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DARABOS., Oyorgy; GOHBOSs Katalin The effect of ultrasound on the blind spot. Szemesset 98 no.2:101-106 Je 161. 1. A Debreocni Orvastudomanyi Egyatem Szemklinikaja (Igasgatol Kettesi Aladar egyo tan.) a a Hajdu-Bihar Megyei Tanacs Korhazanak Idegoaztalya (Foorvos: Papp, Zoltan),koziemanye. (FUNDUS OCULI pbyoiol) (ULTRASONICS) DIMOS. Jossef -------- - The subsequently determined sphere of duty. Ujit lap 14 no.1300 10 J1 162, 1. Ujito, Budapest, ..!gRAm,14;XALLASZ, T,;BRWICZKY, L. Oatamnestic studios In syphilis* Borgyogre..yoner, szeals 7 no,3:90-94 MY 1953. (GLKL 25:1) 1. Dootorso 2* Xomarou County Mcin and Venereal Diseases Welfare In- stituts (Road Pbysician -- Dr. I"slo Darabos),, DARABOIS. Laszlo. dr. Role of the Dermts-Tenerologic Institute In prevention of occupatLaml skin diseases. Dorj7iNW. vener. asemle 8 no.1:1-4 Jan WIN, ftessess, prow. & costrol of . *coup. din. In RwWmi7) (OCCUPATIOML DIPI"no pr4v. A control In Hopa) DARA 08, Leaslo,.dr.,; FUW, Jossef, dr. Research results oA chromium allergy. Borgrogy. vener. szoolo 8 no.3: 3:42-146 Sipt '54. 1. Kamarom Ykasi Unace VB. .3or-as Masibete"ondoso Intesetenek (111extergom) an as Iter'nitffar Usemoryosi Rendelojenek (Nyorgeaujfalu) koslemenras (DJMMTITIO,.CWUCT, etiology and pathogenesis chromium), ,jurious effects (CHROM, in dermatitts, contact) EXCERPTA. 1-IMICA Sec.13 Vol.O,,/ll Derinatolory Nov 55 4 2304, DARABOS L. and FOLOP J. *Adatok a kr6ni-allergiShoz. If. flari bdrs- '2Tj-rZVM`�-AWTYtok a palagyArban. Data on chrome -a I le rgy. Se riem of skin -examinations in a slate-factory BORCYOGY.VENER. SZLE. 1954, 30/5 (142-146) Tables. 3 The workers In a slate factory were examined clinically and by contact tests. The reactions were as follows- with cement 37.6%,with chrome 8.4%, with turpentine 7.7% positive, The sensitization toichrome In cement-positive cases was twice as frequent in women. The chrome-positive cases also gave positive reactions with cement in 75% of cases. In the period of the examinations other workers had other skin digieases as well. In others the anamnesis was positive. In eczema patients the -contact tests to chrome were also positive. Among all workers the 'latent' sensitization to chrome was positive In 1.5116. Vdmos - Budapest DAMBOS, laszlop dr.,v foorvoB 'Day of Hygiene arranged in Tatabanya. Klovilag,-8 nooks. 59--60' N-Dt63, . . I* Ngeo=egugyi S2rakoartaly elmokep Tatsbanya. On the medloal sthlos of some o=ent probla=, Orv, hetil, 100 no,371 1337-1341 Sept 13 59 (MMIGS, MEDICAL) DAROX Pal., dr. Jr& 16.3. t6' Secretary of,the Union of Hungarian Medical Practitioners, Chemists and Health Workers, DARABOS, Pal, dr. State of the postgraduate training of physicians in Hungary* Munka 14 no. 1:12 Ja 164. 1. Orvos-Egoozaagugyi Dolgozok Szakozerveszetenek fotitkara. A K. V.; MAKARYUNEIFE) E. K.; D RACIMIIAS "Automatic Calculation of Accidental Coincidences in Schemes for Measurement of Angular Correlations of Cascade Gamma-Rays." report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Thilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. IFM LitSSR (Inst Physics & Mathematicas AS LItSSR) DAR-WA, 53hlyakhanov Insecticides Planting pine treated with hexachloran. Les. khozo 5j No. 7, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952 Unclassified. DARAGAN, A.-G. @ . Coating of tablets with Pellicle-forming substances. Apt. do-o- 11 no.5:75-8D 162. (MIRA 17-A 1. 1 Moskovskiy ordena Lenina meditsinskly institut imeni Sechenova. DARAGAN A.G. Study of tablets coated with high-molecular film-forming compounds. Report No.l: Coating of tablets with ethylcellulose. Apt. delo 13 no.5:26-29 S-0 164. (141RA 18:3) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy vitaminnyy Institut i I 14ookovskiy ordens. Lenina meditsinskiy institut imeni Sechenova. nMOAM, A.K., kand.takhn.naulc. MB Uperience of Moscow plants in manufacturing large block@. Opkt stroi. no.10:81- #57. (KIM 11:1) (Moscow--Concrete plants) (Concrete blocks) 17/+ DAMAGAN, A.K., kand. takhn. nank. Materials and produats for making partitions, Blul. stroi. takh. 14 no-11:33-39 N 157. (Kru nrl) 1. TSeutralinyy usuchno-iseledovatellskiy institut stroitelletva Akadetill nauk stroltel'stya I arkhItektury SSSR, (Building materials) (Valle) MnGANP. AK-, kandatekhu, nauk. q@ - Silicate, lightweight, and air-entrained wall blocks. Offt otrol. no.19:144-173 158. (MIRA 12:1). (Idghtweight concrete) (Silicates) 1. DARAM.*G.--I.; GRUNSKIYp F. F. 2. USSR (600) Combines (Agricultural Machinery) 7. Work practice uith the S-4 Belf-propelled combine. Dosto sellkhozo no@ 6p 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuuT -1953. Unclassified. ROB.-,MKU9 V.A.9 dakUr tokbumuki DARAWIlo K-A-v imb- Uning foorb-63mg oomacts In bigbwY girder bridges* Avt.dor.i dorstivi. DoAM-2W "- (MrBA 28#21) TARASENKOp A.P.; DARAGAM9 K.A. Using lightweight slag concrete In bridge construction, Avt, dor. 28 no.9sl5-14 S 165o (MIRA 18alO) DARAGAN, X.L..,,. jazh.; MIKHATLOV, @'-WH-O-w technology of making stroi. 20 no. 8:1&22 -Ag N.V., dottor tekhn. nauk concretes. Key. tekh. I pared* OPS T 158 . a- (KIRA 111:7) iConcrete) mmm@ DMUGAITY L, XIMAVICH, P.; DARAGAU, L. low Ores for lumber trucks. Ayt.tranap. 