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AUTHORS: Melamedv V.I.9 Candidat,. of Technical Sciences, Docent
and Davidyukq V.,I.9 Engineer
TITLE: On the problem of evaluating plastic deformation
of copper during machining
PERIODICAL: IzvestJ.ya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashino-
stroyeniyep no. 3, 1.9609 97 - 105
TEXTs The authors apply the method of Induced thermoelectric moti-
ve forcep developed by Professor N.Fo Kuninp in investigating the
plastic deformation-of chips. This is based on internal changes in
the physical properties of the latter and not on the outside ph9no-
mena of plastic deformation in the metal. The changes in chip con-
traction and thermo-electric qualities of -.he deformed chip were
exami,tad in relation to the thickness of out and the rake of tool.
Plastic deformation is accompanied by work hardening which is ex-
plained by distortion of crystal matrixp produced from the transfer
into heat of a part of energy due to deformation* The absorbed ener-
On the problem of evaluating D22!/D301
gy determines the new thermo-electric prope-Tie8 of deformed metal
as compared to the characteristics of th3 non-deformed metal. This
enclav realization of the chemically b.omogeneous thermocouple, one
part of which is deformed and the other part is annealed, The exa-
mination of the thermo-electric motive force in relation to the Dla-
stic deformation of copper was carried out in tonsiong torsion,
rolling and oending, In all cases it proved to be proportional to
the relative deformiationg 0 = Beg where 0 is the thermoelectric
force due to 100 in temperature difference; B is a constant depend-
ing on the nature of metal and conditions of deformation; a is the
relative Ideformation* The plastically deformed chip contains the
results of all phenomena that take plaae during uta+ning. The testa
were carried out on a screw-cutting lather 1615P wiTh an optical
device on the dynamometer. A support held an indicator for precise
measurement of chip thickness. The t-z,-,)ls were made of W X-15 (ShKh-
15) steel with various cutting anglea and lapped edges. The copper
specimenstwere accurately machined and annealed in hermetic cruci-
ble to prevent oxidation. The unavoidable thin film of scales was
removed by pickling* The annealed specimens were shaped. The second
chip was deformed. The choice of copper is due to the following
Card 2/-5-,
On the problem of evaluating ... D221/D301
considerationsi There is no velding of chip which flows out; the
method. of thermo-eleotric motive force is fully applied for investi-
gating. plastic deformations due to tensionp compression and torsion
of copperp and during measurements the whole eivcuit is of one ho-
mogeneous metal. The experimental apparatus is shown in 0Fig. 2. The
contact point of first and seconO :chips was cooled to 0 0 in con-
tainer 1 with melting ice. The free ends of obtained thermo-couple
were placed in container 29 which held paraffin at room temperature.
The changes in temperature of ice and paraffin were measured by
precise thermometers 3 and 4. The difference of temperatures bet-
ween two containers produced the thermo-electrio~force, measured by
galvariometer.j~ The results of tests on the investigation of the
effect of out thickneas and the rake on longitudinal contraction of
chip were plottedo The above demonstrate that the first chip has a
greater contraction than the second. The larger contraction corres-
pond.3 to greater force Pz. The thermo-eleotric force ftops with the
increase of cutting angle 6a A deeper out decreases the plastic de-
formation of the chipq but the latter Increases with larger rakes.
The relative shear ep does riot depend on the depth of cuttingp and
Card 31,5r,
On the problela of evaluating D221/D301
the * rep cannot express the plastic deformation of chip. The lon-
gitudinal con-traction falls somewhat with int;rease of chip thick-
ness' The chip becomes wider with greate,-- thicknegs of out and lar_
ger ;ake. There are 7 figures and 9 Sovieit--"bloo references.
ASSOCIATION: Ohelyabinakiy inslitut mekhaniza~._ajj 4. -:~Iektr,,I-fi~catsii
sellskogo khozyaystva (Chelyabinsk Inauicute of Mecha-
nization and Electrifical,-ion of Agri.ciliture)
SUBMITTEDt May l2v 1959
Card 4/V
I~D5-La D. v'l., kmid. te]J2n.-naull;-. dotl:jent: ]YXIDIUK V.I. , assirtent:
-VA A. . rA ont
Cutting force ard chlp v, rin-ImCe in cutting-off a wovId=dened
1m"6: hv. vw. ulieb. zav.; mshinostr. no.6:W/-I.';' )
(MIRA 24t"
1. Cho] y'kbinskiy ins-tALtut me'-'Jlaniz,~Asii i elektrifilzatcii
(Ectal cuttinG)
AUTHORS: Kunin, N. F. Malamed V. 1. and Davidyuk. V. 1.
TITLE: On the relation between various types of deformation,
Mid the. process of machining metals
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i inetallovedeniye, V.13, 1962,
Tl-'XT: According to existing views, the process of cutting
P~astic metals is based on plastic deformation of the metal
which is transformed into chip. In establishing quantitative
relations between various types of plastic deformation, two
means are available, the first is to find a flow curve for the
inetal which is the same for all types of deformation, the second
consists of establishing the equivalent specific deformation
work for various methods of deformation. In establishing equiva-
lent flow curves, it is necessary to plot a single flow curve
for vavlous types of deformation; thervby,the degree of deforma-
tion and the stress state are taken as equivalents. As a
criterion of the coincidence of flow curves for various types of
deformation, experimental results were used which are based on
Card 1/3
On the relation between various 5/126/62/013/001/016/018
purely mechanical tests of measuring the size of the metal before
and iifter deformation. In machining, the dimensions of the
deforming metal layer before and after deformation are detertained
from the deformation of the chip and, therefore, establishment of
quantitative relations between various types of deformation in the
process of cutting can be related only to this quantity, which is
an external feature and does -not determine the plastic deCormation
of the metal itself. In investigating the equivalent specific
deformation work for various methods of deformation, the method of-
induced therino e.m.f. can be applied. It was found possible to
plot a single curve of. the change in the induced thermo e.m.f.
caused by distortions in the. crystal lattice resulting from
plastic deformation as n function of the specific defornintioll
wo rk On -the assumption that the nature of internal changes i n
the metal is the same for all. types of plastic deformation, the
method of induced therino e.m.f. can also he applied in studying
the process of machining. The results are given of measurements
of the induced thermo e.m.f. of chips produced during turning 0 f
copper discs on i% thread-cutting lnthe. The chili was cut at a
speed of 8 m/min, whereby the thickness of the chili was varied
Card 2/3
On the relation between various ... S/126/62/oi3/ooi/oi6/ol8
between 0.1 and 0.82 min. It was found that the dependence of
the thermo e.m.f. on the specific deformation work can be
expre-ssed by means of a single general curve for torsion, tens.'o
rolling and cutting. For all theses types of deformation,
approxiiwitely the same induced corresponds to equal
deformation work. The assumption that the equivalence of
deformation should be evaluated or. the basis of equivalence of
specific deformation work was confirmed by the thermo e.m.f.
method as being valid also for the case of the machining of
copper. Measurement-,; of the induced thermo e.m.f. of chip may
prove useful for finding generally valid relations inter-linking
the process of machining of metals with other well known types
of defortuattion. There are 3 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy institut mekhanizatsii i
elcktrifilcatAii sel'skogo khozyaystva
(Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and
Electrification of Agriculture)
SUBMITTED: April 3, 19,6- 1
Card 3/3
D.-eaking ohips in machining the ends of gas pipes.. Stan. i
inatr. 36 no.6:37-38 J9. 165. OURA 18-18)
AUTHORS: Chekhomov, 0. M. and Davidyuk,,,.V, 11 Enolineers
TITLE: On the Problem of Axf91_715_e_f_e~c""ts -in Cold Drawn Ball
Bearing Steel (K voprosu ob osevykh defektakh v
1ralibrovannoy sharikopodshipnikovoy stali)
TERIODICAL: Stall, 1958"'rNr 4, p 354 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The defect appeared in the form of a small crack in the
fracture of rods (Figs.1-3). A study of a large number
of longitudinal cross-sections of ingots indicated that
one of the probable causes of the defect of cold drawn
steel is the porosity of the axial part of the ingot.
