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MIvl!A'ILGV, V.V., (ioktor toakhr:. naijk, prof., rrd.; GLEZAI,,U 'A' , 1. 1, red.; FAS red.; l'T ZITETSOVA, I 11-0VP lj.Y ['-Ianufactur1ril!, prestz-o!med Pilo! zvod -- tvo preldval-itel'no m-kh It,.-on:A.-LActsiA. Pod red. stl'olizk~;Itj 190, 211' reinfOrced corcrets,, i2lemen-Ld zL(Jt:-zobct,on-- V.v.M-.'hlll)ylova. :.Io:lkvri, ('10't.- 17: 1. Xolcow. hetr)al i zhelezob~~,to--a. t,ui~ I.1 i I V~t::~ i ~ :.!,-iv i ('11 , i1 o) I:; G I FI 4 A, ~(j V A, :~ . i: . . . I . . . 1 11 1 - 7 , . ull,l. I -,.III- - ,, !-, LEYZ-',,!:.G'i 'I , ': ~ ;". , 4- ; , Vu ~,~ . ri-lo- ::,Ts, *nzi-..; I -nzt, 7 . I - - 1- ~ - . ... - . . I i - (-):;, . . 9 r~ ~ .,t: , " 1, ~ (.,4. 1) i-~, F3 p s ~ rL i n ', n g o f b e e c, 1.4 0 0 J : : Q ' - f, I1-1 - p - ~: , , .. I I. ~- ~ - - - - ! G=DMV, A.S. Economic efficiency of prospecting operations in i~.iybyshav Province. Trudy Vlrll no.33-257-~621 161. (MIPJ, 1.6.7) e 1. Kuybyohkvskiy sovet naradno,o !,-',,ozyaystva. (Kuybyshov Provinco-Fetrolaum gaolo~~i) GIIZER, A. Searching for oil with a fishing rod. Znan.-sila 37 no.11: 34-35 N 162~ (MIRA 16:1) (Oil well drilling rigs) LYU.'TII:, Sergey IFedorovich; 4ASSKAZOV, Valeriy Antonovich; Slikffls, Leonid Kirillovich; GLEZZR,.-,U.Yh,.-, otv. red.; GUI'VICH, red.iZd-va; GAYFULLIN, F.G., tekYn. red. [Use of thf, Ufl)iI-3 spring wall ~2craper] Prijamenie iiit/imati- cheskogo letaiushchego ;k.-ebka Ufi'II-3. Ufa, Bashkirskoe knizimoc i-zd-vo, 1958. 47 p. (MIRA 15'.1) (Paraffins) (Oil wells-Equipment and supplJon) "Apparatus for Recording Salivary Rmif3sions of Dogs which can bc Lasilly I-bved about the Labotatory" hur VDI 35 '10 1', 191,9 .~!j ;Fri _L__,n Phy5iolo~lcal Imtitute imni T. P. Pavlov, Acad Ic:.L 'T!~ H USOR/Hui:~rm Physi DL--(,y ON,~rral rind Pathc-1c)r:-fcr,,1-) Neri,~us Systc.,--.. Ifitiier N-,rvcuo Acti,iity- .ehavior. 12 Ab5 J,%ur: iief Zhur-F-iril., 11- 17, 168, 80044- i"Uthor Gluzer, D. Ya. Tris t, 'i it I c RelatLvity cf 7%nd Wc~ik Ty1m, -f Nen,,Ats Systerz Cbscrvefl in r. Gr..up Exyeri-.e:it With OrIG Pub: YaterL%ly p ev(,,lyuts- fisi(,.l. T. 2. 1M.-L., AN SS)Sil.. 1957, 3-6). Abstract: 'jh(~ huhavicr ,f dci~s with L,. t-,stablished ofl!Lv,,,.ry conditi,ned reflex who, after the concli'vii,ninjr slgvll. were fattcned fro-,,. a crz.-:~on feedinG dish sh~-,rad thrtt the norrous system, strong In -no [,rc~up, Le iieak in another. Ca rd 1/1 arid 'wirvil llhyaiol,~i7y (Tjomnl and Pathc'1(4*iC~-.l) - T tiervous 3yaten. Hi(elicr Nrrvcwj Activity. rehavior. Abs Juir: Ref Diur-Dial., 14c, 17, 1958, 80043. :,uthor Glezer, D. Ya. Inst V. Lle, Peculiarltici3 .f '-he Dym:'dca r.T Cil~ndili(:'Ile:1 &Aivary Discharpc! In Do(~o in n Grcup Exp--rr:~ent- Oric Pub: Materinly pc, evolyuts. fizi,,l. T. 2. M.-L., Idl S;33P,, 1957, 7-8. Absti-act: In dogs with an estiblished salivary cciiditioned reflex, the dynoziics of salivary discharge chanGed in conditions accoppemy-ing the corldi"irined iliGmn-iL in the feedinG of mother doG. With CL permnel-.t Ceneral quantity of cunditicned. saliva., thin-' fre- Card 1/2 103 GLFZHR, G. A. Cand Med Scl - (di.'53) ;i9rl.l.f'IC!)IlCe Of bi:ps-- Functional Neurovancular Dlsovdt~!rs to the and ('.Iinlcdl 1',, , .- Exim Evolut-Wn of Coronary Insufficiency." 140.3, 19'37- 13 pp 20 cm. (Second Mos Stlate Medical Insft im I. V. Stalln), 200 copies (KL, 26-57, 112) - 114 - GLIMIR, G.A. Clinical role of plethyemograohy In -.3atlentB with coronary insufftcien- cy. Vrach.delo no.6:567-569 Je 157. OmaA 10:8) 1. GospitalInaya terapevtIchesicaya klinika (zav. - orof . P.fi3.L&.om- skiy) Vtorogo Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (PLETHYSMOGRAPHY) (GOROILARY ARTER133-DISEASSS) I - / I I ; I - I - ) 11 -2. ~ ; ./I G-LE-ZF,R, G.A.,; ISYMMUKOV, L.A., &ffect of certain external factors on blood lipids. Kardiologia 1 no-3:35-38 My-je 161. OURA 15-3) 1. Iz gospitallnoy teraptivtichookoy klinild (zav. - prof. P.Ye. Lukowkiy) 11 Moukovokogo meditainskogo im-1tituta Imeni N.I. Pirogova i TSentrallnoy poliklinW (dir. NJ. Yeimolov) Mini3terstva zdravookhraraniya RSFSR. (CHOLEMROL) (MCITHIN) (ARTERICGUEROKS) (STRESS (11IMSUOLOGY)) RAMER, 1~.A.; GLEZFR, G.A.; SPIV21, G.L., SlIARAPOV, t~.D. M.uretic and hypotensive action (-' h:Fprthjazlcle. Teraj:,arkh. 33 no.10:92-102 161, (1-111),% -!-5:1) 1 . Izz Trifit Ltuta tornpi 1 ((I.i r. - doyo 1,,,r:i ti)l chlon AIT Slisfi prot*. A.L. Illyasnikov) AI.T' SSSR. (TITIADIAMI,E) RAMER, N.A., prof.; PLEZER, G.A.; SPIVAK, G.L. Use of ismelin (guanethidine) in hypertension. Terap.arkli. no.8:102-109 162. Oim~ 15.112) 1. 