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AUTHOR: Professors: Polivanov, K.M., Netushil, A.V., Fradkin,
TITLE: A Symposium of Scientific Essays of the --Belorussian
Polytechnic Institute imeni I.V.Stalin, Nr 61, "Power-
ana Electrical Filgineerim,11 1957. (Sbornik nauchnykh
trudov Bel6russkogc Politekhnicheskogo instituta imeni I.V.
Stalina, Vypusk 61, Energetika, Elektrotekhnika, 19E-%
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Radiotekhnika,
1958, Nr 4, pp 510-511 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a review of the above men'iioned book.
SUBMITTED: April 21, 1958
Card 1/1
Making and using standard prestressed ceiling beams. Prom. stroio
38 no.11:48-51 16o. (MIRA 13-10)
1. Proyektmqy institut Iffo.1 Kinetroya SR.
06111w) (Prestressed c crete)
.W,ADKIIJ .-S-.A--,--inzh. ; S(-;z.-GLIT! , Yc..F. , inzh. ; 'L'.JlilOV',,'!:IA, , ilni,:l. ;
rJOK-TSEMIR . A.F. i 2,1zh.
Manufacture of -tvat,'iard wire-reinforced -, "nj ,
i zhel..-bet. no. I' ';'J-5--3Y,;',l Jl 161. (141HA
(11-3,1113 and girdors)
Use of standard prestressed beams for the roofs of industrial
buildings. Promestroie. 40 no.4;36-41 162. (MIU 15:5)
1. Proyektnyy institut No.l.
(Beam and girdern) (Roofing, Concrete)
Precast reinforced concrete foundations for standard columns.
Biul. stroi.-AMW~VM 163. (KRA 16: 11)
1. Glavnyy konstraktor proyekta Proyektnogo Instituta Uo.1
Glavnogo upravleitiya, po. stroitellnomu proyektirovaniyu
predpriyatiy, zda,niy i sooruAwniy Goastroya SSSR.
:~ --. -1 - ... ~ ~ : -. - ~ i.f,
- .1 -2,ar ~ :- : i ~ -.,, :
"Use of Bin Excavators by Medium-Sized and Small Peat I~nterprises." Mekh.
Trud. rab., 6. Nol 3, 1952
BOBORYKIN, Ye.P., red.j SARYCHLT, I.I., red.; ~fWp~j~, S.D., red.;
L.A., red.
[Technological information and propaganda at construction
projects In Russia] Takhnicheskaia. informatsiis I propaganda
na strolkakh Roasil; abornik otatei. Moskva, TSentr. biuro
tekhn. informatBli,, 1962. 106 p. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Russia (1917- F.S.F.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po,
delam stroitelletys.
(Construction induatry-Technological innovations)
.Combined wound of the heart and left lung. 11hirargiia 35 no-1:131
Ja 159. (MIRA 12: 2)
1, Is travmatologichookogo otdolenlya (sav. Te.N. Tellkina)
Prokoplyevskoy gorodakoy bollnitsy (glavrW7 vrach X.M. Sovtgova)
lemerovskoy oblasti.
Experimental physiological and histochemical study of the
adaptation of intestinal transplants incorporat;qd in the
urinary system. Iz-r. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.8-.103-109 162.
(MIRA 17:8)
1. Novokuznet!3kiy gosudarstvennyy Jnstitut usovershewtvo-
vaniya vrw-,hey i Institut eksperimentallnoy biologii i medi-
tsirq- Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk.
Results of cystomtry in plastic surgery on the bladder using
the small and the large intestine. Urologiia no.6:27-33162.
(MIA 16:7)
1. Iz khirurgicheBkoy kliniki (zav. - prof. B.I.Fuks) Novo-
kuznotskogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey.
Significance of azyllograpby in solving the problem of the
dperability of cancor of the lungs and asophague. Yestekbi
no.600-36 162. (MIRA 15211)
1. 1z kafedry kbirwrgii (zav. - prof. B.1. Puke) Bovokuznetskogo
reudarstyannogo irustitata dlya ueovershemstvovaniya vracbey im.
.M. Kirova. (Nemerovekaya obilast') i rentgonologichaskogo
otdolaniya 1-7 gorodskoy k1bicheskoy bollnitisy (g1, vrach -
SJI Kirin),
-, - - - ~ , -W, . ~ - ,
"Hidden* metachromasi& of some epithelial mucins. Izv. Sib. otd.
AN SSSR no. llsl5l-153 162. (MIRA 17t9)
1. Institut eksperimeritallnoy biologii i maditainy Sibirakogo
otdeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk.
Determination of tuberculin titer in schizophrenia. Mmr. nery. I
paikh. 54 no.9:747-751 8 154. OCLRA ?:9)
1. Tallinmkiy institut epideziologil. mikrobiologit i giglyeny
Kinisterstva sdrawookhranentya Istonskoy SSR.
(SCHISOP M NIA. immunology,
tuberculin titer)
(TumcurN mucTion,
In schizophrenia)
F ?, Y~ a Y"\ A3.~ \) , 9, -
USSR/Microbiology - Medical and Veterinary F-6
Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 1, 1957, 667
Author K, A. Akhundova, and V. A. Fradkin
Title On Modifications in the Normal Microflora
of the Intestine Upon the Simultaneous
Administration of Sintomycin and
Orig Pub Naukogude Eesti tervishoid, Zdravookhr.
Sov. Estonii, 1955, sb. 4, 254-260
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
USSR/Humn and AnImal Mysiology. Blood. V
Abs Jour: Bef Zhur-Biol.., No 6., 1958.. 26794.
Author V.A. Fradkin.
Inst OffARUMWI 4-
Title The Comeation Between Poettransfusion Reactions and
tho Degme of AUersy to Tuberculin -
~ 0
Orig Pub: Sav. Maditainas 1956i.ANO 9, 71-T5.
Abstract: The degree of allergy to tuberculin was studied in
12D patients before and imediately after blood
transfusions. The results of the MWtOUX reaction
over a 48 hour period were taken into account.
positive reactions to tuberculin in dilutions Of
1:100,000 and higher were attributed to heightened
sensitivity,, while reactions to dilutions of 1:1000
Card 1/3 r,
"W. , C" - ),)L~,
USSR/M,--,n and Animl Mysialogy. Blood. V
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.,, 3o 6p1958, 26794.
and lower were attributed to decreased sensitivity.
When +,rcm9X,*%xsiona of 250 =I of preserved blood were
perfo=3d, upon 82 patients, poattransfusion reactions
appeared twice as often as with transfusions of 125 =1
(38 patients) amd were of a graver nature. With
repeated transfusions, independently of the volume of
transfused blood.(250 or 125 al), the incidence of
poettransfunim reactions, even with high tubervalin
titers, decree ed from approximately 30 to 3% to 6%,
and the course of tha reactions was considerably
millArr. There was no skpparent correlation between
nature of illneae, blood group, Hb content, W and
the incidence ol! poettransfusion reactions. A counect-
ion was noted between incidenoe and severity of post-
transfusion reactions and increased allergy to tuber-
Card 2/3
USSR/Human and Animal Physiology. Blood.
Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol., 11o, 6p 1958p 26794.
culin. In the mae of transfusions involving a blooct
volume of 125 mlp even when there was increased sensi-
tivity to tuberculin., tran fusion reactions were ob-
served relatively Infrequently and were of a milder
nature. Determination of tuberculin titer Is recom-
mended when there in a danger of adverse effects upon
a patient from pe6ttransfusion reactions. In cases
of higb sensitivity to tuberculin, one should initiate
transfusions with a lower dose, increasing it subse-
quently if necessary.
Card 3/3
.qDKIN, V.A.
Experimental studies on the phenomenon of passive allergy to tuberculosis
nntigen. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.7:11-18 1958.
1. Iz 3-ta Moskovq)W gradsks, taberkalozm bolnitsa Zakharl ino (G1. lekar:
V. P. Petrik). i Kaiedrata po tuberkulo2a Dri TSIU (Profesor pri katedrata:
F. I. Iavitin).
(TMARCUMSI3, imrm2nol.
passive allergy to bubere. antigen in animals (Bul))
Influence of the Frocess of preserving blood on its "passive-
allergizing properties. P.,-obl. gemat. i perel. krovi 4
not 10:47-50 0 159. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Iz 3-y Moskovskoy gorodskoy tuberkuleznn.v klinichaskoy boll-
nitsy "Zakharlino" (glavnyy vrach V.P. Fetrik).
FRADKIN, V. A., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) 11 'Passive' allergy to tuber-
cular antigen and the role of leucocytes in its gerjesis." Moscow,
1960. 13 pp; (Ministry of Public health USSR, Central Inst for Advanced
Training of Physicians); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 26-60, 144)
FRADKIN, V.Aa (Moskva)
Experimental study of the effect of active and "passive" forms of
allergic reaction to tuberculous antigens on the reactivity of the
organismA,~i 4stamine. Patfiziol.i eksp.terap. 4 no.2:18-22 Mr4p
,6o. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Iz Moskovskoy klinicheskoy gorodako~ tuberkuleznoy bollnitsy
".Zakharlino" (glav-Nry vrach V.P.Petr
Results of a bacUriological, study of resected cavities of
tuberculous dinWagration. Vrach. delo no.8:91-94. Ag 161.
(KM 15:3)
1. 3-ya Moskovelaga, k1 A ni cheakaya tuberkuleznaya bol Initea
"Zakharlinow. NmwJmyy konsul-Itant laboratorii prof. L.M.
Reaults of determining the level of a specific allergy in various
forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Sov. med. 25 no.10:33-37 0 161.
("61LU 15:1)
1. Iz kafedry tuborkulaza (zav. - prof. A.Ye.Rabukhin) TSentrallnogo
instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. - M.D.Kovrigina) i 3-y
Gorodskoy klinicheskoy tuberkuleznoy bollnitsy "Zakharlinoll
(nauchziyy rukovoditell- rof F I.LevIt:tn glavn~7 vrach V.P.Petrik).
14ethod for the quantitative determination of urease activit7 in
micro-organisms. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. i imm2n. 33 no.3:42-46
mr 162. (MIRA 15-41
1. Iz 3-7 mookovskoy klinicheskoy tubarktdoznoy bollnitsy Zakha lino.
Reaction of blood reutrophils as an index of infectious and
drug allergy. Sov. Med. 26 no.9s4-1-47 3 162.
(MIRA .17:4)
1. Iz 3-y Moskovskoy tuberkuleznoy klInichaskoy bollnitsy
"Zakharlinoll (giaviiyy vrach V.P. Petrik).
Study of allergy in pulmonary tuberculuals by the methnd of
neutropMl reaction to tuberculin. Akt. vop. tab. no.2.-76-
83 163. (MIRA 17-0)
Tuberculin reactions in elderly persons with puLmnary
tuberculosis. Trudy TSIU 6306-63 163. (PIRA 17:9)
1. Kafedra tuberkuleza TSentrallnogo instituta usovorshenst-
vovaniya vrachey J. Klinicheskayn bollnitsa 'lZakhar'.4no", Poskva.
Evaluation of the allergio state of a boctr in vibm. Vestn. Akad.
med. nauk SSSR 18 110-4%77-82 163 (MIRA 17:4)
1. Moskovskays, klinicheskaya tuberkuleznaya bollnitsa "Zakhartino".
FlblDKifl' , V.A.; Gji,,t'.!,j!" U.'Oili , L.7
%. . ~ I..
Rwitcrials on the determination of .111-~
antlcoagul6nt thorapy in E,
u ;z- ~ lro r 6
S. i I,;-. , I,/, -) N
t'llb. no.2; 2-46-25"! 163. \, ~:~n I .',I
FiQ,DKI!IP V.t,,
Ff f iclp ~
.nt method of bjood r . ~ on',ro I. ~ k t, ,rtp, tub. n~~,2 t
2 53-215 5 16). 041M 37v))
I Z"Ij IT -111i.'t
~,Lltriicrj-l Iml;ortance c~ ft*V1 fJDlgtIDStjC U3 0 0 f t1 LIC rLain. Alkt.
163. ('IS-RA 1-7:9)
Technic and evaluation of the results of tuberculin tests. Probl.
tub. no.7:9-16 163. (MIRA 18:1)
1. Iz kafedry tuberkulaza (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof.
A.Ye. Rabukhin) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey.
Allergenic properties of the Grasse antigen cf the o.F'
Streptococaus haemolyticu3. Vest. AKIT SSSR 20' no.8:64-66 165.
(%,'LT-P-A 18:9)
1. Gosudarstvennyy kontrolIny- -
y Inotitut lmen~ L.A.Tarasevicha,
L 12810- EWTM/ZWAQ)/T/ZWA(b)-2 JK
ACC NR: AP5028186 SOURCE CODE: UR/0248/65/000/008/0064/0066
AUTHOR: Fradkin, V. A. L
ORG: State Control Institute (Gosudarstvennyy kontrollnyy Institut im. L. A.
Tarasevicha, Moscow
TITLE: Allergenic properties of the Grasse antigens of hemolytic streptococcus L-
.SOURCE: AMU SSSR. Vestnik, no. 8, 1965, 64-66,
,TOPIC. TAGS: antigen, streptococcus, immunology, microbiology
,ABSTRACT: The author descril:)es the allergenic properties of Grasse antigens (ob-
tained by alternate freezing and thawing) from the 6-forms of hemolytic streptococ-
cus in a model of the Schwartzman phenomenon and on the cross-sensitizing effect be-
tween Grasse antigens of the same microorganism's bacterial and L-forms. The Sch-
wartzman phenomenon was produced by, Grasse antigens of the L-forms of hemolytic
streptococcus Nos. 196!-L and 409-L, antigens of the original culture of streptococ-
-cus No. 10-S, and antigens of streptococci of the reverting L-forms Nos. 196-p and
:'Ca.rd-1/2-. UDC: .576.851.
