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t t Its., f jr To 1q.1-177h flog I Atli .! pa - j!-O"Ll s b I f K Ir De x t r Lne s Interaction between proteins and /1-dextrines with varlvine length of termlLnal molecular branches. Dokl. All 33111 36, 'lo. 1, 11052. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Dec-,mber 1952-A~W, Uncl. C4 Y 6 WA*4"S, 3 WZYM, 6 M1;T0kd. --~ ASM p ti ~m diffuse scatt Ing front specimens of IsIg tra 0b alnV sor~d on ftf~ in Stol I or I1tj() wem tit the adso bate to 37V to remove fh:. fi:u(toerreiseetc e 111ithilly has a bNe C. the a(isorbat color, which disappears on such heating. Tile sjKT imoiq were subjected to action of .0 or various org. solimms, atid the resultint spectra are showit. The res-ults clearly Ow-Y the some origin of both absorption and fluortsmuce qpoctra, When the vaporsof hig-kee: plithalocyanine are sil~AirlxA (tit MgO, and the adsorbates nre exlxm-d to 0, f1twrecetice tdoes not occur. Similarcipti. could not he run with chlo. tophyll owing to Its low order of stability ois MgO. lfo~%cver, repeated evacuation at 20, of adsorbates of chlorophyll tin MgOfrorn HtO gave specimens which displayed 2 witkning ~ 'of the main absorption max. its the direction of shurter wave 'lengths. while passage of 0 into such preg ivi. increased (tic Intensity of absorption in 025--&) mp regio:1 for fluore9ceilce and 620-40 for absorption spectra. Adsorption (if 11(011. 1340, or 1110 onto such specimens, folloi%ed by rvacuatioij, led todisappearanceof themain fluorescencL handand apj~ar- lance of a sharp max. at 648 ma, which corresponds to it niu-. of ON mp of the fluorescence spectrunt of the product of the dark process; In case of IIjO this max. gradually shifts to 671 m#. With hfg plithalocyanine the shift is to GM MIA. Generally under conditions which preclude total destructionof the mols.. the events obwrved with whoi-Fil, of chlorophyll am paralleled by those of Nlg _T /1-UH Ka Vr-S KI Y V~ Category: USrR / Illysical Chemistry Surface pbenomena. Adsorpticn. Chromatography. Ion exchanee. B-13 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, Ho 9, 19517, _30187 Author Gachkovekiy V. F. Inst IAMR-de-my-or sciences 'UssR Title Strv.cture of Adsorbates of Fagnesl_um Ilrthul,-cyanin cn MgO, A1403, Zn~), Glass and Their Fluorescence. Crig Pub: Dokl. AN 33SSR, 00, No 3, 4o8-41o Abstract: By means of the electron microscope a study was made of the distri- bution of magnesium phthalocyanin (I) at crystal faces z~f varicus sorbents (S). At S capable of actively combining with moleculea of 1, for example at MZO, AlO,, ZnO, a riCorcusly criunted adsorption takes place; shape of the particles is nct altered; I is not eluted into solution. ~n increase of the arcunt of adsorbate, following repeated consecutive adsorption, there is otserved the ~ccurence of Increased formations of conglomerated particles coated with the pigment. At this stage there is possible a desorption of I from the 3, o.r its sublimation in vacuum. At iractive S (glass-or Card 1/2 -6- PRIK"6r'KO. F 24(7) 3 ?"It Z I"LOITATZON 307/1365 L'v*y- (hUvorsytot "py*R.'chanly& P* BP*ktro*kopil. t. a,, 'I'LO"v*vkvu'yl'rrAy* Conforsnae on Spgatr,380 4-Y0 L'Vovskoo Lnlo DrLntel. (serless Itago lmdr-ta, Im. 499 py) I FI'YQM" abl Mk, ;;.4 C*O eopLes AdditIOWU kom"rl" '40~Yl Akad.2d" rAUk ". too, aely, spekt""OP"' LI-I User, S.L i Tech- Zd-s 34r PO LUtOrIal Boalq, tALM$t*rd 0 S* Acadovdel&n (,L&Mk. T.Y.; Weporent, 9-3., boator of k;;I.;l , 2p. M.