1z Instituta ternpli (dir. - deystvitellrir~ chlon AMP S,",SR prof. A.L. Myasnikov) AMN SSSR. (GUANETI]IDBE) (HYPERTFTS1011) uc. 3'i'UPT 'C' U s fu 1 0 Stir,-:~; cah, dating- tl;f~ lood ia n, tv KARPIMUT, V.L.; ABRIKOSOVA, M.A.; GLEMER, G.A. Hydrodynamic mechmis-no r:f' increajed arts-ri~tl lblor,d prevs-ure in hypertension. Terap.arkh. 34 no.3:28-35 162. 0-IrRA 15:3) 1. Iz laboratorii klinichoskoy fiz.-Iologrii. Nav. - aka,l. AIN UkrSSR prof. Ye.B. Babokiy) Inotit-ata normallnoy i pat-ologichucilcoy fizio- logii (dir. - doystvitellnvy chlon AMN SSSR prof. V.V. Parin) A1191 SSSR i Instituta terapii (dir. - doystvitelInyy chlen iTT SSSR prof. A.A. llyaonikov) AI,9.' SSSR. (IFYIPERTENSIONT) (BLOOD RMSURTE) GLEYZER, G. L Historism in leasons on mathomatics (continuat'lon),, Uch, zap. Tir. gos, pod, inst. no,9:221)--236 "'60. (WHA 1.6!:l.) 1) (MAthematlrtj-,--'- tudY and tauchinp KECHKER, Leonid Kharitonovich, kand. med. nauk; GLEZEII,, Gen.-ikh Abramovich, kand. med. nauk; VULIFSON, I.Z., red.; T,q,l--,01,T0'VA, A.M., tekhn. red. (Pocket prescription manual of cardiologyj Karmar-tryi --.a- tsepturnyi spravochnik po kardiologii. Voskwa, lzci-vr, "Meditsina," 1964. 182 p. ('YJA 17-3) GLEZER, G.A.; SPNAK, G.L. (IMDOCOW) Comparlson of gonaral and romal homodyiiamics hi hy-perLarision. Terap. arkh. 34 no.1006-31 0162 ZIAIRA I?t4) 1. Iz Instibita terapil ( din - Ivvtvlt,el.'n3ry ch'ten A,,W SSSR prof. A.L. 1,~yasnikov) MIN SSSR. GLEM, (Mlonkva) lit~i:~odynai,-J (~ C I I lir; ~ ' I,- Sil I I A 11. ; ~ Q I ( ~ -3, Lld K! it., 11-.A. .!, ~ r~o `~ z 130-133 StO (:-Illl -.','~:3) 11 " I z' rr:: ~ '. : t.1 I i ~-- t r.. ra 1; 1 -1 ( [I 1 1-. -- .1 f! -,-,] I,v i " - 1 1 - v " .! I-A - 'r. III-LI; SSSR prof". Mya~mikc,,r) xxn Sssf". P"I'llER, 111ria, GLE'-'L-, :'oturixi-i Abrimiovich, kan J . . rvl I I k; ~, I ~:", , V . .,- , rrlll . [:-'orderll t--oncpus (j, juved- stavlf--.nUf. o !Jf~l-z-ni,ikh pochek. Izd-v-d "i'ma"ii!", I ~j (~ Ii .1~ ~ . m zl-lzni,, i.t-Haiiko. V1, I I '' ;-,' i) - i ria, . 3 ) (',IT~,A :L~- 1) ri in: I -~o;,ijrk i - - GLEaR, G. 11. "Tho Pz-oblw.'i of tLe Chliraeterlriticu F-0,1-mgenutlc Mcchlinlwas (A' Changes In Ulcer Patients After Gastractomy.11 Cand Med Sci, Khabnrovs)( State Medical Inst, Khabarovsk, 1954. (KL, No 3, Jan 55) Suvey of Scientific and Technical DLr-sertations Defendad at 1lighor Edwational Institutions (12) SO: SUM. No. 556, 21, Jwi 55 GLE22R. G.1. (Al8ksandrovsk Sakhalinskiy) Clinical aspects of acute leucomis. Terap. arkh. 26 no.6:2G-23 N-D 154 4EUKHMIA, ( MLTIA 8 -. 2) clin. aspects) GLEZER, G.I.,k-~mdidat meditsinskikh nauk (Aleksandrovnk-Sakhalinskiy) Effect of stimulation of gantric interocep torn on tlip lauko-yte count under pathological conditions; preliminary coimunicutLon. Torap. arkh. 28 no.i.-48-53 ' 56 (HLPA 9:6) (IaEFKOCYTE COMIT, off. of stonach riechanical stiriulation in normal pathol. cond. (Rus)) (STOMACH, pkWsiolaff eff. of stimulation on lfiW:ocyte mmnt ir. normal Fe pathol. cond. (Rus)) EX"FRPTA Y-DICA Spe 6 i0'1-13/0 Internal 1--ed. .'mr r') 4549. TWO CASES OF ACUTE HASMOLYTIC AlqAEMfA WITH HAEMO(MODIN- IJIU A (Itua a ian text) - flu d a go v a k I I M. T. and Treskunov K. A Moscow - SOV. MED. 1957, 8 (130-132~ Two cases of acute haemolytic anacinta with haemaglobinuria are rerorted. both following treatment with streptocid (a lkviet aulphonamide prLpirution of 111hucid type). In the first case acute haemolysis occurred in a patient aged 21 yr. . auffer- Ing from epidemic parotitle, who had received streptocid and penicillin for 3 days. Copious administration of fluids, cardiac therapy, and blood transfusion (on the 6th day of illness) proved ineffective and the patient died.'The second patiem, aged 21 y-r. , had had malaria and chronic hepatocholecystitis and -as, cons, quent- ly, sensitized and liable to haernolytic processes, Following treatment twith strep- tocid (at first up to 5 g. per day, then in smaller doses) for tipper respiratory in- fection, fulminating IntmvasculAr haerriolyiiia took place. Repeated transfusions 0 small amounts of blood led to recovery. Morv careful adminintration of alreptocid in recommended In view of the possibility of development of acute Kaeniolytic an- aernia. Early use of blood transfusion may be an effective means of treating this severe and dangerous condition. Guseya - moncow (S) GIAZICRo Gel, kand.mad.nmuk (Alekemndrovsk-Sakhalinfikly) -"" " Merhoriiam of the changen in hemopoiesis in'patlentij with peptic ulcer following gastric resection. )5 II.e.341 tio.1 SuPplfment:52 Ja '57. (MIRJ, 11 :2) (Pwric uwo) (smtAm--smiay) 1% 8 um) GIZZER, G.I. (Kaliningrit') Probl~-m