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"Detection of i1ol 7ation of Eu ++ in the phosphor SvS-Eu, Sm by the paramagnetic resonance abso t on method." J~A report submitted-40 The Electrochemical Society, 117th Meeting - Chicago, ni., 1-5 MaY 60, Symposium on Luminescence. Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, USSR Acklemy of Sciences. FOX, H. V. and VINOKUROV, L. A. On the Role of a Stimulating Action of Exciting Light in the Luminescence Kinetics of the Crystalline Phosphor ZnS-Cu L. A. Vinokurov and M. V. Fock, P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the U*S.S.Ro.. and Moscow, U.S.S.Re It is shown that electrons' release from traps in ZnS-Cu phosphor by an exciting light leads to decrease of the electron concentration on deep traps with increase of axeitation intensitye After renoving the excitation,, the distribution of electrons over traps gradually approaches equilibrium distribution. A flesh under the action of an infrared light is determined mainly by release of electrons from deep levels. Therefore the above effects may be detected by measuring the value of the flash under different intensities of afterglow and at variOU3 stages of decayo Report presented at the 117th Meeting of the Electrochmical Society, Chicagot 1-5 may 1960. AUTHORS: TITLE: 38052 R S/05l/6o/ooq/oo6/oll/O18 E201/E314 Georgobiani, A.N. andZ2!S-~- Principal Peaks of Electroluminescent Brightness Waves- PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroslcopiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp.-775 - 781 TEXT! The auth~3rs studied ZnS:Cu:Al Dhosphors with 10-3 S-atom/g-moie Cu ana 10-' S-atom/g-tnalo Al. An oscillogram or the electroluminescent brightness (Curve II) is shown together with an oscillogram of-the exciting sinusoidal voltage (Curve I) in Fig. 1. The brightness consists of an alternating compannt, known as the brightness wave, and a constant component denoted by B -.The brightness wave has a principal peak, denoted by ~A during each half-period of the exciting'voltage. Under some conditions a subsidiary peak (6) appears in the brightness wave; this peak is usully weaker than the principal peak. The two peaks are resolved better when\the exciting voltage waveform is trapezoidal .(Figs. 2, 3). Fig. 4 shows positions of the' principal brightness peak as a function of.the Card 1/1 S/051/6o/oo9/oo6/o11/ol8 Principal Peaks of .... E201/E314 amplitude of voltage pulses. Figs. 5, 6, 7 give the "critical voltage" as a function of the front rise-time of voltage pulses (Fig- 5), and as a function of temperatures (Figs. 6 and 7). By the critical voltage the authors mean the voltage which empties even the deepest localization levels in the phosphor. The form of the brightness waves showed that, at high applied voltages, electrons were liberated primarily by electric fields. At low applied voltages electrons were freed by collision ionization (at low temperatures) or by tunnelling through p,9t.ential barriers (at high temperatures). The optical phonon energies and th6 energy depths of local levels in ZnS were found from the values of the critical field intensities at which complete liberation of trapped electrons occurred. The optical phonon energies found in this way were in good agreement with values deduced from the vibrational structure of the "edge luminescence" spectrum. The level depths agreed with the donor -depths found from the equilibrium density of free electrons in ZnS:Cu crystals. Card 2/1 __7 Principal Peaks of Ilite. 1. Ocipmorpabom UPHOOT11 DJIOI(TPO.IIOIIHIIOCItOHIkIIII (11) 11 noa6picAmmaro... m4npmitc. There ar(i 7 figures, 2 tables and 13 references: and 7 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: May 26, 196o Fig. 2: Fig. I r -\j 6 Soviet Card 3/f S/051/6o/ooq/oo6/oii/oi8 E201/B314 V Pite. 2. 0owumoi-Immuk iipiwcrit ').IOHTP0.110MHIICCItOItIIFIII 111111 Tphtto- mionitimom aoa6ymAajomem jinnim- MPI(Mr. r 86265 S/053/60/072/003/002/004 (0 0 BoivBo56 AUTHOR: 129K-X-1L- TITLE, Electroluminescence PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 19601 Vol. 72, No. 3, pp. 467 - 478 TEXT: In the introduction, the author briefly dAscuases lumines'-'ence 4~n general, mentioning Vavilov and Cherenkov. It it3 known -!.hat that kird of luminescence is described as electrjlum-~neq-.encte, which ,he lumines- VY cent body receives its energy from an eli-.otric field. The intarr-alaticii between photoluminescence, cathodoluminescenc~s, X-raj-lumin"-s,~sr.:;e, and electroluminescenoe is pointed out, which consists in the lumirop-hores being induced to luminesce by various excitations. The followlng three questions arise when investigating slectrolumineacence: 1) Where do the free charges come from which are acc6lerated in the electrio field? 2) In what manner and where do these charges get their en~--Ey the electric field and transmit them to the lumines3en:e 3) At what moment does de-excitation take place,and how is it reguiatrd? For. the Card 1/3 86265 Electroluminescence S/053/60/072/003/002/004 B019/BO56 purpose of observing luminescence, the methods suggested by 0. V,. Losev (Ref-1) and Destriau (Ref.2) are described. The observation of 111mi-nos.- cence at p-n-junctions during the current passage is dis~,uased. At the Pizicheskiy instAtut A.N SSSR im. P. N. Lebodeva of Physics of the AS USSR imeni P. N. Lebedev) experiments on zinf. rjulfid~--s wore carried out in the course of the recent five years undc-r the supervision of V. V. Antonova-Romanovskiy at the LaboratorLya I.m. S. I. Vavilova (Laboratory for Luminescence imeni S. I, Vavilov). At thq same time, similar experiments were carried out by T. 1. Voznsaenskaya, R. M. Medvedova, Ye. I. Panasyuk, and Z. A. Trap6zn.ikova. This work Is briefly discussed and among others, V. Ye. Orarovsk-ly, V. S. Trofimov, A, N. Georgobian, Ye. Ye. Bukke, and L. A. Vinoku~,,r~ are mertlionsd. The results of these investigations indica*.!~, that els-.;troIumines:sn-E- actual- ly is a self-regulating process, and that this ragulat_-or. takes placte by changing the electron quant-Ity; whiah takes part ir the lumine:scenoe. The considerable increase of brightness with an inorease of "he &pplied voltage is connected with an imp~rovewent of the i~ondil'~ions for ar, ac- celeration of the electrons as well as with the ircrease of -the number of the electrons taking part ir- the lu-minescence. Experiments carried Card 2/3 86265 Electroluminescence S/053/60/072/003/00,"/004 B019/ "056 out on pulverulent electroluminophores, in whioh knowledge of electro- luminescence is still very incomplete, indicate that apart from external, the latter possess also internal electron sources. Herefrom it would fol- low that brightness as a function of voltage would depend not only on the number of electrons participating in lumines,7ence, but also on the conditions of their acceleration in that crystal range, in which the V/ non-ionized luminescence centers exist. Finally, the importance of study- ing luminescence for solid body physics on the one hand and for technical engineering on the other is pointed out. B. T. Fedyushin and B. A. Khmelin are mentioned. There are 3 figures and 35 references: 21 Soviet, 4 German, and 7 US- Card 3/3 FOX, M. V. Electrolumineseence. Usp. fiz. nauk 77 no.3s467-478 N 1150. (KRA 16:8) (Electrolumineseence) - - -- -FOK-M V - - 002210V-A-9-- V. 1.-, red.;-SVESMUKOV, A.A.,,-toklm. red.- - - (Theory of electroluminoseent image convertors] Tooriia elektro- liuminestsentnykh proobrazovatelei izobrazheniia. Moskva, Izd- VO "Sovetskoe radio," 1961. 50 P. (KIRA 15:2) (Photoelectric cells) GBORGOBUNI-p A.N.; FOKp M.V. Process determining the voltage dependence of the man bri .ghtness of electroluminescence. Opt. i spektr. 10 no.2:188-193 P 161. (MM U.: 2) (IA-i soence) VINOKM~Wp ~,Aq F1DKt M,V. Role of the stimu-'ating action of excitation light in the kinetics of the liminescence of the crystal phosphor ZnS-Cu, 0 t i qelctr, 10 noo2tR25-231 F.161. %R; 3-4:2) (phosphors) (Luminescence) a VINOKUROV, L.A.; FOK,_M.V. Determining the depth of electron traps in W Lhosphors bry the flash occurr1W under ths action of infrared light. Opt*'i spektr. 