In the axial zone of 2.6 ton ingots of steel SbKhl5SG a
coarse porosity reaching more than two-thirds of the
total ingot height was observed. In order to obtain a
more dense axial zone, the ingot mould was redesigned
(increased taper and increased shrinkage head, Fig.4).
With the new shape of ingot moulds the proportion of
defective heats decreased from 28.9% to 13.0%. The
use of these moulds for steel ShKh6, semis of which undergo
Card 1/1 large reduction, brought to zero the proportion of rejects
due to axial defects.
There are 4 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Zlatoustovskiy metallurgioheskiy Zavod (Zlatoust
Metallurgical Works)
1. Steel--Fracture 2. Ingots--Porosity 3. Molds--Design
AUTHORS: _Khasin, G.A., Fhgineer and Davidyuk, V.N.
TITLE: Neva in Brief
PERIODICAL- Stal', 1960, No. 9, pp. 8o7-8o8
TEIT: 1. A new method was employed at the Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy
zavod (Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant) for the self-lubrication of ingot molds
during bottom pouring. Before the pouring process organic substances (petro-
latum, paraffin, stearin, eta.) were fed into the ingot mold which was gradual-
ly coated with these substances. The organic material partly bums above the
rising level of the metal and has a deoxidizing effect while at the same time
coating the walls of the Ingot mold uniformly with soot. 2. In the Zlatoust
Metallurgical Plant in cooperation with the Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.0.
Patona (Institute of Electrowelding imeni Ye.O. Paton) a method was developed
for the purpose of keeping the slag bath which serves as a heat source in a li-
quid state during the hardening of the casting by conducting through the bath
a current (40 v, 1,500 - 1,700 a). This method resulted in the decrease of
waste products during the conversion of the castings. 3. When casting open-
hearth steel with the additic-i of silicochrome (Type 20), fumace-ferrosilicon
Card 1/3
News in Brief
and partly also ferrochrome and 45 %-ferrosilicon could be raplaced. 4. In
the checkerwork of regenerators (in the upper IV-Vlma~Lnew type of silicate
chromate brick was used /~Type 3JI- m), at the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant. In
open-hearth furnaces at a temperature of 1,3400C of the upper cheakerwork these
bricks have to be replaaed after 250-300 castings. 5. In order to decrease the
gas-saturation of the metal when casting in basic arc furnaces, non-ferrous man-
ganese was applied during oxidation, while during the period of boiling for pre-
liminary deoxidation an iunount of about 10 kg/t pig iron and silicomanganese
(about 4 kg/t) were added,, After careful removal of the oxidizing slag the ne-
cessary amount of aluminum required for the alloy was added. The ~7efining slag
was about 2-2.5 % of the charge. The quality of the experimental casting was
satisfactory, ~he melting time w short d and the power consumption was re-
d ,C,,. a: ,~ne t f 79 80 %, were.used
duced. 6. Ptaverize iboxidep th a Ni cont
when casting 40 XH (4OKHII),\~12--2OXH3A (j2=-,__oKhN3A)i 7A2 (17KhN2))Ir.'2_
20 X 2 H 4 A (13- mZO~Kh F17,
2N4IL&10-37X H 3 A ~30-371WW,~ 15 X F HTA(.=,GNTA) I Ype
, v
(inl8N9r ype electrosteel without any difficul-
Martin steels and 1XISH9T
ty and without owusing any deterioration of the quality. Nickel suboxides can
be utilized almost entirely; however, in the open hearth fVrnacea the ConsUmp-
tion of pig-Iron increased to some extent and in electrofurnaces the time of
Card 2/3
AUTHORS% Khasin, G.A.,_ Enginier, Davidyuk, VY.N1
TITIE*. News In Brief
P,ERIODICAI.: Stai', 1960, No. 10, pp. 934 - 9 5
TEXT, In order to gixamIne hot.drawing of high-alloy s-ceels of low plasti-
city (P18, P9, X18 = RIO R9,\6Khl8)V' tests on a laboratory Ecale were carried
out in the Zlatousto)iik-iy metal-lurgicheskiy zavod (Matoust Metallurgical Plant)
to determine the mcchanical properties during extension, It was found th%T7FelCW
600-'C +A-le strength of these steel grades changed only slightly, Whereas above
this temperature the change cams very suddenly. Maximum plasticity in Kh18 stee
was obtained In the temperature rangea between 150 - 170cC and 325 - 350`0, in
R18 steel between 260 - 3200C. In the- tests -:in an industrial scale the packe's
were heated before reaching the drawing die with the aid of a transformer of 45
kw (380/25 v, 1,500 amp), two drawing dies were applied, the drawing rate was
46 and 10 m/min. The, efficiency of hot. drawing was proved mainly for steels
ods of IY18H9T (1 N r4
When oooling r 8N T, ype steel
which did not deform easily. L__~
rapidly after rolling from 970 - 1,0200C for 9 - 17 see, ~Jie st-esl obtained the
Card 1/2
News in Brief
mechanical properties required without any s-4bsequent heat treatment., which re-
sulted in a considerable saving. It was fo~ind that during cold drawing frac-
tures occured in some types of sta6l, madn-ly in thosr-, in which the carlbon and
the chrome content were near the upper limlt,pf the prescripti;:,n. X-ray analyses
revealed that the higk, de.-re of brittlen~ss~had to be put down to the presence
of trigonal carbide 6'ar
:~'Z): be microhardness of which is 2,100 kg/mm!t, beside
the usual cubical. carbide (Cr03C6) having a microhardneGs of 1,650 kg/mm2. T~st_s
on an industrial, scale showed that a long period of heating before rolling de-
teriorates the plastic properties of steel and results in rupture during drawir&
This can be prevented by subjecting the. steel to a recrystallizing tempering at
7400C after every reduction, with a subyquent rapid C007 ing in water. Labora-
tory tests showed that V1OXPM (UlOKhNM)I, -and 45XWM4)A(45KhNMFAMYPeE of steel
were suitables for the production of rollers. The 45 M_tWATT~pe rollers diis-
played a greater strength tftan those made of "50" types of steel. The surface
hardness of the 45KhNMFA type steel rollers-c-iuld further be improved by inmas-
ing the velocity of cooling after their normalization with subsequent tempering.
