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DAIDBEKOVA, Z.A.; KURBANOVA, Y.M. Idthofacies characteristics of sediments In the producing formation of the lower Kura Valley in connection with their oil potential. Azerb. neft. khoz- 38 no.8;13-15 Ag '59. (MRA 13:2) (Kura Valley--Petroleum geology) DA~DBEKOVAO E.A. Minoral and geochemical facies of sediments in the flysch formation of the southeastern Caucasus. Trudy AzNII DN no.9:1+4-53 160. (Caucaffus--Flysch) (MIU 14:5) ~,DAIDBEKOVA, E.A.; POKIDIN, A.K. Lithological and thermographic characteristics of carbonate rocks in the southeastern Caucasus. Trudy AzNII DII no.10.122-130 :60. (MIRA 14:4) (Caucasus-Rocks, Carbonate) DAIDBEKOVA, E. At, Doc GEOL 09ft M I N&M SC 1 9"PETROGRAPHY -9 -L OF THE FLYSCH FORMATION OF lk SOUTHEASTERN CAUCASUS." BAKU, 1961, (JOINT COUNCIL OF AZERBAYDZHAN INST OF PETROLEUU AND CHEM IMENI IA* AZIZBEKOV AND INSTITUTES AND INSTITUTIONS OF ACAD SCI AzSSR FOR GEOL AND MINERAL SCIENCES). (KL-DV, 11-619 212). -58- __ D~I~B~_KQU,-",I-IMGIMOVA, B.M. Hydrotroilite in deposits of the akchagyl stage in the Kura Lowland. DokJL. AN SSSR 137 no-3t678-680 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Azerbayzhanskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut po, dobyehe nefti. Predstavleno akademikom N.M.Strakhovym. (Kura Lowland-Hydrotroilitei DAIDBEKOVA, E.A.; POKIDIN, A.K.; ISMAYLOVA, R.S. Mineralogy of clays of Cretaceous sediments of the southeastern Caucasus, Blul.MOIP.Otd.geol. 36 no.6:37-.48 N-D 961. (111RA 15:7) (Caucasus-Clay) DAIDBEKOVA, E.A.; BABAYEVA, R.S.; GRIGORIYANil), Z.G.; KURBANOVA, F.M., I TBRAG1140VA, B.M.; SHAMAILOVA, O.D. Granulometric tyreB of rockn and allothigerie mirierals. Trudy GIN rio.115:29-.67 165- (MIRA 18-12) f A- S/075/60/015/004/013/030/XX B02O/B064 AUTHORS- Yordanov, N, and Daiyev, Khr. TITLE, Photometric Determination of Cerium by Means of o-Tolidin,, PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 15, No 4. pp, 443 - 445 TEXT- The present paper describes a new, unpublished method for a more selective and accurate determination of tetravalent cerium with o--tC-.'1idino (3,31-dimethyl benzidine)l the qualitative reaction has been known sincp long, but has hitherto not been used for quantitative cerium determination Cerium was separated from the disturbing components together with the rare earths in the form of oxalates. If there are no rare earths present in th analyzed material, lanthanum nitrate is added, and the oxalates are el precipitated. A 12 mg/ml La(NO 3)3 solution was used in the experiments Since the lanthanum nitrate available contained approximately 0 14% Ce. it was purified by the method of V~, M. Klinayev and N N Senyavin (Ref 12) The optical density of the solution was measured with a photoelectric Card 1/3 Photometric Determination of Cerium by Means S/075/60/015/004/013/030/XX of o-Tolidine B020/BO64 colorimeter of the type !M-M (FEK-M) with a blue filter (permeability maximum at 410 m~L). Fig. 1 shows that the solutions follow the Beer law at concentratioris up to 3 rCe/ml. The molar extinction coefficient is approximately 9500. The reaction with o-tolidine is 20 times as sensitive as with H202" The coloring produced remained stable for several hours under the chosen conditions, and vanished only on the following day The yellow color remains unchanged for 20 minutes after the addition of the reagent; then it fades gradually (Fig, 2) A change of pH between 0 and A has no appreciable effect upon the sensitivity of the reagent When using 12 mg of La(NO 3)3 as a collector, the coprecipitation. of 10 - 200 T Ce proceeds quantitatively.. Table 1 shows the reproducibility of thexthod. which is mainly due to the quantitative conversion of CeIII to Ce , and also the stability of the oxidation products of o-tolidine The effect of Fe, Al, Mn, and Ti in amounts of Ce4Fe - 1:10,000, Ce:AI,1~3,000, Ce:Mn-1:350, and Ce~Ti=1000 was studied for the purpose of using this method for cerium determination in minerals and rocks. Fig- * shows the calibration curve used to determine cerium by means of .:, tolidine The time dependence of the optical density is illustrated in F'ig 2 Table 2 Card 213 Photometric Determination of Cerium oy Means S/075/60/015/004/013/'030/XX of o-Tolidine B020/BO64 shows that under the above conditions, the coprecipitation of cerium proceeds practically quantitatively, that even in the presence of com- paratively large iron and aluminum quantities, no soluble cerium oxalate complexes o~ these elements are formed, and that in the precipitation of both hydroxides and oxalates, no coprecipitation of manganese takes place in the presence of hydroxylamine hydrochloride. The fact that a number of elements is not coprecipitated with lanthanum oxalate, is also related to the separation of the latter in acid media. Thorium, yttrium, neodymium, praseodymium, ytterbium, terbium, and samarium have no disturbing effect. The method described was used to determine the cerium content in apatite, titanite, and monzonite (Table 3). There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 12 referencess 6 Soviet, 5 German, and 1 British ASSOCIATION: Sofiyskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Bolgariya) (Sofiya State University (Bulgaria)) SUBMITTED: July 9, 1959 Card 3/3 IORDANOVY N.;_PAjnY, Khr. Separation of small amounts of rare earth elements from min- erals and rocks by chlorination with carbon tetrachloride. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.4.-429-431 J1 162. MRA 1516) 1. Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. (Rare earths-Analysis) (Carbon tetrachloride) 1(4DANOV, N.; DAIYEV., Kh. [Daiev.. Kh.1 - ~~- 11-1. The NP NP N' N' tetramethyl o-tolidine (Tetron) as reagent in determining Lall quantities of cocidants (Au'IIII)p Ce (IV)v Brll~ etc.) Doklady BAN 16 no.1:69-72 963. 1, Predstavleno chl*-korr, N, Penchevym. 10'00011, l1.; DAIEV, F.'rjr. "I F . I _i I. trhjt~ov ~,r -1 - [,~'Af ~,, el ement.z Jp. -if, - r,,,t in effun ive, int :-.; I v ~~ ,-r.~,. !,., ~-ph I - r4- t I. Pim Bulgarl-la.TkAklady Il n~ .11 164' 1. 1'reds'llvien") N... 7'enuh.~,.ryx. ,DAIKHZS, A. I. Professor Wis. Mironovich Burakor; on hie '10th birthday. Vast. otorin. no.2z,123 '62. (MIRA l5t2) (BURAKOVI, ILOIA MIRONOVICH, 1891.) RUBIN, S.S.; DAIUTSKIY, A.F ; ILICHENKO.. V,A.; KARASYUK, I.M, Methods of studying the root systermof agricultural plants. Bot. zhur, 47 no.8:3276-1184 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) le Umanskiy sellskokhozyayBtvemyy institit imeni A.M. Gorlkogo. DAILIDONIE21E, Jadvyga; L., red. (Tuberculosis, an infectious diseasej Tuberkuil.oze - uzkrociar-.a liga. Vilnius, Vaistybine polit'nes ir mokslines lit-ros leid k1a, 1(A-3. 16 1). (In Litluanianl W11AP. 17:7) DAILID0111111E, J. Tuberculosis morbidity in the Republic according to fluoro- graphic data. Sveik. apsaug. 9 no.3:36-39 YJr164 1. Respublikinio tuberkuliozes dispanserio n-r. L- jdytoja. ~k DAILIDONIENE, J. Tuberculosis morbidity in the Republic according to fluorographic data. Sveik. Apsaug. no.3-36-39 164. 1. Lietuvos respublikinio tuberkuliozes dispanserio vyr. gydytoja. DARUCA, Victor, Prof. Celestial phenomena in December 1961. Gaz mat fiz 13 no.10:559-560)01" (Mechanics, Celestial) DAIIM~ACA, Victor, prof. Data on cole-itial phenomnna in February 1962. 3az -at fiz 13 rc).12: 663-664 D 161. DAIMACA, Victer, pi-cf. - Celestial phenomena of Mnrch 1962. GRz mat fiz 14 no.1:54-55 Ja 162. DAIMACA., Victor), prof. Celestial phenomena of April 1962. Gaz nit fiz '14 no.2:110-111 F '(,-, DATMACA, Victrr, prof. C?!le.5ttal p~.encmenA ib MAy 162. Gaz 7nt fiz 14 nc. 3:167-168. llx 162 DAIMAGA, Victor, prof. The celestial phenomena in June 1962. Gaz mat fiz 14 nc..4: 220-221 Ap 162. ---- DAIMACA, Victor, prof. The celestial phenomena in July, 1962. Gaz mat fiz 14 nQ.5: 279-280 My 162. DAINACA, Victor, prof. Celeatial phenomena in the month of August, 1962. Gaz mat fiz 14 no.6:333-334 Je 162. DAIMACAY Victor, prof. Celestial phenomena in September 1962. Gaz mat fiz 14 no.7: 391-392 Jl 162, DAIMAGA, jicUrj, prof. Celestial phenomena in Octobbr 1962. Gaz mat fiz 14 no*8:445-446 Ag 162. DAIMACA_,, -Victor,,- vmf.- Celestial phenomenon in Noveraber 1962. Gaz mat fiz 14 no.9003-504 S 162. PAIMACA, Victor, prof. Celestial phenomena in December 1962. Gaz mat fiz 14 no.10:559-560 0 s62. I __RkIKkU, --Viztar,-prqf . Celestial phenomena in January and February 1963, Gaz mat fia 14~0 , no.11/12:653-655 N-D '62. 1 _kA:IMAqA, Victor, prof. Celestial phenomena in March 1963. Gaz mat f12 15 no.1:55-56 ja 163. P*n4cl Victor. Prof., 01 ~-- - -A Celestial phenomena in April 1963. Gaz mat fiz 15 no.2snO-lll F 163. DAIMACA, Victor.4rof, qmpxmm--,-- Celestial phenomena In YAy 1963. Gaz mat fiz 15 no.3:166-167 Mr 163. f j,,, -, ~, t. C A Vi c tc 1, .I.C)i,. p : I A- J t- I-Cll I I P,'l I I P, L 'J1 . ( i ~k Z : 11 '. ' ' I :~ ~ ', n,,.4:.'2 11 F I ~, 'I DAM4ACA, Victor. Prof. Celestial phenomena in July 1963. Gaz mat fiz 15 no.5:277-278 My 163. DAIMCA, Victorp prof. Celestial phenomena in August 1963, Gaz mat fiz 15 no*6: 335-336 Je 163. 9 DAIMAGA, Victor, prof. Celestial phenomena in September 1r)63. Gaz mat fiz 15 no.7-390- 391 Jl 163. DAIMAGA Victor, porof, Celestial phenomena in November 1963. Gaz mat fiz 15 nc.,9004- 505 3 163. DARUCA, Victor, prof. Celestial Phenomsna in December 1963. Gaz mat fiz 15 rio.10:558,559 0163. DAIMACAJ, Victor, prof. Celestial pheremena in October 1963. Gaz mat fiz 1r) no. 8: 447-478 Ag 163. DADD.CA, Victor, prof. Colustii~T-Phenoviena in January 19".4, 6uz mat Fiz 1~ I'0-11: 667-668 N 163. TAIMACA, Victor, Prof. 1 1 ( A.stron-,mlcal data. Guz mat fiz 15 nr~J;-;721, : 1~ 3, ..-DA324ACA, Victor, prof. Planetary phenomena in May 1964. Gaz mat fiz 69 no. 4: 156-157 Ap 164. DARIAICA, Victor, prof. Astronomical data. Gaz mat fiz 69 no. 5:197 MY '64. "', A 1 M."t C A , ,v,~~Ctorl 3~rof. P 7 an el a ry phenc I d u-,~ ::-, ,, ~- -. -, .,? 1 r, ~ . , - ,~? ;! -, - ~ ~ " 1 I T 11 c, . 6 - ~ Y-1 - 2 ' 12 ; t- 01- DAIMACAP Victor Planetary pt.enornfina ir 1964. Gniz mat, fiz i,'~ r,-'. 7- 278 JI '64. !-A NMACAY Prof. Astronoml,~od :uta. -mal. fiz 69 ,;~ l'-7, -,- 14, 1 . ~ -, '. pn~,; . ; , * 'I -- .-I I - , ., - - . I -1 : . . - ' . 'i - 1:.'j - 7' i , !' " . - 1 ' ~ "7 t'rAl'Y P""Il -~ f ;*' ~ ; i - " ~ - - I . . I . I a .. -1 - DAIMACA, Victor, prof. Astroromical data* Gaz mat fiz 69 no.9060 S '64. DAIMACA, Victor, Prof. Astronomical data. Gaz mat fiz 69 no,lot4oo-4ol 0 164. DAIMkCA, Victor, prof. (Buoureati) Astronomical data. Gaz mat fiz 69 no.11:439-440 N 164. DAIMACA, Victor, prof. Astronomleal data. Gaz mat fia ?0 no.2:75 F 165, DAIMACA, Victor, prof. Astronomical data. Gaz mat fiz 70 no.4:159 Ap 165. prof . Astronomical data. Gaz mat fiz 70 no.3:119 Mr 165. 