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4-1 rofth, Vol 1~' !:0 3, 195% (reputy, ',Ualatwr -zz=-tdnI.-t3r) (mizi 2 try ofop III stors tvo " z~=*d3l1et.2)- 111gMy Pr duttive He O%m r--%4 ~a3t,.xros Iffemn Z.-pr~,ve,~ Faera :or Our AnImal2p pp 1.4. 2. Boris vE=;r (?rof) t 7Xfoat of Catposition of Pa.-ture on Conititutic-2 Of A-UrAls Foodin'; rwlrema' YP 5-6. Z. Dlmitr YkTD'=Z',r: Dzj of Our Roserven (Pasature fr= Park, pp 9-10. 4. ZhIvYo �TN*,S~j I (Zamicr Scientific A:soiztt, CXTrSS -abbr. not Idiatifled-) and (Pzst= AVallomist , r1st.-Ict people is Council -Ckroz.,;sz marode. sovet- Iz ple7om). Efficient V30 of pastizes, pp 11-14. _ 5. Boris K-*011 Immm Mot r-t = Im our Prim" Task. a. xr= ;60E 7 an USTA Of NCZL-zn:ecliou r PU 1' C45tz 'ti 1~b2ncvx P1113 and Means Of Prav4ntLag Thal-- Cc- 20-?A. 7. D1mItrj~(SftmI6r '.1emrch ~svjcleta, 0.11n% -tbtr-. not Id6ntIfi*-2- City of Yostilarod)l Urect of Feels Varying in Vit,"=!n A tad Ctrole-no Concentration on 2111k. p; E5-26. S. Lr-1:=Ir-aAxm- The ristans industr7 In the city cc Emol"Tan, pp E:7-29. 9. 7IAdlvLir Z?vOT (Senior Pqs4vzd.1j 4ssocjet-j, C,1.11Zh rostLmbrodl -and Verao VZZ'07- (rkerdg Do tr. t f HOZ39. Ecomorw, Of tATr-'CU1tLT&r---~~11nbr% Horses in Our llorse.~Breeljxrkc pp M-33. .10. DwIr A . , - ( nezd. or Vetorimu- Zo<b Das-sectl in P1.0 "I T;~ Linli-atntlur, IZ-gime in the %Ulkinr Far= in the Parmshc-AzA yillazo, p9 3e-Z-3. 21. Cvyatko '71=, V (Director IMIMi -not Id*nt.- grad. S7We-j!-mrEjn1- I-- Czecb,3sjovakI&v p;3 Zj7-42. (continued) N, NACHEV, B.; GEROVP K.; GABRASHANSKIY, P.; CHUSHIOV, P. 40 Selenium as a werapeutic and prophylactic means against exudative diathesis in chicks and enzootic muscular dystrophy - in lambs. Veterinariia 39 no.8:44-46 Ag 162. (MIRA 17:142) 1. Vysslliy veterinarno-meditsinskiy institut i Institut biologii i patologii razmnozheniya, Sofiya. RADEV, T.; GEROV, K.; CHOUSHKOV, P. (Chushkov, P-1; VENKOV, T.; , GEORGIEVA, R, Composition of a3Anthoid and amnionic fluids in swine. Doklady BAN 16 no. 4: 433-436 163. 1. Institute of Comparative Pathology and Institute of Biology and Pathology of Reproduction Propagation. CHUSHKOV., P. Gwiforanoo on the CoMt,1112tional dyspepala in calvelso Selskostop nauka 2 no,9sll8:.--1182 164. C~USHNYAKOV, V., inzh. Be careful to preserve wooded areas. Na stroi.Ros. 3 no.4:9 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:9) (City planning) (Forest protection) PUSMURAVV V-V-; Ways, of lowering the cost of operating tower cranes in the building of apartment houses, Strol, v raion, Vost, Sib, i Krain, Sev, no.2., 170-179 062. (MIRA 18-.7) PUSHKAREV, Viktor Viktorovich; NOVIK, Zollman Izrailevich; CHUSIR11YAKOV. Vasiliy Fadeyevich [Building a section of large-panel and large-block apartment houses by the system of a constant flow line; practices of the Krasnoyarsk Housing Construction Trust No.1) Zastroika kvartala krupnopanellr7mi i krupnoblochrqmi domami po sisteme postoianno deistvuiushchikh potochnykh linii; iz opyta tresta "Krasnoiarskzhilstroi-2." Moskvap Stroiizdat,(MI964. 32 p. IRA 18:4) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organizatsii, mekhanize.sii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitellstvu. 2. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy stroitellnogo proizvodstva Novo- sibirskogo institute, inzhenerov vadnogo transports. (for Pushkarev). 3. Glavnyy inzhener Krasnoyarskogo tresta indu- striallnogo zhilishchnogo stroitel'stva no.1 (for Novik). 4. Glavnyy tekhnolog po krupnopanellnomu domostroyeniyu i grazhdanskomit~s#oitell- .._.A1OW.:.v,,gor6de kr&snoya'.,ske(for Chushnyakov). FUSHKAREV, V.V.;_CHUS UKOV, V~F Potentials for lowering the oWating cost of tower crineso Izv.vys.ucheb,zav.; stroi. i dfthit. 4 no.6:155-161 '161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Novosibirskiy institut inzhenerov vodnogo txansporta. (Cranes, derricks, etc.0 CHUSINOVA, L.I. ... .... - ,. Zinc perchlorate. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.6:1300-J'.306 Je 165. (MIRA 18:6) MOZOLEVSKIT, Igor' Vladimirovich, inzh.; BARSEGOV. A.A.; KAMV. I.V1; x . I.T.; XR7LOV, N.M.; RIKOIA7zV, I.V.; X M CH, V.I.; SNUAKOV, V.A.; SH01M, O.A,-01~~CZJSOV~Aj.-, GUBARHVA, red.; BOHROVA, Te.B., [General course in railroad engineering) Obahchii kurs shelesnykh dorog. Izd,3-, perer. Pod obahchei red. I.V.Modzolevakogo. Moskva, Voes.izdatellsko-poligr.obwedinanie M-va putei soobahchonlia, 196o. 29o p. (MIRA 13:12) (Railroad engineering) CHUSOV_, B. - - Instrurtor of the triq4o-union committee* Sov, profsolui7 4 no*9:26-30 s 56, (MRA 9: 10) le Instruktor TS~nty4l'xwgo Komitsta profsoyuxa rabochikh chernoy ' metallurgii. (Trade unions) Offusov, B. Secret of ouccess. Okhr.truda i Bots.strakho 3 no-3:38-39 Mr l6o. (KIRA 13:7) 1" Ukretarl Hookovskogo obkoma profsoyuza rabochikh metallurgicheakoy ;omyshlennos i tho-scov-Steel industry-Safety measures) GIBUSOVP Be Q-~ ~ii ~Workers of tho 11-1oscov repion are kaeping the labor match, Bove profsoiuzy 17 no. 5%5-7 lir 161. 14:2) 1. Sekrot.,-rl Ifookovakogo oblastnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh motallurgicheskoy promyahle=osti. (M-oscow-Motal industries) (Socialist competition) (Trade unions) CHUSOV, B. "Electrostall " plant. Metallurg 6 no-7:32-34 Jl 161. (KIM 14: 6) 1. Sekretarl Moskovskogo obkoma profsoyuza rabochikh metallurgi- cheskoy promysblennosti. (Electrostall--Electrometallurgy) CHUSCV, B. "Lepse" plant. Yletall~rg 6 n0-7:34-35 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Sekretarl Moskovskogo obkoma profsoyuza rabochikh metallurgi- cheskoy promyshlenno,~U. (Moscow Province--Metallurgical plants) CHUSOV, B. With metallurgists of the Moscow region. Metallurg 7 no.2.