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VIA, C-1, 4-j 9U-,Z1A;,2 (ir, ca~w3; Given Names Countr-j: Yugoslavia Acad--mic Degrcea-lnot given/ Affili,~tion: sourez: Bolgrade, Vaterinarski glasnik, X6 4, 1961, pp, 267-27Q D3~ta: 10omp=ative Examinations of the Usefulness of Saturated Solution. of NaClP MgS04# ZW904P and X2003 for the Flotation of Coccidia Oonysts and of Eggs of Somo Types of Helminthes.8 Authorat ,,OVETKOVIO. Lj., Institute fo- lnvasioA-Dj~qasss of the Faculty of ii Invazione V-olesti Vatorinarskog fakultata), Belgrade. BLAZEKOVIO, T., Veterinary Canter (Vaterimrski zavod), Novi Sad. 0 v 11ames in CCYO Cowitry: Yugoslavi.L .Academic Df-,~,Yreeo: [riot giveny Affiliation: Institute for Inn! ~_n~-qases of the- Faculty of -fe-terimry Medicine 1, -IfAt~t za-invazione bolesti )ft=v= VGterinarskog faktAlteta) Belgrade Sources Belgrade, Vaterinarski x1asnik, No 5, 1961, PP 373-375. Data; "Contribution to the Understanding of. Harmful Effect of Gaotroonteric Parasites on the Growth of Fattening Lambs.$ Authores qIRMI-01 S. CM-1KOVIC, Lj. 'M MEN 01*1~-'-"' 2 R. IN .14 717 liloo CVETKOVIC, 14. Some remarks concerning basic factors in4lie technological processing and the method of preparing bacon and ham, p. 669 TEMKA (Savez inzenjera i tehnicara Jugoslavije) Beograd, Yugoslatia Vol. 14, no. 4, Apr 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions EEAI LCO Vol. 8. no. 6, June 1959 Uncla. CVETKOVICt N. MEMOVIC, M.- The equipment for thermotechnical measurement and automatic regulation in the Kakanj Thermoelectric Plant. p.591 vol. 9., no. n/12s, Nov./Ded. 1956 EMTROPRIVERM TEMNOLOGY Beograd Sot East European Accessions, Vol. 6. no-3. March 1957 C%J,L*"T(~I.,-A,c, ~,!. u Flaskinr, the r-Adio sorvica. p. 63. (,'(jj,7i!'I GI-Z"NA, Vol- F.',, no. (1, J Arm 195ii, .Ieof-rad, YuCeslavia) SO: Monthly list of Xast European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. L, nal. jan. 1-955, Uncl. De~,eminln-! the shape and size of induced surges in Iranmis--ion lines. P. 184. ELEIOTI~ICTHITUIA. (ZjajecIni~~a ju-osh-vendka elektroprivrede) Vol. 9~ no. b, kug. 1956. SOURCE: East European Accession5 List, Lib-i-ary of ConL~;rus.-, Val. ~, no..12, Dccember 1956 CVETKovlq,.,-Hiodrag ..,Study of the action of chloral hydrates upon the solutions of hemoglobin. G1 hem dr 23/24 no.5/6:27 2$4 'W59- (EEAI 10:4) 1, Medicin5ki fakultet) Mohemiski institutg Beograd. (Chloral) (Hemoglobin) -5 GVETKOVIC, Miodrag.,. dr. (Beograd, Skenderbegove 55/1) Datch official standards for the prod~ctic'n of canned meat for export, Tehnika Jug 17 no.2057-359 F 162. 1. Savetnik prehrambenog kombinata."Servo Mihalj",, Zrenjanin. (Netherlands.-Cannirg and preserving) (Netherlands-Meat) On the application 9f Ool per cent fodrenalin Into the anterior chamber of the eye In ophthalmological surgery. 3rpskI arb. calok. lek. 88 o,2:18$~-19; 7 160*' 1.0ono odelJonJo Opets boluice u Zajecaru, Chef: dr. Sava Ovatkovic. (MB burg. ) (VINWHRINZ ther, ?1! C'MSLl' V I A Boridar STEFANOVIC and Stevan CVFTKOVIC, Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of Hedical Faculty of Univi-r-si-t-y--(-Ot-o-rTn-o-Ti-r-Fngoloska kliniks Mediciaskog ~akuLttta Univer iteta) Ifead (Upravnik) Prof Dr Srecko PODVINEC, Hclgra4e. O`Ylongpted Stylold Process and Clopsopharyngeal Neuralgia." Belgrade, S-P3ki Arbiv za Celckapno Lekarstvo, Vol 90, N,,o 11, Nov 62-, p! I i 109-.1113. Abstract [Geraiaii s-,punzy mo6iflaed]t Report on 4 cases of ~ziossophwnrynse aeuralgia due te. snomalnusly lonS stylold process (as found in 47, of autopsies but thouSht to remain asymptomatic in most of cases) 10pinging on nerve; author feels that many refractory cas--,!