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VF-9SHKOV, V.A., inzh.; BOEROVSKIY, VJI., -inzh.; GIZET, ir"Sh. Concerning safety measures in working on the tovers of 400 kv. and 500 kv. operating power transmission lines. Elek. sta. 34 no.3:60-64 Rr 163. (14M 16:3) (Electric lines---Safet,,r measureo) (Electric power distribution) v J.%, ij~:wj , "I . A .. ,j 7) ',1) . ~ GIJ, POV ~ J., ~ :; ~ ,I n z h , , MA 1,Y.';!J!; 7 , I? . A , ,j rr~h . Lashirir, of wir-s ~n 1~0 -c, '4(XJ kv. ovf,rhcad T"C)W(!'-- tr,,mmission 11 ri (-..g .F I e k ~ ~ *,,,, , . ~ ~ 14 r , ,, , I ~' - :;Jv.016 1. QCRA 16-12) GLIBOV, F. Decreasing tha amount of metal in making IwAsteads. 11-192 F 156. (3eds and bodstaads) OMRA 9:7) GLEBOV, F., Garoy Sotsialistichoskogo Truda Machines Re wall as horesiB. Nauka I r)Dred. op. 1 9 rio.4,11? AP '59. (;, va I-, -. 6 ) l.Prodsodatoll kolkhozit imani Kirova, Kstovskogo rayona, Gor'kovskoy oblasti. (Agricultural machiner7) (D~raft horsos) GISBOV, F. There will be millions like these. NTC 2 rio.7:6 R 160. WULA 13.7) 1. PredBadatell Minskogo oblautnogo soveta prof oclruzov. (Minsk Province-Wicioncy, IndustriAl) GLIMOV, Fodor Matvoyevich [Hliebov, F.M.J; SHCUKRBAKOV, Ivan Andreyevich Ldocoasedj; RASTEGINA, Praukovlys Vlactmiroviia FPw3t1ohina, P.Y.1; PhVJWWKDI, V.Yu., red.; GITSIUEYII, A.D., tokhrod. [Manual of qualitative chemical somimlcroanalyBisl Posibnyk z iskisnoho khimichnoho napivinikroanal izu. Kylv, Dorzh.medychne vYd-vO UBM, 1959. 203 P. (MIRA 14:2) (Chemistry, Analytical-quglitative) ~_4,.BOV, Fedor Vasillyevich; 311LOVITSKIY, LIP re.d.; TIOVIKOVA, VIP takhn. rpd. [Headauarters of workers' initiativc; from the work pr,.~ctice of regLdar p7-oduction conferences] Shtab r~lochoi initsiativii; iz 01:Yta raboty postoianno deistvuiusl)cll il:h proizvod!jt-venrlldi soveshchiinii. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo LISSR hE.d. rrassovo-polii 'I lit- ry, 1961. 2S p. (V IM 15: 1) 1. Pred:-~e(!;Itell Minskogo oblastnogro Sovct~t profvoylizav (for Glebov). Winsk Province -Works co,,-:nci'.s) GLEBOV, Fedor Vasillyevich; I:YAGVOV, red.; ]KO~(GLOVAI. 1;.D.1, tekhn. red. [Educational work of the tracie-union wDA-1 a (7~roup of jetivi6ts] Habota p-ofsoitianoga keniteta s ak- tivo!!- PI'(Mz(D3t, 1'.)(,3, -100 ~- (IMI 17:3) ". ~!avebp- w (for Glpbov). - . - ; I . : GLEBGV, G.A. Fneumitic tapered displacement of the tAili3torl- Onind-7r; of a lat,h(~, Stan.i instr. 33 no.1.38 Ja '62- (Y-LRA 15-:.2) (Lathes) i1LJPQY-,,._Georgiy Andreyevich; VMHBINSKIYA, I.I., inzfi., refd.; GVIRTS, [Liquid abrasive cleaning of toolg after heat treatment; based on materials from the somirLqr "Tool wmifactura'.'] GldronbrAzivnAia ochistka instrumentn ponle termicheakol obrabot1d.; po materialam semin,qra "Instrumental' noe pro1zvodRtvo". Leningi-nd, Lfinln--r.dom, 1958. 13 p. (Inf orma Lai orino--tokhniche skii lietok, no.)4. mekhnnichenkain obrabotka zietalln,,) (MIRA 12:4) (Abrasives) (Machine tools) GLEBCV, Georgiy Andreyevich.; POSTER11YANO Ye.F., iuzh., red.; FREGM, D.P., red.izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., telim,red. [Modernization of lathes] Modernizatsiia tokarq,kh stankov; opyt Sestroretskogo instrumentallnogo zavoda. im. Vosko-M. Leningrad, 1961. 