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Industrial Geophysics (Cont.) SOV/2060 Ch. XV. Causes for the Diotortion of the Measured Values of Apparent and Effective Resistivities and Potentials of Self and Induced Rock Polarization and Ways to Neutralize Them 116. Current leakage 117. Indications and location of leaks; checking insulation in cables and electrical connections 118. Induction 119. Stray currents 120. Other factors distorting the measurement of electrical parameters and their elimination Ch. XVI. Directions and Significance of Further Development of Electrical Methods of Studying Logged Cross Sectkns 121. The position of electrometry in the complex of geo- physical methods used in analyzing logs 122. Directions for the further improvement and development of electrologging methods Basic Bibliography Supplementary Bibliography AVAILABLE: Library ofCongress (TN 871-35.D3) Card 12/12 MM/ad 6-21-59 638 638 653 658 666 672 677 677 679 681 681 ADONIN, A.N., kand.takhn.nauk; ALIVERDIZAIII, K.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; AMITAN, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; ARISIMOV, Ye.P., inzh.; APHZSOV, K.A., dotsent; RZT, $KIT, V.N., inxh.; BOGDANOV, A.A., tend.; GORBENKO, L.A., inzh.; DANIZLTAN, A.A., insh.; _DAWOV, V.N., prof.; IVANKOV, R.A., inzh.: KOHMV. H.L. insh.; LAVRUSIMO.'P.M., insh.; LHSIK, N.P., inzh.; LOVLYA, S.A.. kand. tekhn.nauk; LOGINOV, B.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; MININZON, G.M., kand. tekhn.nauk; MOLCHANOV, G.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; MURAVITEV, I.M., prof.; MUSHIN, A.Z., inzh.; CLISHVANG, D.Te., inzh.; FODGORNOV, M.I., inzh.; FAURKAN, I.L.. kand.takhn.nauk; FOKINA, Te.D., inzh.; XF131M, A.M., inzh. Ldeoeaoed]; TZRSHOV, P.R., vedushchiy red.; MUKHINA, E.A., (Reference book on petroleum productionj Spravochnik po dobyche nefti. Moskva, Gos.aauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.2. 1959o 589 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Oil fields--Production methods) MFIT-RAN, Man [Hefferon, Juan]; BRAVO, Oktavio [Bravo, Octavio]; BUKHANOS, Khaan (Bujonos. Juan Dj; OVCHIIWIKOVA. N.A. [translator]; YAATTSHOVA. M.G., kand.geol.-mineral.nauk, dotsent, red.; ALIPIN, L.M., prof., red.; k 1~ T,J.N., prof., red.; DEMMIUVA, T.A., vedushchiy red.; GANINA, L.V., (Principles of geophysical well logging] Ounovy geofisichaskogo isaledovaniia skvazhin. Moakva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1960. 107 p. Translated from the Spanish. (Oil well logging) (MIRA 13:7) TEROPETRY, B.S.; KOZLOT. A.L.; SATCHRITKO, T.P.; TELIN, N.D.; ALEKSIN, A.G.; KAKSIMOT, S.F.; DAIRNOT, T.N.; SHKOM, A.A.; KOZHUVOY, T.A.; ANDRIANCY. N.I.; KOPOSOY,-I-.A.-, TSIIIKZM, P.M.; KALANTAROT, A.P.. vedushchiy red.; TROFIMOT, A.T., [Efficient method of prospecting for gas fields; studies of the temporary commission of the State Scientific and T~-chnical Committee of the U.S.S.R.] Ratsionnl'naia metodiiu, razvedki gazovykh mostorozhdanii; materialy vrer.*nnoi komi,.is~) GNTK SSSR. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 196o. 125 p. (MIRA 13:)) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy nauchnc-tekhnicheskiy komitet. (Gas, Natural) (Prospecting) ZHIGACH, K.F., prof.,; MURAVITEV, I.M.. prof.j red.; TIKHOKIROVO A.A., kand.ekonom.nauki red.; VINOGRADOV, V.H., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SIDORMO, N.V.. red.; BIRMS, A.D., red.; CHARTGIN, M.M., prof., red.; DUNATEV, F.F., prof., red.; CHARIM, I.A,, prof., red.; CHERN02MKOV, N.L. prof., red.; KUZKAK, Te.M., profev red.; DAKHNOV, Y.N., prof., red.; PANCHENKOV, G.K., prof.. red.; NAMMIN, N.S.9 profol redo; TAOIM, E.I., prof., red.; BIRTUKOV, V.I., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; IEGOROV. V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; ALMAZOV, N.A., dotsent, red.; GUR3VICH. V.M., red.; ISATEVA, V.V., vedushchiy red.; POLOSINA, A.B., (Development of the gas industry of the U.S.S.R.; from the pro- ceedings of the Interuniversity Scientific Conference on the Problems of the Goo Industry) Hezhvuzovsksia nauchnaia konferentelia po voproesm gazovoi promyshlonnosti. Razvitie gazovoi promyshlennosti SSSR; materisly. MoBkva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.iEd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. 196o. 405 P. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Mezhvuzovskeyn nauchnaya konferentaiya po voprosam gazovoy pro- myshlennosti. 2. Glavgaz SSSR (for Brenta). 3. Moakovskiy institut neftekhimicheakoi i gazovoi promyshlennosti im. skad.Gubkina (for Charygin, Charnyy). (Oun induntry) ~*PNOV. T.N.; DOBRYNIN, Y.M. DeterminlU the specific surfaceand permeability of sandy reservoir strata from data obtained by the Induced polarization method. Prikl. geofiz. no.25:177-191 160. (MIR& 13:6) (Alectric prospecting) DAKHNOV. Y.N.