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8/02 61/138 001/016/023 B103YB208 AUTHORS: BalakireArt. V. F# and, Chufarov G. I., Corresponding Member AS USSR - ------- TITLEt Equilibrium aonditione in' systems Co-O and Co-O-H ~-PERIODICAL: 'Doklady,-A.kademii nauk SUR, v. 138t no. 1, 1961v 112-114 TEXT: The authors determined the orystal lattice parameters of the two cobalt oxides accuratelly-defined: CoO and Co 0 CoO~has the lattice 3 4' .type of NaC.10 ~.Co 0 f1he spinel types The authors studied samples of 3 4 Co2 03- (fro m,-' the ikavod "Krasnyy, Khiiik.ll plant "Krasnyy.Khimik") and also detected a spinel:type of the-.1attice.vith parameters similar to those of Cc 0 It wAs,.howeverlAifficult to determine.the quantity of the para- 3 4 me.terl, sincethe'lines in.the roentgenogram are indistinct. The authors point out that anhydrous Co 0 cannot be prepared, but that CoO and Co 0 -2 3 4 may- form solid solutions with oxygen. Since the published data on the Card VT 23812 S/020/61/138/001/016/023 Equilibrium conditions in, systems-... B103/B208 dissociation pressures of oobalt oxidesin,the system Co-O-H and on the equilibrium in this system arecontradictory, these problems have been -studied. They are important for the' production of cobalt and its compounds I(for the technology of direct production of high-quality cobalt metal from its oxides by reduction with hydrogen). The authors obtained Cc 0 by 3 4 annealing analytical-grade ttoobalt oxide" for 70 hr at 8000C in the air. Table 1 contains data.-on the 'equilibrium pressure of oxygen in. the system 3Cob + 1/2 0 t C0304;=:� 2 T 'OK 973 1073 1123 1173 -2 P MM 5.32.10 ~0.12 7.3 25.0 153.5 02 The equilibria in this system and in the system CoO +H PCo +R 0were 21ft 2 studied both in the direction.of.the Co 0 dissociation and of the CoO ~3.4 oxidation; the' oxygen press-Aire was determined in a vacuum device., The mean values-Pf the.0 pressure for the dissociation of Cc 0 are expressed by 2 3 4 Card 2/7 23812 S/02 61/138/001/016/023 Equilib,rium.bonditions in systems.*,*,* B103YB208 characterof the, reaction 0960,4- ;--~-.19412.oalo It was found that in, provicus-studies of: the a ri m'CoO H V& cc + H Vilib u 72 0 methods with 2 cphoidtrablq 'errors. had been applied'.~ imong others, neither thermal diffu- sion,has been .considered, noi?:,the :equilibrium gas mixture analyzed. 'The authors studied analytical-gradel.CoO.. The sample was found to be monophase (like that.'.of':Co 0 )~ and'_it-q',A_a ttice parameter was in agreement with 3 4 7 publishe', -.To eliminate .:~th-ermal diffusion, a continuous circulation of the.gas4ixture~:was maintained by means of a diffusion pump. Equi- librium was"attained at a constant water*vapor pressure (4.579 mm) which was maintained by dipping.-the receiver with water into a Dewar flask containija~g-thawing ice, After-equilibrium had been attained, the,sample was removed.from.theofurndde and-hardened. From the vapor-gas.mixture the wate:P vapor Aas,.frozen' ou t ina receiver liquid nitrogen. The equil-f1brium. _- gas ma's again analyzed ~f or impurities. This was * made by interaction--of H with,vae.again introduced into the furnace. 2 The.resultant w ater vapor- -was 1ro zen ou t.- The pressure d if f erence gave the -Card $/020/61/138/001/016/023 B103/B208 EqUilibijum. O'ond it iozi o eye t ems was converted by a correction dia gram to e qu il ib2luk pr*ssu .re o the 0' rsOults, are presented in Table 2. ~ They ma -.The yl + 0.52. Also in this case,. the.. ;el.atibn j I I be.~expressed by the quilibrium.oQnstant~'dooredoes,with-rising,temperaturep as the reaction e-change of the isobaric-isothermal 631 298, is wtotherm -Th by 40, T. ---4457 2.381 T cal. The dissociation calculated 'from, -P I .(No Kit )2 atmo, it foll prassure of:coo.ii3 .0 Ows: 2 log P0 + 7.14*9 ahd the isobaric-isothermdi potential 2 0 T --55754'--16.333 T cal. ThereF are 2 tables and 13 references: Z A -7.non--Soviet-bloo.- Thel most recent references to ..6, Soviet-blop and English-language publicationg rea V~ d as'follows: H. W. Foot, E. K. Smith (Re f. 4 Am. Chem. Soo.,. 36 "'1344P 1908 9 Y. H. Emmet, J.- E. Schultz (Ref. 8': J. Am. Olfe.m. Soo.:, 311 3249, 1929~, M. Watanabe (Ref. 10: Sci. Card 5/T S102OV611138100110161023 Equflibrium oonditions 'in systemse.-V* B103/B208 Rep. Tohoku 1ppo Univ-i -22, now4 892 1933).. iSSOGIATION: Ineiitut metallurgii Ural' skogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (tmWWte ~of Metallurgy of the Urdl Branoh of the Aaademy of Sciences, USSIO! SUBMITTED- January 251 1961, equil Legend to 'Table 2 1) T, OK, 2) P mm H9, 4) oonditions; 5) K" . H2 - mean-valuej, fromth duction; 7) from the side of 6) e side of re oxidation. Card 61, S/020/61/139/005/012/021 B103/B217 AUTHORS: Bogoslovskiy*, V. N.'