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GARNTJSZEWSKIjR.; TURCMCWSKIR. Tuberculosis in dogs in Szczecin. Gruzlica 31 no.6t727-730 A 263. 1. Klinika Ftirjatryczna PAM, Szczecin. 4- GARNUSEZEUSKI Z. Z. CZEZUESKA Z. and GARETSZEWSKI Z. 2. Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych i z Kinik:L Gruzlicy Pluc. Glod(r,;y odczyn tuberku-Unowy u swinek morskich zaszczepioych B.C.G. The tuberculin test in starved guinea-pigs inoculated with BGG. Polski Tygodni1k Lekarskiv Warsaw 19h9p L139 (1152-1156) Guinea-pigs in a state of starvation or with chronic rratritional'deficiency were inoculated with 10 mg. BCG and then observed. It was foland that in the early period, hunger can accelerate the appearance of tuberculous allerFy, caused by a BCG injection, so that the pre-allergic period may te shortened to Ulo days. Acute starvation can increase the intensity of the tuberculin reaction, but only in animals not in a state of great exhaustion. In the latter, the reaction did not appear at all. The appearance of the early tuberculin reaction in starvation was not dependent upon the state of acidosis but seemed to be connected with the development of ketone bodies., especially. with the development of aceto-acetic acid in the tissues. The reaction had a specific character, depending on the presence of a sufficient quantity of living BGG bacilli in the guinea-pig. The early starvation tuberculin reaction did not appear after an inoculation with virulent tubercle bacilli. The reaction was modifiedy in a way siimi1@,r to other tuberculin reactions after infection by a virulent tuberculous strain, b,,r the variable individual reactivity of the skin. Czezowska - Wroclaw (TV, 15) SO: Medical Microbiology and Hygiene,, Section IV, Vol 31 No 1-6 GARMJSZrkWSKI, Z. Studies on experimental pleural shock in rabbits. Gruzlica, Warszawa 18 no-1:72-M Jan-Mar 1950. (CIML 20:1) Is Of ths. Physiological Clinic in Wroclaw (Head-leslaw Wegrzynwaki, N. D.) and of the Institute of Physiology of the UniTersity and Polyclinic In Wroclaw (Head-Prof. Andrzej Klisiecki. M. D. Gm-USZE,dSKI. Z. Results of mass allergometric screening of college students In Wrocav. Gruzlica, Warszawa 18 no,2:263-269 Apr-june 195o. (CIAL 20--7) 1. Of the Physiological Clinie in Wroclaw (Director-Ijealaw Wogrzy- nowski. M.D.). RZUGIDW, L.;RU=I, S.;GAR1RNZ3=I, Z.;SOBOLLVSKA, M. Behavior of Dhosphatides in Mycobacterium tuberculosis in reaction with sera of tuberculous patients. Med. doew. mUccrob. 5 no.2:223-230 1953. (CIML Z5:1) 1, Of the Institute of Dermatology and Venereology. in Warsaw and of the First Dermatological Glinic of Warsaw Medical Academy. GARNUSZZMI, ZbIgniev (Warszawa. ul. Flocka 26, Instytut Gruslic.,r) Clavicular percussion In determination of physical state of the upper pulmonary part. Polski-tygod. lek. 9 no.14:429-432 5 Apr 54- 1. Z Sanatorium d1m Mlodziezy v Dziakanowie leanym; dyr. dr J.Lutz. (MCUSSION, of clavicular region In determ. of ptWs. cond. of upper puln. part) (rMNGS, exam. of ivper lunge by percuseton of clavicular region) GAIRIMSZEEVSKI, Migniew; LISME"Mq Jerzy Bronchilithlasise Gruzliras 25 no.10:825-829 Oct 57. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatrycznej Pomorskiej Akademil Medycznej w Szozecinie. Kierownik: doc. Z. Garnuszewski orax z Oddzinlu Ma Wojewodzkiego Szpita3,a Zakaznego w Szczecinie. Ordynator: A. Ba1c. CBRONCHI, calculi case reports (Pol)) GATOTUS7,EWSKI, ZbIgniew Renaticodianhragimtic interposition of the colon In Datients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Gurzlica 25 no.11:885-890 Nov 57. 1. Z Kliniki, Ptyzjatrycznej Pomorskiej A. M. w Szczecinie. Kierownik: doc. Z. Garnuszewski. (COWN henaticodiaph-ragmatic interposition in pulm. tuberc. (Pol)) (,-MJBBRGTJICSIS. PUI2401TARY, compl. hepaticodiaphragmatic interposition of colon (Pol)) NUSZB7WSrI, Zblg@niew (Szczecin, Mazurska 45& m. 6.) Present me' of registering results Of D-ercussion & auscultation. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no-99301-304 3 Mar 58. 1. (Z Kliniki FtyxJatryczneJ P.A.M. w Szosecinie; kieroimik: doc. dr med. Z. Garnuszewski) (AUSr-sUpLeTANtraff phonographic technic using oscilloscope (Pol)) GARNUSZEW@@,_@bi&a aw Value of pbytotherapy in tha pulmonexy tuberculouis clinic. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.43:1683-1683 27 Oct 58. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatryoznaj P.S.M. w Suozecinic; Kierotmik. doc. dr Z. Garnuszewski. (TUMGUIA)6 IS, PUMONART, ther. phytothar., valua (Pol)) WANTS phytothar. in pulm. tuberc., valua (Pol)) GARNUMEWSKI, Zbigniew (Szczecin, ul. Mazurska 45 A m. 6. @ - .' --i- Value of -ohytotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis. Folski tygod. lek. 14 no.9:401-413 2 mar 59. 1. Z Yliniki Ptyzjatrycznej P.A.ML w Szczecinie; kierovuik: doe. dr Z. Garnuszewski. (TUB]IRCUIDSIS, PUIXONA.Tff. ther. phytother. (Pol)) (PIANTS, ther. use pulm. tuberc. (Pol)) GARIRJSZEWSKI, Zbigniew @-, - , , - 1 1 , - -.- . @. 1'.. , @ @-. 1 On the value of criteria of compensation states in tuberculosis. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no-38:1724-1729 21 Sept 59. 1. (Z Kiiniki Ptyzjntrycznnj P. A. H. it Szczeninie, klerovnik: doe. Z. Gnrnuszovaki). (--,U--EMGULOSIS, PULMOIJART) G&RNUSZEWSKI. Zbigniew (Szczecin, ul. Hazuroka 45a m. 6.) Intracutaneow trypaa blue tests in pulmonary tuberculosis. Gruslica 27 no.2:137-145 Feb 59. 1. Z Kliniki Ptyzjatrycznej Pomorskiej A.M. w Szczecinie Kierownik: doc. Z. Gernuszewski. (TUBERGUICSIS, PUIM01afty, immunol. trypan blue skin tests as immunol. index (Pol)) GARINUSZEMI, Zbigniew; NACHTMAN, Barbara - - - - - - I, . @ -1 -1.... @ Cadmium test as a method of verification of compensatory otntes in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Gruzlica 27 no-5:397-404 MY 159. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatryezuej Pomorskiej A.M. v Szezecinle. Kisrow- nik: doc.dr Z. GVnuszewski. (TUBMICULOSIS PULMONARY Physiol.) (LIVER FUNCTION TESTS) GARNUSZEWSKI, Zbigniew Significance of physical examination in limited changes in the upper lobes. Gruslica 27 no-5:405-408 My '59- 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatrucsnej Pomorskioj A.M. w Szczecinis. Kierownik: doc.dr Z. Garnue2ewski. (TUBEWULCSIS FULMOURY diag.) GARNUSZEWSKI, Zbigniew; PARAFINIUK, Wladyslas; PRZEWORSKA, Da4gna The course of infection with M-rbeletant and catalase-deprived bacilli in undernourished guinea pigs. Gruzlica 27 no-7:659-662 J1 t59o 1. Z Kliniki lPtysjatrye-auej P.A.M. Kierownikt doe.dr Z. Garnu- szewski. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologioznej P.A.M. Kierownik: prof. dr K. Stojalowski. 2 7alclAdu Mikrobiologii P.A.M. Kierownik: doe. dr W. Murcsynska. fTMWULOSIS exper.) (CATALASE) (DEFICIENCY DISEASES exper.) GARNUSZXWSKI. Zbigniew; XACHTKLH. Barbara Ierge lymphocytes in peripheral blood as a functional index in pulmonary tuberculcmis. Gruzlica 27 no.10: 1019-1022 0 159. 1. Z Kliniki, ]Ftyz;atx7czneJ P.A.M. w Szczecinle. Kierownik: doe. dr. Z. Ga rnu szew4i. (TUBIRCUUXIS PUINOURY blood) (LUMOGYM) GARUUSZEWSKI, Zbigniew; PARALFIHIUK, Wladyslaw; PRZEWORSKA, Dagna The course of infection with hydrazine-resistant bacilli in under- nourished guinea pigs previously-vacciam6ed with BCG. Pat. Pol. 12 no.5:373-387 161. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatr.Tcznej Pemorskiej Akademii Med@ircznej v Szczecinie Kierownik: doc. dr Z. Gamussevski Z Zakladu Anatomli Patologicznej Pomerskiej Akad6mii Modyoznej ir SwAscinie Kierownik; prof. dr K. Stojalowolci Z Zakladu Mikrobiologil Pomorskiej Akademii 1-tedycznej w Szczeeinle Kierownik; dec. dr W. Mirezynska. (BCG VAG'dINATIQ4 exper) (NUTRITION DISORDFM exper) GARNMMKIJI Zbigniew; FMOWICZ, Birt:Lta,- KISIERLEWICZ, Jazisf (Szezec:Ln) .. Effect of adreno-pituitary hormones on tuberculin allergy. GruzUea, -,29 no.1:66--68 Ta 161. (CORTICOTROPINE pbarmacol) (ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES pharmaeol) (TUBERCULIN REACTION pharmool) GARNUSZ=Kr Zbi !j@SIKLWIGZ,- Jazef (Szczecin) Meet of cortisone on the course of "rimental tuberea4us infec- tion. Gruzlica 29-no.102-73 -Ta 161. (TUBMtCULOSIS "r) (CORTISONE pharmaeol) GARNUSZEWSKI, Zbigniew Irmerv tion. of the lung and pleura. Gruzlica 30 no-4:331-340 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej PAM w Szczecinie Kierownik: prof. dr med. Z. Garnuezewaki. (LUNGS innervation) (PLWRA innervation) WRMSZWKI, Zbigniew; SZMYGIN, -Toanna Intradermal trypan blue test as a criterion in the evaluation of the stabilization of tuberculosis. Gruzlica 30 no.10:927- 932 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej PAM w Szczecinie Kierounik: prot. dr mad. Z. Garnusze"ki. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) (TRYPAN BLUE) (SKIN TESTS) (PROGNOSIS) GARNUSZEMKI, Zbigniew Chlorpromazine in pantocaine poisoning. Gruzlica 30 no.12:1091-1094 ,62. 1. Z Kliniki Ftlzjatryoznoj PAM w Szczoeinio Kierowniki prof. dr mod. Z. Garnuszowski. (CHLORPROMAZINE) (TETRAGAINF.) GARNUSZEWSKI, Zbigniewj MAZUR, Mieczyslaw Effect of streptomycin, para-aminot3alicylic acid and isonico- tinic acid hydrazide on the absorption of glucose by the iso- lated small intestine of the rat. Gruzlica 31 no.6t635-637 Jet63. 1. Klinika Ftizjatryczna i Zaklad Farmakologii AM.. Szczecin. GAMI,USMIPvT, Zbigniew; DOERZYIqSKI, Waldemar 'ilie problem of anti-social patients in antituberculosis insti- tutions. Gruzlica 31 no.6:691-694 J`e'63 A guide for alcoholism control in Imlmonary tuberculosis wards in hospitals. Ibid:694-.696 1. Klinika Ftiajat-ryczna PAN, Szczecin. HORNUNG, Stanislaw; POLONCZYK, Mieczyslaw; DELOFF, Laonai-d; DERUBSKA, Barbara; GARIJUSZEWSKI, Zbigniew; JAROO"ZI-MICZ, Wiwa; JAWORSKI, Jan; IMAKOW9 @F, Tie-1-e-n-a-;-7ArMKT, Edwin; PECAK , Idladyslaw; PREGOWSKI, Wladyslaw; SOSNOWSKI, Waclaw; IIESTFAL, Irena; ZIERSKI , IMarian Primary resistance to basic antitubE!rc-alar drugs in pulmonary tuberculosis patients observed in Poland during the period of 1961-1962. Gruzlica 32 no.8:629-636 Ag 164. GARUJ -'71-'WS.V ,I , Zbip-@nilew; R,)D'RZYNSK:, 1-i'aldema.- "I derD - -coniosis co-Existing with Silir -jr-onp @zhipyarrl welders. Gruzlica 32 rio.F-,OE37-691. Ig,64. Silicosis amon- line', -,jrrkers emulovad in Crair elevators. ibid.:703-705 1. Z Kliniki Ftizja'ryczna,i Pomrr-kilej Akudemli lVed7c.-nij w S:,czecinie (Kierownik". p-of. dr. V. Garzius-,cwsk;, @ . Disser-taticr: ---f-fect of the "eltinc- ':ethod cn the !-,opertieo of 7ransformer @;t@-@E-jj. 1' Ca ri: ech Qci, Inst of 0 C C. r L v TVy ;,Pz -hurm, 1--aiLdl-al "Oscow., 54 'C: c,,,, -&@ .6 INT 1954 GARra'K, G.A., A.M., it "Carbon Influencc on Some Properties of Transformer Steel , lecture given at the Fourth Conference on Steelmaking, A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy, Moscow, July 1-6, 1957 BAHARIN,,Aleksandr Mikhaylovich; POLYAKOV, Aleksandr Yullyevich; NOVIK, Iav Moiseyevich- GARHYX GalIza...Aatqapvna; ROZENTSYRYG. To.-D., -' Or 0 .0 redaktor izdateifi--@v., @`-:: khnicheskiy redaktor [use of vaccum in, steel smelting] Primeneale vskuume v stale- plavilinykh protsessakh. Pod red. A.M.Samariam. Moskva. Gos. nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo lit-ry po charnol i tsvetnoi metallurgii. 1957. 101 P. (MLRA 10:7) 1. Chlon-korrespondant Akademii nauk SSSR (for Samerin) (Smelting) boll (@" "@' 137-58-3-ov., Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 224 (USSR) AUTHOR: Garnyk, G.A. TITLE: Composition and Properties of Vacuum-melted Transformer Steel (Sostav i svoystva transformatornoy stali, vyplaviennoy v vakuume ) @ PERIODICAL: V sb.: Primeneniye vakuuma v staleplav. protsessakh, Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1957, pp 81-102 ABSTRACT: Investigations were performed in order to evaluate the effect of melting procedures on the properties of transformer steel (TS). Properties of steel smelted under laboratory conditions in standard induction furnaces (SF) were compared with properties of steel smelted in vacuum-type induction furnaces (VF). It is established that, compared with TS which had been smelted in SFs, the TS -prepared in VF's exhibit the following characteristics: a) 15 to 20 percent lower wattage losses; b) magnetic permeability, par- ticularlV initially, is twice and, in the case of some melts, eight times as great; c) Hc is 60 percent lower; d) the value of the induction is greater in areas of weak fields; and e) the re- Card 1/2 magnetization losses are 50-67 percent lower. Steel melted in a 137-58-3-6017 Composition and Properties of Vacuum-melted Transformer Steel VF contains one tenth as much 0 as a steel which had been melted in an SF. Inclusions found in steel which had been melted in a VF are in the form of large globules which float up readily to the surface of the metal. The C in such steels has the form of graphite, rather than of carbide. Tests performed on industrial TS (melts of 150 kg) have demonstrated that differences in the properties of steels melted in SFs and VFs are even greater in that case than in the case of laboratory melts. V.L. Card 2/2 X -, /" // , 137-58-2-4125 C2 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 265 (USSR) AUTHORS: Garnyk, G.A., Samarin, A.M. TITLE: The Effect of Certain Admixtures on the Properties of Trans- former Steel (Vliyaniye nekotorykh primesey na svoystva trans- formatornoy stali) PERIODICAL: V sb.. Fiz.