- 38-39 F 162, (MIRA 15:3) 1. Sekretarl Moskovskogo oblastnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochikh metallurgicheskoy promyshlennosti. (Moscow Province-Metallurgy) CHUSOVt B. For a h-Igh labor productivity; on tho 30th anniversary of the beginning of the Stakhanov movement. Metallurg 10 no#8:1-2 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. TSentrltltnyy komitet professioriallnogo soyuza rabochikh metalluigicheskay promyshlennosti. CHUSOVv B.A. Icon care and coot reduction. MetiMurg 6 no.2.-I-2 Y' 161i 1. Seiretarl' No-ska7skogo obkoma profsoyuza ra~ochikh metallurgiobeskoy promyshlennocti. (Meta.Uurgical plants-Accounting) .-L .-CHUSOV, B.A. For communist labor, living conditions, and culture. Metal-lurg 9 no.6:34-35 Je 164. (HIRA 17:9) 1. TSentralvnyy Icomitet professionallnogo soyuza rabochikh metallurgichosko-, promyshlennosti. CHUSOV, D. Problemy tretlei piatiletki. fThe problems of the third five-yeLr pla2p. (Grazhdanskaia aviatsiia, 1938, no. 9, P. 4-8, il-lus.). DLC: -TL504.07 SO: Soviet Transportatio and Communications, L Bibliopraph.Y, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. F P BARDIN.I.P.;BORISCV,A.P.; BBLAN,R.V.; YERMOLAYL7,G.I.; VAYSBM.L.B.; ZHEREBIN,B.N.; BORMULIN,A.I.; SMOV,G.V.; DCHNITSKIY.I.F.; CHUS01f Y.P. SORGKO,L.R.; KLIKASZNKO,L.S.; PAVWVSKIY,S.I.; ZILIBMMTKrN,K-.-B* LYULMOV,I.S.; NIKULINSKIY,I.D.; BRAGIIISKIY.I.A.; SALOV.Ye.M.; TROGHIH,N.F.; MRINEYM,V.I.; ARGUNOV,M.I.; DULINFIV,F.S.; BIDULYA,L.N. GAYNANOV.S.A.; FROWV,N.P.; VINICHENKO,V.S.; KOGAN.Ye.A. G.E.Kazarnovskil; obituary. Stall 15 no.8:757 Ag'55- (MLRA 8:11) (Kazarnovskii, Grigorii Rfimovich. 1887-1955) DUBININ. I.; CERISM. P. Planufacture 6f electric equipment. Pron.energ.11 no.9:35-36 1. Z.amestitell nachallnike, Planovogo otaela (for Dubinin) i amestiteXI nachallniks Takhnioheskogo upravlentys. (for Chu- (Blectric machinery industry) ALEKSENKOp G.V,; BYROMYATNIKOV, I.A.; NEKRASOV., A.M.; KRIKUNCHIK, A.B.; RABINOVICH, S.Ls CHUSq ff,jjj.; CHERTINg A.M,; BULGAKOV, N.I.; BRITCHUK f . TPANOV, A.V.; .9APOZHNIKOVp A.V.; p SAGALOVj M.I.; VOrEVODINp I.D.; ANTOMOV, I.A.; XALINICHENKOP I.S.; XRAYZI, A.G. L.14, Shnitser; on hio 75th birthday. Elektrichestvo no.2-1:87- 88 N 163. (MIRA 16:11) 36574 51123162,1000100710061016 AOOVA101 AUTHORS: Ostrovskiy, I. M., Chusov, V. A. TITLE: On the possibility of manufacturing cyanided dies from grade 40 steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 7, 1962, 17, abstract 7B81 ("Izv. Irkutskogo, s.-kh. in-ta", 1960, no. 16, 1~3-133) TEXT: The authors describe the practice of manufacturing dinking dies from structural steel with subsequent gas cyaniding. Punches and dies of various profiles made of grade 40 steel were subjected to cyaniding at 85oop.with subsequent water-quenching. The depth of the oyanided layer for various punches amounted to 0.52 - 0.62 mm. Asa result of the tests it was found that a destruction of the working edges of the punch takes place at a load of'not less than 558 kg per running mm of the punch working blade. The microhardness of the cyanided layer was HRC 62 - 64 with a smooth transition from the periphery to the center. The authors present industrial -scale tests of dies. made of the 4OX (4OKh) grade steel with subsequent gas cyaniding and water-quenching (HRC 63 - 64). During the punching of disks 52 mm in diameter from grade 2 steel 1 Card 1/2. S/123/62/000/007/006/016 On the possibility of manufacturing ... AOOVA101 thickness, the service life of the punches after each sharpening amounted to 18,400 22,400 blanks, i.e. it was higher than that of J 10A (UIOA) grade steel punches by a factor of 2 3. There are 7 figures and 5 references. Ya. Golombik [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] _C;;Lrd -2& A 9 L.A 0 C LI I _D ism FMN* A.'a 4ww lmoggs ,Olen grim lw *a* oil : chum yN&- I 4I&cAMjw virow. 16, NO. 31 4.1-7u-IjW.~cwttnt of aWt "as at a &*An- 7 10 0 a .0199,13 3%. 0.14 wt..% Whim a $in& still Is -% WJ wt nd O still bl = - . a er tb a dou 0.013 lo~.. with a tdpk stm., - I-p-cd for minimizing dista- T' ut in i l amc d entra Liqu rifted and IllustmU loom - c prevmtcd and Optimum CVSPU. -f- d- Julian it. Smith .00 w w '00 X" too X a fit* A 111 S L A IIIIIIALLUKKAL LITIEPATWO C"WICCATKIN wt" 930" 'too total" NIP 4~olv *ac: CA C" Isl ~ 4 I Jim-AM MEMEL=.,-,- -mron;lr~m.m OL*O'o le 0 0-* 0-04 S 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 *4:: i o . * OL $ 6 0 :107 :2 7 M q , 4 0 0 lo 0 0 0:0 o. 0_9 _4 q go 0 lo 0_* 0 0 lo~_*_ .46 0- 0 s e 0 e :b __o 46 o 0 0 0 00 A N 000col"s IkAD, P4044141,w9f. d1millad". v. Prove. 16, No. 11, 15-19 -00 90 SIMPLW m&Jwd for calen. of stem camump- thmltb%wdonth*$Widcmlentotthem"h. Equatialm air dorl"d itrul sample cakus. are prese"ted. A 0 Julian P.SwItith -06 it see 00 0V l INS too no* l t 110 0 ; I /11-t-Owe Saimaa It W.. oat 411111 GO Qwv M s - A I Vnd 0. of 0 '1 V It 9 A* aa IML U a 1.1 to 4 : I " a a I ~c it it i4, 1 / 's *,* 00'o 0 0 00 000 so 0 00 so 0 0 - 0 L 2 ": 16 "I %,e: I **: 1 0a * o s 00 S 0 00 6 -; npm- 14 1 K&WHENKO, A.L.; CHISTTAKOV, V.P.; CHMOV, i.a. ft ------- *,~ Kalt crushers of now design. Spirt.prom.i2O no.3,.8-14154.(MLRA 7:10) (Grain milling machinery) I COOT, V. G. I 4 1 $Utilization of wants steam in food Industry,.11 V.X,3tabnIkov. Reviewed by V.G.Clrisov. Spirt.prom. 20 no-3:44 '54.