1 * a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 -0 b 0 a 0 & a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 G!* 0 0 0 0 * # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G a 0 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 O a It, 1 .1 OAV " L 0 1" 0, v ! I A !1_1. 1 I 1 4 0)4v####) If IfIfIlIfIff IF If It IF VIA Ims JIUOUIIIV I., . ill Mst~- plull.lAst, fit 410 14"4.1)11 R4 11111111mb 311, '"1 Still "I pmIlekel * J .11; ."I.Ititifti jql 91! Pill' *0 pill ut"A M pfus"Im min 020 Ou It 06 00 Wed 0.. 4 M F.". 9 06 It It f "1 9 4 W-V -T ir--r v .iv so It I le Is v ;f; 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 " 0 11 11 0 11 U LITT c A. L-1 -1-1-1 k 2 1 0 A 1-11"t _j 'Ib. 1, vUs go a 4,00 A! It ivjb IkID Tile actloo Of illhilbilan In the 11 "henvical diam"cla ti- Of hydirogen porajiliic it. t", wid A Sh%attt S! Aaa I'Aylil"chow. N. S. S S. ~.Il IEnglix If, b); FAYI- ('". W P 1 7, M, lee 011 Ibi, bli.6% 14 14, 'N.J.1y 0 (J. PkYj- t'hes". W. ". 5 R 1 4, 47bb1'.W,) It villulutle lb&t the of 11'(w- 00 by way of 1(0 radk-al% and i% bit futed lit/ the 1`41C rijUjI 111" 96 d1ifl(NI'dt - [IV A .1114% ..f 111, 1'.00 '( pure 11,11, And (4 110), With flwn I x P, so 111-2 lllul~ Achl"I licifilic I~r 1. 11 "it, f'P111141 IhAt. 0 the wale %4 drcmilin. bit IV), at 7.',' dhimmAl'.1 hy I'llit ::o 00 f,,- a fig-valbin laimp i. red'wl,,I I" I'v 91 " ?1- 1300 "(I X 10 -'and '41 'K 110 -1 rnnlr, lwr I r,,p . ,I M~,Co. :0 hICCOEt and ItI.Co. The .grinttwn f,,r inirritil ab- lumpliim J light to ket"ne We, II'vi,t o$" 5- 1 1w too 00 tawA ko - t"" 1" 1., 'Itc, vI-4. t1w, 4 inlithilird/catul 14" 09 1 inhillifell rearlivoll are fir"r full, 'j 16 Loom ..qu is see 1he rneigy 4 a, livalit4i bw it-j, fi,m 4 I,,,tvl wol, a are 00 2 krion ix at lilt ndirr 25 -'PI Cal, 1). slid S. a-umc, iluai 1,111Y eprultilify 011 ItA'A' will) lilt. lirl"lle, IvAdIng I., e'= tilt initiAl %%- I,( hAMITAIll"T than It- I'(VALmj-. 150 0 -he already irlitial"l. Raith ... inn imoo ;a :106106 tile a it a it t tie 0 -sib b 1, 1" 1, Iro 0 ,U -1 I'll, 11 - " V 4 0 0:0 o 000 00 0 & 0 0 0 0 a 0 111 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 000 0 o~oolosoooloooosofoossoo00000*oooo ot~ 0094000000 *000:1 4 g 0~ 6 # 1# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e iffif 0 0 It 0 0 41 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 ? a - w 'i I) it . q I. " 4 16h.jill Dun par? A J4 0 m w is m 0 Is v v 0 b a) w a) a A I L L I Is A A A k a A P 9 1 1 1 10 1 - U 90 U 0 6 . 0 a i It, -.00 00 of spectral SnAlYsIS Of Complicated millurpl, It, Pwin, I %, C.F.41J.-Lif .10 V S. hililikits ' - 90 , '" ( it 4 it 1 4. I.-A:j '4f 06 -40 N1 0 k% 949 o 00" 110 00 Izoo 0 0 :o .#0 , 0 71 .00 .00 .00 -.00 of 00 1 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 9 0 1 k 0 11 1 _-A -3-11. AA 4 JAP It 1 , quJitative Splectral analysis, ,mananess arm Gfisinsivskil as do S. Iluervilim. lie" % I)am 1 Va 0 . . . ' LN;: - :1 V 8 S s 4 - . &m I , , . 0,.s. Mad. 11 INJI. py, Ivuw ; ~ L C.A - 30. M101. L r.41IIIIIAt~'I llj"J,sn~jn"Ij I, 'If VIAI,C k-lislIt' 13% IhC %TeCII UJI14"'i"t 1.141k,41 ~I( OW At~- :.I..Illjos Olow that Ite Can Iw uktital"I Ilv the In", ,f JILWA. ~!6:4.9, A, ~', III)-, -I hlill- kogth. being co,,crod by -Nin-livems; I's Jim, J M;J..6 8 3219.4 A. are not obscur,d ty Mn ot F.. Aft" I,I .... III,. I me Iwo of Fe by the Rote in- th-I Co is 1di,n(if,,I by the '0 10 '1 A. inid Nt by the lincs of 5IN I#. Z-1 - 1, 0 1. 1. 3619. X)~', 1.5, 3~ 15 1, 3414.S, 11.41.6 A, F [1 om".11 ,( Nlu Mnt% I~Imlts the CI all'i M", 4P 0 so IS :mow 7 A I I L A .60. gem _d I U 11 AV 10 it :Is A AA L I I I it of vt rt it o= n I sla K a f 94 1 is 1, 1 0 0 Os 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 0 0 O o 00 a 0 0 g I f go o go 9 0 0 0 IS 0 0 00 0 0 4 0 00 -fif-'aa- w w w 0 0 0 a : 0 ;; t #a Is v Ilil"m a 4 -at I I VAIRP-1 K 'a[' A 1 1. so PROCIIIII AMD PROPIR .a 00 EfioA oo Is 4ocm"od o o gVft-~%~= -,-so b P h H 5~ colt%. y J. J. B. 00 ',so A 1 6 1 k A SITALLUSIGIC-L LIVINATUIll CLASSOCATION 00 A a of -W I n -i* U U AT 10 At* a a C, A a As : : : : :1; ; ; 0 " ; ; 0 0 0 0 0 404 so so 0 so 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 : : 0 000 0 -**goo 0 gee 0 00000000000000910 Y; A C S - L -1 k -Jt-AA- A. A )I Y L 1 1 9-4& JMAX go a 4 6 A -90 q oA. 00 00 *0 1,60 ~jpAm, V. Bkwms"mro. md A. .00 HCHWARS (Acta PhysiOnchim. UJUA- 1939, 9. 4 M4).-The phokwhemkial AUW-OxkktiOn Of 00 HVO andozalateminabsent ofthelonsofhmvY 0 nm4au but is increased by -the AddiLion m&ULlon occurs t k h d =&I o4 &r . au e n t of ndnelra -. 0 0 ~ 0 pmvxk6 formation increasing In ra"w= f ma tion is Th -oi 00 O 0 e wit reac h is hi d i = g c w o u or , characterimed, by an u on per ti6 id Th oo - a a e ox shortened by kmawdng (Anor Pa.. and &L-4 in tions f d h b 99 reac . a * o e is discussed on t obmved in photo- ft6fion to the Awv" H Of 4 solution. chemical expeirimula with *00 C It. H. &ITALLUPrILAL LITI14TURE CLASSNKATICIi 00 u :0 A, KA ,It pfar, Itwma" A V An a I, o "J- j), -1 -t41pi 0 0 q Sio o 0 * 0o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; C"A"1610 0 0 0 9 0 9 IF V 9 w W - 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Of 0 o 0 o o o a o o Ow"'Wet . 