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d. j! 9! fli- Aduffons- 1. Tlar" 4 pt4t,,. 195 S, I ~- 1 552.- ISM.-The stcd am 1e" a ~ mateiial ard difirni-in j brittlencsr aa( somctim-5 bl; ters iM tILc picUng L Lth of 1,11- 13 anth r,i ~;w, I- t:, "t 2sl. of 1~rdl~! 1~ 12. rd L'A v j 1 $M c ( of I ~dlkli 11, 1 ", t rt 'M L ~ A "UV'. aferi.), 3 P~at5 off atqift- j-hum 'u."u:,te ?III.; I sodium chlrjrtfol, prt%,vzt,; the harmful effectq of iudi ri,T xnrchani,,zs '~m (L -atinn d b_rittb-z._-_i4 in vxwirfg of I iuccl S!"I are allo dii4mmd. S. Nrft. 1YH DIE;tr, 4E.2c a 7 Trilll) r wcrea5e ul Ma oLmtent ir the &axidlAug ~Jluy the: w=-city - l ~d F . . Of florlmrcAle inOlvicas n sled i . v-pid y dccm- explaitts the advaatagc,~ tJ-ct of Ma cla the physsi4xcliwn. -4) fuurAt n. Pro CA (if i3cluslaus. It w~Ls aL -at tli~ tdd. d 'WE ir ar-- w rvJurvAI by half, (2) AlzO, ;5 A. (3) the munt. o- FCO asv~,A, am4 r4) the tcta amt. cl ronint'Allk 5fightly hn-re I , : 01N i2xivAtrs or mlajml, zt ka~~t, 11 1 s;;a;r 4--l. U Indw Tim !-.utf fa--t Ccv".EmL~ thc tl-,t -ility to flaw mit with hi lm~, le~i at h c"Ittat of A10 . e 4 g tl!t 5tnl. JWI. Tye C., the lnt,~Vxll t., MIA zip. al bll to nclralli)y-, 'Cl I~jl t:Lr j I y PF~UODICAL- HUT JF,Vol. 25, no. 7/8, Jul-Y/Aug. 151,56. FCHYSti', J Research or, tiorimetAllic jncjj~sj.o. r 1., t.,el. p. 2-',7. Vorithi~- List of East E'uroDcan (EFAI) LC Vol. 8, No.11 i1pril, 1959, Unclas3. Distrt 4E2c R .... 1.4 ad quenched 1~11%_.pod steels. C TMeMewlens, Z. Dognki fx cur .1 to atut&ld~ n,2074(l )).-Carb --a,;PW%.Nn.Xh",4 at r7 e4 hish-mPett! steets (I and 11) cwtg.' 1. C 0 77 .42 S1 0.21, P 0.027, 11 O.M. Cr 4.00, W 18.7i. V 1.55, Mo 0.20 and U C 0.81 Mn 0.13, Si 0.14, P OAM, S 0,014, Cr CU, W 8B. V 2.26. and Met 0.16% were exAmd. b metallographic methods. hardness measurements, and m. and x-ray auWysLa of residue exid. by electrolytic M methods. The specimens, it) mm. In dlam. and 40 raw. In length, were lot heated to OODO, then ou3tenitIzed at ODD, 1000, 1100, or 1200' for 1, 5. 10, or 20 m1n., followed by oil quenching. The content oLilloying elements In the matrix of both steels studied was the same for the as-annealed or for the as-quenchedconditlov. The differences Involved the phase comion. of carbides and the amt. present. Steel I when annealed contained the following typo of carbides'. MA btt&Co; the former toeing present when quenching front 1300" was applied. Li steel U in a3-annealed coudi- don carbides of the type KC, AITCv, and AfC were found, whereas after quenching froin 1900" AC and MC could be observed. The basis phaje constituent of the cart)Wts resent in steels studied appeared to be the NfjC carbide; Eolvever, its chem. compti.differed In both steels; the M4C carbide present In steel I euestained a higher afnt. cf. W. During the austenizing annialing the most readj)y dis~,nlvcd were ?JnCa and N17C,, the process being completed below 1100". A marked dissuln. of W and V in the steel suatrix started at 1200'. W. T*nw=zvk FORYST, Jultusz, dcc. dr; ORE-K1*, Kazimierz, mgr inz.; ORZECHUdSKA, J., mgr Inz.,; !'ELAZKIFWICZ, Jerzy Testing physicochemical properties of inclualons originating during deoxidizing steel. by Fe-Si and Al deoxidizers. Biul Inf inst metal zel no.1j12-15 164. 1. Department of Physics--l Chemistry of Sti!els of the Institute of Iron Metallurgy, Glivica. full 1 U.; I -o 44 IL r r 19 IL wrxl g q P4 kDAMASZEK, Kazimierz; FORYTARZ, Bronislawl BRAUN, Kazimierz Pretended-twist spirals, a new device to make pretended-twist in the drawing field of spinning frames. Przegl w1okien 16 no.2t96-98 F 162. 1. Bielska Fabryka Yassyn Wlokienniczych, Bielsko. I FORYTEK, Lumir Increasing the efficienoy of water blasting machines. Slevarenstvi 11 no.3%118-120 Ur 163. 1. Zavody V.I. Lenina, vyzkum slevarenskych stroju, Brno. VOS v ;MIGLEVSKI, V. Nomograms and their use in the textile industry. p. 415. (Tekstil, Vol. 6, No. 5, HAY 1957, Zagreb, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of 11ast I~uropean A.ccessions (IYAL) Le. Vol. 6. No. B. Aug 1957. Unal. 41S C- Al I F! ce v cmi Ahxa%EJ,*%cv, A,, Elasuc deflaction cl of co-wr, contir, 7, 6, nley, RCjrg linea oW,firc,~jiqn ar-l uc tb-oletkollf slmpli.'ied ll~mmula-. %in;ilij to thoxv with conscAlf anofuent of incitiA Fite dctived arvi coefficient,% incro- duccJ d~*eoding on chmrdctcri!;tL -ch is PlAximum OnA minLcaum depth and rxmacets oi ol che ttetlGa And SrAng. Valw--s of thcat coefficielll:; tu. lypic.0 :[.SS Section-s ace tabulatid and presented in References are Z-.3de to otlitf tregfiods jtnJ p4l.)IiCations by Fllyrenko-Ontojici, ~i. G. KmIlsTrz, P. "l,. vaireN Kcilow. PolivLA, LISA 1A VV%4, Cointryi Di~ isso. Doortamint (Infekcat ad4oltut) Chief Dr V. ZD*$o %ad -'AL091011 Drpsrtmnt (P41,0166166VAtoul eke olkl-f ChItf Y. SWAMI wi,oraxiviumi vxrso tuoututo tar h"iem mmith tc--t..), i tic, .,tt P=&G, PrOtickY lIM& Val 41, go 13-16. Aug 21, 19611 op Nl-.' DaW Unusual *UOIF44 Plifolls W11A TWIL"lill NOW OpIcUs (prove. laborks) ramp ZMKI V.; FOSENEAUEROVA. E. I PEYCHL, L. Post-vaccination encephalitis. Cao.I~Lceak 100 no.9:264-268 3 Mr 161. 1. Infekoni oddeleni OUNZ Teplice Lazne v Cechach, prednosta prim. MDr. V. Zimak. (SMALLPOX immol) (ENCEPHALITIS etiol) PROCHAZKA, Vladimir, inz.; FOSENBAUEROVA, Renata Shape defects of porcelain flatware. Sklar a keramik 15 no.31 84-86 Mr f65. 1. Research Worksite of the Karlovarsky porcelan National Enterprise, Brezova. FOSUR) 0. A. "The Influence Exercised by Microelements on the Growth, Development, and the Decorative Properties of Blossoming Plants." dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate c;f Mological Sciences at the Inst. for Botanics im V. L. Komarov. Defense of Dissertation (ian-Jul 1957) Sect. of Biologiaal Sciendes Vest. AN SSSR, 1957, v. 27, No. 12, PP. 115-117 M~MfTS,Kiy, eliagar,ioayevich; VSHIN, Sorgey Vladimirovicb.; 'ANTIK, I.V., redaktor; FRIDKIN, A.M. , t-er=cn0SxT-7-rNqcxRktor. [Safety measures in electric industry plants] Takhnika bazopasnosti na zavodakh elektrotakhnichaskoy promyshlennosti. Iloskvs, Gos. anergetichookoe izd-vo, 1954. 336 yo' * (MiRA 8:4) (Electric angintioring-Safet7 measures) GIRENKO, A.Kh., inzh.; FOSIIKO, A.Ye., inzh. Use of hydrazine in thermal electric power plants. Energo i elektrotekh. prom. no.1:51-53 Ja-Mr'64., (MIRA 17:5) - --i , '. - --- - - " - 1.,,I ~-, "'. * - L -7 -~ -. --Ii - ---L -: ~ - z _, - ~~ ~ - - , " - - - -:1 - : -- - -: ~ L f 1- - ~ I - - : ~~-- - - - d z - .. - "I - F~C:,Illi:---,. ; ~ ~:, -=- . - - . L. , . _,~ - "Z, - ~~ , ~ ` , ::% - -, :~-- , - Fh~. Slaidju, .17 (91 51 -:`IQ -1 to ~ITMT tion o-111:wilng 4till.-te, odd 1; in 'm ."lloullt ~quil j;-.