L 128lo-66
!ACC XR: APS028196
,1409-p. The latter two antigens manifested their sensitizing property very dis-
itinctly. The Grasse antigens from the bacterial forms of the hemolytic streptococci
INos. 10-S and 196-p were superior in this respect to the similar antigens from the
'L-form cultures. A cross-sonsitizing effect was noted in all the experiments be-
i~tween the Grasse antigens fi-om the bacterial and L-forms of the streptococci. The
.initial sensitization to tha L-forms gave rise to the Schwartzman phenomenon in re-
sponse to the challenge injaction of the bacterial forms of the streptococci, and
vice versa.
,;SUB CODE: 06/. SUBM DATE: ~,OlJun65/ ORIG RM 000/ OTH REF., 000
!_Card -2/Z_
Materials of dynamic study of allergy to tuberculin bj meanz
of the blood neutrophil, reaction in vitro. 28
no,12:10-14 D 165, (MIRA 18:12)
1. Kontrollnyy institut meditsinskikh b1ologicheskikh
preparatov imeni L.A.Tarasevicha (direktor - dotsent T.F.
Mikhaylov) i Mo3kovskaya tuberkulenaya klJn1cheskaya hollnitsa
"Zakharlino" (glavnyy vrach V.P.Petr1k).
FRADKIN, Ya.M., inzh.
Electric power distribution networks should be operated by one
agency. Energetik 11 no.1:3-4 A 163. (KM 16:1)
(Electric power''distribution)
ESTHONLI/Gencral Df Patholoay - Tum.~rs. Human TLui)rs. U.
Abs JDur Ref Zhur - Bijl., IT-) 2, 1959, 3906
, ch~)r
NW Barshtayn, Yu.A;, Fradkin, Yd.P.
Title A Malioiant Nev.)Cenic Tunor with Multiple Metastases In
the Central Neivous Systen
Ori.- Pub Noukobude Ecsti tervishoid, Wravookhr. Sjv. Estonii,
Sb- 5, 1956, 61-65
Abstract The patient's disease be6an with a severe headache, par-
ticularly ~m the left side. Invalvenent :)f the III, V
and VI Vairs of cranial nerves was found an the left
and miltiple verrucoid structures in the skin if the
hairy part 3f the head. The data if the hist)ry, clini-
cal picture and histiloGical exarainati.)n if the verru-
cAd structures led to the conclusion that the patient
had a nevogenic maliLnant tumr of the hairy part )f the
head with metastases ti the skull, dura mater, brain,
Carcl 1/2
ESTHONIA/Gencral PrAlums of Ptth:)l.DLzr - Tm,~-~rs. Hiu-mn Tumrs. U.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Diol., 1,11, 2j 1959, 8906
sacru-.1, left lunf, and lyrTph n)dcs. This cmclusi-)n was
c,)nfirm-d by patholt)(jeal OXaLdhatiOrl, and netastases
were alsi f-)und in all the titiscle L;roups includinL; the
diaphragi, heart muscle, stxmch subnuc.)sn and intesti-
nal submuc.,sa, kidneys, spleen. liver mid Aher )rr,- ns
as well as in the skull vault. -- Ye.A. Skvirskayn,
Card 2/2
- 54 -
"The Theory of Partioles with Higher Spins" Zhur. EkBper i Teoret. Fiz.,
No. ~, Vol. 20, 1949.
FRADM., Ye. S.
"Problem of the Reaction of the Natural Field of a Charged Particle)"
Zhur. Ekeper. i Teoret. Fiz., 20, No. 3, 1949.
Pbysice Inst. im. P.N. lebedev, Ace&. Sci. USM
FRAD'Elf, Ye. S.
USSRAMOmiatics Tensor Jan 50
Physics - Spin
"The Theory of Particles With Higher Spinep" Ye. S.
Fradkin, Phys Inst imeni P. N. Lebedev, Acad Sci USSR,
12 pp
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XX, No 1
Discusses ziethod of obtaining equations for particles
with given spin in spin-tensor form. Considers prob-
lem of uniqueness of these equations and problem of
their disintegration in absence of a field. Sub-
mitted 20 ~un 49.
FILMT11, Ye. S. 155T62
USSR/Physics E rons' Mar 50
Field, Electric
"Probiem. of the Reaction of the Natural Field of
a Charged Particle," Ye. S. Fradkin, Phys Inst
imeni P. N. Lebpdev, Acad Sci USSRo 7 PY
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXI No 3
Shows improbability of existence of natural os-
cillatory motions of charged particles, as as-
serted by number of authors. Investigates equa-
tions of motion,of particles with consideration
for reaction of the natural field. Submitted
12 Sep 49.
USSR/Physics Quantum electrodynwnics, renorwailization F D -72,14
Card 1/1 Pub.146-12/18
Author Fradkin, Ye. S.
Title Renormalization in quantum electrodynamics
Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 26, 751-754, Jun 1954
Abstract Letter to the editor. Attempts to find such form of Green functions
(J. Schwinger, Proc. Hat. Acad. Sci. 37, 452 (1951)) as to contain
values expressed by experimental data of charge and mass of electron.
Shows that the analysis can be simplified because of gradient in-
variance. Further detailed analysis will be the subject of a separate
article. One Soviet and two Pumerican references.
Institution Physics Institute imeni Lebedev, Acad. Sci. USSR
Submitted March 30, 1954
WSRI Physics Nuclear physics
1/1 1 Pub. 22 - 12/144
Autliors i Fradkin., E. So
Title IGreen's functions for interaction between nuclons and mesons
Periodical 11 Dok. AN SSSR 98/1$ 47-50) Sep 1. 1954
Abstract IDerivation and solution are f;Lven of a system of functional
equations (Green's functions) in the S-matrix expressing the
,interaction between nuclons and mesons. Three references
Institution t- Physical Institute im. P. N. Lebedev of the Acad. of Scs,
of the USSR
Presented by tAcademician 1. E.,Tamm, April 14, 1954
On aw vymptotics Gf Green funcd~-,rt5 in
I fil M14 n2tj1.U'JV !.'11: ilk I
A w -E quanturn field fllt~ory 1. 7 P~~TWT
IMT. '2-%
k J r c I o
USSR/Physics Quanttun electrodynamics FD-12e~af
Card 1/1 Pub. 140' - 24/26
Author Fradkin Ye
Title Certain general relations in quantum electrodynamics
Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, August 1955, 258-261
Abstract In the present note the writer presents the derivation of certain
general relations connected with the gradient invariance of quantum
electrodynamics as discussed in his earlier works (ibid., 26, 752,
1954; DAN SSSR, 100, 897, 1955). He considers the relation for the
case of the presence of an external source of photon field G, studied
in functional form and by Green's functions. Five references: e.g.
L. D. Landau et alii, DAN SSSR, 95, 773, 1954.
Tnstitution : Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR
Submitted : March 9, 1955
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Meson theory FD-2979
Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 20/28
Author : Fradkin, Ye. S.
Title : ffr-oblem concerning the asymptote of the Green function in the
theory of mesons with weak pseudoscalar bond
Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, September 1955, 377-379
Abstract : In an earlier wcrk (A. A. Abrikosov, A. D. Galanin, I. M. Khalat-
nikov, DAN SSSR, 97, 793, 1954) nonrenormed equations were used
to find the asymptote of the Green function for the case of weak
pseudoscalar interaction. In the present article the writer finds
the asymptote of the nonrenormed equations for the same problem.