1, 10 a 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 41 0 41 4 4 0 a ;, : ! : 0 0a 1 A, if is is w is As 1y m n .11 if n a )a is A u m a a At a of a of w a a@ aito A A IL L A -A[ F Q A I I V y . ILA A J AA 0 OP U 4I If 9 If 1. l..6 A ~~I` 10 a I A f 00 to .2 A -to 00 -00 00 dc -00 00 Role of C&tslyst ill the PhOtuchemicill oxidation of ;.00 Allkles It. V4. DjAill j;Ill J_ J;. -00 09 1 r"'Ity fall phy.111f, Ch'. . lif"'I of %' 1 (1 "' I'- I I I I Jj. 14 I'll 1 - 1 .09 of fill III.I.1 ill Illik Ill 111. lill'.t..)JI111 of 1 00 1"'1 W1111 flillif" cfAIIIII. ))"I. ). 4 *0 0 NO F..f =00 sirld fill 1, 4, W101 fmOll-I ...... Ill.. " ill. "111 . ,, 111, -41). 114, 00 1 flivi. I'mill Jill S III,. 1 h 00 r ee 1 fill Of 0 '111 r 1-11 11 ir,- jilt, rilf, Z 00 r0 0 00 a l 00 00 KID 0 00 00 00 IF godl 0.9 1 .J* 0 . 00 i Alto *0 00 * 0 A f, 9 J L A WALLUPGOICAL LifFIFAI'LlIf CLAWFICATIck 00 'voo 00 t li~7 vi -1 - -, - - .).,1 CII ,i. - - - Joe T r s I q 70 U j% AV No A It it tv to a K K it R 9 it It (q I . . in A S As U O HAD I Va 41014 0 o 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 T4 l t 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 00 A 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111 0 0 o 0 0 O owowog*ooeoooooooo wwwwww 0909000006000040#0 0 o o 111, 4 0;;;; 0- Is IN is if lill", alas UP 'to A Is A,-&* 40 IPIP4 1"I ,IT 1, 1 as 0 a 0 U J--s 0 A 16901111111 00 pfacItSd!-..V 1, -.00 ::Aj -00 0 0 t it 0 voluenstlif; photogalvanic effect in solutions ot elec trolytes. 1. Photogalvanic affect of *%&late$ It. Vu h Z. kina. B-- I ....... jm-,kv I.A. 0: Ua4sand A. 1 -00 -00 CArm., Mad il'sit. Ukr. S. S. R. 12, ki ONXIIII., 0 jr A A photoge.1vanic eflect wa% nh~erved on smooth I't and 0 I't-black electrodes in a soln. I-( K,C,O,. It i% shown thai 90C :nhc ritert I~ due to the phw-h~tn. protv,,t takitisli,o, the vol. of flit- rict-trolyfe and is derident 4 111, 20 4111411 wave length, The effect k explained on I te batiq of th. kin 060 Irmix)rary disturbon~ c4 the ionir equil. in the qtAti. ~'1-09 B. Z. Kanlich 00 oa 10' 10 0 woo Its 00 ;V &SO-SLA AITALLURGICAL 1.119RA11641 CLASUPICATION is 00 0 if 14 5 is a is AT W3 AS 0 U UP It I? of is a 91 As 0 0 0 0 4111 9 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 *10 0 o 0 a 0 a o o o 0! 0 0 : : 0* : : : 0 0 0 1 so 0 0 0 0 4111 0 919 0 0 0 0 o 000 0 0 01~A 0000#6606 ' - see a' 0 V 4"16, ib 64 0 00 0 0 0 00 0000 # 19 11 v to )d A k v a it a of j 1 M ? ! ? ? ? 0 0 0 * 0 14P 0004 42 a a at! 1 jgjs 11 flu tom Ila j 0, 11 1; 11 U If m 01 16 1 * A A , Z A.-J- -A --At -,A -L- L a. 0 P9 A I 1 9 1 a.1 -1 A- I As 0 CC 00 U of j .... .. I ..... AMilli, Is let I 11.1" ..,.1 0 0 ..J - "J ". I K S. is. 1'... file .1 Im... D41t, at okt~l A. h- Iern ittitti,trt,tt tri, pittv,ti. Walk" and Wci- and the 1,11111417 Illwl'All-'ns, -.cluw 4. ill, owmd im.-i wit ')'~ ti"ll If .".I[ m%, of '.f. It, I fir iv.. I If IlK to A, 1.1 ll'ill I~K.- It. , oil, mill.. snd I'llit'Vttil Alt A i 1.41r; 111t,.111p.11CIll illillICIS"ll tvfw is dile go) life SAtfl. "t thr -Ill. -Ilh If Wme evolfij~ 0 ti(In. ¬ the rate (d rvulutlwl v-afcrlv chaloar, %ltIj A - -00 00 hatige its tt-fill.. ff"m I . 1., ,4, I It, floor c"n't, At 1, I- to $4,11 still At :AV i. 11 Mill. 1 hr f'.o' 11"n f. - 'l ic see l '1111 I 1-Ir aliff it it J.- 11'.1 tak. ph". ill .,It. 0' 1' Ill, . ......... . Oil. .0 0 -00 00 00 00 00 t3*0 woo it V If AA I I I of 1 0 IN Of 4 1 n it, At o; it 4, 14 Kis q a It lot if m of n 4 1 ,,44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 aa 0 0 0 0 0 0 000010 00 0000 000, 11174 00 A *0 of of of.-M 00 4 of 0 so of ad ol NaCIO gm In two directions, (1) witb dOt 3CJO-ogQ- - Ot and (2) withlorusatim "deblowelaw-lOCK),-+0'. niartmovalfibe heterogenow admixts. dmgu the direction of the kinctic cam of the evolution of 0. The curve attains an auto- catalytiacharacter. Filtersoldiffertutporositymmused fortbeffitration. The purer solus. were awre stable. A N&CIO Soln. UM& from vtry h Icals, proved to be The catalyiK =tba decmpa. of N-164niab-mb 4kvctWm, but It Is Jew mkeabk In tbe m sese I= with formation, 91 chlorates. The inywigation ks& to dw assumption that both diftetirms of the de- compa. of NaW at based an the mms "WY=. a. M.. ASSALA NATALWO&CAL LIMSATOW CLU&MION ~ 21MM21" - lee *0* -00 000 lee Ii : 90 0 Coe %o 46 0 we 9 lee wool Wool UWATIMMIi 0 &;a a . a asil _Goes 6 *1* 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 a 6 6 a V V Vu OF W V v WIM vjff!ffl~ so go 0 00 00 0 C ; 00 1 0, 0 0* fee 00 0 0000 4 0 oiw Is to a 4. 11 U 11 1 " a . A a r. It A 1 -1, AA 4 00 4 It - . 1. 00 la,,"m sfijMq spite of disfalved P*Wdvf Im. 0g y6 in. ti. p. Kutsays and H. A. Libefffool. 1)"Perido A ;tpNdvA a*d AMA' "4' to x.I. 19". Ms. 1 2. 4:1 4~ Its fiti,-ian, 45. I's FJ1811-11, 01 _TW A I ISO hull .*- I ..... 1 .4 Ote 'j- tfuln I'd eras w-,11 as Fe Isms emackics with the nuck a Isrealmic 0 avra TheprsmAty lee act rn 1xith CoLles j3 an clectionve Im-ttan taking pt.,,~ 06 91, within the complex of the ion -hy,fral rd shell 00 V 0 00 4100 040 FO 0 As* ILA SIVAItUMEAL 019441s,98 (L*sI1ftC.TC. ~4_ ~ 3: ,I'll- 11. 1 1- . -A : fDo 0 OF 0, all I u.11 A I 0 to to to 0 at Of a K a of a. .1 An a 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DADjj i . Ya; IONSAYA, B. F.; LIBFqZ011, Z. A. _13 Tnst of Fhysical Chemiotry i;-imi L. V. Pisamhevskiy, Acad. cof' Se-J. tl:v--actions in the S ~.rc.rums oC -.Iuctrcri AL.1nity oC *-. ons c)-' :ivaLurit and Iron." Zhur. Fiz. I~Iim., Vol. 17) 11,0. 