1U no.3:374-378 Hr 163., (MIRA 14:8) (Electrons-44pture) (Infrared rays) (Zinc sulfide) GEORGOBIANI, A.N,;-FOK, M.V. - Dependence of the phase of brightness waves of electroluTrineseence on the parameters of the exciting voltage. OptA spektr. -11 no.1:93-97 JTl 161. (IMA 14: 10) (luminescence) 24416 S/051/61/011/001/003/00(3 It. 3 E036/E435 ll-c-a -0 i AUTHOR; Fok, M.V. TITLE: On the relation between the blue and green luminescence bands of ZnS--Cu under electroexcitation PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroakopiya, 1961, Vol.11, No.1, pp.98-104 TEXT: An approximate theoretical ca-lculation is carried out for the recombination interaction between the blue and green luminescent centres of ZnS-Cu in the presence of an alternating electric field. It is shown that the field*markedly complicates the- observed phenomena. The author had'previously shown that for optical excitation the ratio of the brightness of the blue and green bands is determined by exchange of holes between the blue and green luminescent centres. In the present work the individual crystals are assumed divided into three regions under the action of the field. In the first region there is a space charge, the centres being ionized and the electrons dispersed. In the second region there is hardly any field but there may be many ionized' centres created in the preceding half period of the alternating field with which the electrons from the first region recombine. These two regions change places in the succeeding half cycle and* Card 1/3 24416 S/051/61/011/001/003/006 On the relation between the blue ... Z036/E435 give rise to the alternating light component whilst the centre region,in which there is no field and few ionized centres, gives the constant component. The field tends to remove holes from region I to the boundaries and inhibits the hole transfer between centres. In the second region the transfer is inhibited by the presence of free electrons. The third region is neglected as its contribution to the total luminescence Is small. A system of kinetic equations is set up for the first two regions noting that the final conditions in one region provide the initial conditions when this region alternates with the other region. In region one recombination of electrons with the ionized centres is neglected because of the high electron energy and small effective recombination cross-section; also the hole concentration is taken as constant. In the second region both electron recombination and variation of hole concentration with time must be taken into account, but the electron concentration is assumed constant as they enter from "he fira-t region. Expressions can then be obtained for the concentration of ionized blue and green centr-es- as a funct�on bf time and the ratio of brightness of the bands calculated'in terms Card 2/3 2A.16 S/051/6i/oli/oof 03/006 On the rclation between the blue ... E036/E435 of trap parameters. The complicated'expression is then simplified for particular cases. Thus for small excitation intensities the ratio of the blue to green intensities is the same as for photo excitation. Inserting parameters previously evaluated from photo excitation experiments (Ref.l: Opt. i spektr., 2, 475, 1957) the expression can be simplified and it is seen that the rntio of intensities at large excitation levels is frequency sensitive but almost independent of excitation level in accordance with the observed behaviour. By comparison w1th the observed frequency dependence ratios of recombination level parameters are estimated and it is deduced that the presence of the field increases the probability of hole liberation by 5 to 6 orders. The theory cannot, however, be regarded as established because of the approximations, the lack of independent checks on parameters and comparison with experiment has only beer. effected for one sample. Ye.Ye.Bukke made available some of his experimental results. There are 3 figures and 5 references, all Soviet. SUBMITTED: August 10, 1960 Card 3/3 2- V, 3 "5,6 0 AUTHOR: Fok, M. V, TITLE, Electroluminescence 293W S/053/61/075/002/003/007 B125/B102 PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, v. 75, no. 2, 1961, 259-261 TEXT: This is a condensed report on a lecture delivered at a seminar meeting of the Fizi-cheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, AS USSR) on March 28, 1961 in memory of S~ I. Vavilov. The main part of this lecture was published already earlier (Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, v. 72, no. 3, 1960, 467). According to A. N. Georgobiani and M. V. Fok (Optika i spektroskopiya 9, 775 (1960); 1 M, 187 (1961)), the greatest depth of electron traps inv';'1ved in ZnS electroluminescence is - 0.7 ev. The total number of electrons accumulated in the traps and migrating in the crystal is determined by the tunnel effect at all temperatures, These electrons originate either from the conductive phase (e,g,, Cu S on the surface of crystallites) or from the 2 ZnS lattice itself. A strong electric field is capable of liberating both Card 1/2 ky 29 3:1'%~ S/053/61 '/075/002/003/007 Electroluminescence B125/B102 electrons and holes from the traps According to M. V, Fok (Optika i spektroskopiya 11, 98 (1961)), the frequency dependence cf the ratic of the '~-blue band to that of the green band is ue to the ell-10-It intensity of th of the electric field on recombination. The yield can be increased bothby loy.ering the concentration of radiationless recombination centers and by increasina the orobability of hole trapping by luminesc=-nce centers, V M. Bonch-Bruyevich et al. (Optika i spektroskoDiya. 1), 87 (1)61 carried out microscoDic examinations of brightness wnves in blue Find green luminescence bands on excitation by square pulses, When the external electric field vanishes, the liberation of electrons from traps and their flow int-a the region of highly concentrated ionized luminescence centers art. interrupted. No such phenomenon occurs in the blue band. This discrepancy, which becomes distinct at pulses shorter than 30 Psec. is due to recombination interaction of luminescence centers and can be explained by V, Vv Antonov-Romanovskiylsdiffusion theory of Iumine,9cence (Trudy FIAN 2, vyp 2-3. 157 (1943)), T. P. Belikova and M, D. Galanin (Tzv, AN SSSRj ser-, fiz, 25, 364 (1961)) found different attenuation rates of blue and p,roen bands in one and the snrre intorval even if a opark of very shortdurit- tionwac;c,xcitedbylie,,htoralplin particles. There are 7 Scviet references, Card 2/2 jr 5-60 AUTHORS: TITLE: ~Yol~u S/051/62/013/001/011/019 E039/E42O Vinokurov, L.A., Fok. M.V. The final stages of tho'build-up of the blue an *d green luminescence bands of ZnS-Cu, Cl phosphor PERIODICAL: Optika i spekti~oskopiya, v.13,no .1, 1962, 118-1,23 TEXT: Kinetic equations for the build up of the blue and green luminescence bands in ZzxS-Cu are set up and a theory developed on the basis of recombination interactions in luminescence c ntres. Experiments were pgrformed on the phgsphors: ZnS-Cu (10-9 g/S oq), NaCl, ZnS-Cu (10- g/S eq), Co (10- Z/g eq) and four samples of so-called self-activated ZnS phosphors; these rely on a very smail amount of Cu impurity for their luminescence. All the data presented refers to measurements at room temperature. Curves are plotted for log (1 - I/I00) against time for the blue and green bands; the distance between them is equal to log i.e. if is constant the curves are parallel. When the excitation proceeds in the presence of infrared light the build up Card 1/2 ~y S/051/62/013/001/011/019 The final stages E039/E420 is faster. This is due to the increased*probability of freeing electrons. 