~, of painful Ile-Lftisll would be curd by excialon of process or section of nerve. In the 4 case.i, all sympt(~rns were alleviated by surgery. Rentgenogram, 2 fugoalk., and I Western references. PCDVINEG Srecko; SIKONOVIC, Hiodrag; DORDMG, Slobodan; HERiovict Fetar; SAVIC, Dragoalavi GVETKOVIC, Stevan Results of-our studivir an the effects of stree noises,on the ear. Srpski arh. celok.'Iek. 91 no.2,.169-180 F 163, 1. Otorinolaringoloska1clihika HedicinskoR fakulteta Uni- versiteta u Beograda(Upr Y~O, Prof. dr. Srecko Podvinec.. ,M TRAUMA) AC OV YUGOSLAVIA CVETKOVIC, Stevan and MAKSIMOVIC, Danica; Otorhinolaryngology Clinic of M-e-d-i-c-a-1-Ya-c-ulty oi University (Otorinolaringoloska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta),'Head (Upravnik) Srecko PODVINEC, Prof, Dr, Belgrade. "Case of Pyogenic Meningitis Cured by Osteoplasty of Frontal Sinuses." Belgrade, Srpski Arhiv za Tselokupno Lekarstvo, Vol 91, No 4, Apr 63; pp 437-440. Abstract [German summary modified) : Extremely severe fronto-ethmoidal staphylococcal pyogenic meningitis-sinusitis in 16-year old boy was cured by trepanation -vith curettage and antibiotics; rapid uneventful recovery. Two photographs; 2 Yugoslav (1 unpublished) and 3 Western references. 77,77f- PODVn=p Srecko; DORDEVIC, Slobodan; CVETKOVIC, Stevan Our views on biopsy in the field of otorhino3aryngology. Srpigki arh. celok. lek. % no.4:411-417 AP 163. 1. Otorinolaringolooka klinika Medicinskog fakulteta. Univerzi- teta, u Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr, Srecko Padvinec. (LARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS) (OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY) (NEOPWM DIAGNOSIS) (BIOPSY) CVETKOVIC., Stevan; MAKSIMOVIC, Danica A case of rhinogenic meningitis cured by osteoplaorty of the frontal sinus. Srpski arh. celok. lek, 91 no.49437-440 Ap 163- 1. Otorinolaringoloska k-linika Yedicinskog fakultata Univerzi- teta u Beogradu Upravniks prof. dr Srecko Podvinec. (MENINGITIS) (FRONTAL SINUS) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) STEFANOVIG, Bozidar; POPOVIC* Miroalav- Malignant tumors of the maxilla. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 91 no.9w.919-824 S163 1. Ortori-nolaringoloaka klinika 14edicinskog fakulteta Univer- ziteta u Beogradu (upravnik-. -prof.dr. Srecko Podvimea) i Ra- dioloski institut, Yedicinskog fakulteta Univerwitata u Beo- gradu (upravnik." profs-dr. Bogolub BoEmjakovic). GvhTt:ovlc, Stevral; Djojjj)JLVj",, Fatal hworrhage 9 days after tracheotomy. Sx-pski arh. celoke lek. 92 no.2t2ll-21/+ F164, 1. Otorinolaringoloaka k1bilka Medicinskog fakulteta, Univerzitet6 u Beogradu (11pravrnikt prof. dr. Srecko Podvinec). MITROVIC, Nosta; WETKOVIC, Stevan~ WORDMO., Nlrosiam. Value of nasal tests in the diagnosis of respiratory allorgy. Srpski arh, celoh. lak, 92 no,.6t653-657 Je'64 lo Otorinolaringoloska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta UnIverzi- teta u Boogradu (TJprm:rjct prof. dr. Srecko Podvinec). JANKOVIC, Ljubif;a; CVETKOVIC. Svetozar; RAKIC, Cvutko Post-irradiation fractures of the ferrral neck. Med. pregl. 17 no.12-.653-656 164- 1. Specijalna bolnica za dee~wparalizu i kostano-zglobnu tuberkulo7w "Banjicall, Beop-viid (Upramik-, doe. dr. Brank-a Radulovic). YUGOSLAVIA CVETKOVI Dr; Otorhinolaryngological Clinic, Faculty of _UeZo, --Medicinep 'UniverWilt-y-&f-Belgrade (Head: PODVINEC, Srecko, Dr, prof) (Otorinolaringoloska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu)9 Belgrade. "Foreign Bodies in the Bronchus" Belgrade, Srpski arhiv za-celokupno lekarstvo, Vol 93, No 10, Oct 1965, pp 951-955 Abstract: Bronchoscopy is the most reliaUe method for confirming the presence of foreign bodies in the respiratory organse. Anam- nestic data are very important for the diagnosis, but it was found in many cases that the patients, or persons accompanying them, are reluctant to give the required information. Symptomatology of foreign bodies should be especially familiar to general practi- tioners and pediatricians as they are usually the first to en- counter such patients. 2 Western, 13 Yugoslav references. German summaryo Manuscript received 11 Jan 1965. 37 OMEOVIco Van Medical services duriM the National Liberation war; the home front, VoJ. san pregl, Boogr, U no,W79-684 sept 38, WDIOINIl MILMRy & NAVA.Ll m6d. serv. in j~jgoolavjj; durim World War Il (Ser)) GVETKOVIC9 Z. CVETKOVIC, Z.; BUSATTO, A. Experiences in operation of high-tension networks in Croatia, p. 267 Vol. 9., no. 4/5, Apr./may 1956 EMTROPRIVERak TECHNOLOGY Beograd Sot East European Accession., Vole 6y no*3.9 March, 3.957 CUTKOVIC, Z. Expansion of transmis-~don lines in Croatia. p. 240. EI,F2,GIJA. (Zajednica ele'ktroprivredn'jh -,~oduzzeca Fwvartske i Institut za elektroprivre du u Zagrabu) Zagreb, Yugsolavia. Vol. 8, no. 7/8, July/Aug. 1959. Monthly 1ist of East European Accessions (LEA3) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. GVETKOVIC, Z., dipl. inz. "Special methods of executing mining operations" by I. G. Manlkovskiy. Reviewed by Z. Gvetkovic. Rudar glasnik 1 104-106 164. GVETKOVIC ze., inz. ARepeated mining of the ores of nonferrous and rare metals" by S.L. Saourin (Shashurin, $.I.]