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Problems in Mineralogy (Cont.) SOV/5740 Zhukova., A. S. On the Problem of Genetic Types of Germanium-Bearing Deposits 17k Tikhonenkov,, I. P,.,and R, P. Tikbonenkova. Contact Rocks of the Lovozerskiy Massif., Their Genesis a,nd the Peculiarities of Distri- bution in Them of Rare Metal Mineralization 185 Volochkovich., X. L. On the Pidblem of the Structural Position of the Gornoaltayakiy Rare Metal Province 203 METHODS OF TWISTIGATING ORES ARD )MUMAIB Lebedeva., S. 1. Rational Hetbod of Quantitative Determination of Disseminated Beryllium in Grelsen Ores 209 Rodionov., D. A. p S. F. Sobolev.,.B. P. Zolotarev, and Ye. V. Vlasova, On Accidental Ex-rois of Quantitative Mineralogical Analysis of Ore Slims and Concentrates 214 card 516 Problems in Mineralogy (Cont.) SOV/5740 Loginova., L. A. Experiment in Measuring the Optical Constants of Gdrmanite and Renierite 224 ECONOMICS OF RARE ELEMENTS Leksin., V. N. Prospects in the Industrial Extraction of Se]Anium and Tellurium From the Products of Copper-Molybdenum Ore Processing 235 Kaganovichy S, Ya, Vafnium (Economic Survey) 246 AVAILANZ: Library of Congress card 616 JA/dvm/ms 11-14-61 VOLIFSON, F.I.; LUKIN, L.I.; DTUKOV, A.I.; KUSMWIEV, I.P.; PEK, A.Y.; RYBALOV, B.L.; SONTUSHKIN, Te.P.; KffOROSHIWT, L.T.; CIMINTSM, _@.A.;.DRUZHININ, A.V.; KARAMYAN. V.P.; BIRYUKOV, V.I.; gA@@Sf!.j J K.A.; KUZIMSOV, K.F.; LOZOVSKIY, V.I.; MALINOVSKIT, Te.P.; NEVSKIT. V.A.; PAVLOV, N.V.; RUMNSON, B.H.; SAMONOV, I.Z.; SIDORE21KO, A.V. [deceased); SOFKO, P.P.; CHNGLOKOV, S.V.; TUDIN. B.A.,- KRF-WER,.V.M.,,doktor geologo-mineral.nauki retsenzente, .. KOTLYAR, V.N., doktor geologo-mineral.nauk, retsenzent; GRUSMOT, V.G.i doktor geologa-mineral.nauk. rotsenzent; NAKOVNIK, H.I.q.dok-tor geologo-mineral.nauk, retsenzeilt; KUREK, N.N.. doktor geologo-mineral. nauk, retsenzent; LIOGENIKIT, S.H., retsenzent; SHATALOV, Te.T., doktor geolo-o-mineral.nauk, red.; KRISTALIM, B.V.. red.; SSRGETEVA, N.A., red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., [Basic problems j@nd methods of studying structures of ore provinces (Continued on next cara) VOLIFWN, F.I.---(Continued) Card-2. and deposits] Osnovn.7e voprosy i matody izuchaniia stn*tur rudnykh polei i mestorozhdenii. HoskvB, Gos.n8uchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1960. 623 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SM. Institut geologii rudnykh mostorozhdaniy. petrografii, mineralogii i gookh-lmii. 2. Moskovskiy institut tevetnykh metallov i zolota (for Dyukov, Biryukov, Druzhinin, Kuz- natsov). 3. Inatitut mineralogii. gookhimii i kriatallokhimii redUkh elementov AN SSSR (for Germash). 4. Ikademiya nauk Amyanskoy = (for Karamyen). 5. Baleyzoloto (for Sidorenko). 6. Institut geolo- gii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografli, minoralogii i geokliimii AN SSSR (for Malinovskiy, Nevsk-4y, Pavlov. Charnyshev). 7. Moskovskiy geologorazvedochnyy inatitut im. S.Ordzhonil--Idze (for Ronenson). 8. Vaesovuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy 'Anstitut minerallno.-o syrIya (for Samonov). 9. Voroneshakiy univerzitet (for Sopko). 10. Kol'skiy filial AN SSSR (for Tudin). (Ore deposits) -GARWH, A. A. Characteristics of the distribution of rare elements in the Zolotushinskoye deposit. Krat. soob. IMGRE no.1:54-59 l6o. (KRA 17:3) ACCESSION NR: AT4028292 S/2677/63/000/010/0184/0200 AUTHOR: Garmash, A. A.; Vlasova, N. K. - aWAAWa.QW- TITLE: On the geochemistry of gallium in the formation process of pyrite-poly- metallic ores SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii radkikh elementov. Trudy*, No. 10, 1963, Redkiye elementy* v sul'fidny*kh mestorozhdeniyakh (rare earth elements in sulfide deposits) 184-200 TOPIC TAGS: gallium, polymetallic ores, pyrite ores, sphalerite, sulfide, chlorite, sericitization, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galenite ABS-LRACT: In this paper, the authors make an attempt to determine the origin and value of gallium. Their work concentrates primarily around the deposits of Rudny*y Altai, particularly at Zolotushinsk. The authors examine &llium.'in'the surrounding rocks and chlorites and show the effect of seritization and quartzifica- tion. The results are presented in figures and tables. Gallium distribution in sulfide minerals, such as pyrite galenite chalcopyrite schalerite is also examined and presented in tables. Gallium is constantly present in the form of an impurity concentrated in sphalerite and alumosilicates in the pyrite-polymetal deposits of Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4028292 Rudny*y Altai. According to the authors, the basic mass of the "sulfide" gallium in the Zolotushinsk deposit is concentrated in the early generation of sphalerite of the polymetallic, stage which was deposited by means of metasomatic, substitution of intensely chloritorized, and consequently enriched, gallium of the surrounding rock formation. In conclusion, the authors state that later generation chlorites, including post-ore chlorite, differ substantially from the previous in their absolute gallium content and in the Ga:Al ratio. Geological and geochemical data together with comparative materials in other deposits at Rudny*y Altai make it possible to consider that the source of gallium concentrated in ores are rock formations from which gallium can be extracted during a prolonged metasomatic process of exchange and later depositing of sulfide ores serves as a gallium source concentrated in the ores. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and $ tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut minerologii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov, AN SSSR (Institute of Mineralogy, Peochemistry and the Otemistry of Crystals). SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ML, EL NO REF SOV: 014 07HER 000 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4028289 B/2677/63/000/010/0136/0157 AUTHOR., Garmash, A. A.; Kurbanovs, N. Z. TITLE: Selenium and tellurium in the ores of the Zolotushinskoye deposit (Rudny*y Altay) %. SOURCE: All SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii L kristallokhimii redkikh elementov. Trudy*, no. 10, 1963. Rodkiye elementy* v sul'fidny*ldi mestorozhdoniyakh (Rare-earth elements in sulfide deposits), 136-157 TOPIC TAGS: geology, ore deposit, mineralogy, mineral deposit, selenium, tellurium, rare element.. mineral formation, geochemintry ADSTRAGI-: in 1958-1960 a study was made of the peculiarities of distribution of- rare elements in the iron pyrite-polymetallic deposits of the Zolotushinskaya ore-bearing zone, one of the typical polymetallic deposits of the Rudny*y Altay. The principal results incorporated in this paper are information on the distribu- tion of selenium and tellurium in ore-forming minerals, the form in which these elements are found and a description of their geochemical behavior in the process of hypogene mineral formation. The article includes a description of the geologi-'- cal structure of the deposit; the mineral composition of the area; paragenetic aspociqtions and the condLtions under which they.were formed; and the moot likely !Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4028289 circumstances under which these rare elements can be found. In this deposit the ores were formed in a prolonged process against a background of insignificant tectonic movements and without metamorphosis of the ores. The lead-copper-zine ores containing Se and Te developed from a single hydrothermal solution. Before crystallization of galena the selenium and tellurium were concentrated in chal- i copyrite and pyrite'. There was a general tendency for Se and Te to accumulate in late paragenetic associations, crystallizing among chloritic rocks. Selenium is present as an isomorphic admixturelin the crystal lattice of sulfides, not forming its own minerals. Different Te compounds are characteristic for different para- genetic associations. Bismuth and gold tellurides are most common in.copper-zinc ores and silvermd lead tellurides in lead-zinc ores. Orig. art. has: 6 tables and 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut mineralogii, geokhimii i krietallolthimii redkikh elementov (Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and CrystallochemLetry of Rare Elements) smirm- 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 00 ]NO REF SOV: 016 OTIMRI 001 SUB CODE: AS, @ru. Card 2/2,.' BELOUS, !.,Kh., st. nnuchn. :;otr.; KAZANSKIY, Yu.P.; VDOVIN V.V,; KLYAROVSKIY, V,14.; OLITTSOV, V.P., 111KOLAYEVA, N VOZHILOV, V.1.; SQEiDERZO,;, E,M.,; AKAIEV, BABEI, A..A.i BIERDNIKOV, A.F.; GORYUKHT11;', Ye.Ya.,. NAGORSKIY, M.P.; HvElll@ N.lcl,i BAKANOV, G.Ye.@ GEBLUt, I.V.; S1,101AADRIOV, al'OLYA11,11,10VA, S.I.,, YUSH111, V.I. D'YAKONOVA, 11.D.; itEZAPOV, 11.14.; KASHTMIOV, V,A,: GOLIH.@,T, A."'.; SIX1110V A@P,; GULASH, A,A.; EYKOV, X S@@ EiOPODIN, L@V,, .-.YCFKOV, L. F. KUCHIN, SHAKHOV, F.1".. Clav, red.; SH111KOV-SKAYA L, 1. red. [West Siberian iron ore basin) Zapridnc-Slbirskii zhelezomd- rLyl Novojibic:iV.. licd,iv@i. otdoll Otd- niia AN SSSR, @!447 p. ('v',lRA 17:12) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskove otdejenive- InAitut geo- logi.' i geofiziki. 2. Ins@iwt. gect-ogi. .* gecfiziki Sibirskogo otcleleniya )2; SS.%t (for Belous, Kazanskiy, Vdcvin, Klyarovskiy, Kuznetsov, llikolayeva _. 'Novozhilov, Sendevzon). 3. Institut gorrioga dela (for Akayev). 4. lNo,,,csibl'_-skoye freolo.c-icheskoye upravleniye Minllzt-erstva ge,,logii i okhrany nedr SSSI' (for Babin., Berdnikov, Goryukhi_n, 11ngorskiy., Pi-ven'). (Cunr lnued un nex-t card) bELOUS, N.,Kh@---(cf)ntinued) Guni Tomskiy pol iteklin iche skiy, inr,-%itut, k 4*c,, @@e, Smolyaninov, &nolyaninvva). 5. issledovatellskiy institut geo1c,.-ii, geofizlki i minerall- nogo syr ya(for Yuohin, Dl,,aknnova. Kasht.anov, Gol'Lx3rt). '.., Iti-Aitut 0,,o.-,vayn@,va (for Gar=ash), 7. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy inotitut Bykov, Bo:,cdin, liy,,-!-@kcv), 8. lomskiy in!,t;; ut (for Ktichiri). Q. AN (f,- ShIkkilov) . GARNASH, A.A. Solder for correcting casting defects. Mashinostroitell no.12: 18 D 165, (MIRA 18:12) GARMASH, D. First steps of the Rybnoye Repair and Supply Station. Hauka i pared. op. v sel'kbos. 8 no.ll:Z6-29 N 158, (MIRA 11:12) 1. Direktor 4bnovskoy remontno-tekbnicheakoy atantali, Ryazanskaya oblaet'. (Rybnoys District--Repair and supply stations) GARMASH, D 6 1-1 - - - Right way. Rabotnitea 36 no.4:7 Ap 158. (MIRA 11: 4) 1.Direktor Rybnovskoy mashinno-traktornoy stantaii. (Agricultural policy) KULISHICIIKO, A.Z.; KILUITONOV, A.S.; KUZIMENKO. A.S.;,_GAR1USH G.K,- - -===�A. Deternination of the viscosity of magnetite In sunpongion by measuring its magnetic permeability in conjunction with a radioactive densitometer. Koks I, khim. no.2:13-15 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Ukraipskiy uglakhimichaskiy inatitut(for Kulighanko, Kharitonov). 2. Tasinovskiy koksokhimichaskly cavod(for Kus'- manko, Garmsh). (Yaninovka--Coal preparation) (Magnetite) GARHASH, G.K.j..GRIDIN, I.R.; KULISHENKO, A.Z.; XHARITONOV, A.S. Magnetic denjity relay. Zav.lab. 29 no.2:241-242 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Electric relays) (Automatic control) (Buspensioni (Chemistry)) URWH. G.S. Fqdration of sunflower need oil. Mael.-shir.prom. 19 no.6:28-29 154, (91-RA 7:10) 1. TaNIL "Ukrglavraszhirmaelol (Sunflower seed oil) GARMASH, 1. 1., inzh.; GOMBERA, A. Ya., inzh.; PAVLENKO, I. I., inzh. Mechanized painting of ingot molds and cores. Mekh.i avtom. proizv, 18 no. 5:26-27 My 164. NIRA 17:5) RUSAKOV, G.K., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; 14!LYAVSYrY, 1.0., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SHILKO, V.P., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; MUMENAS, A.N.; BELINSKIY@ A.I.@ agr.-ekonom.; KPURPUSHENKO, A.I., agr.-ekon. (deceased]; FOS-'ITNYY, V.M., ekonom.; PANCIRIKO, Ya.l., agr.-ekonom.; KVACHEV, V.M., agr.-ekonorrL.; SOBOLENKO, V.S.; OAVTSOV, D.S., agronow..; LYSOV, V.F., ekonor..; SHLYAKhTIN, V.I., kand. ekon. nauk; TgYBULIKO, F.Ye..; ORIKHOVSKIY, I.G., agr.- ekonom,; TATUREVICH, N.M., agr.-okonom,; Gk%AS11r-1-I.; NOSACHENKO, V.F., inzh.-ekonom.; @WKHT.JSULLIN, Sh.M., agr.-ekonom.; ROZENTSVAYG, A.L., agr-ekonom.; BERLIN, 11.Z., dots.; IVANOV, K.1.@ agr.-ekonom.; SILIN, A.G., ekonom.; LIKHOT, I.K.; CHPNOV, G.I., kand. ekon. nauk; MIKHAYLOV, M.V., kand. ekon. nauk; GORELIK, L.Ya., red. [Planning and econonical operation on collective farms) Planirovanie i rezhim ekonomii v kolkhozakh. Moskva., Ekonomika, 1965. 258 P. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Zavediqushchiy otdelom ekonomiki i organizatsii kol- khoznogo proizvodstva Nauchno-issledovatellskogo insti- tuta ekonomiki sel'skogo khozyaystva Litovskoy SSR (for Martinenas). 2. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom Stnvropollskogo krayevogo komiteta KPSS (for Likhot). ACCESSION Mi: AR4039333 S/0277/64/000/003/0007/0007 SOURCE: Rof. ea. MashInostr. mat. konstr. i raschot dotal. mash. Otd. Vy*p.. Abs. 3.48.48 AUV.OR; Gaimash, L. I@; Lifshits, A. Ye.; Ty*mr-hak, V. 11. TIUS: Heat resistant and refractory stools used in building furnaces C-LTZD SOURCE: Sb. tr. Gos. soy=n. in-t- po proyektir. agregatov staleliteyn. i plrokatzzi. proiz-va dlya chern. motallurgii, 5-tallproyekt, Vy*p. 4, 1963, 87-103 TOPIC TAGS: stool, heat-rosistant steel, refractory steel, furnace stwucturo, fur-ace building, heat resistance, stress resistance TPLUISLATION: Listings of heat resistant and refractory steels for uork under k.anperattures of 600-1,200 degrees Centigrade are given. Characteristics of momen- tar- . j and lonm-range*hoat resistance of these steels are given along with rocom- mendations on t@w selection of peraissible stress and on the use of steels in furnace designs. DATE ACQ. =pr&@ So CODE: HM ENCL: 00 Card VS@SR/Fhysiolo6-y of Plants. Mineral 1,,Tutrition 1-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 2, 1958, 5633 Author M. A. Kurakhtanov and L.-M.