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Category CZECHOSL(YVAKIA/Solid State Physics - Mechanical properties-of crystals and polycrystalline compounds Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957,No 1334 Author Jenicek, Ladi lev; Title On an Accurat: Measurement of Length in CreepTests Orig Pub Hutnicke listy, 1956, 11, xo 4, 237-241 Abstract Description of an instrument, with the aid of which it is possible to measure smell vshanges in length A' ing creep tests, using a microscope (magnification 75x, 150X, and 2 E-9 Cara 1/1 FRITSCHE, 0. "Use of the insulatin,, materinl "isoj,,erlon" (isoigamids) in electric machines wound -with aluminum wires. Tr. from the German.' Elektrotechnika, PudaPest, Vol. 47, 1,10. 3, Mr. 1954 P. 91. SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 1-1, Nov. 1954, L.C. FRITSCfl--,,'R, F. Substitute sources of power with automatic orerational control. P. 15 (ElFktrotachnik) Vol. 12, no. F, Aug. 1957, Fraha, Czechoslovakia SO: MCNIMY INDEX CF EAST ELROPEAN AMESSICNIS (ESAI) LC, 11CL. 7, "10. 1, Jan. 195", RiTO'Cillp Gtjov,,, illpl. Ing. (German DairtocrfAtlc Republic) -- ----- - -1 . . - ExOth6r-ric heatIng of Ingot tops accordlng to the new experiences. flut listy 19 rio.12:875-877 D 164. Category : USSR/Solid State Physics - Mechanical Properties of Crystals and E-9 Polycrystalline Compounds Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 3997 Author :Er~tsman, Ya.B.. Title :Certain Results of the Study of the Characteristics of Failure of Materials Orig Pub :Sovrem. metody ispytaniy materialov v mashinostroyenii. M., MashgIz, 1956, 5-38 Abstract :Survey, Bibliography, 44 titles Card : 1/1 L 46224-66 EWP(j) .- - --I ACC NR~~034084 SOURCE CODE: HU/2502/65/01,5/00/./0301/0311,1 AUTHGR*. Fritz Denes-Fritte, D.; Garzo, Gabriella; Szekely, Tamas--Sekeip T.; Till, Ferenc ORG: Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, L. Eotvos University Budapest; Research Group for Inorganic Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Science , Budapest TITLE: Anomalous response of the flame ionizttion detector to or anosilicon comDoundl - 9ARS-1- SOURCE: Academia scientiftr'-~U). hungari,;ae. Acta c:,imica, v- 45, no. 4, 1965, 301-311 TOPIC TAGS: organosilicon compound, C.-ir, ehromatopraphy, chemical laboratory apparatus ABSTRACT: An inversion of the Cas chromatographic .tcction is done 'peaks of o-igan-6siliuon compounds can be observed whon & :by flame ionization detector. This rffc-ct also appears under conditions ;whore a hydro=,~.)on g:.ves nornil and well-eva1luable peaks. Th following ractors have been studied concorisi-1- ttolr inf-1-ionce of the pu.k inversim flow rates of the fuel and scavengng e-sos, the (homical natur- of the sample, and th( %altage of the detect r. :he itmorted peaks .-am:It the gas- I chromatographic estimation of the char.-,:toristic Clsi ratio of an unknown ;organosilicon compound. A flame ionizat'-on detcctor operating ~,-th a mixed ~hydrogen-hydrc..arbon flame datects organisilicon compounds as negattve peaks. On this basis, such detectors aru recommendod for use in the 'q~ailitative analysis of organoeilloon compoundi,. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 4 tableso (Ctr,.,. art. in Eng-3 (01,1: IMO61 SUB CODE: 07 ) SUBM Dirr-,: 15Doc64 / ~LM REP: 007 Card 1/1 MjG A 0 v lilt T .1 W a L KL111 r 2 A A 1 A - - ' 4 17L7 A vow d dm6ma if GOWAV FWn Am AxxA MiAw~v~ Tdfmgl bk$Wjt 7. fij3-20(jq3j):'-:The nicoam Cwt of m h t d b diff t t d V p I w" uc in emi e ew. sm iineukauy wM Woco.,d, y I " a 'Nik t t b d i h o ex mm at 120-W W cu trmtr w t s &t 0.2 atL. I . 1 p -t of th q -f 31 wood11 JU f H d % so 10 e . tm o a qu" ""'e Ished lbw e '- * cmttnt Of the %mob by 14.25 and 33% rnp.. wbra " " 1 2 W 3 & d A " S qw w..e use . n setn . Dntf- MuOke 151W flansed ab. Nikastop - b b d h t 73% t kW i 6 9" e o - a t mt e tontmt. pAch e ork n M h time pus t1ptL weft curkef ou m uniftated wA tfftt d m k f i d 1 W e ft ' O c ta" an c san w P &bKrblng Z= = t of the waake In diffarnt batik-,. 8 S. Da F. of o;4 ~!! me a :' 57 a. I L .'t a. dot u on AV 10 A p 00 It 00 .11 10 a, g 0. e 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 00 so 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 a 0 0 a '01 1*0 -00 age zoo Go 0 see 1 see q00 11111110 age too too cz 7= lee a ad 0 x a _I 9 o 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 10 0 11 71A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 FRITZ, Gusztav, dr.; BATiM, Istvan, dr. Digitalis. 0yogymser9ex 9 no.10:183_188; contd. 1 Oct 54. (DIGITALIS cheme & pharmacol.) 1~ FRITZ, Guestav, dr.; BAYBR, Istvan. dr. :~: Digitalis* Gyogyazeresz 9 no.12:223-227; concl. 1 Doc _54. (DIGITALIS ahem. & pharmacol.) PTTASZ, Marian; FRITZ, Waldemar; MIEKISZ, Stanislav Circulation of P32 in the kidney and in other organs. Acts, phyotol. polon.11 no.4:525-545 160. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjologit AM we Wroclawin. Kierownik: prof.dr. A. Klisiecki; z Zakladu Fizyki W.S.R. we Wroclawiu. Kierovnik: S. Przestaleld. (PHOSPHORUS urine) a v n r v .1 rig , E. g p v t E - I n ra o o r, f 14 r . , et, . . I'cG,i illt-ilation, and rprnaiB quciltty r-f bn-,.-;'I!nrz. Ze,3z 1)r,)bl. ne.-ok 177 16). 1. Knt~-A-ft Wy..qzft 4, 1.1 tj jr(A' FRITZ, Zofia; PRES, Jerzy 1/19thionine and lyaine admixtures in feed rations with reduced animal protein content in broiler feeding. Zesz probl post nauk roln no.54: 127-130 164. 1. Department of Animal Feeding of the School of Agriculture, Wroclaw. Hand of Department; (prof. dr] Zygmiint Ruszczyc. FRITZ-MIKULSKA~ Wiktoria; ZALE,ISKIp Tadeusa Cutaneous toxic syndromes related to the use of retasulfin (sulfamethoxypyridazire ). Pediat.pol. 38 no.9:739-7i'+5 Ag'63. 