of' Ppl~;Prlt fAmillRl nnomnly of' PrO1,1.1"It3nt. i Derel.krovi I no.1157-Y9 My-Je 'r)9 (%Laiu, 11-6) (unlywrims, Pleger-Hkxt tinGiany (RUB)) GLEZER, G.I., k,,,,Auk CharRcter of chariges in the hemripoielAc ~7 'y!;~vm Arl ~-pt.c 111cer followinf, enstrectomy. Sov.raed. 22 no.10,31L-1~-l 0 159 (KIRA 11:11) (GASTRECTOMY, in vnrious dig. peptic lilrer, eff. on liemopoietic %latem (Rus)) (HEMOPOBTIC SYSTEM, phyuiol. eff. of nqtrectoLv in ppp~lc -11col. (RA10); TRMUMV, K.A. (Kaliningrod) Peptic ulcer in young, adults. Kliia.mad. 36 no.2:113-117 F '58- 01111A 11:4) (PEPTI{; UILY1, statist. in youne, adults (Rus)) LXRM, A.L.,, GIJ'.UR, G.T. ) (,Llvov) A case of streptotrichosio of the lungs with notmitnain into the midbrnin nnd development of Itm-nIco-CnnhtTIfI, Syn(JIT0110. Q111.00d. )6 no.01314i S158 (1113A U:10) (ACTINOMYCOSIS, case reports lungs with metfistrnis into midlirnin & Cushing s7nd. (RUS)i (LUNG DISRASES, case reports actinomycosis with metnstnaia into itidbrain & Cushing aynd. MIS)) (GUSHING SYNDROME. compl. pulm. streptotrtchosis with mesencophilic metastqses (Run)) (MESENCEPHALON, dig. strentotrichooig, metsstatic from Lungs, wIth Cushing synd. (Run)) GLEZER, G.I., kand.meditiginakikh nauk ; BASKO, P.m. cal3o of indivi.cual amimz.1-ne intolta-ance. Soy. med. 24 no. 7:1,21- 1 132 J:L 160. (I'MA 13:8) (CIU,ORPF,C,I,L~',ZI!~'E.~-TC,XI COLOGY) GIY,ZER, G.I., podpolkovnik modituinnkoy oluzhby, kwid.u);ud,nault Interconnection and differential diaposia of varLolip disz-ases of the stomach. Voen.-med. zhur. no,11:7.1 N 161. 15:6) (ST(A,VCh--DISL,Jt6hZ) Mill now SUW 7 a6 4 C! , no MWT SOV 004 C Card All, H L 5291-66 ACC NR: AP5022026 SOME GODEt URIM616510001011VW9810096 AUTHORS: Glezer, G. N.; Oparin, 1. M.; Kheymm, E. L. ORG: none TITLE: Transistorized chopper. Class 46, No* 173067 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobroteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. lh, 1965, 98 TOM TAGSi engine ignition system, transistorized circuit ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presentA; a transistorized choppor, oq., for battery ignition system of internal combuntion engines, To proteot the transistorized chopper from voltage surgoa when switching the Ignifion owil current, a varistor is connected in paral-lol with the collector-bami Junction of the transistorized chopper. SUB COM FR, EC/ SUBM DATEt OlFeV44/ ORIG REFt 000/ OTH IMP 1 000 D Card 1 1 L 5222-66 - ACC NRi AP5022028 SOUXE GODge Ufi/0281;/Ii,','/OW/CU/0099/00519 AUTHORSt Glevar, G. N.; Oparin, 1. M.1 Kheymanj Ev Lo -J ORG: none TrrLEz Battery ignition system for internal combustion engineu. Clast; 46P No. 173069 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znalcov, no. Ili, 19-65, 99 TOPIG TAGS: engine ignition system, transintorized circuit ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a battery ignition systom for internal combustion engines. The system contains a dc supply, an igniti,on coil, trail- sistors (one or more), a chopper, and a transformer. Thu primary of tne ignition coil is connected in the emitter-collector circuit, the chopp(n, contacts are connected in the bass circuit, and the secondary of the transfripmer is connected in parallel with t4he base-emitter junctions (see Fig. 1)0 To alaiplify the design, the primary of the transformer is connected in parallel ~;ith thm priiaary of the Card 1/2 j0 L 5292-66 ACC M: AP5022028 Fig. 1. 1- dc supply; 2- transistar; 3- primary of ignition coil; 1 4- choppo;r., !)'- isucc,ndary of tranef orwar ~ vl_ ignition coil. Orig. art. has% 1 diagram. SUB CODE: PR/ SUBM DATE: 26Dec62/ ORIG REFs ODD GTH REF - 000, c/ Card 2/2 ACC NR, AP6015721 ( A) SOURCE COI)'8!- UR/0413/66/0001009/0169/0169 INVENTOR: Oparin, 1. M.; Glezer, G. N.; 1(heyman, E. L. b ORG: none TITLE: Battery ignition system. Class 46, No. 152362 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztay, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9, 1966, 16 TOPIC TAGS: ignition system, battery ignition system ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a battery ignition system for engines with carburators consisting of battery, ignition coil, contact breaker, and two senn- .1 conductor triodes used as a current commutator in the primary winding of the ignitior coil. To improve ignition reliability, the semiconductor triodes fire connected in series with respect to current and reverse voltage, while the primary winding of the ignition coil is connected into the emitter or collector- circuit. To increase the power of the ignition coil at low breaking current on