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zCHURBAK011 VpF.- GORDON, S.A.~ MENKOVSKIY, M.A. Synthesis of fe"ous-ferric oxide containing bivalent germanimn. Gookhimiia no.5t483-485 Fq 164. (MIRA 18t7) 1. Moskovskiy insti-tut radioelektroniki i gornoy elektromekhaniki. MOMDZHI, G.S.; GRIGORIYEV, V.M.,- CHURBAKOV) V.F. ........... Conditions governing the accumulation and characteristics of the distribution of germanium in iron ores. Min.syrla ne.7:28-33 163. - (MIRA 16:9) (Germanium) (Iron ores) GORDON, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk,; SPEKTOR, MI.; CHURBAKOV , kand.tekhn.nauk Recovery of germanlim from coal and ores abroad. Biul.tekh.-ekon. inform.Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no.9:83-88 163. (MIRA 16:10) RAFILKOV, S.R., aleadenik; i'lil RBAKCVt-, N,.V. L--'e,,rainatinn of t~.e effic.-I-mc.7 weak -',-nh-'biLo-r-s '*-n vis~,ous L'c-K*i.o AN SSSR 165 N 'E~zo 1. iriet.1tuL lKidmiclatskildh niwk AN E~zS.59.. ~'. AN KazcsR I F-9 f KOVBA, L.M.1 CIIURBAKO"p T.I. X-ray investigation of potassium polyuranates. Zhur.strukt. khim. 2 no-5:585-590 8-0 161- (MIRA 14:11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Potassium uranate) -CHURBANOV, V.; SYCHEV, A. -~-- 4:11 1. Economic growth of socialist Mongolia. Vnesh. torg. 43 no.7:3-5 163. (MIRA 160) (Mongolia--Economic conditions) PP-,PIKOvf S.R.; G-'AD!5HiT) G.P.; FdASANOVt-., 1U.; CHLJIMKOVA~ M. Effect, of the natare of Initiat.-ow an the mass polymerization of metbyl methaerylate. Trudy Inst. khJm. nauk '~N Kazakh. 1;SR 11:19-24 164. (MIRA 17:11) KRASANOVA, N.F.; CfRJRBAKOVA,. N.V.; GLADM3HEV, G.P. Polymerization of methyl methacrylate in the presence of dimethyl peroxydicarbonate. Trudy Inst. khim. nauk AN Kazakh. SSR 11:30-35 164. (141 RA 17: 11) OC 000299 Monograph [Gittis. Vladind Gittis, Vladindr Yu.11yevich; Bondarenko, Vladimir Leonidovich; YEfimv T-ecdor PeUuldsbLE21yakov.,_Yurly-da-v-rllovich; Churbanov, BFrfs-Wkhaylovi~A 40 Theoretical principles. of the cperation of marine diesel ehanes (riboreticheskiye osnovy ekspluatatsii sudovykh dizeley) Pbscow Izd-vo "Transport]" 1965. 375 P. illus., biblio.- 3000 copies. prInted. TOPIC TAGS: diesel engine, internal corrbusticn engine, engine performmoe char-acter- istic, shipbuilding engineering, marine engineering, marine engine L PURPOSE AND ODVERAGE: ~'This' book is~ intended for engLneers; and technicians working with marine diesbI power units, and may be used as a textbook by students and degme candidates inhigher educaticnal ~ institutions and marine and shipbuilding institutes The book attenpts to relate the theory of intemal-conbustion engines, pmpellers,* and hydraulic resistan e actual oper-ation-of diesel-engine units. Problems Pq on involving fuel corrbusti . %t at distrIbution,in engines am reviewed along with the operating charact ties of diesels under shipboard conditicns. The-effect of use conditicins on diesel meration and the nonitoring of the quality of diesel operation under various ship running conditions are discussed. PacomTendations are, given for selecting diesel cperating conditions, and methods are presented for plotting and using capacity, charts for mnitoring the propulsicin gear (engine, screw, hull) of a vessel. The authors thahk Doctor of Tecbnical Sciences, Pmfessor V. I. ,J__Nebesnov fbr his valuable remarks and suggesticins. Card 112 UDC., 621.4*ii.74-nnh(M) L 16841-" I ACC NRs-., PA000299 TAME OF CM TENM (Abridged) 0. Foreword Ch. I. Theoretical fundamentals fbr the feasibility of an efficient cpernting cycle for a diesel 11 Ch. II., The variation in the working-process Parameters of a diesel during operatim according