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Application of exhaust ... D269/D303
CO2 analysis and to 12 v d.c. for CO + H 2analysis; from the gal-
vanometer of the C02 analyzer a series resistance was deleted and
in the CO + H2 analyzer a switch was fitted into the galvanometer
shunting circuit. These conversions gave double magnification of
the readings. The following gas flow circuit was used: Gas from
t',-,e sampling probe was made to flow through a radiator, drier, fil.-
tei, a throttle valve and a flowmeter to the CO + H 2 analyzer; from
there the gas passed through a furnace at 300 0C where the oxidation
of CO and H2 took place, platinum being used as catalyst. From the
furnace the gas was passed through a second drier to -~he C02 ana-
lyzer and then to the pressure gauge and atmosphere. To measure the
excess air required for complete combustion, immediately after the
probe two tubular furnaces were used, one working at 10000C with
platinum catalyst and the other filled with copper oxide and heated
to 8500C. The circuit used allowed an analysis of the. primary zone,
Card 2/4
P/00 62/000/001/001/005
Application of exhaust ... D269%303
as well as an 9stimation of the combustion efficiency. Double mag-
nification of readings resulted in better than 2% accuracy cover-
ing a wide range of measurements. The main disadvantage of the sys-
tem was its high inertia. Each measurement took 5 - 8 minutes.
Sampling methods and efficiency are discussed. Examples of appli-
cation of the exhaust gas analysis,include estimation of combust-
ion efficiency, of the temperature of the exhaust gas, and inve-
stigation of the primary zone. In estimating exhaust gas tempera-
ture, a heat balance equation is derived, assuming an adiabatic
combustion process. From this equation the temperature is calcu-
lated using a step-by-step method. The author concludes that al-
though the cost of a first class apparatus is high and investiga-
tions of combustion processes are lengthy, they are economically
justified. There are 15 figures and 11 references: 2 Soviet-bloc
and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English-
language publications read as follows: B. Toone and F. Arkles,
"The application of Gas Analysis to Combustion Chamber Development",
Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion (1959), London But.
Scient. Publ,; F. H. Holderness and J. J. Macfarlane. "The Conti-
Card 3/4
Application of exhaust ...
nuous Flow Instrumental Analysis of Flame Gases". Seventh Symposi-
um (International) on Combustion (1959), London But. Scient. Publ.;
E. F.,Hill et al., SAE Journal, Jan. 1958; R. Friedman an E. R.
Carlson, NACA Tech. Note 3566, Sept. 1955.
ASSOCIATION: Instytut lotnictwa, Warszawa (Institute of Aviation,
Card 4/4
4 U
9 A
A IJ T 110R. Chomiak, J. (Warsaw)
TITLE: Oscillations of a viscous liquid drop in a turbulent
PERIODICAL: Archiwum Nechaniki.Stosowanej, v. 14, no. 3-4, 1962,
TEXT: The author obtains the equation for small oscillations of
a drop with low viocosity in vacuum and then considers the influ-
ence of the external flow of gas on the oscillations of-the drop.
The flow is turbulent and consists of the.part causing the oscilla-
tions and of the part induced by the oscillations. Dissipation of
energy in nonviscous compressible and viscous incompressible me-
dia is then investigated, and corresoonding equations of motion of
the drop obtained together with the expressions for energy dissi-
~ation. The influence of the compressibility factor on the oscil-
lations is negligible. The critical drop radius, below which the
-motion is not periodic, is ~r or = (n-1)(2n+l) 2 2p/n(n+2)T,'where T
Card 1/2
Oscillations Of a ViSCOLIS ...
is the surface energy. Oocillation spectra are plotted for the drop
of kerosene in the turbulent air flow through a pipe.. There are 3
Card 2/2
'UJTHOR: Jerzy, Mlaster of Engineering
I- ----------------
TITLE: Thelaccuracy,of measurements of combustion processes
2.n jet-engines by means of a simplified combustion.
gas analysis,
SOURCE: Warsaw.:Instytut Lotnictwa. Prace, no. 151 19610
TENT: The author~_uscs theoretical relations to describe
the combustion processes and, on the basis of the e-.-,perimental data,.
checics the accuracy o 4L simplified methods of analysis of combustion
products. He findG that at-least three components of combustion
products should be determined. Below that number, measurements are
satisfactory only over relatively narrour recrions, and can be justi-
fied only when supplemented by a umber of exact measurements. it
is -found that the determination of fuel vapors in combustion pro-
ducts gives rise to the longest error (indirect determination
through the CO total/actual ratio), hence its elimination, or an
Card 1/2
CHOMIAL, Jerzy (Warszawa)
Oscillations of a viscous liq4id diop of variable mass
and properties. Archiv bud ma6z 10 rid.1:29-34 163.
CHOMIAK, Tadeusz, ingr., inz.
Influence of the Roanow reservoir on the temperature of the Dunajec
water in discharge from the reservoir. Gosp wodna 22 no.1:33 162.
1. Zaklad Wod Stojacych Panstwowego Instytutu Hydrologiczno-Meteoro-
CITIMIAK Tadeti3zz p
I . -Y . , mgr-inz.~ MIFULSIKI, ',,dzislaw, mgr Inz.
Accumulation of river debris in the Pi'.-howice Water Reservoir.
Gosp wodna 23 no.12:Supp1.-.Biul panstw irst hydrol meteorol 6
no.12:4?7 D163.
1. Zaklad Wod Stojacych, Panstwowy insty-tut. Hydrologizno-
Meteorologiczny, Warszava.