1;,, 1~443 I ]II1111 ro 9 111PUllutt 11 U 0 11 te is AL 13 All f a A A . - a -ALJL, '- *vv1J OsWillis iiso r RI*Om-&ALW&=c:= of chromova kas. IL Va. 40VA100 P R S S $ r A I R . . . f . . . Oww && d = 191. 410 1-1110IM41; Cf. C.A. 38. -The kote-trawr t Mitilt of the %bissimckin food ol CrSO. is ot UX) A. Clusits"iti H, cown. do not Change the 9sectrums which Is W-ribecl tohytf.sted Cr** Ions ## ctm- Thi lift I i t t c s . s n a t erva AfThilly OPM-titime of t:db orhirm.dats. Theffirveilvedniniftmll- ft t y ; :~ Ultiraviolet light. Mrsawnd In a Inicit. , 0 0 l . j 00 Imf rt. Is Iscrtawd citly I A times by a 404oM lovirrtse lit W cown, Tlw &&lo. of Cr,180.)o in different avots. 00 oloc isof t the YkM of He. Le., Cr*** is not rc. ~ !r 0 I, ; this explains a girrister quantum yield ,,U, vL, tr 04 than that 4111falned (for Ve. The quantuill vilh-ifnev 6 61-PAI 0-41 InvaminA artiowntritistilly vsjoh %.,xAt III 'lit, pholollyttrolywo, of clutsco'll. 1hu. It I.On .~f 11"I TALHICIP11110 In like PM-I~A but like fle, must Devur IMMO the Mispitit ion-hydratitin Uy*, ith h f l I e Dn II t fwnsat a transition state fmiti hkh It J. lifirfaird 111frfily. latirt W A1106) j 1'4 AS* W L aOtt A LLVOGICAL _L'T -&IU&t CLAUJINCOSOM 46 ts U it 0 1 4 0 V 4 to - A.- -7 JL-L-& 10 41. caff-tt- i zoo got ago ti woo woo It, a 0 A 4 2 9 v 73 MI go 0066 0 00,600 0 0 0 a 0 6 a 4 00 00 00 *0 00 00 00A 00 00 00 .3 004) 00 00 as III. CC It A Psoctills AND pacpWill ~kolo Pb*Whemic&l reactions in electrolyte solutions It Ya, 1),iin. I qwkho Ehim. 13, 'At .70.1~ IWA. .101 'AD lit~r~t%arv 10,1~11- up 1'. Volt UTALk KAL LITIIIATW2 CtASSIFICATION meow -.--7- -77----~ b U S AV so as -0 at 'a i il i X- i 11 K 00*00*00*04,000orsooo000*6400000*000040 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 w * a v a x a it A; as a &o 00 -00 900 ZOO goo Soo SOO 1400 0 0 0 i'00 a a I w a., is I Aft A a pw 0 N a I it IN 9 a a 3 1 9 1 &4 d" 0 9 ro~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 a Naar data aa Weetranie transport bands In ele4ttralyte molutiou. W Yc PAIn Ak4J. Nakk S SA M , i Scr. Fts. 12, 313 As( 11.4-10 Al,--ci-oon ~ur%" vi, 14krit on wilns~ of Fr(ClO,)g arol CuiCI0.1, in 110), Ste(J", Ruoff and in loins collfg. va,641.1c: atilt& -of IICIC)4. 11sucfiacitlifie,14.wIlls,"frozen in a vacinno 21111 illuntinatled with ultraviolet lixibltr a m.11 dewrl.,jan,tit of 0 can be observed as well as torinAtinit 4 Fe * ' wnt4 from ultraviolet absorption by Fe * ' * kms, it i. shown that t1w Photochent. effect takes IjIAcc tin hydrated ions only The long-wave thr"huld (A the absorption 1-nd L, lhilte.] toward lorager wave Icngths in AIc. wAns. fit incrt,l,sing tool. wt. I'hckt(KhCnl. tCSt3 in AIV. %110W 2ji incremw in 11 anti Aldehydes in the uAvent uptin illumination. N.P. -4 6AY L V Pizatshavskil Mom of Pledion chernistiv It % " I #.,Ito I .~. 94, A h, ,, 17. ". IN I ., 1 .11% - I. 1 4 k . I rATT,1j 11. YJA. A. MR/Chemistry - Tung~,ak Reduction of Jun 48 Chemirstry - Molybdates, Reduction of *New Data on the Stziwture of Molirbdenm and Tung- sten Blue Derl7atiires,* Z. M. 7&ysberg, B. Ta. 1xin, Mast of Phys Chem immi L. V. Piaarzh8T8tiy, Acad Sol Tzrainian SSR, 5 3/4 PP wv=w obehoh xhie vo:L xvn7i(n=)., ito 6 Napares and Investigates absorpti-m spectra of molybUte an)L turgatate reduction products In preaence of p~Lospharous, sillcon, boron and arsenic salts. Compounds hu-Te various spectra aneL can be regiLraled as dariTatives of molybdenum &n& turigaten blue. Submitted 28 Jdn 1947. IM 9A9T9 01; 51 i ; i ; ;. ; g. '1W 'IF. ;4 i l 601 op IF W. ow.- re It 2 1 .J 1 1 JL4 It LC ff IN I & 00 o, It, t 00 -00 ,00 1 i .00 Pbotoothemkoll oxidides-tteductiloo reacdons In site. 0 of WOO porchlocator N' 8 ml l 00 s, n, Ani , Zkxr. Fil. Kho" Y; (Y' FV Th~m ) 22' (BA).&F 12KOU=r 0 000 At Fe(ClOd + 0131 IICIO A -00 - ~ . q. o , hAS An MI LjUft=tb 4 MAII. near 240 ma; the Ah. Ago = -"t:m te small Inten-Lity i at tYl m.. ::00 Iii1le 93% Ht0H Is eadiffUtuted for w ter. the max. re- fw ill b h l C* o 0o most tala ected u, t e limx ave port of the InAins a 41tertrutio 14 Whitt! toward fed to Mit the i 1. rr3rhM at ;:0* 4 X) Mo. Mme. of MO M Pr(Clodo + 0.15 J/ HC10. , 00 00 .,.,1 .1 01xv M 4(m), T 0.V9 If 1100, in 98,70 P. toll go had this ist 48DodmidSWitim. mp.. thepovitioncif the 000 max. rormaining - 71w mix. coo. lxx2ds to ;Z " Ago lod whIle the Ions-wave pun obwirption by 9~W of the band is due to prodws of Wvoly%ls at loydrooltrits. In this part. the lAmbelt-fleter law is not onilid. them d ( id l l i h h ts are use or e at Mu uc e Mec ng t anism 0(the photo- chew, reductim of Pe in The present* of Etoll. 469 J. Bikirrmin not &to its .