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Inviiiijallons on! qLAILIfs XVI* Bilk rolgilsh) ' t il Ir h 4- P c t jr o. ifa chimica ArmIrtniao Vol. 14, 108, No. 1-2, 1) 95-106. 11 figs, - xd differetim were o1r-arved in tile oxIdatinn luk 74 of 11-sivritic acid iij alkaline medium tleMidiug oil tile Mink, of the alkali (sciflititti, pAisslum or allumunitlill 1,311roxii1c), Above fill8the mular ammintg of the var- nikalk-s p rrscsit are dif feTent at tile snine pli vfil %tun. Tlw- progivss of tile tvict!ott is mute preciselydditied by the mcilar quantity of pikah prewllt 0,111 by the PH Vallic alojw, Diffi-tolcoq C-13i, ako be Observeil f it tile lire! -inive ot iflentical inninr quantiUcs of the different alkativs (sixwHic cffccts) but t1kcsc aw much witaller - tit"' i b l i i d w o 4 ve exper litentscarr tnh iliarat c by con ' , Ille -'I'lle -MT vakles. ~",olljlull bi-droxf(le ill lwwral ilik" 1110A derl'Oell elf"t UIL Initial P11 va, '5`504' Distr., 484j Imestigations on CatO,)rsts, XV111. Changes in the Ordei of Reaction, With Respect to the Acceptor, Daring Cata.3-ytic Hydrogenationi.- nd T. Kere 'ly-?Insti ute of 20anic Sher4cal I -CABS I L. -gLcff a t Technolomy. Technical Universitv-, Budapest) Received March 8, 1937 Acta Chimica-Academiae Scientiarum Stlugaricas 1958, voi 16, Nr I p 91 SUMMARY On the basis ofow Carl ler measurements it was fauna, in areardance with the havestig* atiam of NORM Lima and BMWs stm, that in the hydrogenation reaelion the order of reaction With relp"t to the Seceptor increases, in the majority of,cues with the extsut of Where" in certain other 6s" h proved to be constant, Within erron. IU title constant of rtattlini apprared to be canslanx during tho course a c~ r being correlated With the quantity of catalyst. as well as with the courentraliork of the 801wrate, It, am" Ast no correlai4an exists in the investigated cests bi-twten the order of reaction and the quantity W P~11'in at tho qil"WY Of 044111YAt got Etlglibh) Z. U a it r 4) m, I U A a .1' 1 68. Ada Chimim wt. V~.1111 lip.. 13 tsl~;' in the hydr ogonation Of tinnamlia and MAIAIG acidii. whon pert of the pAllwlium cataiYA cani(A oil carbon black And harium "alplime im'sulAtitutiml by thesio voriars, the' -lite OfLhY(jrog(!jjak1 n decreasim. Thus thd"wivriplormnimyo. orrect- ob6cryed in oxidation "p~rhnvntsl docis not apponr here. 'the qUjLjjtijje3 of hydroggen shvotbiA by incrosging amounts of pFJlu dil?r;r 04WYJ~t on carbon ))lack or! on barium rulphate follow a maximum-rhinimumeurva. It, in ju) ivxy;n~uq suapension, the sinount of j~alwium unit that or the carrier, aso imrow-tt or dv~mwd at the expimso or one nnothor, hydrogeti, uptake fallms a maximilin-minim"m curve. TW HUNdARY Physical Chemf',ptry. Kinetics. Combustion. B Explosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. Abs jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 12, 19591 No- 41677 Author ; Qz=aa, Zoltan; Petro, Jozeef; Voros, ru -di t Inst Not given Title A Catalyst Study. XXII. Nickel Sponge Catalyst Study., 1. Variation of Raney Nickel Catalyst Effectiveness in Hydro- genation with the Temperature and Time of Leaching. Orig Pub Magyar tud. akad. Kem. tud. oszt. kozl.j 1958, 9, No 4, 433-1448 Abstract The properties of raney nickel catalysts (C) as a function of the conditions of Card 1/2 HUNGARY Physical Chemistry. Kinetics. Combustion. B %1cplosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khiruiya, No 12, 1959, No. 41677 their preparation were studied. It was shown that in relation to the hydrogena- tion reactions, the activity of C strongly dopends on the temperature and time of leaching, as well as on the addition of alkalis or Ptcl4, The less active the C, the greater its ctivity change caused by additives. Article XXI. See R. Zh. Khim, 1959, No 11, 37927. S. Rozenfelld Card 2/2 22 P ~R V EI, ;;ec xM* I RRA &I W:a- talrft Prepare ftlati Al~ 211,~Cxi 'Aid Al.~ v i ogi Zu at act of various alitalles tPj4Ied!N 41%,in I Ciur6l; J. Pitro, and Ii H 114. SDD-26.-~-) I DUL MeaCO'Ph-Ap an the Pdr-o enattivan attivity of Riittzldtal Preparam t) yd, Win e_., gs* Cle-h. Unly Budap Wel PhICO, 332H, PlICIIrx. and vewrol (H), with' UDns. eat), Ado CRM--Ii-aa. &i., woss, 1-f. En PAtity N1 Cont VArYmr amts, of Co or Cr and Rnx. 01 .fish)- cf. C.A. $2, 122701, IMU . "533 he Citalystj 'NAM PWM1 U5,1. cailysu werc prUd. by exim. Of ~~6. NI-Al alloy (NI 43, -alloy jpmp4; by sati~no'thtrmk 't til in d raphite d er A152%) with e=t allmlks including N40H, KOH Cr4ciult) with stIrrIAj to 11411 of, a NAOX06I.. (P-60 S In,' K2M, ZjaiM, and NUjOH under varyinx conditions 7W rrd. HM so that temp. stayed at The Qthtr time and temp. Each catzlyst was cred to mduce eu balf of NOH solo. was then: addtd.~ tia raht~ stirred 60 (1), PhICO, MeACO. BX'H, PbCH3CN, and FhNOj (0-01V1, m3n. at W. then allovcd to coAA~ foom temo., 7,pe bumplo in anhyd. E%OHto which I tnI. cauxlyst Ywaddcd) =tant 117uld was decanted Pod the ircddutwa*ht-~ to~ Relative activity of the catalysts varied with both lmetQ with d, Utd. 140, then anw. MOIL - 11t CAW)to cif prepa, and tauctional group of substance reduced, we- pyropborou3. were stored in znb)d.'BtOH, and re, Cato,lysU cd tenerally hig-her activity wait pro6ueed by MRK-W hand1ltij fCr UMAypb, r HydroAgenttion V~ XxC0, and NP*C% extu., tbouFb NaCH em. gave a cMa- on with 0.2 mWe umple3 in 50 lml. anhyd. EtOH -t, 'Iystolmax.aWyltylortedumnsPhNO~. Addn.'toeuh~ W-801 ard 3D. atm. prenure for 11, azd with 0.01 =01c WISCHDn Of O.ODI MDle PbhMto W a promota ieduad the mmple:s In 14 mi, P' cm ttmp,' und, am Abyd, MH at rc activity of the more active cutall'sts Wid all catalyst3 in the' ~prewure for the otlig "i Ution Of PbCH2CN UUd PbNOJJ but MIMd the &C'r- 1ji"idt'Yog.