~Stafeyeva, No M.) and Chufarov, Go I., Corresponding Member AS USSR. TITLE: Reduction of copper ferrite CuFeO by graphite 2 PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk 888R, Dokjadyj v. 139, no. 5, 1961, 1105-1106 TEXT: The authors studied,,by means of,graphite, the reduction kinetics of 11 3+ 2- ferrite of monovalent co'pp er, Cu 'r.Fe , 02_ of rhombohedral structure, and the crystallochemical. transformations occurring. The ferrite was produced by sintering a mixture,of.stoic.hiometric composition Cu 0 +.Fe 0 during 2 2 3 28 hr at IOOOOC in a'C02 current. The specimens, obtained were monophase (stated by x-ray diffraction). Reduction-by graphite was conducted in vacuum of approximately 10-2 mm Hg., Methodshave been described in detail (Fiz met. i metalloved., a, 740 (1959)). Experimental results at 900, 950, 1000, and 10500C are given in Fig. 1. It is concluded that copper ferrite is reduced gradually. The.process stops with 25% reduction at 9000C. Reductim Card 1/5 S/020/61/139/005/012/021 Reduction of copper ferrite CuFe02 B103/B217 As more intensive' at higher temperatures.11 First,, the reaction is retarded (up to.50% reduction~-then? however, accelerated. CO and CO are the. 2 gaseous reaction products. Only C02:forms.up to.33% reduction, from 50% reduction thetratio CO CO 1 1. The CO quantity gradually decreases ~2 .2 with further reduotion: The stepwise character of this reduction is confirmed bylx-ray.difiraction pattern in the solid phases at differ-'ent reduction degrees. Copper and magnetite (the latter gives a spinel diffrac- tion pattern) are detected besides initial ferrite in an early stage of reduction. Initial ferrite vanishes in 30% reduction whereas vu-stit .e appears at 40%. Autocatalytic wustite~reduction begins after removal of 50% oxygen; copper, wustite, and iron are detected in the solid reaction products* .CuPe02 does not form solid-solutions with magnetite. This was confirmed by the dependence of the oxygen equilibrium tension in the gaseous phase on the reduction degree. The exact results of this study are to be published:later. It is the authors'-'opinion that no remarkable volume diffusion of metal cations or oxygen ions by the layers of' solid reaction products occurs, since there is no mutual solubility between initial oxide and its reduction products. Surface diffusion plays an important part in this process., It Card 2/5 8/020/61/139/005/012/021 uotion of Red copper ferrite cureo B103/B217 2 leads to a growth of copper and magnetite crystals on the surface of- ferrite particles during redu ction. In the fine powder used by the authors, ferrite was transformed to magnetite and copper sooner than magnetite reduc- tion began. There are 1,figure and 6 references: 3 Soviet-bloo and 3 non- Soviet-bloc. The three-refor,enoes to.English-language publications read as follows: A. Pabst, Am. Min-o '31i 539 (1946); C. Delorme,2F.~Bertaut, J. Phys. Rad.t 14, 129 (1953)1 W. Boller, A. J.Thompson, Phys. Rev., Al, 644 ('1935); ASSOOLnTON: Institut metallurgii Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SUR (Institute-of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences-USSR)i ~SUBMITTED: April,21, 1961 Card 3/5 S/020/61/140/066/029/.030 B103/B1.01 AUTHORS: Chufarqy.,~., Corresponding Member AS USSR, and _7 Sga-Faillina, 0. K.~, TITLE- Mechanism andkinetics-of wustite decomposition PERIODICAL: Akademiya,nauk SSSR* ~Dokladyj v. 140p no. 6, 1961, 1392-1393'.1 TEXT: The decomposition of wustite an its,free surface~knd the quantitative .characteristics of the-decomposition kinetics were studied. Wustite produced by oxidation of Armoo iron in co-CO 2 atmosphere was chipped off and tempered in vaouo,at 350OC- Phase composition and parameter wort determined by x-ray structural analysis. Tolystyrene carbon replicas of the free surface of the specimens were.examined electron mioroscopinallyS. The magnetic saturation moment was measured by means of magnItic analysis in a ballistic apparatus. Wastite had a,parameter of 4.295 X in its-, original state. This corresponds to the.formula Fe 0. It has'been 0.907 found that decomposition.begine on the outer surface of the scale and is here more intensive# since this surface is richer in 0 Primary magnotitt 2* Card 1/4 S/020/61/140/006/029/030. Neohanism and kinetice.ofsea, B103/B101 forms on both surfaces' &i thin anUflat formatione according to the n 0 - 4Y)Fle --4(l - 4x) Fe 0 +'(x:- Y) Fe 0 The reactio 6 I-X - ~ - 1-Y 3 4; x> y re sulting metastable wustite. contains much,less oxygen in the surface" layers (re 0) than in-the center (Fe This is indicative of 0-984 0.9630 strong decomposition on the free surfacei where orystallochemioal conversion is much easier. Eutectoid decomposition is determined based on the occurrence of iron and the constancy of the parameter of metastable muntite. It proceeds the reaction: 4Fe 0 -,P Fe 0 3 4 y (1-4y)Fe (2). This.'decomposition is accompanied by a characteristic hange ofthe surface mi"rostruct (Of' 0 c- ure. Numerous fine pores about 0.1 L) are formed. The mechanism of this process is, On leaving the wustite lattice iron ions leave vacancies. These coagulate to micropores ihich are not the magnetite originating from wustite. Additional annealing of the speoimen,s_.