':~J. zmr- 10 no.9:1-3 S 164 BAGIROV, A.Yu.; VEYSOV, G.H.; BAGIROV, -, KCR -MN.; MAMUDOV, K.I. Results of the introduction of a new technology in the manufacture of black loose leaf tea in the factories of the Azerbaijan S.S.R. in 1961. Biokhint. chain. proizv. no.9:103-108 162. (MIRA 16:4) (Az~rbaijan-Tea) ~aduojr,~: tne collt- Ci tractor 4 it h Aqe rns. i -Lr- 17 FBYZYLLAYKV, A.V.; GASHIMOVA06; A -'I. Effectiveness in trnating neuritis of a facial nerve with saline- alkaline mineral water from the Lenin petroleum region of Baku (by crone section gn1vano-ionism.tion dimtIxermy).Dokl. AN Axerb.SSR 12 no-7:491-497 '56, (MIRA 9:10) 1. Pradstavleno akademikom Akademii nauk AzarbVdihAnskoy SSR A.I. rarayevym. (NKJRITIS) (RAM RwroN-mimutAL nuas) (1)IATMcaNY) KSKMITEV, S.D.; FISHNAMAZZADS, B.r.; KOSHELIM, L.M.; XYHATOVA, Sh.Jg.; GASIIIW)VA, F.A.- I %.paration of individual h7drecarbons"from petroleum. Report no.l: Separati6n of cyclohexane Lin Axerbaijani with summary in Xussianj. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-takh. i khim. nauk no.5:5j-65 158. kMIRA !Z:1) ku7clohexane) o SMALIMINZ IMMOMWAHA 0 RM SAWWAMMM TVMO,30MS S3 SLH3NttA EAKKRCWM REWM IWO. %Lzu ..... 0, a... W A. ra.m.... Mmi*Ufov Cavem rar %wra ad Appu" chmis" a swum at mmuwy am cbmi"I a or nou. p8". 1w am. fti. ~, meow m;. vi S6 to poomm"A A &%m ~U~4 *@Now", USHIII-111~~,J~ I-A GASKENOVA.? K. A.: "On methods of establishin- norns for thc, re- quirement of polyclinic aid wiong chilcU-en". :?vku.. 19155. A.,-ad- I-Iled Sci USSR. (Dissertations for the De--ree of Candidate of Medical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya letopist, No. 52, 24 Deceru)cr, 151,51-- Moscow. GAS 111NOVA, L, G. Interocelative in-Cluance;j ~~f th, on '.ht-. biochemical and bistocbemical glycogen picture of thl~ 111ver. Izv, UT Azerb, SSR. Ser. biol. nauk nc.3:1-17-220 165*. (MIRA 18:10) MAHEDALIYEV, Tu.G.; GASHINOV, A.A. ; AKHUNDOV, M.A.), KUSTAFAYEV9 L.S.; GASHIMOVA, L.G. - ------- Increase in the live weight of merinos &,R an affect of surface- active petroleum derivatives. Uch. zap. AGU. Fiz.-mat. i khim. ser. no.3.163-66 '59- (MIRA 14:3) (Surface-&Aive agents) . (Merino sheep) T. Intercceptive tiff-c-t and hilotochemical ri-LLr~- Of Nils clas zv . AN Azfl r b. GASHIMOVA, L. G. Cand Biol Sci - (diss) "Physiological processes of nutrition in sheep when fed with various kinds of fodder and rations." Baku, 1961. 28 pp; (Committee of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education of the Council of Ministers Azerbaydzhan SSR, Azerbayd- zhan State Univ imeni S. M. Kirov); 100 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 206) AKHUITDOV, M.A.; GASHIMOV, A.A.; Effect of a growth Liubstance derived from petroleum in increasing live weight in rabbits and sheep. Uch.zap.AGUj?iol.ser. no.2: 17-22 '59. (KIRA 13:6) (GROM PROMMM SUIBSTANCJS) (UUIT8)- (MV) AKHKEDLI, M.K.; GASHIMOVA, TJ ; ZHIROVA. L.Y. Color reactions for qualtt%tive detectIOL of nIckel and cobalt bv grinding ejA determination of the eensitivity of the reactions. n0-3:17-26 156. (MLRA 10:4) (Colorimetry) (Nickel) (Cobalt) i) IL ) i 24(2), 240) SOV/181-1-9-15/31 AUTHORSt Gubhoqv, k. 1. Gashiiazade. F. M. 'TITLE.- Investigat ~on of the Symmetry of the Energy Bands of El. ectronslin the Type Crystals CdIn2Se4 PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959., Vol 1, Nr 9, PP 1411 - 1416 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present paper is that of investigating the energy spectrum of the electrons in semiconductors of the CdIn2Se4 type by means of a group-theoretical method; this 1 compound crystallizes in tetragonal syngony in the D 2d upage 2 group, while most other such compounds exhibit a S 4 structure. First, the symmetric properties of these structural groups investigated here (D 1 P42m) are