1. Z Kliniki Diagnostyki Chorob Dzieci AM w Warszawie (kie- rownik: prof. dr. med. Z.Tejmbach) i z Klinlki Terapii Chorob Dzieci 91 w Warozawie (kierownik: H. Brokman). FRITZOVAO L.; FBKNY, Z.; SYNSTKA. Z. Secondary Rerioda of long-period variables Lin Znglish with summary in RussianJ. Biul.astron.inst.Chakh. 5 no.3:49-54 Je 154. (MIRA 7:6) 1. Astronomical Institute Ondrejov and Prague. (Stars, Variable) FhITZOVA, L.; KOPECKY, M.; 5VFS1Yt%, Z. Catalog of the great chromospheric flares and their terrestrial consenuences. In English. p. 97. PUBLICATIONS. (Cekoslovenska akademie ved. Astronomicky ustav.) Praha, Czechoslovakia, No. 34A2, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, VOL. 8, no. 11, Nov- 1959 uncl. FRITZOVA, L. Freouency distribution of intervals between successive flares. In English. p. 145. BULLETIN OF THE AST10NGIMICAL INSTITUTES OF CZECHOSWVAKIA. (Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Astronomicky ustav) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 10, no. 4, July 1959. Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Uncl. S/035/62/000/OIO/036/128 AOO1/A1O1 AUTHOR: -FritzovA, .. L.-,-- .TITLE: characteristics of the line asymmetry in spectra of flares PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 10, 1962, 51, abstract IOA362 ("Byul. astron. in-tov Chekhoslovakii", 1()61, v. 12, no. 6, 2511 255,'English; Russian surnary) TEXT: Effective widths of the red and blue wings of the H(Aline were compared in spectra of 204 flares observed during 10 years with a spectro- helloscope at the Ondrejova Observatory; the comparison has shown that asym- getry of emission lines in the flare spectrum decreases from the center to was bpectra of flares arising solar limb. Maximum, ip'-,groups bf sunspots oftypes E, F and.G. There are 6 references. B. I. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] C 1/1 FRITZOVA-SVMKOVA, L. . -- - - t- e-. . I -1. - On the definition of the effective H,(-Iirw width. Biul astr CZ 15 no.2:34-37 t64. 1. AstronouLlcal Institute,, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ondrejov. FRITZOVA-Svestkova, L. A short note on the determination of the effective H -line width in chrosmopheric flares; Biul astr Cz 15 no. 4t 163-164 164. 1. Astronomical Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ondrejov. L 46811-66 FCC: ACC NRi AT6020520 SOURCE CODE: CZ/2514/65/000/051/0171/0-175 AUTHOR: Fritzova-Svestkova, L ORG: Astromomical Institute o the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Observatory Ondrejoy TITLE: Differences between weak and slow coMnscular streams of flares SOURCE: Ceskoolovensk.3.akademie ved. Astronomicky u8tav. P&'-ikace, no. 51, 1965. 3rd Consultation on Solar Physics and Hydromagnetics, Tatranska Lomnica, 13-16 October 1964, 171-175 TOPIC TAGS: chromospheric flare, corpuscular stream, magnetic storm, geomagnetic storm, radio burst ABSTRACT: Folloiring a brief review of previous studies on the correlation of chromo5pheric flares, the corpuscular stremn, type-IV rLdio bursts, and magnetic storms, the author discusses his own research on the properties of the trails through' interplanetary space of corpuscular streams ejected by great flares. He divides these into three groups: flares not associated with magnetic atorm3l flarea followed by weak storms, and flares with strong storms. The dependence of the number of flarcq Card 1 2 L 45188-M FCC ACC 1qR-1-AP6026463 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0092/66/017/002/0064/0067 AUTHOR-. Fritzova-Svestkova, L. ORG: Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslova~_~de~m of Sciences, Ondrejov TITLE: Some properties of corpuscular stresses ejected by chromospheric flares SOURCE: CSAV. Byul astron inst Chekhoslov, v. 17, no. 2, 1966, 64-67 TOPIC TAGS: sun, chromosphere, geomagnetic storm, solar flare, corpuscular stream, chromospheric flare, solar longitude ABSTRACT: On the basis of other works, the author investigates selected chromo- spheric flares followed by intense _g_eomagnetic storms~ he arrangeid the flares in 5-deg-wide solar longitudinal zones. The author then deduces some conclusions on the spatial angle of corpuscular streams ejected by flares and their trail curva- ture. The investigation leads to the conelusion that most particles are ejected into a spatial radius angle !5=', 40 deg, while the number of particles ejected in a direction 750* from thd-radial direction is virtually negligible. The stream is Card 1. 1. 2 L 4-5188-& IF4CC N" AP6026463 curved by about 7. 5* to the east, and the densest parts seem to be curved about 10% a little more than the rest of the stream, which is also much more dispersed. These stream properties can be observed only in strong streams which cause strong geomagnetic storms. The author is indebted to Mr. Svestka and Mr. KrivsM for valuable discussions on this subject. Orig. art. has: figures, and Ft-a b I e. [GC] SUB CODE: 03, 20/ SUBM DATE: 20Apr65/ ORIG REF: 0021 Card 22 FRITZSCH, F. How to harvest grain with automatic binders without hand-cutting the first swath. p. 260 (Ministerstvo zemedelstvi) Pralia. jublication on Machanization of agriculture issued bj the Ministry of Agriculture. Semi-monthly/ Vol. 5, No. 14, July 1955 SOURCE.- East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1956 FRIVALSZKY, Lorand, dr., a biologiai tWomanyok kandidatusa - ..... -- -- ., Submicroscopic structure of cytoplasm. Elovilag 6 no.6215-23 ; -, . N-D 161. FRIVALDSM, Sandor - Some remarks- about the Sobolev theox7 of distrlbution. Mat kozl NTA 13 noe23152-155 63. PRIVALDSZKY., Sandor , The question of expandil functions possessing generalized deriv- atives from a gi m . Mat lapok 14 no.1/2:lCY7-119 163. FRIVANDSZKY, S%ndor Optimalizat.ion of the total trang.',A. Q-:ftl (If I nt--!r!,;J I. Ili.