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t ACCESSION NR! AP4009083 i C S/0056/63/045/006/1693/1703 AUTHORS: Burgov, N. A.; D4,;.%@.jy_on,._G,_ V.; t'Volbilkin, I D. S.; Laza- reva, L. Ye.; Nikolayev, F. A. TITLE: Cross section for absorption of Gamma quanta by carbon nu- clei in the giant resonance region SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teoret. fiziki, v. 45, no. 6, 1963, 1693-1703 TOPIC TAGS: carbon nucleus, gamma absorption cross section, giant resonance, nuclear absorption, nuclear absorption cross sectioni integral cross section ABSTRACT: In order to gain additional information about the high- lying excited levels of carbon, the cross section for nuclear ab- sorption of -( rays by carbon was measured by the absorption method in the 13--27 MeV region, using the 250-Mev synchrotron of the Card- 1/3 CESSION NR: AP4009083 izicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics Inst. AN SSSR) and a pair magnetic spectrometer as the y detector. The cross section curve has five peaks at 16.5, 17.6, 19.1, 23, and 25.6 MeV. The measured C12 nuclear absorption cross section in the giant resonance region is compared with theoretical calculations and witb2experimental photonucleon spectra and cross sections for the C' (,y, n) and C12 (,y, p) reactions in the swne energy region. The integral cross section in this region is found to be 84 + 10 MeV-mb and comprises.about one-- half t@q value calculated from the aum rule, indicating that in the case of carbon the giant resonance region below 30 MeV includba ap- proximately half of the integral cross section for dipole transi- tions. "We wish to thank N. S. Kozhevnikov for much assistance with the measurement and data reduction, and B. A. Tulupov for nu- merous profitable discussions." Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 6 for- mulas, and 3 tabie6. i. .1 ? I n !i Card 2/3 C 'I t C t t ACCESSION NR-. Aj?4j009083T ASSOCIATION: Institut teorq@icheskoy ieki3peirimentallnoy fiziki (Institute of Theqkretical and Experimental%,Physics): Fizicheskiy institut im. P. k1j, Lebedeva-,&N SSSR (Physics Institute, AN SSSR) C; . %; 9 SUBMITTEDt 03Juj-4.3 DATE ACQz 02Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH 'No REP SOV: 003-1 OTHER: 029 Card 3/3 A P. 'r- . I . I , I I I . I . , 4. 1 AUTHORS- Abrikosm N.Kh. r Dyul' dina, K.A. @,T.A. @ji""'178-3-7-29/44 TITLE: Inventigat-lomi of the Systan SnTe,.FbTs (Issle3ovaniye sLsteW SiCe-PbTe) PERIODICAL: Zhuxmal neorganicheskoy khimii, '1958, Vol 3, Nr 7P vp 1632-1636 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The diagram of state and the therzoeleotric properties of the systam Srire-PbTe, In which isomorphlio compounds are formed, were iw,estigatea. In the systm Fb-Sn-Te continuous Fmtries of solid solu.1iona form on the sector Stffe-FbTe. The ele*- tr1o conduotkytty and the thermoeleotrio oanducti-rity of the alloys produced from SnTe and FbT* have the same type of oonduc@- ti-.Ity. Modift-zation of the properbias of alloya prWuced from SnT,b ana PbTe 1-i ocaplicated. Alloys which are enriched with SnTe have a miditm of themoeleatrio conduotiity of positive value, but alloy-a enzich,M with FbTa hwwa a thermoelectric conductivity of negative va3zA. Electric passes through a mininum. Ther-i ar-,, 7 flrurtaa, 2 tablir, " 13 refer@enc". Card 1/2 Investigatiow of 4,ha Sy.-q t-im SnTe-Mj J*07118-3-7-29/44 SUBMTTED.- Jua.!i 26, '1957 1. Lertd-t,--lleriur-tin systemn-Annlysis 2. Leal -tc llerl um- tin systr@ms--Electrlcal prciportle,3 3, Lend-t,41erlum-tin systems -Tomporature Vactors Card 2,/2 TAKMIN, Alekeandr Andreyevich; KUZ'W- 0, V.I., reteenzent; red.;'DAKIL'TANETS. A.A.i retsenzent; ZONTOT, H.S., reteen2ent; IYBTRMO# lejee retsenzent; 7JMMOTA, A.I., red.izd-va; GUROTA, O.A., tekhn,;ed. [Prospecting for uranium deposits] Poiski i razvedke uranov7kh mestoroshaenit. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry PO fol. i olchrene nedr, 1961. 