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FURY, Mihaly Portable triangulating pyramids made of aluminum tubes. Geod kart 16 no.6%455-456 164. -FIJRYY Mthaly; PIRITYI, Itstvan The 4th Czechoslovak conference on g3ode3y. GerJ kart. 17 no.1; 57-58 165. FURY, Tarfinr'sgy of the parts of a 41,70-nrcirt 111-14-rilng Gead kart 17 no.2i142 165. FURY, Mihaly, nyugalwzott erdomernok Proposal for employing wo.-nan spec-iallsts. Lrdo 13 no-5:220 My 164. FURZA?I, M.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; YAKOVLEV, O.A., inzh. Effect of the coefficient of-tA41oosening of broken-off ore on condittons of Us drawing. Nauch. soob. IGD 21:32-43 163. (MIRA 17:2) YURZIKOV. I.3.. felideher. '. - .. I " " I ~i I.!. I- - How I cdhduct my homa calls. Felld. i akush. 21 no.10:34-36 0 156. (918A 9:12) 1. Cherno-Xlyuchinskiy mediteinekiy punkt Mariyekoy ASSR. (PUBLIC HEALTH, RURAL) U R -2- WO Q, YURZIIDV. I.S., Falldsher Im How we organize preventive inoculations. Feltd. i skush. 22 no.11: 42-43 N '57, (MIRA 11:2) lo Chernoklyuchinakiy meditsinskiy punkt Kariyakoy ASSR. (VACCINATION) MM IKOV, I.S., felldsher (solo Orshanta Mariyokoy ASSR) Pablic health data registration in rural areas. Fel'd. I akush# 25 no.5:45-46 w 16o. (MIRA 13:7) (MRI A.S.S.R.-PUBLIC MIALTH, RURAL) V VTH) P Parzik-:)VP N. 85-58-2-14/36 T-7.1-1 P Reserve Officer is Pmb3ic Instractor (Ofitser zapasa, - instruktor obshchestver,mik) FEWTOVICAL: Fx7l'ya rodiny, 1958, Nr 2, P 15 (D=) 'ABS The a,-,th-)r describes the career of Ivan Maksimovich Zelenin, Gmrds Major. A fighter -pilot during the last war.. be was compelled to re- +.l--,e from the air force for reasons of bealth in 1955, and beca DOSAAF public instrwbor and :Lectlxmr in Yosbkar-Ola, helping in the establiabnent of three DOSW primary branches in 1957., and assisting i.,,A the training of five local groups in anti-aircraft defense. There ie one photograph. AVAn&UE: L4~rary of C=Zress Carl I'll C011CIC1, I., Ing., F~_~~AU,__j- Experlmentation with the Fapico dehydrRt'Ang itoc-,tflerfltor o" the papermaking machine of the "Commia (tin 1':iri!: ' Paper and Board Plant. Cel hirtie 13 no.11/12:427-4.9 14-D 16A14. Chemical AbA Vol. 48 No. 3 Feb. 10, 1954 Eineralogical and Geological,.Chemistry Wimen kF=aj ta ;" ~ye a Uym at the Omar L d dsw. %M, HM6" . 1 1).. 4~ Geol. Sbarmik 3,13s.-Ol(long tumnlad). -flematitt. usocd. with PyTitt. quaru. and an Fe diloritA4 dl!"eminated IV 'We. Chm analym of 2 am ut' Sim. Michad plebeher 1--USAII, 0. d "DiorW3 Stur I s Btu: ic 3 Of the Spi -1--3r--Mcr Ore ."oun'kIain,,,.,, . 73 (GEOLOGICX-t SBCQ,,,M,. Vol. 41j, , va, C. ecia.) "0. 1/23 12511; 3ratisla U 0 So ~ 1-1 nthly List of Ea~t European Ac ~ e:,sions, (EEII), LC, Vol . It, No. It., April 1955,, Uncl*. phic 6hicrVatioull cn tht "Allbota" Wgdo-67 povts in Hystry Pof0k. Ot,u Fushil Olaf J,,'%u K-tu,Af A ---- f, . I . 26 $4,vatia. WALlavsj. z-p4;-SlerWt 4, (1:1 JM)Ni X Pub. dct:,I!cd kuld V-Abniu o(,:ur with mlitor C11.11- O'Ityriov, ca~dferite, III-truasite, tetmhviritc, anti Au. Tlic, -miewr.tlitcd S Ltetelia" are in dcoi!. Thc cvi;l,Ii(u th:.t t1my atc 0 ~t.-it tf~ inurz. (.,Iijir wul w~;-~ fornwd by tht nictamorphi -m of Ad. FUSAM, 0._ "The Paleozoic of the Femerides." P. 17. (Chesky Lid., Vol 10, No- 3. 