32 uo,6;32-33 Je 054. (Kotor tmoko--Tlr*s) (MM 7:9) DAIIAG All!, L. D. 32548. Rezcr@7 uiuchslieniya Dluzh7cy avtomogillrVlch shin na byf;czkC Les. pron-st', 1949, Nio. 9, s. 111-14 SO., Letopis' Zhurnallrwkh Statey, Vol. 4@ Moskva, 1949 . DARAGAN, L. D. MOMM Conditions suitable for using medium and largo trucks in hauling lumber* Loseprome 35 no.4;7-9 Ap '37. (NLRA 10:3) 1. TS@ntral'Dyy nauchno-Iseledovatelskiy Institut mokhaninatsii i onorget1ki. (lumber-Transportation) LAKMOv Hostiolav Pavlavich; KMBDSKrri, K.I., DARAG ,,U?id to iiukj'iW'@j TIXHCWOVAp N.V.9 red. izd-va; XOMMSMAv A.S.9 -tekbn. red. [Hemdbook for the lumber truck road expert) Spravoobnik mastere. lesovonoi aytomobilinoi-doroji; Pod red. M.I.Kishinokggo. No- skvap Goislesbumisdat 1961. 153 (MIRA 3.415) Norest roadJ* LEKSAU, Igor' Ilikolayevich; ARODZERO, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich; GALIPER3111, Zinovi:7 Sampylovich; GORBACHEVSKIY, Viktor Andreyevich- DARAGAN JAonid Dmitriyevich; KLYGHKOV, rly-:e:v @6; Pavel Dmit . FevWe y"';Qvich; PRASOLOV, Boris Alekoandrovich; RYZEKOV, Aleksey Nikolsyevich; SUERMIKOV, Iosif Osipovich; TURASS, Aleksey Leontlyevicb; DOLGOPOLOVj'N.P.# red.1 KOWARDOVA, T.F., red. izd-va; VDOVIKA, V.M., tekhn. red, [Manual for the lubmer truck drivel] Spravochnik shofera lesovoznogo avtomobilia. Moskva,, Goslesbumizdat,, 1962. 169 p. (Lumber-Transportation) (KIRA 15:7) GALIPERINp Z.S.; KLYCHKOVI P.D.; LAKHO Ye.I.; @ORHACFWSKIYt V.A.; - D.; RYZHKOVp A.N.j SUKHARNIKOV, 1.0.; TURASS, A.L.; T CH) V.A., red. [Manual on automotive transportation of lumber) Spravoch- nik po lesovozno= avtomobillnomu transportu. Moskva Lesnaia promyshlemostlp 1965. 446 p. (MIRA 19:11 1. Khimki. TSentralinyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut mekhanizatsii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlennosti. DARAGANIN.T,;. ANNSM,N.B.; XOMKIT,L.N.,, k%ndidat skonoaich~Wdkh mauk, NWior; GMLISLATA,I.O., redaktor; ZMMOYSXIT,A.D., tekbuicheiddy redektor [Problm6 in accounting and statistical work at industrial enter- prisem; sAftple of uptal working and wagon tvAldIM branches of loc4 Industries] Yoprosy uobsta I statistild truda na prWv@lmmom preatrilitil; na primirs astalloobrabatyvaiushchei L obosostroitelf- noi Otraslai mestnot promyshlonnostio Kiev, Ipd-vo Akademil nauk USSR. 1955. 103 P. (MM 90) (Acoount14) DARLGAR. H.V. Darahan, X.M. -T@@ - @.Ir@_ I Statistical analysis of the cost of production in industrial enter- prises. Nauk. zap. Inmt. ekon. AN UWR noj.M-107 '55. (NMA 110) (Industrial statistics) (costa, l[ndmotrial) EPP. .R93234 DARAGAN9 MIKHAIL VLADIKEOVICH Analiz Hospodars1koyi Diyallnosti pidpryyemstva. Klyiv, Derzhpolitvidav URSR, 1956. 65 P. Tables (Na Dopomohu Mconamichniyi OnvIti) Mj;.SMffMOM, N.; GMMWT, L. [Harleiiki, L.]D- dokbor ekon. nauk, red,; KOROIDA, Oo, kand. ekon. nauk, rj4; POVOLOTSKIT; A. LPovolotelkiy, A.], red.; KADAMWICH, 0., tekb3i@ red; Elbonomici of mocialimt industrial enterprises; an albun of diagram and plans] Ikonoodke, sotaimaistyohnykh proWelowykh pW pryiemstvg all boa diagrab I siteme Pid zahallnofu redskktollelu L. HorWft 1'0. lroiolda. Al 'lion uporlad)mviLly K. Dhril= I - N. Shevohenko' J@Viv, Derzh. vyd-vo polit. lit-r,7 MUM, 1958. 46 1. (in PortfoliO5. (KCU litio) 1. AkMenlya nank UURO Kiev. Instytut okonovd%y. f (Dismisr.-Moonoulo conations) Z4WAj*.& 0 il Vladisirovich (Darshan, K.T.J: GORKUK, L.Te. [Harelik, L.B.] ,,_ I red. - XAZACITICH, -T.,A..WzakvvychjT.Aj, red.i 9 TXPIMOVA, K.I. Enfiwva, K.I.J. tokhnerade [Statistics of production costs In the textile Industry] PYtannis statystyky mobivertosti produktoli v tekstylluli promyslovosti. Kyiv. Vyd-vo Aked.nauk URZR. 1958. 118 13. (MMA 12t6) (Textile,industry--Costs) BONDARINKO, V.V.; DARAGAN, ma-rDarshan. M.V.1 r- W, Great accomplishments of the Soviet Ukraine Soviet Ukraine during the post 40 yearal; a Reviewed by T.T. Boadaranko. N.V. DarahaR). no. 6-66e7O Je 158. ,%@ Mrsine-Stattetica) (OAchioven-ents of the statistical manual. Vismyk AN URSR 29 (MIRA 11:7) DMGUA.-V" RMOVMYA, N.V.; WHOM P.B.; PRIV SIVA, A*G&q red*; PYATAKOVA, N.D., ELsbor statistics In industry and construction) Statistike truda v prosWahlonnosti i stroitelistve. Koskva. Gomstatisdat TsSU SM, 1960. 122 p. (MM 13:9) (Industrial statistics) SEWENKOp M,,Mp kaW.ekon.uauk-j XUGUSHEVp M.F. [Kuhushavg M.F.]; PRAVDINt H.V.; nMI01MVt V.I.; ALEKBANDROVAp V.P.; GORODETSKIT N.I. [Horodatolkyip N.I.]j DYITWVt T.I.; NALITA, M.S. [Wytas M ':1 DARAGANO M.Y. jDarahano M.V.]; RADIRAI, Yu.M.; VCROBtHVAq .:T Vorobyova# X.T*J; LOTIMU, N.N.1 STARODUBSKIX p R.D. Staroduballgrip R.D.]; YATSENKOp P.P.; MURONTSEVAp G.M. Muromtsevap H.M.]; RASNER, S.I.; CHERNYAK, K.I.; KOBILYAKOV, I.I. [Kobyliakovq I.I.); AIRE ANDROVAt V.O., kand.ekonommauk,,; DEMMUKg VF, [DeaWdiukp red.; LIMMM9 T.R.p [Ways of increasing profits in metallurgical industries] Shliakby pidvyshche=ia rentabelinosti metalurgibVkh pidpryismstv. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk URSRp 1961. 93 p. (MIRA 34:6) 1. Akademiya, nauk USSRp 11yev. Institut ekonmiki. 2. Institut ekonomiki AN USSR (for Seredemkot VePsAleksandrova, Nalitap Daragan., Radim). 3. Dnepropetrovshy khimiko.-tokhnologicheaW institut (for Gorodetakiyl Dyatlov). 4. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgichesk1y institut (for Kobilyakov). (Dnepropetrovsk Province-Steel industry-Costs) CHUISTOV, V M.# kand. ekon. naukj CHERNENKOj M.S.; MIASFOKUTSWA., O.I.Nannokutalkap 0.1.]; DROSOVSKAYA, L.I.[Drosovsika, L.I.]; MOKIMiKOl B.F.; DARAGAN, M.V,[Darahan, M.V.]; OCANYAN, G.A. Cohaniang H.As],-, ft-MOCIUK09 I.P.; KRUGLIKOV, B.L[Kruhlikovp B,I.1; KOROID, O.S.