Here the found asymptote coincides with the nonrenormed expression
obtained in the above mentioned work. In contrast to this work
the equations for the Green function in the present writer's form
do not contain an infinities, and-in the finding of the asymptote
he did not have to seek amall additions to the Green functions,
which considerably simplifies the calculation.
Institution ; Physical Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, Atademy of Sciences USSR
Submitted : April 18, 1955
U&SH/ Physics ~V'ant= fields
Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 15/49
Authora I Fradkin, E. S.
Title I About the problem on the interreaction of two quantum fields
Periodieal I Dok. AN SSSR 100/5, 897-900, Feb 11, 1955
Abstract I A non-trivial soltition of the expectation Z represented by the
matrix S is submitted. The matrix S is a system of functional
equations exprcssing an interaction between two quuntum fields
(Fermi Is and Pose's). The solution is given in the form, Z= AZO
Vor g;4 o), where A is the operator dependent on the functional
.(.v and.%W ; J(x) is the source of meson
derivatives, 911XV, -!Y
field; end F and f are anticoirmunting sources of a nuclear field.
(Trivial solutir:n ,.!ould be g a o, and Z = Zo Three
referencesi 2 USEZ and I British (1954).
Institution Acoderqy of Sciences of the USSR, P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute
Fresente, by; Academician I. To=;, October 16, 1954
TITLE ~73i~s;ersion Relation for Any Scattering Angle.
PERIODICAL lurn.eksp.i teor.fis,.Ll, fase-3, 515-517 (1956)
Issued: 12 / 1956
Here a connection between the imaginary- and real part of the scattering ampli-
tude for any angle is determined. For this purpose the method developed by
M.L.GOLDBERGER, Phys.Rev.2j, 979, 1955, is well suited, but here this dispersion
relation is derived by using some results obtained by I.NAMBU, Phys.Rev., loo,
394 (1955).
At first, FEYNWIS matrix element of the scattering of a BOSE particle (with
the momentum k and the charge index a) by a FERMI particle (with the momentum p
and the other quantum numbers /I ) is written down. Investigation is carried
out in a system of coordinates in which the total momentum of the nucleons is
equal to zero. The dispersion relations are written down for the case that the
polarization of the nucleon does not change. Within the energy domain of from
0 to ct)0 (Cd denotes the variable energy of the meson) the "neutron state" and
the entire spectrum of the states froml mt - p 2)I //lm2+p2 11/2 t 0 CA)0make a
contribution towards A(Nt). The contribution made by the neutron state can he
computed and an expression herefore is explicitly given. The final and very
voluminous expression for the dispersion relation is explicitly given.
INSTITUTION: Physical Institute "P.N.LEBEDEV" of the Academy of Science in the
TITLE On the Problem'-o-M-I-e--Ieno-rmalizability of the Pseudoscalar Meson
Theory with Pseudovectorial Coupling.
ItERIODICAL iurn.eksp.i teor.fis, ~0, fasc.4, 756-760 (1956)
Publ. 4 / 1956 reviewed 9 / 1956
At first it is shown that the convergence of the pseudoscalar theory with
pseudoscalar coupling is not improved also if, in the case of the propagation
function of the mesons the corrections connected with the polarization of the
vacuum are taken into account.
For a pseudoscalar meson field with pseudovectorial coupling, a formula, here
shortly referred to as "equivalence theorem", holds good which is, in a certain
sense, analogous to the theorem of the conservation of the current in quantum
electrodynamics. Equations for the GREEN'S function of the spinorial field,
which is defined according to J.SCHWINGER, Proc.Nat.Acad.Scie.21s 452 (1951)),
are given and transformed. Also the equation for the GREEN'S function of the
meson field and an expression for the polarization operator are given.
Next, the polarization operator is specialized for the first perturbational
approximation by inserting the corresponding summit part, and an equation
following from the "equivalence theorem" is given. The integral contained
therein occurs also in quantum electrodynamics where it is equal to zero be-
cause of the theorem of the conservation of the current. The corresponding
proof by direct computation can only be accomplished by means of tricks.
Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis, 30, fasc.4, 756-760 (19r6) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1295
ljoiiever, when carrying out the proof of the "equivalence theorem" in the mo-
mentum space the integration variable can be "shifted". The polarization
operator is computed for k=O and is then renormalized.
r1ow the difference between the polarization operators computed by means of
FEYN MAN IS method and those computed by the authors is demonstrated. This dif-
ference leads to no unambiguities on the occasion of the computation end of
the part of the polarization operator, but it cannot be removed in the present
theory. However, when using th-a equivalence theorem, it is possible to repre-
sent the polarization operator as a logarithmically divergent expression which
can be.renormalized without any tricks. The cause of the difficulties occur-
ring on the occasion of the polarization of the vacuum is to be found in quan-
tum electrodynamics and, in the case investigated here, also in the insuffi-
cient definition of a boundary value. This boundary transition must not destroy
the general properties following from the basic equations of the theory. If,
however, a proper boundary transition is chosen, the condition of gradient in-
variance in quantum electrodynamiod and the "equivalence theorem" are satis-
fied in the above theory.
INSTITUTION: Physical Institute "P.N.LEBEDEV" of the Academy of Science in
the USSR
TITLE A Dispersion Relation for FERM Particles.
PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk 109, fasc-3, 507-510 (1956)
Issued: 9 / i;-5-r reviewed: 10 / 1956
At first the matrix element:
< pA lq/,,ISlpl I q~, > = ifdxdyfA(p,x). - denotes the Heisenberg vec-
tor of the QIA" a fermion with the four-momentum:
r-) 2 2
q(q5q q + M the Heisenberg operators of the fermion, U (p,x the
a 4 X -
+M and
solution of the free DIRAC equation with the four-momentum p p,p 0= E =4+_]~
the polarization A; Lx- (f . U
a/Dxw + M); Ly - (- ~
alay,,, + m);
The indices and P1 pass through the values i and 2 and characterize fh'e
charge state of the fermion.
Next, an expression for forward scatterina is given, viz. in a system in which
the fermion with the four-momentum q is at rest. The matrix element then depends
only on the energy of the inciding fermion.
The expressions obtained by M.L.GOLDBERGER, Phys.Rev.22, 979 (1955) have universal
character. - Thus, the matrix element of nucleon-nucleon scattering for negative
]Yokl.Akad.Nauk, 109, fasc-3, 507-510 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 143/1
energies can be expressed by the matrix element antinucleon-nucleon for positive
ehergy. The sum of the amplitudes of the forward proton-proton and antiproton-
proton scattering on this occasion becomes an even function of energy. The ana-
logous difference then becomes an odd function of energy. Analogous symmetry
properties are found with the sum (difference) of proton-neutron and antiproton-
neutron scattering amplitudes (if the neutron is at rest at the beginning and at
the end of the process). Within the 'domain 0 \4~ E < M we find - in contrast to
the case of meson-nucleon scattering - a whole spectrum of states, which also
comprises a real coupled state, the deuteron.