the breaker contacts, the primary 1/2 LC.M ~21 2 MOCHALOV, V.A.; MATYUSHCHENKO, D.D.; KRIVIMEY, A.A.; G.N.; OPARIN, I.M.; HEYMAN, E.L.; SMERWI, N.N.; EPBETElYN, A.L.; GUSEV, B.Ya.; LEYKIN, L.P.; MARCHENKO, G.M.; F-IS' HKOV, V.G. ; SAPROVSKIY, S.V.; LYAKHOVSKIY, I.I.; SMELYAKOV, Ye.P.; VAYNTRAUB, D.A.; BUDYLIN, M.M.; NOTKIN, Ye.M.; KUR, Me.; APONSHTEYN, H.A.; SUKHAREV, V.I.; VINOGRJiDOV, KA.; WBROVSKIY, ll.s. Innovators' certificates and patents. Mashinost-roenim, no. 2: 103-109 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) ACC NRi AP6002579 (A SoulicE CODEa UR/021-',6./65P%)Y)/023/0071/1)0*11 AUTHORS: Glexer, 0. N.1 Oparin, L M.; Khaymanj E. L. ORGs none TITLEt BattM ignition system for internal combustl No- 1767-!PF PA-41011AMILi Glass 46, SOURCEs Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarrqkh znakov, no. 23j 196!;,, 71 "TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion engine component, engine ignitfoq system ABSTRACTt This Author Certificate presents a battery ignition sy6tam for internali combustion engines. The system contains a dc soul,ce, an 1,1;nition coil, a a transistor, and a transformer. The primary of the ignitioit coil in connecto in the emitter-collector circuit of the transistor, and the bi.,eaker contacts are connected in the base circuit. The transformer secondary is connected in paraUell with the base-emitter junction of the transistor. To creabe active cutoff of the transistor with minimal values of power and transformer aiise, tho transformer primary is connected in series with the broaker contacto Dt the bean circuit of tl~ transistor (see Fig. 1)e To improve the operating oharaotoristicso several cax,4 1/2 =3 621.4M44.91-1 L.20927-66 ACC KRi AP6002579 Fig. 1. 1 do sourcaj 2 transistors; 3 - coil priury; h. - Immiker), 5 - transformor sooondariesj 6 - transtonaor primaryj 7 protootiye diode; 1) reivifftancese ~: F2~ 16 transistors are connected in aeries (the colleotor of one trannisLor is connected to the emitter of the other). The bases are connected in parallel through protective diodes. The base-emitter junctions are shuntad by the transformer secondaries. The transformer primary is connected in the base circiiit of one or several transistors. To equalize the transistor aqwil resistances are connected between the emitte:r and collector of each transistor. Orig. wrt' hast 1 diagram, SUB COM 21/ SUBM DAM 26[iov62 Card 2/2 GLEZFR, G.Ykt.; VOLIFSON, N.I.; KULRYAVT,'-~FVA, (,.Y,';. Method for obt,rilnini, cellu.bir oLisrensions of hiruan and %niruil tumors. i'riidy Len.khim,farm.inst. no.1-1:133-141 '61-) r 1) . 1. Laboratoriya ek.3perimentallnov onkolarit Insti-,uta onkologli AMN SSSR (zav. prof'. L.M.Shabad) i kafedra ~-natomii i flziololrii Leningradskogo khimiko-firrritt!3C-Ifti(,.Ii~,rko,,o lnnt.itnt~i dor.:4i~-nt- A.V.Loginov). GLEZER., kLnd.biologJcheskikki nauk bnaln tts ~,hylotenoijis and ontogoncsI3, Nauka i zhimi; ?9 - -" 73 Ap 762, n c.! . - I I ML-~A .1 ": .7, (BRAIN) TREKWV, Mikhall Ivanovich: 01YUR, I.B., red.; DiRIONOV, (Y.Yoj.. tokhn,red. [Efficient use of the nlectric Power at machinery manitfacturing p1nnts] Ratnionallnon ispolizovatio "Iektroenergli nit mashino- strnltel'r.ykh zavoankh. Ik)nkva, Goa. onorg. ivd-170, 1958. 211 P. (Atchinery industry) (rlectric power) (HIRA 12:1) n6lireering n LITVAK, Lev Veniaminovich;. rLFZER,, I.B., reid.; FRIMIN, L.P., takhn. red. rEffective compensation of reactive electric power loads in industrial enterprises] Mtsionallnaia kompensal 'slip, renktivnykh nagruzak rift promyshL,!nnykh predprliatiiakh. Izd.3., perer.i dop. s predisl. G.V.SerbinrvBVogc,. Mo- skva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 255 p. (MIRk 16:7) (Electric power distribution) BESCHIINSK!'Y', A.A., nzli. , GLEZE;i I i i-., ) ~ n'~h. oc. 14.111- efic;-~7y :~nci "lil,it,i- ~.', S~.xt.fh ',I'orld Fow~,!- 6,onf(,ri; ;r. N 1("J' ('1.11'2~ . Yenakiyevo 0 iii r VI U J L 0 L*... L 1, Z3 I f i :1; ye vo r'IL rf'e.ft': P,/60/00()/()o I. /00'f /006 1--- 07 1 /E it 3 3 AU moRs Glazonov , A.,A Glf!) -1 1 roll Ina.-L m. In( HTLE Ut I Li 2,it I oil or t lit? Pyrolysis Tar - W,i~ih Produ( t From Synthetic Alcohol Plan ts PERIODICAL Kol(s i Ithimiya , 1960. No. Ipp 117 TEXT In utilizing petroleum and riatural gas in th(! pre.Auction of' 4?,,y-rkthetjc Alcohol,',~the gases are crack,!d in order to increase Th, .ethylene Acontent, The trAr formed during thC I) r 0 ~'_ I' S ~i UrL914: rt h C D 1.: 111 If of pyrolysi , tat was trea Led iA--; a 4aste produc ~ ~The chilthors carried out an inves tiga t ion of' tile cliemi cal compos I. t. ion of thi s product in order to determine its poss ible appl-icat Lon for the production of aromatic hyclrocarbons,~ A sainple of the tar from the Saratov Works was taken for the :i.nvestigatlon (sp,qr. 0,37-1 iw3 65, 100' 5 4'/- ,125' 68%. 