to different characteristics 33 Ch. III. The effect of use factors~.on marine diesel operation 118 Ch. IV. Operating conditions of marine diesels 227 Ch. V. The use of capacity (initial) charts fbr mnitoring the quality of operaticn and condition of marine diesels 332 Appendices~-. -365, References 371 SLB COEE..' 13,21/ SUBM DATE: 28Jul65/ OPIG FEF: 089/ OTH REF: 007 li ~ (- : 1/' 4 - - CHURUNOV,G.V. Raising workers' qualification. Tekst.prom.8 no.2:28-29 F 148. (KERA 8:11) 1. Glevnyy inshener Glaveherati (Textile industry) CHUMNOV) 0. V, CHURRANOVY G. V. -- "Methods of Preparing Combed Tape from Staple Fiber Using the Fine-Comb System of Spinning," Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Textile Inst. Moscow., 1955. (Dissextation for the Degree of Gwididate of Technical Sciences.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopist, No 5. Moscow, Feb 1956 CHURBANOV, G.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. -.- - ~,Owwi~- I Basic trends of technical progress in the woolen and worsted industry. Tekst. prom. 17 no.7:6-12 Jl 157. NLRA 10;9) 1. Nauchnyy rukovoditall TSentrallnogo nauchno-iasle&ovatellskogo inetituta Shereti. * (Woolen and worsted manufacture) .OV, G.V., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. The technology of woolen and worsted manufacture in Britain. Tekst.prom.17 no.1:50-55 Ja '57. (MM 10:9) (Great Britain--Woolen and worsted manufacture) CHUBBANOV, G*V., kandidat teldmicheskikh nauk. Techniques used In the wool industry in England. Tekat. prom. 17 no.4:33-57 AF 137. (NIRA10:4) (Great Britain-Woolen and worsted manufacture) W1 40il Veal vici ~';mitriy ivaaovich; 103 ~Or.~;LNIMTIMAI-" "i ~o!4hnic~heskiy redakt or [Wool combing with automatic ct:.i~rcl of the everriess of the Grobennoe orisdenle shersti 3 avto-nu-14icheskim regulirovaniem rov-noty produkta. Ifoarkva, Gos,nauchno-tekha.izd-vo lit-ry go legko- oro- MYBI,I-,1957- 136 p. MiiA 10: 10) (Wool-combing) CHURDANOV, G.V., kand,takhn,nsuk; Y IKTOV, D.I. Device for measuring the length of individual fibers. Tekst.proze 18 no.10:606-61 0 ~58- (MIRA 11:11) (Textile fibers--Measurement) (Great Britain--Measuring instruments) aA 1, R.A.; YALTAW, R.K.;,, - AMOY, G.T., red.; AT OVA, I.I., -"' "'o --:---~- - red.; INAKUN, M.T., tekhn.z---a-- (P-132-Sh spinning machine] Priadillnaia mashina P-132-Sh. Pod G.T.Churbanova. red. Moskva, Gos.nauahno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi prouWahl., 1959. 102 p. (MIRA 13t5) (Spinning machinery) CHURBANOV G.V.,, kand.tekhn.nauk .9 1 Prospqcts for the expanding, of the rug industry. Tekst.prom. 20 no.3:21-24 Mr 160.- - (MIRA 14--5) 1. (Rug and carpet industry) ANIKINp A.V.; EELYAYEVA, G.A.; CHURBANOV, I.M. Quick method for qualitative analysis of samples in X-ray spectra. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh.,khim.i geol.nauk. no.3:120-121 .162. (KMA 16;5) 1. FiAco-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Turkmenskoy SSR. .*ays spectroscopy) (Chemistry, Analytical-Qualitative) c1lue 13A W, V 1,5, J CHURBANOV, I.S., inzh. Soviet combine manufacturing on the 40th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. Sellkhosmashina no.11:6-7 N 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Combines (Agricultural machinery)) CHUBBANOV, I.S., ingh. Analysing iresults of tests on the SK-3 self-propelled combine and its modified models. Trakt i sellkhosmoh, no,3,.13-19 Mr 158, (Combines (Agricultural machinery)--Testing) (MML 11:5) h. Results obtained from testing self-propelled chasuio with mounted machinery. TraktA sellkhozmash. no.8:20-22 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:11) (Agricultural machinery--Testing) CHURBANOV, I.S_,,inzh. .Technical trends in designing machinery for cultivating, harvesting and processing grain crops. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 30 no.6-17-19 ,Te 6o.- (MIRA 13:11) (Agricultural machinery) (Grain) CHURBANOV, I.S., inzh. Harvesting machinery. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 31 no.7:;7-28 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Harvesting machinery) CHURELNOV, I,S., inzho Self-propelling SSh-45 chassis with mounted harvesting machinery. Tralct.i sellkhozmashe 32 no*4:21+-27 Ap 962. (N3RL 15W (Ekirvesting mwhinery) CHURBANOV, I.S. - -1 Grain cleaning and drying Trakt. i. sellkhozmash. 33 t stations for collective and state farms. no.8:20~23 Ag 163. (MIRA 16%11) CMIEW-NOVp P. Lessona on a scrpen. Prof.-takh, o~jr. 21 no.5t22 Yv, 164. (h-'RA 17~6'1 1. Zameatitell direktora Novosibirakago gorodskogo pl-cfessianail- no-tekhnicheckvgo uchillshiha No.12. KATALYMOV, M.V.; CHURMTOV, V.M. Agricultural and chemical evaluation of precipitated magnesium borate as a boric fertilizer. Xhim.prom. no-7:604-605 O-N 159. (MIn 13:5) (Magnesium borate) (Pertilisers and manures) KATALYMOVIM V.;_PHUBBABQY,_V.Mj- RYABOVAt S.I.; KNYAZEVA, M.A.; SEZEMOVA, Z.S:; PALILOVA, N.I.; GORLENKO, M.V. Studying different ways and methods for applying fertilizers. (Trudy) NIUIF no.164:53-54 159. (Trace elements) (Fertilizers and manures) trace element (NIRA 15:5) CHURBILNOV, V.M.; MAMEDOV, O.G. some results of studying the rate of the uptake and T t sloeation of molybdemm in plantsp using the radioisotope Ir P~. Dokl, Ali Azerb. SSR 18 no.2t63-67 62. (KIRA 15:7) 1. Institut pochvovedeniya i agrokhimii AN AsSSR. Prodstavleno akademikom AN AzSSR G.A. Aliyevym. (Plants,"Effect of molybdeim- on) CHURBANOVO YU.M. Chuck and device for fastening cutters. Stan.i instr. 33 no.8:38 Ag 162. (MA 15:8) (Chucks) Citl('19 1&014914"t-, GHURRANOVA~,T. . , - - -I,", --,- "Trug-induced sloop In treating experimental complionted staphylococcal infection. Zhur.mikrobiol.~Did, I immun.,eupplement for 1956:2 157 (MIRA 11:3) 1. Iz Bashkirskogo maditainakogo instituta. (BLIMP--THMUPSUTIG USH) (MIGROCOCCAL IRECTIONS) USSR/Microbiology. Microbes Pathogenic for Plan and Animals Abs:Jour :Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13, 1958, 57680 F Author :QhUjj).annvA A - K. Inst jUfa Scientific-Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera Title :On the Problem of the Indicators of Immunity .to Proteus in an Experimental Wound Infection. Orig Pub :Tr. Ufimsk. n.-i. in-ta, vaktsin i syrovorotok, 1957, vyp 4, 243-249 Abstrac% No abstract Card 1/1 53 CHUR3ANOVA, A.K. I MechAnIsm of Immunity to Proteuo in compound infection of wounds: author's abstrnat. Zhur.mikrcbiol.epid. I immun. 29 no.2:128-129 F 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii Bashkirskogo meditainakogo inatitutA. (FEMM) CMUR114BOTIA A.K. Compound therapy of an assooiated purulent infectlon against a background of previous radlocobalt gawim-ray irradiation. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immin. 4.0 n0-4:78-82 Ap 5) 1. 1z Bashkirskogo meditsinskogo Institutua. VORONEZHSKIY, V.I.; KOBERNICHENKO, I.A.;_RHUR .,I.S., red.; SHCHEGLOVA, I.B., red. [Mechanization of sugar beet growing and harvesting; a survey] Mekhanizatsiia vozdelyvaniia i uborki sakharnoi svekly; obzor. Moskva, 1962. 132 p. (Serooa XI: Traktor- noe i sellskokhoziaistvermoe mashinostroenie) (MIRA 17:4) 1. Moscow. TSentral'My institut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy in- formatsii po avtomatizatsii i mashinastroyeniyu. CHURBLNOVA, M.V... inzh,-- ISTOMNA, T.Io. inzho Application of beam warping ana Azing in the Weaving of fine woolen cloth's Nauch.