-I . h-M =live catzlysts, ~~_211 Co wM Itiotim on. ove l of.Lha attlylty. -1,1 a 7, 7~Y I P _N , ~~Ww CSTTROS, Z.; PETRO, J.; HEISZMANN, J. Examinations by catalysts, XXV. Investigations by Raney-nickel catalysts. TV. Investi- gations into the efficacy of the catalysts made of Al-Ni-Co and Al-Ni-Cr alloys. P. 205. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Kemiai Tudomanyok Osztalya. KOZU~MENYEI. Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1958. v,~e /Fs-r Monthly List of East European Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959 UNCL &/-In-ve*s,t-i-g-at-~--m-5--D-,*n,- -Atd---St-S-. --X-X,, -a t-10- Me oil! Anmea ratalysts., 1, yes ILUOU of the activity of uLekel-magwslarn formate mixed catalysts. ZcdtanCsuros,, jazsvf Petro and Peter Konig (Tech, UnO~..~.- d. -571. Hurig. 7, 419-37(I= in English); cf. CA, 53, 15734c.-The activity of hydrogenation cata- lysts prepd. from mixts. of Ni(II) and INIgUO forrantes examd.' with several test comrxls. In the hydrogcnatio~r-f ettEetik)].cyelt>heiene,bmzutdchyde,tLretone, cclop criones and betirtyl cyanide, cntalysts oi max. ac- livity were foond to have 20 and 50 rnole-% Ni. The specific activity of these catalysts in some cases was five the times that of Roney Ni (1). In the hydrogenation of aromatic ring of veratrolk at 30 atm. and 170* tht-st cata- lysts are less effeetive than 1. PhNNIe, pronvites the I activity of catalysts wit i Ni conte 5 up to 30 XXVU. Utaction of benzAldehyU compounds Cou- taining active hydrogc*rFjd'ff6`TiiFs-ence of boron trifluoride. ~Zoltan Csuros and Gyala DeAk- (Tech Univ., Buda VA). Md. 43D-47~Tr-cal~tYtit'-C)T-*.stil),;til;ltcd benm)(INydes find aectoplivriones in IIOAC With 110AL-BF, gives a clili-, Zala--L VE ;,,,I -aldehyde and O.W5 inole of the nectophenone in 5 mi. of HOAc is treated with 0.015 mole of BV,-IIOAc and hc. mixt. allowed to stand 5 days at room temp. When flic, mass turned red, it was poured into a mixt. of 10 nil. jr:0 and 5 nil. satd. aq. NaOAc and then neutralized with a2V,' soIu.ofh'aO1IinHO. The ppt. was filtercti off. Nvilslicd to~ neutrality and dried. The following substituted chalcor~es were prepd. In this,way (substituent and m.p. of the crude productsgiven)- 2-fluom,&V. 4-flunro,S7% 4,4'-dij1u,,ro, llfl*; 2-fluoro-C-nitro. 160.5*: 4-fluarr~-V-nitrq, 210'- 2.4'-diflnoro, 91.5'; Z-nitro-V-fluoro, 1620; 4-nitrr,4" fluoro, 166', 2%fluoro-V-niethoxy, 102.5'. 4-fluoro-4 nitthoxy, 4 methnxy-'-fluorn, IN)". tion of TIM I (IT) Aud Cl I.-(CO..Et Ij (111) undkr similar cnri- ditiOul 9-ANT a W',, Vivid of Phcll:UCO~ t~. X . detisatian i)f J-0-NC.114CHO TH gave C (CO-W-. A-Cyinocintrunic acid ivas obtiijit-d !o 1111~,~(,j yield in a's-imiktr re.iction hivolvinr 11 and 'NCC1f,C0jI. 1 A, ;N!,-J,-7T- Aw"" WR CSUROSI Z.; DITAK, GY. -------------- Examinations Iby catalysts. XXV1I. Reaction of benzaldehyde with compounda containing active hydrogen in the presence of boron trifluoride. Examinations X)VIIII. Catalyzed anomerization of pentaacetylene-D-glucose with boron trir-luoride. I. Anomerization in acetic acid and acetic anhydride. (To be contd) p. 347. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Kemiai Tudomanyok Oaztalya. KOZLEMENYEL Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 10y No. 3, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959 UNCL 7 ` Zi; DAI imd -:P~ Compe itive r( 4 ,~u i tal iand rd cutillyrt oil Utt"i0i im"iiihotol, 1 - wl'ti erizatlon was t c1 i1 ~ of oIj J Y " r, a la i l rcas lJ lg u mmems j Ewonitrile Z -1r. Zsuffa, and -R--.~-'-monoInerconen.% and thm decreu&es aunim,~%vhile the vuly~- it (z rz ru"i'ation degree of acrylonit-file is nereased when the u Ung , .", -.5 j�, stiftabiv 5L-.. C 'actiou jar On 3z, Tirc"Por, ogrrs--es. -Thc'gm:s ratv of react! " Were found to reach U Illnx yi6l of tio-aII to the sq. rout of persuIhts-.concn.,;-A linear rZIAtion I,; ~ . hip exists betoct:11 tile Eq. Toot of pel-sulf-ate conell. alad fll~ -1~1 rc ,howlnj rCi;lTtVM ~aiur of the polymerization deg -t --d betw6n. ;nmlzaiian, and the mol. wts. of tile iroducv, vari. , - - inn occurs by tvaction of 2 viacm radicals- thechaiti terutiuat to the expti, conditions. The l go chain transfer was found TV: orcill. (Hring the dem. of t -V1AIItnc-- Of the amt: of the hetempncutis C-Italilsts, tile Illi, Ali induction period dol)(affing oz! tbte! chain transfer coast ' , . licytiulfate cnne ums-obserml durirg rract4ni, rmu-tbol the lin'slillatc!, wurr fl-nnd to hr P.W011 4ai elad . "Only ' e I a A fkIVCtiQlj ill t-Iftle gloss gate of the actil n iticle 8 lieroxy cnrnjos., while of tile licte-roi;eIlt !"l's 0~4vei;mvvg the tal tho were found to be ffective eont sts onl rare e not on the ~aurhqce or! Tile polymerization was It-und to occur s e - fl. y y - thecatalyst but primarily within the soln:, iviflch was ba-Atdi iiietlif The ixtion of-the peroxy ewripd. vkerted 11 , 0 theelem.of thevalid kinetic correlations for thucaidatiou- bn the reaction. , Prvdpcts of Wginer r:.A. %vt. 0~1 44r.Ac effict l Inn polymerization i-sterDs., Relatiu 1p and ki- e(hict i-pre forrried Jui iicid mediurn and of lower IRA wt. ill al j3j-e4ium,- The yield derreasts at ph> 7. InvestigatirAsim r er--. netic c-urvcs V, gn en V Cfrrc;)' ur Ly%~jn X" , - 4Wpt3-`XX1. z CoitDij tic hydtojeriptim lund polyme rizat t vinvilltior I by meams of Grignard reactiots. -7 Nt Aiw; 27 1016-240958 =4 rtyiC% c, t UjPeV 9 C'ampetitive reac iom 3. Kinetits and rnechanlarns , , ivinvi G tignard rugmts' 4Vreferelleek throagh 6 hateroteiietlus tatalytic 131ld2tL -104DCtion pol-ML a. - Z a B f C G l l 1 . ral . LU ia .-mros, 1, ton~O ,&cry onRr la. ,Z. ftzy. ,Univ - Budapest -Fulyiner- ). 