POLAND/Safety Engineering. Sanitary Engineering. Sanitation. L
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 3, 1957, 10746
Author : Chomia
Inst : ot given
Title : The Utilization Of C02 in the Control of Underground
Orig Pub: Przegl. pozrniczy, 1956, Vol 35, No 2, 11-111 (in Polish)
Abstract: A method for the control of underground fires by the use
of C02 is described together with firefighting equipment.
A list of the safety precautions to be followed during
firefighting is given.
Card 112
AZ9, JOUR. : _0a 16 19'50, 57571
.4 U Ill "i 0 P: Pawlik3wskl, S.. Cnomiakoy, A., Pollo, I., and
~' 3T : Not given
T IT L--"P, : The Exploaive Properties of All-Lime Meal Mixtures
;r. PUB. so Przemysl Chem, 13, No 12, 697-699 (195?)
The authors have investipted the explosive
properties-of cast and mecbanically mixed AN M-
lime meal (I!) mixtures. 'Pile IIH4N% content of I
was 99.9t-. The !I used contained 5~.I% CaO.
Grain fkaction 5 of 0-50~10.75 mm, 0.20-0-50 mm,
and < 0.20 mm and 11-r-' 0.7.5 mm lomission?3 were
tested. The 11 content in the mixtures was var-
ied from 0 to 40*. The blasting action(BA) of
tAe mixtures was measured with a Tayb ullskiy pen-
dulum, and a Kast [sic) drop test apparatus was
CARD: 11L) t<
CHOMIAKOW., Aleksander
Influence of high temperature and humidity on the organism
of rescuers. Wiad-om gom 11 no. 3:99-101 Mr 160.
PAWLIKOWSKI, Stefan, Nof..Dr,Ing.,' (Gliwice, ul.N. StrzocLy 19, Pblaka);
-CROMIAKOW, Anatol, Dipl.Ing. (Gliwice, ul. N. Strzody 19, roleka)
Now type laboratory gas flowmeters (flaoxeters). In Germu. Acta,
chimica Hung. 21 no.3:269-276 159. (MUI 9-'5)
1. Polytechnical Institute, Glivice, Poland.
(fts flow) (plawmaters)
On the hygroscopically active. surface of granulated chemical
fertilizers. Chemia, stosow 4 no*2243-252 160. (Eni 10:3)
1. Katedra Technologit Wielkiago Przewlslu Reorganiamego Pali-
techniki Slaskiej v Glivicach.
(Fertilizers and manures) (Chemicals)
Report on-exhibitions organized for rationalization,and
employeest invention movementso Dfladom gorn 12 no,7/8:
249-250 JI-Ag 261,
CROMAKOW, Anatol, mgr inz.
Thirty-fourth International Congress of Industrial Chemistry.
Chemik 16 no-11051-352 N 163.
1. Politechnikao Gliwice.
PAWLIKOWSKI, Stefan, prof. dr.inz.; ANIOLp Stanislaw, mgr inz.;
BISTRON, Stanislaw, dr. inz.; CHOMIAKOW, Stanislaw, mgr inz;
SZDIONIK Stefan, mgr inz. - "' --"*"- -- ~'*-'-
Storing and transportation of neutral amoniwa carbonate.
Chemik 16 no.VB:187-189 Jl-Ag 163.
1. Politechnika Slaska~ Gliwice.
Solution of problems of electron optics and high-frequency
electronics by mathematical model methods. Cs cas fys 12
no.5/61439-446 162.
1. Vybor pro elektronovou techniku, Moskva.
CHOMICKI, Ogkar-, CZECH, Vlodzimiarz; GASIOROWSKI, Wiktor; GORSKI, Tadausz;
HARTWIG, Walanty
Results of the 24-hour thyroid iodine uptake test (T-24) in normal
subjects and in patients with thyroid diseases. Polski tygod. lek.
16 no.25:945-948 19 Je 161.
1. Z Osrodka Radioizotopowego Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy v A.M.
w Warazawie; kierownik: prof. dr med. Welenty Hartwig.
(TMMOID GIAND matab) (IODINE metab)
Clinical significance of thyroid scintgigraphy in the light of
our observations. Pol5kie arch. mod. woun. 31 no,11:1481-1488
1. Z O*dka Radiolzotopowego Studium Doskonalertia Lekarzy M w
Warszawi.~ Kierowniki prof. dr med. W.Hartwig.
8Z "L. 1161~1 Osicar-,
Functional conditiona of the thyroid In Meniere '3 discase accord1tw,
to clinical and isotopo studios. Otolaryng. Pol. 16 no.1:83-86 162.
1. Z Klinik! Laryngologicznej MI w Warszai4io Kierownik: prof. dr.
J. Szymanski i Oarodka Radioizotopowego 3DL AM Kierovinik: prof,
W. Hartwig. (THYROID GLAND(~h siol) (MNIERE'S DISEASE physiol)
OMM, radioactive)
GOROWSKI Tadeusz; CHO~~IGKI ~Oskar-. ZALUSKA, Jozef
Detection of letent intrathoracia goiters by the scintigraphic
method. Polskie aroh. med. wewn. 32 no.4:303-314 162.
1. Z Osrodka Hadioizotopoviege Studium Doskonalenia Lekar,;y AM w
Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr md. W.Hartvtig,i z Pracovrd Rentgenodiag-
n6stycznej Miejakiego, Szpitala Bielanslciego Kierownik: dr med.
ore ical principles and clinical significance of tbyroid Beinti-
grapby. Pol-tyg. lek. 17 no.8:308-311 19 F 162.
1. Z Osrodka Radioizotopowego Studit= Doskonalenia Lekarzy AM w Warzavie,
kierownik:. prof..dr med. W. Hartwig.
(THrROID GLAND pbysiol) (IODINE radioactive)
Vlodzimierz --l ------
Secondary thyroid insufficlancy determihed by the isotope method.
Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no-2:51-53 8 Ja 162.
1. Z I Zakladu Chorob Wewnetrznych i Osrodka Izotopowego SDL i
Oddzialu Chorob llewnetrznych Instytutu Gruzlicy,w Warszavie; kierowtdk:
prof. dr Walenty Hartwig.
(IODINE radioactive)
GORSKI, Tadeusz; CHOMICKI, Oskar
Diagnosis of neutral "warm" thyroid nodes independent from thyrotropic
hormone. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.28:11-15-1116 9 J1 162.
1. Z Osrodka Radioizotopowego Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy AM w
Warszawie; kierownik: prof. dr W. Hartwi
GASIOROWSKI, Wiktor; GOROWSKI, Tadeusz; CHOMICKI, Oskar; GZECfi, W:Lodzimierz
Radioactive iodine in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases. Pol. arch.
med. wewn. 32 no.1:1129-n39 162.
1. Z Osrodka Radiolzotopowego Studium Dosko"nia Lekarzy Akademii
Medycznej w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Hartwig.
q ~.4j C ~ ~k GOROWSKI, Tadousz, and ZELEINTY, Tadeusz;
Department of Isotopes (Zaklad Izotopow), First Chair of In-
ternal Diseases (I Katedra Chorob Wownetrznych), Physicians#
Postg,,raduato Training Frolgram (Studium Doskonalonia Lokarzy),
.A-14 (Alcadomia Modyczna, Medical Acadomy] in Warsaw (Directort
Prof. Dr. W. HARTWIG) and Department (Zaklad) XIII, Institutp,,
of Nuclear Research (Instytut Badan Jadrowych) (Director:
Magister, Inzynier, R. PLEJEWSKI)
"Production of 11.32 and Its Use in 3-Hour 1hyroid Uptake
Tos t.
Warsaw, Polski odnik Lekarski. Vol 18, lo 34, 19 Aug 63,
pp, 1249-1251
Abstract: (Authors' English summary modified1huthors de-
scribo_~he method for obtaining 1'--2 from To and report
their study on its effectiveness in testing thyroid uptake
in normal individuals and patlents suffering from various
thyroid diseases. They report their findi in 3 figures
and 3 tables and conclude that the 3-hour 1 2 uptake test
is most roliable, and its diagnostic value equal, or better
than the T24 1131 test. 2 Polish and -5 Western references.
Preparation of iodine-132 and its attempted use for the 3-hour
thyroid iodine uptake test. Perl. tyg. lek. 18 no.34.'1249-1251
19 Ag t63.
1. Z Zakladu Izotopow I Katedry Chorob Wownstrznych Studium
Doskonalenia Lek~trzy AM w Warazavie; kierownik: prof. dr
W. Hartwig oraz z XIII Zakladu Instytutu Badan Jadrowych;
kierownik-. mgr,inz. R. Plejewski.
Standardization of the measurement of the thyroid uptake of
iodine-131. Powotwory 13 no.4-.373-376 O--Dt63-
1. Z Mkladu Fiz-yki Instytutu Onkologii im. Marii Sklodowskiej-
Curie w Varszawie (kierowniki mgr. inz.J.Malesa) i z Wdadu
Izotopow SDL w Varozawie(kierowniki W.Hartwig)
CHU-1-LUZI.-A - - - - ---
The District Committee of Village Cooperatives at Wolsztny does not care for supplies,
P. 7. (ROLNIK SPOLDZIELCA, Warszawa, Vol* 8, no* 3, Jan- 1955-)
SOt Monthly Ust of East European Accessions, (EEAL), Lc,, Vol. 4, No. 6. Jmn. 1955,
CROmia, A._
Second place In the voivodeships p.h. (POLNIK SPOLDZIELCA, Warszawa, Vol. 8P no. 9,
Feb. 1955.)
4 0,
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionst (EEAL)., Lc, Vol. 41 No. J*h- 19550
, I "1 1,7 ,I
. j .. .
10 years' work of the v--lla.r-e cooperative at '.tiblsztyn. 1). 7.
ROU'liK S.,IOL:)ZI`,:LCA., ';-,`-1rszawa., Vol. 8,
7 no. :28 julY 1955.
SO: Monthly List of East European Acces5ions, LC, Vol. 1~, no. 10, Oct. 1955,
The Trzicel Township Cooperative asks for more independence,,
P. 5. (Rolink Spolodzidlca. Vol. 9, (i.e.10) M. 71 Feb. 1957, Warszaw, Poland)
Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LO. Vol. 7. no, 2.
February 1958
General anesthesia with Inactin.and Trapanal in gynecological and
obstetrical interventions of short duration. (PrelWnary communication)
Ginek. Pol. 33 no.2:201-208 162.
1. Z II Kliniki Poloznietva i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Gdansku Dyraktor
Kliniki: doe. dr mad, W. Gromadmki.