*W [-~ t1tv -,ur-n .4 11.,~ i: Titraze ccco~ Trilkat B m t1w the 0--o1 it-, tile deurmiqjGm ,f kvm~l -tuu,n niagm--imn chteride. 'Plic anatv!~4~ r~-quia, t-; min AUTE02: Solamoncy, U. S. TITtXt Cont.rence on later Pre;xratlon in -zerzal stations (0 vadopodgotovice nA toplorykh MIODIC4L: 12vestlys Akadozil mauk .34iR, C-t_1&Ie=jyc mauk, 1958, 57 10. pp 15'~-160 C-) LBS-.Rk=: Puring J,.Lne 24-27. 1958. & c.3zfer.=e took place or probleas of water preparation in tzerzal a-stcma or togh, inter. nodists, super-AiF:d and sup~r-crizit3: rress~rez. :to car-ler- sa" as or. ozed by tte Co=isoio~ on ;to&= of Tory Sigh c Parazdt:r s ov ... Power Rese&rch Ins--itute. A-cadezy of Sciences U33R, imemi 0. U. Krz-hiz-hAmovskiy, jo:ztiy Witt :=# I.-Laistry of Power Stations UJSR Ar.4 tLe _04-ov jC1e=1'fiC-'e':tn'cftl Society of the power Industry. Qtr- aA.V re,;res*mZmtiv*a of scientific researeb ost&b1I3n=e_-t3 &=4 of ,over stations par- tIcipatod. In too section or dezign. so-t-zIg &=d operation of combi4ed plant with maE_-*sIau tne following pap- ers were read; I).&periomco In settir..; up and of water treat- sent plant wltn dostlialz.Z~6 by ~.~R V. F. cvozdtv (ORGRZ3), 2)"3tato and tanks In t1it davalo;~_-emt it pla~z for =aguestwo: desiltsizing of water in t"=aI ;,4~r T. U. Xvyat. kovakty 01T1), 3) -50bqZ04 of automAtar. a' plant desulsizing by =eaha of maeuesluz'. Ye. N. Krasotkin az:l T. :.*. iV7*zkOv-3Ki7 (M), 1* )Pr*blezs of dtsigulmol CQ=btz*d c3t:ilot water laufawith maenosiu= 1. A. Kr4;~ arliccvskoe otdolonLye rz:P), W 5) *DosilisLzirg at tte water ty _-.at4 of filters", 0. N. ", in (70DOWI), ShO Q* "as tigatiom 0: t,-* proceas of deallisizing of N water at elevated L. _ -j _at. n _.t4od or 40~11'13. UA 0 __ - ter", L. S. _It. XLWO (Do-baso.aargo). so-tion. In. sot-.img an-2 i n par-Ord operstiot 0: CA021cal 4*fialting ad: r- I *~ 1) e3" its of jrxastlrst~oms ex.-' of Iml,-stristl tests of % cheat 1 desaltxm,; 1.1ant. and ~r~%;~ets Of troir A;,lizatiob in themal postr atat-,_-3 with ~4;er-IILSL t.-nd &t3*-critIc%l for ,tir pros~.tct5 a., 2) -Now loni tes Ire , their industria natur z .0 , A. V. _jrko ~:Z*'Itut . ptast"zo I=. Pmn.-). 5)'ITOL1,32 a., Aeo..k:~ 0: zt-eizLcal Chun" (rnCC4F), S.kalar' 4) "A.~ozat4'r 0.1 fi;ttro *-.- t.-taonont In rower mjt.Ljo.&*. 3. U. G,.rvIrh ja Witibn to tLes. Of 14riois 1*cal ropresectatyee -rv siz~r.,r And a, 'OLr.01 WAtc-ilve UtIltz"t~D:1 at. Lz.~rt.:.t rA, OZ Zz~**' sttg,% ter t',6t':.-r t... or ov&;oa-- 0, " j , ,f n,- k%- Qt:,r -4bi-! N. wro.r an, Of ;mOff-re (110 ..z) t.'Ilra in W.Iil:r. 1.r',~ d.1d ~f Year I J: 42A, of It# 4..j " 4r car.' 3/5 JOSHKO, L.S., Inzh.; LOSEV, A.S., insh.; PROIGIOROV, jr.G., k,,,,d.t.khn. Conditioning water for industrial boiler Installations and evapo- rators by the addition of sodium-ebloride ions. Toplooner atik& 6 no.1:44-46 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:11 1. Donbassenergo VessoyusW teplotekhnicbeskiy Institut. iFeed-water purification) KVYATKOVSKIYp V.M... k&M.tAkhn.nauk; BAULINA, A.I., inzh.; FOSHKOVp LITVINOV, V,G.p insh.; "insh. Studying the hot liming procees in water enriched with vagneoix= ompounds. Toploonergetika 7 no.10:47-52 0 l6o. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Vaosoyusnyy toplatekhnichoskiy institut i Donbassenergo. (Food water purification) FOSIXIO A. - - ~~Z "Improvement of the dynamic characteristics in cross-filed welding dynamos-" p. 340 (Blectrotehniski Vestnic. Electrotechnical Review) Vol. 25, no. 9/10 SePt./Oct. 1957. Lujblajna, Yugoslavia SO: Monthly Index of East 1kropean Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol- 7, nck. 4, April 1958 -RAYEVSKIY, A.N.; FOSnRI190,T. QF. Climatological characteristics of diurnal maximums of precipitation in the southern part of the Ukraine. Trudy OOMI ne.12:307-337 '58. (MIRA 12:7) (Ukraine-rrecipitation (Meteorology)) FWMANY I.A.j mayor meditsinskoy j1uzhby Suitcase for the military physician. Voen.-med. zhur. no.8:87 Ag 161. (MEDICAL SUPPLIES) (HliiA 15:2) GOMBLISKIY, A.Z.; FOSS, X.I., redaktor; LIBKRHAIT, S.S., redaktor; "MYRY, redaktor (Workers on the apparatus used in the coke by-product industry] APPAratchiki koksokhimicheskikh proi2yodetv. 2-e i2d. Koakwa, Oos. nauchno-takhn. lzd-vo lit-ry po chernol. i tovatuoi metallurgii, 1953. 384 P. 0U& 7'10) (Coal tar products) GWZAAN, 4-ubovi DarYdovna; ADSLIHAU, Its loeifovua; FoqS~~~Otvetqtven- W redaktor; SISTAYSXAYA, Ye.K., MdAktor izWrFsjITstvs. LN.~~.'dLZ, S.S., redaktor izdatelletys; AUDUYXV, S.P., takhnichaskiv r"daktor (laboratory control of the by-product coke industry] lotboratorayl kontroll kokookhtmichaskogo proizvodstvo. Ird. 4-os. parer. i dop. SharIkov. Gossamuckmo-toldinAzd-vo lit-ry po chernot i tevetnoi matellurgii, 1957. 635 P. (kUA 10:10) (Colm tadustry) KOLYANDR, Lev Yakovlavich; FOSS, E.I.,; LIBYAMIN, S.S., red. izd-va; ANDIINYXV, S.P., (Refining of crude benzene] Parerabotka syrogo benzola. Kharlkov. Goo.nauchno-takha.izd-vo lit-ry po charnoi i tevetnoi metallurgii, 1960. 319 P. (HIM 13:9) (Benzene) PETRE24KO, Dmitriy Sergeyevichl otv. red.; LIBERM, S.S., red. izd-va; ., AIIMMV,, S.P.,, tekbn. xvd. [Production of pyridine bases in the by-product coko Industry)- Proizvodstvo piridinovykh oanovanii na koksokhimicheskikb zavo- dakh. Kharlkov, Metallurgizdat, 1961. 175 P. (KIRA 15:3-2) (Pyridine bases) (Coke industry-By-products) LITVIVENKO, V, 4khail Seraenovich;NOSAIEVICII, Ivan 'likhaylovich;.EC" E.I., otv, red.; LIBEEMAT-1, S.S., red. izd-va; AVDIUNEV, S.P., -U6M. red. r LCoke-plant chemicals for the production of polymerials] Khi- micheskie produkty koksovaniia dlia proizvodstva. polimerrjqkh materialov. Khar1kov, Motallurgizdat, 1962. 428 p. WIRA 15:10 (Coke industry-By-produats) (Pol7mers) FOSS, G.V. Prospects for the development of gold prospecting. Sov. gaol. 2 no.6:136-138 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:12) l.Ministers tvo geol U i okhrany nedr SSSR. (Gold ore:5 (Prospecting) - -FOSS~_ Gj.-_ Unused reserves. Rawnd. i okh. nedr 27 no.4:21~,26 p 161. IMIFA 14--5) 1. Ministerstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. (Gold orea) FD~S~le~bVasillyevich; POTAPOV, V.S., red. izd-va; IYEMSKN~KiYA, Ye., (Gold; types of deposits, history of mining, resources] Zoloto; tioy mestorozhdenii, istoriia dobychi, syrIevye bazy. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. 172 p. (MiRA 16:6) (Gold) PODOLINYY, Solomon Abramovich; ?qSSp Nikolay Yovgenlyovich [deceased]; OFMGETH, D.G.. red.; ROKANOTA-,1-.A. --t-ekh= red., [Assistance of the province hospital in organization and methods] Organizatsionno-matodlehasknia rabota oblastnoi bollnitay. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz, 1960. 81 p. (KIRA 14:1) (HOSPITALS-ADMINISTRATION) Fosst v nzh, (g,Kraonoturlinsk) ~YAI-l Aerated f2jamb comrste, Isobrol rate. no.2s23-14 7 161. (MIRA 14o2) (Luhtweight comrsto) MOXASTYRSKIY, M.D., inzh.. Prinimali uchastlye: FRANX. G.A.. ixizh.; .._P_��1_LAA.P inzh.; KALUZHSKIY, 9.Ye., inzh.; HATIENOY, A.P., inzh.; POLUBNEVA, V.I., insh.. red. (Large-panel house built of foamed cinder concrete hardened without using autoclaves; practices of the 'Bazatroi" Sverdlovsk sovnakhoz] Krupno-panellnyi dom 12 neavtoklavnogo zolopenobetona; opyt treats *Bazatroi" Sverdlovskogo sovnarkhoza. Moskva. 1959. 15 P. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organi- zateli, mokhanizataii i takhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. Byuro tekhnicheskoy informataii. 2. Upravlyayushchiy trestom *Bazstroys Sverdlovskogo eovnarkhoza (for Monastyrakiv). 3. Na- challnik tsentrallnoy laboratorii tresta nazatroy' (for Frank). 4. Nachallnik otdela proizvodstvennykh predpriyatiy treats WBaz- stroy' (for Foss). 5. Nachallnik proizvodstvennogo otdela treats 'wBazatroy" (for Kaluzhakiy). 6. Glavnyy tekhnolog tresta 'Bas- stroyO (for Naydenov). (Sverdlovsk Province--Apartment houses) (Lightweight concrete) FRANK, G.A., inzh.;_FOSS, V.A., inzb.; IMITSKIT, M.Y., inzh. Iarge cinder concrete blocks. Rate.i isobr.predl. Y stroi. no.10:19-22 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. ProyaktnLya kontars, Basetroyproyekt. (for Levitakly). Po materisUm tresta Bazatroy Sverdlovskogo soynarkhoza. (Cinder blocks) USSR/Chemistry - Synthesis Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 22/48 Authors ; Lutsenko, L F., and Foss, V. L. Title : fieaction of ketene acetals with mercury acetate. Derivation of alpha- mercurated carboxylic acid esters, Periodical : Dok. AN SSSR 98/3, 407-LaO, Sep 21, 1954 Abstract The reaction between ketene acetals and'mercuric acetate was investigated for the purpose of deveioping a general method for the synthesis of alpha- mercurated carboxylic acid esters. The physico-chemical properties of pro- ducts obtained from such a reaction are described. The effect of metal' chlorides (CdC12, AlCl3 and HF), on the polymerization of ketene acetals, is explained. The results obtained, with less reactive chloro-and bromoketene acetals, are listed. Nfiline references: 5-USA; 2-German and 2-USSR (1900- 1953), Institution The 11. V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow Presented by- Academician A. N. Nesmeyanov, June 3, 1954 AUTHORS: Lutsen.ko, I. F., Badenkova, L. P. and Foss, V. L- 79-12-18/43 TITLE: Reaction of ot-Alkoxyakrylnitriles Yrith Mercury Acetate (Vzaimodeystviye a- alkoksiakrilonitrilov s uksusnokisloy rtutlyu). The Synthesis of Esters of Monomercury Acetate (Polucheniye efirov monomorkurirovan-noy uksusnoy kisloty). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii 1957, Vol. 27, Nr 12, pp. 3261-3264 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The acetales of ketene (CH2aC=O) which show highly active double bond do not produce monomercury eaters on the occasion of reaction with mercury acetate. It was interest to invest- igate whether such esters can be obtained by action of mercury acetate on o(-- alkoxyacrylustriles (CH2-C(OR)CN). In these compounds to be regarded as acetales of ketene with which one alkoxygroup is substituted by the nitrile group the double bond is considerably weakened in comparison with the acetales of ketene and even with the simple vinylesters. While vinyl- butylesters with mercury acetate reacts strongly, the reaction with 0(_- butooxyakrylnitrile takes several hours. The conn- ection of the mercury acetate to the ow'-- alkoxyakrylnitriles Card 1/2 is interesting also because it is a "competing orientation Reaction of -Alkoxyakrylnitriles with Mercury Acetate. 79-12-18/43 The Synthesis of Esters of bionomeroury Acetate. of addition" in the aliphatic order which is very little investigated. On the basis of the knowledge on this orient- ation in the aromatic series it could have been exapected that the direction of addition will be determined by the alkoxy- group and that a mercury atom will thus bind with the CH2 -- group of the at- alkoxyakrylnitrile. The organic compound of mercury occurring as intermediate product with three different substituents in one carbon atom continues its decay which leads to the eater of monomercuryacetate (see formula). Methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and butyleaters of the monomercuryacetate were synthesizes in t1jii3 way. T11a3e compounds are precipitated from the methylalcoholic solutions as crystals and show distinctive melting point. There are 1 table, and two references, I of which is Slavic. SUBMITTED: November 28, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Esters - Synthesis 2. CIL-alkoxyakrylnitriles - Chemical reactions 3. hercury acetate - Chemical Card 2/2 reactions 4- Cyclic compounds - Chemical reactions LUTSEVKO, I.F.' FOSS V L ; IVANIOVA, N.L. Reaction of ketone with mercury salts. Dold. A's jSz~dl 141 no.5: 1107-1108 D 161. W17,U 14: 1-2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarBtvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Nesmayanovym. (Ketene) .(Mercury salts) FOSS. V, ; KUDINOVAO V.V.; FGSTNIKOVA, G.B.; LUTSENKO, I.F. Derivatives of -ketophosphinic acids. Dokl, AN SSSR 146 no.5: 13.06-1108 0 1 (MM 15:10) (Phosphinic acid) 4- FCSS, V.L.; ZRADINA, M.A.; LUTSF-NKO, I.F.; NESMEYANOV, A.N. Reaction of ketene with quasiocomplex compounds of mercury. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.6:1927-1933 Je 163, (MIRA 16:7) 1, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat imeni M.V, Lomonosova, (Ketene) (Mercury compounds) FOSS, V.L.; BESOILVA, Ye.A.; JZTSENIKO, I.F. Reaction of esters of antimonous acid with ketene. 7hur. ob. khim. 35 no.4:759-760 Ap 165. 0-II-RA 16:5) ACC NR- M17012427 SOURqi; CODZ: UP,/0079/66,'036/010,'1863/186- AUTHOR: laidinova, V. V.;_Foss* V. L.; Lutsenko, 1. F. ORG: Moscow State UniverAlty In. M. V. Lomonosov 0,joskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: New methods of synthesizing functionally substituted organic arsenic derivatives SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khImII, v.