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FRINKELI, S.N, , ""ei " ~ ~ 1, 1. ....................... ...... F. $I= of the !i~ii?W on wiring systems for lighting. Prom. energ, 12 no.4:35-36 Ap 157. (KLRA 10:5) (Ioninaad--Lighting--Congresses) SOKOLOV, D.V., inzh.; _f~W~~_,nauchW red.; PAKHOMOVA. M.A,. red. Lzd-va; SOMMA, LeM., tekhn. red. ;:Secondary switching in distributing equipment] Vto*richnaia ko=mL- -bateiia v rasprodelitelinykh ustroistvakh. Koskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit,, arkhIt. i stroit. materialam, 19-58, 160 A Ollectric switchgear) (MIRL Ut8) 94-1-14/24 AUTHORS: Gul', V. Ye., Mayzell, N.S., Frenkell, S.N. and Khmunin, S.F. TITIZ: The Insulation of Live Parts in Packaged and Assembled High- and Iow-voltage Equipment (Izolyatsiya tokovedushchikh chastey v komplektnykh i sbornykh ustroystvakh vysokogo J. nizkogo napryazheniya) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennava Energetika, 1958, _119 110*is pp. 29 31 ~USSR) ABSTRACT: Extensive use is now being made of prefabricated and packaged high- and low-voltage distribution equipment. In general, Soviet equipment of this kind is larger than foreign equivalents, which is wasteful in sheet steel, aluminium bus- bars, etc. Current-carrying parts are usually bare and are mounted on ceramic or plastic insulators; clearances are con- sequently large. By insulating these parts, the equipment could be made smaller. This short article describes appropriate materials and methods. Yu.F. Voronkov, N.S. Illin and Ya..N. Kaplunov participated in the development of suitable insulation. After considerable experimental work, it was decided to investi- gate a number of polymers including p.t.f.e., poly-amide resin 548, polyvinylbutyral, butadiene-styrol rubber and silicone rubber. The most suitable material was found to be poly- ethylene. In the early stages of the work, films of the Cardl/2 94-1-14/24 The Insultion of Live Parts in Packaged and Assembled High- and Low- voltage, Equipment material were applied to the conductors, but.this was not very satisfactory. The best method proved to be hot-spraying with a special pistol. Air with powdered insulating mterial in sus- pension is heated bo 0 acetylene flame so that the particles in molten and plastmaUere to and build up on surfaces with which they come in contact. used to apply insulation in this way is illustrated diagrammatically. A polyethylene layer 0.9 mm. thick was maintained in a humidity chamber for 24 hours and then tested for five minutes at a voltage of 5 kV/mm without breakdown. The material was also tested after etposure to heat, light, frost, vibration and water and iffas generally satisf&ctory. It is concluded that poly- ethylene insulation of appropriate thickness applied in this way ,,an be used in distribution equipment for 6 - 10 U. The work continues. There is 1 figure. AVAII&BLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 500) AUTHORS; Gully V. Ye., Mayzell, N. S., SOV/153-2-2-25/31 Frenkel !~~ ~N-r Illin, N. S., Kaplunov, Ta. N., Khmunint S. F., Voronkovt Yu. F. TITLE: Examination of the Use of High-molecular Substances for the Ieolation of Current Conducting Rails (Issledovaniye primeneniya vysokomolekulyarnykh veshchestv dlya izolyat- sii shin tokoprovodov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimiches- kaya tekhnologiyal 1959P Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 274-279 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A number of demands is made on the isolation mentioned in the title, which could not be satisfied for a long time. In most cases a material perfect in every way proved to be unsatisfactory with regard to one single characteristic, so that the rails mentioned in the title could not be isolated. A uniform point-of-view concerning the electric break-down of high-molecular compounds is lacking at present. The authors presume that the electric field strength at whicb a high-molecular compound breaks down, is mainly determined by peculiarities of the chemical structure of the macro- Card 1/3 molecules, further by the structure of the material Examination of the Use of Higb-molecular Substances SOV/153-2-2-25/31 for tho Isolation of Current Conduating Haile based upon a high-moleoular compound, as well as by n num- ber of external factors which are connected vituh tie application of the relevant,products. By confronting the values of a total polarization (electronic, ionic, and structural), it is possible'to estimate the'suitability of a material with a certain chemical composition. The struc- tural polarizationj first established by F. P. Kobeko, is characteristic of caoutchouc and caoutchouc-like materials. The purpose of the present paper is an attempt to use high- molecular materials of such composition and mode of applica- tion which meet all demands for isolating the rail surface. Butyl-caoutchouc, butadiene-styreiie-caoutchouc, silicon- caoutchouc, polyamide-resin 548, polyvinyl-butyral, poly- tetrafluoro-ethylene (fluoroplast), and polyethylene were used. A device was set up for testing the resistance to electric breakdown. All requirements of GOST-664-41 were satisfied during the tests. only the test voltage was in- creased to 3,500-5,000 v instead of 2vOOO v. First of all the m e t h o d a o f a p p 1 i c a t i o n o f t h e Card 2/3 1 s o 1 a t i o n - c o a t i n g t o t h e a a m p 1 e Examination of the Use.of High-molecular Substances SOV/153-2-2-25/31 for the Isolation of Current Conducting Rails were discussed. All types of coatings were tested for heat-, frost-, light-, and ozone-resistanoe, and for vibration. Tables I and 2 show that the isolation on the basis of polymer substances, applied in molten state on a heated metal surface, differs from other isolation methods with polymers of increased electric strength. The authors propose a rational method of isolation for the conductor- rail, that is the application of molten and sprayed poly- ethylene particles on a heated rail surface. There are 2 tables. I ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheakoy tekhnologii imeni M. V. Lomonosova; Kafedra fiziki (Moscow Institute for Fine Chemical Technology imeni M. V. Lomonosov; Chair of Physics) SUBMITTED: December 16, 1957 Card 3/3 SOKOLOVt D.V.p inzh.;.FREIIKELI, S.N., inzh.t nauchi3yy red.; ARSENIYEVA, Z.N., red. izd-va; GOL-4-BERGTT-.M. 9 tekhn. red. (Establislment of secondary commutation in electric systems) Montazh vtorichnoi kommutatsii v silovikh oloktroustanovkakh. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po strait., arkhit. i stroit. materialam~ 1961. 302 P. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Russia(1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnow upravlenVe po proizvodstwu elektromontazhnykh rabot. (Automatic control) (Electric driving) - -0-0004 00000000000000*000-06 I I 1 4 1 4 1 4 9 It Is Q u 4 Is * 0 0 a 00 A ?~F-N KC L' 0o 000600600000000#! A2 11 1? .Olleff,IrIff 00 9 danow awd iWAIMI, RIAU. Ain. 1911. "Itmobewif(i4til ~lth Cl i,, 00 z 00 go 0011 40*04094swow wOr a 34 a b v 2 x a it a 0 al Air* 00 -00 1** -60 me* =o 0 zoo go -00 ANO 0 ago ago woo as* -00 too we it A MITAL141"K0 LITEROW9 CLAStWKATWN tse 0 woo sit&)$ OK do. III tie* AA J. ad 0 A I I N a a a U AT In A z a cm, cr 4 of KW n I 0 0 e o 0 0 0 0 :14P 1. BUNDELIJ A.A.i VAYNBERG, V.I.t DOBROLYUBSKAYA., T.S.: ZOLIMSKIY, V.V.: PEKERPIAN, F.M,: SMIRNOVA, R.G.i TROFIYjOV, A.K.: FRENKELIR S.P. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Electric Lighting, Fluorescent. 7. Development and study of luminophors based on phosphates for luminescent lamps* Izv. ILN SSSR, Ser.fiz. 15 No. 6, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January .1953. Unclassified. 1. FRENKE:',' , S. P. 2. ITSSR 1:6()0) 4. Pacva.,r:Lng 7. Sone problems in econordzing auxiliary materials. Tabak 13 no. 5, l?52 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January .1953. Unclassified. FRMMI, S.,P Improve the organization of package transpnrtation of piece- crated cargo. Rech,transp. 19 no.1:14 ja 16o. (KIRA 13:5) 1. Starshiy inzhener-takhnolog Gor1kovskogo porta. - (Cargo handling) o0 00 OOU 0 10 10 1., 0 IL Mo $f- loo o00 =00 too Zoe "o* XO4 no* !wm6uab. 'J. A. 'aamaw, xwmw. J., ),INK or I ow r lall Sk lu--~ for irbkh TURIL isiod Is dw-iiW. S 0 - I L A AlIVALLUAGOCAL 1.11111ATURI CLAIMPKA110" 11P a lp It 0 it It a a ft it it 40 40 0 0 0 0 1000140 Ole 0404pe *0 is 00 0 0 Igoe "a ;IKA 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 a 0 ego * 0 0 e 0 e 00160 *so a 40 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 DtiumiNiolka, og a4rie-nallne b7 tho motha,I'd ift(leP cenco In the praticture of protefila Rnd other willstances.. S. R. Fienkel lu%t., Kharkov). Ukraill. 