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~. ~.
Klpri,,anov, A. I. an-11 Frid;!,,on, ~. ~). a 1,11t,
Mer. zhurnal, 1-.148), I,,~ue 1, p. 2?-44, - 15
SO: U-3'42, 11 '"arcl~ 53) (lotol'is, Iny':,Ii SUAny, No. 10,
4(j, :,01j1. 1',, 112 g. -'Awlimt Ili.. 1"'I'Tal b, IN ~ liv -~i,l
%va., 'I'm15 td.hd it lilt. IINOI "'I,
1 .30) 'It t'lillit Wilp.. th! llkt. ktpt N' 1;1~ M owlill (0111I
crilfIL pf,,1110
"t IS,
I If I V- I, I. I I, I IS I Iill C(IS 117, IN 1111 1
-.1mic lim"."V). vi'l-te'l I
115% /?.1 wit, i"Howm-11,
$)'It 11). 3iW; NII, all, yellow, Ili, 210"; Ar wit,
fir'llil,g I with nl- V(011 ,)III c"Ilvd. IT'SO,
to 50-V 1!;I,e -10'~ I heatc.1 ill, St V-
CI! to 00 .7o, ('11trwil a mabstalle.., Ill. IST-s" C-mg. CI Ilml
i. ullath,lud III. rellaxing with Etoll or INIC011 will Wrilli.
fied III% I and 11c1. bell.we ~imi-
larly. It,-ming 13.0 K. /~ITINC.Ii.COICIIICIIINI-'t,llcI ill
M Ins. ViOlf ivithn ttilticited mixt. of 1.1.5 g. CuCI: Sims 7 it
g,NJI6C,N3I5niin at IW, and adding -10 in' Ait. I ICI gave
,It pot., I'llich %va, ext'l. repeAte'l1v with lint HSO nn,l the
ext. liclar-litol willi N-If'Off. yieldilig 131~',
e1hyl 111, 1~:)* (frnnI tit-
Oil)-. 110 snit, lit. 193-4' (from MOM. Similarly. (1.1 g.
ill 50 lilt, MOII treatrIl
with'I nit. 30~"o ate. fict, (1.5 K. CUCII, and 3.11 g. '411,C.N',
jtay,! 3.7 g. 1-iiietheallninatropyl
(MMV41(f. 111. 1-111 ((1`0111 dit. EWIII~ $111111AFIF W;I-4
forilml 6011,0, tipadim(WAY1 f ifte. lit. V41* (;.,.\I. K:
Amlectalli I Wors of thistolecarblislylle adds. 1. 2.
Beci=xerboxylic acid end 6-bacuothimiscublis
add. S. G. Fridnhin (In5t. (IIII. Chem., Acad. 56. U171kirk
S.S.R.). Air. O&A(Aff Kkim. (I. Gen. Chem.) ZO, 1191-8
(low). -2-fiestizatho4zdel arboxyli, Oid (1). m. 108' (5 g.).
warvwd 2 hrs. with 6 C. PC4 un a water both. then treated
with ice wittleri gave 91%,it the yelkso, aeidthitioride. m. IOD-
2*(IrnmC.11, Warming this with MeOll 30 min. gave the
Ale Wft #4 1, oil 4W 16"Oll .111 111101f), alid, P.1011 g4VV the
P;I rilff, M. P) I " I"I"NO1,01,11111 Ito (,.I($ SAVe Oft
refluxing 3 hr~, I 1w :41447AIM I %,vIA.vt M", In. I M4' I from)
(CIC11011 ; P,mk. in, 11K. (from Ftolf). Smillally. fill.
,11 elite. dnvm;,.
X(CII0,011 riv,
112* Orurn ViOll-Ale,CO); puralt, M. Ill (fr-m
ethyl ester. domwip 142* (from ViOll-Me,W), Addn. of
"d. slowly to "it g. CUCI, mind al~rj
'h I g. 1~)
KC.NS. And v~..rititnt thr most. with 40 ml. AcOll 13
!;hl. 10 50* Itov;-. wt it%wro. with hot 11,4!) and addri. of
M1,014. almott Ill.
1:14'. IlLhij (71, K I atj.j.d nh oirritis too !bx) C. KOJI anti
Z)O mi. 11,0 at I(W. fu$)wpJ Ity heating to VW until MI.
evolves, then to 1.50' if,pwilasirms), dolts. %ith 11,0.andneu.
tralizationorith 110. gave which.
in the crude &tit,,. bmted :1 his. with list x, M). IIC(Nll
aild a little z". yieldcd off Itrutratir.11 O'n st oth S.oll 71)cm,
6-MethAeSZOASatale. It. 251-2'. 'rills (L~t K.) tu'lleti with
210 C. 140 with dd,In 4 V) g. K.Nin(As raw 11.5 It. 6-beasto.
thWolifKarbaryfir aiiif. tit. 245' (I"tits M4110; this tx,ikd
wilbricess"'(X%gave the
m. 1424% which with Salf0h xuvie lilt frvrWIj1A1,WsW,.
nj.M"(IrumCsJI4). its it jetitmi
gave the fcollavt,ing "ten:
Ft, M. 64' (Imm -Ill NOW, drtx"p
179' (frottl (1011,041 (p,fae. m. 172,1; j-4o`,I!.Vza-%I%~f-
propyl tit. 16W (P-jo. too. 140): and
dW)rfAyi d-Nimp. '.'M' l(rotit EtOll-lotteCIP).
I gave the dwide. m. 210 .(rum A.4pll). The
arnico4kytesttrscittA Atvtt tm det-d of a qr,Wfit Isopp".
tiff. G. %t. K-4pod
C, 14
Andooolkyl Mets ol IbWolocs(boxyllc acids 1 .1 -
bomodlissolocatboxylic and 6. bontothivoliKarbox) lic
acids. S. G. VMmau. J. Geoe. Clem. USS.K. IU.
t=4,.XI9SOXffngf, trun%tAtitmil.-Sre C.k 45. 157W.
R M. S.
"Y' ~,Iet.* of thialitleciaboxylic Addai 11. 102.
Jecaliticitylic .id d 2. am 0-
.,Yl ~ W., tialecarbarylk acid, S. (;~ etifinan.
hi'l A*, ,, "' . client') 20. 1:01 -130M.-
3.21-SICI Ills) C.) I,,,;) 1 1) '11N.Iheated With 45 g. BsCl I
hr~ [n$ A strain 1,2111 Ill. pt.011j.1 %ith!i~( Noolf, it"d
it 1, Ill 11-11 11CI, gave 4111";, 11-pitthy/4.
1. 14, U~n k,. " 1:!1, , " I, I I (I".111 ifil. Noll). Thk
1 .4, 01f .1111 IAA g. KhIn0J and W MI.
it 14-111rd OX ~ I-P/WXy1-64eXl14k6J1d1If-
(fr,-,, AdIff); beating with PCI#
PhIl r, at list* save 95", of the Worlde, M. 177'
If yirldi the Aft Cliff' in. 150". The
ith in Ult 2 hirs. gave
the 2-d&4AyAjms*,wikrJ ratp, 6ulaltj &S be 110 wit. in.
2M-20" l(forit (CII,(!I)j1; Picrale, in. 189* (from ~Jrlco).
The J-dittAylanopkipropyl fit" IliCt sail, In. 20&4* yto,
0111a)IJ; P-Qle, Irs. 157*1: and 2- (1-piperidyl) ethyl
Cliff 178,~ yiel,l) 111(7 jail, 11, f
CUal were sintilorly pit-1.1. rom fell,-
(W g.) heated with m jg~
P-OINCJI.Coci I hr. on A ~tvdflt bath save 32"; 6-spiethyl.
tit. '219' (front AcOlf, then
-bkb 0~'-5 X-) treated In 100 Mi. 1-01; U.So.
With 0-5 I'll. -111-L IICI and then. With jilow heathill oil a
.140"A bath, With 13 9. IK?Wd. KrC11(h gd,fed in SInAtl 1".
16013ij. $aVe. after the USUA UtAtatt fit. 07" ;, iva tau of 2.(P
thelteeatid, tit.
3110 (frous AcOll). h.4i.1 jib pCI, in pIjC1 grive be
Worigir 19-,' "). it C,11.). WhIL11. heatol Itfk
NICOIL JA%t file It( 2LU 01* (((wit C.H.J. 'unt-
forty Int.&A. -It: 1111'r 1.1 otir. fig. Ovial C4114%
ell(? I110 wil. In. M,4, (dra"0101'.