-! 't d ~.-: * ~ 1.10,! C.n. Mat kut kazi MIPA 8 Series B 163(jAill. 1. Kabanya Dinig Faetory, Budapept. FRIVITSKIY. S.M. The A161 automatic infeed circular-grinding machine. Biul, takh.-ekon.inform. no.1:29-31 :62. WIRA 15:2) (Grinding machines) FRIVA,LDSZU,, S-andor Sobolev's theory of generalized functions in case of general (not star-shaped) regions. Mat kut koz1 MTA 8 series A no. 3: 309-316 163(164). 1. Ministry of Metallurgical and Machine Industries, Budapest. A- USSR/Cosmochemistry Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry D. Abs Jour Refprat Zhur - IGiimiya, No 2, 1957, 4177 Author aRriyev Eh.- 6 kW, , :;IV Inst 4111r= VnT7trZ-ffT-ZY Title Occurence of Boron in the Soils of Chuyskaya Valley Crig Pub Uch. zap, Biol.-pochv. fait. Kirg. un-ta, 1955, No 5, 187-190 Abstract From data of chemical and spectral analyses it was de- termined that the amcuixt of boron in the s6ils of the Chuyskaya valley varies within the limits of 1.2-2.0 l0ck. The highest ccato'nt was noted in soils of bot- tom lands, terraces above the latter and of flat-slope lowlands without drainage to the outside, located in regions of dry continental climate, characterized by widespread occurence cf sieroze.-a and sierozemlike soils. Lowest B conteLt is fojmd in brown soils of foothill strips formed under moist and medium moist climatic con- diLions. Card 1/1 - 69 - ACC NRt IMM -lip C, VEM? Y/EPTSF SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/651020)005/0770/0774 AUTHORC Pavlov, V A ; Filippov,..Yu. I Frizen S. A. ORG: Institute of Metal Physics, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR) ~B 41&r TITLE: Strengthening AV and V95 gluminum alloys by thermomechanical treatmea Vf SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedenlye, v. 20, no. 5, 1965, 770-774 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, aluminum alloy, mechanical Axst 4-AA&4wA-v%,f'j.mW &11~JJAYXL~~ oUaj, V95' aXu4,,z L ABS17ACT: AV and V95 aluminum-alloy bars 12 mm in diameter were solution annealed, water quenched, and then subjected to low temperature thermomechanical treatment (LIT ): preheated to 100-300C, rolled in one pass with a reduction of 20%, and water quenched. LTTMT was followed by aging at 150C (AV alloy) or 120C (V95 alloy). LTTKT with rolling at 150C significantly improved the strength characteristics of AV alloy (see Fig. 1).- After LTTMT and aging for 6 hr at 150C the alloy had a tensile strength of 41.3 kg/mm2, a yield strength of 34 kg/=2 an RB hardnes s of 70, a work-hardening 7- M f actor of 0. 7, and an elongation of 15%, compared to 32.5 kg/mM , 26. 0 kg/M 2, 70 j 0. 4, and 22% for conventionally treated alloy., LTTMT also accelerated the decomposition of L 10890-66 ACC NR, AP50285~_6 V,kg! 2 %V q, kg~mq!~, Fig. 1. Deformation temperature de- pendence of tensile strength (aB), yield strength (co.2), elongation (6), and work-hardening factor (q) of AV W alloy aged at 150C for 6 hr IV V F;;Z 20 to J 0 zVe im OC. the solid solution. Conventionally treated alloy required 12 hr aging at 150C while thermomechanically treated-alloy requiredanly &:'hr. Alloy V95 exhibited similar be- havior'but was much less responsive to LTTMT. After LTMr and aging at 120C for 6 hr V95 had a tensile strength of 60.3 kg/mm2, a yield strength of 47.5 kg/mIR2, an R. hardness of 83, a work-hardening factor of 1.0, and an elongation of 7.8% compared to 57.6 kg/mm2, 42.2 kg/mm2, 82, 0.92, and 9% for conventionally treated alloy. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 2 tables. JDVI SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 293an65/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: 111-70 Cori 2/2 VTNOGRADOV, S.S.; MOLOKANOV, V.P.1 TSARtKOV, N.M.;. FRI.Zli,, V.A. Progressive repair methods for whalers. Sudostroenle no. 11t68 2 N 165 (MTRA l91,~,) KHVULI, R.M.i PECHUX, L.M.; FRIZMANo Moo.",.- Antibacterial therapy of cavernous forms of pilmonary tuberculosis in children and adolescents. Ped., akush. i gin. 20 no.6:54 158. (MHU 13:1) 1. Detskiy tuberkuleznyy sanatoriy im. M. GorIkogo (konsulltant - L.M. Pechuk), Kiyev, Pushcha-Voditsa. (MERGULOSIS) 5(2) 2 4 - 16, - 4 AUTHORS: Kremer,V.A., Vayll,ie.l., TITLE: Rapid Method for the Analysis of LeaT mrd--Zinc in Bronzes Using a Potentiometric Titration After a Sulfide Precipitation (Ekspress-metod analiza svintsa i tsinka v bronzakh putem potentsio- metricheskogo titrovaniya po osazhdoniyu v vide sullfidov) PERIODICAL; Zavodakaya Laboratoriya, 1956, Vol 24, Nr 12j 'jP 1440-1441 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to remove the influence of tin, antimony, iron, and nickel in these analyses (Refs 1-3) the lead and zinc to be determined were leached in a hydrozo complex. The potentiometric titration of the lead and zinc (and trace amounts of copper) was carried out in 2 M and 0.5 M hydroxide solutions (Fig 1). Definite steps in the pocential cueve can be observed, which indicates a quantitative pre- cipitation of each kind of ion preaent. In a titration of 2 molar electrolyte solation (50-600) the potential of the equivalence point was 450 mV for copper and 650 mV for lead. The titration curve for ~4~~- hon a less definite equivalence point, so that with a zincde- termination in a 0.5 molar solution of NaOH at 70-800 it amounted to 750-770 mV. The potentiometric measuring apparatus and the method of atoring the sodium sulfide solution were previously described Card 1/2 (Rol' 3). The titrution was carried out uuing three electrodes of _;'011132-24-12-814-5 Rapid Method for the Analysis of Lead and Zinc in Bronzes Using a Potentiometric Titration After a Sulfide Precipitation synthetic ar8entite, and the same electrode was used each time for each of the different ions (copper, lead, and zinc). The analyticui procedure-for a OTSS~ronze is given. The lead- and zinc content wa.9 determined using calibration curves~ The relative error of tne method is 1-2%.