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H1UNG,'_'RY/Hw_ian P-ne. ;xit_ial lAorphology (Nwmal 8-2 and Pathological). Norvous Syston. Poriphoral Xorvous Sjrstc;~i. ,~bs Jour: Rof Zhw-Biol.2 No 167 1o,537 74319 .iIuthor : Csillik, Bertalan; Savay, Cyliltl. Inst : E N BELOW --- Title : Microscopic Localization of Potassiibm in IIYolinated Nc_~rva Fibers. Orig Pub: Kisorl. orvostud., 1957, 9, No 2, 151-15S li.bstract: It ,,as his "Uochonically dctermined that almost potassitui is locatod in wrolinated nerve Al ~ 4 fibors in thQ region o-f Ranvier's crosses5 in tho myclin shcath, only soparate particles Of potassiuri sedirl-ont vore Oiscovered. Dy nicro- incim,ration, the greater *)art of the ashes INST Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Bonctani, valamint Szovet-e.'3 Fejlodestai' Card 1/2 Intezet. HUNG1.11Y/Human ant! lxinml Y-Orphology (Normal rm), -2 and Pathological). Nervous Syste!~j. Poripheral Nervous Systeri. ;,bs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., '.!L!o 16, 19537 74319 was discovorod in the region of the crosses, The localizotio.,_rj of pot,-~s._,j is "imly con- nuct0d v,-1th, 10.1potiopal state olf nyo-lina- tod fV,_,L.-r5, V121-th hypo~stimulatuion and iii:th danaga o.-~' fibers at lov TOP the L-mount 0" Dotllissiuri *In thQ nervo fibors dininishos, ile IT. Ivancv C .,i r d 2/2 91CWTA MEDICA Soo 2 Vol 12/? Vh jdy 59 3008, REGENERATION. OF THE SUBNEURAL APPARATUS OF THE MOTOR END-PLATE - bWRijfe_nWa_tfi5n_dir: i~6fieuralen Apparate der motorischen Endpl ten - C sillik B. and SAvay Gy. Inst. far Anat., Histol. und at Embryol., Mod. Univ.#Szeged - ACTA NEUROVEG. (Wien) 1958, 19/1-2 (41-52) illus. 15 The regeneration of the subneural apparatus (SNA) in rats was examined by a com- bined method using mercaptoacetic acid (thiolacetic acid) for cholinesterase and silver Impregnation for axis cylinders. When the SNA in still relatively intact, re- generation takes place simply by ingrowth of the nerve fibres into the apparatus. When the SNA to destroyed, no nerve fibres are seen running to its remnants. Rings showing strong CKE activity are seen in the neighbourhood of the degenerated SNA. These rings form new SNA. while nerve fibres run into them. Bethlem - Amoterdam 7. CSILLIK, D.; SPASSOVAO J. On the com*ned use of the Grovier-Bellanger method with tAie Gr'os method . DcRl, bolg, akad. nauk 15 no.61685-688 162. KadandV;'5---~-""- le Note p3Fd-S6fifA--,nar--D,~ 'ISYNA-PSES) (CHOLINESTERASE) CSILLIK, B.; FOLDIO M.; SGIRISIDER, I.; VARGA) L.; JOO, F. Histochemical and histophysical, changes in the liver following experi- mental lymph congestiono Acts, mod. acad. sci. hung. 18 no.4:399-403 162. 1. Department of Anatomy (Director: Prof. A. Gellert) and Second Department of Medicine (Director: Prof. M. Foldi)., University Medical School Szeged. UJVER~ (CHOLINESTERASE) (SUCCINATE DEHYDROGENASE) (LIMPHATIC SYSTEM) WNGARY 1,TT.T.TIC- Rprtalan; Mledical Univor,,Uy of Szeged, Institutes of Ana-Lomy and of Histology and Embryology (S3ze-edi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem. Anatomiai, vala- Z. mint Szovbt- es Fejlodestani Intezete). "The Molecular Biological Aspects of the Conduction of Stimulus." Budapest, A Mar-~ar Tudomanyos Akademia Diologiai Tudomar~yok Osztalyanak Kozlemen.yei, Vol V1, No 1-2, 1963, pages 157-160. Abstract: The main components of the neuron are mentioned by the author and the more significant biological theories on the conduction of stimulus are listed. The chemical and histological structiire,and characteristics of peri- karyon, axon, myelin, and their mode of functioning ate discussed. The me- chanism of the synaptic tran-er-ission of stimulus and the structural chan- Cr ges during this process are described briefly. The article was presented at the meeting of molecular biologists in Tihany, Hungary. No references. CSIIIIK_,_B_, JOO, F,j JU4ASZ, K.; KAIMANp Gy; KASA, P.; SAVAY, On the effect of denervation on the submicroscopic stracture of the poqtsyna~tic tembrace-in ~he vqoneural J~nction. Acta lorph. acad. sci. Hung. 12'no.2:211-226 163. 10 Anatomisch-Histologisches Institut Mistand: Prof. Dr. A. Gellert) der Medizinischen Universitat Szeged. (WONEURAL JUNCTION) . (SCIATIC NERVE) (SYNAPSES) ( NER VE ENDINGS) (ACETYWHOLINE) (CHOLINESTERASE) (HISTOCHEMISTRY) (MICROSCOPY) HU1,rxkRY TOMITY, Ilona, 9GS jUlK,jL3(~rtalan; Medical University of Szeged, Institutes of Anatorwj, an.6 Histology and Embryology (Szegedi Orvostudomanyi,Egyetem, Bonctani, valamint Szovet- es Fejlodestani Intezet). "The Effect of Freezing on the Submicroscopic Structure of the 14yelin Sheet." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol XV, No 5, Oct 63, pages 539-545. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] The submicroscopic structural or- ganization of the myelin sheet of nerve fibers is significantly damaged by freezing with dry ice. The original, normal organization is restored within a few hours,in vivo, if an intact blood supply is present for the nerve. The "unit menbranell of Robertson, that is, the 75 R thick elemental lipo- Drotein membrane constituting the cell membrane and the cell organella, possesses a dynamic, energy-requiring molecular organization. 