Ituin htoil) 1. .1 r4of (Vi`;), al, 159
(V)* (iroul J1,1011) 1110 sall. tit. 234' Wrt,onim,; It,"it
') I/M tan. tn~
HtOlf)J; 2-(1. perkly(itAyi citer ("a"
244' ((rum NOP) 1; the amode, from the chlaride aml
Oil oaastratu both, tit. 2014' (ftoin AvOID, RnIuctiont
of the lliftO dt-61(11. by hCUtilIg With "Mi Still IICI J-AVC thC
corresponifing depirs. of
tayboxy k '" Ad: Are cite, (.71'. 1. tu.21.4* ((tool -fit.
El tiler (4 V ). in. 2a4-5'. awsfe at. Onxii
dd. 1; tOll); "-dirlAyla min, wthyi e,trr i W.), ai. 3;11.p' ffr,nn
silty t4tS1,1, in. t(r_"
dil. ~
(front dil. LtOll); -(i-pip4rtdylJr(hYI e,t" (45'j). nt.
1441. 'c'. %I. K,.Upnfl
C.A. 48. 67,k. It
'kThIms"AtIon.2f IRM S, G. Pridnian. Zhur.
4 V ;Q; J*- -TTN%~, t Blom-
quist and Diuguld ("C.A4 obtained 2-nitro-.I-thio-
% cyanoanitine which they erroneously assurned to be 2-,
amino4-nitrobenzothiatole. On acetytation of their prod-
not 2-
de an
net they obtained 2-nitro-4-thiocyanoa"tanil
ucetylamido-4-nitrobentothiatole; further on diaxotitation
th obtained 2-nitro-4-thiocyanocblorobenzene Rnd not-
c iazole. Following Challenger and
Peters (C.AJ 22, 3162) Ph%-Ht was convert-A to t-thlo-
cyanonnilint, which gave the N-Ac deriv.. which nitrated
to P-nitro-p-,thlocyanoutetunilide, which gave o-nitrc-p~ I
thlocyanonniftne. Pjixed m.p. dems. of 2-nitro-l-tho-
cyatioacetanilide and B. and DA alleged 2-amino,4-nitro-
benzothiazole gave no depression; nor was a depres,ion ob-
of 'line nnd
seryed In mixed m.pi. 2-nitro-4-thiocyanoant
Allmmd 2-amirlo-f-Wirobenzothlizole. Since emorical for--
cs are
nes an
t thipcvp4oan
idcn(W, analy*4 4.41;jcould not be used for dectsign ai to
011 4as 4mo and D. Authentic'Anijr!~-P-
tru re 7
an04 pp #13% N-Ac dcriv
ltro-P-thlocyaaw$~~Zeoe. M. M'.
of atliylene and bylvnollf~
r at ti"Ca t
- A4
97&-WJ(l were nrepd.- loor
tftts gis-a(Whistanilaic arenO." sbow,,d rwtivity. bat
the be5t wcm below Pydbcnmmhffi; the most "Ye WRO
1.42) aare 80% AfirNCH3CHiHrJ1DP. m. 28P. after wwk-I
jiftorf;1M.no1 Md Soch KnTC1.,
Ing rrith MVICO. 2-PiPCr*
m. (CHJtC11Br;.
mN 08-700.:
PI dine VC 3- i rAr"Me
.Cff: . from PION e, 11to, AM 11C. bm; j
1 10'. 'Z-Bromethilande. by the &kndmcycr reuction.
fln4 2.5 rnl. AcCH&CI on gil zteam bath I br.. 3oln. In MO.'
with EtrO, addn. of 10% NnOlf. and filtration Pria
;90 M. 99,; PkM14. M.
. Refluxing 27.4 g. "bent-tidine, 18.4
, ant
g (
ry Xj
HePh 8 bra., followed by addn. of 1110 and extri. of the *q.,
1117" with Etro. save 0070
dim, Rh 173:4"; WO &all- rit. 174*. Agialorro"Sly ... ob.-
Wned: 70% PANUCHIC11iffM6. th 100-6* (di-MCI s44,
170-7*): p-E?COX*1f.N11CHCF1,M3ftl. 32',
181 5
(110 alt. m. Picrale, rn' 137-8
DrC#H&N1T1C1fxC11,NC**%, 327p. bt ISD-V, on. 44"
Wt. in. 20.13"); PACHIMUCH.C111NAVer. 20%. b* 115-
17* (di-110 jqlt. in. 203-7'). H"fing 20.4 s. AftibF.
(CIIJaXill in 20 ml. pyridint with 1.1.6 g. p-MCOCIfir
CHIC] 15 firs.. adding 15 s. 5olid VaOll. N-AtIng 0.6 br- an
etrum ti;.ith. filtering, and di-,tg. rave -13~1 N.Ndimr1h*
;10nalt.m M-9' Ref'uxing5.5g.Nle2.NCifiCligNTIPh
la 10 ral. pyrklint- with 5.5 g. 2-hrvnjutio.Lzvi= !~. irra., hrai-
ing 20 min ~ with 10 g. solid NaOll. filtering, and ill-sig. gave
1.45 r-
diarnii.r. th 145-50"; Perchlufate. tn. 109". SIMPlarly Waal
obtaln~d the N~~ntyl axatq, 40%, th 18a-5*; prrchlorWo.
lit. 139"; it3 pirrate could not be obtained In solid Statt
cf. U-S. .0,440.730. C.A. 43, 1914). Similarly vms ob.
amini, - M-00
: tba product vrasjmpm,
find none of itz salt-i wen 9titairied in vpOd stat 11TA"g
9.0 a. 2-benzylamlno-+M~tl iyltbiazoir. 4.6 1.- Namih"
att 175 AVePh 2 hts:, ddlt 14 uevubtr,
ClIjur.1fur, 'KA4 bofthig 12 bri, tat SM, 1k (-Nl*
atow, b4 I
(titidt); the Pdrcuaae; M. t4 With give the
free bdse, an oil, yleldluc k Ldt-RCI Salfi-
cauxIng US C., Na aft of Vftlan otfilatole wftb
C. pCol gave'
,2 pyl Chtowe In ptolf a ft".
tit .1y OPYI)SAIt N'.*s
* Ur _UcU - 2W4
a'Rue M. tf%G* FA 010n0 so . M. 2% 6P:"Ie. m4 M51; di-MCI t4ft. tn. 102*. The ftme
I .-The folldwing Int"med4tes w"t
pcodact tc auAhed In the g3me Yku fcom tht 11CUS OC
tztiAed by candensation of outilatt with dialkytamtnoal RC1 Wt Listend of the free base Sitnllat( w"tobtlatird:
11-Aid" X. drscrilk-d In Part I (above): FhN1fC1r2C[rtN1Vi1~ 76% 1 - 1: - IN - Y - WA31 - I'- thiald dmilfuj - fl-kyr
H%4,M 1 F2,
lu 1611-7* (&UCT idtf, m. ST4-51% VKrdm be lsa--3* (di , G-Irc?
Ph IVI[CIF: Clio C110"Cittq. R)C- 6 14," , affili 17, M.
C1 salt, in. 221;-0*); p6-AfeaHjZ&rC'[r'jYArq, df-HO Jill, M. 164');
b, 120-3* (di-HO s4ft. m. 17""), -AfeJWf,- 847C. he 170-3"(dipicrafe, ch.