-Garmash-, Inst Lloscow Agricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev Title Effect of Ammonium and Nitrate Nitrogen on Phos- phorus Nutrition of Oats and Barley Plants Ori- Pub Dokl. Mosk. s-kh. akad. in K. A. Timir-jazeva, 0 1956, vyp. 22, 332-339 Abstract Nitrogen fertilizers on a base of different do-- ses of P were introduced into water cultures containing the Gel'rigel's nutritive mixture. Plants containing 11 from an ammonium source were found to have absorbed relatively more P than those taith H from a nitrate source. With an ?,mmo-- nium source of N as comDared with a nitrate Card 112 USSR/Phys-iology of Plants. Mineral Nutrition 1-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 2, 1958, 5633 Abstract source, increased doses of P had a negative effect on the yields of oats and barley, while small doses had a negative effect on the yields of oats. but had no effect at all on the yields of barley. LarCe doses of K somewhat weakened the negative effect of ammonium N or. the growth of the Dlant. A rise in the level of -)hosphate nutrition with an increase in mineral phospho- rus caused a rise in the content of organo- phosphorus compounds in the plants, particu- larly of nucleoproteides, phytin, and sugar phosphates. Card 2/2 05 ASAROV, Kh.K., kand. sel'skokh. nauk, dotsent; L.M-., star;3hiy laborant Forms of phosphorus compounds in lupine as related to the method of the placement of lime and phosphorite meal in the soil. Izv. TSKHA no,1:50--60 163. (MIRA 16--7) (Lupine-Fertil-izers and manures) (Plants,, Effect of phosphorus on) 6 A 1(61 A6H All 654 AUTHORS: Garmash, L. M., Morozova, A.M. and Yanskaya, M.S., Erngineefs@. TITLE: Nagnico type alloys with a reduced cobalt content. (Splavy tips. magniko s ponizhennym soderzhaniem., kobal'ta). PERIODICAL: "Metallovedenie i Obrabotka Metallov" (Metallur y and Metal Treatment), 1957, No.6, pp.8-10 (U.S.S.R.@ ABSTRACT: Magnico type alloys contain 24% of the scarce and expensive cobalt. Attempts so far to substitute cobalt by any other element have not been successful. The main aim of the present investigations was to establish the possibility of reducing the cobalt in magnico type alloys whilst maintaining the high maximum magnetic energy, residual induction and cat-rsive force. The investigated alloys contained various percentages of cobalt and were made from two series of melts containing 15 and 14% Ni respectively. The chemical compositionsof the (12) melts are given in Table 1, p.10. The specimens were produced in 5 kS crucibles inside hi&h frequency induction furnaces using as raw materials Armco iron with 0.03-0-04 C, K2M cobalt, electrolytic nickel and copper and AOO aluminium. It was found that if the cobalt is reduced from 24 to 21-22% it does not involve any loss in the magnetic characteristics and 654 Magnico type alloys with a reduced cobalt content. (Cont.) does not necessitate use of higher magnetic fields during the thermomagnetic treatment. The magnetic' properties of the specimens after thermomagnetic treatment inside fields of various magnetic potentials in the case of tempering for four hours at 580 C are given in Table 2, p.10. Fig.2 gives the dependence on the cobalt content of magnico type alloys containing 15% Ni, whilst Fig-3 gives the same dependence for alloys containing 14% Ni. 3 figures, 2 tables, no references. AVAILABLE: Card 212 7, 711 KAGAN, losif Zekbarovich; MININ, M.N., red.; GARRASH. L.M., vypusk; SUKHAREVA, R.A., (Introduction of electric slog welding; 'Penzkhimmash" Plant of the Penza Sconomic Council] Opyt vnedreniia elektroBhlakovol avarki; zavod nPenzkhimyrmsh" Penzenskogo sovnBrkhoza. Moskva, 1958. 16 p. (Hookovskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheekoi propagandy. Peredovoi opyt proizvodetva. Seriia: Takhnologiia mashinostro- eniia. no.30. Svarka, paika i metallizatsiia). (MIRA 13:10) (Penza Province-Ilectric welding) ORLOV, G.M.; USHICHENKO, V.L.; UTFAIISOV, U.B.; KAZUROV, V.I.; IGNATOVA, K.F.; KONSTANTINOV, L.S.,red.;.q_ SH, L.K., otv. za vypusk; SUKKUWA, R.A., [Makine, foundry molds in dies under high pressure] 4gotovionie liteinykh form pressovaniem pod bol'shin davleniem. Moskva, Moak. dom nauchno-takhn.propagandy Im. F.M.Dzerzhinakogo, 1958. 28 p. (Peredovoi opyt proizvodstva. Ser."Tekhnologila mashinootroaniia,l no.31. Liteinoe proizvodstvo). (MIRA 13:1) (Die casting--Equipment and supplies) POPLAVKO, Kikbnil Vasillyevich; KANUTLOV, Hikolav Ilikolayevich; GWJZIEVA, Lurisa Alekisayevna; ZVEGINTSEVA, K.V., red.; GARKASH. L.M., otv. za vypusk; SUKHARSEVA, R.A., (Welding of titanium] ;Svarka titnna. Hosk-va, Mosk.dom nouchno- tekhn.propagandy im.F.R.Dzerzhinskogo. 1958. 37 p. (Peredavoi opyt, proizvodstva. Ser.'Tekhnologiia mashinostroeniia,* no.29. Svarka, paika i metallizatsiia) (MIRA 13:1) (Titanium--Welding) BALA3.1110W, Arteniy Helentlyevich; BARANOV, H.S., rod.; GAIWSH, L.H., otv. za vypusk; SUKHAREVA, R.A., (Built-up welding with a weaving arc] Vidrodugovaia naplavka. Moskva, 1959. 31 P* (Moskovokii dom nauchno-takhnicheakoi pr.,- pagandy. Peredovoi opyt proizvodstva. Seriia: Progressivnais takhnologiia mashinostroaniia. vyp. 2). (MIRA 13:9) (Electric welding) (Machinery--Maintenance and repair) BRODSKIY, A.Ya., zed.; qARMASH, L.M., otv. za vypnsk; SUKHARRYA, R.A., (Welding of stainless steel and beat-resistant alloys] Paike norzhaveiushchikh stalei i sheroprochnykh splavov. Moskva, 1959. 51 P. (Mookovskii Dom nauchno-tekhnichoskoi propsgandy. Peredovoi opyt proizvodetya. Serlia: Progressivnnia tekhnologiia mashinoor,roaniia. vyp. 18). (KM 14:1) (Steel. Stainless--Welding) (Heat-resistant alloys--Welding) IVAROY, Valentin Nikolayevich; BAZILEV, N.P., red.; GARMASH, L.K., otv. za vypusk; SUKHARIVA, R.A., [High precision casting in removable ceramic molds] Lit's povy- shannoi tochnosti v razOemnys keramicheskie formy. Moskva, 1959. 57 P. (Moskovskii dom nouchno-takhnichaskoi propagandy. Peredovoi opyt proizvodstva. Seriia: Progressivnaia tekhnologiia mashino- stroaniia, vyp. 6). (KIRA 13:9) (Precision casting) IGHATMO, Yu.Y.. red.;,.GARKASH, L.H., otv. za vypusk; SUKHAPMA, R.A., [Now technological processes and recommendations on the design of molds for precision casting] Novye takhnologichookie protseBey i rekomendstail. po konstruirovaniiu form pri. proizvodstve tochnogo lit'ia. Hoskva, 1959. 74 p. (Koskovskii dom, asuchno-takhnichaskoi. propagandy. Peredovoi. opyt proizvodetva. Serils: ProgressivnBla takhnologiia mashinostroaniia, vvp. 14/15). WHA 14:1) (Kolding (Founding)) (Precision casting) ASAROV9 Kh.K., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk, dotsent; LI YEN SEK, aspirant; GARMASH, L.M., starshiy laborant Combined use of'lime and phosphorite In gorwing perennial lupine on acid soils. Izv. TSKhA no.6:110-126 161. (MIRA 16:8) (Lupine--Fertilizers and mAnures) (Phosphates) (Liming of soils) ASAW,VJ. Kh.K., kand. sellskokhoz. nauk, dotsent; GARMASH, L.M., starshiy laborant Effectiveness of the placement of lime and phosphate meal in layers for alkaloid bearing and alkaloidless perennial lupine. Izv. TSKIU no.4:111-122 163. (MIRA 17:1) PATSKIVICH, Ivan Romanovich; BMZKIN, P.N., dotsent, retaenzent;_qAgKA*g,_ inzh., retsentent; FROLOV. B.L., inzh., red.; DUGINA, B.A., I [*Vibration-are* built-up welding) Vibrodugovaia naplavka. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1958. (MIRAI 12:3) (Electric welding) GARMkSH, 11. Z.--[Harm&hJLZ.-j . Development of Soviet walking excavators. Har.z ist.tekh. no,5:74-81 159- (MIRA 13:5) (Excavating machinory) KOVSHULTA. O.A.:.Q&RKASH.,M.Z. EHAHMASH. M.Z.1,- ZILIBAN. H.S. [Russian-Ukrainian mining dictionary] Rosiis'ko-ukrains'kyi alovnvk. 20000 terminiv. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URM, 1959. 