1 Hungarian, 9 Western references. T014ITY, lUnar GSEM~ B- Submicroscopic alteralons of myelin sheath ultrastructurs due to low temperature. &,-'V-a morph.'acad. ezio Mmg- 12 no*4t 387-394 164 l. Department of Anatomy and Histology.. University Medical Sobool (Directort Prof. Al Gelleri.), %raged. . I csILLIK, B.; jOO$ F.; KASA, P.; TOMITY, Ilona; KALMO, GY* - 't of acetyleholenesterase-actiVe structures in the DevelopmeD I ex. kcta biol. acad. sci. Hung. 15 rat archi'mrebellar cort no.1:11-17 164- 1: Department of AnatomYI,Medical Universit'.Vy szoged (HBad- A Gellert). I GSILLIK, B. I SAVAY, G. %e effect of nerve degeneration and regeneration on the oalcium-rqlAase in the post-jundtional cytoplasm of the iaotor end-jamte, _Aota -?hysiol. acad. sai. Ihmg* 26 no,4% 337-342 165 lo Dop&rtment of Pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania# Philadelphiap Pap U.8,.A. and Department of Ahatomy., University Medical School, Ozagedp Hungary. CSILITK, B.i J00, F. Cholinesterase~ arylesterase and the structural basis of neuro- hum6ral transmission in the central nervous system. Acts, biol. acad. sci. Hung. 16 no.2r185-205 165. 1. Dspartment of &atamy, Medical University, Steged (Headt R. Gellert). Submitted May 4, 1965. FU-',19,Aff BEENKO, Sandor, Or, CSILL17, Bertalan, Dr, J00, Ferenc, Or, KAISER, ',ahriplla, Or, BIRO, Andras, of Szered, I. Ycdical Clinic (direc_ tor: JULZ3Z, Viklos, Or) and Blood Processing Siation (in charZe: GAL, ~'Jyorgy, Dr) (Szeziedi Orvostudomanyi Ej,,yetem, I. Belgyogyaszati Klinika, es Verkon- zervalo Allomas), and Jozspf Attila University of Smeged, Faculty of liatural Sciences, Electronmicroscopic Laboratory (in charge; G5ILLIK, Bertalan, Dr) (Sza~edi Jozsef Attila Tudomanyegyetem, TRrmeszettudomany Kar, Elektron- mikroszkop-Lalboratorium). "Electronmicroscopic Study of Hemagglutination Produced width Iodized Coombs Serum (Preliminary Communication)." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, No 44, 30 Oct 66, pages 2075-2076. Abstract; [Authors' Hungarian summai-y] Antihuman-elobulin rabbit serum was labelled with normal ioaine accordinz- to the method of Boursnell, Coombs and Rizk, and the serum thus produced was used for the agglutination of erythro- cyte3 sensitized with anti-D-;,!1obulin. The agglutinated erythrocytes were examined under an electronmicr05cope. The binding of iodine-labelled immuno- globulins was indicated by electron dense plaques of 500-1000 R size at the surface membrane of the erythrocytes. The immune reaction was demonstrated quite visibly in form of electron shadows produced by the high atomic number (I) of the labelled antibody. All 3 references are Western. 1/1 AUTHOR: TITLE: S/19 62/000/004/039/105 D201YD308 Csillingh, Dezsd A mercury rectifier cathode arrangement with a damper PERIODICAL: Referativnyy*zhurnal, Avtomati-Ira i radioelektrc-nika, no. 4, 1962, abstract 4-3-71a (Hung. pat.*cl. 21g, 1-16, no. 147362, 15.08.60) TEXT:- It is proposed to localize the cathode s-oot of a mercury rectifier by covering the mercury cathode with a damper-filter, cooling the mercury vapor. The damper may consist of balls, made t/ of a thermally stable, insulating or conducting material non-com- bining with mercury, the specific gravity of which may be either smaller-or greater than that of mercury. In the latter case mer- cury fills the spacing between the cooling balls. The use of a damper, while not necessitating the redesign of the rectifier, im- proves the cooling of ihe envelope and presents the formation of high-velocity vapor flow. A rectifier o! this type, being insen- sitive to vibrations, may be successfully used in electric loco-' motives. /-AbBtracter'B note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 OSZTROVSZKY, Gyorgy; Schiller, Janos; PALK, Laszlo, okleveles villamosmernok; BOZSIK, Ferenc; GYORI, Attila, okleveles villamosmernok, foenergetikus; VARGA.. Endre, okleveles gepeszmernok; TURAN, Gyorgy, okleveles gepesz- mernok; SZENDY, Karoly, dr., fokonstruktor; KOVACS, Ferenc, okleveles: villamoomernok; QSILY, Jeno fodiszpeeser; BEREZRAY, Frigyes., fomer- nok; PALOS, Ferenc, oklevelos mernok; FILARSZKY, Zoltan, okleveles gepeszmernok,- NEMETH, Imre, ok-leveles villasmosmarnok, fomernok; AL- PAR, Imre, okleveles gepeszmernok, foenergetikus; GATI, Geza, okle- veles villamosmernok; BEKE, Gyula, okleveles gepeszmernok; VISNYOV- SZKY, Endre, foeloado; VERKITS, Gyorgy, okleveles villamosmernok, fo- mernok; FUTO, Istvan, oklevels gepeszmernok; NAGY, Karoly; PIKLER, Ferenc; SZEPESSY, Sander, okleveles gepeszmernok; NADAY, Zoltan, ok- leveles gepaswernok, fotechnologus; BUCHHOLCZ, Janos, o1cleveles ge- peszmernok, fomernok An account of the llth i.tinerant meeting of the Hungarian Electro- technical Association hold in Fees, July 18-20y 1963. Energia es atom 16 no.12:559 D 163. (Continued on next card) IMA., Ferenc GS Questions on the function of special rooms and installations in hospitals. Magy ep ipar 10-no.7:.283-288 .161. . , 11-11MA, Ji-nos -~he Miskolc rui:road E't.j.~-iencen in. inrmbicing electric. t-reotion at. r_.I;t;in9house. Vza.