-36, no. 10, 1966, 1863-1864 TOPIC TAGS: acetic acid, organic arsenic compound SUB CODEt 07 the authors developed a'number'of irs6thods-for.the preparati6h of ABSTRACT: alpha-arsenated ketones, esters' and amides of acetic acid. The first repM---Cj sentative of alpha-arsenated ketones -- phenvldi (butanone-2-yl-l(arsine)~1~~SL,- was prepared by boiling phenylarsenic sulfide with mercuribis-rethyl ethyl Cot; ketone in xylene. The methyl ester of di(carboxymthyl)phenylarsine was; prq'hE: pared 1) by heating phenylaLraeute sulfide with the methyl ester of mercuribist. acetic acid and 2) by heating pheny1dichloroirsine with the methyl ester of triethyletannylacetic acid. Other esters of di(car'b-xymethyl)-phenylarsines-- vere._prepared analo sly... The diethylamid~ ~f dipropyla sylacetic acid was7 -gou r Card 1/2 UDC: 547.242 OY32-7,137C 17: ACC NR- AP70121j27 prepared by the exothermic reaction of ketone with diethylaminodipropylarsine., The organoorsenic compounds word prepared In 50-60% yields, and their strue- tures were confizved,by Infr&rq4..xWctroscopy.-- Orig. art. hast 4 formulas and b a' /-PRS 1 40.419 I to I POSSEL, M. Phase contrast studies of w~ermatozoa. Mikroskopie 6 nos. 7-8:260-261 1951. (CLHL Zl:l) 1. Of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Graz University. MARCHENK03. Ye. Ya.; GONCHAROVA, Ye. I.; Prinimali uchastiye; CHASHKA, A. I.; FOST, A. L. Role of halogens in the fomation and subsequent change of monazite of pneumatolytic-hydrothermal genesis. Dokl. AN SSSSR 155 no. 2--349-352 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Institut mineralInykh resursov, Simferepo;'. Predstavleno akademikom V. S. Sobolevym. A. JL J"- -Arp rp- M, A. @W W.&P- C A. ro- of amme 4, 10 16 OWM) -C- 14 V..q- L L r-,- L 0 S. A. a-- A. IL 16,p.. 1. ML A,.- IL ft~ L R A. r. EL L 4- Ka-.~ LIL 9- porwo mdo~ ftw~,Gw combo"" woofifte or up sesessaft U.N.Jostom, 0.1", of m"'0 somamomm -0 A. 0. r4w Mom), moomm, 8-19 Jobs. Ifs-7 ft 10 16 1 IL L CA. 111- np . . . . . . w- a P--G 1 C 4L 3wi- IL AL -T" 0. 0 "weirs sommus tw "D *mammal mmum t No G.Smtww fteb.IqFu" smiety c me mintrom ommimissiblimul tAl. A. S. 9w" (~M), mfl~, I A. & r 9- IM IL 4~., (c 10 m 22 w,) A. A. p.q. Y"P-ku a IL a- nq~ A. A. r~ t 06725-6'1 NVO/EWl"(1) IJI'(u) JM/GG ACC NR: AP6033216 SOURCE CODE: Ult/0142/66/009/004/0492/0496 AUTHOR: Arkhangellskiy, A. Ya.; Lebedev V . I . ; Eo t.L,__~Lu - N ORG: non TITLEs R:g-ister with silicon transistors in a microregime JSOURCEt IVUZ. Radiotekhnikag v. 90 no. 40 1966, 492-496 TOPIC TAGSt computer memory# transistorized circuit%, r,?IGVFe, elpeevIr ABSTRAM A lov-power, solid-state dynamic register is described. The register (see Fig. 1.) uses P502 V transistors and D523 B diodes. MLT resistors R and RI are 30 and 100 kg, respectively. Each trigger uses about I mw of power; adjacent stages are coupled with diodes. The fan-out of the register is three (n - 3), A five-stage register vas tested with n - 3 and 4. The lower limit'of the clock oscillator pulse amplitude was raised (nominal amplitude is 8 v) for n - 4 at an temperature of 22C; it vas further raised for-& temperature. of -60C, The operating temperature range of the register is 660Co 2 621.374.325a4s621.382.3 L 08725-76? NRt AP60D-2f~ Fig. 1. ScheiAatic diagram of an n-stage rest&tar Resistor and supply voltage tolerances are !20'%.. 1he total power consumption of the register Is 10 owe Orig. art* hass 4 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODES 09/ SUBM DATEs 23Nov64/ ORIG REF1 OOl/ OTH RZ78 004 Card 2/2 not 3588/0 8/044/62/000/002/087/092 :C111/C333 T I TL E queues,with batch arrivals I'MIODICAL: Refcrutivnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 2, 1962, 76, abstract 2V'131, ("Acts, math. Acad. ocient. hunG.", 1961, 12, 110. 1-n, 1-10 TEXT: Into a single-channel system of mass sprvice v,.ith exponen- tially distributed service time with the average 6L-1 there enter in'tho.'. momentL; V. eractla- r demands each time, r >,O are independent n -n+1 rundom variables p F(x)l '(S) ri+ n 0 00 a xdF(x) oo 0 1. Let 9(t) be-the number of demands.being in the, 4u system in the moment t' Card 1 SY044/62/000/002/087/092 Q,uoueo with batch arrivals C111/C333 P lim P (T' 0) jj P(Z) pjz t 00 J-1 K(z) It is proved Theorem 1: P(Z) j where ~j are the roots of the equation .(z) = r in the circle Izi - 1, vihe~re multiple roots are not excludedi As an example it is shown that in the da'se of aPoisson input flow the formula attains the form (1-rg) O-Z) P(Z) 1-Z [1+ 9( 1 -zr) for P(z). If (t) is the waiting time of the f.ikst part in the group, 00 '.7 (X)P 0) X dW(x) n- Card 2/3 S/044/62/000/002/087/092 QUOUGO with baLch arrivals C111/C333 then it is proved: Theoreil'i 2; S1 s j=1 Finally, it is referred to the connection with the queue in a single- channal si,stem, where the input flow has a bounded aftereffect and the service times have an Erlang distribution.. [AbstrL,cterI6 note; Complete translation.] j IA.T - Project drawn up for terracing the slopes according to the expeditious survey data. Rev geodezie 7 no*3-.5&-64 163. 1, Societatea tehnico-stUntifica. pentru agriculture. si sivicultura din ReS.S. Moldoveneasca. BOSKOVIC,Radojka; FOSTIKOV.Boris Ixacerbation inpatients early treated with antibiotics. Taborkuloz&,Beogr. 11 no-3:350-353 '59- 1. GradeVA bolnica m grudobolne Besamijaka Kosa.Zeman, upravulk: prim. dr Lj. Ilic. (TUMMUU)SIS PUIPORM ther.) f FOSTIKOV, Boris; DRAGANIC, Alijana; VRAMTESEVIVO, Gordana Complications in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with pyrizamide. Tuberkuloza 15 no.2-2(z3-265 Ap-Je 163. 1. Gradska bolnica za grudobolne, Bezanijaka Kosa - Upravnik: prim. dr Ljubisa Ilic. (PYREMIDE) (TUBMULOSIS) PUIXONARY) (LIM DISEASES) C : ~-,j A 1' c r~ t, i on sin the treatutrint of pulmomLry pyrazitv-,m'do. Srrski arh. cplok. lek. 01 no.12:11~--1.164 D '63- 1. Bolnica za grudobolne, Bezanijoka Kosa - Zemuri (Upravnik: prim. dr. Ljul;t~ia lllc~. --------------------------- 3 C) '.4 a s c s L f -,.i u, r- r Lebensm ;-n ih"l, im W9 :3 t. t j.,-. S Wl~f~- j'7 4 L rt.l RLU.IANIA /Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Application, Part 1. - "later Treatment Sewage. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya~ No 18i 1958, 61380. Author : T. Ionescu,iQ, Fgstirop_ql, M. Goruneanu, V. Cristoloveanu. - - Inst : Polytechnical Institute Bucharest. Title : Treatment of Water by Coagulation in Presence of Activated Silica. Orig Pub: Bul. Inst. politehn. Bucuresti, 1956, 18, No 1 - 2, 59 - 64. Abstract: Experimental results of water coagulation in the presence of activated silica (AS) are pre- sented. A12(SO,),, Fe2(SO4)3 and FeS04 were used as coagulants. AS was prepared by adding 3%-Ual H2SO4 drop by drop to a freshly prepared Card 1/3 RU1ANIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Application, Part 1. - Water Treatment SewaGe. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 61380. Abstract: aqueous Na2SiO solution at continuous stir- ring till alkahnity was partially or complete- ly neutralized. The solution was aged till opal- esoence appeared and distilled water was added to it to the concentration of S102 of 1% or less. Solutions with pH = 6 to 8 were used. Water of the hardness of 3.4 mg-equ. per liter and turbidity of 1000 to 12000 (artificially prepared and natural) was coagulated. It was found that ooagulation with A12(SO4)3 without AS did not clear water completely even in 3 hours. In the case that AS was present simul- taneously, the water turbidity dropped to 10 in 1 to 2 hours. The necessary consumption of Card 2/3 9 BURLAKOV) Vasiliy Nikqlayevichp inzh. I FOSTIYjjqygepiy 410a 'androvich, inzh.; REZNIKOV, V.T., inzh., retsenzent; ~A4EVRIKO, M.D., inzb. red. izd-va; BEUWM, V.N., tekhn. red. [Mine timberer]Krepillshchik gorrWkh vyrabotok. Kiev, Gos.izd- vo tekhn. lit-ry USSR, 1962. 151 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Mine timbering) F"I'l , VQI I -IUU, 1 IL,5,-l, x o , V . v . Primenaniye Otboynykh Molotkov Na Xashpirskom Rudnike, Coryuchlye '31antsy, 1932, No. 10, 29; SO: Gorjuchiye Slantsy #1934-35, TN .871 G .74 ROTTERY Leo, FO'JUM, Jiri Properties of molding binding mixtures with water glass and bentonite. Slevarenstvi 12- no.11:444-448 11 164. 1. S"meralovy zavody, Brno and Zavody V.I.Lonina, Ceske Budejovice. IIMTV~R, F031114, Jirl ~'Iarface drying of' molis made from binding molling a-'xture vith water glass and bentorAlla. 3InvarenatvIl 13 no.2:57-62 F 165. 1. :Imoralovy zavody National Friterprise, Brno and lAvody V.I. Ler-ina Na,,Ional Enterprl,,6, Geskti PudfiJovicce. RUMANIA/Farm Anivals - Honey-Bees. Q-8 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958) 2675 Author : Iancu, Fota Inst Title The Flowers of the Edible Chestnut as an Important Source of Honey. Orig Pub Apiculturs, 1957, No 2, 9-10 Abstract In the Tisman mountains (Rumania) the chestnut1rees begin to bloom in mid-J~me. The blossoms last for about 15 da)s. In 1953) 80 colonies of bees were brought to the forest and located in two places at a distance of 800 meters from each other. These colonies gathered 600 kilogrsms of honey which proved to be a satisfactory winter reserve for the bees. Card 1/1 FOTACHE, Grigore, ing. Let's manage the electric power with cure. Constr Buc 15 no.728:2 21 D 163. - 1. Seful serviciului energetic al Fabricii de ciment Bicaz. L 4,7247-616) E'r1P(t)/ZT--1 !JP(c) JD ACC NR,- --AP6611,1 S-OUR- CE CODE: AUTHOR: Fotache, 1*'* ~Engineerh 1~idulescu, I. (Engineer) ORG: "Arogresul" Works; Braila (Uzinele "Progresul") TITLE: Use of molybdenite as a substitute for ferro-molybdenum SOURCE., Metalurgia no. 2, 1966, 77-79 TOPIC TAGS: metaliurgic furnace, molybdenum steel #BSTRACT: The authors report on the successful use of molybdenite in the smelting cf molybdenum steels. Tests at the "Progresul" Works gave excellent results in electric furnaces, and under proper conditions and to a more limited extent also in Martin furn es ig. art. has: 1 figure, 3 formulas and 1 table. [Based on authors' Eng. abst.] IJPRS: 36,8671 ~c ~ SUB CODE.- 1-1, 13 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 UPC: BREZINA, B.; FOTCENKOV, A.A.... The influence of a sur!"ace layer on the 1800 switching of BaT103 single crystals. Chekhosl fiz zhurnal ~ ~ no.1:21-25 164. 1. Institute of Physical Czechoslovak AcadeDW q Sciences, Praha 8. Lumumbova 8 (for Brezina). 2. Institute of Physics, AcadeuT of Sciences U.S.S.R., Krasnoyarsk (for Foteenkov). . , .. ~ ~,l I -', r FOTChENKO, G. T., C~-nd Agri Sci - (diaa) "Certain data on the compositL on and food value of com and carn silage in the Omsk Oblastp" Owip 1960P 18 pps 200 cop. (Omsk Agricultural Institute im S. M. Kirov) (KL, "-60, 132) ACCM1011 NR: APh035J77 z/oo55/6h/Olb/001/0021/0025 AUT~Mt Brezina,, B.j Fotcankovj A. A. TITLE, The influence of a surface layer upon the 180 degree switching of BaTiO sub 3 single crystals 59URCE: Choklinalovatskiy fizichesk-iy zhurnall v. U, no, 1, 1964p 21-25, 76a-b. TOPIC TAGS: switching, clamping, d-c restoration, switching diode, crystallo- graphy, BaTiO sub 3 crystal, anti-parallel domain, solid state physics, BaTio I sub 3-KV system, LiCl electrode ABSTRACT: The effect of a BaT103 single crystal surface layer on 1800 switch- single crystals without admixturas, which vrere groum ing was found. BaT'03 AF from a I]aT'03-"' systeri, were used. Crystals~ with a perfect surface and without internal stress were c-domained by a d-c electric field for a maximum of 1 see. The crysi.-als were examined by the microscopic method described by R. C. _'-'illers and A. Savage (Journal of Applied Phy31CS, 31 (196o), 662). A continua'_~ly in- creasine voltage of a constant rate of 10 volts/min was applied to liquid LiCl electrodes in the direction of the crystal's c-axis. After the application Card 113 1 .. ACC=1011 NR: APh035377 of the electric field, the nucleating and moving anti-parallel domain walls are visible when crossed Nicol prisms are used. The surface layer %as succeasively etched from one or both sides simultaneously in concentrated 113PO4 at lbo-15o C, The surface layer on BaT'03 crystals causes the formation of a large number of anti-parallel domains during switching by a d-c electric field. These domains extend sideways only insignificantly. Conversely', Jbhe svitching in crystals without a surface layer is characterized by the formation of a small number of anti-parallel domzins in which the sideways motion of the wall predominate. A long-term polarization (about 10 hours) with a d-c field of 10 to 15 kilovolts/cm, has an effect which is similar to etching a surface layer on both sides. The maximum displacement rate of the 1800 ~Wall in etched crystala was in the direction of the crystallographic a axis. The mini.-,MM was in the direction forming a 450 angle with the a axis. Hencej primarily square domains with inwardly bending sides are produced from the original point donains. Authors conclude that they cannot at present make any further con- clusive statements concerning the fact that the number of the nuclei of anti- parallel domaihs can be influenced by prolonged polarization of BaT'03 S'Mle Card 2/3 ACCESSION M APh035377 crystals by a d-c field. The relatively long periods of d-c field application iAiich are necessary for the change described indicate the presence of ion exchange processes in the electric field which obviously effect the surface layer. "The authors thank J. Fousek C. So. and K. Patek C* So. for valuable discussiona and H. To Arend Co Sc. and J. Jary for preparing the crystals." Orig. art. has: no graphics. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physics,, Czech* Academy or Sciences$ Prague; Institute of Physics, AcadepW of Sciences, SSSR, Krasnoyarsk suxaTTED: o2Apr63 DATE ACQt 26MAy64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE.-. SS , Be NO RV SOV 1 000 OTHER: 011 Card 3/3 A70THOR: Fotchenkov, A.A. ?0-5-14/31 TITIB; Apparatus for Measuring Extremely Small Displacements of Oscillating Crystals (Ustanovka dlya, izmereniya ves'ma malykh sme6hoheniy koleblyushchikhsya kristallov) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1957, Vol.2, No-5, PP. 653 - 65? (USSR) AESTRACT: The crystal plate specimen i-.rhich is to be investigated is mounted behind the stationary mirror of a Idichelson inter- lerometer and is excited 6t an audio-frequency in a thickness mode by an alternating voltage applied across evapmted silver electrodes. The fringe system is projected onto a slit and one line is allowed to fall on a photomultiplier cathode. The .-)1104-0 1 multiplier current is amplified and the component at the frequency of the exciting oscillator is measured. The dis- :~,Iecement of the fringe system is proportional to the change in thickness of the cryst�l specimen. The miniraum displacement Licasurable is about 0.05 A. The illumination employed is a cinema projection lamp of 300 W and the wavelength band between 5 100 and 5 290 A is passed into the interf eroRrter by an inter- ference filter. The tuned amplifier has a pass band of 10 Jc/s (sic ! 10 c/s is probably meant) in the range 20 - 26 000 cls. Electronically.stabiliser power supplies are used. When ~I~qrd!1/3 conducting an experinent the interferometer is set to zero path ?otl4/31 for 1,11,nakjorinE Extremely Sinall Displaccli,eL).s of OscillatinE~ rliffprence and the max. and &in. values of I (the intensity 1', f illumination fallinb on the cell) when the compenst-Iting plate is slightly moved are read. If dI represents the ,ilternatin com 9 ponent of liGht intensity, tLe displacement of tl-~e crystal is given by: (dI) max X/TT(imax - Imin) As a test, an X-cut plate of quartz, 2 mm thick and 18 mm in diameter was used. The modulus d 11 was measured at 3 000 c a using a voltage of 100 which produced a displaceme;it of 3.1 1 . Acousti and electrical inte ference limited the -',-,.LsitivitY to 0.5 1 but at night 0.05 1 could be attained. dia. was found to be 6.57 � 0.07 x 10-8 c.S.s-u. The method i,j recommended for measuring piezoelectric and electrastrictive ~_frects, their temperature and frequency dependences and studying polarisation and phase transition phenomena in fcrroelectries. Acknowledgments to I.S. Zheludev and to c.oli-eagues of the GorldyScientific Research Radio-Physics Uard2/3 IristLtute (GoAovskiy iiauchno-issledovatellsklyradio-fizichedcly Institut) 70-5-14/31 r, u;; for Measurin., Extremely Small Displacements of Oscillating Ur- Tbcr,~) are _0 figures and 5 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Crystallography Ac.Sc. USSR. (Institut Kristallografii AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: Way 24, 1957. AvAILABLE: Library of Congress. uard 3/3 AUTHOiZS: Zheludev, I.S. 70-3-3-9/36 TITLE: The Electrostriction of Linear Dielectrics (Elektrostriktsiya lineynykh dielektrikov) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 3, PP 308 - 31-4 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Four possible equations for the electrostriction of linear dielectrics are derived and lead to the examination of the new coefficients R ijmn' Gijmn written C erroneously in one place) and H By the method of linearisation of ijmn * electrostriction the electrostriction coefficients R ijmn were 41easured for eskapon (GASH), NaCl and Z-cut quartz. In a non- piezo-electric dielectric the equations used are rij Clijmn dmd n /t ij=o tij = --H ijmnEmEn /r ij =0 rij -R ijmn"m"n /t ij=O and ti j =- Giimndmdn /r ij =0 dm is the induced electric induction, B M is the electric Card 1/3 The Bleotrostriction of Linear Dielectrics 70-3-3-9/36 fields rij the mechanical deformation and t ij the mechan- ical stress. Q, H, R .6and G can be expressed as derivatives, as: Qjjmn = -1/2 0 M etr-. at ij D dn Relations can also be found between the various electrostriction coefficients in terms of, for example., the dielectric suscep- tibility measured at constant strass, compliance for constant E and D, et~c. The electrostriction tensor has 21 components and Laval's theory is not applied here., The notation is con- densed by denoting E,~j by E, et,~~... E 2B3 by E 4 1 E3El by E 5 -' E'-E2 by E 6 This tensor is quite analogous to the compliance tensor s ij The apparatus used for measurements has been described (Kristallografiya, 195?, Vol 2, Nr 5, PP 653 - 657) and works on the principle of modulation interferometry permitting the measurement of displacements to 0-05A. (0-1 � 0.05) -14 Card2/3For -Z.-cut quartz R 33 was found to be x 10 egsu. Thb Electrostriction of Linear Dieleclo-rics 70-71-3-9/76 for GASH' Rll=R22=R 33 ~ (0-8 � 0.05) X 10-14egsu R12~R 13=R23 =-(0.4 + 0.05) X 10-14egsu R44=Rll=Rl2 (1.2 0.05) X 10-14 cgsu For NaCl Rll=R22=R 33 (0-9 0.05) X 10-14 -gsu R12=R 13=P'23 (0.45 + 0-05) X 10-14egsu R44 = (0-3 0.05) x 10- 14 cgsu Acknowledgments to A.V.Shubnikov. There are 6 figures and 13 references, 4 of which are Soviet and ? English, 2 Frenzh. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallograf 'ii AN SSSR (Institute of CrystalloF ,,raphy2Ac.Se.USSR) SUBMITTED: March 11~-, 1958 Card 3/3 -ezo-,-,f fi~ct atia t~leotru-.,*xlo~ J on o cr- ys :iiz:, ii,.- ~ on interf urome try, of:c ow, 1960, 20 p,-,, 220 cop ir,.- u,,e o,' X-, 9 A3 USSR) M, 43-60, 117) 85092 S/070/60/005/003/017/024/XX E132/946o AUTHM Fotchonkon A.A. TITLE4 The Dependence of-Th-4-Monoclinic Piezoelectric-Modull I of Rochelle Salt on the Degre,* of rity of the Crystal at Various Temperatures PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1960, Vol-5, No.3, PP-415--419 + 2 plates TEXT: The tensor of the piezoelectric moduli of a :,rystal of the class 2 takes the following form: d11 d12 d13 d14 0 0 0 0 0 0 d25 d26 0 0 0 0 d35 d36 Rochelle salt in its ferroelectric region belongs to this class but outside it has the class 22 which is orthorhombic and for which the moduli above are zero except for d14, d25 and d36- The add--tional moduli which appear on the zaiall displacements giving rise to the Card 1/ 4 779-7~-- 8509-9 S/07o/60/005/003/017/o24/xx E132/E46o The Dependence of the Monoclinic Piezoelectric Moduli of Rochelle Salt on the Degree of Unipolarity of the Crystal at Various Temperaturea monoclinic structure are, however, some one or two orders of magnitude smaller than the others. Because of the high coupling between modes it is very difficult to measure these extra moduli. Measurements of these monoclinic