- Decoam"), Pabolirsaki am PA yabjka" Yf I-L-, DOItOr of Phygl thloatleal 3010.1con. XarjLtgjL' A Dolt *11 aw pimthomatical so!.neen T or or Phy,loal &W pAt.,I*QAtjsAI CAMIdt. r "!'4t4 of 1'0-'LU-d4 Sciences, ftzakly, 3:x. camid Ptqmloai &M M&th-AmtIall 3,louc*a, Xllwvskly, L.X:. at* of nVG'ftl Ar.2 candidate of Wk-natleal 341*nGess mIllyanchuk, V.S. * -. C&Mldat* of-! " M4-10-tIcal A 'YO and Ola borww, Cazd 1/30 Physl*41 IrA Pkthesatical lolonesa.u TOIla4y*v, TU. A.. " Zlumj2Land A N aVaeuum C-UlAbir for U. I - - Shabadaah. *ter Inrr&rod Spgtro. C_pl.x Str..,.tu... " Xtur* 372 ilium SP-,t- UA nuorso ..... or ftt&l*ey&nLm &Q-4 Pdomphyll 372 Old X.N. 3olave" nko0 O.P I.M. Tom!,. A.N. SovabAM, am rhooph"M' 14*4tm SP*otra at chi '14 m*t44-d~rjvaUTas --ph7li Chsvkaaov. A.S. Urge% 375 Oft the Absoutlas spe, of aPaOM 6f %bstltuta Jbsa.dorl stra a:,d moreaderAe Or la voa of Anthrgono PlAkOllaht"n. A,Z,. V.I~. p&lkln,, .d a P. 381 Abs"6300 ftd#tra Ln the VItrarl taw maleggle, stmeture or TrIa Olet pAnge V4 RIJW D*Tlv&Uvgs 385 coot 24/30 j . ~7 , Itm ~- -, I ~ C-:, ,~ 77~ ? . . . Nature of elementary photoreactions in the chlorophyll [with summary in Inglishl. Biofizilm 2 no.6o.756-763 157. (HIM M12) 1. Ins'Atut bIokhIzII In. A,.W. Bakha. AN SSSR, Xoskva. (CHLOROPHM) (LIGHT-PHYSIOLOGICAL XFFBCT) AUTHORr-- Gaohkovskiy, V. 20-119-2-40/60 -TITLEj The Dleenpwy , of the Conoeptloh Of Two Forms of Chlorophyll - a Fluorescent and a Non-10luoreacent - With the Spectral Properties'of a Living Leaf Irkesootvetstviye kontseptsiy dvukh form khlorofilla (fluoirstairvushchey i nefluoreateiru,yushohey) spektralonym evoystvam zhivogo listA3 PERIODICAU Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol@ 119, Nr 2, PP# 333-335 (USSR)*"- ABSTRACTs The red shifting of the absorption and fluorescence spectra of chlorophyll in vivo is explained by several authors as the result of the aggregated state of its molecules in the leaf' cells. Inspite of the fact that the absorption spectrum in the molecule aggregation is shifted in the direction of long waves while the same spectrum of the living leaf shows a red shifting, the state of the chlorophyll molecules in both of these oases is not at all identical as has been insistingly maintained. According to the opinion of the author the concepts on the chlorophyll state in vivo are unoorrectly based on the first type of the shifting (ref. 1). Card 1/4 Moreover, the author gives a critical survey of the opinions The Discrepwcy of the Conception of Two Forms of 20-119.2-40/60 Chlorophyll a Fluorescent and a Non-Fluorescent - With the Spectral Properties of a Living Leaf in technical literature concerning this fact (ref. 1-6). According to this opinion the absorption bands of the aggregated non-fluorescent chlorophyll form should completely cover the not shifted fluorescence band of the moncmer active form in the plant (fig. 18). If it is assumed that a part of the band in not filtered (fig. 1A), the 2nd side maximum of the fluorescence of the monomer form should be in the range of the spectrum corresponding to the molecular solutions, that is at 720 1 and 2) the distance between the axes of the abo6rption and and the bands of the "apparent" main maximum of fluorescence should be decreased (fig. 1 a, quantity 0). However, in nature neither the first nor the second happens. From the following it can be seen that the spectral properties of chlorophyll in the living leaf do not correspond to the abovo poi`ntsj The correctness of the rule of reflecting symmotry was proved for complicated spectra of the chloropbyll and of magnesium phth'alocyanine having oscillating structure (ref. 5-8). This rule is also valid