# otvs red.j IVANIKOV, M.D.9 red.; K ASBUTCHO 0.0.[Kadashevycbp A.A.]p tekbn. red. [socialist reproduction of the means of production]Sotsiali- stychna vidtvoremia. KyivI Vyd-vo Akad. nauk URSR 1962. 298 P. ?MIRA 15:12) 1. Akademiya nank TJRSR, Kiev. Instytut ekonoriky. 2. Cblen- korreopondent Akademii. nauk Ukr,, SSR (for Koroid). 3. Institut ekonor.iki Akademii nauk Ukr. SSR (for an except Koroid, Ivanikov.. Kadashevich). (Economics) OAGAN, M.YjDarohan, M.V.1; CHUISTOV, V.m.; I=TgRENKo, 0.0., --gav, red.1 ZHUKOV, A.M., red.; MILIKIN, Yu.A., takhn. red. (Creating the material and technical foundation of communism; Visual aid)Stvorennia material' no-tekhnic*oi bazy kozunismu v SRSR; nptochnyi posibnyk. Kyiv, Derzhpolitvydav URSR, 1962. 30 P. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Ukr. @SR (for Nesterenko). (Russia-Economic policy-Au6io-visual aids) TERESHCHENKO, I.P.; MOSKVIN, 0.1.: DARAGAN, M.V.[Darahan, N.V.1; ANISIMOV, V P - YARMOLINSKIYI M.H.LIArmolynalkyi, M.R.1; BULGAKOVI P:S:lBulhakov, F.S.]; KUTS, V.K.; KASHFUR,, A.V.,- VASnMKOI, O.K.[Vasylenko, II.K.1; Y.UKOLEV, V.D.[Kukoliev, V.D.); SIGOV, S.G.LSihovp S.H.,deceased]; NAGIRNYAKI;P*A. (Nahirniak, P.A.); VETCHINOV, LA (Vietchynov, I.A. ZADOROZHNYY, V.K.; DROSOVSKAYA, L:I.[Drosovslka, L.I.1; SHKITINA, M.I.; PROSHCHAKOV '0 'M.- MOKIYE21KO, B.F. (Mokiienkoo B.F#]; GOLOVACH, A.V.[Ilolovach, A.V.1; IVANITSKIY.. I.V*LIvanyts'kyi., I.V.],- KOZAK, Me.; BORYAKIN, V.Y.., red.izd-va; NESTERENHO, 0.0., g-lav. red.; DAKEHO, Yu.B., tekhn. red. (National income of the Ukrainian S.S.R. during the period of the large-scale building of comminism] Natsionallwji dokhod Ukrainalkoi RSR v period rozhornutoho budivnytstva ko=wnizmu. Red.kol.: O.O.Nesterenko ta inshi. Kyiv, Vyd- vo AN IJRSR, 1963. 333 p. (MIRA 16:32) 1. Akademiya nauk URM, Kiev. Instytut ekonomiky. (Ukraine-Incor.o) ,_YYjDarahan, M.V.], otv. red.; FRIMAK, X.V.[Prymakp K.V,] zam. otv. red.; DIRMINKIN, T.L[Derev 'iankin, T.I.19 red.- DZIKOVICH, V.Ya.[Dzykovychl V.IA.], red.; OGANYANj G.A.(Ohaniang H.A.Ip red.; PROFATILOVA) L.M., red.; SOTCHENKO, Z.Ya., red.1 BORYAKIN, V.M.9 red.; REKFS,M.A... tekhn. red, (Problems of the socialist econony and history of the national econoqr; based on materials of the Ukrainian S.S.R.) Fytannia aotsialistychnoi ekonomiky ta istorii narodnoho hospodarstva; na materialakh Ukrains1koi RSR, Kyiv.. Vyd-vo AN URSR, 1963. 280 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Akademiia nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytut ekonomiky. DARAG, N, M,V. (Darahan, M.V.1, ot-7. red.9 F-'REVYANXIII, T.J. @--tNFeWliankln.. T.I.). red.; DZIMUCH, V.Ya. ((Dzy2,.ovyCb, MA.I.. red.; PROFATILOVA, L.M., red.1 SOTCHEWKOV Z.1a. red.; BORYAKIN, V.M., red. [Problems of economics and statistles] Pytarmla ekcnomlky i statystyky. Kylvy Naukova dumka@ 1965. 231 p. (MIRA 380) 1. Akaderdya nauk URSR, Kiev. Instytut ekonordky. .49,/v /9 an Jorl-orr of a cof@mimist labor eifter;@riso d their achiovi@rcn,.-. Qn, toicn, i 5 S 161. 10) ,vt 2. dlst-nlIUl'.m sio-lalizatsli i svya2i dorc@ri (for .1. Sal,=ctar' parti@-zoy do vy _ACC NR1AP6035ft8' S com.: UR O@i @1661666'IC26160@61W@ INVMOR: Diellnikov, N. N,; Grapov, A* F.; Lebedeva, N. V.; Daragan.0' IN. Ke ORG: none 'TITLE: Preparation of N-alkoxycarbonylalkylamidoalkylthiophosphonio i .acid chlorides, Class 12, No. 187015 Lannounced by All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Chemicals for Plant Protection (Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut khImicheakilth aredetv zashchity @rasteniy)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya,-promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 36 TOPIC TAGS: fungicide - ABSTRACT'. To-olbtain N-alkoxycarbouylalkylamidoalkylthiophosphouic acid chlorides, intermediates in the preparation of fungi-; cides, alkylthiophosphonic acid dichlorides are treated with eaters of a- and 0-aminoacida in the presence of tertiary amines, as the acceptors of Me [VIA-50; CBE NO. 141 SUB CODE: 07/ SU34 DATE: 3lDec65 (PSI C,,d 1 A UDC:5U7.233.2112211181-3121113.07 DARAGAN N.S. zh.j RABINOVICH., B.Ya.,, inzh. ,in Using coumarone resins in composed road tars. Avt.dor.i dor.stroi. no.1:81-85 165. (MIRA 18:11) V.1%; DAHAGANP S.K. Use Of electromechanical and capacitor filters In seismographs with galvanometric recording. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. geofiz. no.10: 149/4-1508 0 t64. (MIRA 17:11) 1, bstitut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. ACC, M& AT60MT 9DUWZ OODX:-W www/m/Ow/000, --TAW- Amon: -Omdd" b; ILI K. none ..TITLE: KOD appuratus for mulUchaved digital racording of nimmic signals -BOURCE: AN SSSR. bsi" fts9d Zemli. VychImItteNays say 0917mo So@ 2# 1966* 183-195 -Topic TArs.. d*itai "umic signal iwoider. digital coal* "isinowalo instrumem4 selsmologic staUm AAA.0- ABSTRACT: The ' KOD i It&JL reeoirde@, ub:tcb Incorporates a derfi6e for on-the-spot Conversion and mWb*wmol rearding of mebmic observations on magnetic Ups, was developed at do bdifuts ot ftysics of do Z@r6, AS USU. Uwas tD On KOO sets # 006 justalWd at a separate f0buk dallowe ma provide remzdbW for compuln- lad analysis at the main abdoiL The set mudft ot Ow Nbuft Wft@W compeads (F*.. 1): "ionic SAPId Pkhqo Ok RIMPIdwn MIK ralaft ft *ml Isyd Id8b moveb. 1/3 ACC M.