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December 31, 1967
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BOGDANOV, O.S., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk. professor. redakt,or: BRAND, V.Yu.,
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauki redaktor,-.DFMKACH, Y.G., kandidi't
tekhaicheBk1kh nsuk, redaktor; DOLIVO-DOBROVOLISKIY, V.V., doktor
takhnichookikh nauk. redaktor; ZAKHVATKIM, V.K., redaktor; XACHAN,
I.M.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; OLEVSXIY. V.A.,
kandidet tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; LOKONOV, N.Y., kandidat
takhnicheakikh nauk. redaktor; PARMOV, A.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh
nauk. redaktor; PODEK. A.K., redaktor; POLIVANOV, K.Yu., redaktor;
FINULISICITS, G.I., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor- 10MI11-
kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; SHINYAKOV,
tor; MINICH, G.L. doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor:
BTKOV. G-P...redaktor; MUMMA. H.L.. redaktor izdatelletva;
lausov, I.N., tekhnicheski7 redaktor
[Proceedings of the.Third Scientific Session of the Institute of
Kochanical Processing of Economic Minerals) Trudy III nauchno-
takhnicheskoi seseii. instituta Makhanobr. Hook-ya. Goo.nauchno-
takhn.12d-vo lit-ry po chernoi 1. tavetnot metallurgii. 1955.
758 p. (MLFA 10:8)
lo Ieningrad. lbuchno-imaledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut
makhanicheakoy obrabotki poleznykh iskopsysmykh
(Ore dressing) (Flotation)
SOV / 137-58-7-14016
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 4 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Kazennov, M. N., Ozolin, L. T., Fornin, Ya. 1,
TITLE: Beneficiation of the Hematite - magnetite Ores of the Olenegorsk
Deposit (Obogashcheniye gematito-magnetitovykh rud Olenegor-
skogo mestorozhdeniya)
PERIODICAL: [ Tr. ] Vses. n. -i. i proyektn. in-ta mekhan. obrabotki
poleznykh iskopayemykh, 1957, Nr 102, pp 11-42
ABSTRACT: The dressability of the are was tested by a variety of pro--
cedures: wet and dry magnetic separation on separators having
a weak magnetic field to separate the magnetite concentrate,
dry separation on strong-field separators and gravitational pro-
cesses to separate the hematite concentrate, and the magnetic
roasting process to separate magnetite and hematite concen-
trates. The procedure developed, including magnetic separa-
tion and gravitation, permits the production of a concentrate
containing 600/o Fe, with recovery of 900/o of the Fe. A flota-
tion method has been successfully developed at the Mekhanobr
institute to dress finely-disseminated hematite ores. The
Card 1/2 launching of the first production line of the mill showed that
SOV/ 137-58-7-A016
Beneficiation of the Hematite -magnetite Ores of the Olenegorsk Deposit
uninterrupted operation and attainment of the planned qualitative and quantita-
tive indices requires a change in the process procedure. The changes are
the following; employment of 2-stage comminution, introduction of secondary
separation by magnetic means, secondary crushing of the middlings with the
initial ore, elimination of the two-cell pulsator jigs provided to precipitate
the middlings after fine grinding, and replacgment of the filters provided in
the design by spiral classifiers. Tests were made ~of "plan-filters" inter-
preted to mean an Oliver-type plane-surface rotating vacuum filter. Transt.
Ed. Note] which dewatered the concentrate to 90/o moisture content. it is
recommended that secondary separation of the concentrate and flotation be
1. Iron ores--Processing 2. Iron ores--Flo-tation A. Sh.
Card 2/2
AUTHORSt Fomin9 Ya.L~, Lakota, B.M., Crazhdantsev, I.I. and Kurova,
IT-.D. , _,Nining Engineers
TITLE: The Experiment of Concentrating Manganese Ores in Heavy Sus-
pensions and by Flotation Under Industrial Conditions
(Opyt obogashcheniya margantsevykh rud v tyaz..-.,.ykn auspen-
ziyakh i flotatsiyey v promyshlennykh usloviyakh)
PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 11, PP 32 - 44 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors give a detailed report on experiments made in
a concentration mill of the Mine Administration iment Vo-
roshilov of the Nikopoll-lyliarganets Trust, where manganese
ores and manganese slime were concentrated on a special ex-
perimental assembly. The manganese ore was concentrsted in
heavy suspension and the ground ferrosilicon was used as
weighing compound (fig. 2). This compound was in latei~ ex-
periments replaced by cinder, but the results of concentra-
tion were almost identical in both cases (tables 1-11). In
the experiment with the flotation of manganese slime, a mix-
ture of sodium carbonate (2-5-3 kg/ton), sulfate soap
Card 1/2 (1-3-1.5 kg/ton) and oxidized white spirit (0-5 kg/ton was
The Experiment of Concentrating Manganese Ores in Heavy Suspensions and
by Flotation Under Industrial Conditions
used as a flotation reagent. The scheme of concentration
process is given in fig. 4, and the results of flot&tion -
in tables 11-16. The results of both experiments showed
the necessi-ty of further improvement and simplification
of concentration and flotation processes, though the re-
sults already obtained are satisfactory. In connection with
these experiments the following scientists are cited by the
authors: Z.S. Bogdanova, O.P. Bondarenko; and D.I. IYantsu-
zov. Thpre are 16 tables, 5 schemes and 2 Soviet references.
Card 2/2 1. Manganese ores--Processing
Operating conditions of jigs. Trudy Mekhanobr no.125:63-100 160.
(MIRA 14:5)
Wre'4essing-Equipment and supplies)
Adopti6n by industry of heaVY suspension ore d-essing practipes.
Obog-rud,-. 4 no-34-12 159. (KM 14:8) ,
(Ore dressing)
13OGDANOV, O.S., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., otv. red.; BRAND, V.Yu.,
kand. tekhn. naukp red.; DERKAU, V.G., doktor tekhn. nauk.,
red.; ZAKHVATKIN, V.K., red.; OLEVSKrf, V.A.j, kand. tekhn.
nauk, red.; LOKONOV, 11.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; PODNEK,
A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk, red,; TUSEYEV, A.A., red.;
FINKELISHTEYN, G.A., kand. tekhn. naukv red,; FOMINX Ya.I.,
kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; CHERNOBROV, S.M.,
red.; KUTUZOVA, L.M., red.
(Transactions of the Fourth Scientific Technological Session
of the Scientific Research Institute for Mechanical Concentra-
tion of Minerals] Trudy IV nauchno-tekhnicheskoi sessii insti-
tuta MEKHAN08R. Leningrad,, 1961. 665 p. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Leningrad. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektM-y institut
mekhanicheskoy obrabotki polezrykh iskopayemykh.
F01,111", T,
A.jl-Unio.~ t-ence. or e , - sing and the Utilizrition of
q'C~ ~Jan&Lnese On-, n-'L,,;,. rud 6 no.3:51-5,'- - (MIRA 1.'~ ~ 1)
(Oro dressing-Congresses)
BOGDANOV, O.S. prof.-,_IOMIII, Ya.I_
Present status and further expansion of the dressing of Cbiatura
and Ilikopoll manganese ores. Obog. rud 6 no.4:3-8 '61.
(KIRA 15:1)
(Nikopol' region (Dnepropetrovsk Province)--Manganese ores)
('~,iatura region--Manganese ores) (ore dressing)
FORIN, Ya.1,
Phosphorus content of Nikopoll deposit manganese ores. Obeg. rud 7 no-3:
18-24 162. (141RA 16-4)
(Nikopoll regiorr-~Wnganose oros-Analynis)
FOMTN, Yaole
Phosphorus distribution between ore and rock minerhIs in manganese ores.
Obogo rud 7 noo4tU-18 162. (MIFA 16:4)
(Manganese oreo-Analysis) (Phosphorue-Analysis)
FOMIN, Ya.l,, kand. tekhn. nouk
Technolog7 of dressing Korch tobacco-oolored ores. Gor.
zhur. no.10M-77 0 103. (NIRA 16:11)
1. VsasoyuzW nauchno-Asaledavatallakiy i proyektnyy
institut mekhanichookoy obrabotki polazy*~kh lskoparenqkh,
YOKIN, Te.D., inzh.
Cleaning of oil antiseptics. Putl i put. kboz. no. 8:46 Ig 158.
(MIRA 11:8)
(Clearing mmehinez7 and appliances) 7
Lumber preservation and drying In Yinland. Put' I put. khoz.
no.9:47-48 S 158. (MIRA 11:9)
SHIXALOV, I.G., lnzh.; FOMIN, Ye.D., inzh.