11tid M"I T~eh Nang . . . . . . a n. Ali. mdu: aM in If tm. %y1th KAPs Distro 4EMD 2 n 00 11 n t ry a t H~.Fh OAamistry jAhB, JOUr R6f. 2,11LIr. - Kkliia., %, j.0, 19~9, 37410. Au t h,.-) r r Es v-rn,: 7 .rT'e s 7, ~,f I~fro e z i n in n, M3 r I E?V ITnstltut. i Titlc: hl, eo ior~ic kralys'.8 )r ()rig pt1b. ~Absqtract Card: 1/1 t3trzmiep . L'.11. VI9r~k%3_'mctrI.c Deter-minstin-n of M,_,piwr Irqx, 64, ro. i_56- 7. 6 7 The o~',,pct.I,,mmte3 of a mo leo I I! py, -AE;j -ht P, 8S" 51-1-* Y)Srq-,^'fInoij. W-16 I. The Dene,,incleq ',:et,,qok,n '.nrl e,3IOOLIR_" W,3i:!IIt the -,horn etcri 3 tA c% ~rifcc,'~I~~r,rre ob~pinel: rt 8~0 N M2.398.1i at '400 7?~ 6 - I C 0 __,~ Mb . r -0 r SOP RZi-Y. hi M. 10r..6, L0562. ---A%ythnrcw' as %Ifni~ IRR-IG~Jjy/Chenical TocluiolOGY. Chaniml Products and Their H I,p.-plications, Syntbjbtic Polymrs =(l Plastics - 1,kbs To=; r%ef Zhur-Rhimsy No 8) 1959~ 29516. Author LajjpXgU,_Z._s_ Grorpzr=*aiy M-p al-ld ZSuffap D- Inst Title Invastication of the Porchlorination of 11olyvinyl- chloride Oric Pub: IbM(ar Chom Folyoiria-,'~) 64, No 5, 168-169 (1950) (in llunCprian with GonInn BULIJ=Y) ;,,bstract: InvastiGation Of tIM -.;o.-chlorinatirin of 17C III *air boilinG poiilt as shown various solvents at tL that tile rate of the reaction is faster in hiGh- boiling sO.Lvents than in low-bailing solvOlIts. However, the utilization of solvents of the tetra- Card :1/2 Car Id : 2/2 CSUROSJ Z. "Decomposition of anhydro ring of triacetyllevoglucoasan by means of titanium tetrachloride." In German, p. 25 PERIODICA POLITECHNICA. (Budapesti. Muszaki Eaetem) Budapest., Hungary, Vol. 3, Wo. 1. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LO, Vol. 8. No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. Cauro s, Z.; Groswann, M.; Bertalan,, Gy, Rheologic Investigations of-macromolecular substances. V. Determination of the secondary, transformation point by means of the Hoppler consiBtometer. Tn German* p.113 FEMODICA POLYTECMICA. CMWCAL ENOTMMRM. (Budapesti Mustaki Epyetem) Budapest.. Hungary. 'Vol-3.. no.2,, 1959 Monthly Idet of Ust European Accessiow. (EM) LC,, Vol.8, no.n November 1959 Uncl. CSUROSP Zoltan, prof.,dr. (Budapest); GARAp Miklos (Budapest); To-rvira-n, Gyorgy (Budapest) Rheologic investigations of macromolecular substancess VI. Investigations of the distribution of the Inner tensions on hatd PTO blocks. Periodica polytechn ahem 3 no.4:255-265 159. MAI 9:6) 1 Institut fur Organisch-Chemische Technologie der T;chnischen Universitat,.Budapeat. (pacromolecular compounds) (Ohloroothylene) (Polymers and polymerization) GSUROS,- Zoltan (Budapest); D&K, G~mla, & ksmiala tudomanyok kandidatuse at): MICIML, 169210 (Budapest) Investigation of complexes of titanium tetrachloride. Kem.tud.kozl. NTA 12 no*3&.323-332 159. (mui 9:4) 1. Budspesti Hassaki 31gyetem Szorves lemiat, Technologiai Intezete. 2. r.tag, Magyar Tudomanyeo Akademia (for Couros). (Titanium chlorideo) (Gomplex compounds) OBUROS, Zoltan; DUK, Gyula; HARASNUM PAPP, Melinda (Budapest) Reaction of glucosans with titanium tetrachloride. Um.tud.kozl,WA 12 no-3033-342 '59. (BU-1 0:4) 1. Sudapesti Hdozaki ISyetem Sserves Kemlala Technologial Intexets. 2. r.tag, Magyar Tudomanyar Akademia (for Couros). (Titanium chlorides) (Glucosans) CSMSo -Z*Uau- (BhdaP"t); MK, Gyula, a Ivemlai tudo ' Mmupest); ITARASZTHY1M IPAPP manyok kandidatuBa ,, *TlrAa (Budapgl3t) Reaction kinetics and mechanics of triacetylone levoglucosan and titanium tetrachloride. Xem.tud.)cozl.MTA 12 no.4:431-440 159. (EMAI 9:4) 1. Budapesti Hassaki lkyet9m, Szervee Xemiai Teohnologiai Inteset. 2.. R.tagj %var Tudovanyos Akademia (for Couros). Triacetyllevoglucosau) (Titanium chlorides) CS I n's, Z. An account of the research work on Dlastic materials: at the Chair of Organic Chemical Technology at the Phidapest University of Technical Science-,. P. 58. MAGYAR KR-IIKVSOX LAPJA. (14agyar Kemikusok Eryesulete) Budapest, Hungary Vol. U, no. 2/j, Feb.Alar. 1959. Monthly list of East Dilopean Accessions (M.11r), LO, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. 77 X- -N V CSURM Z. Rhoologic inventigations of micromolecular substances. IV. Rhoolo ic investig'ations of FVC pastes. 11. Effect on teMperature on polyviny1chloride tvc~ pastes. P.65 ACTA CHIKICA. Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 19, no. 1, 1959 Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (ESE). W- 161s 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. W. CSUROS, Z.; DEAX, GY. Investigation cf catalysts, )DRIII. Anomerization of pentaacetyl-d-glucose catalyzed by boron trifluoride. I. Anomerization in acetic acid and in acetic anhydride. p.165 ACTA CHIMCA. Budapest, Hungax7. Vol. 19, no. 2/3, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EM), LG. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. W CSUROS, Z.- DEAK, GY.; VARSANYT, GY. Invest 1grat ions of catalysts, XXIX. Anomerization of pentaacetyl-d-glucose ,yzed by boron trifluoride, U. Anomerization In chloroform. cste~l p. 181 ACTA CHIHICA. Bodapest, Hungary. Vol. 19, no. 2/3, 1959 Monthly List of Past European Accessions (EZU), 1C. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 3.959 Uncl. CSM0,71 Z.; P-:,TRC, J. Investigations of catalysts. XXK. Investigations with neckel catalysts on carrier. 11. Possib1ities of Increaning the activity ind the effectiveness of nickel-magnesium.oxide catalysts prepared frcm formates. p.221 ACTA CHUa CA 4~ Budapest, Hun.rrary. Vol. 19. no/ 2/3. 1959 Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EM), LC. Vol. 8. No. 9, Septcmber 1959 Uncl. ('9 ui~ Ds, Z." r42140 Invaitissubas as asulys", XXXI.* javskussubbs, 0 PASSY NOW OSWPIS. VI. 16TISUSSUDIS Of thl Oangm 1: &M a4tivily sat elballyassas of MuM nickel on the bidlilan' Q &OIAL (1z Raglksb) L 0 a A r a a, J. P o a r 6. Ada Chimico Aamlimine SaWAO;Vft pnpar*W. 19814 No. 4, 37"31. 