479 (MIRA 14:4 (Uranium ores34 I SKVORTSOV, Alekse, Anatollyovich; YOLF.'INA, Antonina Matve,,evna; 3 DANILIYANTS, "vetlana Alek--eyevna; PETUSFYOVA, I.k., red. [Ways to improve thc@ operational reliability of the insula- tion of the windings of electric traction motors] Puti 1:0- vyshenila ekspluatatvionnol nadezhnosti i-.oliatsli obmotok tiagovykh elektrodvigatelei. ',,Iorkva, Izd--vo "Tvansport," 1964. 28 p. (MIRA 17:8) USSR/General Problems -:@f PathAo[,;y - Tumrs. Humn Tumrs. U. Abs Jour : Ref Zliur - Dial., 141-1 2, 1959, 11 8897 Auth-)r : Danil'yants, Ye-I. Inst : Uzbekistan Scientific Research Cutancous-Venereolo@@Ical Institute Title : The Pr-.,bleri of LymphanGiorms and Cutanejus Lyi@%lianLicc- tasias Ori,- Pub : Sb. tr. Uzbekist. n.-i. kizlino-vemerDl. in-ta, 1957, 6, 197-201 Abstract : Four women are reported m in 2 --)f which there were lymphant;i,.mas and lyr.@pbanL;iectas Ins existinU simulta- neDuslyi in 2, only lymphangicataoias. L-icalization of the cruptims wns chiefly on the sexual .)rLnnr,; in 3 patients elephantiasis developed, In )no of tLese patients (ace 24) cancer devel,)ped subsequently at the Card 112 USSR/-7uy'n-,j pnj T Abs jour: Ruf 2,aur-Biol., 1,.!o 20, 1958, 92962. Ixthor Danil'yants, Ye. I. 1!.,; Uzb(-,k Scientific Ruac-.rch Dcrio-Vk--ncrcolo@,ic _J T., titUt a . 3 Concontration. of Ascorbic Acid in thi! SI@Aral Fluid, D-..ood, vjid UAiiL- of -IfLnlthy Lidivi.duals and Pat.-Luiits with SY)hilis of tho "" 1-1011S Systrum. 'L _.v Or, Ij SM). tr Uzb,ki.s'U. n... .. Lozhro-vuncro".. .1957J 6, 327-330 *..scurb-,*.c tcid otiL; in th,: blood urinc; a-,,,c! ;,3F c-f frol- SY'Alil'iss, suojc:c-c. .1 1.--charC;@@ fro.. rccovt' -1-Y, o--," 3 W:;U1 of .1curo- , h' noi-i-al unt o' -,ik@ C"SF of sy@ .1".3. TlLr,.@ uns .0 'It3 W' '10 @Jad 1) U.L vc_ il'.:',hy p@o;?!L- ctnd of cc@ rd 1/2 DANILIYANTS, Ye-1.. assistant Yluctuation Of vitamin G content arA prothrombin time in syphilis [with summary in Anglishlo Vestederm, I ven*31 no,6;41-43 R-D 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1, Is kafedry kozhnvkh I venericheskikh bolesney Teahkentskogo gosudarstvannogo meditsinskogo Instituta (sav. - doktor maditain- skikh nauk prof. A.A.Akovbyan) (VITAMIN Go metab. in syphilis) (FROTHROMBIN TIME, In various dis. syphilis) (SYPHILIS prothrombin time & vitamin C metab.) C. S i - 4 7- Or C.- ,'vd co ("-:.9 I BROGA, L.; DANlLYAVICBYUS, E.[Danilevicius., E.]; GLIBAUSKUTE, M., Glibauskaite, M.], red.; KEDONIS, A., red.; CHECHITE, V. Cecite, V.). tekhn. red. [ (Tourist map of the Lithuanian S.S.R.] Turistskaia karta LitovBkoi SSR. Villnos, Gos.izd-vo polit. i nauchn. lit- ry Litovskoi SSR, 1963. ?2 p. (MIRA 17:4) DANILYCHEV, I.A.; PLANCVSKIY, A.N.; CREKIIOV, O.S. Study of mixing on sieve trays and methcAology for the design of tray mass exchange apparatus. Khlm. prom. no.6:461-465 Je 164. (MIRA 18:7) I. Moskovokiy institut khlmicheskogo mn3hinostroyenlya. DANILYCHEV, I.A.; PLANOVSKIY, A.N.; CHMOV, O.S. Studying mass transfer in the liquid phase on sieve plates taking the degree of longitudinal mixing into account. Khim. prom. 41 no.10066-769 0 165. (MIRA 18sll) DANILYCHEY.A. @ On tho airwuya of the world. Grazhd.av. 18 no.7-.15 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya mezhdunarodnykh vozdushnykb soobshchaniy. (Aeronauticep Commercial) DANILYCHEV, V., nachaltnik. M" -a qMwMM@wMwpM In the air lanes of China. Kryl.rod. 4 no.10:21-22 0 153. (KLRA 6:10) 1. Upravleniyer mezhdunarodnykh vozdashnykh soobahcheaiy Grazhdanskogo Vozduahnogo Flota SSSR. (China--Aeronautics, Commercial) (Aeronautics, Commercial--China) DANILYGHEV., V.A.; KARLOV, N.V.; OSIPOV, B.D.; SHIRK()V, A.V.; SHLIPPE, G.I. Magnetic resistance used in field measuraments at helium tempera- tures. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.5:221 S-0 163. (miRA 16:12) 1. Fizivheskiy institut AN SSSR. DZILYCH-Mr, V.A. Ionization of donor atouLs In n-In5b by a microwave electric field. Pie'. v red. Zhur. eksper. i teoret. fiz. 2 no. 10t 482-486 N 165 (,MRA 19:1) 1. Fizicheskiy Institut Lmen-, lDbedeva A!'; SSSR. Sulynitted October 2, 1965. -ACCM SXOWM: -@ A ,@:AUTHOR o:@ At TITLECJheri SOURCM, JOPMIAG6, 15 _ABSTRACV-7.