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FONICHKIN, S.D., kand. Lokhn. nauk Results of testing diesels with mechanical traiismission and turbine transformer. Stroi. i dor. mash. 9 nci.3:13-14 Mx 164. OMIFU~ 17:6) zh. IMIVOSREYEV, V.K. [Kryvoslieiev, V.K.], kand.tekhn.nauk; FONIN, A.V, in" mekhanik Operating ZhRB-4,0, reapers at increased speed. Mekh. sill# hosp 12 no. 6%8-9 Je 161. (MIM 140i (Grain-Harvesting) FONINP A.N., inzh. Study of the operation of the ZhRB-4,9 reaper at speeds between 6,5 and 18 km./hour. Mekh.i elek.sots.sellkhoz. 20 no.4:26-28 162. (MIM 15:8) 1. Melitopollskiy institut makhanizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Harvesting machinery) KRIVOSHEYEV, v.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; lnzh. Studying the speed regime of the cutting apparatus of the ZhRB-4,9 harvester. Mekh. i elek. sots. aellkhoz. 21 no.5;52-53 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Melotopollskiy institut mekhanizataii sellskogo khozyaystva. KRIVOSHEYEII, V.K., kand, tekhn. nauk; FONN, A.11., inzh. Increasing the speed of mowing units. Trakt. i sallkhozmash. 33 no.9t25-28 S 163. (KIRA 161l0) 1. Molitupollskiy Institut mekhanizatnii nel'nkogo khozyaystva. (Harvesting machinery) O.Ye, Some problematic forms from the Pre-Cambrian series in the southern end of the Yerementau-Niyao anticlinorium (centra.1 Kazakhstan). Biul, MJIP.Otdogeol. 35 n0-4:151 J1-Ag 160. (MRA 14:4) (Yerementau-Niyaz 3e3gion-Paleontology; Stratigraphic) Fri3-,-=yatli.idae 2oning fn-,, r,) a :i' Ca:Yorian ~ctacyathidz. Dokl. All neJM5-72'? X. Ll, '3--12) Frcdot.-,vlon:) (Tuva Autoio:-,.ou~j (3Q"ta3ci Autono. ovv~ FONIN, V.D. Knowledge of archaecyathits from the family Tabellaecyathidae in the Altai-Sayan fold area, Faleont. zhur. no.4;14-29 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. FaleontologicheBkiy institut AN SSBR. IT. D. I Using the "Microphot" apparatus in V,11tiontolog"cal lIzvestig-O."ons. Paleont. zhur, no.3:115-120 t64. (I-IrRA 18:2) 1. Paleontologlcheskiy institut. AN SSSR. ZYULIKOV, G.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; LOVTSOVA, Ya.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; NECHAYP"V, Ye.N., inzh.; KRYUKOV, V.A., inzh.; FONTill, V.1m., Jnzh. Construction of polyethylene pressure pipes in irrigation. Gidr. i mel. 17 no.10:43-51 0 165. (MIPA 18~10) 1 A on the balvrir;,~ -r rig ",.,j I'des d- Antiblotiki 10 'm F 1 muu~, t t u t 1 A FONIN V&&._i S17,VTRINA, V.A. Some physiological properties of organisms producing navobiocin. Antibiotiki 9 no.4:375-379 AP 164. (MIRA 19;1) 1. VaeBoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy inatitut antibiotikov, Moskva. -L 11397-67 EWT(1) --JK ~M'7003653 SOURCE COD91 W/0079i4i636/008/1391/1405 loe THORs Shemyokin, t 9 Yoe I 're A U 1. Kj I LInogradows flu, N' Yu'l A.1danavas me A.6 Shvotsoy, Yu. D.; Faninal Lo As ORG: institute of the Chemistry of Natural Onyoundso AIR SSSR (Institut prirodnykh soyedinenly AN SSSR) khimii TITLEs Synthesis and antibacterial activity of valinomwein analogs ~0 if SOURCE: Zhurnal obahchey khInii v. 36,, no. 8, 1%69 1391-1405 TOPIC TAGSi bactericideq organic synthetic process ABSTRACT: In a study of the relationship between this structure and biological errects or depsipeptides related to valinolVcini, the authors synthesizied a seriem' of its linear and cyclic analogs, differing in chain length or size of ring, as well as In the natiare and configuration of the hydrwW and amino acid residues. o Tho optically active linear depsipeptides were 3ynthOSized by a method developed oarlier by the authors for the total "heals of valinoiVoin, consi3ting