1958, Prague, Czectislovakia) GE07-F-U-PHY & r-FOLCGY Monthly Index of bast European Accessions (EEA1) LC2 Vol 7, No. 12, Dec 58 FUSU., 0. GEOL03Y & GEOGRAPHY Periodicalst GEOIMICKE PUCE; ZPRAVY No. 12, 1958 FUSXN,, 0. Outline of geologic conditions in the Ifornad Valley between Kysak and Kosice. P. 34. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LCO Vol. 8. No. 5, May 1959, Unclass. FMAN P 0. (Chek:hoslovakl7a) Stratigraphic and paleogeographic conditions in the upper Paleozoic of the Western Carpathians. Mat.Karp.-Balk.assots. n0.3,'50- 52 160. (14IRA 14-.12) Carpathian Mountains-Geology,, Stratigraphic) rpaUain Mountains-Paleogeography) t sty J.%44tv. clav-111. 111$1 lArj~a 4. "11 Lli 11140) ~ 1%.Ill.y lWkI# 14441111-11 111"1l ~I. .4 I'llski'll %rot, r%Amd. Av. vollurs Im tilt ) will1w. itmo m,m 1-ok mul fut fully tualUfard Yelliowlish jitwility liamilt %varr, 1"p. ~dry i"tirriM.6asid.47.7r;.. %%1. 411, land :APA. IN1,py "litt"IfAill"I Jay IuAII.I ii~ s ..".I 111 11 "I. ", . try Intatits ".,tsmil'.1 III IA I .-I III 141 C.1~1 I saul 4114.41-, alml I Ilioallai'le 1.11(liat... 13.;;1111.4 ". . 111,10itC4 ill 4111LAA1 CIM(CIII 0-1 OIC -1*11- 1.- 1.11-ItId dutiol tiparning. The alliAluk! call far jo,ream-4 lay pfm-iiq nhilc plailes armind Ifir Imqqq 1,14M.4 on flat- firld ind An. ilwTvat'ilig irmlialk"I by baits. ['he iblilt.. "ral, 0 11fifil-ir lavoillariall I-C filwnt-of lly st.4illig. 111,1,4-1 I'mi. .Iilflltlg Owwlc~ tplh-k"t. flit, jq-- I I SOUREK, Karel; FUSEK, 1vo The Byndroine of acute compresalon of the lumber apinal cord*frow-the front. Cesk. neur. 24 no.5:295-299 S 161. 1. Neurochirurgicka klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lakaristvi v Pra2e, prednosta, prof. dr. Z. Kunc. (SPINAL CORD wds & inj) -b4 -. ;1- C~ :.Cl mt, .-Cl. :qttr-A;~ cf :,A T: C.:11 In it. of " ",: -rAk 4111 Jpt-v=1t:ojL? ~tt*,.;~ IT, of ~t~cz%trc". -Z7 12. -01 '191 Eel.; L"I in ir. 14.,q !L7$ P, 1.,9--.r;. ;.' 61: C3 cwvn S. a- A i i~ v1selatr , ~, )::;. %-e - %,. al. %z R~~ 'JorCts rp -A,-;Crt 2t %.I I' till !-?J~CMA I Li.%:,Lo''"It 7. :J?, Oi -.rL* ! .: r%tudra Ion 2b 1.7*.C-I,.-#-. 1-111.4-ZAI-Ir l-, SZ~ . gic :'&tre4zJ* DRA,HOZAL, Hy-polit; FUSEK, Ivo; SVACINA, -Taroolav Reticulum call sarcoma of the spine with the involvement of the cord. Rozhl. chir. 1+0 no.11:707-712 N 161. 1. Neurologialm oddeleni UNV Praha (nacalnik MUDr. Frantisek Pleaket) a rieurochirurgicka klinika, fakulty vaeobeeneho lekaretvi Praha-Stresovice (prednosta Prof. MUDr. Zdanek Kunc) (SPINAL CORD neopl) (SARCOMA RETICULUM CELL case reports) (SPINE neopl) 80M, Karel; 'FUSEK, Ivo ISyndrome of traumatic involvement of the anterior spinal artery in the cervical spine. Rozhl. chir. 40 no.11:718-725 N '61. 1. Neurochirurgicka k3inika M Praha, prednosta prof. dr. Zd. Kunc. (SPINAL CORD blood supply) FUSEK, I.; SOUfMKO K. 1--- - Some considerations on the problem of radical surgery of cerebellar medulloblastoma. Cesk. neurol. 25 no.5%313-319 S 162. 1. Neurochirurgicka klinikq fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta rof. dr Z. Kunc. (NEDULLOBLASN~IA~ (aksaial 11BOPusms) C HO 5-C 11,-A~,I A r 7 m r s Ij r r a kU L-I v.