-L-OBRANOTA, Y.N.; FACHIRNIKOV, V.F.; BENM!SHTBTN; S.Tu.; "IMLIN, A.I.; POZIN, L.Z., DITAKONDY, D.I.; LATrSHEVA, JLG.; IDB.WNIN, Y.M.; LARIONOV, V.V.; MMAN, Te.A.; LMMT, A.?. Terminology and symbols used in applied geo#qsics. Prikl. geofis. no.27:223-235 160- (HIRA 13:12) (Prospooting--Geophysical methods) n&WQv,.JL--Nv; GALIMOV9 Z*M. Karst type pores in produoing airbonate sediments. Geol. nefti I gaze 4 no.2:28-31 7 160. (MIRA 13: 10) 1. Mookovskiy, institut neftakhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyahlennosti im.akad.Gubkina. (Porosity) DAKMOV, V.N, Taking into account the effect of clay when calculating the oil and gas ratio using resistivity logging data. Geol. nefti J ga2a 4 no. 12:21-24 D 160. (MIU 13:12) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyeblennosti Im. akad.Gubkina. (Oil reservoir engineering) DAKMIOV, V.N. 0000=09W - Present state of geophysical methods used in determining reservoir characteristics and oil and gas saturation of rocks and paths of further research. Trudy VNII no.29-6-31 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Moskovskiy- institut neftekhimicheako7 i gazovoy- promyshlennoeti im. akad.Gubkina. (Oil well logging) DAMOV, V.N. Using geophysical methods for studying the cross sections of wells when evaluating oil and gas reserves. Geol. nefti i gaza 4 no.8: 46-32 Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Moskovskiy inetitut neftekhimicheakoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im.aked.Gubkina. (Petroleum geolog7) FEDYNSKIYI V.V.2 red.; DAKRIOV~ V.N.,, red.; VASIL'YEV, V,G.,, red.,- KALENOV, Ye.N.,, rod.; -KOKARGV-,-S'. G'.-,,--ffo-Rtor tekhn. naik, red.; POLSHKOV, M.K.j red.; RUBINKIN, L.A., red.; PERSHRIA, Ye.G., vedushchiy red.; MUKHIHA, E.A., -Wkhn. red. [Manual for geopbysicists in four -volumes) Spravochnik geofizika v chetyrekh tomakh. Moskva Gos. naucbno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno- toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.2. tGeophysical methods of well logging] Geo- fizicheakie metody issledovaniia sk-vazhin. Pod red. S.G.Komarova. 1961. 760 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Oil wela logging) DAKT19V, Vladimir Nikolayevich, prof.; BMW, Yu.K.. ved. red.;_ Vdi~I-ICJVA, 'V.V-.,-WH=,-red. (Interpretation of the results of geophysical studies of cross sections of holes]lnterpretataiia rezul'tatov geofizicheskikh issledovanii razrezov skvazhin. Izd.2., perer. i.dop. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat., 1962. 547 p. _ [Album of diagrams for inter- prstingt1e results of atudies of holes by the resistivity Mthodlj Allbom paletok dlia interpretatsil, rezulltatov issledovaniia skvazhin metodom soprotivlenii. 17 graphs (in portfolio) (MIRA 15:10) (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) A -c) v v !V, A. j~ Vu. 3. rov, G. C S 0 Z, u, y T o- 04,1 a:~ LV-IYY D 1 'C"L L f'cl I'a I aIC s t, r a c t 5A2314 (V. sb. 5-Y V.I, Gostoplekhizd"T,, -)-25-336) d 110 11"ie tllle ajo on of radO~Lct- ew d e a 0 CL~'-*LICY 0 e Z3 o- and as n u 6 t I' Y a' e f ev I - -za dei ivi-"" , oi~ r~ -, 1) -; s C).,-l a -om radi'O,LC v -L , - d -)0- city fi 1,4 0 '.' --, -I'. t~ 0 C. U- 'U 0. 0- a Of C C and uhe d r sOl-U-- 0-' c- v- Z5-1- tal vla-.ers . - %, - I tl-~ e '.)0 on. Of e ol~' the rocks, borehole v pth po-,,ential 0! 0 -.-1 ti n --* t etc. The de '-Lil : in neu%ro---'-a'.lma c cm-,.) s e s I C) ..,e-.1--ods is Very 3::,, cr.. i s no -.ea e -- In a - 6 a = a I o :,- -,:L n 6 ir --s 5 Card 1/-.-4 ~1;lf 2/ -1 3 00 35 /04 /0 T use of methods 3) 2 2 0 7 U r r~ 4- S4. - 4 :,01,3S4 4., -.-,C-. c! lo~--ing zethods Lire more sur,2-,4,,re re--o, 0 6 0 c . . n e s j e c i a I ly in he r e o n o f "y sicie -he a dvanta:,es o th, e m e t h o d s o fn eu r o,,, - i, :!,,z -, r oo r~ CD a,.cL z*a:-ria--a,~.=a log L.,ing against-. neut-.r,on-,a,ru (the ab~;ence ol any in-i luence o IF The n e r a I i 21* a t i o n o f L; a z,'a e r or, d d iI - s o t i o n s o n. the readings, the hiUii L;eno-ftiv A4. '~ Y ) lu- he~,, es:~;enzlal aefect t, o a i t , t h e s t r o n,-, 4- nu e n c e C) f te be ',.-I j c s ` ,n or. th,:: mea s ureme r, -~ s re i3u t s . Tl- e ~~- eb -' -, z I y o-uh~: re,,; al 1; ;.., - U _ C 0:. )1 y 4 of )orosi t y d e JL n v. t i o n s r i i; e oc on 3 d. d,-, a:ubl _L tz;A, U.. S Ln -- (D f ,,.e utr on-ne u uro n and gam:_-a- g lo g n, , _J S u~; CD CD c DMI.) 0 v i c e , w ho s e du s --; 6- 2 1 1 j2. v oini a n Id , -i', ll 01 " 6 LS, 0 ~3 I n e 0 L~2 --ccording of ne!ztro.,-neul.-ron ~%n~. 4 -ra.,s, has recentl- been develooed; ft is -1-sended for o*3-Uafn_Jn,.-,- L? ** . _j - data a b 3ut the roc'...- T)oro -_ i ty il n uns tre-l-,L-~ thu- e d -de Is T,-.e o_~_' tl-,~ o and the -,as-I ir: u-', d c ontac a ur -n- on of oil and :--as -;"ields can successfu7`, follo,;:ed by -aa_ns U- of r,Ldiometric Imethods. The most sensitive of ze~)aru-.irE -sa.,:d and carbonate beds into -~he oil- and aa-~er-bear`ng jarts a-u 0 vard 2/3 -- DAKIIIIOV, V.H. Calculation and siudy of the clayiness of res3rvoirs in contour and Jstmabomndary floodin& Neft. khoz. 39 no.5:51-53 My 161. (MIU, 14:9) (Oil field flooding) (clay) SULTANOV, Sagday Akbmadiyevich; XMIKOV, Vladimir Afanaslyevich,- -,,-doktor geol.