(at 5000C) after decomposition reduced the porosity and revealed clearly the microstructure. Both the large primary magnetite crystals and the eutectoid could be easily distinguished. Microcrystals (of about 0.5 A) of the secondary magnetite became visible Card 2/4 S/02 61/140/006/029/030 'Mechanism and.kinetics of... 13103YE.101 in the eutectoid.- Presumably, the,iron content of the eutectoid is insignifioant (about 13 %:-bi Volunie) - Probably, Fe forms'intermediate layers between the magnetite -microcryptalso The ourve 0 (t) was plotted (Fig. 4) 'as a result.-of:maigiietioanalyeis and sh6wa tha? the 'specific intensity of saturation magnetization of vuetite specimens is a function of the annealing Aime: at 3500G. , The experimental values of ars could be used to determine the--de'oomposition degree in any intermediate stage and to-estimate' the decomposition rat(iAn different periods. This became possible owing to theconstancy of the quantitative interrelations 13-etween. the phases formed. The:rate during- the first period (pre-eutectoid separation. of magnetite) exceeds that of the second Deriod (eutectoid decomposition) by a.factor of about seven. There are 4 figures and 6*references: 3-Soviet,and non-Sovi'e't. ~3 ASSOCIATION: Institut, metillurgii TJjrallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR the Ural Branch of'the Academy (I'nsti-tuteof Metallurgy, of iences'USSR Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. of so S. M. Kirova~(Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M. Kiro-.V) I dard 314 if S-/126/62/013/005/020/031 Elll/E435 AUTHORS: -Shabalinal O.K., Chufarov, G.I. TITLE: Mechanism and kineties,of the decomposition of wustite. 11 PERIODICAL: Fiz2*.ka metall*v.4'metall*v*d*niye, V-13, no.5, 1962, 766-768 TEXT: -In an earlier paper (Fmm, V.12, no.5, 1961, 697) work on. wustite decomposition at 350% was.reported. In this paper wustite decomposition at 400 and 5000C was studied. In the present work the same batch of vustite was used in the form of plates of scale 0-3 mm thick.with*&.lattice.parameter oj," 11-302 `corresp6ndlng to FeO.92 150- Annealing was carried-out in vacuo (10-4 Mm HS) The saturation-magnetization was determined as a. function of annealing time, the-same specimen being used for constructing a complete curve.- X-ray-patterns were,taken from the same specimen~to obtain the-phase analysis of the inside and outside of the scale. , A separ&t*-specimen, which had undergqne the same treatment as the other specimen, was used for the X-ray Card 1/2 S/126/62/013/005/020/031 Mechanism-and kinetics Elll/E435 powder method determination of lattice parameter. Changes in the surface"microgiiructurti''during decomposition weige followed with .the aid of an electron'micro'scope (resolution 100 A). The work- suggested that in.addi,tion'to the iron + magnetic eutectoid the surface contains primary magnet-ite,crystalw.. The decomposition must follow the equation 4Fe 0 _X Fe 04-. t U-.4x)Fe., (x 0.075) .3 The process at 500'.C is'much-slower than at 350*C and is different in other~'ways.'_ Thin iiexplicablo on.the basis of the two-stage mechanism. Thire.are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Ural.'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M.Kirova.- Inatitut'metallkurgii.-Urallskogo filiala,AN SSSR (Ural Pol tecliiKical Institute imeni S.M.Kirov. y Metallurgy Institut*,ofthe Ural Branch AS USSR) SUBMITTED.i September 23,- 1961.. Card~2/2+ S/076/62/036/011/006/021, B101/W80 AUTHORS: Averbukh,,B. D.#.Brayninap D. Z., Antonov, V. K.,and Chufarov, G. I. TITLE: Study of_,equilibrium Condit ions in the reduction of manganese ferrite by hydrogen 'PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii,, v. 364 no. 11, -1962, 943-6 -244 TEXT: To find out the structure of ferrites and suitable:idonditions for their production, the.-reduction of-manganese ferrite in hydrogen was studied at 9000C.,, Manganese f,errites-of different coapositions-wers produced,by sintering -Fe 0 XnO ai Ix tures4t 12000C in various atmospheres 2~ 3 (CO 2 'or,air),,- and by, sintering Fe 0 uno 7, MA 0 mi:Xt ures 21 Ar' Co + 02, 2 3 Debye patterns showedl:that'.the resulting ferrites were single'-phase. The reduction was performed in,& mixture of water vapor (p 4.579 aakg)i and..: H 0 2 ~-3 2 hydrogen~'( IRK' 10 ~~.10 zz Hg).