- There are 2 figures, I table, and 4 Soviet refer- encee. ASSOCIATION: Khar'kovukijr gornyy institut, 1natitut khi=ii XrLarlkovsko6o gosu- daretvennogo universiteta i Khar'kovBkiy zavod vtorichnykh tsvet- nykh metallov (Kharlkov Mining Institute, Institute of Chemistry of the J%-harkov State University and Khar1kov Plant for Secondary 1;onferrous Metals) Card 212 MEXLER, ll.B.~ CHIB'SOVA, V.A.~- FTfZYLK, S.G.? NAUMOVA. V,K, Fimp'-Le'method cf analyzing fluorescein-protlein cc~njugates. V Yop. virits. 9 no.54631-634 S-0 164. (MT.RA 18;6) ~'ns%ltii!-. T'~,nasoloigi! 'Lrpnl 'Ivanrivskcgo (d-',-... dnyst-iltellnyy AMN ':SSR prof. V.M. Zhdanovl' Al%~l SS~R, Yloavva. VOYTEKH, A.A.; FRIZ-FALIY, NJ, A device for measuring the angular velooit7 of a system in steady operation. EnergA elektrotekh.prom. no.4:26-28 O-D 162. (MIRA 16s2) 1. Institut elektrotekhniki AN UkrSSR. (Electric driving) (Electric measurements) JA.&4 ANO NL !(AC-f(C, AA`,,VqU4dP Met, 10; N7,9*,490411 (1954) In Cneh~ A general description of the Prague transmiller is %lvM &M illuitatted by circuit diAgrams, 'M **am combu of 4k S W qmplitLitir-modulatod vidco lawt.11W., operating at 49 - 15 kl4i itsid a (requency-criddulated sound transtakler. The video transmitter c6mpthes a "W-controll -d LC 014HI3- tor. opealins at 41t J, and it 3 c 3x 3 frequency inold. plier Okh (ads (fie 11"t hT stacc; th-- UlLgr is loductively'coupled to a cathod: follower who6e output nded-Vid M. output stage. 'nit is fed to a grou Modulating Voltagic from (b: firw video stage it applied to the grids of the output stage whose Secon- dary anode winding is directly connected to a 50 n coaxial leeder, The sound ti-insmitter i5 fittcd with an osd(lator similar to that of the video unit and feeds .2 - 5 kW into it 50 tj coaRial cabk% The outputs of the. two transmitters &to combined in a dipliexcr and (td into a common serial. It. S. StOOACIWfCz 621 397 i5l(437) . . M.H.-T-77- 77i FRE, Miroslav,. inz... dr.1, laureat otetai gany Dioouosion on teohnical development. Slaboproudy obzor 24 noo4t189-190 Ap, 163. 1. Teala Hloubetin.. n.p. S/196/02 /000/023/002/00() E]94/EI55 AUTHORS: j-unk, Karel, Srnka, Osvald, PAV, Karel. PaAek,, LiboA. and Frka I, Antonin TITLE: A method of fixing metal parts on porcelain with sylit 134, tic materials PLRDWICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, klektrotekhnika i energ(~t-lka, no.23, 002, 1, abstract 23 B 3 P. (Czech.pat. cl. 21 0, 13/01; 21 c, 13/10, no.99607, Julie 1j, 1961) T E, XT The adhesive patented consists of a liquid mixture of methyl-methacrylate and polymethyl-wethacrylate with the addition of a tertiary timine as a catalyst. A f iller may be added to the mixture, for example, coarse porcelain chips. &bstractor's note- Complete translation Card 1/1 RUM, J.; FICKAL,,4.,; POLOMIS, V. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage as a complication of steroid therapy. Cesk. gastroent. vyz. 19 no.6:340-345 s v65. 1. 11. vnitrni oddeleni UVN v Praze (vedouci HJDr. J. Smrcka). Cardiovascular Diseases CZLCHOSLOVAKIA UDC 616-002-771-0135-361-43(:547-92)-036.8:616.126-3 HAUER, Jan; FRIUL Antonin- 2nd Intf.-rnal Department Central Mil- Oddeleni Ustredni Vojenoke 11omocnice), itary hospita Praruep Head (Nacelnild Dr Jiri St-IRCKA. "The Influence of Steroid Therany of Acute Attacks of Rheumatic Fever on the Incidence of Post-Ethoumatic Valvular Defects." Prague, Vojonslce Zdravotnicko Listy, Vol 35, 11o 6, Dec 66, pp 246 - 252 Abstract ZA-ut'.!ors' English simmary modified 7: 115 rheumatic pa- tients who wore treated with steroid bherap-y, combined with sodium salicylate and or sodiuw gontisate wore oxaminod; the incidence of valvul:ir defects was rruch i~?oro froqnont tharl in a .(Y,roup of 9h. rl~oumatic soldiors who did not recoive the steroids. On the other hand,t-e incidence of valvular defects due to rhoumatic inflamma- tion of ondocnrdial valves was lower in the first rroup. The authors rocommend the administration of cortlsonolds in indicRted cases of rheumatic enrditis. 12 Tnblesp 57 references (no.t speci- fied. 7 reaction Of ith Ln n C r at lem . Above' the ,e "Mcl~- of St% with K el W system x Of sc% Wfft studied "Is Mactian &S CI' IC" IS formed accIlding t~ dw St 0% 4,29L, - jC_v_,% + Stol + Cl.. I" rMftC=%en% ~ KBr, K*%eo, is famed &wo,.jnx to Ile + IC&C~ + Seo, + Bri. -Distrs 4E4j/492o ~an 41dj_ J. -1,71"MT.If, "The (~aench'np Effect of Urine cn ',he of 1. T'. 1. 0 ,,A v ~ _~9, Zpp-rt,6., 1%; o - j (AR~ -H7JF'.V PADA. Vol. 1;, No. 1. 10' -1.-. v'p ~ .IV I --T I SO: Monthly LI!., rf YuroDean Acceppjor,- , L. C., Vol. 2, "o. 11, llov, joc;j U,Ici. MAGDIC, Ana; FRKETIC, Jelona Carposan poiaoning. Arh. hig. rada 12 no.3/4:.199-202 '6:L. 1. Zavod za sudaku medicinu i kriminalistiku Medicinskog fakulteta u ZWebu. (PARATHION) 5 PAWOVIC' V.: TIC, Jelena Matol polooning; four cases. Arb.hig.rada 6 no.2:135-142 1955. 1. Zvmod z& sudsku medicinu i kriminalistiku, Medicinski fakultst, Zagreb. (PHBNDLS, poisoning p-methylaminophanol sulfate, off. & pbvoiol.(Ser)) (POISONING, p-mothylaminophanol sulfate, off. & physiol.(Ser)) TMTIG J - WDIC, A. o, 3TAJDUR&R-WURIC, Z, Zinc phosphide poisoning. Arh. hig. red& 8 no.1:15-24 1937. 1. Zavod sa sudsku medicinn, i kriminalistika Hedicinskog fa)mltsta u Zagrebu (PriMIJeno 5. 111. 1957). Institute for Forensic Medicine and Criminology Yatical faculty, University of Zagreb. (ZING, pois. zinc phosphids, pathol, (Ser)) (SUICI]x' by zinc phosphids, pathol. (Ser)) YUGOSLAVIA Ana HAGDIC and Jelens FRKETIC, Derartment of Forensic Medicine and Criminoloay, 144-IC-81--yac-u-my (Zavod za sudsku med3clnu I kriminalts- Liku Hadicinskog fokultets), University of Zaareb. "Poisoning with Karposant" Lly _.