moduli have been made at a temperature near the upper Curie point of 24'C and the domain pattern of the crystal has been simultaneously photographed, The measurements were made with an apparatus described earlier (Krist, 2, 653, 1957), in which a silvered face of the specimen for-me one plate of a Michaelson interferometer. Periodic, displacements of the crystal down to 0.05 A can be measured, A special crystal holder taking specimens cur, appropriately perpendicular to the X~ Y and Z axes with dimensions about 5 x 10 x 20 mm was used, An alternating voltage at I Kals giving a field of 8.5 v/cm was applied across the silver electrodes and a constant polarizing field of up to 500 v/cm was superimposed. The piezoelectric moduli d11, d,12 and d13 were deterintned from the inverse piezoelectric effect by measuring the strain produced along Card 2/ 4 S/07o/60/005/003/017/o24/xx B132/E46o The Dependence of the Monoclinic Piezoelectric Moduli of Rochelle Salt on the Degree of Unipolarity of the Crystal at Various Temperatures the X,, Y and Z axes when the alternating voltage was applied to the specimen, The variation of dll with the golarizing field is shown, dll takes the value of - 0.28 x 10- c.,g,s units for zero polarizing field, This shows that the initial state of the crystal was unipolar, that is that the numbers of domains polarized parallel and antiparallel to the imposed polarizatLon were not equal, The variation of dll during a complete cycle of polarization reversal 0 to +500 to -500 volts/cm is plotted.. V The temperature variation of dll through the transition point at +24*C was followed at several polarizations, The variations of d12 and d.13 with temperature and polarization were found to be very similar, the values of these moduli being 3.8 x 10'7 and - 3,78 x 10-7 c.,g,s,u, respectively for saturation fields and at 9.2'C~ The values found agree with the prelinary estimates by Wood and Mason. Acknowledgments to I.,S.Zheludev for directing the worlt and to M,P,Zaytseva and E.S,Tur;unova for ir assistance, Card 3/4 8509-'~ s/o7o/60/OO5/OO3/Ol7/024/.XX E132/E46o The Dependence of the Monoclinic Piezoelectric Moduli of Rochelle Salt on the Degree of Unipolarity of the Crystal at Various Temperatures There are 5 figures and 4 Soviet references, ASSOCIATION., Institut fiziki. Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (lastitute of j!hYsics.-Siberian Section AS USSR) SUBMITTED,, February 8., 1960 Card 4/4 25893 S/07o/6i/oo6/oo4/OO5/OO7 91, 2 / f 0 0 3 311 //~ 40. jot* 3) E032/F-314 AUTHORS-. Fotchenkov. A.A., Zheludev, I.S. and Zaytseva, M.P. TITLE: Electrostriction of Single Crystals of Rochelle Salt PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1961, Vol. 6, No. 4, PP. 576 - 581 TEXT: In distinction to linear dielectrics (Ref. 1 - Fotchenkov and Zheludev - Kristallografiya, 1958, Voli 3, No. 3, PP. 308-314) ferroelectrics exhibit a much greater electrostriction effect. Up to now, the electrostriction coefficients of ferroelectrim have been largely measured by indirect methods. Allsopp.and Gibbs (Ref. 11 - Philos. Mag. 1959, Vol- 4, No- 39, PP. 359-370), G. Schmidt (Ref. 10 Z. Physik, 1956, 145, PP. 534-542; Ref. 12 - Naturwissen- schaften, 1958, Vol- 45, No- 1, PPe 8-9) are said to have been the first to determine the electrostriction coefficients of barium titanate by direct measurement of the deformation which appears unuer the action of an electric field. In previous work, the electrostriction coefficients were determined Card 1/9 Electrostriction of .... 25893 S/M/61/oo6/00/005/007 E032/E314 from the relation between the deformation of the specimen and the square of the spontaneous polarisation. No account was taken of the effects due to the reorientation of the domains in the electric fields. The present authors define the electrostrictional deformation of ferroelectrics as the deformation which is proportional to the square of the electric fiel4 independently of the mechanism giving rise to the deformation. The apparatus described by the first of the present authors in Ref. 13 (Kristallografiya, 1957, Vol. 2, No- 5, pp. 653 - 657) has been used to carry out a detailed study of the electrostrIction properties of Rochelle salt. Particular attention was paid to electrostrictional deformation due to reorientation in the domain structure. In the present work, the degree of polarization of Rochelle-salt specimens and their phase-transition temperature were controlled with the aid of the hysteresis loop obtained in the"usual way'. The Rochelle-salt specimens (5 x 10 x 20 mm along the X, Y and Z axis) were placed in a thermostated crystal holder .1escribod by the first of the present authors (Ref. 14 - 1~.rist lografiya, 1960, Vol- 5, No- 3, pp. 415 - 41g). Caro 09 25P,93 S/07o/6i/oo6/oo4/005/007 Electrostriction of .... E032/E314 The electrodes were in the form of silver foiL and the deformation of the specimen was measured at twice the frequency of the applied sinusoidal voltage. Fig. 2 shows the dependence of the electrostriction of a Rochelle-salt specimen (X section) on the magnitude of the applied electric field (V/cm) at 600 kc/s and T = 22 C. The thickness of the was 2 mm. Curve 1 shows the electrostrictional deformation ril and Curve 2 the electrostriction coefficient r 1.1 a Fig- 3 shows the dependence of the electrostriction coefficient R11 for Rochelle salt an a function of a (constant) polarizing field (V/cm) with E, = 14o V/cm and T = 12 0C Consideration of this figure shows that even small constant fields remove from the polarization reversal process a large fraction of the domains. A comparison is then made between the electrostriction coefficient R 11 for Rochelle salt and the coefficient Q 11 :a reported by Mason (Ref. 2 - Piezo - electric Crystals and Th ir Application in Ultra-acoustics. Izd 2L Moscow, 1952). Cara 3/0 25893 S/07o/6i/oo6/oo4/oo5/007 Electrostriction of .... E032/E314 The two coefficients are related by: Rl I (Ct PAT)2 Q 11 11 -where ct is the dielectric constant. It was found that 11 t with E_ = 380 V/cm, ell = 160 For the same field Rll cz-, 0 - 07 x 10-6 CGSE and hence Q11 10' 430 x 10 -2 . This is greater by a factor of 5 than the value reported byWood and Mason. It Is stated that the discrepancy may be due to some unknown errors in the results of Wood and Mason, who measured the spontaneous polarization from the hysteresis loops while the spontaneous deformation was measured in the polydomain state. Fig. 4 shows the temperature dependence (heating) of the electrostrictional deformation of Rochelle salt (X section) for different values of the alternating field (Curve I - E, = 110 V/cm; Curve 2 - E = 90 