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CZARNECKAF-PAPLINSKA, Wanda; ADAMCM., Bogdan; WONIECHOWSKIp WIodzimierz. Experimental therapeutia colonies for stuttering children. Otolmvyng. pol. 17 no.4t485-486 163* 1,. Z Vojewodzkiej Poradni Foniatryoznej w Lublinie. CZARNECKI. Benedykt, agr inz.; KCSZANSYT, Vaclawo mgr. inz. The Ner River works like a source of golde Problemy 20 noslOt 624-625 164 BLASZKOWSKA, Zofia; CZAW.IECKI, Bohdan Characteristics and evaluation of strongly basic anion exchangers. III. Studies on the equilibria of ion exchange and the selectivity of ion exchangers. Przem chain 39 no.10:6a-624 0 ~160. 1. Zakled Fisykochemiezryp Instytut Chemii Ogolnej, Warazava m ell m CURNECK!, Bogdan, zgr inz. New technology of cams for injector piimps of the 6JRD76 angiiw. Biul tachn Cegielski 6 Special issues36-38 162. FPOLAND CZAPN,Y,,'CKI. Boh_dgn, First Surgical Clinic (I Klinika Chirur- gicznaT, AM [Akademia Medyczna, Medical Academy] in Lodz (Director: Prof. Dr. M. STEFANOWSKI). "Primary Sarcomn of the Stomach. Case Report." Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lekarski, Vol 18, No 12, 18 Mar 63, pp 437-439. Abstract: [Author's English summary] Author reports a case ;Tr-'=em~ale with severe blooding from the gastrointestinal tract, with partial resection of the stomach and histo- pathological examination rovealing-reticulosarcoma ventri- culi,,and raviows the literature on tho subjoct. Blooding from tho gastrointestinal traot is the most frequontly ob- served sign of sarcoma, especially in young people. Pro- gnosis in cases of sarcoma is better than in cases of can- cor.- Resection of the stomach-.and irradiation is ;the best therapy.-, The~'12 Cited rotereno ainalude six (6),:'each of Po lish - an& ourcos.- English s CZPW=XI,, Bohdan A case of prizaz7 retimlwaroma of the stomach. Fol. tyg. 2ek. 18 no.3.2:437-439 IS Mr 163. -I..Z I Kliniki Chirurgicanej AM v Lodzi; kierownik: prof. dr M, Stsfanowski. STOMACH NEOPLASNS) SARCOMA, RETICULUM C111) GASTRECTOW) i -CZARNECKI,,,- -q7..-,-.,mgr inz.; SOWINSKI, R., iogr inz.; WOZNIAK, M., mgr inz. Achievements of the Czestochowa Electric Power Works and activities of its factox7 branch of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers. Przeg1 techn 84 no.43:8 27 0 163. BES M-1 Nam. 1A ON to to 00 J 1 4 1 6 9 it 11 11 t) M Is ty 0 1; 1W a 3, 09-A 1 0 B 4 0 #Betz 90 000 Ar. O9.r *Oj tow 00 SA #000440060#9*000 UP1030461 043 As 0- VIA t DESIGN oynmm nL&WT COW FOR LWS. ~.,RZamec~i. PM081. Elaktrotso~&Oo 348-55 (Doc& 1949) In Polish. [-so A design basod only an theoretical considerations 13 complicated by too in=wrous 'ph"Ical variables, the influences of width cannot b* easily stparatk Effk4snoy and life of the filamt depend upon the tapperature wA type of at C the surrounding rodium, To Jesign a coil of given rating, effiaiener and set life, various formulas are used to estimate length and diemter of the wtrt~ also diarmter anoitch of the coil. Ihis estimate ona be then brought close 00* to the deAred result by application of numerlous graphs showing relation3hips betpen-pazameterr of the I&M. ftmpleb of such designs are quoteds J, Lukassevies. Net moo 0*0 tjoe Vo 0 CAL CK 4.V M U 0 a 0 0 IV 04 0 Is a 4P 0 0 0 0 *'0 0 Is 6 0 o o 1 0 ,a we e 0 *sees* o 0 0,0 0 a 0.4b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 46 106710, *Q lop ask misx* I Kkrss and 9 A Ich! A 1IWjj Appiwa Imalalval. 1. Mot In an intiaYtrmins dpw of 0.1 it./kii. ptoduces shock In dogs AIM- tat to anapbyla%is with fail to bkod prmwre. Tbecompitte exclu4m of the livtt Itoin The cheuillIft Prtmts dYe- lizi aced %bock. Mock will occur Immediately it the dye Is to reach The liver only through a constficted hepatic art"y. Apparently the liver is e4srudai for the dye &&xk.' 1111f #~ a Murce of hi4lat"lor of almitio Sulwancrt OIA"w'.0"I of AntIfte Od like prWattim "d p 0 km d T &bock reWnwil vritk 4yes. Ibid. W".