In order to make the bite smoother with thLe 4,~;MWA steel. rollers, the calibra-
tion should be. modified. or the strip should te introduced -in a coercive manner
under the roller.
Card 2/2
Now metbod of mol&coating with petrolatum. WaUurg 5 no-5:21-24
~4y 160. (MIRA 14:3)
1. Zlatoustovokiy'motallurgicheakiy zavod i thelyabinskiy
polit9kbni6esIiiy in:stitut.
(Inikbt molds) (Petrolatum)
KHASIF, G.A., inzh.; DAVIDYUK, V.11.
Investigating resistance to deformation under the effect of tension
and upsetting of carbon and alloy steels at various temperatures and
speeds. Stall 20 no.10: 953 0 16o. (MIRk 13:9)
_. .1922mlckffi~=~___ . . . ____ 'I
- ___ - ___ __ __ __ -___ - - - __ - ____ -- __- - -1
KHASIN, G.A., inzh.;j~kVJ_D_Y_U_K,_V-R-
liperimental introduction of programmed automatic temperature cofitrol
in heat treating furnaces. Stall 20 no-10:953 0 160. (MIRA 13:9)
(Furnaces, Heat-treating) (Automatic control)
(Cht'ainful" $fee I .. -
-Aea't iscst- .1
AUTHORS: Sergeyev, G.N.; Khasin, G.A; Davidyuk, V.N., Engineers
TITLE: Casting flat alloy-steel ingots
PERIODICAL: Stal', no. 4, 1962, 309 - 312
MXT: Besides other defects, alloy-steel and alloy ingots of the con-
veritional square and circular section type very often have an insufficient densi-
ty, mostly in the axial zone. This is caused mainly by an increased carbon con-
tent, the presence of alloying elements, impurities in the form of high-melting
non-metallic incluaions and an-increased gas saturation of the metal. In the
bottom part of the ingot the density is usually satisfactory, due to ibe accel-
erated solidification of the metal caused by intensive cooling from the sides
and from the mold 'bottom. Evidently, the axial porosity of the.ingot can, there-!
fore, be reduced by modifying the solidification conditions of the metal accord-
ingly: by an increase of the beat extraction from the ingot bottom which inten-
sifies solidification from the bottom upward or by a more thorough heating of
the ingot bead. These conditions can be ensured partly by a change of the ingot
Card 1/4
Casting flat alloy-steel ....
geometry (greater conicity, smaller height-to-average cross section ratio,
larger dead head volume) and, partly, by a more intense heating of the head.
7he most favorable conditions for obtaining a uniform, dense macrostructure are
given in the electroslag remelting process.~ At the Zlatoustovskiy metallurgi-
cbesRiy zavod (Zlittoust Metallurgical Plant) tests were carried out to cast
ingots requiring a uniform macrostructure. The test ingots were shorter, their
height-to-cross section ratio was considerably smaller (1,65) than in the con-
ventional ingots, their conicity was greater (up to 10%), which promotes crys-
tallization from the bottom upwards; the weight of the liquid metal in the head:
was greater (up to 37% of the total ingot weight). Under theseconditions the
pores forming are easily filled with liquid metal and this ensures a higher den-
stty in the axial zone of t the ingot. The shorter ingot shape, however, involves
other difficulties: larger parts must be cropped, the yield of first-grade
steel decreases, heating,.forging and rolling are more difficult. Shortened
ingots are, them-fore, cast only. in special cases (large section rods from cer-
tain steel grades and alloys). 'To obtain a uniformly dense macrostructure under
-nore favorable conditions, cooling has to be accelerated. This can only be
achieved, however, by an increase of the cooling surface in relation to the
volume-unit of the solidifying metal, in other words, by a reduction of the
Card 2/ 4
Cating flat alloy-steel... A054/Ai27
ingot thickness. At the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant 0,75-ton, 500 x 250 mm
test ingots were cast, with a 135-kg riser, having the following characteristics
(in bracRets the corresponding data for conventional, 43o-mm circular ingots):
Ingot weisht-(ton)-- 0.75 (0-7)
Riser weight-to-total
ingot weight ratio (for liquid metal, 18 (,37)
Conicity of the ingot (sidowise) % 5.63 (10.8)
Ingot height-to-average section ratio, 2.32 (1.64
lateral cooling surface-to-ingot volume
ratio (without battom. part) dm2/(Lm.,, 1.16 (0-97)
Mold weight-to-ingot weight
ratio (without riser) 2.29 (2-54)
The new geometry of the ingots permits a more rapid solidification. The axial
zoTfe of P18 (RUS), ;V 736 (EI736), ~14 961 (EEI961) steel ingots is fine-grained
and dense; when flat, 0.75 ton R-18 high-speed steel ingots were converted into
Card 3/4
Casting flat alloy-.steel ... A054/A127
rods at least 50 mrr... in diameter, the carbide non-homogeneity could be reduced to
When flat R18, R9 and
the standard degree [ FOCT5951-51 (GOST 5951-51)3.
EI347 ingots were cast with petrolatum, their surface was greatly improved. The
EI736 ingots, which usually have intergranular cracks and slag-inclusions in the
conventional and shortened ingots, are free from these defects when.they have a'
flat shaped. There are no difficulties in heating, forging and rolling them.
High-alloy steels &nd alloys should be cast into f lat ingots of not -more thari
I ton. For less alloyed steels an optimum configuration of heavy-weight flat in-'
gots has to be developed and tested. There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy sovnarkhoz (Chelyabinsk Sovnarkhoz)
card 4/4
AUTHORS: Kbasin, G. A., Davidyuk, V. k,-Engineers.
TITLE: At the Zlztoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod Watoustovsk Metal-
lurgical Plant)
PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 6, 1962, 518 - 520
TEXT: JIH-6 0-6) light-weight bricks, containing kaolin, sawdust and
lignine are used for lining the extension pieces of 3.6-ton stainless steel in-
gots. Since they have been introduced, the head crop could be reduced by 2%.
The riser for 4.6-ton open-hearth steel ingots was lined with a mixture containing
36% non-calcined vermiculite, 14% aluminum, 10% ferrosilicen (of 45%), 40% char-
coal, small coke and W% of TiAM-4 (PAm-4) powder above 100%. 1.5 kg mixture
was used for I ton of Liquid steel. - In another version 3 kg calcined vermiculite
'was added to I'ton of steel; this version was more effective. 2) In bo7operation
with the Satkinskiy ins 'titut ogneuporov (Satkinsk Institute of Refractory Mate-
rial) a method has been developed for ramming the hearth bottom, using a mixture
of crushed magnesite p3wder and 3 - 5% titaniummagnetite concentrate. This method
Card 1/5
At the Zlatoustovskiy...