11 in three cases has values between 2 and 3.5 which VV compares with the predicted value.. In the case of self activated ZnS the blue and green bands build up at the same rate. It is suggested that this is caused by a.weakening of recombination interaction at luminescence contras. Variations in the- values of obtained experimentally are thought to be due to non- uniformity of the phosphors. In general, the build-up of intensity of the-blue and green bands follow different laws only in the initial and middle stages, and follow the same law as they ' approach equilibrium. Further experiments are required using samples prepared under different cond:Ltions:in order to check the extent of the validity of the calculations for self activated ZnS. There are 4 figures. SUBMITTED: June 7, 1961 Card 2/2 --E& M.V. . opt. i spektr. 13 On the ideal thermal BOurce Of light' (MIRA 16:3) ~0-41612-613 0 '620 (Electric laMP0) f 0,9 42194 0,0 S/051/62/013/oo4/009/023 E039/E491 AUTHORS: Goorgobiani, A.N., L'vova, YO.Yu.,,�ok,-N-V-- TITLE; Absorption of energy in electroluminescence PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v-13, no.4, 1962, 564-568 TEXT: Measurements are made of the energy absorbed from the electric field applied to an electroluminescent condenser 'when a. sinusoidal exciting voltage is used. These measurements are of importance in the study of processes occurring in luminescent materials and are of practical value in determining the usefulness of luminescent materials as light sources. The current waveform pr-oduced by the applied sinusoidal voltage is markedly non-sinusoidal. Instantaneous and average values of the power absorbed are obtained by means of a galvanometer oscillograph method and the average values are compared with values obtained by means of bridge measurements. The accuracy of relative power measurements using the oscillograph is 5% and for absolute values 12("/. ju The minimum value of power measured is 0.008 mW for 50 V applied'and the maximum is 100 mW for 1000 V applied. The power wavefornt is also nonsinunoidal and the nonlinearity increases with Card 1/2 S/051/62/013/oo4/oo9/023 Absorption of energy ... E039/E491 increasing voltage. The ZnS-Cu,Al as well as the ZnS-Cu from two other sources used all contained chlorine and were in layers 0.03 to 0.04 mm thick. Measurements were made at room temperature using a 50 cycle voltage supply. A (t)D- Y 19 (FEU 19) photomultiplier calibrated against a thermopile was used for measuring luminescent energy yields giving a relative accuracy of 650' and an absolute accuracy of 3031~0- As the voltage is increased, the electroluminescence yield passes through a maximum -1% of the*absorbed power for voltages of 200 to 275 V, comparable for all the phosphors. The bridge method gives a value of the yield some 255% lower than that determined by the oscillograph method. Maximum light efficiencies are 8 to 9 lumens/watt. The results are compared with theory and good agreement obtained. There are 4 figures. SUBMITTED: July 21, 1961 Card 2/2 0499, s/o5l/62/0l3/oo6/ol9/027 E039/El2O AUTHORS: Fok, M.V., and Fridman, S.A. TITLEi Relation between the rate of decay and the luminescence- yield under strong excitation PERIODICALt Optika i mpektroakopiya, V-13, no.6, 1962, 869-871 TEXT: The introduction of*a quenching agent to accelerate the initial phosphorescent decay produces a.reduction in the initial intensity. Tests are made to-determine a quantitative connection between the rate of decay.and the luminescent yield. The initial decay is determined not by recombination but by the transition of electrona from deep traps. This reduction in intensity follows an exponential law: 6 1W2T t, I e 61 + 62 M_ where 61 and 62 are the probabilities of trapping electrons in deep and shallow. traps. The luminescent yield from a phosphor with two types of trap is given by: Cq~rd 1/ 2 'Relation between the rate'of decay... S/051/62/013/oo6/ol9/027 E039/El2O PlW6l PlW62 (2) TW- .16 PW26 where and p.1 are recqmbination coefficients of free electrons and holes; 6 is the probability of trapping free holes; W1 , W2 and W are the probabilities of liberating electrons from deep and shallow traps, and holes from ionised luminescence centres. From this the followini expression is derivedg T, pW,6 Wl~ (W2Ttn (3) no - 1 ~71- - o-gn W62 + W 2 ~71 I) where no is the value of I at 6 0, i.e. without a quenching agent. This in voriVied experimentally using zinc sulphide and zinc cadmium sulphides. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTED: June 4, 1962 Card 2/2 ROPOW-rall An- S10481621026100410041014 B104/BI02 AUTHOR. Fok, M. V. TITLF,s Particularities of luminescence under the action of an electric field PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Ser."ya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no- 4, 1962, 463 - 467 TEXTt By way of introduction it is noted that thermal radiation and luminescence are statistical phenomena. A heat-emitting body is in thermodynamic equilibriump but is not when luminescing. This difference makes it impossible to distinguish the various kinds of luminescence from: other types of lightemission. It is shown that photoluminescence differs~; from light scattering only in its duration. In the first stage of electrol'uminescenco, excitation energy is taken from the electric field. In the second stage there occurs de-excitation which is called photo- luminescence. The eleotrolumineseence of solids has much in common with that of gases. In both cases, electrodes may be the sources of electron8t which may also lie inside the substance. Arc discharges may also take Card *1/2 S/048/62/026/004/004/014 Particularities of luminescence... B100102 place in solids, in which case luminescence is not produced by heat. Space charge, eloctric field strength, and the course of discharge are of. groat importance for electrolumineecence. The most essential differencee between the electroluminescence in gases and that in solid semiconductors are as followat (1) Solid semiconductors possess two types of highly mobile carriers (holes and electrons), whereas gases have only one type (electrons); (2) fixed charges exist in the traps of solids; (3) free carriers in semiconductors can be produced by the tunnel effecti (4) in semiconductors, radiationless recombination occurs more"frequently than in gases. Electroluminescence is classified according to the kind of electric discharge. The results obtained for one object (powdered semi- conductor) should be extended to another object (single crystal of the same semiconductor) with great care.* Card 2/2 t!1429 EWT (1)/EWG (k)/Mq/EW (b)-2 AFFTG/&SD/Z3D-3 rz-4 AT/IJP(0 ACCESSICH MRt AP3001263 3/0181/6)/005/006A489AA951 ;AUTHORt TI TLE tWidth of the forbidden band and the effective ionlo charge in the crystla lattice of W SOUCEI rizika tverdogo telap Vii 5, no, 61,1963s 1489-14S5 ~TOPIC TAM ionic charge, forbidden bend, &S,, electron, polaron, ionic polarita- tion .ABSTRIXTi The author undertook this study because of lack of any available :reliable data on difference between optical vidth and thermal width of the forbi~l- don band in the crystal lattice of ZnS affectod by ionic polarization. He used two met'W3 to arrive at this value. From the literature he obtained values to con- struct a graph abowing dependence of aboorpticn coefficient on energy of quanta, end by extrapolation to zero he obtained a value of 3.9 10.2 ev for the optical Tridth of the forbidden band. From his own experizental work he plotted a graph for dependence of current on temperaturet and from this obtained a value of 3.2 + 0.2 ev, for the thermal width or the forbidden band,. The difference by this tocbnique thus proves to be. 0.7 + 0.4 ev. Considering that the differonce befteen thermal Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR- 1" 001263 and optical anerv values neceasery to free eleotrana from traps has precisely t6 same character As the difference in thermal and optical widths of the forbidden band, he determined the difference In width to be 0.55 :t 0*15 67. He ad&,-ts the latter derivation to be suspeott because the electrons (or wholes) rust be localtzed near the defects and must describe orbits of rather large radli around theso def-Dots else ionic polarizatJon of the lattice will not occur. By roMmting frequencies of longitudinal and trans-verse optical phonons In the lattice c)f ZnS, the author deterndned values for effective ionie chargef the average velue being 0.5 :t I tines the charge of an electron. The author concludes that the displacement of each ion of S during changes in the charge of a Zn ion, beoause of attachment of an alectron. to the Zn, gives birth to one longitudinal and one tranaverso phonon. But bocaus the value of difference between optical and thermal width of the forbidden band io still known with too little precision, the conclusion is only tentative. "In con" clusion I express my, thanks to Xe. A. Konorova for her valuable commients.p Orig. art. hast 2 figures and 15 formulas. ASSOCIATIM none SUMUTTEDs 26Apr62 DATE ACQt OlJul63 ENCLi CO SUB COM PH FO REF SM 007 OMRs, 007, Cord 2/2 OV MV1, FOKJ M.V. Forbidden band with and effective charge in the crystal lattice of ZnS. Chekhosl fiz zhurnal 13 no.2:99-10Q 163. 