*. After equilibrium had been established'". 2 Card 1/4 5/076/62/036/011/008/021~ Study of equilibrium conditions in.- B100180 between ferrite and gas mixture'.* the water was frozen out, the p measured, 2 -the degree of~ reduction determined from the 9 consumption, and PO the 2 2- -equilibrium pressure calculated, Tho:,phases formed in the-reduced ferrite. were identified by Debye patterns. Reaultas Except for those in air, which were higher due to oxidation,* the ferrites sintered in different atmos- pheres showed approximately the same p /P -values with the same degree H 0, H 2 2 of reduction. Ferr ites containing excess manganese owing to admixt ure o due to~ ormation c U_ Mn 0 showed higher p f of Un 0 - UnF*20-- solid sol, 3 4 02- 3 4 4 tions. During-the-ferrite reduction, the lattice-constant of the'spinel phase gradually fell until it was.roughly the same as for magnetiteo At 10% reduction, a lower oxide*phase-~sppear&d-with an NaCl lattice, thel constant of which increased as the-,reduction proceeded. At 45% reduction, a metallic phase appeared, with the lattice oonstant of iron (2 .861 2). The-reduction of manganese. ferrite thus proceeds iii two stages$ (1) Re- duction to the lower oxide phase (Fe, Xn)O via formation of non-ideal solid Card 2/4 S10201621142100210281029 B101/B144 AUTHORS: Shabalina, 0. K.,,and Chufarovt.G. I., Corresponding Member AS USSR TITLE: The maximum rate of decomposition of wustite PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v.'142, no. 2, 1962, 411-412 0 TEXT: The rate of thermal decomposition of wustite at 400 and 500 C was investigated. The dipcompoeition products were subjected to X-ray- structural and el6atron-mic.roscop:Lc.examinations, and the kinetics of the process was clarified"b measuring the variation in specific magnetization Y saturation a during heating Decomposition follows the reaction 4Fe 0 Fe 0 + (1 - 4X)Fei x -+ 0.093. Details of the process; The I-X 3 4 preeutectoid separation of Fe 0 and eutectoid decomposition are caused 3 4 by diffusion of iron ions out of lattice points; coagulation of vacancies to pores which are not immediately, filled-with Fe 0 This porosity 3 4' .facilitates the tr4nsformation of~neighboringsections. I'lecrystallization, however, is also accelerated with increasing temperature. The pores are Card 1/2 STAFEYEVA), N.M.; BOGOSLOVSKIYO V.N.; SHCHEFETKIN) A.A.; ZHURAVIEVA.. M.G.; S/020/63/148/002/029/037'.-_ Thekmodynamic prop erties -B18q/BTO1 0 _AH 0 _Az 8 0. compositioii,of, the.' -'Z:1's:--_J~]' - - 8 2 ~x 298 k l/ 6l 29 e k l/ .. , 9 , o solid-soluti n --mole" cai/ e. m ca ca mo g ;-0.5Z .27 3.8 246;0 3 0... 3 Zn Fe 0 ~0. 5 2--5 .4 0 - 7~ 26 5 3 33 U - -Fe 0 .3 -4 0,3 -,2-7 0.92 266~6 40 mO, Fe 0 34.0 Zn 0 1 2 9 .1 . 00 27Q-0':` 242.0 . . 0 3 5 - 60 -Fe 4: 'X 'is: the mola -part of Fe 0 in X 3 4' Zn F e 2~xo. the aata for Fe 0 are," taken', . 1_x 4. 3 4 publications. rom . 7 The. latti'c'ti ~--c6n*stant:dea~e*as-es slowly'_1rom 8.445 f or. ;:.. . '4nFe 0 Ao 8.44 R. for-Zn-' F 7 q2 O -linearly to-8-40-R f 0 j0 .-then. r Fe 0" 4 3 4 ~ 4 The'- curve e versus'x safe -s i t 03 -It is con~- alient po nt a 298,.. eluded theref bfei that- :the inve r8- i0h'.6f the e~inels!r*emaln'e alrddst:unch between~ 0 -,~?c 4 -0-3 n and that 1y .I n2+ ions are subs.t1tuted by Ahi, Fe2t.:ions "j! etrghbdron in the t points-. These lons are Almos t of e;qual sizi, - U*tWeen";.-,.--.-` j 0.3 and~x,.*1, :x -however the .*.intensive inversibn'to' total inverse epin64 3~d ni/3 S/020/63/148/062/02~/037:~ i Thermodyn~mic properties B189/B101 the magneti.te ~takes'place,,owing't"o,the: redistribution o f the cati.ons, . 'in -'are 3 a 1 tetrahedr6n_and-o,*Uhed ron~_ -t6r6lica~-, .,There gures and~.l ASSOCIATION: Insiitut'metallurgii Urallskogo filiala~*Akademii nauk'SSSR*~~-:_'i (Insiltitute of Metallux gy ; o ad Ural Branch of Ac' emy 'of f the -USSR)I,'-Inatitut Sciences . . -fiziki:metallov Akademik,hauk ZSSW`_ - (Institute of of Metals of the!Academy of-Scienc s e Y USSR). SUBMITTED:. July: .14 462: Card ]5/3- /65/10/ob4/04/62i. Decomposition;kinet as T -wd'stits-, 2692/'Bioi 0 F or.,, 644-dre ,-pojj2 jj;~fbj-16W, -..ta 0t r ional to- h 44latloh PF d'b vh & e, a exp ion,;i va t 4/29 This equ t i. " - K. DA W9 a as wher f. ~. A!3~ t) enot Ps-, e D d -t tie i fusion'.coef iciefit-o vao nci4 A 1".. ik, (1) and .-.increase WiLth'~--. h0_1~emp-ppa urel:upl 04. t ,44000 d 1'i ihi C an decreae es-, in -reac's In. a, riai,'Iti' ti cally~ 1, -and Ayidepind'&i b aqua 00 A. ova'* .There, are-, Was decreases a.b AS'55OCIATIDIfs Ins itut -me Ural~ skoke.,,tial lie ".-Aka, p naft We -,Ural-3taho of.-' C., (Ina~iiut 0 "of.