19 p. (Laningradskii dom -nauchno-tekhni- cheskoi propagandy. Otmen peredo Oflytom. Se-t-iia: Mer'Aw-ni- cheskaia, obrabotka metallov, no.27 NIF-A 15.4) (Lathe s-Technologi c al innavaticirw) U"IrKV, ri. D. (717POV, 0. D. : "Tnvestigation of the kinet:ics of n."',son,'tion ~f I-TdrcFun Ly barium and other metals as applied to tre production x: electre-jacuum, y ' tate Union Sci ;,i.s instniments." M.Ln iL-:djo hhgineer;n- 'rf!rstr I " . inst. MOSCOW) 1955. (M,5seI't,,-!t;fm for thp P-j7r-~e of' in Tec~Lnical 6cience.) Co: Knizimaya letoFlisl, I*o. 37, 1956. !-.o!iccw. .1.09-9-15/15 AUTHOR: Stolyarorv, L.G. TITLE: A Science Conference dedicated to the "Radio Day, ft (Nalichwa Sessiya, posvyashchennaya "Dnyu, Radio") PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1957, Vol. II, r1r 9, IYP. L221-1224 (USSR) ABSTRACT- An All-Union Scientific Conference took place in Moocow duxlng 20-25 May, 1957. The Conference ims organized by the Sciimtific-Technical Society for Radio Engineering an& Electrical Cowunications imeni A.S. Popov, All-Union Scientific Council for Radio Ebysian aad Raii1o Endnak!r- ing of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and the Ministries of' Communicaticne, Radio Equipment Industries, and Culture. The Conferamce was attended by scientific and engineering personnel from Mos&w, Leningrad, Gorlkiy, Kiyev and other principal towns of the country and by re;eresentativea of various foreign countries, Bulgaria, Hungary, E. Geimany, China, NAMm, Poland, Czechoslovakia and members (fthe American Inatitute of Radio Engineers. The Conference was opened by V.I. Siforcm, President of the Society and Corresponding Member of the AeSc USSR. The Plenary Session heard the following reports: A.D. FortushenkoAtember of -the 14dnistry of Ca=unications' Board, on 'WW of Technical Development of Electric Ccmnunication in the USSR"; Ye. A. Gaylish, Chief Er)4~iwwr of the Card 1/5 A Science Conference dedicated to the "Radio Day" NII of the Ministry of the Radio Equipment Industry, on. Site Parts Glebov, Ch f Engineer of the 3111 of the for General Application" G D le Ministry of the Radio Equipment InduBtry, on "Semi conduator Deiwices Produced by the Radio Equipment Industry, Prospects of Their Impravilment; and Fzcpansion of Nomenclature"; Professor S.I. Kitayev on "Electric Te:Lp--scoyjj'j Dotsent V.K. Tkach on "Application of Radio Methods for Study of Pe6thological Phencmena in an Organismk" Some results of putting into operatiom the radio and electron part of a 10,000,000,000 ev wfnchrophasotron were submittit!ft by A.L. Mints, Corresponding Member of the AcSc USSR. The Conference vaa divided into the following 12 sections: Information theory, antenn systems, Benicanduetor devices, receiving and transmitting installations, wire coDmnnUcations, television, electronics, radio measurements, radio brotu1r-!u;ting, electro- acoustics and sound recording, general radio engineering wid radio wave propagation, and technology of radio equipment production. Altogether aver 200 reports were delivered. The Information Theory Section heard about 20 reports among which were the