-isal.trudy TSMShersti no.16.-34-43 161e. (HERA 16:12) CHURBANOVA, M.V., inzh.1 Prinimali uchastlyes ALEKSMEVA, Z.K., starohiy "--ra%rItWtj'KISELEVj I.Ye., inzh.; ANDRYUSHIN, V.A., Inzh. Now automatic A%-175-Sh four-shuttle loom for the woolen and worsted industry. Nauch.-issl. trudy TSNIIShersti no.17t 73-76 162. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Klimovskiy mashinostroiteltnyy-zavod (for Alekseyeva). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauahno-issledovatellskiy institut legkogo i tekstillnego mashinostroyeniya (for Andryushin). CIIURGIIOR~ E. "Powder and Wire for Automatic Shielded-Are Welding", p. 1729 (PRZEGLAD SPAWALITICTWA, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug. 1954, Warszavia, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (MAL), LC, Vol. /,, 110. 5s May 1955, Uncl. SMIRNOVO V.S.; CHURDNOVSKIY A.F.; KAGANOVO M.A. Theoretical way of evaluating the heat conductivity of porous alloys at high temperatures. Trudy IPI no.243:12-18 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. 011mov, F. F, 2. USSR (600) 4. Agriculture - Biography 7. Training master framers. Kolkh. proizv. 13, no, 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Conaress. may 1953- Unclassified I I - - -1- 1., CHUREKOV, F. P. 2. USSR (600) 4. Agriculture - Experimentation 7. House of Farm Crops. Doet. selikhoz. no. 1, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Con ress, January 1953. Unclassified. .9 NOGIN, O.G.; CHU---OVAS..N.,I. (KaManda) G~mbination of myoplegia and epilepsy. 38 no.9:128- 1,30 3 T60. (MIRA 13 M) 1. Tz kitedry nervn7kh bolezney (z~v. - dotediat P,G, Mandryko) Karagafadinokogo meditsimakogo instituta (dir. dotsenA P*M* Pospelov), (mimay) (PARALYSIS) KOGAN, O.G.. CHUREKOVA3 N.I.- SPIVAK) R.M. - - Y, Analysis of diagnostic errors in diseases of the lumbosacral part of the periphei-al nervous system. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.6:34-38 161. (MlitA 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry nervnykJ1 bolezney (zav. - dotsent R.G.Mandryko) Karagandinskopo moditsinskogo instituta. (Nr-,hVO'US SYSTM, PEUY1W1,i&L--DISL-4SL3) CRURENKOT. A., inzh. Air-entrained cinder concrete treated in autoclaves. Tekh.-ekon. biul. no.112:36-40 Ja-F 159. (MIRA 12:4) (Cinder blocks) C-HURE-WK011, R_V. UFIMOV. A.D., inthener; FAVLOV, V,I., inzhenerLGHURZ~~OV . . k; __L V takhni _4,_y MRICH. V.I., takhnik; TBAREEKOVA, Autoclave -porous-concrete building products from waste cinder. RatsA isobr.predl.v stroi. no-55:18-19 153. WaA 7:3) (Cinder blocks) iR f: A; Chillsolis from SM Tfansballialls. lit, N. EVO -- lapitki I'stioyms. Mixerol. ObskckwsfiW--~ ~,C-. %w. rtt,~e mitiorsil.) 77. 103-4(1948).-This rate mineral of the cnmpn. 3PbWO4.PbMoO4 was observed In W are (,cheelite) placers of the Shakhtantina territory. a%ulk-d. with vvinailinite, verusiAte. and mottrumite (the t4tt" (rout the oxidation zonc). Orviltis withtiul any L-tymwl If-fra.; NITINVIs 16" Wort 1111rijordhor 1wittivis Oms ill pChrellic and wullculic. 1). 7A as 2.28 to 3-37. hirt(tingence my strong (about 0.11). A specific client. re4etion of 6114gite h obserml with IICI: the white I'll, t. of PhCl, it stained green, if an Fe roil k luttoduccil In o the IICI soln. (hio is reduced from the .w%IYAlcnt to the uJinquevairnt state). 71w same reactim is oft- served w1th wulfeuitc which has a higher hlo content Min chillacite and reacts therefore even mom rapidly. The W blue rmlion Is additiortally typical for chillagitc, if it 6 fund with KIISO., and the HCI soin. is treated with So- metal. Its wuttenite this reaction is neg. The distinc- tion from siolzite (lito absent). pyrognorpbite and minte- tite (without Mo and 1141 is simple. Scheelite 4 extremely slowly reacting with 1ICI, and moreover free from Uo and - Ph. W. Eitel U~iSR/Humrn rmd Anir.