V/cm; Curve 3 - E, = 70 V/cm). The traces on the 'right were obtained Card 4/9 Electrostriction of a S/0 )6.1/006/004/005/007 R E032/E3.14 with E_ = llo v/cm; temperatures are indicated below the loops. Finally, Fig. 5 shows the temperature dependence of R calculated from the data shown in Fig. 4 (Curves 1, 2 ill I and 3 correspond to E_ = 110, 90 and 70 V/cm, respectively). The general conclusion is that all the relationships obtained can be explained on the basis of the behaviour of the domain structure in an electric field. A schematic representation of the deformation of a ferroelectric in an alternating electric field is shown in Figi 1, in which Curve I shows the applied field and Curve 2 the deformation asa function of time The diagrams below the graphs illutrate the mechanism of the deformation of the crystal and the domain-reorientation process. Acknowledgments to I.M. Sillvestrova and L.A. Skopina for carrying out the experiments. There are 5 figures and 15 references: 8 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The four latest English-language references quoted are: Ref. 3 - W-P- Mason - Phys. Rev., 74, 1131-1147, 1948; Ref. 5 - M.E. Caspari, W.J. Merz - Phys. Rev., 80, 1082-1089, 1950; Ref. 7 - W.H. Bond, W.P. Mason and Card 5/9 Electrostriction of .... 25893 S/07o/6i/oo6/oo4/O05/OO7 E032/E3jL4 H.J. MeSkimin Phys. Rev., 82, 442, 1951: Ref. 11 - A.H. Allsopp, D.F. Gibbs - Philos. Mag., 4, 39, 359-370, 1959. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN 5SSR (Institute of Physics of the Siberian Branch of the AS USSR) Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: January 9, 1960 Card 6/9 3 5 0 7 S/07o/62/007/oo6/ol4/020 E132/E435 AUTHORS: FotchcnkoY__,__�%.~", Zaytseva, M.P. t --- --------- TITLE* 'The converse piezoelectric effect in triglycine sulphate (TGS) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, v-7, no.6, 1962, 934-937 TEXT: In crystals of Y-cut TGS the dependence of the modulus d22 on the magnitude of the alternating field, the temperature (for various polarizations) and the inagnitude of the polarizing field used in the process of repolarization was measured. The observations are due to the domain structure of TGS. It was found that almost all specimens of Y-cut TGS were unipolar. At 220C, d22 was found .to lie between 10 and 60 x lo-8 C9511 but the majority of spcclni~:ns were between 20 and 26 x 10- cgsu: d23 was found to be 46 x 10-8 cgsu for an exciting a.c. field of 10 V/cM. The decrease in d22 found with increasing amplitude of applied a.c. field is due to the action of the field in changing the sign of sonic of the domains in the preferred direction which determine the piezoelectric effect. A graph is given of the temperature dependence of the d22 which shows a peak of about Card 1/2 S/07o/62/007/006/014/020 The converse piezoelectric E132/E1135 300 to 600 x 10-8 cgnu with it width of about 50C at 1010C. The height of the peak depends on the polarizing field. The dependonce of d22 on polarizing field (dc) is of the form of a hysteresis loop. Saturation does not occur until fields of above 1200 V/cm are applied. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizilci Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (Institute of Physics, Siberian Section AS USSR) SUBMITTED: February 28, 1962 CArd 2/2 ,-It FOTCHENKOV, A.A.; ZAYTSEVA, M.P. "!EPEKWVA, L.i. Electrostriction of triglycine sulfate. Kristalografiia 8 no-5: 724-728 3-0 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. 71-7 Y j T,C I A G C M 8 10.11 tnr AM01~126 UrVC04$/(15/029/COa/024-9/095()-. JAUTHOIR: ~,a a M.P.; Zbeladev, I.S.; Zherebtsova, L.I.; Fotchenk4mi TITLE, On the strength of tie electric field-caleble of inducing a -emial to the -F sp6ntaneous value /teport, 4th 1111-union onferonce on Nrroelectricit7, Rostov-on-the-Dar, 12-18 Sept 1965J4 SOURCE; AN SSSR. Izvestiya. 4.'ier.fizicheskaya,v,929gno,,6tl9Ei5I 948-950 TOPIC 1AGSt forroolectrici Pyroelectric effect, Piezoelectric of- fact, a le a t ri7c-f 1411- ABSTRACT The al6etric f ield- Es capable of inducing a polarization equal to the spontaneous value was determined for Y-cut forroolectria I triglycins sulfate crystals and for tt.~a lin0ar pyroolectric Z-rhammm 210 piezoelectric modulus in the direction of the spontaneous polari.. zation i4as measured as a function of an applied electric field and th6 value o., X 'the blas field (detemined by extrapolatlon) for which the L 5702?-65 ACCFZSION Ms. AP50163,26 ilezoelectric modulup vanishes was -taken as Eos For L-rhamnose the va-~ lue (1.9 t 0.1) x IV~ V/cm was obtained for E . For tE!L1Zcine SuMte:: Ithe measurements were made at several temperaeures. From room te#eFa"~ bout 37'OC# ES,was colns'-ant and equ to (3.25 1 0.15) x 105 ture to 6 al Vem. Above this temperature 35 decreaspd rapidly with increasiiig tem-~ S eraltgr3 but was still approid'Aaately 10*-,' V/cm at the Curie point JM.5'10) and was appreoijable even at 600C. The appearmice of nonVFLn. jishirw, .~O.Ues of B5 abovethe normal Curie point :Lg ascribad to the ,shift o)~.' the Curie point tomard higher temperatures mder the influ- ience of the bias field, and tc, possible inhomogeneities of the crys- !tal. Th(l ferroalectric crystals (triglycine sul-fate) were more strons - ~Jy polarized and more highly, CafoMed in the electric field Uhan were ;the linear dielectric crystals.. (1-rhamose). It is SUPgested that th-s may be typical fbr farroelectria and linear dielectric cryiltals in Igmic.ral. 'IT-he authors are grateful to K.S.Aleksemdroy for much valu," able advice during the conduct of the eigerfEant aKd for a "14 saussion of the xesultsoh Orig.art6has; 5 figu"s, W3 LL~ 1, 76 9, UVIT I )/I E C Cb2 P1,4 IJP(c), GO AGOESSIM NR: APS016132 MVW48/65/029/04)6/097,3/0977 AUTHOR: Anistrato -v1 A.T,; 71tchenkov, A.A ; Aleksandrov, K.S. i- TITLE: Messuremefit of the linear electro-optical effect in cr-vstals by a d!rnamic procodure /Report, 4th All-Union Conference on M~_ra6 a ---ff-196 tricit,, held in Tlostov-2a- _e-DMT IZ-15 Sep SGURCE;~ AN SSSR. Izvestiya,Si3r.fizicheskaya,v.2g,no.6,190'5, 973-07- TOPIC TAGS: ferroolectric crirstal, Rochelle salt, double refraction, phase transition iABSTTL~G T: The authors, a method for measuring the el.ectro- optical constants of a crystal with the aid of an apparatus which ithey have describeed elsewhero (Fribory i tekhnika eksperimenta No.3, 193,19E5). An alternating electric field is applied to the crystal and the consequent modulation of a light boxim traversing the ci-yst,,),1 botwoon crossed Nicols is observed. The theory of thl's method is de- veloped and it is shown that when the Nicols are crossed (0,00) t-he "C