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DAVYDOV, Yo.A., Anzh. Concerning the properties of aerial photographs taken on photo-semiconductor layers. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gqod. i aerof. no-5:87-89 164. MIRA 1815) 1. Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov geodezii, aerofotos"yemki i kartografii. Rekomendovana kafedroy aerofotos"Yemki. I AP6025603 SOURCE COM UR/0413/66/000/01~/66~2j(:6401 MENTOR t Kh ORG: none -.TITLEt Single-phase to throo-phaso tranuformor convertor. Claou 21, Not 183275 SOURCE: lzobreteniya, prorWohleruVye obraztey, tovariVye maki, no. 1 %3P 19661 42 TOPIC TAGS: electric tr oformer, alternating.current > lla~ ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a single-phase to three-phase trannformer converter consisting of a inagnetic conduotor with prim iea and secondaries wound on it. To produce a symmetric current, the converter has two regaetic conductors with the primaries connected in tieries and the secondaries aloo interconnected in series. One end of the secondaries is connected to the center point of the pri=.-ies and the other end is connected to the' 'load (Bee Fig. 1). The other two phaaen of the load are connected directly to the line. UDC:' 621 314-2541 BBIOKRYLIN, Tu.F., tnzh.: DATM luJ4+zAnzh. Operation of th'~~I;~ 100/15x6 rectifier. ?. no.9:18-.19 S 158. (Morcury-are rectifier) Elsk. i tepl. tiaga (MRA 11910) DAVYDOV,,Ye.N., Inzh.; IWKINA, TS.M., inzh. Standard oand for cinder-pot molds. Yashinastroenie 110-4; 92-93 Jl-Ag '&~. (IMIA 17 -. 10) me Z~ m uz-,L;Sr DAVYDOV,,.Ye,.,N-., Inzh.; W.SKINA, in2b. Im-roving the technoloFlcal process of steel (meting. Mashino- strotmie. no.6z">11-52 N-D 964 (MIRA l8s2) .,.:,;I --wc the: Intbrlatitudinal exchiiv.' .. -. [1~.asic,.xuitedals, ~ iri A.: ig !),%of - - - I . I I I . I I. . I ge of 'alir masses in ~r.016 109 7' AT502393i'.-; Ctttion- ands': tecliniquds-,-iire'~ deicribed-i'r it:n-*d. the", USSR:.Adifa tre comp ared - 4ith similat: f or. aveas,. in Gre&ilvjid;''Canada, '4nA-AI--aaka-.'- 5 f Igure6 and Ot gi 'arti ta es. - bl JER). AAl;OGIAAD4f- h t - e io al .-SUBMITTED 8Apic6S-:-':- ISM ~CODE: HaS NP 10 QTHEAC--~-O 0 0- REF- gov': ?ATD : C c DAVYDOV, Tevgeniy Vasillyevich: KOROZOV, Vladimir Fedorovich; IIINOGRADOV, V.A., red.; VY. NIN; K.P., takhn.Ted. [Comiminications and signaling in peat entei-prlBegl' i Bignali- zateila na torl'opredpriiatiiakh. Moskva, Gos.energ.izil-va, 1959. 173 P. (HIRA, 12:4) (Peat inetustry) (Telecommmication) i DAVYDR . YU a Fertilizers frcm waste products. -Nauka i zhiznl 28 rio,,5:3;2 My 161. (MIRA WO (Industrial wastes) (Pertnizere and manure) DAVYDOT. Turly A running start. Rabotnitsa no.lt9-11 Ja '59. i .(MIRA. 1:213) (Ushkiria-Petroleum vorkers) DAUMV, Turiy High tension. :Rabotnitsa 37 no.4.,6-8 Ap '59. (MIRk 13: 1) (Ilectrification) 67652 SOV/25-60-2-20/42 AUTHOR: Dav-vdgy,__Lj,.,_Engineer ' TITLE : Ultrasound and Dust PERIODICAL: Miuka i zhiznl, 1960, Nr 2, p 64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the method of making use of dust-like waste by means of ultrasound which helps - to overcome the difficulty of mechanical and electri- cal precipitation of fine dust particles suspended in gases. Under the influence of sound vibration among the particles suspended in gas, a force of attrac- tion and repulsion develops. The vibrating -Particles collide, flow together and steadily increase in, size. V\ This makes it possible to clean gas from the dust by the usual method in a cyclone type apparatus., The capacity of foreign ultrasonic units is 120,000 cu m gas per hour. The