carefully analyzed in order 2d_ to obtdin provisional data of the type of energy bands. For the symiaetric points of the Brillouin zone given in-'a figure, table I shows the characteristic values fQr single space groups, and table 2 for double ones. Table 3 likewisp offers Card 1/2 representations.of and double groups. The conditions Investigation of the Symmetry of the Energy Bands of SOV/18t-1-9-15/31 Electrons in the Type Crystals CdIn2So4 of consistency for single and double groups are compiled in table 4 and 5, respectively. The band structure is investigated by means of these data and those given in tables 6 and 7. It is shown that without considering the spin, the energy limit is in the center of the Brillouin zon*. On principle, the limits can be situated in the points (000), O)1P (00 b).' (0 -1 0), and (0 theoretical considerations a a b a a b (Ref 7) and experiments ivith-th*.cyclotron resonance-showed the edge valence band to be situated in the point K - (000) and to be triply degenerated. All this holds without con- sideration of the spin. 'it is shown that the group theory may not be employed to determine, which of the bands (r ) lie higher than others. Y-u. "Firsov is mentioned in the ?ext.There are 1 figure, 7 tablea, and 7 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-takhnicheakiy institut AV SSSR (Lkain &rad.. Institute of Physics and Technolojgy,FF_.the,AS_USSR) SUBMITTED: January 19, Card 2/2 S/181 60/002/02/11/033 B006YB067 AUTHORS: Gubanov, A. I , Gashiszade, F. M. TITLEi The Structure of the Energy Bands in Semiconductors of the CdIn Se -Type 2 4 j,( PERIODICALt Fizika tyerdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 255-260 TEXTt In continuation of a pre,rio-as paper (Ref. 1) the authors investi- gate the energy spectrum of CdIn SeAcrystals by means of the method of 2 =4 localized valences. E(k) in the range of the energy extremes at k a 0 wa!s obtained by a perturbation-theoretical method developed by Shockley and Dresselhaus~; spin-orbi'u- interaction was taken into account in first approximation. The possible forms of the equipotential surfaces near the extremes were investigated by taking the spin into account. The possible positions of the energy extremes of the electrons in CdIn 2Se4 had been investigated in the paper of Ref. 1. In the method of localized valences molecular functions composed of' hybridized atomic functions were used as zero approximation. It can be vrell applied to CdIn 2Se4 which shows mainly Card 1/3 The Structure of the Energy Bands in S/181/60/002/02/11/033 Semiconductors of the CdIn2 Se 4-Type B006/BO67 a covalent bond, and has 8 atoms and 16 valence lines per unit cell, The 16th order secular equation for the energy was obtained in the approxima- tion of the second neighbors. The equations were treated by the group theory, and the 16 solutions were classified into four subgroups each of which is transformed according to one of the irreducible representations pig P49 and P5 of the point-symme,11'ry groups of the crystal. It was found that, as in the case of diamond and aphalarite, roots exist in the approximation of the first neighbors which are independent of k and are transformed according to the irreducible representation of P 5 with -;-0. In this approximation,r and T' appear degenerate. The band edge is found 4 5 at k - 0, and is triply degenerate as ia the case with sphalarite. Pigs I shows the approximate structure of the valence band. The effective hole mass in this doubly degenerate band is determined by the interaction integral of the second neighbors. There are 4 figures and 13 referencest 6 Sovieto 3 American, 2 British, 1 German, and 1 Japanese. Card 2/3 IL The Structure of the Energy Bands in S/181 60/002/02/11/033 Semiconductors of the CdIn 2 4- X So Type B006 E067 ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR Leningrad . (Physicotechnical Institute of the AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTEDi May 11, 1959 ,//C- Card 3/3 -c/18IJ60/002/009/039/047/XX z13 o i9 (1 3 7, // 3 k, I/Y :S B004/B07O AUTHOR; Gashimzade, F, M. TITLED A Study of the Symmetry Properties of the Energy Bands of Crystals of Type SnSe and Sb,S 4 - I - - PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, 1 10, Vol, 2, No. 9, pp, 2070-2076 TEM A group-theoretical study is made of thq energy spectra of electrons In semiconductors which -^.rystallize in a lattice of the space group D16. Fig. 1 shows the elementary cell of SnSe, and Fig. 2 that of 2h Sb S Fig. 3 shows the Brillouin zone for the simple orthorhombic lattice. 2 3' 16 The symmetry elements of the group D are analyzed, and the products of 2h 16 the fundamental elements of the space group D 2h are given in Table 1, The characters of minor representations in the symmetry points of the Brillouin zone are found by introducing new group elements corresponding to the translations T,, T 2Y and T 3 (Tables 2, 3), The effect of spin is also taken into account in Table 3. The consistency conditions for the Card 1/3 S/1 81 ~50 A Study of the Symmetry Properties of' the 002/009/039-/047/xx Energy Bands of Crystals of Type SnSe, and B004/B07O Sb2S3 simple and binary groups are given irt Tables 4, 5. The extreme points of the energy were obtained by studying the energy gradient in the neig~bor- hood of the symmetry points. If the spin in not taken into account, extrema are to be expected at the pointsi, U. S, and R of the line Bl. and at a point in each of the lines A.,C,C1,F,-6 Y1, and V, If the.spin is taken into account, extrema can appeEx in the points F, U, R, T, X, Y, Z and a point of each of the lines A', B, D and E. A, I, Gubanov is thanked for his interest in the work, There are 3 figures, 5 tables, and 0 references: 3 Soviet, 1 US, and 2 Japanese. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tE~khnicheskiy institut (Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology) A 1\1 6 SUBMITTEDi February 22, 1960 Card 2/3 A Study of !the Symmetry Properties 4)L the 5/18IJ60/002/609/039/047/XX Energy Ban a of Crystale of Type Sn,.;e and B004/BO70 Sb 3 2 3 Card 3/3 Pme. 3. GASHIMUE.E., F.M.; KESAMAM, F.F. Investigating the dependence of the electronic effective mass 4 n-InAs on the concantration of.current carriers. Fiz.tver.tela 3 no-W255-1257 Ap 161. (KUU 14;4) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakly institut imeni akademika A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad i Institut fiz:U:i JLN Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR Baku. (Indium arsenitte-Electric properties~ 6 0 AUTHORS: Gashimzade, F. M. and, TITLE: Energetic structure of of the band structure OPW method 23112 S/161/61/003/005/017/042 B136/3201 KhartBiyev, Y. complex semiconductors. Calculation of Si, Ge, and GaAs by the simplified PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 3, no. 5, 1961, 1453 -1457 TEXT:. Bijaides the Hall method of equivalent orbits, the method of orthog- on.ali.zed p1sne waves (OPW) is a procedure of setting up semiquantitative pat terns of the energy band structure of complex semiconductor compounds. Although the good results achieved therewith for semiconductors of the IV III A type allowed one to expect this method to be also applicable to A B semiconductors, difficulties arise in this case, one of which has been overcome by Antonchik (Ref. 1: E. Antonchik, J. Phys. chem. Sol., 10, 314, 1959), who has replaced the orthogorLalization conditions for plane waves with respect to the ion core by the effective repulsion potential (Ref. 9: P. Gombash, Hand.b.d. Phys., _L6, no. 2, 1956). The second difficulty, i.e. Card 1/ 4 