-miner. nauk, red.; YUNGAS, S.M.p .DAKHNO:V.,-Y.N. ved. red.; YAKOVLEVA, Z.I.j tekhn. red. (Controlling the movement of water-oil contacts and oil- bearing contours]Kontroll za prodvizheniem vodo-neftianogo kontakta i kontun-v neftenosnosti. Pod red. V.H.Dakbnova. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat,, 1962. 166 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Oil reservoir engineering) DAKHNOV, V.N, doktor gool.-miner. nauk; KHOLIN, A.I., kand. geol.- PESTRIKOV, A.S.; GALUZO, Yu.V.; AFRIKYAN, AN., YUDKEVICH, R.V.; POPOV, V.K.; POZIN, L.Z.; LARIONOV, V.V.; VENDELISHTEYN, B.Yu.; GORBUNOVA, V.I.; DZYURAK, M.D.; YEVD0KIM0VA, V.A.; ZHOKHOVA, R.G.; LATYSHEVA, M.G.; MARENIKO, N.N.; MANCHEVA, N.V.; MOROZOVICH, Ya.R.; OREKHOVSKAYA, Ye.P.; POKLONOV, M.S.; ROMANOVA, T.F.; SEVOSTIYANOV, M.M.; TkNASEVICH, N.I.; FAFaWOVA, N.V.,- FEDOROVICH, G.P.; SHGHERBININ, V.A.; ELLANSKIYt M.M.; YANUSH, Ye.F.; YUNGANS, S.M., ved. red.; YAKOVIEVA, Z.I., tekhn. red. (Using methods of field geophysics in studying gas-bearing re- servoirs]Primenenie metodov promyslovoi geofiziki pri izuehenii ga- zonosnykh kollektorov. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 279 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Gas, Natural-Geology) (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) DA KHINOV, V. N. . Using data from the mixim pointn of Laterlog curves in determining the porosity coefficient of reservoirs. Geofiz. razved. no.10:65-70 162. (MIFA 15:12) (Oil well logging, Electric) DAKWIOV, VAA ~Omo`#=W' for determining the porosity by volume and the lainaralogical density of a rack and alBo the media by dens(it which impregnate i7L-i pores, Razved, i prom. goofiz. no.46:80-81 26 (MIRA 1o:3) (Nomography (Mathematics)) (Rocks--Radioactive proporties) VENDELISFTEYN, B.Tu.; BUKANOVA, M.G.; GORWNKO, A.S.; ISM-ETOV, X.G.; SKIBITSKAYA, N.A.; MANCHEVA, N,V.; SHVARTSW, M.D.;.-DAKHhLV,. ,,V.N,-,-doktor geol.-miner. nauk, prof., red.; KUZIMINA, N.N., ,ViA. red.; POIDSINA, A.S., tekhn. red. (Album of nomograms and charts for interpreting the data of geophysical methods for studying wells] Allbom nomogramm i palatok dlia interpretatsii dnnnykh geofiziclieskikh metodov issledovaniia skvazhin. Pod red. V.N.Dakhnovn. Moskva, Gos- toptekhizdat, 1963. 61 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Prospecting-.-Geopbysical methods) LAJIIIOI.IOV, Vyacheslav Vasillyevich; doktor gool.- minor. nauk, prof., red.; BEFI-All, Yu.K., ved. red.; VOU0140VA, V.V., tekhn. red. [I'uclear geology and ccophysicol IAdernaia geologiia i geo- ~ U~ fizika. Moskva, Goqtoptekhizdat, 10"'. 351 T). (1-111,'A 16:12) (I;uclear geoplWsics) DAKHMOV) V.N. 11 ... ~ Z_--, using the time factor in interpreting the results of studying wells by the resistivity method. Trudy MIMiGP no.41:93-98 163. Determination of the specific resistivity of formation waters of clay reservoirs and study of their surface conductivity. 99-104 (MIRA 16-10) DAKHNOY, V.N.; SHAPIRO, D.A. Loads on the cable in inclined holas. Trudy MINKHiGP no.41: 238-241 163. (MA 16:10) DAMIOV V. N. Using caliper loC data for cAviding c~~-bonate sedinents. nofti I gaza 7 1o-6:52-56 JO 16.3. (IIELA 16.1)) 1. ill3titut lie 1, i j I nosti im. alcadenika Gubkina. VENDELISHTEYN, Boris Yurlyevich; LARIONOV, Vyacheslav Vasillyevich; . DAKt91OV,,- V.N., prof.; ZARET.SKMA, A.I.) ved. red. (Using the data of field geophysics in estirating gas and oil reserves] Ispol'zovanie dannykh promyslovoi geofiziki pri podschete zapasov nefti i gaza; metodicheskoe rukovod- stvo. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 197 p. (,'.',IRA 17:6) DAKHNOV, V.N.; I-EBEDLT, A.P. Importance of deei) karst fcr petro"eum geology. TT-j(iy MOIP 164- ~ m I r, A I a , -1) DAKHNOV, V.N. Field geophysicq. NeIrt. khozo 42'-1Ot-.,21-1.2) S-0 164. (M--RA 171l2l ~.O~ doktor G 11'r -, I . - -- - ra i-, V17 IL dIly" "--ta I DAKIIII0111 MI.; LEBEDEV, A.P. Rfmot-voir rocks of karat origin wid their Inclustrial s4mificanci for petroleum geology. Trudy MIN'KHtGP rlo.501;2115-2173 164 :2) ( 1.1, IFIA 18 DAKHOVP V.N. Geological Interpretation of the data of field geophy-~Ioj using pLin-h cards. Trudy MINXMGP no.50sl.66-176 164. (MI FLA 18.-2) DMIDIVA, A. Y/.. 3?0'50. Kostnaya plas-ttka pri re.Trputatuiyadch na )-~Ityalm nizarilk-h kbafielinostey. Trudl- To~7;skogo med, In-ta bri. molotova, T. -77, 1949, -5- 170-31 u - SO- Letlopis' Zhurnal-tnykli Statey, Vol. 37, 1949 USSR/Medicine - New Atomizer Oct 53 "A New Method for Intra-Bronchial Administration of Drugs," A. Ya. Dakhnova, Can(I of Ned Sci, Propedeutic Surgical Clinic, Tomsk Med Inst KhIrurg, No 10, pp 44-47 The DN-2 apparatus is a modification of the DN, an atomizer for intra-tracheal or intrabronchial administration of drugs and/or anesthetics in lobar operations. The modified apparatus (illus- trated in the text) has been tested at various medical institutions, and has been approved by the Technical Council, Miniz;try of Health USSR, in Order 5/21 of 3 Jul 51. 