(BARBITURATES an*Osth & ana1g)
(G M COLOGY anesth & analg)
'Chorillez It. Ilia S~mrw Cover and lVater Atanagement W FOAndi
Wod.9a, Nn~ P11,
:In particulor,m"anths, 0Ae- &rfelfillorr mwoerj-~Uje. intensity of welt n
cl a
of lheJ inow*, coVerundAhi. Joyd-Of WWO~' AhelYsiii:
I Y. ~tfi
evaporatf% precip
usce C4 thilt wie-"rd of tile Nvatrr
'0u, -wutcf-I6mfSVht1V been 'rWITI
autflow frorn Ilit) riv- r- Wit
a ula, is. couipmed or sprino floud. water-' It
has, ovreaver been (ou;id vs- (fal to -Wse the ~Yaij~r tn~tweL, i.
ll fit III
r1ohind Ott Mod wc*tp us a (I"ddye quatitlVdIvu JA(Ittli: ~wd m,~ \VfAv4
readfly Izti ImUdIlAted.
q1iowlk-z K Trantlent and Daily Stainfall 3ls%immn% In roLind.
opivilacli Urvikutrwalyeb t (WIjowyeh w 11-iL, e
OuNpadami W-Ana. Na. 1. 1951, pp, 10-17, 1 fig,
A numbi-: ut hydroteelinical problums, -.siwh as deterininattuti -1:
0--aratwe imO~ bridgvs mitit in xlaice,4, ilt-mgmisg of jimtectIve 4tyke.,-
coustruct.wi ul unv3 and morage rrserwir,, rt-lia-ze aceimue 1~va
a4 to mmminum rainfall Mte3 antiCipated lit mq 'wdlity over a 11e-
finite period, Observations as to the duration and extent of rain!ail.
Table of rainfall Azindards for torrential min. number of observa-
:t,ln pmti- II&jvIest torrential rainfalls In Poland between 1833 and
1241. Maximum minfall rates to be expected for definite rainy ~w-
1',IeteoroloCical Abst.
Vol. 4 No. 2
Fob- 1953
Aqueous Vapor and
1 4.2 20 1, .577.37
011~1-UI spatwie jednolltoj skali d1a klasyft-acjI deszcz6vf o duzym
nateleniu. (On a u nilorm scale for classification n_f hpaML~ins. I Przegild Afeleorologic.-isy
i 14drologec:ny, Wars-aw, v. 1950-1951:42--56, 195i-'S figs-.,-Lable, eqs. English summary
p. 56. DWB-A new uniform scale for showers and heavy rains is introduced. The starting
point is the prerequisite that maximurri rainfall recorded anywhere in the world should be
distributed along the curve of the scale. The formulaj and table. determining the connection
between the amount of rainfall and its duration have a local character although they have a
similar course eve*-where. Sub.irce Headings. 1. Excessive rainfall 2. Maximum rainfall
a. Rainfall depth durati6n studies, -.4,11. P.
CHOMICZ, Kazimierz: "Ulewf i deszcze mwalne w Folsce" (fleavy
Rainfall and Cloudburcts in Poland). Poland Panstwo* Instytut
Hydrologiczno-10eteoroloziczny, Wiadomosci Bluzby Hydrologiczneji Meteor-
"'(3): 178
ologicznej, 2' -26o, 1951.
19-1 a pmoa a 1u yeaj
- - cpailki Zk -- K .__ - -- - -- --- - - - - ---- - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- -
"Connection Between Snow Cover and the Water Supply in Poland." P. 52 (GOSPODAMI
WODNA, Vol. 13, 11o. 2, Feb. 1953) Warazam
-_ SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 2, No. ~0,#
October 1953. Unclassified.
Cq0:-'I-'"zZ, K.
IlApplication of Studies on Snov Bla~ets to Hydraulic Engrineering."
p. 108, (GOSPODARKA 14,10MY,, Vol. 13, No. 3, Mar. 1953. Warszawa, Poland.)
SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions, (EELL), LC,
Vol- 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl,
6cheme of a new calendar. in Lnglish .
P. 135 (AGiA G1,OHRSICA POi,~NICA) Poland, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1/057.
SO: Monthly Index of East Luropean Acessions (AUl) Vol. 6, No. 11, 1,1overber 1957.
The course and results of a visit to China and Vietnm, September 20-Decomber 8,
1956; on the Warsavi-Moscow-Peking road. p.12
(Gazeta. Obserwators. Vol. 10, no. 4, April 1957. ~;arszawa., Poland)
SO: Ylonthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl.
The course and results of a visit to China and Vietnam; Peiping. p. 12.
(Gazeta (Ybsprwitora. F.I.H.M. , Vol. 10, No. 5, May 1957, Warsaw, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, Ao. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl.
Chomicz, K.
The course and results of a visit to China and Vietman; Peking. Pt.2. p.9
(Gazeta Obsematora. Vol. 10, no. 6, June 1957. Warszmm, Poland)
SO: Honthly List of East, European Accessions (ZEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl.
Chorniez, K.
Zdzislaw Swirski; an obituarT. p.3.
(Gazeta Observators. P.I.H.E. Vol. 10, no. 6, June 1957. Uarsznwa, Poland)
SO: 11--lonthly List of La:3t European Accessions (EEAL) L(,, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl.
The course and results of a visit to China and Vietnam- Pt. 4. On the way to Hanoi.
P. 6 (Gazeta Obserwatora) Vol. 10, No. 7, JulY 1957, Warszawa, Poland
C- C
The course and results of a visit to China and Vietsam. Pt. 5. The expedition to
Shapa. and the stay in the jungle. (To be contd.)
P. 8 (Gazeta Obserwatora) Vol. 10, no. 9, 34M. 1957, Warszawa, Poland
CHO141Q,, K.
"The course and results of a visit to China and Vietnam. Pt. 5. Expedition
to Chapa and our stay in the jungle."
p. 11 (Gazeta Obserwatora. P.I.H.M.) Vol. 10, no. 10, Oct. 1~57
Warsaw, Poland
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4,
April 1958
"The course and results of a visit to China and Vietnam. Pt. 6. Leaving
Kienan and going toward the South China Sea."
P. 7 (Gazeta Obserwatora, P.I.H.M.) Vol. 10, no. 11, Nov. 1957
Warsaw, Poland
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LG. Vol. 7, no* 4,
April 1958
Ci,!O~ ICZ, K.