-khim. osnovy proiz-va stali Moscow, AN SSSR, 1957, pp 560-569. Diskus. pp 650-655 ABSTRACT: A study was made of two groups of heats of a transformer steel smelted in a high-frequency furnace. One group was smelted in accordance with the generally accepted procedure for this type of steel; the other was smelted in a 5- 15 mm Hg vacuum and was subsequently vacuum-cast . The steel of the vacuum heats was found to contain 50 percent less C. 80-90 percent less 0, approximately 85 percent less H, and a considerably smaller quantity of nonmetallic inclusions than the steel from the ordinary heats. Hence, the plastic, macynetic, and electrical properties of the former are superior. Card 1/1 T.F. 1. Steel-Properties 2. Steel-Inclusions 3, Steel-Production -Methods 137-58-3-6018 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metalturgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p Z25 (USSR) AUTHORS: Samarin, A.M., Garnyk, G.A. TITLE: The Effect of Vacuum Melting on Properties of Transformer Steel (Vliyaniye vyplavki pod vakuumom na svoystva transformatornoy stali) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta metallurgii AN SSSR, 1957, Nr 1, pp 51-59 ABSTRACT: Laboratory smeltings of 10 and 20 k8 batches of transformer steel were tested and investigated, together with semi-industrial smeltings weighing 150 kg which were smelted in a vacuum-type induction furnace at a residual pressure of 1-2 mm Hg. A portion of the ingots solidified without vacuum. Ingots forged into 100 mm squares were rolled into strips 0.32 mm, 0.4 mm, and 0.08 mm thick. It is established that Hc and wattage losses in vacuum-melted steel are considerably lower than in standard steels whereas magnetic permeability in weak and, partially, in medium magnetic fields is significantly higher; this is dxplained by lower gas content and by the fact that non-metallic inclusions are present in amounts 88 to 90 percent smaller than in standard Card 112 steels and, in addition, appear in the form of readily fusible 137-58-3-6018 The Effect of Vacuum Melting on Properties of Transformer Steel silicates, rather than in the form of fine alumina crystals as is the case in standard melts. Vacuum-melted steel containing up to 4.12 percent Si is suitable for cold rolling, a fact which may be utilized to effect additional reduction of losses due to eddy currents. V. M. Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Garnyk, G. A. and Samarin, A.M. (Moscow). 24-5-9/25 TITLE; Vacuum metallurgy. Deoxidation and desulphurioation in vacuum. (Vakuumnaya metallurgiya. Raskisleniye i desullfuratsiya v vakuume). PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk,Otdeleniye Technicheskikh Nauk", (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Technical Sciences Section), 1957, No-5, pp.77-84 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Utilisation of vacuum permits increasing the deoxidation property of carbon and thus to carry out the deoxidation solely by carbon and to produce steel which is free of deoxidation products and has a very low content of dissolved oxygen; this is particularly important for smelting steels with very low carbon contents. Very little information is available on smelting of steel in vacuum furnaces and, therefore, the authors aimed at studying the influence of vacuum on the decarburisation. and desulphurisation during the manufacture of transformer steel in induction vacuum furnaces. The fact that it is advisable to apply vacuum furnaces for producing transformer steel was established earlier by Card 1/3 Garnyk, G.A.,(Dissertation, Institut Metallurgii Ak. Nauk SSSR, 1953). In the here described experiments the steel was produced in a laboratory vacuum induction furnace of Vacuum metallurgy. Deoxidation and desulphurisation in vacuum. (Cont.) 24-5-9/25 20 kg capacity with a magnesite crucible. The current supply to the furnace was from a rotary generator of 50 kWj 2500 C-P-s- Armco iron containing 0.06 0, 0.18 Si, 0.25 Mn was used as starting material in addition to about 0.1% iron ore. On the basis of the obtained results and the data published by Fischer, W.A. and Cohen, Th. (2) the authors conclude that in the case of smelting of transformer steel in vacuum induction furnaces it is advisable to melt first the metallic charge in an open furnace, to add iron ore to it for intensifying the oxidation process, keep the liquid metal under a layer of slag for the purpose of purifying it of P and S and then to introduce ferrosilicon under vacuum. Under optimum conditions a reduction of the pressure in the furnace atmosphere to 1 mm Hg increases the deoxidation capacity of carbon almost one hundredfold. The speed of purifying the liquid metal in vacuum,of oxygen,is several times as high as the speed of elimination of carbon from the metal. The speed of deoxidation and decarburisation in Card 2/ 3 vacuum depends not only on the initial concentrations of carbon and oxygen in the metal but also on the furnace capacity. Fig.2 shows the speed of decarburisation, in % C/min in vacuum Vacuum metallurgy. Deoxidation and desulphurisation in vacuum. (Cont.) 24-5-9/25 as a function of the initial C content in the metal for furnaces of 20 and 150 kg capacity. Fig-3 shows the dependence between the deoxidation speed and the initial oxygen content of the metal. for furnaces of 20 and 150 kg capacity. Fig.4 shows the dependence between the speed of decarburisation and deoxidation in vacuum. for furnaces of 20 and 150 kg capacity. Fig-5 shows the desulphurisation of the liquid metal in vacuum in a 150 kg capacity furnace, as a function of time, mins. Fig.6 shows the ratio of (S,%):(O,%) as a function of the deoxidation ability of the carbon for a 150 kg furnace. There are 6 figures, 4 tables, 1 German and 1 Slavic reference. SUBMITTED: June 6, 1956. AVAILABLE: Card 3/ 3 6-: DUBROVj N.Y., kand. tekhn. nauk; HIKUYWVv O.