273T42 GTIWPL Vol. 5-No. 1 Jan. 1952 1 - : . I1~ I., , !. s. - A .1 r# i,,i- -i, N.N. Wi r t C~t Af% " Im i7 v I . ~ ?-,,,' ., .." th'. , ;-- II, I I, , it. . t ,I ., ( so r ';j "I 1 1 11-141. 179 -8 1 Akademlys Nauk, S.S.S R., Dokledy Vol. 7R, No. ~ - I j ,I KOBRANOVA, Vera Nikolayevna; DAXHNOVA, V.N., doktor geol,mlver. nauk, prof., red.; PEflSHRTA_,Ye._(~._, red.; WONOVA, V. V. , tekhn. red. (Physical properties of rocks; petrophysic[]Fizicheskie svoi- stva goxmykh porod; petrofizika. Pod red. V.N.Dakhnova. Mo- skva, Costoptekhizdat, 1962. 490 p. (MIRA 16-2) (Petrology) . r Y-: - " i .." 2C/1i979,5 DA1,TRj7.-.J1 USSR/Madiolne -,Bactericides Sep 48 Medicine - Marine Organisms "Survival of Bacteria In Coelenterata In Sea Water and Steam," Ye. IL Dakhnora, Crimean Inst of Epidemiol and Microbiol, 2 pp "Gig I San" No 9 Claims fromitestUc6ndu6ted that sea water and steam acted as weak bactericide against bacteria In the Cpelenterata and that bactericidal characteristics of water and steam endured considerable changes under the influence of sterilization, filtration,removal or Introduction of various kinds of microorganisms. It Is also necessary to consider the Influence of other factors such as self-purifteatlon. A 28149T95 KOT.M. I.I., DAMMOVA, Ye.Fe, PATENKOT, M.N. Effect of plowing methods on some soil micro-oxgnniams in fallowed fields [with summary in English]. Mikrobiologila 27 no-3:340-147 Yor-Je 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1. Krymakiy seliskokhozynystvonnyy inntitut im. M.I. Xnlinina, Simferopol'. (PLOWING) (SOIL MICRO-ORGANISMS) KOLKPR, I.I.; DAKHNOVAq Ye.N. Distribution of Azotobacter in the Crimean soils. Mikrobiologiia 29 no. 4:555-562 J:L-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Krymskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy inatitut imeni M.I. Kalinina Simferopol'. (CRDIKA-AZOTOBACTER) T. "An evaluation o,-' tile biolo--,y aind sel,~ction of collect,:', of cotton izicl~w Cie conditions of the Kumll--T-Iarly~l lo-.71,.nds of Turl--en '~ I J-T7 nicn Or(ler of L-nin .,c:%6e-iy nt' Sciences imeni V. I. Lenin. All-~Inion inst o~' l*,lr-..nt Le,,3n,yad, 10,54- (Disl-ertation for the de~;ree of Candidate J-n 3iolo.-,ical sciences) letoi-ds I 25, 1-,',r6. S c MT DAKHNOVIC Selecting starting material for cotton breeding in northern Turkmenistan. Izv.AN Turk. SSR no.5:129-131 '57. (MIRA 10:10) l.Vaesoy-uznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy- institut rasteniyevodstva. (Turkmenistan--Cotton breeding) J a, 3,.;:1 Z '.U r Vx! 0 S, 1 A q c qa t o'n. :w J), t-to :I 1~ -I-) T-1 3-t o r o ~_j k U, I L13 1, `!'It fX 0. 02. wa:) 'Y" wl o I' ~':I- a I "Aa t-bl ~;n ~f. w o' -.m-u-:rAr' ya "AtAB worn 11,DA-:1o a fv!4- o" -IF'LoIr's Uley ~,uwq beau Rrwwn for .-sa-t DAKHNOVSKIY, A.K., mayor meditainakoy slixzhby. '~r' ~ _'; -; , '_ - i_ ~ - I Ophthalmological aid to military personnel at N garrison during the Great Patriotic War, based on the data of the garrison hospital and outpatient department. Voen.-mad.zhur. no-10:7-15 0 147. (PIRA 6:11) (Ophthalmology) TRISHINSKI'll I.S.; 0,151NDA, V.V.; DAKINOVSrlY, B.S. Mastering the production of bent rolled shapes of the rJbbed plate type wJth grooving of the r(A.In and upsetting of the build-up produced. Sbor. trud. UNIlMna.9.*240-251 "64, 18:1) ACCESSION NR: AP40417dS S/0161/64/006/007/2032/2036 AUTHOR: Dakhovsk:Ly, 1. V. TITLE: Anisotropy of the Hall coefficient in n-Ge SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tbla, v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 2032-2036 TOPIC TAGS; Hall coefficient, electron scattering, germanium, transport coefficient, magnetic anisotropy !'ABSTRACT: The variation of the Haill coefficient, 6R/R0 as-a funt- tion of the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field is calcu- lated by using the theory of anisotropic electron scattering, de- veloped by Herring pLnd Vogt (Phys. Rev. 101, 944, 1956),.A..G. Samoylovich et al. (FTT v. 3, 3285 and 2939, 1961) and specifically -i by I. Ya. Korenblit (FTT v. 4, 168, 1962). The transport equations are solved in an assumption wherein all the coefficients of expan- sion of the non-equilibrium distribution function are assumed to I Qrd 1/2 ,ACCESSION NF: AP4041705 vanish. The results ar * with experimental results obtained for n-Ge by P. I. Barans%iy ard P. M. Kurilo (FTT v. 6, 5*4,1964) for rotation of the magnetic field vector in the (100) and (110) planes. The discrepancy between the present calculations and the experiments does not exceed 2--3% if the field is 20,000 Oe. "The author thanks A. G. Samoylovich for suggesting the topic, guidance, and continuous heilp, and to P. I. Baranskiy for communia- cating his experimental results prior to publication and for use- ful remarks." Orig. art. has: 2 figures bLnd 11 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Cherno'vitakiy go3udarstvenny*y universitet (6er- novtsy* State University),. SUBMITTEW 22LTan64. ENCM 00 SUB CODEs SS NR REF SOVs 004 OTHERt 001 card BARANSKIY, P.I.; DAKHOVsKly, j.V.