-TU fall of blood jm~ In *dogs Injected intrawcom p with trypan blue is PMvented if 0.03 g. a' antistine Is given 1.8 min, beta" the only pAllially p"Ventt the fall In blood =%,m TMhlood rr dues not Ifninedlattly "tut" t when anti. =7's given after the injeolion of lryW blue but recovery -ontrols. is nevertheless quicker than In, Julian It. Lewis F) J~ Cbinje~ ~~c j: ii~ tio JI~od -10"i WWI' Lb Afx.~, All&v ims Ab)4~ Isn. ~m lattlyettons In-, l 2 Y no . , it-tion into doZs of 0.1 g,11y. d i!hht:r tryp4n blue W~ ' M Dro red th. mliows ;L~ inr~ed-f~ovr of sAva. ollAnit. In -.mmatimli. vixtuting. a lowtTbaz al the bla:>d. and othcr symptc= of slIocl:. -Tbe ip--yEhroWe t0i~ll rate i3,deargsiA. owgulation time b i.1- vr"sed, lb~L. blood viscLAly- is inm4tcd. hl-d Mr J~P. tIL, rm of smim dmr;:au.,* 4wing the At--I 10 m1n. ulta tbe illt"ut:Omn.-Ol tbt dvt3 VvIlile tho:;e chw)gcsam mostd V in 1.5 io. 3.hrs.-- -T~tdcts are ab~*iit- during.0tck.: "W~ ~vnakdt the It,- .-~Thcs lots, -dbyad F, e t of tbe h I& jectim Of dyu iN provoke, crEm cm n it 7~ " - - - - - - - - -- CZ&HMKI, B.;KIEWZ, J.,;HIETKIEWSKI, S. The influence of barium chloride on the pressure of arterial blood during Odye" shook, Acta physiol. Polon-3 SUPPI* 3* 178-179 1932- kCIML 24:3.) 1, Of the Institute of Physiology (Read-Prof. 7. CzarnecklO.&D.) of Poznan Medical Academy. 2. Oolor shook prodaosd by Injection of an alectro-negative dye. HERE&= CZARNECII, Idward ,tie-up p "eution of reactions following transfacion of haterogenic blood. Act& physiol. polon. 5 no.2:-031-232 1.954. 1. Z Zakladu Fisjologii Czlowiska Akedemii itedycznej w Poznaniu.' Kierownik: prof. dr 1.0sarnecId. (BLOW TROSPUSION. beterogenic blood, prey. of reactions of reactions in ardmals) Role of,.the Interooeptors In prevention of shock following trans- fusion of hoterogenio bloode.Aota physIol. polon. 5 no,4:381-382 19549 19 2 Zakladu Fisjologli A-1,Aeall Modyozuoj w Posnazdu. Kierownik: prof Ar IsOximockio (SHD&"' Gxp*r luentali off. of antihistaxintes on shock after transfusion of hoterogenio bl6od) (BLOOD SAMMION, haterogento blood causing shock in dogs, off. of anti- histaminIcs) (ANTMISTANINICS, effects, on expoi. shock after haterogento blood transfusion) CZARNMKI, R. 1-nhibiting effect of haterologous plasma on formation of shock 'following tranBALBiOn of heterologoua blood. Acta physiol. polon. 6 no.1:115 1955. (SHOCK, experimental, prod. by transfusion of haterologous blood, inhib. rule of haterologous plasma) (BIDOD TWSIUSION, heterologous blood causirg shock in anomals, ishib.) III I'll OWN, C.ZARMKI. E.; KIERSZ, J.; MIEMEWSEI, X. Passive dye shock. Acta physiol, polon- 7 no-2:123-129 1956. 1. ZakIM YliJologii A.M. w. Posnaniu Kierownik Zakladu: prof. dr. Z. Ciarnecki. (DYICS, effects. ' exper. shock in animals (Pol)) (SHDCK, experimental, dye shock in animals (PQ%V CZARNECKI X.; JEIWTKMIGZ Z. Hypothermia and experimental shook, Act& physiol. polon. 8 no.3: 304-307 1937- 1. Z Zaklada Fisjologii A. M. v Poznaniu. lierownik: prof. dr P. Czarnecki. (SHOCK, experimental, eff. of brpothermia (Poi)) (HYPOTMM91k, effects, on exper. shook (Pol)) PhYsiblogical mechanisms of shock. Acts PhYsiolo P010u; 9 UO-Ultl-65 1958 1. Z Zeklndu lisjologii A*M:o w Posuaniu; lierownik: prof*' dr S. Czerneakil'b (SMOK. physiolog7-* review (Poi)) CZAMSOXI, B.; KIMSZ, J. 3iffeat of exclusion of Simmond's apparatus ou the course of dve ahock. Acta physiol. polon. 10 PO-31289-296 May-June 39. 1. 