271 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Russian language-Dictionariea--Ukrainion) (Mining engineering--Dictionariee) G.UNASH, N.,- kand. tekhn. nauk Problems in the theory and calculation of pneumatic conveying at Re >I,- 1000. Muk.-elev. prom. 29 no.7:18-23 JI '63 (MIRA 1;:l) 1. Zaporozhskiy mashinostroitelinyy institut im. V.Ya. Chubarya. GARMASH, IT.T., kandidat takhnicbeakikh nauk. A Theoretical principles of one of the methods for sinveless separation of grain tailings. Sellkhosmashins, no.12:4-9 D '56. (MMA 10.'2) (Grain--Cleaning) GARMASH N.T., dotsent Secondp-ry loss factor in calculating pneumatic corviying processes. Izv.vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no. L2:c)7-107 163. (mIRA 17:9) 1. 7'Aporozhskiy mashinostrottelInyy institut. GARUSH, N.T.., kand. tekhn. rauk, dotsent Rated formulas.for determining losseB in f1cm Fressure in conveying granular and powder6d materials. Izv.%?yq.ucbeb.zav.j mashinostr. no.4.- 107--123 164. (MIRA 18il) 1. Zaporozhakiy mashinostroitellnyy institut imeni V.Ya.Cbubarya,, C-fi Af /I,,'/; "Invest4gation of the Operation of Plalking 7-xcavators irl the L;onstruction industi7,,." Cand Tech Sci, A,iev Construct- Lon i-ngineering Inst, Hin of Iligher Education USSR, I@iev, 1954. 0 M, Feb 55) S3: SLn. No. 631, 26 Aug 55-Surve.l, of Scientific and Technical 'Jissertations Uef-mded at @,SSR Hi-her "ducational institu- '.ions (14) FIDFJAV. Alek-sandr Savelly-evich--GARMASIJ Hikolay Zakharovich: TUFL.NKO, Alskeandr Hikolayevich; radaktor; ZILIBA.U. M.S.. redaktor izdatellstva; ZHUKOVSKIY, A.D., tekhdcha- skiy radaktor [Research in excavating machinery] Iaeledovania raboty zemleroinykh maahin. Kiev. lzd-vo Alkademil nauk USSR, 1956. 65 p. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Chlon-dkorrespondent AN USSR (for Kucherov) (Excavating machinery) --GARHASH, H. Z. Calculation of nontransport disgrarm of the walking excavator by the three-dimensional method. Dop. AN URSR no.2:14,9-152 '57* (MLRA 10:5) 1. Institut girnichot spravi LI URSR. Predstaviv akademik AN URSR N.A. Starikov. (Mining machinery) KUCHRROV, P.S.,; STARIKOV, N.A., skademik, red.; PHNIKOV. A.M., red.; KMTENKO, A.I., doktor tekhn.i3aukp red.; KOVSHULYAo A.A., kand.tekhn.,uauk, red.; OARKASH, N,Z.,..._kand.tekhn.naukI red,; KISINA, I.V., red.izd-va; [Tapping and working mineral deposits] Voprosy vskrytiia i razrabotki mostorozhdanii poleznykh iskopasmykh. Kiev. 1958. 172 p. (miRA iz:6) 1. Akademlya nauk UM. Kiyev. Institut gornogo dela. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN USSR (for Kucherov, Penikov). 3. AN USSR (for Starikov). (Mining engineering) GARKASH, 114. (Harmash, M.Z.] V@ Conditions for excavating the maximum volume of soil b7 walking excavators. Dop. AN UM no.6:636-638 '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Institut gornogo del& AN USSR. Predstavil akademik All USSR N.A. Starikov [M.A. Starikov]. (Excavation) QA-WSH,-Nikolay-lakha-Kqvick.fHarmsh. M.Z.I;KUCMOV, P.S.,, SM[URKO, T.A., red.lxd-va; KATYITCHUX, 0.0.. (Using walking excavators in earthwork operational Utvorennia vyimok krokuiuchpq ekskavatoramy. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URM, 1959, 140 P. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Kucherov). OUcavating machinery) KOVSMTA, A.A. [Kovehulia. O.A.1; GARMASH, N.Z. [Harmash, M.Z.1; ZILIBAN, M.S.; KIJCHSROV. P.S-----O-T- A.A., kand.filolog.nauk, red.-lekaikograf; SHTULIMAII. I.F., red. izd-va; BUNIT, R.04's (Russian-Ukrainian mining dictionary] Rusako-ukrainakii gornyi slovarl. 20000 terminov, Soot.A.A.Kovehulia. N.Z.Gnrmash i M.S. Zillban. Kyiv. 1959. 2711 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Akademlys nauk USSR, Kiyev. 2. Chlen-korrespondent All UM (for Ilucharov). t (Russian longuage--Dictionaries--Ukra4~nion) (Mining eneineering-Dictionaries) GARMH N.Z. Best procedure for digging trenches with walker excavators. Sbor. trud.Inst.gor.dela AN URSR no-5:69-78 158. (MIRA 15:5) ( machinery) (strip mining) I GAMIASH, 11. Z. (Reducing the operating cycle of walking excavators] Sposoby sokraBhcheniia rabochego taikla shagaiushchikh ekskavatorov. Kiev, Akad.nauk USSR, 1959. 7 P. (HIM 14:2) (Excavating machinery) GARMASH N.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk Idea of the capacity of excavators. Sbor. trud. Inst. gor. dela AN URSR no.12:172-176 161. (MIRA 15:11) (Excavating machinery) GARMASH, N.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk Actuating mechan-Ism of a rotary excavator for of hard rock. Ibt. i garnorud. prom. no.-.-r,4--55 1. Donetskiy filial komissii AN UlcrSSR po lstcrii Mxcavatin,- machinery) 0 fraettwing .'Ir-Ap 162. (MIRA 15;11) to-khniki. GARMASH N.Z. kan4.tekhn.nauk; SUNCHMO, I.Ya., inzh. Creatift of rook dwV9 at -coal preparation plants of the Donets Economic Council. Ugoll. prom. no.6:36--39 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Institut gornogo dela AN UkrSSR, (Donets Province Coal 'preparation) --GAP44ASH.V N.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk Conference on the improvement of the quarrying for nonmetallic minerals. Met. i gornorudo prom* no.6:80-8:L N-D 162. (KIRA 17:8) GAPWH, N.Z.; FASTUKHOV, A.P. ----------- Use of noncontinuouq machines in the Yelenovka flwC limestone quarries. Trudy Inat,gor.dela AN URSR no.Uz95-100 162. (MIRR 16s2) (Yelenovka region (Donetsk Province)- Quarries and quarrying-Equipment and supplies) I . : . , : - .-,: .- 1. 1 1, 11 @ 1-i -_, --. - - ., - . : - -1, " ANIK-'7Yr-,V, A.V., inzh.; GAIRMASH, K.Z., kand. tekhn. nnvik; BULAVKIN, I,I., gornyy inzh. Using conveyors for hauling overburden rock. Gor. zhur. no.2:22-24 F 65. (MIRA 18-4) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy gornorudnyy institut, Donetskoye otdeleniye. 2. Karakubskoye rudoupravleniye (for Anikeyev). @-, GAHMASHY N.Z.) kand.tekhn.nauk ,,, -_@ 1-- -".r - An efficient planning of the work of excavatini, -,.acI-Iri?-,; in rhe flowsheet of mining operationB without hquJage. Gor.zhur. no.8:12-15 Ag 165. (MTRA .18:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy gornorudnyy inititut, Krizoy Fog. 'o thi! r t' j Ova GARMASH, PT.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk; PIRICH, E.I. Seconclar@,- crushing operations in flw.-lilpes tone quarries of the Karak-ub Ndne administration.'rli.-ekon.inform. Gos.nauch.-issl.I,nrt.nauch.i tekli.infor-.. no.,S:6-7 Ag 165. (,1.171,,A -,8:1;1) PASHKOVY Valentin Ivanovich; GARMASH, P.p red.; ISUPOVA, 11.1 tekhn. red. (For tie "city of commist labor"]Za gorod kommunisticheskof truda. Simferopol', Krymizdaty 1962. 84 p. (KBA 15in 1. Sekretarl Sevastopollskogo gorodskogo komiteta Kormmisti- cheskoy partiy Ula::iry (for Pashkov). (Sevastopol-Politics and government) TOMILIN, Valentin Kona tantinovich; (@Afql@S@@P., red.j FISENKO,A., tekhn. red. (Let us introduce new and progressive methods]Novoe, pere- dovoe - v zhiznl. Simferopol', Krymizdat, 1962. 22 p. (MIRA 15:11) I* Sekretarl partiynogo byuro partiynoy organizatsii vagon- nogo depo stant9ii Simferopoll (for Tomilin). (Simferopol'--Railroads) KHMMIKOY V.A.; KOROBITSDI, V.G., nauchn. sotr.; GAP1.4"I, P.Ye., red.; [Nikita State Botanical Garden] Nikitskii botanicheskii sad; marshrut ekskursii. Simferopol', Kr.@=izdat, 1963. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Yalta. Gosudarstvemiyy Nikitskiy botanicheskiy sad. 2. Nikitskiy botanicheskiy sad, Yalta (for Korobitsin). (Nikita (Crimea))-Botanlcal gardens) ANDRUSHCHENKOY A.G.; BERE;ZKINAP G.M.; PALICHIKOVA, A.P.; NIKITIN, G.A., krayeved; A.T., tekhn. red. O.A.; KlIZIMINA, V.I.; OZEROVA, TSARIN, A.P.; TIMOFETEV, L.N.; GARMASH, P.Te., red.; FISENKO, [Alupka; an excursion sketch; its nature, history, sana- toriums, the palace:--museum, its park, and an information directory] Alupka; ekskursionnyi ocherk: priroda, istoriia, zdravnitsy, dvoreta-muzei, park, spravochnye avedeniia. Simferepoll, Krymisdat, 1963. 78 p. (MIRA l61lO) 1. Nauchnyye sotrudniki, Alupkinskogo dvortsa - muzeya. (for all except Fisenka, Garmash). (Alupka--Guidebooks) DOTSPENKO, A.P., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; TKACHE24KO, A.A.; DOSTIN, Yu.V.; YURGENSON, Ye.I., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; YABLONSKIY, L.I.; GARUASH, P., red. [Forest reserves of the Crimea] V zapovednykh lesakh Kryma. Simferopol', Krymizdat, 1963. 1 v. (MIRA 17:6) V'.,, inah.; SAMAROV, S., inah.; SUBBOTIN, L, inzh.; CHEREMM, YO#, in7.h.; KARUW. B.7 inzh.; RASSHCHEPKIN,, 7.-, in2h.; BORISOV. .4 T., iuzh.; FEREFELITSPI, Nesinzhq. GARMASH, V., inzh.;, GOLOVMA., V., inzh. New developments in building practice. Na stroi. Ros. 4 no.1:7,11,,14,18, -@6,30 Ja 163. (WRA 16:3) (Building-Technological innovations) G ri F, N M'5 H USSR/Electricity -- Communications FD-2634 Card 1/1 Pub. 41-20/21 Author Garmash, V. A. Title Seminar of the laboratory for the development of scientific problems of wire communications of the Academy of Sciences-USSR Periodical Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 4, 158-159, Apr 1955 Abstract Presents short summaries of reports submitted to the seminar held by the subject laboratory. Subjects covered include: the theory of the diffusion of electromagnetic energy along communication lines, investigation of methods for automatizing inter-city telephone networks, investigation of methods for joining telephone stations, correction of distortions in photo- telegraphic signals, etc. Institution Submitted GARKASH, V.A.. Quantization of signals having uneven pulse spacing. ItlektrosTi&21 11 no-10:11-13 0 157. (KIRA 10:10) (Telecommunication) 0 /1 F, M /I J), V @.I AUTHORt GALITSKAYA,E,I-j GARYASH,V.A., LEBED.EV,D.S. PA - 2824 lc@ @-ITLE: The Analytical C ii for the Statistical knalygis of mpute@ Television Communicatiohe. (Primeneniye schetno - analitichaskikh mashin dlya statisticheskogo analiza televizionnykh soobahchaniye Russian) PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika, 1957# Vol 12, Nr 3, PP 53 - 56 (U.S.S.R Receivedt 5 / 1957 Reviewed, 6 / 1957 ABSTRACT: Work in the case of the statistical analysis of an image is divided into two partas The quantization and writing down of the values of the brightness coefficient of some elements on an intermediate member as which the standard telegraphy perforated band is used, the transmission of data from the perforated band to the perforated cards and evaluation of cards by means of analytic computers. A block scheme, which had been developed by one of the authors, is described. This serges for writing down the values of the b right- ness coefficient of the image elements. The possibility is shown how to obtain multidimensional functions of the probability of a distribution of brightness graduation of a television communicatian by means of analytical computers. As communication, sections of A cinema films were used. A onedimensional function for the distribution of probability, a correlation function, and the entropy value com- C. puted according to a twodimensional function of the probability Card 1/2 distribution are shown for two images. The method of investigation INFORMATION THEORY MXGRAFHY "Possibility of Increasing the Speed of Transmission of Telegraph Messa- ges", by D.S. Lebedev and V.A. Garmash, Blektrosvyazl, No 1, January 1958, pp 68-69. The possibility of increasing the speed of transmission of telegraph messages is examined, using the statistics of three-latter combinations as found in the Russian language. Reference is made to Shannon's "Prediction and Entropy of Printed English" Bell System Technical Journal, Vol 30, No 1, 1951- Card 1/1 SOV/106-58-9-1/17 AUTffoRS:__qqjm&ah,-3L,@ and Kirillov, N.Ye. TITLE. The Coding of a Sequence of Two Independent Symbols (Kodirovaniye posledovatel@nosti iz dvukh nezavisimykh simvolov) PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, 1958, Nr 9, Pp 3-6,(USSR) ABSTRACT: The general pro'blem is of interest in "bipolar" signalling, e.g. in sending black-and-white pictures, Effective coding requires that the sequence be grouped N symbols at a time.and Table 1 shows the effect of sending such groups by Shannon-Fano coding (Ref 1). It will be seen that the method is only useful when N is greater than 10. The technology needed to do this is complicated and a large code book is required. A method suggested by Shannon * (Ref 1) can,be carried out rather simply and does not need a large storage capacity. 'Sy dfv1dtng 'thle -s7etjueneb 'in Fig 1 consisting of symbols 0 and 1 into groups of k + 1 symbols)starting with the symbol 1 and consisting further ot h sequence of It zeros up to the next 1 symbol. Unity is indicated by a combination of m binary symbols, The Card 1/3 number k is represented in binary notation but excludes soMo6/56-O.-1/17 The Coding of a Sequence of Two Independent Symbols that denoting unity. The effectiveness of the coding is given by (1) where p is the probability of occurrence of a zero) H is the entropy of the coded sequence, 2 is the mean length of a group, 1; is the mean number of binary symbols in the coded group. H is given by (2). The prob-ability distribution, according to Ref 3 is (3), the mean l6ngth 7 is (4) and Eis (5). Using (3) and the expression for-the sum of a finite number of terms in a geometric p;ogre'ssion (1) becomes (7). Numerical values of effectiveness are given in Table 2 against p and m. For m equal to 2, 3 and L@ the effectiveness is greater than 0.83 for p between 0.5 and 0,99. Elias (Ref 2) has put forward another method of coding and the corresponding lower limit to the effectiveness is 0.79. The rather higher effectiveness of the Shannon's method is explained by the use of,.a rather shorter mean coded length. Figs 3 and 4 are co,do trees for the two methods. Shannon's method Card 2/3 SOV/106-58-0-1/17 The Coding of a Sequence of Two Independent Symbols ' requires 34 binary symbols7 Elias's, 42, The author thanks Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, A.A. Kharkevich and Professor E.L. Bloldi for advice and assistance. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 3 references, two of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 31, 1958 Card 3/3 GARMASH, V. A.: Master Tech Sci (diss) -- "Investigation of the statistics of signals and messages and methods of statistical codirig". Moscow., 1959. 