Two hundred and twenty-five million ties. Puti i put. khoz.
no.4:15-16 Ap 159- (MIRA 13:3)
FOMIN, Ye.D., inzh.
Xquipment for
no.6:28-29 Jo
coupling small railroad cars. Put' i put. khoz.
'59. (MIRA 12:10)
(Car couplings)
FOj4IN, To D. inz-h.
Automation In tie-l"pregnating plants. Put'i put.khoz. no.?:
4-5 J1 '59. (KIRk I?1:10)
FOMIN, Ye.D., inzh.
Water walls for steam boilers. Put' i put.khos. no.10:46
0 159. (milu, 13SO
(Rallroads-ftes) (Dollars)
-70MM& -Ye.D., inzh.
Crewe exchange their experiences. Pat' i put. khoz. 4 no. 12:34
D 160. (MIR-L 13 -.12)
FIOMINI Ye.D., Inzh.; TSUFAK, Yn.F., Inzh.
Blocking system. Put# i put.ldioz. 10 no.1:31 N-6.
(YIRA 1911)
FamiN, Yem.
In the greenhouses of the Riga enterprises. Biul. Glav. bot.
eada no.45-.107-109 162. (MMA 16:2)
1, Glavnyy botanicheskiy mad AN M.
(Latvia--Greenhouse, asnagement)
(IAtvia lants, Ornamental)
Use of additional ight for producing seeds of Primula obconica
Hance. no. 48:91-92 163. WIRA 17:5)
1. Glw nyy botanicheskiy sad AN SSSR.
E f fP_ C t, of Ulj~ 111~0. (a f-,
piarit3. Bjul. Glav. 165.
1. Glavriv botanichoskiy .1ad AN
New method for fastening inserts to copes in casting ingot molds.
Sbor.rats.predl.vnedr.v proizv. no.1:49 '61. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicbeskiy kombinat.
-1 :_
I -.
Automtic machinery for measuring out and stoppering liquid pharma-
ceuticals. Ned.prom. 12 no-1:51-54 Ja '58- (MM 11:2)
1. TSentrallnoye proyektno-konstruktorskoye byuro Hinisterstva
zdravookhransniya SSSR.
SHAPIRO, G.A., inzh.; FOKIN, Ye.v.,
Start of hot PT-50-130/13 turbines. Elek. sta. 35 no.11:67-68
N 164. (14IRA 18:1)
a.I?, i
11 ,'i, - .- .
"The-Problem of 1.~-,asures for Gontrol of Sinut of Grain Cro:~s," Biu."Ieten' VII
Vsesoiuznogo Slezda no Zashchite Rastenii v Leningr:~de 1~-23 Nolalnria 1932 Goda,
no. ,1), 193-2, pp. 22-25. 1,23.012 V96
j0: 3IUI SI 90-53, 15 December 1953
Ar; 0
0 * 4 0 0 0 0
Gal )$i$ to *4111)UNISism 10 1 )i a 1111MAJI Un Ps ISO now6l 4:13 60 a F
A It A 2 L A-11-F-111 A -1-1 -10-* 1 MC-Int Out AL-1--k-A-C-L 4, A- A -J- 0 oi~
046 A A,~ "o-W(ts
00 sow =of :4=4011,07 Points Glut !-00
00 C K, Nilodowhimr. Peg. t1liftio. -00
Gfoin Cakwf (&P. PboofW4.) 1411,19. No. 1. 37-4i
tof paint with mordants
istbeastia ~W aw hod for the cultitrol of bunt. 71w -00
110twxIsins be divided into 3 gr~q" telatitv to tbrit
00 lairkitive to orbirat hirmt. Motdoniii of high tozWo sit .00
66 Parts . cc . "Cok-s"Wo Anh) it. C141, cl -00
artanile. itt% "W)" toreWdlion. "All" tRitterelk-ti.
Cu(X'N a Cliraeopit. Thirair of piedium toxic powrg are coo
,3 ..Plp
00 12.6% Ca arsculte. ferric at"le. =so
No ariornite Ceir asidNestrunitointak. Thooeot
000 lim lode power we Veal malachite, scorodite. FeSO.. coo
00,3 C&KCN. hot*, Ivowdurd 8, Thomas pbo-- COO
0. phole. t ockf shiked lit"t. The aunt -sti-
lortury wet roordants ate fortmolin, mirmtrIPM phrmg, KOO
:0 Is metvitriged aulklue sold onlychloridn (raw twory
=). The dry method or semidsy is satisfactory,
00 irmtobvif phesid gfm good Mults assixist oat $srmt. 2 goo
a d Porinslin 6 satildstriory for milort "itut. Dry mordants, 13:00
0 M be used for millet sord graim It they Am otdjr slightly
ini'mod. Aim vil"Ifirr owthilif of wed trtatrarnt for :000
I S, A, Karwa
external stmigis of smut Is the odoorlwut method. Sawdeist ;300
or prat is sold. witli HCHO mW mixed with the srM4. I
1-2% 4 the wed wt. beinig Pitikkat for pruteciiiss.
V~, I.- 4S.- t03~. 0.01 woo
U It AT 00 11 41 V
0 it 0 It CIO 4 19 19 41 Is PC a R it Is Who a I!1111
0 0 0 0 a 04 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 r, 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 :;0 0 0 .8 0
T,411 : : : : 0 0 44 ID
o;oooooo:oooooooo**OOooooooi0o*ooo 0 0
, I-- -~ -.-
~ 0". 'i --
,, and CHEVELLI) i,,. I" thols of
FolKill E'. -. Ee
with Formalin," li-a(li Institutu, Rrains'
Gospodarstva, Labortor-lia Fitopitologii, no.
(In LPArainian)
Gcrriination T,~As o- to ',~e
kii i:aukovo Doslillnii Institut Zerr-o,,o,-o
1, 1~,35, p-p- 42-115. 5~.,-') Lptf-7
SO: 3IFA, H 90-53j 15 December 1953
e or ',Jje~tt Tn'--J..-.,tLm tAth -unt on
E. L., and llCjZl',,RAC!AlQ%', r,. :-,. 'Do:,cn:,,enC
Different Factors, and Differentiation of Fun-iclle3,11 Truli in-titutu Mcrainslkii
Natilrovo Doslidnii Institut Zernovo,ro Gos-od-',rstva, Laboritoriia Fitop'Atolo'gii, no. 1,
1935, pp. 59.9 Ulc7 (In UkrainiEin)
30: SIRA, .31 ')0-,,3, 11, X-ceii~bpr 1953
*00 Oda 0 0* 0 0
It so III It A it Al III If a It to m IF is do do a
a- v
Y a ise
A -
A,IV P~!Aflpm O 0
1111110 Wagon" d mmaliftil spriNg wiWat *a"* via
0 a m
OW K. NocdnK-Iwv. B.M. Vkoaj.,
(*Wft,f (Dept. PAYA"It
) 09
00 .
1"11, No. 1. W760m RoWiA 76-M-WrtiMUd WrW
WINCIIII Is ShM Wwo wv"dy InInted with tma than
-vcnwN-d vaeols, The beat rombad of mtn3l is the
Iftel""t as fin Wq& T*h 0.1% jurmailto in the 21W
moniffeam ~-bv the v"Maimmim PCOM.- Thf. give.
COMPIRte or ohm" com
. di
dm "
e W
00 &
woo wa
00 the amle. A -imilds
t rest nwet wit it '
n is not as orfectivv. but in
l, mat
The mwds are trm:fd dry (1: jigs))
0 joelair,
the Iref"Ohmalion ploc a. Armenle cartive1q. reduce
0 is the W while superphomphate (12: 1014))
CN uwd for the3rd inakiening in I he
2 age
por"S' are Iftillective. S. A. Karimax coo
i43a-,, -i- ~v ;3.( ii-tillo's.,
11 ado 0 1111CIII-3mo 1 6 v
kv 10 it;% it it It ar OR a it It a of III im It of W a
0 0 0 1
000, 0964 0 0 0 * : : 0 : : 0 6 0 0 0 0 Oi
0 0 0:9 0 0 * 0 * 0 -00* 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 00 0 : 0 Oi
Sol, j x 0 1 a I a is it 1, a V is lit is a M 30 x V a V a 0 it a 0: 4 C
I ? V AA 0 Ir 0 . , , 0
lit to
)e c
ni pWTrj1j1fi D
EAft -
Mit. [UtilirAtion of the varietal characters of plants in .90
disemw control.1-B(di. Ukruirt. sci. Bet. Ind. Grain COurt, -00
PASIoIxith. Lob., Markoff, 1, pp. M-133, 4 figs., 1935. (ftliah -60
sunintary. Received JanuM-, 1937.1
A tabulated armunt, in givrn of investigations on the breeding of
cereslA against disease carried on since 1925 at differrnt ogricultund
Cantm of the Ukralne. Among other thingo, it was experimentally
2 moo
0414 shown that resistance In wheat to bunt (TW44ia carim) was very goo
of a significantly affected by the depth at which the aced was sown, e.g..