The contribution made by all the mentioned states in the domain 0 < E < M can
be brought into connection with the hysical quantities or may be expressed by
known physical constants, namely: 1.5 The contribution made by the state with a
meson by the constant f of pseudoscalar interaction. 2.) The deuteron state by
the binding energy f of the deuteron. 3.) All other states making a contribution
in the domain 0 \< E -* M 2 2/M by the analytical continuation of the
annihilation part of the total nuz2antinucleon interaction cross section. The
dispersion relation found in consideration of all that has been said above is
explicitly given.
INSTITUTION: Physical Institute "P.N.LEBEDEV" of the Academy of Science in the
i~ P N't-131MA-LIZAAll M'y IF
TITLE 'Vn-thv-ThWbry--af the Transmission Processes in a
,Plasma Situated in a Magnetic field.
(K teorii 'protsessov perenosa Y plazme, nakho4yashcheyVa
v magnitnom pole.- Russian)
PERIODICAL Zhurnal Sksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki 1957, Vol 32,
Wr 5, pp 1176-1187 (tT352)
ABSTRACT The note under review develops the kinetic theory of a
plasma which icsituated in an electrical and in a
magnetic field. The essence of the approximate method
employed fot the solution of the kinetic equation is the
following: The terms of the expansion of the distribution
function are determinedl with the distribution b~Ang,
related to a certain parameter of smallness. The 'appro-
priate parameter of smallness is characteristic of the
given concrete problem. In this context, the so-called
"local" distribution function is found, the significance
of which is explained in greater detail in the paper
under review. The equations utilized for the solution
of the problem are generalizations of the known hydro-
dynami,e equations.
CARD 1/3
On the ?Veory of the Transmission Processes in a
Plasma Situated in a Magnetic Field.
First of all, the paperiinder review writes down the
kinetic equation for the particles of the kind a which
in presence of an electric and of a magnetiv field,
are in a mixture with particles of other kinds. Then
a transition is made, in this system of,equations, to
other independent variables. This equation is solved
by expanding the corresponding solution ansatz in a
8erias with respect to the above-mentioned small para-
meter. In an axially symmetrical probleml the following
parameters have to be dealt with? L - dimensions of the
system, 1 - range, R - Larmorls radius. Then the author
of the paper under review proceeds to investigate the
stationary axially symm6tricil problem of the mixture
of two charged gases in &'strong magnetic field. The
next chapter deals with the transmission phenomena in a
mixture of electrons and ions for a stationary problem
with arbitrary symmetry. In this case, we are concerned
with the expansion parameters RA and I/L. Let the gra-
dients of the concentrations be directed vertic&13,v to
the magnetic field. Then the author of -the paper under
review proceeds to discuss the transmission phenomena
CAn 2/3
CAn 313
On the Theory of the Transmission Processes in a
Plasma Situated in a Magnetic Field.
in a mixture of electrons and ions which is situated in
a weak magnetic field. 7or the sake of geherality. the
inBtationary problem is dealt with. Finally, investi-
gation is made of a plasma in a strong magnqtio field
with weak deviation from the axial symmetry as well as
of a plasma consiting of electrons ind ions in an
eleotroviagnetic field variable with respect to space
and time. (No reproductions).
Institute of Physics "P.N. Lebedev", Academy of
Sciences of the USSR.
5-7- 1956.
Library of Congress.
24(5) SOV/56-36-3-61/71
AUTHOR: Fradkin. Ye.--',-
TITLE: On a Relation in juantum Statistics (Ob odnom sootnoshenii
v kvantovoy statistike)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
vol 36, lir 3, pp 951 - 953 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The density matrix 5 can be written down as
e-PH , H - H0+H1 - ~[Ho (x) +H1 (x d3x; P- 1/kT
(H- Hamiltonian system, Ho . 11free" Hamiltonian, H inter-
action Hamiltoniiin). For Hk- R 0+)H1 instead of H it holds that
45'/80 = (H 0+V1)q.The formal operator solution of this
equation then is '
A = e- PHO 'r xp(-*A~ H,(xt)dtd 3x)
(Integration over t from 0 to P). T denotes the arrangement
ordered from right to left according to growing powers of t.
Card 1/3 For an arbitrary operator f(xt) it is assumed that
On a Relation in Quantum Statiatics SOV/56-36-3-61/71
f(xt)= e tHof (x)e-tH 0. For the determination of all thermo-
dynamical quantities it is sufficient to know
Z- 1n Sp ec(N-PH ; K denotes the operator of the total number
of particles and commutes with the total Hamiltonian;
a-ppf p then is the chemical potential. For Z the author
derives the following formula:
Z- Z - ~g dg' JM(xt,x.t,) G(X't',xt)d3xdtdtld3xl (a)
0 gi
This relation holds if H 0 does not contain the charge gi
M denotes the mass operator of the Green's (Grin) single
particle function G(xt (integration with respect
to t and V from 0
to In this way all statiotical
characteristics of systems can be written down by means of
the mass operator of Green's single particle function. Thus,
it is easily possible by means of (8) to derive the known
relation for the energy of the ground state (P=oo, T-0).
Card 2/3
On a Relation in quantum Statistics SOV/56-36-3-61/71
E- E(g.=o)+ M(xp,xlt')G(xltl,xp)d3xd3x'dt'.
0 9 S
There is 1 reference.
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR
(Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTM: November 29, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Fradkin, Ye. S. SOV/56-36-4-47/70
TITLE: The Method of Green's Functions in Quantum Statistics (Metod
funktsiy Grins. v kvantovoy statistike)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr 4, pp 1286-1298 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Recently, a number of methods deviating from the usual thermo-
dynamic perturbation theory in statistics and from the usual
perturbation theory in the multiparticle theory have been
published. The methods differ considerably from one another,
and their explanation is complicated., The author of the
present paper found a more general method of dealing with
quantum-atatistical problems, which is not connected with
the perturbation theory, but is based upon the use of Green's
functions (which have already been successfully applied to
the case T . 09 and by Matsubara (Ref 3) also to T ~ 0
(Feynman method)). The problem of setting up closed equations
for these Green's functions in the x-space was, however, not
definitely solved, and in particular, transition to the
p-space, which is of importance for the practical solution,
Card 1/3 has not yet been investigated. This development of the
The Method of Green's Functions in ~Zuantum Statistics SOY/56-36-4-47/70
physics of high energies makes it necessary to develop the
apparatus of quantum statistics in consideration of the
relativistic corrections and second quantization of the
Hamiltonian of the system. For the investigation of the
energy spectrum of the system it in also necessary to know
the time-dependence of Green's function.. These problems are
investigated in the present paper. (Also Abrikosov, Gor1kov,
and Dzyaloshinskiy carried out similar investigations (Ref 12)).
It is shown that various methods of statistical physics in the
multiparticle theory as well as their generalizations obtained
for the case T ~ 0 (e.g. Debye-Hueckel, the Hartree-Fok, the
Thomas-Fermi, the Gell-Islann, and Brueckner methods), are
contained in the equations obtained in aimple approximation.