- KUFJI,Op P.M. I - Anisotropy of the Ha-',j ('Cefficient for n-3i in the regJcn of intemedlate nuignetic fields. Fiz. tver. te-la 6 nc.'7:2204-2207 il 164. (,113 RA 17. 10) 1. 1notitut p-:~Iuprovcvinikov AN lffkr~33R, Kiyev. lil. icv. ~n n-germantL=. F-L. tvt,-,-. i . Ins t. I oc, 1 i.-- rovodn k(-;r ;2-1 i: DAKMTOVSKIY. M.V.; OSADCRUK, O.D., starshiy nauchn7y sotrudnik Devalopment of poultry, farming. Ilauka i zhvttia 8 no.4:27-29 AP '58. (MIIU 13:5) 1. Direktor Ukrainskoy istledovateltakoy stantsii ptitsevodstva (for Dakhnovskiy). (Ukraino--Poultry) -DAKHNOVSKIY, X.Y. [Dakhnovalk7i, H.V.] 11ybridization of poultry. Nauka i zhyttia 10 no.9:25-27 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ukrainskoy akademii sellskokhozyay- stvannykh nauk, Kharikov. (Poultry breading) USSR/FaxTj %niii:als. Poultry Q-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Diol. j No 19., 1958, No B8175 'hor :L)akhnjyqkiy V. Inst :-_ 'ritla :Rearino Chickens on Thick BeddinG Ori~; Pub :Ptitsevod3tvo, 1956, No 9., 24-29 ;Lbstract :In the USL the aD-,,lication of a t'l-dck bedlin,; for i-.Dultry, replaced once a year, is widespread. This had Ulde it possible to increase the nunber of lions that can be ser- vices by a sin(;lc attendr-nt, and to reduce to its =ini:-um the expenditure of labor and means of r.-iaintenance. The beadinG is a distinctive sterilizer of a ntrber of nicroor- ,~ansins that are haruful. to poul.try, ruid also it is V. source of Vitnmiin 1~1_1 which prauotes the Cr~wth of younG hens and the increase in the eCG layinG caracity of hens. The application of a non-replaceable thick litter adjusted once a year is feasible in accoir.;vdations of any type so Ion., as they are dry an(! wall-ventilatc~!. Tie :iaterial of Card 1/2 DAYJI]30VSKIY, N. V. E/p(--rimental Poultry Breeding Station, B(;rki. "Duck Brec(ling, In Sea and Frejll Water Basins. ~a3er presented at 11th. Congress of Itlorl(I Poultry As7,7,c., City, 21-2~`- SE-P 5",. 1~ -DAMMVSKIT, N.V. International Tom Nevmnu prize. Ptitsevodstvo 8 no.10:47-43 0 158, (MIRA 11:10) (Rewards (Prizes, etc.)) (Poultry research) DAKIUNDVSKIY, N.V., kandoblol.nauk Specialize the production of poultry for eggs and meato Ptitogrodetvo 8 no.12:9-10 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1 1. Direktor Ukrainokoy opytnoy stantell ptitsevodstvao (Poultry) . ___kAQWQYa1L_Aj.; STCHIK, Te.T., red.; POLESITSKATA, S.M., [Intensive poultry farming in the United States] Intensivnoe ptitsevodatvo v Soodinennykh Shtatakh Ameriki. Moskva, Izd-vo M.-va sell.khoz.SSSR9 1959. 125 po (MIRA 13:10) (United States--Poultry) VOLKOV, V.A.; MOROVSKIY, N.P.. kand.biolog.nauk; PMON2MVICH, B.B., prof., doktor biolog.nauk; MASLIYZV. I.T., kand.seliskokhoz.nauk; KRIM , A.A., kand.sellskokhoz.nsuk; PATRIK, I.A., kand.sellskokhoz. nauk; MALINOVSKAYA, A.S., kand.biolog.nauk; DAKHHOV6X-lY-,N-.V-4' kand.biolog.nauk; ORLOV, H.V., kand.sellskoklioz.nauk; REDIKH, Y.K., kand.eeliskokhoz.nauk; GOFMAH, M.B., zootekhnik; GRIGORIYEV, G.K., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; GORIZONTOVA, Ye.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; FEOKTISTOV, P.I., kand.veter.nouk; KOTIMINIKOV, G.A., kandovaterin.nauk; SHKUDOVA, R.I., red.; BALAKIN, V.K., red.; GRADUSOV, Yu.N., red.; SOKOLOVA, G.S., red.; SAYTANIDI, L.D., [Duck raising] Utkovodstvo, Izd-vo X-va sel'khoz. R.S.F.S.R., 1959. 284 p. (HIRA 1):12) 1. Naclinllnik Glavnogo upravlaniya ptitsevodstva Hinisterstva sellskogo khozyaystva RSFM (for Volkov). 2. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno- issladovatellskiy institut ptitsepromyshlennonti (for Grigorlyev). 3. TSantrallnyy nauchnoi;-l:6sledovatelJ-skiy institut ptitseperera- betyvayushchey promyshlonnosti (for Gorizontova). (Ducks) DA OVSKIT, N.V.; XEGMS, YO.S.; Os"HUJI, A.D. Extra-wide chicken house with over-all mechanization for keeping hens on permanent.-litter. Ptitsevodstvo 9 no.1:17-23 Ja '59. (MM 12:1) 1. Ukrainakays opytnays stantsiya ptitsevodetva. (Poultry houses and equipment) 0",' _r7 4C. PSHENICHNYY, P.D., akademik,, otv red:; DAKHNOVSKIY, N.V., red.; ;khoz naUkj--rOd--i-_SITCtI:, K.B.j prof., KUTIKOV, S.I., doktor sel *I doktor sellkhoz. nauk, red.; KOVALENKO, N.A., kand. sell- khoz. nauk, red.; MOKEYEV, A.Ye., kand. sellkhoz. nauko red.; MAZUR, V.N., red4; KVITKA, S.P., tekhn. red. (Ways for increasing meat production; materials of a session] Puti uvelicheniia proizvodstva miasa; materialy sessii. Kiev, Izd-vo Ukrainskoi Akad. sellkhoz.nauk, 1962. 199 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Kiyev. Ukrainslka Akademiia si.1's1kohospodars1kykh nauk. Otdeleniye zhivotnovodstva. 2. TJkrainskiy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy institut ptitsevodstva, Chlen-korrespondent Ukrainskay Aka- demii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk (for Dakhnovskiy). 3. Ukrain- skaya Akademiya sellskokhozyaystvenrqkh nauk (for Pshenicbrvy). 4. Nauchno-issledavatellskiy Institut zhivotnovodstva lesostepi i Poleslya USSR (for Kutikov). 5. Uchebnzqa chast' Ukrainskoy Akademii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk (for Svechin). 