- ieiin urd of i .,o a i-e~ f 6be' SUBMITTED: Oct r',. AG 67 1, .. ....... r 2 211 s/oo76/64/o38/oo5/ll35/1l41 ACCESSION NR:' AP4039618 Shchepetkin, A. A. (Sverdlovsk); Stafeyeva, No M' (Sverdlovsk): Bof;oslovski V No (Sverdlovsk); Zhuravleva, M. Go' (Sver;1ovsk); Chufarov, Go I. (Sverdlovsk TITLE:- Study of equilibrium conditions during the reduction of magnesium-manganege; rrites fe L SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskiy khithii, v. 38, no- 5, 1964, 1135-1141 TOPIC TAGS: magnesium-magnetite ferrite, ferrite dissociation, ferrite reduction,' ~equilibrium oxygen-pre6sure, ferrite crystalline structure, spinel phase, magne-,-1, si magnetite oferrite The equilibrium oxygen~pressure during the dissociation of magnesium- manganese ferrite6 W-of the composition MgcMnj_cke?_04 (c = 0-1 to 1-0) have been determined and some peculiarities of the crystalline structure of I - of. various !.compositions have been r ful studied. 7his work was done because such data are help for the preparation of forrites and the understanding of changes occurring in service. The equilibrium conditions in the reduction of I were a. closed-,vacuum apparz~~us with a-circulating H.2 +.%D mIxtureo The equilibrium' Card. 113 ACCESSION NR; AP4039618 a e, i :oxygen a K K- pressure was calculated from the formul P02 p H~01 where ~p i th is the equilib 1~0/% pressure ratio in an equilibrium gas mixture and KH p rium 2 constant of the water vapor dissociation. X-ray analysis of I and of their ~ ypduction products was carri d out by the Debye method. It was shown that the- ' tan m oxygen pressure remains almo:t con t (lo-13,at ) with an increase ofthe matgIlp- sioferrite content in the solid solution from 0 to 50 mol. %; the pressure increased sharply (to 10-11 ~tm) with an increase of the magnesioferrite conteit from'50 to-100 mol. %. The oxygen pressure dropped sharply in the course of the' reduction of I by hydrogen. X-ray analysis of the solid -phases formed* during the--- * reduction revealed a correlation between the oxygen pressure and the chemical characteristics~of_the cry*tale~.(magnesium,ion fraction in the' tetrahedral lattice, it war. shownd, in ' .- nodes) o f. I. par~ticular, that during the reduction the equili-'J I ___ Tbrium oxygen pressure drops with.adecrease in the mitgnesioferrite content and increase in the magnetite content-in the spinel phase and approaches at.-33%,:;,;-,~,.,- reducton, the dissociation pressure-of.mignetite. Orig. art* has 7 figureei,,; ASSOCIATION: Inatitut'~etallurgii--~Ural!akogo.-filiiLla AWASSR (Institutie:of Metall urgy,'Ukai Branch, AN SUR) 13 - 7 .7 .7 7 77 : ACCESSION NR: AP404259 S/0076/64/038/007/18.11/18115. 8 (Sverdlovsk) z (Sveidlovisk) ;':Averbukh, Do Do AUTHOA:- Braynina, Do 1. (Sverdlovsk). Zhuravlevap H. do' -(Sverdlqvsk5-1.:Chufarov,, f TITLE: Equilibrium'condlilcini::-in'the'hidtoqen 'reduction o manganese-zinc ferrLtes, SOURCEt 'Zhurnal.fizicheskd,y-.khilcki,i, N 38, no. 70' 1964, 18111-IM' -,.zinc ferrit age a r to,, a zinc f rr to;. j. TOPIC TAGSt mangen f if a, manganea 0 ferrite reductiongiferrite dissociatioh,,forrLte crystal structur spinal structure, inverse -spinel--structure -Equilibr uw conditions 700 to 900C for the 'initial ABSTRACT:. itage:iof hydrogin reductibn ~o manganese-~zinc ferrites of-:"ryin compo tion: are investigated., The -equilibritim constants. were determined -experimenta 1y, n-d- th --o f 8 a equilibrium partial pressures !oxygen followiiig.disiocistion, of the-feirrites were calculated. ~Th a A. Ilattice constants,iiere.,measured.- Ii vas.shown that.both the equilib-1 ti'al pressure o ox a3&-", rium par f - ygen, and the constants of a angan zinc ferrLtes-dep!end in &-.nonlinear -manner on. the compositions I' t C.'~d 1/ 2 ./A6~(mp)-Z/ r' i7 J ACCESSION NR: AP4044888 S/0020/64/157/00611441/1444 AUTHOR: Men', A, N.; Sta-feveva, N. M. Bogoslovskiy, V. N. ; Zhuravleva M.-G. I. (Cormewnding ma-mber AN 2-SaQ, the determination of the conceniration dependence of some funt-tions of solid so!utjo_-,q nn 6, 19 64 1 4A I - 14 Ad AN SSSR. Doklady*, v, 157 TIOPIC TAGS; thermodynamkc function, solid solution, ferrite, concentration de- 2 y I r U c ,z ~J, I Ai3srRAcT -The of -hermodynamic functions of solid Sidi c9 computation o t sjlulions is complicated because of the large number of parameters which charact- erize the interactions of particles in the solid phase. Therefore, reasonable ap- p~-oximations are needed which give a good agreement --.vith the experiment. The statistical approach is the computatio7i -)f -70py of -1';' g:_1 r a - wimnuz consideration of the near rd~:- Fcont. for ihe solid solutions r)f on,- e n - L 1-:io64_65 ACCESSION NR: AP4044888 tration C with copper magnetite is given as a function of the equilibrium egree d ~nvers4on of solid solution at a given temperature an~ x,of the inversion of cop- If the function ~,s nu-, a ca-n be at Lhe sarne temperature _~1.trned -in the first approximation, that x = >~,c. For t h e c al cu I air-, of a scont, res-ilts of previous author's work (Fiz. t-ral. tela, 4. 