. Reviewpd by Z. Gvetkovio. Rudar glasnik no,1:81-82 16). GV,ErIXOVIGj Som dipl, inve Y "Exp9rimental studUs the dynamics of mining machinery under operating corldi- ona* by A.BeSkDrodumove Reviewed by Z.07etkovic, Hudar glasnik no-41102 163. "Production of materials for construction works in mining enterpriseaw by M.I.Bslozbovioh~ and A.S.Epsteyno Reviewed by Z.Ovetkovic. 102-103 CVETKOVIC,-Zarkov sanitetski pukovnik dr The problem of Esmarch's bandage. Voj.san*pregl*j Beogro 17 no.10: 1018-1023 o t6o. (BANDAGES) CVETKOVIC, Zvrko. inze Launching into operation of the Mraclin-Split transmission line. Elektroprivreda 15 no.5s.213-218 My 162. 1. "Elektroprenos," Zagreb. -d CVETKOVIC, Zorko, dipl. i".~ (Zagreb) Readiness of distributing plants. Energija Hrv 12 no. 9/10;263-265 163.. 1. Elektroprenos., Zagreb, Proleterskih brigada '37o CVI-;TKOVIG, Z. Lodgl:hg ot the trees on the Sisak-Medurie 1-10 kv. main. transmission line due to snowiind ice. Elektroprivreda 15 no. 6/7.- 328 Jo-J:L 162. ILIG,S.; XLnJOTIC,D-; PERISIC.S.; MTKOVICARISTL.D. Cutaneous hypersensitivity to cement and to ohromates in cement industry workers. Acta zed. iugool. 13 n0-3:332-338 159, 1. Clinique Dermatologique at Contra des ma2adies profesotonneles do la Faculte do Hadecine de Belgrade. (M3RMTITIS VNINATA atiol. (CHROMATAS toxicol.) - ------ -- - - -- - - CVH-Tric. Y. Addit5on to the obserw;tion on Tripala's articae "Role of Friction in Autucmotlve Vehicles." I u. 11. (BECGRAD, Vol. 20, No. 1, n0515-) V In 19 ~ r SO- Monthly List of East European AccP-ssions. (EEAL, LC. 0l 4, ~,-O. 4, J, e 5-, U c1. YUGOSLAVIA PETROVIC, D; 1UULj, 1~1; MIKMAUISIC, B; B; CVETNIC, S. 1, Institute of Conta[;j.ous and Inlfectio~us Diseases of Vet"erinarian Facult"y of the University (Institut za zarazne i invazione bolesti Veterinarskoa fakul-teta Sveucilista) , Zagreb; 2. I-,-.,sti1%.u'Ue,.-Qf R"Ithology and Therapy of the Veterinarian Faculty of the University (Institut za pa-uolo.:ri4u i terapiju Veterinarskor- .mlteta Sveucilist, Za-reb al f Za,grob, Votarinaralti arltiv, N0 7-8, 1963, PP 170-184 "The Value of Aspiration 3iopsy oil the Liver in the Diagnosis of Equine Infectious Anemia." I YUGOSL~V!~,,. 1.11; aMROVIC, -D; CVBTIVriJ? S - ~;T, OVSI,-Y, :., institute of Conta,,,~.iovl,; and infectious Diseases ol' the Veterinarian Facu',ty 0:' the University (InstitiAl- zL74 zarazne i invazione bolesti Veterinarsicog fakulteta Sveucilista), Zagreb (for all) Zagrobt Ve-erinars'-i arhiv,J10 7-8, 1963, pp 201-204 (D -.-u "Practical Llethods of .11etermination of Red Blood Cell Co4ntr, In Siol; lforsgnt Wit% -40 Vmlv Application in the Diagnosis of Equine infectious Anemia.". YUGOSLAVIA SIBALIC, S.; LEPOJEV, Olga; and PANJEVIC, Dj., Ins Itut for, Preventive Veterinary Medicine (Insfitut za Preventivnu Veterinarsku Medicinu)o Belgrada "Changes in the Blood of Lambs Naturally'Infected by Trichostrongylides During the Pasture Season" Belgrade, Acta Vaterinaria, Vol 16, No. 3, 1966; pp 217-228 Abstract CEngllsh summary modifiedj: Hemograms, fecal studies and serum protein unalysis In lambs In the field In 1963 and 1964. TrIchostro*n9yl- oidosis was much more prevalent in 1963 due to the dry season and relative scarcity of food; eosinophilia paralleled increase In gammaglobulins and both occurred simultaneously with the docreaso In intensity of parasItIza- tion. Graph, 4 tables, I Soviet, I Yugoslav, 25 Western references. Manu- script received 26 Nov 65. 44 SAHOVIC, Kq OVETOJETIC, Adr-nal glandwand maignant tumors; effect of adronallue and desoxyaorticouterone. Glas Srpske akad. naulm, ode1j. m9&. no.8: 19-2) 1953. 