--._.1 ari '.4pa4ity:of ac wa; -A d6ti sho@N - mi :Jiwp:@ In-I A -74 f U61 214i B' E IM bf -aid -in: the wori h O@iq a; i.:-wilviot Im --U" tot_ ,V. L6mono sw DANILEHEVI V.A.; OSIFOV, B,D, Mechanismunderlying the effect of microw3ves on the electroconductivity of n-InSb at low temperatures. Fiz. tvar. tela 5 no.812369-2371 Ag 163. (MIRA 16sq) 1. Fizicheskiy Institut im. P.N.Lebodeva AN SSSR, Moskva. (Indium antimonide-Electric properties) (Microwaves) t 9585-66 EWT(Wavil)ZEWPavap(o --'Ijlp(c) JD ACC NRs AP6001TTT SOURCE CODE; UR103861651001010164, OW 7.3 AUTHOR: Danily;kqV, V. 5-S ORG: Physics Institute Im. P-'N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences,SSSR (Fizicheekly institut Akademii nauk SSSR). TITLE- Ionization of donors In n-InSb br a microwave field SOURM. Zhurnal ekeperlmentallnoy I teoreticheakoy fiziki. Pialms, v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, v.*2, no. 10, 1965, 482-hM TOPIC.TAGS:..Indium antim6nide"Ismiconductor aAA4,-, electrical conductivity* Hall constant Ae-VAe"'. f-" p ABS AC %e_ effect of a microwave electric field at the 10-m vavelengt@ on the 1 Aca coridic iv -et asInvestigated in a magnetic, c r fty@Tp) of n-type InSb w- fiel:d of, 3 koe. The conductivity in the impurit@ band was distinguished from the@free carrier co-nductivity by performing the',experimente at h.2 and at 1.1K. In high-purity sam- 1.1 X 1013) the Hall constant (Rd decreased sharply'with pleB with.low"p (ND - NA an increase of the microwave povet.after the power reached a certain value. The de- crease of RH-was greater, at low, temperatures, approacbIng a limit at 7TK. I As the microwave power was increased, an-increase in p was observed simultaneously with the decrease of RH (and long before_RH reached the critical value). It was established that the temperature of'the samples did not increase during exposure to microwave Card 1/2 L 9585-66 ACC NRs AP001777 radiation. The increase in conductivity caused'by microvave radiation was accom- panied by an increase in the number of carriers in the impurity levels and in the conduction band due to a decrease in recombination of-electrons Vitb donors. The electric field corresponding to the Bharpincrease-of p vas 0.2-0.4 v/cm. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 tabl6. ICSI SUB CODE: 20/. SUBM DATE: 020ct65/ ORIG UP: 004/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD,PREC-Ql- LAVNIKOVA, Ga..; DANILY 1-1!g. -- EL @@,Y., (Moskva) Embi-fonic lipomas; myxo1d, embr-ycrnic liposarcomaso, m7xosarcoman, and Gilmour's mesenchymomas. Arkh. pat. 27 no.806-43 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Patol.ogoanatomicheskoye otdoloniye (zav. Z.V.Gollbert) i khlrurgichc@slroye otdelenlye (zav. - dnktor med.nauk A,P.Bazbenova) Nauchnc,-iSSjAdnvutel'skogo onkologictieskogo Instituta imeni Gertsena (dir. - prof. A.N,I%Iovikov). DANILYUKO A.A,, aspirant Paxnage by the.flessiau fly to the winter wheat crop Zaahch. rast. ot vred. i bolp 6 no#8;8-9 Ag 161. NIRA 15:12) 1. Kharlkovskiy sellskokhozyayotvennyy institut. Wkradne-Wheat-4UAeasea and pestp) (Ukraina-H@soiau flies) DANILYUK, A.A., osmotrahchik Improve the Inspection of axle equipment. Zhel. dor. transp. 47 no.5:83 My 165. (MIPJ@ 18:6) 1. Punkt teldinichef3kogo osmotra, ntantsiya Yevgenlyevka Dallnevostochnoy dorogi. N AM j -11 Q. 71 @jn ".' i.w rM bit, 40 1XVILM, A.M.., dotsent, kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; KOROYIT. ru.L. '"'Ok-0j"'"rewator; GORMMOT. A.P., redaktor; SKOLITAXOVA, M.V., tekh- nichaskly rodaktar. [Drawing In per"ctive direct2jr from given dimensionsJ Postroexis perspektiv nepoeredstyenno po sadannym rasmeram. Hooky&, Goo. izd- Tu lit-ry po stroitel'styu I, arkbitakture, 1954. 126 P-(K= 7:8) (Perspective) (Geometrical drawing) ,,ftgoi MN netAi 'Mechanics of Soils and Foundations FD-1129 Card 1/1 Pub 61iy Author Danilyuk, A.- M., Kuybyshev Title Calc'4ls:tion,6,tsettling of foundation on layered strata of soil Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk 6. 