-,AX603369-7-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i,0 - - - - - - - - - - - - v J U @ - - Pickao; 2 - &mA&r; a odmerter; 4 - Ums mrvj6p; S. - radio roosiver;6 - n9juMo 190014w; 7 - Timal reond"; 6 - coutral MW 9 - .power suWy =ft; 10 - UPI U - UMV"o regmadmer; 12 - mapstio usag- scriber; 13 - muUidmim" comerier; k - loop 690910PIA (I m "SN -C mdl 2/3 :,.;.,-FACC NA& AT6033697 for conversion to a binary code -- the number of amplifier channels corresponds to the bor of X, Y, and Z components of the recorded signals; multichannol analog-to-digital num converter (3); time recorderO for subsequent integrated analysis of material from a number of stations; radio receiver 0 for reception of the exact-time signals; magnetic recorder ft visual-monitorii* recorder Q); control unit (14 power source (storage battery) ft The recorded tape OM is transmitted to the main station where It Is selectively transcribed from a magnet ic TV produe roviding a visual Ing unit CWOM another magnetic recorderM while at the same time p trace, decoded t5( a multichannel digital-to-analog converter(O and recorded by snoscMog=FhOA)- Signals wain the frequenty range of 0. 03-5 cps (33-0.2 sea) are recorded. This set, designed -the-clock operation, requires the following daily servicing operallons: for continuous round 1) replacement of magnetic-rewrder tape, 3 times daily; 2) adjustment of quartz clock 2 time daily, awmdUng to exact-time signals transmitted by radio; 3) checking the performance of the ,ph- screen; 4) calibration of amplifter and data converter by visual monitoring of oscillogra control units. AU meamrsmad results an rooorded on Ow station log. Orig. arL hass 5 figures, and I tablese SUB CODE: Oeg 09/, BURN DATSt some/ ORIG RZIrs 002/ ATD PInS: SILOG V.2 @r V -1@ EnULaIWA(h) OW ;ACC__N1U1_AT6OOOO92 -SOURCE CODE: UR7261WMj000=j6110rO132 AIMOR s ArWanigel I ski3r, V. Tot, Daragan, o -k ORG: fne tj Los of the Earth tute of jm@ 0 juc Shpddt. AN SSS (Inatitut ftsiki- _W 64 4 z em3li &WH) TITIR i Practical.utilization of electromphanical filters in electrodynauda.- xeisme_-@ @k -,graphs with galvanomtric recording souRCE: All SS-9R. Inatitut fiziki zemli. Trudy, no. 35, 1964, 116-132 TOIC TAGS: olectric.filter, soisin ph, aqiwoy@raphy. Calvanomt ogra or, galvanow*' soisnoloide inat'rumento electronic 'ariplifier .4 ..:ABSTRACT-. The uss -two gr4u- of circuits which can be used authors dis 0 @i C ps connkt A capaciforinto the galvano -electromechanical filter circuit meter .of- a. seismograph -to Increase -the sensitivity and recording range. Final. :-4btmulas (without analytical derivations) are given for deterrnination of the magnitudes and frequency characteristics of a seismograph. In the first 1@roup, thec,apacitor mom'eter' (4 vari- is connected Intd a free coil In the seis fiiions);Ahe second 'group (4 variations) differs from the first in that no' tip .@c aciio--r-filter is used. * A test run in 1962 with an apparatus consisting of three SK-Ift-M-type.seismographs and M-17/12 galvanometers (new coils were L..S@rd 1/2 SIAM AK NR, AT600009z . u d that the level of microseismic noise was too hig h'.'' double wo nd) indicate sarne seismographs were used with M-17/6-type galvanometers connected es with the main unts to control, An beri galvanometers and their magnetic sh (4 6-5-see period) considerably lowere !filter resonance. A filter -wave trap d., the microseismic noise level in,the 3-7.,;see range without decreasing sensi @Jti ty for periods of 10 sec or more. - Additional experiments were carried @dut with 'a photo-optical *electio-ifle amplifie-r and low-frequen ' filter (sch CY --ifiatics fo' connectink, tromedhaniedl filtee and photdelectric elec 06-show Orig* art._has-.-@ 1@ fjguresj':@_3.tabies,.42 formul", JFSBIV j HO., - 'SUB COb2I._:I'E9i 8S PUM' DkE I hone -I', USSR/CUltivatod UrInts. Fruits. Barrios. A.b's 4TOur Ref Z @''h=713101*9 NO 151 1958, 68321 1,uthor I Daragah, T, T Inst Title Ways to IneroasoYiolds in .F"uit Cultivation [Fructicuituro). Orig Pub Michurinsk-e- sb's. Krasnodar, "Sov, Kub,-Mtit. 19579 108-116 Lbstract The Sad Gigant.-SOvkhOz Of Slavyanskiy.Rayon in- Krasnodar KrIlly- is the largost fruit farri (sovkhoillh the USSR. It has 2,150 hectares Of Orchards. In addition to the apple which .constitUtos.its b!tsic fruitl there are also poar plum$ cherry, @swoot chorryj ancl quince or- charals, During tho, 28 yozirs of tho sovkho;'s life? Card 1/2 152 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/5624 Daragan, V. Kh.0 I. M. Kurman., and A. A. Shugin,, eds. Pois-ki i razvedka bornog s r1ya (Prospecting and Explorationof BorwRw Material Deposots@ Mosoow,, Goageoltekhizdato 1960. 102 P. 5POOO copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Vsesoyu=yy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy in- stitut minerallnogo syr1ya Ministerstva, geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovatel'Bkiy In- stitut gornokhimicheskogo syr1ya Gosudarstvennogo kamiteta Soveta Miniatrov SSSR po khimii. Compilers: I. M. Kurman, V. V. Mellnitakiy, L. S. Zayteev., Ye. F. Mellnitakaya.and Ye. V. Orlova; Ed. of Publiahing House: Yu. N. Afanaelyeva; Tech. Ed.: Y6. S. Iyerusalim- skaya. PURPOSE : This book is intended for boron researchers,, pro- spectors, and surveyors. r-ard--17*- Prospecting and Exploration of (Cont,) SOV/5624 G. Ya. Koryakovalso of the above Institute. No personal- ities are mentioned. There are 85 references: 79 Soviet and 6 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 