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MAILI) G.i FENWFS, E.; FFENKEL, _A.,; GOMBOSI, Eva On the quaoi-olaotlc character (,f inelastic two-prongTr - p inLeractions at 7 and 16 GeV/c. Acta phys flung 16 no. 4:355- 360 1 (dj , 1. Central Research Institute of Physics, Budapest. Presented by Lajos Janossy. 7-777UTW IV AM i N - , stnrEhly Oonwnist; FRINULI , A - , star~biy ekonomi!zt 14y payments for planninp and engineerinF research wirk arr. Fo co.,npl icatnd. Fin. SISSR -72 no.lo:63-65 0 '61. (I-1IRA Ili-.Q) 1. Giprokbolod 4ndustrial plants-Desirn and construction) I KUZNE'.SOV, M.D.; EYDELIMAN, Ye.1a.; ADLF.R, Yu.P..; FRENKELI, A.A. Useful book for the chemical engineers of the coke industry. Koks i khim. no.3:61-64 164. (KRA 17:4) 1. Donetskly politekhnicheakiy institut (for Kuznetsov, Eydellman). 2. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy proyektnyy institut redkometallicheskoy promyshlennosti, Moskva (for Adler, Frankel'). ara Tr t,.nd of b I okho-ejkons -,P no.~.48-fl Itr 165, FRENIQLlp A.Be Inoculation of cast iron by borio acid. Lit.proizv. no.9:49 5 162, (Qast iron-Metallurgy) IMASKO, Peter; FRENKEL, Andor Time reversal characteristics in quantum mechanics. Koz fiz kozl MTA 12 no.lt57-84 164, ACCESSION NR:' AP4042392 S/0056/64/047/001/0221/0223 AUTHOR: Frenkel', A. TITLE: On the choice of invariant variables for the amplitudes of particle production processes SOURCE: M. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 47, no. 1, 1964, 221-223 TOPIC TAGS: particle production, variational calculus, scattering amplitude ABSTRACT: The method used differs from that proposed by V. Ye. Asribekov (ZhETF V.*42, 565, 1962) in that the author first chooses 3n - 6 geometrically independent invariants, and expresses all the remaining ones in terms of the selected ones with the aid of geo- metrical relations which leads to the vanishing of the determinant. This is followed by imposition of kinematic constraints on the vec- tore* reducing the number of independent invariants to'3n 10, and 1/2. tNl`~ 0 Ott ow *00 *02 0093 000 eon 00. 00- 411- so, 0 0 lop 0 a a a a a a w w WTW w w v v wr_ " a o III a a a Il RUN maps 4i a n -a" - ' I m A f I t i Its-$ 1131164111119 T I 1 0 s I - iml*4tli~ U. Pit ~L-l H'ill'A"ll V-9 r3 -q IV T 11 K flo"; ljp 7113 I"I'lliPlIft ALtlidl.%A PLANT . 111 4-12 0 lklullites. after crtj~hinic d An AffX101neralton, are fused witb coke anti looritone in an 00 electric furnace Fe and Si CMPOUIUIS are fr4luMl to Fe Sk and Al enters the jdag. ` 4LIt "c"114illing Alr(h W *0 it) 4~k CIO 431, 4p 41111 Sj~he 11, Al,f is Icliched anti hoe Alrot is rt%,tl%vml "y 1;recillitAtion with Uo' The IdAut P o f ,,, td AlrO. njouthly -ith . Si(h Conlirnt ')1 the clertrk- furnace moved trmwie. C G o wvrgatkm O(Tiout of the PC-.,ji. causing i I crusts %h ch had it, lie 1wriod"lly rwrooml 90 00 00 00 g : i of it it K 0;119 off& tolpuxaw UPI a 10 006eiposoolilloo 010 0 9 0 0 4D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a v I I F a I a A IF j a IF n n it is vb"b and alledug Imurdness. A It P&WIdKML. to sit mmml, IS id 121 Tl ( 1%10~ I I I (Imill, I"? "~Rkmillor its So isidingw1wrls, Z.1 S. In Ris%4IahA%imotmIt%mI nirtht%kul produduig whrvI% to( %nialki divoinvirt and lhickiim~ hmn used wherk The rvduclim al oliameter ond thick- The opening up tit the bmv. and the profilisig mv per- On JAIbtV with cup-sluspord twolo. The 6we ul she vinding whto-l can be rrdtkvd to sonic extroit by filling it with liguM %mffur. To Inem-some the limordnem of the Immid uf wied girinding whceb. they can he impregitalrd vbith Halirlitt dismoilved in amoom ; the hossirr the rr. quirvd Imovid.1he higherabsisidd be the -perflic CravitytJ It. wilutkors. 2 Mis-Aratiumi. P Cl g FREMLI ) A. B., Engineer "The Machirmbility of the Aluminwa Alloy, FUlumin." Stanki I Instrument Vol. 15, No. 12, 1944 BR 52059,019 FRENKELI, A. B., Engineer "Production of a Welded Tool," Stanki i Instrument, 16, Nos. 4-5, 1945 BR-5205901? MIXELI, A. 1B., Engineer 11A New -dosijp Chocki,ij~, and Mk ri,~tLrlng Iuutrwijent for Precivi n Linear K-acuremento, 0 Stailki I Instrument, 16, Vos. 10-11, 1945 (Yrom. Machinery, No. 1637, 1944) Br-52059019 - ?.. L " ~'- _. , , 1..7~ . I I- 1.1i -,u . I ",.I, ;-. FREI M.I. A. B., Engineer "T~e Cutting Tool and Machining 'Regime for Magnesiutt Alloys," (The Machinist, Nos. 1, 10, and 16, 1945) Stanki I Instrument. 17, No. 6, 1946 13Pr-52059019 FUNFELI, A. B., Engineer Mbr., ZIS (-1946-~ "An Improved Design of Arbor for Machining,ll Staad Instriment, 17, Nos 10-11, 1946. BR-52059nig FREHM' A. B.. Engineer "Aa Attachment for Drilling loles in a Shnft" (from Machinist, Ontober, 1945) Stank-i 'I Instrument, 17, No. 12, 1946 BR-52059019 -1 't~r: IMENKELI, A.B., izzhener. A now continuous method for the heat treatment of rapid-ste*1 cutting tools. Stax.i instr. 18 ike.9:26-27 3 147. (MLRA 9:1) (Cutting tools--Heat treatment) Ape 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I t ILI 0 SC-C 6 it i go 74MVVE" - 11 ol St 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 b mma JOA11014 left mu ids bu a** $I a a a a JL 1-1 IA 0 CC 0 UJIL t /r 00 JJo* C, 00 so 4: -1 4 0 66 sow roe 00 see 0 so At 2 see 00 ::9 0 so* Sipe alo* U96 U96 w Igoe ee , ~'V'v lee woo., wee GMT 9 1 It 111 -1 All I All I 1 5 ON 0 N IAN 10 All 2, NN aIT W a a gqg j,agotan to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 'm O~q 0 o 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 13 m 3. . .. ". C, (f 1; .4 A t 0 PQ a I I w ~10660! OOX 00 oop ! 1 3 0o 004 00 00 'ago go got. 00 Got [;X:t lo- I'D OV 00, es 00 00 o0-- go 00 00, 00 00. ji-I jo wAnitsm"A lu!ilma omjjiw in muo aqj es p- -W-qb * -"q aqs tp- %&-%o aim invil pus pwV.wumj eav wwqjvw MMvwfq-jmw its 4mwuuo)bxl 00- wil UO mma Aq 1.00fb w )a dam ul wiromiu! )a 91.1-aw OILL 00- .~LVIPWM Ull '(It-Og '- 'g '0k '6k1 'St&KIVUI-Uf I JIJIMIJO 00 T n�RNK 0 P SPA POP= 00, 90- 00 .00 11,21 \,A t f tj 0 vv I A 4 A R I I A j It it, T F III I 1 7 1 1 1 F 0 0 0 v A kill brw.a#( V1,111 Villcilm M it 11 %1 #1 1. A . I , , , 1 4 ; . il, 0 0 o q 6 o0 o go 0 0 go 00 . 0 00 Of 0 0 go 0 0 0 o a o o -JO-41911111:000 00000000 1 0060 90POO 000 so 11 V H 0000 " 1 11 0 r_. A 1 . *OA , . __~tl.jtq J_tq_q"lsj PSOCIS A go 06 00 lee 00 silo4llk Ml Cutlets With Une Al- Lf lee *oil , lay VISS ri A. " Ir 8o e Di l A 'l *0 ' . . m p 0. Sept. 194A, p. 1W. Translated and 00 nholroctod from Stanki I Itistrurneoit ( l .00 Too s end Instruments), No, 2, 19411. 