'GiCkAiw. Rtmiait, 358-OX 195Q.-The fluoreicent' of gArtitallm ONXI, the jmy,,i1bi1!t y for O~e (!,!Vv1OP~, meut oi a mediad ftw Itti detit. bit m. nim spNific llk,,~6 thmn !thtnL(,thodnowCevA:mUyu".' Theobstadentoovercome' t taberelit in the jKluence of certrin protein and other sat4taums wbich Mal vranate an intmw ble.6h ilwec~_ Ptv, vmro made to rtmoliv mich scro"ILIri'l Attem 11HOM-ftOt WSWAMAO., Withatit. ANCiltij tile A&MLlint ' CitatACt" WW 1VQtCnt It VVP.S fCAtnd A"t (1) WHIA12 steld MAJOval th P(otel"S but not the Other ' idit. the -pivence of owsaxte In the win. dk* not tiffect oriflud Auarescituft of the udrenatin!, (2) RtOJI potd. - the'blooti, prowins wV4 tM greater phrt of- other wcoad"Y 4 _ rZect upon fluarebdar, dubOA4.-" writhout Itsving -any tile e '"Reta "d Aucrewrice of adrCardine. k3) CCIj- O i vith- M 4droyed th* fluorescrtive of edmailine, N (S otit dtAtrovivic t1be a&xnallne ItseM. (4) (NHAS04, like W&CM11, do% not. destroy the'adievalicie, but in ciricas. sufficiant tv imw0wit The wmdary Humming substances it E, divrofs, the fluamoorm of atircuklivie. (6) Acircuallue Is - " Opro" ijilporbel aihnftt to ve y on A1(011)p "ditan be a i I i n ts not- ioylut--Ir eluted, frm Ircm.fatafering sub3tatices ,MR1 flumewmC.-strAta. (6) The dtgree of fluores,=ce ; ainavaud, Win proportion o.the a4reaane coacti. JLS. UvIne ..jAc ''7 .4~ i~. t: r-." .0 !24 wid wallel') _1111togett ef Moud ptolold in V1 5,. epilepsy Attel their ditpostic r1kn1ficAncii. S. R. VrrA el k t and R. V; Konikova. (C-entntl Neuck-,-POilMr Hosp."~ 10 MinistrY Of Cccifitudicatfun3 U.S.S.R., K ba. kov). Mran. VMS,) Lklaw6rd fm~ Flutumint (1) bloowt content ii ob- wvcd tripalarly hi the diffezvut !ylks of epilepsy. This is ulsn true of the blood of tpilelitics who itid beut Ir!c from, selzutes (cc itevusl yeftrs. StatNtleni 4 the low- ettd blood I values established thzir siguitice-nm in j-claulon to the dlimm. The correswuIdtaice betwuen the rks f I rft o Inwtruts and[ the severity fuld durati,,n d the ilLicitse W-A only slightly lnd1cdtlvr, In mws sinfering frijin t cac Ile V", !iv " - _"' ' P . :. ' neuroses and of ulcus no elsmificant luAtrin; tit the freel ".0- i bloW glutmine wAs obwvvd. but higher vat-Its w4re t en "It ered In tpi!ep*-, orc. brain ditow-9, and it hepa titis die hydrolyst% of outtIde NA of blood prcttlm; ruot also Atddled, In nomal human.4 tit- itydrolytic splittin f off 4 "E" f4lis in vrhoM hemolyzed blood was comp!eted tit t-4-6 Th e WL4 true in Casts of org. brair. discas A e s= _m' f I, Ile wturoses. autl certain othe; d'hwAses. in tPutpil tuAl Nits rg,off Is ComplFtcd In litt 60 M1.1. ardJess (if tht: lnttn-. reg of; and dtu OM Of thO (TiMLSe. CP-%C3 Or NHI hICITa3e in epileptk blood dttr 60 min, of hydrollytic actio i -tr-,7 ely. Th(. diaprst_L~ sigriiicano! tf the r enCVUnpnd only rw fin 1W6 in eltses of sunperted epilepsy Is p(Anted out D. S. L;:vie "Hodifications in the Adrenal Glands in the Course of Intoxi- cation by Nitrochlorobehzene~" by S. R, Frenkel, Biochemical Diboratory, Ukraine Central Institute oT-Uh1_o_r_Rygiene, and Occupational Diseases (director, Docent I. I. Semernin), Fama- kologiya i Toksikologiya, Vol 20, No 2, Mar/Apr 57, pp 6377- Experiments were conducted on male and female rats in which intoxi- cation was induced by single subcutaneous administrations of nitrochloro- benzene in doses of 500-600 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. The .effect of the intoxication on the adrenal system was determined by a com- parative analysis of the content of free adrenalin and adrenalin loosely bonded with proteins in the systems of normal and intoxicated animals. The analysis revealed a sharp diminution in the synthesis of adrenalin by the glands and an increase in the expenditure of the adrenalin after the intoxication. The complete absence of adrenalin in the glands found in a number of cases can be regarded as a result of the functional ex- haustion of the glands after,tbe intoxication by nitroeblorobenzene. (U) FREMLI, S.R* -, Simple constant-proseare gasometer and its utilization for phvololo- gical and toxicological experiments. Biul.eksp.biol. I med. 48 no.10i104-106 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz biokhimicheekoy laboratorii Ulcrainakogo inatituta gigiyeny truda i proftabolevanly (dir. - dots. I.$. Semernin), Khartk-ov. FSredstavlena deyetvitellnym chlenom AMU SSSR V.N. Chernigovaim. (GASBS) yRnnull, Semen Mumlevich, frezerovshchik; RADZWII'3a, Sergey Sergeyerich, .. ~ I- - nLvwhnyy~ rea#-fL tbPOWSKIY, D.Ta., red.; ROGACHW, F.Ts, red.; RAKOV, S.I., ;ekhn. red. [Handbook for the young milling-machine operator] Spravochnik molodogo frozerovshchika. Moskva, Vies. uchebuo-pedagog..izd--Yo Tradrazer7ixdat, 1958. 459 p. (KIM Utg) (Milling machines) FRENKELI,, Semen Shmullyevich; PASTUKHOV, V.M., nauobnyy red.; ROGACHEV, 1?.V.0 red.; SOROKINA, S.L., red.; DORODWOVA, L.A., takhn. red. [Laboratory exercises and problems on milling work) LaboratormVe raboty zadachi po frezernomu delu. Moskva, Vaes. uchabno- pedago izd-vo Proftekbizdato 1961. 180 1). (NIRA 15:3) Wling machines) (Tecbnical education) -FRENKEL-1 j, Semen Shmul -'Yeviabj- RODZEVICH, S.S., nauchrqy red.; red.; TOKER, A.M.# tekbn. red.. (manual for young milling machine operators]Spravochnik molo- dogo frozerovshchika. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Proftekh- izdat, 1962. 459 P. (MIRA 15;12) (Milling machines) (Metal cutting) FMiKELIP S. V. (Engr) ""Experience of Manufacturing and Installing Plug Busbars; Conductors, " a er read at the Conference on Nev Designs for Busbar Conductors, Elektrichestvo, No. , pp 88, 89, 1950 Tranelation W-2.3653,, 23 -4ug 52 FIENKELI., S.YA., SHAMM. L.G., K010MVINS L.N., PMMV, L.H. Use of active widis. for shaping and strengthening synthetic fibers. Report presented at the 13th Conference on high-molecular compounds Moscow, 8-U Oct 62 ---CA I J%dv -, - .. be allutowe of siesch .S I a 11 11 " 11 I &hips IQ, 4w-bl? %W) -~-;A IV ii- 111,416.1y 01 1 1 Tbo" ~'i ., trylvor-with M I.trffl~rfo " '. . ~4. 1 . 1-111 1 S. Ya. 2. US3R (6oo) J~. Proteins 7. 1-Teasurement of the molecular weight of proteins by the M-ethod of light scattering in solutions. Blokhimiia 17 no. 5. 14~2. 9. Monthl Lists of Russian Accessions, Library of Ccrwgress, February 1953, Unclassified FREVIKEL, S. Ya. Fortschritte Auf Dem Gebiet Der Untersuchungen Uber Den Bau Der Starke. Berlin, Akade.,Pje Verlag, 1953. Translation from the Russina: "Uspekhi v oblasti Isucheniya Stroyeniya Krakhm. alo." "Literaturverzoichnis": p. 61-63. 9/5 717.3 .f8 FR;~N'Ki-l,l ,YA. Defended his Dissertation for Candidate of Physical-l-lathemLtical Sciences, Institute of High Xfolecular Compounds, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Leningrad, 1953 Dissert,,ttion: "Investigation of the Molecul-ir lleight Distribution in Rubberlike Polymers" SO: Referativnvy Zhurn.-tl Khimiya, No. 1, Oct. 195) (W/29,55, 26 Apr 54) Enrymic mynthusis af-& caide "nds unde: 1,7"Vkre' Wz,"M 1 53) er prmiure 3 thousand Atlli it is posmitik to mumt the =Vlelyilc tractimi Into A ~rccu." of syna4lia. a-I'4,Gluzof-IAe wAi thui syii L~mtcd Y two tllet~o'48 lics'aibed. Vrlilke the mi- d Frown %ynM~ds, ~u high mot, punducts cimid he. obtairittl Ott- C-'Xus~~ e( the I'Na tj dextthtogr-lic activity, amyla4rs Pre lpefftctive gA catnlysts In the n( Itwtsin mols. by mpals at &n uh-rarmtd- I aga of Lho molacalar xd,-bi ilh!, !b atin of V-1 vmprx. uap, 1"wi ;i, Y Fvr- ti I A ,iw-Tl~,A:, ,n--11 k,e SOJA ,vlog molo~rukr w-0a di-II 61,11i I ,~ ;,i hiviar p-:AY Mf* in 1'. in% polwmer ~1, d I-rro;v And gating t-ach Willi (lm 171o!tiir~ fho ch'tt6bution fimetionA of "nmuinfm far cwh fmctioa mud wiln"ILV'r't multurittio-il of curvvwto build iip the diAiRrifirai f.,uirAicn o! ~Iiq 1 -1, imentadon conji"'Itr of tK -,Olole polymori &q reivery of a ~ew;-.Csl f(Inctirmal roIntion fvtwccn vidl m-mt4&t,.,jn coniwntu and moL~ulur %vightn fur i~ Givvnii-crieiMpolymer harnolo,,pic-s; and comImption ai the dLtribution ftmotion of Nveigliza of jjr 1, L P" I USSR t dLotibutlan of polymers. S. R. YA.-rQd(-1Mb-11YL ana 2~ 4Aur. 23. l52j_UKj053)-- -~,W bbv wLre sekotil: 2 butadicne polyrners with p asticity D.Z] unti 0.26 and I low4nol. (plasticity 0.5) b4stadicne-sty"ne i copolymer (Buna-S). A rnol.