folloving: L,M. Fink.'on "Wiltiposition Systems of Frequency Radiotelegraphy"; N.L. Teplov on "Banic Correlations in Signal Card 2/5 A Sclence Conference dedicated to the "Radio DiV' 109--9-15/15 Integration and Fluctuating Interference in the Radio Receiver Channel"; K.A. Meshkavskiy on "Problems of Noiseproofing of Ccemunication Systems .,hich Receive a Whole Signal!'; R.R. Varshaaor on "StrurtLire &no. Evaluattion of the Quantity of Coded Signals vith Correction of Errors"; VX. Shtifyu on "Qumtua Noise of Group Signal in Frequency Sep%rstion of Signale"; L.A. ]QuLlfin cn "Information Theory of Geophysical Methods of Investigatian"; L.A. RhalfirA on "Signal Theory"; B.A. Varshaver on "Theory of Carr7ing Capacity in Binary Transmission"; N.A. Zheleznov an "Principle of Discretivition in Theory of Signals Based on New Stochastic Model". The Semiconductor Section heard the following reports: E.I. Adirovich and,-A!,VCU.Gordono7 on "'Ibeory and Experimental Investigation of Coefficients of Emitter-Collector Transmission i'm Junction Transistors"; Yu. K. Barsukaw on "Transitional Blocking Proceag; in Junction- . AAi= Diodes DGTs" I A.I.Borisov an "Nonlinear Pmyl ifier Distortions tYPe Gern in Transistors"; A.A. Riz1rin on "Regeneration end Neutralizaticm of Stager, In Transistors"; V.N. Kononov on "Application of Nonlinemr lVe-edbmck to Eliminate Saturation of Junction Transistors in Pulse Circuits"; Ya, A. Fedortov on "Frequency Properties of Drift Triodes". The Radio E~4~inaering Section heard 19 reportB among which were the following: Ya. S. Its~holii on "Minimm VoliAne of a Pulse Transforner"; O.N. Lltvinenko on the use of h(!:terogtn(.)%,3 lines wltli continuously alternating parameters for PU113e nhaping; Yu.. B. Slnodnr and A. S. Nemiravskiy on "Calculation of the Influence of Fading in DesigXdng Radio Re1V Card 3/5 A Science Conference dedicated to the "RgAdo D;V Communication Lines"; V.S. Troitsk:Ly on "Theory of the Molec,.Llar Generator and Fluctuation Of Its OBCillatiOn"; N.N. "Effect of 129 with Alternating Parametf-,rs an a Self-0scillating Systatt"; I.L.Berchte7n on "Phase Stabilization of the Frequency of Microini,,e Generators"; Yu. Ya. Yurorv on "A Naw Mi6rrnravt,,, Bar4 Balazir.~ Mixin-'! . Antenna Systems Section heard mare than 15 rajKnts. -Axa-%jr, thei. w( following: V.I. Zimina, on "The(.-)ry of Propagation of Eb~~:t:~Cvlajpietic Wurves Along Tubes filled with Ionized Gaz"; A.A. Pixrogmr arn ',111-~Ilistic V.I. Talanov on "A Method Solving the Problem of E:rcltatloln of Ws:-;ei; over an Impedance Surface"; P.R. Gfer,~p an "Wave Gald& 13(~nd ;ritll Su--f,10,9 Wave"; N.P. Kerzhentseva an "Propagatian of ElectramaDvitic Wtl~riia ill Beat e (4 Wave Guides of Circular Cross Section"; A.A. Model' spo):,, on lanentd of an antenna-wave guide channel for m-Liltichannel radio re-lay lineo; V.I. Krubikov on "Method of Broadband Balancing of the Ante,=-FeediLU, Ch el of Multichannel Radio Relay Lines"; M.N..Gerteemikiteyn and A.M.Po"- is on: "Wave Guide Splitter with Variable Coupling"; A.L. Plikaelyan mid A.K. Stolyurov on "Ferrite Valves Utilizing Ferrcmagnetic Recanance", :uid A.L. Mik-aelyan and M.M. Koblov on "Application of Farrites for Coaxial Ve-11re Sy;items". Card 4/5 A Science Conference dedicated to the Iladl-3 Drvj:' Finally, the Electronics Section ht!ard the folloving r.