2 Zakladu Fixiologil A. M. w Poananju Kierownik: Drof. dr B. Czarnecki. (H31PATIC; VEINS, pbvrjiol.) (SHOOKO exper.) CZARNECKI, E.; KIERSZ, J, Effect of excision of the thyroid and paratbyroid glands on the cowse of exnerlmettl obock. Acta pbysiol.polon. 11 n0-5/6: 6?,?,-6e4 16o. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjologii A.M. w Poznaniu, Kierownik: prof.dr E.Czarnecki RMLOID GLAND -ohyBiol) (PARATHYROID GLA14D physiol) (SHOOK exoer) A C C 1E S S I O'N NRt AP4043264 P/0056/64/015/003/0335034~1 Ya, 'AUTHOR i rd,,i( Charipetski 6~ Ve J4 Mrseq Jan (Kerahq "to Krawc t (Kravabak, Tu') (Docant, 1:Q r zak.,. ,~TITLEs Effect -of exclusion of the iplanchnic nerves on, experimental shock in hypothermic states SOURCE r Acts physiologica polonica, v. 15 0 no# 3.0 1964, 335-343, TOP' ypother~. chnic ne IC TAGS: h mia' shock, dinitrophenolg dogs splan rva' ABSTRACTt In a state 'of hypothermia induced with dinitraphenot in ',dogs, sheck eliciting substances..(paptonep electronegative dyes, iscrum of sensitized animals) fail t o produce symptoms of shocks Fo 1-6 mid does not pro-~' lowing transectLan of the splanchnic nerves$ hypotber tect animal$ from shock7after the' administration of shock-eliciting isubstancess- Under' these condit~ions$' lethal shock usually ensues as Ahe res-alt of a complete drop,in blood pressures-These observations Indicate Ahat the body is primar,11y, protected, from shock by tbe.,s"- pathetic nervous system4. Exclusion of '-the 'splanchnic ne0esp whiih !act on the adrenal Vlandsp~diqinilehed,.the secretion c&catechol mines lwhLch ~ play sit Important hormonal,, role., in.: the maintenance of hom:09 test& 0 ige art* haet, 1 figuires"'.." 7=7 CZARNECKI Hs!17k On the problem of the etiology of exerta. Folaki tygod. 19k. 16, 3#.8:312-316 20 F 161. 1. Z Kliaiki Otelaryngologicuej A.M. v Warasawie; kiorwaik: pref. dr mod. J. Szymnskl. WINITIS ATROPHIC stiol) GZARIIECKI Henryk Tumor of the tonguo in pregnancy. Otolar polsks 15 no.3.*383-386 161. 1. 7A Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej AM v Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr mad. J. Szymarski. (TONGUE neopl) (PREGNANCY compl) CZAMCKI, Henryk; SIA)TWINSKA, Ludmila Therapeutic management of ozeiia in the Otolaryngological Clinic of thfi Academy of Medicine in Warssaw. Otolari polska 16 no.2:3$7-392 1. Kierownik-. prof. dr mod. J. Szymsnaki. (RHINITIS ATROPHIC ther) KAGZUPJ3A-, Adam; CZARIIECKI, He=ylc Radiological examination of the larynx with the uso of a contrast medium. Pol. przegl. radiol. 26 no.4.-303-310 162. 1. Z. Oddzialu, Lar3mgologioznogo i z Zakladu,Radiologii Lekarslrioj Szpitala Kliniomego WAII. (LARYNX) (CONTRAST MEIDIA) IMPFM73~5-01 JAS3NSKI.* Zdzislaw; KRILIX011SKI, Witold# inz. j CZARNECKI. Renryk, MACKBWICZ fAeor,..~mgr. inz,,-.RAKOWICZ., Zypmt expor- Ampo r Voliah i4s. discuss. Przegl teebri no*23/24:6 .17. Je 62 Dyrektor bahdItW. CentreLIi--H&rxUu Zagranicznego Kinex Varmwa, (for -Tasinski)!, 2o Dyrektc- rinteIny Polijuext Warszawa tfor Kviatkowski). 3. Namelml d7raktor TEZ Elektrim,, Warrmava, (for Czarnecki)- 4. Dyrektor Przedaiebioietwa Hand-lu Zagranic=ego CEKOP9, Warazavas (for Mackiewicz). 5. Dryketor naczelny Metalexportp iWarazawa (for Rakovicz). 214 378-62 Czarnecki J, En;i Oraing fteasering Wools Ilbe KOM. ~Wj"Zo!'096t SZkOly InoUterskle H.O.T.". Pmell4d Technic2ny. PP. The 1"k of the "Waft OftlawftcochooU In.,ft tmirtiall in their rArrow sWWltles of fully quW11led speel&ILOA from mnons techniclans of different ETILdel. Its" a few years of practice Ln their profewton Such training cent;vs, Wmad over the, larger rk- ties of Poland Include all tho technical wlences, gruuped in six -11- vislons, 11 mechanical. M enjbwrtrig, M nAning. 