23112 ,"/181/61/003/005/017/042 Energetic structure of ... B136/B201 the solution of the Hartree-Fok equation for the wave functions of the lattice atoms, can be overcome by way of approximations only. If the repul- sion potentials are used, it is no more necessary accurately to determine energy states of the atoms, and one may therefore use less precise wave functions. Slater functions (Ref. 2: P. Gombash, Problems mnogikh chastits, M., 198, 1953) have been used as approximations in the present investiga- tion. As the calculation remains otherwise the same, only the calculation of the potentials is dealt with. The total potential consists of the Coulomb potential, the exchange and repulsion potentials. In this connect- ion, the values of covalent radii by Pauling (Ref. 13: Pauling. Priroda khimich. svyazi, str. 71, 1947) have been adopted. For checking the ap- proximation and for choosing the Slater functions, also the energy band of Si and Ge was dealt with besides GaAs. Methods and results by Antonchik are discussed for comparison (Ref. 10: E. Antonchik. Chechosl. Piz. Zhurn., J9, 291, 1959). As opposed to the OP'N method, the Hall interpolation method requires considerably larger distnicx between the energy levels and, therefore, gives inaccurate value-s for some constants, asp e.g.p the cyclotron constant. A. I. Gubanov is thanked for his interest in the work, as well as E. Antonchik and F. Herman for having sent preprints. There Card 2/4 S11811611003100510171042 Energefic structure of B.136/B201 are 1 figure, 4-tables, and 20 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 15 non-Soviet- bloc. The three raost recent references tq English-language publications read'as follows: L. Kleinman, J. Phillips Rev. lett., no. 1, 41, 196o; F. Bassani, J. Phys. Chem. Sol., 375, 1959; 9. Hangstrum, J. -0hys. Chem. Sol., 1, 211, 1959- ASSOCIATION: Piziko-tekMichaskiy institut ideni A. F. Icffe AN SSSR Le-ningrad. (Instituto of Physics 'and Technology imeni A. F. Ioffe, AS USSR,.Lenizigrad). Institut fiziki All Az. SSR Baku. (Institute of Physics AS Azerbaydzhanakaya SSR, Baku) SUBMITTED: August 2~i 196o Card 3/4 23112 S/18IJ61/003/005/017/042 Energetic structure of ... B136/B201 Kpowavi NPUBOVIS j3,Apve*w,4 MAAWN Legend to Table 4. Efel /9 Results of calcu- lation of the pa- A t Z . of the t 2 rame ers energetic struc- A P, 9.6 8.46 11.56 36.6 14-16114-131 13.2 11.6 33.1 7114] 17.5 20.6 - ture of Sit Get ASt 4.7 4.5 - 18.9 - 5.6 8.05 17.5 - 5.31 7.19 - and GaAs. 1) Bil- All 4.9 &96 - 17.7 - 7.6 3.55 15.6 - 1.79 9.38 - A icon; 2)germani- 7. ' 3_.5 3-.6 S-M 2.5-(16] 2-05 1-5 -_ 0-83 10.4 4.3 3.32 - - 1. um; 3) gallium A~ , 1.8 1.37 - 12.46 0.5S 1.77 11.87 - 2.05 3.87 arsenide; 4) re- I I sults of present work; 5) Woodrufff Bassani; 6) Antonchik; 7) Mran Iyan ( Ref-4: A. I. Gubario v, A. A. 11ranlyfLn. FTT, 1, 1044, 1959); 8) experimait; 9) results of present work; 10) Hercani Ii) Nr-anlyan; 12) experiment; 13) results of present wor k; 14) Nranlyan; 15) experiment. Note: Data in ev. - width of valenc 6E e band;L^,E width 'of upper par:t of valence band-, V B 2 - width of lower part of valence band; i-',,E 3 - distance between upper ed,,res of valence band ditional forbidden ban at points k - 0 and. k vidth of ad- d if. _ a d within l b va once an .; E - width of forbidden band. .Card 4/4 1; 5/181/62/004/002/021/057 B101/B102 AUTHORS! Gashinizade, F~ M., and Khartsiyev, V, Ye TITLE, 8nergy structure of composite semi conduc torq. Valtrice tari spectra of anisotropic SnS-type compounds PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no.. 2, 1962. 434 - 44*2 TEXT: On the basis of the unit cell of SnS, a general calculation Ot thO. valence band for SnS-type compounds (SnS, SnSe, GeS, GeSe, PbSnS,. and III V A B semiconductors) is performed by the method of localized orbits, As -the secular determinant (12th order) obtained for the energy cannot b.