~,,itt. I-/ -I,- q,4. CSII-aD'Y, Brno, dr., egYet0mi aocens (Debrecen) --------- of Aparzai in HungarY'5 9"graphical lar, The significance . FollIC kOZI 8 no.21159-7, literature as V013. 16o. GSjNADY,,,Gqro,j dr. History of the Russipn and Chi se expecUtions of Jeno Zichy in a nev light. Foldr kozl 3.1 no.1:37-49 t63. CSINADY, Geroj, dr. wAfricall by Jozsef yuto. kozi 12 noo2:170-171- ,164,, ROVIewed by Gero Csinady.. Foldr CSINADY, Gero, dr. In ImeEOry of the 200-year-old Gergely Berzavicay, 1763-2822. Foldr kozl 12 no.3t28O-281 164. gas 6 0 6 0 0 600 0#0 **'411 16006 I bass is Is 14 2) jo 17 AN P a, Q U m 6 S" 11 U it- ~A p V a I ~ 1-11 C a AA 0 w t( 4 1 f"NO) The b"MI'090111 of AMP11M. -00 Z44thii Visim. ~ OMW 11dihip &I. x,-Aj1wKw). -Coffetur 00 m%ijunt I*tuakate 01.11 a.) awd 0.3 a. mkir4tnwa tWfwdti1w plimphate) wcrv administard cut awwAive doys. 11byvi. 41s .v1 well twinS and wvw forms of numtal activity wm In. go efra"I. but wink requiring mental cmirn. woo rvlArdni. 1; S. de FinAly .*0 00 400 re 0 ae 0 0 4r .00 ass v4 610 to IN% gut a.. It. -i-7 ------ AIJ 4 3 1 T U is Av po as V It tt C1 it a ad 0 K -IM TO !" " 0, 61T90 o ove o 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 41s 0 0 go** 0 a 0 f 0 9 a 0 0 a 0 o 0 000 000 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8; 'A CSIMT, Jeno,.,- AIWOTI, Tibor,; KLIAmpOKI. Jeno. Investigations of the nervous system in ping-pong players. kie.erletee arvostud 7 n0-4'.397-403 July 55, 1. Orazagos Testnevelesi e9 SportegesseeguUt Inteset Kutatolaborato- riUMS6. (MVOUS SYSTM. physiology, in ping-pong player, 6) (ATHISTICS, physiology, Ping-Pong Players nervous system) CS INK, L. Acromioclavicular luxation. Acta med. hung. 10 no.4:435-443 1957. 1. 1. Ghirurgische Klinik der medizinischen Universitat, Szoged. (SHOUIJZR, disloc. acromioclavicular, conservative ther. & surg. (Ger)) BORSAY. J..;CSII?A]K, J. Cryotherapy of experimental abscesoes. Ory. hatil., Budap.. 92 no..37: 13.98-1200 16 Sept 1951. (CLHL 21:2) I Doctors. 2. Surgical Clinic (Director - Prof. Dr. Gyula Jaki). G;eged University. PETRI, G.;GSIPAK, J.;KOVAGS, A.;BEMIK, M. &MAXWxaaaM&W Data on the pathology of pyogenic inflammation. 1. The role of hista- mine in pyogenic inflammation and the effect of antihistaminias on its course. Acta mad. hung- 3 no..3.0347-368 1932. (CLKL 23:4) l.:Of the 7irst Department of Surgery and of the Institute of Pharmacology of Szeged University,* 9 PBTRI, G.,;GSIPAK J KOVACS, A.;BFMIK. M. !2~~ Data on the pathology of pyogenic inflammation..H. The effect of the antihistamine substance of the leukooytes an pyogenia inflammation. Acta med. hung. 3 no..3;361-368 1952. (GLXL 23:4) 1, Of the lirst Department of Surgery and of the Institute of Pharmacology of Szeged University. 2. Experimental leucocytosis produced by subcutaneous injection of formaline. CS:.ZPAX, J.,- IBM% A.-,- SCUMETY, S. Itiological roli of byperargis, in acute hematogenous oateozWelitin. nserletes orlrostude 6 no.6:521-526 Noy 54. 1. Ssepdi Orvostudcmmyi 2&7otem 1. as. Sebessati Xllalkaja. (OSTBOXYRUTISi exper. b7perargic tissue reaction in rabbits) bnmre:rgic reactlon,~ etiol,. role In expers otttaoWslitis in rabbits) CSIUDY J. Dr. Veress Blemer, 1876-1959. Kiserletes Orvoot-udamrq 11 no.4:337-339 Augimt 1959. (OBITWUS) CSVNCSURA, Kalman. dr.; rAIMp Eva, dr.; MICH, Hedda, dr. Fateritis secondaz7 to staphylocoocal diseases of the respiratory tract. Orv. hetil. 103 no.9-'1+03-404 Mr '62. L Povarosi Beim Pal Gyermekkorhaz es Orazagos Kozegeazaegugyi Intezet. (RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS.microbiol) (ENTEMIS microbiol) (STAPULOCOCCAL INMTIONS) 7 -7v r_:_ .j CSINK.WRM ,AcrOmloolavicular diqlOcations. MagY. sebas2at 10 no.4:23.9-224,aug 57. I* A Szegedi OrvostIldowArorl ZUetem I. kozlemenye. Igaiggato: Jhki Gyula dr. eg sz. Sebesseti Klinikajanak (SHOULM. disloc. yetemi tanar. aaronioalavicul&r, X-ray diag. 84 Burg. (Hun)) GSnTK,--,Ur1"-*9-...dr.; SOVXNYI# Irvin, dr. Giant-cell tumor (esteoclastoma) of the patella. Magy.sebeszet 1) no.1:67-69 7 160. 1. A Szege di Orvostudomanyi 31aetem I. sz. Sebeazeti Klinikajaw (Igasgatot Petri GabIor dr. egyetemi tanar) es Rontgen Klinikajanak (1gazgato; Szen" Tibor dr. egyatemi tanar) kozlemenve. (GAM CRU TUMORS case reports) (PATIM neopi) CS INK, Io.rantA4;,--. .Poa~-*holsoystedtomy syndrome. Orv. betil. 101 no.22:757-762 29 W l6o. 1. Ss -agedi Orvostudomw'wi 34yetem I as Sebeazeti ElinikR. (CHOLwMTWTO?lYcoMpl5 ", * CSINK, 1.4rant,, dr, CZnM, Zoltaii, dr. IROVO, Istvan, dre ftwstical evaluation of injumd agrimatural 'workers babed m the 3-par patient material* NepegessOugugY 45 no.53184-1,85 My'64. 