43 f1p., I tabs. The offftl or tbatadditio of varioum solds wan lnvtmtl.': E&IW in 04 h twiTa varlow mumial compounds,' carried Out in presence a Haney nickel a& ostalyst. Thai earlier asatements by certain authors that lUrwy nickel W PD$Mtw by 40144 was found to be VAJ14 only In a varkin ranpi of vontentsatione. A given generally minute, amount of sold' ... may have a more or 1;; favourable effect as won which: manifests itadf putly by increwsed activity mW partly by! increased offectiverusas of the catalyst. By adding an adequate' cluantity of &aid, favaWable resulin wers obtialnod with each, -of the tested eamples, The boat resulle was observed wlth~ the oompoundd whom the activity and offactlyonese of thc~. Catalyst wm low without the addition of said, The quality, 14 docinot estentially Influence theaffectofibe acid., lot, trProved that the original activity of Rmy nickel. catalysts which low mast of their activity during storage can; be alrnoa~ completely restored by the addition of acids.,. j- CSMS~ Z.; PETROj, J. Investigations on cata3yetis MII. Investigations on Raney-nickel cata3ysts. VII. Investigati6nsof the action of nickel, copperj, and manganese salts on the bydrogenation activity and effectiveness of Raney nickel. In Englisho p. 129. ACTA CHIMICA.. (Magyar. TudomaiWos Akademia) Budapest# Hungary* Vol. 20 No. 2p 1959 11ontlOy Idste of East European Accessions, (MI) 1C, Vol. 9, No. lp 1960 Uncl byestI94M Cd t"UIUM The c%napkies were prepd. in aspedal dry app. "hesugar dissolved it% CLICL, TiCip tuid, then pett, ether 2111119=th Itirring, and tha complex filtered and dried under, N. Tile coulps and the decouspa. tetilps. of the cotlt~ plexes were: IC4, 121-06'; 1.(TiC4h$ 97-102", II.-'j 1% -TiCls, 101-27". IL(TIC1j)l, 127-53% 111.(TiCh~, IV.TiC4, 125-35*; IV.(*riC4),, 134-48'; V.TiC4. 133-6*;- -8*, VI-TiCh. -; VI-(TiCl.),. 120-47% V.(TiC4),. 130 Vl.(TiChb, 135-01*; VH.(TiCljj, 13LI-60*; VIL(TiClOs. VIII.1;iCli, 11"1*; VW.(TjC-4),, I-IG-57'; VUL(TiC14~, 134-45*. The fact that during the complex formation no other reactim-, took place was proved either by We rugencration of the sugar contponent from the complex in aq. CllCla or by lite accordance of the rotatory power caled. and found In dry HtOll soltia. The completes of 11 were prepil. by cooling with Dry Ice to prevent the fortuation of 111. The Ac group on Cj of I or U had no outstanding rok in the complex formation over the other Ac groups. The C1 content of the complexes was 4etd. after decompa. withNaOHinM%,OljtmdH30. no 11 content was detd. by ignition ~at, 120D*. Kantrgk;cr-- -Sri. of nflus Cmupm. were prqw). Irmu TIC1, ataf a- lentagret)-l- glucose (1). P-pentaRfttyl$hKVU (11), Itottocillofogluctise (M), triacetyllerogluemin (IV), tribenmyllevoglacosan (V), a-pentabenzoylghlem (VI - P-Pentabelitoylslucose (VIt). &IU,. T'he compn. of the cool- plexts was affected by their Poly. and by lite condition of charge. The sugar compontab were prepd. as WlDws- U frolu &h OX) with HaOAc, m. 131c (9011), JoI4 3.8* (CHCls); I from 11 by anotneri=tian with ZnCjj, m. 130- (EtOH). JaID 101-; VI from IX with BzC1 at in a anixt. of VAX) MA (ClIsCOi, mi, SOD* Vat aq. Me'CO)'+jaI -8 V fromilwith][11taluxat600.911. (CIICL), M front U with TiC4, in. 73* (Bt%O-peu. etbor), 1.10 167.g- (Cfl"); IV from 11 V 1-0--a (in) with NaOAC' gn. 110* (H*O). Jain -45.5* (EtOll); V from XI with IjICI in a mixt, of X and CliCh. ru. 199' (BtOH),Ja 1P -35% YM from ccHukw by doe "olyal 2. a). za* (C C6-utoll), 1010 420 (Clim. CORDS, Zoltan' Prof.Dr. (Duaapost); jDwx, Gyula (Budapest); HARASZTHY Melinda (D"apest) Reaction of gluconanes wl~h titanium tetrachloride. In Inglish. Acta ahimica Hung. 21 uo,W81-192 159. (3U 1 9 -.4) 1. Institute of Organic Cbemlc~l Technology, Technical University, Budapest. (ClUD06&hB) (Titanium chlorides) Prof.Dr. (Budapest); DIff, Gjyula (Budapest); LARASZTHY (PAW: ~bllnda (Budapest) Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of triacetyl levoglucoseane with titanium tetrachloride. In ftlish. Acta chimica, Hung. 21 no.2:193-203 159.' (Mul 9:4) 1. Institute of Organic Chemical Technology, Technical University, Budapest. (Triacetylevoglucosan) (Titanium chlorides) GSUROS, Zoltan, akademikus (Budapest) The 1958 book and periodical publishing work of the Hungarian Acadeaq of Sciences. Xegytud. 66 zo.M657-659 D 159. (MUI 9 -.4) 1. Titimi, zot"!- so Folyoiratkiado Bizatteag, WL,-,,yar Tudomanyos Akademia,, Biidapexte (Hungarian Acadear of Solenoss) (Hungary-Publishers and publishing) / Aciio~ of different CRtAlYStS In the further 09ormation oz solutiol I lAlklos I Groizinann, and Bita Z%uffL(T u apes Lt, Wung _,~ Mrei. Astiques 62 No. -50959I.-The in- l 59" crease in Cl content and the decrease in mot. wt. of poly- (vinyl chloride) (1) whic' a tot)k place on further chlorination was studied. The -effect of the solvent (CCI,, dichloroeth- tetrachloroethane ane (11) and PhCl) and of the catal st , , y (POs, TiCl&, SbCla, BFx, and mixts. of these) on the courbe of the chlorination was detd. For a given amt. of catalyst I was the best sDlvent. Increasinx the conen. of the catan lyst above 3,10 did out increase the chlorination rut6. the extent of the decrease ln.tnoL wt. is chiefly a function of the temp.,(1300 h the optimum) and also of the time of chlorination. I originally. had 55% CI and a rnol. wt. of 60,000. The chlorination products ranged between 56.2 and 64.7% CI and had mot. wts. of 29,000 to 53,000. C. L, DwsV Distri 4E2c(j)- 71 I' - 5. 