150' 7 5 'U" i8o7 86o,.) i Rect-ification on a column equivalent to 24 lheoreticai plates (Table I indicated that tile tar contained about 50'1') cf berizole, t-5).u3le : xylole and solvent riaphtlia UnSatl_lrat,(~d ~ 0III]) 01211dS Were dist- ibu,ed non- uniformly c:oncentratin.,~r mainly in ~he and Card 1/3 E() I /E 1, 33 Utilization of the ilyrolysi-,; tiuc ti., r (,- it, sy r, : iI A!.--chol Plants bottom fra--tions Laboratory ot' thr washed fra%tiori boiling to 180'C ~'Table 21) indicated t h-1 tAt --arl be 11sed for the production of pute berizole (!;iynthoti, g r a (A e Lri view of l1 191, was I, I osse-S ( 35 , 9'/u t I ie b o i I in~~ f ange of the i ra~~t Lori mo-'It su.iLable for further treatment was cleterrTUTIL-d Zl-- 79 f, 0 139 IC Laboratory results were confirmed on an industrial batch unit (Table 4), The following products can be obtained heads and I c s S e.-5 19, 7,/o. benzole 3 2,,29b'- toluole 12, 2% xy lole 1, 6% soivent naphtha 13 , 8'10' r e s idu ~: s16 ~ 2% ,washing loss.:!i; 4 Ab ou L 6 5'/'u o f b e n zo 1 e c a n b e ob ta 1 it e d o f a s y ti t h e t i c g r a (1,~ , Residues contained about 63% Or unsaturated sultable for- the produc~)cn of Flourever the reiidtte could 1lot be processed togother with benzole residues on the Works cotimarone resin plant, Their further pror-essing is being investigated Indus ti !.a I processing of the pyroly6is tar was started on the Works according "o the s.:,hame !~howrri :in Fig,1, It ~:on3ists of batch distillation k~it.h the ~ollc:-~ion of four fra'.tions For-erlitinirigii up tcj 70-C. BTX (live ste!irii) 79 to 90 C (live Ca:! d ?/3 -~/063/60/000/ oul/0011/riou EOWE431 Utilization of the Pyrolysis Tat -W,i~-,h Produc t From Syn0i.,t j Alcohol Plants steam) 90 to 1000C and still residues The wa.,Oied BTX fraction is distilled on a continuous pltint with collection of pure henzole and BX residues, The latter are throupji a i:.ont.inuous toluene column with the collection of' pure toluolf~.- iind residues which are then processed in it batch unjA with the r-c-Ilectic'n of' the TK fraction (returned to the toluene column) xylole , solvent naphtha and residues, It is concluded that at pre.,-ent the processing of the pyrolysis tar on existing coke ovon ph~rnts would be advantageous, The design of a specint central plant of a larg sapacity for the processing of all the available pyrolysis residues is recommended. There are 2 fi&ures and L, tables- e~, ASSOCIATIONS.- Yenakiyevskiykokosokhimicheskiv zavod (Yenakiyevo Cokinq - Works) GlaZUnov, A,A, , Glezer, I Ionina. M.A, and Edel man. Sh 1, Stalinskly sovnarkhoz (Stalino Sovnark-hoz) Zemblevskiy, K,K, Card 3/3 GLAZIRNOV, A,A.i f',lZ&IRj I.G.; SDELIMAN, ')h.I.; M.A,; ZEMKEVSYI~Y, K.F. Method for tho- completp proo,~mslng nf (-,onl tnr ,~btnined by pyro- XoV~; i ',,.hi:n, no.8:31-42 162. (laflA 17:2) 1. Yenakiyev~-kiy knk!-,okhim-i(-hpqkly znvo(! (I'or t~lnminov, filk! zeir, Mel I m;in, I r)nina) . 2 . [)I m~tnkiy nov,~. t niiro(inogo 'I, (for Z,--i.qblev3kiy) . TURIK, I.A.- GLEZER I.G.- I(NINAY JOVIKOVA, V.I.; S.A.; y -- -7-13--t .0 Fn V MIlly V.K. Waya for improving the quality of foundry coke. Kok-l i khim. no.9:25-27 162. (KIRA 16:10) 1. Ukrainskiy ujfl(-khim.[cheskiy Jnstitut (J'or 'f)irik). 2. Y(,n,,ikiy4,vskiy kok.9okhimichoskly zavod (ror all oxcept ?Urik). (Coke) LITVINOV, Ye.M.; _GLiZMJ I.G.; GOL'DSHT,:,MT, B.O.; N~NIKQVA, V.-I. Operation of small size Dinas(silica)brick coke -.)vens. Ykoka i kbi-M. no.2-:25-27 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Koksokhimstantsiya (for Litvinov). 2. Yenakiyevnk~y kokaokhimicheskly zavod (for Glezer, Golldohtayn, Novi1cov4). (Yenakiyevo-Coke ovoile) .... ...... G 11 i ' IT. J. GL&M, I.I.__ Role of the vegetative nerVoun nytiten in the pathog a ge P,)s Iof peptic ulcer. Trudy LBGMI 20:34-41 '54. (KI&A 10i8) 1. Kafedra propoilevtiki %mutrannikh bolooney lnnir~!:rndelcogo Lianitarno- Iglyanicheakogo moaditsinskogo instituta, zav.lcafedroy prof. B.Mlyss. (AUTONOMIC N&VOUS SY6TEM, In varioua diseaties, peptic ulcer, pathogen. role) (PYYTIC UILM, obysiology, autonomic MS. pathogen. role) C-L,=R, T. 1. Some now data on the treatment of peptic ulcer. TrtAy- MIMI 20: 118-124 154. (MMIk 10: 1. Kafedra propedevtIkL vnutrennikh boletney LanLnigiadskogo sanitarno-gigiyorLichaskogo medit8inskogo instituts, zav, kafedroy prof. S.M.Ryss. (PIKIC ULGAR. therapy, progr.) USSR/General Biology - General Histology. B- Abs Jour Ref 2hur - Biol-, 1,10 7, 1958, 28503 Author Glezer, I.I. lnc,t TitlQ Me Correlation of Growth U11d L',~VUOPM('Bt 0C PV17TUdEd. CQ11s In Different OytofLrChItL!ct,OnJc Fiel(L; DC Uic Frontal Lobe in Hw=i Yt):.;'UvittJ Ontogent.