(XLRA 7:10) (Stabnikov, V.M.) (Steam engineering) 41 CHUSOV,V.G. Operation of a three-column rectifiving unit. Spirt.prom.21 no.3:21-23 155. (MMA 8:12) 1. Voesoyusnyy Nauchno-issledovatellakly institut spirtovoy pro- m,vehlennosti (Distillation apparatus) CHUSOV. V.G. 'Investigatingthe me 'thods.of separating the solid fraction of the waste from distilling grain and potatoes. Trudy TS14IISP no.6: 31-43 '58. (MM 14:12) (Listilling industries--By-products) CHUSOV V G Fractidnal dehydration of distiller's waste. Trudy TSNIISP no.6: 44-48 '58. - (MM 14:12) (Distilling industries--By-products) CHUSOV, V.G.; ZDLOTOV, Tu.I. ---- ------ Testing and irproving a uniflow disk-knife grinder. Trudy TSIIISP no.7zlM-105 059. (MIRA 13:9) (Grinding machines) 4 -- CHUSOV, AGAN.F.SOVA, L,N. Oelection of a type of vacuum pump for the vacuum cooling of cooked mash. Trudy TSNIISP no. 8:69-76 159. (MMA 14:1) (Vacuum pumps) CHUSOV, V.G. *Installation and operation of production lines at liquer and vodka plants". Spirt.prom. 26 no..9:41 16o. (MIR& 13:11) (Liquor industry) FERTMAN, G. *Teohnological equipment of fermentation industries' tv Ve I. Popov and others. Revieved by G. I. Fertman, V. G. Chusov. Spirt. prom. 28 no.86-31ir39 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Fermentation-kUipment and supplies) (Popov, V. I.) CHUSOV-1.1,-~, 94OWNION~ Suspended push conveyors. Hekh.i' 16 no.5tl2-19 162. 1 11 .li (MIRA 1685) (Conveying machinery, ,- Z. CHUSOV, VA. [Topographiml, driwiW TopagWiehoskoe aheechenie. Koskva. Isd-vo geodeslohaskot I kartograftchoskoi lit-ry. 1953. 96 p. (MLRA 6:11) (Topographical drawing) Almir, T-- 1vannvichiAMOT, V.L. Prof., reteenzent; MIJESOVICH, 0 son r ROVA. T.A., red.izd-va; ROMOTI, TOTO, takhn,red0 [Topographical drawing] Toplograficheskoe charchenio. Izd,'2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo goodes,lit-ry, 1958. l15 P. ATepographical drawing) (Hru 12:2) IVPIIOVP K.P.; MAKAROTA, A.R.; NASLEDOVA, N.I.; RUTTENBURG, S.O.; Smffj~~-N- Physiologiqal 6#fts ~n the humanorganism due to repeated cooling. Op~yt'~~h. reg. fiziol. funk. 6:199-204 163 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Laboratoriya ekologicheskoy fiziologii ( zav. - prof. A.D. Slonim) Instituta fiziologii imeni Pavlova AN SSSR i gruppa fiziologii. truda, ( rukovoditell - S.O.Ruttenburg) In.stituta gigiyany truda i profesaionaltnykh zabolevaniy (dir. Z.B. Grigorlyaw). BABGV$ D.M.$ dotaea RAM UN134-H.M.; CHUSOV,, Yu.H, Detection and su.rvival of pathogenic serotypes of Escherichia- coli in sewage and in soil. Vrach. delo no. 8:133-134 Ag'63. (LIMA 16:9) 1. Kafedra obahchey gigiyeny (zav. - prof. A.F.Stoyanovskiy) Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ESCHERICHIL GOLI) n z! Yona i sanitarirn, no. 10, 194SA, ex-pe r: mer. T- 7 :mA - heat b-Jolog-Jc effect, madica-I 5 a na 40, 14 of whom had practiced winter swiminrr in i a i tI v, E- a r ~qrn r t1ri- -As.i1sat, on the &TL the Thi In non-ST mmer or ceittrot group, 9 fm6t ts attributed to the effect Tt is concluded o t t h,7 training on the body's heat-regulating m,-rhant am. -197 rate of skin temperature restiration after expoajre to cold is a r-Y indicator of the organ.9m's renintan,'e 1. 1.1 4, : -, ,~ ; , % . 77-11 - - - 84672 S/020/60/134/006/015/031 T.111 00 szo 93, VOW, B016/B067 AUTHORSa Oxerasimovo Ya. I., Corresponding Member AS USSR, VasilIyeva7-II-.--T., Qhusova~ To P-1 Geyderikh, V. A.9 and Mof eyeva-,-IT-.A. TITLEa Study of the Thermodynamics of Lower Oxides of Tungsten by the Method of Elect-r-o-m-o-~ive Force at High Temperatures 'k PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 1960Y Vo - 134, No. 60 PP- 1350-1352 TEXTs The authors point to the shortcomings in determining thermodynamic functions of the formation of tungsten oxides, and they suggest that another method be -used irrespective of the values for water vapor. They chose the method of electromotive force (emf) (Refs- 3-6) which they modified to some degree. The authors carried out their experiments in the vacuum in a special metal cell which was insulated with molten quartz. The solid solution 0-85 ZrO 2 + 0-15 CaO served as electrolyte with anionic conductivity. The authors measured the emf of the cells of Card 1/4 84672 Study of the Thermodynamics of Lower Oxides S/020J60/134/006/015/031 of Tungsten by the Method of Electromotive Bo16/Bo67 Force at High Temperatures the type WOx I ZrO2CaO IFe 0-95 0 , Fe between 900 and 12300K. with x - 2.719 (1); 2.66 (2); 2-39 (3); 1-90 (4); 1.69 (5), and 1.45 (6). The oxides of the mentioned composition were produced by reducing the low- temperature modification of WO 3- o~(Ref. 2) by means of hydrogen. The first three compositions correspond to a mixture of the phases WO 2.72 and WO 29 the latter to the mixture W02 and W. The mixture FeO -95 0 + Fe served as standard electrode. The experimental values of emf of the cells 1. - 3. and 4. - 6. are described by equation (1) and (2), respectively. The combination of the AG of the cells (1,2) which were calculated on the basis of a known equation with the AG of the formation of Fe 0.950 from the elements (data by W. Lange, Ref- 7) yields the following equation for the reaction 1/2W+ 1/2 0 2' 1/2 WO 2 M' AG -68542 7.21 T log T + 1o26 - 10-3T 2 - 0-47 - 105T- I+ 40.62T (943 - 12300K). The values of AG 1 between 973 and 12730K calculated on the basis of this A - -2 n / A 84672 Study of the Thermodynamics of Lower Oxides S/020/60/134/006/015/031 of Tungsten by the Method of Electromotive B016/BO67 Force at High Temperatures equation, as well as the values AG; for the reaction (I) for these temperatures which the authors obtained earlier from the equilibrium data (Ref. 2) are shown in