3 Oirw N the Lais,-Iag dafA ebout the ifituacik--i of -ch-cmitals riot rb-d m Ion fm srstemA mcludung dialk-I phthalaa, aitrobtnmac, tetmchlcro- 74- ~g I~Mg., M!,! R X f~aot, OR MMT~_ M!,- 7 I VAR. 9. rp W d A A rff- &'mtnt ribstmici -wlth bo=d bidrog= *f the' m r b . i b l d A P 6 B d l rke Rnml . an ZV etr u )y n apftt ( J ts m Z 4 4 9- 13, 29-M, 1 W; cl, CA 54, P -'ne behavior W AcPh, PhYCO, Dzl!, PhC!'tCN, FhNO). 4_0 ww iuvestAgated -Aith bound H irom Raney NIL The type of the compd. Is jimen. ~~ubstratcs talke up xnom hydrog= Arom =mlya* of highm- tivdro2en c=tent. Put cl the compds. of the B t3Tt~(cf. PrejOlit and ZimInovs, CA 43, M8h) show rimilar bOiavior to that of the A tyr,^. In tbE case of a cawyst 0 Mth 11 content Lbe Phx-l whicb belongs lo the C type 1%chaves Ue the B type-! E-xptJ. results relate to roozn ternp. CSUROS. Zoltan, akademikus (Budapest); GARA, Miklosp a kemiai tudommWok kandidatusa (Budapest); BERTALAN, Gyorgy (Budapest); JUHASZ, Kalman (Budapest) Rheologic investigation of macromolecular sutstances. VI* Investigation of the distribution of the inner pressure in a block of harc PVC. Kem tud koz1 MTA 13 no.2:129-138 160. (EEAI 9:8) 1. Muszaki Egyetem, Sterves Kemiai Technologiai Intezet, Budapest. (Macromolecular compounds) (Chloroethylene) (Polymers and polymerization) tr c /4 Z'3 b !.;4: '40 60. OM~-JVS.S 532.133 3khtiOl0R1W:S1UdlQ3 with mIcton bllttllat stit,11anceB, VIU. Ths 'vet Interaction ef d's3d. _,pc!Lrr d _s shown by VIS. Colity rncasuremtntj__K, L~f an _gj 'U r 8 b~ M~ G ft I V, .4 pp, vinrl .,~rr ri,idid in difforont f. In t. t, pt, mWR own monemor or in Ad "tumted cnw~Rozlc ~~ompou~~d Sneb sok-enta w~" sought whiph show --ho zrrnajjo~t jnjy,..,on L), tht, polymer and I% good Polvent waa IDokod for wmh which mcferular weight tould bo detarmined. 77ha imit-ability of the mnivni was characto-izzi:1 by the intmaic viAmnity. With III) threv polymom solitions having thIi lowom intmisic viaooalty Were obLax~d tho mAvent w- Lhe ~~_Sponding unanto rated monorneric comliound. Tha soquenno of aalwmtzi ael"Ord- ing to eohession energy dansity wt~ found L. b9 the snrr~o 9A tbe at-quence of increasing intTin~,ic 7iw~_itics. A relation- t,.p ship w&x c~tahliahod betwoon tho miU,- intrip-Kie viihisitits and the Molar vojumc3 of the mivpntz~ CSUROSv Zoltan, dr.9 prof.; PETRO, Jozzefo; HEISZMANNO Jozeef Investigations on catalysts, 33= Investigations on Raney nickel catalysts. VIII. Investigation of the effect of cobalt salts on the activity and effectiveness of Raney nickels, Acta chirdea Hung 22 no.l: 73-85 160. 1 (Ew 9W 1. Institute of Organic Chemical Technology, Technical University, Budapest. (Catalysts) (Nickel) (Cobalt) n' CSUROS, Zol,ta_n_j__GARA,-Miklos; BERTALAN, Gyorgy Rheological examination of macromolecular substances. V. Determina- tion of a second-degree transformation point'by the Hoppler's consistometer. Magy kem f olyoir 66 no - 5:174-178 V~r 160. 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Szerves Kemiai Technologiai Tanszeke. CSUROS, Zoltan, dr. prof.t PRTRO, Jozsef Investigations on catalysts. XXXIV. Investigations on Raney nickel catalysto. IX. Investigation of the behavior of various substrates with the bound hydrogen of Raney nickel. A6ta ohimica Hung 22 no.l: 87-98 160. MAI 9:9) 1. Institute of Organic Chemical Technologyq Technical Universityl Budapest. (Catalysts) (Nickel) (Hydrogen) CSUM - Z. prof. (Bladapest XI.,.Muegyatem rakpart M. (Budapest XI., rakpart 3.); GYMMOVICS, I. (Budapest XI., Mluegyetem rakpart GEC2;Y, I. (Budapest-IX., Sza=ely-utaa 30-32.) 3.); Investigation of the interaction between dissolved polymers and solvents by means ofviscosimetz7. Periodica.polytechn-chem 5 no.2:101-121 161. 1. Lehrstuhl.fur Organisch-Chemisabe Tecbnologie, Tecbnisebe Universi- tat, Budapest.-(for Csurds,, Garap Gyurkovies), 2. Vegyimuveket Tervezo Vallalat, Budapest. (for Geezy). GSUROS Z prof- (Budapest XI., %iegyetem rakpart 3.)) MORGOS., J. (Budapest Huegy*etem rakpart 3.); LOSONCZI, B. (Budapest U., Muef"tem rakpart 3.); GEGZY, I. (Budapest-XL, SmazuenY utca 30-32. Investigation of correlation between the inhibitor effeat and chemical conigtitation..Periodica poly-teabn chem 5 no.2:123-137 161. 1. Lehrstuhl.far Organisch-Chemische Tec~mologie, Technische Universi- tat, Budapest. (for Cauros, Morgos, Losonezi) 2. Vegyimuveket Tervezo Vallalat, Budapest. (for Geczy). GSUROS., Z prof, (Budapoot XI.., Mogy stem rakpart 3); DUK, C7. (Budapest X.L,y tem rakpart 3); GOSZTONYI, T. (Budapest XI,pHuegyetem rakpart 3). Immm, 0. (Budapest XI.,Mue9yetem.rakpart 3) Kinetics of alkeli.decamposition of pbenyl- -D-glucosidetatraacetate and ito pherWl substituting derivatives. Periodica polytechn cben 5 no.3%197-207 161., 1. Lehrstuhl fur Organisch-Chamische Technologie der Techniechen Uni- versitat. CSUROS, Zoltanp r.tag (Budapest); GARA, Miklos, a kemiai tudownyok kandi- --,d&twm(Btdapest); BF-RTALANv C~rorgy,(Budapest) Effect of temperature on PM-liquid eystems. Kem tud kozj MTA 15 no.2:135-156 161. 1. Muszaki Eg7etem, Szerves Kemlai Technologiai Tanszek, Budapest. Temperature) (Chlorootbvlene) Polymers and polymerization) (Liquids) ~ (Systems(ChemiBtry)) CSUROS, Zoltan.. akademikuos, Kossuth-dijas egyetemi tanar Chemistry; the past one and.a balf decades in retrospect. Elet tud 16 no*49:1558 3 D 161, 1. "Elet as Tudowny" ozerkeozto bizottsaganak elnoke. I a/QBI/62/000/017/101/102 B177/B186 IS: Gsur6s, Z.p Garat Mot qyurkovicat Id AUTHG11 -TITLE: Copolymerization of allyl alcohol and acryl nitrile under the effect of a redox.system PERIODIC.AL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya,,no..17, ia,62, 6130 abstract I 17R40 (Acts. chim- Achd- scient. hung.9',,va 299 no.,2, 1961, 207 -.225 [Eng.;'summarieu in.Ger.and Russ. TEXT: The authors investigate the.copolymerization of allyl alcohol (I) and acryl nitrile (II) in the presence of an initiator consisting of 'K2S208 and ascorbic acid (1 1 (0.0125 mole7/1 Y in an 'aqueous. medium '0.5 (-~.20', 12 hours). From) an initial mixtur; containing - 0.91 nolar fraction of I, the yield of,copolymer is 98 - 16;4, and the proportion of I r '4 respectiirely. Copolymers .in the copolyme is 240.5- - 44-4 mole o*taining 35-4 mole ~o.of I are, powders soluble.ih,dimethyl formnmide. When the,proportion:of I'in the copolymer is increased, resinous productai soluble" in acetone are form9d. Variation of the proportion of I in the .,copolymer from 33.4 to 44-4:'mole is accompania'd by a fall of the .C ard_1/2 I ;-4y A Copolymerization of allyl alcohol 'and B177/Bjq6 noftenina point from .160 to 580. The molecular weight of the copolymer 0962.