1 No e 09 p. 2. . Vvund to be ninre xMisfactory nnd 300 00,-7 boapor than Cast-stool bodies nor. l1 1300 003 ma Y used. Manufacture is much simpler, no zucbjj3jnz or beat treat- 7x* 0 GIOU mant being necessary after CASting. Oest The body Is die cast under pressure. Composition is 4.75 Al 007% Mg. 0 01% 0 65~~ T 10o1111 . . o, to. coo see ~ ties, J' wee W e* a 0 is ; K' ; 0 a 9 it at a a a a 5 filial *01 a.. too 1 v rw 0 16 6 1 It In 2 a a 3 / 00 66 0 0 0 0 0 of 90 Of 0 000 006 0 16 0 0/ 0 00 0 a 0 0 0 06 0.4 0 0 0 669 Al Mew FREWELI) A. Be 29059-Kmatruktalya'Bbornykh'Ohervyachrqkh Frez I tokhnologicheskiy ProtB esB Ikh Proizcrvodstva. Avtomobs Prm-stlq 1949 No.~,tp S.$ 20-21 SID: listoPis' Zhurnaltrwkh Stateys Vol. 39, Moskva,, 1949 Flbe,NR,r;L I. A. B. I BARYLOV, G. 1. - - - - - I ~.. ~ . No. 3-3153-Flanivrs'-chaya razv,,rtka na !3harikfik-y. Stank, i instrument, 1W', No-12, s. 22. So: Letopis' Zhurnellnykk Statey, Vol, 7, 1949. z miil kMk, - , A.-V . . in zq-- nor. Adjusting the hardness of abrasive disco. Vestocash. 33 ao.5:62-6) 97 153. (W-RA 6:5 ) (Grinding wheels) " - 1 -v-~ A.T'T. 4519 FRENKELI, A. B. Prispoitobleiiye dlya obrabotH kcrusov rarevol,verrem starke, 1.1., 1954. 2 s. a chert. 22 sm. (M-vo avtomob. , Trakt. i s.-kh, m:.3hircstr(~yeniva SSSR. Gos. vaesoyuz. In-t avi.cmcb. tykbrolcgil "CRGAVTCPHr 11,11. Inform. -tLkhn.-I I stek- 11c. 10).500 ekz. b. ts.- ~-ost. ukanan v vyp. -lar.. - (54-156-5(zh) (21.941. 2)2-2 S(: Knlz"lnaya Letepis', Vol. 1, 1956 USSR/ F4tgin6oring - Tools Card 1/1 fub. 128,- 32/34 Authors i Frenkell, A. B. Title I An experiment on rousing worn-out grindstones Periodical : Vest. maoh. 12, 47-48, Doe 1954 Abstract : A n arr ative report is presented concerning mothodsi-adopted by the Stalin Automobile Faotory in Moscow,, for restoring worn-out and discarded grindstones. Drawings;-table. Institution ....... Submitted USSR/Engineering - Technology Card Autbors ; Frankel', A. B., Engineer Title t Technologist's notes Periodical I Vest. Haah., 341 Ed. 6, 91 - 93, June 1954 Abstract 14 The notes cover the following subjectei Orgarization of punch-press work, Punch-preas chart, Increasing of cut-off dies, Mechanical cleaning of calibrated metal rods, and Instrument for factory check on bolts, scraws and pins. Drawings. Irstitution I Submitted I YR]KM:Ll, A.Be Bfficlent design of a nozzle for compressed air. Lit.proiz - no.2:13 F 155; (a 8:4) (Sandblast) MNUll, A.B., izzhaser Killing machines of an improved design, Der.prom.4 s0.4: 23-24 Ap 155. (HIBA 8:6) (WoodworkbiG machinery) P ILI, A.B.. insheaer. Improved pushing device for slashers. 4 s@.11:22 Ir 155, (Woodworking machinery) (KIJU 9:2) FRENKrEL it Exp6rience with the use of worn-out grinding wheels. Tr. from the Russian. p. 315 7ECfTNTCKA PRACA. Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7. No. 7, July 1955 monthly Met of East European Accessions (EEAI), LO, Vol. 8, No. 9, Peptember 1959 Uncl. FFJMLI. A.B., inshener I. I I Butt welding of cutting tools with rods. '55- (Cutting tools--Welding) Svar.proizv. n0.9:27-29 S (MIRA 8:11) YRRUXBLI,A.B. Measures for economizing hard alloys for cutting tool application. Sellkhosmashina no.10:25-26 0155. (MlRA 8:12) (Cutting tools) USSP/~Engineoring - Machinoshop practice card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 25/35 Authors s F:renkel*, A. B., Engineer Title t Notes of a technologist Perd.odiol I Vost. manh. 3513p 80 - 81, Mar 1955 Abvixaot I A supposedly more rational way of setting up moldir.g forms for planing- iv demonstrated. A now nozzle for sand and shot blasting is described. A simplified method for measuring small diameters cf a cone is explained. 13.1ustrationB; diagraras; graphs. Listitution : subm: Ltted : YRINIMLI, A.B., inzhaner. A highlv efficient cutting tool, Yest.aAah,35 no.9:64-66 S 155 4- . (cutting tools) (KMA q: 1) FRKMV, A.B., Inahener. ,- ~~ -,.*AM I ,i6ffinient uss of board tails left after layout* Dereprom.5 no.12:24 D 15 6. (MIaA 10:1) (Wood waste) YRENKEL', A.B. Control and measuring Instruments and gauges. lzm.takh. no.l: 67-68 Ja-Y 156. (KLRA 9:5) (Measuring instruments) (Gauges) Subject USSR/Engineering AID P 4321 Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 21/26 Author Frenkell, A. B., Engineer Title Chucks for turret lathe tap borers and threading dies Periodical Vest. ma8h., #3, P. 70-71, Mr 1956 Abstract A new design of a chuck for turret lathe attachments is presented. Diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date FREMIEL I A B .,!w;; ~ ~ v 6 Ut r -~ -- - Powdered metal and steel draw plates for drawing steel wire. Sel'khozmachivA no.4&30-32--956. (HLRA 9:7) (Drawing (Metalwork)) FRENKEL', A.B. Controlling and measuring toola in workshops. Imtskh. no.4:70 Jl--Ag '56. (MLRL 9:11) (Keasuring Instruments) FRENKELI, A.B. inzhener. mmw~m- L Increasing the strength of woodworking tOOls- Der.prom.5 no*4:22 Ap 156. (Cutting tools) (19,RA 9:7) FREMLI A B Using a hard alloy instead of a diamond in hardness testers, Zav. lab. 22 no.6:748-749 156. WaA 9:8) 1. Koskovskiy aytomobilinyy zavod. (Hardness-Testing) (Tungsten alloys) FRENKEYjl, A,B., inzhanar. Improved forging trimming dies. Vast. mash. 36 no.6:53-54 Je 156. (MLRA 9310) (Dies (Metalworking)) (forging machinery) 7azlims honer. " T1,J.~- ~Iy Xaking dies used in cold upsetting. Yestemash-36 no-12:71-74 D 156. (Dies (Xetalworkizag)) (XLRA 10:2) FREIrKELI, A.B. ~ - . Standardization of equipment in forging and stamping work. Sellkhozmashina no-5:25-27 MY 157. (IMIA 10:5) (Forging machinery) i-- - FRNNIUMI, A,B,, 4. Z:~Wwowwfivrw* Simply Inzhener. designed attachments. )(ashinootroitell no.7,-33-35 JI 157. (Machine tools--Attachmantg) (MM l0.