(r.L("fK4t L'troars"Re CL.SSWICAF.00 CZ- lot , b It or - OF a 4 An L 4 a 14 to I? j to 6( 111111% plan llz~La 3 0 0 0 :10 0 too go 0 0 o 0 o o * 0 0 1o o 0,00 q 0 0 * 0 0 0 o 6660 4 o 0 0 YA. UM/Chemistry, Spectra, Absorption Ju 1 48 Chenistry Iron, Arric "Nature of the Ultraviolet Bands Adsorbing Tri- valent Iron Ions," B. Ya. Dain., A. A. Kaohan, Irst Phys Chem Imeal L. V. Pisarzherskly, Acad Sol USSR., 31 PP *Dok AkNauk SM" Vol LXI, No 3 Reports experiments Results confirm view that speotrum band of Fe3+ ions is an 'eleotron trans- fer speotrum." Submitted 24 Apr 48. PA 11/49T12 AYSBERG, Z.N.; DAIN, B.Ya. Chemical nature of the derivatives of molybdenum and tungsten blues. Dop.AN URSR no-5:33-38 149. (KLRA 9:9) 1.Institut finichnoi khtmit Imeni L.V.Piea--zhevalkogo AN URSR Viddil fotoldiimii.Predstaviv diyaniy chlen AN URSR O.I.Brodslkiy. (Pigments) ita 49 Ions Catalysic 0 "Baterogeneous Phenomena in the Photoreduction Proc- 1-4 ass of Ions in a Tatravalent Series," B. Is. DaAA, A. A.,Kachan, Inst of Physicoch-m imeni L. Vo~ Ploarihevskiy, Acal Sci UffiR, 3 ~14 pp UN "Dok kk Nauk SSM" Vol LMI. No I XxTerIT-ments citel nnh~c;w tlat in the photoreduction reaction of a per,lblorate in a tetraNelent seriesp Influenca of the valls of the container on the basic proceis is very great. and is of a clearly catalyt1r, in -54/42Z= USM/Paysica (Contd) Jul 49 nature. Aftereffect is not completely explained, but il connected with the obserwed catalytic effect. BMW ted by Acad A. N. Terenin 3 May 49. 54/49T102 dAwvv W-J. TONCERNINU THE NATURE OF THY. REACTION OF . CHI,OROPIIYLL WITH INORGANIC IONS. M. S. Ashkinazi. All T.S.GlIkman, and B. IYaJDAM(Dahj. fTranslate4by] L. V. PIsjrzhe,,, ill jPis4rjrvsby) from Miklady AkAd. Njuk 13, 743.6(12501. 8p. 0UCRI.-Trann-90) u6 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: re -Is; ftLajovs ](u~ S. ORG: Institute of Chemical Physics, AcaftMLqf_&jjna"WIn9titut khimichaskay fiziki A)mdemii nauk SSSR TITLE: Exchange effect in elastic scattering of p9larized identical nuclei SOURCE: Zhurnal ekoperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pielma v redaktalyu. Prilozheniye, v. 2. no. 6# 105p R66-269 TOPIC TAGS: elastic scatteringp proton polarization, Coulomb interaction ABSTRACT: In view or the increasing importance of experiments on the polarization of the products of direct nuclear reactions) for the purpose of explaining their con-* crete mechanism or determining the spectroscopic characteristics or the nuclei.4 the authors analyze theoretically the elastic scattering of Coulomb-interacting polarized identical particles. It in shown that when a crepletely polarized bea1i.-ft.scattered by a coinpletely polarized target interference takes place only when the polarizations of the beam and the target coincide. This is the quantum analog of a fact well known In opticop that there is no interference between two light rays -which are polarized in mutuaDy perpendicular planers. In the general case it follows from the analysis that the intensity of the oscillations of the exchange term depends essentially on the degree of polarization of the bean and of the target,, an illustrated In Fig. 1 for the case of particles with spin I n 1e This can serve as a basis for a new meth- od of detecting polarization of slow charged particles. Since the procedure for ob- taining polarized targets is being contitriously per- fected and there are now alre&V tventy different methods for accomplIshing this, the proposed method can find application in a lugs group of experimentsp including measurement of polarization of slow protons and of nuclei of light and medium elementsp vhich is of particular importance in connection with the ever increasing use of multiply-charged. ions in nuclear pbysies. Orig, aft, bast 1 figure and It forwalas. SC MM JM23: 2,qJU165/ 4X= Wt 002/ 18 Aa--Wjd- 40. 40. v - at. 41 4# 41 #t6 49 I a A A a a Fig. 1. Oscillation intens ty yse target polarization for particles with spin I 02H MW: 001 OWCS1 natuio-and sictietwo 0, 44'~iim of.., #J. A an d T M I f a ' MO 7: 4, W d;! J yg i i k - S. -5, A ~ 0 . Acd. . , NEY Xv. .16" 19 -4H[ly 707of a tued 1 iala-Sized Hille N Spec y idlWamolybdic; ifte 110twigstic" = 0, nod the --jillcotungstiti,w phosphomolylx ldIA/M t i i d h ih a d L 1 W t) o u uct$ t ere e. * u %d et on pro gVO , w4M 016tte The: various; blttci sli= oalva, Slight ,percen I Wt wid after tage of-thti c6nolumnul e,94, ore s - 11 1 ''Contalived -"reduction NU:W2 .6d 50 50 ic . - ip.. - and. 1.56 ~ V 2.33 j W4 2.40 Nay film(lar-to Otid - . ' . ral-k ' M Asi I Me spect curves a Ittlit ubwMtloA% -almost alwayx obeyUnzbert-'Gftr's la*), I " t, Is tioncluded Ouit tita'arI&W . ~ lm~dz. and the'bWes proditced therefrom huvt very Similar! - " blues 'structurm. Theiviore. It. Is pmposcd-, to vall the "ket"Poljr a"-pf Ow reduced-verl N, It-$ - WaR/Chemistry - ChlaropbyU 21 Sep 51 "Photochemical Properties of the Xron-Chlorophyll Complex," U. S. AsbIrinazi, B. Ya. Dain., Inst c,-F Phys Chem imeni Pisarzhevskiy, Acad Sci USSR "Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI' Vol L=, No 3, Pp 385-388 The iron-eblorophyll complex, prepd by chem means inboth the oxidized and the reduced form, gives absorption curves vith intensity peaks at 610 m=icrons for the oxidized and 645 millimicrons for the reduced form. Upon exposure of the oxi- dized forz to a 1,000 watt lamp, intensity peaks appeared at 64,0 - 650 millicrow after 4 bro of I PI ("I'] UM/Chanistry - Chlgghyll 21 Sep 51 (C td) exposure and at 610 vaillimicrons after 10 bra Of expoevre, Visible light is capable of redmir4g the oxidized iron-chlorophyll Complex &B NhOvn W other absorption = curves. The same effect Is prodiw9d, -ay light from a mercury qpftz I&M, OUIY =oh faster. Temp between 10 - 2r has no effect on photo reduction. -210231- Pi