-wt. distribution was ob- tained by fractionrd pptn, by methanol froak benzene solas, The fractlErm werL dried in aL vacuum and weighed, Their mol,wts.wtmdtt4. by,and diffusion of light. The resuhing step curve of distribution wa.'s smoothed out and comparcil to the curve obtained from; ultroctutriluge data by the method dextibed in the prewl- ingaintruct. The bater giv" more details about tbe dL"rl-! butirm cnive. The cakn. of corrections, included In them method, I- given In detail. S. Pakswer Fmnl, S. ),ae The molecula weight of plr rin "Mukarov and 81. Ya,:jrej kel 16,1't, I Ic I-, In ('011 Acad. SOL' Ii R:,-jL,61-,Fn ik-5--i-I W "I, i m . n""a tltlbi).~,Stdi~ at! comitq. and mol. wts. on ~ of two plasteins were detd. The ptasteins provecl t~ bc polydispersed low-mol. lientidgs with an av. mol. wt. of .9 about 5M. The fractions in pla%teln compris. reported by others are explainable an (lie basis nf .secondary . aggregation. PIPAtchis rontaja~no licavy-mol, fractions. The formula of'Cinfreund aral"OllLon fCal. 43. 6259D yielded correct mlimentation cousts. for low-mol. polypeptide3. Calcu. of mol. wt. on the basis of distribu. tion In the diffusion layer close to the bottom can be made with the aid of the barometric Bol=ntfu., trMla. D. S. Levin L polymm with m tro- Centrifuge. 0. Y14, Frtn ?Amr, IM. Fi:. 24, 2169- TI unct ous obtalsted on a monfrac- 11011HUd *3111ple Uft Winpared With diritributivils Obtallivil by the 111011M of cipliv. 01111-Man 16-41fibliflom (e,pi.) vf, V.A. 40,302000. The nitibcA Inow)MA In 0111 p"Ill:r - 11-1 fasliii It lim (unctional drimudcrict ot tile sed till ~litatlott mist, Ott tile I M01. Wt. 3 kiltnVil, 1101VOVer t!,CjI, J~q till: t,illy prislible ".0thEK11 It wiverAl chrm. compffs. ore prucut. S. PASIVer mom 02 USSR/ ChemIstry Linear polymrs Card 1/1 Pub. 1,18 1/7 ,Authors Frankel, 6, Ya. Title Study of linear polymrs with the help of an ultracentrifuge Periodic&]. : Usp. fiz. nauk 53/2,.161 - 243., June 1954 Abstract : Study of linear polymers by the method of an ultracentrifuge is described. The polymers were considered with respect to four chaxacteristio para- meters. The four parameters are as follow, 1. A mean molecular weight; 2. A degree of".the polydispersion determined by the manner of distribu- tion of molecular weights; 3. A degree of the brancMng; and 4. An elasticity of the polymeric chains. Kirkwood's, Risaman's Debaye's, Buache'B, Flory's Fox1a and theories of some other authorities were .taken into account during the studies and derivatiou of the results, 126 references, Diagraw;.tablesj graphs. Institutilm Submitted ---------- m ad thl, -4* - We4ht wit the ptolA, ti m *e cealer of et and MA, IL _ P - Njuk -S.S.3,P. V61 4Wj , ~ ."t ?~ la , ~ In tpil rn, I - m k h~ ct,fibiging 'Y,15 cvntllm~d 6-11 hr.i. 4!,''OF-10 r.P,m. Ofter neklificitIM% to pfj 3 and ex:%mri. cl a spqdnten -ALt" f ttm 'he upptr part d the tO lfr,!t. p,ot~lm lbowed t!;%t the rimAmIt's riv mil.l. ixt. (2t M, Thi, ma" a[ h4 I -1, 1, which was tn)V 1~dm-t f"-% 1 TI't bi, a factor of !(~ 2-0. A cwttro! mm. in hich -hoft tr, 1 '11' was Uented siunihrly. alto ho-d a -7,~zk acti,tty in l" f-Rctian of Ittir mol. ~,t t.Aken fr~ni the uppcr dh, tiltmCtntritup Cn1l; tl.;~, ' than that for -cirnt,t. A myogen ras hydrolyred by ~-nht-d ~m- of rhyrnott.~P%in to the extint of T-hich tilt prr,~I, was tiltraceritrif-agi~d as .thfi,z. It, rl,i~ ~a,f (he control ga no enrymic activity, Chile the hyd-:~m,l sr,~cimen ~Itac (ions of 10~ MCI wt ') gholv(-d a rcdtw-ti~' n of ~nzytwc actm. hy mily 4.GM. T hu,, flit fj-dt, r kt:00~~ I, tt, r, is ?, Aerved to a :on6l.,ah1c -.t w -r.. -all f ' . 'I!., " , ~ , ,I V , !hp. prutoin I", I!, ,, ;~', pictrl"d t.o ct, f ,77 C', Yet LeThe lavestl au t Itto mutton ruc,oalivulm 0~ p tijlar Weirfitt; In the products. S. L. IJMLr a,id Ivilich arL lw~ iflullifficd, ~iclc Allto Lite compotivii" ~f varlvu~ mul. wt, by an oil siltww~c~i, triltige at 40,(Xv) r.jv*.m. (100,OW X C).Ilic tctijp. durhig thL nins ilever rose more than 0.5' and was l,t:twcvn 15 aud 18', 'rllC difflISIOD CI)4. was dctd. in art app. where the tLinp. could t)--- kept wna.~ to :LO,OW', and Me vixosity wa~-, all v2ducs ii the sp. Vol. of polystyrene hi Me rt ketone of -9 - A- --- - Study ;I Ike poteln re-erest of OIL, 144Y6 by the' OvAcom. t9ifogo mothO. V. L. Kwavich. T. 1. Smirafiva, wO S. VJL. Vmkel (A~ N, 1141L Intt. "(OcNctu, N(43%mw). IM:, of soya cotyledon% were Iyophilized and Mtn studit-4 an- alytic-alty witli the a1dot theultra"ntrif-4;e. Tbeathumin fraction comlited of a honv4enuus protein atut a comrgwa- uvdy low vtwl. polydiiperted admiNt. The vdicaematimz VI(S VIMPNIO'k IVA Wal 1-9,q *O,()W S- ThC KICC wt. of Ot 43,~k couipmitrtt was 10,("); wid of the low trol. udmixt. 6,(W. Tht eUttlin fracth;it cf,nsisted (4 2 zedi- talutation compat-Outs h4vifjg cotfk. 14.0 And 9.0 S. The tuoL irt. of Vic rutopojient~t was 3&)XV0 amd 126.000, se5p. In the vrt~trjce of eystZin'. the coem- cat S"BZ4 a for -.111kh.7 - 10.7 and r its MCI. wt. was 145,OW., The otigin of the diuatter was detd. by tfie formation of certz-4a highly ttbilc boads, when MCI was W-Wed to the pCotaLwo dissolve.4 in water In the vtsknct of cirsteine the pcotefa morted tro Its origiusl itate. ~;t' USSR/Chemistry of fligh Molecular F Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Khimiya, ITO. 81 27o64. ~7 Author Bresler S.Ye., Dolgoolosk, B'A.~ Kroll, EA., Fi,,&-nk&11' S.Ya. Inst Title Reactions of Free RQJicals in ScAution.-I. V. Destruction of Polymcr Molecules und;~- Inf-Jaence! of Free Radicals. Orij, Pub: Zh. obshch. llchimli, 1956, 261 Y10. 872201 - 2209. Abstract: The reactions of free radicals (forming in the result of dissocia'Gion of alkylpenyltriazenes and of dinitryl of aziisobutyric acid) with natural rubber, synthetic polyisoprdne and al- vinyl polymer were studied In 2 wide range of concentrations, The reactions of these polymers Card 1/3 A1,7 /, 1e' ~~ S- ------------------------------------------------------------I------------------------------------------------------ USSR/Chemistry of High Molecular Substances. F Abe Jaur: Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No. 89 1957, 27064. with S2CI2 were studied also. The polymer destruction. take 9 place in all cases I the de- composition of the polymer chains occurs without any order, and the probability of a rupture at any menbmer link Gf the polymer is the same. It is established that intramolecular vulcani- zation does not take place at the action of free radicals an polymtrs under the conditions under which the reactions have been carried out. In the opinion of the authors, the destruction proceeds in two stages: l/ tearing ,, an H-atom away from the polymer with the formation of the polymer radical and 21 dissociation of the poly- mer radical with the formation of the diene group- ation on the end of the chain and of the allyl radical. The authors arrive at the conclusion Card 2/3 Y "Thermal destruction of avriouo acrylic a i~ai;er presentQd at ',*,.,ie ',:~th Cono~ess on, the Chenistry and Physics of High rolyme---s, 2'. Jo-1-2 Feb 57, Polymor Researell-, Inst. B- I "A 9 5 - r - I- -T- - - L -- -- T ii-,11'~;, -0-. - , Jiiol ~,, 1. "OcattcrinG ractiono on mtol orGunic u paper Presuilted at the c"Illi Congress on the Chemistry and llliysl~G of Iliu,lli 20 Jun- 2 Feb 57~ Moscow, llol,,m-i--r Research Inst. B- _;,084,395 T F- GORBACHEYA, L.B.; BRISUR, S.Ye.i,,YRXHUL' S.Ya. Morphological chan a in proteins and denaturation phenomena. blokbiniia 22 noel 2:70-83 Ja-1 157. (MIRA 10:7) 1. Institut biokhtaii in. A.N.Bakha (Moskva) i Inatitut vysoko- malekulyarnykh soyedinenty Akademli nauk SSSR (Leningrad). (BLOOD PROTEINS, morphol.changes & phenomena of denaturation (Rus)) Fl- 1-~ jl, VIV-1x- 91M. v p C;) cl~~t, the of Me let 1-4 cry-':&E,- wih VICI-I't. !w"yTvur,'4t.i;red Jer r~, in-,%,,~ t!!'1 Uu h Mid rolal, 1~ -ulw~ n r7w 6~c FRENZEL', S. Ya. with S. Ye. Bresler "Considered the configuration of the individual elobular protein to be metastable" reyort _weseuted at the IM AU-URUM C=f * OU Rl6UY MOISCUlW COMPOUnd3 9 B10109leduy Active POIYvgw - adsp Pbscovp U-13 JUS 1VA- (Vest. Ak Fauk SSEM, 2958, No. 9p Im. V AUTHORz Samsonovat T.I.p Frenkell, S.Ya. 69-20-1-10120 TI~Mj Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Polydispersity of Some Ethyl- cellulose Specimens (Gidrodinamichoskiye kharakteristiki i polidispersnost' nekotorykh obraztsov etiltsellyulozy) PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, # 1, pp 67 - 79 (USSR) ABSTRACT& For investigation of the technical properties of high poly- mers