after Card 214 various changes of the absorption spectra which take place The Disarepancy of the Conception of Two Forma of 20-119-2 -40160 Chloropbyll a Fluorescent and a Non-Fluorescent - With the Spectral Proportiee of a Living Leaf duo to chemical conversions of the magnesium complexes in tho molecules of these dyes (ref. 6). Thus, all fluorescence bands caused by a red shifting of the absorption spectrum aro shifted as a uniform whole in the direction of the long waves at the red shifting of the fluorescence band. This holds good for the whole extent also for the red shifting of the fluorescence spectrum of chlorophyll in vivo (with Hibiscus ross, chinensis, fig. 2, moreover, ref. 4, as oompared to the data of tab. 1). These data show that the position of the main maximum of fluorescence in chlorophyll in vivo can be determined with sufficient preciseness according to the position of its side maximum G--.738 MA ref. 10). The "red shifting" of the latter re-Plects an aotual."red shifting" of the main maximum in vilro. Thus, the shifting of the fluorescence spectrum in the living leaf in the red direction cannot be explained by an apparent shifting caused by a filtering effect. Since the fluorescence spectrum is connected with the Card 3/4 ab3orption spectrum by the rule of mirror symmetry the i-"-01-8-crepancy ~ of the Conception of Two Forms of 20-119-2-40/60 Chloropkqll a Fluorescent and a Non-Fluorescent - With the Spectral Properties of a Living Leaf latter does not reflect the aggregated but the mono- molecular state of chlorophyll in living leaf. Thus, the spectral properties of chlorophyll in vivo and in vitro make possible the determination of the monomoleoular dititribution of the chlorophyll molecules in the leaf cells of plants. Therefore, the concept of the "2 chlorophyll foxms" has to be refused. This holds also for that of the "3 chlorophyll forms". There are 2 figures, I table, and 12 referencess 5 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATIONs Institut biokhimii im. A. N. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh,,AS USSR) PRESENTED: June 18, 1956, by V. X. Kondratlyev, Member, Academy of Sciences AS 'USSR SUBMITTED: January 4, 1957 Card 4/4 GAGHMVSXIY,,,Y,.- .-I - /". DiscreoAmy between conception assuming two forms of chlorophyll (fluorescent and nonfluorescent) and the spectrnl properties of live lanvos. Dokl. AN SSSR 119 no.2:313-335 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Ingtitut biokhimii im. A.N. BRkhR AN SSSR. Predstnvleno nknde-nikom V.Ni Kondrntlyevym. (CRWROPHYLL--SPECTRA) (LRAVr.S) ftuorescence spectra of photoreduced forms of chlorophyll and pheophytin [with summFkry In English]. Biofizika 4 no.1:19-26 Ja 159. (KIRA 12:1) 1. InBtitut blokhimii im. A.N. Bakha AN SSSR, Moskva. (CHU)ROPHYLL, fluorescence spectra of photoreduced forms of chlorophyll & pheophytin (Rus)) S/020 u'0/133/006/008/016 B004YBo64 AUTEM Gachkovskiy, V. F. TITLE: The Effect of the iolecular Weight on the Luminescence of High-molecular Compounds PERIODICALj Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 6, PP. 1358-1360 TEXTt The author reports on a qualitati analysis of the fluorescence spectra of polymers. Polyphenylacet lene, PO Y-p-carboxy phenyl methaeTylamide, polystyren 1polymethacrylat 4a9 well as amino acids, desoxy:ribonucleic acid, and ribonucleic acid were analyzed. The f luoreacence excited with a 1TPK -2 (PRK-2) lamp and a W -4 (UFS-4) light filter, was recorded on "Paninfra" plates by means of a spectro- graph, and the apectrum was measured with an MO -4 (MF-4) microphotometer. Fig. 