1. Kozlemeny a szegedi 1. sm. Sebeszeti Klinikarol (Igazgatot Petri, Gabor, dr. egyetemi tenar)w Phannacology and Toxicology HUNGUARY WIRK, Lorant, 11r,_ SOMOGYI, Istvan, Dr, CSA=, Fadre, Dr; Medical Univer- sity of Siz-e-g-eT,-77. Surgical Clinic (director: PETRI, Gabor, Dr, professor) and Neurological Clinic (director: HUSZAK, Istvan, Dr, professor) (Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. sz. Sebeszeti Klinika es Ideg Klinika). "Experiences With the Use of Feparil in the Treatment of Patients With Skull Injury." Budapest, Magyar Traumatologia, Orthopaedia es Ifelyreallito Sebeszet, Vol X, No 1, Feb 6?, pages 35-43. Abstracts (Authors' English summary modified] The results of Reparil (Dr. Yladaus Co., Kb`ln) therapy given to 40 patients with skull injury are reported. In the opinion of the authors, Reparil has an elective cerebral effect. The compound has a favorable effect both on the disturbance in consciousness and on the subjective symptoms. Two cases are presented in which Reparil therapy was used with success in the treatment of cerebral embolism following cardiac catheterization. 2 Hungarian, 11 Western refer- ences, CSINOS. Joasef An eventful aviation day in Keasked. RePuleg 15 no.7:15 JI 162. CSINQSY J'ozsef Contest of girl parachatists. RePules 15 no-10.7 0 162.~ & SiC-RPTA I'M1CA S., VOI /5 Surgery "^Y 2195.(4511 CSIPAK J. I.Chir. Klin., Szegeder Med. Univ., Szcged. Beix r5ge zur BehanclrungTer akuten hAmatogenen Osteomyelitis. The treatment of acute haematogenous osteomyelitis ZEL.CHIR. 1956, 81/21 (839-844) Illus. 4 In the treatment of acute haematogenous osteomyelitis, antihistamine, which was used on theoretical grounds, proved practically effective. On the one hand, the preparation inhibits the course of the hyperergic tissue reactions. on the other hand it abolishes the coagulase production of the pathological agents. This pre- vents tissue necrosis, thrombosis of the small vessels of the surrounding areas , and focus formation, i.e., the localization of the process. The preparation should, of course, be administered in combination with antibiotics. Histamine-azoprotein has given good results in the alleviation of pain in patients with chronic osteomyel- itis. TARJAN, Pongracs, dr.; CSIPAK. Zouzeanna, dr.,- BARATH, Jeno, dr. Now trends In the treatment of bypeitension. II. Irperimental Investigations on two new Hungarian preparations; Hexamethonium, 1. 310. Orv. hatil. 96 no.17:468-471 24 Apr 55. 1. A Janos korhas (igasgato: Bakaea' Tibor 4r.) Hypertonia 09stalyanak Uoorvos: Baratb, Jeno dro) kozlet%en7e. (HYPMIWSION. experimental, off. of hexamethontus & ganglion blocking agent N 310.) (AUTONOMIC DBUGS.-effects* got. III.on blocking &get.tN 310 an exper. bypertansion.) (MUSCLS RILAXANTS. effects. bexametlionium on exper.- hypertension.) TDMVARI, Antal, dr.: LONYLY, Tihamer, dr.; TARJAN, Pongracz, dr.; CSIPAK, Zouzsanna, dr. Replacement of the resected aortic isth=s with a plastic grafts Orv.hetil. 100 no.42:1516-1517 0 159. 1. At-orszogos Kardiclogiai Intezet (igazgato: Gottsegen G,yorgy dr.) Sebeszeti Osztd3,vau&k (foorvos: Temeavari Antal. dr.) es a Fovarosi Janoa Korhaz (igazgato: Tako Jozsef hr.) Hypertonis, Oaztalyamnk (foorvos: 3arath Jeno dr.) kozlemenye. (AORTA surg) GSIPKES Erno 4u ptapepj~,_X., Pongrac ut 17) The other side of technical development. Musz elet 20 no.6: 7 25 Mr 165. CSIFO, Dezzo- Railz-oad vehicles-, latest development of railroad traction vehicles in the Soviet Union. -Tarmu nezo gep 9 no.3.:37-38 A '62. CSASZAR, Akoa; 0DOS, Pal; TURAN, Fal; KARTMI, Ferenc; FRIED, Ervin; WIEGANDT, Richard;.g-Slj-E5ZER,-Jaaoa;-KALM,, Laszlo; KONCZ, Karoly; MAJTHAY., Ant61 ; BOGDAN, Zoltan; HAJNA, Janoa; HETYEI, Gabor; SURANYI, Januj Mathematical problems. Mat lapok 14 no.1/2:163-169 163. 1. "Matematikai Lapok" felelos szerkesztoJe (for Turan). 2. "Mate- matikai Lapok" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Kalmar),, M _v HUNGARY ROZGO.%rYI, Ferenc, Dr, VALEYrA, Borbala, BRATOVICS, Ilona, CSIRE Bela- Medical University of Debrecen, Institute of Microbiology kair-ed'_to;.'_V6A`CZI, Lajos, Dr) (Debroceni Orvostudomanyi Egyotem. Mikrobiologiai Intezet). "Sensitivity of.'Polyresistant' Microorganisms Toward the More Recent Anti- biotics. Changes in the Antibiotic Resistance of the More Important Pathogenic Bacteria isolated From a Clinical Study Material Between 1962-65." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap. Vol 108, No 8, 19 Feb 67, pages 337-342. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary modified] The study led to the following observations. 1) During the past 4 years, the g!reatest increase in resistance occurred against terramycin;_ The per cent increases were: from 46-to 66 in E. coli, from 57 to 69 in Kiebsiella, from 60 to 89 in Ps. pyocyanea. from 46 to 69 in Staph. aureus and from 55 to 71 in Strept. faecalis. At the same time, there was a considerable increase in the chlorocid-resistant strains of E. coli, Klebsiella and B. proteus. 2) There was a slight decrease in the oc.currence of polymyxin-; streptomycin-and chlorocid-resistant strains of Staph. aureus and in the polymyxin-and chlorocid-resistant strains of*Strept. faecalis. 3) Among the older, widely used antibiotics, polymyxin and streptomycin are the most effective against E. coli, Klebsiella and Ps. pyocyanea; chlorocid and streptomycin against B. proteus; erythromycin,streptomycin and chlorocid against Staph. aureus; and erythromycin and chlorocid against Strept. faecalis. 