87-96, Jun 1954 Abstract : Describes an approximate method, based on usual assumptions, for calculating the settling of rigid foundations on both layered soil and on a layer of Boil underlaid by rock. Graph; tables. Six refer- ences. Institution : Hydraulic Engineering Institute Stbmitted : March 27, 1954 DANILYUK, Aleksey L-likhaylovich, dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; "-" ' @' YL I ZkTi =- ""'Cl TY.""-`Adt$@- - [New mathod of indicating perspective] Novyl mtod po- stroeniia peropektiv; rietodicheskoe poobie. Kuiby-shev, Kuibyslievskii inzhenerno-3troitellnyl in-t, 1961. 45 p. ('-',I;z,A 17:3) DAMLYUK, A.N. Changes In the gavKcus r-oppcsitlon of tfta b'A--t:d f.@llzarlng trans- fusion of polyelucin, BE-8 and JOg sclution of sodiuw lActate in experimaritai aardlac wounda. G&mat. 1 Pe?el- krOvi lt53-56 165. (MIPA 16!10) 1, @lyevskly int3titut perilivanly:i 1crovia DANILYUK, A.S. Means of reducing the clogging of oplnnerete. )(him.volok. no.4:61-62 '59- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Kalininskiy kombinat. (Rayon spinning) AMNUMp-I.A.1 RASSIN, L.Ye., J.nzh.-konatruktorj PRONINA, L.N., m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudrdk; SHEYNEW401, Ye.M., starabiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Apparatus for determining the permeability toair of textile fabrics. 21 no.l2s68-69 D 161. .(MIRA 15:2) 1. Rukovoditell gru* konstruktorskogo by Iuro zavoda Tekstil!pribor (for Danilyuk)o 2. Zavod Tekotillpribor .Ain). 3o TSentrallwy nauchno-inalodavatellokiy (for Rae institut khlopchatobumazbnoy promyshlennosti (for Pronina., Sheynerman). (Textile fabrics-Testing) (manometer) -1 "1 SPEVIERMANT, Y@@Jl.@-FJANILYIJKY I.A.; f(ASLINI, !,.**.,'ti.; i'lt iNiNA, L.N. Detp,rmining the permeability tr, air rjt' textile 1',ibr-j(;3 or, th- urilverL4al "'jPV" apparatus. Nauch.-i.5ol.trudy TEN471FHEI Ic'") '16. (MIRA -18:2) [plbl. DAMLYUK, I.D.., zagluzhennyy vrach USSR "Dispensary care of the rural population." Collection of works of the Vinnitsa Medical Institute and of practicing physicians of Vinnitsa Province. Edited by L.G.Lekarev. Reviewed by I.D.Daniliuk. Sov. zdrav. 20 no.7s85-88 161. (14IRA 15:1) (DISPENSAHILS) (LEKAitLV, L.G.) DANILYUX. I.G. Blood transfusion to ebildren in a rural district hospital. Vop. okh.mat. i det. 1 no-5:85-88 S-0 156.' (MIAHA 9:11) 1. Iz Xomsomollekoy rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyv vrach I.G.Danilyuk) Vinnitakaya oblast'. (BLOOD--TRANSFUSION) (CHIIDREN-DISEASES) DABILYUK, I G. 0 dfibil fpcotoperative mortality. Zhirurgiia 32 no*12:73-74 D 056. (MLRA 1012) le Is komeomol'skoy revonnoy bollnitey (glaynyy vrach I rayonnyy khirurg I.G.Danilyuk) winnitskoy oblasti. (SURGIRY. OPIRATIVI. statist. mortal.. prev.) DANILYUK, I.G. (selo Komsomol'skoye Vinnitskoy oblasti) Foldsher's role in the prevention and treatment of hernia. Felld. i skuah. 22 no.8:46-48 Ag 157. (HIRA 10:12) (HERNIA) (PUBLIC HEALTH, RURAL) DANILYUKv I.G. Ar --Ml' bladder calculus of rere size. Vest.khir. 79 no.8:120-121 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Iz Komeomollskoy, rayonnoy bollnitsy Vinnitskoy oblasti (gl.vrach I.G.Danilyuk). Adres avtora: selo Komsomol'skoye, Vinnitskoy oble- sti rayonneya bollnitea. (CHOLELITHIASIB. case reports calculus of unusually large size) UNILYUKo I.G. Importance of blood transfusion in pediatric practice in rural hospital conditions; 8";med; 22 no;111134-137 H158 (KRA 11111) le G1avn.V vrach Komsomollakoy rayonnoy bollnitay Vinnitakoy o'blasti; (BLOOD TRANSYUSION, in various dia. pediatric die. in rural hosp, (Rue)) (PEDIATRIC DISEASES. ther. blood transfusion in rural hoop@ (Rus)) , zaalyzhenyy vrach USSR. Rehabilitation and prevention of mortality In cases of hernias in rural districts* Ihirurglia 34 no-7:127-129 J1158 (MBU 11:9) 1. Iz Komsomol'skoy rayonnoy bolinitay (glavnnyy vrach - saslyzhennyy vrach USSR.I.G. Danilyuk) Vinnitakoy oblasti*' (MNIA, therapy rehabilo & prev. of mortals in rural areas (Rus)) DAKILYUK, I.G. Use of vitamin Bl in the postoperative period# Yest,kbir' 0 81 no.8:105-106 Ag '58 (MIRA 11:9) 1. Is Kocisomollskoy rayonnoy bollnitay (gl. vrach - I.G. Danilyuk) Vinnitskoy oblasti; Adres avtora: Vinnitskaya obl., Kbmsomollnkiy rayon, s. Komsomollskoye, rayonneya bollnitsa- (VITAMIN 2-1, ther. use peritonitis, postop. (Rue)) (PERITONITIS, surg. postop, vitamin Bl (Rus)) DANILYUK IPG. Tinnitskoy - - @-f .,-,-.zasluzhennyy vrach UkrSSR (Komsomol'skoye, --.V. "Stomach hemorrhages and their surgical treatnentR by B.S. Rosanov. Reviewed by I.G. Dani-liuk. K:Lin.khir. no.6:88-89 Je 162. (KM 1633) (STOMACH-SURGERY) (GASTROn7TESTIVAL HEMORRHAGE) (ROMOV, B.S.) Call Nr: AF 13-08825 Transactions of the Third All-union mathematical Congress (Cont.)Mosccw, Jun-Jul '56, Trudy '56, v. 