1 (insert after p. 1332) shows the fluorescence spectra of some of the compoundfj mentioned. The author notes the similarity of the structures of these spectra, which is particularly marked in compounds with ecinjugate double bonds. The spectra are continuous in the range of Card 1/3 The Effect of the Molecular Weight on the S/020~60/133/006/008/016 Luminescence of High-molecular Compounds B004/ 064 300 - 700 mp , with constant maxima in the red range and a broad diffuse peak In the bliio-violet range. From the change in the spectra of poly- phenylacetyleno) with rising molecular weight (1100, 1300, 1500) as shown in Fig. 2, the author concludes that it Is possible to determine the molecular weight of polymers in the solid state on the basis of fluorescence spectra. The changes consist in a bathochromic shift, in a V/ decrease of i-n-.ensity of the broad blue-violet band, and in an increase of the intensi-y of the red band with rising molecular weight., The total light in-ensity of the fluorescence spectrum decreases with increasing molocular weight. The spectra of polystyrene (Fig- 3) with molecular weights of 300,000; 250,000; and 180,000 show the same behavior. The author thanks Id. 1. Cherkashin and 0. G. Sellskaya.for.the polyphenylacetylene samples placed at his~dispoval, and P.Yu.Butyagin, A. M. Dubinakkja and 1. 0. Kolbanev for polystyrene samples. There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 2/3 The Effect of the 1,11olecular Weight on the "0/020/60/133/006/006/'016 Lunin:?scence of High-molecular Compounds B004/1,306,1 PRESi;:'.%D: April 14, 1960, by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBUNTEDs April 5, ig6o I L/ Card !,13 S102 62/143/001/025/030 B101YB147 A UTH OR Gachkoys iy, V. F. TITL7: Universal fluorescence spectra of polymers :'~-R L)D 1 CA L: Aka-lemiya nank SSSR. Doklady, v. 143, no. 1, 1962, 50 - 152 T.-I'X? :The quantitative examination of the spectra (Fig. 1) was conducted with an 1,"-73 (IS" - 73) sensitometer. The* spectra are aosumed to reach into the near infrared, an asnumption being studied at present. The a-,parent "shift" of the maxima toward longer waves with increasing molecul,.r 7,eight is caused by a change in the intensity distribution in non-renolved fluorescence bands (e. g. of the 450 m, maximum). Solution of this problem with an apparatus of higher resolution is neceZaary. Chain elongation shifts the m3ximum intensity toward longer zaves %ithout affecting the bands. Thus, not the energy, but only the intensity of electron transfers changes. There are 1 figure and 1 Soviet- reference. Card la S/020/62/143/001/025/030 Universal fluorescence ... B101/B147 - ASSOCIATION: Institut khicicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR .(Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRES~MTED: October 16, 1)61, by V. H. Kondratlyev, Academician SUB3',TTTE) : October 11, 1961 Fig. 1. Univer.,)al fluorescence spectra (in relative equienergetic units). N polyphenyl acet,,,,lcnc %ith average MY: (1) 1200; ?2) 1300; (3) 1500 slit 0.3 rrm, exposure 15(rlin); (61) polystyrenes, ZY: (1) 180.000; (2) 250-000; (5) 300-000 exposure 3 min); (:) poly-para-carbethoxy phenyl- -metbacryl ami,e, fractionate MIN: (1) 220.000; (2) 355-000; (3) 870-000 exposure 12 min); ('4) polyhexines, MW: (1) 8000 (exposure 24 min); 2) 80.000 (exposure 6o min). ~ Card 2/3 ACCESSION NRs AT4020715 S/0000/63/000/000/0253/0259 AUTHOR: Bendersklyp Vo A.; Kogan, B. Ya.; Gachkovskly, V, F.; Shlyapnikova, 1. A. TITLE: Electrical and magnetic properties of polymers with conjuga4ed bonds. 