1. Onkoloski Institut )Isdioinskog fakultata u Beograda; primIjano, =L VII skuyu Odeljenja medialnekth naulm 14.V.1953 g. (NNFUSMS, exper. *off. of desozycorticosterone epinephrine in rate) (3)XSO=ORTICOSTEROlM, off.. abla exper. tumors in rats) (BFIRKM , off. *on exper. tumors, in rate) RADIC, Mihajlo; GODIC, Vlastimir; OVETKOVIC, Miodrag Immediate offoct of naturally carbon dioxide bathe and of the drinking of mineral water Snesnik in Vrnjacka Banja on glycemia of diabetics. Srpski arh..celok. lek. 84 no.2.-Igg-203 Fab 56. 1. Institut za modicinsku hidrolog1ju i klimatologiju Modicinskog fakulteta d Beogradu. Upravnik; prof. dr. Milutin Neskovic. (BLOOD SUGAR, in various die. diabetes mellitus, off. of carbon dioxide bath & mineral water (Ser)) (DIABETES MNL~ITUS, blood in blood sugar, off. of carbon dioxide bath & mineral water (Ser)) (BALNECLOGY, carbon dioxide bath, eff. on blood sugar in diabetes mallitus. with mineral water (Ser)) (MI MAL WATER, off. on blood sugar in diabetes mellitus, with carbon dioxide bath (Ser)) SPUZIC, V.; BATA, A.; CVLMJL;VIG, M. Reactions of the pleura and of the peritoneum of sensitized &-u~nea, pigs to repwit" applications of borser serum. I. Glas Srpske akad. nau)m, odelj. mods.217 no.10:65-78 1956. 1. Rad sa Patoloskog institute, i Institute za patolsku fiziologiju Medicinskog fakultete u Beogradu. (IW-(M SIRUMS, effects, borse serum on pleura & peritoneum of sensitized guinea pigs (Ser)) (PLFURA, effect of drugs on, borse serum in sensitized guinea pigs (Ser)) (PERITONEUM, effect of drugs on, same) SPUZ100- V-&-; BATA-, M-.-; Reaction of the pleura and of tbe.peritoneum of sensitized guinea pigs to rep"ated application of horse serum. II. Glas Srpske akad. nauka, odelj. med. 217 no.10:85-104 1956. (IMNM SIRUMS, effeetet horse serum on pleura & peritoneum of sensitize& guinea -pigs (Ser)) (PLE M , effect of drugs on, horse serum of sensitized guinea pigs (Ser)) (PERITONMN. affect of drugs on, same YUGOSLAVIA PETROVIdj K., Dr., SETKM)S,.,..X,..,,,Vo.torinarian, KRSTIC, V., Veterinarian; Center for Advancement of Veterinary Medicine of the Socialist Republic of Serbia, Belgrade "The Use of the Hintic Preparation for Poultry Nematode Control" Belgrade, Votorinarski Glasnik, Vol 20, No 9, 1966, pp 689-691 Abstracti The effectiveness of the Mintic preparation (product of ICI Com- pany, England) in controlling nematodes in poultry has been investigated. Young hens used during the toots were subjected to Ascaridia and Hoterakis nematodes. Tests showed that orally administered Mintic preparation was exceedingly effective against young and adult Ascaridia nematodes (96.6%). In the case of Heterakis the results were, howevert very poor (28.1%). There arc 6 Western references. (Manuscript received, 20 Aug 66.) 70 GVETKOVIIC9.-Hu&mirLALEKSICj Ljubisa; ANTONIJMCt Hiodrag Simultaneous development of tuberculosis and carcinoma in the lung. T4berkuloza, Beogr. 12 no,2:251-253 160;. 1. Antituberkulozni dispanzer sa stacionarom, KnJazevac (upravnik: dr R.Cvetkovic) (LUNG NEOPLASMS compl) (TUBERCULOSIS PULMONARY compl) jFJWSLAVIA STSMUMVIC, Bozi6ar, and Zteyan OVETKO1,1C, Otolaryngol.ogi- ca'. Clinic (01torluolaringoloska U-1-ni-i-al, Faoullujy of Me~luine (Madicinski Fakultat), Belgrade, "A00'.denta in Traoiriectorj. Belgrade, sms'.'A Arhiv za CalokUno Lekarstvo Vol NO DeceniFe 1962, PP 11b:5-1190. Atf.e."'ract: fAutlaors' Engllsh summary modlfte~_a~/ 3uah acal- dents are not accidents in the medloal-legal sense or pro- fesl_"Lonal mletakes (being often Inevitable) and should per- haps be ballad aocl(!ental complications, o.g., blnedliig ending In doath; pneumotborax; creation of traoheo--ooaop11- agcal flatulao after th-,-.~,T)ostorltar viall of the tilao~,ea has beeri cut through; asphyxla &1-3 to excessive retroflo:Aon of the haLd luring tracheotomy in patients with laree an6olaryngeal ~$umors or golter blooking tho traohea or dixe to ooalu6lori of the cannula.. Rive reforenzaas to rocent Yugoslav worka., DJ GVETKOVIC. Z.. inm- "Accelerated execution of level excavations in hard rocks" by N.D. Skoba and Palozhenko. Rudar glasnik no,'3:85 GVETKOVIC. Zairlm~tetski pukovnik dr Lot it be minus fatal diagnostic errors. Vojnosanit. pregl. 19 no.20.- 69"98 o 162. (DIAGNOSIS) Z g 4M -v~ .KUKOLTA, S,; CVETNIC.,-Z, Tw6 alternate routes for the preparation of N-(2.,6-dimethc2y- 4,-pyrimidinyl)-sulfanilamide. Crmt chem acta 34 no.2:3-15~-3-17 162. 