~, )rl Tetellbaum on "In"rse Wave Generato::s WINhout, DvbKf-tyvM! WaIrl G(Iid,,~ Systems; Ye. 11. Bazarov and R.Yt!. & Reflex Kl_vstron"; Yu. A. Kat.,~ua, cc-, Electronle Flux of a Transit KlystrorC; Afan!l;,~,Tv- (ii Retuning of Frequency of Cavity R~~,)nazon; b t"It. pk!9.pi;j.Ite I.F. Peslyatsky and D.N. IIoroiffi on "A, SIrj'-',QL ir, Beam Tubes Permitting Retenl;ian of tl~e 11:~-, D:~flectlcy-,-- S~!?I15ivit;,r 1c. Deflections of the Feeding Voltag---~ in th~~ 3ec~Lid =6 'Fi-o-0-1 Radio Wave Propagation Section 6 follcrw- ing: AN. Prosin on "The Muftmun YAl"I Transmitted in Long Range Tropospherl-, Ultrwihoit P:ncp~_attcci" Kosikov discussed the proo2ects of urtilizing oblique .1.110- v,~tIr-n from great dista=es and a~d-the-wrlfi oah-); N-.M. of Solar-Balipae (n the IonoTohere on the. Da3is of 30 JMI~ 1954 mid '25 FtbruarY 1952"; A.A. Gjdgarlyova on "Rt~srfttl ~)f Veiticel. ReLdiation Measurement of the Coefficient of Absnorbt.Lon of Shoj-. Rad-4o Waves :Ln Ionos~phere" ; V.E. Kashprovskdy read a --me-Port on. b~ng-:~-angv dixection finding of thunderstorms. Very short, cumma:L~f~r of Lhe i!--pan'r, exe given. SUBMI=: June 16, 1957 AVAIWLE: Libftx-j of Congress card 5/5 10S-7-11/17 AUTHOR: Not given TITLE: Allunion Scientific Sej~3 icii, ou".- (Vseqoyuznay,o. nauchnaya 3c.,isiya, Russian) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1957, Vol 121 Nr 7, !)T-) 75-79 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: About 2000 cr,11aboratorn an an, re-prosentative3 from forei.xn countries, wuong th(!r,,i also thn3e of the Ameri(uui Society of , place from Radio Engineers, participated in the session taking 25.11ay 1957. The following partlcipanf:3 si~oke at; the wnin -jession: A.D.FORTUSIDITKO on ",iay:i of tc.(.!hni(vil (Ifvelol:merit of' t~lcctro telecoir:munication" . )O-A.GAILI9H on "Suill parts- for mass ~,_ppliwit-.`cn". G.D.GUBOV on 119eiduonductor d-.,vices". S.I.KATAfEV on "Electrical Telescop~`. V.K.TKACH on "Use of radio methods in the re,~jearch of ratho- logical phenomena in organisizz. A short renort aas delivered by A.L.YMS Oil "Putting into operation of the radiotechnical- and electron part of the synchrophasotron for 10 billion electron-volt. Card 1/2 108-7-111'13 Allunion Scientific Se:lsioli, ded-iryited to the Day of R?Aio. T,,,mlve sections .,,rer(- aorkinC, durin,,, tho~, s~,oslcn, tctal of .1 175 lectures aa3 helrl. The are de~-ait with in Phort which -,-.,ere held under the supervi,3i(-,-i of' ill tilt section for infomation theor,;, under the surt:rva-iion of .S.TSIKUT in the sention 1'cr -,enicon,luctor &.-viccs , i, i er the a d sunervi-,iop. of A.IULA.'~MTSEV in th(I. :-,~~(Aioa of r.%diownvc propaga- ti~n, and under the supervision of' in the Section for radiotechnolow ASSCCI~TIUIT: .~ot given 'P- ~'Z,'TLT Bi: SUB11ITTED: AVAIMBLE.