898 (1962)) are used- o a A SS OCLATTON- Institut m-etailliriH Svepd1ovsk Mnstitute of Metallurgy) 20Apr64 ENCL: (j *NTO-REFr SOV- 007" ~7, 'On ~4 C.,cj 212 r Z~,C(-F-1,~.-;ik,-)i-,t NR- AP4047330 of +11e. equilib.-~-- i uL i u i of solid solutions in We SOURCE: AN SSSIC' --Dok1ady*-, ~,4~ -15a$ -no.-''4, 1964, 949-952: TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen reduction, magnesiurn ferrochrornite, hYdrogon reduct- mechanism, magnetite, magnesium ferrite, magnesiurn -hrom-ite reduction o --he nn-agn c-'slurn errochromite Mgcr,. -5Fe ABSTI. RACT: -ThL it 750' o- the solid -i~; investiorated, The equilibrium oxygen pressure, the --om-position i 4um wth thp or- I -rJ~~r.rp rif tiie crysta, TgCr, Fe in the intervad 0--.x--12 were cieterznne(~.. Ur-,ma: samp!es were 04 x x -pr ea r e dby sintering MgO, FeP3 and CrP3 a, 1200C for I nours, 'nold-Ang .a-, 1000C for 5 hours to protect the spinel structure in the solid and Card 1/ 2 77 _7- L 23325-65 ACCESSION N11- AP4047330 -eduction gave a MgCr ron an6 Ovei 3-3.,3 lattlce parametters. U pp tc~ ~l r L -u-vr, chov-.-ed a break, tiie ma,-4nP--,-.e czo:-.--~~n-. 0 2 d -Le magne s iu m ferrite content, `--)m. ~c) z er -0 77, --'h se- fere t- m t1 th el- n -magresill chromite. L -ie E:olutions et-,veen . e spin P L A 1 --0' L TaF6 04) the crystal lattice parameter- c T.. 1,7-in " -4 s t rbutions (from V11 - to N 9 2 4 compo5itiva depeandericy did r. it follow Verfard's law. 0,"~ a rt. s ec, uat ons, 1-d-ur- ACCESSION NR- AP404?946 q~_qrov. G, 1. (Correspon&iug AUTHOR: Balakirev, V. F.; Simonova, M. 1. C~k member AN SSSR) zl_~;,:"_~ TT'T'T,.E- Equilibrium conditions and mechanism of the hVdrO.FFpn reduction of solid solutions in the Fe-Cr-O system --TS0URCM.-._AN-- SM.`1Rqkl TOPIC TAGS: Fe Cr 0 system, Fe Cr 0 H system, spinel. reduction, magnetite reduction, iron chromite reduction, hydrogen reductior,, reduction mechanism ABSTRACT: Equilibria in the Fe-Cr-0 and Fe-Cr-O-H systems at 1000C and the reduction at-10000 of FeCt- -Yez 0,j solid solutions when 0,6x&Z, were 2-X X I. investigated. Since the oxygen pressure'in the solid soltitions when 1. 04z-x/Q exceeded the pressure, when w6stite dissociated to iron, wlystite was in equilibri- ge solid solutions and iron was not formed. The equilibrium hydrogen pressure decreased proportionally to the extent of vr6stite reduction. When x=1. 04, the spinel, Wulstite and metallic phases were in equilibrium. When x-cl. 04 the Card 1/2 L 211532-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4047946 I)n-1-ii-ious series of solid solutions were reduced directly to iron, bi-passing the I I 'n r1s, Ot -n.- 'ne If tl e solid solutions are represented as solutic) -%v tite in n ~nrcrni'e, the magnetite is reduced completely before t'~ne ~T-or'. '-~n slarted. The chromium remained in the spinel phase, enriching it and ferrochrome. The dependence of the Lattice parameter on t:-e com- spinel solid solution was not con'~nu,`US; thf- PXTen! Of ,c was not uniform. When 0 6 x 0. 7 the xps norm- 1, 6z~x!i-2 region, inverted. The sha.-P increase in wnen decreased in the lattice naramefer of !1,e sz.ninel and in the re-ion the increase in the Darameter Nvih chanue .n. fne c-c-mosition ,.-ias compensated by its decrease because of the increased Orig. art. has: I table and 1 figure ASSOCIATION: Institut metaUurgiyverdlovsk Unstitute of Metallurgy) L ACUY~SSI(Ai NR.I AP5018088 14 G Men' A. 14. Chufarov T member All Al TITLE: investigation of spinal type solid solutions Ercm the Rtandpoint of ata- tistical-the=o~~ics. SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 163, no. 1, 1965, 144-14b 1 TA-Gs :statistical ther-madyn--mics, spinel type solid solution, phase campo- sition, effective equilibrium oxygen pressure, ccupone,-.L ac~ivl,~V; S'I.Id Phaae compositiou, con.'Uprational mixing entropy, internal mixing energy ABSTRACT: This work is a continuation of a previous investigati3n with the diffe- Z,9-Qe t-h-at th-e statst'.cal method of calculating the activitiesi of components in J.- aereeaent with OXP librium with a phaa e of- -4d N2 the baAs the configurationAl mixing entropy and internal mixing energy! Card 1/3 L 63763-65 ACCESSION KR: AP5018088 -AS.*==--R(~~,hLX.4-4In)., 4- + ij X2) + (I + ~.j -f- + m ra + k,) c, (~j" In ~jO + 2 (1 -In 0 (f + IT, (I + + Xt') c--(Xzl In 44 + 2 (t - X3r') In (t - ~.2~) -r AU - -.7,7 i-b- _,.