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; FILIDKAH, I.A.; DAHILOV. A.M.; SCROKIN, F.Ta., kand. tekhn. nauk, otarshiy nauchnyy sotruAmlk; 3UTAKOV, D.K., kand. takhn. nauk. dote.; SOYFAR, V.M.; IATASH, Tu.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; ZAMOTAIMV, S.P.; BRYTHLIMAN, A. I.; SAWO, A.I.; PZMOVg G.K.j kand. tekhn. nail ; IEDNSRAL, F.P., kand.takhn. nauk, dots.; IAPULIYMIN, N.M., kmd. tekhn. nauk, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudmik; ROZIN, R.N.; NOVIK, L.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, starshiy nailchnyy sotridnik; IAVRINTlYN7, B.A.; SHILUYV, B.A.; SMKIN, N.I.; GXUCHXV, S.A.,"kand. takhn. nauk, starshiy nauchn@7 sotrudnik,- LTUDwa, K.F., doktor@-inzh., prof.: GRUZIN, T.G.1 Imud. takhn. nank; BARIN, S.Ya.; POLUK07, A.Tu., kand.tekhn. nauk; YEDCHINKO, A.Ie; AGNMp P*Ya., prof., doktor; SAMARIN, A.M.; BOKSHITSKIT, Ya.M., kand. tekh@. nauk;_q__ . G.A., Icand. teldm. nauk; MARKARYUTTSO A.A., -4,Dkhn. n@@;' ERAMAR07, A.D., prof., doktor takhn. nauk; TXM, L.I.; DANIL07, P.M. Discussions. Biul. TSNIICHM no.18/19:69-105 157. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Direktor Urallskogc instituts, chernykh malm-allov (for Dabrov). 2. Direktor TSentrallnogo instituta informataii chernoy,metallur- gii (for YdkhayloT). 3. Nachallnik nauchno-iasledovatel skogo otdola ooobogo konstrtOdorskogo byuro treats, 131ektropechl" (for Felldman). 4. Nachallnik ma.-tenovskoy laboratorii Zlatoustovskogo metallurigicheakoao zavoda (for Danilov, A.M.). 5. Iaboratoriya protsessov stalev eni7a Instituta metallurgii Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Soroldn). 'F- . . - - DMOV, N.F.-(continued) Clari 2. 6. Urallskiy politekhaicheskly institut (for Butakov). 7. Starshiy inzhener Bryanskogo maebinostroitellnogo zavcda (for Soyfer). 8. Institut elektroavarM- im. Patona AN URRS (for latash). 9. Na- challnik TSentrallnoy zavodskoy laboratorii 'Uralmashzavoda" (for Zamotayev). 10. Dnepropetrovskiy matallurgichaskly- institut (for Sapko). 11. MoskaTskiy ir-3titu+, stall. (for Tedneral). 12. TSentrall- nyy nauchno-isoledovatellskly institut chernoy metallurgii (for Gnuchev, Lapotyshkin). 13. Stard'My master Leningradskogo zavoda im. Kirova, (f or Rozia). 14. Institub, molallurgii im. Baykova AN SSSR (for Novik, Pblyakcrv, Garmyk). 15. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdola zavoda. "Bollshevik" (for Iav--n3ntlyev-). 16, Starshiy inzhe- ner takhnicheakogo otdola Glavapstestali Minl3terstva ohernoy metallurgii (for Shilyaye-r). 17. Zamestitell nachallnilm tekhti- cheskogo otdela zavoda "31eictrostall" (for Shutkin). 18. Prey- bergskaya gornaya akademiya,, Germans1mys, Demokraticheskaya, Reupublika (for Lyademan). 19. Zavedikyuahchly laboratoriyoy stall- nogo lit'va TSentrallnogo naue"no-issledo-ratellskogo institute, tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya (for Gruzin). 20. Starshiy master elektrostaloplavillrVkh pechey Uralvagonzavoda (for 116rin). 21. Zamestitell nachallnika elektrostaloplavilinogo tsekha zaroda "SibelektroStall"'(for Padchenko). 22. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy metallurgli stali i elaktrometallurgii chernvkh metallov leninm gradskogo politekhuicheekoao instituta (for Ageyev). 23, Zame- stitell direktora Institute, metallurgii Im. Baykova AN SSSR, chlen- korrespondent AN SSSIL (for Samarin). (Continued on next card) DU:BROV, N.Y.- (continued) Card 3. 24. Nachallnik laboratorii TSentrallnogo nauchnc-iseledovatells)mgo Instituta chernoy metallurgii (for Bok-shitakiy). 25. ZaveduW-mahchiy kafedroy elektrometallurgii Sibirskogo metallurgichaskogo insti- tuts. (for Krama ov). 26. Nachallnik alektrostaleplavilinogo tsekha luznetskogo metallurgicheakogo kombinata (for Tedor). 27. Nachal'- nik elektrometallurgicheskoy laboratorii Kuznetskogo metallurgiche- akogo kombinata (for Danilov, P.M.). (Steel-Metallurgy) lrrl;@ /VF IT c-- . f7. PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION 533 Akademiya nwA SSSR. Institut metallurgii Primeneniye vakums. v metallurgii; trudy soveshchaniya po primeneniyu valwams. v chernoy metallurgii (Use of Vacuum in Metallurgy; Transactions of a Con- ference on the Use of Vacuum in Ferrous Metallurgy) Moscov, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 165 p, 4,000 copies printed, Reap. Ed.: Samarin, A.M.0 Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Bankvitser., A. L.; Tech. Ed.: Polyakova.. T, V. PURPOSE: This publication is intended to familiarize metallurgists, engineers, and other scientific and industrial personnel with the processes and adVantages of vacuum metallurgy and with its state of development in the Soviet Union. COVERAGE: The transactions are grouped into three main sections: vacuum melting of steel and alloys, vamm treatment of molten steel and ferroalloys in the ladle and in the ingot sold, and extraction of metals and alloys from ores in vacuum. In a brief introductory section, A.M. Samarin, Corr4sponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, concisely covers much of the basic material presented in more detailed form in the individual articles. A resolution adopted by the conference, vhich appears at the end of Part III, embodies Card 1/16 Use of Vacuum in Metallurgy (Cont.) 533 recommendations for expanding the use of vacuum metallurgy in the USSR. The conference took place in 1956. For references and further coverage, see Table of Contents. TAKE OF CONITNTS: Samarin, A. M. Problems of Using Vacuum in Metallurgy 3 The author begins by discussing the important advantages of the vacmzm-melting of steel. Chief among these are (l) assurance of a minimum content of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen, as well as of nometallic inclusions; (2@ the possi- bility of deoxidizing the steel by carbon alone.,vith consequent absence of oxide inclusions; (3) protection against reoxidation during teeming, Turning to problems, Samarin states, first of all, that Soviet induction vacuum-melting furnaces are of un atisfactory design, and that Soviet metallurgists should carefully study foreign furnaces of more advanced design, Another important task is the investigation of refractory materials suitable for the construction of vacuum-furnace crucibles. Further, the problem of controlling the temperature and composition of molten metal during the melting process must be solved. Though there has been considerable expansion of vacuum melting in the USSR in recent years, Samarin states Card 2/16 Use of Vacuum in Metallurgy (Cont.) 533 that annual outputs of tens or hundreds of thousands of tons of vacuum- melted steel cannot be expected as yet because of the cost and complexity of new equipment and the very high consumption of electric power. A suggested partial solution is to subject ordinary liquid steel (not -@,r_-uum-melted) to vacuum treatment to eliminate the gases. For this pur- CI)Se., the steel may be treated either in the ladle or during the pouring of the ingots. These procedures have been industrially tested with good results. There are 9 references of which 7 are Soviet., 1 English, and 1 German. 