The r.reci~-it-ation Zakopane. i--;. '207.
Qswi:ity. lol:Ade ~((-ogr7if zre)
roland. Vol. 12, no.
i~onthl-v Li5t of Last Euro,-~Pan Accessions (E~4A!) LC. Vo2. i~., -.0. 7,/:L,,C.
Uncl, .
3d Congress of the World meteorological organization. p.11.
GA2Y,TA OBSERIdATORA. P.J.H.1,1i. Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 12, no. 7, July 1959.
Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (MAI), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959
AUTHOR: Chomicz, K.
TITU.- Third Conference of the Polish-Czechoslovak Commission for Permanent
Collaboration in Meteorological and Climatological Matters of the
Tatra Region Vy
PERIODICAL: PrzeglqLd Geofizyczny (d.Przegl#d Meteorologiczny i Hydrologlczny)
1960, No. 1, pp 82 - 84
TEXT: TL4s article contains the report of the !I! Conference of the
and-clim-atofokical-~matters of the Tatra Region, held in Zakopane from June 8-12,
1959. The conference was organized by the Polskie Towarzystwo Meteorologiczne
i Hydrologiczne (Polish Meteorological and Hydrological Society). Representatives
of The Komitet Geofizyczny PAN (Geophysical Committee of the Polish Academy of
Sciences , the Panstwowy Instytut Hydr-iLogiczno-Meteorologiazny t3tate Hydr7logica
and Meteorological Institute) and the Polish Meteorological and Rydroloizical
took part In the Conference from the Polish side, The Czechosl-ovak
side was repre3ented by members of the Slovak Academy of
Card 1/2
-P//O 27/60/000/0 1/09/013
Third Conference of the Polish-Czechoslovak Commission for Permanent Collaboration
in Meteorological and Climatological Matters of the Tatra Region
Sciences, the Meteorological and Climatological Laboratory of the University imeni
Komenski in Bratislava and the Hydrological and Meteorological Institutes in Prague
and Bratiglpmal'The conference was opened by Professor Doctor-J. Lambor. It was
presided by Professor M.Kon6ek. After several papers had been read (among others
by Docent K.Chomic , Professor M.Kon6ek, Docent Orlicz and Doctor Otruba) and
discussed, the conference passed a resolution concerning the program for the
nearest future. It was agreed to hold the next conference in Bratislava in November
Card 2/2
CHOMICZ, Kazimierz, dr,.. docens; MZELY; Oyorgy (translator)
Snow and avalanche research in the Tatra 14~,untainss Idojaras
66 no.3:138-146 ~b je 162.
1. Lengyel Hidrologiai es Meteorologiai Szolgalat munkatarea,
,Second International Conference on the Meteorolog7 of the Carpathian
,Mountains. Przegl geofiz 7 no.3:206-208 162. -
CHOMICZ, Y&4zimierz:
Influence of local conditions on the course of meteorological
el6ments. Prmgl* geofiz. 8 no.1/2all-lltOe
1. Polski Instytut lIydrologiczno-Meterorologiczny., Varamava.
Investigations on directed variability of Proteus hauseri; effect
of extracts and antol7sates produced from Proteus X19 ard from
serologicaII7 heterogenous strains of the species. Medo dosw.
miclrob. 6 no.4:409-418 1954.
1. Z Zakladu Bakteriologii AkaAemR Medy-eznaj w Lodzi. Klerownik;
prof. dr %rgmunt, Ssymmowski.
hauseri, directed variability by, Proteus X1 & Proteus
hauserih6terogenous strains extracts & auto?79ates)
Induced variability of Amrobac~er aerogenes and eacherichia colt.
god. doew. mikrob. 8 no.1:11-15 1956.
1. Z Zakladu Baktoriologli A. K. w Lodsi. Kisrownik: prof. dr.
Z. Ssymanowski.
variability, induced. (Pol))
same. (POW
41-T il
I (-If I
Kryotyna; ST3TKIWICZ, Stanislaw; ZUIRKOWSKI, Tan-
Gharacteristica of Oorynebacterium diphtheriae stralLs from eadmic
focus in Lodz in 1955 & 1956. Przegl. epidem., Warsz 11 no.4:371-383
1, Ze utacjX Sanatarno-Spidemicloginnej M. Lodzi (Djrektor-.,dr J. Zansk)
przy ws-poludziale: -Inboratorium Szpitala Zakazngeo im. S. Bieganskiego
i leboratorium SzipalIm. Dzieciecego im. J. Korczaka.
characteristics of Polish strains (Pol))
Poland/Microbiology. General Microbiology F
Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biol., flo 13, 1958, 57453
Author Jan Chojhiczewski, Krystina Ubysz-Jerzmanowska
Inst NOT-g-iven
Title Further Investigation of Induced Variability of
Pvoteus Hauseri (Filtrating Forms, L Forms, and
Attempts of their Transformation)
Orig Pub :Med. doswiad. i mikrobiol., 1957, 9, No 1,
Abstract :The results of experiments which were carried
out to determine the effect of penicillin on
the variability of Proteus hauseri are described.
Strains which diffe2ed from the original and
possessing a sharply marked polymorphism were
obtained. In prolonged passages in a medium with-
out penicillin no reversion to the initial form
was noted. Streptomycin was not active in this
resDect. Five illustrations.
Card 1/1
POLAND / Microbiology. Human and Animal Pathogens. F
I-bs lour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5622.
,-uthor :.iL0_mi0z9wski, T.; Francikowska, A.; Rularska,
I.; Lowicka, 77T.-ruft, A.; Nowak, K.; Stotkiew-
iGZj S.; Zurkowski, J.
Inst ; Not given.