- 2"00),decreases with increasing polymerizat.Aon time. The factor of the copolymer rises with increasing concentration of monomers in the mixture, and,does not depend on the concentrationlof initiator. The relative ac4v'ity- of radicals r II = 1.99 + 0-5 and r I - 0.03. + 0.02. 2 The polymerliation-rate ini reduced with inereasing I in the initial mixture abo,~4 0-5 molar fiabtion,and r6aches its maximum at a monomer concentratio'li of 3-04 molevl. In the range of concentrations of initiator', 5.0 -, 10-3 (3-5 - 1 mole/l 0), t,he.polymerization rate is _direc ly. proportional''t -6hcen a :~K S -6 1he' c tration of k 2 29 #.and does not depend on the concentration of ascorbic .a-aid [Abstiact er a note: Complete translation Card 2/2 CSUROS, Zoltan,.prof,,, &s; DFAKp,__ayuIa;. HAHA_qZMff.~WF,. Mal 4Ad& [Mrs] Reaction of levogluconan asters with hydrogen bromide and-with acId bromides in glacial acetic acid..Acta chimica Hung 29 no.2:227-235 161. L.Instituts...for Organic Cbevilcal-Ilechnology, Technical University., BadapeBt. 2. Editor, "Acta.Chimica Aeodemiae Scientiarum Fhmgaricae' (for Cmums). (Levoglucosars) (Eaters) (Bromddes) (Acetic acid) B.Nlh CSURO~ -prof.,.dr.; PETRO, Jozaef Investigations on-catalysts..X=. Investigations on Raney nickel catal7sts. X. Studies.on-Ahe behavior of Raney nickel catalyst in hydrogenation procesBess as a function of its hydrogen content. Acts, chimica Hung 29 no.3:321-349- 161. 1. Institute of Organic Chemical Technology, Technical University, Budapest. (Catalysts) (Nickel) (Fqdrogenation) .prof** dre; PEMv -Tozoef; HOLLY,-Sandor Timstigationo on catalyatao XXXVII, Investigations on.Raney nickel catalyato, XI, Interaction of Raney nickel and substrate in bidro- genation reactions. Acta chimica.Hung 2-9 no-3;351-371 161. .1. Institute of Organic Chemical Technology, Technieal University, Budapest. (CatalyatB) (Nickel) (Rydrogenation) q'q p E L, . -CSUROS) Zoltan, prof., dr.; PETRO, Jozsef;,=, Sandor Investigations on catalysts. XXXVIII. Investigations of Raney nickel catalysts. XII. Effect of additives on hydrogen sorbed by Raney nickel. Acta chimica Hung 29;no.4:419-445 -16:L,, 1. Institute of Organic Chemical Technology, Technical University, Budapest. 2. Editor, "Acta Chimica Academiae Soientiarum Hungarieae" (for Csuros). TORO, Imre,, dr., Kossuth-dijas akademikus; BOGNAR, Geza, dr.,, Kossuth-dijas akademikus. KARDOS f . Lanlo., dr.,,Kossuth-dijas akademikais; CSURW,_Zoj~F Kossuth-dijas akademikus,- MCD, Aladar# egyatemi tanarf AkG lZio, dr., kandidatus Appeall Tem tud kozl 6 no-10:457 0 62. 1. Tudomanyos Ismeretterjoazto Tarsulat elnoke (for Toro). 2. Tudomanyos Ismeretterjeazto Tarsulat elnokehelyettese (for Bognarp Kardos,, Csurosp and Mod). 3. Tudomanyos Ismeretterjeazto Tarsulat fotitkara (for Nagy). - CSUROS.-Zoltan., prof.) dr.-(Budapest XI., Muegy--tem); DUSZA, Zoigmc!nd (Budapest XI*j, Muegyetem); PErRD.. Jozoef (Budapest XI.p MueSyetem) Investigations on catalysts.XXXI . Investigations on Raney-nickel cata2y,sts.M.Correlations between the hydrogen content, so6tion power and activity of Raney-nickel catalyst. Acta chimica Hti~g 30 no.4t461-471 162. 1, ImUtute of Organic Chemical Technologyp Technical Universityo 2. Editor, "Acts. Chimica" (for Gsuros)* CSUROSP,Zoltan,, prof.,,dr. (Budapest) "The carbohydrates" by S.F.Dyke Reviewed by Zoltan Cauros. Acta chimica Hung 30 no.4s478 162. 1 Institute of Organic Chemical Technology., Technical Univeraity, B;dapest, and Iditor, "Acta Chimica." CSUROS, Zoltan,--prof. dr (BudapestX. .'Hingyitem); DEAK, Gyula (Budapest, .XqqmjFD_9Yetem~;' SiOUNOKI, Jozsef*(Budapest,XI.^egyetem) Condensation of bansaldehyde and benzyl cyanide catalyzed by ion exchange resins. Acts. chimica Hung 33 no.3041-342 '62. le Institute of Organic Che4cal Technologyq Technical Universityp Budapest. 2. Editor, *Acta Chimica Academiae Scientiarum' Hungaricae" (for Csuros). UMR wHigh-molecular-organic compounds; caoutchouc and cellU.10se* by R. Staudinger, Reviewed-by Csuros. Periodica PO*echn chem 6 no,.4--262-263 163. 16 Hauptachriftleiterp "Periodica Polqtechnica GhemicaL Engineering." GSUROS,Zoltan, akademikus; HEIDT, Janos An account of the Leipzig CorqMevs dealing witb the chemistry and technology of macromolecules. -Ram -tud k=1 IffA 20 no -4: 469-471 163. 1, Muszaki Egyetem Szerves Kemiai Technologiai Tanszekeq Budapest so a Magyar Tudonmnyos Akademia Kozponti Kemiai Kutato Intezete,' Budapest. 2. "A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kemiai Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemeyei" szerkeszto bizottsagi ta.-ja. GSUROS, Zoltan UShort textbook of biochemistry for medicine and natural science students" by P. Karlson. Reviewed by Zoltan Csuros. Acta chimica Uung 38 no.2:169 163. 1. Redakteur, "Acta Chimics. Academiae Scientiarm Ifungaricae." 'of ggaw-,-M tan of., dr. (Budapest, XI., Miagyatem. rakpart 3),-,DEAK Gyula, d1l. M-ud-Aw-2alt-.~ I&Legvatem rakpar iud-!