it is important to know their average molecular weight and the degree of polydi8persity. These properties are sufficient- ly known for nitro- and acetyl-cellulose, but for ethyl-cellu- lose the corresponding values are not available. It is the purpose of the investigation represented in the article to supply these values. The technical ethyl-cellulose is not homogeneous according to chemical composition and degree of polymerization. For investigation specimens of industrial ethyl-cellulose were used, which were purified from mineral admixtures by passing a 1% solution through activated coal. In fig. 1jthe diffusion factors, the sedimentation constants the characteristic viscosities in two solvents, the oxidation Card 1A conditions, and the ethoxyl number of the different specimens 69-20-1-10/20 Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Polydispersity of Some Ethylcellulose Specimens are represented. The average molecular weight is calculated by combining different hydrodynamic parameters. The difference of the diffusion factors D jm and D is an indication of a con- siderable polydispersity o the spicimens. The polymers under investigation are relatively low-molecular. Their molecular weight dova not surpass 70 : 103- In oxidation the molecular weight is reduced, i.e. oxidation leads to the destruction of the polymer chain. In the analysis of the polyd18persity of the specimens by the method of equivalent Gauss distributions it is assumed that the sedimentation diagrams form a Gauss curve. This is true (Fig. 2), but modifications in the low- and high-molecular branches are present. The hydrodynamic characteristics are shown in fig. 7 and 8, where the logarithmus of the sedimentation constant 1g s and the logarithmus of the charqcteristic viscosity lg Cq 3.aroe dependent on the loga- rithmus of the molecular weight 1g M. It is shown that [q ~ = (2.82*10_5M) deciliter/gram and Card 2/4 so - (4.6*lo- 2 M1-0*65) Svedberg units 69-20-1-10/20 Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Polydispersity of Some 2thylcellulose Specimens For both ethyl-cellulose solutions in ethyl-acetate the Staudinger formula is valid. If the pyran rings are oonsidered as the kinet- ic elements of the chain, the effective length of an ethyl-cellu- lose link equals 25 angstrom, which is only of that of nitro- cellulose. This is an indication of the higher elasticity of the ethyl-cellulose molecules and corresponds well with its macro- scopic properties (relative stretching of ethyl-cellulose films 30~, but nitro-cellulose only 5-8~). Fig. 9 shows the dependence of the logarithmus of diffusion lg D on the logarithmus of the molecular weight lg M. In table 3 the values of this function are represented. The dependence of the mechanical properties of othylc4llulose films on molecular weight is shown in table 4, where the average molecular weights M, the rupture resistance F and the relative stretching of the specimens is represented. It is evident that the mechanical properties deteriorate with the reduction of the molecular weight. There are 11 figures, 4 tables, and 21 references, 8 of which Card 3/4 are Soviet, 8 English, 3 Swedish, 1 American, and 1 German. b9-20-1-10/20 Hyd"rodynamic Characteristics and Polydispersity of Some Ethylcellulose Spapimens ASSOCIATION: Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of High-Molecular Compounds of the AS USSR, Lenin- grad) SUBMITTEDs January 51, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 SOV-69-58-4-2118 AUTHORS: Bresler, S.Ye., Oelminskaya, A.T., Popov, A.G., Saminskiy, Ye.M.., Frenkell, S.Ya. TITLE: The Thermal Degradation of Polymet'rylmethacrylate (Termiche- skaya destruktsiya polimetilmetakrilata) PEMODICALt Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 4, pp 403-416 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The production of high-temperature macromolecular compounds made the study of the thermal degradation of polymers necessary. In the articlejthe kinetics of degradation of polymethyl- methacrylate is investigated. Two types of~PMMA were used in the experiments, one high-molecular with Mo - 3,700,000 and one low-molecular with MO - 250,000. Figure 2 shows thSt the degradation reaches 36 1 '~- at temperatures lower than 300 C in the low-molecular compound, and 5-10 % in the high-molecular PMMA. The degradation at temperatures higher than 3QOo C is represented by Figure 3. In the course of 1-1.5 hours it in- creases 15-30 times. The activation energy during the process is 53 kcal/molewhich indicates a Tupture of the internal C - C bonds. Figure 5 shows that nt a degradation of 50 -~jthe molecular weight is reduced 2C times, The principal cause Card 1/3 for the reduction of the molecular weight is not the chain -1c v-6 ol -,i - 2118 Thd Thermal Degradation of Polymethylmethacrylate depolymerization. The rupture of C - C bonds leads to the formation of new chain endings at which depolymerization sets in. The influence of oxygen on degradation was studied in P.IN'A powder of 0.1 mm grain size and a sample of massive PWMA of 5 mm in diameter. Molecular oxygen breaks the kinetic chains and reacts with free radicals. Tn this renction Iper- oxides and hydroperoxides are formed which initiate new chains. Toble 1 shows that in the presence of oxygen an internal rupture of molecular chains takes place which is, however, not accompanied by noticeable depolymerization. The influence of the monomer on the degradation has been studied on a poly- mer block of 5x5x8 mm which has been inclosed, together wVh the monomer, in a glass flask. The flask was kept at 120 C for 1 day. Figure 11 shows that the monomer inhibits de- pradation by combining with the free radicals without being polymerized during this 0reaction. liable 2 shows that at temperatures of 180-280 C/an equilibrium is established between polymerization and depolymeri7stion. Tn the presence of oxygen the monomer inhibits the degradation of P,`,!YA by Card 2/3 directing the reaction to polymerization. The degradation The Thermal Degradation of l'olymethylmethncrylgte -zr)v-69-5P-4-2/lP of PIAMA may be inhibited generally by introduction of smnll I amounts of non-polnrizable compounds of the vinyl-series (p-methoxyphenylmethacrylamide, p-ethoxyphenylmethaerylnmide, diphenylmethacrylnmide, etc.) csp&ble of producing radicals of low activity that net as traps for microrsdicals. There are 10 graphs, 1 diagram, 3 tables, and 2C references, 6 of which are Soviet, 10 English. and 4 German. ASSOCTATION: Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AIN S7)'J'R, Leningrad (Institute of Iligh-Molecular Compounds of the US.3R Academy of Sciences, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: October 21, 1957 Card 3/3 1. Acrylic resins--Temperature factors 14 P'll. t, HUTOVICH, Y.L.; SMIIWUVA, T.I.; S.Ya. Yrsetionntion of glyclnin by ultracentrlfugation Lwith summAry In Bnglishl. 13tokhtmiin 23 no.1:135-139 Js-F '58. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Institut biokhimii im. A-N-BRkha AN SSSR, Moskvn I Institut vyookomolekul.vnrnykh soyedinenty AN SSS-R, Leningrad. (PROTEINS, determinstion, glycinin, ultrneentrifugntion (Rus) (SOY BEAN. same) KMOVICH. V.L.; SMIRNOVA. T.I.; FRE10MLI, S.Ya, Submolecular structure of glycinin and conditions of its reversible association [with summaxy in English). Biokhimiia 23 no 4:547-557 Jl-Ag 158. WA12:3) 1. Institute of Biochemistry (Moscow) and Institute of Higher Mole- cular Compounds (Leningrad), Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.. Moscow. (GLOBULIN, glycinin. submolecular structure in reversible assoc. (Rua)) SISAKTAN, N.M.. MELIK-SARKISYAR, S.S., FRENKEL,' S.Ya. Certain physicochemical, properties of chloroplast proteins. [with summary in English]. Biokhimila 23 no*5:723-736 S-0 158 (MIRA II:11) 1. Institut blokbimii imeni A.19' Bakha. AN SSSR (Moskva) i Institut vysokopolimernykh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Leningrad). (PRMIN, determ. in chlorophasts (Rus)) (CHLOROPHYLL. chloroplasts. determ. of proteina (RUB)) AUTHORSt Savitskaya, M. I- , Frenkell 706-32-5-17/47 TITLE: The Fractional Composition and Some Hydrodynamic froperties of Polyphenylmetkacrylamide (Fraktsionnyy sostav f nekotoryye gidrodinamicheskiye kharakteristiki polifenilmetakrilamida) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol, 32, Nr 5, PP. 1o63-1o67 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigation intended for the explanation of the influen- ce of the relatively short chains on the brittleness of the