- eni; r;w. s t.v Ft.~ c v I!c; 51 t c -a au c 11 T ',: Neurn%uril,41cal ti'o 1111i~ary rlc~.Filal ill ere....ut-, Vol ~!,C (,"; Lual tjrc:~ i ciz--- i,i 1. till ar",J r~t -opf..)mv-1r. to, of -Art :. 1) lo a e, tna a abc t-. c KUNG , Z... ; SOIJ.Tr,'I( , ~ I ~ I I I,- - Our oxpor .ionce with the treatment of neu.-oectoderma-I tumors of the cerebellum in adolescents. Rozhl. chir. 41 no.3'-198-205 Mr '62. 1. Neurcehirurgicka klinika fakulty woobacnoho lekarstvi Karlovy university v Fraze, prednosta prof. I-Mr. Z. Kunc. (BRUIN NEOPLASMS in adolescence) (GEWMELLUM neopl) VCBMITE., M.; FUCHSOVA, M.; FUSEK, I.; SOUREK, K.; FRYC, 0. Evaluation of biolo gical oba"cteristics and prognosis in g1loma. Cesk. neurol. 26 no.5:311-316 8 163- :L. Patologickoanatomicke oddelani UVN v Praze, nacelnik MUDr. N. Vorreith, CSo. Neurochirurgicka klimika fakulty vaeobee- neho lakaretvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Z. Kunc, DrSe. I(GLICKA) (NLPIMOSURGM) (STATISTICS) -A-O (PROGNOSIS) .0 FUSEKV I. Concentration of the antibiotic tetracycline In brain tumors. Cesk. neural. 26 tio.5:321-324 S t63. 1. Neurochirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Z. Kunc, DrSc. (BRAIN NEOPLASMS) (TETRACYCLINE) (CHLORTETRACYCLINE) (BLOOD C109CAL ANALYSIS) FUSEK, I. History, current status and perspectives of neurosurgery in the Hungarian People's Republic. Rozh. chir. 42 no.9z 6d,3-"8 S 163. L Neurochirargicka klinika fakulty voeobeeneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Z. Kunc. (NEUROSURGERY) (MILITARY MEDICINE) (RESEARCH) VLADYKA, V.; _~~SEK,, T.; BRET, ~. Qr-bital angiographyo Sborn. lek. 65 no.8/9z225-229 Ag 163- 1, Neurochin=gicka klinika fakulty voeobeeneho leka"tvi University Karlovy v Praze., prednosta prot, dr,, Z. Kune Rentgenologicke oddeleni Uatredni voJenske nemocnice v Fraze, vvidoual MUDra Fc, Sykorao (ANGIOGRAPHY) (ORBITAL NEOPLASMS) FOWGIOMA) (EKOPHTHALMOS) SCUIAR DISEASES) (ORBrX) M --;I6~1EITH, M.; FUCHSOVAO M.; SOUREKO K.; FUSEK, I.; FRYCO 0. Central nervous system tumors in young men. Cas. lek. cesk. 102 no.441202-1206 I N 163, 14 patologickoanatomicke odde2on-i UVN v Fraze, (nacelnik MuDr. M. Vorreithp CSoo); Neurochirurgicka klinika fak-ulty vseobocnaho lekarstvi KU v Praze. a Ustredni vojenska nemocnice, (prednosta prof. dr. Z. Kunc.. DrSc.) A, PEHSCIVA M.,- DEMCIK, K.v J~!:,;E ~~K 1 . L';pInal no!i' tumors and tumors rausing spi r, :~d - o r,:~ -. e 3 Cosx. neural-[. 27 no.6:372-378 N '6- .-f-i.-Inatomicke odde)en" IIIA' v Pr~!: --.I- Fato opl f, (Vee-l ! c1r. M. Varrf:Ilh CSc.) Neurochirurgicks klinika fakulty vscotc-r.--r-~ University v Praze (predno7ti pr-)f. er. Z. EIISEK, 1. Diastematomyelia. Rozhl. chir, 41, no.9-.661-666 3 '65. 1. Neurochirurgicka klinika fakulty vseobecneho lokarstvi Karlovy University v Froze (prednosta prof. dr. Z. Kunc, DrSc.). KRIVSKITq I. Yu. [Kryvo'Wp I. IU.)j LOMDZE# Yu.M.; FUSHCHICH, V.I.; KHMICH, I.V. Problem of theradiative decay of a T~MeBon, Mir. fis. zhur. 5 no.6;777-780 N-D 160. (MfM 140) 1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvenny7 universitet, (14ei3ona Tlecay) S/058/61/000/010/006/100 AOO1/A101 AUTHORS: Lomsadze, Yu. M., Lendtyel, V. I., Krivskiy, I. Yu.,,Fushchich, V.I., KhImiich, 