~a i&ij tLR~dn c~k-.Lkk 1 0 12, No 1.4, 1961; Zagreb, &r 2L _~n _ V I pp 199-202. Mostract Irench sm=ary rodifiejg: 11istorpathologic data and discussion 6'!-TZs-i7 A one-and-a-half year old child drank 50 grams of Karposan (-parathion); died within 30 minutes despite immediate aid; cerebral and pulmonary edema. ClinicAl and laboratory details. Six slides. YUGOSLAVIA 2elen-a PRYETIC, Dtpartneot of Forensic Ms.,~It,~int and Criminology Cii_v0d_-za__iudsku -medicinu i kriminalistiku Medicinskog fakulteta), Medical Faculty, University of Zagre.S. "Cases of Farcthion Poisonina." Zagreb, Arhiv za HIRIjents RAda I ToVsik~_ktjLUu, Vol 12, No 3-4, 1961; pp 203-206. Abstract [English suinmary modified]: Brief report of 6 fatal cases, all accidental except for one rrobable suicide; and a number of non-fatal instance&. The case histories and analytical data are gi,?en in s(mae detail. Three Yugoslav an(I 6 German references. 1/1 FRI,ECP B.: BRCTC, B.S.; ST.IVNIK,, J. Studies in the N296F2-UF6-HF system. Croat chem acta 36 no-3:173 164. 1. -Tozef Ptefan Institute, LjublJana. Submitted -TulY 15, 1964. -V$6-tM- -0 VA Uae= Pei=*r~L [Origir of the MMe* ci ONQ ~..t ~lf Yugodh,6U.] Ymtuk.-~. Harawetfordo&E3 Sluf-Lj, 11'e;mik, S(Jrj). jan4lum IOS& DWH-S-m~e two &ze:% nank--s I winds uim cn Adriatic comt of Yugoshvia sze rmationed aM a few rf tlv~!n felerrvi t-t-k to theLr Gr,C,ft.~ I Latin. G.-rek or Arab' oextrtes SOj*:9 f1wfiw(g: 1. WL-d (cimInr~'aly Lo,-&l w-tad- FRLAN-SELIMOVIC, Marija, dr.; BERIC, Berialav, dr. habil. Primary carcinoma of the akin in pregnancy. Ked.glasn. 14 no.9: 445-447 S 160. 1. Ginekoloako-akuasroko ode1jenje Na3tavne baze Hedleinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu pri Opstoj bolnici u Zenici (Upravnik: dr habil. B.Beric) (CARCINOMA BASAL CELL in preg) (SKIN NEOPLASMS in pregn) (PREGNANC!f compl) SLIVNIX,p J.; VOLAVSU, B.1 KUSELI J.1 VRSCAJI V.1 SMALC, A.j M'W'A..JBJJ ZM.TIGI Z. Synthesis of XeF8. Croat ohem acta 35 no.1:81-82 663. 1. Institut Vozef StefaOp Ljubljana.* Sloveniap Yugoslavia, FRNAJKOVIC, Krunoslav, inz. (translator] Welding of shoot-metal by means of a thin wire. Zavarivanje 4 no.l: 12-14 Ja 161. MEDRICKY, Z., inz.; FRNKA, M., inz. Lerner's hydraulic method in coke oven battery operation. Paliva 44 no. 7:219-224 J1 164. ' I 1. Coke Plant, Nova hut Klementa Gottwalda, Ostrava. 0 "a- aleaudru. Introduction to the study of meam- sMy-&-trultiform and uniform f"clionis f a real : variable. . Acad. Repub. Pop. RomER.J. $6. A. 1. 197-204. (1949). (Romanian. _Rwisiari and French summaries). Froda, Alexandru. Measurability of muldorra and uaiw 0 form functions of a r&A&a&&1&bjt6. Acad. Repub. Pop. H RomAne~ BuL $6. A. 1, 835-846 (1949~,. (Rojnanian~. - As Runian and French summaries). ' ' -4 ' Froda, Aloxandru. Opiiations an messar ableL inultifo= a n d Unuorm functions. Acad. Repub. ?op. Rornlnt~. BuL $ti. A. ;. 937-945 (19 om"ian. Russian 49). (R ' . --- , -su.-nmarieej. and Frenh Let'A. be an x-dimensional interval, and: f a *ingle-. or Multiplc-~~IUCA real function defined on a~ mti;~ set of positive measure. contaiiied,in A.. Ut denote thc~ Ap) setof all values assumed by f at the p6rit FeE. If f(P) ii cjoeed,forall-P !~h f is said to be vv,~6611y,ckr~-d. For. : a wt: r of - r] is the, set real of all FZE such that Y(P)CI'At is obown. that'if EU; r] i's M;CaZurable fc~ ewnr: r of the form then' ' * rkats urable for oil halt EEf - r] is -inftitx~ open or closed int~~Js. Such functions ivrtsaid to be -=~"uraLle in ZUIY- pall. If f is A~Crtfcally closM, then gencral~ q~ and 0 can be-, replaced bv -rational aand.# in the theorem just stated. If i I , f~ are f unctions,of the type deicritx~f, Itt the mum fp!oduct) of A, - - -, f. be the function 5uc4 that f(P) is the union .(intem~ction) of the. sets fj(P), - - The, sum ' of a rinite betof functions measurable iws~pport is.als measurable in support, but their, prodvct ~nccd not be. in asurable in Limiting processes for sequences of functions e ' rt ar atso studied. B. Himin (Seattle, Wa5h.). 'Suppo I 1'~;ilnt lit III ultiformcc, uu mMormes, de vasiablv~i; V"p N'~1111111' SI(ol 0o. \I:,:- A oultitx-tof t1woretwi, oll ii,uiv.iloit ti~ t1w w,ll 'I'lu'llry Iff tile St, her, 1937, 72 pro%oi, w.;-hs 11101fipl'. 11m d '~-'I n -0 1"'.1 jif" Fmds Alexandris Existence of Intetyals of coatractioti in omifflig of 4egree Cad. RelAlb. Vol). Romane. A !,461-4650950). (Romanian. Ruissian and French summiarkq) This note is concerned with a proof of the well-kilown theorena: Fora real polynomial P.(x) of dc-~.rtc : such that P.W -P.(6) -0, there exista an interval Gj', V) in t,--rwr to (a, b) and independent of the co-effirient~ of 11,(x) sm h I (a', V) always contains a zero of the (it riv,itive 1','(.T.1 ~f I IW polynomial. The interval (a', b") Is catlk~d the intcrvai ol contraction. E. Frant, (Chic-,tgo, 111) Source: Vol 13 110-4 1-, 221; JP, Aodan aid' n t French Thisis, not an index-number problr-u in the usual sen--e. phis total output over "+ t years. The author defines an averag.