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Prolapse of the rectum in children. Ceek.pediat.16 n0-3:218-241 Mr 161. 1. Klinika pediatricke chirurgie Dediatricke fakulty KU v Praze, prednosta doc. MUDr. V. Kafka. (RECTUM die) FRA14KY 0. Aganglionic dysfunation of the intestines in newborng arz Infants. Frizhl. chir. no.: !.'Y')1-7-; N 16L. 1. 10-InIka pro detakou t:hirurg-'I fakulty detekcibo IeksL:3t-vj Karlovy University v Praze, (predziosta prof. dr. V. Kafka, I :.Jrs 0. " . ,~WK, _ _ 0#9, . dr. Disability mduation in paralysis of the extremities. Lijecn. vjesn. 86 no.,!:187-199 P164 1. Iz:Drugostopene lavalidske komisije Republickog zavoda za socijalno osiguranjo u Zagrebu. -G- FRAIIN, Otto, dr. Role of the general prautitioner In disability Insurance. Lijeen. vjesn. 86 no.51571-580 My 164 1. Iz Drugostepene invalidake komioijf~ Republickog zavoda za .1 socijalno osiguranje u Zagrebu. Frank, 5. lhe common bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus les. 1819) in waters-.of our country. P. 35 Prague. Narodni Museum. CASOPIS; ODDIL PRIRODOIT-MY. Praha. Vol. 125, no. 1, 1956 Source: EEAL - LC Vol. 5. No. 10 Oct. 1956 FRAFK~ St. Nannobrycon equea-(Steindachner). Vezechowiat no.5tl23-124 My, 61. F ,FMTIK,~ _S,, Trichogaster trichopterus var. sluratranus ladiges 1933. Wsmhavlat no.93239 S 162. MNK$ S. Jordanella florliae (Goode and Bean IM). Wozechswiat no.V8.- 204 Jl-Ag 162. FRANK) S. Fterophyll= eimekei Ahl 1928. Wszechswiat no.7/8:204 Jl-Ag 162. mur a. f MOWMM09"~ftorymbus ternetzi (Boulanger 1895). Wazechsviat no.6: 163 J~, 1(~. 'Yt Puns a. Roo.boides miorolopis (Reinhardt 1849), Wozechaviat no.6:163- 164 je 06,2, YARUSTOVSKIY, A. -A.; SVICTLOV, H.?.; LIKIN, V.V., redaktor; 'BALA IRV, V.I., redaktor; YMM.Ak., vedushchLy rsdaktor; BEGICECIVA, M.N., tokhnichookly rsdaktor. (Operation-oi mechanical and'electrical sluice gate equipmeint] Acapluatatsila mekhanichaskogo L I-lektricheakop oboradovaniia shliuzov'. Moskva, lid-vo Kinisterotya rechnogo flota SSSR, 1952. 210 p. [Kicrofilml NUL 7:11) (Sluice gates) FRM,,K, T. FRANK, T. Ist National Economic Conference ofthe Textile Industry. p. 28. Vol. 1-1, No. 12, June 1956. MUSZAKTL ELET TECHNOLOGY Budapest., Hungary So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 1957 Mechanization of the cleaning of textile factories as a means of indiistrial organization. Mau textil 15 no.8: 388 Au t63. FRANK, Tibor Relationship of indlLLStrial management with work psychology and work physiology in the field of textile industry. Magy textil 15 no.12:569--571 D 163. Frank T. Frank T. Eng. "Pumps and Injectors Used in Steam Power. Stations. (Pompy i strumienice stosawance v elektrowniach cieplywch). Energ!!jyka. No. 1-21 1950, pp. 13-210 9 figs. I tab. The influence of temperature on the operation of the pumps,, cavit- ation and the origin of that phenomenon in hot -.