1. Physical Institute, Academy of Sc~phces of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. L 13lo2-63 EWT(1)/MS AFFTOIABDISSD ---ACCESSION KR- AP300 3416 S/0051/63/015/001/0095/0099 V AUTHOR- Ceorgobiani.A, Llvova.Ye.Yu.; Vok. M,V, TXTLE: Temperature dependence of the electroluminescence yield 53 SOURCE: Optika i spektroakopiya, v.15, no.1, 1963, 95-99 TOPIC TAGS: electroiuminescence, ZnS-Cu-Al phosphor ABSTRACT- Earlier the authors (Optika i spektrokopiya,13, 564, 1962 and lbid.,90 775, 1960) investigated the voltage dependence of the clectroluminescence yield of ZnS:bu:Al phosphor filled capacitors. In the present work, using the same ex- perimental technique (described in the first reference) they investigated the te:r-! perature dependence and the voltage dependences at diSferent temperatures of the electroluminescence of the same phosphors. The phonon mechanism is considered. Curves for the energy the phosphor-filled capacitor as a fun'ction of. the voltage for T = 1140K and 4000K are given; as are plots of the electroluminc:5- cence yield versus voltage at 114, 294 and 399OX, and absorb,3d energy, electro- luminescence brightness and yield as a function of the tempcratur~ (see EnclosurL. 1). The authors arrive at the following empirical formula for the brightness- Card L 13102-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3003416 L 0 M DO M where T is the temperature, V is the voltage and b1 is a coistficient. The general, conclusion Is that the electroluninescent cell is a rat her complicated electric system and that consequently a more precise model is ne cessary to obtain better agreement between theory and experiment. Orig,art.hns: 8 formulas, I table and' 4 figures. ASSOCIATION; none SUMMED: 26Jul62 DATZ ACQ-. 30Ju163 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 006 OnMR: 000 24-2-- Card q) S,10051/63/015/002/02411/0252: 1, ACCESSION NR: AP3005849 V o znep2no aZa T I Pok H.V .72u &a9 or prepared by an electrolytic proce -13: Orange Zq. duro TITL ph SOURCE: Op~ik~' illpek~r skopi~a, v.15, no.2, 1963, 249-!152 TOPIC TAGS: phosphor synthesli, -znswu.acl zinc sulfide _jjABSTRACT: ~Tho electrolytic technique for preparing phossphors has the. advantage_.;I r i't at I =port h t allows of introduaing~ a single type of Impurity ions, which is I anL;j" ng luminescence centers.- The electrolytic tealinique was :first ample for studyi y -by I.S.Andreyev, L.V.Zy*rina and G.B.Arzuman'Yan (Izv.AN Uzb.SSR, No.4,83,1901),' electrolytic procedur* wal used in the present study for preparing ZnS-C Ph The a L ::phors without'Cl. It consisted of the following: luminescence pure ZnS, treatei beforehand ia.hydrogen sulfide at'9000C to eliminat zine sulfate, was loaded in~d, ;:.a 6 mm diameter quartz tube between spectroscopic grads graphite electrodes ~Cu the Enclosure); 6 3 mm, thick."plug" of previously prepayed groon-luminscing ZnS i (10-4 g/g), Cl or a ~batch~bf flux-free ZnS_Cu (10-4 gle, mix was packed in the den t ter of the main charge (3 in Fig.lip). The whole tube was then placed in a quar z, j i Card L V? ACCESSION KR: AP3006849 th6'1 j test tube from which the air.'was displaced by dry and oxygen-f ree argon, and - : ~- L whole assembly was heated in'a furnace to 10600C for 12--15 hours, while passing; a, uurrent between the electrodes. The initial current vats 2 mA, but this Madually z~_ Increased to 8 mA. For control purposes a similar specimen was prepared without-, -passage of current. -The specimens prepared with passage of curront luminosced.'An orange band (2 mm or more wide, depending on the heating time) appeared near the). cathode. The "plug"-did not luminesce. The zinc sulfide at the anode lumine C4; 1 blue, when: the "Plug" "contaifted Nacl flux. The control specimen did not exhibit this behavior. The luminescence spectrum of the ZnS-Cu varied somewhat, depending on the electrolysis time. 'A number of variant experiments were performed. ~ In ad-.i dition to studying the luminescence centers formed by diffusion, the authors In-i Vestigated the trap depths (the orange phosphor has few shallow traps). The efztt I of oxygen was also studied. The question of the chemical structure of the phos~ phors remains open, but the experimental results suggest that While'tormation o -i green centers is connected with the presence-of lattice defects. he formation of, orange centers is not. Orig. art. has; 3 figures and 3. table. ASSOCIATIONi none SUBMITTED.-,06Dec= -DATE, ACQ; 06Sep63 EWL- 01 SUB CODE: PH, CH ino REF BOY: 002 OTHER. 003 11 2 t Card !L 17180~63 AMGAsD ASP 3AJP(.d)/,cSD T ~.ACCESSXON NR: AP30058U- S/0051/63/016/002/0266/0268 ALMIOR: Goorgobiani, A.N L'yova, Ye.Yu.., F9k. M.V. TITLE: Relation betwoon tile phases of the current, power absorbed-and brightness t in,clectroluminesconco. 4 4 'SOURCE: Optika I spektroskopiya, v.15, no.2,1963, 266-268 TOPIC TAGS: clectroluminesconcoo- brightness wave,;, lumin&cont rapacitor 411 .1, 1 -ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the same electroluminescont capacitors as ear-;, -(A-. N.--Georgobiafti -and- MON.-Fok~-Opt.--i-- s-p0ktro-.-,-- 9 --- 7'$-- 1960y wfing at-circilit- w'th and without a compensating capacitance. The luminescence.was excited by a 50~ 1cps. s inusoidal voltage V-at-rcom temperature. A loop oseXllograph was used to re- :icor~d,tho instantaneous values of V, the current 1, the power.W absorbed-,by the ca-~ ''pacitor, and the brightness B of the emitted electrolumineacence. A typical group of oscillograms is shown in the Enclosure. Analysis of the oacillograms recorded undor -different bonditions; ..(mainly changes in compensating capacitance altering thal phase difference between the'voltage and current) indicates that the relation be-, t 'don the phases or instant& of1the crest values of.V-,,l 1v W and,B can, 11/3 Card- L ACCESSION KR. AP3005852 isatisfactorily with the. aid of the concepts rega rding kinetics of electrol urd- indscence proposed in earlier papers by the authors (above reference, A.K.Georgobia-I !ni and U.V.Fok. Optk i spektro.,11, 93, 1961, and A.N.Goorgobinni, Ye.Yu.Llvova and Pok, Ibid. 13, 564, 1962) al tr ec ans are released primarily in the rogions.of.- lmdximum Tiold, which are located in the immediate proximity of the electrodes; elec- Itioluminesconce appears when these electrons arrive in the region of high concent-ra 'tion of ionized centers, In line with these concepts the brightness mustAttain'..t lits peak value before the current does,~which is borne but by the experimental, -curves. 3 formulas and 3 figures. 'ASSOCIATION: none 'StMMITTED. 19Jan63 DATHACQ:, MopW ENCL~ 01 SMY CODE: PH NO REF SOVt'- -003 0MR-1-000 C' rd 2/3 L 191,52-63 171.7 T(m)/!R(B)/BDS -AMCIASDIIJP(C)ISSD JD hCCESSION NR:. AT3002232 S/2941/63/001/000/0263,/0267 1ITiibRS: Vinokurov, L. A. -*j Fok,.M. V.- Dependence of luminescence brightness in.ZnS-Cu, Lo phosphors on Cu and Co -concentration 7 SCURCE; Optika i spektroskopiya; sbornik statey.iv. 1: Lyuminestsentsiya. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 263-267 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, brightness, excitation, activator ABSTMCr: A study has been made to determine the experimental verification of a i,. theoretical prediction in which luminescence brightness is considered proportional to the excitation intensity. The luminescenge brightness of several thin layers of luminophors with Cu concentrdtions of 10-9 to 16-5 gm/gm and Co concentration of 0. 3XIO-7 to .10-2 gm/gm were measured in a region where the theoretical assump- tions were considered valid. The US samples contained NaCl melt and were bO^ thick. The test was carried at 140C. The average standard deviation of the wasured brightness from the calculated values was less than 13.00'. Orig. art. has: 11 formulas, 1 figure, and 1 table. Card. 1/2 L 19482-63 ACCESSION NR: AT3002232 ASSOCRTION:, none , SUBMITTED:' 120ct6l DATE ACQs' 19May6.1 SUB CODE: PH NO REP SOll:' 005 Card 2/2 L.,194 85-63 E'JT(l)19'.r,?(q)1!MT (m~/E`,7,P(B)/BDS AFFTd/ASD/IJP('C ISSD JD ACCESSTON NIR: AT3002236 3129 4 11631001,A00102 8 5102 8 9 AUTHOR~: Vinokurov, L.. A. Fok, 11. V. 0oo >e d Card 1/2 ACCESSION RRI AP50LU20 b-,,, electrons, the authors compaxed the kincticis of the red luminence-nce, an one bAnd, amd that of blie and green luminescence on the other. Ille rssuitj ladicate A iv-minescence occure only in the pTecenc~ of frmi hoien tha' c&n re- -vk * _ I~j _ f 1 4 ett 1,6 ~Y donor loy -,,5. Oms -:ap-y-r_ Crr,.F,. mr-~. rvljl; "k t None T, 00981-66', zIT(J% ....... JACCE-S-6-IO-N-7n: AP5016175 UR/0051/65/018/006/1024A030- 1 535.376 !AUTHOR: ZQL_X"Y_- TITIX., Energy yield and mechanism of electroluminescence ISOURCE: Optika I spektroskopiya, v. 18, no. 6, 1965, 1024-1030 ITOPIC TAGS: electroluminescence, recombination luminescence, iadiative recombin- lat16n, semiconductor 'barid structure, impact ionizatiofi, tunnel effect ABSTRACT: Three possible mechanisms for excitation of electroluminescence are con- sidered: 1 )impact ionization (or impulse excitation), where the electrons (or holes) which are accelerated In a strong field acquire sufficient energy for ioniza-1 tion (excitation) of luminescence centers or for ionization of the basic lattice thez (i.e.,for transfer of electrons from the valence band to the conduction band; 2) tunne.L effect (Zener effect), where electric field-induced electron emission takes ;place from the luminescence centbr levels or from the valence band to the conduction: 'band; 3 ), I,njection of minority charge carriers through a p-n junction connected in I ard 1/3 L 00981-60" IACCESSION NR: AP5016175 ;the forward direction, where the electrons in the n-region and the holes in the p- .region travel toward each other and give off radiation as they recombine after meet_'~ I ing in the junction region. Only the third mechanism gives a high electrolumi- rI nescence energy yield. -The greatest efficiency in this case is reached when the P.! a e -, po -difference in volt is-equal to the wid-ri; of the-forbidden-z li d Tential- s one in p the semiconductor in electron volts. The reason for this is that each electro_n-ohole' ,recombination precedes transferrence of a charge equal to that of the electron ithroughout the entire impressed difference in potentials. As the voltage is in- peased past this optimum point, the brightness of the luminescence increases while efficiency decresses; since the energy of the emitted quanta depends only slightly on the applied potential difference. For this reason, the area of the luminous sur-1 face must be increased instead of the brightness in order to increase the luminous 1 iflux. The most efficient devices for this purpose would be electroluminescent capa-~ 1citors made up of a thin sublimated layer of an electrophosphor coated on both side&, !with dielectric films a few molecules-thick, i.e. of the order of 10 A, placed be- 1tween a metal electrode and a conducting glass plate and operating at an a-c or d-c ;potential o,~': the order of-a few volts. The phosphor should have a base with an ab- !sorption edge on the border between the visible and ultraviolet regions; i.e.,the !width of the forbidden zone should be about 3 ev, since a wider forbidden zone i Card 2/3 L 00981-66 (ACCESSION NR: AP5016175 Icauses an unnecessary increase in the energy used for creating free electrons and 'holes, and radiation in the blue portion of the spectrum would be impossible with I A narrower forbidden zone, Orig. art. has:* 2 figures. (141 ASSOCIATION: none IfiUBmiTTED: o4may64 ENCLi 00 SUB CODE: OP, SS i9o REP SOV! 000 OTHER; 002 ATD PRMS:,Y0q 1 d Aft"A RT 41-- ~!a-K MV ~Z-! m rx'm VOW WIMI-N J %t 5 Q ai ;,!T . I =Ae -c e1cctroluminescence intertsity was -,iven by a s4z--`Iar -or-,17~ulz2 but w-', a of the con3tant No rectificattion, ~1-,,,;cv ol, of tha 3--*--~------------ Cori ACCESSION :U!: AP5010816 th d ic I a ctric -Su-'-Pems i0ni ais i,-- durin -I Ita at tj equivalent Circuit consislir-!-T of a Constant r'~Z.slist'zt-,CU t 44 vok, I%J.V. - Ghukova, YU. P. f an electro- To erature dependence of the rectified current o i-Im,jy6scant capacitor . L A v.'55, no.6, 1159-114-4- -hurna, teldmicheskoy fiziki, t~mnel eff-,,-t, -Mcation, Zinc Sul 'rL:8 -urrent In an electrcl'uffLnC~Sce Cord 1/3 aMN AC,Q"ESS'LON- NR: AP50-15640 theory of L.V.Kledysh (ZhSTF 34,962,1958) conceminE the role of pho- In thp Production of electmn-hole pairs by a -qt-,, n~ eI.~ctric e 1n,7eqt-i,7ated temper%ltur,-z "D v it-,'Ls vil-ue of the electric field is in agreement. aptla of A. on t7~, an~'. Z.Guereigh f:~Ipctrnl-m-lnmcence, but of -,ektr.4,'! -,o t-~icy ,~e pi-~s t -Io I)arrje, 3 a harrier is 10- ,U9 rinil t',Pr -Tn Iz- it is of the order 011, Ir FrBtitude to L.V.Keldysh f o a iL 119cu5sion of tFe results." Card 21-0 ziche!3kly Institul. IrTlerl P.Mljo~rAvvi AN SSSR') E14CL: 00 S 177B C DE 37-.---L77,D: 14Apr64 REF L'Zov: 005 Ccsrdv3 OTHER: 00 lm L 10670-66 - MUM - IJP(c) AT ACC NRs AP5028322 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/65/035/011/2065/2066 q E), 5i 57 ty it, r. '~"- AUTHOR: Fok, M.V.; Chukova, Yu. P. ORO- PhysicsInstitute Im. P.N.h (Fizichoskiy Institut Im. P.N. Lobedeva) 21 , W, I 'i TITLE: Frequency dependence of the current rectified by an electroluminescent cavacitor SOURCE: Zhurnal tokhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 11, 1965, 2065-2068 TOPIC TAGS: clectroluminescence, semiconductor rectifier, frequency characteristic, tunnel effect c_j~eL4o, ABSTRACT: The authors have continued their earlier investigations of the current rectified by electroluminescent capacitors (ZhT? 35, 762, 1139, 1965). The rectified current I was previously found to be given In terms of the applied voltage U and the frequency f by the equation I = C exp(-p/Ul/2)/(R;/fp), where C, p, andp are con- stants. The factor R */fP has previously been identified.with the resistance of the c barriers in the heterogeneous layer. Measurements at a number of.different audio frequencies and at potential,voltages from 25 to 160 V :have now revealed a frequency dependence of the parameters. The measurements can be represented, except at the highest voltages, by replf2ing p in the above equation with N + k log f, or by replacing p with po k/U where p0 k, and p. are constants, The significance C.,d 1/2 UDC :535.376 qn L 1067,G-66 ACC NRI APS028322 of these results is discussed briefly. This discussion Involves a relation (not given) between the field inteusity.wtthin the,barrier and the temperature To below which the number of pairs produced by tunneling is not temperature dependent, derived by L.V.Keldysh (ZhETF, 34, 962, 1958), and previous measurements at 50 Hz of To by the authors (loc.cit.supra). It is concluded that different fields are responsible for current rectification and for electroluminescence, and that the field responsible for current rectification is the smaller of the two and Is the only one of them that is frequency dependent. This difference may be associated with the fact that a potential drop of 0.4 eV/sic/ is required for transmission of current, whereas