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatel'stvo All SSSH Moscow, 1956, 237 pp. Gladkiy, A. V. (Barnaul), On the Effectively UnboundeA Additive Set Functions. 79 _Danilyuk,___T_,_,_I.. (LIvov). Quasi-analytic Functions of Many Variables on Manifolds. 79-80 Dzhrbashyan, M. M.(Yerevan). On the Weighted Polynomial Approximations in Complex Regions. 80 Dzyadyk, V. K. (Lutsk). Precise Evaluation of the Best Approximations for a Class of Periodical Functions. 80-82 There are 2 references, both of them USSR. Dzyadyk, V. K. (Lutsk). On Approximations by Polynomials of Non-periodical Functions Satisfying the Condition Lip C)/, (02 thero in to be determined P a function w satisfying in D the_equation (1) and on r the boundary condition (2) . As in Z Ref 1,2_7 the author formulates a Riemann-11ilbe'rt problem E for certain new unknown functions FV F2' F3' whereby now the boundary condition contains no de.- rivatives. In theorem 1 the author proves i If w - w(z) is solution of F , then F W, F a @w , F 9 V are solutions of 2 717 3 E ; conversely s If Fl' F2' F3 are solutions of E, then F1is solution of F. Then the author restricts himself to the case @w to g a(z) 7 + b(z)w , where a and b are continuously differ- z entiable on f- , a / 0 on F . Under certain further assumptions (among others the coefficients of (1) have to satisfy the Lip- achitz conditions) it is shown (theorem 2 and 3) that the problem F possesses a unique solution. The author distinguishes two caaes Card 2/3 10 On the Oblique Derivative Problem for the General V20-127-5-4/58 Quasilinoar Elliptic System of First Order (in dependence of the sign of '-arg -&(z) r There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Institut gidrodinamiki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akadem-4i nauk SSS.R (Institute for Hydrodynamics of the Siberian Department, AS USSR) PRESENTED: April 25, 1959, by I.N. Vekua, Acadomician 3UB11,11ITTED: April 9, 1959 Card 3/3 DANILYUNg I.I. (Novosibirsk) General representation of axially symmetric fields. PM-IF no.Z: 22-33 J1-Ag 60. (Hydrodynamics) (MIRA.14-.6) oo S/020/60/132/04/03/064 AUTHOR: Danj1 ak- I-I. TITLE; General Representation of Solutions to Axially Symmetrical PERIODICIL% Doklady Akademii naukSSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No@ 4,PP@ 743-746 TEXT! Theorem 1i Under the assumption q)A(z, B(z, s )B* (r. Z) C, (z, r)A(z r 'B(z,r*)A*(I,* z) C (z,r)B(z,5), z 10 1 where Yz,'@') is a function analytic and regular in (D ND every solution P, z of the equation (21) z , 1(z, r, )P(z, VP Z) 0 +B(z, the coefficients of which are analytic and regular in the bicylindric domair (Dz ), D D9 . Dj, can be represented in the form: Card 114 General Representation of Solutions to Axially S/020/60/132/04/03//064 Symmetrical Stationary Problem z (5) P(z,' ) -,YG(z )+ ip(t)a(t,r Z,r)dt+ 0 ,.0 .0 z io where G is the Riemannian function of the equation 7i2F(Z@@) F(z,r) (4) A + C, Oj -bz -6 5 , , 1-0 Z, f-xed point of the D. gri - @o const. and f(t) are combined by 0 the differential equation I -"P, * ( Z). -DB* (50, z) . "C 5O)B (6) B-(50,z@ dz B*2 z) L @0, z wherelfl(50) --ZB(zo@5@) and B*(iZojz) Reversely; If '-?(t), fl(t) uati:jfy tho, eqoation 1: if they are repil,,- @;i D and D,,, respectively, and if then (5) is the z /0 General Representation of Solutions to kxially S/020/60/132/04/03/064 Symmetrical Stationary Problem solution of (21) for arbitrary values-of the constant@4,.J-Abstractorls note: The star is defined by F (@'Z) - F(@,i)j From this theorem there results in the special case the behavior of the solutions of the hydrodynamic equations (incompressibility, absence of sources and vortices for an axialaymmetric flow) ID .0 M (rV ) + (rV 01 2- V - V 0. x iF r ev X r "0 1, x Putting z x--ir, f V +iV + i then (1) can be replaced by r x j 2 'ax 'D f 1 ? - 0. 