Also the transition to time-dependent Green's functioits is
investigated, and a method for the determination of the
energy spectrum of the system is developed. These investi-
gations are intended to be continued in a publication yet to
follow. The author finally thanks I. Ye. Tamm, V. L. Ginzburg,
and D. A. Kirzhnits for their interest and discussions. There
are 12 references, 8 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/3
The Method of Green's Functions in Quantum Statistics SOV/56-36-4-47/70
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P,. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR
(Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED; December 19, 1958
.. , Card 3/3
AMOR: Pradkin. Ye. S. SOV/56-36-5-36/76
TITLE: A 0artain Improvement of the Thomas-Fermi Model at Small
Distances (Vokotoroje utochneniye modeli Tomasa-Fermi na
malykh rasstoyaniyakh)
PT,MIODICAL- Zhurnal aksyerimentalgnoy i teoretichaskoy fiziki,'1959,
Vol 36, Vz pp 1533-1535 (USSR)
AMTRACT: In the p;7sBent paper the author suggests a quantum correction
to tAe Thomax-Fermi model which correaponds to the *maoiclassical
BITS / .
approximation of the Hax4tree equatior,,6 11 z -Clfn'uc
(A)d p
(1). AV jm be negleoted in quasiolassical approximation, so
that fl),', coincideis with the 7homus-Fexmi equation. It is
xaae,~eqted that this term is +,Ole-baken into account with
A -7
P hV ),2
exp.~ (H 0 ~)Yj and H W y2m - eB(r)
(5nuc-charge den'sity of the nucleus, 13 a 1/kT, 9- the Hamilton
operator in solfconsistent approximationy. A generalization ofthe
Thomas-Fermi model is obtained, which makes it possible to
Card 113 Oal(ralate the total energy E of the atoms with considerably
A Certain Improvement of the Thomas-Formi Model at Small SOV/56-36-5-36/76
better agreement with the experiment. The following is obtained:
Eaverage .*~' 15,9 Z7/39v for 50-: W-90.
Vumerioal computation for a number of nuclei leads to the
following resultt
z Ecomp Z-7/3 re v7 exp
26 -15,9 o,o6
36 16,2 0,053
54 16,7 0,047
80 -16,9 0,05
92 -17,1 0,056 2/3
Computations are carried out for ,)= 0,9 z which corresponds
toan/19 .1-value, which corresponds to the double energy of the
lowest level of the hydrogen atom. The author thanks
D. A. Kirzhnits for discussions and L. V. Pariyskaya for carrying
out numerical computations. There are I table and 2 Soviet
ASSOTTIONg Fi7doheskiy institut im. P. V. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR
A .Certain Improvement of the Thomas-Fermi Model at Small SOV/56-36-5-36/76
(Physics Inatitute imeni P. V. Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
TTEATTTED: November 29o 1958 (initia.11Y) md JanuarY 7, 1959 (after revision),
Card 3/3
24 (5)
AUT11ORt Fradkin, Ye. S. 30V/20-125-1-16/67
TITLE- Functional Equation and Operator Solution for a Statistical
Sum (Funktoionallnoye ur&vneniye i operatornoye resheniye
dlya statiaticheakoy summy)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk S38R, 1959~ Vol 125, Nr 11 pp 66-68 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The density matrix of the canonic assembly has the form
q - exp L- p (H + AN)j . In this connection P - 1/kT and H - H 0+ 11
the total Hamiltonian of the system, H 0 - the Hamiltonian of
the free fields, H 1 - the Hamiltonian of interaction, A- the
chemical potential, N - the operator for the total number of
particles which are conserved (e.g. of electrons minus protons).
By the usual methods of the field theory one obtains
exp [-(XH 0 + P)]T exp U dx4fd3xil(xx 4 )1'
where T denotes the ordered a rangement of the operators from
right to left in the sequence of increasing x 4' the operator
f(ll X4 being defined by the equation
Cara 1/4 f (5t, x exp r(H + x f (-X") e xp [- (H + All) x
4 0 4 0 41-
Functional Equation and Operator Solution for a 3tatistical Sum
In analogy with the quantum field theory the author generalizes
the Hamiltonian of the systems by adding an additional
interaction with the external sources of the Bose- and
Fermi-fields. The fu:-ther investigation is made without
affecting the genera-ty for the case of interaction of a
Fermi-field %e with the mass m with a scalar Bose-field with
the mass zero. In this case the interaction Hamiltonian runs
an follows:
H, (XP X -ff-,;(X, X X ) + ~(X' X X ) +
4 4 4 4 4
+ 1,J(Z x + gi(X---,v Xi,(_X_"~ X ~Xr )I d'x,
4 4 4)]f" x4
where J-denotes the source of the Bose-field, the source
of the Fermi-field; q and ~ anticommute both among one another
and with q) and y. The equations holding for the operators
Y and Y (the sign ^ overv and kf is left out in the following)
ares Wp + m -gy),P('X, x 4 -1 (4 X 4 X4)(-ip + M -gl)
_-i x _A2 __r
(xq 4 k y(x, x 4 J(X' X 4 J(X, X't ) +
--- i0
Card 2/4 + g3P1_1(X' X4)?(-X-" X4). In this case it holds
Functional Equation and Operator Solution for a Statistical Sum
(T7- -
P Dk Tk- + 74 4
A2 2 92
k + jx2 ; k lt 2, 3; 19 2, 39 4;
= ~x4
2 4
(9xk 4
The preceding equations differ from the Heisenberg equations
of field theory as follows: 1) instead of time they contain
-ix 4 'whereby the four-dimensional space becomes Euclidean,
2) they contain the chemical potential. The following functional
equations then result therefrom for I
W + m _i- + M
P 6=1)X p gs--.J) - +
-2S& _ j(x)e + g
k S j ST.-I (xR 5(x)
The operator solution for the statistical sum is then derived.
The expression for this solution also may be easily written
down as an infinitely dimensional integral. There are
4 references, I of which is Soviet.
Card 3/4
FUnctional Equation and Operator Solution for a Statistical Sum
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR
(Phyaics Institute imeai P. N~ Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTED: November 20, 19580 by 1. Ye. Tamm, Academician
SUBMITTEDt October 28, 1958
Card 4/4
AUTHORs Fradkin, Ye. S. SOY/20-125-2-18/64
TITLEs The Method of Green Functions in Quantum
Statistics (Metod funktsiy Grins, v kvantovoy statistike)
PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 2,
pp 311-314 (USSR)
ABSTRACT% In an earlier paper (Ref 1) a system of functional equatioG,-
was derived for the state integral in quantum statistics.
In the present paper the method of Green? function5wo.3
investigated for the solution of these functional eq-.jation8.
Here the author has the application of the results 1"culd in
the course of the present investigation to processes )I' high
and low energies in mind, and therefore the entire operaticii is
formulated in consideration of the relativistic corrections.
The author investigates the interaction between the Fermi-field
T of the mass m and the Bose-f ield Y of the mass 7E . In this
case the system of equations
(iD + M igr j(X)Z'
Card 1/3
The Method of Green Functions in Quantum BOV/20-125-2-16/64
+ x N Sz J(x)z + ig 5 z with
*3x' '4'3(x) )T
V TT I~z
z = Tr(~ (H is obtained for the integral of state.