Title : Miaracteristics of Corynobaotorium Diphthorine
Strains Isolated During the 1955-6 Endemic in
the City of Lodz.
Orig Pub: Przogj. epidemiol., 1957, 11, No 4, 371-383.
Abstract: The properties of 276 diphtheria strains iso-
lated from 260 patients in tho city of Lodz,
which the author considors an endemic center
of diphthoria, ware studiod. Of all strains,
53.4% were of the gravis type; 26.ah wero of
Card 1/3
POLAND / Microbiology. Human and Animal Pathogons. F
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959s 5622.
P stract: tho llincOmPlQtOll grOvis typo, differing from the
.,..b classic (gravoid McLeod) type in certain respects;
1.9% belonged to. the mitis type; and 1.2% to the
intormodius typo; in 17-310 of strains, the typo
was not established. The Zurkowski study of
1936 showed donsiderable. predominance Of the
m,t,s type. Of 169 strains isolated from pat
onts in 1952, Swinarska found 63.5% ravis tyPQ;
10.5% irincomplate" gravis typo; 10-41 mitis typo.
comparing the evolution and distribution of diph-
theria pathogens observed in Lodz vilth the prop-
osed DICLeOd sohcme of & 25-YOar cycle (Mitis-
interaodius-gravis-gravoid-mitiS)j the auth-
ors consider that the maximum provalOnec Of the
gravis typo In the Lodz area hns passed; the
Card 2/3
Studies on combined effect of phage B and of certain antibiotics on
the processes of toxinogenic variability of Corynebacterium. diphtherias.
Med. dosw. mikrob. 10 no-3:297-307 1958.
1. Z Zakladu Bakteriologii A. M. w Lodsi.
(ANTIBIOTICS, effects,
on Corynebacterium diphtheriae toxin prod. (Pol))
3, eff. on Corynebacterium diphtheriae toxin prod. (Pol))
eff. ~of 4'jhage t (Pol))
Odon Bujvid- 30-X1-1857 26.XII. 1942. Acta Microb.polon. 9:
9-32 1959.
1. Z Zakladu Baktariologil Akademii Modycznej w Lodzi.
Biochemical types of Salmonella typhl and their relation to the
lyaotype. Ned.doew.mikrob. 12 no.3:189-194 16o.
1...Z Regionalnego Osrodka Typowania Bakteriofagowego Enterobactertaceae
Stacji Sanitarno-Igpidemiologicznej m. Lodzi Direktor Stacji:
dr J.Zanaki
Observationa on the dynamice of bacteriophage-typee of Salmonella
typhi In an endemic environment. Med.doew.mikrob. 12 no-3:195-203
1. Z Regionalnego Osrodka Typowania Bakteriofagowego Entero-
bactertaceae Stacjj Sanjtarno-4'p1dem1o1ogicznej me Lodzi Dyrektor
Stacji: dr J.-Zanski
New Vi bacteriophage and its application in supplementary lyso-
typing of the type 71 of Salmonella typhl. Med.doav.mikrob. 12
no-3:205-207 160.
1.,Z Regionalnego Oerodka Typowania Bakteriofagowego Entero-
bacterlaceae StacjI Sanitarno-'Epidemiologicznej m lodzi Dyrektor
Stacji: dr J.Zanski
The influence of the antibiotics on the factors determining phage-
type specificity in Salmonella typhosa. Bul Ac Pol biol 8 n0-7:
311-315 160. (EEAI 10:4)
1. Regional Center of Phage Typing, Public Health Laboratory, Lodz.
Presented by E.Mikulaszek.
Studlea an phage and biochemical typing of Salmonella typhi. I. Vari-
ability of phage types in endemic environmer.its. Med.dosv.mikrob. 13
no.3:217-228 161.
1. Z Regiotainego Osrodka Typowania Befteriofagovego Enterobacteriaceae
Stacji San:Ltarno-Epidemiologicznej m. LodzL
Studies on phage and biochemical typing of SaImmella typhi. II. Induced
variability of phage types. Med.dosw.mikrob. 13 no.3:229-239 163..
1. Z Regionalnego Osrodka Typowania Bakteriofagowego Enterobacteriame
Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologioznej m. Lodzi.
Studies on phage and bioohemleal typing of Sa2monelU typhi. III.
Induced variability of biochadcal types. Med,doov.aikrob. 13 no.4.*
323-336 �Al.
1. Z Regionalnego Oarodka-Typowania Baktoriofagovego Enterobacteriaosao
Staoji Sanitarno-Epidemiologiomej m. Lodzi.
CROMICZEySEX, isn-and cHROMINSKA, Hanna# Clinic of Infac-
'ti-0-u3-jTi Beasts (Kiinika Chorob Zakaznyoh) , Am [Akademia 4*-
dyozna, Medical Aoademy3 in Lodz (Director: Prof. Dro J..
CHRZAROWSKI) and the Sanitary and Epidsmiological Station
(Sanitarno-Epidemiologictna StacJa) in Lodz (Direotort Dr,
"Phago;Type Salmonella Typhi and Clinical Picture of Typhoid
Warsaw, Przoglad Epidemiologiasny, Vol 16, No 3, 62, pp 273-
Abs-t-racti (Authors' English summary modified) The course and
clini-c-aEf symptoms of 200 cases of typhoid fever caused by
different phage types of S. typhi were studied, Despito
prevailing opinions, some statistically significant though
not conclusive differences were demonstrated, particularly
for typeaCl and the D group, and the possibility of the ex-
istenco of distinct pathogenic properties is discussed. Stu-
dy will be pursued. Of the 46 references, about 13 are
Polish, and the remainder predominantly English.