4) In the past 4 years, there was a further increase in the ratio of"polyresistant" 1/2 HUNGARY Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap,_Vol 108, No 8, 19 Feb 67, pages 337-342. strains such as: E. coli from 7 to 15%, Klebsiella from 10 to 20%, Proteus from 34 to 5yp. Ps. pyocyanea from 20 to 27% Staph. from 15 to 21% and Strept. faecalis from 4 to 11%. 5) When tested against oleandomycin, biomycin, fura- dantine, vancomycin, kanamycin and methicillin, the "polyresistant" E. coli, Klebsiella and B. P. roteus strains were most sensit-ve to kanamy--in and fura- dantine while the polyresistant" Strept. faecalis and Staph. aureus strains responded best to furadantine,,vancomycin and kanamycin. Sensitivity to as. little as 11 3 microgram/disk of methicillin was present in 45% of the "poly- resistant Staph. strains. 27 Eastern European, 29 Western references. 2/2 HUNGARY / Farm Animals. Swine Q-4 s 'Ab' Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12134 Author Csire Jajos Inst Title The Problem of Supplying the Protein Need and Its Effect on the Quality of Carcass in the Fattening of Swine (Problema pokrytiya potrebnosti v belke i vliyaniye ego na kachestvo tushi pri otkorme sviney) Orig Pub: Magyar tud. akad. agrartud. oszt. kozl., 1956, 10, No 1-4, 113-117 Abstract: Hungarian White bogs (VBS) were fattened from 40 to 150 kg. and those of the Mangalitza breed (M) - from 32 to 140 kg. All hogs were fed rations con- sisting of 47% corn, 30% barley, 10% bran, 8% sun- flower cake blour and 5% peas. The results of the tests conducted showed that the said vegetative Card 1/3 35 HUNGARY Farm Animals.' Swine Q-4 --'A'Us Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12134 Abstract: rations cannot supply the need in protein. In another test, carried out with 15 young pigs VBS at the time when the animals weighed 26 to 60 kg., the latter were fed ad libitum a feed mixture composed of 55% corn., 40% barley, 5% bran, as well as.defatted milk 1.7 to 3 liters daily. During the period of fatten- ing from 60 to 97 kg., the amount of carbohydrates in one subgroup was considerably diminished while in another one the rations were left unchanged. The slaughtering of animals after they had.attained the weight of 95-100 kg. has shown that the first sub- group gave better less fatty bacon. It is also to be said that in the first subgroup, as compared with the second one, 47% more carcasses were classified as grade A and B. In the first subgroup, only 7.2% carcasses were classified as inferior grade C, mhe re- Card 2/3 HUNGARY Farm Animals. Swine Q-4 Abra Jour; Ref Zhur-Biol.) No 3. 1958., 12134 Abstract: as in the second one - 26.7%. By changing the com- position of rations according to the different stages of fattening, it was possible to improve the quality of the bacon of VBS. Card 3/3 36 CSIRIK, Janos,okl.villamosmornok - New rival of. charging generator. Auto motor 14 no.13:13-14 JI 161. 1. Jarmufejlesztesi Intezet kutatomernoke, I -- GSIREI L.--- - - - - -- - - - --- tIMoro fat hogn(f batter quality through.croaa-braeding", p.161 (TERNESZET BS TECENIKA, Vol. 112, no. 3, Mar. 1953, Budapest.) SO: Monthly List.of East European Accessions, Vol. 2, #8, Library of Congress, Aug. 1953, Uncl. CSIRE, L. "Crossbreeding Pigs in Order to Produce Useful Animals", P. 169, (AGMTUDOIQM, Vol. 6, No. 6, June 1954, Budapest, Hungary) SOs Monthly List of Fast European Accessions, (EEAL), LCj Vol. 3, No. 12. Dec. 1954, Uncl. 4. HUNGARY/Farn Ani-,~,-Ir,. The Swinc Q-4 Abe Jour s Rof Zhur - Biol.f No 11j 1958, No 5oo45 Author I Kortorz, Foronc; Horvrth, Lnvzlo; Osirop Lajor Inst : - --- Title i Protein Roquiranonts of BcrkrM-r-o-6rOOozsbraods Orig Pub : A1Intcnycsztos, 19569 51 No 49 317-324 Abstract : Difforoncor of protain contont waro invcstiCrtcd in experi- nontrl frttoning of crosebroode whoro livo uoi-ht wre up U to 1413-146 kC. It wrs oFt-blirhoe. tbnt i-thcn corrsbreods wero frttoncd up to r lavol of 110 Imp conamhe-t norc pro- Q tain vac roquirod thrn wre for Mrn,,Iicr broodc. Cerd I/I 44 CSIRE, L. Correct composition of feeding rations in rapid fattening. p. 20. (Magyar Mezogazdasag, Vol. n, no. 5, Mar. 1956 Budapest) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. CSIRE, L. CSIRE, L. A short time for Etttening means a saving in fodder. p. 20 Vol. 11, no. 8, Apr. 1956 14AGYAR IEZOGAZDASAG AGRICULTURE Budapest, Hungary So; East European Accession, Vol, 6, Noe 3., March 1957 GSIREJP Yethorls of investimating frtterin- Vol. 11, 110. 10, IIV 19)*0, '-I ..VIYAR 1~ ZA"zAZ)A3A'-l A nx T- 01" M 10: 71!1-11 -'-TIj`--P W Du! VOL. 6, 195" KERTESZ,F.; EEM, G,,; CSIREp L. Protein requirement of suckling and weaned piglings. Acta agronm Hung 9 no-3/4:299-318 159o (EW 9.*7) 1. Schweinezuchtabteilung des Forschunginstituts fur Tierzucht, Budapest. (Hungary-Swine) (Proteins) CSIRE. LaJos EMIGARY Animal Husbandry Research Institute, Department of Swine Breeding (Allatt nyeaztesi Eutatointezet 0 Sortentenyeszteal Osztalva)t Budapest Budapest, Allattenyeaztes, No 3t Sep 629 pp 221-230*. IlThe Possibility of Replacing Barley with Corn in Feeding Bacon Pigse Part Is The Effect of Cornfeeding on~Fattening Animals and on the Consistency of the Cuts of the Meate" Go-author: Mrs* PAPILASp Bela, Animal Husbandry Research Institute, Central Laboratory (Allattenyeaztesi Kutatointezet Kozponti Laboratoriuma), Budapest,', Cniz.