~.,;I:-. Orig Pub Vestn. Mosk. un-ta, s-r. biol., pochvovc4l., Yiol., 1956, No 2, 103-112 Abstract An inve5tii3ation was conducted of the growth aril, develop- ment of pyramidal cello iri th-:! central soc-cions ,f zortox fields 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 45 and 44 of the fronti-..1 lobe, of the left brain henisp,here of 3 'Loys (fron birt'll tc~ 1,5 y~~ars of age). Older fiellds ~hylogen(--,tically are mf-t mature at birth in form aiid saze of elmazit!-. In the IP I pnyicgenc-tically yjtua(~est fieldj 41P and 45 ,)~ L-y- - ,Dld.? the elements In '~Iae upper level of the cc,rto~,. arc- Card l/ AUTHORS: Zvorykin, V.i;. ~md :;,~Ientific Workers of the F,rnin Research Inatf-Uj'te of the Acndemy of Medic9l !',,,iences of the US.'IR 'ITLE: An Zrroneous :`.ypothpsis PERIODICAL: Nauka i Zhizn', 11158, P 12-411 03,12.), ABSTRACT: In this article the author strongly criticizes nnd refutes the hypothesis Rdvnneed bY the Polif?h nnthropologist, A. Vertsin- skiy, who believes that urbanization will r(~sult into physio- logical degeneration. There is one sketch. ASSOCTATION: Brain Resear,~h rnstitute of the Academy of' Medical Sciencos of the TISSR (Institut mozga Akajemii meditsinslfikh nauk SSSR) AVAILABLE: Librnry of Conprens Card 1/1 GLEZER, I.I. (Moelrva, Borovfllcoye shoanc, kornuts 2~). yv-25) -- -.. I Gorrelntion of the nrea of fielde of t", T)reventrnl reg,ion in P sIrie.,'3 of anntomically comparnble nrimites 1with summnry In English]. Arkh.anat.gist. I embr. 15 no,,2:26-29 Mr-Ap '513 OURA 11:5) 1. Knfmdra nntropologil M01090-Dochevnnogo fnIculltetn Koskovskogo gosudnratvannogo univeroltets, (GEREMAL CORTEX, ohysjolat.7 field aream of irecentrnl revion, comparison in vnrious primnten (Rua)) of ',h-? *T(r, t' .- ) t, I Gj:,,Z.~~, 1. 1., C,n,llda~e Biol ~!C!. PtFr) -- ~ -1 1 and (jovojorm~nt, nf th- ne!].5; n.!' th- c,-rh-7 of th- lcbe. in --V~ I .. '- I - ~ ~ -'. ) , - -. I - - mital ontarmr;7 of 7vtn". Mlorccrt, 1., 1~n Ml,)i~ Fc, 1~`.) (im, 1:7-,Cj, 1.1.1) GLEZER, I.I. (Moskva) Frangois Joseph Gall and hiT, role in the de-relopment of neurology; 200th anniversary of his birth. Zhur.r,ev-r. I usikfi. 59 no,.2:215-221 159. (1413U 12:4) (BIOGRAPUIZ, I Gall, Frangoia J. (Rus) (ITEITROLOGY, history, contribution of' F.J. Gall (Rilij)) PRSOBRAZIDUTSKAYA, N.S.; GLEZER, I.I. "r 4mntitative studios of the viaiLil cortex; individual variations in width in uin and some commr~nta on schizophrenia; dovolopoignt of the vititial cortox In man; comparition of nizos In nomo mammals" [in Gorman] by If. Haur. Roviowod by N.S. Proobrazhonskala, 1.1, Glezer. Zhur. nevr.1 psikh. 59 no.9:1141-1144 159. ~MIRA 12:11) (CETUBRAL CORTKX) (smizopHrimIA) (HAUG, 11.) RABIVOVICH, M.Ya.;. GVZER' I .1. - Method for recording the electri(ml aclAvIty of AIr-If'.viduea cortical layers of the cerebral heird8pheres in chronic eypgriments. Zhur. vys. rierv. delat 10 no. 4~63(--633 Jl-Ag 166. (MMA 1J,:2) 1. Institute of tho Brain, Actidomy of M(kicuil Sciences, Moscow. (CERSEAU,L CORTEX) MESHKOV, f;LEM-~R, L.1,; H.10% P.V. chwlf,,o~l in 01. k i ii, *PY-! I i Lb I i iT 1. S1 i j. 3 KRIM',, , Sarmil Nikhaylovich; GLIMi, IiIia IjankovIch; Y . S ~ YP.A.) red. [flumn i)rain in fipures and t.iblos,I Mozg cilolwo::ka v - -ik -i( - in ~, IY64. ,slfr ~h i tabiitsakh. Lenini:r-i, N(Ails L ~.flo P. (NIRA 18:1) . . I.- - ~- ~ 7 . T, I ! . I I ~ I . . . ) - , , , , -" '- - ; - 1 11 - - ;, - I I . I , ; ., :. . : , '. ; - _-.- 'I-- .- 1. - , . . - -, .0, - , 1, ; , ; 7. : - . - - ~j ~- : - . . . - . ... ) - I- " - - - - .. - . . !- - 1. '-- -.- . ) : , ~ - -- ;, I - I , I , .. '! 2 ~,-. , ,~L,!,ZLR, 1. L. Glezer, 1. L. "Tretment (,f bullet wcundn of larj~e joints In un t~vacuaLirn nospital jehind tne iines," Soornik naucn. rabot evakcgogpitle.,, i Kareary ousncne~ cid- rurgii (Irkutsk. oulastotd. zdarcokaraneidya, irkut. goa. ined. in-t), (IrkLtsk), 1948, P. 105-13 SG: U-2868, Letopis Zimmailnykn State,,, No. 1, I'A9 YUROV9 V. S., L.T,., BALLDTNA, A. I., V. I.. Surgeons ~, 1 1) " Profen!-,or G. ". Toi)i-,.)v,,r-. Yjilrur,~--l lu, 110. - p I , 1: . !'jorithly LiL~ Or 1(117,:;I,ln Tdbi-7,~-y of Au,!,i t 141;2. F ;G' A:-,- !F !:.- D. AFAINASIYEEV, T,,, prof.; BLE".. N,, ,T-EY2-.'R, 1,., PANFILOV.. V, Abroad. I'vt,trannp, 42 nn,1:5~--rj im, 164 . (Vl:-'~A 17,.2) ZABULONOV, M.S. I- GUZI',~'I( L. S'. A,, V. , i .