CHCMICZEWSKI, Jan, doe. dr.; MCALIXp Halina
Tiysogenic converoion of the 01 ant--en of the Salmonella
gallinarum-pullorum serot7pe.-Med. doswe mikrobiol. 16 no,4t
269-273 164
1. Z Zkklaclu Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej Vojskowej Akademii
Medyoznej v Lodzi (Kierownikt doe. dr. J. Chomiazewoki).
CHG.MICZ, Witoldy prof.
On work for the Polish book. Poligrafika 13 no.8:1-2 Ag 161.
1. Zespolowa Katedra. Grafiki Ksiazki i Zaklad Grafiki
Uzytkowej Akademii Sztuk Pieknychp Krakow.
3723 861.723,011.4 601-728.6 677-463
Evaluation of Sulphite Paper Pulp$ of the Spruce-vtscose
Variety art the Basis of Swelling of their Fibres under the Action of Phos-
---Dhoog Acid.
110cena starttynowych mas celulorowych Werkowych wiskotowych
no podstawle form pecmienla wl6kna celulazowego pod &1olaniern kwa-
su fosforowego". Przeglqd Paplernfczy. flo. 2, 1955, p. 54-56,
At the Cellulose 6nd -Paper Institute 'Investigation s were carried out
- -J~
to determl-n^nv consisting 'M an observation
of. swelling of su,lphite paper pulps In a 75*4 and W/o phosphoric acid.
is suitable for ari evaluation of the Quality and usefulneag of this pulp
for production of artificial fibres. It was established that this method Is
not suitable for analytical purposes, since the results are not repeatable
and are- subject to Individual errors. These errors arise from difncultlei
fit, differentiating tetween different kinds of swelling which determine
the mean evaluation, allowing optional and Individual evaluation of the
or 0 13 Gvt-fI.G -pu Ps far TE
berr to ma w *b, phurpt.-artr add. I-erwq CLA)IIIIii.
jb-d P,.J;L~.iczy 0
U.. ret'i"CA. 3, 465( kq-il~j) ., t; led ia cv,luitthi~ tl,c
V.!61u~~ ga(les 'A SLO&C pul,-n and foalld U-Is
E,,-mmc~ of ptmr Yel,~rOdLtCiHity ;UV!
tle!g~ untler the Cat !Z,dti J.': 0' H.P01-
tVLAtl;~. fibir~,
bi-tin~~- Stilfite ,,Iooe-,). Fui-p cor vi,:,cosity )n 1,11,c Rv,!~ IS ~!!e
Swellin.- of Ce;-I.ulose Fibers Treabn(I Phosp1ioric Aci~,", I .
TEAT z -nd)
Y, Vol. 11, 1,10. Feb.
L-1 Vol.
-nt1j.1y JAs', of L~~,-t Euron~fn Accessims', k k~
195: 1111c1-
QaternWmtWa of lead in paper. ZenOU ChOrain. Prze~
inetric method of di:tg, the amt. of Pb in paper vAth R soln.
oi dithizone in CC14 was evaluated with the Helmer tubes (1)
and the photocolorimeter "Vi.
-omat K%VT" (11). Although
both methods are fairly accurate in detg. Pb in arnts. less
t(Ln 20 mg./kg. of paper, R is prefermd for Wng faster and
requiring less Cc4than 1. T. R. zerree
POIXM/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and their K-5
Applications. Cellulose ahd Cellulose Products.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhimiya) 1958j No 1,, 3293
SI -
Author Chomin, Stasinski
Title The Use of Reed Pulp in the Production of Printing Paper
and Stationery
Orig Pub: Przegl. papiern, 1957, 13, No 4, 102-108.
Abstract: Experiments on the use of pulp from the reed Phragmites
commnis in the production of grade V printing paper and
stationery (64 cellulose and 400 wood pulp) are des-
cribed. Adding 10% of reed pulp into the paper pulp will im--
prove the structural properties of the paper but impair its
mechanical properties (in particular it will decrease the
Card 1/2
~ . POLUID/Chemical T;;~,ibnoloMr- Chemical Products and their K-5
Applications. Cellulose and Cellulose Products.
Abs Jour: Chomin, Stasinski
nimnber of double bands - Adding 20~ of reed pulp into the
paper pilp will hamper the technological process, namely)
the sticking of fibers to the wet presses will be observed.
Card : 2/2
CHOKIN, Zenont_ mgr-tnz,.__.
Studies on obtelball, fibrous sulfate pulp =sees from
prehydrolyzed beechwood. Ft. 1. Przegl papier 19.
no.1:1~~10 Ja 163,
1. Instytut Celulozewo-Papierniczy, Lodz,
Beechwood as raw materia3Afor Polish cellaose and paper
industry. Przegl papier 19 no.12: 386-390 D'63-
1. Instytut Celulozovo-Fapierniazy, Loft.
CHOOMMSKI L. - - ---
Od caego 2alOZY P090da i jak jf przovidzied (on what depends the weather
and hov to make a weather forecast.) By L. Chominski. Reported in New Books
(Novo Keiazki.) Febru&U 15) 1956. Noe 4- -
CHOMISMZM, Stefan; ]~ASPRZYK, Elzbieta; CZYZEWICZ, Jerzy
4---------- :.-
Transparent vulcanizers and cellular rubbera from butyl. Polimery
tworz w1elk 7 no.10:376-378 0 t62.
1. Instytut Przemyslu Gumowego, Warszawa.
Research on processing municipal refuse into fertilizer. p. 2111
GAZ, WODA I TECMUKA SANITARNA (Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne lnzynierow i
Technikow Sanitarnychj Ogrzewnictwa i Gazownietwa) Warszawa, Poland.