6. Poltav- skly nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut svinovodstva (for Kova- lenko). 7. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut zhivot- novodstva stepnykh rayonov im. M.F.Ivanova, "Askaniya-Ilova" (for Mokeyev). (Ukraine-Stock and stockbreeding) DAKH14011SKIY, N. V "Raising of Hybrid Ducks" Report sumbitted for the Twelfth World's Poultry Congress, 5-,-dney, Australia 10-18 Aug 1962 DAKHNOVSKIY, R., gvardii podpolkovnik, voyennyy enturman pervogo klassa Precession of the course gyroscope and lateral laying. Vest. Vozd. Fl. no.12279 D 161. (AURA 15:3) (Bombing, Aerial) SOV/86-58-9-13/42 AUTHOR: Dakhnovskiy, R. G., Guards maj, Military Navigator First Class TITLE: Precision Bombing With Radar Bombsight (Tochnost' bombometaniya s radio-lokatsionnym pritselom) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958,':,'Nr 9, pp 25-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article the author draws attention to certain errors made in the adjustment and calibration of radar bombsights, describes the causes of such errcrs, and explains how they can be eliminated. Two diagrams. Card 1/1 DAKHNOV6KIT R.G. gvardii podpolkovnik, voyannyy shturman pervogo klassa. Eliminating failures to get on the landing path in the clouds. Vest.Vozd.Fl. no.9:44-47 S'60. (MIRA 13:10) (Instrument landing systems) (Airplanes--Landing) DAKHNGVSKIY H.G. podpolkovaik, voyennyy shturman pervogo klassa Control of the flight path by means of the radio altimeter. Vest.Vozd.Fl. no.6:77-78 Je 161. (KIRA 14:8) (Navigation (Aeronautics)) (Altimeter) DAKHNOVSKIY, R., starshiy shturman ...... -- In flight and landing. Grazhd. av. 20 no.6:18 Je 163, (MIM 16:8) (Instrument flying) 4 q A SOV/68-59-5-16/25 AUTHORS: Dakhnovsk . and Pliner? A.I. TITLE: Cold Repairs of a Group of Ovens in a Silica Battery (Kholodnyy remont gruppy pechey v dinasovoy batareye) PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 5, pp 47-50 (USSR) ABSTRACT:-A description of cold repairs of the five end walls in a coke oven battery is given. There are 1+ figures. ASSOCIATIONS: Teplotekhstantsiva and Yenakiyevskiy koksolchimiche- skiy zavod (Yenakiyevo Coking Works) Card 1/1 WA K H t-,V K R IDLYUGIM, A.Y.; GAGAYN3, A.B.; DAXHOVKKR, S.Ye.: HINTSZNGOF, L.A.; RATINBIRG. N.S.; CHARM, S.D. Comparative results of the use of piperazine-adipate and oxygen in the treatment of ascariasis Lwith summary in Inglishj. Med.parez.i paraz.biol. 26 ho-1:77-80 Je-Y 157. WaA 10-6) 1i Iz kafedry infektBionnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent H.M.Budzhe) Rizhokogo meditsinskogo institute, Institute ekspertmentalinoy medi- teiny (dir. - prof. P.Ta.Gerke) Akademii nauk Latviyakoy SSR. Rizhzkoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii (glavuyy vrach M.K.Popzva) ASCARIASIS ther. erasine adipate & oxygen, comParison) (PIAWIM, ther. use piperazine adipate in ascariasis, comparison vitb oxygen ther.) (OXYGEN. ther. use a9earisais, comparison with piperazine adipate ther.) BUDZRE. M.M.; BLYUGER. A.F.; DA.KHOVKER, S.Ye.; LAZDYNYA. M.A. [LazdIpa, M.A.]; ,%WIIGSON, B.S. Comparative study on various systems of ascariasis therapy using piperazine salts. Med.paraz. I paraz.bol. 28 no.4:436-438 Jl-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz Institute. organicheskogo sinteza Akademii nauk (Latviyskoy SSR; kafedry infektsionnykh bolezney Rizhokogo meditsinskogo inati- tuta; Latviyskoy respublikanskoy i Rizhakoy gorodekoy sanitarno-opi- demiologicheskikh stantsiy. (ASCARIASIS therapy) (PIP.MeAZInS therapy) SAMOYLOVICHY A.G.; ITREMBLIT I Ya.; W~QVSKIY , I.V. 11, Anisotropic scattering of electrons on ionized impuritieB. Dokl. A14 635R 13~- no.2;355-358 J1 161. - (MI-Id, 14:7) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR. 1'redstavlano ukadamikom A.A. Lobedevym. (Electrons--Scattering) S/f8l/61/003/010/006/036 'N,7;~,'O (ilyVj il-5 3t it "~O) B102/B108 AUTHORS: Samoylovich, A. G., Korenblit, 1. Ya., Dakhovskiy, I. V., and Iskra, V. D. TITLE: Solution of the kinetic equation for anisotropic electron scattering PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 10, 1961, 29~)-2952 TEXT: Elastic electron scattering is studied theoretically under the following assumptions: The considered system is under the influence of an external electric field and a temperature gradient. The electron -1,2k2 -L-IL Electric field afid temperature energy spectrum is given by ~n 2m, gradient are weak, no magnetic field exists. The kinetic equation is given as ~ Ibn~l 0. kn'k Wmv (4, - n1d, ?968 ~/18i/61/003/010/006/036 Solution of the kinetic equation... B102/B108 n~o) denotes the equilibrium distribution function, n-',- the nonequi'librium k 'N k correction to it, Dn(O) the free term Dn~) Jar -at at (1, 4) e 6 h (A dxi dki T of the kinetic equation, g the chemical potential, the external electric A field, R the collision operator: gn k ith k z-1 ii J, n1- (-)k (1-5) and ij k i YW",(k,-kd=j,jj(z)kj; (1, 7~ kf j Since (1-5) and (1.7) are not valid in every case, the authors