-reduced the magnesite powder consumption for electric steel smelters bY 3 - 6
kg/ton of steel - 3) When utsing petrolatum (0 .3 kg/ton) in smelting 1 X 18 H 9T
(lKhlBN9T) grade steel, the ingots can be delivered for rolling in hot condition
and the yield of flawless product increades; the depth of roughing the 11(hISN9T
tube blanks can be reducea from 10 to 5 mm.~ This increases the flawless output
by 71,16. 4) In co-operation with the Urallskiy institut chernykh'metallov (Ural
Institute of Ferrous Metals) new slags for smelting carbon steels in basic open-
hearth furnaces were tested. One composition contained 17 - 85% mervinite
(3CaO-MgO-2SiOp) and orthosilicate, the balance consisting of spinel [(Mg, Mn,Fe)0
. (Al,Fe,Cr,Mn) 203 1 and RO-phase (Fe,Mn,Mg oxides)., For chrome-molyb4enum steels
the percentage of the first two constituents was 61 - 73, that of the latter 25 -
28. 5) In cooperation with the Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye. 0. Patona (Elec-
tric Welding Institute im. Ye.. 0. Paton) the electrosiag refilling method for
electrosteels was investigated. 570 half-ton ingots were tested under the fol-
lowing conditions:
Duration of refilling, min. 0 - 5 5 - 8 - 18
Current, a 1,000 600 200
The best flux was the ADD -6 (ANF-6) brand, preheated to 600 - 800OC; the best
Card 2/5
At the Zlatoustovskiy... A054/A127
material for lining the extension bieces was chamotte. 6) The 3.6-ton electric
steel ingots were poured in thin-vialled (90 mm) molds, (the mold.weigfit to ingot
weight ratio, without riser, was 0.9115). As compared with conventional 2.7-ton
ingots, the macrostructure of 18 XHBA (IMiNVA), MX 15 (ShKh15) and 1 X 18H 9 T
(MIN9T) grades was denser, it was satisfactory also after deformation.. 7) Re-
jects due to spot formation were reduced by modification of the smelting tech-
nology of 35 XIOA (351giYuA) and 38 XMIOA (38KhMYuA) steels. At the beginning of
11clean" rimming 10 kg/ton pig iron, silicomanganese and 454 ferrosilicon (in
amounts of 3 - 4 kg/ton), aluminum (1 kg/ton) are added and then the required
amount of ferrochrome. -After chrome. is smelted, the oxidizing slag is tapped
and the 0.08 - 0.14% silicon containing metal alloyed with aluminum and kept
under lime-fluorspar slag for 30 minutes. 8) The technology for producing
C B04 X 19 H 9 (SV04KhlgNg) and C B 06 X 19 X 9 T (SV06Khl9N9T) steels was introduced.
Smelting takes place in basic electric furnaces, on carbon steel scrap,'~4ith
oxidation and remelting of alloy ateel mrap; oxygen is blown through the bath.
Chrome, nickel and-manganese are added in amounts within narrower limits than
usual (18 - 18.8%, 9.5 - 10%, 1.3 - 2% respectively); petrolatum(O-3 kg/t'on) is
used. 8) 08 X 20 H 10 r 6 (08Kh2ON1OG6) steel is smelted in basic are furnaces with
C ard 3/5
At the Zlatoustovskiy... A054/A127
oxidation or remelting alloy steel scrap. Carbon., manganese, chrome and nickel
are added within narrower limits (o.o8.- o.i%, 6 - 7%, 2o- - 20.7%, 10.5 - 11%
respectively). The carbon content should not exceed 0.05% at the end of the
oxidizing period. Deoxidation takes plabe with 10 kg/ton siliconmanganese and
I kg/ton aluminum lumps, Prior to tapping ferrotitanium is added in an amount
to obtain 0.2,"o' Ti in the finished steel. 9) To increase the du*ctility of H -42
(N-42) steel during forging the smelting process was changed. In one of the
versions tested the bath was first reduced with pig iron (5 kg/ton), ferroman-
ganese (1.6 - 4.5 kg/ton) and aluminum (0-3 kg/ton), after the iron ore was
charged. In the second version, the pig iron was added with the current switched
off, a "secondary" rimming was caused, while the electrodes were immersed in the
bath for 1.5 - 12 seconds. The samples of the second version showed a higher
ductilitIy. 30 - 40 minutes after the beginning of refining.' 0.5 kg/ton aluminum
lumps and before tapping, again I kg/ton aluminum were added. The second ' version
was adopted. 10) To improve the smelting technology of the Y 7 AB WAV) and
314474.(in4710 steel grades, sulfur is added immediately after tapping the oxidiz-
ing slag; refining takes place under chamotte slag, by oxidizing it first with
crushed coke and next with 75-%,ferrosilicon. 11.) Square and circular molds were
card 4/5.
At the Zlatoustovskiy... A054/Ai27
tested for the electroslag remelting process. In the.square copper molds (430 x
430 mm in size), with spraying cooling system, M X15 (ShKh15) grade, 2-ton ingots
were remelted, at 60 v ard 850 - 900 kw, applying AHO-6 (AW-6) flux; remelting
took an average of 6.5 hours. The ingots were rolled on the 950 stand without
finishing; the electroslag remelted steel-had a dense macrostructure.
Card 5/5
AUTHORS: Khasin, G.A., P&v1d9ukA_Y_LN_-
TITLE! Atthe Matoustovskly metallurgicheskiy zavod (Zlatoust Metallur-
gical Plant)
PERIODICAL: Stal', not. 9, 1962, 854
TEXT: In cooperation with the NIIMetiz and the Chelyabinskiy nauchno-
issledovatel'skiy institut metallu,rgii. (Chelyabinsk Scientific Reseatch Insti-
tute of Metallurgy) a method hat, been developed for hot drawing packs of high-
speed steels. Before starting the process,-the drawing di-es are heated to
3500c; the metal is heated in a lead i3ath. A mixture of silver graphite and
saw.dust in a proportion of 3 : I is applied for coating. Hot drawing in-
Creased the output of the drawing equipment by a factor of 1.7, reduced th~ an-
nealing time by a factor of 2.9, the labor required for I ton finished product
by 9.6 man-hours, the operation cycle by 37.2 hours and production cost by
177.63 rubles/ton. 2) A technology for obtaining calibrated and polished
I X 21 H5T (3X81 I) [lKh2lN5T (EI811)] steel has been introduced.. The steel is
Card 1/2
At the Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy .... A054/A127
cast into 2.7 and 1 ton ingots. The billets are made from the large ingots by
rough-rolling, from 'the small ones by hammering prior to rough rolling. The
heat-breatment of the metal and its preparation for drawing and polishing are
carried out according to the technology for X 181ilO (Khl8NIO) steel. To pre-
vent -increased wear of the drawing dies, the-reduction rate is 16 - 18%. The
mechanical properties of the steel after polishing, annealing or'hardening com-
ply with Group I of TY 291-6o (Tu 291-6o).
Card 2,/2
AUTHORS: Khasin,'G.A., Davidyuk, V.N.
TITLE: At the Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Zlatoust Metal -
lurgical -Plant)
PERIODICAL: Stall,.no*. 9., 1962, 849
TEXT:*' 30-kg ingots and wire rods of - H-42 (N42) and X 2,3 H18 (Kh23NJ8)
steel were tested. Smelting took place.-in'an h-f Induction furnace with the
addition of c-*-rium in the form of ferrous cerium and cerium dioxide. These
additives did not affect the macrostructure of the test steels in the cast as in
the forged condition. Raising the temperature to 1,2DOOC increased the ductility
of both grades; beyond this temperature the ductility was reduced. In the N42
gr9de the ductility decreased in proportion to the, amount of cerium. The ductility
was not affected when ferrocerium was added to them Kh2~N18 grade in an amount to
ensure a 0.05 - 0.20% ceriur6 -content, neither did the addition of cerium dioxide
with a 0.05 - 0.15% cerium content, at 1,100 - 1,1500C change the steel proper-
ties. The latter improved, however,when O.2D% Ce was added. The ductility of
Kh23N18 steel at 1,2000C increased considerably, when cerium dioxide (0-05 - 0.20%
Ce). was added.