00.) infodion h, soft wheats mined (min aftificially bunt-contamitutted senj
varied frot4 1-8 to 34-0 per cent. when sawn I cnL deep. from 19.,j to 6*0
0 W
70 per rent. at 4 cm., and from 62 to 91-7 per reaL at 7 cm., the corre. goo
spending figures for had wheats being 2-3 to 17,6, 4-7 to 53-6, and moo
Os 2-8U)M-9 percent.. respectively. Among the lan_te num bet of spring
wheat varieties tested very few oxhibited practical resistance to bunt,
the least attacked being found in the botanical varieties m0urum,
Wescene, and aWim of the soft, and in the varieties Aordeifw-me and
wrutemwofthebardwheats. The relatively higher resistance of the
hard whk-At& is In
art outibutid to the (wt that in the
a o
e p
oX the great majority of cams do.
or the first few da wed coat, being thus protet-W
S1.1A 04.IALU -- from invasion by.the fungus, and emerges in a more advanced, and met)
I 7 O"Iftl
M. ~11 MOZ Q., Ott 41,111 ONE oft#M
P a V A I A V U I in 4 3 a
U a air lo a 0 K it 99 K it M d K M16 a I
0 0 0 Is 0 S Is 0 9 41 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 6 0 0 0 * 0 0
T 0
F C. L* and F. lCaltural kr-,ctic- s in Plalt "~ntrr,!,
Trudi Doollinli Insti.tut Zernov:),o if I
.Stitutu, Ukrainsi'lcii Naukovo
_jr Ic' (in Ukrainlanj
Lalhoratorlia Fitopatolor,111i, no. p. 1-3r,-I-(,. U:
30: ARU, il 90-53, 15 1953
und j I'
Pro-ram on Collective and State Fanus and Ways of Ellminatin- Them., irudi Institutu,
Ukrai-islicii llaukovo Doslidnii Institut 2~'ernovo:,fo Laboratoriia Fitopallolo,-ii
no. 1, 10D5, pp. 151-156. 59.9 Mk7 (In Ukrainian)
60; 6IP-1,11 -iI 90-53, 15 Decciaber Y,153
070-90 0* so so**-*
Oa r i j 1 10 q j, tj 11 Is 11 4 X 0 all am lab xV *if*,, v#1*9,09
A a 10-1
so., &dj?vgigj,
PI), -041
00 C 3 figs.. 1940.
A 'black roldicle" am black point) diosmse, of cereals is ft?agW -04
Oe 4. -00
from the Ukraine, causins owakimblY Wiuml statuls, of bAtl0Y and
00 1 apdogheat mW, in a Wier degm, ol' winter wheat and mats. In 400,
Cuts with aptiq wheat then wria is noductim in mew" Of ;11
*0 ails 27 per count. The tip@ or dWwW SmIna, VOUIA the ndicle, won bkok
I : ~ 1o01
(111' brown, the aml either failed to germinate or more otten produced
weak and stunted awdliniM the undergmad pans of which showed
nterrupted yellow-brumnish streakt, while the mta werou po?dy
lievelupd, An analysis of 132 sam* of corml seed from various goo
Owe (antis showed in *ome cum 40 pa mt, Infroted gnint. llacky and 00.0
09 spring wheat with 11 to 39 per count. infection p%-* 55 to &.1 per oent. see;
em"gence and barley with 32 to 30 per oimL infection 75 to 8# per cent. 400
onivorprim. The dWw in statal to he due to a number of factors and 000
Ito ealuxod by VS&IN Chirfly Itelmiall6leporium
0 old 14f00
maieum atul an untlotionvilaftl species of Aken", lit oattiploi it(
dW&W grain 28,5 t4i 94-8 per cottitt. were infret4ml toy U. adicum,
5-2 to 04-3 per cent. by Akwaaria ap., and 0-0 U) 13-0 per ccuL by un-
ideritified Wwwria, and fungi. In VvJn infectod by H. SmNt4m the
A s 811 a MOO
toi- i.'
1# 4 ~
a 011 1*0
.0000 0 01 oft OW 0 0 0 .0o 0-
0 : It 0 0 0 0
~o 0 0 0 * O'o a 0 0 & 0,0-0-0 0 0
*0 010 0 Ole to 0400 0 00000 0
blackening oftm expuidetl from the flulid" 141 other parts of the feei'
which usually boraine somewhat Arivellet]; the myerlium of tho fungun
permeated the tinum of the lwrk*rp. endomperm. anil the nw(ficle, and
00 rnefrawl. sifter emerpnee of the Predli"g, into the ptern aml rooC
00 tut not beyond a distance of to cm. from the proil. In grein infeew
00 Ivy Akerviarid sip.. the blackming was usually revitsictol it) the um
00 si~ounil the raifirle, tho seet! reniametil unshrivrlh-Al. anti the myrelium
00 of tho (ungus w" found (aily in the perimp and very mroly in the
00 endoaperm. The external symptoma produm. I by the two pathopene,
00 howevrr, varied mimiderably and rendered differentintion difficult
4*xtvpt Ivy rulturing. In trials with spring anti winter whesitsi sion"
00 variptiest ishowovi mily n%14014* infivilim atul are ronpitleml promininst
so for brisotling work. fit runtrul exiverhoents mosking the poeil tit a 0- 1 1wr
so vent. solution of njerrork AWrivie for 5 minutevi mitiml Infoction to
i 0 3-1 per mitt. and thermal d6litissition (anaking for 4 hours at 30" C.
00 wd them hetsiting for 8 minutm at, 52*) to 30 per cent. Mercurio com-
e* pounds st", however. conoidered too highly toxic for practical un wid
SO thernwd tiWitiect4cat ip Fkrther mostaus" of coat"
00 shouki include regular weeding of wild gram hoots, imin"llate d '
00 of moisit Pretin after haryrat, prt-dnpt removal of futrittwirit crival.71o"m"
00 thet field, doop ploulthing, arol agrotechnival turthods to ensure a-
V4)n)UA dOVOlUpnWnt Of 1114 11111,111(A
0 a 0 0 0 0 40 9 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 4D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FC').'Ti',!Iyo. yo. zuid Ay *~Ij ,.1. ('1,
"Diseases and I'l osts of Vegetablu, Melon, and I otato Crol s In the Vicraine in 1947
,ind 1948,11 3cientifio -JoO.s of the Ukrainian Jcientific ~Zesearch Institute of Vegetable
Growing, Vol. 2, pp 291-301, 1950.
USSR / Plant Diseases--Cultivated Plants 0
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 16, 1958, 73311
Author Foming Ye. Ye.; Ryss, R.G.
Inst SR
Title Vectors and Diseases of Vegetables, Melon.Crops,
and Potatoes, and Methods of Their Control
Orig Pub: V. sb.: Vopr. razvitlya Poleslya, Kiyev,
AN USSR, 1956 (1957)t 153-158
Abstract: The following diseases are especially harmful to
potatoes in Poleslye: viruses, degenerations (on
sandy soils), canker Ipotato blight, ring rot
black stem rot, common, black and povidery sca
The most serious pests for potato are stem nemato-
does, then wireworms. Of vegetable crops, cabbage
Card 1/2
USSR / Plant Diseases--Cultivated Plants 0
Abs Joure. Ref Zhur-Biologin, No 16, 1958s 73311
suffers the most especially from anbury clubroot,
bacteriosis and black spot. The most harmful
pests for cabbage are the cabbage moth, diamond-
back moth, cabbage aphis, cabbage maggot and Bairs
carbonaria. Cucumbers and pumpkins are infected
with powdery mildew; watermelons with Colletotrichum
(Gloeosporium) lagenarium; cucumbers in open soil
with spider mite; table beets with leaf scorch,
mosaic, Pegomyia hyoscyami Panz.; tonatoes with
crown and black rot black bacterial spot, megas-
poriosis and septorlosis. Control measures are
presented for the pests and diseases indicated, es-
pecially detailed for potato diseases and stem
nematodes. -- A. P. Adrianov
Card 2/2
RYSS, Rebakka Grigorlyevna, kand. sellklioz.nauk; FOMIN, YeJe.,
otv. red.; KIREUV, F.M., red.; KVITKA, S.P., tak".red.