Table I* An equation (II) is introduced for the AG2 of the reaction 100/72 WO 2 + 1/2 02 = 100/72 WO 9.72 (900 - 11730K)- The AG2 values between 923 and 11730K calculated therefrom are given in Table 2. A combination of reaetion (I)- and/or (II) gives a further equation for the reaction W + 1-36 0 2 - W02-72 (III). To calculate the standard thermodynamical values, the authors used the thermal capacities of .02and of W (Ref. 8)9 while for W02 they used equation op = 17-83 + 1-89-10- 3T - 3-342-105T-2. The latter was derived on the basis of the value op 296 for W02 (Ref. 9), of the op values for solids at the conversion temperature and the average values for oxides UO 27 VO2 9 and Th02. Using these values for the reaction W + 02 = W02 (IV), Card 3/4 84672 Study of the Thermodynamics of Lower Oxides S/020/60/134/006/015/031 of Tungsten by the Method of Electromotive B016/B067 Force at High Temperatures the authors obtain the equation for AY AG T = - 136.6 - T(4.66MO + 0*21M 1 - 2-44M.,2) + 41-7T. (M0, M19 M-2 are the coefficients of the equation of M. 1. Temkin-L. A. Shvartsman, Ref. 12). It follows therefroms AR09, - -136.6 + 2 kcal; 2 Aso -7 � 1-5 e.u.;,&GO 124 + 2 kcal. By using the value of 298 - -41 298 - - - so for W the authors obtains SO -0 + 1-~ e.u.'For the;purposb of 298 298 ~ 15 comparison Table 3 shows some publication data for the thermodynamic functions of the formation of WO 2 from elements under standard conditions. There are 3 tables and 17 referencesa 5 Sovietq 7 Us~ 2 French, and 3 German. ASSOCIATIONs MoBkovskiy gosudarst-vennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Mopow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDs June 3. 1960 x Card 4/4 ' GERASIMOV, Ya.I.; VASILIYBVA, I.A.; CHIJSOVA T.P.; GXMZRIKEI, V.A.; TIMOPEYETA, M.A. High-temperature study of the thermodynamics of lower tungten oxides by the em.f.methocLDokl. AN SSSR 134 no.6:1350-.1352 0 16o. (MIRA, 13: 10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstyennyy universitst im. M.V.Lomonosova. 2. Chlen-korresponclent AN SSU (for Gerasimov) (Tungsten oxide) KUMETSOV, F.A.; DIDORA, N.F.; C S VA,-T.P ; ARTAMONOTIA, S.M'. -- " 0 - -t - :'. Electrode function of the carbon oxide electrode ITd2 03 - ~ -~J(11 in chloride melts containing trivalent neodymium chloride. 12M, (Mj_ SO AV SSSR no.? Ser. khim. nauk no.2:10-14 ~61, ILk 18 :1) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo o+,,Aelen-Lya 01 SSSR., Novosibirsk. KAPITANOPULLO, lu.N.; ~MUXHIN, V.V.; MSKOVICH., YA.S.; DLMOVA, B.I.; CHUBOVA. T.7a. Testing the TaNIISHP-13-1-57 conveyor dryer. Trudy TSNIIKHP no.8:74-77 160. (mm l5o) (Drying apparatus) BABAYANTS', R.S.; BLAGOVESHCHENSKAYA, V.V.; VERGILESOVA, O.S.; VISSONOV, Yti.V.; VYALOVA, N.A.; GLAZUNOV, I.S.; DRUWAN, R.7)..- ELWARSKAYA, N.N.; KOTOVA, E.S.; KURSHAKOV, N.A., prof.; LAR.CHEVA, L.P.; LYSKOVA, M.N.; MALYSHEVA, M.S.; PETUSHKOV, V.N.; WHOVA, N.N.: SOKOLOVA, I.I.; STUDENIKINA, L.A.; qHUSOVA, V..N.; SHESTIKENA, O.H.; SHULYATIKOVAp A.Ya.; MUKKENBERG, Yu.M.; BARANOVA, Ye.F.j red. [Avut;e radiation lesion in van) Ostrals. radiatsionnaia travma u cheloveka. Moskva., Meditsina, 1965. 313 P. (MIRA 16:9) 1, Oblen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Kurshakov). PICHUGIN) V.G., inzh.; CHUSOVITIN, G.A.) inzh. - --- . ($4- "imal volume of natural stone blocks. Stroi. mat. 1-1 no.lsM Ja 165., (MRA 18s6) 18-3200 W602 SOV/133-6o-2-2/25 AUTHORS: Shtimalcov, L. G., and Chusovitin, G. I. (Engineers) TITLE, Experimental Smelting of Ferromanganese in a Large Blast Furnace PERIODICAL: Stall, 1960, Nr 2, pp 104-107 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The experimental smelting of ferromanganese has shown that application of acid slag, high- temperature blast and high pressure of top gas permitted the obtaining of high technical and economical performance figures. The smelting of Chiabura manganese ore was done in a blast furnace with the useful volume of 1,00o m3. The ore has the following composition o-) Chtfnlcml, Mn Mn02 MnO P S Fe 0-5 5- 10'710-25 >25 44,25 45,8 19,8 0'1fl 0.32 3.25 .46,726,3 17,1 9,9 S10. A1203 Cno higo Hto 12,05 3,32 2,67 0,87 5,74 Card 1/4 Experimental Smelting of Ferromanganese 77602 in a Large Blast Furnace SOV/133-60-2-2/25 Limestone with 54.5-55.0% CaO (free from sulfur and phosphorus) was added to the charge. Smelting was conducted on coke with 12.8% ash content and 0,54% sulfur. The established method of steady and smooth operation of the furnace is characterized by the follow- ing performance figures: (1) The average daily roduc- tion of cast iron, tont liquid,465; pig, 448. M Consumption kg/ton of liquid cast iron: dry coke, 1462; ore, 2281; lii~estone, 528; metal additlons, 248. (3) Blast parameters: blast consumpt4 4 ion (M-5/min), 152 pressure (Itm/gage), 1.42; temperature (C), 874; mois- ture (gr/m )', 4.5. (4) Parameters of blast furnace gas: pressure (atm/gage), 0.57; temperature (C) 347; gas content, W, C02 - 6,9, CO - 32, 9. (5) amount of sla Kg/ton of cast iron, 953. (6) Amount of dust K on of cast iron, 108. Composition of melt products, %: (a) ferromanganese: C, 7.05; Mn, 76.1; Si, 0.93; S, 0.013; P, 0.38; (6) slag: S102,, 32.5; Al 0 12.3; 1 2 Y Card 2/4 CaO, 34.4; MgO, 2.3; M110, 17.2. Basicity of acid slag Experimental Smelting of Verromangandse 77602 in a Large Blast Purnace SOV/133-60-2-2/25 is o.98-1.o8% and manganous oxide content 15.0-21.5%. The relationship between MnO contents in slag and its basicity (CaO:SiO 2) is shown in Fig. 3. The comparison of different.heat balances shows that the general heat consumption when