16i Or Or The solution of (11) can be represented by f(x,r) - F(z,i), where F(z,-Z) satisfies the equation (2) F ( z, F*(5,z) . 0, 2 z-5 General Reprf!sentation of Solutions to Axially S/020/60/132/04/03/064 Symmetrical :1tationary Problem which is a specail case of (21). Theorem 2 dec)cribes Lho relationb in thi.,-@ case. The au-,,hor mentions I.N.Vekua. There are 4 references-. 3 Soviet an@.' I Italian. PRESENTED: Vebruary 1, 1960, by I.N.Vekua, Academician SUBMITTED: February 1, 1960 X Card 4/4 MMIYUK, I. t. Hilbert problem with meanurable coefficients. Sib. mat. zhur. I no.2:171-197 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:12,- (Amations, Analytic) 324501 5-0 0 S/04 61/000/010/020/051 C 11 1YC222 AUTHORs Danilyuk, I.I. TITLEs On the Poincar& problem for elliptic systems of first order PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matomatika, no. 10, 1961, 49, abstract 10 B 212. ("Tro Vaes. aoveshchaniya po differentsialln. uravneniyam, 1958- Yerevan, AN Arm SSR, ig6o, 83-84) TEXT: In a region D the author considers the boundary value problem for an elliptic system of differential equations of first order 2 2 Z 2 oc--o k=1 with the boundary conditions ,4,-o k-1 A. ik b0c k Z)uk -T@Z x k (2) 'DxQ'-1 r Card 1/1f S/04 61/000/0-,01/020/051 On the Poincare' problem for elliptic ... C111YC222 If a of- C C then the problem (l)-(2) can be reduced to the problem ik Vf B1f , f = u 1 + iu2 R [af + bf z e e z -d z 2 y where a = (bl + b2) + i(b 2 _ bI b , b, @- are certain functions of th- 1 2 1 2 1 t@ data of the problem (l)-(2). The following theorems are formulato,,i - Theorem 1 t If B zC L P(D), p> 2 then the problem B is equivalerit to th.. oroblen C dF f 01 1 2 00 dZ AF + BF, F Ez A B 00 (f 0 00 Card 2h 32456 S/044/61/000/010/020/051 On the Poincar6 problem for elliptic ... C111IC222 B 2 0 0 B B 1z 0 0 Re1g(t) F(t)] = h( t), t ke r 0 1 0 b a -0 g= 0 0 1 L - ( 0 (1 0 1 0 The problem B1 R @Lt g, - 1( t) 0 e 11 ds is called the homogeneous conjugate problem Ct- 0 Theorem 2 s If a(t) / 0 , t G F then the following assertions are valid: a) The problems C* , C0 (problem @ with z - 0) and the problem B0 0 (B with 0) have a finite number of solutions I and 1, respectively, Card 3/4 32456 S/04 61/000/010/020/051 C111 222 On the Poincare problem for elliptic ... YC being linearly independent over the field of real numbers. b) For the solvability of the problem C it is necessary and sufficient that for every solution of the problem C* the integral conditions 0 Lh(t)gl-l (t)'+(t)dt - 0 are satisfied. Besides t B* is solvable for every r for 1. c) It holds 1 - 1* - 2X - 3(m-1) is the order of connectivity. can be considered on a finite with (m + 1) boundary contour. [Abstracter's note : Complete , X - -L [arg (at) where m + 2n Ir , It is stated that an analogous problem Riemannian surface R with the genus p and translation.] Card 4/4 S/199/62/003/001/001/003 B112/B108 A UT 1, 10 R Danilyuk, 1. 1. TITLE: A problem with a directional derivative PERIODICAL: Sibirskiy matematicheakiy zhurnal, v- 3, no. 1, 1962,. 17 - 55 TEXT: The author considern boundary value problemo of the form 13W/01 - g(x,yPu,vq11u10X+0v1(' dvIox-oulay) z'g(z#w,0w1(,z), fie h(xgy,u,v,,:Iti/tlx+i)v/dy,EIV7(,,X-3u/ily) r Re h(z,w,Ow/Oz) = 0, where C and h are complex functions which depend on purely real variables. By the substittition,F W, F aw/dz, F W, such a problem is reduced to the 2 3 following on6: aF 11a' G(z'pllr'2)' 'IF2 107 = ql(z,F,,F 2)"2/az + q 2(z,P,,F2) alf 2107 + v(z,F VF2), (IF310-i - T21 Re h(z,F1,F 2) = 0, he(r 1 - F3 - 0, ne(ip 1 + ip 2) = 01 where q 10C/01@ 12 0 C/O F 9 q (1. - 10glOF 112)-l 2 2 2 Card 1/2 A problem with a directional ... v (z, F1, F,) 3/1 '@21/1003/001/001/003 B1 12_@ 2 B108 10 Irr rg M F. + og 9 +"9 Lg + ek, g)]. 