,Card 1/1
STROGANOVs ~.L, kand.tokhn.nauk; BOGATENKOV, V.P., kand, tekhn.nauk;
KOWSOV, M.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZVEREV, B.F., inzh.,-,_.P~~
POFOTP R.V., tekhnik
Heat balance of the river head of an ingot. Stall 22 no.1.27-29
ja 162. (MIRA 14:12)
(Steel ingots) (Heat-Transmission)
SERGEYEV, G.N... inah.; MIASIN, G.A., inzhei DAVIDYUKO V.N.., ium.
- -1-11-v4~--~--'~-v
Use of flat ingots of &1107ed StO91- Stall 22 no,,4:309-312 Ap
162. (MM 15:5)
1, Chelyabinekiy sovnarkhoz i ziatouBtovskiy metallwgicheskiy zavod.
(Steel ingots)
IMIN) G.A.j inzho; DAVIDYUK, ToN... inzh.
Steel smelting; new developents in research. Stall 22 no.6:
518-520 Je 162. (MMU 16 -.7)
Research carried out at the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant.
Stalt 22 no.9:813, 849, 854 S 162. MRA 15:11)
(Zlatoust-Metallurgical research)
At the Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant* Stall 22 no.10:946 0162.
(Zlatoust-Hatallurgical research) (MIRA 15110) 1 .
KHASIN, Gersh Aronovich; OKHRIMOVICH, Boris Pavlovich; DAVIDYUK, Viktor
nikolayevichl RDZIN, Bentsian Borisovich; GEYFM-A-N-,-M-ji-ii
- Ur
Sam lo~ 1c; MIKHAYLOVA, Ye.P., red.izd-va; OBUKHOVSKiYA, G.P.,
tekhn. red.
[Pouring of alloyed steel with the use of petrolatum]Razlivka.
legirovannoi stall a petrolatumom. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963.
44 P. (MIRA 16:3)
(Steel ingots) (Metalworking lubricants)
---- - - -fli
. New developments in researeh. Stall 23 no.W19-720 Ag 163*
(MM i6:9)
.. ~- F - 7 - - ~ -,
Now developments iii research.
Stall 23 no.8:767 Ag 163.
(MM 16:9)
New developments in research. Stall 23 no.9:810 S 163.
(MIRA 16:10)
New developments in research. Stall 24 no.10:880, 898 9090
917, 930, 942, 946 0 164. WRA l7tl2)
New developments in research. Stall 25 no.8:739 Ag 165.
(MIRA 18:8)
- M
SHLISHIEBIN, B.A.., inzli.; MATS"ITON, Yu.A.; KIIASIN, G.A.; DAV1Dfl)Kj V.14.
New developments in research. Stall 25 no.8:824 S t65. (MIRA 18:9)
Biostratigraphy of Paleocene sediments Jn the Tajik DepresLalon.
Biul. MOIP. Otd. geol. 40 no.3:34-56 My--Je 165. (MIRA 18t8)
Ondrejov double-station meteors during the IGY and
IGG. Biul astr Cz 15 no. 4044-155 164.
1. Astronomical Institute, Czechoslovak Academy c" Sciences,
Ondrejov (for all except Davies). 2. Nuffield Redio
Astronomy Laboratories of the Manchester University (for
lffed'~ of the anemization and of chlorpromazine on the resistance
of albino rate to acute hypoxia. Acts. mad. iugoil. 13 no.4:424-
#32 159.
1. Zavod za patofiiiologiju Madioiwkog fakulteta u Zagrebu.
(ANMIA exper.)
(GRIORPROMME pharmacol.)
(ANOXU exper.)
- A
FISTER., Vjekoslav (Zagreb)j DAVILA,, Dusan (Zagreb)
Chronic hypoxia and regeneration of thyroid gland in rat. Biol gim
13 no.4:401-402 160.
1. Zavod za patolosku fiziologiju Medicinskog fakulteta Sveucilista
u Zagrebu. 2. Clan Urednietva, *Bioloski glasmik; Periodiaum
biologoruie (for Fister).
DAVIIA, Dusan; FISTER, Vjekoslav; RAIC, Dusanp JANJIC, Ivan
Influence of thyroidectomy and largactil on the body weight and on
the polycythemia oaused b a chronic intermittent h-ypoxia in albino
rats. Biol glas 14 no.172:77-86 161.
1. Zavod za patolosku. fiziologiju, Medicinskog rakulteta Sveucilista
u, Zagrebu. 2. Clan Uredhistvap "Bioloski glasiAk, Periodicum biologorum"
(for Fister),
tud Paninal Physiolor~y. LacLation.
bs Jour: Rof 7-liur-Diol.., 110 20, 1953) 93517.
Author Davilunho~ A-0.
Title Influence of Conditioncl Reflexed oa ',ctivity of
b U--.imry Glru-,cls .
OriG Pub: Podiatriya, akushorstvo i C;inckoloUiya, 1.956, 17o
Abstract: For indicatimi of the --hmactio-1-al stanto of 'U'-~u nan
glmitls (14G) of nurs';.-AL-, :aothors (50), Vic d".ffurence
.Ln the tempuraturc c;2 the MG and t1w Lyoin was trOwn.
-w licads bufore
Conditioned St uorc hin[~ of V -
al" a -."nsh, cry of tl:ic c,,.-Lld, vCrbal
StiMIII, rhytlui of nursinj:~. Uhun a sL't-.t.--.nL; was created
Card 1/2
Investigating corresponding conditions of metal rolling in grooves
and with smooth rolls. Trudy LPI no.238:5&-63 164. NIRA 17:11)
constanis of trioxyglutaric acid. Zhur. ob. khim, 28
o* -862 4 158. (HIM 110
1, Institut obshchey i neorgunicheelvoy ~hizdi Akademdi nauk
Ukrainskoy SS%
(Glutario acid)
Determining metal pressure on the rolls during rolling in diamond
passes. Izv. vys. ucheb,zav.; chern. met. 8 no.7sll6-1.19 165.
1W RA 18:7)
.1. Leningradskiy politakhnicheski.y institut.
Coefficients of metal deformation during rolling in a cogging-
down pass. Trudy LPI no.243:54-65 165.
(MM 18: 6)
1),.VI:wv.,-~, V. V.
Di35vrtation: 'A 14atnod of Dstirmining, oirall Amountm of' Fluorine and It3 Use in
Gooeflimical Invc~tigatiofiB.I' Cind Gool-Uin ici, In--tituta of G93logical 6cj.vnc*5,
Acid xi U.)'6R, 12 Jun 54. (Vachirnyaya Momkva, Mo!icow, 3 Jun 50
jc;: --'U-11 3181 12-3 Jac 1954
BOOANOVICH, Oleg Vyacheslavoviob; RINKEVICHYUS, Viktoras Vintsevich
Rinkevicius V V ]- DAVIMAS, L.[tranalator]; BLYUVSHTEYNAS,Yu.