1. Polyphan)-lacetylen63. SOURCE: Karbotsapn avy*sokomolekuly*rny*ye soyedinonlya (Carbon-chain macro. molecular compounds sbornlk statay, Moscow, Ixd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 253-259 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, conjugated polymer, polymer electrical property, polymer magnetic property, polyphenylacetytene, paramagnetic resonance, phenylacetylene polymerization 's work Initiates a study of the nature of paramagentic centers, the ABSTRACT: Tht mechanisms of conductivity and the relationship between the two characteristics in conjugated polymers. The electron paramagentic resonance spectra, the electrical conductivity and the optical centers were Investigated In fract;ons of the product of thermal polymerization of phenylacetylene (atomic weight 670). The benzene- - and toluene-soluble fractions, with atomic w Ights ranging from 340 to 1870, were obtained by successive sedimentation. in A tests conducted In nitrogen at 90- a 2910-5 mm vacuum, a 975 kcps lKhF-2 paramagnetic resonance 370 K and, In part, In. AReFtrometer was used, The paramagnetic center concentration and the saturation Gird 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT1020715 factor determined from the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra, were found to' Increase as the molecular weight Increases. The duration TI of spin-lattice re- laxatlon and Its dependence on temperature were determined. The signal Intensity In unsaturated electron paramagnetic resonance absorption strictly follows the Curie law, the line center having the Lorentz form and the line wings being describ- ed by the Gaussian curve. A form analysis showed that a paramagnetic center con- tains at most 11 equivalent protons. It Is concluded that the paramagnetism of the polymers stems from small local centers rather than from molecules of the basic substance, the activation energy of dark conductivity Is independent of ff~olecular weight, and the carriers' birth results from the thermal Ionization of luminescent centers. "in conclusion, we would like to thank L. A. Blyt-menfelld for discussion of our work." OrIg. art. hasi 4 graphs and 14 formulas. ASSOCIATION: INSTITUT KHIMICHESKOY FIZIKI AN SSSR (institute of Chemical Physics, AN MR) SUBvdTTED,, I13JuI62 DATE ACQ: 20Mar64 ENCL: .00 No REF SOVs. 012 OTHER: 004. SUB CODE: Card _2/2 0" r n? 7~7 `77779 77~ T~ 7", 77 7 77 'FPRI'FWP(J)IF,FF(--.)IKW7(1)IF,WT(m)IBD,-q--AMr,IA-SD--PB-41pc-hlpr-4--!U~IWIf L 11216-63 YI? ,ACCISSION NR: AP3001630 3/0192/63/004/003/0424j(0432 77 AUTEOR: Gachkovskiy,, V. F. TITIE: - Universal gRqEtLqv= of polymers. lo Results of qualitative measurement SOULCE: Zhurral Btruk-turnoy khimii, v. 4, no. 3, 1963, 424-432 TOPIC TAGS: fluorescence of polymers, fluorescence spectra, polyphenylacetylenes, polypropylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl alcohol ABSIRACT: The fluorescence spectra of-the following polymers in solid state was in-vvstigated; polypherwlacetyleneali, polyhexene, poly-p-diethynylbensene, poly-p- pherylene,. poly-p-xTlylenep(tpoly-styrone~l:lpoligsEylonitrile,lpolym~t thacrylate, poly--o- and poly-p-carbethovphenylmethaceylamidee, polyproptlene 'jpolLeLhZlene, polyvinyl alcohol,jand polyvjMl chloride4 The universal characte of rescence spectF-awAs shown as well as the kndividuality of the dependence of the structural change of the fluorescence spectra on the degree of polymerization, This characteristic leads to the suggested method of detemining the molecular weight of polymers of a homologous series by displacement of the blue-violet bands of the fluorescence spectra, or by changing their intensity. "The author expresses Card 1/2 11216-63 ACCE33ION NR: AP3001630 approciation to Me Is Cherkashin, 0. 