I. General Conditions in Prospecting and Exploration of Boron Raw Materials 5 Brief history of the study and industrial exploita- tion of deposits General data on boron Brief characterization of the basic boron and boron- containing minerals 8 Fields of application of,boron 17 Types of commerical deposits 19 Prospecting prerequisites and guides 27 Prediction of deposits 33 C sFd_-T/&- SHrARV, YuA; DARAMN,--V*Loj YERKAKOVg Y.I. Possibility of determining the moisture of the granular sub- stance for tablets by measuring its dielectric permeability Aptech. delo 12 no*3122-24 h*.v-Je'63 (iMU 17:2) I# *entralInyy aptecbnyy n.a4qbao-iaajedavatel'skiy institut. i Moskovakiy khimiko-tekbnologichaskiy institut imeni Men- deleyeva, SHILOV, Yu.M.; DARAGAN, VA. High-frequency analysis and possibilities of its use in pharmaceutical practico,.,Apt. dejo 12 no.4:72-76 JI-A_g 163. (KERA 17t2) lo TSentral'W aptechnyy_nauohno-isoledovateltakly institut. SHIIDV, Yu.M., kand. farm. nauk;'_k@MqAN9 V.L.; YERMAKOV,, V.I., kand. khim. nauk -High-frequency device for the determination of moisture in samples of loose preparations. Sbor. nauch. trud. TSANII 6: 127-133 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. TSentrallnyy aptechnyy nauchno-isalkovateliskiy institut (for Shilov, Daragan). 2. Moskovskiy kAmiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mendeleyeva (for Yermakov). M"O"j, V.Y. - llghs-frsqusb,cy ca-vocitance pulse regulators used In the AutovatiC control of rolling mills. Proizv.oprt v 156. (Rolling mills) (Blictrouic control) (NLPA 10,2) DARAGAM, V. V. 4Fhotopartioles Angular Distributions in the Statistical Theor7 of Nuclear Reaotions," with Yu. M. Shirokov. "On the Mechanism of Giant Resonance," Lebedev Pl*sical Inst. of the UMR Acad Sol. - @edi, and Low Energy V-t@or submitted at the A-U Conf. cn Nuolear Reactions in " -IM Pbysics, Hoscow .19-27 Nov 57 DARAGAN-SUSHCHOVI V.I 2572-6- GERSWAL, D. i DARAGAN-SUSHCHDV, V. Samodel'nyy Vibropreobrazovatell Radio# 1949, No. 13, Be 35-39- SO: Letopial Zhurnallnykh Stateyt Vol. 34, Moskva, 1949 GZMGAL. D.A.: DARAGAN-SUMCHDV, V.I.; BIRG, A. I., akademik, redaktor; BRODSKIT, jL.ji.-j, rwuNWWr: NPLIN, A.M., tekhnicheekly redaktor [Home-maae vibrator] Samodel'zW.1 vibroproobrasovatell. Moskva, Gos.energ.lzd-vo, 1951. 38 @.(Kassovala radio bibliotaks, uo.110) (Radio-Transformers NLRA 8..10) ANISIMOVg Now B.S., lWh,; DAMGAN-SUSHCWV, Y-L, insh- pudiometerse Besop. troAa v prom. 2 no.11125-27 N 158. (NDA 11:11) (Judionster) (UltriLsonio waves--Industrial applications) DMGAN-SWROHOV# Tle- ANISDW, Me Acoustic method of gas analysis. Zav.lab. 26 no.12:1368-1369 160. (NM 13-:12) la Wentralluaya nauchno-Insledavatellsk6ya laboratoriya Gosgoretekh- mdx ora ROBBe (Gaeas Amlys is - - - - - - -- - - - ACC NRI 015689 SOURCE CODE; w/013/66/000/009/0037/008T INVEWOR: Gershgal, D. A.; Parag I. ; Shcherbanenko, T. B. 'ORG: None TITLE: An ultrasonic echo ranging level indicator. Class 42, No, 18132T SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pror-Wahlennyp.- obrazt6y, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9, 1966, 87 .TOPIC TAGS: liquid level indicator, ultrasonic equipment, electronic measurement ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. An ultrasonic echo ranging liquid level indicator containing reference and measurement units with pickups, a *probe pulse'@enerator, and a level readout unit connected to the measurement unit. The device is designed for improved accuracy and for matching the operating times -of the reference unit, measurement pickup and readout unit. Connected between the refer-ence and-measurement units is a reference pulse distributor with outputs cor- responding in number to predetermined points for beginning level measurement. ThI6 distributor may be made in the form of a controlled delay line. 2. A modificatica of this indicator in which the outputs of the reference unit and probe pulse gene- rator are connected to a coincidence circuit with an output which excites the mea- surement pickup when one of the reference pulses is generated. This output is con- nected through the reference pulse distributor to the probe pulse shaper. 3. A Card UDC Ile0*04- ACC_ kR:--AP601:5689 modification of thin indicator for measuring liquid levels at Ymious temperatures dennities without additional adjustment. The refercnee pulse distributor in the instrument is made in the form of a counter with decoder. 4. A modification of this indicator in which the reference pulse distributor is made in the form of a shift register. 1-reference unit; 2--measurement pickup-, 3- 4 3 readout unit, 4-measurement unit; 5-refer- ence pulse distributor; 7-probe pulse gene- rator; 8-coincidence circuit; 9-probe pulse shaper 7 SUB CODE: 091. SUBM DAM 2TAug64 llbiog@anous St1mvlants and Their Application for I'maLing S!! ed :'rior to Sowing." Th3sis for degree of randi. biological Sci. Sub 31 Oct 49, Moscow State ?edagogical Inst imeni V. I. Lonin Summary,82, 16 Dee 52, Dissertations *ssented for Degrees in Scienci and -ngrinaering In Moscow in 1949. rrom teternyaya Moskva. Jari-Dec 1@4). USM/Biologr- (Agricultav)v U94icim 9V Jan 52 Biogenic stimmunts "Iffect on Biochemical Indexes of Plants of the Treatment of Seeds With Biogenie Stimulants before P34nting,- A. Yu. ALragan-Sushchova, A3.1-Union Inst of Plant Cultivation -D*k Ak Nauk SSSR- Vol =11, No 3, PP 469-472 rn 1943-45, work by A. V. Blagovesbebeaskiy et &I (COU Asiatic State U) showed that biogmic stimu- 2=tx (1) are not 3;roteins or baxone bases; that La 4L result of 1prolonged lowering of tmp, red= prftesses ;mdomimte over hydrolytic ones. Me -no-lusion.vas dravu that., on.cooling.or sa-cwOuLimJ, acids- icularl, a" colic, ;illi@t T dIcwbcmy2Ic)'' acamulute @ Their v=k'demw rtrated 1ba-b. succinia "Id.. cinnamic acid, or SSPUt:LC acid stimulate sprouting of seeds . of - legminous plants and I:ncreaft zielas' 1..e.', exIiibit bi6geuic, stimmIgmt activity. P,MM*tigLti= of N metabolism. showed that.:proteolyttic 8=27ma areLactivatedL by I. TbJA is - In agreement @ wIrIx results described by Blagoveshcbenskly, V. P. 71latov, et al to the effect that proteol;ytic enZy=f well " catalase are stimxx2ated by 1. 