working on acid slags is at a mini- mum, and heat utilization efficiency rather high. As a result of smelting ferromanganese with acid slags (the sum of S102 + Al 203 is about 45%). The total loss of manganese is decreased and the degree of its utiliza- tion is increased in comparison to smelting with basic slags. The whole process is more economical in spite of the fact that oxygen blast was not used. There are 3 tables; 3 figures; and 4 Soviet references. Card 3/4 Experimental Smelting of Ferromanganese 77602 in a Large Blast Furnace SOV/133-6o-2-2/25 f,05 67 f8 1 70 zf Z. M"O Fig. 3. The relationship between Mno slag and its basicity (CaO:SiO2)' Card 4/4 TIKOFEYEV, V. N.; SHKLYAR, F. R.j PALTUSOVA., K. I.; Prinimali uchastiye: FAMUMEV, K. M., inzh.; IZKAYWV, 0. A., inzh.; DHUSOVITIff, A* M inzh.; GORDEM, S. V., inzh.; RUZHENTSKVA,7Y._M~_,_'_: IRM&; t; GMWIMOV; G. I. , laborant Aerodynamics of blast furnace air preheaters Sbor. nauch. trud. VNIIKT noo 8002-347 162. ~MMA 16: 1) (Blast furnaces) (Air preheatero--Aerodynamids) X/1 x ANDON YEV, V. L.; BAUM, V.A.; N.K.; BEMIN, V.D.; BIRYUKOV, I.K.; BIRYUKOV, S.,H.; BLCKHIN, S.I.;.BCROVOY. G.A.: BULU. Me; BURAKOVp N.A.; V3RTSA7M, B.A.; VOVK, G.M.; VCHMAR, B.A.; VOSHCHINIS, A.P.; GAIMIONOV, V.D., Imnd. tekhn. nauk; GMIN, Te.M.; GILIDOBIAT. Ya.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GINZBUM, M.M.; GLEBOV, P.S.; GODES, E.G.; GCWAClW, V.N,; GRZHlB# B.V.; GHCU=V, L.P., kand. a.-kh, nank; GRUDZINSKAYA, I.Ta.; DANILOV, A.G.; DKITRIYXV, I.G.; DMITRIYMO. Yu.D.; DOBROKHOTOV, D.D.; DUBININ, L.G.; DUNDUKOV, M.D.; ZHOLIK, A.P.; ZZOWIGH, D*K.; ZIMARET, Ye.V.; ZIKASKOV, S.V,; ZUBRIK, K*M.; KAWOV, I.F.; KNYAZ]ff, S.N.; KCLIUYIW, N.M.; KOKUWSKIY, V.T.; KOSENO, V.P.; KCMWISTOV, D.V.; KOSTROV, I.N.; KOTLYARSKIY, D.M.; KRIVSKIY, M.N.; KUZNIITSOV. A.Ta.; TAG&RIKOVi N.I.; I&kWV, V.G.; LIKHAGH3ff, V.P.; LOGUNOV, P.I.; MATSMICH, K.P.; MELINICHMO, K.I.; KIMLITICH, I.R.; MIKHAYLOV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; HUSIYWAs R*H.; NATANSON, A.V.; NIKITIN, M.V.; 07BS, I.S.; OGULINIK, G.R.; OSIP07, A.D.; OSM, N.A.; FMOV, V.I.; PAffSHKIN, G.A., prof.; PIYANKOVA, Y~.V.; RAMPORT, Ya.D.; FMWOV, N.11.; ROZANOV, M.P., kand. biol. nauk; ROCHEGOV, A.G.; RIJBINCHIK, A.M.; RYBCMSKIY, V.S.; SADOHIKOV, A.V.; SEMINTSIOT. V.A.; SIUMO, P.M.; S3jiYAVSUYA, V.T.; SITAROTA, M.N.; SOSNOVIKOV, K.S.; STAVITSKIY, Ye.A.; STOLYAROV, B.P. [deceased]; SUDZILOVSKIY, A.O.; SYRTSOVA, Ye.D., kand. tekhn. uauk; FILIPPSKIT, V.P.; IMATTEMIN, A.D.; TSISMSKIY, P.M.; ClaOUSOV, M.I.; 0 "1 . A.A.; -j.A,;--SE3STOPAL, A.O.; SH3kl=, P.A.; SHISHKO, G.A.; SHGE3mIlTA, I.N.; 3WRLI, F.F.; UKOBSON, A.G.; YAKUBOV, P.A., ARKHANG3LISKIY, (Continued on next card) - ANDONOYN, V.L.... (contiinwd) Gard 2. Ye.A., retsenzent, red.; AKHUTIN, A.N., retsenzent, i9d.; 'RALA OT Yu,S,, retsenzent, red.; BA4ARANOV, V.A., retsenzent, red.; BATURIM, P.D.. reteenzent, red.; BMODIN, P.V., Icand. tekhn. im*,-retsenzent, red.; VAIUTSKIY,j.I., Imud tekhn.'nauk, reteenizent, red.; GE-IGMIYBVq',VeHe, kand, tei~n. fiauk, retsenient, red.; GUBIN. W., reteenzent, red.; GUDAY3ff, I.H., retsenzent, red.; Y3RMOLOV, A.I., kand. tekhn. usuk, rateenzent, red.; KARAUMV, BaP., retsenzent, red*; KRITSKIY,*S.N., doktor takhn.' nauk, retainzent, red-; LIM, T.V., retsensent, red.; IUKIN, V.V*,' reteenzent, red.; WSKIN, Z.D.9 retsenzent, red,'~, KkTRMOSOV, A.Kh., rietsenzent, red.; KINIMM, D.M., reteenzent, red,'; MNNKBLI, M.F., doktor tekhn. neuk, retsenzent, red.; OBRMOV, S.Se. relisenzent, red.; PATRASH3NI, P.W.; retsenzent, red.; POLYAKOV, L.M., r6teenzent, red.; RUMYAMS]ff, A.M., retseuzent, red.~ RYABCHIKOV, Ye.I., retsenzent, red.; STLSMKO7, N.G., retsen- zent: redo; TAKAX&Y317, P.F., retsenzent, red.; TARANOVSKIY, S.V.# prof., doktor tekhne nauk,'reteenzent, red.; TTZ7MTl, R.R,, reteen- zent, red.; 731DOROV, Te.M., ret6enzent, red.; SMUMOV, M.N., retsenzenk red.; SHMAKOV, M.I., reteenzent, red.; ZHUX, S.Ta. [deceased] akademik,'glavnyy red.; HUSSO, G.A.. kand. tekhn. nwak, red.; FILIMONOV. N.A., red.; VOLK07, L.N., red.; (MISHIN, M.M., red.; ZUMIN, V.D., Prof., doktor tekhu. nauk, red.; KOSTROV, I.N., red.; LIMACEN, V.P., red.; MEDV3DA7, V.M., kand. telchn. nauk, red.; MXHAYW7, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; F27ROV, G.D., red.; RAZIN, N.V., red.; SCBOLHVq V.P., red.; ITUNGIR. B.P.. red.; YRRYGOEM, (Continued on next card) ANDONOY31T. V.L....'(continued) Gard 3. Ye.7.9 red ''g TSYPLAICOVg V.Do [deceased], red.; ICORABLINOVp P.T., tekhn. red*'; GMINO U.N., tekhns' red.; rACHXWTSICIY, N.V., tel&n. red's [Volga-Don; technical accoizat of the construction of the V.I. lenlu Volga-Don Navigation Gault the TSimlymek Hydroelectric Center, and irrigation eyeterml Volgo-Don; tekhnicheakii o"tchet o'stroitell- stye Vol-go-Donskogo imdokbodnogo kanala imeni VOI. Lenina, TSim- lianskogo gidr6usla i orositollnykh soomohenii, 1949-1952; T Piati tomakhs Moskva, Go@, energ. iad--yo. Vol,l. [General structural descriptions] Obahchee opikmie soora2henii. Glav. red, S.IA. Zhuk. Red. toma M.N. Grishin. 1957, 319 P. Vol-.20 [Organization of con- struotion. Specialized operations In hydraulic engineering] orga- uizatelia stroitellstvia. Spetsiallnya gidrotekhnicheskie raboty. (Continued on next card) ABDONIM, (continued) Card 4. Glav. red. S,IA. Zhuk. Red. tom I.M. Icostrov- 1958- 319 P. (Km 11:9) 1. Rusaia (1923- - U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo elektrostantsii. Bmo tekhuicheakogo otchata o stroitellstve Vo o-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- reffpondent Almdemii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin~- 3, Deystvitellnyy' chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSER (for Grishin, Razin). (Volga Dou Canal-Hydraulic engineering) CHUSO jTIXAO,J,,,At_, kv- Mwly eurymline ability of sturgeons and the adaptive funotion of ahloride secreting oells in their gills. Dokl. AN SM 151 no.21441-442 J1 163. (KML 16 17). 