0. Sel'skayat A. A. Slinkin, Me Go Krakovyak, iL-L'--K-0P?A-nGv, F. Tu.- Butzw , -No i.-Ts-y;Tkoya 29-y- I and 1.2 ~-~ fdr their gracious provision of Pol er samples, and to A. M. Dubin3kaya and Re Re Filatova for ultrasonic degradatio f polyacrylonitrile-T. 1-1 --N conclusion, Ahe autheFr-expres3ts deep appreciatio to ~. No Semenoy for permitting the execution of this work ard to L. A.- Blumenfeltd for constant interest in it~" Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheakoy fiziki. AN SSW (Institute of Chemical. Physicss AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: O4May62 DATE ACQ: OlJul63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 005 C-,d 2/2 ......... . .. ........ .. .. 1-L 61647-65 W(DIVEMOIFUTWIT- PC-44/pr-4 Irm WCCESS W-NR: AP5015597 MV0062/65/000/005/0932/0933 541.67+547,672 AUTHOR: ~alikoy V. F.; Cafurovo.Kh. CachkovskiX. V. F.; Parini, V. P.; Blyumenfall, L. _,.A. A. TITLE: Effect of Paramagnetic centers on some of the physical properties of anthracene -I-SCYURCEi.--AI4-SSSR.--Tzvestiya-i-Serlya-khimicheskayef,,-noo-5, 1J65y--93Z-933---_____ TOPIC TAGS: &nthreceqe, paramagnetic resonance,'electron spin resonance, fluorss-~ cence, photoconductivity ABSTRACI: It has been shown earlier-that the presence of locaI netic centers affects the chemical behavior of compounds with conlugated bondsT,particularly ',beir reactivity (effect of local activation). the authors found that the pre- i oence of magnetic centers also has a considerable effect on the physical proper. tlea of ouch compounds. The soluble paramagnetic fraction (MW-1000, ESR signal intensity 2.6 x 1018 spLn/g) separated from the thermolysis products of anthra- cene was introduced into anthracene purified by tone melting. Samples of anchra- cenG do;ed in this manner contained paramagnetic centers in concentrations- of Cord 1/2 L 61647-55 ACCESSIC'N NR: AP5015597 10 17 11 1 10 -10 spin/g, which corresponds to one unpaired spin for 10 W anthracene molecules.- In all samplea,-Iight-excited fluorescence and the kinetics of-the photoconductivity drop were studied. The relationships obtained indicate that both effects are -lue to the same impurity centers. The character of these re- lationabipe changes in the range of paramagnetic center concentrations from L011- 5 x 1012 spLn/g. ASSOCU110ti: Institut khimicheskay fitik:E Akademii nauk SSSR (rhatitute of Chemical Mysics, Academy of Sciences, SSSR) SUMMID: l5Peb$5 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC., N 140 W ISPON"t, 001 4 Card 2/111 arm: 000 L 113T.-M. EWT(m)/EPF(c)/W(J)/T WW/P?4 ACCESSION N11: AP50216806~, UR/0192/65/006/004/0649/9511 5 41. 6 7 AUTHOR: Gafurov, Kh. M.; Mulikov, V. F. Gachkovskly, V. F. ; Parini, V. P. AtEjLn~ A1 men P Id. L.__ A. 4EX. TITLE: 'Effect 6f local %romignetic cei)ters on the optical and photoelectric pro- perties of anthracene SOURCE: Zhur-W Moy khimii, v. 6, no. 4, 1965, 649-651 TOPIC TAGS: anthracene, paramagnetism, pyrolysis, optic property, photo- electric property ABs,rRACT: Soluble products.of the pyrolysis of anthracene at 450C were sub- jected to thin layer chromatography on aluminum oxide and the fraction with a mean molecular weight of approximately 1000 was separated out. The intensity of! the signal in the temperature interval from - 15C to 25C obeyed Curie's law. The width of the sypimetrical electron paramagnetic resonance line was about 6 oersteds. The elemental composition of the polymer fraction was: C - 92. 