about 3 eV are required for ionization of the luminescence centers. The authors thank -O.A.Toropova for assisting with the measurements. Orig.. art. has: $,formulas and 3 f Igures. SUB CODE! 09 SUBM DATE; O3Uar65/ OHIO. RU: 005 OM REF., 000 ACC NN AUMOR: AP6033437 SOURCE CODE: Bukke.. Ye. Ye.; Vinokurovj,*L. A.; Fokp M. V. ORG: none TITIZ: Band scheme describing the kinetics of photolumineacence of GiC SOURCE: Optika I opektroskoplyn., v. 21p no. 4p 1966j 449-455 TOPIC 'TAGS- photolumineseence.. silicon carbide.. exciton absorption, recombination luminescence.. radiative recombination, light excitation, temperature dependence, N=d. conductor band structure ABSTRACT: The purpose of the Investigation was to asceriain the degree to which SIC doped with nitrogen is governed by the exciton mechanism and what the contribution of the recombination luminescence in, and if the luminescence has a recombination ch&r- acter) to Identify the centers In which the radiative recombination takes place. Several crystals of n-type SIC were investigated, containing nitrogen and unknown acceptor impurities. When excited with 3.4-ev quanta (365 run)p these crystals had weak orange luminescence at room temperature,, which became stronger at 77K., when an additional blue band appeared. The effect of excitation with infrared light (hv - 1 ev), and the dependence of the brightness on the temperature and on'the nitrogen con- centration were also investigated. 7he observed small luminescence yield and most.of the observed phenomena can be mplained if it is assumed that the recombination is by two different centers$ bath of which are acceptors but have different chemical nature. Card UDC: 535-37: W.0 MR 4-3 41204211' L 26488--66- F,4T(1)/F.WA(h)_ ACC 4Ri AP6013067 SOURCE CODE: Ult/0048/66/030/004/0620/0627 ;AU7'AIOR: Xylasov.V.A ; Lyaaichev.I.Ya.o Orlov,I.N.; Pershin.G.G Poterimov.S.V., I iTaborkojli. Fok.M.V. IORG: None TITLE: SOURCE: Problems Involved in the development of ele~troluninescont indicators and imagoi ro.Zgeport, Fourteenth Conference on Luminoscence held in Riua)16-23 September AN SSSH. Izvestiys. Serlys fixicheskays, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 620-627 TOPIC TAGS: real time data display, image converter, olectroluminescence, t4-LP4'W-1 ~_ OA*144;~ 40~~ -.,b AA.+-AZ", Czl-,+AOQ CZC"~.t AJTRACT: The pa0br in devoted to a general discussion of the problems involved in development of electroluminoscent display scroons (matrix screons) and eloctro- luminescent converters of visible and x-ray images. In conjunction with the ~creena it is indicated that current research is aimed at increasing the peak brightness of electroluminescent phosphors (important because the average viewing brightness in a function of the maximum brightness multiplied by the excitation time of a screen element and divided by the interval between successive activatiom) and development Of means for realixation of information stor*Sv on or for the screen. Approaches to enhancement of brightness are Improventent of the composition of phosphors and electro- forming, which involves application of an so or do potantiol to the eltatrolusinesc*nt L 26488-66 ACC NR- AP6013067 capacitor while the binder (paraffin) is solidifying. Realization of storage is con- nocted with development of approapriato control circuitry, Including external storage components. A block diagram of a control circuit for a matrix scroon with external storage is shown in a figure. Research In the field of image convertors is-boing carried out along the lines of Improving the parameters of photoconducting powdered materials in the visible and x-ray regions, theoretical and experimental determination of the optimum operating conditions for converters of different design, design develop- mont and improvement of the technology of image converters. A table gives a series of formulas that should be useful in designing now image converters. Mention is made of work on development of tubes !or converting ultrasonic images to visible images. ! Photographs reproduced-iii the text show a converter image of a 7V test pattern and images of x-ray pictures of now vacuum tubes and electronic components displayed on a 200 cm2 screen. Orig. art. has: 14 formulas and 5 figures. SUB CCDE: 09, 2.0/ am DATZS 00/ ORIG IWI 005/ OM PJW: 004 Card 2/2 ACC NRI AFIOOOO,29 SOURCE-CODE: UII.1100511661o;z i/0o5/o5W/o_ 591 AUTHOR: Vinokurov, L_ ORG: none TITLE: Effect of infrared light on the photoluminescence of SiC-N SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 5, 1966, 568-591 TOPIC TAGS: silicon carbid'e, ir absorption, photoluminescence, luminc.,cence spectrum, impurity level, polmron ABSTRACT: This is' a continuation of earlier work (Opt. i spektr. v. 21, 449, 1966) where a band scheme was proposed to describe the photoluminescence of SiC crystals doped with nitrogen. The authors state that if the scheme propoesed in the earlier paper is valid, then when the sample is exposed to infrared, there should be observed, during the afterglow time, a flash whose spectrum contains the two blue bands ob- served in ordinary light. Experiments have indeed shown that the application of - infrared light eliminates the structure in the spectrum of the blue band. To check the extent to which the sensitivity of the investigated crystals to infrared extends toward longer wavelengths, the authors measured the intensity of the flash as a function of the quantum energies of the infrared light incident on the --ame crystal whose luminescence spectrum was investigated earlier. The results show that the ..sensitivity to infrared has a complicated structure, with a maximum in the vicinity ';"0-34 ev. Curves corresponding to turning on the infrared light 7 and 30 seconds 01 UDC: 535-37 1/2 ACC NR: AP7000029 after the cessation of the excitation are practically parallel, but the 30-second curve drops off more rapidly and has a smaller peak. Dips observed at 0.34 and 0.28 ey corresp6nd to acceptor levels due to boron and aluminum. This agrees.with earlier calculations of the depths of the impurity levels. Comparison with US shows that the polaron energy in SiC is much lower than ZnS. The authors thank. Ye. Ye. Bukka for help with the work. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ Sum DATE: 16jun65/ ORIG REP: 002 Card 2/2 FOK, M. "Bjknd gap and effective charge of ions in the US lattice." %port submitted to the Symp* on Ikudneacenceq Prague.9 Czech* 24-28 Sep 1962. 9-1 ; - . a Ali! 1 J!" : *'* g--g;g- *AV4 o, 4' . 0 4jP 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0-0-W 0 0 0-* I 11, LI A, h F 1i AI I it 1 .1 U 10 Ct L1,1 Lf --00 meohmism at dw ammory-s"dad plWadmilkal Odds"itfprop". i P. No"A"llys", rimal V. va. Mtrrn. Ydak $48. M. OT, in trijuhnot, osktil-. of C#110 + 00. un&r At) Ban- at town temp.. file A1111-4 permlides becornett comt. after - 30 st-t. and amin, ~ I %, v1# liblive C"411136 ps."n): at 1110'. the amt. of jwW.1-.Mv" voool. silts - till we.. trA. be- alm%it 41 -1 absent VAI riman lpmp.. ollAW I.V- W " e at Soul. with Itenakles falling to 1.71%, O.,and On amt. 4 slilrbydes altabibsir W10. The aint'. of pefoxides, plotted as a function of the temp,at a givel inernent (11K) me.). pass through a Inal. at be"ll viberm" tjw mint. of allrbydes inemv% linearly with th, tri"j). HvkkHIJjF, the pnnmry p~% I* the hvris~fi- of 1wromw". N. 11U.11 dwa-IA4I It, L A mIIALLtjPt.1LAk UVE4414,91 C~AWFIWW% .10 all r U AV '0 Ist; r - 14 It a It It It 1:9 It at KkLO a, 9 00000 0960960 0 0 0 ;'a o Ill o 000 09606 so oie * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0' 0090000 000,00 0 111 00 0 0 0 00 00000 00 lee too zoo too - --- - - ---- 'Thotochemically Sensitized Oxidation of Propfuie Using Mercury. 