~ solved, a solution is sought in the symmetric points of the Bril-louin zone, Using results of a previous group-theoretical analysis (FTT.,',~, 2070, 1960). eight symmetric combinations of localized orbits at Tc = 0 are written down, An estimate of the relative magnitude of the interac- tion integrals furnishes the levels fl 2 and r 7as the uppermost valence- band levels in 0, A local maxinum of E(_k'~) is found in-k = 07 The effective mass ratios of holes are: m* : m* : m* C~4 or Card 1/5 y x Z S/i 81/62/004 /002 102 1,/0c: Energy structl-lure of composite B101/B102 M* : lP* 1 . From experimental data on the anisotropy in the cond~i,.-f.-- J. 4 vity of SnS oingle crystals it follows that m* - 0,5m., and for poly- 4 CMt7- crystalline specimens one obtains m* Lg M* m 1-4mo, Assumir Iflean Imean one finds m* ~Ctl 3, 9m and m* - m* = 8 : I ~ In addition, EF2 - E was cal - .L 0 L culated to be 0.1 ev, The f7 band probably manifests itsc-IC in oL)tical effects, e.g,. in the spectral distribution of'~hotoconductiv,_ty and per haps also 4-n galvanomagnetic effects in the relevant temperature ranges The spectrum remains qualitatively unchanged by allowing for spin-orbital interaction. A vaper of A, A. Nranlyan (FTT, 2. 474, 1960) is referred A,~ I- Gubanov is thanked for a discussion, There are 2 figures and "j, references: 5 Soviet and 10 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as folloris: W. Albers. C. Haas. P. Maesen, J, Phys. Chem. Soc., 12, 306, 1960; S. Asanabe, A, Okazaki,, J~ Phys~ Soo. Jap... 089, 1960; B. Umeda, J. Phys, Soc. Jap , 16, 124 1961; C Haas. Corbie, J.. Phys. Chem, Sol,, 20. 197, 1961. Card 21/3 S/181/62/004/002/021/0";., Energy structure of composite ... B101/B102 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im~ A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR. Leningrad (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F.. loffE:, AS USSR .. Leningrad); Institut fiziki AN AzSSR, Baku (Physics Institute, AS Azerbaydzhanqkaya SSR, Baku) SUMMITTED.- September 6, 1961 Card 39966 S/181 '2/'Oj'/008/009 '041 /0 %1 4 B125/Blo,-, "'U12FOR: -,Gashimzade, F. 111. TITL-',-': The energy structure c,f aomnpound semiconductors. The hole spectrum in compounds with wurtzite structure PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 8, 1962, 2059-2o64 TEXT: The enorgy spectrum of electrons in the valency band of binary Se,-Iconductin- with -ffurtzi.te structure (CdS, CdSe, ZnO, ZnS, etc." compounds is calculated Uby t6 method of. localized (equiva-Len'.) orbits. T~,e secular determinant for the particular case ahich is in --eneral very complex (of eiEhth-order in the case of wurtzite structures) is derived in approximr~tion to she next nearest neighbors. Its elements are determined bY zhe inta,-action integrals of the wave f-Unct"ons 3f -.he valenn-,' 11nes. M"a solution of the secular determinant wh4c, car, bo ob'ainal only for points of high symmetry in the Brillouin zone, indicateu the presende; of a non-cez~anerate band near tll--.e doubly degenerate maximum in the center of the Brillouin zone. The ed&e of the valency band may pass through the intermediate points on the symmetry lines of the Brillouin zone. The Card 1/2 3/18 1 /62/004/005/009/04 1 Te.e energy structure of com'Pound ... B125/B104 -fective mass is letarmined by '?,a in`e=als of interaction between the e f next rearest v;-Uency lines. Neglectinj-.- spin there era tw--~ types of holes '.7ith different effective masses in the plane k = 0, but only "heavy" holes z to the maximum of the valen.::y bard. The dispersion'lay; for T,'-e renresentation C in the nelerborhood of k = 0 results -from the --,cnerral 6 secular detarminan.t. The quadruply degenerate band of ob'tLined by ailo,ainE 'or spin, splits into two dou:zly deg-2nerata bands *.,,rhen sipl--3rbit- interaction is allowed for. There lire 5 fisures- A S S CC T ;.2 1 CN: Institut fiziki AN, !