-&ter pumps. Descriptions of the arrangement of pumps in steam-power riants, drive and design of circulating water pumps,. characteristlin of the work and design of con- densate-removal pumps. Reciprocating air pumps and their design, steam and water injectors. Arrangement of pumps, boiler feed water tanks and deaerators in general uise. Selecting the size of feed water pumps on the basis of characteriatics of their curves. Indications for designing feed water pump installations in boiler houses. SO: Polish Technical Abstracts No. 2, 1951 " V, - I' ~ 'm~.";,-, M~ ~ ~*~~ !~- '~4~ - , ~. -- - ~ I , Z", ', ~ ~ " . ~, . -- I - , - -1 ~' --,,: :- ,, 4, -1. l'; ~ - .1 ~ I ~ - . 1. 4-- F 11RANK, T. completion of the largest thermoelectric power plant in Denmark, p. h9. (VMGETYKA,, Stalinogrodp Vol* 9. noo lp Jan./Feb. 1955.) SOt Monthly TAst of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. h, No. 1, Ji~. 1955, Uncl. FRANK I T. The technical book as an aid to worker and engineer. p. 161 Vol. 9, no, 3, MaY/June 1955 ENERGENTYKA Stalinogrod SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, VOL. 5, no. 2 Feb. 1956 FRAINF., T. A discuszinn of Soviet electric power engineerts on electric s Stems of Nydroelectric power plants. p. 229. EITEREG-MA, Vol. 9, No. 5 SePt./Oct. 1955 (Ministerstwo Energetyki) Stalinogrod. SOURCE: , EAST EURO :SAN AGC,~SSICNS LIST Vol. 5, No. 1 Jan. 1956 T IncreasixiC the co(!fficient of of eq,iinrient, --ispri tnelectric-,:)ovar plants. n.39. L (Ministerstwo -EnerCet3~ i) StalinoErod ITOJ. 10, no. 1, Jr,n./Ir~eb. 1956 3o. East E~tronean Accessions List '701. l'o. 9 ~enta-;Ix-r lr',.'.6 FRANK, T. FRANK, T. Selection of equipment for direct our-ert Installations in electric-power plants. p.292 Vol, 3Z no, 7'July 1956 Warszawa Polanai: SOURCE: East bxmpean Accessions List (EM) Vol. 6 No. 4 April 1957 FRANK, T. FRANK, T. Organizational problems in light industry. p. 35. Vol. 10, no. 6, June 1956 TOBBTEMELES Budapest, Hungary So: East European Accessions Vol. 6, No. 5, May 1957 FRANK, Tibor; SZASZ, Marton; MARK, Forenc; BOSNYAK, Taman; LUGOSI, Karoly; -----7ffKEIE, Istvan; TOMPOS, Ko-roly; KABDEBO, Kornal; JAVOR, Bela; SCHEFTSIK, Jeno; VOGL, Feranc; REITER, Gyorgy Conference on the currant tasks of the light industry workers. !tu*a szemle 5 no.3:5-7 Mr 161. 1. Textilipari Muszaki Tudomanyos Egyasulet Ipargazdasagi Szakosztalya titkara (for Frank). 2. Kispesti Taxtilgyar munkaugyi osztaly vezetoje (for Mark). 3. Konnyuipari Miniszterium Munkaugyi as Oktatasi Onallo Osz- talya vezatoja (for Sun). 4. Ujpasti Gyapjuszovogyar munkaugyi osztalya vazatoje (for Bosnyak). 5. Kandar Juts. as Textil Ipar munkaugyi oaztnly vezetoje (for Lugosi). 6. Kobanyai Textilgyar munkaugyi osztalya vezPtoje (for Fekate). 7. Konnyuipari Miniszterium Pamutipari Igazg&tosaga mun- kaugyi os;staly vezetoje (for Tompos). 8. Magyar Pamutipar munkaugyi osz- talya vezetoje (for Kabdabo). 9. Majus 1 Ruhagyar munkaugyi osztalya vazetoje (for Javor). 10. Konnyuipari Miniszterium Len-Kenderipari Igaz- gatosaga munkaugyi osztalya vezetoje (for Scheftsik). 11. Ruhaipari Tervezo Vallalat (for Vogl). 12. Goldberger Textilmuvek munkaugyi foosz- taly vezatoje (for Reiter). FRANK, Tibor is plant manapment an organic part of the activity of Hungaryls textile industry enterprises? A polemic article. Magy textil 14 no.2:84-85 P 162. FRANK-Tibor; KOYWICKI, T. [translator] Present state and tasks for the future in the fiold of organization of enterprises in the Hungarian textile industry. Przegl w1okien 16 no.'