1.7 /4) BARANOVSKAYA, A.V.: DARAGAN-SUSHCHOTA. A.Yu GLOBUS A.Y. Resigto of obserratlons on seasoml chs"Cas In $oil$ of T010gdA Province. Sbor. mb* Tftntr, on. pochy. no,2:194-227 157. (Vologda Province-Soils) (KLRA, 10:8) USSR/Soil Science - 1bysical and Choi-Acal Properties of Soils. i Abs Jour : Ref 71ur Diol., Ila 22, 1958, 100018 Author : Daran3vakayn) A.V., DaraL;pn-Sushch@va, A.Yu., Globus, A.M. Inst Title Seasonal Modifications of the Chemical Properties of Certain Soils of the VoloGDdskaya Oblast'. OriC; Pub Pielivovedenlye, 1957) No 7) 73-79 Abstract Observations were conducted on sod - deeply-p-3dzolic and sod-alluvial non-podzolic soils of a slioitly loamy me- chanical corniosition under the forest, under the meadow and under various aLTicultural cultivations. In lysome- tric waters at a depth of 20 cn, there was n,)ted an in- crease of the soluble hwiua from 5.7-14.3 rk-jl ill May to 21.2-34.4 md-I in June and of nitrates from 4.8-9.7 uc;/l in May to 26-9-M.2 rvjl in July. The maximum con- tent of water-soluble humus) calcium and nitrates were Card 1/2 29 77777 @M77. USSR / Soil Science., General Problems. 'T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 21, 1958, 95668. Author : Baranovska@a, A'& V.,_Daragan-Sushohova, A. Yu., Globus, Ai Mi. Inst : Central MuSeum of Soil Science AS USSR. Title : Results of Observations Following Seasonal Change- ability of Soils in Vologodskaya Oblast. Orig Pub: Sb. Rabot Tsentr. muzeya pochvoved. AN SSSR, 1.957, vyp. 2, 194-227. Abstract: Results are presented of the work of stationary investigations of the Vologod Expedition of the Central Museum of Soil Science (1953-1955). In- vestigations were conducted in the Marfinskiy Rayon on turf-podzol cultivated soils and turf- alluvial soils. In May 1955, turf-strongly pod- Card 1/3 USSR / Soil Science. General Problems. Abs Sour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 21, 1958, 95668. Abstraat: permitb.- judging the activity of the biological processes. The soils investigated during use need liming, and the old arable soils need or- ganio fertilizers applied under fallow and fur- row orops, longer retention in crop rotations under perQnnial grasses, and the introduction of fallows under lupine. -- S. A. Nikitin. Card 3/3 DARAGAI.$,.SUSHCHOVAl A.Yu.; SWTAMKOVA, A.I. Nitrogen metabolism. in red clover and common timothy in pure and zbwd- stands as related to - am* physiological-indice B. Trudy Bot. inst.-Ser. 3 no.14t:L40-159 163, (MA 16:9) ,(Otradnoye region (Leningrad Province)-Clover) (Otradnoye region (Leningrad Province)-Timothy grass) (Nitrogen metabolism) DARADAN-SUSHCHOVA, A.1u.;,KATSNELOSON, R.S. "I,..,., @,_ @.... Effect of raeadow grasses on the fermentative activity of soils. Trudy Bot, inste Sere 3 no.14t160-171 163. (KM 16:9) (Otradnoy6 region (Leningrad Province)-soil biology) (Otradnoye region (Leningrad Province)--Grasses) 1 87706 141D, 1147 8/032,'60,"026/012/011/036 2 D0201@0516 AUTHORS: Daragan-Sushohov. V. and Anisimov, S. S. TITLEj An Aooustio-Nothod of Gas Analysis PERIODICILt Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol, 26, No. 12l 1368-1369 TEXT:' From, the various m1thods basing upon the measurement of aooustio quantities,_ the authors chose the measurement of the change in the propagation velooity'of acoustic osoillationa*in sit under atmospheric b6nditiona-as depending on the change of the density of the gas-air medium effooted by various impurities (especially CH 4). The physical basis of the method is the fact that the propagation rate of sound in a gas mixture iia between the respeotivo rates in the pure gaaes. The velocity of sound in a gas is expressed by the equation V W YFPTQ@- I where y itt the ratio of the individual specific heats, p the gas pressure, and 9 the density. With a sound source emitting sound waves in the direc- Card 1/3 87706 An Acoustic Method of Gas Analysis S/032/60/026/012/011/036 B020/BO56 tion of the surface of the receiver which is located at a distance d from the sound generator, the relation t 1 . d/V1 holds for the time required by-the sound to cover this distance, where V Iis the propagation rate of sound in the gas mixture. If another gas is used, the propagation rate .is IV2, and in that case the relation t2 . d/V2holds for t 2, and the relation At - t 1 - t2 - d('/vl - I/V 2) for the difference in time, where the difference in time is expressed as the phase angle between the trans- mitted and the received signal by the relation 0 a 2nfAt . 2nfd(l/Vi- i/V 2)1 where f denotes the oscillation frequency. Tfie.