(Potato stem nematode and measures for its control] Stable-
vaia nematode kartofelia i mery bor'by 5 nei. Kiev, Izd-VO
UASKhN, 1962. 118 p. (MIRA 16:5)
(Potatoes-Diaeases and posts)
(Nematode diseases of plants)
- ____ __ __ --- ____ - - __ - ____ __ ----- ----- --- __ __ __ ____ - __ - --__ - ____ __ - -
MWOV, B. A.g WLMWV, G. V., BECHO, Yu. A. and BOWY-19VA, V. 1.
"Primary Cosmic-Ray Component in Superhigh-Energy Region"
Report presented at the International Conference on Cosmic Rays
and Earth Storm, 4-15 September 1961, Kyoto, Japan.
P. N. Lelftev Institute of Physics, University of Moscow, 3-a,
Miusssakaya, 3, Moscow, USSR
FOMIN. Tu.A.. inzhener.
The problem of a radical Improvementu In Moscowle cit7 and inter-
urban transportation system. Gor. thoz. Mosk. 29 no.5:20-24 Mr 155.
PODOLISKIY, L.R.; Fq~iif, Yu.A.
Lift repair of electric locomotIves In 2-7 days. Elek. I teDl. tiagi,
2 no,10:20-23 0 158. (MIRA 11:11)
1. lachallnik otde1A remonta elaktropodvizhnoco sostavi 911b
sotivnogo khosybystva depo Nikopoll, Stalinskoy dorogi for 0 01'skiy
2, Nachallnik elektrodepo Nikopoll Stalinakoy dorogi (for Yomin).
(Blectric locomotives-Maintenance and repair)
PODOLtWCIY, Leonid Romanovich; gORIN.Jurly Aleksandrovich; OZAOLOYSKIT,
Cho$@, inzh., rod.; BOBROVA, U.N., tekhn.rod.
(OverhAuling electric locomotives in 2.6 days by lifting the body
from the wheels; experience of the work of the Electric Locomo-
tive Collective of the Nikopol Depot on the Stalin Railway] Pod"-
emochnyi remont elaktrovoza za 2.6 untok: opyt rnboty kollektiva
alektrovoznogo depo Nikopoll Stalinakoi dorogi. Moskva. Goo.
tranap.zhel-dor.ind-vo, 1959. 42 p. (MIRA 13:1)
(NikoDoll--Iglectric locomotives--Maintenance and repair)
-MM) 1U. A -
Computing -~he process of the fuel spray in diesel engines at determined
intensity of the remaining pressure. p. 27.
TEKHNIKA,, Sofiia,, Bulgaria, Vol. b, no. 3, 1959
0, Oct.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (ERAI) LC, Voi. b, NJiq5q, Uncl.
"WMIN9 Yu.A., inzh.
Numerical code of the-explanationa for relay circuits. Mekh- i
lj&Vk*m.proizv. 15 no-300-51 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3)
11 (Electric r4l&ym)
FODOLISKIY, Wonid Romanovich; CJIOLOVSKTY, Ilikolay Ivanovich;__FGMIII,
Yurly Alokcandrovicb,- BYCHKOVSKIY, A.V., kand. takhn. nai)k,
rb'd-.; IUITr=A-,-T-.-A-,,--'tekhn. red.
(Electric meters for registering the consumption of electric
power by electrified rolling stockISclietchiki clektricheskoi
energil elektropodvizhnogo sostava. Mosk-v4p Transzheldorlzdats
1962. 3-15 P. (MI-A 15:10)
(Electric railroads-Current supply) (Electric meters)
Tu. A.
3u.r--,ia.-y of the now data on FAS structure obtained with the aid of the complex
equipment of Moscow State University.
--~awrt submi-Aed foe the 8th Int4 Conf. on Coemde Rw (IWAP) Jaipur,, Indiaj,
-fL Dee 1963
~ r., A7RASM(EVICHo V. B.;
,, SEN
- 11 , 0. B.; ABROSDIOV.. A. Mo; KHRENOVj B. A.;
. .r"OV, G. V.; SOLOVIMAs V.I*; 'IOMINL!~. AO
;-1vj cosmic ray prinry radiation of ultra high energre
i.aport sifomitted for the 8th Intl. Lonf. an Cosmic Rays (IUPAP)s, Jaipurs, India,
2-14 occ 1963
AUTHORS: Fomin, Yu. A., Khristiansen, G. B.
TRLZ: Size distribution of extensive atmospheric showers
PERIODICAL: Zhurnq~ eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 44,
no. 2,'1963, 6606-0675
EXT: The ra-oid change in the pover exponent of the spectrum %ith respect
o the number'of particles of extensive showers, observed recentul.- "or
105 _ 106 at sea level (G.B. Kulikov, G.B. Khristiancen. Nuovo Cim.,
IPPP1., 8, 1958; S. Fukui et al. Progr. Theor. Phys., Supp'., 16, i, 19 00;
I.R. Allan et al. Preprint, 1962) is explained here. For Ihio Purpose
net4c clouds in
it is sufficient to assume that the distribution of __~Ar_
the Galaxy with respect to the parameter 1111 is such that, tI,e diffuzion
coefficient for ultrahigh energy cosmic rays changes from D = corst to
D - E . E is the energy, 1 the size of the magnetic cloud, K the magnetic
field strength-in it. a> 0.5 when the energy changes by one order of
magnitude. The most probable explanation is the one which attributes the
rapid change in the pover exponent of the shower spectrum to corresponding
Card 1/2
Size diotribution of extensive ...
changes in the exponent of the primary energy spectrum. An analysis of
experimental data shows that the primary radiation does not consist' of
heavy nuclei only. There are 4 figures and 5 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Inatitut yadernoy fizilci Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo
univerBiteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State
August 13, 1962
Card 2/2
Energy spectrum of primary cosmic radiation and its composition
in the region of ultrahigh energies. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz.
45 no.5:1595-1602 N 163. (MRA 17.1)
1. Fizicheskiy institut imeni Lebedeva AN SSSR i Institut
yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
(14 c
I E,.ijC , V.B.;
V HE IT: 0 11 YS.11.; rJl'HlSTI1U!S.72,1, G.?.; ABROSE-IOV, A.T.; ATRASIly 11
BlMYAYEVAJ, I.F.; VEDEITYEV, o.v.; aamim., V.A.; KULIKOV, G.V.;
KER0,11OV, B.A.
Description of a modernized complex setup for studying exten-
sive air showers. Izv. AN, SSSR Ser. fiz. 28 no.1.2:2087-2094'
D 164 O-JRA 18:2)
ACCESSION NRi AP4042579. S/0'056/64/046/006/2141/2150
AUTHORS: Fomin, Yu.'A.; 1(hristiansen, G. B.
TITLE: Energy spectrum and composition of cosmic rays of galactic
and metagalactic origin
SOURCE:. Zh. ekspet. i teor.'fiz.,,v. 46, no. 6, 1964, 2141-2150
TOPIC*TAGS: cosmic.'ray, cosmic ray composition, cosmic rabl'atioh
energy, cosmic ray origin, galactic cosmic ray, metagalactics .
ABSTRACT: To ascertain the contribution of primary cosmic radiation
from galactic and metagalactic sources, the authors calculate the
energy spectrum and composition 'of cosmic rays of both galactic and
metagalactic origin, starting from the diffusion model of cosmic-ray
propagation, and using more general assumptions concerning the energy
variation of the diffusion coefficient than made heretofore. In ad-
dition,,a more detailed comparison is made,of the'results of the cal-
Card. 1/2
lation with thb experimental particle.-number spectrum of extensive
-;air showers and with the muon number distribution in a shower having
a specified number of particles. The comparison results imply that
the metagalactic cosmic rays play a major role in the energy.-kegion
:E > 1017 eV. The agreement'between the.theoretical,and experimental
distributions is good, and the 'smaller slope of the energy spectrum.
.of the metagalactic cosmic rays'does ot c9ntradict the existing ex-
19 18
perimental data in the region E < 10 __10 eV. "In conclusion.the
;authors express sincere gratitude to'S. 1. Sy*rovatskiy for.a-dis-
cussion of the problem'and to L. G. Dedenko for communicating the
results of his calculations." -Orig. art. has: 7 figurei, 3 formula
and 4 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo
universiteta (Nuclear physics Institute, Moscow State University)
2302-0 EWT(I)/gi()(,F)/nC/EW4/EW-(t)/WA(b) Fo4j/Fe-5/Pq4/P&e-2/Peb/K-h
;CCESSI X NRI AP5002095 GWM 9/0048/64/028/012/1934/1941
AUVORs Khriatiansen G_ B.g Abroalsov. A. T.; AtrsshkovLch. V. 1.1
Kulikov, G._!.; Solov Toy&, V. 1.1 Fouin&_!u.. A.1 Khrenov, B. A.