a- bove mentioned polymers showed that a wide distribution of the molecular weight with a maximum at 250000 is existing and that therefore the brittleness of -the aryl derivatives of the 14- -substituted amides of metacr~vlic acid depends on the presence of strongly aromatic nuclei (benzene) in the side chains. From the mentioned experimental part can, among othei:rs, be seen that an oil centriguge according to Svedberg (4ooo rev.99/min) with an optical system according to Fillpot-Svensson (Ref 5) was used? that the diffusion coefficient was measured on a LArima apparatus and that the diffusion constant was calculated ac- cording to Boltzman-Gralen (Rof 9). The difference of the ob- Card 1/3 tained results from the theory by Flori-Mandellkern is ex- The Fraotional Composition and some Hydrodynamic Properties 76-32-5-17/47 of Polyphenylmethacrylamide plained by the fact that molecules of the poly-N-phenylmetha- crylamide do not swell so much in acetone as the side rami- fications (phenyl groups) are sterio hindrances to a solid block packing and a coagulation to compact nodes is not possi- ble, From the results can also be seen that the polymer con- sists of similar, not ramified chains, as otherwise the fractionating would take place less according to the molecular weight than according to the ractification. Finally the authors mention that the poly-N-phenylmethae I ide i a a poly- b~ 3 amo 01 disperse high-molecular product with 50% of M oo, being present, and with the majority of the assume, Ie molecules having at least M - 25oooo. -There are 4 figures, I table, and 13 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk S35R,Institut vyookomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy, Leningrad (Leningrad Institute of High-Molecular Compounds AS USSR) Card 2/3 I The Fractional Composition and Some Hydrodynamic Properties 76-32-5-17/47 of Polyphenylmethaerylamide SUBMITTED: January 14, 1957 1. Polymers--Properties 2. Polymers--Fractionation 3. Benzenes--Properties 4. Centrifuges--Applications Card 3/3 -7 1. - - ' - 7 . I _211-= ". KORDTKOV, A.A.; SHIBAYEV, L.A.; PMOT, L.M.; JXDOSHIII, V.G.; YHEIULI, %, S. Ya. Synthesis and study of hybrid pol3rmeru. Styrene and isoprene block-polymers obtained by catalytic polymarization in a solution under the action of butyllithium.-Vvsokom. soed. 1 no-3:443-454 Mr '59. (MIRA, 12:10) l.InBtitut vyookomolakulyarnykh soyedinenty AN SSSR. (styrene) (Isoprene) CHETYRKINK, G.M.; ALDOSIIIN, S.Ya, Physicochemical studies of poly-para-carbethoxyphonylmotba- crylamide. Part 1: Abnormal dependence of the characteris- tic viscosity of polypara-carbothoxyplionylmothtLcrylanide on the molecular weight. Vyookom.eoed. 1 no-8:1133-1147- Ag '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Institut vyookomolelmlyarnykh Boyedineniy AN SSSR. (Vincosity) (Acrylamide) BIUSIA1, S.Ye.; Stnicture of globular proteins and their interaction with the external environment. Biokhiniia 24 no.4:685-696 Jl-Ag 159. (HIRL 12:11) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh ooyedineniy Akudemii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (PROTHIIIS) 5(3) SOV/79-29.8-69/81 Ya. AUTHORS: Pyrkov, L. X., Bresler, S. Ye., Frenke~',,_~,,, TITLE: Investigation of Secondary Reactions in Processes of Radical Polimerization According to the Formation of "Hybrid Polymers" PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, i9599 Vol 29, Nr 8, pp 2750-2760 (USSR) ABSTIUCT: The authors continued their previous investigation of hybrid polymers (Ref 1).and in the present paper established directly the existence of secondary reactions of different types which include the interaction of macroradioals among one another as well as the interaction of radicals with the polymer chains. The evaluation of the hybrid polymer yiela leads to the conclusion that the reaction, which the authors denote as an inter-chain exchange or maoromolecular recombination, is less probable than an increase in the branches of the dione chains instead of an interaction of the free radicals with double bonds. The behavior of the newly formed radical after destruction - apart from' reaction conditions - is determined by the tendency characteris- tic of the given radical to stabilize due to recombination or by other means. The more probable, e.g., the recombination typical Card 1/2 of polystyrene, the greater is the probability of an exchange Investigation of Secondary Reactions in Processes of BOV/79-29-a-69/si Radical Folimerization According to the Formation of "Hybrid Polymers" *between the chains. Hybrid polymers forming in model systems are subject to polydispersion to the highost degree with regard to their amount and compositiong so that it is impossible to determine exactly the rate constants of the corresponding secondary reactions. The data of systoms in which the polimerization of the vinyl compound (styrene) took place in the presence of the diene polymer (divinyl caoutchouc) confirmed the data of several authors on the basic possibility to produce industrial graphted polymers with a "diene backbone" and vinyl side chains by this simple process (Ref 16). The diagrams given in the experimental part illustrate the results obtained. There are 11 figures and 16 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of High Polymer Compounds of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SMITTED: JulY 141 1958 Card 2/2 S&KWNOV, Georgiy Vesillyevich; YREOM', S.Ta.9; ROTENBM, A.S., red.izd-va; ZAMARAYffA, R.A., (3orption and chromatography of antibiotics] Sorbtalia i khroms- tograftia antibiotikov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nBuk SSSR, 1960. 175 P.- (MIRA 13:11) (SORPTION) (CHROK&TOGRAPHIC ANALTSIS) (ANTIBIOTICS) ,IOM, Boris Veniaminoviohi Prinimali uchastiya: TATARMIY, Y.B., prof.; starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; RYSKIN, YJ80,00 -nauchnyy sotrudnik; STERILOVA, O.V.o mledshiy nauchnyy gotrudniki RAVMMI. A.A.. red.; SHONINA, G.A., red.; MILIKE, Te.Ya., [Rafractometric methods in chemistry] Refraktometrichaskie metody khimli. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo khim.lit-ry, 1960. 382 P. (KIRA 14:2) 1. Leningradskiy universitat (for Taterskiy). 2. Inatitut vyaoko- molekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR (for Frankel'), 3. Inatitut khimii silikatov AN SSSR (for Ryskin), (Rafractometry) 7~ .'C-- Ali, A s i I r, v 9 S V. 168, 14, .'all N; o :2 V 8 ft IV A .9 - - . I , L. M. F-q-l,Nyj,Ll Li. Ya., la-TUCL111 "Interchain exchange reactions in radical polymerization." report presented at the International Polymer Symposium, (IUPAC), Moscow, USSR, 14-18 june 196o. S/62y6O/OOO/OO3/009/011 D202 D305 AUTHOR; Prenkell TITLE: A study of the mechanism of the polymerization process by the method of molecular weight distribution SOURCE; Vsesoyuznoye khimicheskoye obshchestvo imeni D. I. Men- deleyeva, Uspekhi khimii i tekhnologii polimerov, ab,3, Moscow, Goskhimizdat, 1960, 160-183 TEXT: The author gives the principles of this method (MWD) which was developed both by Western and Soviet-bloc workers, including the author himself, and discusses some typical examples of its ap- plication. As the polydisperseness ofpolymers is due to the sta- tistical nature of the polymerization process, governed by the laws of probability, the study of the polymerization mechanism consists of determining and subjecting to mathematical analysis the factors which cause the chain growth and its termination. These affect oth- er reactions as well, such as the process initiation, the migration of active centers, etc. The fundamental equation of this method: Card 1/2 AUTHORS: TITLE; PERIODICAL: 81606 S/190/60/002/02/05/011 BO04/BO61 Bresler, S. Ye., Pyrkov, L. M.9 Ya. Equilibrium Sedimentation of Block Copol mers in the D~ensit lGradient Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 216-220 TEXT: The authors used the method developed by M. Meselson et al. (Ref. for determining the molecular weight of polymers by means of an ultra- centrifuge, to analyze polystyre e,lpqyisoprene;?and their block- and grafted copolymers. The drop in concentration wa calculated from Svedberg's equation (Ref. 4). Table i gives the density of the solvents (butylahloride and dichloroethane) and the polymers. The experiments Vera carried out at 300C with a Svedberg ultracentrifuge (54,000 rpm). The parameters of the Svedberg equation found are given in Table 2. Fig. I shows the equilibrium of the solvent mixture that occurred after three hours in the centrifuge, Fig. 2, the sedimentation of polystyrene, and Card 1/2 1) V~ 81606 Equilibrium Sedimentation of Block S/.,9 60/002/02/05/011 Copolymers in the Density Gradient B004YBo6i Fig. 3, the sedimentation of the block copolymers. The distribution curve (Fig. 4) of this sedimentation was obtained with a YOM-21 (UIM-2i measuring microscope and by graphical integration. The grafted polymer gathered in a belt in the middle of the sedimentation bulb, whilst the homopolymers gave a Boltzmann distribution on the bottom of the "meniscus". Preliminary data on the composition of the copolymers obtained by the "live-chain" method allow high chemical homogeneity to be concluded. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 6 references: 2 Soviet, I British, and 3 US. ASSOCIATION: Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of High-molecular Compounds of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: August 31, 1959 Card 2/2 ALDOSHIN, V.G.; SAVITSKAXA. M.N.; FRENKELI, S.Ta. Some physicochemical characteristics of high molecular weight polyacrylamide. Vysokom. soed. 2 no. 3:347-353 Mr 16o. - (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut vysokomolskulyarnykh ooyedineniy AN SSSR. (AcrylamiAs) IMMEMLI, S.Ya. .hverage tydrodyaamic molecular weights und polydispersity criteria of nonfractionated polymers. Vysokom.sood. 2 no-5: 731-744 )br 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Inatitut vysokomelkulyarrWkh soyedinenly AN SSSR. (Polymers) FRENKEL, S.Ya. (Leningrad) The rigidity, from sizes, and hydrodynamic properties of macro- molecules. Kem tud kozI MTA 14 no.1:63-123 160. (EEAI 9:12) 1. A Szovjetunio Tudmanyos Akademiajanak Nar Vegyuleteket Kutato Intezete, Leningrad. ,,molekulaju (Macrimolecular empounds) (Hydrodynamics) 68848 AUTHORS: Y~re kell -S. Ya. Topchiyevo A* Vap S/07 60/034/02/010/044 e Go!'Mrb, Yu-.-Ya-. B01OYBO15 TITLEs Investigation of the Polydiapersity of Polymers by the Method of the Unestablished Sedimentation Equilibrium. II. Investigation of Polyisobut,Vlenel-Obtained With a Complex Organometallie Catalystl FERIODICALs Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol 34, Ir 20 PP 327-334 (USSR) A.BSTRACTt The investigation results of the previous paper (Ref 1) were completed by determining the sedimentation coefficients S, dif- fusion coefficients D, and characteristic viscosities C-0 on 5 polyisobutylene samples in n-heptane at 200 and at 1 atm. The values of measurement obtained for these hydrodynamic charac- teristics are given (Table 1). Three of the samples showed a noticeable polydispersity. The molecular weights were calculated ecordin to the formulass s ' f/3 -5 2 1/3 -16 I) (C-011) 2,56-10 S (C M ) - 2, 7 (Tabfe 2), and it was found that S - 2-57-1 0-1 2 Svedberg -4 1/2 2 N~2m units; D - 2.63-10 ND2m am /see, and 7 -10-6 NS['j-j hold Card 1/3 for the unfractionated sampleaq i.e. for the dependence of the 68848 Investigation of the Polydispersity of Polymers by S/076/60/034/02/010/044 the Method of the Unestablished Sedimentation BO1O/BO15 Equilibrium. II. Investigation of Polyisobutylene Obtained With a Complex Organometallio Catalyst characteristic viscosity F0 on the mean molecular weight NSC."-F ' the simple Staudinger equation Is obtained. The values for M" and w M. were taken from reference 1, and indicated together with those for M and Msr,?719 as well as Mo (Table 3). A simple method is suggeffed for t5e correlation of the hydrodynamic values of meas- urement with the direct values 'of measurement for M. and Mw, and it is pointed out that a similarity to the distribution function, given by Wesslau (Ref 7) for some of the low-pressure poly- ethylenes, may be observed. If all conditions remain the same, the molecular weight of polyisobutylene increases with the duration of the polymerization reaction. This fact indicates a successive pro- longation of the linear a'hains. The growing of molecules on cata- lysts of the Ziegler-Natta. type is assumed to be comparable with the "growing of a tree". The degree of polymerization depends on the duration T of the growing process and the rate of growth Y. The values 'r and v are determined by the properties of the ternary system monomer - catalyst - solvent. Studies in connection Card 2/3 with the KrUmer-Lansing distribution function lead to the con- 68848 Investigation of the Polydispersity of Polymers B/076/60/034/02/010/044 I oy the Method of the Unestablished Sedimentation B010/BO15 hquilibrium. Il. Investigation of Polyisobutylene Obtained With a Complex Organometallic Catalyst clusion that the samples investigated exhibit rather a high dis- persity. It is doubted that the free radicals play an essential part in the process investigated. There are 5 figures, 3 tables, and 12 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR Inatitut vysokomoltkulyarnykh soyedineniy r %-AnAdemy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of High-molecular EQmAQRD_d_S). Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza (Institute of Petroleum-chemical Synthesis) SUBMITTED: April 21, 1958 Card 3/3 VILOEXATAq red.; AT-my YNT,1. V.P., bibliogr.Md.; KU21MIN, A.A., vedushchiy red.; SILICHEMOVA, V.V., [Bibliographic index of works of scientific porsonnel of the Institute of High Molecular Weight Compounds of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., 1949-1959] Bibliograficheskii ukazatell rabot nauohnykh sotrudnikov Inatituta vyookomolekallarnfth soadinenii AN SSSR, 1949-1959 gg. Soat.R.H.Vilenskaia. Pod red. S.1A. Frenkelia. Loningrad, 1961* 103 p. (mIRA 14:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inatitut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy. (Bibliography--KacromoleculaT compounds) Fql"-'-`,~,'L, -. YA., A. V., T. 1. (n,m! - - 6 , II "On the of the Reversible As7,ocLatlon and Dissociation of 7zlycinin-.11 Revort presented at th; 5th lntsmati,)n.-~-l 31:3,:iemi.-try ..03COW, 10-16 August 1961 FRENKIZI, S.Yaj OIUI, F. (HORN, P.] Structure of globular proteins andtheir intaraction with the external medium* Part 3s Effect of disulfide bonds on the conformation and solubility of serum albumin, Vysokom.soed. 3 no-4:541-548 Ap 161. (MIR& 24:4) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR i TSentr issledovaniya makromolekul, Strasburg, Frantsiya. (Albumin) FRENKELI., S.Ya., kand.fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk Molecular weights and polydisperoity of polymers,, Zhur.VKHO 6 no.4:435-442 161. (KM 14:7) (Folymers) (Molecular weights) BRFSL~~ It, S-Ye.; SHAMPAWy 11. (Champagnep M.]; FREN "-,' 1, S.Ya. Study of enzymatically active trypsin I fragments. Biakhimiia 26 no.51909-915 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institute of High Molecular Compounds, Academy of Sciences, of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad. (THYPSIN) KUSHNER, V.P.; FRENKELI S.Ya. Structural transformations during reversible inactivatiin of tryp- A sin. Dokl. AN 55SR 141 no.2:481-484 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut tsitologii AN SSSR i Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.A. Engel I gardtoza. (TRIPM ) so AUTHORS: TITLE; PERIODICALL; 2_L1 U, 2 2 Oq JLjJ e s/igo/62/004/001/018/020 B145/B147 Aldoshin, V. G., Frenkell, S, Ya, Selective interaction in polymer chains,. I. Hydrodynamic properties and oolubility of the 9 ; I methyl methacrylate - methacrylic acid copolymer Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, V.. 4, no,. 