tried to establish a method which makes it possible to find out in which cases (1.5) ana (1-7) hold true and to solve the kinetic equation also when the aforementioned conditions are not valid. First, "deformed" coordinates are introduced in the quauimomentum space and the free term t/181/61/003/010/006/036 Solution of the k ino tin ~,quntj on... B102/B108 0 D Y (0, so that the kinetic (1-4) is transfortnod inLo DnL k m Im 0 0 m equation goes over into an lnCinite system of linear algebraic equations. The solution has to '.101111ht ao an expansion into spherical harmonics n X (' ) - ( The collision operator in then given by k, M- kin kin N' X,. (e)Bjk (nip) (2,8) p qj, (-P) Yi, R'-O) Yk. (2,9) and ~-jB =D-b. or, for B B B Xkm D 6 (2.11). jk(pm)Xkm jk(Pm) - jk(m)6mpl jk(m) m j I k r The coefficients F, jk (p1 are found to be 2'16114-'S/1 81/61/003/o 10/006/036 Solution of the kin,?tic equation... B102/B108 x a" s'*A 0 Cos 0 W(%?) P" (COSO) PA, (COSO) P!P(C" 5) x x 0"1"; where j and k are odd nijmbers. An iteration method is employed for the determination of X in the system (2.11). The quickly converging series Xtm = D,n .(416Y -it (m) 41-1 (m) Bm ....... (M) . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0=1. (4,7) ... 1321-1. v-3 (ni) V/ is derived. The it:ithors have used this method before to investigate electron scattering from Impurity ions and acoustic phonons (results published eloewhvre). Finally, a method of solving the kinetic equation, M84 - S11811611003101010061036 Solution of the kinetic equation... B102/B108 which is based on the use of eigenfunctions of R is discussed in brief. There are 12 referenoest 9 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: J. M. Ziman, Canad. Journ. Phys., 34, 1256, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Semiconductors AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: March 31, 1961 Card 5/5 4 1. ;?411 7,260 (// O'V,, 0) AUT110HU: Samoyloviolit A. G., ~,jrenblitq and Iskral V. D. 10774 0/181/61/003/011/006/056 B 102 /"" 1 3 6 I. ItL.j Dakil TITLE: Anisotropic scattering of electrons from ionized impurities and acoustic phonons PERIUDICAL: Fizika tverdogo telat v- 3j no. 11t 1961, 3285-3298 TEXT: In continuation of two previous papers (Ref. 1: FIT, 20 100 1961 and Ref. 2: DAN 88811, 139, 355, 1961 ) the authors theoretically investigated inGlustic electron scatturing from impurity ions and acoustic phonons in cubic crystals. First the probability of scattering from impurity ions in a cubic crystal with isotropic dielectric constant is calculated in Born's aeproxim"tion: W(88(p) = 2" NJ Vkk, 12 "SeINA3 1 CosI Ml 110 0 call 0 -0- It (1.6) 2 & M'Y M3 tie tile dielectric constant, f.1/salm3 a - shielding radius, Card 1/6 op ,?1UA/L)03/01 1 /006/056 Anisotropic scattering of electrons ... 13102/B138 3 N - number of i;3purity ions per cm transition matrix element )-Abstracter's note: Denotations and baoio equations are taken from Ref. 1. It is impossible to follow the calculLtions if' Ref. 1 is not available-,, In the next section the coefficients 3,k the first terms of the .(m) and Xjm series are determined approximately. The following i-esulte -nere obtained: -- - .1 .. Bit (0) In I I - V(2j-+- 1) (2k 1) X RP X 1 (2.8) with C= 0 VY76'M%41T- 3 Tho approximate value B jk(O)-.Bjk(O)- Cayd 2/a -'(,7 7'. AI 1J. //u .Iii:; t L-opic ~;C,t t L erirl,~ 0 1' e I cc trow; . . . BII(O) X1, = -b D, (1 -i-0.72-t--0.015 -i - 110) Th,-~ tiiird uuctiori de,ds -dtii tile rel-xation tiffu L,'r.SO.I' for L;c,-~tterinj from impurity ions. ko2laxtion.ticac is aLisumed to b,~ i::oLi-opic: --I Nr e., 72 2 -VFW, n Tile non-van-ishin- components of ti.--, --tenoor -iv,,?r, by ,33 V, (0) 0 -1 7 T =; L -I-~, - 0 it. it uard 5/8 ~,,,77 ill 61/ uj 1 U- 6 /o6 Aniootropic ocatterin; oi electrons ... i3i C)'-/'Bl 56 L) X1. + B23 X b, 1 (7.) I B, 1 (m) B33 B13 B, (0) = 31-Ne,'V2---, 12 arctgj9- Thus for B (m) 2 arc tg In (I 4L (are tg -j- (I -1-- 192) 02 - 11 arc tg P-1- B1, (1) =3,N~,' Vim-, 1) arc tg In 12 - 2P'arc tg P -(P*I- 1)-arc tg P In (I -i--P')-F2~2- 1) L (arc tg P) - I- I -f- P2 -4- 1.#-.-,-2 are t)r 9 T L with. the Loba~iievskiy function L(,) in c3- xdx. s -as -..lready U been shown in Ref. 1 , ull fluxes can be expressed by trie rolaxation Card ill 8 30774 ~j /1 -'/611 UJ3101 1/oo6/056 Anijotropic scLtturing of electrons ... B102/B138 time teneor. Its components depend only on energy. In section 4 tiie probability electron of scattering from acoustic phonons is determined by means of the deformation potential. %kT (4-7) rn3 (4-8) ~-m, sin 0 cos c?, IN 'in 0 'in 71 'b Cos is found, where D il is the tensor of the deformation potential constancs, the polarization vector, (7 the crystal density, V its volume, is and In section 5 the properties of a certain function of the angles/i the coefficients Bib (Pm) =4V-2MiMtM38 with Card 5/8 30774 S11811b.:1UO31O111UQ6105D' ,inisotropic scatterind of electrons ... B 1 02/B 136 r A sin Oco,90 (COs 6) P,' (COs 6), (J+&) I (k-i-#) 1 (5.2) (PM) J dQ PJ (cosO)Ak (cosO)e'(--J1)?, (5-3) are investigated. The ,P(U) and ~(2) -are tabul-:tL-d for "j k jk v-lueB. In the Idst Bection the relaxation time Lenjor electron ac"ttering from acoustic phonons 4-'n Ji and k - j - 1 and ';i W the general formulas ara some j and k is calculated for Bi,Te 3* Xor given: B,1(00)X,O=Do, (6.1) Bis (11) XII.