1. Research Department,, "Plivall Pharmceutical and Chemical Works,, Zagreb., Croatias, Yugoslavia. N, KLEUT-JELIC, R.; OVIBAH, T. Two cases of giant lung cyst (pusumatocale) in children. Med. pregl., Novi Sad 8 no.4:242-246 1955. 1. Decja Pokrajinska bolnica Novi Bad. Upravnik; prof. dr. Djura Jovanovic. Rentgenoloako odelenje Glavne Pokr. bolnice Novi Sad. Sef; prim. dr. Nikola Vujic. (LUNGS, cysts air cysts, giant, in child. & inf., diag (Bar)) (CTSTS giant air cyst of lungs in inf. & child., diag (Bar)) '-L~gwv YUGOSLAVTA/Microbiology General Microbiology. Water aad Air MicroorLpnisms. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Diol.,,No 22, 1958, 99322 Author Cviic' Vlaho Inst Croatian Natural Science Society Title : Abundance of Bacteria in the Cent ral Reaion of the Adriatic Sea Oria Pub : Glasnik biol. sek. Hrvatsko prirodoal. drust-vo, 1953 (1955), Ser, 2B, 7, 119-121 Abstract The bacteria content in the Adriatic Sea fluctuated from 20 to 4200 in 1 ml of water, and the highest number was found at a depth of 30-40 m. Amid the bacterial flora, upwards of 70% consists if gram-neGative bacilli and 14% of cocci. The mjority of isolated bacteria are chromo,;enic and 53-3% form a yellow pi(pent. The Card 1/2 -130 I YUGOSIAM/Microbioloa !- Cleneral Microbiology. Water and F Air Microorgamisms. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Diol., Wo 22, 1958, 99322 majority of isolated bacterial cultures are physiolo- (Acally active. -- V.V. Vlodavets Card 2/2 Red Water In the lal,'e "Malo iezero" (Isi,--nd, of ',ljet). Split (Institut za oc-canogrtifiju i ribnrstvo) 1055. p. 15 (Actn AtIrintica, v. 6, no. 2) (In Entylish .-ith Serbo-Croatian nummary. bibl.) SOU"'CE. East European Accessions List (E.LAL),,LC, Vol. 5, no. 2, ~956 Diseases of marine fishes. P. 132. MORSKO RIB-ARSTVO. (Udruzenje morskog ribarstva Juroslavije) Rijeka. Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1955 SOURCE: East lCuropean Accessions List, (EUL)) Library of Oongress, Vol. 4, No. 12, December 195~ "'TT!' - ~,', V. ad: mon-ace life. )i'(7 -RSEO RI;,A:Lt3T70) (,'Ri ieka, Yugoslavia) Vol. 7, No. 195P SO: Nonthly Index or ac Accc3sions (%--,rAT) LC Vol. 7. MIC, _Vlaho, dr.; VAJCL, Josip I., poruenik fregate; DM.TAK, Stjepo, kapetan korrete; ZORN, Mira Oceanographic research in the Adriatic Sea within the framework of the Internatio'nal Geophysical Tear. Hidrograf.god 1958 (Pablishea 1959)!55-87. (MUI 9--5) 1. Jugoslovensks. ratne, mornarica (for Vajol and Duvujak). (Adriatic Sea) (oceanography) (International Geophysical Tear, 1957-1958) CVIIC' V. Productivity of the sea. P go MORSKO RMMTVO. (Udruzenjo morskog riba .ratva Jugoslavije) Rijeka, Yugoslavia Vol. 11, no. 5, May 1959 Monthly Ust of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. vol. 8, no. 9, Sept, 1959 Uncl. CVIIC, Vlaho First me4surements of the basic organic production in the Adriatic Sea. BilJ ocean 19 1-4 163. 1. Institute for Oceanography and Fishing, Split. YUGOSLAVIA SEPMERTH, Zelimir, Dr. _4W 3~t Dr.: Departil ent of Surgery) General Hospital I'Dr J. 11 j f S 1 11 -~2 1. e , 6 (--irursko ode- lenje Opste bolnice "Dr J. Kajfpstl, 7,agreb)t Zagreb. "The Problem of Surgical Treatment of Papillary Carcinoma of the Thyroid" Zagreb, Lijecnicki Vjesnik, Vol 88, No 3, 1966, pp 241-247 Abstract: The authors discuss the latest methods of si)rrzical treat- ment of Millary cancer of the thyroid glandq comDaring the theoreticai and practical results of modern medicine with their own practice and exnerience. 'Radical extirpation of the t'hyroid gland and all swollen lymph nodes is undoubtedly considered to be the most effective rqethod of this cancer treatment. 111hen it is a case of nrimary cancer in only one lobe in patients iinder forty, lobectomy with evacuation of the swollen lymph nodes gives satis- factory results. None of the operated patients showed signs ofa tecurrence'over a Deriod of 2, 5, and 7 years followina interven- tion. 'Pictures. ~3 western references. manuscript received 14 T)ec 65. - h4 - 0IJANOVIC,.Dragutin Structure ot oartli Is atmQspherd..Ze. mlJa i avemir 6 no.4%81-93 1.63. D. C7IJETIC "Financial operations of banks under the eonditions of our new financial and payment system.