1. VACUUM MELTM OF STEM AND ALWYS 4 Garrtyk G.A* and Samarin, A.M. Vacuum Melting of Transformer Steel _:@@@Thea;7@ors have established the following facts& 1. In vacuum- melted transformer steel, power losses are 15-20 percent lover than in ordinary transformer steel, and magnetic permeability and plastic- ity are greater. 2. Use of the vacuum technique makes it possible to organize the production of cold-rolled transformer steel with a high silicon content. 3. The electromagnetic properties of vacuum- melted transformer steel are superior because of a low content of harmful impurities like carbon, oxygen, and sulfur. 4. The vacuum method increases the deoxidizing capacity of carbon by about 100 3,1* 14 Card Use of 'Jacuum in Metallurgy (Cont.) 533 times, resulting in a steel very lov in carbon and oxygen. 5. 5. Tengthening the period during which the liquid ms-'@al is kept under vacuum after ferrosilicon has been added Is conducive to very low sulfur content. BelyMov, R.S. Effect of the Melting Method on the Properties of Stainless Steel 35 Author's conclusions: 1. Chrome-nickel stainless steel which is not subject to intergranular corrosion can be. made In an induction vacuum-melting furnace with a residual pressure of up to 20 mm. of mercury., without the addition of stabilizing elements and without, the loss of much chrome from the stainless-steel scrap additions in the charge. 2. Steel with a carbon content not exceeding 0.02 percent can be made by keeping the molten metal under vacuum for 30-40 minutes. 3. Vacuum-melted chrome-nickel stainless steel is more resistant to attack by boiling nitric acid (than non-vw=- melted] because of low carbon content and total absence of titanium. There are 11 Soviet references. Card VA f\ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4548 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Komissiya po fiziko-khimicheskim osnovam proizvodstva stali Primeneniye vakuuma v metallurgii (Use of Vacuum in Metallurgy) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR) 1960. 334 P. Errata slip inserted. 4,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii imeni A.A. Baykova. Komissiya po fiziko-khimicheakim osnovam proizvodstva stali. Rasp. Ed.: A.M. Samarin, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR; Ed. of Publishing House: G.M. Makovskiy; Tech. Ed.; S.G. Markovich. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for technical personnel interest- ed in recent studies and developments of vacuum steelmaking practice and equip- ment. COVERAGE: The book contains information on steel malting in vacuum induction fur- naces, and vacuum arc furnaces, reduction processes in vacuum, and degassing of steel and alloys. The functioning of apparatus and equipment, especially vacuum furnaces and vacuum booster pumps is also analyzed. Personalities are mentioned in connection with some of the articles and will appear in the Table of Contents. Three articles have been translated from English. Some of the Use of Vacuum in Metallurgy SOV/4548 articles are accompanied by references. TABLE OF CONTENTS% PART 1. MELTING OF STEELS AND AUOYS IN VACUUM INDUCTION FURNACES Kashin, V.I., and A.M. Samarin. Vacuum Melting of Heat-Resistant Nickel- Base Alloys 5 Sams in, A.M., and G.A. Ga2Lk. The Effect of Silicon on the Rate and Degree of Decarburizatiog of-Molten Metal In Vacuum Induction Furnaces 15 Chuprin, K.K., V6M. Amonenko and I.S. Bolgov. Melting and Pouring of Nickel-Base Alloys in Vacuum [V.A. Zhabina, N.F. Lashko, V.A. Azhazha, A.P. Balashov and V.V. Mukhin participated in the work] 23 Nekhendzi, Yu.A., and M.T. Bogdanov. Casting of Oxide-Film-Forming Alloys in the Protective Atmosphere Under Vacuum 30 -Gal @Awny G.A.; SAW.RIJ-1, A.M. -------- -- Effect of certain elements on the properties of electrical engineering steel. Elektrichestvo no.2:71-74 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut meLallurgli im. Baykova. (Steel) AVMIN, V.V. (Moskva); GAWIYK, r,.A. (Moakva); SAMARIN, A.M. (Mosk-.ra) . . ......... @- - Thermodynamic conditions for the Interaction between nitrogen on one hand and silicon find aluminum on the other, in transformer steel. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. I gor. delo no.2t 40-46 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:10) .1-7- E @`@@@@im - I I - -- -, - . -- @ 1, Z@@n '- --- " :@ _: 7. @ -- -, , A.-WEROY. A.A.; ARTEMKIN. A.A.; ASHKENAZI, Te.A.; VINOGRADOV, G.P.; GALRYEV, A.U.; GRIaOROYEV, A.N.; DITACIIENKO, P.Ye.; ZALIT. N.N.; ZAICHAROV, P.K.; ZCBMIN, N.P.; IVANOV, I.I.,- IVIN. I.P.: DMIK, P.I.; KUDRYI- SHOT. A.T.; LAPSHIN. F.A.; HOLYARCOK, V.S.; PEWSOVS11Y, L.K.; FOGODIN, A.M.; RUDOY, M.L.; SAVIN, K.D.; SIMCNOrf, K.S.; SITKOVSKIT, I.P.; SITNIX, M.D.: T.-STEREV, B.K.; TSETY-Ulu, I.Ye.; TSUKANOV, P.P. -, SHADIKYAN. V.S.; ADSLUNG. N.N.. retsenzent; AFAHASIYEV, Te.V, retsen- zent; VIASOV, V.L. retsenzent; VOROBOYEV, I.Ye.. retsenzent; VORO- NOT, N.M., retsenzent; GRITCHENKO, V.A., retsenzent; ZHERKBIN, M.N., retsenzant; lVLIYXV, I.V., retsenzent; KLPORT-SEV, N.V., reisenzent; KOCHUROY. P.M., retseazent; KRIVORUCHKO, N.Z., reteenzent; KUCHKO, A.P., retsenzent; LOBANOV, V.V., retsenzent; MOROZOV, A.S., retsen- zent; CRLOV, S.P., ratsenzent; PAVIUSHKOV. E.D., retsenzent; POPOV, A.H.. retseazent; PROKOF'YA'V, P.P., retsenzent; RAKOV, V.A., retasn- zent; SINEGUBOY, N.I., reteenzent; TERENIN, D.Y., rateenzent; TIKHO- KIROV, I.G., rateeazent; URBAN, I.V., retsei-nt, FIALKOVSKIT. I.A.. retsenzent; CHIPYZEEV. B.F., retsenzent; SIIEBYAKIN. O.S., reteenzent, SHCHOBAKOV, P.D.. retsenzent- V.A., redaktor; LOKAGIN. N.A. redaktor; MCRDVIflKIN. N.A.. reclaktor; OV. A.U., redaktor; POBE- DIN, V.F., radaktor; RYAZANTSEV, B.S.. redaktor; TVERSKOY, K.N., radaktor-, CHMVATYY. U.S.. redaktor; ARSHIN',.I. I.M., redaktor; BARKLYAN, Y.B.. radaktor: BERNGARD. X.A.. rectaktor; VERSHINSKIY. S.V.. redaktor; GAMBURG, Ye.Yu.. redaktor; DNRIRAS, A.T.. redaktor; DOMBROVSKIT, K.I., radaktor; K MIMV, A.I., radaktor; HEMYRY, A.P., radalctor (Continued on next card) AUBROV. A.A. ---- (continued) Card 2. MOSEVIN, G.N., redaktor; RUBLIISHTETIT. S.A.. redal-tor; TSYPIII, G.S.. redaktor; CMI[YAYSKff, Y.Ta., redaktor: CHERHYSEEV. 