- LaLCLS WNGARY Animal Husbandry Research Instituteg Department of Swine Breeding (Allattenyesztesi Kutatointezet Berteatenyeazteal Oaztalya), Budapest Budapest,, Allattenveaztes, No 3. Sep 62, pp 231-235, IlThe Possibility of Replacing Barley With Corn In Feeding Bacon Pigs. Part Ilo The Effect of Corn- feeding on the Quality of Meat and Bacon." Co-authors: HOLDAS,, Sandor, Animal Husbandry Research Institute, Department of Swine Breedingo Budapest Mrs. PARKAS, Bela, Animal Husbandry Research Institute, Central.Laboratory (Allattenyesztesi Kutatointezet Kozponti Laboratoriume) Budapest IMMESZ, Ferene; GSIRE., Lajos Investigating the compensating capacity of Yorkshires during their fattening when biologically high-valued protein fodders are administered in different quantities. Allattenyesztes U no.2:123-132 J1 163. 1. Allattenyesztesi Kutatointozet Sartestenyeaztesi Osatalya, Budapest, HOLDASI Sandor; TOTH, Sandor; L.!!~Loq- Data on the correlation between the quality indexes of longitudinal back muscle (mo longissimus dorsi) and the Jelly content of can d ham, Allattenyesztes 11 no,2:165- 168 n v63. 1. Allattenyesztesi Kutatointezet Sertestenyeaztesi Osztalya, Budapest. CSIRF, Lajos; KLOSZ, Tamas Examination of milk production of certain teats of sows as well as the amount of milk sucked by differently developed piglets. Allattenyesztes 13 no,4t335-)44 D 164. 1. Division of Pig Breeding of the Research Institute of Animal Breeding, Budapest. Submitted February 10, 1964. VARADIp Tozse:r; CVMOVA, V. [TSvetk~vap V.1; GSIRKOV, N.M. ~2c~ Chirkov, N.M. Analysis Of th:fT4-014- Et2AM catalyst system, and determination Its products in the polymerization of ethylene. Ft.3. Magy kem folyoir 70 no.lOs443-445 0 164. 1, Research Institute of Plastics Industryp Budapest (for Varadi). 2. Institute of Chemical Physios, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow (for Cvetkova and Ceirkov)s Vi~RADT, Joz,,!ef-, CVETKOVA, V.I. iMettkova, V.I.]; CSTRKOV, N.M. [Ch~rkov, N*14. ] t .1.11. ............... T~,amirjation of the TiC11+-E 2A1011 catalyst system, determjnation of the catalytic activity of the formed products in the poly- merization of ethylene. Pt. 4~ Nagy kem folyoir 71 no.31-136- 139 Mr 165. 1. Rgsearch Institute of Plastics Industry, Budapest (for Varadi). 2. Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (for TSvetkova and Chirkov). CSIRM, Janos W~ Some problems relating to designing long-distance beating- systems. Epuletgepeozat 12 no.6sl95-202 D163. CSISZARV I. Convergence notions of information theory in the field of probability distributions. Mat kut kozl HrA 7 Ser.A no.1/2: 137-158 1620 CSISZAR, I.; FISCHER, J. Information distances in the field of probability distributions. mat V'ut kozl M 7 Ser.A no.1/2:159-100 '62. CSISZARJ it't'e On,the dimension and entropy of orderaeof the mixture of probability distributions. Acts. mat Hung 13 no.3//+.,245-255 164 1. Mathematical Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Presonted by A, Renyi6 CSTSZAR,, Imre An mequality~from the point of vie-w of the informati(in theory and its aPPlication in Proving the orgodic character of Mar- kov chains. Mat kut kozl MTA 8 A series no*:L/2:8-5-108 163. le *A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Matematikai Kutato Imteze- tenek Kozlemenyei* techm4lai szerkesztoje, Badapest.. T.., Realtanoda. u. 13/15. GSISZM., Miklos-,# oklaveles-vas"rnok. Structural development of cupola furnaces, Pt, 2, Ipari energia 3 noe,12.,266-270 D 162, CSIRIKI Janos, okl. villamosmarnok let us be acquainted with the new rival of charging generators. Auto motor 14 no. 9:11-12 My 161. 1. Jarmufejlesztesi Intezet kutatomernoke. 5 CSIRaZKAT,'Janos SM-Laj,o (in caps); Given M=6 Country: Hungary Academic Degrees: Dr Affiliation* Cnot given 7 soureez Budapest, Magyar Pszichol~giai- Szernle, Vol 18, No 3, 1961, pp 387. Data: Z-Bookre~piew 7 The Analysis of Work. Authorst omikDANE# Asp FAVERGE# J*Mw Publishers Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1955 .CSIRSMA. jar Ph. D., of the Work Pdy chology Gv-,O~jp of the Miniatz-1 Olf !A-bor tEfur&.augyi ninizwtorium Munkalelektani Cemort) f-Iocation nm; "Report on the Study Tour in Czechoslovakia" Lxda -62, P-D. 3r,2-358. pest., MaWar POZIChologip-i Szemle, Vol 19, No 3) 19 1 B Abstract: This article is a report on the author's study trip to Coze- Z~hos!F,Faia, sponsored by the Paychological Comitte of the 'Eangarian Academy of Sciences (magyar Tudcmanyca Akadermia zPamichologiai Bizott- naga). T-Phe trip 8tarted U On 1961 and ended 1 Ncrr 1961. Studied wmr& facilities dealing %ritb vocatioval guidance, vork paychology, and alinic&I payabolo&y. Yany of the wethods studied vere foulad do- sirable for implemontvlition 44-an Hungary, Wo references. CSIRSZKA, Janos, dr. An account of a atudy tour of Czechoslovakia. MaU pezichol szemle 19 no-3:35Z-358 162. 