N11CUsCiltIVAlet, 61, N 1.11-34 (di-MC1fdft. in. 180,; d4-110 m1e. hygrosccPic); Otro.
p-r-10 4nake. GS,7*. , 133-6* W-ffa sal:..m. 160A m. 47-9" VOL-rae, m . 201'; dr-110 talf, m. 144--S*); S'-
PACHIMUCI&CHIC1119wrt. m5o b4 I-VY-a- w-fra cy? ditdug. 78 m.68.5
kall, m. 207*). 11catfitt 42.6 c, ife',NCIfCEI.NRPh.2I[Ct agtfec. 9217u-
with 27 g. NH4CNS itt 100 mi. PhCl 16 hts. at 100'. fillfta-'. 071-41 (krddarcdle, rn. 144');
tion. sain. of the pnt. In hot HjO, clarification, and coolirg N*-($-P~.-ml.-24hicz.-?yLleikyttxtdiamixe, m. 09* (H1Tr m2r.
gavc 5070 CGIOTICS3 PhN(CsNltt)clfgclftAvAfetjIC4*1'3, mJ m. 213-:5 ):
10-70' (from BuOIQ: Na-CO* do" not liberate the free V41 bt IF", (614,crdr 13
bLis6. but treatment with 10170 N&OH gave the free base, at., 177 di 410 rL/J. hy,Uorop C1. All the above pQli~~
111-2' (From DuOI4)-. MCI jall. m. 10'. Similarly wese at prazf ca few-1j.
have ant ihistaininic proptaies bttt no, 6
prcrA! 45% PAN(CS1V11jC1fC11,JVCj1m. m, 114-16';
I'hzV(.C-5NIft)Cil,Cif,Cfll,VCIHI*, 40%, ta. 112% 52%
~O tit. 14 &t-&0 4*41 -8'-, PACI 2
fj 4, 55%, tn. 131
tC.5N1!j C113 1, Immet, as w. 105*- PACIrtly CSNIIJ-
1C1hCUjC11.-NUej, 23%, m.*;102*. _ - . - 5noalkyl)-
kqI-ItnItItS With ftej. SufAtIttletits (d tbt P- a f otm
motio-HO Wts wA do not fortwt deti".
[o',Y4.6 9. FhN(CSNHjClTjCfhNUev wu Wed 6 tat.
ITIC1, Ithig in i delayt4 vigams ryadloa,' the
mixt-heate7u, hr. Itt SO-901k, d0d; "Ith VtO, txtd.,wfth
B 0'((04rc AJ:CT12CI,dcw). spade olk extd. wkhl
&-'rhimlyt derivatives of ethylede- and trimethyltnedi-
Inet. 1. U. S._G. Fridmtn J. G44. CUM. M.O.-
F-IR. 23, translation), -S-1
- tf. L. 11.
F11110A44A1, 6 c~
V Thlocarbocyanlacs with arylory groups In 8,10-pilsirlo-21-
A. 1. KIIIA2110y, Zh. M. Dmnova, anti S. G. Flillmall.
Ukraito. Kkint. Zhar, 20, &U-,
(1) faryl - (a) Pit.
U S 8 R (d) 0-Meoc.11. W I-cmill,
161.3'nd U) '_7C,olfil tire prelml, fly cumicitsing o IWNCtff,SII
with Ar0Cll,,COlII (aril groul" % Yield, and ni.i). giveri)-
0, " ' 9; b, 7, . 119,; c. 7). 123*, d, 779. W; e, M,
1112iW~, f, W, 119'. Quater.jary iuilts (U) of the
loll..,liX I tire prepd. by heming I Ill", fl-Mce'll'S00 t
1: 1.1 molar ritifl) 3 lits. tit 115k-10" Wallillig the masi with
,10, and crytij. from JIj0 (aryllroup, 5+4o, find m.p
given): a, 27, 157-41; 6. 61, 15W: c, M. W 1-71; J, .47:
103'; e,59, f,61. Ilil-2*. 8, 10-Diaryloxythic-car- i
bocy-anine ifyci(M)are obtairicil by licativig 3 fill. dry CjIfr
14, 1 X. of the follorviitg 11, will OJI r,. e-fortirate I hr. at
115-20', oll1r. with M011, -trid wlflh~g hot aq. K1 Or
NLkCIO4 to the boiling mixt. (aryl group,,ani'lli, 0,; Ykid,
M.P.,411 11 niav. Ullq)rptiol) speviju ill mp g v[!)). a,
2,X3-4 , &S1, b, CIO.-, 20, 1 -, 15~5' Is)&-
7% 4501; d, I -, 14, IM, .590: e, CIO.-. M. W: f_
1-1 11, 10; 80, MR. Sly I Yl flyc,; (IV) nre prqKI. by htnt in x
e(plimolar 44 t1w 1`141"winic 11 alld P--NI L- N~41 I Clio
20 it, In. fit IX-* in ArA oddhil, lint all. KI or NaCIO., :tit(,'
cryl,tK. from V1011 (aryl s:rOm" All;')n' 7, yield, 11I.P., and
aWorption vprt-tr;s Ill mij givvn): a. I-, M, 21f)-l'. 520;
b. CIO,% 117, 22213-5% U)-. c. CIO.-. Pry, li'6-7" ;V210; d'
CIO,-, 01, 212-15'. 620; e, 1-,05,
5M. Nt!"AtIctl0l, v( U radk3k in the 8- Or
Pllift~ the :t4-Alflivion qlwctl,.t (V) (A the dy'l..
cl"ii3miig it Ilv 9 -If) inp und r/ and itivrcsing it by _17-33
1:11, for Tit: the V 4 Vw twitshmfiftard dycs
11; 1 Wh i(4-, C.A . 44, 76S I
"hvit. W j s S P~
Card 1/1
Authors Fridman, S. G.
Title 2-Alkoxymothyl- and 2-arylcorymothyl-6-amino'benzthiazoles
Periodical Zhur. Obahchei Xhim. 24, Ed. 4. 642 - 654, April 1954
Abstract The aynthosis of 2-aLkoxymethyl- and 2-aryloxymothyl-6-aminobanzthiazoles
can be accomplished in two ways: 1) through condensation of o-amino-
phonylmorcaptan with alkoxyacetic acids we obtain 2-alkoxymetbylbenz-
thiazoles and then nitrate the obtained bases and 2) through condensa-
tion of 5-nitro-2-aminophonylmorcaptan with alleoxy-and aryloxyacetic
chlorides we obtain 2-alkoxymethyl-and 2---rvloxy=ethyl-6-nitrobenzthi-
azoles. By reduction of the 6-nitro derivatives the author boped to
obtain Interesting aminea. Twenty-five references; 5 USSR since 1906;
4 Germin since 1893; 2 SvIss since 1933; 1 French-1947; 13 D1811ch
since 1928. Tables.
Ini3titutlon Institute of Organic Chemtatr7 at the Acad. of Eclences U~x-SSR
Subnitted October 15, 1953
f. ces.' clitits, U.S.S.R. 24,
us slif tlm).--Sec VA. 49, dMi.
It. L. If.
VraNtly- �0' &
Card 1/1
Author Fridman, S. G.
Title t 4-alkoxymothyl- and 4-aryloxymethyl-',3(p-aminophanyl)-thiazolei3
Periodical t Zbur. 0b. Xhim. 24, Ed. 5p 909 - 916, May 1954
Abstract Numeroub 4-alkozymethyl-2-phonylthiazoles were syntheafted. Nitra-
tion of the latter yielded homologous p-nitrophenyl derivatives.
The reaction of 4-cblorometbyl-2-(p-nitrophenyl)-thiazole with
phenole resulted in the formation of homologous aryloxy derivatives.
Roduction of 4-alkoxymethyl- and 4-aryloxymethy-2-(p-nitrophenyl)-
thiazoles produced homologous aminee. Four references. Tables.
Institution Acad. of Scs. Ukr-SSR, Institute of Organic Chemistry
Submitted December 7., 1953
Card . 1/1.
Authors Fridman, S. 0.
Title 2-alkoxymethyl-and 2-aryloxymethyl-4-(D-aminonhenyl)-thiazoles
Periodical Zhur. Ob. Khim., 24, Ed. 6, 1059 - 1063, June 1954
Abstract Numerous 2-alkoxymethyl- and 2-aryloxymethyl-4-(p-nitrophenyl)-thiazoles
were obtained as result of the reaction of 2-chlorome~hyl-4-(p-nitrophen-
yl)-thiazole with alcoholates and phenolates. Reduction of the formed
nitroozoles resulted in the formation of 2-alkoxymethyl- and 2-aryloxy-
mothyl-4-(p-aminophenyl)-thiazoles. The exrerimental procedure is desc-
ribed in detail. Four references. Tables.
Institution : Acad. of Sc. Ukr-SSR, Institute of Organic Chemistry
Submitted : December 7, 1953
A Ux f and-
tkoxyme J-~
Arun Obsp firf 1-C4,lin 11%~J"`~-,
111CIft"111,110 irl -fj )0 att. CIM,
io 79
~Tf;u. t, s (Y-1
p1q.1. OIL
Oi,,IVIII~ "00-,, 1"
(1.5 hr. at 11:1-o'
:wjh,.mi toUca juJ,fm:a;:vr not in, 11~!~q
It 1% itil A)"). i~t czlcl~ g..
fit.3 (111), .,. tm,; 0.,! 1,
TI!C~A-- 1uIj5t:il1Z1~1 ~-ii. III
am-f! -Cht at 1) 2' 4:ot:
phenyj)~Zhl:c-le Uv), 1:1, 2-,'~'
-mtlv (,il*v p-( i,'-'J!,
Jz~ductlvu of (h, 0:7,;
1,011 -fiR73
.~tof la pi. 13" tlii~! :.A!