~.--l Morphology (1xrrnl !,n" Pethologicr.1) NervousS System. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., No 79 1958, No 31244 Author : Churovich A.G. Inst T. -No-f Trv -on--~ Title Poculinrities of Innorvrtion of the Feriostaur- of Different Fingers of the Hend6 Orig Fub Sb. tr. Kurskiy red, in-t, 1956, 7Yp- 11, 78-81 Abstr~-ct 2 In the poriostem (P) of the bones et the fasciculus, there is a grcct qunntity of nerve fibers rnd recertors; the original frm nathod of divi6ion of the nerves in the crea of the nv-il bones is noted. F of the most active fingers (I, II and III) is the nost highly developed innorvnting npprrntus. The F of the pelmrr surface of fingers I and V contcins n grenter quentity of receptors thm do nnalogous sections of P of other fingers. Cvrd 1 1/1 1. L. M. KULBEMI, PROF., 11. V. CHUMZ~Wp L. A. MGLOT 2. USSR (600) 4. Cement - Testing 7. Rapid method of determining aluminum oxides in cement. TSement 18 no. 6. 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, uncl. - EXrERPTA MEMA See. 6 Vol. 11/8 Aug- 57 C-0 96J-1YA 9, A. - ;, - 4922. CHURGINA R. A- Dept. of Morbid-Anat. of the Med. Inst., Krasnojarsk. n-rombosis of. the renal veins in amyloid- lipoid nephrosis (Russian text) KLIN.MED.(Mosk.) 1955, 33/1(70-73) In renal amyloidosis and lipoid nephrosis, thrombosis with complete obstruction of the renal veins may develop, a pathological picture that is little known and is even easily overlooked at autopsy. Rapidly progressive oliguria up to complete anuria is characteristic of this disease. Tine patients die of uraemia. The SU literature on this subject is discussed in, detail, and personal observations are described. The thrombosis begins in the small renal veins and extends to the hilus. The author's observations mainly concerned conditions after old injuries. Clinically, there was pain in the renal region. Oedemas and uraemic signs de- -:~f 9 ?-.?- CON re . - 7-1!1-11 - . veloped very rapidly. The cause is considered to be a change in the blood com- position. .~Lcussiu NR: AP015145 S/0064/64/000/002/0130707i33 -AUTHORS: Karapet'yants, M. Kh.; Churicheva, L. V. TIT-LE-.-Adapting methods of comprative calculation for estimating certain properties of n-perfluoroalkanes SOURCE: Khimich. promy*shi., no. 2. 1964, 130-133 TOPIC TAGS: perfluoros.1kane, boiling point, critical tomperaturet critical pressure, critical volume, normal alkane, saturated vapor. pressure, comparative caloulation, ABSTRACT: The correlation between the bollin$ point and saturated va'Oor pressure, and the critical parameters tpressure, temperature, Voiume) of n-perfluoroalkanes were approximated using methods I, II, and IV of comparative calculations as described by Karapet-~yants (Knim. Prom., No. 1, 33 (1961)). Because of their accuracy, data for.n-alkanes (-vrhioh are similar to the n-perfluoroalkanes) wore ,used as the basis"for the calculations. The boiling point at pres- sures ranging froig 15 mm. Hg to 20 atm. was calculated for some of &rd 1/3 -7-7- ACOESSION NR: A-2401514~ the C 018 n-pe~,,fluotoalkares according to the two equations: 3 1 7820 0,8522+ .P +5.079igP:-16.26 + !8. 12 boiling point and P pressure mm Rg. These Wherein ft-c,,p 6,stimated data cotparetfavorably with the experimental-data available. The critical temperature tort pressure Por and volume V can be estimated from the following equations: tar -T 2/3 Card ACCESSION NR; AP4015i45 + Ai(PjV)-"4+1 + Bli A.' m Al (tjrV)jrC&N4+% +Do The following coefficients for these equations were calculated from d..ata for n-alkanes: A' -7 0.75973) Bt -1.869 A".