- Librai-y of Congress Card 2/2 GLIEbOV, Ceralld iinitriyovich; SHMISHU, V.I., rod.; i~OiL`jl~C)V, N.I., toklin. r66. - [Absorption of gases by active meta.131 FoUloshchenie C,,--zo-., nktivn~mi metrilani. MoAva, energ.ivd-vo, 183 P. (Mlil 15:2) (Aboorption') (Clettel-B) ~~ j I I -~ "") S/I 94/6 I/G 00/0 10/05 6/0C2 D23'9/DJO--I. J i(., it',; Lill -.ori 1: Y I TIAE TO C Imolo,-" for ~)re jmr i~ -.v 1) -11 1: i- all(! a ti Hy (.) I' L 1 i~, f r pro!) (- r P:] " 101) V" J': iI'(-.Ferativny,, zimi-mJ., ,io. 10, 1.961, 14, ai--,!;Lract If) D07 01 LioI-uj)I'QVO(.!- iiii: pri~.,ory -L* il,h prii:ieiieniye, no, o' ~~Ov. rad- ie, 1960, 143-153) T EXT '211,- tc.clinclo"Y ol* 1-.1al~a-11,- a-p-ri L"'Ic alloy -,uetiiod is describ&, vfxLue o~' :2:~acc~ Lc ivities :x~ 0:)L:, inec" for t;IC and Trausi s - tors )rc.-)ar(,c'. in -J--, way (,oo( r(.-)ro('cci )UD-y -,Icc-ri( L-.1 LI c iinractrri s tics Lin(' ..,orl: in a .'re(lilency rem,,,c use 01- in C01,junctiorl It -bac- 1: LAIC -.IaI:C! Card 1/2 Teclinulu,t~~,Nj, F01- ~r('J)arj_ I)-11 LILI.01,7 D.2 3 9 /D -)01 p ~d + mtonocrvsLal- in ;:'i i-10(i 1:1ade 0:: Ic. 0. + - 1) - ~1)+ T c I I r (10vices t1i carrier-in !;j)ac(-: Pe" Lull, jecLion ix~ L I w I-ri hu t i.on of i-nouritic,- ill i---Lt:(:I-~R;(~i-a!-c-- 1, c i curvc-,.,; oi'-' ju:icLioii-caqpac~-t~ t c i't t v 1 i.. 1 t wMuh of. tlie i~iLen.ic(HaLo :~w c. f i c. r lu-IiC Lcivel, 0.. il nadc. :)y potc-atilal CL;tri')1~t,'-on cu-,-v---;.. 1~ lc Lhel in layer Ii-..; in ',::ip j-_,, I"ay-'r i"; ~d)()utc 1:,. 1*~ c The'. iIC note: coil,-)1.c:!", L."wif"lat i oil-/ 7 Card 2/2 GLKBOV, G.M., (1-. Muro ); *SMORCIGRIKO, L.G. (g. Murom) m Do we need two different nreenurea for the mnin air pi-peo of the TGM1 diesel locomotive? Elok. i tepl. tiaea 2 158. (MIM 12: 4) 1. Starshiy inziiener-konstruktor Muromekogo teplo-vazostroitell- nogo zavoda (for Glebov). 2. SborochT*ry tsekh Mximmskn~, toplo- vozostroitellnogo zavoda (for Sidorchenko). (Diesel locomotives) (.Air DiT)eS) GLEPOV, G. N. Industrial operation of the fishing fleet Moak-7a, Plshch,9promizlat, 1953. 195 P, (54-38798) SH283.G55 KLYKOV, Androy Alekseyevich; -prjtrT-ed.; jVnit"An, Yu.S., red.; TIOKHIN, L.M., [Concise dictionarv of terrm iispd in fishoryl Krotkii iilovpr' ryb~)tskikh T)romyt3lovykh slov. Mosll:~vn, 1959. iR p. (MIRLA 12:1-0) Obinsian (Fi she ri6s--L)ict iom-,rias) GLE-BOV, I. Prevent the Infection of grain. Muk,elev.proio. 20 no-6-30 Je '54. Omu, 7:8) 1. Dnepropetrovskoye oblastnoye upravleniye G)"hl. (Seeda--Disinfection) - I I : -------- ZAVALISHIN, D.A.; GLEBOV, I.A. quick-acting control of ti-in voltaga boo!itor in thii excitation system of high-power hyArolvenerators. Bloktlrootln no.111-64-71 156. (MIRA 1-2-12) (Electric gonaratora) 8(6) ! :-.' 0 ', f1 11 - 15 '4 - I - --, , Al 4 r a n s 1 a t -: t~ -. f r ~) m : R (! f u ra t ij r r. iE I e k, . r r, f. e k k i r i -"K ~1 , P? I , p -7 1S S FO AUTHOR: Glebov, 1. A. TITLE: Excttiticn Sy.,iteing for Ma'-Y cry PERIOD"CAL: Tr. N,1ezhvuzov-31,.. ko7fcren~zii-k i.,~ elektrnp(,.rf,dacLtm, 1956, Seldg. 3, L. , 1957, pp, 3-16 ABSTRACT: groups of spec'al excitation Schemes arc! cc-!q;(1e7cc!: 1 - Separate cxcitati:)n a7~.d !-. -- golf Th,~ follo--,ing schcrntni aze br:efly described: (1) a scheme with iin excitc- and a pilot vx(--.~'tor the common shaft %v-th the main-ge-ierator rot.or; (Z" ~1 tscherric 11."W-1 an synchrc,nous generator and will, a se.