HoreIll denotos the densitp matrix of the canonic
asse ly; the operator of the complete Hamiltonian of
the a t luding the external sources of the Bose-field
)~, em, ino
X and of the Fermi-field (it); H - Ho + H,; Ho
denotes the Hamiltonian of the free fields. A! o the expression
for 111is explicitly written down. The author does not commit
himself with respect to the exact form of the interaction
and the invariance properties of the field r . A system ofy
equations is then derived for the "single-particle" Green's
functions, which were for the first time introduced by
Matsubara (Ref 2). This system of equations may be simplified,
and the neceGsary boundary conditions may be derived from the
spectral representations for the introduced quantities. The
Card 2/3 lisingle-particle" functions G,D,r depend only on the difference
The Method of Green
Functions in Quantum SOV/20-125-2-16/64
of the coordinates. Following this, the system of equation is
written down also in p-representation. By means of the
aforementioned Green functions it is possible to derive
also the time-dependent functions of quantum statistics.
The system of equations derived here offers considerable
advantages as against its field-theoretical analoguet
1) For its derivation the stability of the ground state and of
the eingle-partiole state were not used in connection with the
beginning of interaction. 2) Because of the Euclidity of
the x-space Green'? functions in the p-space have no poles,
and division by G- D-1 is always unique. There are 2
references, I of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION; Fizicheskiy institut im. P. K. Lebedeva kkademii nauk SSSR
(Physics Institute imeni P. K. Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTEDs December 1, 1958 by I. Yo. Tamm, Academician
SUBMITTEDs November 18, 1958
Card 3/3
FRADKIN, Ye. S., Doe Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Method of Green's
functions In the theory of quantum fields and in quantum statistics-"
Moscow, 1960. 9 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of Theoretical
and Experimental Physics); 100 copies; price not given; bibliography
at end of text (40 entries); (KL, 25-60, 125)
Some general relations in statistical quantum electrodynamics.
Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no.1:157-160 Jan 160, (MIRA 14:9)
1. Fizicheskiy inBtitut im. P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR.
(Quantum electrodynamics)
Structure of Green's function of a photon. Zhur. eksp. i teor.
fiz. 38 no.1:239-242 Jan 160. (MIRA 14:9)
1. Institut Im. P.N.Lebedeva AN SSSR.
(Potential, Theory of) (Photons)
MILEHINY G.A. [deceased];
Log-log approximation in quantum electrodynamics. Zhur. eksp.
i teor. fiz. 45 no.6:1926-1939 D 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Fizicheskiy inotitut imeni Lebedeva AN SSSR.
ACCESSION NRs .AP4025934 5/0056/64/046/003/1025/1032
AUTHORS: Babak, V. G.1 Xgnatovich, V. X.1 Fradkine Yeo S.
'Asymptotic value of the interaction cross section of two
Fermi particles in the e approximation
SOURM Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 46,
no. 3, 1964, 1025-1032
TOPIC TAGS: 'Fermi particle, high energy Fermi particle, interaction'!
J'cross section, asymptotic cross section doubly logarithmic accuracy,
e approximation, electron electron scattering, electron positron
scattering, electron muon scattering, muon pair production, electron
pair annihilation, colliding beam experiment, Regge pole trajectory#
perturbation theory series
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to establish correct expres-
sions for the-following cross sectionst electron-electron scatteringol
Card 1/3
electron-positron scattering,,electron-muon scattering, and muon
production following annihilation of an electron &air. Asympto-
tic values valid for all angles are obtained (in the e -approxima-
tion) with doubly-logarithmic accuracy for the cross section of in-
teraction of two high energy Fermi particles. These asymptotic
values are of interest in view of the planned colliding-beam ex-
periments proposed to check on the laws of electrodynamic at small
distances, and 'also in view of attempts at obtaining the Regge-pole
trajectory with the aid of perturbation theory series. It is shown
that: near 1800 the electron positkon cross.section decreases, in
ent with the work of Milekhin and Ficadkin (ZhETF v* 45# 1926
1963), and in sharp contrast with the results of As As Abrikosov
(ZhETF v. 30,
545, 1956). Hisprints contained in papers of other
investigators are pointed out. Orig. art, hass 1 figure.and 44
ASSOCIATIONs- Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva' AN SSSR
i Card. 2/3
ENCLt 00
Card .3/3.
FRADKI IN, Y P. . ~.* ,
Method of Green's functions in quantum field theory and in
quantum statistics. Trudy Fiz. inst. 29:7-11.8 165.
Stability of an arbitrary one-diyrens-~(,~- flow.
Refraction and reflection of a ihock wf~Ve from tho inteiface
of two media of different density. Ibid.:257-278
(MM 1M)
BFIRNIKIY, S.Z. [deceased]; FEADKIN, Ye.S.
Turbulent mixing theory. Trudy Fiz. inst. 2*207-2118 16,15.
(MIRA 18:8)
~% If
FRADK A, D. L. Cand Agr Sci -- (digs) ~-'Ih&&~Ruenve of Seiq=tawe
and Squ&rew~,-BMm44vt,~ of Sugar Beet n Ibw Growth
It Plants"k
and Development Under Conditions of the Humid Climate
of the Latvian SSR." Kos, 195T. 18 pp 20 am. (Kos Order of Lenin
Agricultural Academy im K. A. imiryazev), 110 copies
(KL, UM 25-5T, 116)
USSR/Cultivated Plants - Commercial. Oil-Bearing, Sugar-Bearing* M-5
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 29942
Author : -Fradkina,,DZ6
Title : Features of Sugar Beet Growth and Development with
Square Planting.,
Orig Pub : Sakharnaya svekla, 1957, No 2, 23-31
Abstract : Field tests vith. the WjE, V23, Yanash and J752 varierties
were made at.the Mezhotnenskayn Experimental Selection
Station in the Latvian SSR in 1952-1954 on turf carbonate
soil. The square planting placement stimulated the in-
tensive leaf and root growth in the sugar beet plants.
In 1952 the average root weight at the end of vegetation
in sqtzre beds reached 1462, and with ordinary beds 528
a.; in 1953 it was respectively 2352 and 791 g. The sac-
charinity of the roots with square planting was 18.3%
in 1953, and with ordinary planting 19*6%,
Card 1/2
Cand Agr Sci - (diss) "Change in the biological characteristics
of varieties of sugar beet under various conditions of growing
and selection." Kiev, 1961. 22 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture
Ukrainian SSR, Vkr Academy of Agr Sci); 180 copies; free; (KL,
7-61 sup, 253)
- .4.
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"N Ma, Ka, MAW4 CWm:ib: CIN
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=Kftft(CN)e by the Method of DnAfo4
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m7y W given is != 4 6 d D-Do,
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00.3 O?D_D I by the theory of aft.; at avoid 4 On
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steallem with dmism S. as a rommuk of W" tM I cwm'
1 uw A ~ a Jim In costradictim tooli.