TITLEs Primary cosmic radiatios\'~f superhiSh energy
SOME AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Seriya fixichaskays, v. 28. no. 12. 19640
70PIC TAGSs atmospheric shower. shower spectrum, primary.enargy
spectrum, cosmic ray, atomic number, m meson, cosmic ray diffusion..
magnetic field, magnetic rigidity, proton, nucleus, diffusion coeffi-
AUSTRACTs The spectrum Investigation of large atmospheric showers may
be n*4* by means of the number of particles which to possible to study
using a complex large-scale facility. The spectruu of large atuospberLe
shower@ user sea level changes Its form sherply'vith the change in
the total number N of particle*. 'Tht transition of cosuLc radiation
from the shower spectrum to the primary energy spectrum Is performed
using a model of the development of atmospheric showers. The develop-
Card I
=out depends upon the number of particle* and their atomic number A.
Theo* pammotors were obtained by analyzing the fluctuations of
U-neson flux measured in the complex facility. The distribution of
the meson number depends upon the form of the primary energy spectrum,
which In characterized by the exponent y. Acceleration and diffusion
of cosmic rays occur when both a change in the energy spectrum and a
change in the composition of rays take place simultaneously. The
diffusion of cosmic rays takes place In a magnetic field where the
diffusion coefficient to specified by magnetic rigidity. which is
equal to 2c/300H for nuclei and c/300H for protons ( z. to the energy
of a nucleon). A table in the original article contains the percentage
of galactic cosmic radiation of various energies. This tab'le shows
that the increase of energy causes an increase of heavy nuclei In
cosmic radiation of the Galaxy. A decrease In the percentage of light
nuclei a and L with the increase in snarly is caused by the higher
oiffusion coefficient. The ou bar ofOV-sesome computed theoretically
agreed with experimental data :P to 5 ev of the primary particle*.
At onergiao'grester than 1017 #V. the experimental data showed sore
protons and light nuclei than the theory purports. OrIS. art. hasi
--A figures, I tables. said 12 formulas. 110
caro 2 / 3
T, 23402-65
NO RZ? SOY$ 008 OTURRI 001 ATU IIUSSs 3174
t I
EnOT-Iry pectriun and COMPC:3i.ti(-,'-
and irtiU,galp--c+.ic orgin. U-jr.eknp.� ~eor.f Iz. 46
215r. Jn 164- (MIRA 17:10)
1. Institut yadarnoy fiziki
AKSENOV, Vasiliy Ivanovich; DANILOV, Yuriy Vladimirovich; YEGOROV,
Viktor Konstantinavich; F014DI, Yuriy Alekseyevich; VASIL~MA,L,
red, izd-va; SMIPWOVA, G.t_.,_ieka_.__red.
[Tbe K-125 and K-175 motorcycles and their modifications construc-
tion, operation and the catalog of interchangeable partai Ynto-
taikly K-125j K-175 i ikh modifikatsii; ustroistvo, ekspluatatsiia
i katalog vzaimozameniaen7kh detalei. Moskva, Mashgizj 1962. 198 p.
(MIRA 15:7)
'-( -1
I rl-
Akademiya nauk SM. Kollskiy filial
Sbornik trudov po khimicheskoy tekhnologii minerallnogo syr1ya KollakDga
poluostrova, vyp. 1 (Collection of Works on Chemical Technology of Minerals
of the Kola Peninsula, 09- 1) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSM, 1959. 221 p.
1,200 copies pritited. Errata slip inserted.
Beep. Ed.: B.N. Melentlyev, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences;
Ed. of Publishing House: B,M. Markus; Itch. Ed.: E. Yu. Bleykh.
PURPOSE: The book is intended for scientists and technicians concerned with the
extraction of tantalum,, niobium, and rare metalse
COVERAGE: The book deals with a study of a complex treatment of the perovskite
and sphene concentrates* The first three articles cover methods of extraction
of titanium dioxide from the perovskite concentrate with side -Lvcovery of
niobium, tantalum, and rare earths. The treatment of sphene concentrate is
discussed in two articles. The separation of titanitun, niobium, and tantalum
is described in a sepazate articles The problem of selecting an efficient
Card 1/3
Collection of Works on Chemical (Cont.) SOV2015
technological procedure is discussed in the last article. No personAlities mrs
mentioned. There are 31 references: 25 Soviet, 3 English, and 3 German.
Goroshchenko, Ya. G., V.I. Belokookov, YU.A. Fomin and M.I. Andreyeva.
laboratory Experiments on the Treatment of Fe=vsklte Concentrate Accord-
ing to the Titanium Sulfate Procedure 5
Goroshchenko., Ya.G... V.I. Belqkoskovq Yu.A. Fomin, and M.I. Andreyeva.
Laboratory Experiments on the Treattent of Perovskite Concentrate by
Fusion With Ammonium Sulfate and SiLlfaric Acid 25
Goroshchenko, Ya.G., V.I. Belakeekov, and Yu. A. Fomin.
large Scale laboratory Experiments on ftxJLig__ vskite Concentrate
With Ammonium Sulfate and Sul:Rtric Acid W
Goroshchenko, Ya. G., D.L. Motov, alid G.V*. Trofimov. laboratory Experi-
ments on the Treatment of Sphene Conbentrote by Fusion With Amonlum
Sulfate and Stafuric Acid 67
Card 2/3
Collection of Works on Chemical (Cont.) SOV/2015
Goroshchenko,, Ya.G.., D.L. Motov, and G.V. Trofimay. Iarge Scale IALb-
oratory, Experiments on Fmion of Sphene Concentrate With kmonlum
Sulfate and Sulfuric Acid 79
Motov, D.L. Study of the System TiO 2 - H 2 SO4 - (NH4) 2904 by
Dissolution in the Aqueous Solution Region 101
_9and M.I. Andreyeva. Extraction of Nidbium and
Goroshchenko, Ya.G. 41
Tantalum From Intermediate Products Obtained During the Processing
of LoTarite, Ferovskite, and Sphene 129
Goroshchenko, Ya.G., V.I. Belokoskov, Yu.A. Powin, and D.L. Motov. The
Problem of Selecting a Scheme for lud-asfr-ialProcess for the Production
of Titanium Pigments From Ferovskite Concentrate With Side Plecovery of
Fare Metals 148
AVAILAJAEt Library of Congress
Card 3/3 TM/fal
Laboratory experiments on the processing of perovskite concen-
trate by the titanyl sulfate method. Sbor.trudov po khtm.tekhnol.
min.myrlia Koll.poluoe. no.1:3-24 159. (MIRA 12:5)
(Perovskite) (Titanyl sulfates)
Laboratory experiments on the processing of perovsk1te con-
centrate by fusion with ammonium sulfate and sulfuric acid.
Sbor.trudoy po khim.tekhnol.min.syr'ia Kol'.poluos. no.1:25-
39 159. (MIRA 12-5)
(Perovskite) (Titanium alloys) (Ammonimm sulfate)
Xxtended, laboratory experiments on
concentrate with ammonium sulfate
t.-Mov po khim.t*khno1.min.ayr,i&
(Perovskite) (Ammonium sulfate)
the fusion of perovskite
and sulfuric acid. Sbor.
Koil.poluos. no.1:40-66
(MIRA 12:5)
(sulfuric acid)
Selecting the industrial layout for the pr-' notion of titanium
pigments from perovskits concentrate with a aide recovery of
rare metals Sbor.trudov po khim.takhnol.min.syrlia Kol'.
poluos. no:1:148-221 '59- (MIRA 12:5)
(Titanium) (Rare earth metals)
AUTUORSt Gerasimov, A. G.. Gorbunov, A. 11., Dubrovina, V. A., Kaipo7,
D , Kxxvatov. K., Orlova, A. I., Osipovs, V, A,, Sako-:41ch,
V: A-.,SUi_&Yova, V. S., Pomin. Y11. A., Cherenkov. P. A.