7.1., redaktor; CRERNYBRIV, H.A., redaktor; SHADUR. L.A., redaktor; SHISHKIN, I.A., redaktor [Railroad handbook) Spravochnaia knizhka zhelezaodorozhaika. Izd. 3-e, ispr. i dop. Pod obahchei red. V.A.Garnyka. Koskva, Go transp.zhol-dor. izd-vo, 1956. 1103 p. (mm -9:10) le Nauchno-takhnicheskoye obahchestvo zhaleznodorozhnogo transport&. (Railroads) T L10 D SAO iMMAL T OPMITICIT OF WILMv U _L_@ STA T I Ci I ;jLT,11 Mciuku - - xv &-K MADS om 0 , 6 1. , TPW sr;a.i ISOMMM), Haw. I Yo 53-55). 7ho orerurlon a r Such 0 boiler, rhM night lmd dips fYVqi 10 to 60-Mt/h Euid furrace conattiors al to dry..aT4 bw'.: aEaln vi,)m load abange-over rrm liquid sing 112my snoream, la monou. Ical arA :Xesmw no spaotal diffietatIcs. Boiler Pfflatomy In both 04ses I.,; fairly ommnnt at 88.3-M.71, UNOW smh condIticna 04 Sa3 flue Pon ba kept frea ft-m aortmn s4h depsits which Cmd An It#_ y-@_@trlotlon pf-exom air aMI-151on arid by sayamatis- to rmaln ' Will $Cmm blaa; 0; Rlk@ _ g 7 J GARM, Y.A. . ----w Technological progress in railroad transport. Zhel.dor.tranap. W no.718-15 JI '56. (MLRA 9:8) 1. Zamestitell ministra putey toobahcheniya. (Railroads) GARNU, V.A., inshener. - -%6 Locomotive engineers and technicians in the vanguard of the struggle for further technical progress. Slek. i tepl. tiaga no.6;6-13 is 1557. (MM 10:8) 1. Predeedatell TSentrallnogo Pravlenlya Nauchno-tekhnichaskogo obahchestva sheletnodorozhnogo transporta. (Railroad engineering) GA@, V.A. Technical progress in the locomotive industry of the railroad transport industry during the pant 40 years. Elak. i tepl. tiaga no.110-8 N 157. (KLRA 10t1l) 1. Zamestitell ministra putay soobahcheniya SSSR, (Locomotives) GARM,@, Y@A- - @- - Innovations in organizing ths maintenance and repair of locomotives. Zhel. dor. transp. 40 no.5:8-13 M7 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1.Zamostitell ministra putey soobahcheniya. (Iocomotives--Maintenance and repair) GARIM, V.A. - I--- - I Now potentialities of a consolidated main lineo Zhel. dor.transp. 41 noU:3-8 D 159, OURA 13:4) 1. Nschalnik KiWbynhevskoy sholesnoy dorogi. (Railroads-Consolidation) GARNMIC, V.A. Technical progress on a consolidated main line. Zhel.dor.tranap. 43 no.2;16-22 F 161. NPA AW 1. gachallnik Kuybyshevskoy dorogi, g. Kuybyshev. (Railroads) BOYKO, G.G., inshener; GARM , V.Z.. Inzhener; CHUBATM, I.S., inzhener. " @'AW@ Operation of a boiler with slag-tap furnaae in a stAtion with peak loads. Nlek.stm. ?7 nooll:53-55 N 156. (MLRA 10:1) (Boilers) RUIMLA./Gemeral Problems of Pathology - Tumors - T-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3,, 1958, 12817 Author MI&Ika, E., Garoiu, F.) Voicu Inst Not given Title A Case of a Tumor of the Thyms in an Infant. Orig Pub : Pediatria, 1956, 5, No 3, 268-271 Abstract : A female infant was separated from her mother, vho had pulmonary tuberculoo is, at the moment of birth and fed artificiall,-@.' At Ze W of 5 months (4850 g) severe paroxysm of "phyjda appeared with narked dyspnea and cyanosis; they received dally during feedings. Clini- cal and laboratmT studies were within normal limits. -Roantgonologic&14 there was a widening of the mediasti- n&1 shadow characteristic of tumor of the thymus. A tem- porary improvemat followed X-ray therapy but later Card 1/2 Card 2/2 SURIANU, 0.; MANEA, Stela; - Preliminary research on the hydrolyzing action of scme@ fodders with hydrochloric acid. Studii agr Timisoara 10 no. 2: 297-305 Jl-D 163. AUGUSTIN, M.; DINUIESCU, Elena; GARORI, M.; DRAGUSANII, M.; BFIA.M!, 1). Changes in the mobilization of free fatty acids after administratior, of heparin, in relation to age. Stud. cercet. endocr. 16 no.3:299- 301 165. GAROS, Gyorgy; VARGA, Marton Foundation problems of land developments with scattered buildings. Magyar ep ipar 11 no.3:117-121 162. SERBANI Al.M.D.; STRO,',',, Fmilia; KLITSCH, Iulia; BUSILA, Eugenia; GAROIU, M. Hormonal data in mastopathies. Stud. cercet. endocr. 14 no. 3:399-408 163. (BIEAST DISEASES) (FSTROGEM) GAROSS, V. Ya Cand A 1 5 1 -- (diss) "Study of the underbruksh Er in fir-i7rove OLP the Latyl. SR. Riga, 1957. 31 PP. (Min Agr USSR, Latvian Agr Acad), 150 copies. (KL, 9-r,8, 121) :J-" A! ;,j GAROSS, Ya. P. In Latvian GAFOS5, Ya. P. -- "Content of Mineral Substances In the Potato As A Function of the Soil and Fertilizer." Latvian Agricultural Academy, 1949. In Latvian (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences) SO: Izvestiya Ak. Nauk Latviysko-y SSR, No. 9, Sept., 1955 G-k'ROSS. Yfl- P K. n-d Gaross , Ya. "Peat bog mixtures as a fertili--er, 11 lsvcstl."r@ A-f-,-7. r-r'lik L,@itv. SSR, 19!19, No. 2, p. 15-22, ( 7n Latvian, res-u-me in Russian) SO: U-L914, 29 Oct 53, (LetopiF- 'Zhurwil 'nyk-h Statey, 11-To. I @ , 19";9). I Min(ralmesli un to lietosana. Riga, Latvijas valsts lzdevnieciLa, 1956. 81 (r'.ineral fertilizers and their use) Dili. Not in DLC SO: '-'onthly Index of East European Accession LC. Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 USsR/Soil science - Organic Fertilizers, j-4 1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur I Biolt, No 9, 1958) 39018 Author : Gaross, J6 Inst Title : Survey of Nev Kinds of Local Fertilizers* Orig Pub : Pochva I urozhay, Riou 1957) 6) 151-157- Abstract : Pyrite cinders In pDrtiun of 4.5 - 18 a on a container raised the crop of above-Groxuid barley aass by 0-5 - 30.6%, respectively, in ve(,vtative experiments conducted in a neutral clayey soil. The increase in the summer wheat crop on the (;ypsum quarry tailings amounted to 26.7%. Gypsum increased the yield of clover by 6-3 - 29*1%e Devonian clay on a peat soil (pH 4.92) on the NIX @Aclfground increasml the crop of oats by 23.5%; sea alCAe (in a dose of 15 G on a container) - by 15- - 20.0%., and in field experiments (dose 25 t/ha) the crop of potato tubers increased by 43.2% and of rye - by 28.4%. Card 1/2 YUGOSLArIA _Pr-DragosIa-y_GARMC [Affiliation not given.] "Dr. Aleksandar R. Todorovic (1901-1962.)" Belgrade, Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo, Vol 91, No 3, Mar 63; pp 329-330. Abstract : Brief obituary biography of this Serbian district physician who had a vast number of widely scattered patients; held a number of administrative posts after the war. AL A V. IV .0 I@,1001 @.. Vila im"ll U 1, I k-4 @s r a J.. Ji I A- &A A 2 1z, W a w, .