unit is installed in thernAl alec- tric centers between furnace and stack. It consists of an acoustic radiatior and a chamber where the Card 1/2 particles agglomerate. Presently, in the Soviet 67652 SOV/25-60-2-20/42 Ultrasound and Dust Union, better installations are being developed. The ultrasonic method of purification makes it possible to collect particles of a. size ranging between hundredths and 5 millionths of a millionths of a millimeter, i.e. consisting of several hundred atoms. There is 1 colored diagram.on page 3 of cen- terfold. Card 2/2 80823. XUTHOR: Davydov, Yu. 3/025/60/000/06/10/0 12 T.VM. t Molecular Sieve P01IODICAL: Nauka I zhiznl, 1960, No. 6, p 64 TEXT- A popular explanation is given of the polyethylene production process. The 11molecular sieve!' is the artificially prepared aluminum. silicate, which. is similar to natural mineral clays or feldspars (ceolites) In containing water in micropores and turning into microscopic sieves when dried. The process of cleaning ethy%ene from carbon oxide prior to polymerization is described and illustr-ated schematically (insert after P 64). The description is as follows: A layer of ceolite tablets is charged into eachof two adsorber columns working in tulni. When ethylene passes thrpugh the "sieves% the carbon oxide molecules are adsorbed, and, purified ethylene goes into the polymerization plant. When one column Is saturated with carbon oxide, It switches off and the other one starts working. Heated methane is used for regeneration of the "sieved'. The method may be employed for cleaning argon from remainders of oxygen., nitrogen from carbon oxide, 'hydrogen froin water. The "sieves" can serve for storing volatile explosive or noxiour, gases Card 1/2 PIP AUTHOR; Davydov, Yu. TITLE-. The Creative Wave 88916 5/025/6Q/Ooo/012/oo4/do6 M66/026 PERIODICAL: Nauka. i zhizn, 1960, No. 12, P. 33 and opposite page. TEXT: The article explains how~a shock wave could act as the trigger for -a desired chemical reaction in any gas or gas mixture. The advantage of the method lies in the fact that it would perrhit rapid heating of the gas and then very rapid cooling of the reaction products. -Me author illustrates the use of' the sho,;k wave in the production of nitric acid by the electric arc method, The basis of the method is a cylinddr devided into 5compartments by two diaphragms. The first compartment is the vacuum chamber, the second is filled with inert gas (e.g. heli- um) under pressure, while the third contains the mixture or gas for the reaction. Electrically or mechanically the diaphragm between the inert gas and the reaction gas, in this case air, is suddenly removed and the inert gas impedes upon the*air as a. shock wave. Due to the shock wave, molecules o-P n trogen and oxygen are, heat- ed to a temperature of several thousand-degrees within a few th usan.%h- of a ond, thus forming nitric oxides. Immediately the diaphragm of the vacuum chamber Is collapsed and -the gas expands into the chamber and is momentarily "quenched.'; Card 1/ 2 The Creative Wave 88916 3/025/60/000/012/004/006 A166/Ao26 Due to the very rapid cooling the nitric oxides do not revert to oxygen and nitro- gen and can then be passed into a water tower for conversion into nitr:10 aoid. The whole cycle in the reaction (%hamber is, then repeated. The method QOuld aleD be used for the production of acetylene from methane or for the oxidationof me-th- ane into other valuable chemicELI compo,'H~ds. No industrial model of the szhoqk- -wave reactor exists yet, bilt Soviet scientists are working on the problem. 