6Z dFj of, .a F, CZ OF, U, The boundary conditions of the second form contain no derivatives of the sought functions. This fact is of great importance. For the solution of such problems, a number of theorems of'existence are derived. Vekua N. P. (Obobshchennyye analitioheakiye funktsii - Generalized analytic functions, Fizmatgiz, 1.1., 1959) is referred to. There are 20 references: 17 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: -TamArkin J. D. On Fredholm's integral equationsl whose -ii,e analytic in a parameter, Ann. of Math.p 21 Ser. 2e (1947)r 127 152- January 27t 1961 Card 212- J/020/0617, 46 B 112/ B 1 T 17 6t-ncr:ilizc] Cauchj for,:iula l"or axilll.,- !c A -;t :-iuk .) ',)R. ' Doll. v. no. A itil ernintion (1) is Golve-1 by -in o (-91,@x + 1119r)12 -e for. (x r) (1/2FLi) ku(" f (x r 0 t. o; I ol 0)@ 0 ol of (7) .-.,here the kernei functions U ,;r. V Z, fx 0 11,L-7f' th; pro-)f.-rties (rerardlesa of tlicir .I nn i@ i ty ) t In the rkiis-hborhood of the -joint z C) tht, I ;d -t r t )f-Z 0 VS0 0 Fz 0 0 Iq - 7- t*,.e ectintions QU/qZ "U - I-J v- o' /4"! anj V f ".v 0 B(z z 0 01 0) ;; -1/2(z 0 0 z Card 1/';' j"i0 6 / I '. - "I---, ,I, -.i .I -,.,:.. for!;,-uL:@ ... '311 a i 139 Y + v(Z X, X) 0, - 0 y 0 @)ns U tn(I V tend to -.cro. in s ti tu t@j rr.,.1 j- 4 1, b I r.,!@oi-o u 1'. jo@ill (Hydrodynamical Ins,.itute of the Siberi-in of Academy of jcienceq UI-j.R) April 12, 1962, by I. I.. Vekwa, Aca-le--Ac-it@r: U I - it,)-il j, lq62 vard 2, S/020/62/146/003/001/019 B172/B186 AUTHOR: Danilyuk, 1. 1. TITLE: Study of spatial boundary value problems with axial symmetry PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v.*146, no. 3, 1962, 523-526 TEXT: The elliptic system (rV ) + (rV rG (x,r) ax x ar r _L V - a Vx . G (x,r) ax r Z)r 2 in a multiply connected unbounded region G of the upper semi-plane r.>,O is considered. The boundary condition av X + PVr is met up for that part of the margin which does*not lie on r-0; iihere a, P, y* are given functions. The system is considered in the complex plane 7Card 1/2 S/02 61/116/003/001/019 Study of spatial boundary value... B172%16'6 by introducing the field f - V r + iv Xt For the zeros of f a general theorem'is proved from which a number of conclusions are derived as to the uniqueness, existence, and properties of the solutiong of the homogeneous (7 a 0) and inhomogeneoue problems. Among other applications, these can be used in solving the external Neumann problem in the case of axial symmetry. ASSOCIATION: In!3titut gidrodinamiki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: April 12, 1962, by I. If. Yekua, Academician SUBMITTED: April 9, 1962 Card 2/2 DAMIYUK) I. I. "On the oblique derivative problems" report submitted at the Intl Conf of Mathematics, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-22 Aug 62 S/04 62/000/007/032/100 C111YC222 AUTHOR: Danilyuk,_I.I.- TITLE: On the. theory of one-dimensional singular equations FERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnall Matematika, no- 7, 1962, 60, abstract 7B2!87- (4robl. mekhaniki-sploshn. eredy". zi., AN SSSR, 1961, 135-144) TEXT: The operator 0 1 K a(s) y (a) + '-'r - b(s) r, - exp i (a d is considered,-where the integral is understood in & sense of the Cauchy principal value, while a(s) and b(s) satisfy the conditions: 1.) There exist positive numbers m,M such that the inequalities a(a) bf , I b(s) 9 a(s) -+ b(s) m , I a(s) b(s) j @@ m hold almost everywhere on [0,2-,Z',! 2.) there exists a unique branch G(s) Card 1/3 S/04 62/000/007/032/100 On the theory of one-dimensional C111YC222 of the function arg '(a-b)(s,+b)_1? such that the boundary valuea 9(1@@ + 0) exist in eiery point T 0, 2'i'@ where the difference L h Y) Q( + 0) - Q( 0) vanishes, for all 3 0,27. .' except on a closed at mout denumerable point set. a and the series- k h k) converges 9(s) 90(a) + 01(o), where 90(s) is a continuous 2'@' periodic function and 01(s) is the function of the jumps of G(s). In the 0 paper results are given on the homogeneous equation K op LD I p and on its adjoint equation which have been known up to now only f;r the gaset where a(t), b(t) are continuous and a2 _ b2 -i, 0 everywhere on :0,2'::- . If fE L and if moreover a certain additional