-0 of. .#;(&I lot- 00 00 A dd Cawyles ice ORMAtkift 4d org-k C- Ro - 0 ZlvltcN _. C4gv 0 sky. Reports of W Ace kw of Sciences of U-S.&R., v. 62, no. 8, 1948, 423427. 06-3 !1, 1 w a AA2 ALALA sons OEM it ------ ------- 41 #.It a PA TALUAGICAL UTINATIft CLAISVICATIGO I-Iasi it 0.. aft ...... 4j9W OK a.. 11. ZA AA a PW 0 -1 9 1 ill IN 0 a a 3 9 9 u8 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 410 0 0 0 0 0A 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 zoo ass coo too 411 Cos see age GAR07, Y.V., aspirant Devising plans for making up singla-group special destination trains in the Chinese People's Republic. Vast. TSNII MPS 17 n04603-37 3 138a (MIRA 11111) 1. Vaesoyuznyy teentrallnyy nanchno-ionledovatellskiy institut Ministarstva putay aoobehehaniya. (China--Railroads--Kaking up trains) GLROVNIKOV, V.I., inshener, redaktor; PXJRSON, M.N., tekhnicheakiy [Concrete reinforcement work manual] Bakovodetvo po proizvodstTu armaturnykh rabot. Moskva, Goo. izd-TO lit-ry po stroitalletTu i arkhi- tekture, 1951. 126 p. (MLRA 8:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo stroital'stva predpriyatiy mashinostroyaniya. (Reinforced concrete) AVAXOV, A.I., laareat Stalinskcq premi:L, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GAROVKIKOV, V.I., Inzhener, nauchW redaktor; BMICBBVSKff, G.I., -kanftdk"#k?dtfeheskikh nauk, redaktor; SMOLITAKOVA, Y.T., takhni- cheskiy rodaktor [ColEl presse& broken surface bars for reinforced concrete construc- tion] Kholodnoopliushchouna*ia armatura perlodicheskogo profilia dlia zhelasobetona. Izd. 2-e. perer. i dop. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-z7 po strottellstvu i arkhitakture, 1954. 166 p. (MIRA 7:10) (Reinforced concrete) GA'-T)VM-KOV,V.I., redaktor; TT.,1PKI1J,B.G., redaktor; TOKM,A.M., redaktor [Album of daalgns of stock metal piping scaffolds for masonrY and trimming work by the All-Union Scientific-research Institute for Organization and Mechanization of Building Industries] Allbom chertnzhel inventarnykh metallicheskikh trubchatykh lsaov kon- strakt5ii VNIOMS dlia kamenrifth i otdolochnykh rabot. 1955. "5 P- (MLRA 9:3) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizats1i i mokhanizatsit strottelletva. (Scaffolding) ABMAIIZ, V.D.; GALIPERIN, M.I.; GAROVNIKOY't, V.I., inzhener, rodaktor; KRYUGER, Yu.V.,redaktor; redaktor. [Vibrator at constructiox sites] Vibrator am. straikakh. Mosk7a, Gos.lzA-rvo lit-ry pe streit. i arWtekture, 1955. 79 P. (Coacreto) .t I KURIIK, N.M., kandidat takhnichookikh aauk; SOKOLOV, N.M.. kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; KCPCHUGOV, V.A., kandidat tokhaicheskikh nauk; ZAMORIN, PA., kandidat takhaicbeakikh nauk; SCROCHAN, N.A., inzhener; VUTWn in2hener. nauchnyy redaktor; BIGAK. B.A.. redaktor izdatel'stv!a:!;NUmA, S.S., takhnichaskiy redaktor [Use of arecast foundations in building constmation] Primenenie oborEVkh fundamentoy v stroitelletva zdanii. Koskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitakture, 1956. 77 P. (KIRA 10:1) (Youndations) KMK, Nikola3r Mikhay-lovich, kamidat takhnicheskikh nauk-, OSTROVSKIT. X.Y., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GAROVIIIKOV, V.I., inzhenar. redaktor; UDOD, T.Ta., redaktor; 1HXDVEI1EV,'L9Ta., tekh@icheski7 redaktor. [Using precast reinforced concrete in the people's democracies] Primenenie abornego shelezotatona v stranakh narodnsi demakratti. Mookva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitakture, 1956. 241 p. (Europe, Eastern-Precast concrete) CaRA 9: 6) NOSINED, N.Te., kandidat takhnichookildi nauk, laureat Stalinskojr premii; GALIFERIN, H.I., kandidat te)dmichaskikh nauk; GAROVHIKOV, V.I., M., inzhener, nauchnyy reduktor; HNGAK, B.A. stva: VOLKOV, V.S., takhnichaskiy redaktor. (Obtaining and working bullding stones] Dobyohn I obrabotka strot- tallnogo kamnia. Moskva, Goo.imd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhitekture, 1956. 317 P (mLRA 9:6) (Builcling S;oues) (Qjmrries Emd quarrying) (Stanecutting) nauchny-y redaktor; BEGAK, B.A., reclaktor izdatellstya; PARSON99.K., takhnichaskiy redaktor (Collection of designs for stock metal pipe scaffolding elements of the All-Union Scientific-Research Institute for Organization nd Mechanization of Building industry used in bricklaying and ; inishing work] Allbom cherteshei inventarafth metallichaskikh trubchatykh lesov konstruktsii VNIOMS dlia kamennykh i otdelochrqkh rabot. Izd. 2-oe. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit., 1956. 75 P. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Moscow. Yeesoyuzvy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut organizateii i makhanizateli atroitellstva (Scaffolding) KHOI.MYANSKIY, M.M,,, kandotekhn.nauk; KOLINER, V.M.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; YUKHVETS, I.A., kand.tekhn.niuk; GAROYAN, V.A., inzh. Reinforcement made of high-strength wire with a double profile. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no.6:257-2151 Je 161. OAIRA 14:7) (Coacreto reinforcement) GARPENYUK N A kand.te'khn.nauk Now electrodes for the hard facing of cutting tools. Svnr proizv. no.3:35-36 Yx 163. iMIRA 16:3) 1. Kiyovskiy politekhnicheslciy institut. (Hard facing) (Electrodes) GAVY, S. I., Inzh. Calculating bare subjected to bending using the method of limited states, and taking into account the bearing capacity of their fixed ends. Hauch.dokI.9bkoly: stroi. no.2:87-96 '58. (MIRA 12:1) (Elastic rods and wires) GARPF, S. I., Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "The Use of Dimensionless charac- teristics to Determine Elasto-Plastic Alterations During the Bending of Beams," Moscow., 1960, 19 pps 160 copies (Moscow Engineering Construction Institute im V. V. Kuybyshev, Chair of Resistance of Materials and Theory of Elasticity) (KL, 47/60, 102) GARPF, S.I. (Karaganda) Formulas and diagrams for determining elastic displacements in *-beams. Stroi. mekh. i rasch. soor. 2 no.5:44-48 160. (MIM 13;9) (Girders) GARFF.9 S.I., kand.takhn.nauk, dotment Using exponential relation of stresses and deto r.'jutions in de- signing bent members beyond elastic lipdto Izvisv@seuchebqzav.; mashinostr. no.8:101,-109 163. (MIRA 16:1.1) 1. Ukrairskiy institut inz'nenerov vodnogo khozyaystva. GARPIITCIIFNKO, A.,; ZHARIIIOV, A. Training on the training grounds. PozbL.delo 6 na.2:14-Z5 F l6o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya @ozharnoy okhran7 Tatarskoy ASSR (for Garpinchanko). 