8 pp (Min Co=unications Ti'S.9R, Moscow Electrical Engineering Inst of Communications), 150 coDies My No 15, 1959, 116) GAR,ItASH, V.A. - KIRILWV. II.Ya. Experimental Invnntlestion of the atatistics of facsimiln com- municatinno.'k-oly-, radlotek-h.i elektron. no.l: -37-4? '59. -- - (HIRA 12:10) 1. Laborixtnriya po raisrabotke naxirhnykli pro@lnm prnvndnoy nvyad AN SSSR. I . (Facillmil; tranamianinn) 6(0) PILASE I BOOK RM.01TATION 30V/27 92 ku-4esslys nAuk RIM . LaboratOrlya SLAtam persdAchl. informatalL P-Oblemy porsdachl Informatsli, vyp. 2 (Problems of Information Transfer, Nr. 2) F,2soow# lid-yo AN SSZA, 1959. 99 p. Errate allp Inserted. 2,000 copies printed. zd. or Publishing Houses YO.K. Vi"IthenkOl T60h. Ed.$ YU. itylinaj IdLtorima Boards P.A. Khark.vioh (Romp. Md.). V.N Z=notaovv 1,A. Owsayeviche Y.N. Ro"naklyt and V.Q. Solomonov. PURYGM This collection of articles nail be useful to engineers engaged in the design or wLrQ cossmunloatLan systems. U-1 -7> C07XMA41a The authors discuss the theory of transmission or inror- matlon and describe mothods used In transaLmaLon. They conotdar ettenuAtIon of a two-vim line and cable Impedance and discuss problems of coding, decodLng And predicting COMMUnIcAtIon ala- saaIs. They also consider statistical Lnayaia or information &nd discuss systems used. No personalities Are mentioned. The LOAAt Xrror and the Best Method of TranssattLng a-Muz-- orication With Linear Coding and Decoding for the Coca Of CAUZZI&A COVMMLn1CAtIOn Channels 40 'JU& author derives a functional oxprassing the swan-square error of trastamalssion And obtains the beat method of transmit. %1iLg; Information, with linear coding and decoding, by Gaussian sommunleatlen ch&=GIs;,)Thora are 3 reremnc*a, all Soviet (includ I na 3, tranclati Some Problem or Predication Of CosamussLeation 49 T2w author dLocusoes problems of constructing circuits for a.-gnal prediction And &may"& their operation under near- actual operating condLtion3. He also presents an exx--ple of extrapolating a speech *I mal. There are 11 mror-nces3 6 9 Sayl.1; (Including I translation) and 5 English. Moshkovsklyp X.A. 30m Problems of the Theory Of Coding 57 fie a the pr-Inciple of cossitructInS, analyzing And COMPArIng or codes. There are 5 rerarencoas 3 Soviet 2 Zr4LlLah. Rethods of Using Putichod-CArd ComputIng Machines -rF`r-3-t-&-t1-&-t-La-&I ZnforrAtLon Analysia The author shows the &dyantago of punch@d-canl computing ass. chinos over other types of oc=puters for statistical aruayale or iLssrozsnation. He also discusses methods or using these Am- chinos. Thom are 3 references, gal Soviet. ka1sAd--v-D,4, Device ror printing res,.. on Pussohed Tape The Author describes A davIce for Printing 1=900 On PunChed t&P*- The device is used in the study of statistics of telo- nalon Information. It converts A Continuous RIVsal obtain.4 LA scanning a notion pictu" into a sequence of binary nu@ bwra. Them are 2 rarerencooo both Soviet. -r And V A Statistical Analysis of Three- E-Huadlan text The authors present mathoda And "suits of a study or rre- qusnCY or threa-lett.r combinations or A )tunalan teyt and do_ tOrILLOO the rat* or tran-Lanion or tolust-aph information. There "*A 3 rerorences; 1 Soviet and 2 English. SOL !!jT;;R2Y--1rG;.Z@rs In th* Synthesis or Characteristic& Author hoomtLeal Proof or the possibility Or @7nth6aIzI%eefthzA0r:at0rI&t:Lcs and analyxaa the Irror of ------ 9773th-sin by @Waar d 1 1 atom. Thom or. 5 t1on of a Time Xquailzor determining delay tLma or ctorlatIc of a cowsounja&- Of equalizer distortions. ttenuation oharacterlittla spectrum. There are 9 65 T3 78 92 AUTHOR: Garmash V.A. SOV/106-59-2-1/11 TITLE: A Method for the Construction of an Optimum Binax Code (Sposob postroyeniya optimallnogo dvoichnogo koda5 PERIODICAL: ElektrosvyazI, 1959, Nr 2, pp 3 - ? (USSR) ABSTRACT: After briefly recounting the work of Shannon, rano and Huffman (Refs, 1. 4, 5) on minimum redundancy codes, i.e. @odes in which the length of the code combination is inversely proportional to the probability of occurrence of the message and in which message separation signals are unnecessary, the author describes a method for the con- ,struction of such a code. All the messages of the set are arr.anged in order of decreasing probability (xl, X2, ... ..Xn-11 Xn) and the necessary number of bina y symbols and the code combination of each message are determined by construction of a geometric, branching "tree" (Figure 1). From the initial point A, the apex, a pyramid is constructed by successive branching. h1ovement along a link to the left is denoted by one and to the right by zero. A complete code tree is obtained by successive branching from all the apexes. After k successive steps, the k th "level" is Cardl/3 formed by the apexes. SOV/106-59-2-1/11 A Method for the Construction of an Optimum Binar7 Code if, for the x.-l message, m n-l symbols are required (the least probable message also uses m n-l symbols), then any particular code combination on the m n-l level is chosen for the xn_l message. For the Xn message, the code combination differing from the code combination for the Xn-l message only in the last symbol is used. This latter combination lies alongside the previous combination and has a common apex with it. Those code combinations which lie at the apexes encountered on the path from the x n (or from xn_,) message combinations to the apex A cannot be used for any of the remaining n-2 messages. For the x n-2 message, the code combination is chosen which lies at the apex, movement from which to the apex A involves the greatest number of common links with the previously chosen code combinations. This process is repeated until all the messages have been allotted code combinations. This then is Card2/3 SOV/106-59-2-1/11 A Method for the Construction of an Optimum binary Code an optimum binary code for that set of messages. The procedure is illustrated by an example (Figure 2 and Table 1). The method is then generalised to code combinations having alphabets of more than two symbols (Figure 3 and Table 2). CorreSDonding Member of the Ac.Sc.Ukrainian SSR A.A. Kharkevich and Professor E.L. Blokh advised the author in this work. There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 4 English. SUBMITTED: September 13, 1958 Card 3/3 GARMASH V.A. Methods of application of punched card machines in the analysis of communication statistics. Probl.pered.inform. no.2:65-72 '59- Oia 12:1,1) (Electronic calculating machines) (Telecommunication--Tables, calculations, etc.) PHASE I BOOK M(PLOITATION SOV/4480 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Gaboratoriya sistem peredachi informataii Problemy peredachi informatsii, VYP- 5: Statisticheskoye kodirovaniye (Problems in the Transmission of Information, No- 5: Statistical Coding) Moscowj 1960. 