-1 21 V, Pt, P!;.
Cyanins dyes from the isomeric pyridothiatoles. Ukr.khiz.zhur.
22 no.6:767-771 156. (MLRA 10:7)
1. Inatitut organichoskoy khisli AN USSR.
(Cyantile dyes)
171criflitive15 ofIflyrida [3, 1 (_f d 12 Z'31 S.
Aj 13 _-
7172F. u0mri"ej It. /_ [!'! -41~' '1,( 7 fit 11,1\1114T ~Ov' IT
with 48 g. X;t'S'?ir..0 ill 101) 111. Ftf)" If) ;1611., co"ling,
and gradually adtfinz %1,1
after 10 min. at 70-SW asd with H~Q. 62";
diritro-4,4'4ipytidyl dijfd_.,6f'e, m. :10~' ff-m A(( 0 1
This (19.6 gJ'%ml W K. Z11 dliq addttl jrl 1.5 1'r5. to
Hin -uiig, addii. A 40 nul.
bo . , g AcOff gave. aftcr I hr. rt Ila
AWt6 md refluxinx 3 hm longrr, Ada. of .!\Cl-,%
-440% N'3011 aild Cjtn. ivith C11C%,
IM-dilk(aza.1c, in, 140* (ftota lif-roizic); t'~Fflle' in. '-'OS';
MCI tali, in. 2_3S* (frmlf 1,1119 with a!
gave 36';r,
decunip. 156% wilicti fr(%tcll %vitli SOCI..' flt~.Ji with NIC01-1.
gave 560/10 Are ester, M. 171*, Lbo formed from flie acil and
CHIN,. TUe ester and NH,Off gave 71% rorrespl:,nding
amide, m. 242', while the estrr and M,:011 soln. of N,
11,0 gave 83'~'o corresponding hydrazide, m. 2:32". providcd
the reaction is run at r4yjti temp.; at clcvatcd temp. t1c
dfazq'! 11
It-ring k draml-Trpatrint f the hy wit
W; 24 1 QsHONS. -&-dicyWeliYde pve Ayci'roxy.-
acid heattd to 175-
bmWiiiie d0ii4~: tX1- 2W. - The frft
-80 - pyrUatf."Idgasok. ma 103* (from 1:40).
Privauves of mido-T' V-6
Distr, MEMAE2C
Clicl, j
14 C"
the a,;'
;: yi
Witt.' V,,!ICd IIISO~
P0. U.011 Vni gLjwly w1&d 16 it, cf-illed. fls~k)4 Ul~%cA
by cifdr. at 14' of 4,1 C. ll;.iNOw, in 7.5 rd. lffO; dter tf'ir
ti-Ir t fif. W-A "W fit-Itinj CO (CAUX 16 Mill. tht Milt. ai
~qlcfc-4, (tic fifulte coaw., With Naoll, ar'l cxf.l. witf-,
CHC4 ~LtMLig 4 K,
ca. 7 E ' t Uinvint), To JO m 1. wnaf. w3 y 't`IdId
2 g, KQNO. (Olowe-4 bir ILd4n. at - IC-' Lf,5 C. I v. W,1!!
11404 fctl~nml by 6-2 g. Na~',Oj ija 25 fnl~ crjtlzt-4. HS~
di---Mi-XE. -VVZIS kCPt :~) tL7S. at. V, 'jUZr(hcd ir ir~, 4;'.!
Wald4e, m
a n"d F, at -11' 1.3 C. Nla, N Ck ffi. 4 -a: 1,
VIP; after swre--r 0.5 he asad jmat-.-Qc,t-:, T"luv, ti-te mixt.
wv-s ntt~trali=-d =-I v~=d- WitfI: efleft; rxt. wat
avrr AlI(% and the cdacurt f ILtrd with CHC[k J~,' ljnE 1.6 Y.
TZ 10 nit. v~mcd. lic kad ~Ul ml. HIO' ~I:L-3
-113' 11iis wa-, with 0.2.5 NuNOt in 2
fcZ-,wf,f by LS g in 3
-,I to 4Y and ~rs- zt O~ 11-e nq~- fiftrc't -0 t,~
-Ull 14-4) .-1
-- T
AUTHOR: Fridman, S.G. 307/79-28-1
TITLE: Triaminopyridothiazole and Its Condensation Products With Dicarborvi
Compounds (Triaminopiridotiazol i yego produkty kondensatsii s di-
karbonil'nymi soyedineniyami)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1958, Vol 2e, Nr 11, VP 5078-3063 (US-IR)
ABSTRACT: The scope of the present paper was the synthesis of the hitherto
unknown 2,5,6-triamiropyrido [--',I-dj thiazole (1) and its condenia-
tion with dicarbonyl compounds, as well as to find out the physio-
logical activity of the reaction products formed therefrom. The
condensation products of this triamine with the dicarbon,"! com-
pounds pyrazino-[5,6-b3pyrido L2,_5-djt'-ia7L)1ires (A) con,;ist of a
complex condensed system at' ritroc
,en hetera cycles:
NH 2 0= R N R
HZ_ C + C~
Mll~\N"_~ 11~(NH N, 2
Concerning their structlire thej are clo~;e ',o the nteridines. Com-
pound (1) was obtained from .2, 6-diaritino- --ni tropjri dine arl the
Card 113 thiazole (II) by thicnYanation '~'Scheme !). Bj reiuction %' ,i1) was
SOV-19-28-1 1-!) `55
Triaminopyridothiazole and It3 Condensation Products With Dicarbon-
Y! Compounus
transformed into (1) in good yield, which was identified in the
form of the dichlorine hjdrate, sulfate. To prove the prejence of
two amino groups in the ortho position products of the condensa-
tion of the base (I) with the quinones (X) and (.U) were synthe-
sized. The condensation with symmetrical dicarbonv] co-:ocunds leads
to derivatives of the 2-aminopyrazino-[5,~,-b]PYI-'i-lo [~,3-dl_lhiazole
(AIRj~R 2)' the condensation with unsymmetrical ones to tile -orma-
tion of two isomers. The condensation of the phenyl glyoxal, for
instance, is illustrated by scheme 4. It may be concluded there-
from that in the condensation with pyrotartaric acid mainly a
pyrazinopyridothiazole (G) must be-obtained. The synthesized deri-
vatives of the 2-amino pyrazine[5,6-bj-pyrid,)-L~, 3-d] thiazole
are given in the table. They are stable compounds and ~;bnnot be
characterized by melting L_ointj so that in ti-~- table cnl h C!
maxima and minima of the absorption curves of their _-~lu-
tions in the ultraviolet could be 6iven.- There are 1. table and
8 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
Card 213
Triair,inopyridothiazole and Its Condensation i1roductj L.0
7,'ith Dicarbonyl Compounds " Y/ 7 9 - -, b - 1, " -5
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy khiriii Akademii naue Ukrainskoy SSR
(Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Acadei,,iy of Sciences of the
Ukrainskays. SSR)
SUBMITTED: July 15, 1957
Card 3/3
AtTHOR: Fridman, S. G. SOV/79-29-1-33/74
ZTTLE: Condensation of Triaminopyrido [2,3-d3 Thiazole With Carboxylic
Acids (Kondensatslya triaminopirido [2,3,-d] tiazola s karbo-
novymi kislotami)
PERIODICALt Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 1, PP 153-156 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper was the condensation of 2,5,6-tri-
aminopyrido C20-11 thiazole with carboxylic acids. The conden-
sation of the ortho-diamino derivatives of the aromatic and
heterocyclic series with carboxylic acids leads to the forzaa-
tion of compounds which contain the imidazole cycle. It is
known that the amino group of pyridine in position 3 reacts
more readily than that in position 2; as a consequence, it may
be expected that on the condensation of 2,5,6-triaminopyrido
[2,3-d] thiazole (A) with carboxylic acid derivatives of the
6-d.3 pyrido [2,3-d] thiazole of the structural
formula B are formed. At present, the condensed heterocyclic
systems with pyrazine and imidazole rings attract the attention
of chemists. The imidazo-pyrido thiazoles mentioned have
hitherto been unknown. By heating 2,5,6-triaminopyrido [2,3-di
Card 1/3 thiazole with carboxylic acids of the aliphatic series in
Condensation of Triaminopyrido [2,3-dj Thiazole SOV/79-29-1-33/74
With Ca-iboxylic Acids
15 ~* hydrochloric acid solution for 2-3 hours it vras possible
to obtain the corresponding alkyl derivatives'of the
iMida2o [5,6-d] pyrido [2,3-d] thiazole. The benzoic, mandelic,
and phenylacaUc acid did not react under these conditions. The
derivatives uf imidazo [5,6-d] pyrido (2,3-d] thiazole
obtaiined are listed in the table which pives yields, analyses,
.maxima and minima of the absorption curves in ultraviolet. On
melting 2,5,6-triaminapyrido [2,3-dj thiazole with urea the
2-amino-6-oxy-imidazo (5,6-d] pyrido [2,3-d] thiazole (VIII)
was formed (Table). The heating of triaminopyrido thiazole
with carbon disulfide brought about the formation of the
2-amino-6-mercapto-imidazo (5,6-d] pyrido (2,3-d] thiazole
(IX)(Table). The derivatives of imidazopyridothiazole are
crystalline compounds, possess high melting points and are
readily soluble in water. Their elementary analysis,except
the sulfur analysis according to Carius, is complicated. On
standing their solutions darken and separate dark-colored
precipitates. There are 1 table and 6 references, 2 of which
are Soviet.
