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SeM.Aconducto-@ Two-Terminal Device With ',,.IeEa-,,I;;e Resistance SOV/I &@I, -5--2-11 6/23 diode viith a negative resistance on the forward branch of the volt-ampere characteristic. They used a silver wire with a small donor admixture. The nec-ative resistance appeared after an electric forming with strong Currents. The authors reproduced a similar device and discovered a negative resistance on both the forward and return branch of the volt-ampere chavactepisti.,-,. T the more stable poutIon being on the retUrn branch L is probable that an n-p-n structure developed under, the contact. Flat- and as-mmetrical two-electrode systems of n-p-n and p-n-p types were Divest,'"gated by U.S, selentists S. L. MIllev and J . Ebers (see U.S. refs). There were, however, no comprehensive analyses made of' phenomena leadtnr, to the development of negative L5 resistance. The authors experimented with Iwo-electrode device's of the p-n-p type C0118tt-LICted by meltIng Indimm Into electronic germanium. The results of' those experl- ment-s are given in this paper. The possible mechanics of achieving negative resistance al'O dISOLISsed approxLmated anlalytloal cxprcs*ton3 of the voll' - ampe re Card '2,/16 characterlstLe are developed, and some data on the Semiconductot, T-eio-'rect-rLinal Device m j With Negative HLeoLstance tj pct,Vovmanco of these (,Ievl(!c3 it) I'U(.IjOteC11111CLII CIP(!Uit3 are U'lVen. (1) Poo3lble physical proceooc:-i leadlnC, to of a negative resIstance In t-wo-clectrode SerTILCOnCIUCtOV dcvIcoo. The mathematical expression for nq,,aUve reoLstance In two-elecl@t,o(ie sorileomlvwtor d e - - vice., 1;@: -XI All Talieve the minus sign before I-NU IndIcateo an Increase of conductivity of ttie device tv,*Lth Inci,ease of the cur- rent, and a considerabLe Inct,ease, oIL' the niimbei, of cm- 1'ent In the [)-n JLIIICLLOtIS dU(-' to [Mt"@Ct ionization is Possible only if combined -a regenera- tive PPOCeSS stimulated by a positive feedbacIr in the device . Thus, two conductivity vals InG -,ow ces are reqUII-Od, woNicing together In Such a 11-hat the increase of conductivity by one camses a coi ... copondinC, increase by tile othe-. As the second cource, Cie Usei: Card thet,rrial generation oC chlat@ge ct@rt,Lcro :i:-, '') Device Wit-11 Nej.-at,lve ReoLsftLtnce DG'P:3e4 to DGTsel2 point COnfLICt ki'-'vlce's hav'@! a stxon@r Ltwvt1!t1 nonllnezirtty, in,i pavarnuter-:3 stronc,ly dependent Oil t'emper"Itu""c", thu@7 -endevin-, them useless In tile (2) Ll Second p-11 Junctlon, with @-tn 111.1ec-I.-Lon 01, cul""Ont wUh the (!kwtrent 1twvc;-u@e, tht! e e 'fet JevLcc tu;Lm, the effect of LILlit, '. the SLen i, the shM curvent of tile extevrial of the p-n junction at which tile veverse voltace Is applied. These conditions can be e3tablished in the sem1C0ndUCt0P stvuctuve as shown on Fl@r, 1. Tile initial cur-ent Inevease in SUch a system Is achle,..-ed by the USe Of MUltiplication at; the poLarlty shown in Fig. 1, the Junction (ftll-tirlCr' called et-.11ttev) 13 shLfted for,.-ia-d.. while tile JLlnCtLon (further called col- lectov) 10 ShMed in the reve-'e (11."ectLon. At voltaC,e looier than the crit-Icai U at impact cili lonLzation beCjns, a curpenlu of tile orie- of tl,,,-? rol- VI'- I., C@,Wd () ICCt-:W "MtUl'atiOrl '10',';S thl"OLIffil tile P-111-t, '-'t,'PUCture. Semiconductor Two-Terminal Device With Negative Resistnce 77783 SOV/109-5-2-16/26 " r -U p p -0 Ing U(: Fig. 1. p-n-p Type structure. Electrons entering from the collector charge the base negatively, lowering -Its potential, thus Increasing the hole current throuch the emitter. The ratio of the increase of the full current to the increase of the elect-,)n ciir--ent at the collector Junction equal3: Card 5/16 Semiconductor Two-Terminal Device 7778 With Negative Resistance SOVY109-5-2-16/26 where a ok is trans- y b Ipe mission coefficient of holes from the emitter to the I collector; P + is emitter effectivene.,3!@: pe ne 131 is coefficient of electron transmission from collector to emitter (here, a < 1 and 13, < 1 0 and, therefore, CL e > 1); Ipe , Ine' I Pk-' Ink are hole and electron components of emitter and collector currents. The avalanchelike increase of current may. lead to a flooding of the collector junction,.Which causes there a lowering of potentiaT, and subsequent appearance of a negative resistance section of the volt-ampere characteristic. (2) Development of an expression for the volt-ampere characteristic of the p-n-p structure in a two-tei-,@i- inal device. Ignoring the part of the electron current Card 6 /16 reaching the collector junction, in comparison wi',--h Semiconductor Two-'revin1nal Device 1-11th Negative Resistance .30V/ 1 U) --2, - 16/2 6 othev cu-i-ents tile CoLlowLn;@ tWO t2QU3t1O1l.'; 11-0 I'll'IttOn: + wheve M is electron multiplicatlon coelff'Llclent-,; M hole multiplication coefficient. Coeff Icient 131 is detevmLned from tile equallt,' r of the recombination CLU,vont.i of holes and electi-ono Ln tile base: 0 - P-_-) 1111= 01- Considering that I = Ie I1C from (4) an(I (5) follovis: awllj) + awlf,O - P.-) lpe (6) I -aO The currents In Eq. (6) may be found by solvLnE; the equations of continuity and diffusions, and after, sub- stitutIng these values ) can be transformed Into (7), where tile Currents are expressed with reference to Card (/10 @1 unity area of tile Junction: IdLth Ne,,;,atL'.rc Resi-st-ance S0V/1Gj-5-c--i6,/2rj I -- aall (U) k (7) where J os, i ns are hole and elect,ronic componen,s of the satiwatIon curvent. .11"clj q ; k= JUS +ir's aolf) Sh is base width; L P, , diffusion lengtl@ of holes. it is assumed that U = Uc + UIC, M = M p = M11. This equation Is valid only for the beginning of the sectIon of negative resistance, but it permits evaluation of LIV-2 fill'thOl' b0haVLO111' OIL' U10 11-11-1) 3t.Vt1CtUVc. E' (I I I a t 10 n (Y) 011OWS LhUt LIAO :311Z.1t)C OC U10 V01t-LW1f)CL-C C'11,1PACtcI- ist1c 13 ba3lcally determIned Jpr the term i/i - a M. PLgLl,,e 2 shows an Idealized volt-ampere charactevil;t1l.. Card 8 /16 -04 Semiconductor Two-Ter--ninal Device With Negative Resistance Pig. 2. Idealized volt-ampere charac- teristic of a p-n-p type structure. 77783 qovll /26 Uj 11, U,U For U