- rate of in. crease or "cumulative index" i by it -Pt,, it is jutit that steady rate of gemetric increase which would yield the oLservtJ initial and to W- outputs. The author shows that this in(h!x has certain of the standard properties of a mean and claims that it is superior to measures obtained by averaging annual rates of growth. The continuout;,. analogue (force of interest) is worked'eut. and some limits! on the iqdex are found which are said to tie better than. Wmse availabla from standard financial mathematics. R. Salaw (Cambridge. hla6s,). Sourc,31 Mathalr4ti.041 ROVIGUBI Vol 13 No ~14 oda, Al. Uaccat'raflan ell Tnicat'dque raflonflelle. Nom w, I ( I 9S 1 1 5-'3 1 Romanian. Ruq~liut and Fietich ' - , "'S This liatc f t n (1 h d ~ i 4u tll U! ) a ' pn arl t its temps ("Sp-Cially Acad. H. P R L I ]'~' I iI-~ti. Sect. '56. Uat. Fiz. 15" 175 .11 _0 1': 11 Rkim;lne. Stall. Cere. Mat. 3 ( !9,5-)), ~u I -~nS M k I S. 16, 6-151. The author gives MISOrl'i 111dicanaf, tha-, thr ' accelera- Con" which enters the Law of in,,,rua should be Aie "direct 11 ~ccleration' rath(, M74r~ a 11~ ot V111 luu.' "'1e, Substi C, 7' -sddi 13- fiLaur quitlqujs pmpd ith des foactions ieo~ Os ffu-ne vasUbte ffieU& Acad. Repub. Pop. Ro- mine. BUI. $d.L Sect, ~fi. Halt, Sz. 3, 157-175 (1951). (Romanian. L Itualim and Freni-It summaries) Via authoc condders real three-dita, m-sional vocto. fimc- tions V(s) of a rea-1 varikble 1. The first chapZF6~;t-,tiias straightforward generallations of &no" ditorems on func- tions of bounded variation, meciurable functions and differebtiable functio"L In the Mond cli~pter the au thor deftes a vecioc: as biviqg posithit. vitgativep* or neutral orientation s=rding as its angle with a certain fixed axis is acute, right, orblituse. He considera the sequence V, - V (1j), when 11, in a red ioquert-e, and he says that the sequence Vj cban&eo Its orientatioa iiifinitely many times if there exists any axis with respect towhich this is the caw. He calls direct and retrogmde vectAirs of accumulation at Is die limit vectoos. obtained by lettitig,11 run over monotone decreasing or Increasing sequences whicb apprmch 4 fie then derives the following theomm-t. 1. If among the direct (retrograde) vectors of aaumulation of V (t) at to there exist two which subtend a SUM-Zera angle, then there exists a mcmotone decreasing (incmadng) oequence 9, such that Vp' change# its orientation Iii(initely Many timcL It. If among the direct (retrograde) derivative vectors of V(8) at Is, supposed of bowded, variation, theze exist two which sub- tend a non-tero angto. then there exists a manotone decreas-' ing (incmasing) sequence t, approaching is aad a -function W(8) such that W(1)-dV(1)/d$ and W, Cs its orientation infinitelyinany tiMOL C. True4Fes, Mvivn4m. E!, Camd8re dc-S moutiarates -s: Lic --EMT~~ dr-, forcir,; dans I& wfcdnique Ics mourements' rOIJ;rNm Acad P-j:p. Roirdne I.Iul- iti Sm_t-- ' _ rh; :4 -0951), 43"0- (1952).-- (Ranulnlam.L Rm* d F h mitc :sumc iam an Thu ~~- qotatious and defitsitious tre taken (mm vrevi-~ ous PaIx-'s (if the author not av.-Pable to tile reliewer makes' Q-' it inw-vtible to analyft~ thin, uoic with rertainty. Tli~ 2uthur. draws gano further wrN,-qtwqco (mm a &,!t of axicing rif, Puliek wethailics Which he Gava he 11.19 Published ill A(Ad. Repub. rap. Rom."ne Stud. C(rc. Ni:lt. 3, no, 1 (19S2). In ar dS a- f . . ! reviewer c~ n ece, the gcncraliwi the ddvs-evcd '-qwttions by al:nwing tht- veir-rit v rnd a--rO!!er1!iFtn V) ia~l LO pro%id,~d the p-isition fielld aS5,1rap- 6OV3 Of "firitude" not rJearly etatat ill this Papr. Ile cGn., cludej that a ateart-, ftwce-fidd mut k, inulti-valu,.d at each point where the awderation is discontinuous. I t Eeems'o the Wewer that the -Audwr definea force cir -.v;~ss tinits gentral- ized acc-leration. and that hence Eivs work concerns only. !tile theory Oi ord;narv differ-ntial equations, not rn-z!cli~inics' -ximing ton, Ind.). 617~j Frodz, Alexandru. Ensembles des, distanctes, Rev. Unfv, Politelm- Buctjrc~ti 5ti Nat. no 3. 211-22 '~Run,Lw-m Kus-, ~n iiid French sunima.:i.--s) V Let E be a-4=aL-sx4pf the Denote by D(E) the set 61 distarices ~)'i pa,r~ 'f 'JISKIrt; Ints of E If there ems,4 t --i;~ .-, .;,c i,-Jcnct r etween the set of pain of pc ints ittnd D E E !s iaid to be a set of unequal distari(es 11 j' ;s &ri a,,tqtr.irv set A positive numbers, dense in '0, the ~rotlem Is- cussed is that of constructing a set E. derisif in and such that D(E~CL. The solution of the probium -s known for nm 1, The impaisiWity of constructing a set E dense in e(l) and safisfyi ig the conditions of the pr~,blem would imply that to any set E, dense in ea), corret.pozids & set D(Ef containing an infinity of irrational valu:n This lasir assertion is nei- , ved, ror disproved, but i,i said to be made plausible by the foLlo%ting result previously proven by the author [Acad- R. P. Romine. Stud. Cerc. Mat. 5 (1954). 29-71 ; AIR 16, 734]: Let e.,v- , embe the space of points of a finite (but unbounded) number of nOn-VaniShing real =tesian coordinates. set is called mirdmal, if each of its subsets contains the lea-qt munber of points consistent with its dimension. Then t1wre exist sets. L, such that any point set E in e, v-,ith unequal distarices and such that D(E)CL, is minimal. I E. Grosswald (Philadelphia Pa.). CAJW~ Frods, Alenwdr!k Sur let ensembles extralts des famples dlevoembla. Acad. Repub. Pop. Rontine. Bul. .56. Sect. .56. Mat. Mz. 4, 701-7J1 (1952). (Romanian. Russian and French outurnarics) Solent Z et F-jF4jrtZ,4v4Ef,sI (r,j').9Zj un tn- wmble non vide ct one fainille denmables non N~des, mpectivetneot. Un criscrublo X contenant on wil point xr de chaque Bt ri'app4lat- %in extrait tie F; 1'extrait X est propre at x( Pixf. pour A X West pas propre, il eat dit Impropre, F appartient A lzi clas-ne (P), Wil existe on extralt propre, de F; dans le cas cantmire, YA. dit que F appardent h la classe (1), symboliquerneut F c (1). Pour que F c (1), 11 faut et il suffit qu'il existe one 1xit-fle non Vide A de F et un B t F-A tels que E soit inclus dans chaque extrait de A (Th. 4. 