[Bliuvshteinals..*j: s -red.; RUN AS, B.$ tekhn. red.
(Concise address and reference. book of Vilnius as of July It 19603
Kratkaia adresno-spravochnaia kniga po sostolaniiu na 1 iWia 1960
goda. Villnius, Profizdat LRSPS, 1960. 2.53 p. (MIRA 3-4:12)
1. Vil1nap Upravleniye mestnogo khozyaystva.
194 VAW, I C lyl
r YUGOSLAVIA Chemical Technology& Chemical Products and H
Their Applicatione Ceramics* Glass, Binding
Materials. Concretes
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyaj No l9p 1958, 65168
1 ..
Author Davinie Miodrag
Title Reconstruction of. the Production of Curved Glass
Orig Pub: Tehnika,-1957i 12, No llp Nem. ind. lls No llp 174-
Abstract: In the production of curved glassp the illuminat-
ing gas uRed for heating the furnaces has been
replaced by generated gas, with which curved glass
of ver'k good quality is obtained, As a consequence
Card 1/2
Application of free-piston gas generators in Fover plants; also, remcrks
by 0. Rittner and others. p.41.
ENTFRGIA ES ATOMTECHHNUTEA. (Inergiarazdalkodosi Tudorianycc Zg esuictu)
Budapest, HunCary
Vol. 12, no.1, Jan. 19!~Q
Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EEIAI) LC., Vol. 8, No. 7, TuaY 1959
"Increasing the output of beat power plants with coupled gas
and steam cycles and by applying gas generators with free pistons"
by Dr.H.Horgen and P.Sseressewski. Energia es atom 13 no.4/5:170-
172 Ap-l-b, 160,,
[,%rface ptienomcm Jn allurrLinosilicates] Frovexr~hno~--n--76
lavlenila, na allur-4likatakh; -3bornik statel. 'f*.--;_.'. i,
., 1965~ 123 p,
1. tkademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tiflie.
i organlchoskoy khW4-.
1).kVITiV:,T,JM, L.I.
I'Daminisn, and the Droblem, df extinction - " (p. 267)
by Davitaslivile, L. S.
SO; &dvances in Modem Bio]Lo,--)r(Uspeklli Sovremennoi Biolo-ple)
Vol. xi, "o. 2, 1939
DAVI'NS"'I'll U., L. S11.
anid tho of of Fossil c -,~ 0" ~71)
. ~ ; - I.,
by L, Sh. (TLfll-r, 1943, 117 paCc~~.) Rcmicwnd by Schrul-dit, G. A.
SO: A&,ances in 1-Iodern ;,Lq1-= (Uspold-,i Sovrcricnnoi i)-iolog-U), Vol. 18, 1944, No. 2
V. 0. Kovalevski- Biografii (V. 0. Kovalevski- Biographies), 422 p., AS USSR,
Moscaw, Leningrad, 1946 (Popidar Science Series) Biography.
maggenesis of types, classes, and other subdivisions of' the organic
world.. Soeb.AN Grmz.SSR 8 no-5:313-319 147. (MLRA 9:7)
1.Daystvitellay chlon Akademii nauk Grazinskey SSA.2.Akademiya nauk -
Gra21nBkOy' SSR, Tbilisi.
(31cology) (Paleontology) (Svolutions)
Icogenesis of natural regions and habitat types. Soob.AW Gruz. 8
no06087-391 047. (WA 9s?)
l.Daystvitel'W chlen Akademli nauk Gruzinskoy SSEU.Akademiya
nauk Gruzinskoy SM, Tbilisi.
(Bcolog7) (Polsontology) (2volution)
,~M~~SHVILI-, L.Sh.
Icogenetic processes of particalar significance. Soob.AN Grax.SSR
8 no.7:435-439 147. (K12A 9:7)
I.Nystvitelluyy chlon.Akademii nauk Grazinskoy SSR,2.Akademiya nauk
Gra2inskor SSR, Tbilisi.
(3cology) (Paleontolog7) (wal-ation)
Ev M~j Rr~r--I-j EVUWZI.Iq
mk, vi Vt )1"VIIJ, L, 511,
Acting Membor of thc, cieorgian Academy of Sciences (1~49)
ItThe History of Svol4tionary Paleontology from, Darwin
to Our Day," 19h6.
Stalin 2nd -I~rizes, 1948, publ.
Current Digest of the Soviet 1~ress, Vol. 1,
Ito. 15, 1949, page 16. (in 4W Library)
"Theoretic Principles of Correlation for Upper Tertiar7 Deposits of the Black-
Sea-Caspiah Basin.," Mat. geol. inst., No-5, 1948
"A Course in Paleontology,," 2nd edition., 1949
--mber, Georgian it--public -~c[,d,my of Science
"An Distitutals Serious Mistakes", Lettt~r to
L~dj.tor, Pravda, 3,949.
Current jigest of' the Sovict 2ress, Vol
NO. , 19 , page . (In 41W Librai7
Davltashvili~ L._SH. "V. 0. Kovalevskiy " T. Haxli as
Eaturalists and evolutionists~" (An outline of a comparauve
study), Trudy iii-ta istori-i Yestestvoznaniya
(Ak-Ld. nauk SSSR), Vol HIP 1949, P. 3151-67
SO: U-5241, 17 December 1953-, (Letopis 1-7hurnal. IrWIch Statey, No. 26i 1949)
B.O.Kovalevskii. I,zd.2.6 dop. ~oskva, Izd-vo Akad.xu3uk SSM,
1951. 578 P. (KM 14:4)
(Kovelevskii. Vladimir Onufrievich, 1842-1883)
L. SH.
Present state of boviet paleontology and prospects for its development.
Izv., Ali SSSR. Ser. Biol. No 2, 1952.
Concept in Ihissian paleontology of the inheritance of acquirod characterie-
ties by organisms. Trudy Inst.-ist-aut. 5:51-92 '53. AMLRL 6:7)
(Variation (Biology)') (Heredity)
IDA V 7-.Al 5 )/ 1/ 1.4
akad mik, r-e*Mi;;r , N.W.. aksAemik, redaktor; SYEDT, I.M.,
akademik. redaktor; KAZANWIY, B.A., akademik, redaktor; OPARIA, A.I.,
akademik, redaktor; WHIDTO O.Yu., ak%demik, redaktor; GRGM)A-
NOT, D.I.. akademik, redaktor; YUDIN. P.7., Wcademik, redaktor-,
KOORTOYANTS.,Kh.S., redaktor; SAWIN, A.M., redaktor; HAMMOV, A.A.,
redaktor; LINEW, D.M., doktor geograficheakikh nauk, redaktor;
YIGUROVOKIT, N.A., doktor khimichaskikh nauk, redaktor; KUZMW.V. I.T.,
haudidat filosofakikh nauk, iedaktor; 02NDBIMIN, D.V., kandUat isto-
richemirildn ramilp. redaktor:
[Oilsqted ilologloal. workaj Isbr*ui#.9 blolotiob6dekle prois
Re-daktsii.a, statliai kDimehWii LAh. Dail 6iliVili' I S.R.Klhain-
skogo. Moskva, Izd'-vo Akademii n&Wc SM. 1954. MRA 7:8)
1. Chlon-korrespondent AN.SSSR (for loshtoyants, Sama in. Maksimov)
ALIZADII, K.A.; DAVITASHVI , Lesh., reaaktor; ABRAMOV1CH. X.V., doktor
geologo-bTE-WRT62 MIETOrmiauki redak-tor; VASIiMVSKrT, Ta., re-
dakt; or
[Akchag)7lian' stage of Azer~aijanl Akchagyllskii iarus Azerbai-
dzhuna. Baku, Ivd-vo Akad. nauk Azerba,idzhanskoi SSR, 1954. 343 p.