-tA IyLno I c LITVAIK L.K. P.M.; KAf!;1 LEBEDYANSKIY, A.A.; GRASOVIRK011, Innovators of the Fil-st Bear,-I, 1111in* J,~ N r. U t.. thc -0c no.3-8,12 Mr '('13. (WRA 16./') 1. Aktivist faii(-Iinc--tekhni(~hasi~o;7o obshchost~-a G os 5 t- vennogo podsh1pnikovogo 7aveda im. 1ragaiiovicha ~fo~- Zabuloncv, Shcherbinin, Orlov). i. Zamest'.-tal' PromiqEdat,elya ;9oveta'*ni:yVa- torov 1-go Gosudarfiti;-eimiogo wdohipi-d kov oil o utvoda im. (for Glezer). 3. Pr,!dsodaLell ~iekt^311 kovki I shtawpovkL Eioj~3ta -Nauchno-tekhniches!%ogo obshchevtva 1--go Gosudrirstvemnogo pDdqhi-;7-- nikovogo zavoda im. Kaganov!r-km. (f~.-jr Litvak). 4, byu" tekhnicheskGy inforuAtsii 1--po Gos)itiars-tvennogo po,inhirmik-Ovoga zavoda im. Kaganwricha (f,)r Geias), 5. Chlen qauchric-tellinicheskogo obabchestva, zameoti tell selixetar~ra -partiy-riogo komi.teta 1-go Gasu- darstvennogo podi3h1pnikourj~,ty ze.-ioda im. Kaganovich-L (fci- KiLle-dim). 6. Nachal'nik avtorwitichaskogo tsekha IL). 2 I-go Gosilde-rotven- nogo pods hi pni kwiog, o za,.rcda im, Kaiarlovicha (for 01'lov). 7. h~ed- sedatell energetichaskay se-tmil soveta Nauchno-e1zhnichuskogo Goo obshchestva J-Vo udarstvimmgo podshipnik vogo im.vodii im. o Kaganovicha (for Lehadyaniikiy),, 8. L"funestital' prede eda to lira zavodskogo sovet~i obghchestira 1--go Gosu.- darstvennogo podsL1pfiikovoao iffi. Kapanovicha (fcjr Chasovnikov). (Moscow -Bearing 'l,clinolopica'I YAKOBSON., S_; ~ , inzh.,~,, rLEZER, LN. , j n 'i. CompoGitc- induction heater f(jr tlwmml treatment of the wt!14~-d joints of 3teampipes. Elok.ot~i. 34 no.204-13? F '63. (Mlill 16:4) (Stowup.1peo-Welding) AUTHOR; T IT LE.- lj~-, t r,, rin i na t 1r. 5 t 'I I tyr in ~~'l 1 r I 1 1: PERIODICAL- TEXT - This is a ri~-po rt on ri;-w r,~!: hw~ s t ei:- 1 from ha i rl i n,~- c rack,3 Th e p r in,~, i p, 1 -1 #? t,~. rin,, n~ n n9 ar,: ',I c w i riq 1 ) Craz C d meta I ! is ch eck r?(., on I y by (i.~ t orr" I 11~t t i o r ira k.-l h e 3:1:- of firash-d mat-r~:,! 2) The manuI"Ictur-1. ~!, h'-'N quality of metal if the area occup,.-d hy :1,;ch -1-,-ks The cracks are detected by means of' Ya~nofllcx (mai-::n,)f`l,:ik!--I !J n l f of standards for PPrM13S1 11) 1 e ha i r 1 ~ -i;-- -a c kr v., f'e I- r i wr t n r% - ~:n i t a of the checked surface (Table) Th'-, nex Ili, T'hod was kippr-c"'.od --I,, convened by the CheLyabingkLy sovrarkho~, ,Ght- Lya~-, i rr~k n r,',. -i; I a tt ended by repres t.nta t i ves o f , ii,-- .I,, tl--.Ir,.~, i.La n!i Chelyabinsk sovnarkhoz , Sverdlovsky sovriarkhr),-, :-~i I I -'-17 zi t and M1o9kcv8k1y (oblastrir-y ) sovn:irkh -;z Tri is I taol'? Card 1/1 GLEZ911. 11. 1. CorreIntion ~f' th,~ j~rowtn wmi of' oyrsimid!it re"Is In differnnt cytonrchttni~tonir i'l- ld:~ oi' ~ - iiiitimn. Vr(~rilla I lohe durinr nostyintal otltogennali;. 711f: t .'110!~K,tll .",fir . , voch . , gruol. , peog. 11 no.2:103-112 156. (hllRji 10:10) 1. Kafedra antropologli. (CMBRAL CORTEX) (CELL$) u s s R - ' eintntll 0i voili i 1V with - ' " Tir N M V "'0, Muer. C.vd L Pi 1 :: t 171T7 Jt vith D m C[I CO hill ! f , c i c , !r. ry , I t- 1` lo- SiCl t i h l fl A 5 ld 0 t (A c- i! t um al ic 1 ~ o v e wr qrp v L. . y l " ir blow~tlg chMA -,-. ith cJ 1.Qo,1..t)., iiCI., purified by o Drv I~e; the p(whict hydrolw.;.s ift 11,0, ond v~wmad'.l. in Ow :it 100', IcIt btWilld t, 3~11n- pm~jutt, ubl.,lizl~d ArclhCO'Bl.'"'MC, Ill, V42 43", wKch oil air bl~),inr nt 12.5' givr -clum mthlimmu- of thi stutting ma. t,,rlal and a reriftic tif imol. In )r;. soivllt.. silniLlAy wlv~ plqol. lit'l JrCllie 1 the prrAuct roan be prtpd. ill ligynint, solit. AL-0 12CO1101 g.) add,,tl in FtlO te, U 1'. Ticl, fit 111'r) haw,:11 ' I ll, ricil, m. IV-V Ill; ViWicy, Ann- :[,Iic fmlls(r llp)&O, till 11.5-17", %vw. 1!*~ aE 1"0', VIO-ling V;t(,-.,~j %,Ir(*J~t70,1,j),- It. AIC11,D)JI-1 it, -73, [fave Y' II'm ArcilrCO,rr,pI,(7" 10110% t1womp. a I P'. V1,+1ing a INtild (AcCIICICOd-0 sri,l it whiN C.. M. Koo.kil"If 'r 4, , ~ , I . - I ..) ..1 . I 2. U-1.7 (6co) 4. Pip-alines 7. Horizontal thrust I-oring of rlipt-s. Strol. prom. 31, No, 1, I'.)'i.3. pr4i ;3 9. Monthly Lis, rif Russian Accessions, Libr!try of , 11'~, , 1,;Ilcl . GLEZXR, V.D. Reaction of dilation Of Dupils. Finiol. zh. SSSF 38 no. 5:604-611 Sept-Oct 1952. ~ (CIXL 23:3) 1. Iaboratory of the Physiology of the Visual Analysor, lastitute of Physiology imeni 1. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences UISIU, Leningrad. GLEZER. V.D. Contraction of the pupil by conditioned reflec. Aziol, zh. SSSR ~9 no-5:571-579 Sept-Oct 1953. ((,'Ll4L 25:4) 1. lAtboratory of the PllyuiolotV of the 7i3wil zmjjlyso-r, lautituto of physioloc", imeni I. P. Pavlov of thf- AcadezV (it' !3vien(:~Du USSR, limin. grad. `T,-=Z, V. 1)... "The 1,le of Chan[,e3 in the Tonicity of' unconditt! ncd C~:rtiiml Cortrers In the Dovelo,,,ment of Ccrditloncd Cm)d Blol S(A, Inst, of Fhysiolof-y ireni I. P. Pavlov, Acild Sci U.SR (Apr-Jun AIC HaUk, Nov ~4) Survoy of Scientific and Technictil Diss(ri..r~'Acns Defemdod rA, 'USSFI, Hif,her Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No. 5-2-1, 2 Jun 55 GL-re-o--R) V-1p. - --~m usm/ i,-!edicine - aperimn tal Neurolory Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 40/40 Authors S Glezer, V. D.; Gurevich, 11. Nh.; and Leunhina, L. L Title i Differences in the electrical activity of tho brain of cbiv dth varickle types of hi-jier nervous activity Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 99/3, 485-468, Nov 21, 1951~ Abstract I Five dog3 of definite typological character13tiCS werainvooti-lated. to determine the difference3 in -ffie electrical actirit-.- of their brain. The registration of the biotics was carried out on throb zonam or the dorm'.1 sawface of t1r cerebral cortex of one of the larver hemispheres - frontal, parietal and occiputal. The results obtmined are ilha-in in alectro- encephalographs. Wo USSR refemmeca (1951). GraPhs- Institution: AcadeTT/- of Sciences USSR, The I. P. Pavlov Iratitate of f1*raLolo_-v Presented by: Academician K. 11..Bykov, June 28., 1954 F I~n IT:. pla(,=] at ar ;j ri,i- llh'i._.!l evI -, I strgight ied by 2(f. muius 20' _.r I)y 21y' t mul us 5 the 1JER j rA t I hr- GIAZIR, V.D..; ZAUORULIKO. L.T. Photoelectric regiatration of the accommodation reflex. YIzLol. zhur 41 no.6:830-831 N-D '55. (XLRA 9:3) 1. Laboratortya, fiziologli zritellnogo analizatora Instituta fiziologii Im. I. P. Pavlova, AN SSSR, Leningrad. (ACCOMODATION, OCULAR, rogiatration. photoelectric technic.) GLIM, V.D.; ZAGORULIKO, L.T. Photoelectric registration of minute movements of the 070. liziol. zhur. 42 no.4:437-44o Ap 156. OUJU 9:7) 1. Iaboratoriya fiziologii zritallnogo anali2atora Institufsa fiziologii iment I.P.Favlova AN SSSR. lAningrad. (EY3, pbysiology, movements, photoolectric registration Mus)) GLEZER. V.D.; 7AGORUL'KO, L.T. On the role of convergence in depth perception. DoI.I.All 1~'SSa 107 no.6:823-625 Ap '56. ()aRA 9:8) 1. Inatitut fiziologli imeni I.P. Pavlova Akademll nauk SSSR. Predstaylano akademikom K.M. Bykovym. (RTM-MOInNIUMS) 5CC~;-,` A Sec.2 Vol.10/10 Oct 5,17 44 10. GLEZER V. D. Lab. of Visual Analysor Physiot. 1. P. Pavlov Inst . or Phys ()I '-T,-c~ningrad. - The tonus of pu pilla ry c ent res a na its role' in conditioned activity of the pupil ( it uss ian text ) FIZIOL. Z, 1957, 43/3 (205-212) Graphs 4 Tables 3 The amplitude and latent period of conditioned pupillary constriction in man de- pends an the initial pupUlary diameter, as regulated by the trine in the cerebral pupillary centres and the surrounding illumination. Sirnnnnnn I - Minnerwolis. Minn. Goiivnrgenf-o~ thresholdn. P-c,bl.f lziol.ont. 12:23~'-290 158 Win 11:6) 1 . Lnborfitoriyn fiziologil zrttel'novo atinlinrAor,',l Inntituta fl~:iolof,il im. I.P. P..nvlovll Ali (V is ION) GLEZER, V.D., GUILWICF, B.M10, LEUSHINA, L.I. Elentrical rp-v)onsps of the pnrietnl re,-1011 i--. doe~q to Photic and acoustic stimuli; chronic e-",-rimeat Iwith n=r--v-.r in English]. Fiziolo'zhur. 44 no*9:820-828 S158 (MIRA 11:12) 1. Lal)oratoriya fiziologii 7ritollnogo annlizntor,, Infitittita fizi.0106,il imeni I.P. Pavlova AN SS~11, Laiiingrwi. (CMBRAL CORTEX, phyiiical. pnri,!tnl reqp-)nnf!i3 to photio, Px. nr-,!o,jiitIc ntiouli Obig)) OIXINH-, V..D.-; TSUMMAII, I. I. Resolving power of the Ve from the ntandpoint of the Infol-Mation theory [with summary in Er4;liahl. Biofizika 4 no-1:55-6-1 Ja 15?. OCIU 12:1) 1. Institut fiziologii im. I.P. Pwrlova All SSSR, leningrf,d. (VISIM, physiol. resolution capacity of eye in inforiiintion theory (Rus)) 711). 1 -1 -10le! of !onlterg,~ncm in. vinion. JJir)f'L-z',~U%, 4 nri.3- 129-1,15 159. 12 :7) 1. bintitut fizinlot,~Il im. 1.P. Pavlovn AN SSSI, Dminj,,rod. (71r,1011, nhysiol. convert,ence in iter,!oncupi,- vis Lou (,tks )) GLEZER, V.D. Characteristics of tho ayb an a ocanning system. Flziol.,&hur. 45 no.3:271-279 159. 01111A 12:11) 1. From tho laboratory of physioloi-y of the visiml analpor I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiolop.,7, Loningrad. (EYE, physiol. scanning funct. (Ran)) GLEZER, V.D.; TSUKEW,M, 1.1. Doubling of relation clLrmels in the visual analysor. HoMITI-a 4 no.5:620-621 159. (MiRA 1111:6) (VISION)