1). Si.F a (1), H y a OCA C P tel que chaque B a A soit contenu dans la r4union des Wments de A distincts de B (Th. 3.11). Si Z est un sczment Initial transfini de nombres ordinaux et si F g (1), H y a on f a Z tel que As f ~, (Tit. 3.1). L'"Istence Won extrail POUT ChRqUC fRMille CA. 6quivalente A I'axiome de choix. G. Kurepd (Zagreb). FrOdS ndm~ EquationsdifireadelksUmadAff at Acad. Repub. Pop. jcoma4e. Bul. $ti. Sect. $ti. Mat, Fit. 4, 90t-814 (1952). (Ro. mantan. Russian and French summaries) Let g(x) increase on an Interval. Let its derivative e(x) h&ve a.root on each subinterval. Let h be the irive-M of L'. Through each point of a rtctangle there pass infinitely wany solutions y(x) of W(y)y(x) - 1. The effect of a change of variables on the solutions is studied. There is given a change ,which, in general, converts the bolutions at each poipt Into a pencil of straight lines with finite =ter, J. U. Thmo (Durham , N. C), Sur la distribution des discontinuitk des hHes. Corn. kcad, R. P. Ronifne 3 p 31-36. (Rornanian, Russian and French summaries) In a Previ [C R. Acad. Sci. Paris 227 (1948), ..jqps paper A -1 1200-1 #1j1 10, 438,1 the author introduced and studied th~ notion of oscillation order a of a function / at a, denoted by OV, a),.where I is defined in an open set of R.. The author now continues this study. He calls the discontinuity of/ at a "reducible of order a" if (,j"V, a)=0, while cu"'V, a) -~O for all and lie calls a discontinuity at a "irreducible" it o)2(/, a)->O for every cc (of Cantor's classes I and 11). Then lie obtains the result that, for any given m>l, the set of all discontinuities of J which are reducible of order a is at most denumerable and that the set of irreducible discontinuities of /is of the firit c,'itegGry. A. Rosenthal (Lafa,mte, Ind.). FRODA I A. --------- Rational triangles. p. 1695. Academia Republicii Fopulare Romine. COMUNICARILE. Bucuresti. Vol. 5, no. 12, Dec. 1955 So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 d L; A VT: .-Sur- es rett aw ido6i cm- (i &S (Peas Ms..i ca Roralne. Stud. Cert. Mal. 7 (M6), (R&miWaaw: Russi4, and Freml 'C=OMP eteely i ~-,Aerc the sets 41 am Ut f e that the onler I an4 4oA by-R: colziclatswith N~ith the origbial author introdtico, d studies a 61 -t~a 'Aji The- an Ilumliak of properties of iuch -selts" with Special empht"s onweH o4&fa'g. He then uses these multi to study the fii(Wtor ording tiamberi. H 04*6tiq o L q . ., . . . . . . . I I 1 1 . , . -1 ~~ .1 0 1 . - I . I . . I I . . . - I . : . ~ I j ~~ !0 :1, 1 .1 . I FRODA, Alexandru, -.- - -- ---- iio~-- - 2;229-239 160, I ~duo W quadratic forms. Rev math purso 5 no RM 10:9) (Forms(Mathemation)) (Fields, Algebraic) (vector analysis) (Transformationo(Mathematics) FRODA, Alexandru f Reduction of quadratic formo, Studii cero mat 11 no.1149-59 160. (Ew 10:9) (space0 Generalized) (Vector analyais) Dormm(Mathemtico) m FRODA, Alexandru IBogonal oystema of a Euclidean Bpaos. Rev math puree 6 no.23267-281 161. FRODA I A. NThe physical principles of astronautics" by Arthur 1. Boman. Reviewed by A. Froda. Rev math puree 7 no.31546-547 162, F~-flF,l , Alexlrid-rt,, ~ h L h e ' -r% t L rt. a 1 1 .1 -Y :~; f r en i -, tiIn 1, ~. I ..! ri.,.e f . - ~ I ~,~ _ c s - -.- -- math Ram 9 ~t 5 1-5,75 l ~,4 - I I BALAZS, M.; BCRSAN, D.; HIMURG, P. Relations among a multitude of parts. Rev math pures 8 no.3: 477-491 163. FRODSKIY, A. I. Discussion. Probl. kin. i kat. 9:Z?7-278 157. (Km 1113 ) (Carbonates) (Oxygen-Inotopes) FROEHIKE, A. Machines instead of hand tools. P. 32. LAS POLASKI. (Miniaterstwo Leanictwa oraz Stovarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inzynierow i Technikow Leanictwa i Drzewnictwa) Warszawa, Poland, Vol. 32, no. 13/14, July 1958. Monthly Ust of East European AcceBsion (EFAI) Lr., Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. Potao BtJ;t-%`,-6;'sMt Of ~~Alciru, TI.-ev first City m5spital Wcv~3ttrmeao I Szpit#4!A ~Crijjzfkiego v c-1--vicech). "Pjecardial Difai-,ticn in e Fngneat Woman aged 22. Cean Repoxt." Wexilaut E01ski, D, - - - Lqkarski. Vol 2b, Fo 1, 1 jan 63, yp 21-24 AWjcot- JAutr4r'3 EnKlish zm=w7; aMifirA.1 YlocoxxUal infavttim in a prepant woman agvt 22 is reported. The cliniml. sikms A*ere unaha2tcter- istic. Lugs eabpericardial, infarction of bath anterior me, poaterior wall was revealed by eeg tracing8. In the hospital the patient das fo=4 to be pregaent since tbree monthni the previoun ielivery occurtd before aight months. Abortion oom~"~A in the fifth week of t1w ;atient's stay in the hoepitel. The p&tient atkuti in the Ixapital for sevem vmka witliout 80,7 complaInts and vas diecMrged in gorA =dition. Control' ceg trccingin perfamed after amt witha were normal. This artiola cmtains four oaxiliograms ard ten mferencee. Nine of the reference3 are to Polish publIcaticna. FROMMs A. FROEHLKEI A. For 20 bi1lion zlotys. p. 1. Vol. 29, no. 3.1, Nov. 1955 LAS POLSKI AGRICULTURE Poland So: East European Accessionj, Vol. 6, No. 5s May 1957 FROESCHMS, Imi_l Contribution to the treatment of common hiccups. Cook. otolaryng. 11 no.1!39-40 F 162. (HICCUPS ther) FROG) M.I., arkbitektor (deceased3, Present-day substation, an outstanding industrial ensemble. ErIerg. atroi. no. 4:64-66 165. (M1RA 18:12) BOGDASHIN, A.S.; BOGURODSKIY, A.A.: VINGARDT, H.B.; GORBUNOY, T.I.; GORBUNOV, T.R.: DUROY. Y.K.; TERMAKOT. A.L.; IYAHOT, A.A.; KAHAKOVA, N.I.; KOBILYAKOT, L.K.; KOMOVSKIT, H.I.; MARAKHTAYOT, K.P.; MIRUKTAN, G.N.; WIRTOT, G.P.; NOTIKOT, A.G.; CLIKHOYSLIT, K.I.; PASTRYAKOY, A.I.; PCLAPAHOT, A.T.; SKLTARLTSKATA, Te.Kh.; SCLDATAIKOV, S.I.; SOROKIN, Ye.M.; TRUSHINA, Z.T.; FEDOROT, P.P.; FADOSAINT, A.M.;-FROG, 11,P.- SHAHATZT, G.P.; TANOVSKIT, T.Ta.; OR&HOT, A.D.. spetered.; ISTRYA, T.M., (Handbook on now agricultiiral machinery] Spravochnik po novoi taklinike v sel'okom khosioistva. Moskva, Gos.izd~ro sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1959. 