4inirtAflurgy. So Civil and marine engineeriM and 6) textile. The constitution of the Whools. The ReMrs' competenclem. The professorial body. Organua- . lion of studies, Privileges and dutin of students, lApp- ft ;L P~rdac,Aftl descnb!~d P/046/60/005/03/05/006 AUTHOWi Czarnecki !Lkpiez, Antoni TITLEs Low-Threshold Pules-Height Discriminator PERIODICALt Nukleonika, 1960, Vol. 51 No 3t PP 157 160 TEXT: The authors describe the simple circuit of a highly sensitive pulse-height discriminator intended for use in simple spectrum analyzers required in the identifloation 'and differentiation of radioisotopes ? Fig-, -ure I shows the,eircuit--aiagram of the externally excited relaxation sys- tem-with two resistance-oNpAcitance,couplings. The.circuit uses one duo- -triode and one pentode.- Provided that grid' and plate voltages are stabi- lized within 2% and the heating voltage within 10%, the discriminator op- erates within a threshold range of 50-19500 mv. Minimum threshold-height depends on the stability of feed voltages, while the maximum is determined by the length of the linear section of the input triode characteristics. The discriminator operat6s on negative pulses, the resolving time is 10 microseconds. A photomultiplier may be d4rectly attached to the output of a pulse-height analyzer using this discriminator circuit. Pertinent tests Card 1/2 Low-Threshold Pulse-Height Discriminator PI/046/60/005/03/05/006 performed at Katedra Radiologii WAT (Chair of Radiology WAT) gave satis- factory results. There are 2 diagrams. ASSOCIATIONSt Wojsko,,Ya Akademia Techniczna (Technical Military Acade Katedra Radiologii (Chair of Radiology 7 SUBMITTED: June 1959 Z Card 2/2 P/046/60/005/031106/006 AUTHOR: Czarnecki. Jerz TITLEt Three-Level Monitor of Ionizing Radiation. PERIODICAL: Nukleonikag 1960,.Vol-5, No-3, pp 161 164 TEXTs The author describes a simple ionizing radiation monitor, which uses one triode and three neon lamps. The circuit diagram is shown in Figure 1. The circuit uses automatically surging negative feedback in the cathode of the tube. Depending on the count rate of a Geiger tube maintaining a lower or higher bias on the control grid, the system lights up one, two or three neon lamps,respectivelyby aeans of three relays, and thus ensures a thr6e-level indication of radiation intensity. There are 2 diagrams. ASSOCIATIONS: Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna fTechnical Military Academy), Katedra Radiologii (Chair of Radiology) SUBMITTEDs October 1959 Card 1/1 BRZOZOWSKAp Halina; SZEWOZYKOWSKA# Miroslawa 2 cases of abdominal epilepsy. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.2:60--62 8 A '62. 1. Z Oddzialu Dzieciecego C-3ntrainego Szpitala Klinioznego 149W w Warazawie; kierownik Oddssialu: prof. dr med. Tadousz Chrapowicki. (EPILEPSY case reports) (ABDOMEN dis) 8/081/62/600/024/026/052 B117/BI86 AUTHORS., Czarnecki Jerzv... Kwasnik, Jerzy, Lewinskij Tadeusz, Puna ZeF, iiio;r , Piotr, Pyrko, Romuald TITLE: Method for the production of nitrocellulose adhesives PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 24,(11);.1962- 802, abstract 24P559 (Zakkady Chemiozne "Pronit". 11011sh'pat. 44675, May 17, 1961) TEXT: Nitrocellulose (1).(nitrogen content 10-5 11 dehydrated with ethyl alcohol (1i), concentnation 80 - 90 %, or aqueous nitrocellulose containing N30 % water, are used for producing adhesives. When using aqueous nitrocellulose, substances are added to the adhesive which either react with water or bind the adhesive in theform of crystal water (1TgSO Na or The total amount or part of can 4' 2SOV CaS04 be replaced by waste celluloid. The latter is first decomposed by boiling in water with pyridine or in pure water at 1400C under pressure. 