TITLE: Study of photodiaintegration of nitrogen, oxygen, and neon
SOURM Tnahkentakaya konferentsiya pa atirnomy Inpoll:winniyu atomnq
onargil. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 196',
134 - 153
TEXTs The photodinintogration of It '4, 016, and N20 was studind by meana
7 a 10
of a Wilson chamber in a mngnotic field acting directly on the brema-
strablung beam. In order to be able to distinguish reaction3,rp are Jpn,
and record the recall nucleir the Wilson chamber was filled wi%h a mix-
ture consisting of the gas to be investigntcd (nitrogen or neon) and hydro-
gon. Reduced pressure was used in experiments with oxygen. In experi-
ment5 with nitrogen, oxygen, and neon, the atoiping power for protons
waa 0.65r 0,31, and 0.50 relative to Air. The mean onargy of the photo-
Card 1/4,
Study of photodisintegration ... B104/BI38
protons fromd1pn reactions was lower than that from fp renctIvne. The
effective cross sections were calculated; their shape indicates the ir-
portance of transitions in the residual nuclei. The ?roton angular distri-
bution froin pn renationn in nearly isotropic for low proton energies.
For high pr1ton energies (>20 Mov), it in very airillar to that In ,,,ut(?rw
photodiainteeratiOn. The proton angular 'distribution from ~p rcacttons Is
approximately isotropic for N14 and 016 at low onorgies. In thn expreaznon
2 2 7 a
do-/dQ-A(1+B/A9in Q*C/Asin QcosO+D/ACo3Q)' the effect of the last three
terms in parentheses increases for higher energies. The isotropic part
of the angular distribution is greater fair N2() thnin for the two other
10 14
isotopes. An abnormally hiEh yield of the4,pn roattion was found f~r .47 1
it is attributed to interaction of a photon with a pair of"'valency"
nucleons in the outer shell, which are in the 1p,/2 stnte with parallel
spins. During photon absorption. the electric dipole absorption plays
an essential part in N and 0 nuclei. The logarithmic moments of the
photon-absorption cross sections are in good agreement with results ob-
tained on the basis of an indepe ndent-particle model. Yu. K. Khokhlo,7 1/y,
Card 21A,
Otwly of photodinintogration ... B104/8130
li'mi, 19511 97 239; ZhFTF # 1957, 32, 124) nnd A. B. MigJal
EIT?, 19,15, 15" ali- are mentioned. Tlwr,~ tire c) figures, 7 tabloo,
rind 22 refer6rcenz fl Soviet nnd 14 non-Oovitit. The four rpost recent
ruf~;royicua ~to Englinh-lunfunro publicatLono r-,nd :1z. follovint I'ivesay
D. L. Cnnwl. Joui-n. Phya., 55, 91 1957; 11hodro. ~;U-phens 17. F. Phys. .Rev.,
1109 1415, 1950; E111ot, Flower3 B. If. Proc. Roy. :;oc.. A. 242, 57, 19571
3vanteason H. L. liual. Phya., 5, 2*15, 1957.
A330CIATIOlis Fiziehoukiy institut im. P. 11. Lebedeva All U35R (Phyaica
Inatituto imeni P. N. Lebedev A3 Uzia'!I)
... - ..
Calculation of fluctuations in the development of extensive
air showers using the Monte.-m-Carlo method. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.
fiz. 29 no.9:1696-1701 S 165. (MIRA 18:9)
Fluctuations In the development of extensive air showers with
a fixed total number of charged particles and a fixed total
number of muons. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 29 no.9-1676-1681
S 165. (MIRA 18i9)
V, J,
L- 4480-66 - --- ENT (1)/EWT (M)/FCG/T/EVA (h)- - - 1ji-(C) ow
ACC NRt APS024637 SOURCE CODE: UR/G048/65/029/009/1696/1701
AUTHOR: AtrashkevAch, V.D.; Fomin Yu. A..; Khristiansen, G.B,
ORO: none
TITLE, Monte Carlo calculations on the fluctuations in the development of extensive-,
n1r_ighnwf-rgq /Report, All-lLnio onLtren on C ay ]L% 3ics held at Apatity 24-31
_A _ _yL
FjAugust 1964/
SOUIM: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Beriya fizicheakaya, v. 29, no. 9, 1965, 1696-1701
TOPIC TAGS: Pkimary cosmic ray, secondary cosmic ray, extensive air shower, nucleon
interaction, inelastic interaction, pion
A3STRACT: The authors have employed Monte Carlo methods to calculate the. fluctuations
in extensive air showers, Initiated by protons with fixed energy, of the total number
of electrons the total number of high energy muons, the age parameter, and the total
energy flux ;n the electron-photon and nuclear-active components. Four different mo-
dels were employed to describe the elementary high energy nucleon internation; these
models were selected to give an average Inelasticity of 0.5 and differed in regard to
the frequency and nature of very high energy secondaries. Very high enlargy plons were
assumed to have an interaction free path in air of 80 g/cm2t to interact with an In-
elasticity of unity and a multiplicity proportional to the fourth root of the energy,
and to produce secondaries of which all have the some energy. Monte Carlo methods were
ACC NRs AP5024637
emp'loyed to determine the inelasticities and locations of all the inter-actions of the
)primary proton and the locations of the interactions of the high encrSY secondary
pions; the further development of the shower was calculated with conventional cascade
equations in which the effect of pion decay was included but which are not further
specified. Calculations were performed for showers initiated by 1015, 1016, and 1017
eV protons. The average values and dispersions of the number of electrons, the number
of high energy muons, the age parameter, and the energy ,'lux, and the correlation co-
efficient of the age parameter with the number of electrons are tabulated and some of
the distributions are presented graphically. These averages, dispersions, and corre-
lation coefficients did not vary greatly with the model selected to represint the olo-
mentary nucleon interaction event. Formulas are given for calculating the correspond-
ing 44antities for showers initiated by nuclei on the assumption that the shower ini-
tiated by a nucleus of mass number A and energy E is the sum of A showers, each initi-
ated by a nucleon of energy A/E. The transformations required for comparing the pre-
sent calculations with the experimental results of S.N.Vernov et al. (I:zv. AN SSSR Ser
fiz. , 29, 1676, 1965 /see Abstract AP5024632/) are discussed but the c%maparlson is not
made. OrIff. art. has: 5 formulas. 2 fieures. and 3 tables.
Card 2 /2
VEI RNI 0 V p S.Pl.; MMISTTLIT~'E'l-J, G.P.;
I F. ; KUL I .90V, 'IV 1. 1. ; FO)"il"'
111trahigh-energy prJlrji,7 oc..nAu radhtif~,ri af~ccrdlrg to d& til on
extensive air shmmrs. 1,,,v. AN SSSR,")t-r.fJ.z. 29 no,10:1876-1880
0 165. (!-URA 18:10)
1, Nauchno-lasledovateltgMy lnaUtut. yaderrwy fizlkl jK)skowJ,.o.Pa
gosudarstvennogo univcrnitela lm,.
L 25772-66 - EWT(m)/FCC/1- IJP(c)
ACC NR. Ap6ol'6:igo
AUTHOR: Vernov S. N., Khristianse .
_,Uanseq _gLjlj_ AbrosInly, A.-!!; AtraahkQyjghj'jL2-Ap 1
Bolyayeva, F!; Kulik' v.G. V.,# Soloylys V..I.~; Fomin, Yu. A.; Khrenov, B. A.
ORGY Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear )w State Vniv
M. ~. Lanonosov (Mauchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo 4 0
gosudarstvennogo universiteta)
TITIE: Primary superhigh-energy cosmic radiation according to data on extensive
atmospheric showers
SOURCE: A SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 10, 1965, 1876-1880
TOPIC TAGS: cosmic radiation, muon
ABSTRACT: Of Interest In the inveatigation or the pr Imary energy
ispectrum of cosmic rays and their composition Is the,knowledee of
the spectrum of extensive atmospherio ohowers (e.a s' with rospeot.
to the total number of high energy mUona (EA~~ &0j ~ eV) and
the distribution of e.a.s. over the total number of the particles
Ne for a given N . In this connection the authors analyze the
.primary energy epcotrus of cossio ways on the baslo!of experimental
*data obtained with a speoial device for Inveati5stinS eoseae reaor~,
dad with a probabIlIty of WA*?.0*95e This deviae makes It possible
to det.ormine.the total number of aharged partiolts In an e.ass*.