* p 186. (FINANSIJE, Vol. 7, no. 3/4, Mzr./Apr. 1952, Beograd, Yugoslavia) SO: Ynnthly List of East European Accessions, L. C., Vol. 2. No. 7, JuIY 1953, Uncl. -45 M, no GVIJIG, MUORAD Z. Cvijic, Milorad Z. Elektricne masine za jednosmarnu struju za alektrotehnicki otsek industriskih sredn."Jih tehnickih skola. Beograd, Znanje, 1950. (Electrical ma-~hines for direct current; for the alactrical engineering classes of high industrial engineering schools. Illus., Bibl.) SO: Mon'Uhly L;st of East Zuropaan Accessions, LC) Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan. 1~f54, Uncl. mOvergrown boats". p. 4 (Morekb Riba"tvo, Vol- 5, no- 1/2, 1953, Zagreb) Ust ;uropeau Vol. 2, No 9 SO: Honthly List of Pmuxbm Accessions, )Ubrary of Congress, _12k~~~953, Uncl. CVITANOVICP Alfonso Geograpble theces In slide projections 1960, Geogr hor 7 no.1/2t63-65 161. - q I BOLANCA, Ante, Dr.; CVITANOVIC9 Branimir, Dr.; SIPUS, Nikola. Dr. ...... .......... ......... ....... Regional enteritis. Lijec vjes 82 no.11:865-872 160. 1. Iz Kirurskog odjela Opce bolnice u Sisku i iz Zavoda za patologiju Opce bolnice "Dra H.Stojanovica" u Zagrebu (ILEITIS REGIONAL) U CVITANOVIC D. V. Yugoslavia (430) History and Description -Serials List of Glagolitic Codices in the War diocese. P. 349. Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjotnosti. STARINE. Zagreb. (Studies on the legal and cultural history of the southern Slavs, published by the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts. InclWes references). Vol.4%1949 East European Accessions List. Library of. U-o-Zg"ress, Vol. 1, no. 13, November 1952. UNCIASSIFIED 51 21-~ GOTOM, Milano potpukovnik, dr.; CVITANOVIC, Milivoj, major, dr. Treatment of pulmoraU7 tuberculosis In 1953s VoJ. oan. pr,)FI., Beogr. 11 no.5-10:398-402 Sept-Oftet 54. 2. Gradno odeljenje Vojne bolnice u Zagrebu. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMOMY, ther.) MIT'NOVIC V LL~~~ Organization of forest management in Croatia. p. 503. SUMARSKI LIST. (Drustvo sumarskih inzenjera I tehnicara FNR Jugoslavije) Zagreb. Vol. 79, no. 11/12 Nov./Dec. 1955. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5p No. 9 September, 1956 B. CVJETAI.',OVIC AIM OUHMIS3 "(Z-f ever Epidemic at Ogulin 1952 md it,.! OCCu-oaticnrl Character. T3. 14. (ARRIV ZA HIGIJF,,T RADA. Vol. 4, No. I-j~ 1953, Zagreb, Yagotlavia) SO: Monthly List or European Acces'si-nn, L.C., Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1951., Uncl. CVMANOVTC~ BIWO avanwic. Branko rpvol--reT 7isla practice In medical training. Radovi Ked. fak. Tolf-1:63-86 195k 1. Skola Narodnog,Zdravlja predsjodnik prof. dr. A. Stsupar, Hedicinski,fskmltet~u Zagrebu-, primAjeno'll.X11.1953) (EMOATION*. MRDICAL -,-*TW91j. field-tis4ning) CVJ30TANOVIC. . Branko 11-4:.,.;,;~~-~,-!-a-_ . Report of field practice of 1954. Radovi Ned, fak. (UNIVERSITIES students' field of medical students during the summer Zagrebu Vol.3:253-256 1954. practice in Tugool.) MIULMMil.; FALISIVAC, J.-, IMEJAr. B.; BNZJMO Vo; OWITANOVICO Bo ftlanmis In Croatia, HAg1jens, Beogr, .6 no.2:129-150 1954.. 19 polni6a sa marasue bolestig Zavod sa mikrablologlju Redialuckog fakultets~ Sitola narodnog idravlja, Institut z& veterinarokomedicineks " Z 'ab istrasivanja, -(TULMMIA opidemiol. CVJWAMVIC, 3(ranko Studies on spidemlologr of infectious hepatitis; epidemic in Lipova, Cazma region. Higijena. Beogrx. 6 no.3-4:231-239 154. 1. Skola narodnog sdravlha, Zagreb. (HEPATITIS, INnGTIOUS, spidemioloa, in Yugool.) CURTANOVIC, Branko Team work In medical research. Rad.Med.fak.Zagrebu Vol.2:164-171. '55. 1. Skols narodnog-zdravlya Medicinskog fakulteta, Zagreb. med., CVJET.SJIOVIC. B. Air-borne infections. I. Summary of present-day results in the study of air-borno infections. Arh.hig.reda 6 no.1:47-59 1955, 1. Skola narodnog zdravlja, Medicinski fakultet, Eagrebe (INMTIOHS air-borne, review (Ser)) CURTANOVIC. B. Air-,borne Infections.H. Method's of datection of air-borne bacteria, Arb.higerada 6 no.2,697-113 1955. 1. Skola narodnog zclr&vlja. Me' , cins, i, iskul'tot,, Zagreb- (INFNTION, air-borne, detection of air-borne bact,,appar. & Ins-truments (Ser)) (BAOMIA, air-borne, detection method, appar. & instruments (Ser)) CURTANOVIC, Branko, Doe, dr. Experiments in epidemiology. Higijena, Beogr. 