'Lhft!re are 3 figures. Card 2/2 UVYDDV, Yu. Atomic pile as atemicalreactor. Nauka i zhiznl 28 no.3;62 Mr 'Ell. 14:3) (Atomic raactor) (Chemical industries) -k~ ... - -- - - -- - --- - - - - WKS21M DAVYDOV,, --, _XRt; 'LOPATNIKOV, L.; GLYAZER, L., red. [Econmaistsand mathematio,ians at the round table; materials] Ekonom!;sty i matematiki za "Kruglym stolom"; materialy. Mo- skva, Inconomika, 1965. 2o6 p. (MIRA 18:4.) 1. SovEishchaniye za "Kruglym stolom." Moscow, 1964. ROZMA,N, D.Yu.; SIVOLODSKIT, Yo.A.; JDAVYDOV. Yu.A.; BYSTROV, A.R. ~ Thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrate. Zhar. prikl. khIn. 31 no-7:1101-1102 Jl 158. (MIRA 11: 9) (Ammonium nitrate) ERISSSHTAL, M.A.,,,_Ak XORVACIIEV, VJD. Local spectral method of the quantitative determination of carbon in steel. Zav. lab. 30 no.8:950-9152 164.. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Tullskiy mekhanicheakiy institut. W b~ 6 ACC NR, At6000175 I!Fi/0'148/65/000/(109/0133/0138 W:AO; iftvyddv Y ly*t 0-i fiAc Institute I P:, WPO i.T 1&!7'1?0 litikhatcheski i stitut) n -of: h 'TMBI~'Rf ect~ e artivityof carbon In .c rom um a getto t e thermodynauti aye SOURCHi .IVUZ* C ernays we allurgiya'j-,'no..: 9~ 19650:133-138-- :-TOPICMLIM"~_~- thiiri~olynsmic chsiact~iibtic" ~Or ir cuiomi, bon, on base'alloy, cOntaini .uIg alloy.1, 'Ong-sten .. contiivktdjj~~ alloyr: austealteo metal banding Since: ItCe: experime'rk-t-al, determine tion: of the. activt~y.of C In Fe alloye usually-.- finfolve -i is. 464-Y of ;.the iquilibrium co .neintration of C in4 m6it with"A gasioud.vdxture: '(CO-CO or CH '4 of -.known ctimposition, tWauthors of- 2 f6r:. a, quitker'uftthl~L~of dete-riAning"..the vilative-activity. coef f Icient (imelt) of C ~C irCmulticoinponent,Wyetem c_ th the bizi a sten'le-C fOr which the C acti- %MP are vi ry . y _:-vities-haie, hee"U'sitisiactorily measpr same-altomic concentrations N of. V Iu-~_ A-In alloyi.1 iron an be determined -on follows! C, -7re- a. C cousto C UDC: :669AI2.3.66-Ml: DAVYDOV, Yuriy Nikolayeivich ' [Work and freadom] Trud i shkola, 1962. 130 P. (Labor -and laboring svoboda. Moskva, Vysshain (MIRA 16:10) classes) 22996 s/a,86/61/003/002/oo6/oA E142/E435 0 0 AUTHORS% Grebanshchikova, V.I. and Davydov. Yu.P. TITLED Invesi+iwations on the state of PuIV in dilute solutions of nitric acid PERIODICALg Radiokhimiya, 1961, Vol.3, No.2, PP-155-16/i TEXT; Ths authors investigated the conditions under which PuIV can exist in solutions in the ionic, colloidal or pseudo-calloidal state, at concentrataons of plutonium of approximately 10- M. The valency of plutonium in the HN03 solution was controlled 8L)e" txophotoin~,trirtally and by co-precipitat�on with zirconium phcnyl azaon-'Xte. Tha experiments showed that the element occurred in the tetravalent state. All PuIV solutions were p-,Lpared w-j_-.h -three-times distilled'i-rater; the acid solutions were prepared by freshly distilled HN03, the basic solutions by :,dclition of KOH. The pH of the solution was measure d'w:Lth a, glass _~~'-rode connected into the circuit of a bulb (lamp) type *-,!, ~~n t i ome t er. Aczuracy of the instrument being t 0.05 pH units. Thc activity of the isamples was measured with apparatus in which ~t ionization rhambar was maintained under strictly uo-natant 22996 B/186/61/003/002/Oo6/ol8 laiveatigations on the state oa. E142/E435 Z--cmetrical conditions; the accuracy of measurement was 2 to 5%- TD all thg experiments, the concentration of plutonium was x 10- M. The following methods of determination were employed: lon of PuIV on glasel 2) laltrafiltration of the adsorpt. V P "I solutions; centrifuging of -the PuIV