1, 1962, 116-123 TEXT: The 9 : 1 methyl methacrylate - methacrylic acid copolymer was studied by viscosity measurements and by determining sedimentation constants. The results were evaluated to obtain information on the conformation of the polymer in various solvent mixtures., The measurement of the ccncentration dependence of the intrins, v . sity of non- fractionated polymer solutions (molar weight -:c2-10*19c)oin a mixture of dichloroethane and dimethyl formamide (DMFA) has shown that the intrinsic viacosity :-ises gradually with increasing DMFA content, but exhibits a jump around 90-10VIo DMFA. In pure DMFA, then ' P/c curve takes a course characteriatic of a slightly ionized Dolyelectrolyte, The polymer is insoluble -~n pure dichloroethane and swells linearly by a factor of 10.. Card 1/3 '09 62/004/001/018/020 Selective Interaction in 3145YBI 47 It dissolvos immediatly when a few drops of DMFA are added.. These results 'bed to the occurrence of carboxyl-carboxyl, hydrogen bonds be-twegn are ascr-. chains. uh-tch are split by the ionizing effect of DMFA on tlle 7arboxyl groups. On the other hand, it is also assumed rha-~ hydrogen bonds are ,;ontained Ln the chains,. In inert solvents, e,g,. dichloroethane, these bonds effet 9 concentratAon of the individual chains of the polymer to F- rigid coil, When DMFA is added, a cooperative splitting of nydrogen borids takes plac,~-, a,~companied by ionization of the carboxyl groups. In a 4 : 1 mixtire of acetone and water (ph - 10). the molecules associate !irdel, ~he action of water on the hydrophobic links of the polymer chain, wbich results in a sharp increase of intrinsic viscosIty with concentration.. A ~~iirve wi-~h a maximum was obtained for the concentration dependence of the intrinsic viscosity of a pniymer solution in a 4 ' 1 mixture of DMFA and N-ater (pil - 11),- The intrinsic viscosity in th-'s case ie lower than in pure DMFA. whicli is ascribed to the effect of %ater on the methyl me~haorylate links,, The measurement of the corcentraticn dependence ~~f in-'rinsi,-. viscosity in dimethyl formamide of three copolymer fracti:~ns-, obtained b, 1; fractJonal precipitati(7,n; indi-ates that only the frastion with the h1gftQ3t molecular weight (4.8~.106, behaves a p.~Iyelectrclyrci Card 2/71 Selective interaction in 3 2 35 5 s/igo/62/004/001/016/020 B145/B147 This means that in fractional precipitation splitting takes place with respect to both the molecular weight and composition (content of methacryLic acid). This also explains the relatively high value of a (1.4) obtained from the relation ' , ,Ua,, The molecular weight M was La.1 calculat-ad from Flory's formula. S. Ye,. Breeler is thanked for interest. The fractionation of the polymer was carried out by S. Ya. Lyubina at the laboratory of V. N. Tsvetkov. There are 7 figures and 13 references; 8 Soviot-bloc and 5 non-Boviet-bloc, The 5 references to English-language publications read as follows: V. Deal, F.. Wyld, Anal. Chemp 27# 47, 1955; P. Doty, J, Polymer Sci., Ii, 881, 1957; D~ 0. Jordan, T. Kurucsev, Polymer, L, 193, 1960. ASSOCIATION: Institut vyeokomolek.ulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of High Molecular Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February 10, 1961 Card 3/3 g D 1)12 33379 S/190/62/004/002/008/'021 3101/'13110 AUTHORS: Aldoshin, V. Go, Freuol,, So Ya. Chetyrkina, Go M. TITLE: Physicochemical properties of pol3,carbethoxy-_Phenylmethacry- lamide (PCEPMA). II Comparison of' the o-and p-isomers PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 2, 19062, 207-211; TEXT: "he authors study the anomaly in the intrinsic viscosity of p-PCEPMA which wits described in the paper Vysokomolek. soyed., 11 1133, 1959. The monomer;3 were cynthesized according to M. Mo Koton, To A. Sokolova, G. M. Chetyrkina (Zh. obahch. khim.p ?J, 1852 1957). The p-polymer was obtained 0C each, then for 10 hrs by heating the monomer for 24 hrs at 110 and 125 at 1400C in the presence of t-butylDeroxide 0.3%. 21 fractions were Dre- cipitated from a 1% acetone solution by means cf a 2:1 acetone-water mixture. The molecular weight (M) of fraction 1 was 2.31-10 6 [1] = 3.44 in dimethylformamide, M of fraction 21 was 0.093-10 6 0.25. The Card 1/1 33379 S/190/62/004/002/008/021 Phyaicochemical properties ... D-101/E110 o-polymer was obtained by heating the monomer for 24 hrs at 60, 80, 100, 1200 C each, and for 10 hrs at 1400C in the presence of 0.2% t-butylperoxide + 0.1% benzoyl peroxide. 13 fractions were separated from a 30/'o solution in dichloroethane by means of a 1:1 methanol dichloroethane mixture. Fraction 1:M = 24.000106q C')3 = 3.10 in dimethylformamide; fraction 13: M = 0.026,106" C-v)*] = 0.31. The authors determined the lcg NI =Y(loG U) and iog So - y(Irg M), Srj 1-i the sc-dirientatirr, coeffi- cient with infinite dilution In dimethyl formamide (FIa. fl. The zracro- moleoules of tile o-polymer behaved like the usual statistical coils (linear functions). This is explained by 11 bonds within the monomer according to the structure: Card 2/0 33379 ;gjl~01~2/004/002/008/021 Physi(3ochemical properties 0 Vwi-To WIS A-0 A-0 N-1 NI Oc in-the ~-Polymer the functions of are nonlinear., The value of the 6 slope of the curves 'for M 2#10 asymptotically approaches 2 and 0 which is characteristic of rod-like particles. The authors assume a cylindrical conformation vith a comparatively large cross section and a length pro- portional to M. The rigidity is caused by interchain H bonds in a-helices of the polypeptide type. Card 3/0 '~ S/190/62/004/002/~'08/021 Physicochemical properties B101/B110 The fractionation data were analyzed on the basis of the change in the molecular weight distribution (M71D) between the value of the Flory function with Mw IA2 2 (rupture of the kinetic chains due to disproportionation) and Mw Mn 3/2 (recombination). M wI Mn and Mz were calculated not graphically but directly from the equations Mn = 1/E Wi/M i; MW WiMi Card 4/0 3379 S/190 62/004/002/008/021 Physicochemioal properties B101 3110 Mz - ~_W 2 5 Wi'4,. Mz,.Mw:Mn,~~3:2:1 was obtained for the p-polymer. For the o-polymer this ratio was approximately 4:3:2. 'The WD here has re- combination oharaoter and is displaced by an order of magnitude along the M axis as compared with the "most probable MWD" of Floryo V. Ye. Eskin is mentioned. There are 4 figureaq 2 tables# and 15 references: 10 Soviet- bloc and 5 non-Soviet-blo~. The three rqferencee to English-language publications read as follows: Pe J, Flory, Principles of Polymer Chemistry, Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, N. Y.j 19531 T. Svedberg, K, 0. Pederson, The'Ultraoentrifuge, Oxford, 19401 0, Booth, L. Beason, J. Polymer Soi., Rt 81, 93, 1960. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut vypokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of High-moleoular Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February Bf 1961 Fig. 1. logj7-'j. 9 M)~and log So -PCEPKA in y(log M) for p dimeihylformamide. Card 5/0 3, 0 0 33-1,83 S/190/62./004/002/014/021 BlIO/B101 LUTHORS: Brealer, S. Ye., Pyrkovp L. M., Prenkell, S. Ya., Layus, L. A., Klenin, S. 1. TITLEi Molecular conformation, and hydrodynamic and mechanical properties of 415 styrene - isoprene bulk copolymer PERIODICAL3 Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 2, 1962, 250-255 TEXTs The authors studied the hydrodynamic and mechanical properties of hybrid polymers on the basis of the selective solubility of one type of blocks in the corresponding solvent to make a quantitative estimate of the conformation changes of macromolecules dependent on the solvent, and to measure the mechanical properties of the resulting films. They in- vestigated 495 styrene - isoprene bulk copolymer (BCSI) made with butyl lithium and consisting of four polystyrene (PS) and five polyisoprene (PI) blocks. The molecular weight determined in methyl ethyl ketone was M - 77,000, that of PSs M,:z~10,000, that of PIj M V,7500. Solvents used weres benzene, toluene, heptane, octane, and methyl ethyl ketone. 0.1 mm thick films were obtained from I g1100 ml of solutions in heptane Card 1/4 33383 S/190/'62/004/002/014/021 Molecular conformation, and... B110/B101 and methyl ethyl ketone on Ug surface at 250C and 20 mm Hg. The diffu- sion coefficients were determined at O~05% con(.-entration by a Tsvetkov diffusometer. The sedimentation coefficients were determined by a Svedberg ultracentrifuge. The molecular weight was calculated according to Svedbergs M - (S RT)/LD(1-:~Q)l (2). and Flory and Mandellkern, 2.5-10 1 _ [~~Nl(l Ij LS ([,Lj /U2 ) 173] (3), where N a Avogadro's number; Q - dpnsityiiandc viscosity of the solvent. (3) presupposes conforma- tion of sta sti aynodes of macromolecules, the linear dimensions being proportional to M 1/2+6 (t - small parameter). The coincidence of different mean weights in different solvents indicates weak polydispers.