?/8:431-1+33 n-Ag 162. _~,,Tibor - Organization'6d procedure of 'the technical divisions of the technical industry entetprises. Magy textil 14 no.3-1:45-517 N 162. 1. Hazai Pamutszovogyar. FRANK, Tibor Imptovement of the transportation work at the Hungarian Cotton Weaving Factoryt Kozleked koal 18 no.48:865-867 2 D 162. MIX,, Tibor Report on the Moscow conference on the textile industry economics. Magy textil, 15 no./+:18&189 Ap 163. FBANK. Tibor Training of textile industry engineers-economists in the Soviet Uniono Magy textil 15 zio.5/6:264 *-Jis 1639 FRANK, Tibor Aptitude tests carried out in the Hungarian Cotton Mill. Magy textil 15 no.7:317-318 Jl 163. OrganivAtional experience with the ..a.-gsr of the text.Lle industry enterprises. Musz elet 18 no,9-.6 25 Ap 163. FRMp Tibor Possibilities for the development of industrial management within the framework of the Federation of Technical and Scien- tific Associations. Muss slat 18 no.21t2 10 0 163. FRANK,, Tibor Problems relating to the aelection and employment of textile in.- dustry workers. Munka szemle 8 no-437-9 Ap 164, FRANK, TJbor Formation of an up-to-date organization at industrial enterprises. Kinks. szemle 8 no.11:20-23 N 164. . i- 11 FRANK Tibor the formation of an adequate "operational atmosphere." Magy textil .16 no. 6:2F.0-283 Je 164. FR"'INK .- ..- ~ - --l- Is -Lhere. anyrr.--npower t--harrage in the lipit indj,-~tl-,.,'-' ",-Sz e_,-3', 19 ric--.19;4 .10 S :64 Flij~ 'if , T:Jbor Is there any sbortage of manpower in the light industry? Muaz olat 19 no.21:2 8 Ci 164. FRANK, Tibor Organizational tasks of management. Elelr. ipar 18 no.10-, 0 164. -121-328 FRANK, Tibor New features of the work of the Federation of Tenbnical and Scientif-lo Assooiations. Musz elet 20 no.ls2 14 Ja 165. CISAR, Wdvik, inz.1 FRANK, Causes and analysis of the collapse of some constructions. Poz stavby 1-1 no.11t. 603-606 163. 1. Technicky a zkuuebni ustav stavebni, Praha. W. FRANK Structural balances in power aconmW. P. 570 ENERGIU ES ATOIMTECHNIKA. (Enei-giagazdalkodaai Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest Hungary Vol. 11, no. 9110, Sept./Oct. 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EM) LC., VOL. 8, no. 7, July 1959 Uncl. YAIIIOVSE'IYI M.I.; GAMYEV, G.A.;rIIKIFOROV, V.P.; MAKAPOIKO, V.G.; ZIMIN, R.A.; MARININ, P.I.; FRANK, Yu.A * -- 7,-1- 1-- 7- .1 Gas chromatograph witb automatic pickup of samples from a flow. Zav. lab. 31 no. l2tl526-1528 ~65 (MIRA 190.) 1. Institut khimichesk.ay fiziki Plil SSSR. DMC-IESAR, B.; FRANK, Z. Malformations formed by local application of hypothermia in the secord half of pregnomcy in the white rats. Bul sc Youg 7 no.1/2:5-6 F-Ap 162. 