94't ethyl alcohol (II) containing benzene, toluene, and small amounts of ether, ketones, or high-'boiling alcohols is used as a solvent for W. Card 1/2. Method for the production of S/081/62/000/024/026/052 B117/B186 The total amount of solvent is less than 30 OA - I ~J, of some CZATI-IFUl, Jerzy Parmeters of vidiation gauges. Geogr obz 8 no. 3/4:85-97 '61- ~AccEssioN xR,. Ap4o26371 n2/OU4 P/00-34/64/000/603/0 AUMOR: zarneold, Jerzy (Churnetskil 9.) (Doctor or engineering); Denuot 81mmir (motor Stniouw (Kovalik 0, ) (Moter eng!Ldeer) TITLE: Type NDR-1 electronic pipe length measuring instrument-' ;SOURCE: Pomiary, automatyka, kontrola, ~0- 3, 1964, 112-114 ~TOPIC TAGS: MDR-1 meter, MDR-~l electronic measuring instrument, pipe length measur- i i instrument., pipe length meter, pipe measuring meter ABSTRACT: Measurement of pipe section lengths is an important problem in all'tube mills as well as in various pipe warehouses. Pipe pro4uction is real ed e4 .ther in ;series of sections with ap identical length or in series of bections tth varying llengthe. In the first case,-the length for a givdn series is measured by calculating ;the number of sections and multiplying this result by the length at one section. In 'athe second case, each section length has to be measured separately and the results !then hare to be totalledi Both methods are primitive, time-consuming and inaccurate. The'NDR-1 electronic pipe lenkth meter) automatically measuriug the pipe li~ngth, is !designed to replace the two above-mentioned methods., 'The kMR-1 device measures ithe length of each section with an error not exceeding 1 cm, automatically totals GaM 1/2 AcassioN NR: Ap4o26371 'the length of the sequentially measure-! pipe-sections, and totals the numbersof pieces of the measured pipe sections. The device has the following-measuring range: .(1) combined length of sections in the series - 100 km = 167 cm; (2) number of pipe :sections in a series - 10,000 pieces. The MDR-1 has the following advantages in ::comparison'to the previous methods: (l)-small error of moasurement; (2) elimina- .tion of subjective reading error; (3) automatic recording of measurement result In wscale-ofl-ten sys&em; (4) large capacity; (5) combining of the length measuring and :weighing cycles; (6) deduction of.labor by 66%. Article gives a detailed dencrip- :tion and operation. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. W1,80CIATION: none SUBMr=: 00 DAM ACQ: 15kpr,64 ENCL: 00 ;SUB CODE: IS ~NO RUP SM. 000 000 4 A Card 77, CZAMECKI., Jozef., inz.chlod. Automation of cooling installations in desgin and use. Przegl techn no*46:10, 12 18 N 162. 1. Sekcja Chlodnicza, Gdansk. Vtv'7.- FS TAT, 1 POLAND CZA!tN;CCKI, Jyzef an(I '-',VRDA, Varian; Tnird Clinic of InLernal 1-~owactrznvch), F.Lkade;.iia No- dvczna, Medical Acadcmyj L[I !Cri4kow (Director. Prof. Dr. w0d. J. i~LZXSANDIIOWICZ) "Treatment of' Acuto 111ancreatitis." 1,'arsaw-Krakow, Prze!~lad Lekarski,'Vol 19, Sol' 11, 1:10 7, -;'l Jul 63, pi-) 313'-'-'~15 'Authors' Eni, Rio authors, discu.-IS Abstract: f _,Iish summary] conservative methods of treating acute paneroatitis, with special attLention to, the role and significanco of trasylol, an inactivator of the pancreatic enzymes. There are 31 re- rerences: 17 Polish,.12 Gennan, and 7 Wastern. CZABNECKIj__qAMPI,_NIEZABITOWSKI, Aloksander M10 M ~CZMCKI. Jozef-, GURDA, Marian Treatment of acute Wareatitis, Przegl lek 19 uo.71313-315 163. 