Card 2/3
Condensation of Triaminopyrido 12,3-di Thiazole SOV/79-29-1-33/74
With Carboxylic Acids
ASSOCIATIOU: Institut organicheskoy khimii Akadenii nauk Ukrainskoy JSR
(Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences,
Ukr SSR)
SUBMITTED: November 18, 1957
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Fridman, S. G~
TITLE: The Condensation of o-Diamino Derivatives of 2-Methylbenzo-
thiazole With Carboxylio Acids. 11. Thiazolo Benzimidazolel
PERIODICALt Zhurnal obshchey khimli, 1960p Vol. 30, No. 5, Pp~ 1520-1526
TEXTs The author describes the condensation of isomeric o-diamino
derivatives of 2-methylbenzothiazole with carboxylic acids. By this
condensation all theoretically possible isomers of thiazolobenzoimidazole
with a common carbon-oarbon bond were synthesized. These compounds were
previously unknown. By condensation of 2-methyl-6,7-diaminobenzothiazole
with carboxylic acid, derivatives of angular thiazo1o(4,5-g)benzoimidaz-
ole (I) are formed; by condensation of 2-methyl-4,5-diaminobenzothiazole
with carboxylic acid, derivatives of angular thiazolo(5,4-g)benzoimidaz-
ole (II) are formed; and finally, by condensation of 2-methyl-5,6-di-
aminobenzothiazole with carboxylic acids, derivatives of linear thiazolo
(495-f)benzoimidazole (III) are formed. The schemes of these three types
of reactions are given. Each of the three above isomeric heterocyclic
Card 1/3
The Condensation of o-Diamino Derivatives of S/07 60/030/05/25/074
2-Methylbenzothiazole With Carboxylic Acids. B005X126
II. Thiazolo Benzimidazole
initial products was condensed with the following carboxylic acids.
formic acid, acetic acid, propionic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid,
benzoic acid, phanylacetic acid, and succinic acid; apart from these the
condensation was also carried out with urea and carbon disulfide. In
Table I all the synthesized thiazolobenzoimidazoles are compiled (10 de-
rivatives each of types (I), (II), and III)). All these compounds form
colorless crystals which melt above 100 . The majority of them are
easily soluble in hot water and alcohol; the 2-alkyl-substituted
derivatives are also soluble in benzene and ether, All thiazolobenzoimidaz-
oles are easily soluble in diluted hydrochloric acid and eaoily form
dihydrochlorides and picrates. The compounds of the type (III) are more
easily soluble in water and organic solvents than the isomeric derivative3
of the types (I) and (Ii)~ The above table 'gives the acid radical of the
initial product, the production yield, melting point, gross formula,
and percentage content of heteroelements (F, S) for each compound
synthesized. The reaction conditions on the condensation differed
according to the acid used as initial product. Table 2 gives the ultra-
violet absorption maxima for the three isomeric derivatives which are no.
Card 2/3
The Condensation of o-Diamino Derivatives of S/07 60/030/05/25/074
2-Methylbenzothiazole With Carboxylic Acids. B005YB126
II. Thiazolo Benzimidazole
substituted on the imidazole ring. These derivatives are formed by
condensation of isomeric 2-methyl-o-diaminobenzothiazole with formic
acid. A diagram shows the absorption curves of these three derivatives
in alcoholic solution. The reaction conditions on the production of the
30 thiazolobenzoimidazoles are fully described in the experimental part.
There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 3 referencess 1 Soviet, 1 British,
and I German.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR
(Institute for Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences
of the Ukrainskaya SSR)
SUBMITTEDs May 11, 1959
Card M.,
Condensation of 4-diamino derivatives of 2-methylbanzothlazole
with 9(-dicarbonyl compounds. Part 1: ThinzoloquInovilineas Zhur.
obAhis. 30 no.5:1685-1693 Wr 160. (14M 13*-5)
1. Inatitut organicheekoy kbimli Akademli nauk Ukrainskoy SSR.
(Banzothiasole) (Quinoxaline)
121 0.
Synthesis of folio acid analogs. Zhur.priki.irbim. 33 no-7:
356-363 Jl 16o. (MIRA 13SV
1. Inatitut organicheskoy Wall AN USSR.
(Glutamdo &aid)
Thiazolobenzothlacliazoles and thiazolobensoselenadiazoles
dyes based on them. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 n0-4:1096-1106 Ap
3. Institut organiabeskoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy
(Benzothiadiazole) (Benzoselenadiazole)
(Dyes and dyeing)
2-methyloxazolo-.(5., 4-g)-benzothiazole and dyes prepared from
it. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no-10:3394-3400 0 161. (I-MU 14:10)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR.
(Benzothiazole) (Oxazole) (Dyes and dyeing)
Dyes with thiazolobenzimidazole and thiazolobenzotriazole
rings. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.5:1461-1.467 My 162. (MIRk 15.5)
1. Institut organicheskoy khiaii AN Ukrainakoy SSR.
(Gyanine dyes) (Banzotriazole) (Benzimidazole)
Derivatives of imidazobenzothiadiazole.. imidazobenzoselenodiazole,
imidambEnzotriazole, and imidazoquinoxaline. Zhur.ob.khim. 32
no.9:2871-2882 S 162. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN Ukrainskoy SSR.
(Benzothiazole) tBenzothiadiazole) (Quinoxaline)
3/07 63/033/001/012/023
AUTHOR: Fridman, S. G.
TITLE: Thiazolodihydrobenzoboradiazoles
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimiij v. 33, no. 1, 1963, 207-213
i~TEXT: The condensations of 2-methyl-6t7-diaminobenzothiazole,
,2-methyl-415-diaminobenzothiazole, and 2-methyl-5,6-diaminobenzo-
ithiazole with phenylboronic acid, by boiling in toluene solutions
~for four hours and removing the water formed as an azeotrope, re-
sulted in the formation of respectively 2-methyl-7-phenylthiazolo-
;(5,4-e)-6,8 dihydrobenzo-2'tll,31-boradiazole (1), 2-methyl-5-phe-
!nylthiazolo~-4,5-e)-416-dihydrobenzo-21,11,31-boradiazole (II),
and 2-methyl-6-phenylt-Iiiazolo(4,5-f)-5,7-dihydrobenzo-21$11,3'-
1;boradiazole (III), in 85, 82 and 62~6 yields. The structures were
iconfirmed by the methods of synthesis, analysis, and acid hydro-
~lysis. The uv absorption spectra of alcoholic solutions of I - III
1were similar to. those of corresponding 2-methylphenylbenzimidazo-
Iles, but differed from the starting a-diamino derivatives of 2-me-
LP qr-d_ -1 ZZ
~thylbenzothiazoles. Treatment of I and II with ethyl iodide, di-
~ethyl sulfate or ethyl 2-toluene sulfonate gave crystalline com-
containing boron, which lost B on washing in alcohol, giving~
the o-diamino derivatives of the quaternary salts of the correappnd-
!ing f-methylbenzothiazoles. Symmetric and asymmetric trimethynecy-
.anine dyes were then prepared by heating respectively (a) the qua-
ternary iodoethylates with ethyl orthoformate in pyridine, and (b)
the tosylatei3 derived from I and II with the iodoethylate of 2-Ca-
,acetanilidoviny;Lbenzothiazole, in (CH5CO)2 0, in the presence of
:triethylamine. The yielde of the 4 dyes ranged from 43 to 63%.