-mothod used for measuring the phase shift is sensitive to small concentrations of the gas impurities. The device constructed consists of an oscillation transmitter and a receiver of aoo stio oscillations made of piezooeramios, which are both located in * 5 oml chamber. By means of an electron generator, a voltage having * frequency* of 165 kaps is applied to the transmitter. The electric signal is transformed into elastic oscillations of the same frequency, which cause an electric signal on the surface of the receiver elementl this Card 2/3 An Acoustic Method of Gas Analysis 8/032/6'''026/012/011/036 B020,17-2!6 signal is amplified and t;anamitted to an indicator. At a distance of X/2 between transmitter and riceiv6r,'a standing wa@e is formed, whereby the maximum e.m.f. on the surface of the receiver is generated. By ohang- ing the composition of the gas mixture, the density of the gas medium and thus also the wave length is changed. This leads to a change in the signal phase, And to a decrease of the energy in the rec@iveri. The s@ale may be calibrated in percents of the measured gas. The block diagram of the ultra- sonic gas analyzer is shown in the.figure. The electrical part of vice'consists of semiconductor triodea n6 5.(P6B) and is.fed by the'ele- ments .OP-4 (OR-00'',Seveiral variants of this devide.are described. There is 1 figure.' ASSO CIATION: Teentrallnaya nauchno-is'aledovate'llskaya laboratoriya Gos- .gortekhnadzora RSFSR (Central-Scientific Research Laboratory of the Stat.e Technical Inspection of Mining of RSFSR) Card 3/3 4// 0 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 88715 S/12 60/000/006/007/007 B01 2YB054 Anisimovp S. S-1 and Aug New Method of Determining Atmospheric Pollution With Dust Gornyy zhurnal, 1960, No. 6, P. 74 TEXT: From 1957 - 1959, the Tsentrallnaya nauchno-isaledovatellskaya laboratoriya (TsNIL) Gosgorteklinadzora (Central Scientific Research Laboratory (TsNIQ of the Gosgortekhnadzor) developed a dust counter which is based on the capabflity of the acoustic field of changing its parameters in dependence on the change of physical constants of the air investigated. An acoustic field is formed in the production of elastic vibrations by tl@ respective nound or ultrasound vibrator in the direction of the analogou-i receiver in the gas medium investigated. If the distance between vibrator and receiver is equal to 4/2 (half wave) or its multiple, a "standing wave" is formed. This state is caused by the physical atmosDheric statel the frequency of elastic vibrations, the distance between vibrator and receiver, and corresponds to the maximum energy output on the receiver Card 1/3 18715 New Method of Determining Atmospheric S/12Y60/000/006/007/007 Pollution With Dust B012 B054 element. On the introduction of components changing the physical atmos- pheric state (especially dust), the parameters of the standing wave are redistributed, and less energy is put out on the receiver element. The degree of disturbance, and thus the change in emf on the receiver, can be expressed in mg/m3 on the dial of the indicator. Such a device (produced at the TsNIL comprises an electronic vibrator (generatink vibrations of 5 - 6 kc/se-c), an acoustic working chamber, an acoustic compensation chamber (tc.-eliminate the effect of temperature changes) with tranamittex% an electronic differential amplifier, an indicator, and a filter. The air- intake system is-oquipped with'a rubber balloon. The electronic part of the device is compoSed of semiconductors. O'P-.t (OR-4) mercury oxide ele- ments are used as feeding source. The device weighs about 1-5 - 2 kg. Its sensitivity can be changed according to the frequency used and the 4is- tance chosen. The smallest amount of dust measurable is 10 - 20 mglm;'. After appropriate reconstruction it would be possible to record the dust con- tent continuously. Tests of the device in the dust plants of the Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy AMN SSSR (Institute of Labor Hygiene and Professional Diseases of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR) showed the Card 2/3 88715 New Method of Determining Atmospheric Pollution With Dust 8/127/6o/ooo/oo6/oO7/007 B012/BO54 high sensitivity of the device. Work is being done at present to simplify the design, increase the dependability, and reduce the weight of the device. ASSOCIATION: Tsentralinaya nauchno-issledovatel'skaya laboratoriya Gosgortekhnadzora RSFSR (Central Scientific Research Laboratory of the Goagortekhnadzor RSFSR) Card 3/3 DARAKCHIEV, A,., uchitel (gr. Sandanski) - --:1 How I use the popular scientific literature for teaching biology. Biol i khim 5 no. 200-51 163* DAIL&KCHIEV, P. "Irrigation construction an the cooperative farms on the former Popovo Okoliya." K1i1DRCjrE1Q94IF4 I MELICRATSIL, Sorita, Bulgaria., Vol. 4, No. 1, 1959 Monthly list of EAST EtROPM1 ACCESSICUS (EEAI), IC, Vol. 8, Vo. 7, AfLy 1959, Unclas PARA r I)-- in-y.,h J(CHIEV- PAtu 1 -0 Dimensioning the rive-r-bod regulation behind the dams. nidrotelh i mal-tor 7 no.3 t8446 162. DARAKCIIIEV. Petur. inzh. The Vinitsa irrigation network. Khidrotekh i melior 8 no. 10:307 163o t S/251/62/028/001/003/003 '1 -7, 1015/1242 AUTHOR: TITLE; Yhe effect of various types and'doses of irradiqtion on the catalase and peroxidase activity of the blood of rabbits PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Gru7inskoy M. Soobshcheniya, v.28, no.1, 1962, 33-39 TEXT.: The medical literature refers to the liver catalase .activity following X-ray irradiation-of rats but-the date. have ...not.been related to the severity of the radiation sickness. 