Photaichomistry at chlorophyll at liquid air temperatwe A A KAchan and 11, Va. ll.iin it. V. Pi,itylle-lid Phys -Cheto. Inst., Acatf.".1tri. Ilki, SIA k.. Kiei,) P,,klaJ v Altild S40A S S.S.R, 190. ), - Oll o.4ing floll' rmlin it) liquill-ally tellill . lilt abirptimi "~(I. ill th, till abilarption band of chlor-1,hyll Imi V Ill ill %oln. ill F1011 (0-046400111 9A) Inertlawl; prolringed irridwifon with vi%it)lr or with atair-ultravi,ilet liKht (high-1wrAlure fix I mil-I prMijivs on further chaolge,l if A-wi'liOn .II Ill a 1:3 mill. fit 1`1011 with F1,0 Ow same inerease of Abomption In the fell oil to itipli,i Artemp. In this mix ed sol vent, irrjtjiat ion %it 13 l1wr uIll.1 - vic)Irl ill liquid-air it-iort. produt " a dmrrt_ ,( the 3",tf. cion ill the red. ithich twrstitstm ~t.imlmjz ill th-Lak .( th. fiquid-air trinji.. bill t"PIvAl"i Oil "0111111K 1411 to U-111 tclilp. rhe chAnse taking p4tv lilt ulivi%vitrt utmli4timt it liquiol-Air temp. is attributed In dismien. isitti .1 j~. chitir- Phyll i,m will an electron. It ime aisum". uith Tcrenin. that list pos. ion splits off a prnfon. the %lability n( t1w ,iystent at liquid-air trinp. in the mixed I-.-tOI I + Ft 4 1 -ilvrol oppeirs to be dur to A fit.ou"i of the I-twoti I,v V40, ill I Ill- hrin of the ocrili'l... #,,,I I:t,l ll I *. Flu, pf'.1 dt" Rill tALC PIAM In "ll. it, CMil A.9tv I s,,j,!-jjgjl, (juAnIA are ot.tifficirnt to jw,vhi~ i-,%, .! -1. _1 gi,,e Title -nly W UnItAble elCittil tAtC, "IthIl 111,1V 1111CMCt with the "vent. N. Tlj,,,i 1. ASiMAZI9 M. S.; GLIKKAN, 0. S.; DAYN, B. YA.. 2. USSR (600) 4. Iron Salts 7. Nature of the interaction of chlorophvll with iron salts, Ukr. khim. shur., 17, no. 1. 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. DA-1-14, 13. )a. Chemical Abuts Vol. 48 No, 9 May 10j 1954 Biologi(IAI CherAstry Intqrgcfion of chlorophyll with Iron salts. 'At. S. Aqli- kinaziYT. S. Glikman. widl). Ya. Dain. Ukraie. Khim. Zhur. 18, 49-54(10.52): cf. C.A7.4"M-M.-Rcittration of the gre. viows staterneut that the rhanges in allAwpliki'll SVWC.- t'. chlorophyll on the arldn. of Fe "' or Ile* "are due to complex formation rather than ph-!- Daw-h zj DAM. B.Ya. Research of T.D.Grotthus in photochemistry and the theory of colors. Ukr.khim.zhur. 20 no.1:93-99 154. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimil im. L.V.Pisarzhevskogo Akademii nauk USSR. (Grotthus. Theodor D., 1785-1822) USSR/ Chemistry Physical chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 116 - 8/25 Id Authors a Kostryukova, E. P*j and Daunt B. Ya. Title I Photochemical reduction of thionine ~Periodieal I Mr. khimo zhur. 21/1s 48-53s 1955 Abstract The photochemical reduction of a thiazine type dye (thionine).possessing high light sensitivity in the. visible zone of the spectrum was investigated during its reaction with ethyl alcohol, thiourea and.glucose.. It was found that the photochemical reduetion reaction of the dye is unavoidably connected with the phototransfer of the hydrogen from the reducing agent to the molecule of the dye. The affect of-temperature on the reduction process is explained. Seven references 4 USSR (md 3 USA (19254951). Tables; graphs; drawing. Institution: Acad. of Sc., Ukr. SSR, The L.V.Pisarzhevskiy Institute of Phys. Chemistry Submitted February 'CO. 1954 6. USSR / Physical Chemistry. Molecules, Chemical Bond, ?, - 4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, Ito 8, 1957, 25753 AuthDr : M.S. Ashkinazi, I.P. Gerasimova, B.Ya. Dain. Inst : Academy of Sciences of USSR Title : Influence of Water on Absorption Spectru;-, and 11hotosensiti- vity of Iron Pheophorbide. Orir, Pub Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, 108, No 4, 655-658 Abstract The absorption spectra of oxidized pheophorbide a (I) in al- cohol, acetone, acetonitrile, chloroform (II), ~.,enzene and toluene in the range of 500 to 700 nya were photzgraphed. It was shown in accordance with earlier found regularities (RZhY,him, 1956, 25216) that the s jrctrum of carefully dehy- drated I is characterized with the ma-dmum absorption in ran- ge of 620 to 625 mu. After an addition of water (III), the spectrum changes sharply, the maximum at 620 to 625 mu di- sappears nearly completely and a band at 675 to 6~~O mu pears simultaneously. The described effect is displayed in Card 1/2 - 13 - USSR / Physical Chomi,-;try, Molecules. ChorUcal Bond, P-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1957, 26753 Abstract : various solvents to different degrees depending )n the misci- bility of the solvent with III. The authors ascr.