,There are 3 figures and 1 table.
SUBMITTEDs February 5, 1962
i0ard 2/2
2-Mothylthiazolo(4,5-e]benzoxazole and 2-motVlthiazolo[5p4-f]benzo-
xazole. Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.1:280-284 Ja 164. (MIRA 17%3)
Uk~ IR
1. Institut organichaskoy khimli AN
Reactivity of methyl groups in some trAcyclic nitrogen heterocycles.
Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.8:1364-1368 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:P')
1. Institut organicheskoy khimil AN UkrSSR.
Fridman, Savd1yo Ly:vrevich
Organizatsiya irhozynystvennogo roschets no stroitel'stva ekektrostentEly
4cost-necaunting orgenization in the conetruction Gf electric Fower str-tlane/
Mos"n, Gosenergoizdnt, 1955.
190 T). tablee.
YRIDMAN, S.L,,--jnzh.-akonomiat
Lowering production costs of precast reinforced concrete. 3-nerg.
stroi. no.2:3-7 159 (KIRA 13:3)
1. Planovoye upravleniya Kinlaterstva stroltellstva elektroatantoiy.
(Precast concrete)
Cand Tech Sci - (diss) " Interaction of trawl and ship in lifting
catch on the stern of the trawler." ZRaliningrad7, 1961. 16 pp;
(Kaliningrad Technical Inst of the Fish Industry and Economy);
160 copies; price not given; list of author's works at end of
text (i2 entries); (KL, 6-61 sup, 227)
Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Problem of use of current supply lines to
submersed electric motors for telemeasurements in wells." Baku,
1961. 17 PP with diagrams; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary
Specialist Education USSR, Azerbaydzhan Inst of Petroleum and
Chemistry imeni M. Azizbekov); 250 copies; free; (KL, 6-61 sup, 22?)
FRIDMAN, Sandlya Lazareyjxh;_SI21EL'WIKOVA, L.N., red.; DO."'UNOV, N.I.,
(Cost problems
271 p.
(Power engineering-Costs)
n power engineering]Voprosy sebestoimosti v
stroitellstve. Moskva, Gosenergai-dat, 1962.
(MIRA 15:12)
AUTHOR Pridman, S. L,
T'TLE: Method for determining the highest or-der of -.h,? dif f,~ren'~Ilal
equation of a linear elec4r'~! elrculn
I ~
PERIODICAL Eleklrosvyazl, no.1, 1962, 50-54
E-XT The anthor suggents a simple method for delonri-ning the hipzh-?bt
order of the differential equation describing linear ele-tric any
stricture and containing elements of any type. This method take,,; Into a.-,our-'.
all the frequencies of the natural oscillation.5 of the sy!!tem, in.-.uding zc-ro
natural frequencies. The detemination is effe:ted ty a dire:~, analyslE of thin
circuit, without any previous recourse to its charact_"rist.,~c determinant- -Tt~
method I's based on the replacement of the initial --_Ircult hy a !~Impler one,
having the same number of natural frequencies a~-. a minimum numbe- of reactance
e1em9r.t3. Any electric circuit can be considered as a two-terminal re!~Wcrk WI-h
either short-circuited or open termInals. in the --ase, its character-
istic equation can be written as.
z 0
Card 1/3
Method f~lr determining *he tlghjzst ordt,! AO"JAICA'
where z (p) is the lmpedano-~ of the two-t~-rmln,-Ll velmorlk -vtl J~
second ca-,e, the aqua!~!on Is. y ( p) - 0 , -2 ~ . W!-~-'a:- r. -i- f p) t'~ -
admit-tan-.9 of the lmo-ter-,ilnal network. Me ~wo-t-~rmlnal rletwo-k-- --.a..-, I~r
turn, be repla~-.ed I.--y h-ir c;anonchl rh-
:~IrcuP of tht, PL, R, L' 9--;d Fl,~, t.,4p-1c, fo~6 :Pf
-to the r,?twork of" J-Au--ttvp :~oupllng.': between
the retwork, Tnr-refor,~-, -,h,~- order- of a nelm-,r1r. ~7on-i~;~ ir;f
-r~vpc-E :an or la~u~ of t!~- ord- of v
i 1"z . 6b ,~-'h- ~-!-d-'l Of %-4 ~j of t*j~- 121
y- (p) P'g. 61h. "'he d o
In a' ne two r K T a,: 4.r!z7j,.; :. c-l ric-loz Tr, i;t t Ix
dv~errni~-.iag th:? high-:,, or-dEo, af be
where A ,s --hr: th~
f g?
,"ard 2/3
Method fte determining the highest order ... A055/A101
circuits consisting of homogeneous elements, w,,,, and mCR are, resnectively. thel
number of independent circuits of the LR or CRI'Type counted up in the RLC-type
networks after the opening of the circuits consisting of homogeneous elements
(only R, only L or only C). The ki-value can be equal either to 1 or zero.
At the end of the article, four practical examples of the application of the
author's method are given. The Soviet personalities mentioned in the article
are: Veber, A. A. Kharkevich, E. V. Zelyakh, A. V. Netushilov and S. V.
Strakhov. There are 10 figures, 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc references.
SUBMITM: July 4, 1961
Fig. 6: 6)
C C C,
R'. R, R,
Card 3/3
, Akim .1;umoy * ',. Prinimal uchaq , y dic U , V.;
. t I t3 SG B ~;
MGMAN, S.L.;KULIBATSKIY, K.Ye., otv. rejd.: *.-'J.~, -"0V)
L".V., re'd.;'VOLODAIWWA, V.Ye., red.
[Textbook on the theory of electrical comunication]
Zadnchnik po, teorli elektricheakoi svIazi. 17A.2., pe-
rer. 1-~oskva, Sviazliz6at, 1963. )45 p.
0,11hA 17:7)
L 07103-67 EWT(m)/&V(t)/ET1 IJP(c)
ACC NR: 4106029117 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/006/0994/0997
AMOR: Turchinfikaya, M.I.; Fridman, S.L. T I/
ORG; institute of Metal Physics, Academy of Sciences, SSSR ( nstitut fiziki
metallov Akademii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: JDependence,9f the unidirectional anisotropy on the degree of atomic order in
a n "i-m -v4lloy CReport, All-Union Conference on the Physics of Ferro- and
icke _p
Ar~iiferromagnetism held 2-7 July 1965 in Sverdlovag-.
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiyp. Seriya tizichoskayal v. 30p no. 6, 19661 994-997
TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, magnetic anisotropy,
unidirectional magnetic anisotropy, ordered alloy, nickel alloy,
manganese alloy
ABSTRACT; The authors have investigated the dependence on tho degree of long range
order of the low temperature anomalous magnetic properties (in particular, of the
unidirectional magnetic anisotropy') of N13 11n alloys. The specimens were 10 cm long
1 mm diameter wires with 7 different degrees 3 of long range order from 0 to 1. The
long range order was achieved by quenching the specimens in water from 9000 C and then
subjecting them to the heat treatments described by N.V,Volkenshtayn and G.V.Fcdorov
(Fiz.metallov i metallovedeniye, 9, 187 (1960)), and the degree of order was de-
termined by neutron diffraction and from the order dependence of the saturation
1. FRIBMAII, S. M., Eng.
2. USSR (600)
4. Sorbents
7. Sorbents for oil regeneration by means of thermosiphons and adsorbents, Elsk. sta.,
23, No. 11, 1952,
9. monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February .1953. Unclassified.
Ivanov, V.S.,and Fridman, S.M.
Masla i konsistentnyye smazki (Oils and Heavy Lubricants) Moscow,
Gosenergoizdat, 1957. 248 p. 10,000 copies printed (Series
[title of set]: Spravochnik khimika-energetika, t. 3)
Ed.: Gurvich, S.M.; Tech. Ed.: Fridkin, A.M.; Eds. (of set):
Golubtsov, V.A.; Gurvich, S.M*; Kostrikin, Yu. M. and Mamet.,AoF.