364 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Agricultural machinery) FROG, 11. P. ~--' How desi-n of water towers for small water-supply systems. Vod.i san.tokb. no.8:14-18 Ag 159. (14IRA 12:11) Odater towers) '~ If-, ;IUDRYAVTSEVA, A.S., inzh.., red.; inzh., red.; SHLEXOVIC11, S.V., inzh., red. [Instructions for designing rural water supply] Ukaza- niia po proektirovanUu sellskokhoziaistventiogo vodosnab- zheniia (121 267-63). Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 24 p. (MIRA 17: 8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.H.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po de- lam stroitellstva. 2. Goostroy SS91 (-L'or Kudrynvtseva). 3. Vsesoyilznyy Gosudarstvennyy proyektnn--i,/,vskate1'QViv i nauchno-isslednirmtP.1 I qkiv inqtit1,- vodokhozyaystvennogo stroitel'stva (for ~Yog)- 4. Vsesoyuznyy gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu promyshlennykh zdaniy i so- oruzheniy sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Shlemovich). KROLI, E.G., inzh.; KHOKHLOVA, A.N., inzh.; BEUGLYAROV, S.A., inzh., rukovoditell raboty; IGNATYUK, G.L., glavn;rt red.; KAGAN, G.53" zamestitell glavnogo red.; GANKIN, M.Z., red,; DEVILLERS, B.P., red.; ZHEREBTSOV., V.V., rcd.; ZHUKOV, G.A., red.; YJ?EMFR, Ye." red.; OFFENGENDEN, S.R., red.; PAVLOV, Ye.L., red.; PETROVSKAYA, I.V., red.; FAYNTSIMMER, V~M., red.; CHERNIKEVICII, L.A., red.; SHAPAYEV, A.M., rod. (Special operating conditions of irrigation pumping stations.] Spetsialinyo rezhimy orositellrykh nasosnykh stantsii. Moskva, Giprovodkhoz, 1964* 136 p. (MoEewa Vsesoiuznyl prcektno- izyskatellskii i nauchno-issleduvateliskii inatitut Giprovod- khoz. Trudy, no.27). (MIRA 19:1) 1. Nachallnik otdela nasosnykh stantsiy Vseso3-uznogo gosudarst- vennogo proyektno-izyskatellskogo i nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta vodokhozyaystvennogo stroitel'stva (for Beglyarov). FROG,_T~,Aj; KARTYNOV, N.V.; GLADILIN, L.V., otvetetvannyy redaktor; VTSIVA, I.G., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. I [Methods of practical electrical angineering_laboratory work in mining] Metodika laboratorno-prakticheakikh rabot po gornoi alektrotekhnike. Moskva, Ugletekhisdat, 1951. 119 p.(MLU 8:1) (Ilectricity ip mining) FROHLICH, B I'Magnetometer With a Magnetic Probe." P. 342, (EDYT)fjI-RIiI,'ICYY v'37j-;?, Val. 142, No. 6 June 1953, Praha Gzechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions,,LC. V01. 3, No.5 May 1954, Unclassified FROHLICH.)-H,p NFMTH, Judit (tranalatorl I I I The theory of superconductivity. 1. Magy fiz folyoir 10 no.~':,&19- 09 1 .62. - 1. Elmeleti Fizikai Tanazeks Liverpool (for Frohlich). Strojlreastvi (1-~achinery) Vol- 8 Ur. 3# 20. Mardi 1958 jIf ~ Ill all r - "I Won bewliqls. Strojimnstvi, Vill. 6j Nil. 3, 1953. p, 191--397 The life tjly,e :of antifrictiril J:X_'rj4!jS is CIS1011" ate-A In Czeehosliwat,13 mainly by using formulao Indicated In cSti and, DIN standirds. It ean tic rusonably expect-sd (jWt beglanWg from 194 liew standards contkgraing mith ISO recarnmondations L W 0 generally Introduz-ed. Nev., ISO stand-Irds are baspi stp,)a exact calculationm Tile author points out main differekt4 Wtwcom the wetMdl Ah,.:h result In vdryina final figures. no artkle fits Into the sortei; of artletes dullng with anti- frictlan bearing.s and thO compulat(M FROHLICH, lorant. Dr.; GAIZLIR, Gyula, Dr.; SZURDOKI, Zoltan. Dr. Some problems of the x-ray diagnosis of the lumboaacral region. Orv. hetil. 100 no-9:323-3z7 1 Mar 59. 1. Az Orazagos Reuma ea Yardougyi Intezet (ignzgato foorvos: Yarkas Karoly dr.) es Orazagos Balneologiai Intato Intezet (igazgato: Schulhof Odon dr.) 111. eD. Rontgen.-laboratoriumanok es a Yovarooi Furdoigazgatosag (Agns- aato foorvos: Chatel Andor dr.) kozlemenve. (IMCK, radiography lumbo-sacral region (Han)) FROHLICH. Vio HZTZUYIJUN, G.; FROHLICH. K lffects of hyperglycemia on adrenal function. Acta Dhysiol. hung. U(SUPPl):59-60 1957. 1. J(linik far innere madizin do Medizinischen Universitat, Sseged. (HYPMLYGINIA, exper. eff. on blood adrenal cortex hormone level in dogs (Ger)) (ADREML CORTME HORMONES, In blood eff. of exper.'hyperglycemis, In dogs (Ger)) BINKO,Sandor; BAIAZS,Viktor; FROHLICH, Ma rgit ; HORVATH,Xva; KOVAGS,Xalman; I FEIZAI,Bela; RAK,Irai~Z-a--n---- -- - --- --------- -- Pulmonary arteritis and changesof.serum lipoproteins in dogs after intravenous administration of methyleellulose. Magy. belorv, arch. 13 no.1:13-16 Mr '60. 1. A S"zegedi Orvostudomanyi Agyetem I. sz. Belgyogyaszati Klinilrajanak (igazgato: Hetenyi'Gaza,dr.Cdeceased], egyetemi tanar) es Korbonctani Intezetenek igazgato: Korpasay,Bela,dr.. egyetemi tanar) kozlemekye. (METHTIMIDLOSS pharmacol. (LIPOPROTAINS blood) (PUIXONART ARVIRY die.) (ARMITIS exper.) BAWS, Viktor; BACKHAUSZ, Richard; VRQRLTnR- BENKO,, Sandor Immuno-chemical investigation of the serum-protein changes of experimental storage raticulosis. Biol orv kozl KTA 11 noA441-455 16o. (EM 1015) 1. Szegedi Orv03tudomanyi Egyetem I. at. Belgyogyaszati Klinikaja as a Human Oltoanyagtermelo as Kutato Intezet, Budapest. (RETICULOSIS) (SERUM PROTM) (IMHUNOCHEMISTRY) - - - - -- - I - - - - - - I - - - , - - . , "'.- - ~ - -."WO ff - --- FROHLICH, Margit; BALAZS, Viktor Defining the characteristics of the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract by a simple electrophoretic method. Kiserlotes m-,rostud. 13 no.2:126-130 My 161. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyatem Lez. Belgyogyaszati Klinikajn. (GAST,caC JUICE chem.) (IVMTINES physiol.) FROHLICH Mkrgaret M.; HORVATH, E. The Porter-Silber reaction in the presence of glucose. Acta med. hung. 17 no.3/4:257-262 161. 1. First Department of Medicine (Director: M. Julesz)q University Medical School, and Institute of General and Physical Chemistry of the University (Director: A. Kiss), Szeged. (GLUCOSE pharmacol) (17-KETOSTEROIDS urine)