--,~ate high,jpeed excited 'et; (3) it three- mach ne excitati3n systern witii ,. booster machine that waS i!sed for the Lrst time af tl,e Ct-~aEtang and Otirriirsi-ieim szati-~-ne '_-i Fra,,,.cel- (4, d S0LCMC, suggested hy the ''Elektrosi-la` vii-th two comnivta,(.7 booster field co-itrolled 1-, hig,~.-capacjLy tj,y~rjtf,.j: Card 1/3 !~ov! i I,! - 59 - 1 Excitation Systems for High-Capacity Synchrar)rjus Machinery schenic which can be used wht.-C !1('VL!re excitatio- forcing is neederl; (6) .1 separate ionic excitation wiO, two groups of valves deviAoped by the ''Elektreprivod'' trust and by the "Ura!(:1ekt.:-oap,7-,rat'' p!a-it: joirtly the "Elektrosila" plant for a number of gene-,ators at tht! lcuybysh,~.v hydroelectric station; (17) a syitem with or~e group of ignitrons con:ierl-ted iii a simple 6.1)~_-i!je schenie developed by t,',.(! "Elekt:-cmJI.:,," plaril, KB MF"P, Leneri~rgu, and 1EIM AS USSR, with participatic-ri of s(;rne wni-kers of t!~,(! Svir' hydrcelectric stations; (8) a scheme with two serries-councc-te(I grou.l,,-, of v.-.tlv(!5 s:~pj,.I-ed b'y an auxiliary synchronou3 generator; (9) a :icheme with ::,t!r1ti(-(ir.Juctor valves and with an inductor-type high. freq-_iericy generator on a corranon shaft with the main turbine -geu--rator rot.or, (10), an excitati,_n s~,titem with. tiern'conductor. valves, with slip rings, suggested for .9-uperpower turbir,e-g~:rl~,rat:~rs by Professor D. A. Zavajishin jointly viiLl-_ the authar of ',Lis alticle. The costs cf installations i_-s;rig 8chemes (1) and ~2) aire coi-yicared fir different. Card 2/3 SOV,'I 1 1~ - ~9-1. 54 4 Excitation Systems for lii~lfk-(;ap-icity rprns. An exterral cl,.ara.cleristic is presented fr)v iciierne ~f)) (-;0, tvvo groups of ionic valves) A,~.-ich Corresponds tn K -1 forcing watc the r-ated field current in tl-c rna"-. geTleritor Advartages disadv.-t-,1ge" (~f s(Of-excila":, r,.,ted, Ind pri-.cipal meatni,,r(!~, !c~.!di;ig Lu Olf- reliJbil"tv W-ii-- Ispecifically, of ser;e.9 booqt~-,.g arrc- heted. AppEcable to the 4,-)r;c syStern bo~)c!fing tra~sff):7rri-:!)7S , rnet'--cds fr-- selecitirig the tra ,sfr-rt-ne r -rati-o oi-,tiniurri valtie developerl b,:,- Oe a-uthor are briefly set f~)rth- Adva--tageq -if' : ex~-- :t"Iti-- a re ~!.At!tl, ~-erner, q to the electrical industry wlose acce,'jftiice "vol"Ad 9-.!cCessf...~ applicatio- of t~e ~:ew excitatic'n S,,,sterns are A . A . V. Card 3/3 AUTHUR: Glebov, I. A. (LeninGrad) 211--,--1-3 2/55 TITLE.- IndeDendent ionic excitation by me,~as o` bridge circuits. (liezavisimoye ionnoye vozbuztjdeniye s dvum,ya mostovymi skhemami preobrazovaniya), PERIUDICAL: Izvestiya kkadeiaii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleiiiye 11'erhnicile.131',ildl Nauk, 1957, No-9, pp.162-166 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For increasing the reliability and ease of operation of ionic excitation systems of synchronous i.