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet im. A.A.Zhdanova, Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N.Pavlovskim. (Sturgeons) (Salinity) C BELOV, X.S.; BIRYUKOV, I.T.; VWBLYUDOV, N.N.; GORBUNOVA, M.N.; YESIPOVA, M.M.; ILIICHZV, A.I.; IGNATIYZVA, N.Ya.; KOVACHEVICH, P.H.; LYTKIN, A.M.; LOSKUTOV, V.G. JWWKOV, A.B.; MIROSHNICHEKO, N.Ya.; HMOV, A.Ya. OSIPOV, K.V.; OSIPOV, P.M.; PETROV, N.G.; PETRACHKOV, M.I.; PINEVICH, K.M.; POPOV, B.I.; POTAPOV, P.V.; PRIMIN, F.Ye.; PUKHOV, A.F.; c ,'HU ANGILISKIY, N., j5LT [The Kuznetsk Basin in the sixth five-year plan] Kuzbass v 8hestoi piatiletke. (Kemerovo] Kemerovskoe knizhuoe izd-va, 1956. 125 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Kuznetsk Basin) e A CTUSTALEW, A. A. "Cwiczenie z higieny" (Exercises in hygiene), by A. A. Chustalew. Reported in New Books (Nowe Ksitzki), No. 11, June 1, 1956. 'I -fY'!;' , I , Tl.'. ; 11. S. ; CHE'-l' A '-- : 7'. G. i1-' - I., I 1. 1 ~ SO.- V , ; I A. -------- -1- Study of semicorductor them. jAors. *.,-X,-j; i~h. -13 rab. po ino-tr. 111,011-i no.3:12-11+ 164 18:2) .4 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/ Analytical Chemistry. Inorganic Substances. Analysis of G-2 Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Kh1miya, No. 8, 1957, 27209. Author : F. Chuta, Z. Burianets. Title : Preparation of Gas Mixtures of Hydrogen with Traces of Hydrogen Sulfide for Gas Analysis. Orig Pub: Sb. chekhosl. khim. rabot, 1955, 20, No. 4, 962 - 967. Abstract: See RZhKh1m, 1956, 10122. C ard 1/11 RATOUSHEK, Iozef (Matousekp Josef ;_CffUTA,I_Ya. (Cutap J.] tekhnicheskiy sotrudnik; GLMOVA, Z. IMaorova,L], tekbnicheski-y sotrudnik; GCRZHAKOVAs I. [Hor2mkova, 1.7 tekhnicheskiy sotrudnik; MATOUSHKOVA,V- LMatousI:ova,V.j; tekhnicheskiy sotrudnik; SHAKHOTA,G. [Sachova#G.]p tekhnichaskiy sotrudnik Preparation of immune serums for determining the group anti- gens in the blood of ted and white cattle. Zhur. ob. biol. 24 no.1:50-63 Ja-F?63 (MIM 16:1.1) 1. Laboratoriya biologii razmnozheniya sel'skoIchozya7Btven- nykh zhiTotnykh Chekhoslovatskaya akademiya sel'skokhozyay- stvennykh naukv lubakhovv Chekhoslovatskaya Sotsialistiches- kaya Republika. KEYSS N.Y.; &UITSYN., A.A.; POZDNYSHEV., V.M.; SAMARIN, A.P.; YARTSEVA, T.N.; Frinimali uchastiye.- BEROVSKIY, KOMPARIYETS, N.V.; 6=HCh=O., R.I.; KHARITONOVA, V.V.; TOROPCYV, F.S. Making ingot molds and other castings of cast iron witk',spberoidal graphite at the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant* Stal 23 no.4:381-383 Ap 163* (Iron founding) (Ingot molds) (MIRA 16:4) -J CHU1-KENASHVILi) T1. Subject USSR/Aeronautics maintenance AID P - 4623 Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 12/23 Author Chutkerashviii, T. V. Title : The effect of shock-absorber bharge on the operation of landing gear. Periodical : Vest. vozd. flota, 4, 61-64, Ap 1956 Abstract : The proper charging of the shock-absorber of the landing gear and its effect on the landing gear operation is described in detail. One sketch and 3 graphs. Institution : None Submitted : No date LISIGHKIN, S.M., doktor ekonom.nauk, glavnyy red.; PROSKURYAKOV, A.V., kand.takhn.nauk, red.; -MMYWOV, H.B., red.; TOMASHPOLISKIT, L.M.,'red.; POPOV, I.J., kand.ekonom.nauk, red.; 7HY RA�W=&~ Te-Jr-, kand.ekonom.nauk, red.; DENISOVA, L.L., red.; DOBRITSYNA. R.I., [Belgium; brief economic-statistical survey] Bellgiia; kratkii skonomiko-statistielieskii obzor. Moskva, 1959. 125 P. (MM 12:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nauahnoy informatail. 2. Vae- soyuznyy tsentrnllnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallvrgii (TsNII Chermet) (for Arutyunov). (Belgium--Economic conditions) LISICHUNA, S.M., obBhchiy red.; TONASEIPOLISKIT, L.H., obshchiy red.; obshchiy red.; TARYAGIN, I.D., red.; KIRITANOTA, Z.V., red.; MATVXYEV, P.V., red.; MOTORIN, A.I., red.; POPOV. I.V., red.; POPOV, N.M., red.; PROSURYAKOV, A.V., red.; SOKOLOV, Tu.S., red.; STUPOV, I.D., red.; BELYAVSKIY, A.M.j red.; GRAZHULI, T.S.; red*.- DANILOV, N.N., red.; RAKHMANINOV, G.I., red,; SWCHNNKO, G.A., EDevelopment of the national economy of the German Democratic Republic] Razvitie norodnogo khosiaistva Germanskoi Demokrati- cheskoi Reipubliki. Moskva, Proizvodstvenno-izdatellskii kombi- nat VINITI, 1 959. 906 p. (MIRA 13:4) ..l. Akademiya nauk SM. Institut nauchnoy informataii. (Germany, East-Economic conditions) PROWMTAKOV, A.-., kahd.tekfin.nauii red.;,POPOV, I.V.. kand.okonom.nouk, red.;T;4;5ffCL'SKIT, L.M., kandeekonom.naukp red.; CKWVINSZIT# G.P., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SOKOLOV, Tu.S., kand.ekonom.nauke red.;.G ASITILbjej.. kand.ekonom.nauk, red.; BERMENITEVA, T. - ' S.I" .red.-, ZaKMOVA"-~'l-.S'.. red.; K010-HINA, V.I.j red.: POMMOV,- Tu.S., red.; MWINA: X.I., red.; SMOLEVA, N.M., (Great Britain; economic survey] Volikobritaniia; ekonomicheakii obsor. Moskva, 1960. 658 P. (MIRA 13-.5) 1. Moscow. Voesoyuznyy institut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy infor- mataii. (Grebt Britain-3conomic conditions) CHUTKEIUISHVILI, YEVGENIY VASILIYEVIGH RAZVITIYE VYSSHMO OBRAZOVANIYA V SSR. 111,10SKIIA? GOS. 'ZZD-VO IIVYSSIRYA SIROW, 1461. 238 p. TABLES. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL FOOTINOTES. CHUTKINA, AN. Pathological anatony of Oncephalomyocarditis in newborn infants caused by the Coxsackie virus. Zdrav.Bel. 8 no.12-.39-42 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Iz kafedz7 patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. Yu.V. Gulikevich) Minskogo meditdnskogo instituta (rektor - dotsent A.A.Klyucharev). (COXSACKIE VIRUSES) (MINSK-ENCEPHAIDMYELITIS) (HINSK-HEART-DISEASES) L 29673-66 SVPjj)/ jp RIA/bs/Ww _j (c) _/~QEP~) ACC IqR: AT6oi2697 SOURCE C6Di-.- W3 3/65/000/007/0050/005~ I AUTHOR: hjnj Q.- A. Shorokhovp V. N. ORG: State Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy SSSRI Union Scientific Res Inst~ ~ue ~�rns ~ru~e~~~Moscow (Gosudaretyeruiv komitet po ispollzovani- yu atomnoy energii 88SEp SoyuzrWy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut priboro- stroyeniya) TITIE: Development of spectromei/ric method for determining the distribution of I the activity from the depth of Alpha emitters -2-Jo SOURCE:*-SoyuzrWy nauchno-issledovatelkskly inVitut priborostroyeniya. Doklady.. no. 7., 1965- Razvitiye spektrometriche!skogo sposobs, nakhuzhdeniya zakona raspre- deleniya aktivnosti po glubine all i4luchatel 50-57 TOPIC TAGS: Alpha radiation, Alpha spectrum, radioactivity, angular distribution, pilse height analyzer ABSTRACT: For an experimental determination of the law governing the distribution! of m activity in the interior of materials~,the authors used the type 9014-01 spectrometer with pulsed ionization chamber"~.with grid. This.opectrometer., which i is now being readied for regular production,'-vas described by one of the authors e.1sewhere (Chitkinp with V. F. Bolotinp InformatsionrW byulleten, SR11P,' 1965,, I Card 2/ uDc: 539.1.o78: 539.3.2B.4 1; L 29673-66 ACC NE: A76022697 C-)_ NO; 1 (73)p P- 3)- 7he theory of the methods and the main formulas are described by the authors in a companion paper in the same source (p. 49). in this method the distribution of the % activity within the emitting substance is obtained from the pulse-height spectrum of pulses from a sample placed in the spectroscopic a transmitter. 7he distribution of activity over the depth is obtained by successive i- multiplying the pulse-height spectrum by a certain matrix [G]-I which elim- l y P es the smearing of the spectrum by the recording aNaratus., and a matrix CBI- inat which relates the energy of the m particles with their range in the emitter and with the location of th& active center. The matrix [B] converts the distribution. I of the activity in depthinto a range (energy) spectrum of % particles over the emitter, and the matrix CGI converts the energy spectrum of the % particles into a pulse-height spectrum. To construct the matrix [b], the authors determined ex- perimentally the dependence of the m particles from Pu2-19 an the thickness of an absorber of fixed thickness. The values of the matrix and its inverse are calcu- lated and are used to determine the distribution of m activity in cloth filters used to strain an aerosolicontaining PaP-19. Several types of cloth filters were tested and the a paR =ce spectra of their emission determined. It is noted in the conclusion that a shortcoming of the method is the fact that the matrices [B] -3. were prepared for a different substance (Pu2--" in terylene and its use and [B] for orther material may lead to errors. Orig. art.. has: - 6 diw-es. SC- 20/ . SUBM DATE: O3Hov65/ - oRiG REP: 002 L 2897~-66 EWT(zn) DIAAP ]Odtsfdlf 11R. AT5022115 UR/3%~/6V600/001 /0001/001f 539-1-07803~026-4 7 AUTHORS.t Bolotint V. F4; gndj".sAt.A~ TITLE: Ionizing speotrometer-of tape 9014'01 for alpha-radiation and it's a~plica-- tion-in the determination-of small concentrations of alpha-aot -1sotoples in aero- sole SOURCE: Soyuznyy,nailohno,-isoledovatellskiy institut priborostroyeniya. Poklady,. nool 1,1965- Ionizatsionnyy spektrometr-.allfa-izlucheniya tips 9014-01 1 yego primenel*__ dlya izmerpniya malykh kontsentratsiy aerozoley a:Llfa-aktivnykh izotopov, 1-11 TOPIC TAGS: alpha counter, alpha partible detector, alpha particle speotroscopyt aerosols uranium, plutonium/ 9014 01 ionizing spectrometer A13STRACT: The constructioni~fthe tYP4 9014:01.ionizing spectrometer for alpha- radiation and its industrial applicati6n in the determination of small concentra--. tions of alpha-activejobt9pes inaerosols are described. Diagram of the ioni chamberp preamplifier and a block diagram for the installation are presented. Th 0 speotrometer.was tested on artificially prepared aerosols of U234 and ?U299 Of known -concentration. ---The -~mperim(.,'atal~remUts-are:,shovm graphicall*~ in Vi on . 9 the Enclosure. It is suggeste-C-that'the-s actrometer.should prove useful in the: cc I.. .... ~d L 1-1322-67 6 Xrc ~Nk, 01 35 SOUR.C.E --C.ODEf..-uA/62T~-f66-f6ib-/66i/of6ffol6i------7 ;ALMIOR: Bolotin, V. F.; Byabov, N. V.; Chutkin, 0. A. natu -7ffZ: iTITLE: On the problem of compensating 7-al ackground beta-radioactivity in measur- ling small concentrations of artificial beta-radioactive aerosols ~0 !SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metrol. i izmerit. tekhn., Abs. 1.32.1217 REF SOURCE: Tr. Soyuzn. n.