~`.ie the mlh- sorption at 675 to 680 mu to associations consisti~ij oC TIl and I molecules; in the authors' opinion, the ~brm, ation of as- sociations of molecules of I connected with molecules of III is also possible. It is shown that the reduction of I (ap- pearance of absorption maximum at 650 mu; see above note) lm- der the action of visible light takes place considerably ea- sier in presen*6& of III, in which occasion the sr,~ctrun of oxidized I always appears after the inlet of air. ~'he pho- tosensitivity of I in presence of III proves, in the authors' opinion, the specific influence of III not only on the spec- tra, but also an the photo-chemical behavior of 1. Card 2A 14 - so AUTHORS: Butsko, S.S. and Dain, 9-Ya. lj()V/21-58-11-16/28 TITLE: Photochemical Reaction of a-Chlorophyll Oxidation by Ferric Chloride (Fotokhimicheskaya reaktsiya okisleniya khloro- filla a khlornym zhelezom) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1958, Nr 11, pp 1221-1224 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The irradiation with light of 400 to 570 m wavelength of acetone solutions of the mixtures of a-chlorophyll with FeC13, with an excess of the latter, leads to the formation of a red-colored photoproduct. This product is stable under vacuum conditions and preserves its characteristic spectrum for a long time. However, its contact with the air results in a sharp change of the spectrum. The spectrum of the final product is characteristic for ferric porphyrins (the position of peaks at 640; 580; 510 and 420 m ). The rate of photo- reaction decreases with an increase in ferric salt concen- tration. A dark after-effect of the light is observed in the reaction. This indicates the formation in the course of the photochemical reaction of stable products which act as catalyzers during the subsequent process in darkness, Card 1/2 The authors at;sume that the red photoproduct is a chlorophyll ilov/21-58-11-16/28 Photochemical Reaction of a-Chlorophyll Oxidation by Ferric Chloride semi-oxidized in the 7 8 position of the IV ring. There are 2 graphs and references, 2 of rhich are Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskiy khimii imeni L.V. Pisarzhevskogo AN UkrSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L~V. Pisar- zhevskiy of the AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED. By Member of the AS UkrSSR, A.I. Brodskiy SUBMITTED: June 13, 1958 Note: Russian title and Ruasian names of individuals and institu- tions appearing in this article have been used in the trans- literation. Card 2/2 BUTSKO, S.S.-,--nAT Spectrophotometric analysis of chlorophyll interactions with iron. Zhur.ob.khim. 28 no.9:2603-261i IS '58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Institut fizicheakoy khimil All USSR. (Chlorophyll) (Iron) 50) AUTHORS: Glikman, T. S., flodlinyayeva, 71. Ye., SOV/79-29-6-4/72 Dain, B. Ya. TITLE: Spectrophotometric Investigation of Reversible and Irrev- ersible Conversions of Sulfophthalocyanine of Iron (III) in Aqueous Solution (Spektrofotometricheskoye issledovaniye obratimykh i ncobratimykh provrashcheniy sullfoftalotaianina zheleza (III) v vodnom rastvore) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 6) PP 1785-1793 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The phthalocyanines belong to the small number of dyes which resemble, as to their structure, tha natural pigments of the porphyrin class. In that connection many scientists tried to use these compounds as model of these pigments (Ref 1) in order to investigate more thoroughly the compounds of this kind if they are not combined with proteins. In this regard the ircnphthalocyanines were of special interest; they are closely related with the hemina the part of which in the biological redox processes is well-known. The sulfonated derivatives of these dyes which are readily soluble in water Card 1/3 show a number of interesting peculiarities which are based Spectrophotometric Investigation of Re'versible and SOV/79-29-6-4/72 Irreversible Conversions of Sulfophthalocyanine of Iron (III) in Aqueous Solution on the fact, that they are capable of reversible and irreversible reactions in the dark and especially in the light. Since the solutions of the sulfonated derivatives of the iron-phthalocyanine are intensely colored the spectro- photometric method is most suitable for their investigation. In this paper the rosults of tYdn spectrophotometric investi- gation of aqueous solutions of these compounds, and of the conversions taking place in them are described. It was found that the aqueous solutions of the ferri-sulfo-phthalo- cyanine (III) represent systems in the state of a hydrolytic equilibrium. The hydroxide of the ferri-phthalocyanine (III) which is formed on hydrolysis is unstable and decomposes slowly and yields ferro-sulfophtbalocyanine (II) and the free hydroxyl. Exposure to li,,Iht accelerates this process. The formation of free radicals on standing of the solutions of ferri-3ulfo-phthalocyanine (III) rhich had been outgassed in the vacuum was confirmed by introduction of polymerization chains. The spontaneous decomposition of the hydroxide is Card 2/3 the cause of the behavior of the aqueous solutions Spectrophotometric Investigation of Reversible and SOV/79-29-6-4/72 Irreversible Conversions of Sulfophthalocyanine of Iron (III) in Aqueous Solution of sulfophthalocyanine of the trivalent iron and the cause of their slow decolorization in the air. There are 6 figures and 12 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Acadei.iy of Sciences,Ukrainakaya SSR) SUBMITTED: May 12, 1958 Card 3/3 DAM, B. 'Ia. (Prof.)(USSII) "Photochemistry of Me-complexes of Chlorophyll." report to be submitted for the Photosynthesis SYmPosium, 5th 11"U. Congress of Blochemisti-j, Moscow, 10-16 Aug 196.1. KRYUKOV, Aj.; *IN, B.Ya, Photochemical reduction of ferric chloride in aromatic hydrocarbons. Dok1.AN SSSR 138 no.1t153-135 Vq-Je 161. (KLRA 14:4) 1. Institut fizicheakay khimii im. L.V.Pisarzhevskogo AN USSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Tereninym. (Iron chloride) (Photochtmistry)