-i f1~e id-e- Of SiL :4&4--is the-a- g -6u actiOn between cations gpa-c*ed at digtancos- 0 gies of palred inter -- 6- L-,t: Jivtan n t cc between tetranOdeS of the spinel, the authors darrive P formula for the activities of components in the solid aciution an,' appiy it by way of an example, to a solid solution of mangarnese ferrite with magnetite. The rela- (effect4ve equilibriu:m oxigen pressure in the system) to ferrite 10- 1(12 c nErat Lon cf is e-xperimentally determined and to -satisfactory -writli theory, and, on this basis, c1he activi~io,~ cf. E,,=ite and magnetite Lre separately determined. The sublattice distribution -j- is a major factor in the activity of ferrite. The system of for-mulas preSI-InLed for the calcu- lation of component activities is applicable for any solid sc:!-aticns for which experimental daiLa are wailable regarding the relation of log PD,,I to the composi- Card -2/3- L r15468_01T --EWT-(mj/EWPW/ETr- ACC NN AP6029210 OURCE COM Woo76166/o4o/oo6/i 1239 -AUTHORI _XornW*vv-Tu.A Balakirovp V. F.; Chufarovp G. X. ON&I 8vardlovsk *tdbia WtItute (Sverdlovskly Inetitut n6tauvr9ii) ution's, op TITLE I Wuati of 4611d, 661 "1 "'n's-stull-ferAte- &4 Ar6mite, 1234-1239 SOURCM Miurnia'fisicheskoy khWi vol. 40p no, 6 196 TOPIC TAGS I magnesium coMpoand firrits, ahromite, solid solution ABSTRACT I The, iolid solutions'MgfixCr Q~ were obtained by sinteAng povdated Mg0j, F0203 and %O~ at 12000C for 15 hry tgan 10000C for 5 hr and quenchiM in vater. The ;e&ctz4on of N 1000 and 11000C and the doteridna- ere _b we op, a .r-. Id out in a vaeuum-unit in which an H2+ tion or 9quili B20 it ure o1rad -ray+4 ti study the solid phases formed. mixt Aliih, was used o WA a found that;,.Vdg&rd9z additivi4 law is'. not obeyed by solid solutiphi of magnesium Cr ' C4 when up ferrite and ofiroilU; U tfie~"salld *products -of reduction of Wel-15 On phaso to 33.3% of. the lattei-hos been ri6cedt the phases, in e4uilibrium "o a of variable composition doitsistibg of magnesium ferriteg magnesium. chro%te and mag- notitep and a wastite'phaso formed by ferrous oxide and magnesium oxide; 6; the re- duction.hili pr4_e4*d*d_*ov4 33-%'xagnesium chrovdtol, the solid solution WgO-Fe0 and iron are in-equillbAini. The *ilibrium pressureof cry h was ditorminid iKt 1"Cuid, 1/2 L. 06466-~67 NRI Ar" vildo U41, dogr"s 'of sme 000*0WONS. 00~C. hilt I ;Igun Orig. art a , .120 om 00 7 ca rd 0/2 L 22897-65 EED-2/bEWT (1)/,-,WT(m )/SMIP(b )/Z.-IN tIiP(c) JD ACCESSION NR: AP5001240 S/0126/64/018/005/0711/0716 _qs o !~Ly., StartseN-a, 1. Ye. ; Antonov V. Ki AUTHOR- Bog ___ _J_ - h_ys _Y. N~. ; Shchepet-Ijn,, A. A. Chuffarov, G. Shur, Ya. S. TITLE: Effect off the phase composition on the. magnetic properties of magnesium- 32 manganese-iron ferrite with a rectangular hysteresis loop SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 18, no. 5, 196-4, 7 11-7 16 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite magnetic property, magnesium ferrite, manzanese ferrite, spinel s,_llid soluUon, hysteresis loop ABSTRACT: The object of this work was to find out whether 'the rectangularity of the hysteresis lGop of Mg-bln ferrites is related only to the presence of -vacancies, or -,A.,hether trtvalent manganese ions also play a major part In this phenomenon. An Me-Mn-Fe ferrite obtained from a mixture of 34 mol. % MgO. S. 5% Mno (in the form ^_O~ffininnt Of the q .1) and 57. 57o Fe20-3 and having a re1qd-vek, hilh- r. I -or ,~,11 L9 invr E?U pi ted. X -n n - 'he components of the spinel s,~tw -31ations r'd b- the ball 1i stic method, and changueq in Card 1/2 L 22897-65 ACCESSION NR-. AP5001240 hvsterests loop of Mg-Mn-Fe ferrites obtained from a miKture containitig over Fe2O3 is due to the presence of ,&13, inns which oause loca-I distortions of q al sti--icture of the spinel solid s and i~ i.:)rmuias. .kS,13101CLATION: Institut metaIlurgii, Sverdlovsk (Metallurgiewl Institute); Instittitflziki mctal 1, ov AN SSSR ( Institute Of tJi-- Pb~faiaa of h4a~~ T SL BIAMEM &6-3 ENCL: -to HUB COIDE.0 MAIL* NO REF EZOV: 007 OTHER: 010 Card 2/2 CHUFAROV, VII. Portable crane. Put' i Put. khoz. 8 no.10:31 164 . (MIRA 17: 12) 1. 8-tarshty dorozlmyy manter) stantaiya Tomak II , Zapadno-Sibirskoy., 1:7 , dorogi KAS11,10VSKIYP Ye.V.; BRAGIIIISKIY,_ B.I.; BUKIMNEVICH, B.A.; MIEVIGHp Ye.La SHKURKO) S.I. MUST Ye.,L; MAYYER, V.F GOTLUERi-NiM.,t -CIIUFAROVA G Problems o a,or-..e,co.nomi.cs robleqr. ekonordki 140- !,I-," -'A I- m - I I . SHOSTAK, 7. T. VITTK14 K. V. SHAROVA* A. Xe ;_~~AIIO~I'A.I. ~G. Separation of keromius by an ion exchange method. IsT.51b.otd. AN SSSR. noo8s69-74 160. (KI31A 13:9) 1. Nishns-b4illskore otdelenly~ Nauchno-looledowatellskogo. institiita -plastiIcheakikh'. mom i Urill skly f Mal AN SSSL (Germealum) (IoA exc,hange) VIT :Krrr`cz-n4 HR- A?qOO9948 '?. /nr)7A /F -1 1 r04/08-1 -I I UBS2 FM A- K. PJTMOR: CbUfarol;a. 1. G.; Sharova I VqM~- air'; T r7 ILI -1 Obium and tart arsenites I &+AS;44- ,D~ IRC i V. Zhiurnal- eo& ta-;t lili~-ii6 -Ite, i ganic synthesis PIC TAGS-- io arseni e- TO n t na en nor ABSTRIUATT- - In --this- for precipitation of niob1mv- 11, an6 tantalum f-~om sulfuric acid solutions with sodium arsenil~e. N`obium pentoxide Hb205 and tantalum metal (99.9% pure) werc jse~~ ~,~r iiiaking sulfate apd, tantalum arsenl*~es w,~re nreciDitated niobium and tantalum arsen-;tes 7-17 te ~V77--SSP(! t the A -olu as J-1.