condition is L p Card 2/3 3/04 62/000/007/032/100 On the theory of one-dimensional .00 C111YC222 satisfied, then corresponding results are given also for the inhomo- geneous equation KO\@, - f as well as for KO -r + L f, where L is a completely continuous operator in L P _11.bstracter's note Complete translation.; Card .3/3 S/199/63/004/001/002/005 AUTHORt Danilyuk, I. I. B112/B-.02 TITLE: Generalized Cauchy formula for axially symmetric fields PERIODICAL: Sibirskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, V. 4, no. 19 1963, 48 - 85 TEXT: On the basis of the results from a previous paper (Frikl., roatem, i tekhn. fiziRal No. 2 (1960)9 22 - 25) the author constructs, in the semi- plane r.@,O, kernels U(z 0 09 Zi _Z) and V(z 0*9 iot Zo of a generalized Cauchy's formula. V (zo, z, i)T(.ve*, re) d'"zs; f (X, r) U (21, zo; Z. 7) (xG, ra) dz, Ze (161) 2W r for the Eq. 0, Cz Yr 41f +i7 (2) which assumes the form OF (z, C)I I t F (z, - F(@, z)= 0, at .2 Z-C 2 Z-t F (Z. ;)7 f Z + (3);if Card 1/2 1 ( 2 21 S/199/63/004/001/002/005 Generalized Cauchy formula ... B112/B102 z - x + ir and x ir; it satisfies the differential Eqs. ou (Z., A (z,, zTU (z.. z.; z, z) B (zo, z.) V (zo, ZO; Z, Z) 0., ZO 0 V (Z 0, -ZO; Z # @-Z)y (150) - - A (zo, zo) V (zo, zo; z, z) B (z., zo) U (zo. ZO; z, Z) 0, azd A (z., Z.) = B (zo, ZO) Z + ZO. 2 rg - ZO and OU (ZO, ZO; i. Z) + ji (z, z) U (zo. zo,. z, z) + B (z, z) V (ZO, ZO; Z Z) 0, az av (ZO. zo; Z, Z) OZ' - + A (z, Z) V (ZO, Z, z, z) + B (z,, U (zo. Z@, Z,Z) (153) A (z, z) B (z, z) T .,Z + -to - (z x + ir). SUBMITTEDi February 27, 1962 Card 2/2 DANILYIJK, I.I. Study of three-dimensional axisymmetric boundary value problems. Sib.mat.zhur.4 no.61l271-1310 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:9) DMILYUK, Ivan 11lick, [Lectiii'ell 011 tjj(@ (),.' rmttj,.aj:,@@*.icaL L I LeIA-,il po u:-avrL-,-,nHrim m.'1(n,,:it1ciicjkri Ciziki. Do- vosibirsk, goi-). iuA,. Vol-11. 1964, O.,11?A v/:11) @.; ". I I I' " ;@f @'j , , , -@ @ i . 1, ,. -, @ 11 . ,I I i I ,; -@- -' e, @- ';@. c, -i r, m c:@ . ii: . a @' : @ , ' -z:t- :. . - I I i @ i C."n , , 13 - . rpa ,, @ 1, 1`4 Tic @ Z , "11, 1 - 2 5 -, jr .@jl' '-!", @ ' 1. 7 @ , -1 ", DANILYUK, I.I. Nonlinear problem with a free boundary. Pokl. AN SSSR 162 no.53979-982 ja 165. (HIRA 180) 1. Novosibirskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. Submitted December 22, 1964. DARnYUK,, I.S. - -------- F@requency aelective characteristics of a phase detector. Avtoma kont.i izmatekhe no&6135-38 162. (MIRA l6s2) (Radiodeteators) (Radio filters) s/65l/62/Ooo/oo6/vo6/olo E140/E135 AUTHOR: D nilyuk, I.S. TITLE,: Experimentni -3tudy of high-stability transistor phase detector bOURCL: Akademiya nauk Ukrayins'koyi RSR. Instytut mashyno7.nav.9tva i avtonuityky, LIviv. Avtolliaticheakiy kontroll i izirieritelonaya tekhnika. no.b. 1962. 109-113- TEXT.- The sEability of the phaze detector is obtained by using the traiviistors in inverted connection (collector-emitter interchangcd) . Four detectors were tested using alloy-junction transistors, under varying conditions of temperature, carrier frequency, etc. Supt3ression of' residual signals improved with increase of' frequency, and deteriorated with increase of temperature. There are 2 figures and It tables. Card 1/1 ACCESSION NR: AT4008773 S/3054/63/000/000/0330/0342 AUTHORS- Vorobkevich, V. Yu.; Danilyuk, I. S.; Sinitskiy, L. A.; Rakov, M. A.; Phumkov, Yu. M. TITLE: Pulse-width modulated phase detector SOURCE: Pribory* promy*shlennogo kontrolya i sredstva avtomatiki. Doklady* i soobshcheniya. lUev, 1963, 330-342 TOPIC TAGS: phase detector, pulse width modulation, transistorized phase detector, second harmonic detector, deinodulaLor, transistor- ized detector, pulse width modulated detector ABSTRACT: The operating principles and properties of a second-har- monic detector using transistors operating in the switching mode are tion is based on double conversion of the mea- analyzed. The opera nd-harmoni@! signal is first mixed with a fun- sured signal. The seco damental-frequency reference voltage. The resultant difference in T.. Ca,d