PURPOSE: This manual prepared for the use of chemists and power
engineers. It may also be used by workers in laboratories,
scientific research institutes, and designing and planning
organizations, and by students at vuzes and tekhnikw6iis.
COVERAGE: The authors present a detailed study of the physical
and chemical characteristics and properties of oils and greases.
They also cover in detall the purpose of lubricants, their
specifications as' required for use at electric power stations
and methods for assuring that these specifications are obftrved.
Seventeen authors contributed to the compilation of this manual.
The bibliography contains 86 references., all of which are Soviet.
Card l/ 4
Oils and Heavy Lubricants 577
2-4, The substitution and blending of lubricants; winter
lubri cants 58
Ch. 3. Purifying, Regenerating and Stabilizing Oil 61
3 1. Treatment of power-plant lube oils 61
3-2* Regeneration of power-plant lube oils 70
3-3. Sorbents for regenerating lube oils 77
3-4. Adsorbents 86
3-5. Themosiphon filters go
3-6. Regenerating lubricating oils 94
3-10 Additives for oils 99
3- - Cleaning of oil systems 105
Ch. 4. Oil and Grease Consumption 110
4 1. Consumption of power-plant lube oil 110
4-2. Consumption of lube oil and grease 121
Ch. 5. Testing Oils and Greases 121
5 1. Regulating the quality (grade) of power-plant lube
oils. 153
Card 3/4
Experlmentnl study of the therapeutic effectiveness In guinea pigs
of Uvnrov's nnd antiendoantigenic antibrucellsr serum. Zhur.mikrobiol.
epid. I immun.,aupplement for 1956:34-35 157 (MIRA 11:3)
1. Iz Odesskogo institute epidemiologii I mikrobiologii.
FRIIEANI S.Ya. (deceased]
Gas exchange in white rate during muscular exercise under con-
ditions of a maximum load, Opyt imcbe rege fiziol. fwik. 61
28-31 163 (MRA 17:3)
1. Laboratoriya obahchey fiziologii sporta Loningradskogo
naxichno-issledovatellskogo instituta fizicheskoy kulltury
i laboratoriya ekologicheekoy fiziologii. ( zave - prof* A.D&
Slonim) Instituta. fiziologii imeni Pavlova MI SSSR.
FRIDHAN, S.Ya., kandidat maditainskikh nauk
Perilimbal novocaine block in the treatment of keratitis.
Test. oft. 33 no.5:25-30 S-0 054. (MIRA 7:10)
1. It kafedry glazzWkh bolesney (say. prof. M.L.Krasnov) TSentrall-
noge instituta usovershenstvayantya vrache7.
periliabal procaine block in keratitis)
(PROCATIM, therapeutic use,
keratitle, perilimbal block)
(IMRATITIS. therapy.
proea,ine perilimbal block)
YRUW, S. Ya.
optochlaamtic arachnitis in an ophthelsological clinic. Say. nod.
19 no.11:27-31 11 155 (KLRA 9:1)
1. Is kafedry glazzykh bolezney (zav.-prof. M. L. Xrasnow)
Teentralinogo Instituta unovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. V. P. Imbedeva)
(AUGhNOID, Aiseasem,
arachnitle, opto-chaomtic)
YRIDKLN. S.Ya., Imnaidat moditainskikh nauk
*Mnual on seleattug glasses." N.M.Galkins Reviewed by S.IA.Fridmm.
Vestooft, 69 n0-3139-41 My-Jo 056. (KLRk M)
(amomany) (GAMN. N.M.)
BELOSTOTSKIYO Ye.K.p doktor med.nauk (deceased]; FRI12jM-,. S.Ya., kandemed.
Prescription of eyeglasses in concomitant strabismus. Uch,zap. GRIT
glaz.bol. no.7t27-33 162. (MIRA 16:5)
1% Iz otdeleniya okhrany zroniya detey Gosudarstremogo nauchno-
isoledovatellskogo instituta glaznykh bolezney imeni Gellmgolltsa.
BFWSTOTSKIY, Ye.M., doktor med.-Tiauk Ldeceased); FRMIAN, S.Ya., kand.
Color instrument for the examination of binocular vision. Uch.zap,
(MII glaz.bol. no.712Z7-231 162. (MIRA 160)
1. Iz otdeleniya okhrany zreniya detey Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-
isaledovatellskogo instituta glaznykh bolezney imeni Gellmgolltsa,,
Teaching activity of the Department for the Protection of Vision
in Children of the Gellmgolltsa Institute. Uch.zap. GNII glaz0bol.
no.7:289-290 162. (KM 16:5)
1. Iz otdoleniya okhrany zroniya detey 0osudarstrennogo mouchno-
inoledovatellskogo instituta glaznykh bolezney imeri Gellmgolltsae
BELOSTOTSKIY, Ye.M., doktor med.nauk [deceased]; AVETISOV, E.S... kand.
med.nauk; FRIRWI,.S.Ya.,; SMOL3YANINOVA, I.L.,; 'EVA-fdVA, A.V.,
Basic problems of diagnosis and treatment of concomitant
strabismus. Uch.zap. GNII glaz.bol. no.,7s7.-l2 162.
(MIRA 16;5)
1. Iz otdeleniya okhrany zreniya. detey Gosudarstvt=ogo nauebno-
issledovateltskogo instituta glaznykh bolezney imeni Gellmgolltsa.
USSR/Hufan and A`Lnimal Physiology (Normal and Patholocical). T-11
Nerve and Muacle Myciology,
Abs Jour : Ref Yliur - Biol., No 11) 1958, 51198
Authur : Fridrjan, S.Ya.
Inst ; State Scientific Research Institute of Child Orthopedics.
Title : The Characteristics of Muscle r-hysiolo ", in Traumas of the
Supporting and Motor Apparatuses.
Orig Pub : V sb.: 6-ya nauchn. sessiya Gos. n.-i. detsk. ortoped.
in-ta, 1954, L., 1956, 3o6-316.
Abstract : In a unilateral amputation if an extremity, the galvanic
excitability (GE) of almst all muscles which have lDut
their distal point Df attnclzient is lowered, while the
cbronaxy (Ch) is len(,-tLened by 11-21 times as compared
with the symmetric chrinaxy of the other extremity. In
bilateral amputations, a longhtening of Ch and a lowering
Card 1/3
USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Neuro-muscular Physiology. T-9
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No- 3724
Author : Uflyand, YU, Ms ', TrIdman S - Ya.
Inst : AS Georgian SSR
Title : Effact of Meals Tension on Ito Functional Properties
OriS Pub : Probl. sovrem. fitiol. nervns i mvahechn. sistez.
Tbilisi, AN aruzm, 1956, 465-471
Abstract : The increased contraction effect of a tired skeletal
muscle after stretching is conditioned upon the action
on the nerve endings in the muscle. Increased con-
traction of the cardiac muscle when the intracardiac
pressure also riese,basically depends upon stimulation
of the nervous elements. The isotonic character of
macular contractions in the Intact animal, as vell as
in patients with Injary to the tondon) makes the
functional state of the muscle and Ito innervation worse.
Card 1/2
USSR/Humn and Animal Physiology - Neuro-Muscular V-11
Abs Jour Bef Zbur - Biol., No 1, 1958, 4368
in principle, and closely related to the mtor capacity.
The weakened activity of the affected muscles was always
reflected by a decreased frequency and amplitude of the
muscular bio6urrents produced by voluntary contractions.
On the affected side) the frequency of the electric os-
cillations and their amplitude were markedly lower than
those of tile symmetrical healthy muscle. Sometimes, in
cases of complete paralysis of some muscles, when their
contractions were no more observable, electromyograms
showed rare oscillations (10-20 per second). This pro-
ves the presence, in the paralyzed muscles, of sinale
neuromotor units still having a normal nervous connection
with the spinal cord and the brain. The authors think
that the results of the experiments show that, aftor
liomyelitis, there are foci of lonG-lasting inhibition
in the cellular formations of the spinal cord.
Card 2/2
-.USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - The Nervous System. V-8
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 18516
surgeons in every way possible avoid keeping a =scle for
a prolonged time under isotonic conditions.
Card 3/3
unnn, Tu.m., prof.; GOLOVINSKATA, N.V., starshly nauchnvy sotrudnik;
TRIDMAN, S.Ta., otarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Physiological studies of late results of tendon and muscle trans-
plantation In poliomyelitis. Ortop.travm.t protez. 20 no.8:8-15
Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11)
1. 1z fisiologicheekoy laboratorli (zav. - prof. Tu.M. Uflyand)
Nauchno-issledovateliskogo detskogo ortopedicheakogo instituta im.