&20, Uzo and 2Ta2Q,- - A-=203 aH2.0. L-Ccrd 1/2 J. Heat ing curve-s- display an- endotherifid effect at 1450C for nio ium salt and- at -18 NMI irl -antalum a-zoenite re.-Dectivel-. The en-i&I-hermir pfrect in due to -the romoval In" 0013 OTIMR~ 004 I'ACC NR: AR6029472 SOURC8 C6EC--. Uf~/619 166100010061101OIXIO i-AUTHOR. Chu farovsk&. V. -heat transfer in printed armat .'!TITLE-.'Simulated investigation,of SOURCE: Ref. zh.,Elektronika i energetika, Abs. 6163 !REF. *SOURCE: Sb.'dokl. k Nauchno4ekhn. konfe'rents1i po elektr.,mashinam.tpachat. jobmotkami. Novosibirskjo 1965,'~ 33,40. -ture- orin ed din a TOPIC TAGS: peintrad t ma hine -he t t ar~if er, h e at transfer coefficient, WIP ABSTRACT: To evaluate qualitatively the heat transferof a disk armaWre carryinga,-, -a disk printed winding, a physical model was.prepared which simulated a DPO-2 d machine developed-by the kovosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute. The model disk 200-mm diameter was-made-from glass-base textolitei Thirteen nickel rings 4-mm wide. I O-2-mm' thick were pasted onto each"side of the disk. A'O.5-mm gap was,left between_~the adjacent rings. All,rings were-connected in~series. Special sliprings and brus 5 wer6 used for the, I~supply. Themodel was rotated by ar. auxiliary mo or*-, i Segments of.the:nickel-rings~wiih,taps,connected to measuring slipring .s~were used as tekDerature sensors. Use of nick'al instead of copper increased the sensor senpitivity. The ring-type winding permitted neglecting the heat transfer along the disk radius. The heat transfer characteristics of-the model were determined at 500-3000 rpm. Card 1/2 ~UDC 621. 3-017-001-57+621-3-045.21:621-63-04~-7~~~ f' ACC NRs AR6029471. 8OURCE CODE: UR/0196/66/006/006/IOIO/1010 Chufarovskiy,.V, V. TIT"q-. Calculation. of the printed winding and magnetic system of a disk-armature motor ISOURCE: Ref.-'zh. Elektronika.i energbtikaj~Abs. 6162 ~REF SQW k dokl k-,Nauchnq-t,e hn.'konferentsii po elektr. mashinam p6chatn. obmotkami, Novosibirbk,- 1965,-22-32 TOPIC TAGS: d.isk mot or~ printed wiroing, electric moto ,._),-ABSTRACT:'Fbmulas ~~a~r_a'~d rived'which permi?",from nominal data of the d-c machine,, determining the size 6f,its:disk wave printed winding'and of its symmetrical magnetic field system having pentagonal pole pieces,. The winding end parts and.pole-piece Outlines have the shape of,,an iwrolu:~e. The-emf formula is so transformed that it~ contains geometrical dimensions of the coil. The conductor erc;ss-seation is selected :ftroi the"permissible temperature rise:and with an allowance for printed-winding I-production t9chnolo -S figures. Bibliography of 22 titles. N. Astakhov LTranslation of absfy~ctr,. 6bB COM 09 UDG: 621A13.2-643.0 71W Ai --- - E . - .~ -~ - ~~. - -~ ~, -2- CUMCSWVAKWftm Animals., Cattle. Abe Jmr: ibr zhur-mol NO Author PM4 jig, last Title ou the-adletances Cmtiliied- 1A tim Se~ W& Contribute to the- FortIlliation of -PMu Aulmls (K vaprom o veshchestvaM v eye=, sposabstrayushch"th ciplodotvorwdyu mat sk-*khosM*tvew2yk1L zhivotnm) Orig Pub: vetem"tvif 1-957a 7# No, 4v U5-116. Abstract: If the at the bull As treated with rAi-almol and the extract tbn obtained Is evapormU-41L boIllng vater:bath:wA--1f the resian dilutia by gbysiolegiftl solution. Is adde& to the tresh MLMMMM Mhf1 +%& Unll +%m" +Jv~ - - ;, I ~- - i;~~=777M = . ~- , , ~ . I. 1. S/O!51/6O/OOq/OO5/0lq/Oi9. AUTHOR: LQuirandys I TITLE:- Thirt6lgh~ConfetencA-on-Speatroseop PERIODICAL: Optika i~',spektroskopiya- a9602 V91.99,No.51 pp 00:664 ,TEXT; This is-an extension'of the preceding note. Five sections of,the Thirteenth Conference on Spectroscopy dealt with 'free molecules and,condensed--phas6s Spectroscopy of solids was discussed in 55 papers.' ~~Several,t6oretical and experimental papers dealt with..excitdn absorption in'cr~stals. Other Workers dealt with spectra.0f.crystals at low.temperaturesq in~-electric and magnetic-fields2_subjected to'elastie'deformation, pure crystals and crystals.with impurities, dielectrics and, semiconAiietors. - There weie''_~ pnpers'on. spectra of liquids and solids.with2hydrogOn-bonds2.spoctra of adsorbed molecules (several--communi~cations)g:~.el6dtron spectra (60 papers), vibrational and vibration-a-rotati6n.spectra (65 paper's at 10 sectional-sessions.and several pap6rs''at plenary sessions)7 paramagnetic electron resonance spectral and radiospedtrbsoopy, nuclear resonance spectra (the last thr'se subjects were dealt Card 1/2