125 P- 4,000 copies printed. Resp. Eds. for this volume: E.L. Blokh (Rasp. Ed.), and V.G. Solamonov (Deputy Resp. Ed.); Ed. of Publishing House: G.Yu. Shteynbok; Tech. Ed.: O.G. Ullyanova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for readers.interested in systems and methods of coding. COVERAGE: This collectivr. of 14 articles on statistical coding vritten by staffinem- bers of the Laboratoriya sisten peredachi informatsii Akademii Mauk SSSR(Laboratorry of Information Transmission Systems of the AcadaW of Sciences USSR). Thp articles vere presented as lectures and discussed at-the-enlarged-session of the Scien- tific Council of the Laboratory. , April 16 and 17, 1959- No persons.3-ities are men- tioned. References accompany 1j of the wticles. Problems in the Transmission (Cont.) SOV/wO TABLE OF CONTENTS: Blokh., E.L. Introduction 3 'Garmash. V.A., and N-Ye. Kirillov. On the Effectiveness of Coding by the I �h-'annon-Mi@ffi-o& 9 Blokh., E.L. On the Transmission of a Binary Sequence by a Uniform Code 12 Kirillov, N-Ye. Statistical Coding of Camunications When Transmitting in Weak Noise Conditions 23 Lebedev, D.S. Statistical Matching While There am Strong Interelement Probability Connections 32 Kirillov, N.Ye. On Cue Use of Multiprogran Codes for Statistical Coding 35 Pebedevi, D.S. Statistical Matching by Transmitting the Position (Coordinates) of Raze Symbols 47 Blokh, E.L. Consecutive Codings Cardrk/'@-- 55 Prdb@ems in the Tran.smission (Cont.) SOV/1MO Kirillov, N.Ye. Elastic Delay in Statistical Coding Systems 69 -@'@armash, V.A. On the Transmission of Telephotographic Camunications by Statistical Coding 75 Makhonin, V.A. A System for Partial Statistical Matching by Transformation of Durations 83 Meshkovskiy, K.A. A Statistically Interference-Suppressing Coding 87 Blokh, E.L. Gener&Uzation of an InequiLlIty In the Information Theory for the Case of Signitl of Different Durations 95 Blokh, E*L. Construction of the Optiam Code Made.of Elementary Symbols of Different Durations 100 -@@armash, V.A.,, N. Ye. Kirillov, and D.S. rAbedev. Experimental Investigation of Statistical Properties of Cammunication Sources 112 LEBEDEV. D.S,; Q&R W H, V.A. I- Statistical analysis of a three-letter combination of Russian text. Probl.pered.inform. no.2:7840 159. (MIRA 12:11) (Information theory) (Mathematical atutiaticu) e< AUT11OR: Garmash, V. A. 03hO S/044/62/000/011/062/064 A060/AOOO TITLE: Method of applying computers to the statistical analysis of messages NMODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 11, 1962, 711, abstract 11V413 (1n collection: "Probl. peredachi informatsii". no'. 2. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1959, 65 - 72) 'VKXT: Using the example of an analysis of a message consisting of 100 thousand elements taking 8 discrete values, four variants of the statl3tical anaLyr -element combinations by .Is of frequencies of occurrence of dirferent-four the use ot' digital computers are analyzed: 1.* From the punched tape on which the message is recorded each punched card is loaded with only one combination of four elements by a fourfold passage or the punched tape with a one-element shift every time. The total deck of cards is equal in number to the number of elements investigated, i. e. 100,000. After four passes of oards through a sorting machine and a pass through the tabulator the finished result is obtained. Card 1/3 6/044/6?jcOo/o I 1A62/064 Method of applying computers to the ... Ao6O/AOOC 2. Prom tho punchec! tape one fills successively all the ',@O colu'.1int; of evory pun.--hed card, and '%,he deck of 1,250 catnis is sorted according to all possible four-element combinations of neighboring elements. The result A-5 transferrec: to *remporary pUnCh&". cards (the deck of which can exceed the basic deck by ,., facLor of 77 in nu,-@,.ber), from which the finlal result is caLculated. This va- riant is not recommended on account of the great probability of error. The dat@l are transferred Vrom the punched tape onto 1,250 cards, filling up all the 80 colunins on each card. Then by a 77-fold pass through the reprcducer one ob- tains the four-element cards and from then on proceeds as in variant 1. 11, An optimal number of columns of each punched card is used (in the example analyzed - 7), which sharply reduces the size of the card deck (the method of calculat- ing the optimal number of columns is given). This variant is a combination of the first and second variants. It is the most optimal and it is expedient to use it in the statistical analysis 6f messages. M. I. Grinev (Abstracter's note: Complete translationj Card 2/3 . s/o4Jt/62/ooo/o11/o6P,/o64 Method of applying computers to the ... A06OIA000 Variant No. Processing time for one subject (In hours) i Number of punched cards per subject (in thousands) Number of punched cards per subject in mass-processing of subdects (in thousands) _ 92 100 5 2 3 53.5 100-75 6.3 4o 43.515 11-83 Card 3/3 S/024/60/000/03/025/028 Ei4o/E463 AUTHORS: Garmash, V.A., Pereverzev-Orlov, V.S. and Tsxrlxn, v h.. (M. TITLE: On a Quasi-Topological Method of Character Recognition PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1960, Nr 3, pp 180-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Alphabetical and numerical characters may be codedN by tracing their outlines and determining their topological features. In the present communication only the external outline is traced (the article concerns the Russian alphabet but an example in the Latin alphabet where this assumption would be significant would be the letter Q where the part of the tail inside the body of letter would be omitted). The coding consists of noting the number of branches emerging from each node (in the letter I there are 2 nodes with one branch each, in the letter A there are 4 nodes with 1, 3, 3, 1 branches respectively (neglecting serifs)l Depending on the node at which the scanning procedure is commenced, the code obtained will have a cyclical permutation. Further, Card 1/2 several letters may have the same code, eg T and Y. S/024/60/000/03/025/028 E140/E463 On a Quasi-Topological Method of Character Recognition However, assuming the characters to be distributed as in a normal printed page, starting the scan at the same relative position in each character, the number of characters with identical codes is reduced because the cyclical permutations are ignored and a single code is obtained for each letter. However, neglecting the cyclical permutations is the reason why this procedure is called quasi-topological rather than topological. There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 5 references, 3 of which are English, 1 German and 1 Soviet. SUBMITTED: January 6, 1960 Card 2/2 GARMASH, V.A.; KIRILLOV, N.Te. Iffectiveness of Shannon's coding method. Probl.pered. inform. no.5:9-11 160. (MIRA 13:7) theory) (Information GAMASH, V.A. Transmission of phototelegraph communications by use of statistical coding. Probl.pered.inform. no-5:75-82 160. (KM 13:7) (Information theory) (Phototelograplw) GARMASH, V.A.; KIRILWY, Me.; LIBFMV, D.S. Experimental investigation of statistical properties of communication sources. Probl.pered.inform. no-5:112-122 16o. (MIR& 13:7) (Information tbeory) 1% 83910 S/108/60/015/010/003/008 ?000 B012/3060 KUTHORt Garmash# V. A., Active Member of the.Society TITLEt li-nimal Description by Program Scanning PERIODICALt Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol. 15, No- 10, pp. 17-20 TEXT: Problems concerning the minimal representation of any black and white images for their automatic identificationgare studied here. The problem is that of identifying images by-one of the possible standard images previously stored in the -memoryNhhe problem of minimal representa- tion of images consists in finding =te minimal number of characteristics, the checking of which is sufficient to identify the respective images. A particular program scanning is proposed for minimal representation. In V, this method, the examination