G.I. Turnera (dir. - prof. M.N. Goncharova).
(TMMNS, transplantation)
(MUSCLES, transplantntion)
MIRZOY_7VAI I* I*# stareho' nauch.'Botrud.; FRIMWI, So Ya., steLrBh. nauch. sotrud.
I -
Contractures in children in the rehabilitation period of poliomyelitis,
Ortop., travm. i protez. 22 no.8:41-49 Ag 161.
(MIRA 14:12)
1. Iz Gosudaretvennogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo detskogo ortopedi-
cheskogo Instituta im. Go I. Turnera. (dir. - prof. M. No Goncharova)
Coordinative correlation of the muscle antagonists of the knee
joint accordinr to electrcmyographic studies. Trudy LSC2-1I 64:
88-102 161. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Fiziologicheskaya laboratoriya Gosudarst7ennogo wichno-
isoledovatellskop,o detskogo ortopedicheskogo instituta imeni
G. I. Turners. Mv. laboratorlyey - prof. Yu. M. Uflyand.
I.S.; TRETIYAKOV, A.F.; _YgPRAH, S.Ya. (deoeased]; RrNMICH, V.S.
(Methodological fundamentals for using functional studies in
practical expertise] Matodicheskie oanovy ispoltzovaniia
funktsionallnykh issledovanii v ekspertnoi praktike. Leningrad,,
Meditsina,, 1965. 228 p. (MIRA 18:12)
- ~ . - .1. ~ --- - -- ~ ---1 -1----1.11111-1..---- --- - ". 4. - -1~
USSR (600)
Beets and, Beet Sugar-
Inspection of sugar beets for physical condition and dirt. Sakh. prom. no. 7. 1952
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October_195Y, Uncl.
Beets and Beat Sugar
Acceptance of beets by sugar content. Sakh. prom. 26 no. 4:17-19 Ap. 152.
Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952. Uiclassified.
Conferenco on raw materials for workers of tile Main Sugar Administration.
Sakh.prom. 27 no.4:46-48 Ap '53. NLRA 6:6)
(Sugar industry)
Results of receiving beat@ on the basis of sugar content In 1954. 155. (MIRA 9:1)
(Sugar industry)
6 - -
Outlook for further development of the rav materials supply
for the sugar industry. Sakh.prom-30 no-1:3-5 J& 156.
MRk 9:6)
1.Qlavs 0
(Sugar industry) (Sugar beets)
Experience of the Zherdevka. Sugar Mill with mechanizing truck
unloading and the piling of beets in surface ailes. Sakh.prom.
30 ne.2:58--60 P 156. (KIRA 9--7)
(Zhardavka--Sugar industr7--Iquipmant and supplies)
Conference an the work of the bases of the Central Scientific Research
Institute of the Sugar Industry In storage of sugar boats. Sakh.prom.
30 no.5: 10-11 f4*- 156. (K12A 9: 9)
(Subar beets--Storage)
6WRnfitl G-jltaf rerfiuzatm~- 0. Iugar
VIC-issium mi tritd, Gat of l4ej pnitive result-5 with
tacmifc of sucrose In sugar beitO up In 14
___ - - - "000 ---- wafta-~
Greats normal operating conditions for tractor-mounted shovels
(Concrete loading platforms). Sakh.prom. 30 no.7:36-37 Jl '36.
(HLBA 9:11)
1. Roaglaveakhar.
(Loading and unloading)
-,-v ~.
Obryvko beet stacker-unloader and rqke-type beet loader. Sakh.prom.
30 no-7:50-54 J1 156. (MLRA 9;11)
1. Roaglavaakhar (for Fridman and Donchak); 2. Veasoyuznyy
nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut evskly (for Klyavir).
(Sugur induotry-Squipmant and suppliea)
Determining th~lamount of dirt sad trash in sugar beets delivered
to sugar plants. Sakh.prom- 30 no.9:36-37 5 '56. (n" 100)
1. Roaglaveakhar. (tiugar beets)
--?go Ni~-~ new mat-binding machine. Sakh.prou.30 no.11:49-51 1 136.
(KM 10:2)
lo Rouglavankhar.
(Textile uLchinery)
FRIWN, S-Ye., agronom-ekonomist
increase the sugar content of beets. Hauka i pered.op.v sellkhos.
7 no-7:62-64 JL '57. (IKLRA 10- 8)
: (Sugar beets)
lAssons of the sugar beat harvest in the R.S.Y.S.R. Sakh. prom.
3; no.5:60-63 Vq '57. (xLRL lotO
1, GosudaretvanzVy Institut po proyaktirovaniyu novogo stroitell-
etva i rokonstruktmii prodpriyatiy eakharnoy Drowyehlennosti.
(9ugar beat a--Elarvesting)
r 9 1 v A/1"? A~ ."31, 4".
11-- ,.- .
Certain regularitieg
31 no.9:40-42 S 157.
1. Gosplan RSFSR
in the growth of sugar beets. Sakh.prom.
(MIRA 10:12)
(Sugar beets)
t_~ sugar beets in underground beet storehouses In Krasnodar
Territory. Bakh.prom-31 no.9:66 S '57. (MIRA 10:12)
(Krasnodar Territory--Sugar beets--Storage)
USSR/Goneml Problems. Methodolo,.- --y. History. ~)cientuil'-JcA
Institutions and Conferences.
Qflestions Concernin~-, Biblio,-raphy mr.' 'J*cian-
til'ic Documentation
&bs Jour
Ref Zhur-Ehimiya, I-To
S. Ye. IL-ridman, I. A
Raw Material Base of
the L~Oth Anniversary
Sakharnaya prom-st',
3, 10,58, 6825
the :,ugar Industry to
of Soviet Rule
1957, 1,10 102 10-13
Orig Pub
No abstract
Card 1/1
To~-dition of sugar beets. Sakh. prom. 12 no.4:60-61 Ap '58. 11:6)
1.Gosplan RSFSR.
(Sugar beets)
-VaOD-rOA2o-yjo4; LTSWO, T.M.; SnTUJC, I.A.
PIRMj -4
(Manual on the procurement, receiving. and storage of sugar
bests] Spravochnik po sagotovks, priemko i khransuilu sakharnoi
svekly. Moskva, Pishchapromisdat, 1959. 393 P.
(Dagar beets) (HIM 13:8)
FRIDMI, -..I-.% -
Some urgent problems of the storage, transportation I and unload-
ing of sugar beets. Bakh-Prom. 33 no.6:19-21 Jo 59.
(MIRL 12:,q)
(Sugar beets)
Scientific symposium on sugar beet growing. Sakh. prom. 33 no-11:
63 N '59 WRA 13:3)
1. Gosplan RSTSR.
(Sugar beets)
Densit7 of sugarTbeet planting In the R.S.F.S.R. Sakh.prom.
no.4:72-73 Ap 60. (MIRA 13:8)
(Rusia--Sugar beets)
ill-Russian Conference of Sugar-.feet Growern. Sakh.prom- 34 no.6:
18-19 Je 16o. (MIRA 13:7)
(Russia--Sugar growing--Congresses)
latest in fertilizers, herbicides, and poisonous chemicals for
sugar beets. Sakh.prom. 34 no.6:72 Je 16o. (MIRA 13'rP
(Sugar beets-Fertilizere and manures)
Prospects for the developwnt of sugar manufacture In Siberia
and in the last. Sakh.prom. 34 no.7:10-12 Jl 160. (MIRA13:7)
1. Gosplan RSISR.
(Siberia--Sugar industry) (Soviet Far Bast--Sugar industry)
Machine for making pressboard plates. Sakh.prom- 34
n0-8:36 Ag 160. (MIR& 13:8)
1. Gogplan RSISH.
(Sugar industry-lquipment and supplies).
Urgent objectives in the development and consolidation of
the raw material supply for the sugar industry. Sakh.
prom. 34 no. 12:1-3 1) 160. (MIRA 13:12)
($Mar Industry)
Saccharinity of beets and improvement in the operation of sugar-
beet-receiving terminals. Sakh.prom.35 no-3:59-61 Mr 161.
(MIRA 14-3)
1. "Rosglavpishchesnabsbytayrlyel Vaerosi3iyskom Sovete Narodnogo
(Sugar beets)