Mus. (MM 8:6)
1. Deystvitellrq7 chlen Aka(lemii nauk SSSR (for Davitashvili).
(Azerbaijan--Geology, 3tratigraphic)
JIBMWA. AX: T C11001-1.1 &vdrAkt;or*
[Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and his fight with Cuvier]Zhoffua
,sant-Iler i ego borlba protiv Kiuvle. Moskva, Izd-vo Aka-
domli nauk SSSR, 19,55.1 (MLRA 8:10)
1. Deystvitellmyk oblen AN Gritzinakoy SSR(for Davitashvili)
(Geoffroy SaInt-Hilairs, Itionne, 1772-1844)
(Cuvier, Georges, 1769-1832)
_D,LUTjLULW hi T .I.A., otvatetvannyy redaktor;
MDWLnISKIf,' ~.'P., . redaktor izdatal'BtTa; ASTAFOYEVA. G.A.,
tekhnicheskiy redaktor
(Historical sketch of the teaching of the evolutionary process)
Ocherki po istorit uchintim ob evoliutsionnom progresse. Moskva,
Izd-vo Akedemit nauk SSSR, 1956. 226 p. (NLRA 9:11)
Olvolut ion)
m /r ilfrTye~ Ac',- ~iATISHTILI, L. Sh., otvetstrenW
radairtor; ASPIZ, M-Ya., A.A..
tekhnicheakiy redaktor
[collection of scientific works) Sobrante usuchnykh trudov. Mosirva.
Izd-vq Akedemil nauk SSSR. Tol.2. 1956. 299 p. (XLRA 10:2)
(Ungulata, Fossil)
Ira,,slallon from: Referalivny- z,', rnal, Geo--,oCi-,,R, 1957, Nr 5,
p 15 (USSR)" ly,
AUTHORS: Davitashvil.i, L. Sh., Khimshiashvili, N, G.
TITLE: 'Nio History.of the Term "Paleontology" and Some Other'
111'cientific Names for Organisms From the Goclogic Past
~K istorii.tormina 11paleontologiYa" i nekotorykh. drugikh
11azvaniy nauki ob organizmalch proshlykh geologic heskikh.
PERIODICAL: Vopr. istorii yestestvozn, I td?.hniki, 1956, Nr 2,
pp 176-181.
ABSTRACIT: Until recentlT the opinion was held that the term
"paleontologyl was proposed almost simultaneously by
the Russian scientist Fischer Von Waldheim (Fisher fon
Valldgeym) a:'rid by the French, scientists Blenville
(Blenvill ). The authors tiave established tho fact tM t
the term "paleontology" was first introduced by
Blenville in 1625 in his book "Handbook. On I*LlaCOlOgy
Ca rd 1/2 and Conchology." It is proposed that the term 11paleo-
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 2,
pp 2B-29 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Davitashvili, L. Sh.
TI TLE A Study of Ecogenesis of Herbaceous Mesophile and
Xerophile Phytocenoses (K izucheniyu ekogenaza travya-
nistykh mezofiltnykh i kserofil'nykh fitotsenozov)
PERIODICAL: Soobshch. AN GruzSSR, 1956, Vol 17, Nr 2, pp 111-117
ABSTRACT: The process of grass cover development started before
the Miocene epoch. Data from pollen analysis and
paleontology indicate that the herbaceous grasses
begaii to develop as early as the end of the Oligo-
cene. Highly valuable data for the acquisition of
knowledge about the ecology of herbaceous plants which
inhabited the primary steppe areas van be obtained,by
a parallel study of pollen and seed pods of the grass
family. The ecogenesis-of the fossil flora sheds light
on the climatic conditions during the emergence of
Card 1/1 herbaceous plants. . E. D. Z.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhuMal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1,
P 15 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Davitashvili, L. Sh.
TITLE: Development of Faunas in the Black Sea Basin DurijIg
the Pliocene (0 raavitii faun Chernomorskogo bassayna
v techeniye pliotsena)
PERIODICAL: Soobshch. AN GruzSSR, 1956, Vol 17, Nr 3, pp 227-234
ABSTRACT: The article presents the sequence of succession of the
bentonic molluscan faunas in the Black Sea Basin during
the'entire Pliocene from t).1'6 Pontian to the Chauda. It
traces the development of separate forms and of some
basic groups from the Pontian to the Cimmerian, from the
Cimmerian to th.6 Kuyalnik,',from the Kuyalnik to the
Guria and from the'latter to the Chauda. The Guria and
Chauda complexes, which are considered very different
from the "Pontian" faunas, are shown to be related to
Card 1/2.
Development of Faunas (Cont.) 15-57-1-1064
the complexes of the preceeding periods. The author further notes
the zoological and geographical differences in the separate parts
of the Pliocene seas. The southeastern part, which includes the
Rion embayment, remained s ecifically unique from the Pontian through-
out the entire Pliocene. here the horizons are more closely related
to one another paleontologically than the contempory horizons in
other locations'. The existence of such direct sequence of paleon-
tological complexes difies the assumption that the Black Sea Basin
contained a sea with fauna of different origin in the periods
separating the varidus ages. Thus, the assumption that after the
Kuyalnik the entire Black Sea Basin was filled with'waters of the
Akchagyl Sea is quite erroneous. All facts point only to the
presence of an Akchagyl Sea bay in the region of the northern Black
Sqa. Statements of some investigators insisting on the existence, of
the Akchagyl in Moldavia are baseless, as is the in6istence on the
presence of the Akchagyl mactras in the Pontian of the Don River
lowlands. These 11,itactras" proved to be the common Pliocene
Card 2/2 A. G. E.
"The theory of 'the progress of evolution and the tasks of modern biology".
report presentel at a Joint Session of the Biologicaa Dept. of XN USSR and Biological
and Yedical DepLsAX Gruziya SSR, Tbilisi, 2e Sept - 3 Oct 1957. Vestnik Akad.
58 (Author Dzidzishvili, .11. N.)
Nauk SSSR, 19C ., Vol. 2E, No. 1, pp. 121-12.5
Louie Dollo; on the occasion of his 100th birthday. Vop. ist. est.
i ilelph. no.3.*108-120 157. . (mm ll::l)
(Dollo, louis, 1857-1931)
GARMIYAj Leo I'alietratovich; DAT *-,L
F-419ff =-, otvetstvenurr red.;
SJML*CNA, T.B., red. fi-&-ii; GUSNA,. A.P.9 tekhn. red.