11 Sub 4 Jan 52, Inst of Cmismiral PhyvitcR, Aead Sci USSR. Disnertatinns preF;ented for science and engineering degreet in Moscow during 1951- SO: Sam. No. 480, 9 IARY 55 C 4A( J. e- 4 r m 0. c- * I S C- ;. USSR/chemistry - Fuels Aug 52 Readtion-KineticB "Investigation of the Composition of Peroxides Formed in the Oxidation of Propane at Room Temperature With Phatochamically Benaltized Mercury," 'N. V., Fok and A. D. Nalbandyan "DAN SSSR" Vol 85, No 5., PP 1093-1095 On the basis of chem and polarographic analysis a~d through the reaction of the peroxide with various substances, it was established that the peroxide formed during the oxidation of propane with photo- chemically sensitized Rg at room temp is lsoprop~yl hydrogen peroxide. Submitted by Acad N. N. Semenov 9j May 52. 239r27 LISSR/Chemistry - ftele,-PejoXid'es 21 Sep 52 "The Mechanism of the Reaction of the Oxidation of Propane With Photochemically Sensitized Mercury at Room Temperature," N. v. Fok and. A. B. Nalband,,an DAN sssR, voi $6, 110 3, PP 589-592 Propane is oxidized at room temp with photochemi- cally sensitized Hg to form propyl hydrogen per- oxide, The reaction proceeds vith a preliminary exitation of the propane mol. Presented. by Ac .ad, N. N. Semenov 5 Jun 52 247T17 PhOtOC11611114il OXIdatIon ;f ptopane at hi h tuen. B. Nalbandlw. Dafkdy k4d. Mink A l4o, 126,44M.-The photochem. oxida- .-tion of QUs was carried at 100-300% for equal mixts. of C&HsaMOQtaprtsSw%of&QMm. At IW* AcIf Is present 'in the reaction poducts. At2OO*, along with isopropyl hy- droperoycide and'AAH, formaldehyde Is present in tht reac- tion prodqcW-t*'w1h6it the same extent as AcH. As the f1temp, is fardWhimased, the satio of formaldehyde toAcH hmeases. Amon tfie ox[datloa'Ovoduct3 at 300' are ace- toae aM CO. The cxptl. results- Indicate that the active -ceilttrs*.or the photochem. reaction ate the peroxide radicals which pithk on the walls of the reactlon vmd. Rowtar tAgA M M SKURATOV, S.M.; VOYAVODSKIY, V.v - STRKPIKUYEV, A.A.; KAHAR KAYA, Te.F.; MUROMOVA, R.S.; F -~t - O-KI-9--V-." Kinetica and thermal effect of the polymerization of eymntholactam. -1 Dokl.AN SSSR 95 n0.3:591-594 Kr 154. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Houkovskiy goeudaretvannyy universitet im. H.V.Lomonosova. 2. Institut khImicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikon V.N.Kondratlyevym. (Polymers and -polymerization) (Inantholactam) USSR/Kinetics Combustion. Explosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. B-9 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 18562 Author _E.VZQk,-A.B. Nalbamdym. Inst Academy of.Sciences of USSR. Title To Mecharism of Photochemical Oxidation of Hydrocarbons. Orig Pub in the symposium Tsepnyye reaktaii okisleniya uglevodoro- dov v gazovoy fataii. M., AN SSSR, 1955, 118-139- Abstract Review of works published by the authors earlier (Nalbandyan A.B., Zh. fiz. khimii, 1948, 22, 1443; Dokl- AN sssR, 1949, 66, 473; Fok N.V., Bereslavskiy B.B., Nal- bandyan A.B., Shtern V.Y&.,,.Dot1. AN SSSR, 1949) 67) 499; Fok N.V., Nalbandyan A.B., Dokl- AN SSSR, 1952; P-, 1093; 86, 589; RzhKhim, 1953, 2853). Card 1/1 - 233 - AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1A Ivanov, 0. A., Pok, N. V. Voyevodskiy, V. VI 20-1:L8,-6-26/43 Reaction Between.Methyl Radicals Obtained According to the Method of PolaisAlland Deuterium (Reaktsiya metillnykh radikalov, poluohennykh po metodu Polyani, s deyteriyem) Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 118, Nr 6, PP. 1142-1145 (USSR) First previous papers dealing with the same subject are shortly referred to. The authors produced the methyl radicals according to the method of Folanyi (Polyani) according to the reaction CH3J + Na - CH 3 + NaJ. The reaction passed in presence of molecular deuterium which was used as carrier gas for sodium vapors. The scheme of the experimental arrangement is illustrated in a figure. The reaction container in which the jets of CH 3J combine with those of deuterium consisted of a quartz cylinder with a nozzle. In one series of experiments the inner surface of the reaction container was covered with sodium which was appliea in form of drops or as reflecting 20-118-6-26/43 Reaction Between Methyl Radicals Obtained According to the Method of Polydni and Deuterium coating. The deuterium used for the experiments was produced electrolytically from D 0 The authors detected the composition of the methaneo obtainea in a pure quartz container in the temperature interval of from 20-4800C- Under these conditions mainly CH4 and CH3D are obtained. Tho quantity of the semi- deuterized methanes is small and reaches the value 18-20~ only in a small temperature interval near 2000C. The ratio CH 3 D/CH4 increases in the interval of from 20-1000C from 0,6 to 2, and remains constant in the case of further temperature rise. The deuterium content in the investigated methanee is considerably changed in the case of a deposit of metallic sodiun on the surface of the container. Here the connection between the portion of the different deuterized methanes and the temperature depends on the kind of applying of sodium to the surface. In coverning the container surface with a reflecting sodium the Card 2/4 percentage of to a great extent deuterized methanes (CD 4, CD3H 2o-10-6-26/4'5 Reaction Between Methyl Radicals Obtained Accordin,,- to tl-,,,, of Polyani and Deuterium 2) 2 in a pure quartz oontainer. In the ease of a temperature rise the percentage of the to a great extent deuterized methanes decreases. In the case of sodium drops the surface reaction is insignificant and its portion of the volume of the methane produced amounts to totally only 1/5. Here the methanes obtained from the radicals CH 3 contain much more deuterium than in ifie case of-a reflecting coating sodium. The maximum 9f the deuterization at 70-800C is striking. It higher temperatures CH 4 and CH3D predominate again. In the case of sodium drops the light methane is not exchanged with D 2 as it is the case in the case of existence of a reflecting coating. This exchange has to take place with participation of the methyl radicals independently of the kind of mechanism Card 3/4 of the production of CH 2D2' CH3D and CD 4* is at room temperature bY 5 to 8 times greater than and CD H 20-118-6-26/1- Reaction Between Methyl Radicals Obtained According to the Method of Polyani and Deuterium There are 3 figures and 0 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra khimicheskoy kinetiki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova tCbALi;" Cal -Kinetici,. Moscow State .1biversity ,r,, of. Chemi imeni'M. V. Lomonosov Institut khimicheskoy fiziki kkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics, AS USSR) PRESENTED: July 26, 1957, by H. N. Semenov, Member, Academy of Sciences of USSR SIMMITTED; July 19, 1957 Card 4/4 83566 S/020/60/134/001/019/021 kS7 1/4-0 0 KOVNO AUTHORS: Shelimov, B. N., Bubnov, N. No Fok, N. V.1 Voyevodskiy, V. fp Correspondink'Member AS USSR TITLE: Detection of Hydrogen Atoms in the Phototransfer Reactions of the Electron^;/ PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No. 1, pp. 145 - 148 TEXT: The authors proceed from the photochemical reaction in the aque- ous medium: M + H20 + h9 -+ M+ + OH_ + H (1), where M may be metal ions of variable valency, or anions. The formation of hydrogen atoms in this reaction had been hitherto proved indirectly only. The authors wanted to give direct evidence of H-atoma by means of electric paramagnetic re- sonance (epr). Because of the strong reactivity and mobility of the H-atoms, investigations were conducted at 770K in aqueous solutions of H2SO4 or H 3PO 4(in concentrations between 40 and 96~), which contained small quantities of FeSO 4 or KI. The samples were irradiated for 1 hour Card 1/3 83566 Detection of Hydrogpw Atoms in the 8/020/60/134/001/019/021 Phototransfer Reactions of the Electron B004/BO60 with the ultraviolet light of a 9PK-7 (PRK-7) mercury vapor lamp. The epr signals were recorded by means of a previously described (Ref. 7) epr spectrometer./.It was possible to give evidence of the H-doublet. To check the correctness of reaction (1) definitely, experiments were made in solutions which contaitied heavy water. As is shown by Fig. 1 , the D-triplet was observed besides the H-doublet. Further experimonts were