of every element depends on the value of the preceding element. The method of determining the sequence of cell elements with the largest information is described. An illustrative example is added. It is pointed out that the method of minimal representa- tion can be extended also to the case where images with m-gradations are submitted for identification. The author thanks A. A. Kharkevich. C Card 1/2 0 AUTHORS: Garmash, V,A, 2@221 S/194/61/000/005/062/078 D201/D303 Igel'nik, B.M. and Kacherovich, Ya.A. TITLE: Information coding by means of a uniform statisti- cal code PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 5, 1961, 3, abstract 5 135 (Tr. uchebn. in-tov svyazi. M-vo svyazi SSSR, 1960, no, 1, 17-24) TEXT: Two methods are considered of increasing the quantity of information from the point of view of statistical structure. The first method relates to the transmission of a set of information a,, a2, '100 an, in which there exists one information a with a high probability of occurrence with a low probability o@ all other informations. It is proposed in this case to split the resulting sequence of information into groups consisting of: 0, 1, 2, ... k-1 informations ai and one of one information at (I - 1, 2... n,, -j Xj) or of k informations aj. To all possible N . k (n-1) + I groups Card 1/2 LA@( 28221 S/19 61/000/005/062/078 Information coding... D201YD303 the relative code combinations of the (1092 N) - digit binary code are arranged which are the results of coding, The second method of coding is related to the transmission of a sequence of informa- tion, containing one low probability information with a relatively high probability of all remaining information. The efficiency of the proposed methods of coding is discussed (the symbol (x) in the article denotes the smallest whole number in excess of x) Cmstrac- ter's note: Complete translation_7 A Ix Card 2/2 S/03 60/000/009/009/016 B021YBo66 AUTHOR. Garmash, V. A. Candidate of Technical Sciences '.-0 1 '-V4-'xVA3 TITLE: Seminar on Reading Devices PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960P No. 9, ppi 103-104 YA TEXT: The Sektbiya kiberneticheskikh mashin Nauchnogo soveta po kibernetike Akademii nauk SSSR Cpe@@tLc@n of Cy:terneti"achines of the Ocientific gouncil for Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) organized a seminar on pat ern recognition devicLat4,n June 13 - 14, 1960, Work was carried out under participation or insfIfutions of Moscow and other cities, which carried out research work in this field. At the Vychislitellnyy tsentr Akademii nauk USSR (ComputinE Center of the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR) models of automatic reading machines are be - out by V. M. Glushkov and V. A. Kovalevskiy. At the Odesskiy elektrotekh- nicheskly institutsyyazi (Caessa Elect-r-oTechnical Institute of Communica- tions a reading device is being worked out by A.-t D. Krisilov. Moreover, the following lectures were deliveredi V. M Tse@:il_n ------ _t_he__q'u-a'si -top o- Card 1/2 Seminar on Reading Devices S/030/60/000/009/009/016 BD21 /B056 logical method of letter recognition, for which purpose the contro' device M4 worked out at the Laboratoriya. sistem peredachi informatsii Akade ii nauk SSSR (Laboratory for Systems of Information Transmission-of the Academy of Sciences, USSR2 may be used; A. 0. Vitushkin - on his prin-61ple or selectingcharacteristic features of letters; E. M. Braverman - the method of"training" the machine, which is being inv@stig@te`d--a=e Institut %vtomatiki i telemekhaniki Akademii nauk SSSR Institute of Automation and -Telemechanics of the Academy of Scienceg. USSR , by means of an operator; V. S, Fayn - the problem of identifying a spatial object, Card 2/2 25757 (0006 S/024/61/ooo/ool/oli/o14 E035/ElI7 AUTHORS: Garmash, V.A., Pereverzev-Orlov, V.S., and -Tialr-11n, V.M (Moscow) TITLE: A Device for Scanning the Edges of Patterns PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheakikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1961, No.1, pp. 166-170 TEXT: The logic of many pattern recognition systems uses information about the edge of a pattern. Although this infor- mation can be derived from a systematic scan in two perpendicular directions, it is much more convenient to obtain it from a device@. which scans the edge of the pattern directly. The two main problems which arise in a scanner of this kind are: 1) the problem of assuring that the position of the scanning spot on the border of the pattern is stable; and 2) the problem of making the spot follow the border in a predetermined direction. These two problems can theoretically be solved as follows. The spot is caused to move in a small circle, which intersects the border of the pattern. Each time that the spot crosses the border - say from white to black, the centre of the small scanning circle is Card 1/ 5 25757 S/024/61/ooo/ool/oll/o14 E035/EI17 A Device for Scanning the Edges of Patterns moved to the point where the intersection occurred. This will ensure that the scanning spot will follow the border in a predetermined direction and never move away from it. A block diagram of a system designed to carry out this type of scanning 4@ is shown in Fig.2. A sine-wave generator 1 drives a phase splitter 3 through a delay network 2. The phase splitter has two outputs with a 900 phase difference, which are eventually used to produce the small scanning circle. The sine-wave generator also drives another phase splitter 4, which is similar to 3. The outputs from 4 are gated by two lend gates' 5 and 6, and drive two integrators 7 and 8. The outputs of these two integrators are used to control the position of the spot on the screen of the scanning tube 11 through two amplifiers 9 and 10. A real image of the scanning tube screen is formed on the pattern being scanned, and a photomultiplier 12 is actuated by reflected light from this pattern. The output signal is amplified by a video-amplifier 13, and is supplied to a differentiator and pulse shaper 14. The output of 14 is a Card 2/ 5 25757 S/024/6i/ooo/ooi/oll/oA E035/EI17 A Device for Scanning the Edges of Patterns short rectangular pulse, which occurs whever the scanning spot passes from white to black. It is used to gate the instantaneous values of the basic driving waveforms to the integrators 7 and 8. The monitoring tube 15 is driven by the circuits in blocks 16 to 21, which operate in a very similar way to the ones which are used to drive the scanning tube. A variable delay 22 is introduced to allow the image on tube 15 to be rotated. The size of the scanning circle Is controlled by two rmplifiers 23 and 24. These amplifiers have a variable gain which in qr controlled by 25. The device uses mostly conventional tube circuitry. Two transistors are used in each of the gates. The scanner was tested with a basic frequency of 10 kc/s, a spot diameter of 0.4 mm and a scanning circle diameter of 1.5 mm, and a unit shift of the scanning circle of 0.5 mm. This led to a following speed of about 5 metres/sec. The scanner was well able to follow shapes substantially larger than the scanning circle. Shapes smaller than the scanning circle were detected as 'dots', the scanning circle positioning itself around them. The s6an Card 3/ 5