-8) AUTHOR t----ftenksl L A. B. SUV/1 ",L-5d-8-16/29 TITLE: A New Method oT-GrInding Gear Hobbing Cutters (Novyy metod zatochk! chervyacbnykh ftqz) PERIODICAL: Stanki I Instrument, 1958, Nr 8, pp 35-36 (USSR) ABSTRACTs To improve the output and endurance of gear hobbing cutters, the top rake angles at the side cutting edges should be made larger. To this end, the Tool Shop of the V151it ,11-V 1. applies lateral relieving of teeth in truilt-up hobbing cutters. In doing so, the relieving mot"ion perpendicular to the axis of the ground vitter Is atilised only In grinding the tips of the cutter tooth. The lateral edges and radii at the tooth tip are ground by a Telieving motion acClomplished uiider an angle of 6011 to the axis of the hob as a result of a rotation of the relieving tool Support of the tool grinder. in consequenc~a,., hobs with a 200 tooth profile recelvq tip rake alagles of 8-100 on their lateral vutting edges. Tha sharpening of a blunted cutter is oarried out by a repeated grinding of the profile with Card 1/2 the same directions of relieving motion. Thus the 4. SOV/1 21- 58 -8-16/29 A, New Method of Glinding Gear Hobb4ng G-jtTers p,-recd.slion of a iaattsr l-,s the same as that of an integzal f-utter ber,,ause the dismantlIng of the racks is unnecessav,v:. Th.4 labe.)ur of' sUlarpening by lateral relieving is the 5arne as that of ordinary profile grinding on -& Talieving ma-(,~hlna. The endu-ranoe of a (,,atta*r lator&12y i-PlIeved is stated to be 3 t4mes greater. Multi--.-,tart 1,,Obblng -.,atters were previ.cusly ground on the fron.t. stizfa:-.A,. Grindirig along the profile with lateral tha I-Ife befr)re final rejec.-tion by a fac"Lot, of On-4 reason for the greater endurance is a diff,~zrontl ~,rltorlton., namely wear at the tip c;orners of the ;,ack. -u)oth profile such that the machined gea-r whe,!!.I,. has an In,:rts.,aseJ tratis`% oil, ~,.Ilrve from the bott..-im of th~j gap t;) the tooth proftlo and the undercut nec!essaxy Lot ',-,he subqGquent shaving disappears,, Card 2/2 F'r-onkol ';'nginoer L I ~o U MR aticheskoyr~ bevice (Avlom, ustroystvo) o ro:, L ro v 9 ni Lye, 1958, Nr 9, pp. 21-?-,' AB-_JT~U_CT: This ;-..utom_,,tjc countin, ,K devize is use! with n~rti,-O~r j~_ ,.-intago vih~~rp the fA&i&e4_parts processed by the auAamatIc ma- chine tools am, to b6 cowrte&'The, devioe hw to be tes d. at the off ice t* of electric automation of the lxii:ri i,.~ktiachev. For gen,~-ratinjr, thc -:ount trigger pulse an ~Irlzdintud contact oupport is usci whicij is Mounted an inoulation on the automatic or s.-miautomati- For producing tne counting device, the following componc-nt3 are conn,2ctei (with wiring diagram given): 1, Insulatal contact support. 2. Mectz-c p-,113e Cou- A .1 te r. Contactor for electric motor of the machined tool 4. Lightirg of workirg place. 5. Distribution box. 6. Termina! strip. Card 7. Distributor c-, I_'OUTL '.i ng De v J c- e 19 . r'.9 9 U C 8. Llaterial bar. 9. Internediate rolujs, 10~ Limit swit,~hes. Y'- limiL switchesand intirmeiiate :-clays cau:~e finis~.-~J parz-9 to be ccuntel only, thu3 uxcluling any counting erroz The countIng device can be used with automatic lathes aIsD wiiero a :~Iosod circuit is obtained at the morqrnt thc bar is a3 far as the electric support, an(, 's ma.~-ta untii thc f:Lnishel part is cut off by the parting-off tocl. At this instant the circuit is interrupteJ, ani the counter ad- vv.nce3 b~, one unit, There are 2 figures, Card 2.,2 MWELIp AvB* -p inzh, - , Control and measuring instruments for shope, Trakt. i sellkhosmash. no.9:43-45 B 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Measuring instruments) AUTHOR: Frenkell, A.B., Engineer SOV/133-59-5-30/31 - - - - ----------------------- - TITLE: Metalloceramic and Steel Dies for Cold Drawing of Steel (Metallokeramicheskiye i stalinyye voloki dlya kallbrovkl stali) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr 5, pp 468 - 471 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is pointed out that the accuracy of dimensions and cleanliness of the surface considorably decrease the need for machining and, iTi many cases, machine parts can be produced simply by cutting. A briaf outline of methods of preparation of dies for cold drawing is given. Main parameters of dies from hard alloys and methods of their setting into holders are Siven in Table 1 and Figure 1, dimensions of steel dies - Tr&l~- :2, Figures 2 and 3, the durability of cyanated and :ioa--.Iyan-t~3d steel dies - Table 3. There are 5 figures and 4 tables. Cardl/1 25 (1) AUTHOR: Frenkell A. Engineer -6-12/18 SOV/119-59 _B* - TITLE: An Automatic Device for the Periodic Measurement of the Current Direction in Galvanic Processes (Avtomaticheskoye ustroystvo dlya periodicheskogo izmereniya napravleniya toka pri gall- vanioheskikh protsessakh) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 6, p 25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the armature workshop of the avtozavod im. Likhacheva (Au- tomobile Works imeni Likhachev) the direction of the direct current in galvanic copperplating bathe is periodically re- versed. This has led to an increase in output and to the im- provement of copper platings. The periodic current reversal takes place through an automatic device, the circuit diagram of which is de icted. A synchronous motor operates the switch- ing contacts. [Abstracter's Note: In the original text ther; is no mention whatever of measurements, but only of a reversal in the current direction. Hence, the word izmereniye (measure- ment) used in the title is a printing error; it should be izmeneniye (reversal)]. There is 1 figure. Card 1/1 150) SOV/119-59-7-10/16 AUTHOR: Frenkell, A. B., Engineer TITLE: A Progressive Method for Painting pe..,-tr, PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1959, Hr 7, p 25 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The efficiency experts of the elektrolaboratoriya Mookovskogo avtozavoda im. Likhaoheva (Electrical Laboratory of the Moscow AutomobilePactory imeni Likhachev) carried out experiments in paintting of' metal automobile parts in the electric high- voltage field. The spraying of the paint waa carried out by means of a pneumatic turbine in a high-voltage field. The high- voltage field is composed of parts of the spraying unit, which act as electrodes, the voltage field being a high-voltage transformer with 130,000 V. Rectification of the voltage is carried out by means of a kenotron, the nominal amperage is 10 ma. There is 1 figure. Card 1/1 FREMLI, A.B. Cutting square and rectangulai; holes with combination drills. Dar. prom. 8 no-7:24 Jl '59. (14IRA 12:9) (Drilling and bering) 25(l) SOV/115-59-9-10/'37 T 11 OR Prenkell, A.B. TITLE- A D`ividi~n8Head With a Sine Rule PERIODICALt Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 9, p 