98%; H=5. 06%. The anthracene was purified by zone melting and was blended with the polyraer fraction by mixing benzene solutions of both components. After holding for two days, the solution was chilled and the benzene was eliminated in vacuum. Card 112 L 1137-M ACCESSION NR: AP5021680 The aamples were then evacuated for 8 hours at a vacuum of 10- 6 mm Hg. The electron spectra of the samples, taken in chloroform, were a superposition of the spectra of anthracene and the fraction with paramagnetic centers. Measure- ments of the fluorescence spectra and of the time characteristics of the decay of the photocurrent indicate that both of these quantitieB are extremely sensitive to i very small amounts of paramagnetic centers. The symbatic change'of the yields of fluorescence and photocurrent with a change in the concentration of paramag- netic centers permits the asoumption that these centers affect these character- istics by the same mechanism. Orig. art. has: 3 figures ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Lhyvics AN SSSR) 0 44b SUBM1TTED::i5Feb65 ENCL:'00 SUB CODE: 000,~QC NR IREF SOV: 020 OTHER: 001 Cdr GAFUROV, Kb.M.; MULIKOV, V.F.; GACIIK(-)VSKIY, V.-.; FARMT, V.P.; BFRLINp A.A,, BLYUMEEFELID) L.A. Effect of local paramagnetic ctzters on the opticO and photo- elect-ric properties of anthracene. Zhur. strukt. khim. 6 no. 4t 649-651 Jl-Ag 165 (MIEk 19:1) 1. Inotitut khimichoskoy fiziki AN SSSR. %hn-Itted Feb-uar7 15, 1965. WC-1 T4,2~~- GACHOK, V.P. Principle of weakening correlations in quantum field theory. Ukx-.mat.zhur. 13 no.2:216-217 161. (MM 14:8) (Quantum field theory) 221hl S/056/61/040/003/021/031 ;+ B112/B214 AUTHCRs Gat!hokV..P- TITLE.: Asymptotic behavior of Green's function in quantum field theory PERIODIUM Zhurnal skeperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 40, no- 3t 1961, 879-884 TEXTs N. N. Bolgolyubov (Ref.3i Preprint OIYaI, 1960) has formulated a principle for the reduction of the correlation between particles of a system in statistical equilibrium. The present paper gives a generaliza- tion and proof of this principle for the quantum field theory. The author starts from a neutral scalar field represented by a Hermitian operator A(X) satisfying causality, translation invarianes, and Lorentz invariance. It is assumed that there exists a unique, normalized vacuum state 10> but no state with a negative energy. A system 9 consisting of n+1 points x i is considered which is decomposed into two systems M 1 and 92 with the points x1p..soxi and xi+l""'xn+l' If each of these partial systems is Card 1/3 22141 B/056/61/040/003/021/031 Asymptotic behavior of ... B1121N14 placed in a sphere of finite radius and if these spheres are so moved against each other that the point configurations change only inside the corresponding Sphere, a principle analogous to that of Bogolyubov for the reduction of the correlation holdst The vacuum mean value f(x 1"**Ixn+l ) - of vacuum mean values if M I and M2 are at an infinite distance from each other. For the proof, f(x 1'***'xn+l ) is decomposed into ~01A(xj) ... A(xi)10> and f,, and it is shown that lim R mf 0 for an arbitrary, R-co positive integral m if R is the distance between the two spheres. The proof consists in studying some singular functions introduced by G.K-allen and N. Wilhelmason (Ref.6t Dan. Mat. Phys. Medd., 1, 9, 1959). Finally, Green's function for an infinite distance between The spheres is studied and it is found that - ZO(X I-x2) ... ... e(xn-x ) - (OIT(x1* ... oxi)/O)