2,, Nachallnik vtorogo otryada pozharnoy okhrany, Tatarskoy ASSR (for Zharinov). (.Fire -orevention-Studr and teaching) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-TPetroleum' incustry-Fires ana fire prevention) GARP40MMO. A.K.: GOMM. S.G.; DA111LOV, M.V.: MIR, A.A.; KALTAYEV, V.I.; GOLTUMV, S.G.i redaktor; IFILATov, r.G.. redaktor; VIROMOVA, Yo.B.,, redaktor; KOMSHIM, A., takhniabs- skiy redaktor [Fire extinction tactics] Pozharnala taktika. Pod red. S.G.Golubeva. Moak-va, rzd-vo Ministerstva konmunal'nogo kboziaistva RS."R, 1955. 379 P. (MIRA 8:6) (Yire extInction) GARPICHMIKO. A. M . Yfires caused by firealarms. Pozh. delo 4 no. 7:14 Jl '58. (MIRA 11.-8) 1. Nacbellnik Upravleni3ra pozharnoy okhrany Tatarokoy ASSR. (71realarms) ,I r p; IV e. r., K 0 SR/Thermodynamics - Thermochemist'ry. Equilibria. B-8 ,__0 Physical-Chemical Analysis. Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Raferat Zhur - Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 18507 Author V.P. Kochergin, M.S. Garpine O.N. Skornyakova) M.Sh. Mtnullina@ Title Dissolution of Iron in Melted Chlorides of Alkali and Alkali Berth Metals. 0:@ig Pub Zh. prikl. khimii, 1956: 29, No 4, 566-569 Abstract Experimental samples, of Fe were immersed into melted eutectic mixtures ("aC'2 and KC1)1 (CaC12 and NaCl) and (MgC12 and KC1) and the amount of Fe passed over into th.:! melts at 7000 was found by the sample weight decrea- se and I)y the analytical determination of Fe contents in the mixed chlorides. The curves of the dissolution speed show that this decrease diminishes at the transi- tion fron the watectic Of MgC12 and KC1 to the eutectic of BaClp and KC1. If the ions of H were eliminated Card 1/2 - 187 - GARPINICH, I.P., inzh.; MIKHAYWV, N.M., dok-tor tekhn.nauk. Choosing an efficient drier for thorough drying of milled pent. Torf.prom. 34 no.6:16-20 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Vaesoyuznyy teplotekhnicheskiy institut im.F.Dzerzhinakogo. (Peat--Drying) (Drying apparatus) i-'@ GARPINIGH, I. , inzh. - @ A Increaaing the productivity of column type grain dryern. Muk.-elov.prom. 25 to.9t2O-21 S '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Vaesoyuzrqy teplotakhnicheski7 institut im. V.Dzerzhinakogo. (Grain-Drying) X'j 15-57-7-9667 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr PP 135'-136 (USSR) AUTHORS: Makkelvi, V. I.$ Eyerkhart, D. L., GarrelsR. M. TITLE: Review of Hypotheses on the Origin of Uranium Deposits (Obzor gipotez o genezise uranovykh mestorozhdeniy) PERIODICAL: V sb: Geol. atom. syrlyevykh materialov. Moscow, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1956, pp 25-52 ABSTRACT: The authors examine the basic characteristics of the most important industrial deposits of U and review some problems of their origin. The following groups of deposits are distinguished: 1) uranium-bearing volcanic rock, pegmatites, and migmatites; 2) U in hydrothermal veins and metasomatic deposits; 3) U deposits in sandstones; 4) uranium-containing coal and associated carbonaceous shales; 5) uranium-containing black shales; 6) uranium-containing marine phosphorites. Card 1/3 15-57-7-9667 Review of Hypotheses on the Origin of Uranium Deposits (Cont.) The authors note forms of U deposits in uranium-bearing volcanic rock and geochemical conditions of their deposition from the magma. The tendency of U to be concentrated in fusions at late stages of their differentiation is also noted. Three main types of hydro- thermal vein deposits are distinguished as follows: 1) nickel-cobalt- silver veins; 2) quartz iron-lead veins; 3) iron-titanium veins. In the opinion of the authors, the U of hydrothermal veins is concen- trated from residual solutions of magmatic differentiation, which are rich in silicic acid and alkalis. The following aspects of the hydro- thermal process have not been clarified yet: 1) the composition and temperature of the solutions; 2) the correlation of depth and pressure at the place of deposition; 3) the chemistry of sedimen- tation; 4) structural control at the place of localization of the ore. The authors give their views and a certain amount of factual data on these problems. Ore bodies of the Colorado plateau and Witwaters- 1. r-And are classed with the sandstone U deposits. Some characteristA8` of these deposits are mentioned, and the hypotheses of their in- filtrational and their hydrothermal origin are outlined. In the Card 2/3 15-57-7-9667 Review of Hypotheses on the Origin of Uranium Deposits (Cont.) opinion of the authors, U was introduced into the uranium-containing coal after deposition of the host rock, but before its carbonization. The deposition of U in the coal occurred as a result of chemical reaction or adsorption. The source of the U in coal must be de- termined separately in each case. The U in uranium-containing black shale is usually considered to be syngenetic; however, it is possible that a certain amount of it could have been adsorbed after formation of the rock. Deposition of U in shales occurred, for the most part, biochemically or by adsorption under favorable chemical conditions. In uranium-containing phosphorites, the greater part of the U was possibly attracted by adsorption from the viater at the time of deposition of the phosphorites or soon after. The origins of the various types of uranium deposits reflect the basic properties of U. These are.chiefly, its great ion radius, multivalence, the solubility of many uranium compounds and the considerable stability of uranium compounds in reducing conditions. Card 313 V. S. Domarev -GAIRI, A.; IIRTUIMIN, A. rordst production lina. Znaj2.sila no.6:4-8 Je 154. (9LRA 7:6) (Lumbaring) C C', -, &, C, RUMANIA Chemical Technology. Chemical Products. H Cellulose and its Derivatives. Paper. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimlya, 1958, No 20, 69402. Author : Apostol V., Garri 9@klz.. Inst :Not a' -ven. Title :Adlii,31:ment and Maintenance of the "Mono" Instru- ment Used for the Determination of S02 in the Furnace Stack Gases. Orig Pub: Celulosa si hirtie, 1958, 7, No 4, 152-154. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1