ElKnomaur tracks; based on evidence on Mount Sataplim and in the
31teraftral Sledy4inozaviov; po materialam gory Sataplia i
dEampm Uteratury, MbATa, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1958. 70 P.
(Georgia-Dinosauria) (MIRAL Ilt7)
DAVITASHVII#,~. -yoy#4; SMANOV, D.L., red.; ABMIGH, P.Ls red.
ERYNOGBKIM~ XoT., tekhn. red.; PIMIXOTA, S.A., tekhn.
[BrLef'oourne in paleontology] Kmtkil kars paloontologil.
Koolcwa, %a. rambno-tekbu. izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okbrane
ne&r. 195B. 543 Ps' (Kim nsio)
wr;" _-r 1 -
wm" , ~ op"Irwto"'I'Mm 4.
The prominent Russian scientist G. Houillier. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.biol.
no-3:369-373 MY-Je'58 (MIRA Ilt6)
(HOUILLM. Crx)RL?,S, 1814-1858)
ORGOV, Yu A., gla-rnyr red.; RAUZER-CEM OVA, D.M.,;
FORSENK0,A.Y.,; KMOVSKIY, B.P.. zam.glavnogo red.;
RUZHINTSU, V.Tc., xam.glavnogo red.t SOKOLOV.D.P., tam.glavnogo
red,; VAKHRAMIKINY, V.A,, red.; GYMM, R.I., red,; GROMOVAR *$I*$
red DAVITAWFILr, L.Sh., red.; KRYMGMITS, G.Th.. red.; LUPPOV.
red.; OVEGHKIN, N.K.. red.; POKROVc.;KAYA.
I'm.** red,; PG.HHL1VT6V, V.P., red.; RAWJIMO, G.P.. red.; ROMW~-
DORF, B.B., ni.",; ROZHV3STVJNSK1Y. A.K., red.-, SAHYGH9VA, T.G.,
red,; :5PBBVTINi-, N.N., red.; TAKHKADZHAN. A.L., red.; FMOV. Eel*#
red.; KWAKOV,, I.Y., red.; CHEMSHIVA, Me., red.; BBERZO, A.G.,
red.; KOTLTAR1.4VSKAYA, P.S., red.izd-va; MOSUICHETA, Me. tekhn.
red,; 'rOLENNA, T.P.,
[Fundame-.~alB of palSOUtOlOgY; reference book in fifteen volume
for paleontologiats and geologists of the U.S.S.R.] Oanovy pale-
ontologii; sprayGohnik dlia paleontologov i geologov SSSR v
iatnadtoati tomakh. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR. Vol.l.
General part. Protozoa) Obshchaia chast'. Prosteishie. Otvaed.
D.N.Rauzer-Che-rnousova, A.Y.Fureenko. 1939. 481 p. (MBA 12:7)
(Protozoa, Fossil)
GABUMIYA, Leonid Ea:L-.tistratovich;,%UTM-#,Mi,,,,,, ,;
MKITINA, O.G.j~ red.izd-vs; OUBBYAO A.P..
[History of Hipwrions; materials an the Neogene in the
U.S.S.R.] X iistorii gipparionov; po materielam iz neogena
$OR. Mon1tva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1959. 569 p.
(MIRA 12:11)
(Horses. Fossil)
IVANOV, likolay DmItriyevich; DAVITASIV;g,.,
, h~ red.; LOGVT 0.
B.M., red.l,zd-va; RYLINA, Yu.V.,
[Darwinism ana thei theories of heredity) Darvinizm i teoril
naeledstvennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 277 p.
(MMA '13:7)
(svolution) (Heredity)
OJILOV, Yu A., glevnyr red..;. HAMOVSKIY, B.P., zam.glavnogo red.;
7-YON I sam.glevnogo red.; SOX04110y, B.S., zem.glevnego
red.; MYCIE9,VA:,_~T.G.-, otv red.tomal VAPWMMY, V.A., redo;
R.F. , rail, DAjJjA"TTj --lL-lz'h
GMUM COMMA, V.I. , red.; re&.;
KRYMGCLITS, Gja,,, red*;- LMTOV, N.P,,-rad,; OBRUCHEV, D.V,--, red.;
OVECIMIN, N.11.9 :red.'; P=OVZXAYA, I.M.,.red.; PCHMINTM, V.F.,
red.; RADCEMKO,.G.P.. ted..; RAUMM-CEMOUSOVA, D.M.. red.;
red.; MAKIEPAMM, A.L., red.; FLEROV, X,K,, red.; FURSFMO,
A.V., red.; IKHAIAKOV, A.V., redo; OMNYMMA, N.Ye., red.;
EBMIN, A.G.; -MM.&MAYA, L.A., red.izd-va; POLENOVA, T.F.-,
[Fundamental's of: paleontology; manual -in fifteen volumes for
3~eleontologists,i)nd~ge6logists of the U.S.S.R.] Oanovy paleonto-,
logii; spravochnik,dlia paleontologov i geologov SSSR v pietnadtsati
tomakh. .. Kositva G~s.nauchnd-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol., i okhrane
nedr. Vol.?. ['Polyzoa,.Drachiopoda. Supplement: Phoronideal
Mshanki. bralichiopody. Prilozhenie.- Foronidy.,T#G.
Sarychava., 1960:i 342 p. plates. (MIRA 14:4)
(Polyzoa. Fossil), (Broahiopoda, Fossil)
(PhDrouidea . Fossil)
ORLOV, Yu.A., glavnyy red.; JO.RKOVSKIY, B.P., zem.gluvnogo red.; RUZ "IMUSHY,
V.Ye.' zamestitall jKlovnogo red.; SOKOLOV, B.S., zamestitell glavno-.
go red.; HBERZIN, A.G.,; KIPARISOVA, L.D., red.;
SRIMANSKIY, V.N.. rod.; VAKHRAMEYEV, V.A., red.; GMaM, R.F.-S red.;
red. ; 1UPPOT, X.P. , red. ; OVECHKIN, N.K. ,
G.P., red.; RAU=-(',HXRNOUS0VA, D.H., red.; ROIENDORF, B.B., red.;
red.; rffAH OV, A.V,,. red.; GEMYSIMA, N.Ye., red.; K01US, K.B.,
red.izd-va; POLUOVA, T.P.,
[Fundamentals of paleontology; reference book in 15 volumes for
paleontologists and geologists of the U.S.S.R.] Osnovy paleonto-
logli; spravocluiik dlia -paleontologov i geologov SSSR v piat-
nadtsati tomakh. Roakra, Izd-vo Akad.nalik SSSR. Vol.3- [Mollusks:
Lori-rate, Bivalvia, Scaphopodal Molliuski - pontsirnye, dvu-
stvorchatye, lcq)atoiLog:le, A.G.Bberzin, 1960. 299 p.
(Mollusks, Fossil) WRA 14:1)
MIKULINSKIT. Semen Romenovich; tt-t- --- I
L-.5h otv. red.;
SHAPIRO, Y.B., red. Lid-va; GUSffA, A.P., tekhn. red.
(]Development of general biological problems in Russia;
first half of the'l9th century] ~azvitie obshchikh problem
biologii v Roseii. p1jimaia polovina XIX vekn. Moskva. Izd-
vo Aked. nauk SM. 1961. 228 p. (MIELA 14:5)