of cradual-construction of the depsipeptide chain by the creation first of eateras then of amide bonds, The sotlvi~r of " depsipeptides was. found to depend upon ,the presence and size of the ring, an men " an the nature and configuration of the amino and 4droMW acid residuss, All of the Investigated cyclotatra- and cycloootodepsipeptldes had no activity at an, where" many cyclododecadepoi- Peptides Pooaoam4,nbRtmki4..Gativit7i.tbe_s~ktiTity.again..disappearoO for 2 UPC. W7, qjQj 4-0 L 113 ACIC NR, A-'P7003653 lohexadecadepelpoptidess' The a tu-ro.or the red.icals and config.uraticin e ye of the arAno &old residues In Me v in molecule could be varied oub- stantially (an a United pwtlon of the without any significant loss of. I uration ,activity. However, & charge in the.struciure of the radical or cmfig ~of the hydrWq acid reSidges ummenrled to an alvMt total destruction of the -antiy4crobial activity#' Ilk Use ccnclvd" that thO antibiatidpactivity of !depsip9ptideals evideWly associated with their raotion with the lipoproteinar ;of the cell wAvhrwA~,,' exWessed in the ability of thus to 8616OUT91LT, UAuce active, tramp" seeklm. low(*$. not of sedius into admal Orig: Orte bass I fignXt. am OPM1 38offd7 $us CONS ";07~4 SWN VMS b CoNd FONINA, 0. YA. A Now Two-Crop Species of Potato SotM1 S. Kh Usbek"Id", No 1, 1954p PP 60-63 The Uzbekskaya Vegetable-Potato Station announces the development of a new potato which will produce two crops a season. The tubers have a 16 to 18% higher starch content than the common local potato and taste better. The flesh is white. (RZhBiol, No 2, 1955) SO: Sum. No. 639, 2 SOP 55 I FONINA, 0. Ya. Cand Agr Sci -- (diss) "The swmer planting of potatoes by PAP-- -__ I freshly-harvested tubers in *a Uzbekistan." Tashkent, 1957. 20 pp (Min of Agriculture UzSSR. Tashkent, Agr Inst), 200 copies. (KL, 4-58, 85) -55- USSR / Cultivated Plants. Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons. N-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biolo-, No 6, 1956, 25035. Author Fonina, 0. Inst Title High-Yielding Potato Varieties Developed by A. Abidov Orig Pub: Sots. s. kh. Uzbekistana, 1957, No 4, 69-70 Abstract: Four years of research on the variety testing of new varieties made at the Uzbek Experimental Vege- table and Potato Station is reported. The Abidov No I and Abldov No 2 varieties considerably surpass the districted Volltman and Gollandskiy varieties in productive capacity. The features of the new varieties are described. -- 0. N. Chernov Card 1/1 S/081/63/000/002/051/OAil B171/B102 AUTHORSt. Dolerdl~k, Vi'tozaliv."gihanek, Stanislav, Foniok Alfred J: -T LE: Preparation of-pure formaldehyde with a low content of formic acid PER IOD ICAL r Referativnyy shurnal... Xhimiya, no. 2! ,1963, 401,'abstract 2N24 (Czechpal. patent 100705, Aug. 15, 1961) TEXT: The.!mixture-obtained by deh ydrati ng aqueous solution of CH 0 2 in the presenoe~:of-an.dli hati" is distilled*in the p a oralioyclic.'alcohol Bence of -an- oirganio'liquid"forming no stable compounds with the 0 .~j components 6f the mixture and having a boiling point L-120 C. It is con-ienient to use 'a liquid that has a relatively high vapor pressure ore is able to absorb al- -water Such band oohols, HCOOH, and from gaseous CH20. liquids are e4g. water-soluble ethereln-dioxdn (I)t 'trioxant (CH OCH 3 2)21 The diss'ooiation of the dehydrated and-aleo'C6R6' 'a oyclohexane.' 01 4 -presenoe~ -of a liquid having -a-boil ng po mixt=6 in t he i int lower than the j 1'..'C rd,,I/ 2 Preparation of pure formalde~yde'w'ith B171/BI02 t' -'~f ih' d i 300at on-t empera utoi e.mixture,,takes place'at temperatures C," 0