21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At ZIL9 a dividing head was designed (by Privalov) consisting of a dividing disk, a special sine rule, mounted on a mandrel, which is installed in two stocks. At one end of the mandrel, the dividing disk is mounted, while the other end is used for fastening the part to be mactined or measured. Ang-- les which are multiples of 5 are directly read from the dividing disk whi8h has 72 notches. Angles with-- in the intervals of 5 are determined by the sine rule. There is 1 diagram. Card 1/1 18 (5) SOV/128-59--11-20/24 AUTHOR,- Frenkel', A.B., Engineer TITLE: Hot Blast in Cupolas PEIRIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 11, p 4-3 (U:JSR) ABS',r'RACT; The Automobile Plant imeni Likhachev began, at the end of last year, operating a new installation -for heating the cupola blast up to 500-5500C. The fire chamber is provided with 6 multi--nozzle jets ensuring heating up to 11000-12000C. The cupola gases enter, at a tempera- ture of 6000C, the tubular heater, give away their heat and pass, at a temperature of 1000C, through the exhaust fan into the atmosphere. The blast air passes through the heater in the opposite direction and is heated up to 4000-5000C. The new heater was in opera- tion for 3 months and proved a success. The cupola out- put was raised by 25%; consumption of coke was cut from - i50 kg per 1 ton of metal, whe n using cold blast, to 110-100 kg, when hot blast with a temperature of 4000C Card 1/1 was used, and to 90-70 kg at a temperature of 5000C. AUTHOR: .-Frankell,-A.B.-(Engineer) SOV/122-59-3-18/42 TITLE: Machining with External Broaches (Raboty naruzhnymi protyazhkami) ~q PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniyaj 1959,f\Nr 3, pp 61-62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper is based on the experience gained at the Moscow Automobile Factory imeni Likhachev. External broaches should be set to take fairly heavy cuts, from 0.5 to 1 mm for roughing. This avoids frequent re-setting. With the ~progressivel system of broaching, the broaches are divided into five groups. The teeth of the first group cut narrow 600 pyramidal slots, cutting about 0.4 mm per tooth. The remaining groups widen the slots, taking a similar depth of cut. For.cutting wide surfaces, the teeth are arranged so that they each cut narrow strips.. and are disposed in chequer-board fashion. The leading teeth of the broach are heavier and protect the following teeth from overload. Finishing operations are performed by teeth workin across the full width of the cut, taking off 0.0" to O.Ok mm per tooth, Side and face broaching may be performed simultaneously as shown in Fig 12 the Card 1/4 side broaches being packed by narrow wedges so that wear may be taken up after re-grinding. When cutting L:.~, LEE Machining with External Broaches SOII/122-59-3-18/42 accurate slots (Fig 3) the leading part of the broach cuts to full depth but a little less than full width. The sizing part of the broach enlarges the slot to full width but does not quite cut to full depth, leaving a slight step in the corner of the slot which can usually be accommodated by chamfering the mating component to clear the step. The multiple broach shown in Fig 4 is split in the centre section and is packed with a wedge so as to maintain the required tolerance on the width dimension of the slot. To obtain a high degree of surface finisht the teeth of the broach should slant altermtely at 150 to 200 to the transverse line to the direction of motion. This angle may be increased to 450 if the teeth are cutting across an interrupted surface, or one with holes in it. Broaches cutting narrow slots in steel parts should not have any slant, and teeth should be transverse, Front cutting angle varies from 150 when cutting steel of Brinell hardness 195, to 60 to 80 for steel with Brinell hardness 320 or over. With aiumi=6 the front angle Card 2/4 should be 150, with brass or bronze 20 and with cast iron 60 to 80. Flank angle should be 20 to 30 for roughing Machining with External Broaches SOV/122-59-3-18/42 teeth and 10 to lJO for finishing or sizing teeth. The Pitch of all teeth in external broaches should be calculated from pitch, t = 1.75 V_L_, where L is the length of the surface.being broached. There should not be less than 8 to 10 sizing teeth. Broaching speed is usually from 1 to 2 metres/minute for steel, and up to 3 metres/minute for cast iron, bronze or aluminium. The life of a broach between re-grinding, cutting at 1 tD 3 metres/minute, should be from ) to 4 hours with steel, bronze or aluminium, and 5 to b hours with cast iron if the allowable wear is reckoned to be 0.2 to 0.3 mm. Re-grinding should be performed in two stages, using 175 to 220 grain grinding wheels for final setting. Broaches cutting steel should be lubricated with a sulphurized mineral oils and when cutting cast iron wita an emulsion of vegetable oil, green soap and soda. For cutting alumin'i'um paraffin is the best lubricant, and Card 3/4 when cutting brass, bronze or other essentially brittle Machining with Ebcternal Broaches SOV/122-59-3-18/1+2 materials external broaches can be used without lubricant or coolant. There are 1+ figures. Card 1+/)+ MMMI, A.B. Automatic control of the diameters of ground studs. Priboro- stroenle n0-3:22 Mr 160. (KM 13:6) (Grinding and polishing) Oclectronic control) -. I ~- ~ : , ~. - :- ~: -~ I! -'- ~, - 7~.; ~ ~. - - FRMMFWLI, A.B., inzh. Heat treatment of dies for cold upeet forging. Hetalloved. i term. obr. met. no. 505-57 W 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Dies (Metalworking)) S/12 60/000/005/004/004 A104YAl 33 AUTHOR: Frenkell, A. B. TITLE: Patterns made of plastics PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodetvo, no. 5, 1960, 39 TEM The author describes experiments carried out at the Tsentrall- naya liteynaya laboratoriya (central Foundry Laboratory) in cooperation with the pattern workshop of the Likhacheva (Automobile Plant im. Likhachev) on the production of cast plastic patterns. Gypsum molds are made from metal or wooden patterns, dried, coated with pyroxilin lacquer and with a separating agent. The plastic material is made of viscous epoxy resin mix- ed with oleic acid as plasticizer and aluminum or iron powder as filler. It is heated to 40 - 500C and poured into the mold. The