1. Zavod za histologiju i embriologiju Medicinskog fakulteta.. Zagreb, Internal Medicine CZECHOSLOVAKIA FRANK _Z4,QjaSLt&, STVERAL, Jiri; DVORAK, Josef; Inscitute of Aero- nautical Medicine (Ustav Leteckeho Zdravotnietvi), Prague. "Radio Waves Another Scourge of Civilization." Prague, Radar. Vol 1. No 3, Nov 66, pp 56 - 58 Abstract: Factors influenoing the madixim in which poople are living are discussed. Radio waves are defined as waveswith frequencies between 100 kilocycles and 3,000,000 kilocycles, that is waves 14. GM to 3,000 meters long. Although these waves do not affcct the senses of the body, they do have an influence on it. Thermal and non-thermal effects of the radio waves on the hum n organism are described. Clinical aspects of these effects are evaluated. Some of these effects are described in detail. Protection against the influence of electromagnetic fields is discussed; some peculiar effects of these fields on human beings are described. Biological effects of radio waves are discussed. 1 Table, no references. 1/1 FHANX~ Zdoriok, lnz. Frobler, r,* d6v--)1oPrant. of aularation tao',nnology in tnf: chomical int!u5try. Au+,uudLA7.a,-ti 7 no.1121:318-32-9 -!J' '641- 1. Tns'-"Ltute o~ rhrizidcal Tndu,%try, Aut-CndtiOll, Sa~aiiCe. FRANK-KAIMENETSKI., A. D. Origin of chemical elements. Biol i khim 5 no. 2:1-12 163. 1. r~ I VV__W _EwT(d1APF(n)-2/F.GC~(w)/BVS.__ AFM/ASDASD_31M01jJP(C)1SM 296MICON 04 AP3004963 3/0208/63/003/004/0766/0769 AUTHOR;_ Fr;.nk-Kamonotakiy;-A,--D.-(Mosoow) - TITLE: Sol ution of a kinetic equation by the Monte Carlo method SOURCE: Zhurnal vy*chiel. matematiki i matematich. fiziki, v. 3, no, 4j 1963P 766-769 TOPIC TAGS:. Konte Carlo, kinetic equation, approximate solution J ABSTRACT: Use of the Monte Carlo method allows the acceleration of computation on standard high-speed machines,, obtaining the solution of a kinetic equation with essentially greater accuracy than by the use of other known methods. The author considers such a solution of a kinetic equation in an example of the problem of fii.,iding the distribution of the flow of mono-energetic neutrons in !;a.multi-zone heterogeneous cylindrical nucleus with arbitraa7 distribution of 'isotropic sou:raes. For finding the nean flows in the zones *~., the random motions N of l'ohe neutrons are tracked fr'om the moment of 11b9-W1 to-capture, ''For each neutj,-on, its mileage in the given zone Xk-) :-is registered*. Obviously, ifor large values of N I Card 1/2 17129-63 Wt AP3004963 M V kAy ~ihere,c is art arbitrary constant, The initial coordinates of the neutrons are ch6sen in a random fashion with respect to ~he giveri distribution of the sourcese 1.11 express my deep gratitude to 1. M. Soboll. for his valuable comnents."', Orig. ~rt.'has: 6 formulas, 1graph,, and 1 table.. .. .. .. ASSOCIATION: riona WMITTED: 2 7Aug62 DATE ACQ.- 3OAug63 ENCLi 00 SUB CODE:, M,:, 10,-REI? I'M: -- 003 OTHERr" 001, . 1 rd 2/2 z" j~ 9E; VALENTA, Oldrich, inz. dr. CSc.; WEINER, Evzon, inz. dr. Cs,r. dacenBed)I' Effect of long-lasting vibration on the strength and bond of concrete. Stav cas 12 no.2:85-101 164. ACCESSION 'X.R: AM15558 AUT'NOR: Frivik-Kamenetskiy, A. D. S/0089/64/016/002/0119/0122 TITLE: Application of the Monte-Carlo method to the multigroup-re- actor computation SOURCE: Atorinaya energiya, v. 16, no. 2, 1964, 119-122 TOPIC TAGS: Monte-Carlo method, multi group reactor computation$ fission cross-section