conducted in the system C06 - H20 - H2BO 4. Here as well (Fig. 2) the H-doublet occurred. The central part of this spectrum, the quadruplei, shown in Fig- 3, could not be explained yetp but it might be due to a paramagnetic particle whose free valency is localized on the aromatic ring, Weaker components were detected in the epr spectrum of the H-atom (Fig. 4), which are ascribed to the spin reversal of protons surrounding the H-atom. While the H-lines were strongly saturated in the experiments with benzene, saturation did not take place in the presence of Ps 2+ due to higher concentration of the paramagnetic ions of a short relaxation time. The study of saturation and intensity distribution between the main and secondary lines in the epr spectrum of H* may serve to clarify specific features of its weak interaction Card 2/3 83566 Detection of Hydrogen Atoms in the S/020J60/134/001/019/021 Phototranafer Reactions of the Electron B004/Bo6o with adjacent molecules, and also to establish the distance between H*-atome and primary particles releasing an electron under the action of light. There are 4 figures and 12 references: 3 Soviet, 8 US, and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Mookovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova4/ (Moscow state University imeni M.V. Lomonosov). Institut ihimicheekoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion of tho Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USS SUBMITTED: April 27, 1960 Card 3/3 BUBNOV, N*N.; VOYEVODSKIY,---V.V.--;_YOK.,.-N.V,; SHMIIIVV$ B.N. Study of electron phototranBfer reactions in the solid by the electron paramagnetic resonance method. Opt.i 3.1 no.1:7843 J3. 161. (Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) (Photonuclear reactions) phase spektr. (Imu 14: 10) 29016, S/020/61/140/004/011/023 B106/B110 AUTHORS: Varbanskaya, R. A. j Shelimov 1 B. N. 9 and j2jLL_jL%__Y_. TITLE: Reactions of "hot" methyl radicals in solid phase at low temperatures PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 4, 1961, 818-821 TEXT: The authors studied the conditions of stabilization and the conver- sions of methyl radicals obtained by photolysis of methyl iodide, azomethane, acetone, and acetaldehyde at 770K. The role of "hot" radicals, i.e., methyl radicals with excess energy, in these processes was clarified. The analysis of gaseous reaction products and data of electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) spectra were used for this study. Transparent solid solutions of the tested compounds in methyl cyclohexane were photolyzed in a quartz vessel cooled by liquid nitrogen. The concentra- tion of solutions was 0.02-0-15 moles/liter, and a TTPK-7 (PRK-7) mercury lamp was used as irradiation source. The epr spectra were recorded on an 9ITP-2 (EPR-2) device (Ref 9: A. G. Semenov, N. N. Bubnov, Pribory i tek,hn. eksperim. (Devices and technical experiments), No, 1, 92 (1959)), Card 1 RN -M. E."EiP 29010 S/02 61/140/003/011/023 Reactions of "hot" methyl ... B o6xl 10 A SC-5 (BS-5) filter pervious to light of 4> 3100 L and a filt r filled with a mixture of Cl 2 and Br2 and pervious to light of A.< 9-900 ~ were used in some of the experiments. In the photolysis of azomethane in solid phase, one molecule of nitrogen and ethane each were formed per decomposing molecule of azomethane, and, additionally, methane in a ratio of CH 4/C2H6 -0-04 independent of the intensity of light. Methane was the only gaseous reaction product in the photolysis of methyl iodide, Acetone was not decomposed under the conditions applied, acetaldehyde slightly decomposed to about equal quantities of CO and CH 4' The fact that the ratio CH 4/02H6 found for azomethane decomposition was independent of the intensity of light indicates that ethane is formed by recombination of methyl radicals in the interior of a "cell", and not by recombination of free radicals. The formation of methane in the photolysis of methyl iodide and azomethane at low experimental temperature (770K) suggests the formation of "hot" methyl radicals in the solid phase. The stability of acetone to photolysis indicates the absence of "hot" radicals. The reason is the large difference between the bond energies of the C-C bond in acetone (77 kcal/mole) and of the C-I bond in methyl Card 2/4 X 2,0010 S/020/61 /1 401/004/011/023 Rea,~Iions of "hot" methyl !31,06/'B',',C iodide 154 kcal/mole). The Farticiration of "hn" methyl radicals in the formation reacti,,,n of methane was ccnf,--med by photolys7-s of azomethane in light of different. wavelengths- Inr, reaGi rg .1 ip,-ht ~-nc- r-y 2800 k->3104 U causes "the increas4z of the ratify CII 4/C2116 (1 --~- 7 Nrk--thyl radicals formed irl the photolysis of azomethane in solid phase were found tc, be capable of the following rea-,tions; (1 recowtination in the "cell" immediately after formation (formation of C2H 6~; (2) substitution r~,a,~tions with molecules of -~he solvent (forma-ion of CH 4 and R', where R' denotes the radical of 3,~I-Ierit)j (3) stabi14 zation with emergerce from the 11~:elill (confirmed -y the eur spectrum of CH ,radicals~. The ratio of the extent of these t,bree reactions dependr, on the er-e-rgy -,f the absorbed light. Increase of this energy results in. an increased fcrmat-;cn :if methy! radicals reacting according to (2) as compared with those reacting according to ('), and in -an -'rcrease of methyl radicals reacting acco:7d~n6 as Compared with those reacting according -,o (2), The formatien of "hot" radicals in the photolysis of CH 31 and CH 3!T2CH 3ir. solid phase has thus been clearly proved The rharacter of the react-Lon of these "hot" methy! Card V4 29010 S/020/61/1,10/004/011/023 Reactions of "hot" methyl B1o6/Bi1O will, molecliles of the med'kuin (methyl cy-lohexane) dep-nds on and bond energies of the molecules decomposing w.Lth fnrmal.ion 7)f mi~thyll radicals.. and on the wavelength of the iight us-d for This effect is nbv,.ously related to differen-es m type of ex:itation (,f "hct" radicals which are formed in differ---,nt ways. Fnally, th;-. auth-~rs thank V, V V,~yevodskiy, Co-responding 1,19mber AS USSR, "'~D- assls-'~;.,-,j r. recordin- th - he e~~a",uation of results, and N. N. Bubnov or c r s r e r, t ra The spectrum of -~Ihe methyl cyclohexyl radi-.-a: rl~ta4ned by irradiation of frozen methyl cyclohqxane (710K) with fast wtas re!~~:-ded b,.- T I -ut khirrnirhes~13* - I. Chkheidze -r. the exper,.mental. Flant 'L thc-! irst.-P. 7 ~- - AN SSSR (Institu+e )f Chem,~ r'zik, Phy3i-;s AS USSR). There ai-~ 4 figures table , and 1 0 ref eren,:es. 2 S i and 6 117- thTee mnst irnp.~rtant referen!2es tc Engl~sh-lang-.;age FubliLcations read as 0' -, --)Ws ;W.- C, Sleppy, J. G,~ Ca-'!,ert- V',, AT- Chem. So-~.. - 81 , 76q (19c;Q1 T, Cole, H.- 0, Pritchard. N. R. Dav4.dson, H. 11. McConnei, T'17~1. V.'n 4C8 V[- Gordy, C. G. McCnrm-~ck, J. Am. Chem- sc-- , 78, 324~ ASSOCIATION: Moskovakly go suda ra "-. xr,~rmyy "et. im, 11", V L S va (Moscow State Univ.;irsity M. Ditrxnos-~V) SUBEITTED: March 24, !96! Card 41A 38129 S/020/62/144/003/026/030 s-. B124/B101 AUTHORS: Shelimov, B. N., Pok, N. Y.-I-and Voyevodskiy, V. V.* Corresponding MemTe_F~of -the AS USSR TITLE: The benzene-photosensitized low-temperature decomposition of hydrocarbons PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, rio- 3, 1962, 5906-599 TEYT: As has been shown earlier, the product from photochemical decompo- sition of benzene (I), irradiated by uitralliolet 14eht at 770K in trans- parent organic glasses is a substituted hexatriene (II) H2 C-CH-CH=CH-CH-CH-R (HR being the hydrocarbon medium in which photolysis is performed), and alkyl radicals are formed in addition. As the forma- tion of alkyl radicals cannot be explained by the reactions hitherto assumed, this and the formation of gaseous products was studied from the epr spectra. Solid-phase reactions of I in mothyl cyclohexane (III) and 3;-MethYl pentane (IV) were studied with concentx~ations ranging from 1 .8. 10-3 to 2.1 .1 O-k 'mole/liter. The mercury vapor lamp ITP