hardener, usually he- xatetramine tailingsv is added shortly before pouring. The filled molds are placed in a vacuum chamber for 15 minutes, then held for approximately 24 hours and later subjected to special heat treatment. The laboratory has also developed a technology for the casting of plastics inserts for core boxes for cylinder blocks. For this purpose a metal frame is placed in the caliber, Card 1/2 Patterns made of plastics S/128/60/000/005/004/004 A104/A133 covered with plastics and then heat-treated. Cast plastics inserts require no further processing. Encouraged by' these good results the plant has estab- lished a special section for the production of patterns made of plastics. Card 2/2 ,-. FREUM I , A. B. Manufacturing bearing bushings . Haahinostroitell no.8:21 Ac 160. (Mnu 13:9) (Bearing industry) 4 - __ !RZ~~ 11 A..B, All-purpose drill. Der.prome 9 no.10:29 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Drilling and boring machinery) AS13A ------------ Dividing head with a sine rule. (Dividing engine) Mashinostroitell no.1:21 ja 161. (MIRA 14:3) 11~ FRENICELI, A.B. Orting iroh and oteel in water-cooled Bhells. Litt proixv. j Ja 161. MIRA l4a) (She3_I molding (Founding)) FRENREP , A.B. Automation of power systemse Proinoonerg. 17 no.2,5 F 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Electric power distribution) (Automatic control) FIM'XZLI, A. B. FRENMI, A. B. "Gunshot abscesses of the spine during the Great Patriotic War", In the collectioni Boyevaya travma nervnoy sistemy, Kharlkov, 1948. p. 40-?8. SO: U-3261, 11) AI)ril 53 (Letopis - Zhurnal lnykh Statey No. 11, 1949) tT I , A . n - - - YRFM:ELI, A. B. "Convulsive attacks In gunshot injuries of the brain and poettraumatic epilerpsy", In the collectioni Boyevaya travma nervnoy oistemy, Xharlkov, 1948, P- 79-107- SO: U-3261, 1.0 April 53 (Letopia - Zhurnal Inykg Statey No. 11, 1949) --YM, KE-L I , A. B - FBENKELI, A. B. "A new method of objective analysis of the disturbance of sensitivity in traumatic damage to the peripheral nerves", In the collection: Boyevaya travMa ner-Inoy sistemy, Kharikov, 1948, p. 260-63- SO: U-3261, 1.0 April 53 (Letopis Zhurnal ln;ykh Statey No. 11, 1949) N PRIM=' A. *Bibliography on conditioned reflexasO N.K. Ilashchova. Ravieved by A. Frankel. Zh. vys. nerv. detat., 5 no'.6:927-929 N-D 'SS. (MMA 90) (BrBLIOPUM-CONDITIOM RROMBI) (KMHOHOVA, N.K.) - USLISR/Physics Biophysics Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 15150 Authors I FTenkel"s As Be Title Regarding the question of the differential diagnosis of color vision Periodical I DOK. AN SSSR, 100/1. .57-60, Tan- 1. 1955 Abstract I Various mothods and devices for determining the degree of color awwltivity of the eye are discussed. The use of now anomaloscope, in which strict colorimetric peculiarties of the differentiating visual analyzer (according to'the Kriss classification) are taken into account, together with polychromatio tables by Rabkin. is considered the beat method for that purpose. Three USM references (1946-ig5l). Tablel diegram. Institution I .......... Presented bys Academician K. M. Bykov, October 20, 1954 VA ITUICA S:~C. 12- V01. 12/8 Ophth. Aug. 58 S 1~ 6:,4-) i I t 4P 1313. kM?FP7L0W1ENT ORF' USTUS' TABLES FOR EXAMINATION OF COLOUR VISION (Russian text) - F r e k k e I _&I ]L_ - BIOFIZZKA 1956, 118 (708-712) The employment of Justus, tagii-p-erni-Its a relatively rapid and easy detection of persons with various forms of colour blindness. The diagnostic properties of the tables were tested on 29 patients having one or another form of colour vision ab- normality, api determined previously by means of a GOI anornaloscope. A non- differentiation of the tables began to appear at a threshold Irritability of the colour distinguishing system which was four oi more times the normal. A furthei im- provement of the tables may achieve a, quaUtative characterization of colour blind- ness. (SI -7-._Ikum~ L= ~- - ~~y~ - - - . ZIANKSLI , A.B., dol--tor. med.nauk, BRAYWVSKrT, Ya.Z.. stnrohiy nnuchnyy -- - ., sotrudnik Chnngen in skin pniri renction and the Tmpil pain reflex in acute otitle modin. Veot~otos-rin. 20 no*3tlO2-loi My-Je 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1- 12 30-y klinichenkoy bollnitsy bolezney ukhR. gorls. i noan Khnrlkov. (RFYL'BXF.B ) (RAR--DISRASES) KARE11) L. G.) laureat Leninskoy premii; SARYCHKV, N. K.; FRENKELI, A. L. Assembly of bridge apano owr the Southern Bug River. Transp. stroi. 13 no,4113-18 Ap 163. (MIRA 16;1,) 1. Nachallnik mostopoyezda No. 444 Tresta mostostroyentya No. I (for lWareli). (Nikolayev-Bridge construction) L 00739-!~~ EWT(m)/EPF(q)/T.- W/bJ ACCESSION J(R: APS021909 UR/0286/65/000/014/0064/0064 621.892.09 44 AUTHOR: Cheremukhin, 1. Semanovo K. G.; Frenkell, A. L.; Grankina, L. G.; Dyrova, V. TITLE: j!ydraulic brake fluid. Class 23, No. 172944 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 14, 1965, 64 TOPIC TAGS: brake fluid, anticorrosion additive, antifreeze ABSTRACT: 'this Author's Certificate, introduces a hydraulic brake fluid based on xylithane, inethanol fraction, anticorrosion additives and thickening agents. The fluid-is made more resistatit to freezing, the rate of corrosion in the sleeves is reduced and a wider selection of rawmaterials is provided by adding 300 wt. furfural to-a 1:1 mixture of xylithane and methanol frictionG ASSOCIATION:: none SUBMITTED: 12Jul62 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE, rp NO REF-SOV: 000 OTHER# 000 Card 1/1 _7~ VOLODKOVICH, S.D.; VOLIFSON, L.G.; CHEKALINAP V.I.; TREMLI, A.G.; FRENrEL, A.M. New nematocides - polyhalo derivatives of hydrocarbons and eaters of haloacetic acids. Khim.prom. no.9:648-650 S 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Nematocides) OKSMAN, I.M.; POGODINA, A.A.; MUQ1, Agh. Teeth - Abnormities and Deformities Clinical observation and treatment of first class abnormal occlusion (Katzle classification). Stomatologiia No. 2 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, rt.b., 1952 Iffl, Uncl. ej SHWKMO K.M&; ANTONOV, G.I.; M3YKOVICH, B.D.; SHMVALOV, 'Use of synthetic formterite brick for the checkerwork in open. hearth furnace gas regenerators. Sbor.,nauch.trud. UWIIO no.51l68- 180 161. (KM 1523-2) (F%rebrick) (Open-hearth furnaces-Dooign and construction) 1 T 0 * a 0 or slate, W # 1 0 111 11 12 It Is Is 16 V as all0 n At a It V 21 ?a i X 31 11 U 34 D U 31 X P 4 41 0 U as a$ at a L .1, - . 