AC__ NR, AP 1 0
at the observation level, An averaged function P (R) Is plotted
to.determine the spatial distribution N of the iruons, and, thusp
.the total number of these muons Is detArmined. Tho distribution
of Ne for a given j4,,Is evaluated on the basis of data on an e.aes 0
with N = (1-2).104-0 The experimental findings are found to be
I n sa d"sf no tory agreement wl th theory. Thus # on the 'bas I s cf the
complex whole of the experimental fIndIngsq It may be concluded
that the oomposItIon of pr1wary oosolo rays In the superhigh-
energy region apparently does not signifloantly dif for from the
compooltion In the low-enerGy regiong and the-(-Index of the pri-.
thary energy'spectrum is variable rather than constant. Orig. art. has:
5 figures. [JPRS1
SUB CODE: 20, 04 SU13H DATEt none ORIG REF: 009 OTH REF: 002
Card 2/2
L 4528:.66 EWr(m)/FCC/T IJP(G) ~ I I
AP5024632 SOUI= CIDDEt Ult/0048/65/029/009/1670/1681
AMOR: Ver!!py, i.N.; Khriatiansen, G,B J~b imov A.T.; Atruh
Be yarevea 1.hZv~ne ulikov, G.V.; Famig.~1U.-A ; xechl!Lt
-lColl W~ ; 9 L__
jjja1_Y,,t. ; Khrepw , II.A.
ORGI none
TITLE: Investigations of fluctuations in the development ive %IT
of exten!L- "how-951-
with a fixed total number Of charged particles and a fixed total numb r of muons /Re-
port. Cos?IS RaL Physics Apatity 24-31 August 1"4/
SOUXE: AN SSSR. Izveatiya. Seriya fixichroksys, v. 29. no. 9. 1965, 1676-1681
70PIC TAGS: cosmic ray shower. muon, charged particle, extendive air shower, particle
distributle particle distribution
ABSTXACT: The authors have employed the modernized Installation at Moscow State Uni-
versity, described elsewhere (B.N.Vlernov et at.. Izv. AN SSSR Bar. fix., 28, 2081,
1964), to Investigate the simultaneous distribution of total number X of charged par-
ticles, total number 9 of nuonx. and age parameter 5 In extensive air shower@. Show-
ers were selected for wbich the sesith angle of the axis was lose than 300- N wax de-
terntned from the number of muons recorded by the awn detootor and the perpendicular
distance of the muon d0ector from the shower axis with the aid of the known lateral
distribut Ion of muAms. The relative error in datemmistng V did not exceed 33 %. The
Cord 1/2
'45*n,0.> V417
V, 177,
L J~75-.Ct
ACC NRI AP5024632
error in deteTmining S wasp estimated to be 0.02 by processing "artificial" showers of
known sCe, calculated by Monte Carlo methods. The data presented were derived from
somo 300 showers with total numbers of charged particles ranging from 105 to 4 x 106.
Histograms are given showing the distribution of"showern with respect to N with fixed
U, with respect to Is with fixed N, with respect to 3 with fixed N, and with respect to
5 with fixed M, and scatter plots are given for N "rous 8 with fixed M and for Is "r-
sue 8 with fixed N. The correlation coefficient of 8 with M for fixed N ranged be-
twe,en 0.62 and 0.72; the cormlatioa coefficient of I with X for fixed V was 0.67.
Orig. art. bass 10 fonmlae. 4 figam. ~M I table.
ROD am$ XF/ Sm ohms 00/ ONIG owe 006/. am Ewe 001
ACC NR- AP7007081
SOURCE CODE9 Ult/OD48/66/030/010/1685/1689
AUTHORt Vernov, S. N.; Khristianson,*G. B.; Abrosimov, A. T.; Atrashkoviche
V. B.; Belyayeva, 1. F.; Vedeneyev, 0. V.; 10ulikov, G. B.; Nechin, Yu. A.;!
'7 -_T -Foilin. Yu. Khrenov, B. A.
Solovlyeva~,. A.
ORGI. none
TIM: Phenomenological characteristics of broad atmosphertV show*
rs vith
a fixed number oE /c- sons and electrons /Paper presented at the All-Union
Conference on Cosmic Radiation Physics, ~Jos`cov, 15-20 Nov 196~/
SOURCE: AN SSSR. ltvestiya. Serlya fizichaskaya, v. 30,'no. 10, 1966,
TOPIC TAGSg mu mesong cosmic radiation
So CoM ~20
ABSTRACT: In an earlier work by Vernov et al (lzvcs~jya Akademil Nauk SSSRV
Ser1Xa Fiticheakaya. 29, 1676, 1965), iesults obtained in a study at an instal-
-lation of MoscoW State University an broad atmosphert'c showers with zenith
angles of 0-300 were reported, These results included the distribution of shoverej
with respect-to the number of high-energy
with a fixed number of electrons Ne
masons NAL and the age parameter 5, distribution of shower@ with a fixed N.*& with
respect to N and 5, and the coefficients of the correlation between S and the
fluxes of electrons.and M-Mdonss In the work reported in this instance, the
same relations Were determined for broad atmospheric showers with zenith angles
of 30-450. The fluctumtio4 of 15m, So, and Not observed for 'an off ective atmo-
spheric depth of 1240 9/co2o were the gem as those for vertical showers eate-
blished An the earlief''VoCke To determine the differences due to an incre.doo._ip..~
cmd 1 2
'WACC NRt AP7007081
the effecti4e atmospheric depth of 200 ~/CM2, calculations must be carried 'out
:with greater statistical precision, 'When results of the theoretical calcul.stions.,
on characteristics of broad atmospheric showers at 1240 g/cm ~~ becowe available,. . I
`.the experisiantal data reported will be woeful for the deteminstion of the
16ijElon of orimary comic radiation in' the 4upertleft2p,rog
Grijo irte h"I 5 tigures, 11 folmlas am L C
Card 2/2
~r P
ALESHKOVI M.N.p st. nauchn. sotr., kand. tekhn. naukinzh.-
polkovnik; ZHUKOV, I.I., prof.2 doktor tekhn. nauk,
general-mayor; KATKHANOV , M.N... doktor tekhn. nauk,
dots.,inzh.-polkovnik; VYSKUBOV, B.R.., inzh.-polkovnik;
KUKUSHKIN, D.D., kand. takhn. naukpolkovnik; MARKOV,
O.P., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk)inzh.-podpolkovnik;
SAVIN, N.V., inzh.-polkoynik; IMRNOV, A.D... inzh.-
podpolkovnik,-, F%!jR.,-7u.G. 2 kand. tekhn. naukj inzh.-.
polkovnik'; KISELEV, S.P.p inzh.-polkovnik, red.
(Physical principles of rocket weapons) Fizicheskie osnovy
raketnogo oruzhiia. Moskva; Voenizdat, 1965. 463 p.
(MIRA 18:7)
.LJQJ~~ ARO/El4T(d)/FBDJFBO/&iT(m)/EWP(w)/!tP7(c)/FA/E'-T(C)/,~IP(T)/T-2/&iK k)l
A16"Ov, H. X- (Candidate of Technical Sciences, Engineer-Colonelh VYsIIIubvrq"'~'
B. R. (bm:ine*r-C*lonel)g Zhukov, 1. ~J, (Profesmor, Doctor of Technical
Sci-nc.*, General "r of the I.T.S. ilatkhanov, 11 M. (Doctor of Technical
Sciene Docent Engineer-Colorml) Kukvshkin, D. 6. %fididate Of Technical
scienc::: Colonel); karko;r, 0. F. Technical Sciences,
lhginser-Lieutenant Colonel)l 3"'; N. W-(Ingineer-Colonal); 3',%tfflW, A- D--~Wrs
(CandidAi of Technical Solencesp M40now-.
(Engineer-Colonel); IPNS&.]R.
Physical principles of rocket waspans, 4ibichaskiyo'emnow, raketnop ormsh4s)
Moscow, Voyanisdat N-va *bar. SM, 1965. 463 P.' Illue., biblio. 12,000
copies printed...
70KC TAGSs rooket, rocket flight, wespon, projected mmodtiong jet engbwo
rocket propellant, embustion Wwaber, mom Axel awsta, maket gmM~#
Missile Wood eq&tpmmt. on" sagift test. jet pimpilaim
PuRpou AND COVAUMs 2w-book im -to Ww p1malplas of Vw tbary of niaml,
I thvjhwvioa Pdaelp'" of Set yewpulalms, demarlbes ek-b mmgLms and fuels,
L 3835-M
WA control and guidands Mitems of various i7pes. It also describes the
Vorking principle of roasts of various type and their basic equiPuRti and
the designs of ground equipment and the tests of reeket 00101ple"f- It a,"
contains a classification of rocket equipment. 7he book Is Intended fOr
officers connected with the manufacture of wooket oqdpmntp and for
Of -LUtlw7 *&-stlmal institution*, 7be contents of the book is b"." M
materials of overt Sovist and foreign pablicatiome.