-z.SSR Baku (Inztitute of Physics AS AZSSR, Baku). Fiziko-tekhnichaskiy institut i=. A. F. 1OffG AN SSSR L-anin.-rad (F~ysicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Toffe kS USSIR, LeninGrad) 3 U 3 L'I'. I T T-';'D Yarch 5, 1962 (initiazly)- Way 31 1962 (after revision) Card 2/2 3/181/62/004/008/040/01"1 Bloa/B102 A U T 1:1 (~ qGaahimzade, rTITLE1 Correction to the paper "Symmetry of the energy bands ill TlSe-type crystals" (FTT, 2, 3040, ig6o) ?F!IGDICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 11. 4, no. 8, 1962, 2282 - 2283 -`-T: In the above paper the author has given tables of the characters of'' ,.,A 1" 18 thc irreducible representations of the space groups D The oymmetry 4h 1 - 13 elements to this group were incorrect and shoula read: E, C C U 1 -~z 4z' 4z' "3* 1 1 C tIAIC t ,I C t IV , t V- t t- 16-- , t 141 t,- 1, S4z? oW I 2z' 2x' 2y' 't xy .4. xy -M XY Dl~ 2~~9- "2x tl--1C2y' Yoreover, the space group was erroneously denoted by 14/mcm instaad~ of by 14/mcc. Also the dispersion relation Eq. (1) in the above mentioned paper should be tho same as Eq. (2), There is 1 table. AS")*OCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR Leningrad (Phjoico- technical Institute AS USSR Loningrad) Card 1 /1 GLMI]MZA , F. M. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences at the Technical Physicis Institute iment k. F. Ioffe in 1962: "Investigation of the Electronic Sroecturn in Complex Semiconductors." Vast. Akad. Nauk SSM. No. 4. Moscow, 196-3, pages 119-145 S/233/62/00o/oo6/i)ol/.09'61.".,.. E 010/E420 AUTHOR:. Gashimzade, F.M, TITLE: Galvanomagnetic pheriomiena and the structure,,o.f..",en,ergy,_:, zones in TlSe-type etemiconductor crystald PERIODICAL:.Akademiya nauk Azerbay-dzhanskoy SSR. Seriya:.-.fiz1jii~- matematicheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk 83-91- TEXT: In his previous studies the'author showed that' is*60~g,*e*~,iic, surfaces in TlSe near extrema ropresent triaxial ellipsoidi.s. .-'In the present'paper he develops the,theory of galvanomagn(itic' phenomena for the purpose of tho experimental determination of equivalent extrema, location in the Brillouin zone. In his dissertation (PTI imeni A.F.Iofire, 1962) the author established that energy extrema can be located at points F, T, N (see figure) as well as on linas A,'A' D, GA and in plane A of the- Brillouin zone of TlSo lattice shown in the figure. There are various cases of possible positions of equipotential surfaces: 1) at Points T and A one of two ellipsoids ot revolution with the axis oriented along the tetragonal axiis; 2) at points D G and N Card 1/4 S/233/42/00o/oo6/007/008 Galvanomagnetic phenomena ... E010/E420 four or two ellipsoids of general -type with main axes oriented along. the tetragonal axis and along diagonals of two other coordinate axes; 3) at point triaxial ellipsoids with main ,axes oriented along three coordinate axes; 4) at point eightfi triaxial ellipsoids with main axes-locat*ed in diagonal symmetry 'planes; 5)*eight triaxial ellipsoids whose two axes lie in the. symmetry plane and the third one is perpendicular to it. Two cases are considered: weak and arbitrary magnetic fields, assuming a particular law of dispersion and isotropic relaxation time. In the case of weak magnetic fields, the vector of current:- density can be expanded in powers of -9 and presented, in tensor form, as follows i Ly ikEk +aikjEkHl + GiklmEkHlHm To obtain Salvanomagnetic coefficients, Eq.(3) should be solved with respect to E A ; I + j/ I H + I H H (8) i ik R 11ki 11; 1 iklm k 1 m Formula$ are given for presenting~~A. A- and Ajklm in terms Card 2/4 ik' ikl