7 no.1-4: 74-82 1955. 1. Skola narodnog zdravlja, Zagreb. (EPIDINIOWGY, exper. (Ser)) CURTAROVICI B.~ Summer field practice of mePeal. students'during 1955. Radove Med. fak. ZMTsbu '1-.88-92 19%. (EDUCATION, MEDICAL, SUMMer field practice of mod. students in Yugoal. (Ser)) 0 OQ" -3~ ZIATKO BENCIC; BRAITKO CVJETAHOVIC Field summer practice by students during 1955/56. Radovi. med. fak. Zagrebu 1:83-87 1957- (EDUCATION, MENDICAL in Yugosl., Mild summer practice (Ser)) CULTAOVIC, B.; 7SODDIWVIG, B. 3anitary difficiencies causing water-borne epidemic of abdomminal typhus; in Knin in 1952. Higijena, Beogr. 9 no.1:12-21 1957. 1. School of IhOlio Health, Zagreb. (TYP3)1D TANLI, etiol. & pathogen. deective sanitation causing epidemic in Yagasl. (Ser) (UNITARION, defective., cauning typhoid fever epidemic in Yugosl. (Ser)) evismoviC I B. ~. ~ i .. - - - - " '- Uwtpae.; ,I' a iph-41heria e,: I Hig ljona, Bec,jr. ) ,*. t . i I: - : , ~'j. 1. Schcul of L-'iablic I~alth, ZR&rc',V. (DII13HTHLRIA, causes ~lf opidamles (Ser)) OVJIUN Determination and evaluation of bacterial-air pollution. Hig1jena, 3~9*gr, 9 no.2-3;206-213 1937. (BAOMIA) air-borne, determ. & evaluation of bact, pollution (Ser)) 5, K-_-CVJETAW07IC, B. Controlled field trials with the prophylaxis (with special reference to typhoid vaccines). Cesk.opidem.mikrob.imun.9 no.5/6:420-426 J1160. 1. Skola verejueho sdravottietvi, Zahreb. (TYPHOID immunol) (VACCINATION) CUBTANOVIC.. B0 Controlled field trials of propbylactice (vith special reference to typhoid vaccines). J....-hug. spidem.1, .1raba 5 n0-117-21 161. 1. School of Public Health, Zagreb,. Yugoslavia. '(TrMOID Immol) (VACCINATION) ____y-LjGGSL._&VT_A faffiliation not r'ivo2n. CVjETaT0V:[C "The Etiology Of Zajuzivanjel (southern Wind Disease) in Sheep." Belgrade, Vetorinarski Glasnik, Vol 17, 1,10 7, 1963, pp 605-612. 17 The torm lIzaj'uziva- U j njo" is AbstTact: fjuthot' s-English sU-,raT.,,r modificc applied by Yugoslav shophords to illnoss0s occurring in windy~ rainy autumn weather among highland sheep and sheep from other areas when driven to winterin,3, areas in the lo"er, more southerly, and warmer areas of Herzegovinay Montenegro, and 1P.1matia. The author concludes on t.110 basis of extensive eDizootiolor,,,ical inquiry, field experiments,:and !ab- oratory examinations over a period of 10 years that Irzaiuzivanie" has been used to describe a variety of diseases such as tick-paralysis, tick-borne fever, J~jedjterxanean sheep rickettsiosis, babesielosis, and piroplasmosis. Tick-borne favor and tick--paralysis occur in autumn through infestation by the tick Ixodea ricinu3; which is active only when the air is humid and when the temperature is under 20 degrees centi- grade. Mediterranean ricke -ttsiosis, babosielosis, and piroplasmosis ara caused in spring by the tick RhiDicephalus bursa. Two illustrations, 20 references (mainly Western, a'few-Yugoslav). 1/1 - 9 - CVJ-zTANMTC, Dr. Vladimir "A Retrospect on the Problem of Southern Wind Diseas." District & City Vet. in Dubrovri:L%. SOURCE: Vet. SVr-,ZAKI,. 1953, p. 167 CURTANOVIC, Vladimir LaIshmantasis in dogs and Its epidemiological relation to human Imla-awar, Hig1jena, Beogr. 6 no.3-4.-252-260 '54. (IMSOURASIS, visceral, trawn. by dogs) CVJETANOVIC Vladimir Report on the research concerning the pathology of aheep in Dalmatia during 1956i Ljetopis JAZU 63:400-403 156 (publ.159). POPOTIC,V.; R=OVIG,Dx.; GhiZ.B.; OUBTICkNIN.A.- Clinical contribution to plasmycytic leukemia. Had. arh., Sarajevo 12 no.2:77-82 Mr-Ap 159. 1. 11 Interna klinika Hadicinskog fakultata u SarajsvuOBef,v.d.: doe. d-r Simic. (MY]IMML PIASHL CILL compl.) (LVJK]04lk at iol. --- CVJETIC IN,_P.; MLIC, N. ~, The separation of radionuclides on zirconium-pyrophosphate. Croat chem acta 35 n6.41A23 163. 