neutron capture, neutron scattering ABSTRACT: The author discusses the application of the Monte-Carlo method for determination of the multiplication coefficient and the energy and space distribution o_f ncutron fluxes in the multi-group transport approximation. The iie-utron scattering is assumed to be isotropic -.1n the laboratory system. The probabilities of transitionals between groups depend on both the elastic and inelastic neutron scat- tering. Tho-computation of trajectories and fluxes in the group is similar to that given in the author's previous work (Zh. vy*chisl. matem. i mal;em, fiziki V0- 3, 766.(1963-)), as applied-to two.. e- ;4 1/2 .ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol5558 dimensional cylindrical geometry. Several generations tof neutrons A (original, secondary, etc.) are considered in succession. The method''I is Justified when the ratio of the size of the active zone and the average migration path is close to unity. Thus, the Monte-Carlo method supplements the other computational method; its error is mini-'! mal when that of the diffusion approximation is maximal. Orig. art. has: 2 figures.and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: :L7Jui63 DATE' ACQ: 12Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: N.") NO REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 005 Card2/2 SOV/124--58 I-IZ63 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhan:jka, 1958, Nr I.. p 156 (USSR) AUTHOR: Frank-Kamenetskiy--G TITLE: Strain Calculation for Ring-shaped Parts (Raschet deformatsiy kolltsevykh detaley) PERIODICAL: V sb, : Gidroturbostroyen;ye. Nr 4. Moscow- Leningrad, h1ashgiz, 1957, pp 195-210 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 FRA,IfK-T,0=,-I5 MI, L. Z. 1948. "Partial Denervation of the Stomach in Ulcerous Diseases." KhL-urgiya, No-5, Surgical Glirdc, 2nd Moscow Med. Inst. im. Stalin Card 1/1 Pub. 17-3/23 Author Frank- Kamenetskiy L. Z. (deceased) and Khodzhayev, Z. P. Title Ube vagus nerves as conductors of motor impulses to stomach and duodenum Periodical : E-yul. eksp. biol. i med., 7, 10-12, July 1955 Abstract : Following earlier experiments with resection of both vagus nerves below the diaphragm, author undertook chronic experiments on dogs cutting either the left (anterior) or the right (posterior) trunk. Both nerves were cut on the controls. The left resection produced changes typical of bilateral subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, the right resection affected only the stomach fundus. There was a. comparatively quick restoration of motor functions of the stomach and duodenum after resection of either nerve trunk. 1 reference, 1 USSR, 1 since 1940, photographs. Institution : Stalinabad Medical Institute Submitted : 20 August 1954 BRINDLEY, G.W.; ZVI(AGIN, B.B.[tranalatorl; FRANK-KAH 3"TIAP, T, A. I O_N.!= " [translator] redaktor; TSUXE]U4AN, A. M:7, redalctor; GH B-U-V-A-,- M..F- tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [X-ruy- Identification and crystal stractures of clay minerals; collection of articles. Translated from the Ingliehj Rentgenovskis metoe[y opredelaniia I kristallicheskoe stroenio mineratov glin: sbornik statei. Perevod s arglijokogo B.B.Zvid-ina i T.A.Frank- Kamenetskoi.Pod rid. I a predliel. V.A. rrank-Kamenetskogo. Moskva. izd-vo inostrannoi lit-r7. 