1, ill Clinic of Internal Diseasest School of Medicine, Krakow. Heads Prof. dr mod. J. Alskoandrovicz. CZM'ECK!, Jozef; NIZZABITOWSKI, Aleksander lau],,emic infiltrations in the central nervouq system. Acts. med. Pol.. 5 no.4453-462 1&1~ 1. IIbd Clinic of Intemal MedicIne, 1~~dical Academy, Cracow (Di--itort Prof. dre J. Aleksandrovica); Department of Pathologic Aaatomy) Medical Academy,, Craoov (Directore Prof. dr. J. Kowalezykowa). BLICHARSKI., Julian; CURNMIp Jozef. A case of anemia due to pyridoxine defioimoy with the clinical course of the sideropenic syndrome. Pol. 4.yg. lek. 19 no.23t 877-878 1 Je 164 11 a III llainikti, Chorob Vewnetrzn7ch Alcademii Medyczraj v Krakowie; kierownikt prof. dr. J. XLeksandrow-ics, CZAILNECKI,, Tozef; VIESILUCHA, Piotr Anuria as a complication of chronic granulocytic leukemia. Wiad. lak. 18 no.17:1423-1424 1 S 165. 1. z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych AM w Krakowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Aleksandrowiez). CZARMCKI, JULIUSZ. Checizv i bkolice; monografia turystyczno-krajoznawoza. Warszawa, Sport i Turystyka, 1934. 95 p. (ChecirW and vicinity; a tourist monograph inu s ma"' bibl. ird ex Esi:kt Europeans Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 1. Jan. 1936 -ML CZ'7t'7,,r.1',' J.; 1111v~,nuff'LctuririE i"a-t-ices b- St-111ping" 177 yr, T! a ~ ~ .. - .! 1, Vol. 27, 1.-0. 5, Mey 1954, Warsza,~.fa, --,olcnO) -t of Ea~u 0 M nthly Li DuroT can -Accessions, Lc, Vol. 4, r0. MaY 1955, Uncl. -.77 IM9011W OD' E"t 91 31161- - ----------- t, "tutie-'~ I CYPTIM IM 7 ( Wjj4 p.AM~. vmt,41ali, C. 91"ts a WS'o OTIMI.I. -- - I Y z7 pu 0*000 0600 0 geese 0 69440 WA.,40*64"OWN-419 60 *eso sees 6606 3 6 1 0 It 0 11 1) U m 0 10 V 0 )p a it a A A 4.0,1300, A is 11 V 1i jo b is V Is if Apit w At w A)."D K. fl F- I POKIM4, stu'p.bMs it tND1 00 00., the Niih:NatO Vatio rwww 1",&U-1 tMu 3. Rcoommic CONA&MtkAut my m*V It ativueW to uw a hisber 810,cNiW) ratio bmftw the caft"ir is r1w"SITC In sit as, with ON4, walcy Stem it" 0 1*00 higher than 3 Vuls to Wdrulyme; so may 0 0 so orp, voi to Ow surfam o1 the Usurstow wit6mv, entestom Its int"kir, In cm up *&site Zee slam with a hisbef ratio It 6 wirU to perform opr44 txl)t% The cw-.Wt P" im 4041o J u,miter Slam Is not Ows" the Mme- it dtt*n& an the anmnt wbkb ma be ab- 400 we". r, I.. I cu. iy. crusirtif lboestam with a pontmity ol 10% &W 0.3 cu m, 6=9 Zoe rctlubW 615 kS. 35 IM. watrr Slam One cu. us. crusW lirmtom obvuM be wd 60,, withO.3%finm Smh ImMetim Its poil for mmbmkO n-axwo and dmo not .7 =*41 too muck Water slam - InuchWw 1111,11% to SOM01014 will. of limmitow in" with as* .4 water Slam is low w0 for rearm the mob fines during the I I of sw. "o'n V~` b Ve th" I in ~~h- C~ I , "W . J~ -LIT it I. IWI"atm t 4 ~7~ ~ ~C-m A ;'I ~'Iwk tj Jbi 4 W;6 cri'll me arm wit Wevel 11"Wil 1,114 44 All It so* 00 * 0 a It Ae 0 0 * 0 o : : a : 1 :10 0 goes V 0 1 6 4 *so 0 0 * of 0 0000 so 0 0 0 41 0 a 0 41 0 41 0 41 Aj 0 0 41.0 a 9 0 0 4 40 0 41 0 0 0 0 41 oi~ is a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0~0 M11 n"k 4v m m 13 30 A 34 a 300300*44 idea'S GLO-4 h 1-)L-.i-L -W.;A-o ~!~~fsft pamt1ito &W Egli#$ Arlis as as r aunt 2w. millim to" mid immovapai4d by X11 mahc Hipts. wm perforawd an \Emm"A pm of ram. apin. and centrifujil;jr r1u. n2 1=44b"MP In StebrAk. This S )Dob ProrfilMns frm Ne6steo fmin te X t Win prAnt td view. A bwW mvey of the clepcidtit of Me In LAttk Potbod is ~ =F so given. .1. C, TACHum. so bee 00 0, 6 zoo 400 0-0 Zee to 010 sea we 0 ze 0 IL WALLOWA LOAFROLOW Ct"UO'bCATIO -14W "NOW "1444 Nit CP-* a 241 al ;74 fit I 42i on, A 14 u 11 u -Am -LS -N- 04 0 0 41 a 44 4 3 1 it 0 Ct A Et a * 99 it 9 it 91 is it ON KA ft 1.94 Ok ,S w0 0 94 4p o 0 to *,* 0 * a e 0 0 o a 0 oe**91000001110644 of*, Goe *00 **fie* e 0 09000* i-4K A-- i~f t Czarnecki K. Czarnecki K. "Notes on the Subiect of the Work of the Centre for Scientific and Technical Documentation.' (Uwagi na temat pracy Osrodka Dok-lmentac.ii Neukowo-Techn' cznoj). Yaterialy Budowlan 8. 