1*. V., Lukin, L. P., Ernst, B. M. TITLE: On applying modified perturbation method to interpretation of nuclecn scattering PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhum&l. Fizika, no. 10, 1961, 25, abstract IOA257 (V ab. "Probl. soyrem. teorii elementarn. chastits", no. 2, Uzh- gorod, 1959, 211-216, Engl. summary) TEXT- Differential effective cross sections for all types of.NN-scatter- Ing have been determined in the first non-vanishing Appr6ximation of the modified perturbation method (consiatir% in a special summation over all simplest barion loops Inserted into Internal t-meaon lines of the Feynman 2nd-order graphs); a3sumptions are made on existence of scalar t-mesons and violation of charge independence of nuclear forces at high energies. The cross sections calculated for the rapgo 100 - 600 Mev agree sufficiently well with experimental data. Thereby the resulLs of the preceding study (abstract IOA256) are additionally substantiated. An Interesting possibility Is discussed that at sufficiently Card 1/2 S/058/61/000/010/006/100 On applying modified perturbation A001/A101 great coupling constant, the scattering cross section may be completely in- dependent of' its value. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 FUSHCHICH, V.I. (Kiyev) Analy-tic properties of production amplitudes in a single-particle approximation as d function of two variables. Ukr. mat. zhur. 15 no.2:227-Z'32 163. WRA 160) E V II AFW4/ESD( t)/ASD(a )-5 ACCESSION MR& AP4047519 S/0041/a/016/005/0610/0623 AUTHORS1 X010M * ey V. (Kiev)$ -Fushchich, V. 1. TITLE: Anelytic property of neatteriM acplitudes correspoyadiag to a olace of~B Fey=un dig4Vams SOURCE-. Ukxainakiy matematicheakiy zhurnal,, v. 16, no, 5,, 1964j, 610-&3 TOPIC TAGS-i Foynman diagram# covqplex variable, allwular fumtionts"ttering &~qlituds AWTRACT: The analytic property of FeyrAman amplitudes was studied, In the first part of Uk) aralysis a theorem is obtained proving the absence of complex singu- Lirities in a Fqjnman scattering amplitude of a spccJ-Cic type. In the second part a class of diagrams is considered where the scattering amplitude satisfie3 the thnoram dei~ived above. The Feynman amplitude is given by Q,),(c Mf n (D (ot; 1/5 L 12455-65 ACUSSION NRs AP4047519 where D (a; s. (a) s+ 9(Q) I -K (W, 44 satiafyiing the conditions (a) aJ1 K-2) :;' of g (a) - C1,1g, (U.J > 0. K + ak. (a,3. M2, mI + + am-lk (a.-r 04, M)i + k4 (cg.-2, "?e MTP In order to show that for H2jl-/,. OP the function F(st) has no complex singu3=ities in either variable a and tP the wuaytia nature of the integrand _1C'"j+ anjr + 2b. Is oxwdned over the Landau surface Am-, (2b. 4c.-la._, - 0,; Card A L 12455--65 ACC&%SIC14 NHs AP400519 in auven different domains in the plane of the real variables st* The rolloving le=A io then obtaineds I (cX I spt) has only, real aingtilar points at'any c>< in the intogration domain fj da, (C (0))" _1 + 2b._Ict._, + From this leroa, a theorem is formulated which gtatout the FeyTmn amplAtude, as given above and Batisfying conditiorm 3-5 at Mit < 0., forms an analytic function in j -,~ s and L in thq domain of two arbitrary p as with the exclusion of a branch cut along the real axis S3=fms-0. 4