1 . At'loCats[l, A.0 "tol 1 I low." 00 .4 Manufacture of silica brick for the atool Industry froitin trylitallifle ' Q .00 runs fIrfaill Sri 143ft"Ji nartrites. 1. 8 MKLVAN%Xlt Axb A S. Fltt(NVtFl. 1 0 mat. SiUmle Ind, 1111(19631); Ceram. AlimVilarb (in J~ Am. Orem. Sv.) 11, 4311- 'the in 00 a ressigated quartzites have the following properties: mutin- Siot 07.?2. AIAW. lf,W, , 1 1 FrA (178. CaO 0.144, M&O trace, Ignition 64 0.28%. ill). it. 2 -;ctrr .0. refractorinetts 750" i t 34 Th b d h -00 so a 69 ). and coin. aacale%, to study the in- rone e elPts. ave een carr out on la ). e 0 duecam of diffavrat aiddrass. and Conditions of mantal. on the rate of invtrition of quartz tit A 0 slim brick. The silica brick obtaticasid West: tested in an open-hearth furnace. Con- 06 ciuslonit: (1) The investigated rMt. quartzites are slowly tramfortned during firing They are suital4v for the numul. of first-grade silica brick it tht: batch i. wril nitat4l 00 Z 00 in an edge mill. carefully molded, and fired at 4eger mot Id for 2.1 ItrA (2) Though f l fi h j ncr granu ly a ar rmjpn. T e invmkm of quartz is inuare inteniiive. ifir tat-thotit re,:. d h i 00 ommen t e uw of a gr nd of quartzites stahjerted to a control sieving ilifoat1h a i4rve with olieningq of 5 mm. The contents of grainq in site lc,% than OA inni. hould be =00 00 nearly &)% fly the use of outhi a grind silica bricks we obtained having sk gresict 00 thermAl -irritilth and resistance againit the action 4-1 duO and sfsj~ (3t The intro. ductlatin Into the liatch of nuare than 2% of lime Is minec""ry. at if lo"rt ifir rr aso fractorinmr-A of silica twick without itlirramsing the inv"sion tit quarts, (4) 1-tir-mit ' * file luoislorecif the batch lmllrorrs the nualify of the -ilivis I.riek. I llrolax ,Ill)nl.ltjrr a .006 A. '00 we 0 00 too Otif as( 811111140-C ;o 0 70* U is AT 10 Its _P__V I if T if I AM a S a ew 0 1 if IN 1, a a 11 1 1 as 19 a, In In in '11, K n 0000 0 0 6 0 0 of 0 0 gig 0 a 9 0 0 0 0 6 0 go goo 0 4 4 4 * - & _- C, 6 4& S 4 6 -' S & 45 4 4 0 6- 6 , 4 a 4 4 a & V 9 9 0 0 41 6 0 0 0 0 0 iii 0 0 a 0 9 0 a * 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 i 00 00 OPY hand moldisix) Should be limited Ity the Ability to fewn the regularity of %hapr so 00 o6beirrerninick (a) The addo. of 2.5% of send does not lower i lie qualit v of thr %ilk-a brick. (11) The addit. of previously firril t lArigors In the quaniny ot ;its it, so *0 P 10% Itwfiraset. in some measure, the Inverairm o quarls. Nw the otaimil. M Nick nix rif Intricate shapes or great misc. however. %och an addn. is toirritson4ble froto 90 90 the econcinite point of view and only compliessics the prorrm of manut. (ilTheblito 90 of furnace throat dust is a good mineralizer for the inveision of quartz into tridyinite By its Introduction Into the batch. if the other conditions remain con%t.. well tridyno- 00 00 tized silica brick we obtained. The optimum quantity of this addn. Ii '21c'r. (hie ail 00 00 vantage sit thist miriersilizeir is that being a dust It ored not be around. It% .1iwi- vantage is its diwtuating client. comfort. dependins on the phyti. state of the materialt 90 so charged lit the blast furnace and of the work of the (urns". (81 Well tridymititnt 00 00 silica Istrick are obtained with welding slag-s u osinefalizen. The optimum quan- Illy of this addis. to 2%. Their advantage is that newly all of the 1'r previst 90 of Is In the form of ouboilde. The disadvantage is the necrAwy of fine grinding rom. 00 of licated by their high hardnew. (9) 71w addn. (if tna)1A%w% d4w% nitt inflorner the I nwridon of quartz. although Its Introduction In the quantity of 023% Is desirable. &4 it 00 go rondderably demawsi the waste rif green brick anti altl% lit retaining [rise c.srMr% and of 00 edlies of The brick. (10) The addn. of reducing ageniq such aq coke and charcoal con- 00 111011110 isiderablY promotes the Inversion of quartz Into tridymite; esisccially good results art 90 049 obtained with charcoal. The introduction of these addus. (when feirruginti, minvraliz. . ers are used) Is also necemry to I the Pam """rase It I of the milica brick. its thermal 0 90 strength bring influcroccd. The quantity of thrqe adtr~. should Ie iro,n I to -, (j%. Do 00 An increase in their quantity increases the difficulty of molding. G G es 00 00 90 00 00 00 oe 00 90 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 do 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 @fool** a 0 0 0,0 o 0 itiver ABC OUGMALIN 0 0 Jim. A_141_7 66I.Co ..-VER Ile set $01 OOR Freiiike4 A. S., and Beriez6ot. A. S. ),*,)DvcTiov 402 OJF CIMUMM RRV111,41770311191% Ogivempory. 3 16) 449-5,11 0 1 M33Y - -Mitiures Of V11FOR111C with quattsite. clay front different drimisitt, Alumina, soluble SUS%, soda, little, 000 tuagnesitc. dulconitc, mAgn"Lx and quArtsit, in the pro- ofs Z I"If6in Gi 2.%IgO:SiON tuAgnmiA and alumina in the pro- I"m4m of NigOAls(h. natural te"pentine. and other ma- firce- 00: terials were investigated a% to their refracturiness, C initi: had the following clermicul conelm%ition: SiOs 3.4(), AIA, 1U.5, CIA .12 11, Fto 2.1 W1, CaO OAS, and Xf v 14 WS"'. 1(ith fetractory mixtures Vki(h quartzite ('211 Oew At.kined with 0 to IS'; and X7, to Mil", chrornite, With is to ."17, eduminit the rehActerinesi did not (All undcr cone 10 37 ~4.111140 01,1~4 field MkIA lower it to curse Id of- &:Ask 151; Mst(k '41111 _4)`~ doloolite it 00, 0- ~&v n., 3., 0 0 a go it is W a a it SK 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 its a 110,11 111141 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 4p 0 0000*000000000901000 Alit unit 1111101111 It x 41 U a 0 a U A 1 .*0 01 &V 0, 1.- -0, 4 Acts was cwtit vour 3. With it wt, to vi"ic IN. It clay. kaolus. Aluminum mide and it,, *Alt% -Aduldir 914~4. rte, arvu-t. low-melting SlAwssad silivAtris are formed with the inignebiat silk-al" preleent. A bind- iug imass of h4virrile type w= I.skrn. amounting 14) 2N)"; after firing, '17hr r"ass hAd the folluveing g"nubmew-fric toprepowma: I to 21 into. I;,;. is 5 to I Items. 