solutions-, '0 migration of PU14 in an electric field. Methods 21 3 and 4 are :Ilrect methods for the determination of the state of the element in _ution. Ultrafiltration and centrifugation make it possible lio dz!tormlne whether the radioactive element forms colloids; and, in affirmative case, to ascertain the percentage of colloidal particles at various stages of dispersion and changea in this P;~r~:entaso on changing the composition of the solution. The- i~lt-ztromigration method allows the determination of the sign of the of the particles (positive or negative) and of the pH of the SO-i4tion a* which overcharging of the particles sets in (if this tal-111 place). The authors investigated the changes in adsorption ~,f PuIV on a glass surface in relation to the changes in the 1~tuocentration cof the H+ ions in the solution. The time of adn,.~rption was 5elected after studies on' the adsorption kinetics C~rd 2/5 22996 s/i86/61/003/002/Oo6/oi8 lhvestigations on the state ... E142/E435 of PuIV at various PH-values of the solution. It wajo found that the rate of achieving adsorption equilibrium differed at various p.H-values. This is explained by the fact that the degree of hydrolysis and the degree of hydrolysis.-product +polymerization must increase with decreasing concentration of the K ions and lead to the formation of less and less mobile particles. A:t PH = 2.1 thwtime for attaining adsorption. equilibrium was 1 hour; at P11 = 7.3 it was 5 hours. The authors selected a 5 hour adsorption period as this time was sufficient for attaining adsorption equilibrium at all pH-values used in the described experiments. By comparing results obtained by the ultrafiltration 6f' PuXV with thoise fromi adsorption experiments, the authors were able to gain somo information on the state of plutonium in solution. Cellophane, with an average pore-diameter of 1 mIL, was used as ultrat-filteri special apparatus,'made of perspex,was used for the filtration,experiments. The rate-of filtration wasi increased by introducing into the apparatus nitrogen under a pressure of 8 to 10 atm. Control experiments were carried out by centrifugation tests in 2 cm3 glass test tubes. Particles of Card 3/5 22996 s/186/61/003/002/oo6/olB Investigations on the state ... P-3.1*2/E435 30 to 40 mIL diameter and larger were separated in these experiments and data obtained during these tests compared with values obtained in adsorption exeeriments; it was found that the dependence of the quantity of PuIV, separated during centrifuging, on the pH-changes of the solution was analogous to the dependence of the adsorption coefficient on the PH of the solution. Resulte obtained by investigations on the charge of PuIV at various pH-values are given in the form of a ratio between the activity in the anode or cathode field to the sum of -the activitie3 at the anode or at the cathode. Control experiments were carried out in the absence of an electric field, to account for possible diffusion of Pu during the experiment; very little diffusion was found to occur. The authors conclude that at concentrations of 6.8 x 10-8M PuIV occurs in the ionic state (up to PH = 2.8), in the pseudo-COII-Didal atate (between PH s= 2.8 and 7-5) and in the colloidal state (betireen PH = 7.5 and 12.0). There are 6 figures, 4 tables and 35 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 10 non-Soviet-bloc. The four most recent references to English language publications read as follows: K.A.Kraus, Proceedings of Card 4/5 22996 Investigations on the state s/186/61/003/002/Oo6/o18 E142/E435 the International conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 7, 210 (.1956); K.A.Kraus, F.Nelson, J.Ant.Chom.Soc., 72, 9, 3901 (19!iO); D.W.Ockenden, G.A.Welch, J.Chem.Soc., 3358 (1956); M.H.Kurbatov, H.B.Iiebater, I.D.Kurbatov, J.Phys.Coll.Chem., 54, 12-35, (1-950). SUBMITTEDt July 12, 1960 Card 5/5 ie?Y21 s/186/61/003/002/007/018 0 60 K42/E435 AUTHORSj Grebenshchikova, V.I. and Davydov,, Yu.P. TITLE: Adsorption of PuIV on the ;-u--rfa-ce--of *g-lass PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, 1961, Vol-3, No.2, pp.165-172 TEXT. Investigations on the adsorption of radioactive elements on ion-exchanging and non-exchanging surfaces (rosinst filter paper, carbon, glass, teflon, polythene etc) are at present used for the determination of the state of radioactive elements which are contained in micro-quantltieis in solution. 'The state of radioactive element is a function of its concentration in the bolution, the time elapsed since the preparation of the solution, the temperature and the pH of the solution etc; changes in. the atate ol.' the investigated radioactive element in the solution cah be deduced from variations in the adsorption, duo to any of the above factors,, Literature data show that the investigated element is', ii-i the totravalent state, similar to ZrIV, ThIV, UIV'and CeIV with to its hydrolytic properties and can thus be compared with tilese elements. The authors refer to work of' I.Ye.Starik et al (Ref.8: ZhNKh, 2, 5, 1175 (1957) on the adsorption of Zriv on glass and on filter paper. The method of investigation, preparation of Card 1/5 22997 S/186/61/003/002/007/018 Adsorption of PuIV E142/E435 solutions, measurement of pH and of the activity of the samples is idontical. to that described in the abovementioned work (Ref.10: V.I.Grebertshchikova, Yu.P.Davydov, Radiokhimiya, 3, 2, 165 U961). One method of investigation consisted in determining the adsorption at the time of preparation of the active solution; a second method comprised the introduction of a fresh, adsorbing surface into the system in which the adsorption equilibrium between the walls of the -essel, the colloidal impurities In the solution and the solution itself had already been determined. In the latter method optical, polished quartz glass of given diameter and thickness was used. In all exporiments the concentration of Pu was 6.8 3c 10-8M. No adsorption equilibrium could be attained within 10 hours at pH =-P-.9; however, a sharp ma:~imum appeared-on the adsorption curve at PEI = 3.0. The adsorption curve for PuIV is analogous to that obtained for ZrIV and ThIV. The increase in the adsorption of PuIV on quartz glass between pH 1.0 and 3.0 is connected with the decreatse in the action of the H+ ions at a decrease of their concentration in the solution. The decrease in the adsorption after reaching a maximum cannot be explained'by -the Card 2/5 22997 S/186/61/003/002/007/018 Adsorption of PUIV E142/E435 fact that the radioactive element forms colloidal particles which have a charge of the same sign as the surface of the glass, since at a concentration of approximately 10-8 M , PuIV f orms negatively charge; particles (colloids) at values of PH from 7.5 onwards. The authors supest that this decrease in tho adsorption coefficient of PuI , After reaching a maximum value at PH = 3.0, is due to a primary process of irreversible adsorption of positively charged, hydrolyzed forms of the element on the surface of solid impurities which are present in the solution. Desorption experiments were also carried out which showed that the desorption of PuIV decreases from PH a 3.1 to 3.2 onwards. At PEI