1. Institut "Boris Kidric", Hot-Laboratory Department, Vinca, -WRTICANDT, -D.; Separation of Fu from 11, Fe, and fission products on the Zr%C~ column; abstract. Glas Hem dr V no.9/lot489 164 la 7he Boris Kidric Institute, Hot-Iaboratory Departmentp Belgrade-VIncae -.1 ", ~ -I - ,~ - ." ? H - M I ,,u , ,, 1 1 D ~ , PH~ -~ I I, 1~ ~ %.. '. . . LIN-i-fiatalijai JOVANOVIC,, Vera Separation of iodinep arsenic (III)., and tellurium (VI) by paper chromatography. Bul Inst Mael' 13 no.1:43-51 Ap 162. I. The Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear Sciences Hot laboratory Department, Vinca. Cyglic ITIN, M. W,mmms (ir-1 Given Rames Countr7: Yugoslavia Acadv-elc D-ftgreej: not given Affilliation: H A Activity, Deartr~ent Boris K r ~hl-- Institute of Nuclear Sciences intc~s. Belgrade-V , Bulletin of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences .uBoris Ridrich*, Vol 11, Mar 1961, pp 173-179. uSeparation and Determination of Oxyphosphorio Acids by Paper Chromatograpby.' Co-authors OBRENOVIO, 1. D., High Activity Departmdntv Institute of Nuclear -Sciences 'Boris Kidrich'. CVJETICANIN,, H,.M.; OBRENOVIC LD. Separation and determination of hydroxyphosphoric acids by paper chromatograpby. Bul Inst Nacl 11:173-179 161. 1. institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrich," High Activity Department, Vinca, Qj CVJI~TIOANIN, N.M. Chromatographic eparration of rare earths by m6am Of Lar-e,- treated with Di-n-butovl phosphate. Croat chem ac+., 35 no.40 A12 163. 1. Institute "Bo-~is Xidric, Hot-Laboratory Dipar-T.Ant, Vince. GVETICANIN, Natalija; CVORIC, Jelisavka apparation of monobutylphoophatel,dibutyl phosphate and phosphDric acid,, and their determination in a tributylphosphate-kerosene paper chromatography* Bul Inat lhol 13 no.,l-:35-41 .4p .162. 1e The Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear-Sciencest got Iaboratary Pepartmento Vinca. CVJETICAANF_IIJ,A VJekoslava Kovacs, br."II); ,qtalija, dipl, fiz. hem. (Beograd., OMEVOMC:-ThITORIC, Ivanka., dipl. fiz. hem.; NEMODA, Dusanka, dipl. tehn. Analytical control of the reprocessing of nuclear fuel. Tehnike Jug 18 no.11.-SupplItRadioizotopi zrac 2 nc.11:1997-2005 N 163. 1. Saradnici Instituta za nuklearne nauke "Boris Kidric".. Beograd- Vinca. CVJETIGMIN,Ni.t CVt)RIC,,3.; PALIGMIC,10 Chrmat6grayblo separation of metal Ions on the paper treated witt'~Vf64~jl ~phosphatey- abstrdet. (Uas~ RM dr 27 no.9/10t495 1e The *Tis Kidriclustitute of Nuclear Sciences,. Hot-Iabo- ratory Dep4rtmentv Belgrade-Vinea. I CVJETICANIN, ". I.I.; CVORIC, J. D.; OBRENOVIC-PALIGORIG, I. D. Chromatographic separation of' metal ions by means of paper treated with trioctyl-phosphate. Bul Inst Nucl 14 no. 2: 83-93 Ap 163. 1. Hot Laboratory Department., Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd-Vincae 57 M BATA, A.; HILUTINOVIC, P.; DYM7RIJEVIC, Katarina; CVETOJLIVIC, Milica Contribution to the stucbr of lipid metabolism. Ill. Functional and morphological changes in various organs during massive dietary lipid ,intake, Glae. eIrpoke akade-nauk,[Madl no.15:43-49 160, (LIM nutrition and diete) POORER Mr CUPIC# Vukan; OVORIC, Angelina; KOPAC, Danica Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of acute glomerulonsphritis In children. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 85 no-1:30-41 Jan 57. 1. Pedijatriska klinike Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu Upravnik: Hatija Ambroxic. (GLONERUL01MRITIS, in inf. & child (Ser)) 5 I'M N NEMVANOVIC, D., dr.; CALIG, N*j dr,; CVORIG,A., dr.; DUKIC, D., dr. (Beograd) Palmonary edema in aavte glomerulonephritis in children. Med. Glas. 18 no.11075-378 N 164 1. Pedijatrijaka klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (Upravnik.- prof. dr. B. Tasovac) CVORIC,,.~~r-lina; IAH, Nada The problem of chronic pyuria in children. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 93 no.1:57-67 Ja 165. 1. Institut Socijalisticke Republike Srbije za zdravstvenu zastitu ma~ka i deteta u Beogradu (Direktor: prof. dr. Vukan Cupic). CVORIG, Angelina; MEIJXOVIC, Vladfislava Clinical , radiological and electrocardiographic cardiac find- ings in children with glomerulonaphritis. Srpski arh. celok. - lek. 93 no.2043-153 F 165. 1. Institut za zdraystyenu zastitu narodnog podmlatka SR- Srbije u Beogradu (Direktort, prof. dr. Vukan Oupic), MMO,-J*ji,savka, dipl. hemicar, saradnik (Beograd, Knaza Milosa br- 68/1); DRA9KOVIC, Rads, dipl. fiz. hemicarl NEMODA, Dusanka, dipl tehn; PR(*IC, Branke Chemical and radiocherAical control of radioisotopes used in medicine. Tehnika Jug 19 no.5tSuppl:Radioizotope arao 3 no.5: 822-827 Vq 164, 1. Boris Kidrio Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade- Vinoa.