8- 02 role.5 men. 94';. and UndcfO.2weus.f1:Y`s_. Sampleswertpresrd At 301 lex iem.,' tired at IWAV foc 6 its 63 hr., aritt c,sested Ior 21 hr. The I)tk,k obt3itird was sintered. the mechAni. -1 strength w4s flows 350 I&g.iclu.s. vAtrt ob,,wplion .. I I-Pfo%ity 17 4 ION v-, Volume ity I 1 4 tu,Ni 91 , v,4ume weight 3 2 tol It 'Isecific wtight 4 1 to 4..1. alkwe *,mic :19. 1 juening ol dr- forimat ion hmd set L K cm At I to 1 "05" 2' mild coltapse at Z., f11,1111.4 (lick) 1~lr lz.f it, r-T-TTA--4 1-1- V 5 2 It U I or 14 11 it it a (I a It a a I I I, FO 0060060000 0 0 1 0 X"ALLU*WAL U79RATURE CLASIVICAT14K 4m OVIAISVIS 101 IS IOU 11 41 411 t0 4 L ... ... to 1. and dalOUIU4- A. Mw, Iwo To PRve'll thr fine tore"t r ~ llnlwvTt lite palluwk)" 'a "st kju"-fikcQbm&u'v* I the 1wracd p,,)doct. atki tO tbc OM wuinal of the fuwt v-t",A 1=29, at dt"Ied tcow. SIO 0 see '800 too too u a AT 0) it 0 0 0 4) i*04-:' 0 0 41 0 1* 90 *fLAOlk NI L S 4 114411 OK GMT got 0 NO 4 101W 1"244 Ile volilk. 0 0 a z~t!eeceas a e e a a e 9 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * a 0 0 sip oem Sop 00. 00- ........ . .... . i,jo o c, e, a a o u a e o e z z z m- z e o e a 010 09 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 C 0 0 0 *-* 0 0 0 1 - 10 it U ail 0 'Is vAl 30 a 41 40 a0 0, " ~ioll- AA --I.- 1.014111. l3l.-'Mr'filj i94O.-A slurry of causticiml flohm"itc. to which red day has been lidded us a qlabilixer. is u~l as raw miterial for clinker. go Ir W ef a it W a K a K 11 K It a Ii ft a s i i i i i i i '06 0 0 oi 11 ?4 H~Zfj-, 5!Ati:c m4,q SOV/137-58-11 21919 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 12 (USSR) AUTHORS: Frenkell, A.S., Slonimskaya, Ye. Z. T IT LE: A Method of Testing Chemically -bonded Magnesite Chrome Refrac- tories for Resistance to Iron Oxides (Metodika ispytaniya khromomagne- zitovykh ogneuporov na ustoyichivost' k vozdeystviyu okislov zheleza) PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform, Vses. n. -i. in-t ogneuporov, 1956, Nr 1, pp 112-119 ABSTRACT: A method of determining the resistance of chemically- bonded mag., nesite chrome refractories (MR) to Fe oxides by change in the volume of a sample subjected t; scale action on all sides resulting from heating in a magnesite crucible'/specified porosity has been developed to replace estimation of MR resistance to Fe oxides by increase in the diameter of an MR test specimen upon contact with the scale after heating. The volume of the specimen after the test is determined by calculation, based on the change in the Fe- oxides contents. This method is dis- tinguished by being reproducible, by the fact that it allows for the influence of the density of the specimen upon its resistance to Fe oxides, Card 1/1 and by the fact that it provides satisfac orr agreement of test results. Ya-G. 137-58-6-11407 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 23 (USSR) AUTHORS: Frenkel',_,A.C~.,mukler, K.M. TITLE: Increasing the Service Life of Magne site -chromite Roof Brick (Povysheniye stoykosti svodovogo magnezitokhromitovogo kirpicha) PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Vses. n.-i. in-t ogneu- porov, 1957, Val 2, pp 39-45 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Ref. RzhMet, 1957, Nr 7, abstract 11535 1. Refractory materials--Processing Card 1/1 137-58-6-11404 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 22 (USSR) AUTHOR: Frenkel', A.S. TITLE: High-heat-duty Refractories for the All-basic Open-hearth Fur- nace, and Methods of Increasing Their Service Life (Vysoko- ogneupornyye izdeliya dlya tsellnoosnovnoy rnartenovskoy pechi i puti. povysheniya ikh stoykosti) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii. M-vo cher- nay metallurgii SSSR. 1957, Nr 12, pp 62-84. Diskus. pp 153-169 ABSTRACT: The history of the development in the USSR of manufacture of heat-stable magnesite-chromite brick (since 1940) and the use of magnesite -chrome (MC) and chrome -magnesite (CM) roofs in basic metal furnaces is set forth. The stability of CM is 2-3 times as great as that of conventional silica brick. In 1955 service life in the 360-t furnaces of the Kuznetsk Metal- lurgical Kornbinat reached 481 heats, while it was 624 in the 185-t furnaces, and 895 at the 55-t furnaces of the Zlatoust Plant. An analysis of changes in the properties of chrome- Card 1/2 rnagnesite and magnesite -chrome brick relative to High-heat-duty Refractories (cont.) manufacturing practice is made, also an analysis of the causes of failure. Data on the successful employment of forsterite refractories in the checkers of all-basic metallurgical furnaces are adduced. At the Zaporozhstall Plant, the life of forsterire checkers has been brought to 3 runs per roof (1300-1400 heats), with replacement during this period only of the 2 or 3 top rows dur- ing shutdowns. A number of measures are advanced for further increase in the outputs of meUL11urgical furnaces with MC and CM to reduce unit con- sumption of fuel arid increase the life of the refractories. S. G. 1. Refractcry niaterials--11roduction 2. Refractory materials--EffecTiveness 3. Open hearth furnaces--Materials Card 2/2 25(l) P&4W 1 BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3-788 OgneWory d2y& chernoy met&Uurgil; abornik statey (Refractories in Ferrous MetaUuray; Collection of Articles) Moscow.. MeUUurgizdatj, 1958. Errata sUp inserted. 4.,000 copies printed. Ed.: D, L 0avrish, lagineerj Ed* of PoWisbing Bouset L P. Kirsanoyj Tach, Ed.% A. 1. Uraney. PURPOSEt We book is intended for engineers and technicians working in ferrous metaUurQ,* COVERAW: 72m book consists of 20 articles on the develwment, and use of re- fractories in the Soviet metallmlical Industry, D., 1. Gavrish, in the first paper., prosents the prospects for development and research -projects for the period 1959-1965. He wWbiasizes development of refractory plants in the eastern part of t~w USSR. In general the articles deal with recent developments in basic and acidic refractories for blast and open hearth furnacess and for the 14min of 'ad' s and special equipment used in continuous casting and in Taomm treatment of steel. A. S. Berez1jW discusses the technology of manufacturing magnesite and forsterite refractories which frequently replace Dinas brick and fire clay,, Several authors state that good results were obtained with Card 1/5 Refractories In Ferrous Metallurgy; (Coats ) SOV/1788 pericUse-spinell brick and with bricks made of magnesium and chromite compounds. The application of nev refractories, LwWAtImg materials., high- temperatur-3 mortars, binding media, and cements., combined with advanced techniques in lining furnaces, are said to have more than doubled the time intervals between relining and overhauling furnaces. 