---+ X1 (Blapest, L, t 3); FENICHEL, Laszlo ti Maegyetem rakpart 3T; KALMAR-TOROK9 Anna (Budapest~ XI.., Muegyelloem rak- Part 3) A now method for the determination of boron trifluoride In complex compounds ~nd reaction mixtures. Periodica polytechn them 8 no.1:1-7 164. 1. Ioehrstuh:L fur Organisch-Ghomische Technologie,, Tachnische Universitits Budapest. C- M SUB CODE' SIUBMITrED' .1OFeb64 UM 00 dissooiatioll "nstanta of the -,4a-jrpuporAing phenols pg em I T. =.z: t3l it, r- - CSUROS, Zoltar.; PETRO, Jozsef; Vince; ZP-DEY, Las,~-i , TIALULTY', Forenc Changos in the catajytic propertlod of firmoy depending on the conditions of its preparation. Magy kem folyo.;r 70 no.8:337-3.1'X Ag 164. 1. Chair of Organic Chemical Technology of the Budapest Technical University. 2. Editorial board member, "I'lagyar Kemizji. Folyoirat", Budapest (for Erdey). J CSUROS-KAPTAIAN, Margareta Phytocoenosis and ecologic research in the Finatului Valley (R, Turda). Studii cerc biol a. bot 16 no.6:497-502 164. 1. Chair of Botany, "Babes-Bolyai"*- University, Cluj. -57 ~i ____ - _/ --- - - __ __ - Z:Z -- &I -Y Z_ ~2 J CSUSZ. IaJos, Dr.; GUSZICH, Aurel, Dr. Surgical aspects of chronic pancreatitie. M%gy. sebesset 10 no.2-3: 95-104 Apr-June 57. 1. A Fovarost Istavan-Korhaz Of'(1gazgato: Katona Istvan dr.) I. Sze sebeszeti oaztalyanak (Foorvost Gnazich Aural dr.) kozlemenye. (PANCRUTITIS, surge chronic, case reports (Han)) CSUTAKO G. Analgesia in labor with special reference to percain infiltration of the sympathic nerve in the lumbar region Vertebrae L2. an& L3) - Magy* noorvo laps 14 n097:214-218 July 19510 (CLML 20:11) 1. Doctor, Hospital Head Physician. 2. Maternity Department Mediae State Hospitalp Rumania. (-CSUTAK, Gyula, dr. A modified teahnic for Wertheim's operation. Xagy.noorvelap. 23 no-5:314-315 6 160. 1, A medgyasi 2. as, Egyeeitett lorhas Ssuleaseti-Nogvogyaozati Oestalystol. (UTERIES PROLAPSE surg) CSUTAK,, Gyula,, dr. Experiences in obtaining Rh antiberum. Magyonoorv.lap. 26 no. I 5s270-271' S 163, 1. A medgyesi 2. oz. Egyesitett Korhaz SeU19Bzeti-Nogyogyaszati Osztalyatol. CSUTAK, Gyula).dr. A new method of peritonization in total salpingectomyo Magyonoorve lap. 26 no.6:372-374 N ~'63. 1. A medgyesi 2. sze Korhaz SiUleszeti- -Nigyogyaszat Osztalyatol. BAIA IU, G.,; BROM, A.i; CALMAN. H.,; CRISTIAU, A.,; OSUTAK,,L,; Study of rheumatic diseases In a factory of refractory prod.Wots. .- Vol. 11.:103-115 1954. Probl. reumat.. Bucur (RHgUMATISK in workers In a factory of refractory products) (OCGWATIONAL DISMSRS of workers making refractory products) Country R=ania T CF1tO9Or'Y= Eman and Aalwal Pbysiology, Circulation Abs, Jour. Ref Zhur Biol, No. 2, 1959, No. 8084 Aut'-zor VelludsiCC.; Tipma,J.; Pop,,,B.; CGUtALkJV. Instlt'dt' Titlo Experimental InvestIgationn of the Role of the Higher Nervous Centers in the Mechanism of the Peripheral Action of Adrenalln. Orig, Pub. Studif at carcotarl mad. Aced. RPR Fil. Cluj, 1956, 7, so. 1-4, 97--ioB Abstract Adronalln In doses of 10 and 2OA( was Injected Into dogs after they had been given a single dose of caffeine, 0.5 gm in the acute experiments or 0.5~'-'l go dally in the chronic experiments (18 days). BloodLpressure was seen to rise love than before the Injection of caffeine. The saw phbnomenon.vas oba&,wad Oether the caffeine rind adrenalin Vere injected Intravenously or into the vertebral artery after removal of the carotid minuses. Card: DRRVMCO,P.; TIGSAJ.; C�~TAKWq DEREVENCO, Vera; BIRM, Tereza Some correlations between physical effort and the pha=aco- dynamic action of some substances, Fisiols nom. pate no.6t 549-558 164 1. Institutul de Cereetari medicale al Academiei Republicii Populare Romine, Filials. Cluj (direatort acad, As Moga) si Catedra de farmacologie Institutul medico-farmaceutic (directors prof. C.C. Velluda). - . MUM J. _. - __ ___, - - - - CS11TI, 1. -Vol. 11, no. 7.. Feb. 1955. Oar domestic shipping and state cart transportation in 1955. p. 114. SOs Yonthly Ust of East European AcaeoBionsp (BEW-9 ID-P Vol* 4, No. 91 %Ptt 1955 Uncl. WUTOR, Janos, Alpar-ermqs Engineering and machine building tasks of the Concrete Element Manufacturing Enter1rise, Ministry of Building. Magy ep ipar 13 no.6:349-351 164., GSUTUI,., Jew - .......... : -~ ... Modernization of-the Borgond-Tapolea railroad line. Vaeut 12 no.1:2 30 A 069o CSIUIT'uyt, J. - - - 1114omograms for the production of concrete". p. 22h, (EPITOANYAG, Vol. 5., no. 6, June 195~. Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of ELst European Accessions, L.C., VOL. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1~53, Uncl. CSUTOR, J.; KERYt GY0 Modernization efforts in the production of simple concrete pipes* pe ?0 Vol, 8, No. 2 Feb. 1956. EPITOANYAG. Budapest, Hungary. SOURCE: East European L:Istq (EEAI) Library of Congress Vol. 61 No. 1 January 1956. --Z CSIJ-MR, J. A prefabricatid reinforced concrett support of a new type. P. 77. (EPITOANYAG. Vol. 9, no. 2,, June 1957. Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. J4 6/ 7 Crl?j HUNGARY / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H and Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binding Materials. Concrete. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 19, 1958, 65246 Author Csutor Janos Inst Title S Sp~ecification Problems of Compressed Concrete Orig Pub: Epitoanyag,, 1957.. 9, No 6, 325-330 Abstract: In reinforced-concrete products plants, the com- pression of concrete takes place on vibrating tables. The vibrations performed by the table are ryhthmic, However, the form in which the product is packed is not fastened to the vibrating Card 1/2 HUNGARY / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binding Materials. Concretes. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 19, 1958, 65246 Abstract: table and therefore the effective vibration of the form (and, consequently, also of the concrete) is not rhythmic. A proof of this is the change in the form observed during the vibration of the table. The problem was investigated of how the loose at- tachment of the form to the table influences the decrease of cement.output and the quality of the prepared product. Theoretical calculations show that in the case of an unattached form ' the num- ber of vibrations of the latter are 250% less than the number of vibrations of the table Ex eri - ments conducted on vibration tables 860 x EOO mm in size showed that in 75% of' the cases, attaching the form produces more stable concrete than do un- attached forms. Card 2/2 45 CSUTOR, Zanos, inz. Mass production of sleepers from prostressed concrete. Zel dop tech 9 no.12077-380 161. 1. Podnik na vyrobu zelesobatonovych prefabrikatov, Labatlan, Madarako. CSUTOR, -Tanos- Current questions relating to the mechanization of manu:acturing con- crete elements. Magy ep ipar 10 no.n,.499-502 N 161. CSUTOR.. Janos Conditions of conaete thickening Vibrator tablea from the point of vievs ok the science of oscillations and energetics,, II, Epitoanyag 14 no.9%313-317 S 162* CSUTOR, Janosq Alpar-ermes Fkct=7~methodn and Inota3lationa of concrete steaming. M&g7 ep ipar nno.9.-403-40 162. . qSTJTOR, Janos S, --------- Data on the question of classifying reinforced concrete products. Epitoanyag 3.2 no.7:254-262 -T1 160. CSTJT0R, Janos )rgetic o_pnditions Of the a crate solidifying Vibration,41 as well as one on vibrator Ubles. Epitoanyag 12 no',10;368-372 0 160. CSUTOR, Janos, Alpar-ermes A now systemfor handling finished products at reinforced concrete factories. MW ep ipar 12 no.2:54-58 163. GSUTOR, Janes, Inv. Technical and economic evaluation of the SB prestressed-concreU railroad tie production. Zel dop tech 12 no,2953-,,;-/,, 164., ._~TqRl. Janos Manufacture of concrete railroad sleepers in West Germany. Magy ep ipar 13 no. 41216-224 164. , I %'J,S,,U,.TOR Janos, Alpar-ermes, KARPATI, Kawoer -L~~ I Evali4U.'W-g 'he rules for classifying ferroconcrete elements Manut,..;6u;~ed in large quantities. Magy ep ipar 13 no.10; 549-553 164. CSUTOR Janos Compacting concrete by centrJfugation. Epitoanyag 16 no. 5: 175-180 My 164. Cautor., Compacting concrete by rotation. Muss *let 19 no.16:15 30 J1 164- CSUTORKA, Iajoo On the problems.of consolidating industrial enterprises. 1~~ 12 no.22.-6-7 D 162. 1. EDOSZ fotitkara. CSUTORKA. LaJos - ---- ~ Improvement of leadership: a condition of progress, 11mka. 13 no.6:8-9 Je 163. . 1. EDOSZ fotitkara. CSUTORKA, lajosk*%-ix~l Our trade union: the Hungarian Food Workers' Union. Hung TU no.32t6-8 D 163. 1. General Secretary, Hungarian Food Workers' Union. SOS, J.; K3RTAI, P.; 11AGT, J.; CSUZI, S. r Effect of tyrosine antimetabolites or, Come radioiodine uptake of the tkyroid gland. Acta physiol. hung. 14 no.l.-57-59 1958. 1. Institute of PathophysioloI7 and Institute of Medical Physics, Medical University, 3udapest. (TYROSINE, antag. antimetabolites, eff. on thyroidal iodine uptake in rats) (THYROID GLUM, eff. of drags on tyrosine antimetabolites on iodine uptake in rate) (IODM, metab. thyroid, eff. of tyrosine antimatabolites on uptake in rats) STRAUB, F.B.runo, akademikus, egyetemi tanar; CSUZI9 Sandor egyetemi tanarneged; VEWIANERj. Falp egyetemi-tWa-rs-egiia-- The 5th International Congress on Biochemistry in Moscow. Magy tud 68 no.12:765-766 D 161.. 1. Magyar Tudomanyou Akadomia biokamiai Intezeto,, Budapest (for Straub). 2. Budapesti. Orvostudomanyi Egyetem (for Csuz1 and Venetianer), d XiAcls, of th -f M~id.Jcn] Clier- i 4 t r Dii x ~ a c 4-, o r ; S -1 AM U i~ IF .* Dc) - f Un rz.4, ty 3 a I I ki 0L L, "I ~L- pt,,Z~t [01,nginal irI:,rs:IOw ,at gilrv?13. I'Prvdi~,~tjo,j of a Ly-Lic ractor by Culixras of Bacrulun corqua. 1. The cowiiidomk or Iy3is bucLspe zi t ciroblolQgio Vol 51, Do 1962, pp 2()`--)04. 'I r r A.1c, Ac, ar Aala, a ~tb_ -Iz-lisb summ-ary madiS i6&, : 'A .VJOJG-t 1jFht cultuxes of B. corauz 56" In t unrl*!v lysis uh!.^h procj~a, 1~; o* he- pandent on proto-In :;y-,i- ~IVVI Zi,7.A4;'I!t'S.VG Aniii-bitic-m with clilorAmph-sni-col. On 'Aysis 4; on tM horologous strAln, vihilc- sLZain 1`0 (if 5. Cerri-46t it 1r. of protoin churaoter, it Can 'Oe 'by trypt;ir,, c~r kwat and. precipitated "by a~:Laordzrn u 1 0 1? i I do n&~n "Xato, T-rhe ef-ff;ct *2" tht~ lytic Tactor oa B. c&r*~u!t ~3 - ... I P~~ - t ol' oro'.citin s:.~xnthasis. Ly,-,jLs of L. c4rovz _S69 induccid 'by ,Lltreviulot Irra- diation and lysi~ of 5. carow, 130 inducor; by t~a lytic fact"ir soq;~- to t* of di.Mwirerit rvnt,.~ri~. [234 rafercnco;3, of v1dob, *I- hiln.-YarlAn, Medical C~cm'O,j Unilecas'll Medical Sc~icvl )(3uj-qcs4 z, _,~suzl I S. Production o~' a lytic factor by ultraviolet light irradiated cultures of Bacillus cereus. 11. Some properties and qu -anti t% tive dete'rmination of the lytJ.c factor. Acta microbiol. acad. sci. Hung. 11 no.1:55-63 164. 1. Ins,~-.itute of Medical Chemistry (Director: B.F. Straub). Uni- vorolty Medical Schoo), Ihidupost. .CTANOJZVIC,, Caslav V. (Beograd) A necessary and sufficient condition for the comutativity of the ring with characteristic$, Biltan mat fiz Mak no,12: 25-27 161o MAKRACHUt M. [Machacekj M.]j FRUSHEKp 1. (Prusek., J.); TSTIBORr-X. [Ctibor, K.) Transistorized level indicator; frm the practice of instrument manufacture in Ozooboslol-Wkia, PribOrOstroanie no.3-1:22-25 N 164- (MIRA ISR3.) . . . i CTIBORO K.-... inz... Dotemining the b;ydraulio rdoistanae dr-filters, Vodni. hoop 14 Ao.7tA9--'y5l t-64 1. State Institute Projektap Prague. CTIBOR, K,, inz.; KLABAL, R., inz. Design of automatic control of 4iscontinuous productions. Tech praca. 17 no.3.-162-164 Yx 65. 1. State Institute Projakta, Prague.