1. Mm Amikalelektani Csoport, C MSZKA,-.Ja-npp,-4r. - P "Formative behavior in physical work" by Dr. Erhard Barth. Reviewed by Janos Csirszka, Magy pszichol szemle 19 no.3: 384-385 162. V I szA-iA-ips-ard-o r,,Idr.,,, akademikusi HORVAT Ho -'Mstlo Gabor# dro; FODOR, Markp dr.; ILLUS, Gyulane; Q=ZUj*,J=oZt dr,; SANDELHAUSEN, Miklos, dr.; RETI . Laszlo, dr.; SPEMI y Erz sebot# dr, I PMZSL,-.T6zoef Discussion. Magy pozichol szemle 17 no.3:296-317 160. It Magvar Tudommvos Akademia Kazlekedestudomanyi Fobinottsaguak- tagja ~fo-r Horvath). CSIMM, Janos 'Mychology of labor oafetyO by (Dr]'Iotvan Balint slid MWY Huranyi. Reviewed by Janos Coirozka, Mag7 possichol S28Mle 17 no.3t366-367.160* CSIRSZKA. Janos.,dre uInformation material" issued by the Psychological Laboratory of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Vol, 1-1+, Reviewed by Janos Csirszka. Magy pszJchol szemle 19 no.4:498-500 162. CSIRSZKAL ZahojL,, dr. Puberty and choice,of vooation. Magy poisichol misexle 17 no-4:395i-1-397 '60. 1. Mm3lmugyi Miniesterim Modomertani Intesetensk Hm*alelektani Cooportja (VezetoJ6 Dr. Ceirooka :400, Budapest., IIII., Vaci ut 107. CSIWZKA, Janos, dr. OClinical examination in psycholo&w by Andre Rpy. Revieved by Janos Csirszka. Magy posichol szemle 17 n6-41468 160- ' 1. Munkaugyi Miniazterium Moftzertani Intezetenek Munkalelektani 00oportja vezetoje, Budapest, XIII.., Vaci ut 107. bSIRSZKA, Janos.. dr. "Work physiology and work organization" by [Dr) Joseef Tatar. Reviewed by Janos Csirszka* Magy pszichol szemle 17 no.4:469 160. 1. Munkaugyi Hiniazterium Modazertani Intesetenek Munkalelktani ',Csoportja ve2etoje, Budapest, XTIL, Vaci ut 107. CSIRSZKAL, Janos, dr. *Eoonomy of learning" by J. Riechert. Reviewed by Janos Ceirsaka. Magy pszichol szemle 18,no.1:101 161. L Munkaugyi Minisaterium Modszertan~ Intezetenek Mumkalelektani Csoportja vesetoje,, Budapest, XIII., Vaci ut 107. CSIRSZKA, Janos, dr. O.Work analvial by A. Ombredanep J.M.Faverge. Reviewed by Janos Csirszka. Magy pszichol szemle 18 no.3:387 161. CSIRSZKA, Jazios, dr. .*Apti+~ude and fitness in automotive transportation" by [Dr) Laszlo Gabor-Horiath. Reviewed by Janos Csirsilca.'* Magy pazichol szemle, 18 no-4-,46E~-471 161, GSIRSZKA. Janos. dr. Frequency of motives in the choice of vocations in and Baranya and Csongrad Counties. Magy pozichol szemle 19 no.1:22-32 162. 1. Munka-agyi bliniazterium Palyavalasztasi Tanaosado Kdzpontja Vezetoje. dr4 *PtOctiva methodow by D. Anzieue Reviewed by Janoo Cairs2ka, MaV, Wziohol ozemle 20 no.l.-163-164 163. GEGESI KISS, Pal, dr.., akademikus; HOililYI, Bela, dr.; BARTRA, La-jos, dr.; HCRVATH. Lasz1o,Gabor, dr.; P. LIEEBWA1% Lucy; F'lXZEL., Jozatf., dr,i LEXAPD, FerencP dr.; ~SIRSZKA., Janos, dr.; SEVERINI, Erzsebet,, dr.0 KARDOS, Lajos, dr. The 1962 work of the Comnittee on PsycholoG;~.. Hungarian Academy of Sciences. I-lagy pszichol szemle 20 no.3:337-386 163. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Pszichologiai Bizottsaga elnoke- "Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle" foszerkesztoje (for Gegesi Kisslo 2. "Magyar Pszichologiai Szemlell szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Horanyi., Bartha, Horvath, P.Liebermannj, Lenard and Kardos). - - --- -------- - ---- -- --- --- - - ---- - -- - CSIRSMIA, ianos;, dr* studyin-r the atUtude of i1irls before their high school graduation exercisc5 by sentence complation tests. Magy pszichol azemae 21 no. 2. 1,"'~3-200 164. 1. ligad, Group of Work Psychology, Ylinistry of Labor, Budavest. CSIRSZKA.. Jsknot3,, dr. SuWimation, operotropism and self-consciousness in vocational guidance. Magy pszio,hol szemle 21 no.33458,-461 164. 1. Group of Work Payehology of the Ministry of Labor, Budapest, HUNGARY _gj1LSZKA Janos Dr. Csepel Iron and Metal Works (Csepel Vas- es np Femmuvek) in Budapes!'. "Career Adaptation" Budapest, Magyar Pezichologiai Szemle, Vol 23p No 1-2, 1966) pp 130-133. Abstract: In his lecture presented at the 15th International Congress on Applied Psychology, held in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia,during Aug 1964, the author discussed the selection of and adaptation to a career on the basis of counseling experience. A schematic system for the psychological factors involved in the adaptation to a career was discussed. The principal fac- tors involved are the characteristics of the job function (profile, emo- tional character, and dynamism) and the characteristics of the person (abilities, personal inclination, motivation, etc.). The development as- pect (i.e., the progress in adaptation to.the career) is also of utmost significance. The development has the learning stage, the adaptation stage) and the mature stage. No references. 1A Uorlmetric det6rml=tlan of m1wite Amount3 of It tanium-ly 1. the Inseam of great quatthtles of 4 1453,7,4D Mr'UM-~letcrxnmation of Til~ (selveral In the of Psi), Iseveral The method jnvolvz3 the s?'ec~t-~Z~ phctornctnc exAminatiou of an acid soh~,ion of the Tiron complex of Ti in the PTUS--nCe of Comp!E!x*nc III a, pl-I 5-6. 1-he inethod W"U be used for solutkns coutair-mg t3p to 16f) of TL call ~ qm~i 1,- 0! ~k~ v~m. Uimv. 112.1 ON: frzo flaAs' 4w,-M be fOW 'n m~-,-t t~-, UrSo, anc) Should 33-104) (21 TVIV) laud 0-10 mg,/Ml. cd 0.1e fla:k i! tr~nltd urith 5 1;11, Of 1% $*In. of ;r!, ;i trA, PF a OM'M 'sf comvkxm 111, jo .1 1.92-1 addrd~ c-Tnp)u,;c-tkd %ith vatcr. - -; nd WaID11 c ;:,, -a d d ~ J 'ru the )I- onnpition ]!I an'd 11-ttitle'up tovil. Thu t~ul; tlvNan-, rae2-3-arui nplmt~ e,~)Ch L11!