67 -rabbits weighing 2.0-2.7 kg were irradiated with 400, 600, and rads from a FVM-3 (RUM)unit, at 12 r/mlln. The equivalent 'Card l/ 3 S/251/62/028/001/003/OQ3 1015/1242 The affect of' variOUS types ... internal doses administered orally as a dibpsic srlt solution of P32 -Nere 1.2, 1.88, and 3.84ncuries/g, respectively. A combined .L irradiation was perfonned by administration o-, p32 imnlediately ,after 'external irradiation with half the dose. Catalase was determined mang,-nometrically,and peroxidase with pyrogallol. The catalase activity in the blood decreased independently of the irradiation dose. Perokidase turned out to be more resistant, to .irradiation, and its activity decreased only after a dose of 1200 ,rads. Internal irradiation affected the enzymes more severely than external irradiation. The determination of catalase activity together with examination of WBC may be of prognostic value if U perl,@orined soon after irradiation as well as after the acute stage of radiation sickness, -ehere Rre 4 figures. Card 2/3 S/251/62/028/001/003/003 1015/1242 The effect of various types... ASSOCIATION: Ministerstvo 7.dravookhraneniya (1-13SR. Nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut refitgenologii i meditskinskoy radiologii. Tbilisi (Ministry of Health GSSR, Scientific Research Institute o f Roentgenology and Medical*Radiolo@gy, Tifl-40 SUBMITTED: blay 5, 1961 ARAMVMDZE.p V.7. Causes- of windfall in the stands -of P1.=&,sosnovskyi. NAkmJ &t the Bakuriani, Foreotrys Georgian S.S.R. Bot. zhur. 46 no* 2:241-- 247 F (XX* .34j2) le Grusiniddy ordons Trudovogo Krasnogo Zw=nI sell skokho.- zyayotvemvy inotitut- (&&Urimi rewim-pine) (Roots (Botmw)) P'4 't-o '/ -11/17 " C' A 128-58-6 AUTHORSs Petrov, A.F., Engineer, and Darakov, G.D.i Engineer TITLE: Improving the Technology of Casting Lift Truck Counterweight 'Aingo (Usovershenntvovaniye tekhnologicheskogo protsessa ot- livki kryllyev protivovesa avtopogruzchiks) PERIODICALt Litoynoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 6, pp 27-28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains detailed information on a new way of molding 750 kg counterweight wings of lift trucks at the foun- dry of the Llvovskiy zavod avtopogruzchikov (L'vov Lift Truck Plant). The old molding method, consisting of molding in two mold boxes with the face side up (Fig. 1) was unsatisfaotory. The now technology consists of using only one open mold boxt with the face side of the casting turned downward (Fig. 2) and using earth-filled cast iron cores with core paint made of 0.7 liter of "4GRIO binder and-1.0 liter of silver graphite. The cast iron cores have considerably improved the surface of the fitting portions of wings and brought about a consi- derable economy of molding materials and labor. There are 3 figures. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 1/1 le Caatings-Production 2. Castings-Design DARAKOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; SHLEPANCV, V.M., red.; GUREVICH, M.M., [Growing bybrid seed corn on large areas; practices in growing bybrid seed corn in Krasnodar,Territory]Vyrashchivanie gibrid- rqkh semian kukuruzy na. bolshikh plosbehadiakh; opyt vvrasbehi- vaniia gibridrqkh semian kukuruzy v Krasnodarskom krae. Moskyat Sallkhozisdats 1962. 31 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Krasnodar Territory-Yqbrid corn) (Krasnodar Territory-Seed production) IMM P F! Information on the development of the cretaccous systen in the Ajka area. P, 253 (Mapyar Panyaszati es Kohaszati Egyesulet) B:dapest Vol. 12, No. 3, Mar. 1957. SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (AEEI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957. _q geologus DARANYI,,_ Fo;:e4 Effects of tectonic forces Nqving from vest to east in the Bakony Kounwns. Bany lap 93 no. 5,310-313 MY 160* 1, Banyaszati Kutato lnteUt..'Rudapeot. T'I'm Studies on the distribution of pathogenic stapbylococot. Act& microb. hunco 1 no,.4t453-438 1954, L Institut filr9portbrglens. Budapest, (MICROCOCCUS FrOGIUS pathogenic strains, determ.) DARANYI,Gyorgy,dr. The state of technical information service in the Hungarian Cotton Weaving Mill. Magy textil 14 no.4:1.85-186 Ap 162. TrURINp I.V.p akademik,, glav. red.; ZMI., S.V.,, Iwofay otv, red,; AIEKSANDROVAj L.H.f red.; ANTIPOV-KARATRI.7, I.N.., red.; V&WANDHRO N.V.,, red.; VOWBUM, V.R., red.; DA9&5ZLIUJ", red.; IVANOVA, Ye.N.,, red.; KAGHINSKII, N.A.p red.; KOHONOVA, N.M. red.; NOGINA, N.A., red.; RODE.. A,A., red.; SOBOLEV, S.S., red.; SOKOUW, A.V., red.; MARKOV, V.Ya., red. Izd-va; ASTAFrYEVA, G.A., tekhn, red, (Problems of soil research) Problemy pochvovedeni7ai, Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 287 p. IRA 15-.7) 1. Vseooyuznoye obshchestyo pochvove&v. 2. Prezident Vsesoyuznogo obahchostva pochvovedov (for Tyurin). (Soil research) (---. @ %1 @j ' t- 11@ DARA LIYA, I.N.; MAISAYA, V.R. (Sukhumi) r-@=ffeot",-of vitamin Bl on blood circulation and respiration. Trach. delo supplment 157:99 (MIRA 1-1:3) (THIAMM) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) (RESPIRATION) USSR/Pharmacology. Abs Jour: Author Inst Title Toxicology. Antibiotics. v Ref. Zhur. - Biol., No 22, 19589 102983 81ohinava, V,. H.; Daraseliya L N. 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