1 No 2-3, 1950, pp. 6 -7 The problem of scientifIc and technical documentation: the collection and preparation of docunertary matter and rendering it available for use, supplying information on the subject of various scientific and technical matters, facilitating the acquisition of professional pulblicati-Ons. The assembling of documentation (periodicals, books, industrial literature, etc.). Bibilographic review and bibligraphy on individual subjects as a means of providing information to Interested parties. Directives as to the working, method of the centre for scientific and technical documtrtation. The centre for scientific and technical docum~-.ntations of the cement indu-stry; organization, status and opp'ortunities for developement of the centre. Illustration of the problem of documentation with due consideration to the novel forms of organization and the opportunities for the develo~pment of centres for scientific and technical doctimantation. SO: Polish Technic,-,,- 4bstracts No. 2, 1951 ,we( i, il U 4 orzHuic Ac 0 :. of Somo wit Am *Wnetric dot I E he v llid I e. in ugL & rvin t a g Met" p Tir. POUL: (COOH it and chtic iicids'(Mkt wid Staith. bed A ssnb~th hd~ua Pt *kcl 5 lasw~ in 414M. (ludicatcir) and ~Cwrg rm . . --e 'V6std.,,Tvdtt'-m- lie lec Wax,,* a4di -;t1traft w ith !Itlrrjht Atto OT P4~- Min (COONli)i dWOM C11 ( pd WNAX'OAMP I , - - pate wit hie Y h'ACOONAN as Th tuwd Th ~&t~f- wia ACSW 44 6D. XOD C41i di -0 w 0 or ets. a tor 30 min. Ut. fift~blt t2fixia an4 leave 3T A - (-CZkRNECKI, Kasimiers Catalytic determination of micogram amounts of copper by amperometric maasurements, Chem anal 5"no.3:377-382 .160. (Em 10:8) 1. Zaklad Chemii Reorganiesnej Uniweroytetu, Ioodz. (Catalysis) (Copper) (Conductometrie analysis) Cata3,vtic determination of microgram amounts of iodide by applying anpereastry. Chem anal 5 no.6:875-880 160. (SKAI 100) 1. Department of Inorganic Chemistr5r, University,. Lodz. (Iodide) (Catalysis) (Conductometrie analycie) POLAND RIMAL3"a k4ugunlu3s; 101-MOMM's Xazimlers; PlHTAuc!%# ll~ryatym D6partm-ont Of InOMania 0!=13tryi University of Lodz (yAaad GDvall Hje0rSaaojjrA9j Uniiwsytotup Lodz) uh n&I juko No 5, 1963* i3p 71~-17le -11SAA V IWO "Catraytia glorodetermination of FA:.Troua Iona Z.'m Ar-narometrit Maasuramnta"* MICHAISXI,, Dageniusm.; CZMIBCKI,, Kamimiers; PIETRUCHIL, "tyna. Catalytic microdatermJmation of ferrous ioxis based on an- peroi~etric meaeurementag Chem anal 8 no.5t7l3-717 163. 1. Dapartment of Inorgania Chemistry, Universityp Lodso /VL ExcmnA 1941m) sect.6 Vaao/32 1t.,,.1 Wicine D136 1217. CZAMKM_j~. L Klin. Chor. W=. AM, Gdallsk. *Bjkdanla pordwnawcz,-. - - niU-%iArtodcfq prdby na syntvae hi Purowego I obctozenia alkoholem iF~ schorzenlach w9troby. - Donlesienta tymczasowe w odniestentu do nagmtmego zapalentawgtroby. Comparative studies on the value of tests on hippuric,acid synthesis and alcohol tolerance in hepatic diseases. From the I Medical Clinic of,the Medical Academy in Gdansk POL. ARCH. MED. WVVVNJ~T. 1955, 25/3a (573-576) Tables 1,., The alcohol teat by the method 4 Staub-Baur and the hippuric acid synthesis test of Quick were carried out orally and Lv. In 10 healthy individuals and in 12 patients -with hepatitis epidemica. It was demonstrated that: (1) the alcohol test has a much greater sensitivity. being positive even in benign cases with a negative hippuric acid test (2 cases) and (2) in the phase of Improvement of the clinical picture the deficiency of alcohol combustion lasts longer than the changes in the synthesis of hippuric acid. In hepatitia epidernica, disturbances in the process of alcohol com- bustion start earlier and last longer than disturbances in the synthesis of hippuric acid. Quick's test is more