-)].terziators, it is convenient to use for this purpose senled sir-ij~le-,Inode rectifier valves. In view of the inadequate current ratings and inverse voltaLes of such valves, it may be necessary to use two equal rectifier circuits connected in parallel or in series in the case of alternators of large power ratings. A parallel connected circuit, shown in Fig.1, has been proposed by tfie TsKB of the Elektroprivod Trust for installation in the 3-,alinWad hydroelectric power station. A series connec-~ed dircuit, Fig.2, has been proposed by "Elektrosila" and by the Electro-Mechanical Institute (Institut Ele~:tromek-haniki) as one of the variants for excitinE ler6e power hydraulically driven generators. In both cDsLs rri Card 1/3 awdiliary- synchronous alternator mounted or. the shaft of Pj~-9-32/33 Independent ionic excitation by means of tvio-rectifie~r bridge circuits. -, .1 the main alternator is used as the powex source; excitation of the auxiliary alternator can either be effected by an independent circuit or by the method of s elf -e-,cc itation. The main drawback of the series circuit consists of the. higher losses in the arc gaps, it has, 'llowever, the advantage that operation can continue -NJA*)1i one gToup of rectifier valves after puttinG the group out of operation (Fig.2). In the case of increased peak excitation voltages, the rating of the !iupply source can be reduced by separate control of the anodic and cathodic groups of valves (the possibility of dolii[,r this was suggested by Ye. L. Ettinger), since in the case of such control the excitation current flows fo.'V a certain time only through the valves and not through the supply source; the disadvantage of such a control is that the stator will have even harmonies in addition to the odd ones. In this paper the fundamental relations are derived for a system of ionic excitation with two-rectifier bridge circuits for the steady state operation of the main alternator and Card 2/3 the obtained results have been verified experimentally on GLEBOV, I.A., ~mndldat takhnichoskikh nauk; KASKELYAN, T.Te.. imzhensr. I On increasing the transient stability of long transmission systems up to the steady state level. Blaktrichostvo no.10:5-1.1 0 157. (14LRA 10:9) 1. Institut alaktromekhaniki Akademii naulr SSSR. (FrIectric power distribution) AUT,'!(JR- 1~ A IT LE, 0:-. i 'E I C L'~, A L A-~,STRAUT. Tloi:~ e 1; v , I' L C-'-' I j On the Control of Reactive Power by V'_Jve'3. rect if ier with -a series-connecte,-'. ca, :,:r-,i Li,r~ rl:.:, ;:x-jerim t 1 e n a equipment is descrAbe,,l :jnd Liie t, rA curront; CL1fWt!,J' triVII'll, They nr'~ rit ttie expcrimeritai curves. uertain fundamental d-_fficulties i~. c, :_t r,~i n circuit of this kind are described. Tl%e uat I1;orzi _)i~ un;!E!T dis- cus!jion have arrived nt wrong, c_)rclusi._1ns :il alLount of power required for control, and tte fc-r- LJs are u!.,~ i -, j,': -s ~ 4 -it ld 5 explained with reference tc) t',I~e Of the, present article. A rectifier with series ca-pacitors i-i5~ il~ 7:.u1:. reactive ower, so that for Control to Zero cu-nrent compen- satir.~z-, reactors must be "i .~i D-110'rSe vjitages will OCCUr On the V,JiVeS Un-ler c,~rta_n The t1lat it is necessary t,,) m- Cal u ~~3 ('2''I~-Aif-"If.~". and sr,own to be much greater t'rian th~~ 111---viul1~3 It could be reduced by .Lrl~;' Oti-er _r r-Dr-JI.,ens-ation for normal conditions and using' t1.,? recta'fl~,r ),.Iy for transient and fault c,~r',dit~lons. U~i",,,-L~.;~.