-ty. The absence of a relation between MS rAnd MSD and the naean hydrodynamic weights Me, and MD1, demonstrates the unsuitability of the model of statistics, nodes. The PI blocks keep the octane-insoluble PS blocks in solution. Therefore, they form small pearls threaled on the polvisoprene string. In methyl ethyl ketone, it is vice versa. Flory's theory does not apply to this case. There is no relationship between "viscous" and Card 2/4 33383 ~/ 1 90/fi2/99~1/002/.014/021 Molecular conformation, and... v 10/13N? "diffusion" inertia radii for selective solvents . It follows it.4at, in these solvents, the molecules are converted from statistical nodes into half-stiff particles, to which Fig. 2V, ~ does not apply but Fig. 21 according to Schlibk and Levy (see below). Films obtained from octa ,ne, heptane, and hexane solutions of BCSI with evaporation'of the solvent are rubberlike, nontranaparent, and highly elastic. Films from methyl ethyl ketone remind of plasticized PS. Films'(A) obtained from heptane would resume their old shape when the loading ends, the more solid films (5.) from methyl ethyl ketone to a smaller extent. (A) hast E M10 kg/cm 2 like rubber (B) has EP6200 kg/cm . Films from benzene are mechanically similar to jB). Blocks with globules,"remember" their conformation on transition into the film (A) may be regarded as polyisoprene with chemically bound, glassy filler,(B) as PS with chemically bound plasticizer. I'Tempei~ingllfoccurs during film formation;,during "annealing", the globules develop, and the Properties of the film correspond to those of film obtained from benzene. There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 9 referencess 7 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two refer- ences to English-language pVblicati6ns read an follows: F. M. Merrett, J. Polymer. Scip 24; 4671 1957- S. Schlick, M. Levy, J. Phys. Chem., 64. a8l, 196o. - tra6i d 3 / 4 383 il)196/62/004/002/014/021 Molecular conformation, and... B110/B101 ASSOCIATIONsInstitut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of High Molecular Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt February 10, 1961 Fig. 2. Diagram of the conformation of BCSI molecules in various solvents. Legends (a) Benzene (good solvent for both types of blo6ks), (6') octane; (6) methyl ethyl ketone; (1) structure to be suggested in selective solvents ("unsoluble" blocks agaregated); G styrene blocks; V,. isoprene blocks. Pig. 2 C C C Ci C C T7H C Cl, Card 4/4 FRENKELI., S.Ya. Theory of heteropbase polymerization. Fart 1: Molecular weight distribution in the suspension polymerization of a water soluble monomer. Vysokom.soed. 4 no.3:393-402 Mr 162. OMA 150) 1, Inatitut vysokomo1eku1yarnykh soyedineni7 MI SWR. (Pblywrization) PRYKOVj L.M., SOHDKINqA.YA.j FUNELI, S,YA, Application of the priwiple of active zedia to produce high-strength fibers from polyvinyl alcohol. Report presented at the 13th ~'onference on High-molecular compounds Moscews 8-11 Oct 62 ~;/iqo/62/004/003/017/023 B124/B101 AU T E OR j Ompy tek, P. , "Frenkel ~i. Ya. --ITL7,: ScInctivo Anteraction3 in polymer chaino. 17. VFfee I o -en bon,!;:i on the conoly~rerization kireticr, of nothyl th er~,l:ite and metbacrylic acid '32 uoyo-,din,miya, v. no. 3, 1962, Tl;c berh:~oyl-rcro.-~i:le-initiated photopolymerim%tion o F z2 10:1 :ri%-- ti-.-c of :;;othyl :,-.othacryl-ito ('1-:;-:A) m,I ijiothaorylic avid (0-0) in 1-Aill- in berizene using varjinr, concentrations of the monmn::r cr,-.,-?oni-;nt:;. .vich wai nerformc-I twice: with 'fie pure compon-mts and v-.Lth 201,,j limetthyl lomrAmide (1),-,F) add-d. A -250 (IJVD5h-?50) Y -:-%-, used --3 the lif-ht oource. The cour3e of the 3oly,.,:eri7,;--t:ion IX .4otermincd by meantirim- the dielectric losses by a rotho-ft dez -rib-c- V:,,.,;oko:--.olck. soyed. A,, A119. 1)02 an.1, simult-incowily, tho con- contr-ttion was memsured vilth an epm spectrometer. '."hen the mixtilre vlith Y-~F is bulk-polymcrized, the feel cfl,~ct i3 ret!,.rded and c~int-are.' 'rec,. -tro rocorle~ but at the cn~ of the proceso. *-;'ithout ;j:-F, ty C-Irl 1 1/3 6/190/62/0,04/00-3/0171/023 ;OE-lective interactions . . . B1 2i'*/31 01 ircrease.j :tml the polymer formed is precipit:,tod. hen -~-' and 5(Y/" n~j in bcn!~ane -1. Pol--crized, neither .7el of1cct is c.-,t ibii3lhoa nor are free ral.-icals captiirci; the visco.,3ity of the 3y.,-,tem iz r-!-thcr lc-.-,, rind no procipit'%te form's. 'ihon 10)2' Dl~'. are adled, the r--~to of tion decrezif-em by -1/3, an-I the rosiction takt~z pl,.ce i.-orc -anifor:-.ily ztzj M.,I.';:' p0l.YMCrization. ..her, hovever, a 20,'- nolution in ben- zcne in u3ed, viscosity rnpil'ly incicaoes ar.ain, 'the polymor ror--,C-~ proci- ont, -.nrl, frrm -, 10i. converl-ion on, c:ij)turc~l froo ra-lic,-.1z; :.-rc -.c- tcoted, t`:,~ concentrAtion increaile of -.,hic'n i3 ne:trly linear -.-,-i-th ..11 of-pects nri ni~mtrndine~ by the addition of 201, to -t of th-o polymcriz,7t-ion r-itc. :,hovm to bi2 inef`ectivc in the poly.- nrization of purc v:lhic~ tn the cor- clusion th:.,.t the effect of DOT is due to its .3cloctive interaction .,,-ith the carboxyl-containin,cr linis. Thus , the for7nation of intercll--in '-,,: ~ !-.7n--S a-ifectj tke -polymerization the uction-of ro~;ulto in t-r; -.)reci:)i*tation of the polymer a-n,! the ca,jlll,---e G. "Cu -'4c 1 v, 'Ath concentrution,- of 'onzono, tl.c c- hc,:.-.o- r -,t 1,4 ~~. cone on tra tion:3 (5- it I'el"--nZ3 to act. a p--t~cilritant ,:-:neoizo, 1,it - .L "/-,/ - pro-Totint, " tulcinization" of the copolymer due to int-~rc~lrbcxylic C.-Ird ?/7 L; 162/004/0~3/01 7/02 7 h~~terorancou3 sy:;ter.3. u.,.-' th~-- dr;~o n-t~,cr nf hom-o-c:neou3 ph.-i3cs clc-tvin,~ ~Ihe the c:l-.',)oxyl.ic --,oup3. ThQ ovcr,ill rttc of lv,~~ to t'~O of the fre,2 h 0 t r 0 c-',.-,r 4ctcr of t-~o inni.~~In- in the :.b:;crcc. ol 1):.,F b., t"ic 1~)C!'Oljc in ;..'A contcnt in the hi,.:iv,/ fractions of Chi-, T, r I-,-; 1 non-.;ovi,--t. Tho rcfer,-,rce --c fi-ltrc3 5 refcre!-x0a. 4 Soviet and to t"110 -e nublication re,.,ds as follo,.-:-- : 2. :.~elville, D. *.'.. Ovnall, b. 11. "'ilhiffen, Tr3ns. 2ar.iday Zjoc., -~!, 113",, lc~58- I -6CIATIOli : Inztitut vysol-omolckulyarnykh *oyedineniy ,*~N 6S--",q (Inati'll'te of lliEh-inolocular Compound's of the AS U.3j'.11) ~UB.'~*.ITTED: March 3, 1961 Card 3/3 S11901621004100410101019i B117/B138 AUTRORSs Tsvetkov, V. N., Klonin, S. I., Frenkell, S. Ya.9 romicheva#j 0. V., Zhuze, A. G. TITLE: Hydrodynamic proportion of poly-O-viny'i naphthalens macro- molecules in benzene PEHODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedinoniya, v. 4, no. 4, 1962, 540-545 TEXT: Diffusion constants, sedimentation coefficients and intrinsic viscosity of 10 fractions of poly-6-yinyl naphthalene (P-(~-VN) in benzene were studied. The Mark - Kuhn - Bouwink relations in this solvent were 4.M-0 57 for the diffusion coefficientt found to have the form D - 3-5-10- S'; -5 0-71 and 6.6-io *11S,D for the intrinsic viscosity. The molecular weight MS'1) was determined from SvedbergD equation. The hydrodynamic behavior of P-(;-VN, which is determined by viscosity and diffusion, is completely normal, and confirms the universal character of the empirical constant A. . 1) D (M ])'/3T-'. It's mean value was (3.1 + 0.1)110-1 0erg/degree. This 0 Card 1/3 S11901621004100410101019 Eydrodynamic properties of ... B117/B138 corresponded to the value of this constant determined for other polymers and agaiTL confirmed the usual correlation of hydrodynamic properties of P-P-VN during translation and rotation. The eatimate of the relation between dimensions of P-0-VN molecules in benzene and their dimensions during free h2 1/2(-~2)1/2' rotation f which characterizes the hardness of the molecular structure, made by means of the previously determined swelling parameter I (Ref. 9: V. Ye. Eskinj K. Z. Korotkina, Vysokomolek. soyed. 1 2, 272, 1960)i 3 Lhj ~)pg) 2 1/2 . (32)1/2/ I - 1.2, produced a mean value of 2.6. ((-h )9 D are undisturbed dimensions of the macromolecule). This amount, whi6-h slightly-.- exceeds the corresponding values for most of the linear polymers, showed (e. g. in comparison with polystyrene) that the substitution of the benzene ring by naphthalene increases the thermodynamic hardness of the macromolecule. It was found that the dependence of the diffusion coegficient D on the concentration of one of the P-.)*-VN fractions with M a 3-5*10 is only slight'in CCL4 and more marked in benzene. This confirms that the dependence on the concentration is mainly determined by the thermodynamic interaction between polymer and solvent. (Ref. 13, V. N. Tsvetkov, S. 1. Card 2/3 5/19 62/004/004/010/019 Hydrodynamic properties of ... B I 17YI11 38 A i Klenin, Zb. tekhn. fiziki, 29, 1393, 1959). The quantity A - 'rjOD(M[qj)1 T-',' calculated for the fraction investigation in CC1 4' aniounted-to 3.50-10- 10 erg/degree, and was thus close to the mean value of the constant A. There ~j are 4 figures and 2 tables. Two Englibh-language references arei P. Debye, A. Bueche, J. Chem. Fhys., 16t 573y 1940; P. J. Plory, Principles of Polym. Chem., New York, 1953- ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut vysokomolekulyarnykh sovedineniy AN SSSR.(Institute of High-molecular Compounds AS USSR) SUBMITTED: March 10, 1961 Card 3/3