-i. in-ta priborostr., vyp. 2, 1965, lo6-113 TOPIC TAGS: radioactive aerosol, radioactivity measurement, beta radiation, alpha radiation 1% 1ABSTRACT: An improved method is described for measuring the a-radio-activity-of a fil- 'ter by using an a-spectrometer consisting of a spectrometric a-radiation ckup an j d a ,'two-chanhel amplitude analyzer which may be used for isolating the spect f1L regiona I I for a-radiation of RaC and ThC . Pulses from a-particles of all other short-and long- lived isotopes are discriminated. Soft ThB-0-radiation is discriminated by a thin film. Compensation of the daughter products of radon and thoron is separate and independent. The method is based on a constant ratio of the 2-radioactivity to the a-radioactivity of the daughter products of radon and thoron. A block diagram is described for an ex- perimental instrument which was used in verification of the method. The experimental Iresults are given. 3 illustrations, 5 tables, bibliography of 7 titles. N. Zevina, [Translation of abstract] CODE: 18 Card 1/1 bab UDC: 3U9:539-16-013 I CHUrKOY M.B., Docent, ideutenant Col Med Serv. "Pathologoanatomical Changes in the Eye Due to Glass and Stone Fragments in the knterior Chamberil, Moscow, Vast Oftalmologii, Ho 2, Mar-Apr t48. y 21 Chair of Ophtalnalogy) Mil Med Acad im. Kirov. POLYAK, B.L.; CHWKO, M.B. [Gouioscopy in glaucoma and in foreign bodies in the anterior chamber] 0 gonlos kopli pri glaukome i pri lnorodnykh telakh v uglu perednei kamery. Vest.oft. 29 no.2:26-31 xr-Ap '50. (CLKL 19:1) 1. Of the Department of Ophthalmalogy (Head -- Prof. VA.Po- lyak, Colonel, Medical Corps) of the Military Medical Academy iment S.M.Kirov. CHUTKO' M. B. Glass and stone fragments in the ciliary body and vascular membrane. Vest. oft., Moskva 30 no. 4:37-41 July-Aug. 1951. (CIML 21:3) 1. Docent; Colonel, Medical Corps. 2. Of the Department of Ophthalmolog7 (Head - Prof. B. L. Pblyak), Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov. CHUTKO, M.B. rof.; SEDLOVSKAYAj Ye.B. Sffect on the eye of oxIcaine, a new anesthetic preparation.Oft. zhur. 13 no.6:372-377 158. - (Kmk 12:1) 1. Iz kafedry oftal;mol ogii (nach. - B.B.Tolyak) Voyenno'-meditsin~- skoy ordena. Lenina akademli im. S&H. 'Zirova, (TURAPEUTIC, OPHTHAT14OLOGICAL) (BEHZOIG AGID) GR=O, ~ X.B.,- Prof. Bqpurative inflammation (abscess) of the lacrimal caruncle. Test. oft , 72 uo*4153~-54 JI-Ag 159. (kM 13 t 4) 4 1. Xafedra oftallmologil (zav. - prof. B.L. Polyak) Voyenno-medi- i tsinskoy ordens Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Irirova. (LAMINAL APPAROUS die.) CHUTKOJ 14 j, prof.; BARBELI, I.E.p red.1 CHVIIAYEVA, Z.V., tekhn. red. [Glass and stone splinters in the eye] Oskolki stekla i kamnia v glazu. Izd.2.) dop. Leningrad, Medgizt 1961. 150 p. (YIM 15:3) (Eyr-.-rioumi BODIES) CHUTKOO M.B.,, piof. (LeninMd) Biological (physiological glue in opthtalmosurgeryq Yestlooft, noJM-81 161. (MM 14:9) (EYE-SURGERY) (BLOOD AS FOOD OF MEDICDT) CHUT 0, KP,,.p--Of. T rAms and stone fragments An the eye. Red. sestra 21 no.2:34-37 F 162. - (MIRA 15-3) 1. Iz kafedry oftallmologii Leningradskogo instituta dlya usmarshenstvovaniya vrachey. _ , (EYR~~~EIGN BODIES) I CHUTKO, M.B.., prof.; ICVATIYEV, A.N. So-oalled "Talse tumors* of the orbit. Oft. %h:ur. 18 no.12 3-7 163 (MIRA 17:4) 1. Iz kafedry oftaltmologii (nachallnik - prof. B.L.Pblyak) Voyenna-meditainskoy ordena TAnina akademii imani S.M. Kirova. ,,~liUTKO..-~!jtv-,prof,;,XEROVA$ I.K, Use of urea, in ophthalmological practice; review of Soviet .. .r. an foreign literature, Vestn. oftal, 76 no,,4.02-87 JI-Ag'63 (MIRA 1711) 1. Glaznaya klinika. Leningradskogo ordena. Lenina instituta ugovershenstvovaniya vrachey. CHMNA, J. Changes in the infiltrate in the healing of wounds. Chakh.biol.2 no.1:44-48 Ap 153. (MIBA 7:2) 1. Biologichaskiy institut ChSAN, biologlya tkaney, Praha. lifounds) CHMA, J. , Healing of experimental wounds. Part 1: Certain processes of wound healing under the effect of sloop Induced by medication [in Russian with summary in German]. Chekh.biol. 3 no.1:14-22 P 154. (MM 7:6) 1. Inatitut biologii-ChSAN, biologiya tkaney., Praga. (Wounds) (sleep) CHUTNA J. ", Biol ustav. CSAVbiol. tk&i~ Praha. *HojenZ e)7rime~tLnlch ran. (I. Mktereil Foc~o rrYoTeni r.:~ pod vlivem medikamentos ho spanku). The influence of drug-induced.sleep on the healing of experimental wounds tSL. BIOL. 1954, 311 (10-16) Graphs 4 nius. 4 qc- Mice were narc6tized by a urethane-barbiturate preparation. After wounding, leuco- cy'.osis in the peripheral blood and the reactive inflammation in the edges of the wound were inhibited during the first days. If the drugs were administered 24 Hr. afer wounding, the leucocyte count fell rapidly. In both cases repair was prolonged for 30-40% as compared to the control animals; the necrotic phase lasted longer, the mitotic index was di-4-4shed and the formation of granulation tissue and the epithelization were inhibited. Klein - Bratislava SO: Excerpta Medica; Section V. Vol- 7 No. 12. CRUM, 4. Pri telchnicheelconeotrudnichastye V.OjpmLrtnol. Healing of experimental wounds. II. Transformation of cello in voun& healing, Chskh* biole .3 no.3:168-172 Aug 54. 1. Institut biologil OhSO, ttiologlya, tkansy, Praga. .(WOUMX AND INMUS, mmerimental, ,healing, cytol. aspects) CHUTINA, J.; OPIMINIA, V. Evaluation of the process of the treatrient of wounds by the. nethod of pressure preparation. P. 339 CESMSLOVEIISKA BIOLOGIE. Vol. 3, No. 6, Nov. 1954 SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EDAL), W. Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. CHUTNA, J. ; OPATRNA, V. Evaluation of wound healing using imprint method. Chekh. biol. 3 no.6:359-362 Doe 54. 1. Institut biologif ChSAN. biologlya tkaney, Praga. (WOUNDS AND ILTURIES, wMerimental. healing. deters.. imprint method) of ex-erij~eatal vcurids. 111. St:im- on wou7.;6. ne.,dira, in ~:enervated eArerdties. 0. 7~. vol. 5, no. 2, ~-ar. 1-j-56 so. E,iz;: --'MS31Q.*~; Ll,~T vol. 5, no. JLlY 1956