-i-Bil (1, -1) X1, -1 D1, B, .(-I, 1)Xj'-t--Bjj(-1, -1)X,,-, -*.-D-,. Card 6/8 /J051ol 1 /'oo6/016 Aniaotropic scattering of electrons ... Do Yin (0,,To) D-,B, (11) - D,B' , (1, -1) 11(00) B' , 10 1) - 1 B1, (1, :~I) -J2 Y' D18 Ii (11) D-IBI, (i. e"~ (6.3) BI, (11) - I BI, (1. -1) 1 cos Bti (11) 1 Bit (1. -1) 1 COO B21, (11) B, (I. - 1) --23= B',,(jj)-jB,(1 -1) 12 B, 1 (1, -1) 1 sin (~ ' T -12= B2, (11) - I Bil 02 i B1, (00 M2 1 -01 (6-4). -21 -2 '12. Then they are applied first to Ge and Si, ulien to Bil)Te-. There are 5 figures, 5 tableu, and Iij roforoncuo. 9 Soviot Lind non-Soviet. The throu refaiencou to Engli8h-language publications read as followo: R. B. Dingle, Phil. blaij., ~L6, 631, 1955; i'. Ham. ?hys. Rev. 100, 1251, Card 7/8 .)0774 s/13i,/61/()j3/011/006/056 Anisotropic sc"ttering of electrons ... B102/B117,8 1955; J. R. Drubble a. R. "*iolfe. Proc. Phyo. ~;oc. B69, 1101, 1956. AS60CIAT10N: Institut poluprovodnikov A!.' SSS1i Leningrz-d (Institute of Semiconduntors AS USSR, Lt--nin6rad) SUKIITTED. Llay 9, 1961 1 Card 8/8 DAKHOVSKIYP I.V. Anisotropic electron scattering in Ge and Si. Fiz. tver. tela 5 no.8:2332-2338 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Electrons--Scattering) (Germanium) (Silicon) DAKIIOVSKIY, I.V. Calculation of thermomagnotic coefficients In se~.rdcozlductors. Fiz. tvar. tela 5 no.10:3020-3022 0 163. (".UPA 16:11) 1. Oherriovitskiy gusudarstvewny universitct. FISTUL, V. I.; OMELYANOVSKIY, E. M.; ANDRLANOV, D. G.; DAKHOVSKIY, I. V. I -- "The scattering of electrons in heavi-ly-doped germanium." report submitted for Intl Conf on Physics of Semiconductors, Paris, 19-24 jul 64. th bt t, SW~ of Scatterl ; -, I ~. ~ ; :,~: ,.I ~, lbel-A I - -1, nd"Hjj,-'-_(-~ ~-I- I- 1 4 it'l le-,- 1. 45420-~66 EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD ACC NR-- AP602637 5 SOUR CE C ODE C~F 61 ~(_J~0030/66/015/001/0057/00 AUTHOR:- Baranskii, P. I. ; Dakhovskii, 1. V. q,3 ORG: Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev; State University of Chernovtsy, Ukrainian SSR,- Chernovtsv- TITLE: Longitudinal Hall ef~/ect in n-type germanium SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 15, no. 1, 1966, 57-61 TOPIC TAGS: Hall effect, anisotropic scatterincr, germanium ABSTRACT: On the basis of the anisotropic scattering theory developed-by Samoylo,VicE et al. (A. G. Samovlovich, 1. Ya. Korenblit, 1. V. Dakhovskiy, and V. D. Iskra, Fiz. tverd. Tela 3, 2939 and 3285 (1961)) a general expression is derived for the longitudinal Hall effect in which the carrier relaxation time is M represented by a tensor. A possible method of measuring the longitudinal Hall effect in absolute (rather than relative) units is proposed. This allows experimental investigation (at room temperature) of the effect for n-type Ge with, L' - W-;"'ohrn. crn. A special case is considered in which the current in the sample is in the [1001 Cord 1/2 L 45420-66 ACC NR: AP6026:375 ,irection and tile magnetic field vector It is act)itrarily oriented in tile plalle perpendicular to the current flow. Good agreement is obtained Mween theory and experiment. Some suggestions are made as to possiI;ile applications of this effect. The authors thank Prof. A. G. Samoylovich for valuable advice and comments on'~ the theoretical part of this work. They also thank Prof. E. G. Miselyuk for his interest and discussion of the work and W. W. Gayduchenko for his assistance in the experiments. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 4 formulas. [Authors' abstract) [KS] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 1OFeb66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 0011 DAKHSHIYAFR A.V. referent. Reference notes: hay sprender. oneumatic drill, "Hanster" rake, food oteaming apparntus, milkiM nnchire with a filter, vibrating harrow, tractor-mounted :tower with hydraulic drive. Sellkhoz- mashina. no.6:20-31 Je 157. (MLPA 10:7) (Agricultural machinery) DAXIISHIZCER, A.V. Strip spraying of corn (form "Deutsche Agrartechnik," no-3, 1961). Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.7:56 ji 62. (MIRA 15:11) (Germany, East-(Maize) (Oormany, East-Weed control) DAKMHLITGn, G. Y. [The Turkmenistan-Siberia Railroad, first-born of socialist industri- alization; historical outline of the Turkmenistan-Siberia Railroad) Turksib - perveneto sotsialisticheakoi induetrializateii; ochark iota-ii postroiki Tarksiba. Alma-Ata, Akademlia nauk Kazakhakoi. SSSR, 1953. 131 P. (MLEA 7:12) (Siberia--Railroads) DAXHSMYaRR, G.. kandidat intorichookikh nauk. The role of socialist industrialization of the U.S.S.R. in the transition of the Kasakh people to socialism, bypassing capitalism. Vest.AH Kazakh BSR 10 no.2:33-48 7 153. (MLRA 7:4) (Kazakhstan--Zcono2ic conditions)