Vol. 33, no. 5, Yny 1959
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 6, no. 9, September 1959
/~]~jffuslon cocMdent of COO In'IT&CI =tL--cr7strJ, deter,
m1ned by the intagrfil method of longitudinal sectimm. - W--
ChOmka,(PcIlt=h..,Gdm6sTc, Pad). S. I-V'-
lvvj)~ "-I& tne met-10C 011 -,L=YMSI6 ~.r. APP2.
a value of1.75 X G ~q. cm-/m
AU7HORS: Chomkaj WkadysZav and Andruszkieviez, Josef
TITIEs Diffusion of tin, zinc and cobalt in single crystals
and pelycrystals of tin
FMIODICAL: Nukleonika, ve 5, no* 109 1960) 011-615
TEXTs The present work is a continuation of previous investigations
of diffusion of tin and indium conducted by other workers. A single
crystal of tin, obtained by the Bridgman method Z-Abstractor's note:
Method not describodl_7 in the form of a rods was cut in discs (diameter
13 mm, thickness 5 ME)* -Thin layers (in the order of 1 micron) of radio-
active tin, zinc and cobalt were deposited respectively by electrode
position on these discs. The radio isotopes used Yore 123 Snq 65 Zn and
60 Co. The diffusion experiments were conducted in sealedq evacuated
glass capsules placed in a resistance furnace whose temperature was con-
trolled to t 30C. The coefficient of diffusion D in the direction of 450
to the major axis of the crystal was measured by removing a thin layer
Card 1/3
Diffusion of tin... D246/D302
from the sample and determining' the 13 activity of the sample by the
integral remainder method. The activity was measured by the window
counter G-M. The succossiTe layers (thickness 7-20-~L) were removed by
precision lathes to an accuracy' of t 1-ji. The graph of the logarithm of
the intensity of radiation of the removed layers against the square of the
depth gave a straight line with:*the slop*O(. The diffusion coefficient
D was calculated from D = 1/4`~tAL 2 where t in the time of heating the
sample in hours. D for polycrystals of tin was determined in the same
manner. Results are given In tabulated form. D was found to be dependent
on the diffusion temparatare, and the relationship can be expressed as
D % D ;O/RT wh*ro Q in the aciivation energy for a given process. Both
0 xp
Do and 0 can be found from the graph of In D against 1/T where T is the
temperature in degrees absolute. An examination of polished sections of
polycrystals of tin showx that the grain size increases with the rise in
heating temperature (i.e., the boundary area between grains doe-eases).
The diffusion coefficient is different along these boundaries from that
in the body of the grain. The measured D, for polyerystals of tin, in)
Card 2/3
Diffusion of tine.. D246/D302
therefore, the effective coefficient to which both modes of diffusion
contribute. The comparison of D for a single crystal with that for
polycrystals shows that the difference between them decreases with rise
in the diffusion temperature. This is closely related to the increase
in grain size of the polycrystals since at higher temperature the contri-
bution of the diffusion in the body of the grain to the total diffusion
is high. The results obtained were in good agreement with the work of
others in this field. The discrepancies were caused by diffusion being
anisotropic. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 3 references: 1 Soviet-
bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English language
publications read as follows: F, J. Fensham: Austral. J. Sci. Res. 32
91 (1950); A. Sawatzkys J. Appl. Fhys. 299 1303 (1958).
ASSOCIATION: Politechnika Gdan"ska, Gdan"skq katedra fiziki II (The
GdaAsk Polytechnicv Department of Fhysics II)
SUBMITTED: Julyt 1960
Card 3/3
CHONKA, Wladyalaw
Measurement of the diffusion coefficie4.of caesium in monoer7stal
of NaCl with the integral method of longitudinal section. Nukleonika
5 no-4:173-180 160.
1. Politechnika Gdanska, Gdansk, Katedra Fizyki II
Doffusion of tin, sinc and cobalt in mono- and polycr7stals
of tin. Nukleonika 5 no.10:611-615 160.
1. Politechnika Gdanska, Gdansk# Datedra Fizyki II
~q,-k5 o S/058/62/000/009/033/069
Andruszkiewicz, J.
TITLE: Tin, zinc and cobalt diffusion in single and polycrystals of tin
PERIODICAL. Refdrativnyy zhurnal,*Fizika, no. 91 1962, 54, abstract 9E381
("Pierwsze krajowe sympoz. zastosowah isotop6w techn., Rog6w,
8 - 12 czer., 196011, Wdrszawa, 156.1, no. 7, Polish; summaries in
Russian and English)
T. ~he method of "integral riesiduWl with the aid of Sn115, zn65 and
cc radioactive isotopes was used to measure diffusion coefficient& of Sn"Zn
and Cc in single and polycrystals of Sn in a 140 - 2170C teimperature range.
The temperature dep4ndence of the diffusion coefficient was-obtained for single-
crystal specimens.
-(Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Diffusion of dmium in magnesium-cadmium alloy of a composition close
to that of MgCd alloy. Nukleonika 7 no.2t75-79 962.
I. Katedra Fizyki (II), Politechnikap Gdansk
By r I r'. A /n__L
TJP M lip
C lass 19, No,
Rvijl 1e ten i Eobret eniv i tova rnykh znakov n - 96 31
iron brase alloy nickel contsinin2 ch rom ium. con-
a n v ;i n,4 s e c n na i n i n
A p ctrp Pr-r Thic Author Certificate introdvcea an iron-bage allov which
can be used for making elastic, sensitive elements. lo reduce the
ti-n-tLrature coefficient of the elasticity modulus vithin the temper-
--Z 5
CO 1/ 2
~Tg L -3991-65
T T n N1
Tseatraltniy ins"itut chernoy
a n a i t. r a 1 si L f i e s o a