- 9.69i32; B".- -2.725, A111 - 1.6301, B'" = -31.5, 1 0.0803 Ind B 1 1 3.2-173. The average errors in the e3timated critical ~parameter3 are in the range of 0.2C,* 0.1 atm. and 4.3 cm3/mol. Orig. art. has., 1.2 Equations and 9 Tables. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE AC4: 12Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH, 1*4 NR REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 023 Card 3/3 NOVIKOV, V.T., inzh.; SHINKAREV, B.M., insh.;_g1flJRIKOV, A.A., inz1a. Kiln for caloinating diatomite-tripoli heat-insulating products. Suggeated by Y.T.Novikov, B.M.Shinkarev, A.A.Churikov. Rate. i izobr. predl. v etroi. fio.15:12-14 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Ukrglavprommontazh Ministerstva stroitelistva USSR, Kiyev, u1. Sverdlova. (Insulation (Heat)) (Kilns) BATANOV, Aleksandr Ivanovich,. Prinimall. uchastiye: SYSOLYATIN, S.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; ARASHMICHt V.M.; KVASKOVq A.P., doktor tekbn. nauk, retsenzent; GIBELEV, I.T.j inzh.9 retseilzent; KRASNOV9 G.V.p inzh., retsenzent; NIKOL=Op S.V.p inn., retsenzent; SOLIVARp A.V., inzh.p retsenzent; CHURIKGVp A.N.-,inzh., retsei3zent; RCKANOVA, L.A., red, izd-va; BOLIUREVA, Z.A-., tekhn. red.; PROZOROVSKIY, Ye.G., tekhu. red. [Iron ore dressing] Obogashchenib rud-chermykh metal-lov. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornoma delug 1961. 423 P. (MIRA 14: 9) 2. Obogatitellmyye-fabriki Gornogo uptAvlemiya Magnitogorskogo im- tallurgicheskogo kombinata (for Gibelevq Krasnavp Nikolenkop Sol- var, Churikov) (Ore dressing) USSR/PharmacoloW) Toxicology. Analeptics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 4, 1958, No 17563 U-3 Author Qht~x pv Inst Zo~,6~chnical Veterinary Institute Title : Caffeine and Furamone Effect on the Secretion of Intestinal Ferments in Dogs Orig Pub :Sb. nauchn. stud. rabot Saratovsk. zootekhnic. vet. in-ta, 1956., 1, 102-1o6 - Abstract : The experiments were carried out by the Thiri method on two dogs with isolated sections of the large intestines. Under the influence of a 10 mg/kg dose of caffeine,an inconstant change in the amount of secreted gastric juice,, a decrease in erpsin and enterokinase activity and an increase in amylase activity were observed. Under the influence of furamone the quantity of juice and of the solid substances it contained increased; the activity of anylase and erepsin increased. Card 1/1 CHURIKOV. 1.S. - "NAMM"M First mathematical olympiad in the city of Dzandshikau. Usp.rat.nauk 6 no.6sl69-172 A-D 153 1 OMU 6:12) (Mathematics-Iftaudsh'ikwa) 0 for v, uuae;,4'4trev4U* at"McIliltemperature, Duration of teat was 34) hours.. A)s6,a nomber, of tow were done with , i~haap of strete during thd test. Functions 0(t) Awl 0(0 whore J/dIJO(O) - KW Kro obtWncd tiraphlialLy from the ugperbriontAl clsta, and thearatleM creep 'gurves for ceaat~nt as well ?.a for variable during tett, stresses an built. The agreement In quite good ~fflj tho experimental curvez, but 0" should keep in mind that time of tegta was comparatively short 'or areep tsperiments. - W. By1westrowics, USA CHMKof, ?-.i. duri F. S. On a .form of geftral sol .utfon of the qim- --Ions of equ DrIgMSf the ibeo*j of elAsticity In displAce- meats. Akad.NaukSSSR.Fr#J-. Mat, Meh. 17,751-754 (1953). (Russian) The author obtains a general soliLtion to the equation Iftinear elasticity forj�2g2pic matEi%l~. When the body force vanishes, tEe displacement vector ft ~xpress----d in terms of a harmonic scalar and a harmonic ve