1955. 4o2 p. (KLRA 8:11) (Clay) (X-rays) F- I,.- T- I f -111, i-1- GRIM. Ralph I.; ZVYAGIN, B.B. [translator] ; MIKH11YEVA, I-V. [ translator]; 111MYAT. V.I. [translator]; RAZIRIGAYEVA, G.I. [translator]; 15A -KLMKMSXjUA. T.A. [translator]; 7RANK-KAMENETSKIY. V.A., Reidaktor; YAKOVINKO, M.Ye., radaktor; DUMM, I.Ya.. takhnichookiy re,daktor [Clay mineralogy. Translated from the Anglishl Mineralogiia glin. Peirevod angliiBkogo B.B.2viagina i dr. Pod red. i s prediel. V.A. 1'rank-Kamenetakogo. Koekva, Izd-vo inostrannot lit-ry, 1956. 414 p. (MIRA 9:3.0) (clay) 1133 FRAUK-KAMIMSTSKlY, D. A. "Recovering Sul-fite Concentrates," USSR Patent 31, 132, Spetember 30, 1933 Wims SIOS repwo. 1). A, FiAnk-KiUllowlikil. Ru". : .4150. vcu. 26, 19M. Z" , =n.. I wj,~ing hrough a town MW wiih wkc. r * ' " ' - -- - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w 0 to ~6* * ~Ooo !* ~*!!e w w- if it It Is n 10 A ro r L A-L.-I X.A.-L a 1, 0 t #A w to It I 43 C-*I- is the twalri ismavivir An- of willing dit"ilir Imitly found in the Kimimiat Ali inift 14 -0 lilt I 11.1 ron 4 A fi MA . u t-411 fillkwasr.1'.. 111'rol, 24 1 M .09 l . 00 a 00 00 Go ialme as 1 66 P 0 ~ 0 * eo 20 J AID CAO 6 oftALLURM-L Mfg list CL-WFICATION Ism WMA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 o 0 0 0 to 0 to 0 o 0 0 0 0 , , , ,, , I , 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 o .0 00 060 v0 0 0060 0 0 to is u is 4 4 is 110 j _"~j A-J-1 A A L -AL-A-P-2 i -Ll.-A-f *11 IM $is %U 1611441 - I o M IST: 761. Unddes Fee of Fr" Ce~ ftr Wl" Go D.A.,fts*-K4M4PW4. COMPOWs RRYWVS (Dokkdy) do 1sEqCW.-Fbr 0 free onvwtkm 0-o Owk w s- of stimiRtwk Inelkates eat No - 4 (Gr.Prl. where No, Gr and Pr an tbs Noinelt Gnuabol and PnLndU numbers respectively. Experiments have shown that Nu - K Grua for law valmaiGr. According totba prestatautbortNs to not a limiting law, 43 and It in shown that at suffidatly high values of Gr a limiting law of the form No - X Cor" Pr is to be expected. For such a caw it "lows that the coefikkat of best transfer must inchave proportionany to the square 10 toot of the determining dimernsion. to the 112 power of tin excess tempers. 044"41400 004 tun mW directly as the presiore. This . It Is considered to be of 0 e im"tam in the theory at post-explasion beat transfer. and the hnt transkr in internal combustion en&m but expedmental vetificatioQ of this Is difticult on account of the disturbing effects of mdiAtkm and forced convection. R. W. P. a WALLY44CAL 4.1111PATWO CLASIVICA1100 Ilk - toldso .16 0OV-404 611161 414 O-V M U S AV go M,i--r- r- q, 0 a 4 -w- 0 4 IF ON 9 As a 1 0 v ig, W a V 0 0 a W a 19 4V 1 1 a t 0 0 0 ;sop 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 411 0000 00 0 4 41 a 0 ..; 714P.0 " 11 * * 0 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-o 6 0 0 .00 see 1300 0*0 got 4100 Are 0 no* as* goo up* Zito 11 0 0 go 0 0 Mf I to of it 0 1 11 Is .1 1. v a be n j NP cools$ lat