TAmz or,conws (&b#d&sd)a
Introduction - 3
Ch. T.- Prablw%s "I-ed b7 rocket wespenz, requirsawAs get."for tbam, i"
alasairication of Moket ammunition -
Ch. IL General W, U lot spiginve - 24
Cho III. Rocket J=8
Ch. IV. Cambustlom dmWjws - 73
Ch. V. Rocket segime to" systems - 135
Ch. VI. 3me problems In Uns Mesa of reekat fM4*t 2".
Ch. VII. hooket emiLral oWsbana
Ch. TM. Deelp Pwdimiuse in as jjj%jWft *f TWISM PWPW j
nduAf 30
Qrd 2h
L 3835--66
Ch. IX. Grwmd sqvlp~t of variam pupw yo*A somplaM
Ch. X. NwkA od ro*et Vrutoop
Ch* 110 -1k;iw Ila
00028 cm, mi AMIMMI MOO
Progress of railroad tranol.,ortation in China. Zhel.dor.tranap. 42
no.6:81-83 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7)
L 16471-66 Ee(r(m)/ETC(f)/EPF(n)-2/EWG(m)/EVIP(j) WW/DM/RM
ACC NR- AP6005532 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/66/020/001/0053/0054
AUTHOR: Fokin, A. V...; Kuzicheva, V. S.; romin, Yu. K. q- 0
ORG: none
TITIX: Possibilities of "oil" flotation for reprocessing liquid radioactive wastes,
SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, no. 1, 1966, 53-54
TOPIC TAGS: flotation, radioactive waste disposal, radioisotope, nuclear engineer-
ing , solvent extraction
ABSTRACT: "Oil." flotation may be used at ordinary temperatures with comparatively
simple equipment for extracting the solid phase from waste radioactive pulp and
concentrating it together with trapped radioisotopes in a layer of organic matter
which is immiscible with water. The suspended particles are treated with various
water-repellent surface-active sorbents, (e. g. salts of fatty acids). Up to 90-
-95% of the radioactive isotopes may be removed from the water in a single stage.
It is recommended that nonflammable and low-boiling solvents of the carbon tetra-
chloride type should be used in quantities of 30-50 ml per gram of solid residue to
UDC: 621.039.722 + 621.928.S
Card 1/2
L 16471-66
ACC NR: AP6005532
be extracted. In some cases organic monomers may be used for the "oil", and the
layer of extracted material may be directly converted to a solid plastic by bulk
or suspension polymerization. It was found that preparations based cn polystyrene
and various polyester acids may be used for burial of the radioactive Isotopes.
SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 15Oct65/ ORIG REF; 000/ OTH REF: 000
Card 2/2
Wev data on the age of pyrite mineralization of ore deposits in
central Urala. Sov.geol. 1 no-7:148-150 -T1 158. (KMA Ilil.1)
1. Moskovskly sudaretvenzqy universitst im H.V. lomononovae
rural Kduntainv--P~rritea)
FOMIN, Yu6me
Find of archaeocyathidlike organisms in Middle Devonian
sedinents on the eastern slope of the Southern Urals.
Paleont. zhur. no.2tl7-19 163. (MM 16:8)
1. Moskovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(Ural Mounta4s-4rchaeocyathidae)
MISKATA. 011ga Samnovna; IRMOT. L.P., red.; FOKIN. Tu.S., oi;
vypusk -
EStreets in Swerdlovek are namd for them] Ikh imenami nazvanY
ulitay Sverdlovska. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovakii obl.kraevedcheskii
musei, 1959. n P. (mI]RA 14:2)
MYALO, I,I,, starshiy nauchnyy satrudnik; Fcz-!IF Yu.V star-shi vet---
rinarnyy v-rach
The ANZh--2 truck-mounted liquid manure spreader for the control
of bloodsucking insects. Veterinarlia 39 no.6276-77 Je 162
(MIRA 18&1)
1. Dallnevoutoolmyy nauchno-dssledovatel'skiy veterinarnyy
institut (for Myalo). 2. Volkovskiy myaso-molochnyy sovkhos
Amurskoy oblasti (for Fomin
~ -j. dn ~ lk
, y,. 'I, . , so', r~~ I -
- i u s "~ ' I -
,;- - %, t -c, r, of' n fc, :: '- -, r' ~
Uning garima gl ,)b,-, 11 rt f cr L.Ie Tr - :,, - -- I
rh-Ailtis la swine. Ag 16-3.
Nff--A i7:10",
Dallnevosto::hnTy nui~--hno-Jsz,,!,~do,,aTe'Llgkiy institut.
BAZYLEV, p;rant
P.M., doktor veter. nauk, Y,,
. _#A NO-
Diagnosis of Aujeszkyls disease by the method of diffuse precipita-
tion reaction in agar gel, Veterinariia 42 no.7:16-19 JI 165,
(RIILA 18:9)
1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-kontrollnyy Institut veterinarnykh
XCC NR, AP6015819 (Al N) SOURCE COD.-St UR/0346/6,11;/OM/007/0016/0019
AUTHOR: Bazylev, P. M. (Doctor of veterinary sciences); Fomin, Yuf V. (Aspirant)
ORG: �&Aja Sc ntiflo Contrgl 8~aarstveru
Institute of Veterinary PreDar' on =GC7 IYY
na-uchno-kontro instiEut veterinarnykh preparatov)
TITIZ: Diagnosis of Aujesz!gls disease'~by the method of (jiQusion preciRitation
reactioein agar gel
SOURCE: Voterinariya, no. 7, 1965, 16-19
TOPIC TAGS: serum, antigen, commercial animal, animal disease, virus disease
ABSTRACT: *The authors p'resent the reoults ot an experimental inventigation-of
'the diffusion precipitation test (DPT) on an agar plate as a means of labora-
Itory diagnosis of Aujosz]WIs cLtsease in 14yestock. The organization of this
test requires the follovdng components agar plates (with 1.5% agar), precipia"
tating serumj vi rua-re Lain big antigens (extracts from parenchymatous organs,#
prepared from pancreatic tissue, Iymphatic nodes, spleen, limg, and brain
of sick piglets, hogs, sheep, and rabbits) - The precipitating serum used was
liquid 10% anti-Aujenky's disease globulin as well as dry globulin obtained
7from the 10% rtlobulin by tho lyophilic drying method. Tho agar (25ce) is
(U11.330lVed in Petri diShC3, Whereupon droplets of dissolved agar aro poured
Onto the bottom of the holes punched in agar plates, Ath portions of antigens
then poured into those holes (and with the procipitatihg. serum poured into the
central hole). This is a fairly simple yet effective test Miich does not r-a-
iquire intricate laboratory equipment. Fuathomorej it establis;-iod that
Card 112- -UDC: 619:616.K8.23-077.3h
MOMOM - - -1. -..- - 11 - - - ---, - ~. .. I- ~. %~, ~ -1 , . . .- I- . , .- i ~ %- I. .I
.. extracts of lymph nodes or of the pancreas ind -chlor~oform-treated saline
solution arethe most effective antigens for the DPT. These preliminary ex-
1periments indicate that the DPT employing agar gel is a specific and promising
imethod of the laboratory diagnosis of Aujeszky's disease. Before final approval
ican be given, howeverj broader tests of DPT on hog farms are adViBable andj in
Jaddition., a greater amount of data on the lack of nonspecific reactions in the.~!
fpresence of other hog diseases of viral and bacterial etiology (swine fevery
pneumonia# ery6ipelas,'s6pticemia, paratyph~oid) i's needed. Orig. art. has:
2 figures. (JPRS1
SUB CODE: 06, 02 SU13M DATE-. none ORIG RU t 004 OTH W: 003
Card 2/2 14=4) A
ACC NR. AP7001400
SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/,521/6076/u
MMTOR: Smirnov, V. V.; Fomin, Yu. V.; Sudin, A. F.; Maarzenev, M. D.
ORG: none
TITLE: Arc welding attachment. Class 21, No. 187905
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 21, 1966, 76
TOPIC TAGS: arc welding, arc length, automatic arc length control
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces an attachment for arc welding Vnich
includes a welding head and a copying device. To ensure a stable arc length and
to improve the welding quality, the welding head carries an additional argon nozzle
and is connected to a membrane..actuator. The argon jet from the additional nozzle
Fig. 1. Welding attachment
I - Wmbrana actuator; 2 - welding torch;
3 - nozzle; 4 - argon jet.
UDC: 621.791.753.39.03
ACC Ri. "70014UO
serves as the copying device. The change of jet pressure caused by the change in them'
rols the arc length (see Fig. 1)
arc length activates the membrane actuator and cont
Orig. art. has; 1 figure*
SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATE: 02Apr65/ ATD PRESS: 5111
LCSrd - 2