-:'-L'Y, L~,~e d-iLialvanttge of the circuit tLen appi.-.-Ir mio-t T; u 5 Tit' a Uard2/6rectifier '.,,ith a capacitor i.,, seri-_~-, fu rther 10 - IL; - I'll/1"J, On the Control- of Reactive Power by ll~:;',ns study, particularly witi. i~',nituiori an, it".'~ C, C ~~o Ir- thc tive condition the cui-,:eid, ~,-ln t,- indur- i Y f zero , but -,noooth transiiti~lr', U.t ,t,c '~o tl,.e other ii3 not possibie. However, the t.,~trs Ito ttiave. certain advantages, and L111 IDA' A I II t, ~-J It ~s stated rectifier-invertor with jerles- CaDucitors c;in uiily work wLtl: it lo:id -I!' tl.t~ trans- foriners IiLive e, fixed rEiti.o. TLe iii~' c t i I i 4'. 1.- duces are explaiiied, T1, t: r e, t"e swile ~,erieral propertie.,; '-u.: trip i-%c'Llll'i-';~, i,r t i i.3 a i;~-Lnitnun,, cauacitative cu,.-i-ent; 'Ii is increa-ed the of trie ~2; Clecreased and smooth transitiun froii. cap.-.-LcitaUiv(, i-lil-tl. is n,D t p o ~,; s -i b I e -Ttie circui,fz, differ ln circuit c-:jn redw;e tl,,e liniitilni, vaiii(-j carrent by circulatinE active power. C-:'l----:'---" 3f active pov.-er in.-,)airs tl,e utiiisiitLon is shown in T1,u5, tilt! of-ers no advantages and ~Ls not reconiinende(J, 1% t,.at the subject r~--quires fu:-ther :~uzrk'y, Tlle article is- followed JI', uard3/Gt',.e -a Valv-. On tf,.t, uontrol of React've lv,,,er Dozent. v.A. hlel'riiicov nf Ail-UnioLt Co-~--re~3,,,.,tdence Power 1ristitutie (Vsesoyuznyy Zaocl--Lnyy Institut) considers the article interestirq.-, ;-m,.i but thinks tl~,at no new sources of reactive power 1.qv~:! bet-.1% ~ .-oposed, s--',nce only synchronous compensators or static canacitors have been considered. The article devoLes iusuf'icient attention to considerations of hai-monics. The ~ ropoiu ,1. to use induction generators in power !stations wIll. not fin(". fav,-.),ur) -'f only on grounds of cost. Particular attention ',"e .--laid t-, the possible use of automatic control. a.~ LAW-,IC r-011'a(-,f1sefs and reactors with controlled valves. Uandidate of Technical SciencesYe. Ya.. Kazovskiy of the Elektro- sila Works (Zavod "Elektrosila") tiilat U-.e equipment will be larger and more expensive tl-,an th.~- tut~,ors th 4nk. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Profes~,or X-h F. Fa:7,,ylov of the -itut linerget- '-i Energetics Institute Ac.Sc. Uzbek SSR (L:,~, ik VT Uz SSR) thinks the article imporLant, Ly colicel-ning automatic control of sWLic capacitors. R-)wev(-~rl lie rais,~s various objections to the c'ircuits proposell and feels in pa~rt- icular that they will give rise to ilal~ Ll~ Will" 13. He conl;.Wers that Uard4/6 it would be premature to recoTji.end appart.Aus of t.~As as On the Cont~rol. of ReacLive Power 'by ul "ialves. are of iov;er inertia than rotat__Lr,~,- macl,ines, t'-e,-, i-o -,, have the sa-me advantageous reservoir of ei-_erp~y Luasses. Candidate of TechnIcal Sciences L.V. Ac.S(--. Ukrainian SSR (Ali USSR) considers valve of hi~;11- power electrical circuius usinE ?-,rid h;:u., other applic,ations. For exumple, it~ slioulcl be p,~:)ssible Ilo control efft_~ctively the brakiig load of enerators in A.,ir?-'re Ve';1.0te power sta'.ions, The sclie_c,-~atic cir