in harmony with the clinical course. as it signalizes the regenerative tendencies of the hepatic parenchyma earlier. As the alcohol test is more sensitive. actual anatomical and functional state of the liver is show better. without omtssion of any existing lesion, taking this into consideration the alcohol test is.superior inthe follow-up of late results of hepatitis epidemica. Czarnecki - Kamlennag~_ - ERPTA MEDICA $00 17 Vol 3/4 Pubho Health Apr 59 1105, A FOCUS oF PARATY111101D A IN UPPER SILESIA - Ognisko duru riekoinego A na Urnym 81qsku Lachuwicz W and S pet t J . elin. Chordb Zakainych St. A.WC_,__Rytom. , Zakl. MIkro- biol. SI. A. M---,u~k!tnice PIMEM. EVIDEM. IM. 11/3 (231-239) ~F Tables 5 Forty-s~x cases 0 *.rt~tylilioid amon students are described. The Infection was w a ~j 9 .'r-ty mosi probably incurred In the fstudents' canteen. The clinical course of 1he cases s i-'tleg is described and Me-results of laboratory investigations given. Five severe cases i" a e 6 were observed, oP which one died.. 30 moderately severe, and 11 slight. Thirty- w e re five patients were treated with chloramphenicol from the onset of illness, while in n v ri e p 2 treatment was begun later. The long period of bacteriaernia was characteristic;, 2 it lasted even up to 3 weeks after the temperature had fallen. In some of the pa- tients it was possible to Isolate the bacillus of paratyphoid A. The number of tints positive seedings from the faeces was very small, probably in connection with the the t'-eat~ % treatment. The Eerum of all the patients (except one) agglutinated the typhoid bacillus in solutions of 1:50 or higher, while the agglutination of the paratyphoid b 'II c bacillus with suoh a titre was ascertained only with the serum of 14 patients. (XVII. 50) GZARIUMI, Lech Mauriacts syn&ome. Polaki tygod. Isk. 14 no.20t.909-912 18 )b,* 59. W& Powiatowego w Kamienuej Gorse; 2, (Z Oddx. Chorob Wwn. Gxpit dyrektor i ordynator; lek. mod. loch Oxarneeki). (DIAMM HBLLITUIS, in inf. & child Mauriao's synd.. in 10-year old girl (Pol)) CZAMIROKI, Lech; SUNLOWSKI, Jan Contribution to the problem of the relationship betvaen chloromycetin therapy and recurrent appearances of typhoid and attempted therapy with other antibiotics. Polski.tygod. lek. 14 no.42:1880-1883 19 Oct 59. 1. (Z Kliniki Chorob Zakazrjych 31. A. M. w Bytomiu; kierownik: doo. dr mod. K. Szymanski) (TYPHOID, ther.) (MUMMMICOL, ther.) (ANTIBIOTICS, ther.) CZARNECKI, Loch; FOJT, Bugentues Unusual case of typhoid fevers Polski tygodelske 15 no,26:1001-1004 27 Jo 16o. 1. Z 111niki Chorob Zakaznych Sle Ake Yed, w Bytomiu; kierownik: doe. dr med. Karol Ssymonski 1 117 Kliniki Chorob Vownstrznych Sle Ake Ned. w Bytomiu-, kisrownik: prof. dr mod. Kernel Gibinski (TYPHOID case reporteN A SURNAkE., Given Names CD couhtry: -Poland Academic Degreest ZnTot givea7 -iou Dise c (Minika, Chorob Zakaznych) Infecti 5 as Silesian Affiliationrac-Ho--oT-oY.--Y,-edicine (Sl. 'A* 11. 1 Slaska, Ahademia. Medycina) Bytom; Diri~-,-ctor; K. 6S ZY1,1101T S-KI IDocenti Dr. med. Source: Warsaw 2 PrzeRl d'-T~c-R-a~-n-jkT, Vol XVII., Ser III No P 307-308. 8 1361) p Datai"Case of Haemorrhagic Duodenal Ulcer in the Course of Epidemic Meningitis in a roidr-year Old Child," Z M-.c h 7C111 Ycl ~.rej LF-C na R CZARNECKI, Loch; GRANICKI, Olgierd; GSUCH, Rozaliaj SZCZYGLOWSKI, Jan The problem of viral hepatittis it pregunt. women. Prezegl. epidem., 26 no.2.#1996205 162. 1. Z KlinJX Chorob,Zakaznych AM w Bytomiu Kierownik: prof. dr K. Szymonski i z II Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chlorob Kobiecych AM v Bytomiu Kiero~mik: prof. dr B. Stepowski. (PREGNANCY compl) (HEPATITIS INFECTIOUS in pregn) Z~24 ROMA 0 C. AL. A F I S. ) V4 ~~ ~ LOW4 y k