-, W z Palfricl; by using i,CM. c'aV--.te il!u in:!cp--Ldtmt -if th-- lk,ing uht c1, File ti-111, jS 5.t3. qx~ -t;C, BECK, Nihaly T., dr. (Szeged, Beloianniaz tor 7); CSISZAR, Bela (Debrecen) Stability of aminopolyearboxylic acid-hydrogon poroxide mixed complexes. I.. Acta chimica Hung 32 no,1:1-7 162, 1. Institute of Inorganio and Analytical Chemistry, University of Szeged (for Beak). 2. Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistryp L. Kossuth University (for Csiazar). k--, I ~ - ~ ~- -1 -1 . - - --., I L-) I,< I I i'". BECK, MihaIy;L=5M,--BOs Stability of anirw~-polycarbonlz-.-wid - hydrogen peroxide mixed co6popndd.I.Stability of h9zwW'!Otr stic acid H202c"Plex- Magy k6m folvoir JI 160, 1.~ Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem Szervet~eri es Awaitikai Kemiai Intei6te esAose4h bajos Tudomanyegyetem Szervatlen es Analitikai Xeimiial,Intezetep Debrecen~. BECK Mihaly; CSISZAR, Bsla; SZARVAS, Pal Examination of complex forming characteristics of oxycarbonic acids.Pt.2. Magy kem folyoir 70 no.5:217-219 My 164. 1. Chair of Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry, Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen and Reaction Kinetics Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged. CSISZAR, Bela; HALMOS, Miklos; BECK, Mihaly; SZARVAS, Pal Examination of complex forming characteristics of oxycarbonic acids. Pt.l. Magy kem folyoir 70 no.5:214-216 My t64. 1. Chair of Inorganic and Analytic Chemistry, Lajos Kossuth. University, Debrecen, R~action Kinetics Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Chair of Organic Chemistry, Attila Jozsef University, Szeged. SIRIOPOL, T.; USILILT, Vasile,, corespcndent;.pSIS4ADel,oorespondent The plan was carried out ahead of time. Constr Bua 16 no.769:11 3 Cot f64 1. The Galati Branch of-the Voluntax7 Editorial Office of' "Constructorul"'(for Siriopol)o DOGARU, Ion, tehnioian;_~~IS 4,,.,Pe'zideriu, corespondant; RUSU, Ladislau, corespondent; SZIIAGYI, Gh., corespondent; NACIU, Iacob, coraspondent; VACAM, Nicolaie, corespondent; BALAN, A.p corespondent; HOTUPAN, Fl., corespondent; BARBALATA, St., corespondent; AVASILOAM, Filaret, corespondent I$ With the annual plan carried out. Constr Buc 16:1 19 D 164. w Cs1suR, GyOrgy --- --- Now conveying chain railway in tba Dimmo Factory, IlektrotoohnW 54 noW72 Jo 161, HEMATOLOGY HUNGARY SIPOS, Jozsef, Dr., and G_:ptay Dr. Hospital of Jaras M, Fehergyarmat, Department of Irte=nal Medic ne, (Fehergyarmati Jarazi Tanacs Korhazaj Belgyogyaszati Osztaly /location not given7ji and Hos- pital of Jaras Mateszalka) Department of Internal MediciCe (Mateszalkai Jarasi Tanacs Koshaza, Belgyogyaszati Osztaly) in Mateszalka. lion 'Phase' Changes in Hemoblastoses" Budapest) Orvosi Hetilap Vol 107) No 24) 12 Jun 1966, pp 1133-1135. Abstract! Ninety cases involving panmyelopathia following the administ- ration of Rheopyrin (90 g.) were discussed. In the final stage the disease developed into a syndrome resembling acute leukemia. A case in which lymphoid leukemia showed in its course of disease and in the histological findings symptoms similar to lymphosarcoma was described. The importance of the drug in the morphological changes involved was stressed. 24 references, including 11 Hungarian, 6 German, and 7 Wes- tern. 1/1 S/ozd/62/000/004/092/099 01~7G222 AUTHOR.- TITLE-; Some remarks on.the dimension and entropy of random variables PERIODICAL% Referativnyy zhurnal, llatematika, no. 4, 1962, 41-42, abstract 4V244. (1124me congr. math. hongrois,Buddapest, 1906011. .Budapest, 19061, IV4-7) TEXT: The author eollows Renyi and designates as the dimension of the random variable ~ the limit lim 5 log n .400 the"existence of the limit is known), where H qn) is the entropy of -I . 0 the discrete random variable n !-L~n n log P Qn) Pnk Pnk 5n7 a n n 0 00 3n Card 1/3 S/044/62,/000/004/092/099 Some remarks on the dimension... C111/C222 The author designates the limit Ed('-5) _n1-1moo(Ho(~,n)-& log n) as far as it exists and is finite, as the d-dimonsional entropy of the random variable Under the assumption that HO(~0WHO(E5-3)W 0 .~n 3- If the distribution of the random variable is absolutely continuous with the density f(x), then lim (H. log n) f (X) log dx I n >oo 0. ~n -00 f(X) (I may be finite or infinite). From the truth of this statement, it follows that: 1) a necessary and sufficient condition for the absolute continuity of the distribution of ~ cannot be given with the help of the asymptotic behavior of H 01 2)"the single-dimensional entropy of 0 Card 2/3 .S/044/62/000/00,1/092/C99 Some remaeks on the dimension... C111/C222 exists if. and only if, the distribution of ',,- is absolutely continuous a-nd I is finite. The lasz result improves the' result of Renyi, who had only proven that this condition is suffioient. I-kbatracter's note: Complete translation Card 3/3 - .- --.- ---- -- - -- - - --- I - - ---- - -- . - CSISZAR, 1. (Budapest) Some remarks on the dimension and entropy of random variables. Acta mat Hung 12 no.3/4:399-408 16l. 1. Presented by Alfred Renyi.