0. M. Margulis and A. G. Khroulov discuss the use of "tagged atoms" to detezisine the degree of contsmin- ation of steel by refractory-lining particles. N. S. lasayak describes the pro- d=tion of' refractories by the semidry pressing method employed at the Nizhne- Tagill p3Ant.and I. S. ftymrski and V. D. Tsiglar cover the use of lightweight Dlinfts bricks in industrial furnaces. The last paper written by A. R. Makary- cbey compexes and evaluates the physical properties and service life of fire- clay bricks.. forsterite bricks.. Dinas bricks and bricks with high alumina content- Gzaphs, diagram, and photographs accompany the papers. For referencen ,yaw Table of Contents. TABLE OF CON'aWSt Gav-rish, D.I. Basic Trends for the Developownt of Production of High- resistance %fractories for Ferrous Metsll;urgy., 1959-1965 Berezbpoy., A.S. -Tscbnologr of the Production of MIagnesite and Forsterite Ref'ractories E28 Boviet references] 26 Card 2/ 5 Refractories in Ferrous Metallurgy (Cont.) SGV/1788 Fanarin,, A. P. Poriclase-spinel Brick 38 Mgh-refractory ?Mucts for All-basic Open Heartba ind Ways of Increasing Durability [There are 12 references., 9 of which are Soviet ' ., g! Eng3ish, 1 Gernan) 55 Pirogov., A.A., Air Setting High-refractory Magnesium Cement [ 8 Soviet references] 86 Dabrov, N.F., and I. Sh. Shvartman. Experience With Heat Insulation of the Magnenium Chroisite Roof of an Open Hearth Furnace 99 D2yachkov, P.N., and Z.S. D'yachkova. Magnesinn Chromite Products for Vacuum fteatment. of Transformr fSteel in Iadl 8[5 Soviet ref- erences] 3-14 Uzberg, A.I. Nonfired MLgaesite ladle Liners 122 Gleboir.. S.V. pand L.A. Tikhonova. Lining the Hearth Bottom and the Hearth :bi Kodern M"t Furnaces 132 [There are 25 references, 19 of which are Soviet, 3 English, 2 qe rMn . and 1 Polish] Card 3/5 %fractories in ftrrous Metallurgy (Cont.) SOV/1788 714k revich, S.A.., and I.A. Getman. m-echnology of MLnuftcturing High-density and Dimensionally St&ble Alumino-SilieLte Refiactories for BAst Faimaces Linings. [There are 13 references, 6 of which are Soviett and 7 English] 142 Kukolev., G.V,.., and X.F. Vasi.117avL. Oaz-rice Life of Ladle Liners _"% for PbuAng 3teel (13 Soviet references] Loc. Ratman, D.S., L.V. VinogrLdovo-mL, K.A. Ya-asotin, and D.B. Min1kov. Eeat-resistAw2t High Almdma lAdle-Lining Brick and Stopper Nozzles of 163111-te-03ruxidum Cbq_position [5 Soviet references] 173 margalis.,,, and A.G. 1%raulov. The Use of TLgged Atoms to De- terml the Zffect of %fractory Contamination of Steel With Non- metallic Inclusions (There are 12 references, 9 of which are Soviet, %nd3lnglish] 178 Lesayak, N.F. Manufacture of Steel-youring Dlyvices by the Semld27 Pressing Method in the Pefractor7 Shop of the Nizhne-TLgill Mets,1- lurgical Combine and the Results of Practical Application in Metal- lurrv 186 Card 4/5 Refractories in Ferroms Metallurgy (Cont.) 80V/lTw Streletso V.N., A.G. IMmulovp and I.S. Zozulya. Refractory Liners for Continuous Casting of Kill d Steel [There are 13 references, 8 of vbich are Soviet'q end 5 EngUshl 195 Tseyt2ln, L.A. 0 and V.P. Rakins. P2asticized Fire Clays and High Alumina Mortars IS Soviet references] 206 Kayna"Idy., I.$., MOroving the Tmehnolear of Producing DLms Be- fractoriem for Coke Ovens 216 MLymrxk:Ly, I B., azA V.D. Tisigler. Use of Ligbtiftight Dinas Brick in the Fkzrnaces H Owdet references] 11 229 NILZ&r",, M.P. Use of Plefractories in Open Hearth Furnaces 245 MakAryrJmYj, A.P. Use of Forsterite., Dtms,, and Fireclay Bricks With Increased Almins: Content in Meeker of Open Hearth Furnaces 24A AVAnAZXt Library of Congress Card 5/5 GO/fal 7-17-59 80316 /19.- -PC X5 0 SOV/81-59-7-24149 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 7, p 348 (USSR) AUTHORS: Frenkel', A.3 , Shmukler, K.M., Minkovich,_B.D. TITLE: High-Alumina Articles on the Base of Commercial Alumina PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta ogneuporov, 1958, Nr 2 (49), PP 100 - 158 ABSTRACT: nte results were laid down of investigations on the problem of obtaining dense high-alumina products for lining the reservoir of bAth fUrnaces intended for melting heavy-duty boro-silicate glasses. It was established that: 1) An increase in the dispersion of commercial alumina which was burnt at 1,550'C (in briqutets) considerably improves sintering. 2) The intro- duction of 1% of caustic magnesite into the charge decreases the sintering temperature of chamotte by 1000C, decreasing its refractoriness by 200C only. 3) In the case of burning in a revolvir% furnace, It is possible to obtain sintered chamotte even at sm A1203 content of up to 90%, but in this case material card 1/3 is lost with the waste gases. Preliminary calcination of the 80316 SOV/81-59-'1-24149 High-Alumina Articles on the Base of Commercial Alumina briquet at 6000C with a holding time of 4 hours reduces the loss by /"114 times. 4) The porosity of high-alumina products from the charge with 2% binding clay or without it, in the case of application of granulated chamotte, decreases approximately twice. 5) A favorable effect on the sintering of high-alumina products is obtained by the replacement of clay In their charge by thin chamotte fractions. 6) The growth of mullite-corundum products in burning is the result of the fo mation of mullite from corundum and clay. 7) The proper- ties of high-alumina products, even in the case of their equal final porosity, are different if the porosity of the raw material is different. If at high burning temperatures dense products are obtained from a raw material with in- creased porosity, a large number of shrinkage cracks are formed between the grains of the chamotte and the binding material, which decreases the resistance of the products to aggressive melts of low viscosity. 8) The application of high-density raw material, especially in the case of introducing granulated chamotte with a simultaneous increase in the content of its thin fractions, permits the buniing of these products to be carried out even in ft,.rnaces on solid fuel at temperatures of the order of 1,4500C and does not require the Card 2/3