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progremolvely lower with WmalAng X
and tbeb am
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rein-don time decreases with fn use
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ezpbA-d .
by he N. Tbou
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ice AIW'1947
trios Constants
Ilectrolrtes Conductivity
'Work of 0. K. Davtyan on the Dielectric -Pwmft-
bility and Canductivity of Electrolytes," R. K. Frad-
kina, M. F. Shirokov, 1. A. KLItsin, 1-,kpp
"Murr-al Eksperimentallnoy i Tooreticheskoy FizW"
Val XVII, No 4
Au thars maintain that there are a n=ber of serious
swrars in two artioles published in the "Journal of
PWsics" and "Izvestlya Akademii Nauk" by Dwrtyan. an
'Dislectrical Properties and Electrostriction of So-
r,-)~Ations and Mootrolytes," and "The Complexity of
ice (Contd) AVr 3.947
AMectrical Conductivity of XL&OtrOlJtDB In SnAlter-
*kting Electric Field." Eight equations arO Prb-
Vanted to show the errors in Dartyante vork.
ID ..34T76
!USW/Cbemistry - DieVereed,-PyStWe MAY/Jun 1948
Chemistry - Electric Moments
"Blectrloal Parameters of Dlepmrsed Systems," Ya. I.
.Frankel', X. M. Fradkina, Phys Tech Inst, Acad Sol
USSR, Leningrad, 4 py
AlKolloid Zhur" Vol X, No 3
Show how Prankall a fermuls, for electrical moments in-
duced in conducting baJI-shaped drop can be used for
,making subject calculations. Submitted 28 Aug 1947.
him (momiew Avistime law.). z1hs'. MAINWOM".
(C.A. 48.7r_M exp
.1 "ho the, mossmom 0 Iodu4ml W a splordw faitims a
:rA dWw. gftd. 4p. sAK44 In a vowdiums of Wcomm.
orcip to" W kok atm.) N*ft to an ex-
Imossho For 1W assess moscroscopic dhkv. c . I -
sell+ (11-mg( +9n)j.wbvref-mkf1vvvo1.o(tb*
stAII&mp. ovalmism of mA too dil, sq. Was. of
r to b 1 0 + if).
I... = m &v.,.St;t = sm" h(lom and
does " doommod Abor m the shocumi. to cams. or on the
dis This ftmoks m Cin W d~ Al tmm I
+ 4 P1.114)), with do polorim" P - (3/4 0114
valm for Wear fooductial Wborms. It the sphem hove a
dI*bc.~.%,tbv*spp 1A
Vf~+ 2 6) 11 Our Paso M60 NO) Its pmfwmm (04 - 2)
th , , f - so (11 + ~ X_ 0.110). With the mt;A
pg. m thom of the em"m drops tabr" into Kvmnt.
am hom 9 - so I I + Wo - f - 1.6r, 10) 1 - ftkm can.
puted with do WA of this farmovis, at f as a@ 30%.
Me Ivy mot am* thim 1% tram than obiham with 4
irtma 4 The dr"k*mmt of The lanwAls # - al (I + 2f)/
0 - d"JVW how W#Swf'e (Arck. M&POINA. 8
376(19045) o I tor the else. coed. a a system ;I
I&A 1. the come ON meany cooductims emul-
Wm ape, Qg~ moo WM a ust "motent of - vg 0.01%-
or bilker. she else. SoM Is I , 'by a facto of
I -P Immo to the exprossim 0 (1 + f)f
Thin hromals was by mommomments,
sommummoms 612 N sq. solm.
NOCI lit pet up to/ - 30%. with matimisday
nwnt betworm fin observoci mW the colod. 9. The rk";
ewme. u1 the rmWm show swome upword tread with fime.
N. 11kin
j S v Pw aelt* of z
latmag aircraft e!0PG11Q dring [is fatword movoem#"t In 0 nurdfull,
aqvirment af tits "dium 1% relati(MAIP to the touftA fecolvaV
. AuSsIAA) Tttdf NAI no. 51, 5
1 -14, 1955; Ref. 76. Mek. 1956,
Rev. 5068.
4%plicttloa of the thco:y of a delaying potenditl to the ecr4stica
aj:011adeg in Lamb's tot= ea3bles the following eq4itiots to be
obtIlAed foe die' sound pressure set up i0 :be moving unlimited
Madj= hy *vatiable volume farce
(K, Brad 1) dx dy d.-,
In wWch.Kjjr.),~x) Is the soplitude value of tbe density which~
vdiW ACCOMag ra the hu-."aic Uw With angular velocity &) of the,
volumv force. / Is the function of chi coordinates of the power
wave ix the moment t, - the velocity of sound, r' the distance ftom
the Imaginaty sound source to thi obsence, V the speed of movc-
meat a[ the medirra, ond I? the angle betweett r find V.
The poiac sawce of this type is an acoustic dipolp, the sound
cbAtaclerlstic of which essentially icpends uNa v1c AaJ Cho
ncleoulua K. I Ile qvatirms (NNailled moke It pe-AgIble (using
L. YA. Utin'S Mtthod, Zb- fAJ--'2- F#'%~ 6, P. 899i 19;6) to ;Ole %v
lite the approximate tall-;- of the po-ver radiAtIca of The PCOV4110f.
The 1W4VA, field of the pcopellcr in the tnovi*s MeAium ctaadt ;a
r4 1jCA
USSR/Electricity - Dielectrics G-2
Abs jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957) 12102
Author : Fradkina, E.M.
le e 0 Of ~)Mkeasunr ~Jing the Dielectric Constant of Conducting
it ~M~
Liquids and Dispersed Systems in UHF Fields.
Orig Pub Kolloid. zh- 1956, 18, No 4, 48o-484
Abstract A method is proposed for measuring the dielectric cons-
tant of strongly-conducting liquids and dispersed systems
in MW fields with the aid of a measuring capacitor of
new construction. The proposed capacitor has electrodes
that are insulatel from the investigated liquid and is me-
chanically stronger than those previously employed. It is
calibrated by means of standard liquids. Rmunples are gi-
ven of calibration curves for two wave lengths ( X - 166
CM and )\ 2 = 99 inm), and values are obtained for 1e die-
lectric constants of solutions of NaCl from O-N to 4-N.
Card 1/2
Analysis is made of the errors of the method and vay,3 are
indicated for reducing these errors (increasing the num-
ber of standard liquids for a more accurate construction
of the calibration curve, and decreasing the capacity of
the source of UHF energy).
Card 2/2
USSR/Colloid Chemistry. Dispersion Systems B-14
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 8, 1957, 26416
Author : E.M. Fradkina, S.F. Mmunin
Title : of Dielectric Constant of &mlsions
Orig Pub : Kolloid. zh., 1956, 18, No 5, 6o4-6o8
Abstract : The dependence of the (Lielectric constant (,E ) of emulsions
(E) of distilled water and of 2 a. N&Cl solution in heavy
mineral lubricating oil and in fuel oil (mazut) on the time of
measurement was investigated. Ec was measured by the pulsation
method at the frequency of I megacycle and by the second
Drude method at 180, 300 and 1070 megacycles. A rapid rise of
was observed at 3, megacycle; the speed of the rise increased
together with the rise of the concentration of the dispersion
phase and with the drop of the PAscosity of the dispersion
medium;,E is greater in E-s of Wl solutions than in E-s of
-water. It is surmised that the dependence on time at a given
frequency Is connected with the formation of chains of drops
of the dispersion pbase. The rise speed of L in ultrabigh fre-
quency fields is several times less; it depends on the tan-
perature, the viscosity of the dispersion medium, and the dif-
Card 1/2